WWW Gbstudio Dev-Docs
WWW Gbstudio Dev-Docs
WWW Gbstudio Dev-Docs
Download your preferred version from the Itch.io download page or use GitHub for older releases.
Two versions of GB Studio are available for Windows. The Squirrel Installer version just requires you to unzip, double click and
then wait a few seconds while the application installs to your C:\ drive. Once installed a shortcut will be added to your desktop
automatically and the application will start. The application will be installed to %LocalAppData%\gb_studio , if you need to
install to a different location use the Manual version.
The Manual version is a zip containing the application files, you can unzip this to any location. Once unzipped double click gb-
studio.exe to start.
For macOS unzip the downloaded file and move GB Studio.app to your Applications folder. Double click to start.
If you're having trouble building or running your game you may also need to install Apple's Command Line Tools by opening
Applications/Terminal.app and entering the following command.
xcode-select --install
If you have issues with graphical glitches appearing on Ubuntu try running GB Studio using the following command.
Getting Started
When you first open GB Studio you will see the New Project window.
It's recommended to start by using the Sample Project template as it contains examples of lots of the functionality that GB
Studio provides.
If you have an existing project you can open it from here by clicking Open and navigating to the .gbsproj file.
New Project
Give your project a name to get started (don't worry, you can change this later) and choose a project template. If you're new to GB
Studio then I would recommend using the Sample Project template which contains a few example scenes and scripts already set
up so you can get a small idea of what's possible. Click Create Project and you'll be taken to the Project Editor.
As soon as you see this screen you can click the Play button in the top right which will build and run the project. After playing the
sample project you can try clicking around the editor to see how the project is set up. Select one of the people or signposts and
edit the their dialogue using the sidebar on the right then try running the project again, you've just made your very own version of
the game! Don't worry if you break anything, you can always make a new project with the sample template later.
Getting Started Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts
Play Window
When playing your game inside GB Studio use the following keyboard controls:
Up - Up Arrow / W
Down - Down Arrow / S
Left - Left Arrow / A
Right - Right Arrow / D
A - Alt / Z / J
B - Ctrl / K / X
Start - Enter
Select - Shift
These controls can be modified at any time by going to the Settings View under the Controls section.
You can also control the Play Window using a supported gamepad. If your web browser has gamepad support you can also use it
when running a web build.
Game World
While editing the game world you can use the following keys to quickly manipulate your scenes.
Select Mode - V
Add Actor - A
Add Trigger - T
Add Scene - S
Eraser Mode - E
Collisions Mode - C
Set Player Start Position - P (while hovering over desired location)
Pan View - Hold Space (while clicking and dragging on Game World)
Drawing Mode
Drawing mode is automatically enabled in the Collision tool and the Colorize tool.
Collision Types
These are only available when using the Collision tool.
Each tile can hold a maximum of 1 ladder and 3 collision sides. Ladders will not replace existing collision when placed on top of
other colliders.
Colorize Palettes
These are only available when using the Colorize tool.
Music Editor
These are only available when using the Music Editor.
Navigate grid - Arrow Keys
Next Column - Tab
Previous Column - Shift + Tab
Cell Selection - Shift + Arrow Keys or Click to set first cell, hold Shift , click to set next cell
Select Column - Ctrl/Cmd + A
Select Pattern - Ctrl/Cmd + A , Ctrl/Cmd + A
Copy Selection - Ctrl/Cmd + C
Paste Selection - Ctrl/Cmd + V
Delete Selection - Backspace/Delete
Piano roll
Change Instrument - 1-9
Quick Select - Shift + drag and drop mouse
Duplicate Selection - Alt/Option (while moving selected notes)
To load your project again, either use the Open button on the New Project window or select File > Open from the menu and
navigate to your project's folder then select the .gbsproj file.
You can also return to the Recent_Projects window by selecting File > Switch Project from the menu.
Version Control
The project folder layout and .gbsproj file is designed to work well with version control systems such as Git with each change
by the application taking place on a new line in the data file allowing history to be tracked easily. If you want to use version control
on your project you can just create the repository at the project root folder.
It's recommended to ignore the build folder from your repository using a .gitignore file or similar.
Each time you save your project the previous version is saved to your project folder with the extension .gbsproj.bak . If you
ever wish to roll back to the previous version in your project you can rename this file to have the extension .gbsproj and open
this file instead.
Project Editor
Project Editor
The default view for the Project Editor as shown below is the Game World. This is where you can create your game by combining
scenes, adding actors and triggers then building scripting events to add interactions.
Use the Editor Tools to switch between Select, Add, Erase, Collision, and Color Drawing modes.
By default, your project's properties are shown in the Editor Sidebar on the right. Here you can set the project name and choose
the starting scene. This project view is also where initial values for the Player actor are set. See the page on The Player for more
information on the Player.
To look at project properties again from the Editor Sidebar, click on any empty space between scenes.
Editor Tools
Select tool: Clicking any scenes, actors, or triggers will update the Editor Sidebar to show the properties and scripts for the item
you selected. You can switch back to the Project's properties by clicking outside of a scene.
Add tool: You are given the choice of adding a new Actor, Trigger or Scene. After clicking any of the 3 options, your mouse
cursor will be loaded with a new item. You can place the new item by clicking inside the Project Editor, and cancel the action by
pressing Escape or selecting another tool from Editor Tools.
Erase tool: All collisions, actors, and triggers will be removed when clicked. Scenes are not affected by Erase mode. To delete a
scene, use Select mode and click the scene's background. In the Editor Sidebar click the down arrow at the top to reveal the
"Delete Scene" button. All erase actions can be undone by pressing Control Z.
Collision tool: Allows you to add collisions to any type of scene using GB Studio's Drawing mode.
Colorize tool: Allows each tile to be given a different palette to use in place of GB Studio's default palette. The Colorize tool also
uses GB Studio's Drawing mode. The palettes used here are determined in the Palette tab in the Project Editor.
Project Views
Using the Project View Button you can switch between different views of your project and its assets.
Game World: Create your game by combining scenes, actors and triggers.
Dialogue Review: Preview and edit all the text in your game.
Build and Run: View logs of progress while building your game.
Settings: Change your project's settings such as default sprites, color palettes and keyboard controls.
See the documentation on Assets for more information on how to add new assets.
Project Editor Scenes
A scene is a single screen of your game, it can contain multiple actors and triggers. A game is typically made-up of many scenes
connected together with triggers using the Change Scene event.
Adding a Scene
Click the + button in the Editor Tools and select Scene from the menu. Click on any empty space in the Project Viewport to place
the new scene.
You can use the Editor Sidebar to give your scene a name and a background from your project's assets. See the documentation
for Backgrounds for more information on adding background images.
Scene Properties
• Name - Names your scene. Useful for locating your scene with the search bar.
• Type - Lets you choose from the list of game modes such as Top Down 2D or Platformer.
• Background - Lets you choose a background from the assets/backgrounds folder.
• Background Palettes (Color Mode Only) - The eight palettes that will be used when colorizing the scene.
• Sprite Palettes (Color Mode Only) - The eight palettes that will be used for sprites in your scene.
• Player Sprite Sheet - Used to set a custom player sprite for this scene. By default the scene will use the default player
sprite for the selected scene type.
Parallax Mode
Clicking the Parallax Toggle Button to the right of the Background Selector allows you to turn on parallax mode for the scene.
When parallax mode is enabled you can split the background into up to three slices which can be modified to scroll at different
speeds as the camera moves in game.
Scenes can contain an On Init script that will be called as soon as the scene is loaded in game. You can use this to do things like
playing music as the scene loads, configuring events to happen on button presses, initialise actors based on the values of
variables, and much more.
You can also define scripts to call when the player collides with Actors that have a Collision Group set by clicking the On Hit tab
and choose a collision group.
To start building a script, select a scene, click the script type you want to edit and click the Add Event button in the Editor Sidebar
to open the event menu. Select an event to add it to the script.
• Solid Stops colliding actors from entering the tile on any side.
• Top/Bottom/Left/Right Stops colliding actors from entering the tile from that specific side. This is useful for one-way
collision and semi-solid platforms.
• Ladder (Platformer only) Allows moving up and down in Platformer scenes.
Each tile can hold a maximum of 1 ladder and 3 collision sides. Adding 4 collision sides will replace the sides with a single solid
block. Ladders will not replace existing collision when placed on top of another collision.
Colorizing a Scene
Select the Colorizer Tool from the Editor Tools. There are 8 palettes types that can be added to a scene with Color Mode enabled.
Palettes can be adjusted in Settings. Note that the 8th palette in a scene will also be used for Dialogue Windows and menus.
The palettes used in the Colorizer Tool can be swapped out for existing palettes (such as the UI palette) by long-clicking on a
For more information about the drawing mode used for the Colorize Tool and the Collision Tool, see Keyboard Shortcuts.
Scene Limits
There are several limits that GB Studio has put in place to keep game performance consistent, and to minimize visual issues.
