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Evaluation for banking industry and branch banking

Table of Contents
Research Methodology...............................................................................................................4

Need For the Project...................................................................................................................5

Banking Industry Introduction...................................................................................................6

Purpose of Bank:........................................................................................................................7

Classification of Banks..............................................................................................................9

Public Sector Banks in India....................................................................................................10

History of Union Bank of India...............................................................................................15

Branches Details of Union Bank of India................................................................................17

About the Branch.....................................................................................................................19

Multi city cheque book.............................................................................................................40


* CYBER SECURITY*...........................................................................................................40


Personal Loan:-........................................................................................................................47

Non - Performing Assets (NPA) of Union Bank.....................................................................49

Financial performance of Union Bank of India.......................................................................50


Profit and Loss A/c of Union Bank of India............................................................................53

Ratios Of Union Bank Of India...............................................................................................55


Research Methodology

Research Topic:-

A Study of Bank and there Facility.

Area of Research:-


Research Objective:-

Because of the following reasons, I prefer this

project work to get the knowledge of the banking system.

 Banking is an essential industry.

 It is where we often wind up when we are seeking a problem in financial crisis and money

related query.

 Banking is one of the most regulated business in the world.

 Banks remain important source for career opportunities for

 It is vital system for developing economy for the nation.

 Banks can play a dynamic role in delivery and purchase of consumer durables.

Primary Data:-

The primary data has been collected personally by visiting all the department of Union Bank

of India ,sonai.

Secondary Data:-

The secondary data has been collected from

 Annual Reports and Journals.

 The official website of Union Bank of India

Need For the Project

Usually all persons want money for personal and commercial purposes. Banks are the oldest


institutions in Indian scenario. They are providing all facilities to all to all citizens for their

own purposes by their terms. To survive in this modern market every bank implements so
many new innovative ideas, strategies, and advanced technologies. For that they give each

and every minute detail about their institution and projects to public.

They are proving ample facilities to satisfy their customers i.e. Net Banking, Mobile

Banking, Door to Door facility, Credit Card facility, investment facility, Demat facility,

Loans and Advances, account facility etc. And such banks get success to create their own

image in public and corporate world. These banks always accepts innovative notions in

Indian banking scenario. like credit cards, ATM machines, Risk Management etc. So, as a

student business management I take keen interest in Indian economy and for the banks are the

main sources of development. So this must be the first choice for development to select this

topic. At this stage every person must know about new innovation, technology of procedure

new schemes and new ventures.

Banking Industry Introduction

What is Banking?

The Banking Regulation Act 1949 defines banking as “According for the purpose of lending

or investment, of deposits of money from the public repayable on demand or otherwise and

withdrawal by cheque draft, order or otherwise”. In addition, banks also offer financial
services, which include:  Issuing demand draft & traveller’s cheque.  Credit cards 

Collection of cheques, bill of exchange.  Safe deposit lockers  Custodian services. 

Investment and Insurance Services. The business of banking is highly regulated since banks

deal with money offered to them by the public and ensuring the safety of this public money is

one of the prime responsibilities of any bank. That is why banks are expected to be prudent in

their lending and investment activities. Every bank has a compliance department, which is

responsible to ensure that all the services offered by the bank, and the process followed are in

compliance with the local regulations and the Bank’s corporate police. The major regulation

and act governing the banking business are:-  Banking Regulation Act, 1949  Foreign

Exchange Management Act, 1999  Indian contract act  Negotiable Instruments Act,1881

Bank lend money either for productive purpose to individual, firm, corporate etc. of for

buying house property, cars and to her other consumer durables and for investment purposes

to individuals and the others. However, banks so mot finance any speculative acidity.

Lending is risk taking. The Depositor of banks is also assured of safety of their money by

deploying some percentage of deposit in statutory reserves like SLR& CLR.

Purpose of Bank:

Banking System

Banking system is an integral sub-system of the financial system. It represent an important

channel of collecting small saving from the households and ending it to the corporate sector.

The Indian Banking system has the Reserve Bank of Indian (RBI) as the apex body for all

matters relating to the banking system. It is the comucopia of Banks of Indian and bankers to

all others banks as well.

Product & Services of Bank:-


 Account
s  Loans

 Cards

 Insurance

 Cash Management

Services  Mutual Funds

 Dema


 E-Banking Or Online

Banking  Remanitance service

 Bill Payment

Services  Tax

payment Services

 Railway Tickets Booking

 Public Provident Fund ( PPF ).

Classification of Banks

1. Non-Schedule Banks

These are banks, which are not included in the second schedule of the Banking Regulations

Act, 1965. It means they do not satisfy the conditions laid down by that schedule. They are

further classified as back:  Central co-operative banks and primary credit societies 

Commercial Banks

2. Schedule Banks
Must have paid-up capital and reserve of mot less than Rs 50,00,000. The must satisfy the

RBI than its affairs are mot conduct in a manner detrimental to the interests of its depositors.

These are further classified as follow:  State co-operative Banks  Commercial Banks.

