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For use in service manual

form SB4047E
Oct. 2000



This form lists the contents of the complete Service Manual for this product.
The items listed with form numbers are available and included in the manual.
If form numbers listed with mark (*) are, they are not available for the initial
release of the manual. When items are updated, or supplements added, they
will be announced in preview and should be ordered as they become available.


Service Manual Contents SB4048E00

Safety SB2003E00
Torque Specifications SB2004E00


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine SB4008E01

DC24 Diesel Engine SB2012E02
Delco Remy CS-121 Series Alternator SB2007E01
CS-105D Series Alternator SB4050E00


Power Train SB4018E01


Vehicle Systems SB4019E01

Vehicle Systems D & A SB4020E01
Mast Systems SB2143E01
Hydraulic System Schematic SB4021E01
Electric System Schematic D15/18/20S(C)-2 SB4049E00
Electric System Schematic G15/18/20S(C)-2 SB4022E00


Operation & Maintenance Manual SB2309E01

Models ; D15S-2, D18S-2, D20SC-2

G15S-2, G18S-2, G20SC-2
O c t. 1 9 9 6




The proper and safe lubrication and maintenance Do not operate this machine unless you have
for this machine, recommended by DAEWOO, are read and understand the instructions in the
outlined in the OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OPERATOR'S GUIDE. Improper machine
GUIDE for this machine. operation is dangerous and could result in
Improper performance of lubrication or injury or death.
maintenance procedures is dangerous and could
result in injury or death. Read and understand the
OPERATION & MAINTENANCE GUIDE before 5. Use steps and grab handles (if applicable) when
performing any lubrication or maintenance. mounting or dismounting a machine. Clean any mud or
debris from steps, walkways or work platforms before
using. Always face machine when using steps, ladders
The serviceman or mechanic may be unfamiliar with many and walkways. When it is not possible to use the
of the systems on this machine. This makes it important designed access system, provide ladders, scaffolds, or
to use caution when performing service work. A work platforms to perform safe repair operations.
knowledge of the system and/or components is 6. To avoid back injury, use a hoist when lifting
important before the removal or disassembly of any components which weigh 23 kg (50 lb.) or more. Make
component. sure all chains, hooks, slings, etc., are in good
Because of the size of some of the machine condition and are of the correct capacity. Be sure
components, the serviceman or mechanic should check hooks are positioned correctly. Lifting eyes are not to
the weights noted in this Manual, Use proper lifting be side loaded during a lifting operation.
procedures when removing any components. 7. To avoid burns, be alert for hot parts on machines
Following is a list of basic precautions that should always which have just been stopped and hot fluids in lines,
be observed. tubes and compartments.
1. Read and understand all Warning plates and decals on 8. Be careful when removing cover plates. Gradually
the machine before operating, lubricating or repairing back off the last two bolts or nuts located at opposite
the product. ends of the cover or device and pry cover loose to
relieve any spring or other pressure, before removing
2. Always wear protective glasses and protective shoes
the last two bolts or nuts completely.
when working around machines. In particular, wear
protective glasses when pounding on any part of the 9. Be careful when removing filler caps, breathers and
machine or its attachments with a hammer or sledge. plugs on the machine. Hold a rag over the cap or plug
Use welders gloves, hood/goggles, apron and other to prevent being sprayed or splashed by liquids under
protective clothing appropriate to the welding job pressure. The danger is even greater if the machine
being performed. Do not wear loose-fitting or torn has just been stopped because fluids can be hot.
clothing. Remove all rings from fingers when working 10. Always use tools that are in good condition and be
on machinery. sure you understand how to use them before
3. Do not work on any machine that is supported only by performing any service work.
lift jacks or a hoist. Always use blocks or jack stands 11. Reinstall all fasteners with same part number. Do not
to support the machine before performing any use a lesser quality fastener if replacements are
disassembly. necessary. Do not mix metric fasteners with
4. Lower the forks or other implements to the ground standard nuts and bolts.
before performing any work on the machine. If this 12. If possible, make all repairs with the machine parked
cannot be done, make sure the forks or other on a level, hard surface. Block machine so it does
implements are blocked correctly to prevent them not roll while working on or under machine.
from dropping unexpectedly.