Each scene can have a maxmimum of 20 actors, and 30 triggers, and between 96 and 64 sprite tiles depending on the complexity
of the background used. You can check this information by selecting a scene and looking for the gray bar under your scene that
reads: A: 0/20 S: 0/96 T: 0/30 . The letters on this bar represent the following:
• S: represents the number of unique sprite tiles that each actor is using in their sprite sheet.
Actor Limits
Each scene can have a maximum of 20 actors. Ideally, there should never be more than 10 actors within a 20 x 18 tile boundary,
equivalent to 160px x 144px . Clustering more than 10 actors together in a scene will cause some actors to become invisible in-
game. GB Studio will warn you if it thinks this will be the case for a scene:
You can address this message by moving or deleting actors so no more than 10 will be seen in a 20 x 18 tile boundary. You can
use the Eraser Tool to delete actors. Actors will still become invisible if more than 10 actors move into the screenspace after the
scene starts.
Trigger Limits
Each scene can have a maximum of 30 triggers. You can use the Eraser Tool to delete triggers.
Project Editor The Player
The Player
Start Position
The player starting position is indicated in the game world view by the icon.
Clicking in the background between scenes switches the sidebar back to the Project Editor where you'll have options to set the
player starting scene, position, and direction.
You can also change the player start position by dragging the icon and can even drag between scenes.
You can edit the default player sprite sheets for each scene type from the Settings View.
Most actor script events can also be applied to the player. In addition you can use Set Player Sprite Sheet event to change the
graphics used for the player character mid-game. Changing the sprite sheet will only affect the current scene unless you choose
to Replace Default For Scene Type which will causes any other scenes of the same type to also use this player sprite (unless and
override was provided).
When switching between scenes the player will always become visible at the scene start location regardless of previous visibility
options. if you want the player to be hidden on a scene e.g when showing a title screen or cutscene add a Hide Actor event to the
scene's On Init script.
Project Editor Actors
Actors are the characters and objects in your scene that you can interact with.
Adding an Actor
To add an actor to a scene click the + button in the Editor Tools and select Actor from the menu (alternatively press the A key),
then click on the scene and position where you wish to place the actor.
Actor Properties
• Name - Names your actor. Giving your actors a name helps organize them in your project. An actor's name will be visible in
any drop-down menu that asks you to pick an actor, such as the Actor: Hide event.
• Position - Sets the X and Y position where the actor will be positioned in a scene. You can also change this by dragging the
actor around the the Game World.
• Pin to Screen - Using the Pin Button next to the actor position you can choose to pin the actor to the screen which cause it
to not move as the game screen scrolls.
• Sprite Sheet - Choose which sprite graphics should be used to display the actor.
• Movement Speed - Choose how fast the actor should move when scripting events are used.
• Animation Speed - Choose how fast the actor animations should play.
• Collision Group - Choose if scripts should play automatically when colliding with this actor.
Pin to Screen
When an actor is pinned, the actor will not move without a script, and does not create collisions with other actors in your scene.
Enabling this property will temporarily change your scene to be blacked-out, with a 160px x 144px boundary in the top-left
corner showing part of your original scene. Use your mouse to drag the actor to where you want it to be pinned to the screen.
Select a different actor, the scene, or the project to return the blacked-out view of your scene to normal.
Collision Groups
Actors can be given a collision group in the Editor Sidebar. When enabled, the option to run scripts based on collisions will appear
in the Editor Sidebar. To learn more about On Hit scripts, see the documentation for Scripting.
Actors can contain multiple scripts that will be called a different points in your game.
• On Interact: This is called if the player stands in front of this actor and presses the Interact button.
• On Hit: (only if collision group is set) This is called when this actor collides with either the player or a projectile with a
specified collision group
• On Init: Called as soon as the scene is loaded in game.
• On Update: Repeatedly called while the actor is on screen, and once the script finishes it will repeat. You can use this to
create movement scripts
To start building a script, select an actor, click the script type you want to edit and click the Add Event button in the Editor Sidebar
to open the event menu. Select an event to add it to the script.
There are limits to how actors and their sprites can be used in GB Studio. These limits are to make sure your game appears as
intended, as well as to keep your actor logic running smoothly. The exact limits depend on the complexity of the background
image used in your scene, see Scenes for more information.
Project Editor Triggers
Triggers are areas in a scene that, when the player walks over them, will cause a script to play. They are useful for creating
doorways between scenes and to start cutscenes when the player moves to a specific position.
Adding a Trigger
To add a trigger to a scene click the + button button in the Editor Tools and select Trigger from the menu (alternatively press the T
key), then click and drag across the scene where you wish to place the trigger setting the desired width and height.
The Editor Sidebar will switch to show the trigger settings where you can give the trigger a name for easier navigation later,
reposition and scale the trigger and create the script that will play when the player walks on the trigger.
When the trigger is selected click the Add Event button in the Editor Sidebar to open the event menu and start building the script.
For more information see the documentation for Scripting.
When your project was created an assets folder was also made within the project containing a number of subfolders for each
asset type in your game.
GBStudio doesn't currently contain any ability to edit the graphics in your game directly, you instead can use your favourite
existing applications and save files into these folders where they will instantly appear ready to use in your project. If you edit a
sprite or background PNG file and save using an external image editor the change will be seen in your Project Window as soon as
you switch back to it.
While you can create graphics in any application that can output PNG files it is recommended to use Aseprite or Photoshop to
create your sprites and UI elements then to use Tiled Map Editor to create your backgrounds. Each image asset type has a
different set of requirements detailed over the new few sections of this documentation. You can select the default application to
open when clicking asset edit buttons in the GB Studio Preferences window.
For music you can either create UGE files or MOD files depending on the Music Driver you choose in the Settings View
(hUGEDriver is recommended).
• UGE files can be edited directly within the GB Studio Music Editor.
• MOD files can be edited with OpenMPT or MilkyTracker.
Community Assets
If you're looking for a collection of free assets, ready to be used in GB Studio there is a community run repository on Github
available at GB Studio Community Assets.
Assets Sprites
Sprites are the graphics used by playable or interactive characters in your scenes. Add sprites to your game by including .png
files in your project's assets/sprites folder.
Because there are limits to how many sprites tiles can be loaded into a single scene, be sure to check your the frame limits across
your scenes when adding new sprites. See Scene Limits for more information.
Simple Sprites
A simple sprite has one or more 16px x 16px frames laid out horizontally in an image file. A sprite with a single frame will be
16px x 16px while a sprite with three frames will be 48px x 16px .
Static sprites
For sprites that only need a single frame (e.g. static items such as signposts) create your .png as a 16px x 16px image
containing just the one frame required.
Animated sprites
If you want to have sprites that play short animations, you can make a .png with between 2 frames at 32px x 16px and 25
frames at 400px x 16px . Using these sprites on an actor will let you select which frame you want to display by default, on top of
playing the full animation at a specified speed.
To make a static sprite that changes based on the actor's direction, create a 48px x 16px .png containing the three frames:
One forward facing, one upwards facing and one right facing. The left facing sprite is automatically generated by flipping the right
facing frame horizontally.
Animated Actor
To make sprites that have animated movement, or that can be used as a player character, create a 96px x 16px .png
containing six frames: Two forward facing, two upwards facing and two right facing.
Sprite Editor
When you want to progress to making more complex sprites you can use the Sprite Editor by clicking the Project View Button and
selecting Sprites.
Composition of a Sprite
A sprite consists of:
• Multiple Animation States, by default only a single animation state is created for a sprite, you can make a new one by
clicking the + button in the Animation Navigator.
◦ Each animation state consists of multiple animation frames, viewable in the Frames Navigator, click the + button to
create a new frame, and click a frame to view it in the Frame Canvas for editing.
• A Tile Palette, this is the .png file from your assets folder. Click into the tiles palette to select a tile, you can then draw it by
clicking into the Frame Canvas.
• A Canvas Size this is the width and height of your Frame Canvas, set this from the Editor Sidebar to the size you want your
sprite to be.
• A Collision Bounding Box this is the width, height and position of an invisible box used for collision detection within the game
engine, set this to fit as closely as possible around the collidable area of your sprite.
Animation Settings
In the Editor Sidebar you can choose from a list of sprite types, setting this will determine the number of animations available for
your sprite and what names they have in the Animation Navigator. For example while you can use any sprite type for a Platformer
scene player, it's recommended to set the type to be Platformer Player as this will allow you to configure the Jump and
Climbing animations.
Some sprite types also allow you to "Flip 'Right' to Create 'Left' Facing Frames", this lets you create both the left and right sprite
animations from a single animation that gets flipped automatically saving you from creating these animations manually.
Animation States
Using the + button in the Animation Navigator you can create new Animation States. These let you create custom animations
that can be triggered from scripts.
Once you've created a new Animation State you can name it by typing in the State Name input in the Editor Sidebar, or by
selecting an existing sprite name.
The list of sprite names is global for your project and it's recommended to keep the number of unique names low. Each one you
add increases the amount of memory required for all sprites in your game. For example, rather than having two unique sprites
with states Explode and Squash , consider making a single state used by both called Destroy .
