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operations for each call to add is (because it has to move every ite item at position 0).

For the N ca time

for all N calls? It is proport initial array is large enough to hold N items, the is proportional to the number
of items in the li item already in the array one place to the right calls shown above, the list lengths are: 0,
1, 2... ortional to 0 + 1 + 2 + ... + N-1. Recall that we don't care about t method createList, the "problem
different for different values of N method createList) is not indepe then the number of list when add is
called ht to make room for the new ... N-1. So what is the total t the exact time, just how the time
depends on t em size" is the value of N (because the number f N). It is clear that the time for the N calls
(and endent of N (so createList is not a constant-tim n the problem size. For er of operations will be and
therefore the time for time method). Is it 23 Cairo University Faculty of Computers and Information
CS214-Data Structures, 2nd Term, 201 24 proportional to N (linear in N)? operations performed by
createL different values of N: Clearly, the value of the sum do not linear in N. In the following of the N
calls. The value of the sum (0+1+2+... that the bars fill about half of the therefore, the sum of the areas o
method createList is proportiona number of operations will quadr problem size. Notes (Big O) We
express complexity using bi • A constant-time method • A linear-time method is on 015-2016 )? That
would mean that doubling N would dou teList. Here's a table showing the value of 0+1+ N 0+1+2+...+(N-
1) 4 6 8 28 16 120 does more than double when the value of N d ng graph, the bars represent the
lengths of the li ...+ (N-1)) is the sum of the areas of the individ the square. The whole square is an N-by-
N squ s of the bars is about (N2)/2. In other words, the nal to the square of the problem size; if the pro
druple. We say that the worst-case time for cre big-O notation. For a problem of size N: d is "order 1":
O(1) is "order N": O(N) ouble the number of 1+2+...+ (N-1) for some doubles, so createList is list (0, 1, 2...
N-1) for each vidual bars. You can see quare, so its area is N2; he time for roblem size doubles, the
reateList is quadratic in the Cairo University Faculty of Computers and Information CS214-Data
Structures, 2nd Term, 201 on 015-2016 • A quadratic-time method od is "order N squared": O(N2) Note
that the big-O expressions gets large enough, constants and than a linear-time method, which ns do not
have constants or low-order terms. Th nd low-order terms don't matter (a constant-tim ich will be faster
than a quadratic-time method Formal definition: A function T than some value n0: This is because; when
N ime method will be faster od). T (N) is O (F (N)) if for some constant c and d for all values of N greater T
(N) <= c * F (N) The idea is that T(N) is the exac size N, and that F(N) is an upper a problem of size N will
be no w the least upper bound on the actu act complexity of a method or algorithm as a fu per-bound on
that complexity (i.e., the actual tim worse than F(N)). In practice, we want the sm ctual complexity. For
example, consider T (N) = 3 n0 = 2. This is because for all va function of the problem time/space or
whatever for mallest F (N) -- 3 * N2 + 5. We can show that T (N) is O (N2) values of N greater than 2: ) by
choosing c = 4 and 3 * N2 + 5 <= 4 * N2 T(N) is not O(N), because whate N greater than n0 so that 3 * N2
atever constant c and value n0 you choose, I ca + 5 is greater than c * N. can always find a value of
PROBLEM (4) Objective How to determine the ru kinds of statements are used. running time of a piece
of code? You will find d that it depends on what Problem Statement Measure the complexity are simple
unless noted otherwis nts: (assume the statements

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