Data Collection
Data Collection
Data Collection
Research methodologies are discussed here, including four sub-chapters. The first,
research methods chapter describes qualitative and quantitative research methods, and
the second, i.e. the data collection chapter, discusses the methods of data collection.
The third, the research process chapter describes the interview and questionnaire
methods. Lastly, the limitations of the research are discussed.
As referred above, the first step of questionnaire design is specifying the information,
which means that the researcher should know what information is needed for the
research and focus on this point when designing the questionnaire. Deciding the
method of questionnaire administration is the second step, and there are four ways to
choose the method of questionnaire administration. The ways are as follows: face to
face, over the phone, postal questionnaire, or electronic questionnaires, in order to get
the reliable information and ensure the efficiency of the work. In this research, I use
the face to face method, as the introduction discussed, because I send the
questionnaires to the students who are studying in the Sparkle International English
School now. The third step is determining the content, format and wording of each
question, which means that the researcher should think about the wording, format in
order to layout of each question. Creating a draft of the complete questionnaire is
another important step of questionnaire design, this means the researcher should pay
attention on the sequencing of the questions and ensure that the interviewer will know
what is the next relevant question to answer. In addition, when the questionnaire draft
is complete and approved, it needs to be tested. (Kent 2007, 152.)
According to Ghauri and Grønhaug (2005, 127), there are four steps of constructing
questionnaires. The first step is to specify what type of information is needed.
Secondly, researchers should consider whether the questionnaire is going to be
disguised or undisguised. Thirdly, the construction of individual questions should be
considered. Fourthly, researchers should consider how the questions are to be
answered. In this research work, I use the system of Kent to design the questionnaire.