Public Sector Banks in India

Bank Profile
History of Union Bank of India

Union Bank of India ( Union Bank ) was registered on 11 November 1919 as a limited

company in Mumbai and was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi. At the time of India’s

independence in 1947, Union Bank of India had four branches- three in Mumbai and one in

Saurashtra, in tread centres. By the time the Indian government nationalized Union Bank of

India in 1969, it had 240 branches. In 1975, Union Bank of India acquired Belgaum Bank, a

private sector bank established in 1930 that had itself merged in a bank in 1964, the Shri

Jadeya Shankarling Bank ( Bijapur, incorporated on 10 May 1948). Then in 1985 Union

Bank of India acquired Miraj State Bank, which had been established in 1929, and which had

26 branches. Union Bank expanded internationally in 2007 with the opening of offices in

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, and Shanghai in the People’s Republic of China. The next

year, Union Bank established a branch in Hong Kong, its first branch outside India. In 2009,

Union Bank opened a representative office in Sydney, Australia. On 30 August 2019, Finance

Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced that Andhra Bank and corporation Bank would be

merged into Union Bank of India. The proposed merger would make Union Bank the fifth

largest public sector bank in the country with assets of Rs. 14.59 lakh core(US $ 200 billion )
and 9,609 branches. The Board of Directors of Andhra Bank approved the merger on 13

Branches Details of Union Bank of India

Union Bank of India is one of largest state owned bank in India. The bank has a strong

network of 4,298branches as of 30 June 2018. The bank has 28 extension counters, 60

Satellite offices and 48 services branches as of 30 June 2018 in addition to its regular bank


UNION BANK OF INDIA has branches in 35 States

UNION BANK OF INDIA has branches in 34 District of MAHARASHTRA State
UNION BANK OF INDIA has 17 branches in AHMADNAGAR District of


About the Branch

The branch is headed by the Branch Manager Mr. Prashant Kalapure. In the branch there are

5 officers, 3 Clarks, and 1 security grad are available. The bank provide all type of Credit

facilities like Fund- Based Credit and Non- Fund Based Credit. Fund- Based Credit includes

Cash Credit. Term Loan and Working Capital Loan. NonFund Based Credit includes Letter

of credit, Letter of Guarantee and Buyers Credit. The branch deals in acquiring the

customers, getting limit sanctioned , documentation and monitoring process. “ The Bank of

first choice in our chosen area by building beneficial and lasting relationship with customers
through a process of continuous improvement.” Vision: To become the bank of the first

choice in our areas by building beneficial and lasting relationship with customers through the

process of continuous improvement. Mission: Our corporate mission to gain market

recognition inn chosen areas by building effective strategies. A logical extension of the vision

statement is the Mission of the Bank, which is to gain market recognition in the chosen areas.

To build a size able market share in each of the chosen areas of business through effective

strategies in terms of pricing, product packaging and promoting the product in the market. To

facilitate a process of restructuring of branches to support a greater efficiency in the retail

banking field. To sustain the mission objective through harnessing technology driven banking

and delivery channels. To promote confidence and commitment. Core value:  Customer

Focus:- Relentless focus on understanding and fulfilling customer needs through superior

service.  Innovation:- /continually generate, validate and implement creative solutions to

business challenges.  Meritocracy:- Ensure a fair recruitment process and closely link

recognition and reward to performance against goals, irrespective of personal relationships,

gender, religion or ethnicity.  Integrity:- Uncompromising financial and intellectual honesty

to the organization and oneself with relationships based on mutual trust and openness. 
Team-work :- Willingness to share the glory of achievements as well as responsibility of


Bank Accounts Types




Any Resident Individual- single Accounts, Two or more Individuals in joint Accounts,

Illiterate Persons, visually Impaired persons, Purdanasheen Ladies, Minors, Associations,

Clubs, Societies, etc. Trusts, Institutions/ agencies specifically permitted by the RBI.


Simplest deposit option available to the depositor.  An Ideal option to cultivate the habit of

banking and saving amongst the young generation.  Easy to operate. Terms and conditions

kept lucid to facilitate a layman’s understanding.  No hidden costs.  Zero balance facility.

A student can open Regular Saving Account with zero balance.  Deposits are insured by

DICGC.  Interest @ 4% P.a. are being calculated on daily product basis from 01.04.2010

and will be credited four times in a year in Jan , April, July, Oct or at the time of closing the

A/c.  Any Where/Any Time Banking of yours choice as follows:  Branch Banking. 

ATM Banking.


A Current account is the most common type of bank account and it is suitable for everyday

use. It is the account which our income (wages or salary) will be paid, and out of which your

monthly bills will be paid. A current account is where you would get money from in a hurry
and where you would pay inn any cheques that you receive. Banks rarely pay interest on this

type of account, so they are not meant for savings. Union Current claim Account.


ELIGIBILTY: Any Resident Individual – Single Accounts, Two or more individuals in Joint

Accounts, Illiterate Persons, Blind persons, Purdanasheen Ladies, Minors, Associations,

Clubs, Societies, etc. Trusts, Institutions/ Agencies, Specifically permitted by the RBI eligible

to open a “Fixed Deposit Receipt Account” inn single /joint names.  MINIMUM

ACCOUNT: Rs 10,000/- for FDR in Metro and Urban Branches and Rs. 5,000/- in Rural and

Semi urban branches, and for senior citizens the minimum amount will be Rs. 5,000/-

Minimum Amount criteria will not be applicable to Subsidy kept under GOVT Sponsored

Schemes, Margin Money, earnest money and court attached/ ordered deposits.  PAYMENT

OF INTEREST : ( Subject to applicable TDS ) Interest will be paid on quarterly basis and in

case the date of interest payment fails on holidays then on the next working day


Any Resident Individual- single Account, Two or more individuals in Joint Accounts,

Illiterate Persons, visually impaired persons, Purdanasheen Ladies, Minors, Associations,

clubs, Societies, etc. Trusts, Institutions/ Agencies specifically permitted by the RBI eligible

to open a “Cumulative Accounts” in single / joint names.

