Chapter II
Chapter II
Chapter II
Related Theories
Fishbein and Ajzen created the theory of reasoned action, sometimes known as
the TRA, in 1975. It is a social psychology paradigm that assumes that the attitude
toward the behavior, or personal attitude, and subjective norms where behavior is
conduct, are two independent drivers of the desire to perform that behavior.
attitude toward the activity, or personal influence, and subjective norms, or social
impact, surrounding the performance of the behavior, are factors that affect behavioral
and Hanno (1993) to investigate the decision to major in accounting, and by Felton et
al. (1995) to analyze the attitudes and intents to become an accountant. Apostolou,
Dorminey, Hassell, & Rebele, 2015 stated in their recent journal that the main reason
why the majority of accounting graduates decide to enter professional life right out of
college is to earn a respectable salary that will allow them to start their careers and
pay their bills that tends to move them farther from academia. In addition to that,
administration (MBA) and have more real-world accounting expertise, backing up the
idea that accounting professionals often put in more hours, make more money, and act
more like entrepreneurs than accounting educators do, while academicians prefer
greater stability and consider themselves more as employees (Fogarty & Black, 2014).
The researchers will utilize the theory of reasoned action into the study in order to
understand deeper, create framework and identify the factors as of why there are
accounting professionals in the business industry and academe and their choice of
career paths.
lead to the acceptance of formal rules and structures that lend organizational
legitimacy by causing myths or concepts to be taken for granted (Mayer, Rowan et al.
2013). These guidelines encourage businesses in a field to use architecture that are
compatible with their surroundings. As a result, although having the head office in a
on how action and actors affect institutions, institutional work reorients the focus of
The foundational fields of economics, political science, and sociology all contributed
to the development of institutional theory, which has given rise to a variety of socio-
institutional viewpoints (W. and Hughes, C. 2013). Institutional theory has sparked
provisions that take into account how fundamental economic institutions interact
creating "uncontested space," (2) bringing in "new actors," (3) establishing new rules
and standards that redefine existing boundaries, and (4) establishing new "status
hierarchies." By doing this, a profession can establish and uphold the adjacent
organization's norms and structures for the benefit of the profession. In this instance,
the accounting profession established and continues to uphold rules and institutions
In this case study by Venter and De Villiers (2013) demonstrates how the
Africa and how the profession has established and supported organizations within
academia. This analysis demonstrates how the institutional work of the professional
and generates new insights. The relevance of this theory to the current study is to
identify whether institutions and organizations have effect on the career decision
engage in interaction with other elements, whether active or not (Callon, 1999). The
action, whether it originates from a human or non-human." (Cresswell, et. al. 2013).
Symmetry is one of the fundamental and crucial tenets of the actor-network theory.
One of the primary achievements of this theory, according to Mattedi, Grisotti, Spiess,
and Bennertz (2009), was the introduction of a symmetrical approach to the link
understand both human and non-human agents in a shared base language (Latour,
in the field of specialized accounting because the Actor-Network Theory treats human
and non-human agents equally in terms of importance in a given reality and that they
are potential actors in a network based on the principle of heterogeneity (Hardy &
the idea that the creation of a reality or social environment depends on relationships
In this study of Murro & Beuren 2016, specialized accounting inspection with
the use of ANT they have concluded that the establishment of networks in the field of
since they have an impact on the performance of activities and the stabilization of
relationships. The quality of the expert report and technical report and the competence
also like to utilize action network theory through application to the current study
will help the study in researching this study progress deeper in a unbiased and equal
Related Literature
professionals towards the academic field. Firstly, the study by Tanase & Stefanescu
environment. The majority of respondents in their study believed that future graduates
skills, for successful integration into the professional environment. This implies that
the profile of respondents, such as their level of education and practical experience,
can influence their interest and preparedness for the academic field in accounting.
Furthermore, the study by Chipunza & Malo (2017) explored job satisfaction
that academic professionals were dissatisfied with their salaries. This indicates that
the profile of respondents, including their financial motivations and expectations, can
results showed that business professionals had relatively favorable views of internal
audit compared to prior research on accountants. This suggests that the profile of
may influence their interest in pursuing a career in the academic field of accounting as
on institutional factors. It was observed that staff at the junior lecturer and
lecturer levels were more likely to be female, while senior lecturers and
within the accounting profession, which may affect the availability of female
were more likely to feel that gender identity influenced their professional
milestones. This suggests that gender identity may play a role in shaping
the UK. The study reviews information from professional accountancy body
(PAB) websites and confirms that most accounting degrees in the UK are
accredited by PABs. This accreditation can attract students and shape their
finding suggests that professionals who earned their degree in earlier years
may have more experience and knowledge to contribute to the academic field.