To switch which animation state an actor should use in your game, you can use a Set Actor Animation State event. This
allows you to choose an actor and which animation state you should switch to. Make sure that the spritesheet you're using has
animations defined for the state you've chosen in the event!
Frame Canvas
Once you have selected an Animation and Frame to edit you can use the Tile Palette and Frame Canvas to create an animation
Start by clicking on the tile you wish to use in the Tile Palette.
• You can select multiple tiles by clicking and dragging in the Tile Palette
• By default the Tile Palette snaps to an 8px grid, this is to increase the chance of tile reuse as each unique tile you use in
your sprite takes away from limits when used in scenes. If you know what you're doing and want to disable this grid you can
turn on Precision Mode by clicking the button in the top right of the Tile Palette or by holding Alt while making your
Once you have a tile selection click into the Frame Canvas to draw the tiles into your frame. You can then move tiles around in the
Frame Canvas by dragging them and if you have tile selection you can move frames to the front or back and flip them horizontally
or vertically by using the Editor Sidebar.
Onion Skin
Using the Onion Skin button you can toggle the Onion Skin feature. This displays a semi-transparent version of the previous
frame behind the Frame Canvas allowing you to more easily make decisions about the flow of the animation.
Image Requirements
Sprite .png s must only contain the following four colors:
Colors that are not one of the above hex codes will be matched to the nearest color. Unlike backgrounds, the color #306850 can
not be used in sprites.
Assets Backgrounds
Each of your scenes requires a background image that defines how that scene should look. You can add backgrounds to your
game by including PNG files in your project's assets/backgrounds folder.
Color Requirements
Background PNGs must only contain the following four colors:
Size Requirements
• Backgrounds are divided into 8px x 8px tilesets so the total image size must be a multiple of 8px in both width and
• A background has a minimum size of 160px x 144px (the GB screen size)
• Both the width and height of a background must be less than or equal to 2040px .
• The width of the image multiplied by the height must be less than or equal to 1,048,320 . For example an image with the
width 2016px will have a max height of 520px (because 2016 * 520 = 1048320 )
Tile Requirements
In most scene types a background image can contain no more than 192 unique 8px x 8px tiles at once due to memory limits.
This means that even using the smallest background size possible you must repeat about half of your tiles. Where possible repeat
tiles between images as they will be grouped together saving on total game size. It is recommended to use a tile map editor such
as Tiled to ensure your backgrounds conform to the pixel grid.
The exception to this is scenes with their Scene Type set as Logo, these scenes can use a 160px x 144px sized image with no
limits on unique tiles but note that in Logo scenes you are unable to use Actors or display a Player.
Assets Music
Music can be played in your game using the Play Music Track event in your Actor, Trigger, or Scene scripts.
My Track 1
You can add music to your game by including .uge or .mod files in your project's assets/music folder.
A project can only support one type of music files, this can be configured on the Settings View by selecting either MOD or UGE as
the Music Format.
.uge files can be created and edited with the Music Editor.
.mod files are created and edited using an external Tracker software. You can select the default application to open when
clicking asset edit buttons in the GB Studio Preferences window.
Music Editor
If you have your Music Format in the Settings View set to UGE (hUGEDriver) (the default in GB Studio 3 and above) you can
add music to your game by including .uge files in your project's assets/music folder.
Those files can be edited using the Music Editor by clicking the Project View Button and selecting Music. The editor also allows to
create new songs by pressing the + button on top of the Song list.
Getting Started
The Music Editor is divided in three parts:
• Navigator: Contains the list of songs and instruments for the selected song
• Song Composer: The music editor itself. Has two views: Piano Roll and Tracker. The first icon in the toolbar allows to
change views.
• Editor Sidebar: Allows to edit the song title, artist name and tempo and also shows the instrument or effect editor when
Structure of a Song
A song consists of:
◦ Patterns can be repeated or arranged to form the full song using the Pattern Editor.
• A Tempo, how many ticks (64 per second) have to elapse before a row is complete. The greater the number of ticks, the
slower the song is.
Piano Roll
In Piano Roll mode you use the mouse to add notes to the pattern. It reads like a music sheet, the time is represented in the
horizontal axis (columns) while the note pitch is represented on the vertical axis (rows).
You can only add notes to one channel at a time, selectable on the top right toolbar. The channels can be muted with the speaker
icon for each channel. The channels that aren't selected can be previewed by clicking the eye icon.
To remove a note, select the eraser tool in the toolbar and click on an existing note. You can also right click on an existing note to
remove it.
To select a note, select the selector tool or press Shift . Once selected a group of notes and drag and drop them anywhere else
in the grid.
The effect bar, at the bottom of the piano grid, allows to add an effect to a given note using the effect editor in the right pange.
The song can be previewed at any time by pressing the play button.
To set the playback starting position, click the area above the piano roll, where the playback head is shown.
In Tracker mode you use the keyboard to add notes to the pattern. The song advances from top to bottom, with each row
representing a position of the song.
There's one column for each channel, and each column is divided in 3 fields: Pitch (or Note), Instrument and Effect.
C-5 01 240
--- -- ---
| | |
| | +------ Effect column (Volume changes, arpeggios, panning, etc.)
| +--------- Instrument
+------------- Note and octave (A C note in the 5th octave. The dash can be a #, which
signifies a sharp note e.g. C#, D#)
Rows can be empty, or can be partially filled (with just an effect, for example).
There's two keyboard layouts to input the values in the note column. The layout can be selected in the GB Studio Preferences
Linear layout
This is the layout used by trackers like OpenMPT and hUGETracker.
Each keyboard row (or "line") represents one octave on a piano. Keys from Q to / are used to input the values, starting with C
in the base octave (3 by default).
Piano layout
The keyboard is split in two of groups of two rows of keys. On each group the top keys represent the black keys of a piano,
andthe bottom keys the white ones. Keys from 2 to / are used to input the values, starting with C in the base octave + 1 (4 by
The numeric keys are used to input the value in the instrument column. A default instrument can be selected in the toolbar and be
used automatically when adding a new note.
The numeric keys, and keys A through F are used to input values in the effect column.
The song can be previewed at any time by pressing the play button.
To set the playback starting position, click the row number on the left side of the tracker grid.
The dropdown menu on each cell allows you to select one of the existing patterns or assign an empty one to the current position.
The plus button allows you to add a new pattern to the song.
Note: any unused pattern will be removed from the song on save.
Borrowing from the descriptions on the hUGETracker manual
Selecting an instrument in the left sidebar will open the instrument editor on the right sidebar.
Changes to the instrument can be previewed at any time by pressing the "Test Instrument (C5)" button, which will play the C5
note for a few seconds with the selected instrument.
Other than the instrument name, each instrument has its own set of fields that can be edited.
Duty Instruments
Length: When enabled, the note will be cut off immediately at a specific length. If not enabled the note will play until a new note
Initial Volume: Sets the starting volume for the envelope. If there's no sweep change set this will be the volume for the note.
Sweep Change: Defines how steep the volume change will be. The higher or lower the value, the quicker the note will fade in or
Sweep Time: Selects the "sweep time" for the note to take. The greater the value, the slower the sweep.
Sweep Shift: Selects the direction and magnitude of sweep for the note to take per "tick" as specified by Sweep Time. Positive
values portamentos the note up, negative values portamentos it down.
Duty: Selects the timbre of note to play. Each one sounds different, and they are useful when you don't want both of the duty
channels to clash with one another.
Wave Instruments
Length: When enabled, the note will be cut off immediately at a specific length. If not enabled the note will play until a new note
Volume: Specifies at what volume a wave instrument shall play unless overridden by a volume effect command. There are only 3
possible values here, as the wave channel's volume interface is more limited than the other channels.
Waveform: Selects which waveform should play as part of this instrument. The selected waveform can be edited by drawing on
the waveform preview.
Noise Instruments
Length: When enabled, the note will be cut off immediately at a specific length. If not enabled the note will play until a new note
Initial Volume: Sets the starting volume for the envelope. If there's no sweep change set this will be the volume for the note.
Sweep Change: Defines how steep the volume change will be. The higher or lower the value, the quicker the note will fade in or
7-bit counter: When checked, the instrument will sound more like a musical tone rather than noise.
Noise Macro: Like an arpeggio effect, set up to 8 pitch changes +-32 from the noise frequency, advancing every frame. Freat for
kick drums or fast sweeping noise. Must be shorter than your current song tempo.
Borrowing from the descriptions on the hUGETracker manual
On every tick, switch between the playing note, note + x , and note + y , where x and y are
0xy Arpeggio
values in semitones. Can be used to create "chords" or a strum effect.
1xx Slide the pitch up by xx units every tick.
2xx Slide the pitch down by xx units every tick.
Slide the pitch towards the specified note value by xx units every tick. Stops when it reaches the
3xx specified note value.
This effect cannot be used in a cell with an instrument value.
Rapidly switch between the specified note value and note + y, at the rate of x , where y is a
4xy Vibrato value in units. This is similar to arpeggio, except you can control the frequency, and the amount is
specified in units rather than semitones.
Set Master Sets the master volume control of the Gameboy for the left and right speakers. Use the effect
Volume editor to create one of these effects. Note that a volume of zero is not completely silent.