Operation and production

 Monthly instalments can be for any amount starting from as low as Rs. 50/- onwards.  An

account can be opened for any period ranging from 6 months to 120 months, in intervals of 3

months.  Interest at the permissible rate is compounded every quarter.

Schemes / Services of Union Bank of India


Debit Card Charges:-

Debit card is an instrument that can be used to:  Avail banking services suchcash

withdrawal , balance enquiry, value added services viz. fund transfer, mobile recharge, tax
payment etc., from ATM round the clock.  Make payment to merchants through POS

terminals and through online mode.  Debit cards are accepted at all the ATMs and merchant

establishments across the lobe displaying VISA/ Master Card/ Repay logo. Debit cards can

also be issued for domestic transactions alone. Debit cards are issued only to bank account

holders. With increasing technology adoption Debit Cards can be used for many other

purposes like access card, customer validation etc.

Features of Union Bank Debit Card:-

 Green PIN facility ( No PIN mailer is required).  Multiple account access- customer can

access three accounts linked to a single cards.  Add-on cards are issued in case of Joint

Account.  Secure online transaction are available through unsecure registration.  Cash

withdrawals are possible at specified merchant locations.  Free insurance is available against

accidental death.( Rs 2 Lac)  24x7 access to call centre to hotlist the debit card. Customer

can also hotlist their debit card trough SMS, Mobile Banking and internet Banking facility.

How to Apply:

Union bank of India issues Debit card as part of ready the kit at the time of account opening

and the cards get activated after its first use for withdrawal at ATM.  Existing account
holders without Debit Cards can download and fill the form and submit it at the nearest

branch to get a Debit Card.  Customer can contact the nearest branch for add-on card or

linking additional accounts to the Debit Card.  Online debit card application facility is

provided in Bank’s corporate website for the customers who does not have active card.

Service Charges:-

Steps for creating Green PIN:-

Go our bank’s ATM, insert your card and select SET ATM GREEN PIN option in language

selection screen.  Select GREENRATE OTP option, you will get the OTP on registered

mobile number.  Again insert your card and select SET ATM GREENPIN option, and then

select VALIDATE OTP.  Enter OTP which has been received on your registered mobile

number.  Enter NEW PIN two times.


Union bank Credit Card offers you a hassle free and secured shopping experience at an

assortment of outlets and websites around the globe. This card can also be used for cash

withdrawals at ATM centres. Features of Union Bank of India Credit Card:-  No joining fee

and annual/ renewal charges.  Attractive reward points and redemption program, no point

redemption charges.  Attractive spending limit is 20% of the annual gross salary.  Lowest

interest rates and maximum free credit period up to 50 days.  Authentication for all

domestic online transactions.  EMI scheme for the period of 3/6/9/12/18/24 months at

attractive interest rate.


Next time you come across the dilemma of what to gift your dear ones, then don’t forget to

get hold of the Union Bank Gift Card. Union Bank Gift cards give the recipients the

flexibility to make purchases of their choice at their favourite store. Features & Benefits of

Union Bank Gift Cards  Flexibility:- Recipients can use the Union Bank Gift Card at a wide

variety of locations accepting Visa Cards, including restaurants and entertainment venues. 

Convenience:- Recipients can choose where they want to use the card. Person who is giving
gift doesn’t have to go from store to store looking for the right gift.  Security :- A Gift card

eliminates worries of losing a paper gift certificates, cheque or cash. Charges & Fees:-  Gift

Card can be obtained for any amount between Rs. 500 and Rs 50,000 and can be used in

India before the expiry date embossed on the card.  It cannot be used to withdraw cash at

ATMs.  Each Gift Card is issued at a price of Rs. 50/- each. *UNION FAMILY SAVING

SCHEME* Bank Together, Gain Together. Yes at Union Bank of India, banking together has

become even more rewarding. Presenting, the Union Bank’s Family Saving Scheme which is

especially designed to meet all the banking requirements of your family members under one

roof. What you need to do is to open the accounts of all the family members & link them

together as a group, to enjoy the flexibility of balance maintenance. The free facilities are the

e based on the collective balance maintained by the family as a whole Thus, all your family

member become eligible to enjoy the privileges. Features & Benefits: 1. Minimum 2 &

maximum 6 family members ( accounts) can form a group under this scheme. Customers

having multiple SB account with us can also club all his/her accounts under this scheme

along with other family members. 2. Family members include Grand Parents, Father, Mother,

Brother , Sister , Son, Daughter. 3. The group as a whole will have to maintain Average

Quarterly Balance ( AQB ) of Rs. 1 lakhs in SB accounts OR Rs. 10 lakhs in the Term
Deposit accounts in order to avail the benefits. However, for new account opened & grouped

under this scheme, the combined SB balance has been kept at Rs. 50,000. 4. Free facilities

starts from day one. The Facilities can be enjoyed by any member ( account ) of the family in

the group. 5. Clubbing the accounts belonging to the family members is for the identification

of the group and for arriving at the average quarterly balance only. The individual accounts

will be operated ,family member). Secrecy and confidentiality of the individual accounts will

not be compromised in any case.