1 of 2

13. Disconnect battery and discharge any capacitors 21. Do not operate a machine if any rotating part is
(electric trucks) before starting to work on machine. damaged or contacts any other part during
Hang "Do Not Operate" tag in the Operator's operation. Any high speed rotating component that
Compartment. has been damaged or altered should be checked
for balance before reusing.
14. Repairs, which require welding, should be
performed only with the benefit of the appropriate 22. On LP equipped lift trucks, be sure to close the
reference information and by personnel adequately valve on the LP tank before service work is
trained and knowledgeable in welding procedures. performed. Always close the valve on the LP tank
Determine type of metal being welded and select when the lift truck is being stored. Do not check for
correct welding procedure and electrodes, rods or LP leaks with an open flame.
wire to provide a weld metal strength equivalent at
23. Caution should be used to avoid breathing dust that
least to that of parent metal.
may be generated when handling components
15. Do not damage wiring during removal operations. containing asbestos fibers. If this dust is inhaled, it
Reinstall the wiring so it is not damaged nor will it can be hazardous to your health. Components in
be damaged in operation by contacting sharp DAEWOO products that may contain asbestos
corners, or by rubbing against some object or hot fibers are brake pads, brake band and lining
surface. Do not connect wiring to a line containing assemblies, clutch plates and some gaskets. The
fluid. asbestos used in these components is usually
bound in a resin or sealed in some way. Normal
16. Be sure all protective devices including guards and
handling is not hazardous as long as airborne dust
shields are properly installed and functioning
which contains asbestos is not generated.
correctly before starting a repair. If a guard or shield
must be removed to perform the repair work, use If dust which may contain asbestos is present, there are
extra caution. several common sense guidelines that should be
17. Always support the mast and carriage to keep
carriage or attachments raised when maintenance a. Never use compressed air for cleaning.
or repair work is performed, which requires the
b. Avoid brushing or grinding of asbestos containing
mast in the raised position.
18. Loose or damaged fuel, lubricant and hydraulic
c. For clean up, use wet methods or a vacuum
lines, tubes and hoses can cause fires. Do not
equipped with a high efficiency particulate air
bend or strike high pressure lines or install ones
(HEPA) filter.
which have been bent or damaged. Inspect lines,
tubes and hoses carefully. Do not check for leaks d. Use exhaust ventilation on permanent machining
with your hands. Pin hole (very small) leaks can jobs.
result in a high velocity oil stream that will be e. Wear an approved respirator if there is no other way
invisible close to the hose. This oil can penetrate to control the dust.
the skin and cause personal injury. Use cardboard
or paper to locate pin hole leaks. f. Comply with applicable rules and regulations for the
work place (for example in the U.S.A., OSHA
19. Tighten connections to the correct torque. Make requirements as set forth in 29 CFR 1910. 1001).
sure that all heat shields, clamps and guards are
installed correctly to avoid excessive heat, vibration g. Follow environmental rules and regulations for
or rubbing against other parts during operation. disposal of asbestos.
Shields that protect against oil spray onto hot h. Avoid areas where asbestos particles may be in the
exhaust components in event of a line, tube or seal air.
failure must be installed correctly.
20. Relieve all pressure in air, oil or water systems
before any lines, fittings or related items are
disconnected or removed. Always make sure all
raised components are blocked correctly and be
alert for possible pressure when disconnecting any
device from a system that utilizes pressure.