6xx Call a user-defined routine. Routines can be created by using the Set Music Routine event.
Effect Name Description
7xx Note Delay Wait xx ticks before playing the note in this cell.
Set Sets which channels play on which speakers. Use the effect editor to create one of these effects.
Panning Can also be used as a mute for a channel by setting it to output on neither left nor right.
Select duty cycle for either the Duty 1 or Duty 2 channels. If this effect appears on the Noise or
Set Duty Wave channels, it will affect the Duty 2 channel. Valid values for xx are 00, 40, 80, C0. Under the
Cycle hood, the xx value is loaded directly into Duty 1 or Duty 2's length register, so you could
theoretically achieve other effects than just duty cycle changing.
Bxx Jump to the start of pattern xx . If xx is 00 jump to the next pattern.
Set the envelope e and volume v of the channel. Must be accompanied by a note and
instrument to work (except on the Wave channel).
Cev Set Volume Valid volumes range from 00-0F (00,04,08,0F for Wave channel).
Valid envelopes for Cev 00-F0, 0 use instrument, 8 no fade, 1-7 fade quieter, 9-F fade louder,
smaller values fade faster.
Dxx Jump to the next pattern early, and start on row xx .
Set the number of ticks per row to xx . Can be used in an alternating fashion to create a swing
Fxx Set Speed
Keyboard Shortcuts
See Keyboard Shortcuts > Music Editor
Assets Music MOD Music
MOD Music
If you have your Music Format in the Settings View set to MOD (GBT Player) (the default in GB Studio 2 and below) you will need
to provide music as .mod files.
Add music to your game by including .mod files in your project's assets/music folder. GBT Player is a driver that takes .mod
files and converts them to instructions for the Gameboy. GBT Player interprets .mod files differently than the Amiga computers
that the .mod format was originally designed for, so every .mod file that GBT Player reads should be composed/arranged to be
used with GBT Player.
As an alternative to composing, there is a way to import .midi files to OpenMPT for playback in GBT Player. More information can
be found under Frequently Asked Questions. You can also browse the GB Studio Community Assets to find free, GBT-compatible
music under the MIT licence.
To compose GBT-compatible .mod files, you can use software such as OpenMPT (for Windows or Linux using Wine),
MilkyTracker (for Windows, Mac and Linux), ProTracker, and BassoonTracker (browser-based) to name a few. Any software
that loads and exports .mod files can write files that are compatible with GBT Player.
It is recomended you read through your tracker's documentation to learn about your tracker:
• OpenMPT's Documentation
• MilkyTracker's Documentation
• BassoonTracker's Documentation
Lastly, the GB Studio Discord also has a dedicated #music-help channel and a #tutorials channel in case you get stuck.
Getting Started
1. Create a blank GB Studio project, find the file assets/music/template.mod and open it with your tracker of choice.
◦ You must edit this file to get an accurate representation of the instruments you can use.
◦ MilkyTracker users should save this file as an .XM file. Saving a .mod file in MilkyTracker will corrupt it. Export your
song as a .mod file every time you want to test your song in-game.
2. Use the instrument list shown later in this document to pick the sounds you want. Changing the samples in your tracker will
not affect how they sound in-game.
When done, add your .mod files to the assets/music folder of your project. Test your song in-game often to keep track of
any audible in-game differences.
Any part in this documentation where you see data that starts with ModPlug Tracker MOD , you can copy that entire block into
OpenMPT as-is. Any data copied from OpenMPT looks like that when you paste it into any text application.
This range is for One-Indexed Trackers (C1 is the lowest-possible note). This is comparable to OpenMPT in default settings.
Trackers that are Zero-Indexed by default (C0 is the lowest-possible note) should interpret these Note Ranges a full octave down.
This is comparable to MilkyTracker in default settings.
Using default settings on OpenMPT and MilkyTracker, C3 to B8 in OpenMPT sounds the same as C2 to B7 in MilkyTracker.
Effects B, D, and F can be also used on Channel 3 if the same row isn't being used to set a note/instrument.
Volume Limitations
Currently, volume can only be adjusted by using the Cxx effect for each channel.
The Gameboy has 16 unique volume settings for Channels 1, 2 and 4. GBT Player will floor (round-down) the values in a Cxx
volume effect to multiples of 4.
Any number that's not a multiple of 4 will be rounded-down to one of the above numbers.
Example: Entering C01 , C02 and C03 will sound the same as entering C00 .
GBT Player will round Cxx effects on Channel 3 to the nearest number listed above.
Example: Entering C30 will round the volume up to C40 .
Volume Persistence
In most trackers, if a note is played without a volume command, the note's volume is reset to the maximum. When a .mod file is
converted by GBT Player, notes without a volume effect will play at the same volume as the previous Cxx effect that the channel
read. For example, take this scenario:
In the tracker, the E-5 note will resume at full volume after the C00 effect.
In-game, you will not hear the E-5 note. This is because the C00 persists until another Cxx effect is set. To make the tracker
playback sound identical to the in-game playback, the following must be done:
Additionally, Channel 3 requires that the instrument and note is set during a volume change for the volume change to have any
effect. (Except for C00 .) For example:
You will not hear any volume change from the C20 in-game. Add a note and instrument on C20 to register the volume change.
1. 25% pulse
2. 50% pulse (square wave)
3. 75% pulse (inverted 25% pulse)
4. 12.5% pulse
As of GB Studio 1.2.1, GBT Player uses 16 instruments to access pre-determined noise settings - instruments 16 to 32.
Instruments 16 to 23 use Periodic (looped) Noise at various pitches, while instruments 24 to 32 use Pseudorandom noise at
various pitches.
The nicknames and descriptions next to these instruments are not official for GBT Player, they are intended to help identify these
noise presets at a glance.
Periodic Noise:
Pseudorandom Noise:
24. (18hx) "earthquake" - A square with a thin pulse at random pulse widths
25. (19hx) "spaceship" - The same as 24 but faster
26. (1Ahx) "ocean" - etc.
27. (1Bhx) "scratch" - etc.
28. (1Chx) "glitch" - A fairly clean white-noise sample, unrelated to other instruments
29. (1Dhx) "volcano" - A pulse with rapidly changing pulse width
30. (1Ehx) "scream" - The same as 29 but faster
31. (1Fhx) "static" - etc.
As of GB Studio 1.2.1 there are no GBT Player-readable instruments beyond 31. (1Fhx)
There are two types of effects: Note-effects and Command-effects.
The only restrictions on effects is the Command-effects with Channel 3. It can use them when it's not trying to play a note/set the
instrument on the same row.
Note-effects (uses bit 3) - All channels can use these effects freely
Rapidly cycles between 3 notes. x and y both represent the # of semitones above the note the
0xy Arpeggio
arpeggio effect is attached to.
Cxx Volume Sets the volume to xx . See Volume Limitations for more info.
E8x Pan Sets the panning to x . 0-3 = Left, 4-B = Centre, C-F = Right.
Cuts the note after x frames. Must be below the Fxx speed for the cut to be heard. EC0 will reset
ECx Note cut
the duty cycle instead of cutting the note.
Command-effects (uses bit 4) - Channel 3 can use these effects if it's not trying to play a note/instrument on the same row.
Pattern Jumps to the next pattern early, where xx is the row it should jump to in the next pattern. Using this
break on the last pattern will break the song by reading garbage data beyond the song.
Effect Name Notes on effect usage
Sets the song speed to xx . Valid values are 01 to 1F . The value represents how many frames
Fxx should the song wait before moving on to another row. Setting BPM speed has no effect upon
For Channel 3 only, the instrument data is too large to allow the 4th bit of a Command effect to occur while it's trying to play a
note/set the instrument. Command-effects will ignore new notes on Channel 3 to compensate.
Speed Table
Fxx Value (in tracker) BPM (in tracker) BPM (in game)
This is not a full table, it's just the top few speeds. It's here to highlight some of the speed discrepancies, albeit small to not be
very noticeable, with the exception of the values marked with 1.
You might notice that the value of the F effect, when converted to decimal, is just the speed divisor. For instance, F03 divides the
BPM by 3 ( 750 / 3 = 250 , or 900 / 3 = 300 ).
Because of how GB Studio is set up, a 60hz F05 effect, which would result in 180 BPM in-game, is impossible here.
While not in GB Studio, GBT has a flag called -speed that will handle BPM differently, which would require F96 effects for every
speed, as it won't handle any internal conversions to get the speed closer. This is the reason why F01 to F04 require F96 in both
modes, there's no equivalent for it in tracker speed.
1. Values marked with 1 require an additional F96 effect for the song to sound closer in speed when converted, or setting
the song BPM to 150. This F96 effect can be removed once you're done with your song, there won't be any difference as GBT
ignores this -- It's only here to set the BPM to something closer to the in-game version.
This trick means you're going from drums that sound flimsy and primitive to something more impressive.
Here's an example of a Snare Drum, at speed F02, that might sound good for you.
If this is longer than what you need, simply crop it starting from the bottom.
You can also use this for tones and stuff, like short staccato notes or flutes that fade in.
