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American Political System

⮚ The Constitution. The American political system is clearly defined by basic documents.

The Declaration of Independence of 1776 and the Constitution of 1789 form the

Foundations of the United States federal government. The Declaration of Independence

Establishes the United States as an independent political entity, while the Constitution

Creates the basic structure of the federal government. The United States Constitution is both

The longest-lasting in the world, and one of the shortest in the world, having just seven

Articles and 27 amendments. The first 10 amendments were all carried in 1789 and are

Collectively known as the Bill of Rights.

● Separation of Powers. This means that power is separated between three institutions

Of the state – the executive (President & Cabinet), the legislature (House of

Representatives & Senate) and the judiciary (Supreme Court & federal circuits) – and

No one institution has too much power and no individual can be a member of more than

One institution.

● Checks and Balances. The principle of ‘checks and balances’ is where three branches
Of the state has some authority to act on its own, some authority to regulate the other

Two branches, and has some of its own authority, in turn, regulated by the other


● Different Terms of Office. Not only is power spread between the different branches;

The members of those branches are deliberately granted by the Constitution different

Terms of office. Therefore, the President has a term of four years, while members of the

Senate serve for six years and members of the House of Representatives serve for two

Years. Members of Supreme Court effectively serve for life.

● Difficult to Change. The Constitution is a very difficult instrument to change. Article

5 of the Constitution sets out two mechanisms for amending the Constitution.

O The first process requires that a proposed amendment have to secure a two-thirds

Vote of members present in both houses of Congress. Then three-quarters of the

State legislatures have to ratify the proposed change.

O The second process requires two-thirds of the 50 states to demand that Congress
Convenes a constitutional convention. The ‘Founding Fathers’ feared that, if the

Federal government were to become oppressive, Congress would be unlikely to call

A convention to correct matters and therefore, to protect the people’s freedom, they

Provided that that a convening power should instead be vested in the states.

⮚ The Presidency. The President is the head of the executive branch of the federal

Government of the United States. The President presides over the executive branch of the


⮚ How is a President Chosen? The President is elected for a fixed term of four years and

May serve a maximum of two terms. The President is not elected directly by the voters but

By an Electoral College representing each state on the basis of a combination of the number

Of members in the Senate. The total Electoral College vote is 538. This means that, to

Become President, a candidate has to win at least 270 electoral votes. This system of

Election means that a candidate can win the largest number of votes nationwide but fail to win the
largest number of votes in the Electoral College and therefore fail to become

President. The explanation is that the founding fathers who drafted the American

Constitution did not wish to give too much power to the people.

⮚ What Are The Powers of The President

● Within the executive branch, the President has broad constitutional powers to manage

national affairs and the workings of the federal government.

● The President may issue executive orders to affect internal policies.

● The President has the power to recommend measures to Congress and may sign or veto

legislation passed by Congress. The Congress may override a presidential veto but only

by a two-thirds majority in each house.

● The President has the authority to appoint Cabinet members, Supreme Court justices,

Federal judges, and ambassadors but only with the advice and consent of the Senate.

● The President has the power to pardon criminals convicted of offences against the

federal government.

● The President has the power to make treaties with the advice and consent of the Senate.

● The President can declare war for 60 days but then has to have the approval of Congress.

The US Congress

⮚ The House Of Representatives. The House of Representatives is the lower chamber in the

bicameral legislature. The founders of the United States intended the House to be the

politically dominant entity in the federal system. However, subsequently the Senate has

been the dominant body.

● How is a member of the House chosen? The House consists of 435 members,

each of whom represents a congressional district and serves for a two-year term.

House seats are apportioned among the states by population.

● What are the powers of the House?

o The House of Representatives is one of the two chambers that can initiate and

pass legislation, although to become law any legislation has to be approved by

Senate as well.

o If the Electoral College is tied, the House of Representatives make the choice

of President.

o The House has a key role in impeachment proceedings against the President or

Vice-President. It lays the charges, which are then passed to the Senate for a

o The House (and the Senate) have the power to declare war.

⮚ The Senate. The Senate is the upper chamber in the bicameral legislature known

collectively as Congress. The original intention of the authors of the US Constitution was

that the Senate should be a regulatory group, less politically dominant than the House.

However, since the mid 19th century, the Senate has been the dominant chamber and it is

perhaps the most powerful upper house of any legislative body in the world.

● How is a member of the Senate chosen?

o The Senate consists of 100 members, each of whom represents a state and

serves for a six-year term (one third of the Senate stands for election every two


o Each state has two Senators, regardless of population.

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