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(320 HOURS)


CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates an understanding of the basic concepts, concept
underlying principles and theories in raising organic chicken efficiently and

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner independently raises organic chicken efficiently and effectively
based on TESDA Training Regulations.

LO 1: Selection of healthy stocks LO 1: Selection of healthy stocks and LO 1: Selection of healthy stocks and TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OC-Ia-b-1
and suitable housing suitable housing suitable housing
1.1. Identify breed/strain as per 1.1. Breed/strains breeds are identified as 1.1. Identify breed/strain as per PNS
PNS-Organic Agriculture-Livestock per PNS-Organic Agriculture-Livestock and Organic Agriculture-Livestock and GAHP
and GAHP Guidelines. GAHP Guidelines. Guidelines.
1.2. Select healthy chicks based on 1.2. Healthy chicks are selected based on 1.2. Select healthy chicks based on
industry indicator for healthy chicks. industry acceptable indicator for healthy industry acceptable indicator for healthy
1.3. Determine suitable site for chicks. chicks.
chicken house design based on PNS 1.3. Suitable site for chicken house are 1.3. Determine suitable site for chicken
recommendations. determined based on PNS house design based on PNS
1.4. Prepare chicken house design recommendations. recommendations.
based on the Philippines National 1.4. Chicken house design is prepared 1.4. Prepare chicken house design based
Standards (PNS) recommendations. based on PNS recommendations. on the Philippine National Standards
1.5. Prepare house equipment 1.5. House equipment installation design is (PNS) recommendations.
installation design in line with PNS prepared in line with the PNS 1.5. Prepare house equipment
recommendation and actual recommendation and actual scenario. installation design in line with PNS
scenario. recommendation and actual scenario.
LO 2: Set-up cage equipment LO 2: Set-up cage equipment TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OC-Ic-d-1
1.6. Install house equipment in line 2.1. House equipment are installed in line 2.1. Install house equipment in line with
with the housing design. with the housing equipment installation the housing equipment installation
1.7. Secure available bedding design. design.
materials in the locality. 2.2 Bedding materials are secured based 2.2. Secure available bedding materials in
1.8. Prepare bedding on housing on availability in the locality. the locality.
equipment housing design. 2.3. Bedding is prepared in accordance 2.3. Prepare bedding on housing
1.9. Set-up brooding facility based with housing equipment housing design. equipment housing design.
on the housing equipment 2.4. Brooding facility is set-up in 2.4. Set-up brooding facility based on the
installation design. accordance with housing equipment housing equipment installation design.
installation design.

LO 3: Feed Chicken LO 3: Feed Chicken TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OC-Ie-f-1

1.10. Select suitable feeding 3.1. Suitable feed materials are selected 3.1. Select suitable feeding materials
materials available in the locality based on availability in the locality and available in the locality and nutrient
and nutrient requirements of nutrient requirements of chicken. requirements of chicken.
chicken. 3.2. Feed materials are prepared following 3.2. Prepare feed materials following
1.11. Prepare feed materials enterprise prescribed formulation. enterprise prescribed formulation.
following prescribed formulation. 3.3. Animals are fed based on feeding 3.3. Feed animals based on feeding
1.12. Feed animals based on feeding management program. management program.
management program. 3.4. Feeding is monitored following 3.4. Monitor feeding following farm
1.13. Monitor feeding following enterprise procedure. procedure.
farm procedure.

LO 4: Grow and harvest chicken LO 4: Grow and harvest chicken TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OC-Ig-h-1

1.14. Monitor growth rate based on 4.1. Growth rate is monitored based on 4.1. Monitor growth rate based on farm
farm procedures. enterprise procedures. procedures.
1.15. Implement sanitation and 4.2. Health care program are implemented 4.2. Implement health care program
cleanliness program based on farm based on enterprise procedures. based on enterprise procedures.
procedure. 4.3. Sanitation and cleanliness program 4.3. Implement sanitation and cleanliness
1.16. Collect and formulate organic are implemented based on market program based on market specifications.
waste for fertilizer. specifications. 4.4. Collect and formulate organic waste
1.17. Select suitable chicken for 4.4.Organic waste for fertilizer formulation for fertilizer formulation.
harvest based on market are collected. 4.5. Select suitable chicken for harvest
specifications. 4.5. Suitable chicken for harvest are based on market specifications.
1.18. Accomplish production record selected based on market specifications. 4.6. Accomplish production record
according to farm procedure. 4.6. Production record is accomplished according to farm procedure.
according to enterprise procedure.
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates an understanding of the basic concepts, underlying
theories and principles in producing organic vegetables.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner independently demonstrates the core competencies in producing
organic vegetables based on TESDA Training Regulations.

