Data Collection

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Research methodologies are discussed here, including four sub-chapters. The first,
research methods chapter describes qualitative and quantitative research methods, and
the second, i.e. the data collection chapter, discusses the methods of data collection.
The third, the research process chapter describes the interview and questionnaire
methods. Lastly, the limitations of the research are discussed.

3.1 Research Methods

In this research work, research methods help me address the research objectives and
answer the research questions. As we can underline, both qualitative and quantitative
research methods are used in this research work.
According to Kent (2007, 86), the goal of qualitative marketing research is to explore
and understand people’s attitudes, perceptions, motivations and behaviors by
constructing and analyzing data and qualitative research is a major part in supporting
marketing decisions. Kent (2007, 117) also points out that quantitative marketing
research seeks to evaluate the extent of, or changes in, marketing phenomena and to
test ideas in order to make predictions. Moreover, the basis of quantitative marketing
research is the construction and analysis of data.

3.2 Data Collection

According to Kent (2007, 69), data means systematic records and should be
constructed by individuals. It may be judged and collected in many different ways. In
addition, data includes qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data should
be composed of words, phrases, text or images. Moreover, quantitative data are
originated from numerical records. Therefore, the distinction between qualitative data
and quantitative data is that qualitative data describe the essential characters of things
and cannot be represented by numerical records. Quantitative data describe the number
of characteristics of the phenomenon, and must use the numeric performance. (Kent
2007, 69-71.)
Collis and Hussey (2009, 73) point out that data can divide into primary data and
secondary data. Primary data are the data derived from an original source, i. e. a
researcher’s experiment, surveys or interviews. Secondary data are data generated
from an existing source, i. e. publications, databases or internal records. (Collis &
Hussey 2009, 73.) Therefore, the main sources of this research work are the primary
data. Moreover, I also use secondary data to assist this work.
In sum, in this research work, the main methods of qualitative data collection are the
interviews and the main methods of quantitative data collection are the questionnaires.
Additional theoretical knowledge of these methods is described in the next sub-chapter
and more detailed information is provided in the appendices.

3.2.1 Data Collection of Interview

Collis and Hussey (2009, 144) define that interview is a method for collecting data in
which selected interviewees are asked questions in order to find out what they do,
think or feel. Generally, Interview consist of individual interview and group interview.
In-depth interview is the main method of obtaining qualitative data in a successful
way. Aaker, Kumar and Day (2006, 192) point out that an in-depth interview means
that interviews are conducted face to face with the interviewee, in which the subject
matter of the interview is explored in detail. In this research work, I do the individual
interview, as the introduction chapter presented, I interview two Chinese English
Schools’ general manager, and the objective of these interviews is to acquire
experience from them. From my point of view, interview skills are very important if
the researcher wants to get useful information. According to Easterby-Smith, Thorpe
and R. Jackson (2008, 127), there are six issues that may affect the outcome of an
interview and researcher should pay attention to these issues. The first issue is creating
trust from the interviewees, and this is the basic requirement and an important element.
The second issue is social interaction which is also one of the important factors that
could be influence the interview process. Using the appropriate language is a third
element that can be important. The fourth element is the fact that getting access may
have an effect on the interview. The fifth element influencing interview is choosing the
location for the interviews. Recording interviews in the last factor that may affect the
outcome of an interview. (Easterby-Smith et al. 2008, 127.)

3.2.2 Data Collection of Questionnaire

Questionnaire is the main method of quantitative research method, according to Kent
(2007, 151). In order to capture data, researchers put questions to other people in the
form of a questionnaire document, and this instrument is called questionnaire. In this
research work, I use the questionnaire method as my quantitative research method and
the questions of the questionnaire can be seen in the appendices. Kent (2007, 152)
suggests the steps of questionnaire design, and the design is illustrated below.

Specifying the information needed

Deciding the method of questionnaire administration
Determining the content, format and wording of each question
Creating a draft of the complete questionnaire
Testing the questionnaire

As referred above, the first step of questionnaire design is specifying the information,
which means that the researcher should know what information is needed for the
research and focus on this point when designing the questionnaire. Deciding the
method of questionnaire administration is the second step, and there are four ways to
choose the method of questionnaire administration. The ways are as follows: face to
face, over the phone, postal questionnaire, or electronic questionnaires, in order to get
the reliable information and ensure the efficiency of the work. In this research, I use
the face to face method, as the introduction discussed, because I send the
questionnaires to the students who are studying in the Sparkle International English
School now. The third step is determining the content, format and wording of each
question, which means that the researcher should think about the wording, format in
order to layout of each question. Creating a draft of the complete questionnaire is
another important step of questionnaire design, this means the researcher should pay
attention on the sequencing of the questions and ensure that the interviewer will know
what is the next relevant question to answer. In addition, when the questionnaire draft
is complete and approved, it needs to be tested. (Kent 2007, 152.)
According to Ghauri and Grønhaug (2005, 127), there are four steps of constructing
questionnaires. The first step is to specify what type of information is needed.
Secondly, researchers should consider whether the questionnaire is going to be
disguised or undisguised. Thirdly, the construction of individual questions should be
considered. Fourthly, researchers should consider how the questions are to be
answered. In this research work, I use the system of Kent to design the questionnaire.

3.3 Research Process

The case company of this research is the Sparkle International English School in
China. As was described in the first chapter, The Sparkle English School was opened
in 2012, and therefore it is a new school and the school needs to be improved. In
addition, I am involved in the operations of this school in the position of a director of
marketing. From this point of view, I decided to make a strategic marketing plan for
the Sparkle International English School after I talked with the CEO of the school.

3.4 Limitations of the Research

During the development of the research work, there were still some difficulties and
problems. In the literature part in chapter two, there is extensive information about the
strategic marketing plan, therefore, it was really difficult to choose a most proper
theory in order to match the research work. Moreover, as discussed in the first chapter,
the Sparkle International English School is a new company. Thus, it is difficult to
analysis all the weaknesses, because it is still on the way to develop. Besides, because
of the district and time limitation, I did the interview through the internet. From this
point of view, the information that I collected through the interview was not particular.

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