Neeraj Final Thesis With Front Page 2022
Neeraj Final Thesis With Front Page 2022
Neeraj Final Thesis With Front Page 2022
This is to certify that the work embodies in this dissertation entitled “Fault Current
Mitigation by SFCL on Three Phase Micro Grid Systems With Novel Fault
Detection Scheme” being submitted by Neeraj Singh (Roll No. 0192EE19MT15) for partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of “Master of Technology in Power System”
discipline to “Rajiv Gandhi Praudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal (M.P.)” during the
academic year 2020-2021 is a record of bonafide piece of work, carried out by him under my
supervision and guidance in the “Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering”,
Technocrats Institute of Technology & Science, Bhopal (M.P.)
Forwarded By:
The dissertation entitled “Fault Current Mitigation by SFCL on Three Phase Micro
Grid Systems with Novel Fault Detection Scheme” being Submitted By “Neeraj
Singh” (Roll No. 0192EE19MT15) Has been examined by us and is hereby approved for the
award of degree “Master of Technology in Power System”, for which it has been submitted. It
is understood that by this approval the undersigned do not necessarily endorse or approve any
statement made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn therein, but approve the dissertation
only for the purpose for which it has been submitted.
Date: Date:
I Neeraj Singh, a student of Master of Technology in Power System discipline, session: 2020-
2021, Technocrats Institute of Technology & Science-Bhopal (M.P.), hereby declare that the work
presented in this dissertation “Fault Current Mitigation by SFCL on Three Phase
Micro Grid Systems with Novel Fault Detection Scheme” is the outcome of my own
work, is bonafide and correct to the best of my knowledge and this work has been carried out
taking care of Engineering Ethics. The work presented does not infringe any patented work and
has not been submitted to any other university or anywhere else for the award of any degree or
any professional diploma.
( एम. टे क. छात्रों हे तु )
मै नीरज स हिं आत्मज श्री दयानिंद स हिं आयु 25 वर्ष निवासी प्रप्रयदर्षिी नगर उतैली
जजला- सतिा, मध्य प्रदे र् का होकर र्पथ पूवषक कहता हूूँ कक
छात्र के हस्ताक्षर
The completion of this project work could not have been possible without continued guidance
and efforts of several mentors. I take this opportunity to extend my gratitude towards all of them.
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to my thesis supervisor Prof.
Devendra Sharma, Assistant Professor Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Technocrats Institute of Technology and Science Bhopal for rendering me constant support,
guidance and kind cooperation throughout my research work.
I would like to present sincere thanks to Prof. Devendra Sharma, Head of the
I would like to extend gratitude towards Dr. Shashi Jain Director. Technocrats Institute of
Technology and Science. Bhopal and Prof. Devendra Sharma Technocrats Institute of
Technology and Science Bhopal for their kind cooperation and rendering me all possible
I am also thankful to all other faculty members, supporting staff, colleagues, who helped me
directly or indirectly throughout my dissertation work.
I express thankfulness to my family and friends without whose moral support it wouldn’t have
been possible for me to complete this work.
Last but not the least I am thankful to the Almighty for helping me and giving me strength to
complete my work.
Due to the advancement of the distribution system, superconducting fault current limiters are
increasingly being used in land-based power systems. To reduce this current, some
researchers are looking at upgrading expensive current limiting equipment, as well as several
fault current limiting tools have been introduced. The need for smart electrical systems with
minimal technical loss and environmental impact is driving interest in Distributed
Generations (DGs), which may provide a number of additional benefits such as reduced
transmission and distribution system resources, increased reliability, and improved power
quality, among others. In three-phase microgrid systems, this research provides a unique fault
detection technique. It's done by looking for damping oscillations in the transient voltage
magnitude that occur when a problem develops. The theoretical research and extensive
simulations show that the maximum magnitude of a transient signal recorded by a sensor as
well as the distance between the sensor and the fault location has an approximated linear
connection. Researchers developed an algorithm capable of finding the fault in single-phase
micro grids depending on the discovered relationship, micro grid structure, as well as sensor
position information. The test system has been upgraded to include an SFCL (Super
Conducting Fault Current Limiter) for reducing fault currents during transmission line faults.
The recommended fault location method has been built and validated using MATLAB
Simulink software, and also the results are illustrated on a micro grid with various fault
1.4.1. Role and Integration of DGs in the Power Systems 12
1.5. Fault current limiters 12
1.5.1. Superconducting Fault Current Limiter 13
1.6. Overview of dissertation 15
1.7. Objectives of the Dissertation 15
1.8. Layout of the Dissertation 15
3.1.1. Microgrid Loads 34
3.1.2. Stability, Control and Communication Strategies for Microgrid 34
3.1.3. Microgrid Control Strategy 35
3.2. FAULTS 38
3.2.1. Types of Faults 38
3.2.2. Effects of Faults 39
3.2.3. Causes of faults 39
3.2.4. Faults in DC Microgrid 40
3.3. Fault types 41
4.1. FCL 44
4.1.1. Applications of FCL at Microgrid 44
4.2. SFCL 45
4.2.1. Resistive Type SFCL 46
4.2.2. Inductive Type SFCL 47
4.2.3. A Hybrid SFCL 47
4.2.4. Applications of SFCL in Power System 48
5.1. Simulation Design 50
5.2. Result analysis 50
6.1. Conclusion 57
6.2. Future Scope 58
Distributed Generations DG
Photovoltaic PV
Microgrids are classified as three-phase or single-phase systems based on the number of grid
phases. Many academics have explored three-phase microgrids and have deployed them in
utility power networks. Single-phase microgrids, on the other hand, are appropriate for power
systems with low voltage and low power, including a residential dwelling, a small
commercial lot, a ship, a space station, a smaller military facility, or an island situation. [1]
The goal of this research is to find a solution to the problem of fault location in three-phase
microgrids. Fault placement is a significant issue in each level of the power grid hierarchy,
from transmission to distribution to microgrid. As a result, experts have looked into a variety
of defect location methods.
Automatic fault location in microgrids is required in many situations where identifying the
fault location in a short period of time is needed for maintenance efficiency and cost
reduction, such as those on ships, space stations, military bases, islands, as well as mission-
critical scenarios, or when the lines are trapped underground or implanted in the structure,
making visual inspection impossible. [2]
Microgrids can run on either AC (AC microgrid) or DC (DC microgrid) power systems. The
system is linked to the utility via power transformers with directly-connected AC loads in the
case of AC microgrids. Power electronic inverters are generally necessary for network
connectivity of DC loads in the AC microgrid. DC microgrids are becoming more popular
because they have various advantages, including the fact that they do not need
synchronisation with the AC utility and therefore are compatible with most DG source
coupling interfaces, resulting in lower conversion losses. [3]
Whereas microgrids provide a viable answer to the problem of DG integration, they also pose
operational issues to the system. Safety zones in the network (overhead wires and cables) as
well as apparatus categorization are used to categories protection systems in low voltage
distribution level networks (buses, transformers, generators, loads). Large fault currents with
radial (unidirectional) pattern power flow have generally been used to build distribution
networks. When DERs are used in standalone or microgrid situations, there is a risk of
degradation of this common property, especially in older traditional networks. [4]
Internal protection infrastructure must be capable of swift reactions to both grid linked and
microgrid problems, which is a fundamental operational restriction associated with
microgrids. In the event of a grid fault, the microgrid must not interfere with the utility
protection mechanism in order to provide dependable and efficient grid fault clearance. To
enable for continued regular operation in the event of a microgrid failure, the smallest piece
of the microgrid must be sectionalized. Figure shows an example of a microgrid arrangement.
Another concern with microgrids is the insufficient amount of fault current provided by DG
sources. If the microgrid retains full connection during a utility grid fault, the short circuit
contribution from the utility source may be reduced to the point where existing overcurrent
devices malfunction. In the microgrid islanded mode, on the other hand, the DG sources may
not generate enough short circuit current to enable overcurrent fault detection as well as
clearance procedures to function. This is especially common in inverter-based DGs, which
have current-limiting devices to avoid overload currents on specific components. [6]
The demand for the microgrid to be capable of topological change also highlights the
problem of overcurrent relay sensitivity and selectivity. Protective equipment in the
microgrid as well as network must be able to tell the difference between grid & internal
microgrid failures. [7]
As electric distribution technology advance, many trends are emerging that will alter the
requirements for energy delivery. These changes are now being driven by both the demand
side, which wants more energy availability and efficiency, as well as the supply side, which
needs to handle the integration of distributed generation as well as peak-shaving technology.
The micro-storage grid's device is analogous to the revolving reserve of huge generators in a
traditional grid, which guarantees that energy generation and consumption are balanced,
particularly during rapid fluctuations in load or generation. From the customer's perspective,
micro-grids provide both thermal and electrical needs while also improving local reliability,
lowering emissions, improving power quality by supporting voltage and reducing voltage
dips, and potentially lowering energy supply prices. [9] Distributed energy sources have the
ability to lower the need for distribution and transmission systems from the utility's
perspective. Obviously, distributed generation near loads reduces flows in transmission and
distribution circuits, which has two key consequences: loss reduction and the capacity to
potentially replace network assets. Furthermore, having generation near to demand may
improve service quality as experienced by end users. Micro-grids can provide network
support during times of stress by alleviating congestion as well as assisting with fault
recovery. Micro-grid development can aid in the reducing emissions as well as the climate
change mitigation. This is due to the fact that currently available and developing technologies
for distributed generation units are based on renewable as well as micro sources with very
low emissions. [10]
This system is designed for home three-phase applications that require a low-cost, simple, as
well as compact topology that can operate independently. The voltage multiplier, which
raises the voltage and makes it acceptable for three-phase applications, is at the heart of the
proposed system. The grid-connected hybrid PV-diesel generator-battery system for
residential applications, which can operate in full or grid connected mode. This technique is
suitable for residential applications where a low-cost, simple, and small topology capable of
autonomous operation is appealing. [11] The multi-input electrical device connected two-way
dc-dc device that interconnects several power sources and hence the storage part is at the
heart of the centralized approach. In comparison to current grid-connected schemes, the
projected device features a less number of power conversion steps, lower part count, and
higher potency. [12]
Initially, a hybrid system with a photovoltaic array is designed. They generate a charge that is
stored in the battery. The converter is used to convert DC to AC power. A boost converter,
also known as a step-up converter, is a DC-to-DC power converter that increases voltage
while decreasing current from the input supply to the output load. It is a type of Switched-
Mode Power Supply (SMPS) that includes at least two semiconductors, such as a diode as
well as a transistor, as well as at least in one dimension, such as a capacitor, inductor, or both.
[13] Filters consisting of capacitors usually added to the output and input of such a converter
to eliminate voltage ripple. The inverter receives this filtered output. The Variable Source
Controller (VSC) model receives the inverter output. The VSC model is a worldwide three-
phase power converter made up of up to six power switches coupled in a series connection.