LO 1: Establish Nursery LO 1: Establish Nursery LO 1: Establish Nursery TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OV-IIa-b-1

1.1. Select seeds based on PNS and 1.1. Seeds are selected in accordance with 1.1. Select seeds based on PNS and
1.2. Prepare seedbeds based on 1.2. Seedbeds are prepared in accordance 1.2. Prepare seedbeds based on planting
planting requirements and the with planting requirements based on requirements based on the Vegetable
Vegetable Production Manual Vegetable Production Manual (VPM). Production Manual (VPM).
(VPM). 1.3. Care and maintenance of seedlings are 1.3. Care and maintain seedlings
1.3. Care and maintain seedlings done in accordance with enterprise according to farm procedure.
according to farm procedure. practice. 1.4. Prepare potting media based on farm
1.4. Potting media are prepared in procedure.
accordance with enterprise procedure.

LO 2: Plant seedlings LO 2: Plant seedlings TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OV-IIc-d-1

1.4. Perform land preparations 2.1. Land preparation is carried out in 2.1. Perform land preparations according
according to prescribed practice accordance with enterprise practice. to prescribed enterprise practice
(cleaning, plowing and farrowing). 2.2. Beneficial micro-organisms are (cleaning, plowing and farrowing).
1.5. Identify beneficial micro- introduced prior to planting in accordance 2.2. Identify beneficial micro-organism
organism and introduced it prior to with enterprise procedure. and introduced it prior to planting
planting vegetable crops. 2.3. Seedlings are transplanted/planted vegetable crops in accordance with
1.6. Transplant vegetable seedlings based on VPM recommendations. enterprise procedure.
based on VPM recommendations. 2.4. Seedlings are watered based on VPM 2.3. Transplant vegetable seedlings based
1.7. Water seedlings based on VPM recommendations. on VPM recommendations.
recommendations. 2.4. Water seedlings based on VPM

LO 3: Perform plant care and LO 3: Perform plant care and TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OV-IIe-f-1

management management
1.8. Implement water management 3.1. Water management is implemented 3.1. Implement water management
system according to plan. according to plan. system according to plan.
1.9. Determine effective control 3.2. Effective control measures are 3.2. Determine effective control
measures on specific pests and determined on specific pest and diseases measures on specific pests and diseases
diseases found under the “pest, as prescribed under the “pest, disease and found under the prescribed “pest, disease
disease and weed management” weed management” of the PNS. and weed management” section of the
section of the PNS. 3.3. All missing hills are replanted to PNS.
1.10. Replant all missing hills to maintain the desired plant population of 3.3. Replant all missing hills to maintain
maintain the desired plant the area. the desired plant population of the area.
population of the area. 3.4. Plant rejuvenation/rationing are 3.4. Maintain plant
1.11. Maintain plant maintained according to PNS. rejuvenation/rationing according to PNS.
rejuvenation/rationing according to 3.5. Organic fertilizers are applied in 3.5. Apply organic fertilizer following the
PNS. accordance with fertilization policy of the fertilization policy of the PNS.
1.12. Apply organic fertilizer PNS.
following the fertilization policy of
the PNS.

LO 4: Perform harvest and post- LO 4: Perform harvest and post- TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OV-IIg-h-1

harvest activities harvest activities
1.13. Check products using maturity 4.1. Products are checked using maturity 4.1. Check products using maturity
indices of vegetable crops according indices according to PNS, PNS-Organic indices of vegetable crops according to
to PNS, PNS-Organic Agriculture Agriculture and enterprise practice. PNS, PNS-Organic Agriculture and
practice. 4.2. Marketable products are harvested enterprise practice.
1.14. Harvest marketable products according to PNS, PNS-Organic Agriculture 4.2. Harvest marketable products
according to PNS, PNS-Organic and enterprise practice. according to PNS, PNS-Organic
Agriculture practice. 4.3. Harvested vegetables are classified Agriculture and enterprise practice.
1.15. Classify marketable products according to PNS, PNS-Organic Agriculture 4.3. Classify harvested vegetables
according to PNS, PNS-Organic and enterprise practice. according to PNS, PNS-Organic
Agriculture practice. 4.4. Appropriate harvesting tools and Agriculture and enterprise practice.
1.16. Use appropriate harvesting materials are used according to PNS. 4.4. Use appropriate harvesting tools and
tools and materials according to 4.5. Post harvest practices are applied materials according to PNS.
PNS. according to PNS and GAP 4.5. Apply post harvest practices
1.17. Apply post harvest practices recommendations. according to PNS and GAP
according to PNS and GAP 4.6. Production record is accomplished recommendations.
recommendations. according to enterprise procedures. 4.6. Accomplish production record
1.18. Accomplish production record according to farm procedure.
according to farm procedure.
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates an understanding of the basic concepts, underlying
theories and principles in producing organic fertilizer.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner independently produces organic fertilizer based on TESDA Training

