Insectsphysiologyppt 170801053717
Insectsphysiologyppt 170801053717
Insectsphysiologyppt 170801053717
digestive system
excretory system
Reproductive system
endocrine and nervous system
Morphology &structure
Body division
Insect physiology is the study of how insects live and
Insects are arthropods meaning they have an external
skeleton that covers the internal tissues.
The exoskeleton protects the internal tissue but also
allows for sensory systems to function.
hind wing
The fore-legs are located on the prothorax, the mid-legs on
the mesothorax, and the hind legs on the metathorax.
Each leg has six major components as shown below
Legs cont….
long tube-like structure that runs from the mouth to the anus
centrally located within the body cavity, or hemocoel
Foregut/ stomodeum
The anterior-most region which includes the Buccal cavity, the
esophagus, and the crop.
Begins the breakdown of food particles and transport them to
the next region, the midgut (or mesenteron).
The midgut is the major area of digestion and absorption.
The hindgut/ proctodeum) consists of the ileum, colon, rectum,
and (often) rectal pads. The hindgut functions in water and solute
reabsorption and waste excretion.
Digestive system cont…..
Morphology and structure
Almost all adult arachnids have eight legs ( Insects have 6 legs).
They also have two further pairs of appendages that have become
adapted for feeding, defense, and sensory perception.
The first pair, the chelicerae, serve in feeding and defense.
The next pair, the pedipalps, have been adapted for feeding,
locomotion, and/or reproductive functions.
In Solifugae, the palps are quite leg-like, so that these animals appear
to have ten legs.
The larvae of mites and Ricinulei have only six legs; a fourth pair usually
appears when they moult into nymphs.
Morphology and structure
Unlike insects, arachnids lacks antennae or wings. Their body
is organized into two ;prosoma/cephalothorax, and the
The cephalothorax is derived from the fusion of the cephalon
(head) and the thorax, and is usually covered by a single,
unsegmented carapace.
The abdomen is segmented in the more primitive forms, but
varying degrees of fusion between the segments occur in
many groups.
It is typically divided into a preabdomen and postabdomen,
although this is only clearly visible in scorpions, and in some
orders, such as the Acari, the abdominal sections are
completely fused.
Class Arachnida
Extremely varied in lifestyle
Some scavengers(feeding on dead and decaying remains oif plants &
Pests of cultivated plants (feeds on living plants)
Predatory( feeding on other mites)
Mites are arthropods , there is considerable similarity to insects-
external jointed skeleton & distinct jointed legs.
Mites like other arthropods moults at intervals as they grow
Mouth parts
Its a small anterior projection bearing the 3 structures that make up the
mouthparts: the hypostome, a pair of chelicerae, and the pedipalps
The hypostome is medially located and ventral to the mouth; the
chelicerae are used to pierce or tear the skin
The mouthparts of the Acari are modified for specialized feeding
Mites have small mouthparts and often feed on lymph and other
secretions that are produced once the chelicerae bite the tissue
The hypostome lacks teeth and therefore does not serve as an anchor
Gnathosoma cont….