DLL - Science 3 - Q3 - W5
DLL - Science 3 - Q3 - W5
DLL - Science 3 - Q3 - W5
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Credits to the Writer of this File Learning Area: SCIENCE
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: FEBRUARY 26 – MARCH 1, 2024 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER
A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate understanding of motion of objects.
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to Observe, describe, and investigate the position and movement of things around them.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Identify objects that can be Identify the force that can Identify things that can make Identify things that can
moved by a magnet. make objects move such as objects move: make objects move:
(Magnetic and Nonmagnetic gravity. - Identify the poles of a _state that like poles repel;
materials) magnet. unlike poles attract
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Pages 135-136 Pages 135-136 Pages 137-138 Pages 137-138
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Learning Resources The New Science Links 3 Science in our World 3 The New Science Links 3 Science in our World 3
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask: What are the different Ask: What was our lesson What kind of objects do Ask: What was our lesson
presenting the new lesson types of magnets? yesterday? magnets attract? yesterday?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson What does a magnet do? Ask a pupil to throw a ball as Show a magnet to the class.
high as he can up in the air. Let them describe the Flashing of cards: Let the
magnet. pupils read the words
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new Present pictures of Magnetic Ask: Do you know what force The teacher will present what Instruct the pupils to
lesson and Non magnetic materials. makes the ball fall back to should objects possess for classify the objects
the ground? them to be attracted by attracted by the magnet
magnets? and objects not attracted by
the magnet.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Let the pupils differentiate Present an illustration about Present an illustration
skills #1 magnetic and non magnetic gravity and ask some pupils showing two poles of a The teacher will discuss that
materials. to describe it. magnet: south and north. like poles repel; unlike poles
Give the activity sheets to attract.
each group with instructions.
And ask them to do the
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Let the pupils do Activity 1, let The teacher will discuss the Let each group present their Let the pupils inspect the
skills #2 them identify the objects that lesson. answers. objects they have that were
can be moved by magnet. attracted by the magnet
and those that are not. Let
them do it by group.
F. Developing mastery Let the pupils present their Present an illustration about The teacher will present two
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) work. the force of gravity and the illustrations: Let each group perform the
Original File Submitted and way the planets move. Let Box A: pattern shows that activity and discuss their
Formatted by DepEd Club the pupils work on it by unlike poles attract each answers.
Member - visit depedclub.com group. other.
for more Box B: What does the
illustration show?
Let the pupils answer the
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and Discuss each question in the Let a representative from Ask: What happens if you
skills in daily living activity. each group discuss their place the north pole of one Ask one representative
answers. magnet near the north pole of from each group to discuss
another magnet? their work.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions Ask: How can magnets move Ask: What is the difference What should objects
about the lesson things? Ask: What is gravity? between magnet and possess for them to be
What is the difference between magnetism? attracted by magnets?
magnetic and non magnetic What kind of objects do
materials? magnets attract?
I. Evaluating learning Circle the magnetic materials Answer the following Choose the correct word for
and box the non magnetic questions: each sentence from the word Draw what would happen
materials. 1. What is gravity? box. to two bar magnets that are
2. How does earth’s gravity attract left repel pull placed:
iron rubber safety pins affect objects near earth? directions
3. What must you do to 1. Magnets pull when they 1. with their N poles facing
wood plastic cloth overcome gravity? ____. each other;
needle 4. Which object is difficult to 2. Magnets push when they
lift against gravity a marble, a ___. 2. with their S poles facing
nickel steel paper glass chair, or a car? Why? 3. Things can move from ____ each other; and
to right. 3. with their N and S poles
4. The places in a magnet facing each other.
where magnetism is the
strongest are at magnet’s
5. Things can move in
different ___.
J. Additional activities for application or Read about where magnets What are the different forces Bring a toy car for tomorrow’s What are the different ways
remediation come from. that make objects move? activity. of making objects move?