If you do this, keep in mind the GB Sound hardware has an annoying bug that resets the phase of each waveform on a
volume set, meaning you can get scratchy noise in a few emulators and also the real GB.
To illustrate it, I'm going to try illustrating it like this, instead of a tracker layout:
A _ B _ C _ E _ G _ E _ C _ B _
Without 1ch Echo
I can't explain it very well via text, so I recommend you check out this video by explod2a03 covering how this trick works with a
better example and actual audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GI9gngTn_Y
The best way to do this in a tracker is to use a channel you're not using temporarily, copy your note sequence to it, delay it by 3
(or however many you need) rows, then right clicking on the selection and clicking "Amplify...", and setting the amplitude to
something lower than 50%.
After that, you should have both channels "alternate". Select the entirety of the channel with the echoes (from top to bottom), go to
the channel you want to merge the echoes with, right click, go to "Paste special", then click "Mix paste" (This should have a
shortcut, might want to learn it as it can be fairly useful).
1. Select two volume / C values of two separate notes (within the same channel), and everything in between
2. Right click and hover over "Interpolate"
3. Click on "Effect column"
4. You're done!
You might wonder how's it going to sound in-game; well, it'll sound as close as possible. The volumes it can't play it'll just clamp it
to the nearest ones it can play.
A: No, but you can use .midi files. If you're looking for an easy way to add music to your game, you can ask the #collaborations
channel of the GB Studio Discord or browse the GB Studio Community Assets.
This has limited success, and there are easier options to get music in your game, such as the
A: OpenMPT can open MIDI files and save the result to .mod Some resources on how to do this include a video tutorial as well as
Kazy's write-up article pinned in the #music-help section of the GB Studio discord.
A: It won't sound as intended, but it can be made to sound good-enough with some adjustments. Any === notes need to be
replaced with the EC1 effect. All instrument restrictions should apply, and no melodic instruments should be using Channel 4. You
may also need to transpose the notes of a channel to account for differently-tuned samples, which you can learn more about in
your tracker's documentation.
A: EC1 will mute a channel's note, C00 will mute the channel until it recieves another Cxx effect.
A: If you're using an Fxx effect with a value lower than F05 , add F96 to the first row of your song. This will not impact your in-
game playback speed.
A: Not on GBT Player. Pokemon Yellow's method is unique, and LSDj does not leave much processing power for games to be
played while it's running.
A: D00 is a problematic effect, try using Bxx instead. If you're already using Bxx , make sure the xx number does not go
above the number of pattern-slots in your song. A song's first pattern is always in slot 00.
Q: Why do some notes in OpenMPT appear red and sound higher/lower than they're supposed to sound?
A: Go over to the "General" tab that's under the New File, Open and Save buttons. Click the big button next to the "Name" field
that says "MOD (ProTracker), 4 channels". Once there, disable both ProTracker 1/2 Mode (MOD) and Amiga Frequency Limits.
This is a thing because the format here is meant to be used with the Amiga line of computers (that's where it was made), which
has frequency limits.
A: If your song doesn't start using the first two channels, add a note to their first row with a C00 effect on each.
A: Yes, with limitations. View the next page of the documentation for more information. Playing sound effects will not interrupt the
song being played by GBT Player.
• Make sure you save frequently and also back-up your files. This is important in anything that you do and it's worth
mentioning here.
• If you're stuck, please ask for help in the Discord server, in #music-help . There's usually a few handful of people who
are willing to help out at most times.
• Frequently try out your music in your game. Things don't sound 1:1, and the built in preview just plays the .mod file
rather than building the music and previewing that.
• Keep it simple! Don't jump into this, trying to emulate what several artists have done with LSDj or whatever other tools,
you'll just get stuck.
• Don't be afraid of failure. I get this is kind of an unfitting tip, but it's important. Your first song won't be good, and that's
okay. You'll fail, sure, but you'll also gain knowledge on what you might've done wrong, or how you want to go on about with
your next endeavor.
• OpenMPT has a manual to help you get started. Here's a link, give it a read if you're stuck (or just ask for help)
• Give the GBT Player documentation a read.
Assets Sound Effects
Sound Effects
Sound effects can be added to your game using the Play Sound Effect event in your Actor, Trigger or Scene scripts.
You can choose from playing a beep with a given pitch, a tone with a given frequency or cymbal crash.
You can also place the following file types into assets/sounds which then become available:
• .wav WAV audio file, preferably very short in length (3.64 seconds is about the limit!) and 8-bit mono (though GB Studio will
attempt to convert files not in this format).
• .vgm VGM audio file (Game Boy format only).
• .sav FX HAMMER sound effects.
Assets UI Elements
UI Elements
Your project contains a number of files in assets/ui with fixed file names that define parts of your game's user interface. Editing
these files allows you to change the default font, set the window frame and modify the selection cursor.
If you remove any of the files in the ui folder they will be replaced with the default assets the next time you build your game
allowing you to revert any unwanted changes.
The game engine uses 9-slice scaling of this image to create the frame around text boxes. Editing this image will allow you to
change the frame design or set it to a solid color.
This image is used as a selection cursor when showing multiple choice options in your game.
UI PNGs must only contain the following four colors:
Fonts are stored in assets/fonts , see Settings for more information.
Emotes are stored in assets/emotes and must be defined as 16px x 16px sized .png files following the same color
requirements used for creating spritesheets. You can display an emote by using the Show Emote Bubble event in a script.
Avatars are stored in assets/avatars and must be defined as 16px x 16px sized .png files following the same color
requirements used for creating spritesheets. You can display an avatar in a Display Text event by clicking Add Avatar
within the event.
Scripting Events
Scripting Events
Scripting events allow you to control parts of your game based on interactions from the player. They can be used to connect
scenes together, change variables, give dialogue to characters, and more.
Scripts can be added to scenes, actors, or triggers. Selecting one of these objects will update the World Editor to show the script
of the selected object in the Editor Sidebar.
To start building a script, select an object and click the Add Event button in the Editor Sidebar to open the event menu. Select an
event to add it to the script. The topmost event is the first event to be run for that script.
Adding Events
After clicking the Add Event button, a menu will appear to choose the event to add. If you start typing you can filter this list or you
can click through the menu find what you're looking for. Click an event or press the Enter key to add the highlighted event to your
Favourite Events
You can choose a number of events to be favourites, causing them to appear at the top of the Add Event Menu. To favourite an
event, hover over the menu item and click the Star button or press the Tab key.
As a shortcut for pasting, you can press the Alt key to turn all Add Event buttons into Paste Event buttons.
Types of Scripts
There are multiple script tabs to choose from the Editor Sidebar depending on which object you have currently selected.
Scene Scripts
These scripts can be accessed in the Editor Sidebar by selecting a scene in your project.
• On Init: This script will run once at the beginning of the Scene. The Scene On Init script is always run after the On Init script
for Actors in the Scene.
• On Player Hit: This script runs when the player is hit by an actor belonging to a collision group.
Actor Scripts
These scripts can be accessed in the Editor Sidebar by clicking an Actor in your project.
• On Init: This script will run once at the beginning of the Scene. Actors in a Scene will always run their On Init script before
their Scene's On Init script.
• On Interact: Standing the Player next to an Actor and pressing the A button will cause the Player to "interact" with the Actor.
Interacting with an Actor will begin this script. In Shoot 'Em Up scenes, interacting can additionally be done by colliding with
the Actor.
This script is often used for dialogue, using the "Text: Display Dialogue" event.
Enabling a collision group for an actor will convert this script to On Hit: Player, which looks for Player collision rather than
Player interaction. This behaviour is identical to On Interact in Shoot 'Em Up scenes.
• On Hit: This script runs when the Actor is hit by another Actor or Projectile belonging to a collision group.
• On Update: This script is run once every frame, and can only be added to non-player Actors.
Trigger Scripts
These scripts can be accessed in the Editor Sidebar by clicking a Trigger in your project.
• On Enter: This script runs when the player collides with the trigger.
• On Leave: This script runs when a player that was previously colliding leaves the trigger.
Scripting Events Event Glossary
Event Glossary
📄 Actor
Activate Actor
📄 Camera
Camera Lock To Player
📄 Color
If Color Mode Is Available
📄 Control Flow
Call Script
📄 Input
Attach Script To Button
📄 Math
Evaluate Math Expression
📄 Miscellaneous
📄 Scene
Change Scene
📄 Screen
Fade Screen In
📄 Timer
Attach Timer Script
📄 Variables
Evaluate Math Expression
Scripting Events Event Glossary Actor
Activate Actor
Activate an actor, causing it to become visible (if not also hidden) and for its OnUpdate script to start.
Activate Actor
Actor 1
Actor 1
Actor 1
0 0
Use Collisions
Actor Move To
Move an actor to a new position.
Actor Move To
Actor 1
0 0
Use Collisions
Deactivate Actor
Deactivate an actor, causing it to act as if it had gone offscreen. It will become invisible and its OnUpdate script will be stopped.
Deactivate Actor
Actor 1
Hide Actor
Hide an actor, causing it to become invisible. Its OnUpdate script will continue to run while hidden.