2 of 2
Dec. 1998


NOTE : Take care to avoid mixing metric and inch dimensioned fasteners.
Mismatched or incorrect fasteners can result in vehicle damage or malfunction, or
possible injury. Exceptions to these torques are given in the Service Manual where

NOTE : Prior to installation of any hardware, be sure components are in near new
condition. Bolt and nut threads must not be worn or damaged. Hardware must be
free of rust and corrosion. Clean hardware with a non-corrosive cleaner and apply
engine oil to threads and bearing face. If thread lock or other compounds are to be
applied, do not apply engine oil.


(mm) (N i m) (lb i ft)
M6 12 ±3 9 ± 2
M8 28 ±7 20 ± 5
M10 55 ± 10 40 ± 7
M12 100 ± 20 75 ± 15
M14 160 ± 30 120 ± 22
M16 240 ± 40 175 ± 30
M20 460 ± 60 340 ± 44
M24 800 ± 100 600 ± 75
M30 1600 ± 200 1200 ± 150
M36 2700 ± 300 2000 ± 225


(mm) (N i m) (lb i ft)
M6 8 ± 3 6 ± 2
M8 17 ± 5 13 ± 4
M10 35 ± 5 26 ± 4
M12 65 ± 10 48 ± 7
M16 110 ± 20 80 ± 15
M20 170 ± 30 125 ± 22
M24 400 ± 60 300 ± 45
M30 650 ± 80 480 ± 60
M36 870 ± 100 640 ± 75

1 of 7

Exceptions to these torques are given in the Service

Manual where needed.


inch (N i m) (lb i ft)
1/4 12 ± 3 9 ± 2
5/16 25 ± 6 18.0 ± 4.5
3/8 47 ± 9 35 ± 7
7/16 70 ± 15 50 ± 11
1/2 105 ± 20 75 ± 15
9/16 160 ± 30 120 ± 20
5/8 215 ± 40 160 ± 30
3/4 370 ± 50 275 ± 35
7/8 620 ± 80 460 ± 60
1 900 ± 100 660 ± 75
1-1/8 1300 ± 150 950 ± 100
1-1/4 1800 ± 200 1325 ± 150
1-3/8 2400 ± 300 1800 ± 225
1-1/2 3100 ± 350 2300 ± 250


inch (N i m) (lb i ft)
1/4 8 ± 3 6 ± 2
5/16 17 ± 5 13 ± 4
3/8 35 ± 5 26 ± 4
7/16 45 ± 10 33 ± 7
1/2 65 ± 10 48 ± 7
5/8 110 ± 20 80 ± 15
3/4 170 ± 30 125 ± 22
7/8 260 ± 40 190 ± 30
1 400 ± 60 300 ± 45
1-1/8 500 ± 70 370 ± 50
1-1/4 650 ± 80 480 ± 60
1-3/8 750 ± 90 550 ± 65
1-1/2 870 ± 100 640 ± 75

2 of 7






inch (N i m) (lb i ft)
5/16-24 5.0 ± 1.5 45±15 lb i in
3/8-24 12 ± 2 110±20 lb i in
7/16-20 20 ± 4 15 ± 3
1/2-20 30 ± 5 22 ± 4
9/16-18 40 ± 5 30 ± 4
3/4-16 100 ± 15 75 ± 10
7/8-14 135 ± 15 100 ± 10
1 1/16-12 200 ± 25 150 ± 20
1 3/16-12 250 ± 25 185 ± 20
1 5/16-12 300 ± 40 225 ± 30
1 5/8-12 300 ± 40 225 ± 30
1 7/8-12 300 ± 40 225 ± 30
2 1/2-12 300 ± 40 225 ± 30


inch (N i m) (lb i ft)
9/16-18 16 ± 3 12 ± 2
11/16-16 30 ± 4 22 ± 3
13/16-16 50 ± 7 37 ± 5
1-14 90 ± 10 65 ± 7
1 3/16-12 120 ± 15 90 ± 10
1 7/16-12 160 ± 20 120 ± 15
1 11/16-12 190 ± 20 140 ± 15
2-12 215 ± 25 160 ± 20