LO 1: Prepare composting area LO 1: Prepare composting area and LO 1: Prepare composting area and TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OF-IIIa-b-1
and raw materials raw materials raw materials
1.1. Select site based on compost 1.1. Site is selected based on compost 1.1. Select site based on compost
fertilizer production requirements. fertilizer production requirements. fertilizer production requirements.
1.2. Prepare site layout based on 1.2. Site lay-out is prepared based on 1.2. Prepare site layout based on
location. location. location.
1.3. Prepare bed according to 1.3. Bed is prepared in accordance with 1.3. Prepare bed according to production
production requirements. production requirements. requirements.
1.4. Gather materials for organic 1.4. Materials are gather based on 1.4. Gather materials for organic fertilizer
fertilizer based on production production requirements and PNS for based on production requirements and
requirements and PNS. organic fertilizer. PNS.
1.5. Prepare raw materials following 1.5. Prepare raw materials following
enterprise procedure and PNS for organic enterprise procedure and PNS for organic
fertilizer. fertilizer.
LO 2: Compost and harvest fertilizer LO 2: Compost and harvest fertilizer TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OF-IIIc-d-1
1.5. Apply appropriate composting 2.1. Appropriate composting methods are 2.1. Apply appropriate composting
method based on production applied based on production requirements. method based on production
requirements. 2.2. Compost is monitored based on PNS requirements.
1.6. Monitor compost based on PNS indicators of fully decomposed fertilizer. 2.2. Monitor compost based on PNS
indications of fully decomposed 2.3. Quality of harvest is checked based on indicators of fully decomposed fertilizer.
fertilizer. PNS indicators of fully decomposed 2.3. Check quality of harvest based on
1.7. Check quality of harvest based fertilizer. PNS indicators of fully decomposed
on PNS indications of fully 2.4. Processing of compost fertilizer are fertilizer.
decomposed fertilizer. carried-out based on production 2.4. Carry out processing of compost
1.8. Carry out processing of requirement. fertilizer based on production
compost fertilizer based on 2.5. Record keeping is performed requirements
production requirements. according to enterprise procedure. 2.5. Perform record keeping according to
1.9. Perform record keeping farm procedure.
according to farm procedure.
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates an understanding of the basic concepts, underlying
theories and principles in the production of various concoction and extracts.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner independently produces various concoction and extracts based on
TESDA Training Regulations.
LO 1: Prepare for the production LO 1: Prepare for the production of LO 1: Prepare for the production of TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OCE-IIIe-1
of various concoctions and various concoctions and extracts various concoctions and extracts
1.1. Clean, sanitize and secure 1.1. Work and storage areas are 1.1. Clean, sanitize and secure work
work and storage areas. cleaned, sanitized, and secured. and storage areas.
1.2. Clean and free from synthetic 1.2. Raw materials used are cleaned 1.2. Clean raw materials and free
chemicals raw materials. and freed from synthetic chemicals. them from synthetic chemicals.
1.3. Clean, free from 1.3. Tools, materials and equipment 1.3. Clean, free from contaminations
contaminations and must be used are cleaned, freed from and must be “food grade” quality
“food grade” quality tools, contaminations and must be of “food tools, materials and equipment.
materials and equipment. grade” quality. 1.4. Observe personal hygiene
1.4. Observe personal hygiene 1.4. Personal hygiene are observed according to OHS procedures.
according to OHS procedure. according to OHS procedures
LO 2: Process concoctions LO 2: Process concoctions TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OCE-IIIf-g-1
1.5. Prepare raw materials 2.1. Raw materials are prepared in 2.1. Prepare raw materials according
according to industry practice. accordance with enterprise practice. to industry practice.
1.6. Set fermentation procedure 2.2. Fermentation period is set based 2.2. Set fermentation procedure
based on industry practice. on the enterprise practice. based on industry practice.
1.7. Ferment various organic 2.3. Various concoctions are 2.3. Ferment various organic
concoctions following organic fermented following to organic concoctions following organic
practices. practices. practices.
1.8. Harvest concoctions based on 2.4. Concoctions are harvested based 2.4. Harvest concoctions based on the
the fermentation period of the on fermentation period of the fermentation period of the
concoction. concoction. concoction.
LO 3: Package Concoctions LO 3: Package Concoctions TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OCE-IIIh-1
1.9. Contain concoctions in 3.1. Concoctions are contained in 3.1. Contain concoctions in sanitized
sanitized bottles and containers. sanitized bottles and containers. bottles and containers.
1.10. Label and tag packaged 3.2. Packaged concoctions are labeled 3.2. Label and tag packaged
concoctions according to industry and tagged in accordance with concoctions according to industry
practice. enterprise practice. practice.
1.11. Store package concoctions 3.3. Packaged concoctions are stored 3.3. Store packaged concoctions in
following the organic practices. in appropriate place and temperature appropriate place and temperature
1.12. Record production of following organic practices. following organic practices.
concoctions based on industry 3.4. Production of concoctions are 3.4. Record production of concoctions
practice recorded using enterprise procedures. based on industry procedures.
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates an understanding of the basic concepts, underlying
theories and principles in producing organic hogs.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner independently produces organic hogs based on TESDA Training