Rossouw & Brink (2021) investigate the success rates of students with
The findings suggest that secondary school education in accounting may not
information implies that the year in which professionals earned their degree
may not significantly impact their availability towards the academic field.
experience may not always have a positive influence (Dieste et al., 2017). This
accrediting bodies, and academics themselves that there is a gap between academe
and the requirements of the accounting profession (Christopher et al., 2013). This gap
field, as they may prefer to work directly in the profession rather than in academia.
the accounting profession can also affect the availability of accounting professionals
in the academic field. With the effect of globalization, there have been significant
2021). These advancements have made the accounting profession more challenging
(Guthrie & Parker, 2014), the impact of accounting research and teaching on the
firm Radford it is just one element that most companies take into account
professionals in academia, however, may not be high enough to give them the
same pay as those from the Private Sector, but they do have good income and
opportunities in the industry offer higher paying jobs with potential for rapid
salary increases each year to compensate for those student loans. According to
industry are three times higher compared with that of their academic
or level, such as assistant professor, associate professor and full professor. The
seniority can confer higher pay but if organizations make use of limited
financial resources to attract new hires rather than provide salary increases for
current faculty (Graves & Kapla, (2018), Staples, J., Lowe, S. K., & Collum,
were teaching and considering their salary grade. There are many
may not even be aware of. Equitable pay is more than a matter of
a wage gap may also gain a reputation for pay disparity or unfairness,
significantly depending on where they are in their career which has phases as
country's economic situation, which, in general, leads to the need for more
salary and benefits, but it's not likely to be a permanent position, and the pay
may be much lower than for tenure-track faculty. In many professions, such as
first to professional practice, then to further education, and finally to the halls
gained in terms of points, criteria, and expectations for tenure and promotion
was also lost in terms of the time required to engage in meaningful research,
connected with academia is not new. The report of the Pathways Commission
modified (Majzoub, S., & Aga, M... 2015) which clearly displayed lack of
addition, learning outcomes also seek to enhance the skills of those who aspire
regards to providing a high degree of quality reporting (Agrawal, P., Birt, J.,
The study by Smith & Urquhart (2018) highlights that the decoupling of research and
neither excel at research nor hold professional qualifications may become undesirable.
Thus, the availability of accounting professionals who can contribute to both research
emphasizes the need to leverage online tools for content delivery, assignment
completion, and assessment. Johnson et al. (2017) argue that the shortage of qualified
professors makes it a relevant time to increase the use of online tools in accounting
accountant economic specialists is also significant. Badicu & Mihaila (2016) highlight
enhance the role of the academic environment and develop the professional skills of
incorporating relevant accounting subjects into the curriculum, universities can better
graduates for future workplaces, bridging the gap between industry and
the need for accounting education to align with the requirements of the labor
produce competent graduates who can meet the demands of the accounting
profession, such as Big Data and data analytics, at both university and
such as preparing graduates for future workplaces, bridging the gap between
Stefanescu, A. 2014).
and reward the multiple roles of accounting academics. The typical accounting
academic recruit now has a profile similar to the rest of the university, with the
PhD being the qualification of choice (Paisey, C., & Paisey, N. J. 2017).
document business activities (Chi, T. K., Sin Yi, T., Al Mamun, A., Hayat, N.,
security. Finally, insights into the requirements demanded by the job market
academic community that academics are not connected with practice, also as a
the field has become disconnected from practice. (Bloch, R., Kleinman, G., &
with factors such as lifestyle, career path, and work environment being
important considerations (Harjanti, W., Prasetyo, H. D., Adi Rahardjo, K., &
Supriadi, I. 2020).
aligned with their organizational goals and results, also the relationship
accounting academics need to engage with the profession and society as to the
impact of their research, an important issue in higher education (S, S. W., &
Yusof, B. 2017).