Hide Actor
Actor 1
If Actor At Position
Conditionally run part of the script if an actor is at a specified position.
If Actor At Position
Actor 1
0 0
Add Event
Comparison Distance
<= 0
Actor 1
Add Event
Actor 1
Add Event
Actor Comparison
Player Is Above
Other Actor
Actor 1
Add Event
Launch Projectile
Launch a projectile from an actor in a specified direction. When a project collides with other actors it will trigger their OnHit scripts.
Launch Projectile
Sprite Sheet Animation State
cat Default
Actor 1
Offset X Offset Y
0 0
Direction Offset
Life Time
Player Bounce
In platform scenes causes the player to bounce upwards by setting the player's velocity Y value.
Player Bounce
• Slide Until Collision: Set to make the actor continue to move until a collision with another actor or the scene occurs.
Actor 1
Animation Frame
Animation Speed
Speed 4
Actor 1
Animation State
Actor 1
Actor 1
Actor 1
Speed 2
0 0
Actor 1
0 0
Actor 1
Sprite Sheet
Sprite Sheet
Show Actor
Unhide a previously hidden actor.
Show Actor
Actor 1
Actor 1
Actor 1
Actor 1
• Actor: The actor you want to check.
• Variable: The variable to use for the direction.
Actor 1
$Variable0 $Variable0
Camera Lock To Player
Move the camera back to centering on the player, locking into position when the player moves. Optionally allows locking to follow
player in only horizontal or vertical axis.
• Speed: The movement speed, use 'Instant' to immediately move to the new location.
• Lock Axis: Set if either horizontal axis, vertical axis or both should be locked.
Camera Move To
Move the camera to a new position.
Camera Move To
0 0
Speed 1
Camera Shake
Shake the camera for a period of time.
Camera Shake
Fade Screen In
Speed 1
Speed 1
If Color Mode Is Available
Conditionally run part of the script if the game is being played on a device or emulator that supports color games.
Add Event
Add Event
Add Event
0: Palette 0
1: Palette 1
2: Palette 2
3: Palette 3
4: Palette 4
5: Palette 5
6: Palette 6
7: Palette 7
1: Palette 1
2: Palette 2
3: Palette 3
4: Palette 4
5: Palette 5
6: Palette 6
7: Palette 7
Set UI Palette
Replace the palette used for the UI (background palette #8).
Set UI Palette
Control Flow
Call Script
Call one of your custom scripts. Once you have chosen a script you will be able to hook up any parameters required.
Call Script
My Custom Script
If Actor At Position
Conditionally run part of the script if an actor is at a specified position.
If Actor At Position
Actor 1
0 0
Add Event
Comparison Distance
<= 0
Actor 1
Add Event
Actor 1
Add Event
Actor Comparison
Player Is Above
Other Actor
Actor 1
Add Event
Add Event
Add Event
Add Event
A B Start Select
Add Event
If Math Expression
Conditionally execute part of the script if the specified math expression evaluates to true.
If Math Expression
e.g. $health >= 0...
Add Event
Add Event
Variable Comparison
$Variable0 ==
Add Event
Other Variable
Add Event
Flag 1
Add Event
If Variable Is 'False'
Conditionally run part of the script if the specified variable is set to false.
If Variable Is 'False'
Add Event
If Variable Is 'True'
Conditionally run part of the script if the specified variable is set to true.
If Variable Is 'True'
Add Event
Run part of the script in a loop forever. Remember to break out of the loop otherwise the player will become stuck at this point.
You can use a Stop Script or Change Scene event to stop the loop.
Add Event
Loop For
Run part of the script in a loop while a counter variable is within a specified range. On each loop the counter variable is modified
before the next check.
Loop For
From Comparison To
0 <= 10
Operation Value
+= 1
Add Event
Loop While
Run part of the script in a loop while an expression is true.
Loop While
e.g. $health >= 0...
Add Event
Stop Script
Stops the current script from running.
Stop Script
Conditionally run from multiple options depending on the value of the specified variable. First choose how many options you want
to compare the variable against, then set the values to compare and what scripts to execute when the value is matched.
Number of options
When: $$value0$$
Add Event
When: $$value1$$
Add Event
Add Event
Display Dialogue
Avatar 1
• Avatar: The avatar image to optionally display on the left hand side of the dialogue box.
Display Menu
Display a menu of multiple options and set the specified variable to the value of the chosen option. Multiple layouts are provided,
'Menu' displays as a single column on the right hand side of the game screen and 'Dialogue' displays a full width dialogue box
with two columns. You can optionally set the 'B' button to close the menu setting the variable to '0' and can also make the last
menu item return '0' when selected.
Display Menu
Set Variable
Number of options
Set to '1' if
Item 1
Set to '2' if
Item 2
Set Variable
Set to 'True' if
Choice A
Set to 'False' if
Choice B
• Set Variable: The variable to use.
• Set to 'True' if: The menu item text label which when selected will set variable to 'true'.
• Set to 'False' if: The menu item text label which when selected will set variable to 'false'.
• Text Open Speed: The speed that the text and menu dialogue boxes scroll on to the screen.
• Text Close Speed: The speed that the text and menu dialogue boxes scroll off of the screen.
• Text Draw Speed: The speed that characters are drawn into the dialogue boxes.
• Fast forward text while buttons held: Allow skipping through animation of text if joypad buttons are pressed.
Scripting Events Event Glossary Engine Fields
Engine Fields
Engine Field Update
Change the value of an Engine Field.
Engine Field
Jump Velocity
Engine Field
Jump Velocity
Attach Script To Button
Run the specified script any time a joypad button is pressed.
A B Start Select
On Press
Add Event
Any of
A B Start Select
Add Event
Any of
A B Start Select
A B Start Select
• Remove script attached to input: The joypad button to remove the attached script from.
Scripting Events Event Glossary Math
Evaluate Math Expression
Set a variable to the result of evaluating a math expression.
Variable Expression
$Variable0 e.g. 5 + (6 * $health)...
If Math Expression
Conditionally execute part of the script if the specified math expression evaluates to true.
If Math Expression
e.g. $health >= 0...
Add Event
Math Functions
Allows you to perform various maths functions on a variable to add/subtract/multiply/divide/modulus a value/variable/random
Math Functions
Variable Operation
$Variable0 Set To
Allows you to leave notes within your scripts. Provides no functionality in-game. The text you type automatically gets set in the
event title, so you can collapse the comment and still read its content.
Event Group
Alows you to group together parts of your script for organizational purposes.
Event Group
Add Event
GBVM Script
Run a GBVM script.
GBVM Script
Add Reference
Link: Close
Link: Close
Link: Host
Link: Host
Link: Join
Link: Join
Link: Transfer
Link: Transfer
Send Variable
Receive Variable
Packet Size
• Send Variable
• Receive Variable
• Packet Size
Scripting Events Event Glossary Music & Sound Effects
My Track 1
• Sound Effect: The sound effect to play. Can choose from files within /assets/sounds or from preset sounds like Beep ,
Pitch and Tone .
• Priority: The priority of the effect, high, medium or low. If two sound effects are playing at the same time then higher priority
sound effects will take precedence.
• Pitch: The pitch of the sound effect (Beep effect only).
• Frequency in hz: The frequency of the sound effect in hz (Tone effect only).
• Duration: The length of time to play the sound effect.
• Wait until finished: Set if script should pause until sound effect has finished playing.
• Effect Index: The effect number to play (for fxhammer only).
On Call
Add Event
Stop Music
Stops any currently playing music.
Stop Music
Save Data
Game Data Load
Load the saved game data from the selected slot.
Save Slot
Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Save Slot
Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Save current game data to memory. Requires cartridge type with BATTERY.
Save Slot
Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
On Save
Add Event
Save Slot
Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Add Event
Set Variable
Change Scene
Transition to a new scene with player at a specified position and direction. A connection line will be drawn between the source of
the event and the destination scene with an icon appearing at the destination position. It's possible to drag this icon around and
between scenes to modify the event.
Change Scene
Scene 1
0 0
Fade Speed
Speed 1
Fade Speed
Speed 1
Fade Screen In
Fade the scene from a blank screen.
Fade Screen In
Speed 1
Speed 1
Hide Overlay
Hides the screen overlay.
Hide Overlay
Overlay Move To
Moves the overlay to a new position on the screen.
Overlay Move To
0 0
Speed 1
• X: The horizontal position.
• Y: The vertical position.
• Speed: The movement speed.
Show Overlay
Show either a black or white window over the top of the current game screen. Can be used to obscure and then reveal parts of
the scene background for example on the sample project logo screen.
Show Overlay
Fill Color
0 0
• Fill Color: The color to fill the overlay with, either black or white.
• X: The horizontal position.
• Y: The vertical position.
Scripting Events Event Glossary Timer
Attach Timer Script
Run the specified script repeatedly after a time interval. The script will keep running in the background until a Remove Timer
Script event is called or the scene is changed using a Change Scene event.
Time Interval
On Tick
Add Event
• Time Interval: The length of time to wait before running the script each time.