LO 1: Select healthy domestic hog LO 1: Select healthy domestic hog TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OH-IVa-b-1

breeds and suitable housing breeds and suitable housing
1.1. Hogs are identified according to 1.1. Identify the breeds of hogs or swine
breeds. and select hogs based on industry
1.2. Healthy hogs are selected based on acceptable indicator for wealthy
industry acceptable indicator for healthy piglets.
piglets. 1.2. Determine suitable site for hog
1.3. Suitable site for hog house are house based on PNS recommendation.
determined based on PNS 1.3. Prepare hog house design based on
recommendations. PNS recommendations.
1.4. Hog house design is prepared based 1.4. Prepare housing equipment
on PNS recommendations. installation design in line with PNS
1.5. Housing equipment installation design recommendation and actual farm
is prepared in line with PNS conditions.
recommendation and actual farm

LO 2: Feed hogs LO 2: Feed hogs TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OH-IVc-e-1

2.1 Suitable feed materials are selected 2.1. Select suitable feed materials based
based on availability in the locality, on availability in the locality, nutrient
nutrient source and according to PNS source and according to PNS Organic
Organic Agriculture-Livestock and GAHP Agriculture-Livestock and GAHP
requirements. requirements.
2.2 Feed materials are prepared following 2.2. Prepare feed materials following the
enterprise prescribed formulation. enterprise prescribed formulation.
2.3 Animals are fed based on the standard 2.3. Feed animals based on the standard
feeding method/management. feeding method/ management.
2.4 Feeding is monitored following 2.4. Monitor feeding following enterprise
enterprise procedures. procedures.

LO 3: Grow and finish hogs LO 3: Grow and finish hogs TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OH-IVf-h-1

3.1. Growth rate is monitored based on 3.1. Monitor growth rate based on
enterprise procedures. enterprise procedures.
3.2. Health care program are implemented 3.2. Implement health care program
based on PNS Organic Agriculture– based on the PNS Organic Agriculture-
Livestock or documented ethno-veterinary Livestock or documented ethno-
practices. veterinary practices.
3.3. Sanitation and cleanliness program are 3.3. Implement sanitation and cleanliness
implemented based on PNS-Livestock. program based on PNS-Livestock.
3.4. Organic waste for fertilizer production 3.4. Collect organic waste for fertilizer
are collected following organic practices. production following organic practices.
3.5. Movement of hogs are managed based 3.5. Manage movement of hogs based on
on PNS Organic Agriculture– Livestock and PNS Organic Agriculture-Livestock and
other relevant guidelines. other relevant guidelines.
3.6. Suitable hog finishers are selected 3.6. Select suitable hog finishers based on
based on market specifications. market specifications.
3.7. Production record is accomplished 3.7. Accomplish production record
according to enterprise procedures. according to enterprise procedures.


CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates an understanding of the basic concepts, underlying
theories and principles in producing organic small ruminant.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner independently produces organic small ruminant based on TESDA
Training Regulations.