In ref., there is a full examination of the application, current developments, advantages, and
limitations of DG. The table below gives a quick rundown of the most popular DG
technologies and their usual module sizes. [16]
Renewable DGs might be considered technologies 10-18. If they run on bio-fuels, the other
technologies could be classified as renewable DG. The following three generating
technologies are commonly employed for distributed generation, just as they are for
centralized generation: synchronous generator, asynchronous generator, as well as power
electronic converter interface. According to a research conducted by the Electric Power
Research Institute (EPRI), DGs will account for 25% of newly installed generation by 2010,
and a similar study conducted by the Natural Gas Foundation predicts that DGs will account
for 30% of new generation by 2010. [17]
A lot of research has been done in the literature to find the best location for DGs in the
distribution network. A challenge is the appropriate size of DGs for effective and dependable
delivery. The size of the DGs, on the other hand, is determined by a number of factors,
including the availability of input energy, space, as well as environmental and economic
issues. For distributed resources, IEEE has established linking standards. The document
provides an overview of control as well as grid synchronisation for distributed power
generation systems. [19]
Power systems are getting increasingly complicated in terms of structure, operation, control,
administration, and ownership. These DGs are needed to tackle a variety of current power
system issues and may be beneficial in the future for ancillary services, aggregating
technologies, and other purposes. [17]
Non-superconducting and superconducting FCLs are the most common types of FCLs used in
power systems. Superconducting FCLs have been used in a variety of applications in the
power network, including renewable energy generating, distribution generation, transmission,
and redistribution. Non-superconducting variants are also available. FCLs have been used to
improve dynamic performance by restricting fault current in numerous branches of the power
system, including generation, transmission, and distribution. [20] Figure shows a tree
diagram that depicts much usage of superconducting & non-superconducting FCLs in power
Both superconducting as well as non-superconducting FCL were being widely used in
transmission and distribution systems, as well as renewable energy systems, for a variety of
reasons, including improved stability, safety, fault current reduction, & fault ride through
capabilities. [21]
Figure 1.4: T-B-J characteristics of superconductor material
𝑑𝑇 1
= [𝑄 (𝑇) − 𝑄𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑 (𝑡)]
𝑑𝑡 𝐶𝑠𝑐 𝑠𝑐
𝑑𝑇 1 𝑇(𝑡) − 𝑇𝑎
= [𝑖(𝑡)𝐸(𝑡, 𝑇)𝑙𝑠𝑐 − ]
𝑑𝑡 𝐶𝑠𝑐 𝜃𝑠𝑐
∫ 𝑑𝑡 = ∫
1 𝑇(𝑡) − 𝑇𝑎
[𝑖(𝑡)𝐸(𝑡, 𝑇)𝑙 −
𝐶𝑠𝑐 𝑠𝑐 𝜃𝑠𝑐 ]
In the common case using liquid nitrogen as the cryogen, where can be simplified to (6) as
𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑛 [ ]
√20𝑠𝑐 𝑘 − 9
𝑡 = 𝐶𝑠𝑐 𝜃𝑠𝑐
√20𝑠𝑐 𝑘 − 9
1.6.Overview of dissertation
In three-phase microgrid systems, this work provides a unique fault detection system. It's
done by looking for damping oscillations in the transient voltage magnitude that occur when
a problem develops. The maximum magnitude of a transient signal recorded by a sensor, as
well as the distance between the sensor and also the fault detection, has an approximated
linear relationship, according to the exploratory investigation and extensive simulations.
Depending on the found relationship, micro grid architecture, but also sensor location
information, researchers created an algorithm capable of locating the defect in single-phase
micro grids. The test system has been upgraded to include an SFCL (Super Conducting Fault
Current Limiter) for reducing fault currents during transmission line faults. The
recommended fault location method has been built as well as validated using MATLAB
Simulink software, as well as the results are illustrated on a micro grid with various fault
The suggested fault location method has been built and evaluated using MATLAB Simulink
software, as well as the results are illustrated on a micro grid with various fault locations. The
following are the study's aims:
Chapter 1:
This chapter provides the introduction of Microgrid, three-phase microgrid, and Distributed
generator, and also superconducting fault current limiter followed by objective of the
Chapter 2:
This chapter presents the review of literature survey of dissertation in which IEEE works are
reviewed which provides the general idea of microgrids, fault detection and superconducting
fault current limiter technique and recent work in different location.
Chapter 3:
This chapter presents the detail discussion of Microgrid and faults in power system.
Chapter 4:
This chapter discusses the proposed methodology. It also includes step by step procedure of
proposed work.
Chapter 5:
This chapter provides the simulation of proposed work with results using MATLAB and
Simulink software. Simulation Software details are also discussed in this section.
(Meenual et al., 2021) [1] Microgrids have been gaining traction and playing important roles
in a variety of sectors of society, ranging from academia to professional practitioners in the
energy supply industry. Thailand's 2015 energy development plan included a microgrid
strategy. Thailand has a large number of microgrids. Thailand's first smart microgrid is now
operational. Some microgrids have stopped working. Several microgrids are still providing
service to their clients. The other microgrid initiatives are still in the planning stages. The
purpose of this study is to look into Thailand's feasible microgrid technology. Data collection
(documents study, discussion, group meetings, and microgrid project involvement and
monitoring) as well as data analysis and conclusion are all part of the research methods used
in this study. The study's findings reveal that the intended microgrid technologies are
acceptable with 1) inputs of possible local renewable energy resources such as solar, wind,
bioenergy, and mini-hydro, and 2) modest gaps in human resource capacities to handle with
technology usage in Thailand. 1) Access to electricity, 2) income creation and distribution, 3)
environmental conservation, and 4) technology development are the main drivers of
Thailand's microgrid strategy.
(Shahab et al., 2021) [2] Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular around
the world, not just as a means of achieving a low-carbon future but also as a means of
providing ancillary services to increase power grid stability. Low power factor is a prevalent
problem in existing alternating current (AC) grids, which causes a variety of power quality
issues and has gotten worse with the increased usage of distributed generation (DG). As a
result, this study presents an enhanced control approach for power factor correction of a
three-phase microgrid management constituted of a solar array, taking into account the
widespread use of EVs for auxiliary services and the low power factor issue in existing
electrical grids. This control technique tries to address power factor difficulties with EV
charging stations while also permitting full PV generating. A Multi Objective Optimization
(MOO) approach is used to suggest various operation modes to meet the needs of the
microgrid and EV consumers. A dynamic programming method is employed to charge the car
while modifying the microgrid power factor to meet these optimization needs. The suggested
control algorithm is tested in a variety of circumstances, and the results show that it performs
well for the microgrid even when the generator unit is overloaded and has a high peak power
(Srivastava & Modi, 2020) [3] A ring-type DC microgrid is explored in this study, and its
characteristics such as current and voltages are provided. Faults in the system/grid, as well as
the strategies that must be addressed in current power systems incorporating DC Microgrid,
are investigated. This research examines and gives a thorough examination of DC microgrid
protection. In addition, the system's open-circuit fault is mitigated by using a ring
configuration circuit to safeguard the DC Microgrid circuit. A quick review has been
conducted in each section. Furthermore, the future scopes of DC Microgrid protection and the
use of various circuit breakers have been considered. The DC Microgrid with ring
configuration and its circuit breaker protection mechanisms are simulated using the
MATLAB/Simulink platform, and the results are examined. The output graph reveals that the
proposed strategy is successful in protecting the DC Microgrid. Different configuration
approaches can be employed even at high fault resistance values.
(Muyeen, 2020) [4] From the state-of-the-art of fault diagnosis, accurate fault classification
as well as detection for the microgrid (MG) has become a worry among researchers as it
raises the probability of increasing the transient response. And during distribution of
electricity from the generator end to user premises, the MG regularly experiences a number
of shunt faults, which reduces system reliability, affects the load, and therefore raises the cost
of fault line restoration. To conduct the fast recovery of the unhealthy phases, a noise-
immune and precise fault diagnostic model is necessary. The suggested model is made up of
numerous layers and a limited Boltzmann machine (RBM), which allows the model to rebuild
probability over its inputs. The individual RBM layer is trained using an unsupervised
learning method in which an artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm optimizes the model
to minimize the difference between both the true and predicted classes. Variations in the
input signal and sample frequency are used to test the effectiveness of the proposed model.
To assess the resilience of the researched model, a level of considered noise is applied to the
sample data. The results show that the suggested fault detection and classification model is
capable of performing precise MG fault diagnosis. The suggested kernel extreme learning
machine (KELM), multi KELM, as well as support vector machine (SVM) techniques are
compared to confirm the proposed model's robust better performance.
(Charles, 2020) [5] Microgrid technology allows the deployment of renewable energy sources
on the battlefield and at naval installations across the world, putting sustainable electricity at
the forefront of Department of Defense operations. Simulations are used to forecast the
voltage waveforms, spectra, total harmonic distortion, and current waveforms of microgrids,
which are then observed in the lab. The metrics for the power quality analysis are provided
by IEEE Standard 519 and the manufacturer's performance specifications. The COTS units
meet IEEE Standard 519 and are eligible for further research into microgrid extension,
management, as well as employment, according to comparisons of model performance to
experimental laboratory data.
(Karsh & Sharma, 2020) [6] Resulting in increased deployment of various types of power
generation and the grid, existing AC systems have caused considerable concerns. The
majority of the micro grids that used DGs and renewable energy sources ran in tandem with
the AC main grids. Because the bulk of power grids are currently ac, ac micro grids will
continue to be dominant, and entirely dc micro grids are unlikely to arise in power grids. As a
result, even though they are subordinate, dc micro grids are prone to being formed in ac
forms. As a result, recent research has focused on connecting ac micro grids with dc micro
grids and using the benefits of both micro grids. The aim is to use a bidirectional ac/dc
converter to connect the ac and dc micro grids and create a hybrid ac/dc micro grid in which
ac or dc type energy sources as well as loads can flexibly incorporate into the micro grids and
power can flow freely between them. As a result, a proper control strategy is required to
coordinate the operation of dc sources, ac sources, and the IC.
(Hussain et al., 2020) [7] To guarantee that AC microgrids (MGs) operate reliably and safely,
it is critical that they are protected. However, designing a reliable protective mechanism is
not an easy process, as numerous practical issues must be taken into account. This article
seeks to provide the state-of-the-art of recent research and developments in the subject of AC
MG protection, as well as problems and issues. For AC MG protection as well as
coordination, a detailed overview of existing fault detection, fault classification, including
fault location approaches is offered. Furthermore, the available approaches are categorized,
and their benefits and drawbacks are explored.
(Sarangi, 2020) [8] AC is a viable option with a 78.24 percent efficiency because to better
load control and a mature fault handling mechanism. DC microgrid, on the other hand, is a
reliable alternative in a low-power environment, with reduced power loss and a little higher
efficiency of 84.6 percent. A hybrid system with a potential efficiency of more than 90% can
be developed to fit all operational situations and load types. The hybrid system's ability to
achieve the stated efficiency is limited by power balance fluctuations, the absence of zero-
crossing currents, the selection of appropriate grounding, and coordination between different
rating devices. This study examines existing protection as well as grid-connected methods for
both modes of operation in great detail. Finally, the limitations, main roadblocks, and long-
term strategy for a reliable, effective, and secure hybrid grid system are identified.
(Philippe, n.d.) [9] Microgrid implementation and project issues differ depending on
requirements, economic and business drivers, but can be created utilising a common approach
on a larger scale. This paper discusses the major obstacles that arise during the deployment of
a microgrid project and provides practical advice on how to overcome them.
(Dolara & Ogliari, 2019) [10] The grounding systems used in low voltage radial distribution
grids are used in microgrids as well. Because of the many operational configurations, neutral
grounding becomes a challenging problem in islanded microgrids, as opposed to typical
distribution grids. To ensure access to the neutral point, all electrical equipment linked to the
microgrid must be modeled, and their models must be simple to incorporate into the overall
microgrid model. To address these criteria in synchronous machine modelling, the Voltage
behind Reactance model is established, and a comprehensive model of a benchmark islanded
microgrid is built. The line-to-ground fault transient is investigated under various neutral
grounding configurations.
(Bharath et al., 2019) [11] The DC Microgrid concept has grown in popularity in recent years
due to inherent benefits such as compatibility with renewable energy sources, ease of
integration with storage utilities via Power Electronic Converters (PECs), and distributed
loads. In-depth studies are being conducted in this arena, as the DC Grid concept can be
viewed as a master basis for the implementation of Smart Grid technologies. A number of
requirements, including as voltage regulation, islanding identification, and allowed transient
levels, must be met in accordance with widely accepted standards in order to do this. To
maintain things stable, fault-free, and interoperable, the system should have an appropriate
control scheme. To meet the limitations set out by internationally recognised standards, a
variety of control algorithms are used, including centralized, decentralized, and distributed
control. As part of this effort, a standardized review of various control strategies is discussed.
