Yang 2014
Yang 2014
Yang 2014
15 / August 1, 2014
Photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers (PC-SELs) [1,2] β0 2π∕a, mx m Δx , and ny n Δy (Δx and Δy
are becoming increasingly important due to their prom- are the deviations from the Γ point as defined in [10]).
ising functionality and performance and in which the Moreover, within the PhC slab (jzj < d), 1∕εr can be
guided mode resonance (GMR) has been recognized as expanded with the Fourier transform: 1∕εr κ a
the fundamental mechanism for mode stabilization. κ mn e−imβ0 x−inβ0 y , where κa ≜κ 00 f 1∕ε1 1−f 1∕ε2 ,
GMR exists in photonic crystal (PhC) slabs, originating where ε1 and ε2 are the permittivity of the PhC slab
from the complex interaction between the in-plane and the medium that fills the holes, respectively. Expand-
guided waves and the external radiation [3–5]. It provides ing Eq. (1) yields the coupling equations, as in the x
an efficient and subtle way to channel light from within direction
the slab to the external environment.
Inheriting the early research of coupled mode analysis
∂2 ∂ 2 2 2 2
for distributed feedback (DFB) lasers and waveguides κa κ δ
a 00 k0 − κ a y 0 H x;m;n κ a mx ny β 0 H y;m;n
n β
[6–8], we developed a 3D coupled-wave theory (CWT) ∂z2 ∂z
X 2
to realize accurate and efficient analysis of the TE-like ∂ ∂ 0 2
GMR in PhC slabs at Γ [9] or non-Γ points [10], with κ m−m0 ; − 2 δm−m0 ; ny ny β0
0 0
n−n ∂z n−n ∂z
m0 ;n0 ≠m;n
arbitrary sidewalls [11] or vertical index contrast [12],
with C 4ν or C 6ν symmetry [13], and with infinite or finite 0 2
× H x;m0 ;n0 − mx ny β0 H y;m0 ;n0 ; (2)
structures [14].
Recently, there has been significant progress on
TM-like modes in PhCs, such as bound states in the con- where δmn ≜∂εr∕∂z∕κ mn . The derivative terms of H x
tinuum (BICs) [4,5], Dirac cones [15], quantum cascade and H y with respect to x and y have been eliminated,
lasers (QCLs) [16], and thermal radiation controls [17]. as we assume an x–y-infinite PhC slab. Because the H-
Such progress also calls for a vivid picture for under- component equation contains the curl of εr, the cou-
standing the underlying physics and a theoretical pling equation should also depict the coupling contribu-
framework to comprehensively depict the modal behav- tion from the permittivity derivative, i.e., δmn , which does
iors. In this Letter, we present our CWT for TM- not exist in TE-like modes. It must be pointed out, if εr
like modes. is a step type vertically (like the typical PC-SELs [9–11]),
For PhC slabs maintaining mirror–flip symmetry [5] δmn degenerates into a series of Dirac functions at inter-
or whose band contains no TE–TM crossing [10], the faces and can be understood as a surface coupling effect.
TE–TM coupling is weak and can be reasonably ne- If εr is a graded type vertically, δmn will be significant in
glected. Hence, the TM-like electromagnetic field can the whole structure. The rest of the operators, which de-
be written as H x ; H y ; E z . The magnetic field equation is pict the coupling effect induced by the planar periodic
permittivity, resemble that of the TE-like coupling equa-
1 tions [9]. Hence, the coupling in TM-like modes can be
∇× ∇ × Hr k20 Hr: (1)
ϵr categorized into two effects: one is induced by the planar
permittivity modulation (the only coupling mechanism
Here we focus on the case in which the structure is for TE-like modes), and the other is induced from the dis-
regarded as infinite in the x–y plane, as shown in Fig. 1 continuity in the vertical waveguide structure (denoted
Pof a finite structure, see [14]). Thus, we
(for the analysis by δmn ). Under different circumstances, one effect may
have H i z H i;m;n ze−imx β0 x−iny β0 y ; i x; y, where dominate the other or they might have significant
0146-9592/14/154498-04$15.00/0 © 2014 Optical Society of America
August 1, 2014 / Vol. 39, No. 15 / OPTICS LETTERS 4499