• On Tick: The script to run when the timer is triggered.
Pause the script for a single frame.
Restart Timer
Reset the countdown timer back to zero. The script will call again after the time specified originally.
Restart Timer
• Duration: The length of time to pause the script for in seconds or frames.
Scripting Events Event Glossary Variables
Evaluate Math Expression
Set a variable to the result of evaluating a math expression.
Variable Expression
$Variable0 e.g. 5 + (6 * $health)...
Variable Comparison
$Variable0 ==
Add Event
Variable Comparison
$Variable0 ==
Other Variable
Add Event
Math Functions
Allows you to perform various maths functions on a variable to add/subtract/multiply/divide/modulus a value/variable/random
Math Functions
Variable Operation
$Variable0 Set To
Actor 1
$Variable0 $Variable0
Engine Field
Jump Velocity
Variable Decrement By 1
Decrease the value of the specified variable by one.
Variable Decrement By 1
Flag 1 Flag 2
Flag 3 Flag 4
Flag 5 Flag 6
Flag 7 Flag 8
Flag 9 Flag 10
Flag 11 Flag 12
Flag 13 Flag 14
Flag 15 Flag 16
Flag 1 Flag 2
Flag 3 Flag 4
Flag 5 Flag 6
Flag 7 Flag 8
Flag 9 Flag 10
Flag 11 Flag 12
Flag 13 Flag 14
Flag 15 Flag 16
Flag 1 Flag 2
Flag 3 Flag 4
Flag 5 Flag 6
Flag 7 Flag 8
Flag 9 Flag 10
Flag 11 Flag 12
Flag 13 Flag 14
Flag 15 Flag 16
Variable Increment By 1
Increase the value of the specified variable by one.
Variable Increment By 1
• Variable: The variable to use.
Custom Scripts
Custom Scripts allow you to create reusable procedures in your game that can be called from any of your scripts.
Your Custom Scripts will be listed in the Scripts section of the Navigator while on the Game World View.
Click the + button to create a new Custom Script or select one to edit from the list.
Once you've given your Custom Script a name you can start building a script in the same way you would for Actors, Triggers and
Whenever you add an event that reads a Variable it will get added to the list of input parameters for the Custom Script, where you
are able to give that input a memorable name. Events that affect Actors will, by default, apply to the player but if you use the actor
selector you will be able to set the event to read the Actor value from an input parameter also.
For example the following custom script makes Actor A rotate in a circle.
Passing by Reference or Value
When using variables in a custom script you have the choice to pass by reference (By Ref) or to pass by value (By Val) by clicking
the drop down button next to each variable in the parameters list.
• Pass By Reference Allows the custom script to modify the value of a variable parameter. Any changes to the variable's
value from inside the script will also update the variable's value outside of the script. Use this if you want the custom script to
be able to change the value of a variable that was passed in.
• Pass By Value Copies the current value of the variable at call time so that any changes to the variable parameter from
within the script will not affect the variable that was passed in. Use this if you want the custom script to NOT be able to
change the variable that was passed in.
You first must choose the script which you wish to call, if that script has any variable or actor parameters you can then choose
which inputs to use.
If you ever want to edit the Custom Script you can return to it using the list on the Navigator or by selecting Edit Custom Script
from the event dropdown menu.
Scripting Events Math Expressions
Math Expressions
The Evaluate Math Expression and If Math Expression events allow mathematical expressions to be used for performing
If Math Expression
e.g. $health >= 0...
Add Event
• + add
• - subtract
• * multiply
• / divide
• == Equal to
• != Not equal to
You can use variables in expressions by typing $ and searching for the variable's name.
Scripting Events GBVM
GB Studio's game engine runs on a stack based virtual machine called GBVM game engine. You can access the virtual machine
directly by using a GBVM Script event in you game.
GBVM Script
VM_PUSH_CONST 0 ; Y coord
VM_PUSH_CONST 0 ; X coord
VM_LOAD_TILESET .ARG0, ___bank_bg_cave, _bg_cave
VM_OVERLAY_SET_MAP .ARG0, .ARG1, .ARG2, ___bank_bg_cave, _bg_cave
Add Reference
Learning GBVM
If you want to know more about GBVM and how to use it then check out GB Studio Central's getting started guide, Learning
Scripting Events GBVM GBVM Operations
GBVM Operations
Compares variable with a set of values, and if equal jump to the specified label.
values for testing may be defined with the .CASE macro, where VAL parameter is a value for testing and LABEL is a jump label
Return from the far call and remove N arguments from stack
• IDXA: A variable
• IDXB: B variable
• LABEL: Jump label when result is TRUE
• N: Number of values to be removed from stack if the result is true
• IDX: variable that contains the index of the variable to be pushed on stack
• N: positive value - amount of variables to be reserved on stack, negative value - amount of variables to be popped from
• IDXA: Variable A
• IDXB: Variable B
Joins a thread
Kills a thread
• IDXA: A variable
• B: immediate value to be compared with
• LABEL: Jump label when result is TRUE
• N: Number of values to be removed from stack if the result is true
Raises an exception
Checks that VM state was restored and reset the restore flag
Clear VM memory
copy VM memory
• IDX: points to the beginning of the pseudo-structure that contains these members:
ID - Actor number
X - New X-coordinate of the actor
Y - New Y-coordinate of the actor
ATTR - Bit flags:
.ACTOR_ATTR_H_FIRST - move horizontal first
.ACTOR_ATTR_CHECK_COLL - respect collisions
.ACTOR_ATTR_DIAGONAL - allow diagonal movement
• IDX: points to the beginning of the pseudo-structure that contains these members:
ID - Actor number
X - New X-coordinate of the actor
Y - New Y-coordinate of the actor
• IDX: points to the beginning of the pseudo-structure that contains these members:
ID - Actor number
X - X-coordinate of the actor
Y - Y-coordinate of the actor
• IDX: Start of the pseudo-structure which contains the new camera position:
X - X-coordinate of the camera position
Y - Y-coordinate of the camera position
• IDX: Start of the pseudo-structure which contains the new camera position:
X - X-coordinate of the camera position
Y - Y-coordinate of the camera position
Loads a new tileset into the background VRAM tiles starting at a given tile id ( IDX ).
GB Printer
Detect printer
• MASK: Mute Mask. The 4 lower bits represent the 4 audio channels.
Removes the last scene from the scene stack an loads it.
Removes all scenes from the scene stack and loads the first one.
Screen Fade
Transfers SGB packet(s). Data of variable length is placed after this instruction, for example:
.db ((0x04 << 3) | 1), 1, 0x07, ((0x01 << 4) | (0x02 << 2) | 0x03), 5,5,
10,10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; ATTR_BLK packet
SGB packet size is a multiple of 16 bytes and encoded in the packet itself.
Text Sound
Stop a timer
• NARGS: Amount of arguments that are passed before the null-terminated string
.asciz "text to render"
Displaying variables:
The following format specifiers allow to render variables as part of the text:
.dw VAR_0, VAR_1, VAR_1
.asciz "Var 0 is %d, Var 1 is %d, Var 2 is %d"
Escape Sequences:
The text string can contain escape sequence that modify the behavior or apparence of the text.
• \001\x Sets the text speed for the next characters in the current text. x is a value between 1 and 8 that represents the
number of frames between the render of a character using 2^(x-2) .
• \004\x\y Sets the position for the next character relative to the last character
• \005\ TBD
• \n Next line
• START_TILE: Tile number within the text rendering area to be rendered from; use .TEXT_TILE_CONTINUE to proceed
from the current position
.TEXT_LAYER_BKG - Render text in the background layer
.TEXT_LAYER_WIN - Render text in the overlay layer
Execute menu
Copies rectange area of the background map onto the overlay window
• PARAMS_IDX: points to the beginning of the pseudo-structure that contains these members:
x - X-coordinate within the overlay window in tiles
y - Y-coordinate tithin the overlay window in tiles
w - Width of the copied area in tiles
h - Height of the copied area in tiles
scene_x - X-Coordinate within the background map in tiles
scene_y - Y-Coordinate within the background map in tiles
Defines the scroll area for the overlay. When the text overflows that area it'll scroll up by 1 row
• X: X-coordinate within the overlay window of the upper left corner in tiles
• Y: Y-coordinate within the overlay window of the upper left corner in tiles
• W: Width of the area in tiles
• H: Height of the area in tiles
• SX: X-coordinate within the level background map
• SY: Y-coordinate within the level background map
Building Your Game
Build Terminal
Clicking the Project View Button and selecting Build & Run will take you to the Build Terminal where you can see a log of the
project build. You also get to this screen by clicking the Play button while a build is taking place. This screen will show you if
there's any errors in your build to help you correct them.
Build as ROM
Clicking the Export button and selecting Export ROM will build your game and create a ROM file in your project's build folder as
$PROJECT_ROOT/build/rom/game.gb . You can play this ROM file in any compatible emulator such as OpenEMU or KiGB.
If you zip the build/web folder you can upload it to Itch.io as a HTML game. In this case the recommended viewport size to use
is 480px x 432px .