LO 1: Select healthy breeders and LO 1: Select healthy breeders and TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OSR-IVa-b-1

suitable cages suitable cages
1.1. Bucks and rams are identified 1.1. Identify bucks and rams according to
according to breed. breed.
1.2. Healthy bucks/rams are selected based 1.2. Select healthy bucks/rams based on
on industry acceptable indicator for industry acceptable indicator for healthy
healthy small ruminants. small ruminants.
1.3. Suitable site for small ruminants are 1.3. Determine suitable site for small
determined based on PNS ruminants based on PNS
recommendations recommendations.
1.4. Small ruminants cage design is 1.4. Prepare small ruminants cage design
prepared based on Good Animal based on Good Animal Husbandry
Husbandry Practices (GAHP), DENR and Practices (GAHP), DENR and zoning
zoning ordinances PNS recommendations. ordinances PNS recommendations.
1.5. Cage equipment installation design is 1.5. Prepare cage equipment installation
prepared in line with PNS recommendation design in line with PNS recommendation
and actual farm conditions. and actual farm conditions.
1.6. Cage equipment are set-up in line with 1.6. Set-up cage equipment in line with
housing equipment installation design. housing equipment installation design.
1.7. Rice straws are placed as bedding 1.7. Place rice straws as bedding
materials based on PNS procedures. materials based on PNS procedures.

LO 2: Feed small ruminants LO 2: Feed small ruminants TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OSR-IVc-1

2.1. Suitable feed materials are selected 2.1. Select suitable feed materials based
based on availability in the locality, on availability in the locality, nutrient
nutrient requirements and PNS standards. requirements and PNS standards.
2.2. Feed materials are prepared following 2.2. Prepare feed materials following PNS
PNS procedures. procedures.
2.3. Maintenance of forage area are 2.3. Administer maintenance of forage
administered in accordance with PNS area in accordance with PNS procedures.
procedures. 2.4. Feed animals based on feeding
2.4. Animals are fed based on feeding management program of PNS.
management program of PNS. 2.5. Monitor feeding following PNS
2.5. Feeding is monitored following PNS procedures.

LO 3: Manage breeding of small LO 3: Manage breeding of small TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OSR-IVd-1

ruminants ruminants
3.1. Signs of heat are monitored among 3.1. Monitor signs of heat among sexually
sexually mature does and ewes mature does and ewes.
3.2. Breeding systems are identified based 3.2. Identify breeding systems based on
on PNS guidelines. PNS guidelines.
3.3. Animal pregnancy is monitored and 3.3. Monitor and tend animal pregnancy
tended based on enterprise procedures. based on enterprise procedures.
3.4. Unproductive buck/ram and doe/ewe 3.4. Cull unproductive buck/ram and
are culled based on enterprise procedures. doe/ewe based on enterprise

LO 4: Manage does/ewes and their LO 4: Manage does/ewes and their TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OSR-IVe-f-1

progenies progenies
4.1 Signs of approaching kidding/lambing 4.1 Monitor signs of approaching
are monitored following established farm kidding/lambing following established
procedures. farm procedures.
4.2 Placenta and dead kids/lambs are 4.2 Dispose placenta and dead kids/lambs
disposed properly according to DENR law. properly according to DENR law.
4.3 Assisted kids/lambs to suckle 4.3 Assist kids/lambs to suckle
colostrum's according to organic practices. colostrum’s according to organic
4.4 Lambs/kids are weaned properly at 3 practices.
months from birth based from established 4.4 Wean lambs/kids properly at 3
farm procedures. months from birth based on established
4.5 Lactating goats and sheep are kept in farm procedures.
clean and quiet environment, and are 4.5 Kept lactating goats and sheep in
separated from the breeder males based clean and quiet environment, and
from established farm procedures. separate them from the breeder males
4.6 Forage grasses, supplements and based on established farm procedures.
adequate water supply are provided 4.6 Provide forage grasses, supplements
according to PNS recommendations. and adequate water supply according to
PNS recommendations.

LO 5: Grow and harvest small LO 5: Grow and harvest small TLE_AFOA9/10/11/12OSR-IVg-h-1

ruminants ruminants
5.1 Growth rate is monitored based on 5.1 Monitor growth rate based on
enterprise procedures. enterprise procedures.
5.2 Health care program are implemented 5.2 Implement health care program
based on PNS and GAHP requirements. based on PNS and GAHP requirements.
5.3 Sanitation and cleanliness program are 5.3 Implement sanitation and cleanliness
implemented based on GAHP programs based on GAHP requirements
requirements and PNS. and PNS.
5.4 Organic wastes for fertilizer production 5.4 Collect organic wastes for fertilizer
are collected according to PNS. production according to PNS.
5.5 Suitable small ruminants for harvest 5.5 Select suitable small ruminants for
are selected based on PNS guidelines and harvest based on PNS guidelines and
market demand. market demand.
5.6 Production record is accomplished 5.6 Accomplish production record
according to enterprise procedure. according to enterprise procedure.

 Quarter I to Quarter III – Core Competencies
 Quarter IV – Elective Competencies (Choose only one Elective Competency)

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