A comparison of various strategies is conducted in order to assist a designer in selecting the
most appropriate technique for microgrid control.
(J. Kumar & Agarwal, 2019) [12] Direct Current Microgrid (DCMG) has been a prominent
research field in recent years due to inherent advantages of DC systems over AC systems,
including as compatibility with renewable energy sources, storage devices, and current loads.
This document addresses all aspects of DCMG control, whether it is linked to DC bus
voltage, power, or energy. This document presents various MG structures along with a
comparative analysis. Various control strategies have been discussed, including basic control
schemes such as centralized, decentralized, and distributed control, as well as multilevel
control schemes such as hierarchal control. It has been shown how to manage power in grid-
connected, islanded, and transition modes. Different energy management solutions have been
suggested since energy management is critical in optimizing the size and rating of energy
storage systems as well as maximizing their utilization. The energy management of a battery
as well as super capacitor based HESS has also been explored in all configurations, and
finally, future research trends have been provided.
(Sumper, n.d.) [13] Renewable generation is connected to the electrical system in two ways:
centralised (large renewable power plants like wind or solar power plants connected at the
transmission system) and decentralised (small renewable power plants like wind or solar
power plants connected at the distribution system) (through the connection of dispersed
generation connected at the distribution system). Microgrids are being developed as a result
of the interconnection of renewable power at distribution levels with other generating sources
and energy storage technologies close to consumption sites: DER installations that have the
capability to operate grid connected and grid isolated. Microgrid operation, protection,
control, as well as planning are complicated by the unpredictability and variability of the
renewable energy sources that power them, as well as the necessity for collaboration with
other energy sources. The five papers selected for publication in this Special Issue offer
solutions to these problems.
derivative emissions, and to provide power in areas where there is no integrated electrical
framework. This study covers a wide range of topics, including current microgrid controllers,
specific applications, challenges, and future prospects.
(Soomro et al., 2019) [15] The important contributions for the single phase to ground faults
on distribution networks field during the last three decades, from traditional methods to
heuristic methods, are highlighted in this paper. The survey covers 76 publications that have
been published in the subject, and it determines and categorizes the number of extant
methods for each approach. Researchers in the same field can use this publication as a
guideline for their research because it provides graphs and tables detailing the frequency of
each single phase to ground faults approaches.
(Ayesha et al., 2019) [16] Under severe failure, the microgrid is seamlessly disconnected
from the main network, and under small fault, the microgrid achieves fault ride through
(FRT) operation. In this research, a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is implemented in the SFCL
controller to solve the shortcomings of the PI controller. The proposed method is
implemented in a MATLAB/Simulink environment. The results suggest that a superior
control technique was achieved.
(Akoro et al., 2018) [18] In today's world, three-phase inverters are commonly employed as
converters in a variety of areas, including renewable energy. Three-phase inverters have a
longer service life than single-phase inverters. This work is mostly devoted to a survey of the
literature on the various topologies of grid-connected three-phase inverters. The inverters'
numerous power components as well as the losses they produce have been explained. Basic
three-phase inverters such as voltage source inverter, current source inverter, as well as Z-
source inverter were chosen depending on a few assessment criteria. Furthermore, the merits
and disadvantages of various three-phase inverter architectures are discussed.
(Shahnia, 2018) [19] This research looks at a three-phase, low-voltage community network
with grid-connected and autonomous operating modes, which is made up of a band of private
apartments and some single-phase, converter-interfaced distributed energy resources (DERs)
with equivalent and randomly distributed DERs among the phases. The recommended
management procedures are conducted to analyze the microgrid system's robust operation. It
is quite likely that one phase of such a network will have a high generation capacity while
other phases will experience higher demand; this is a technologically tough problem for a
network running in autonomous mode. The single-phase DERs of such a system are proposed
to function under a droop-based voltage control mechanism in this study, while an acceptable
technique to enable the transmission of surplus energy from one phase to other phases is
suggested. Extensive digital simulations in PSCAD/EMTDC for numerous situations are used
to validate the recommendations, demonstrating the practicality of operating such a system
and the usefulness of the proposed methodologies.
(Hassan et al., 2018) [17] To avoid using a communication system, the method uses fewer
measurements. Without communication routes, protecting the microgrid could result in
blindness (circuit breakers not tripping for problems) or nuisance tripping (tripping
incorrectly). However, with correct system design, notably with adequately scaled system
impedance, these incidents can be avoided. The proposed technique's performance is proven
on representative microgrid architecture in the MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation platform,
demonstrating that it can detect faults for a wide variety of load as well as fault impedances.
(Piesciorovsky & Reno, 2018) [20] Faults in the electric power grid can arise as a result of
unexpected changes in load demand, as well as external factors such as weather, equipment
failure, cyber-attacks, and other disruptions. These incidents can disrupt regular grid
operations, and substantial and/or long-term failures can be extremely dangerous to grid
reliability, resilience, and safety. Due to differences in equipment, setup, behaviour, and other
factors, distinct failures in different systems must be addressed differently. The unusual
difficulty of microgrid protection is explored in this paper; fault detection and location has
been extensively examined for transmission and distribution systems, but there is a void in
the microgrid context. Microgrid systems with distributed energy resources (DERs) are
becoming more popular, and fault location algorithms tailored to microgrid characteristics
and behaviour are needed to secure them successfully. This paper will go through the
different types of microgrid faults and issues, as well as general fault location methodology,
literature-based remedies, and future directions and demands for achieving dependable and
effective microgrid protection.
(Hamidi & Advisor, 2017) [21] Modern electrical power systems necessitate unique
diagnostic procedures to improve system resiliency through the development of cutting-edge
algorithms. The availability of high-voltage optical transducers and high-time-resolution
measurements has paved the way for the development of new diagnostic approaches for very
fast transients in power systems. Simultaneously, more complicated configurations, such as
multi-terminal hybrid transmission systems, are limiting the use of classic diagnostic
procedures, particularly in fault location and health monitoring. For cross-bounded cables,
which are commonly used to connect offshore wind farms to the main grid, impedance-based
fault-location algorithms are inefficient. As a result, the first part of this dissertation
introduces a new travelling wave-based fault-location technique for hybrid multi-terminal
transmission systems.
(Mazhari, 2017) [22] Our electrical equipment are currently powered by AC mains under the
current electrical system. However, if renewable technologies become more common, DC
microgrids may become a more cost-effective and efficient option. Any microgrid must
perform in both grid connected as well as grid disconnected (islanded) mode without
affecting grid reliability, voltage, or frequency balance, accurate with the minimum standards
for all connected devices, to avoid any possible technical problems like power and energy
balance, power quality, or protection problems. One of these requirements is that the bus
voltage be adjusted within an appropriate range to avoid power fluctuations. This study
demonstrates how a DC microgrid with a single-phase bidirectional inverter can meet this
criteria by employing an innovative control mechanism that operates without the use of grid
information and without the use of a solar DC-DC converter. When load shedding is used to
regulate the DC bus voltage while delivering demand response, this system can intelligently
and efficiently function in islanding mode. This also allows controllable loads to ride out grid
disruptions, and this can be utilized as a retrofit solution for current topologies to improve
quality and effectiveness.
(B, 2017) [23] Recent advancements in renewable energy technologies, as well as changes in
electric utility infrastructures, have piqued power utilities' interest in generating electricity
using distributed generation resources. Despite their increasing adoption, there are still
significant obstacles in designing, controlling, and operating micro-grids both when
connected to the grid and when operating in islanded mode, and extensive research is
undertaken to address these concerns. The situation of a microgrid or a section of the power
grid that comprises of a load and a distributed generating system being isolated from the rest
of the utility system is referred to as islanding. A power control method is presented in this
work to control active and reactive power in grid-connected mode, as well as active power
and voltage in islanded mode operating. In grid connected mode and island mode operation, a
robust controller is introduced to meet the control purpose. The stability study of an ideal
controller for a DG system is also presented, with singular value based analysis. Utilizing
islanding identification, synchronisation algorithm, load shedding, current, as well as voltage
control methods, a seamless transition between grid connected as well as islanded mode has
been presented.
(Senapati et al., 2017) [24] The modeling of a Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC)
with a Grid-connected PV-FC (Photovoltaic Fuel Cell) System in grid linked mode is the
subject of this paper. Despite the presence of non-linear loads in the system, the proposed
methodology concentrates on extracting sinusoidal current from the supply system. The
Shunt Controller of UPQC provides harmonic power to prevent harmonic components from
being pulled at the supply, while the series component balances voltage-related issues such
unbalancing. The UPQC addresses load harmonic power as well as zero sequence power,
both of which cause power system imbalances, as well as compensating reactive power so
that the source voltage and compensated current are both in phase. The system's performance
has been observed to be invariable under variable solar irradiation conditions.
(Eslami et al., 2017) [25] In this paper, we offer a new approach for fault detection in
FREEDM microgrids that takes into account network topology uncertainty. The waveform
properties retrieved will be used to create appropriate indices for fault detection, location, and
characterization. The capacity of the suggested technique to operate in a dynamic microgrid
with shifting topology is its most notable characteristic. The suggested method's performance
is evaluated using a sample FREEDM microgrid with ring and radial features. It is
demonstrated that the suggested technique is capable of fault identification and diagnosis
while distinguishing between short-circuit faults as well as switching transients caused by
network topology fluctuations.
(Zhao, 2016) [26] DGs are small generator units that are positioned close to electricity
consumers and use modern energy conversion technologies, such as inverter-based grid
connections. Because they are locally substituting energy delivery via the distribution
network with local delivery, DGs have the advantage of lowering power losses in the
distribution system under typical load conditions. DGs, despite their beneficial effect,
contribute fault currents in the event of network faults, thereby compromising the network
protection system. In a radial distribution network, for example, inverse time overcurrent
relays are commonly employed to defend against faults. Because the addition of DG to an
existing distribution network will undoubtedly increase the level of fault current due to its
fault current contribution while also changing the direction of current flow, DG will
eventually disrupt the original overcurrent relay coordination. During breakdowns, another
challenge for power networks with DGs is to maintain voltage aspect power quality.
(Dhara et al., 2016) [27] Because the predicted voltage sag amplitude during faults may be
greatly decreased, short circuit current restriction in distribution system utilities might be an
operational method for improving power quality. Superconductors are used by SFCL to
instantly reduce unforeseen electrical surges that occur on utility distribution and power
transmission networks. By lowering the wear on circuit breakers as well as protecting other
expensive equipment, SFCL significantly reduces the financial strain on utilities. The created
SFCL model is used to determine an SFCL impedance level based on the fault current
limitation requirements of various smart grid system types. The purpose of this research is to
determine the best SFCL resistive value for improving a power system's transient stability.
All throughout short circuit fault, the equal-area criterion validated by power-angle curves is
continually used to establish the ideal resistive value of the SFCL linked in series in a
transmission line with a conductor. Simulink is used to create the primary model, while
MATLAB is used to generate the simulation results for the projected model.
(Kumari et al., 2016) [28] A power system fault is an abnormal condition involving the
electrical failure of power system equipment operating at one of the system's primary
voltages. This document provides an overview of power system problems as well as their
negative consequences. In addition, a brief classification of fault is provided. Finally, we'll go
through various fault-prevention approaches in a power system.
(Bayindir, 2015) [29] A fault simulation on a microgrid including a wind turbine, solar panel,
and fuel cell is presented in this study. The electricity generated by various sources is
aggregated on a single DC bus and converted to AC via a three-phase converter before being
sent to a three-phase AC load. The system guards against a variety of undesirable
circumstances. In the event of a fault, the microgrids failed part was quickly disconnected
from the grid utilising breakers situated on the output side of each energy source and
(Chaudhary, 2015) [30] A current might quickly increase during a contingency as a result of
rising power demand and high penetration of distributed generation (DG). This fault current
has the potential to exceed the current protective device's ratings. By lowering the wear on
circuit breakers as well as safeguarding other expensive equipment, SFCLs eliminate or
considerably reduce the financial burden on utilities. When a new power plant is developed,
superconducting FCLs can be put at optimum places in the transmission network to lower
fault currents to within a tolerable range. One can take full advantage of the strengths of the
smart grid's communication network, as well as the diverse features of FCL devices in
different classifications, with these placements, to provide a more flexible and reliable
protection for the future power grid.