Significant Factors. Bouilheres et al. (2021) found that attitude is the most
candidates to affiliate with a professional accounting body. This suggests that the
attitude towards the accounting profession plays a crucial role in attracting individuals
Additionally, the work environment and work-family balance can also affect
the availability of accounting professionals in the academic field. Opatha & Perera
Sri Lanka and found that there is a significant difference between male and female
work environment and the ability to balance work and personal life can be important
Another factor is personal interests and future prospects. Harjanti et al. (2020)
found that personal interests, parental influence, and future prospects are factors that
influence the career choice of accountants among university students. This indicates
that the perceived potential for personal growth and prospects for a successful future
incentives and rewards also play a role in attracting individuals to the accounting
profession. Ticoi & Albu (2018) found that financial incentives are one of the factors
that affect the choice of accounting as a career. This suggests that the potential for
financial stability and rewards in the accounting field can attract individuals to pursue
the profession.
Tocev, 2022). Academia should conduct research to provide a theoretical basis for
(Saadeh et al., 2022). Improving the structure of regulation and ensuring control over
Related Studies
Norris (2020) conducted a study about Accounting Faculty Shortage: A Qualitative
Study wherein the research revealed that institutions are selective when hiring accounting
professionals because they are not looking for only those who have the technical expertise but
also can mentor and teach. It is essential to consider the applicant's passion for teaching
students, not just looking at the years of service. This relates to the lack of availability of
accounting professionals because institutions were too fussy when it came to hiring,
considering that if someone has so much experience in the profession, it is more advantageous
in the institution as the applicant has a lot of ideas and lessons to offer in students. It is a
matter of chance to hire qualified professionals to be accounting teachers, especially since the
passion for teaching can be learned along the way. However, the study of AraúJo et al. (2014)
entitled "Perceived Problems of Being an Accounting Teacher," which states that many
beginner classes are assigned to inexperienced teachers, who often lack the necessary
preparation and training. Some of these teachers were asked to teach more challenging
courses to students with higher learning difficulties and considering that the amount of
workload is a little bit demanding to catch up. The problem is that accounting teachers tend to
have one or more occupations besides teaching, which they only consider part-time, and these
professionals focus more on their primary job. The unnecessary workload that burdens the
accounting professionals was the cause of why some of them decided to resign and
What's more, accounting teachers hold a baccalaureate degree in accountancy and not
a degree in education. Accounting professionals got into teaching, preferably because of the
circumstance than by design. CPAs usually focus their career path on working in industry or
business rather than academia. After all, the corporate world offers higher pay in lieu of
teaching (Del Mundo & Refozar, 2013). It is not always the first choice for accounting
graduates to enter the academe field as their first job, which results in the need for more
accounting professionals to teach in schools, as most of them can be seen at the accounting or
auditing firm doing tasks facing at their respective computers rather than doing lectures in
front of the students. After all, the corporate world offers higher pay in lieu of teaching. The
study's finding is supported by Nwodoh (2014) noted that weak motivating programs and
issues with human resource development affect accounting education. Nwodoh pointed out
that these difficulties have prevented the professors from providing the students with the
quality training and retraining they need to gain modern accounting skills and understanding.
As the modality of learning has become more complicated as the years pass, the number of
In addition to that, the results of the study of Modise (2016) showed that the time
working in an environment that is under staff since universities in South Africa mostly hire
professors who only have more interest in Economics and Business studies than the
accounting course itself. The issue arises because some of the schools hired professionals who
were economics or business major. It is far from their interest to teach accounting courses as
it is not their forte, especially since it is comfortable and convincing to work if the teachers'
job is close to their hearts. Accounting needs a lot of time for teachers to be able to deliver as
well as for the students to comprehend the lessons. The time opportunity and the work
environment under staff were the few reasons why the lack of availability of accounting
professionals exists.
professors retire and new instructors are needed. The significant demand for faculty is
in audit and tax, the leading areas of specialization for practicing CPAs, and a concern
of accounting leaders. It shows that between 500 and 700 accounting professors per
year will retire over the next ten years while accounting Ph.D. programs average 140
graduates per year. About 40% of those graduates are foreign nationals who might not
remain in the U.S. to teach. It is also pointed out that professors have a demanding
workload as they are highly expected to work hard, teach and service their university,
number of accountants in Sweden, which will increase over time. It also emphasizes
that the Shortage in the number of accountants may be due to insufficient students
profession. The main internal factors identified in the study that personal interest in
accounting, numerical inability, and the perception that a career in accounting is dull.