On macOS if you're having trouble building or running your game you may also need to install Apple's Command Line Tools by
opening Applications/Terminal.app and entering the following command.
xcode-select --install
On Windows you may need to whitelist the application in your Anti Virus software to perform a build.
Extending GB Studio
Extending GB Studio
📄 Engine Eject
Engine Eject copies the GBVM game engine that GB Studio uses into a folder in your project, named assets/engine. You can edit these source files to your liking using an IDE to hav…
📄 Plugins
Plugins are a way to extend GB Studio and share reusable assets, create custom scripting events and even build engine modifications.
Extending GB Studio Engine Eject
Engine Eject
Engine Eject copies the GBVM game engine that GB Studio uses into a folder in your project, named assets/engine . You can
edit these source files to your liking using an IDE to have more control over how your GB Studio game is built. This feature is only
recomended for developers familiar with GBDK.
To use Engine Eject, click on Game at the top of the GB Studio window and navigate to the Advanced tab to show the Engine
Eject button.
After clicking Eject your project will gain a new folder named /engine with the subfolders /include and /src .
Reverting Files
To revert any GBDK file back to its GB Studio default, delete it from the assets/engine folder. Deleting the whole assets/
engine folder ensures that all GBDK code reverts back to the GB Studio defaults. You can also do this by pressing Engine Eject
again, which will overwrite your assets/engine folder with the GB Studio defaults.
Compile Errors
If you have bugged or incompatible files in the /engine folder, GB Studio will not be able to build your game. Error messages
can be found in the Build & Run window.
The error message will often explain which files have problems and point you to the line number where the problem was found, for
example this error is showing that line 77 of src/core/actor.c is using a variable that has not yet been defined:
Compiling: src/core/actor.c
src/core/actor.c:77: error 20: Undefined identifier 'emote_offsets'
src/core/actor.c:77: error 22: Array or pointer required for '[]' operation
src/core/actor.c:77: error 47: indirections to different types assignment
These errors will not be caused by missing files. GB Studio refers to its default engine in place of any missing assets/engine
files. Fixing or removing the files that caused the error will allow your game to build and run again.
Extending GB Studio Plugins
Plugins are a way to extend GB Studio and share reusable assets, create custom scripting events and even build engine
Installing Plugins
To use plugins you must first create a plugins folder within your project in the same folder as your .gbsproj file. You can then
place any plugins you have within this folder.
You may need to close and reopen your project after adding plugins for the changes to appear.
Asset Plugins
The simplest kind of plugin you can make for GB Studio is an asset plugin, these allow you to share sprites, backgrounds, fonts,
sounds, anything that is normally placed in the assets folder.
To create an asset plugin first create a new folder within your plugins folder with the name you want to give your plugin (Above
we used assetPlugin as the name). Within that folder you can create any of the normal project asset folders (such as
backgrounds ) and place files within it. These assets will appear as normal in your project but are now easier to package up and
share between projects or with others.
To create a script event plugin first create a new folder within your plugins folder with the name you want to give your plugin
(Such as myPlugin ). Within that folder create an events folder, and within that you can place the Javascript definition of your
events. See the GB Studio source for examples of how these files should be structured and how they generate GBVM output.
Note your event plugin Javascript filename MUST begin with event e.g. eventMyFirstEvent.js .
Engine plugins contain an engine folder which follows the same structure as an ejected game engine. Below you can download
an example plugin that adds a new game engine function that causes the screen to flash (only when Color mode is disabled) and
also includes a script event plugin to allow calling the new function.
Migration Guide
GB Studio 3.0 introduces a number of changes to previous versions in an effort to improve and future proof the game engine and
project format. While we try our best to automate as much of the migration as possible there are a few instances where it was not
possible to do that this time and you may need to make some changes to your project if you wish to migrate from previous GB
Studio versions.
• Actors will now always animate while stationary (allowing idle animations), which may cause issues when you want to step
through animations manually (like checkboxes in the GB Studio 2.0 sample game menu scenes), if you wish to control an
animation manually as before, set the Actor’s animation speed to “None”. You should also consider using the new Sprite
Editor and Animation States as you can accomplish similar goals with a lot more flexibility.
• If you have many actors in a scene that use Actor Set Sprite Sheet events you may find your sprite tile counter has
become too high. This is because in GB Studio 3.0 we made a different tradeoff in how to handle this situation, previously all
scripted sprite sheets needed to be loaded into memory as the scene initialised limiting how many unique sprites could be
used in a single scene, instead we now reserve memory for every actor that uses scripted sprite sheets but you can apply
as many sprite sheets as you want to a single actor. The recommended solution is to replace switching sprite sheets with
using Animation States instead. For an example of a scene affected by this compare the scene "Space Battle" from the GBC
Sample Project in GB Studio 2 with the version in GB Studio 3, where ship explosion animations are now part of the enemy
sprite animations rather than a separate sprite sheet.
• If you are migrating from GB Studio 2 you may notice the per scene actor limits is now reduced to 20 actors per scene, this
may increase in future releases. Depending on how you were using actors you may be able to use larger sprites to achieve
the same effect.
• The default player sprite is now set per scene type (Top Down 2D, Platformer, etc), so there is no need to switch to a
different player sprite manually anymore in the scene init script, unless you wish to do so conditionally. When migrating a
project using multiple scene types you will need to set the default player sprite for each scene type from the Settings View.
• Collision bounding boxes can now be configured per sprite. Previously all actors had a collision box of 16px x 16px and
the player had a collision box of 8px x 16px . When migrating your project we set the spritesheet you set as the player
default to use a 8px x 16px collision box to maintain compatibility with previous versions but if you ever changed the
player sprite though scripts you may also need to set the collision boxes on these sprites manually using the Sprite Editor.
• Platformer player sprites now have a custom jump and climb animation which you will need to configure. To use these go
into the Sprite Editor, select your platform player sprite, and in the right hand sidebar set the animation type to “Platform
Player” which adds a few more animations you can define for the sprite, see Animation Settings for more information.
• Ladder tiles now snap the player sprite to the center of the tile while climbing. If you are using ladders in your game, make
sure to test them as you may need to reposition the collision tiles to match the new alignment.
Save / Load
• When loading a save game, the game engine now continues any scripts that were previously running. This means that if you
included a message such as “It is now safe to turn off your system.” immediately after the save it will also be shown when
loading that game. The save data event now use an On Save callback, this will only be called when you save, and not when
you load the game back. If you were previously displaying a message after saving you will likely need to move it into the On
Save script. See the save points in the latest example projects for how to implement this.
Clicking the Project View Button and selecting Settings will take you to a list of your project's settings.
GB Color Options
GB Studio has support for GB Color when your game is run on compatible hardware or emulators. Click the Enable Color
Mode checkbox to enable.
Once color mode is enabled you can select up to 8 Default Background Palettes and 8 Default Sprite Palettes, these are the
palettes that every new scene in your game will use unless you specifically override them. See Colorizing a Scene for how to use
background palettes.
Super GB Options
To enable support for Super GB click the Enable Super GB Mode checkbox.
This mode will allow you to set a custom 256px × 224px border image and color palette to use when your game is run on
compatible hardware or emulators.
The first time you build your game after enabling this mode a default border image will be copied to your project in assets/sgb/
border.png , edit this image to replace the border with your own.
You can create variable width fonts (with characters less than 8px wide) by filling the right edge of your font's characters with
magenta #ff00ff like the example below.
By default fonts use an ASCII mapping with character code 32 (Space) mapping to the top left character in your font. You can
provide a custom mapping by editing your font's .json file as follows.
"name": "Japanese Font",
"mapping": {
"ヲ": 166,
"ァ": 167,
"ィ": 168
In this example using a ヲ character will now display character 166 from your .png .
Please note that as the first 32 ASCII characters are not included in your image you need to account for this in your mapping, for
example if you wanted to map the character ? to the second tile in your .png you would set the mapping to be "?": 33
Music Format
The music format chooses which music engine to use in your game, this in turn determines the format of the music files supported
in your project.
The recommended setting is UGE (hUGEDriver) ( .uge files), as this enables you to use the inbuilt music editor, though if you
have created a project in GB Studio 2.0 or below you will need to keep this setting as MOD (GBT Player) ( .mod files) to
maintain compatibility with your existing music files.
Engine Settings
The GB Studio game engine has a number of custom settings split by scene type that you can change to adjust the feel of your
game, for example to reduce the gravity in Platformer scenes or to make Top Down 2D scenes use a 16px grid.
To reset to the original values you can use the Restore Default button.
The Controls section allows you to override the default controls used when playing your game from a web build and the Play
To edit the controls for a button click on the input box and while the input is highlighted type the key you wish to assign. To remove
all the assigned keys click the input and then press the Backspace key on your keyboard.
To reset to the original controls you can use the Restore Default button.
Cartridge Type
The Cartridge Type section allows you to choose which Memory Bank Controller you want to use and if you want to enable
Batteryless Saving for compatible Flash Carts.
If you don't know what these settings mean it's best to keep this as the default of MBC5, with Batteryless disabled which you can
do by using the Restore Default button.