(Khuntia, 2015) [31] As the use of DG in the mainstream grows, numerous repercussions that
arise as a result of DG penetration must be recognized. DG penetration in existing
distribution is observed to change the fault current during a grid disruption, resulting in
system imbalance. The research effort is based on this, and so it concentrates on the
contribution of fault current from renewable energy sources in a microgrid, as well as how
resistive SFCL can help reduce fault levels. The testbed is modeled in MATLAB/Simulink,
and simulation results are shown to demonstrate the efficacy of resistive SFCL under various
fault circumstances.
using MatLab-SimPower Simulink's Systems. Developers create a microgrid with a mix of
renewable DG and one dispatchable source, then simulate an HIF fault at one of the buses in
grid-connect and island modes, analysing fault currents and voltage levels to determine how
the distribution network's protection scheme should be changed to allow microgrid
functionality. Researchers demonstrate that typical protection mechanisms are insufficient
and recommend the usage of digital relays, which are not used in traditional systems.
(Jiajun Duan, 2015) [33] A new fault location method for single-phase microgrids is
presented in this research. A feature particular to the fault location, namely the maximum
oscillation magnitude of the transient voltage signal caused by the fault, is found in order to
pinpoint a fault. Researchers developed an algorithm capable of finding the fault in single-
phase microgrids based on the discovered relationship, microgrid topology, and sensor
position information. Simulations in the Electro-Magnetic Transients Program and MATLAB
were used to implement and validate the suggested fault location approach.
(Sun, Qiuye; Zhou, Jianguo; Guerrero, Josep M.; Zhang, 2015) [34] With the rapid growth of
single-phase distributed generation (DG) units as well as loads integrated into residential
microgrids, it is more important than ever to have independent power sharing per phase and
to make maximum use of the energy provided by DGs. This study presents a hybrid
microgrid design and power management method to overcome these concerns. The loads
between different phases can be appropriately supplied as well as the energy may be fully
utilized, as well as better load sharing, using the suggested PSU and its power management
approach. The validation of the proposed hybrid microgrid structure and control is
demonstrated using simulation data.
(Hossain et al., 2014a) [35] Due to the cumulative need for electricity and environmental
pollution concerns, researchers are interested in distributed generation's grid connection
potential as a new emerging technology for providing reliable and clean power supply. The
microgrid must properly handle voltage and frequency adjustment as operation modes are
altered in order to safeguard the grid as well as any loads linked to the system. The
management of generation and load, as well as the resynchronization process, must be made
easier. It also includes a thorough examination of energy storage devices, microgrid loads,
interfaced distributed energy resources (DER), power electronic interface modules, and
multi-microgrid interconnection. This study also includes details on stability, control, and
communication tactics. This page discusses the present microgrid control systems that are in
use across the world, as well as a comparison of various control approaches and their benefits
and drawbacks. Furthermore, it assists the researcher in visualizing a current condition
including a microgrid, as well as providing insight into future grid evolution.
(Sun et al., 2014) [36] With the rapid growth of single-phase distributed generation (DG)
units and loads integrated into residential microgrids, it is more important than ever to have
independent power sharing per phase and to make maximum use of the energy provided by
DGs. This study presents a hybrid microgrid design and power management method to
overcome these concerns. The primary goal of the PSU is to enable full utilisation of the
energy generated by DGs by enabling power exchange and coordinated regulation of load
power sharing among phases. The loads among different phases can be appropriately supplied
and the energy may be fully utilised, as well as better load sharing, using the suggested PSU
and its power management approach. To demonstrate the validity of the suggested hybrid
microgrid structure and control, simulation and experimental data are provided.
(Bunnoon, 2013) [37] This research provides a defect detection approach for a power system
that is state-of-the-art. From the last to the present, several articles present edit in each
implementation and method. In the future, the approach's advantage will be applied to new
detection methods. Many fascinating subjects are used to discover faults in the power system.
This study can be divided into two sorts of defect detection studies. This study of numerous
publications will be utilised to further research or develop a new approach for detecting faults
in the power system.
(Ahmad Makkieh, n.d.) [38] Using a multiple capacitive earthing approach, this research
proposes a new way for identifying faults along feeders in a DC microgrid. Capacitors in the
earthing scheme are charged by transient currents that are proportional to the fault distance
and resistance during fault situations. As a result, the distance to fault is determined by
evaluating the capacitive earthing scheme's response during the fault. Instantaneous current
and voltage data are used in the suggested method, which is then applied to an analytical
mathematical model of the failed feeder. The suggested method was found to accurately
identify the fault position along the faulted feeder, and a systematic study was conducted to
further examine its performance under various loading scenarios and extremely resistive
faults. Furthermore, the proposed method's performance and practical practicality were
experimentally evaluated by creating a low-voltage laboratory prototype and evaluating it
under a variety of test settings.
(Zhang et al., n.d.) [39] The goal is to reduce the annualized cost of community MG, which
includes DER investment, dispatchable fuel generator (DFG) operation costs, energy storage
system (ESS) degradation costs, energy purchasing and peak demand charges at PCC,
customer discomfort costs due to room temperature deviation, and load curtailment costs. The
heating, ventilating, as well as air-conditioning (HVAC) system in the suggested model is
considered as a demand side management (DSM) component, with dispatch commands
delivered by the central MG controller, due to the sluggish thermal dynamic characteristics of
buildings. Numerical results from a community MG with 20 residential buildings show the
efficacy of the proposed planning approach as well as the advantages of incorporating the
building thermal dynamic model.
(Redfern, 2007) [40] This work describes a new relay that exploits disturbances in three
phase voltages to reliably and quickly detect various sorts of faults in the micro-grid. The
technique generates a disturbance signal using the d-q reference frame, which is utilised to
detect the fault, determine its nature, and begin the isolation of the damaged region. To
demonstrate the operation of the relay and the accompanying scheme, the study includes both
an analysis of the protection and a network diagram. The simulation results for a range of
problems inside the micro-grid and network when working in parallel are presented,
demonstrating how it works.
(Min et al., n.d.) [41] DC Microgrid is an increased electric power distribution system that
focuses on the development of renewable energy resources such as photovoltaic cells, wind
turbines, fuel cells, and other similar technologies. To enhance the power system's reliability,
the DC grid is connected to the AC utility grid via an AC/DC rectifier, and multiple dispersed
generations are connected to the DC line via converters. The majority of power system
problems occur on overhead wires. When a defect occurs on a power system, it is critical to
check for it as soon as feasible, to detect it, to pinpoint its exact location, and to restore power
as rapidly as possible. The configurations of DC microgrid systems and distributed
generation control technologies are described in this study. Furthermore, faults on the source
side, the load side, and the DC transmission line are investigated.
(Laaksonen & Kauhaniemi, 2007) [42] The detection of fault types and locations in an
islanded low voltage (LV) distribution network based microgrid with converters using
various control approaches is investigated in this study. Converter control mechanisms also
have an impact on converter fault behaviour. This means that during failures, the converter
cannot feed a current greater than its nominal current, or it tries to keep active power
provided to the grid at the reference value, causing the converter's current to rise to a specific
limit. Changes in phase voltages and voltage RMS values at the connection points of DG
units could be used to defend an islanded microgrid with converters, according to
simulations. However, due to the various control mechanisms used by converters, fault site
assessment is not always straightforward. PSCAD simulation software is used for the
simulation investigations.
Researchers are studying microgrids extensively in order to build test beds and demonstration
sites; as a result, the classification of microgrids and pertinent essential technologies must be
addressed. We divide microgrids into three sorts in this paper: facility microgrids, distant
microgrids, and utility microgrids. Their varying levels of integration into the power utility
grid; their effect on major utility providers; their various duties and application areas; and
their pertinent essential technologies are all taken into account. Utility connection modes are
available on facility and utility microgrids, but not on distant microgrids. When compared to
facility and utility microgrids, remote microgrids are placed in highly distributed
consumption areas. Facility microgrids can continue to operate in an island mode, either
intentionally or unintentionally. Micro sources, loads, network conditions, and control
topologies will all change depending on the type of microgrid.[12]
Figure 3.1: Microgrid architecture
A microgrid is a small or local control system that is independent of the mass supply system.
For example, a gaseous petrol ignition motor (which co-produces power and high temp water
or water vapour needed to cool the flammable gas turbine) or diesel, renewable power source,
or batteries might be employed to create a consolidated warmth and power framework. Server
farms, colleges, healing centres, factory lines, army locations, and entire networks could all
benefit from microgrid-based sub-stations (i.e. "Town Power"). It should be noted that
opinions differ on the overall generation limit that should be included in the Microgrids
capacity framework, as well as whether there should be a single regular objective of coupling
with the main organize or several purposes of coupling.[1] The Microgrid must be separated
from the major system by at least one disengaged focus for the island concept to work.
According to a report on Microgrids and Sandy's Super Storm, "a genuine small-scale
arrangement significantly more than reinforcement control framework, but additionally
because one of its essential capacities incorporates continuous on location controls to
coordinate the age and size limit of the Microgrid," a plant administrator observed.[11]
3.1.1. Microgrid Loads
A microgrid system contains a variety of loads, and each one is critical to its operation,
stability, and control. A static load or a motor/electronic load are two types of electrical loads.
The microgrid can power a variety of loads (such as residential or industrial) that are
considered sensitive or important and require high levels of reliability. This type of operation
necessitates numerous considerations, including giving precedence to key loads, improving
power quality delivered to specific loads, and improving reliability for pre-specified load
categories. Local generation also protects against unexpected disruptions with quick and
accurate protection measures.[9]
Under the following factors, load classification is critical for defining the projected operating
strategy in a microgrid arrangement:
• The load/source operation strategy needed to meet net active and reactive power
requirements in grid-tied mode, as well as voltage and frequency stabilisation in
island mode.
• Enhancing DER ratings by improving power quality,
• Reducing maximum load, and
• Maintaining optimal operation and control
stability can be classed into one of two categories. Frequency stability, which includes tiny
signal and transient stability, is the first, while voltage stability is the second.
The use of storage devices as well as adaptive protection devices improves transient stability.
A micro grid’s stability is also ensured via voltage regulators, reactive power compensators,
load controllers, and current limiters. A micro grid’s control operation is required.
• Control by a master and slave: the master sets the voltage and frequency, while the
slaves manage the current sources.
• Current and power flow control: this method employs control signals to regulate
current and power distribution.
• Droop control: because the converters operate as non-ideal voltage sources, this
strategy is better for combining with earlier methods.
Figure 3.2: Centralized hierarchical control of microgrids Decentralized control systems
In contrast to a "master" controller, the decentralised controller permits a system in which all
devices can operate themselves autonomously. For example, a decentralised controller might
demand operation or not from a distribution point, increasing the overall system's
communication speed. Completely decentralised systems, on the other hand, consolidate a
number of issues. Because all choices are made at the distribution level, the manager's ability
to regulate the microgrid may be compromised. Such a disadvantage necessitates the
construction of a well-organized control system, which has greater installation costs than
centralised controlled systems. As a result, choosing the sort of control system for a
microgrid becomes a cost trade-off. The greatest option, however, is the multi-agent-based
control system (MAS), which combines the finest features of both types of control systems.