The external factors which influence students to pursue a career in accounting include
primarily the salary scale and job opportunities (Massa & Karlsson, 2018).
workload of these university professors. Due to the lack of students' ability to acquire
knowledge, teachers will have the role of transmitters of information, which will
further increase the workload of the classroom. With that, they conducted a survey
and concluded that the professors' workloads exceed the average number of hours as
76.2% of professors teach 3-5 types of courses per year, and overtime courses are
expanding yearly with an average of 50%. It shows that the higher the workload of
university professors, the lower the quality of education. The study concluded that
university professors work overtime due to a shortage of teaching staff. With that,
education authorities need to develop their policies for the future of this current
situation, or else the education system will not be able to develop in the right
direction, as this will negatively affect the future of students and the country's
academicians, policymakers, and the profession for decades. There is a reason that
more practitioners do not go into teaching; the process of obtaining a doctorate can be
bounded to positions as part-time adjunct faculty with fewer career options, less job
security, and significantly lower compensation than faculty with a doctorate. Many
need help to afford to give up their jobs to make far less money for several years, and
they are frequently hesitant to transport and move away to attend school, especially if
they have families. Many universities coped with the shortage by hiring part-time.
However, universities with accounting programs still need to hire a certain percentage
requires much time; it is also why accountants are kept from joining the faculty and
CPA, DBA; Brian W. Carpenter, Ph.D.; and Dana R. Hermanson, Ph.D., 2016)
A gulf between the demand and supply of qualified accounting faculty makes
educated entry-level accountants to the academic field. The survey shows participants'
indicated that they were interested in full-time teaching. 16.5% indicated a reasonably
high degree of interest. And 28.3% of at least a moderate degree of interest. It was
also stated that the factors that decrease their interest in pursuing a full-time career as
industry and academia (4.5%), needed practical experience before teaching (2.9),
results. In accordance with the statement of the problem, the respondents will be
classifying the respondents, it will enable the researcher to make a better comparison
between the two and how it may have affected their availability. Several factors are
tested in the researcher, also in accordance with the literatures that are sought
that affect the accountancy professionals in offering their service to the academy and
educational institutions as instructors will help the researcher determine which factor
had the most effect. The process will also determine if the given factors had a
provide a three steps graphic presentation. This figure will entail how may the
collection of data will be applied, and which process takes place before the other. This
may help the researcher for additional explanations, and other researchers in
that explains the method of the researcher in determining the results that is sought by
the study. The researcher will stick in the application of the research process until the
Null Hypothesis
There is no significant factor that indicates a strong relevance to the
field of accounting.
Definition of Terms
research institutions.
Academic Accounting - the study and research of accounting principles, practices, and
entities that were previously linked or integrated. In the context of the study,
including accounting.
Doctoral Degree - the highest level of academic degree that can be obtained in a
particular field of study. It is typically earned through advanced research and the
Emerging Technologies - new and developing technologies that have the potential to
significantly impact various industries and fields. In the context of the study,
Entry Level Accountants - individuals who are at the beginning of their accounting
careers and have recently entered the workforce. They typically have limited
their gender. In the context of the study, gender disparity may refer to differences in
Institutional Activity - the actions, behaviors, and practices that are carried out within
Institutional Constraints - the limitations or restrictions that are imposed by the rules,
institutions shape and influence various aspects of society, including the availability
of accounting professionals.
internal auditors who are responsible for ensuring compliance and identifying areas
for improvement.
Lieu - could be used to describe the use of certain references or sources in place of
others. The substitution or use of one thing in place of another. The author criticizes
advanced knowledge and skills in areas such as finance, marketing, operations, and
Non-Accounting Fields - areas of study or professional domains that are outside the
scope of accounting. These fields may include disciplines such as marketing, finance,
interactions within a particular group or society. In the context of the study, norms
may refer to the accepted practices and behaviors within the accounting profession or
academic field.
and methodologies that shape the way knowledge is produced and understood.
serves as a starting point or basis for further reasoning or investigation. In the context
Private Sector - the part of the economy that is owned, controlled, and operated by
or other notable accomplishments that mark progress and growth in one's professional
refer to an academic institution that prioritizes the needs and requirements of the
accounting profession.
services to clients in the public sector. These services may include auditing, tax
their work or services. In the context of the study, remunerations may pertain to the
or specific social groups. It encompasses both intended and unintended outcomes that
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by social factors and social norms.
practices, financial records, and internal controls within a specific industry or sector.
Streamlined - a process or system that has been simplified, optimized, or made more
education institutions after a probationary period. It provides job security and certain
Notes to Chapter 2
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Bloch, R., Kleinman, G., & Peterson, A. (2017). Can Gown Help Town? Exploring
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