1. Kisan Credit Card is provided with the following objectives :-  The short term credit

requirements for cultivation of crops.  Post of harvest cost.  Produce marketing loan. 

Consumption requirements of farmer household.  Working capital for maintenance of farm

assets and activities allied to agriculture, like dairy animals, inland fishery etc.  Investment

credit requirement for agriculture and allied activities like pump sets, sprayers, dairy animals

etc. Eligibility:- All Farmers – Individuals / Joint borrowers who are owner cultivators.

Fixation of credit limit/ Loan amount:- a) All farmers other than marginal farmers. For first

year :- Farmers raising single crop in a year ( scale of finance area cultivated + 10% of limit

towards post harvest/ house hold / consumption needs+ 20% of limit towards repairs and

maintenance expenses of farm assets+ crop insurance, PAIS and assets insurance. For

subsequent years :- First year limit plus 10% of the limit towards cot escalation/ increase in

scale of finance for every successive yea and estimated term loan for the tenure of kisan

credit card. Fixation of Sub-limits The card limit is bifurcated into separate sub limits for

short term cash credit limit cum savings account and term loans, due to difference in interest

rates, repayment schedule and norms.

b) For Marginal Farmers: A flexible limit of Rs.10,000 to Rs.50,000 be provided (as Flexi

KCC) based on the land holding and crops grown including post harvest warehouse storage
related credit needs and other farm expenses, consumption needs, etc., plus small term loan

investments like purchase of farm equipments, establishing mini dairy/backyard poultry as

per assessment of Branch Manager without relating it to the value of land. The composite

KCC limit is to be fixed for a period of five years on this basis. Repayment Period: The

repayment period may be fixed as per anticipated harvesting and marketing period for the

crops for which loan is granted. The term loan component will be normally repayable within

a period of 5 years depending on the type of activity / investment as per the existing

guidelines applicable for investment credit. Margin: For crop loans, no separate margin. For

term loan component, margin will be: Up to Rs. 1 Lac – Nil. Above Rs 1 Lac – 15%.

Security: Up to Rs. 1.60 Lac- Hypothecation of crops. Lacs, mortgage of land and/ or third

party guarantee in addition to hypothecated crops/ assets. In states where banks have the

facility of online creation of charge on the land records, the same shall be ensured.

Documentation: Therefore documentation will be done by the bank only for maximum limit

so that there is no need of documentation during the validity of account. Where the validity

period of KCC is 5 years, there might be a legal requirement to renew the account by taking a

fresh letter from the farmer before expiry of 3 years.


Union Green Card is provided to meet working capital requirements of farmers for

cultivation of crops. Under this loan, investment credits like minor irrigation, farm

mechanization, etc. and allied activities to agriculture are provided. Besides, to meet other

consumption needs such as education, consumable items, medical expenses, etc. up to 25% of

the limit are available at or Rs.50, 000/-, whichever is lower.

Objectives: To meet crop cultivation, medium term loans for minor irrigation etc. and allied

activities and consumption expenses.


 Farmer eligible to avail loans under conventional crop loan.  Not being defaulters to any

credit institution.  Owners, cultivators, tenants, lessee farmers with recorded occupancy

rights or farmers with ancestral/ perpetual rights, oral tenants.


 Internet Banking.

 App Banking.
 ATM Banking.

 SMS Banking.

 Self Service


Internet Banking:

Union Bank of India offers its customers the facility of internet banking service. With our

internet banking service you can carry out banking activities from the comfort of your

home/office with only your mouse. Using your internet banking ID and Password, you can

view your Union Bank accounts/ do transactions online 24x7 without any hassle. You can

transfer funds online to accounts maintained with any bank in India. You can also access all

your Union Bank accounts from all around the world 24x7.

Features & Benefits

Account/s transaction details.

 Viewing/ Printing of account statement.

 Transfer of funds in own/ third party accounts in India through NEFT/RTGS.

 Direct/Indirect Tax payments.

 Utility bill payments like electricity bills, telephone bills, insurance premium payments,


fund payment, credit card payment etc.


Customer should have at least one operating account with a Union Bank branch.

How to apply:

Individual customers possessing ATM cum debit card may create internet banking user id

and passwords through our self user creation module on our website. This is a very

convenient, easy, and quick method.  To above user may even reset/generate the passwords

on their own, without needing to involve the bank branch, through our self reset password

module with the same ease.  Corporate customers should apply through the branch using the

internet banking application format for viewing and transaction facility.

Service Charges:
Absolutely free of charge for users creating passwords through the self user creation & reset

password modules.  Charges application as below when password is sent in printed form to

the retail/corporate users Rs. 150/- postal charges (flat) and Rs. 30/- per password Rs.250/-

postal+ password printing charges (flat) per corporate user.