MAS were introduced by several scholars in order to execute decentralised control, and
numerous ideas based on this notion have since been produced. This type of control is the
foundation of DER's autonomous structure, and local controllers (LC) can be simply
constructed in this manner. These controllers can communicate with one another to improve
the communication infrastructure in a large area where MAS also provides voltage
30 Future of Grids
The power business is currently confronted with a number of issues, including rising energy
costs, power quality and stability, ageing infrastructure, widespread electrification, and
climate dynamics, to name a few. Low-voltage distribution generation, in which all sources
and loads are located, can solve these concerns. The application market for microgrids in
2022 is depicted in Figure, with campus-type microgrids accounting for the majority of
applications. The following is a calculation of microgrid growth:
• Since 2011, the global installed microgrid capacity has expanded considerably, with a
total installed capacity of over 15GW expected by 2022.
• In terms of market value for dealers, the market has a potential of over $5 billion and
is expected to reach over $27 billion by 2022.
• At the moment, campus/institutional microgrids are the most popular application, with
a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.83 percent predicted from 2012 to
• By 2022, military, defense-based, as well as commercial microgrids will all have
identical installed capacity.
• For the next 5-6 years, off-grid microgrids are predicted to expand at the fastest
CAGR, while the hybrid market is expected to develop at the fastest CAGR from
2012 to 2022.
• Why a fully constructed microgrid necessitates a longer payback period.
Insulation failure, flashover, physical damage such as wires blowing together in the wind, or
an animal coming into touch with the wire are all examples of faults in power systems. A
fault frequently results in the passage of excessive current, anomalous voltages, and
overvoltage on nearby equipment, posing a risk to humans, animals, and other objects. Fault
analysis is usually required to determine the size of the circuit breaker fuse and its properties,
as well as the relay setting. Some fault limiting devices include fuses, circuit breakers, relays,
and lighting power protection devices.[28]
• Symmetrical fault- A symmetrical fault occurs when there is a short circuit in all three
phases. It is the most serious flaw. In general, symmetrical faults are uncommon.
Approximately 5% of all faults involve all three phases. It has an equal impact on all
three phases.
• An asymmetrical flaw is one that is out of balance in nature. A short circuit of phase
with ground causes this issue. There are three types of single line to ground faults:
single line to ground fault, line to line fault, and double line to ground fault. Figure 1
depicts a line to ground fault, a line to line fault, and a double line to ground fault.
• The most common sort of fault is a line to ground fault, which is triggered by
lightning or a conductor making contact with a grounded structure. This leads to the
discovery of 70% of the whole fault. Wind, falling trees, and other factors contribute
to it. For LG fault to occur, Ib=0,Ic=0 & Va=0.
• Line to Line Fault: A line to line fault occurs when one phase meets another. It
usually occurs when there is a strong breeze. Line to line failures account for about
15% of all transmission faults. For this fault to occur the condition is
• Double line to ground fault- This sort of fault occurs when two phases come into
contact with the ground. It can happen as a result of falling trees, birds, and other
natural disasters. This sort of fault accounts for 10% of all transmission line faults.
The Boundary condition is Ia=0,Vb=Vc=0.
• Human errors, such as selecting the incorrect equipment or device rating, disregarding
metallic or electrical conducting areas after servicing or maintenance, switching the
circuit while it is being maintained, and so on, can all cause electrical difficulties.
distribution lines. Insulation failure causes this problem in underground wires. A line-to-line
fault between the positive and negative lines is seen in the figure.[41]
There are many different kinds of defects that can be classified. Other electrical concerns are
less important than phase faults, which include phase to ground and phase to phase faults.
Nonetheless, they are considered in the functioning of the power system. Examples include
open circuit faults; inter turn faults, and various types of defects.[42]
The diagrams depict an example of a power transmission line problem. Transmission line
defects include single phase to ground faults, double phase to ground faults, double phase
faults, and three phase faults. It has a defect locator that may be used to locate the distance
relay as well as other auxiliary devices in the case.[45]
The problem with the power transformer is shown here. In the electricity system, there are
four basic types of transformer faults. These include arcing or high current breakdown, low
energy sparking or partial discharges, localised overheating or hotspots, as well as overall
overheating as a result of insufficient or prolonged overloading. Some of the processes used
to find transformer failures include the use of a Buchholz relay safety device, dissolved gas
analysis, and testing to detect oil contaminants and oil quality.[3]
This is where a machine's defect, such as a power generator, is displayed. In the case of a
power generator, there are several forms of major failures. Prime movers, excitement, and
stator or interconnecting cable insulation failure are examples of these failures. The problem
with the power generator can be turned off, but autonomous functioning requires an
undercurrent relay in conjunction with time-lag tripping and time-lag reinforcing relay. As a
result, fault detection and the selection of appropriate relays for subsequent fault isolation are
critical for power system protection. Fault location techniques are used to both protect and
locate faults in electrical power systems. The fault locator's features are based on a quick
technique for repairing and restoring power system functionality. Among other things, they
improve system availability and performance. Fault locator techniques and fault
categorization will be explored in the section of review articles. All of these examples of
power system mistakes are just a handful of the many that could occur in a system.[37]
The majority of distribution systems are constructed in a radial form because to the ease of
operation and cost-effectiveness of overcurrent protection. Both advantages are due to the
fact that power in any branch of a radial system only goes in one direction. The most frequent
distribution voltage class in power networks is 10-15kV. The systems use continuous current
ratings of less than or equal to 600 amps and fault current values of less than 20kA. For
distribution SFCLs, heat regulation is less of a concern than for transmission systems. As a
result, the SFCL is ideally suited for use in distribution systems first.[17]
Interactions between the SFCL and the power system are predicted after the SFCL is linked
to the power grid. For evaluating the integration behaviour of the SFCL in power grids, a
unidirectional distribution system was established in the latest version of the electromagnetic
transient programme.
Figure 3.7: Diagram of a typical electrical distribution system
A typical distribution system is depicted in the diagram above. On the secondary winding of
the substation system's step-down transformer, the source impedance, which includes the
transformer impedance as well as the upstream short-circuit impedance, may be seen. A
number of parallel feeders are connected to the point of common coupling (PCC), which is
the path from the source to the load. The bus is powered by a substation transformer from a
110kV network. Single-phase short circuits account for over 90% of distribution network
difficulties, therefore researchers look into a phase-to-ground fault.[1]
A fault current limiter (FCL) is a device that has low impedance in normal operation but flips
to a high impedance when the current exceeds a particular threshold limit caused by the
failure. Such a component can raise the system's short circuit power to a safe level in the case
of a breakdown without damaging the equipment. FCL is a critical component of future smart
grids due to the aforementioned rationale. Its presence in the electricity system provides a
number of benefits, including:
• Allows for abnormal conditions in systems connecting along these lines, allowing for
a flexible connection between generation units, distribution operators, and customers,
which is critical in today's electric power market.
• It is possible to connect distributed generation to the main grid (Also from sources
which are non-programmable such as non-conventional energy sources).
• Avoids harmonics, sags, interruptions, as well as flickers, resulting in higher voltage
quality; and
• In the case of network expansion, FCL removes the need to modify safety equipment.
Such limiters are a one-of-a-kind and essential tool for building advanced grid structures
because they enable for the optimum use of existing grid structures while also improving grid
stability and power quality. SFCL may be able to reduce the cost of transmission line as well
as plant expansion. This limiter presents an efficient way to overcome fault current limiting
characteristics of these superconductors based on their non-linear properties with magnetic
field, current, and temperature changes. A transition from superconducting to normal state
occurs when any of these three criteria increases. Grid-connected microgrids receive SFCL
protection without having to combine the short-circuit currents. As fault currents increase, the
microgrid's ability to fulfill escalating demands grows, requiring the replacement of a major
amount of current power system equipment, like relays, circuit breakers, as well as
transformers. The usage of a superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) with numerous
design concepts is among the most improved characteristics for avoiding an increase in fault
If the magnetic field, current density, and temperature all seem to be below a certain
threshold, a superconductor can carry electric current with minimum resistance. The
superconductor will meet a dissipative condition if any of the quantities exceed the extreme
value of the superconductor. For usage in power applications, superconducting cables are
provided as tapes or composite conductors. The identified superconducting fault current
limiter has the following characteristics:[48]
Operation of the Superconducting Fault Current Limiter can be described by three stages:
• Under typical working conditions, like as at the SFCL, the superconductor behaves
current; the line has essentially no impedance.
• When a fault occurs, the superconductor unit becomes extremely resistant, causing
current to flow to the reactor. Increased impedance lowers the fault current.
• After current transfers to the reactor, a fast-operating switch removes the
superconductor unit from the circuit.
Superconducting FCLs are progressing as a new class of equipment that can allow for novel
and unconventional power utility schemes, which is becoming increasingly important as the
deregulation environment takes hold and users seek more effective and cost-effective ways to
couple grids, delay costly upgrades, and improve the power quality. As more affordable HTS
materials become available, the process should speed up and become more dependable. The
nonlinear response of superconducting materials to magnetic fields, current, and temperature
determines the current limiting behaviour of SFCL. Increases in any of the three parameters
cause a transition between regular (resistive) conducting and superconducting modes. SFCLs
are divided into four groups:[49]
4.2.2. Inductive Type SFCL
The inductive type SFCL operates on the transformer concept, acting as a superconducting
secondary winding of a transformer with the power system line acting as the primary
winding. If a fault develops, the superconductor resistance increases and is transmitted to the
primary side by K2 = (w1/w2)2. As a result, the power system's line impedance rises. The
SFCL has set a restriction on the fault current.[51]
Figure 4.3: Hybrid SFCL
The diagram below depicts possible SFCL placements. To efficiently reduce the fault current
while ensuring system stability in the network, the position of SFCL varies greatly.
Transmission lines, power generation, renewable energy, distribution channels, and HVDC
systems have all used superconducting fault current limiters (SFCLs) to limit fault current,
secure interconnector to network, minimize voltage sage at distribution, as well as enhance
power system transient stability and reliability.
5.1.Simulation Design
For power system simulations, EMTP, and for data analysis and processing, MATLAB is
used. A typical microgrid is used in the simulation of short circuit problems. In comparison to
those DGs, the external grid has lower source impedance. A grounded switch simulates a
short circuit, and the grounded impedance is modeled by series and parallel resistors,
inductors, and capacitors. Simulations and analysis of possible short circuit places in the
microgrid are carried out.
5.2.Result analysis
The below is the proposed system with three phase fault connected at Bus 4. All the results
are generated with and without SFCL.
The above is the test system for detection of fault location and for mitigation of fault currents
in the buses with the help of SFCL. The below are the bus voltages during fault without
Figure 5.2: Bus voltages during fault on first transmission line without SFCL
The current magnitudes in each buses are recorded as below during the fault without SFCL.
Figure 5.3: Bus currents during fault on first transmission line without SFCL
The SFCL model created in Simulink/Sim-Power System is shown in the diagram below. The
following is how the SFCL model works. The SFCL model estimates the passing current's
RMS value before comparing it to the characteristic table. Finally, if the current level falls
below the triggering current level, the system waits for the recovery period to pass before
returning to normal. The SFCL model was verified using the power network model shown in
Fig. SFCL has been installed at a substation (Location 1), as well as various SFCL impedance
values vs. its fault current reduction operation have been plotted for a distribution grid fault
(Fault 1). This arrangement's maximum fault current (in the absence of an SFCL) is 140 A at
When SFCL is placed at bus 4 the impact on voltages of the buses can be seen below. The
drop in voltage is completely reduced.
Figure 5.4: Bus voltages during fault on first transmission line with SFCL
Figure 5.5: Bus currents during fault on first transmission line with SFCL
The above is the current magnitudes of the buses during fault when SFCL is placed at bus 4.
The simulation is updated with change in fault location on the test system. The three phase
fault is connected at Bus 1.
