Jobin MonMar2024
Jobin MonMar2024
Jobin MonMar2024
Unit No. Street No. Street Name PO Box
103 102 Silvercreek Parkway North
City/Town Province Postal Code
Guelph Ontario N1H7J4
Business Telephone No. Fax No. Email Address
5197316452 Ext.
Mailing Address (Only complete if different from the address noted above)
Unit No. Street No. Street Name PO Box
to collect personal information from or about me for the purpose of providing training in accordance with the Training and Testing Regulation
made under the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005 (“PSISA”);
to disclose personal information collected from or about me, including whether or not I have successfully completed the required training
under the Training and Testing Regulation, to the Private Security and Investigative Services Branch of the Ministry of Community Safety
and Correctional Services for the purpose of determining whether I am eligible to be licensed as a security guard or private investigator, and
for the purpose of administering the licensing system authorized under the PSISA; and
I also consent to and authorize the Private Security and Investigative Services Branch of the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional
Services to disclose personal information collected about me, for the purpose of advising the Ministry’s Test Delivery Vendor as to whether or
not I have completed the training required under the Training and Testing Regulation; and