App Banking:

UMobile- a milestone in banking field-provides the customers a secure and convenient means

of banking and commerce from anywhere anytime. Customers can check their account

balances, take a mini-statement, transfer money to Union Bank accounts, other banks, make

temple donation, KVS fee payments, stop cheques, know cheque status, know branch/ ATM

locations and even request bank for cheque books, all this on press of button on mobile. The

services are available both on SMS and GPRS. U Mobile is a secured payment channel since

the customer does not compromise with information like the debit card number or pin. So

what are you waiting for ! Explore U Mobile and also refer it to your friends.

Features & Benefits:

Balance enquiry.

 Mini statement ( Last Nine Transactions)

 Fund Transfer

 Within the Bank

 1) Mobile to Mobile between two registered customers

2) Mobile to Account ( to any account in Union Bank)

To other Banks ( Using NEFT platform)

 IMPS fund transfer using Mobile No. and MMID

 Mobile Recharge

 Feedback and Complaint

To cater to needs of customers with low end handsets or a non Smartphone, these services are

also provided through SMS based mobile banking service.

How to apply:

Any Union Bank Debit Card holder can avail the Mobile Banking facility t any of our ATMs

or on our website or through branch or through sin up option in the itself.


A corporate agency tie-up with Star Union Dia-ichi Life Insurance Co. Ltd (SUD Life ), a

Life insurance joint venture of bank of India, Union Bank of India &Dia–ichi Mutual Life

Insurance co. Japan has launched a wide range of life insurance products catering to the needs

of different Customer Groups. This venture distributes the following products of the SUD

Life insurance company.

1. Dhan Suaksha:- This is a Unit Linked Endowment insurance plan which provides Death

benefit when death occurs within the term of the policy, maturity benefit if thee policy holder

survives the term of the policy. This policy comes with 2 riders which provide cover against

accidental death or permanent disability and cover against critical diseases. The premium

(after recovering allocation chares, insurance premium etc.), which is the net investment

amount will be invested in 4 available fund type y, bond fund, debt fund, as per choice of the

customer. The plan is useful for creating wealth by way of regular savings ( yearly / half-

yearly / quarterly / monthly ) for a longer period i.e. 10 to 20 years with life cover by way of

insurance. Minimum term of the plan is 5 years and maximum 40 years.

 On maturity the accumulated funds will be paid to the policy holder.  In the event of any

untoward incident to the life of the policy holder the accumulated funds in his policy account

or sum assured whichever higher will be payable to nominee.

2. Jeevan safar: Jeevan safar is a unique combination of traditional endowment and whole life

plans, which provides death benefit and also survival benefit to the policy holders. A

combination of savings & insurance schemes. It is available for people between 18 to 70 year

of age with the minimum coverage of Rs. 50,000 and no limit on the maximum coverage. On

maturity, sum assured with accrued bonus & loyalty addition will be payable to the

policyholder. There after, the risk cover will continue up to the age of 99 years. In case of any

untoward incident to the life of the policy holder ( after maturity ), the sum assured will be

payable to the nominee. It is provides an option to attach Accidental Death & Total and

Permanent Disability benefit rider as well as critical illness benefit ride. It is also offers Grace

period option and reinstatement option to the policy holders. Income tax benefits are

available on this plan as per the current income tax laws.


1. Non life insurance:-

UBI alone with NIACL provides a wide range of products in commercial/ industrial as well

as personal line of insurance to facilitate various options for different customer groups to

fulfil their requirements. Bank distributes commercial/ industrial policies covering:  Stock

in Tread  Plant and Machinery  Goods in Transit  Buildings  Office Equipment  Milch

Animals  Agriculture Machinery & Implements etc.

In addition to the above list, Bank also distributes personal line of products such as:  House

holders policy  Medi-claim policy  Personal accident policy  Motor policy

2. Religar Health Care:- With religare health insurance plan’s comprehensive coverage,

speedy claim settlements and much more, you can be rest assured you will be worry- free

‘hamesha’ and get industry’s best features. How we make a sensible buy for you – ‘Care’-

Health insurance policy has unique features like –  Cashiess treatment at 2800 + hospitals &

Daily allowance.  Auto recharge of your policy sum insured, if exhausted.  Get health

check-ups for insured members, every year.  Vail treatment anywhere in the world  No

claim-based loading & No maximum entry age limit.  Largest list of day care surgeries

covered.  No paperwork rap. Buy & get policy online.

3. Mediclaim Insurance:- Mediclaim Insurance product in tie-up with The New India

Assurance Co Ltd., which will provide the insurance cover. Scheme available for Union Bank

Customers, irrespective of the fact whether they are maintaining SB/CD/Deposit Account or

having Demat, Borrower Account, Debit Card and Credit Card. Group floater insurance for a

family of maximum four persons ( customer, his/ her spouse and two dependent children).

Entry up to 65 years age and it can e renewed up to the age of 80 years. Sum assured is

offered inn the range of Rs. 50,000/- per family, as per the insured’s desire. Very competitive

premium due to group- floater nature of the product. Premium paid under this policy will be

eligible for deduction under section 80D of income tax Act.


Multi city cheque book

Bank issues Personalised Cheque book to all its customers which are payable at par at all

branches of the Bank in India, called as Multi City Cheque. With the Multi City Cheque

Books, you can withdraw funds by yourself as well as make payment to people in cities other

than at City/ Town where you maintain an account.