Figure 5.6: Test system with fault connected at Bus 1 with SFCL
Figure 5.7: Fault current at Bus 1 without SFCL during fault condition
Figure 5.8: Voltages of all buses during fault at Bus 1 without SFCL
Figure 5.9: Fault current magnitude during fault at bus 1 with SFCL
Figure 5.10: Bus voltages during fault at bus 1 with SFCL
In practise, the SFCL is likely to be employed initially in distribution systems. The SFCL's
function, on the other hand, is to limit the fault current to a predetermined value until the fault
can be eliminated by a normal circuit breaker. In series with a downstream circuit breaker, an
SFCL could provide a quick and dependable way of decreasing and halting growing short-
circuit currents. After the circuit breaker is opened to clear the fault, the presence of the
SFCL significantly reduces and improves transient recovery voltage and transient
overvoltage. The currents in the bus system are reduced by 70% with SFCL compared to the
test system without SFCL, as shown in the analysis of the test system. On the first
transmission line, a defect is introduced with a defined time and impedance. With SFCL, the
voltage drop is also reduced, and the supply to the loads is maintained without causing any
disruption to the DGs.
6.2.Future Scope
Finally, this research shows that SFCLs are a likely answer to the multiple challenges
associated with large fault currents that the power grid faces. For additional fault current
reduction in the system during transmission line faults, the passive type SFCL can be
substituted by an active type SFCL. Multiple SFCLs can be installed at each bus to reduce
fault current.
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Plagiarism Checker X Originality Report
Similarity Found: 10%
It's done by looking for damping oscillations in the transient voltage magnitude that
occur when a problem develops. The theoretical research and extensive simulations
show that the maximum magnitude of a transient signal recorded by a sensor as well as
the distance between the sensor and the fault location has an approximated linear
connection. Researchers developed an algorithm capable of finding the fault in
single-phase micro grids depending on the discovered relationship, micro grid structure,
as well as sensor position information.
The test system has been upgraded to include an SFCL (Super Conducting Fault Current
Limiter) for reducing fault currents during transmission line faults. The recommended
fault location method has been built and validated using MATLAB Simulink software,
and also the results are illustrated on a micro grid with various fault locations.
INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND According to the US Department of Energy, microgrids
have gained popularity in recent years due to their numerous benefits, including the
capacity to use renewable energy sources, provide flexible operations, and promote
stability and resilience when utility systems are disrupted. Microgrids are classified as
three-phase or single-phase systems based on the number of grid phases. Many
academics have explored three-phase microgrids and have deployed them in utility
power networks.
Single-phase microgrids, on the other hand, are appropriate for power systems with low
voltage and low power, including a residential dwelling, a small commercial lot, a ship, a
space station, a smaller military facility, or an island situation. The goal of this research is
to find a solution to the problem of fault location in three-phase microgrids. Fault
placement is a significant issue in each level of the power grid hierarchy, from
transmission to distribution to microgrid. As a result, experts have looked into a variety
of defect location methods.
DC microgrids are becoming more popular because they have various advantages,
including the fact that they do not need synchronisation with the AC utility and
therefore are compatible with most DG source coupling interfaces, resulting in lower
conversion losses. Whereas microgrids provide a viable answer to the problem of DG
integration, they also pose operational issues to the system. Safety zones in the network
(overhead wires and cables) as well as apparatus categorization are used to categories
protection systems in low voltage distribution level networks (buses, transformers,
generators, loads).
Large fault currents with radial (unidirectional) pattern power flow have generally been
used to build distribution networks. When DERs are used in standalone or microgrid
situations, there is a risk of degradation of this common property, especially in older
traditional networks. / Figure 1.1: A typical Microgrid Layout Internal protection
infrastructure must be capable of swift reactions to both grid linked and microgrid
problems, which is a fundamental operational restriction associated with microgrids.
In the event of a grid fault, the microgrid must not interfere with the utility protection
mechanism in order to provide dependable and efficient grid fault clearance. To enable
for continued regular operation in the event of a microgrid failure, the smallest piece of
the microgrid must be sectionalized. Figure shows an example of a microgrid
arrangement. Another concern with microgrids is the insufficient amount of fault current
provided by DG sources.
If the microgrid retains full connection during a utility grid fault, the short circuit
contribution from the utility source may be reduced to the point where existing
overcurrent devices malfunction. In the microgrid islanded mode, on the other hand, the
DG sources may not generate enough short circuit current to enable overcurrent fault
detection as well as clearance procedures to function. This is especially common in
inverter-based DGs, which have current-limiting devices to avoid overload currents on
specific components.
The demand for the microgrid to be capable of topological change also highlights the
problem of overcurrent relay sensitivity and selectivity. Protective equipment in the
microgrid as well as network must be able to tell the difference between grid & internal
microgrid failures. THREE PHASE MICROGRID TOPOLOGY As electric distribution
technology advance, many trends are emerging that will alter the requirements for
energy delivery.
These changes are now being driven by both the demand side, which wants more
energy availability and efficiency, as well as the supply side, which needs to handle the
integration of distributed generation as well as peak-shaving technology. / Figure 1.2:
Micro-grid power system The micro-storage grid's device is analogous to the revolving
reserve of huge generators in a traditional grid, which guarantees that energy
generation and consumption are balanced, particularly during rapid fluctuations in load
or generation.
From the customer's perspective, micro-grids provide both thermal and electrical needs
while also improving local reliability, lowering emissions, improving power quality by
supporting voltage and reducing voltage dips, and potentially lowering energy supply
prices. Distributed energy sources have the ability to lower the need for distribution and
transmission systems from the utility's perspective. Obviously, distributed generation
near loads reduces flows in transmission and distribution circuits, which has two key
consequences: loss reduction and the capacity to potentially replace network assets.
Furthermore, having generation near to demand may improve service quality as
experienced by end users. Micro-grids can provide network support during times of
stress by alleviating congestion as well as assisting with fault recovery. Micro-grid
development can aid in the reducing emissions as well as the climate change mitigation.
This is due to the fact that currently available and developing technologies for
distributed generation units are based on renewable as well as micro sources with very
low emissions.
This system is designed for home three-phase applications that require a low-cost,
simple, as well as compact topology that can operate independently. The voltage
multiplier, which raises the voltage and makes it acceptable for three-phase
applications, is at the heart of the proposed system. The grid-connected hybrid
PV-diesel generator-battery system for residential applications, which can operate in full
or grid connected mode.
This technique is suitable for residential applications where a low-cost, simple, and small
topology capable of autonomous operation is appealing. The multi-input electrical
device connected two-way dc-dc device that interconnects several power sources and
hence the storage part is at the heart of the centralized approach. In comparison to
current grid-connected schemes, the projected device features a less number of power
conversion steps, lower part count, and higher potency. / Figure 1.3: Hybrid AC/DC
Three Phase Microgrid for PV Initially, a hybrid system with a photovoltaic array is
designed. They generate a charge that is stored in the battery. The converter is used to
convert DC to AC power.
The VSC model is a worldwide three-phase power converter made up of up to six power
switches coupled in a series connection. DISTRIBUTED GENERATOR There is currently no
universal consensus on the definition of DGs due to maturing technology and increasing
size of DGs, which are an important and current issue in the electricity system. All of
these are referred to as embedded or dispersed generations. The current definition of
DG is fairly broad, ranging from a single kW photovoltaic system to a 1000 MW offshore
compared to confirm the proposed model's robust better performance. (Charles, 2020)
Microgrid technology allows the deployment of renewable energy sources on the
battlefield and at naval installations across the world, putting sustainable electricity at
the forefront of Department of Defense operations.
Simulations are used to forecast the voltage waveforms, spectra, total harmonic
distortion, and current waveforms of microgrids, which are then observed in the lab. The
metrics for the power quality analysis are provided by IEEE Standard 519 and the
manufacturer's performance specifications. The COTS units meet IEEE Standard 519 and
are eligible for further research into microgrid extension, management, as well as
employment, according to comparisons of model performance to experimental
laboratory data.
(Karsh & Sharma, 2020) Resulting in increased deployment of various types of power
generation and the grid, existing AC systems have caused considerable concerns. The
majority of the micro grids that used DGs and renewable energy sources ran in tandem
with the AC main grids. Because the bulk of power grids are currently ac, ac micro grids
will continue to be dominant, and entirely dc micro grids are unlikely to arise in power
among the phases. The recommended management procedures are conducted to
analyze the microgrid system's robust operation.
It is quite likely that one phase of such a network will have a high generation capacity
while other phases will experience higher demand; this is a technologically tough
problem for a network running in autonomous mode. The single-phase DERs of such a
system are proposed to function under a droop-based voltage control mechanism in
this study, while an acceptable technique to enable the transmission of surplus energy
from one phase to other phases is suggested. Extensive digital simulations in
PSCAD/EMTDC for numerous situations are used to validate the recommendations,
demonstrating the practicality of operating such a system and the usefulness of the
proposed methodologies. (Hassan et al.,
2018) To avoid using a communication system, the method uses fewer measurements.
Without communication routes, protecting the microgrid could result in blindness
(circuit breakers not tripping for problems) or nuisance tripping (tripping incorrectly).
However, with correct system design, notably with adequately scaled system impedance,
these incidents can be avoided. The proposed technique's performance is proven on
representative microgrid architecture in the MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation platform,
demonstrating that it can detect faults for a wide variety of load as well as fault
(Piesciorovsky & Reno, 2018) Faults in the electric power grid can arise as a result of
unexpected changes in load demand, as well as external factors such as weather,
equipment failure, cyber-attacks, and other disruptions. These incidents can disrupt
regular grid operations, and substantial and/or long-term failures can be extremely
dangerous to grid reliability, resilience, and safety. Due to differences in equipment,
setup, behaviour, and other factors, distinct failures in different systems must be
addressed differently.
The unusual difficulty of microgrid protection is explored in this paper; fault detection
and location has been extensively examined for transmission and distribution systems,
but there is a void in the microgrid context. Microgrid systems with distributed energy
resources (DERs) are becoming more popular, and fault location algorithms tailored to
microgrid characteristics and behaviour are needed to secure them successfully. This
paper will go through the different types of microgrid faults and issues, as well as
general fault location methodology, literature-based remedies, and future directions and
demands for achieving dependable and effective microgrid protection.
(Hamidi & Advisor, 2017) Modern electrical power systems necessitate unique
diagnostic procedures to improve system resiliency through the development of
cutting-edge algorithms. The availability of high-voltage optical transducers and
high-time-resolution measurements has paved the way for the development of new
diagnostic approaches for very fast transients in power systems. Simultaneously, more
complicated configurations, such as multi-terminal hybrid transmission systems, are
limiting the use of classic diagnostic procedures, particularly in fault location and health
demand response, this system can intelligently and efficiently function in islanding
mode. This also allows controllable loads to ride out grid disruptions, and this can be
utilized as a retrofit solution for current topologies to improve quality and effectiveness.
(B, 2017) Recent advancements in renewable energy technologies, as well as changes in
electric utility infrastructures, have piqued power utilities' interest in generating
electricity usingdistributed generation resources.
Despite their increasing adoption, there are still significant obstacles in designing,
controlling, and operating micro-grids both when connected to the grid and when
operating in islanded mode, and extensive research is undertaken to address these
concerns. The situation of a microgrid or a section of the power grid that comprises of a
load and a distributed generating system being isolated from the rest of the utility
system is referred to as islanding. A power control method is presented in this work to
control active and reactive power in grid-connected mode, as well as active power and
voltage in islanded mode operating.
In grid connected mode and island mode operation, a robust controller is introduced to
meet the control purpose. The stability study of an ideal controller for a DG system is
also presented, with singular value based analysis. Utilizing islanding identification,
synchronisation algorithm, load shedding, current, as well as voltage control methods, a
seamless transition between grid connected as well as islanded mode has been
presented. (Senapati et al., 2017) The modeling of a Unified Power Quality Conditioner
(UPQC) with a Grid-connected PV-FC (Photovoltaic Fuel Cell) System in grid linked mode
is the subject of this paper.
