Ammonia Plant 2520Location&Layout

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The location of the plant can have a turning effect on the overall viability of a
process plant, and the scope for future expansion. Many factors must be
considered when selecting a suitable plant site. The most important factors are as
follows :
• Location, with respect to the marketing area
• Raw material supply
• Transport facilities
• Availability of labor
• Availability of suitable land
• Environmental impact and effluent disposal
• Local community consideration
• Climate
• Political and strategic consideration
In addition to the main plant , we also have to consider the associated services
which have to be amalgamated within a particular plant site. Canteens, parks,
general utilies, emergency medical services and places for storage must also be
taken into consideration while deciding on a particular site.


The economic construction and operation of a process unit will depend on how
well the plant equipment specified on the process flow sheet and laid out.

The principal factors to be considered are:

1. Economic consideration: construction and operation cost.

2. The process requirement
3. Convenience of operation
4. convenience of maintenance
5. Safety
6. Future expansion

The cost of construction can be minimized by adopting a layout that gives

shortest run of connecting pipes between equipment, and adopting the least
amount of structural steel work. However, this will not necessarily be the best
arrangement for operation and maintenance.


All the required equipments have to be placed properly within process. Even the
installation of the auxiliaries should be done in such a way that it will occupy the
least space.


Equipment that needs to have frequent operation should be located convenient

to the control room. Valves, sample points, and instruments should be located at
convenient position and height. Sufficient working space and headroom must be
provided to allow easy access to equipment.


Heat exchangers need to be sited so that the tube bundles can be easily
withdrawn for cleaning and tube replacement. Vessels that require frequent
replacement of catalyst or packing should be located on the outside of buildings.
Equipment that requires dismantling for maintenance, such as compressors and
large pumps, should be placed under cover.


Blast walls may be needed to isolate potentially hazardous equipment, and

confine the effects of an explosion.
At least two escape routes for operator must beprovided from each level in the
process building.
In the manufacturing of ammonia, there arises a need to vent gases and to
remove condensates. These liquid and gaseous effluents and the chemicals used
in the process may tend to pollute the environment.

The main source of gaseous ammonia emission are from the inert gas purge and
from the ammonia storage section of the ammonia plant. In the case of non
functioning or breakdown of the equipment large quantity of ammonia emission
increases ammonia concentration in the atmosphere.

The liquid effluents contain dissolved ammonia and dissolved Carbon dioxide.
The toxic effect of ammonia depends upon the concentration of free ammonia. Its
presence in water leads to suffocation of aquatic life forms.

Also there is the possibility of emission of particulate matter like Carbon oxides
of Sulfur etc. These may removed by electrostatic precipitation or vacuum

Pollution Control
This may be achieved by
1 . Segregation of effluent streams
2 . Control of particulate matter by
a) Mechanical separators
b) Wet Scrubbers
c) Fabric filters and electrostatic precipitators.
Ammonia may be removed by any of the following methods

Ammonia removal technique Concentration

Steam stripping 3.4 wt %
Air stripping >1500 ppm
Simple lagooning after PH adjustment 1500 ppm
Biological treatment About 700 ppm

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