Withdraw cash from any of our branches across India uptoRs 1.00 Lac per day.  No need to

purchase demand draft thereby savings in time and cost.  Your business associates across

India can receive immediate payment through local clearing, thereby saving collection

chares. If they maintain an account with us, they will receive instant credit.  Payment of

your utility bills i.e. for electricity, telephone, maintenance etc. for an office/home at an

outstation centre can be made through Multi City Cheque.

Anydesk App warning : How debited once the collect request is approves/ fraudsters may

lure you After the Reserve Bank of India(RBI) warned banks and customers against the use

of AnyDesk App, the Union Bank is also warning its employees about the same. In personal

messages to Union Bank employees, the bank has informed, ‘Do not download “ANYDESK”

from Playstore or any other source, which fraudster can use to take control of your mobile

device and carry out transactions.  You may receive a phone call from a fraudster, who will

claim to be a representative from a tech company/bank offering to fix issues in your

smartphone or mobile banking apps.  The fraudster will then lure you to download a mobile

app like ‘AnyDesk’ from Play store or App store, which can provide him with remote access
to your mobile.  Post the installation of the app(in this case ’AnyDesk’) ,a 9- digit code will

be enerated, which the fraudster will ask you to share.  Then the fraudster will further ask

you to grant him certain permissions. Once granted, the fraudster is now in control of your

mobile device.  Further, Mobile Banking credentials and PIN are vished (stolen) from you

and the fraudster can now choose to carry out financial transactions from your mobile app

which was already installed.  The fraudsters also forward one SMS to you and advise you to

forward it to a specific mobile number from your phone. On the basis of this, the fraudster is

able to link/register you mobile number/ account with UPI on his own mobile device.  The

fraudster subsequently seeks confidential account related credentials like Debit Card number,

PIN, expiry date, OTP and sets the MPIN which is then used to authenticate transactions. 

Sometimes, the fraudsters could also send “Collect request” to your BPA and ask you to

approve/ authenticate it on the respective UPI apps to get reversal/ refund in your account,

you approve the request by authenticating the transaction with MPIN[which is only known to

you] but you might end up losing money since your account gets debited once the collect

request is approved/ authenticated. Do’s and Don’ts you should follow:  Be alert to

fraudulent calls ( vishing) that ask you to download apps or share confidential information

( disconnect such calls immediately).  In case you have already downloaded “AnyDesk” app
and it is no loner required, uninstall it. 30. Immediately:  Please enable app-lock on your

payment or mobile banking related apps.  Report any suspicious activity at your nearest

Bank Branch/ genuine customer care number only.  Do not share your banking passwords

or store them in your mobile handset.  Do not share your other sensitive financial details on

call such as UPI PIN / MPIN, Debit/ Credit Card, CVV, expiry date, OTP, ATM PIN, bank

account details, etc.  Don’t allow a stranger to guide you to install a mobile a;; through App

store / play store, or instruct you to change the setting of your mobile.  Do not rely on

customer service numbers of various merchants/ entities/ banks etc. retrieved via. Google

search, since they can be fake.  Do not forward any unsolicited SMS received on a request

of so- called representative from a tech company /bank.


Housing Loan Scheme:-


 Purchase of house / flat/

plot  Construction of house /


 Repairs/ improvement / extension

 Repayment of loan taken from other

institution Eligibility

 Indian citizens not below 21 years

 Singly or jointly with other co- owners

 Individuals employed / self employed in business /

professional Quantum of loan

 Maximum 4 times gross/ 5 times net annual income.

 Maximum Rs. 50 Lacs ( depending on repayment

capacity.)  No max. ceiling in case of major ‘A’ class cities.

 Maximum Rs. 10 Lacs for

repairs. Margin

 15% for purchase/ Construction /

Repairs. Repayment

 Moratorium up to 18 months.

 Convenient and flexible EMIs through ( Stepup / Filp / Baloon) method.

 Maximum period should not exceed 20 years for construction/ purchase of house /

flat and 10 years for repairs.

 Union Awas – 15

years. Rate of interest

 Low, competitive, interest charged on monthly reducing

balance.  Both fixed & floating rate of interest available.

Processing Charges : 1 %

Payment penalty: Nil.


 EM or Simple of mortgage of house/ flat.

 No interim security wherever tie up arrangement is there between borrowers bank

Vehicle Loan Scheme :


 Individuals of the age 18 years and above.

 Permanent/ Confirmed staff of state/ Central/ PSU/ Pvt. Co. etc.  Having regular business

income or salary.

 Professional &Self employed individuals who is an IT assessee.  Person engaged in

agriculture and allied activity.

 Firms/ Companies having valid registration. Purpose

 For purchase of new two/ four wheelers, for personal or professional use.  For purchase

of second hand cars upto 5 years old.

Quantum of loan

3 times the net income/ net annual salary subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 .


 20% of the cost in case of new vehicle.  50% for old vehicle.

Up to 60 equated monthly installments( non tie up ) .

Up to 84 equated monthly installments( under tie up ).

Rate of interest

 Low and very competitive. Int. charged on monthly reducing

balance.  1/ 2% discount for group borrowers.