Despite the presence of non-linear loads in the system, the proposed methodology
concentrates on extracting sinusoidal current from the supply system. The Shunt
Controller of UPQC provides harmonic power to prevent harmonic components from
being pulled at the supply, while the series component balances voltage-related issues
such unbalancing. The UPQC addresses load harmonic power as well as zero sequence
power, both of which cause power system imbalances, as well as compensating reactive
power so that the source voltage and compensated current are both in phase.
The system's performance has been observed to be invariable under variable solar
irradiation conditions. (Eslami et al., 2017) In this paper, we offer a new approach for
fault detection in FREEDM microgrids that takes into account network topology
uncertainty. The waveform properties retrieved will be used to create appropriate
indices for fault detection, location, and characterization. The capacity of the suggested
technique to operate in a dynamic microgrid with shifting topology is its most notable
characteristic. The suggested method's performance is evaluated using a sample
FREEDM microgrid with ring and radial features.
DGs, despite their beneficial effect, contribute fault currents in the event of network
faults, thereby compromising the network protection system. In a radial distribution
network, for example, inverse time overcurrent relays are commonly employed to
defend against faults. Because the addition of DG to an existing distribution network will
undoubtedly increase the level of fault current due to its fault current contribution while
also changing the direction of current flow, DG will eventually disrupt the original
overcurrent relay coordination. During breakdowns, another challenge for power
networks with DGs is to maintain voltage aspect power quality. (Dhara et al.,
2016) Because the predicted voltage sag amplitude during faults may be greatly
decreased, short circuit current restriction in distribution system utilities might be an
operational method for improving power quality. Superconductors are used by SFCL to
instantly reduce unforeseen electrical surges that occur on utility distribution and power
transmission networks. By lowering the wear on circuit breakers as well as protecting
other expensive equipment, SFCL significantly reduces the financial strain on utilities.
The created SFCL model is used to determine an SFCL impedance level based on the
fault current limitation requirements of various smart grid system types. The purpose of
this research is to determine the best SFCL resistive value for improving a power
system's transient stability. All throughout short circuit fault, the equal-area criterion
validated by power-angle curves is continually used to establish the ideal resistive value
of the SFCL linked in series in a transmission line with a conductor.
Simulink is used to create the primary model, while MATLAB is used to generate the
simulation results for the projected model. (Kumari et al., 2016) A power system fault is
an abnormal condition involving the electrical failure of power system equipment
operating at one of the system's primary voltages. This document provides an overview
of power system problems as well as their negative consequences. In addition, a brief
classification of fault is provided. Finally, we'll go through various fault-prevention
approaches in a power system.
(Bayindir, 2015) A fault simulation on a microgrid including a wind turbine, solar panel,
and fuel cell is presented in this study. The electricity generated by various sources is
aggregated on a single DC bus and converted to AC via a three-phase converter before
being sent to a three-phase AC load. The system guards against a variety of undesirable
circumstances. In the event of a fault, the microgrids failed part was quickly
disconnected from the grid utilising breakers situated on the output side of each energy
source and inverters.
One can take full advantage of the strengths of the smart grid's communication
network, as well as the diverse features of FCL devices in different classifications, with
these placements, to provide a more flexible and reliable protection for the future power
grid. (Khuntia, 2015) As the use of DG in the mainstream grows, numerous repercussions
that arise as a result of DG penetration must be recognized. DG penetration in existing
distribution is observed to change the fault current during a grid disruption, resulting in
system imbalance.
The research effort is based on this, and so it concentrates on the contribution of fault
current from renewable energy sources in a microgrid, as well as how resistive SFCL can
help reduce fault levels. The testbed is modeled in MATLAB/Simulink, and simulation
results are shown to demonstrate the efficacy of resistive SFCL under various fault
circumstances. (Prof.P.M.Khandare; Dr.S.A.Deokar, 2
Utility connection modes are available on facility and utility microgrids, but not on
distant microgrids. When compared to facility and utility microgrids, remote microgrids
are placed in highly distributed consumption areas. Facility microgrids can continue to
operate in an island mode, either intentionally or unintentionally. Micro sources, loads,
network conditions, and control topologies will all change depending on the type of
microgrid. A microgrid consists of various renewable distributed generators,
non-renewable distributed generators, energy storage devices, different kinds of
microgrid loads, interfaced distributed energy resources (DER), interlinked microgrids,
stability and control systems, as well as communication systems, as shown in the
diagram. / Figure 3.1: Microgrid architecture A microgrid is a small or local control
system that is independent of the mass supply system.
For example, a gaseous petrol ignition motor (which co-produces power and high temp
water or water vapour needed to cool the flammable gas turbine) or diesel, renewable
power source, or batteries might be employed to create a consolidated warmth and
power framework. Server farms, colleges, healing centres, factory lines, army locations,
and entire networks could all benefit from microgrid-based sub-stations (i.e. "Town
Power"). It should be noted that opinions differ on the overall generation limit that
should be included in the Microgrids capacity framework, as well as whether there
should be a single regular objective of coupling with the main organize or several
purposes of coupling. The Microgrid must be separated from the major system by at
least one disengaged focus for the island concept to work.
According to a report on Microgrids and Sandy's Super Storm, "a genuine small-scale
arrangement significantly more than reinforcement control framework, but additionally
because one of its essential capacities incorporates continuous on location controls to
coordinate the age and size limit of the Microgrid," a plant administrator observed.
Microgrid Loads A microgrid system contains a variety of loads, and each one is critical
to its operation, stability, and control. A static load or a motor/electronic load are two
types of electrical loads. The microgrid can power a variety of loads (such as residential
or industrial) that are considered sensitive or important and require high levels of
Enhancing DER ratings by improving power quality, Reducing maximum load, and
Maintaining optimal operation and control Stability, Control and Communication
Strategies for Microgrid Because the energy and power ratings are significantly lower in
microgrids than in big electric grids, stability difficulties are more common, and the
evaluation of stability issues for AC microgrids maintains the same principles as in the
main/macro grid. Active and reactive power controls are required to adjust both
frequency and voltage.
Stability is managed by the torque and speed control of the machine shaft when sources
such as traditional generators with an AC output are directly connected without power
electronic connections. There seem to be no reactive power exchanges in DC microgrid
systems, implying that there are no stability concerns. In a DC-based microgrid, system
control appears to be geared solely at frequency management. In microgrid systems, as
well as connections to DG systems, power quality is a critical concern. Issues with
powerquality caused by renewable energy sources, hydropower, and diesel generators,
which are the principal sources of power for DG systems.
Microgrids stability can be classed into one of two categories. Frequency stability, which
includes tiny signal and transient stability, is the first, while voltage stability is the
second. The use of storage devices as well as adaptive protection devices improves
transient stability. A micro grid’s stability is also ensured via voltage regulators, reactive
power compensators, load controllers, and current limiters. A micro grid’s control
operation is required.
Control by a master and slave: the master sets the voltage and frequency, while the
slaves manage the current sources. Current and power flow control: this method
employs control signals to regulate current and power distribution. Droop control:
because the converters operate as non-ideal voltage sources, this strategy is better for
combining with earlier methods. Centralized Control System A centralized control
system obtains intelligence from a single central point, which may be a switch, a server,
or a controller, depending on the network type.
A centrally controlled network is simple to operate since it gives the operator more
control over the entire system. This feature enables the manager to build wide control
techniques to satisfy power needs. The centralized control system, on the other hand,
necessitates a single control unit to process all measured data. This one-of-a-kind
controller point might produce a slew of communication issues, as well as a slew of
defects that could bring the entire system to a halt. / Figure 3.2: Centralized hierarchical
control of microgrids Decentralized control systems In contrast to a "master" controller,
the decentralised controller permits a system in which all devices can operate
themselves autonomously.
The greatest option, however, is the multi-agent-based control system (MAS), which
combines the finest features of both types of control systems. MAS were introduced by
several scholars in order to execute decentralised control, and numerous ideas based on
this notion have since been produced. This type of control is the foundation of DER's
autonomous structure, and local controllers (LC) can be simply constructed in this
These controllers can communicate with one another to improve the communication
infrastructure in a large area where MAS also provides voltage regulation. Table 3.1:
Study on centralized and decentralized control techniques / Future of Grids The power
business is currently confronted with a number of issues, including rising energy costs,
power quality and stability, ageing infrastructure, widespread electrification, and climate
dynamics, to name a few. Low-voltage distribution generation, in which all sources and
loads are located, can solve these concerns.
The application market for microgrids in 2022 is depicted in Figure, with campus-type
microgrids accounting for the majority of applications. The following is a calculation of
microgrid growth: / Figure 3.3: Forecasted microgrid application market in 2022 Since
2011, the global installed microgrid capacity has expanded considerably, with a total
installed capacity of over 15GW expected by 2022. In terms of market value for dealers,
the market has a potential of over $5 billion and is expected to reach over $27 billion by
At the moment, campus/institutional microgrids are the most popular application, with a
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.83 percent predicted from 2012 to 2022. By
2022, military, defense-based, as well as commercial microgrids will all have identical
installed capacity. For the next 5-6 years, off-grid microgrids are predicted to expand at
the fastest CAGR, while the hybrid market is expected to develop at the fastest CAGR
from 2012 to 2022. Why a fully constructed microgrid necessitates a longer payback
FAULTS Insulation failure, flashover, physical damage such as wires blowing together in
the wind, or an animal coming into touch with the wire are all examples of faults in
power systems. A fault frequently results in the passage of excessive current, anomalous
voltages, and overvoltage on nearby equipment, posing a risk to humans, animals, and
other objects. Fault analysis is usually required to determine the size of the circuit
breaker fuse and its properties, as well as the relay setting. Some fault limiting devices
include fuses, circuit breakers, relays, and lighting power protection devices.
Types of Faults Short circuit faults, which result from a rapid overvoltage state and are
also known as shunt faults, as well as open circuit faults, which result from the cessation
of current flow and therefore are known as series faults, are the two types of faults.
When a system has one or two damaged lines, a series fault is defined by a rise in
voltage and frequency, as well as a decrease in current, in the faulted phase. Short circuit
faults are further divided into two types: symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults.
Symmetrical fault- A symmetrical fault occurs when there is a short circuit in all three
phases. It is the most serious flaw.
In general, symmetrical faults are uncommon. Approximately 5% of all faults involve all
three phases. It has an equal impact on all three phases. An asymmetrical flaw is one
that is out of balance in nature. A short circuit of phase with ground causes this issue.
There are three types of single line to ground faults: single line to ground fault, line to
line fault, and double line to ground fault. Figure 1 depicts a line to ground fault, a line
to line fault, and a double line to ground fault. The most common sort of fault is a line
to ground fault, which is triggered by lightning or a conductor making contact with a
grounded structure.
This leads to the discovery of 70% of the whole fault. Wind, falling trees, and other
factors contribute to it. For LG fault to occur, Ib=0,Ic=0 & Va=0. Line to Line Fault: A line
to line fault occurs when one phase meets another. It usually occurs when there is a
strong breeze. Line to line failures account for about 15% of all transmission faults. For
this fault to occur the condition is Ia=0,Ib+Ic=0,Vb=Vc. Double line to ground fault- This
sort of fault occurs when two phases come into contact with the ground. It can happen
as a result of falling trees, birds, and other natural disasters. This sort of fault accounts
for 10% of all transmission line faults.
The Boundary condition is Ia=0,Vb=Vc=0. / Figure 3.4: Types of faults Effects of Faults
The impact of faults vary widely depending on the type of fault; for example, a short
circuit is the most serious fault because the current is around 10 times the
instrumentation's nominal current; the effect is as follows: Electrical equipment like bus
bars, generators, as well as transformers may be damaged as a result of fault heating,
and lines and cables may overheat. When a negative sequence current flows from an
unsymmetrical fault, it heats up.
