2024 Week1
2024 Week1
2024 Week1
LEARNING Rex Bookstore’s Practical Rex Bookstore’s Practical Research Rex Bookstore’s Practical Research Rex Bookstore’s Practical
RESOURCES: Research 1 by E. Baraceros 1 by E. Baraceros 1 by E. Baraceros Research 1 by E. Baraceros
Practical Research Module 1 Practical Research Module 1 Practical Research Module 1 Practical Research Module 1
Learners must re-arrange the steps
in research to come up with the
proper/ correct procedure.
Region I
San Fernando City
The learners propose one research Learners must choose what they or qualitative
topic and give its importance in think is the most important ethical
daily life principle of research. Then, they will
create an avatar that represents the
chosen ethical principle.
ASSESSMENT Multiple Choice Quiz Multiple Choice Quiz True or False Quiz Enumeration
1. Which of the following is NOT an 1. Which of the following refers to 1. Qualitative research focuses Learners enumerate the
importance of research? the characteristic of research to be on understanding human importance of research across
A. It gives the right information. orderly based on procedures and behavior and experiences fields.
B. It helps us develop the right principles? through in-depth exploration
attitude to not believe in anything A. Empirical B. Systematic and interpretation of data.
easily. C. Controlled D. Analytical 2. Quantitative research
C. It empowers us with knowledge primarily deals with numerical
and new learning. 2. What characteristic of research is data and aims to quantify
D. None of these shown in the statement below? relationships between
2. Which importance of research is “Research is based on direct variables through statistical
described in the statement below? experience by the researcher.” analysis.
“Results of research helped us to A. Empirical B. Controlled 3. Qualitative research often
mark out the thin line between the C. Systematic D. Analytical uses open-ended questions
truth and lie.” and flexible data collection
A. To make changes 3. What ethical principle in research methods such as interviews,
B. To know the truth refers to being open to criticism and observations, and focus
C. For a safer life new ideas? groups.
D. Gain essential information A. Honesty B. Objectivity 4. Quantitative research
C. Integrity D. Openness emphasizes objectivity and
3. Which importance of research is relies on structured data
described in the statement below? 4.Which of the following is NOT an collection methods such as
Research creates change as a ethical consideration in research surveys, experiments, and
result of intense study on existing involving human participants? statistical analyses.
knowledge and policy.” A. Informed consent
Region I
San Fernando City
A reflection for the
teacher: On the