 Hypothecation of vehicle

.  Personal guarantee

Crop Loan:

The crop loan is provided to meet all expenses involved in raising a particular crop including

various agronomic Eligibility:- Farmers cultivating owned/Registered leased lands/share

croppers. Quantum of loan:- As per the scale of finance fixed by the Technical Committee of

each district. [Depending on merits of each case, branches may sanction crop Loans 35%

more than the scale of finance fixed by district technical committee. In other cases where

scale of finance is not specified, the branch will work out the credit requirements of the
farmer. Margin, I.E. YOUR SHARE:- Where loan limit is fixed based on scale of finance

approved by Technical Committee, irrespective of loan amount - Nil For others: [where scale

of finance is not approved] Up to Rs. 1,00,000/- - Nil Above Rs.1,00,000/- - 10% to 15%

Repayment:- Repayment period will be less than one year for all crops except in the case of

long duration crops such as Sugarcane [adsali], Pineapple, Bananaetc where it will be 12-18


Gold Loan:- Union Gold Loan provides alternate source of credit to needy farmers as well as

individuals. Eligibility:- All individuals are eligible to avail loan under this scheme. Quantum

of loan:- Priority sector :-Maximum upto 20 Lac. Non-Priority Sector: Maximum up to Rs.10.


Personal Loan:-
Purpose:- There are many among us who might be facing difficulty in purchasing goods by

paying a lump sum amount. But we would be comfortable paying small instalments on a

monthly basis. The Union Personal loan plays an important role here. It helps you to avail

loan to meet personal expenses such as purchase of consumer durable etc.

Margin:- Nil. Processing Charge:- 0.50% of the loan amount, subject to a minimum of 500,

plus GST. Repayment Tenure:- The maximum repayment period will be earlier of the

following two5 years ( 60 months ). 1 year prior to retirement.

Business Loan:-

Union Bank of India supports micro, small and medium enterprises ( MSMEs ) through its

wide array of business loan schemes. Union bank business loan interest rate depends on the

loan scheme, credit profile of the applicant and other such factors. Let us delve into various

types of business loans that the bank offers its customers. Interest Rate:- 9.50% p.a. – 14.80%
p.a. Loan Amount:- up to 25,00,00,000 Tenure:- up to 10 years. Type of Loan:- Pledged.

How to apply:- To avail the business loan from Union Bank of India. Visit the Soani branch

office. Or you can apply from the comfort of your home through the online process.

Non - Performing Assets (NPA) of Union Bank

Union Bank of India has reported a divergence in the reporting of net NPAs at Rs. 998.70

Crore for FY 19. According to release filed with the exchanges, its divergence in the

reporting of gross NPAs stood at Rs 589 crore, which is approximately 0.2 percent of the

book. Union bank of India posted a divergence for the provisioning of non-performing assets

(NPA) for FY 19 at Rs 1,587.7 Crore and a loss of Rs 2,947 Crore in FY 19. The loss with

RBI’s provisioning stood at Rs. 3,978 Crore.


Year result of union bank Mar 19

1. Gross NPA 48,729.15

2. Net NPA 20,332.42

Financial performance of Union Bank of India

Union Bank of India Share Price Updates:

Union Bank of India share price moved down by -8.04% from its previous close of Rs 40.40.

Union Bank of India stock last traded price is 37.15. Union Bank of India, incorporate in the

year 1919, is a banking company (having a market cap of Rs 20559.20 Crore). Union Bank of

India key products / Revenue Segments include interest & Discount on Advances & Bills

which contributed Rs 23771.92 Crore to sales value (69.78 % of total sales ), Income from
investment which contributed Rs 90003.34 Core to sales Value ( 26.42% of Total Sales) and

interest which contributed Rs.90.12 Core to sales ) for the year ending 31-Mar-2019. For the

quarter ended 31-12-2019, the company has inter reported a consolidated interest income of

Rs.6452.83 Core, up 2.83% from last quarter interest income of Rs.6275.48 Core and up

7.57% from last year same quarter interest income of Rs.59.98.84 Core. The bank has

reported net profit after tax of Rs. 553.23 core in latest quarter.


 Market Cap (Rs Cr.) 18,856.53 Market Lot 1 o P/E - Industry P/E 172.88 o Book Value

(Rs) 54.25 EPS(TTM) - o Dividend(%) 0.00 P/C -  Price/Book 0.68 o Dividend Yield(%) -

o Face Value (Rs) 10.00 o Deliverables(%) 29.77

Cash Flow of Union Bank of India
Profit and Loss A/c of Union Bank of India
Ratios Of Union Bank Of India
Marketing Mix Strategy of Union Bank of India
Marketing Mix of Union Bank of India analyses the brand/ company which covers 4 Ps

(Product, Price, Place, Promotion.) explain the Union Bank of India (UBI) marketing



Union Bank of India (UBI) is one of the major banks in India. Union Bank of India provides

a variety of banking products for its customers as its marketing mix product strategy. Many

innovative products using the technology platform are offered adding speed and convenience.