As a result of the environmental conditions, the power supply is disturbed, and electrical
installations are destroyed. Equipment failures: Short circuit faults in generator, engines,
transformers, reactors, as well as switching devices are generated by malfunction,
ageing, and insulation failure of cables and coils. As a consequence of these failures, a
large amount of current rushes through the devices or equipment, inflicting more
Human errors, such as selecting the incorrect equipment or device rating, disregarding
metallic or electrical conducting areas after servicing or maintenance, switching the
circuit while it is being maintained, and so on, can all cause electrical difficulties. Faults
in DC Microgrid The majority of defects on overhead power lines are asymmetrical
problems, which can range from a single line to a ground fault. Single Line to Ground
Fault A single line to ground fault is depicted in the diagram. This is the most common
type of power system problem. The supply reliability and continuity of the microgrid
system are harmed as a result of this problem.
When lightning strikes a microgrid's distribution line, one of the conductors can break
and fall to the ground, either positive or negative. As a result, the line will ground fault.
And the line will be out of commission until the problem is resolved. It could also
happen if anything falls on the line, allowing current to flow from the line to the ground.
Single line to ground faults is the most prevalent form of failure in industrial distribution
networks. / Figure 3.5: Single Line to Ground Fault Line to Line Fault This is the system's
most dangerous malfunction, even more so than the single line to ground failure
discussed before. In the system, this issue arises rarely.
When objects fall over positive and negative wires, shorting them, a double line failure
happens in overhead distribution lines. Insulation failure causes this problem in
underground wires. A line-to-line fault between the positive and negative lines is seen in
the figure. / Figure 3.6: Line to Line Fault Fault types There are many different kinds of
defects that can be classified. Other electrical concerns are less important than phase
faults, which include phase to ground and phase to phase faults. Nonetheless, they are
considered in the functioning of the power system.
Examples include open circuit faults; inter turn faults, and various types of defects. /
Figure 3.7: Power system structure / Figure 3.8: Fault occurs in transmission line The
diagrams depict an example of a power transmission line problem. Transmission line
defects include single phase to ground faults, double phase to ground faults, double
phase faults, and three phase faults. It has a defect locator that may be used to locate
the distance relay as well as other auxiliary devices in the case. / Figure 3.9: Fault occurs
in transformer The problem with the power transformer is shown here.
In the electricity system, there are four basic types of transformer faults. These include
arcing or high current breakdown, low energy sparking or partial discharges, localised
overheating or hotspots, as well as overall overheating as a result of insufficient or
prolonged overloading. Some of the processes used to find transformer failures include
the use of a Buchholz relay safety device, dissolved gas analysis, and testing to detect oil
contaminants and oil quality. / Figure 3.10: Fault occurs in machine or generator This is
where a machine's defect, such as a power generator, is displayed. In the case of a
power generator, there are several forms of major failures.
Prime movers, excitement, and stator or interconnecting cable insulation failure are
examples of these failures. The problem with the power generator can be turned off, but
autonomous functioning requires an undercurrent relay in conjunction with time-lag
tripping and time-lag reinforcing relay. As a result, fault detection and the selection of
appropriate relays for subsequent fault isolation are critical for power system protection.
Fault location techniques are used to both protect and locate faults in electrical power
The fault locator's features are based on a quick technique for repairing and restoring
power system functionality. Among other things, they improve system availability and
performance. Fault locator techniques and fault categorization will be explored in the
section of review articles. All of these examples of power system mistakes are just a
handful of the many that could occur in a system. INTEGRATION OF A RESISTIVE SFCL
IN AN ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The majority of distribution systems are
constructed in a radial form because to the ease of operation and cost-effectiveness of
overcurrent protection.
Both advantages are due to the fact that power in any branch of a radial system only
goes in one direction. The most frequent distribution voltage class in power networks is
10-15kV. The systems use continuous current ratings of less than or equal to 600 amps
and fault current values of less than 20kA. For distribution SFCLs, heat regulation is less
of a concern than for transmission systems. As a result, the SFCL is ideally suited for use
in distribution systems first. Interactions between the SFCL and the power system are
predicted after the SFCL is linked to the power grid.
For evaluating the integration behaviour of the SFCL in power grids, a unidirectional
distribution system was established in the latest version of the electromagnetic transient
programme. / Figure 3.11: Diagram of a typical electrical distribution system A typical
distribution system is depicted in the diagram above. On the secondary winding of the
substation system's step-down transformer, the source impedance, which includes the
transformer impedance as well as the upstream short-circuit impedance, may be seen.
A number of parallel feeders are connected to the point of common coupling (PCC),
which is the path from the source to the load. The bus is powered by a substation
transformer from a 110kV network. Single-phase short circuits account for over 90% of
distribution network difficulties, therefore researchers look into a phase-to-ground fault.
PROPOSED METHODOLOGY FCL A fault current limiter (FCL) is a device that has low
impedance in normal operation but flips to a high impedance when the current exceeds
a particular threshold limit caused by the failure.
Such a component can raise the system's short circuit power to a safe level in the case
of a breakdown without damaging the equipment. FCL is a critical component of future
smart grids due to the aforementioned rationale. Its presence in the electricity system
provides a number of benefits, including: Allows for abnormal conditions in systems
connecting along these lines, allowing for a flexible connection between generation
units, distribution operators, and customers, which is critical in today's electric power
market. It is possible to connect distributed generation to the main grid (Also from
sources which are non-programmable such as non-conventional energy sources).
As a consequence, the FCL equipment at this location can handle a lot of current. SSFCL
(Si type and SiC type) are suitable for attaching nodes to a microgrid. During a fault, the
microgrid's operation can be islanded when SSFCL operates as a super-fast operational
circuit breaker from the microgrid to the transmission network, totally turning off
current flow. Additionally, in the event of a microgrid failure, SSFCL can function in
phase control mode to limit current flow in the microgrid in the hopes that downstream
protective devices will open progressively, which is extremely crucial when power
sources are turned off. SFCL Such limiters are a one-of-a-kind and essential tool for
building advanced grid structures because they enable for the optimum use of existing
grid structures while also improving grid stability and power quality.
SFCL may be able to reduce the cost of transmission line as well as plant expansion. This
limiter presents an efficient way to overcome fault current limiting characteristics of
these superconductors based on their non-linear properties with magnetic field, current,
and temperature changes. A transition from superconducting to normal state occurs
when any of these three criteria increases. Grid-connected microgrids receive SFCL
protection without having to combine the short-circuit currents.
As fault currents increase, the microgrid's ability to fulfill escalating demands grows,
requiring the replacement of a major amount of current power system equipment, like
relays, circuit breakers, as well as transformers. The usage of a superconducting fault
current limiter (SFCL) with numerous design concepts is among the most improved
characteristics for avoiding an increase in fault current. If the magnetic field, current
density, and temperature all seem to be below a certain threshold, a superconductor can
carry electric current with minimum resistance.
The superconductor will meet a dissipative condition if any of the quantities exceed the
extreme value of the superconductor. For usage in power applications, superconducting
cables are provided as tapes or composite conductors. The identified superconducting
fault current limiter has the following characteristics: / Operation of the
Superconducting Fault Current Limiter can be described by three stages: Under typical
working conditions, like as at the SFCL, the superconductor behaves current; the line has
essentially no impedance. When a fault occurs, the superconductor unit becomes
extremely resistant, causing current to flow to the reactor. Increased impedance lowers
the fault current.
The superconducting element RSC dissipates low energy as current runs through it
during normal operation. The resistance RSC rises quickly if the current climbs above the
critical current value. The inefficiencies dissipated heat the superconductor above the
critical temperature TC, and the superconductor RSC diverges from superconducting to
resistive, generating some resistance and minimising fault current, a procedure known
as "quench of superconductors." When the fault current is lowered, the element RSC
resumes its superconducting condition.
During quench, an inductive shunt ZSH or parallel resistance is necessary to adjust the
limiting current and avoid overvoltage’s due to the restrictions of the fast-current,
inductive shunt ZSH or parallel resistance is required to prevent hot spots. Inductive
SFCLs are heavier and smaller than resistive SFCLs. They are sensitive to extreme heat
while in the quench state. / Figure 4.1: Resistive type SFCL Inductive Type SFCL The
inductive type SFCL operates on the transformer concept, acting as a superconducting
secondary winding of a transformer with the power system line acting as the primary
All through the rest of the fault occurrence, the reactor acts as a limiter. The approach
quickly removes the rise in voltage from the HTS during limiting action, allowing the line
reactor to maintain the higher impedance for the remainder of the limiting period. This
concept is advantageous because it reduces the amount of superconductor and the
cryogenic volume, allowing the equipment to be more solid for substation installation.
The rapid acting switch is essentially a plunger with a switch on either end that seeks to
commutate line current during operation. To engage and operate the plunger for
limiting reactor, the driving coil applies force to the repulsion plate. / Figure 4.3: Hybrid
SFCL Applications of SFCL in Power System It is impossible to totally avoid a problem in
any section of a power network that includes generation, transmission, and distribution.
As a result, SFCL can be used in any area of the network. The diagram below depicts
possible SFCL placements. To efficiently reduce the fault current while ensuring system
stability in the network, the position of SFCL varies greatly. / Figure 4.4: Possible
locations of SFCLs in a Power Network Transmission lines, power generation, renewable
energy, distribution channels, and HVDC systems have all used superconducting fault
current limiters (SFCLs) to limit fault current, secure interconnector to network, minimize
voltage sage at distribution, as well as enhance power system transient stability and
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Simulation Design For power system simulations, EMTP,
and for data analysis and processing, MATLAB is used.
The SFCL model estimates the passing current's RMS value before comparing it to the
characteristic table. Finally, if the current level falls below the triggering current level, the
system waits for the recovery period to pass before returning to normal. The SFCL
model was verified using the power network model shown in Fig. SFCL has been
installed at a substation (Location 1), as well as various SFCL impedance values vs. its
fault current reduction operation have been plotted for a distribution grid fault (Fault 1).
This arrangement's maximum fault current (in the absence of an SFCL) is 140 A at 110V.
/ Figure 5.4: SFCL Simulink modelling When SFCL is placed at bus 4 the impact on
voltages of the buses can be seen below. The drop in voltage is completely reduced. /
Figure 5.5: Bus voltages during fault on first transmission line with SFCL
/ Figure 5.6: Bus currents during fault on first transmission line with SFCL The above is
the current magnitudes of the buses during fault when SFCL is placed at bus 4. The
simulation is updated with change in fault location on the test system.
The three phase fault is connected at Bus 1. / Figure 5.7: Test system with fault
connected at Bus 1 with SFCL / Figure 5.8: Fault current at Bus 1 without SFCL during
fault condition / Figure 5.9: Voltages of all buses during fault at Bus 1 without SFCL /
Figure 5.10: Fault current magnitude during fault at bus 1 with SFCL / Figure 5.11: Bus
voltages during fault at bus 1 with SFCL
The SFCL's function, on the other hand, is to limit the fault current to a predetermined
value until the fault can be eliminated by a normal circuit breaker. In series with a
downstream circuit breaker, an SFCL could provide a quick and dependable way of
decreasing and halting growing short-circuit currents. After the circuit breaker is opened
to clear the fault, the presence of the SFCL significantly reduces and improves transient
recovery voltage and transient overvoltage.
The currents in the bus system are reduced by 70% with SFCL compared to the test
system without SFCL, as shown in the analysis of the test system. On the first
transmission line, a defect is introduced with a defined time and impedance. With SFCL,
the voltage drop is also reduced, and the supply to the loads is maintained without
causing any disruption to the DGs.
Future Scope Finally, this research shows that SFCLs are a likely answer to the multiple
challenges associated with large fault currents that the power grid faces.
For additional fault current reduction in the system during transmission line faults, the
passive type SFCL can be substituted by an active type SFCL. Multiple SFCLs can be
installed at each bus to reduce fault current.
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