The products include deposits (term, deposits, fixed deposits, recurring deposits). Loans

( home, car and personal ). Union Bank of India also has a service cards which include Visa

credit card, debit card, corporate cards, international cards etc. Also UBI provides insurance

schemes, cash management services, mutual funds. Online bill payments, Tax payments,

demattrading, booking is facilitated smoothly by Union Bank of India. It also provides

special saving schemes for senior citizens. E-banking services are also offered by Union

Bank of India. U control app is a mobile based application for credit card users. UPI app is

mobile based payment app for transferring money. Union Bank of India has launched various

schemes to give credit under MSME policy to medium, small and micro enterprises.

Union Bank of India (UBI) has a clear and transparent pricing policy operates in a dynamic

market and hence the pricing keeps changing according the requirements. The main revenue

contributors are the interest rates. It is committed to extend best MSME SERVICES AT

competitive price. In the banking sector, much of the prices and interest rates are governed by

regulatory bodies. Union Bank of India’s pricing policies depend on feedback provided by

general people. Changes in finance market are also one of the major factors of influence.

They have a flexible pricing policy that changes according to external and internal factors.

Price mainly consists of interest rates, consulting fees and commission. Parameters for

defining price are bank product group price specification and competitor pricing. This gives

an insight in the marketing mix pricing strategy of Union Bank of India.


Union Bank of India’s operation has spread all over the globe. Union Bank of India has more

than 4200 branches all over India. UBI operates with almost 6000 ATMs in India. Suitable

places for branches and ATMs are analysed and shortlisted. While setting up the ATMs and

branches, the primary concern is the security and safety of the users. These centres act as
distribution centres for rendering banking services to users as and when required. All the UBI

ATMS work 24*7 to ensure the convenience of the customers. All the Union Bank of India

branches are quipped with CBS- core banking solution so that users allrounds country can

access their accounts at any branch.


Union Bank of Indi (UBI) significantly user various media channels to promote its brand.

The promotion strategy in its marking mix comprises of direct and indirect communication.

Besides emphasizing on modern facilities, the benefit one gets from Union Bank of India

services is also stressed upon. UBI ds have been placed in print media which has helped a lot.

The ads on television mainly. Comprise of the ease of banking and the new facilities and

products that are offered. The customer inflow has certainly increased after excessive

promotions on all sorts of media. Union Bank of India has launched several commercials one

of them being a campaign on its brand platform “your dream are not your’ssalone”. The

brands message of processing housing loan in 5 days is put forward Rebranding took place

after 2008, through 2 TVCs aimed at highlighting silent individuals behind achievers.

It is the employees of the bank which present the brand to its customers. The customers base

of Union Bank of India is a large a core. the organization structure mainly consists of a

branch manager who handles a particular branch and is responsible for all the proceedings.

Frontline officers, support staff and customers service executives are the human resource

employed at Union Bank Of India. Various internal competitive exams are organised. The

bank nowadays employs various training activities to build better interpersonal skills and

ensure best customer service. It is managed by staff college. Bangalore in close consultation

with business units. There are seven staff training centres all over the country.


Union Bank of India has several business process and frame works in place to execute the

banking services. A process is a particular way of delivering a service to the customer Union

Bank of India has a customer centric and easy way of rendering services to users UBI is user

friendly and necessary guidance and help is available at all the branches in the country. All

resident individuals are eligible to open the savings account. Any number of account can be

opened in a family.

Physical Evidence:
Union Bank of India’s biggest physical presence are their branches debit / credit cards and

website. Union Bank of India is no behind in physical evidence .it has almost all over the part

of the country different signage showing new schemes and promoting easy user experience.

Another form is the financial reports issued at the end of the financial year. Also large

number of hoardings are seen across bank the states which create visibility to great extent

Pens and writing pads are provided by the bank containing Union Bank of India logo to

internal personnel. Some taglines such as Your dreams are not only Yours’ also help creating



Union bank of India says,” We learned we needed to change now because we realized that

the entire population is younger”. The other factor that prompted the rebranding exercise was

technology, which is part of life now. Union bank of India wanted to highlight that it too had

the technology to reach out to its consumers. Union Bank of India will leverage technology to

centralize various processes and empower its staff in customer relationships. The bank is also

creating business verticals in the banking sector, such as corporate banking, retail banking,

etc., Union Bank of India will continue with its earlier tagline, ‘Good People to Bank With’.

The creative proposition that the bank will carry forward is,’ Your Dreams are not Yours
Alone’. This is in a bid to indicate that the bank is ready to help fulfil everyone’s dreams.

Union Bank of India promise to the customer value for money service, a variety of channels

through which the customer can choose to carry out banking activities, a timeline with all

services offered, and absolutely no opaqueness with respect to the service and product.
 The Annual Report of the Union Bank of India 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020. 

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banking in India  www.moneycountrol.com/.../union%20Bank

%20Company%20Report11.Pdf  http:// www.unionbankofindia.co.in/au corporate

mission.aspx  http://spoonfeedin.bologspot.com/2018/2019/mkt-union-bank-

brandrefresh.html  http://unionbankofindiaco.in/shareholdinginformation1.aspx  http://ww

w.crisil.com/ratings/tatingList/RatingDocs/Unionank 18jun 10htm?cn=UNIBNKI 

http://www.unionbankofindia.co.in/au training system.aspx 

http://www.unionbankofindia.co.in/bcsbi.aspx  http://www.unionbankofindia.co.in/gr

eivance mach.aspx

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