3 of 7

HYDRAULIC LINE INSTALLATION 1. Put locknut (3), backup washer (4) and O-ring seal
(5) as far back on fitting body (2) as possible. Hold
these components in this position. Turn the fitting
1. For a metal tube to hose installation, install the tube into the part it is used on until backup washer (4) just
and tighten all bolts finger tight. makes contact with the face of the part it is used on.
2. Tighten the bolts at the rigid end. 2.To put the fitting assembly in its correct position, turn
3. Install the hose and tighten all bolts finger tight. the fitting body (2) out (counterclockwise) a
maximum of 359û. Tighten locknut (3) to the torque
4. Put the hose in a position so that it does not make shown in the correct chart for the fitting used.
contact with the machine or another hose.
NOTE: If the fitting is a connector (straight fitting), the
5. Tighten the bolts on both connections. hex on the body takes the place of the locknut. To
6. Start the engine. install this type fitting, tighten the hex against the face
of the part it goes into.
7. Move the implement control levers to all positions.
8. Look at the hose during movement of the
implement. Make sure hose is not in contact with TORQUES FOR FLARED AND O-RING FITTINGS
the machine or other hoses.
The torques shown in the charts that follow are to be
9. Shut off the engine.
used on the nut part of 37û Flared, 45û Flared and
10. If necessary, put the hose in a new position where it Inverted Flared fittings (when used with steel tubing),
will not make contact when the implement is moved. O-ring plugs, O-ring fittings and swivel nuts when
used in applications to 3000 psi (20 700 kPa).



This type of fitting is used in many applications. The tube

end of the fitting will be different in design so that it can
be used in many different applications. However, the
installation procedure of the fitting is the same. If the tube
end of the fitting body is the same as in the illustration
(either an elbow or a straight body) it will be necessary to
assemble the sleeve on the tube before connecting the
tube to the end.

1 IDAS003B


7.9 mm 0.9 ± 0.2 N i m 0.7 ± 0.2 N i m
(.312 in) 8 ± 2 lb i in 6 ± 2 lb i in
13.5 mm 4.5 ± 0.5 N i m 3.0 ± 0.5 N i m
(.531 in) 40 ± 5 lb i in 25 ± 5 lb i in
IDAS002B 6 15.9 mm 7.5 ± 0.5 N i m 4.5 ± 0.5 N i m
ELBOW BODY ASSEMBLY (.625 in) 65 ± 5 lb i in 40 ± 5 lb i in
(1) End of fitting body (connects to tube). (2) Fitting body.
(3) Lock-nut. (4) Backup washer. (5) O-ring seal. (6) End of fitting
that goes into other part.

4 of 7






METRIC INCH inch (N i m) (lb i ft)
3.18 .125 5/16 5.0 ± 1.5 4 ± 1
4.76 .188 3/8 11.0 ± 1.5 8 ± 1
6.35 .250 7/16 16 ± 2 12 ± 1
7.94 .312 1/2 20 ± 5 15 ± 4
9.52 .375 9/16 25 ± 5 18 ± 4
9.52 .375 5/8 35 ± 5 26 ± 4
12.70 .500 3/4 50 ± 7 37 ± 5
15.88 .625 7/8 65 ± 7 48 ± 5
19.05 .750 1-1/16 100 ± 10 75 ± 7
22.22 .875 1-3/16 120 ± 10 90 ± 7
25.40 1.000 1-5/16 135 ± 15 100 ± 11
31.75 1.250 1-5/8 180 ± 15 135 ± 11
38.10 1.500 1-7/8 225 ± 15 165 ± 11
50.80 2.000 2-1/2 320 ± 30 240 ± 22


Hi Duty (Shear sleeve) Tube Fittings
After tube has been put through the nut and makes
contact against the tube shoulder in the fitting body,
turn the nut with a wrench until a small decrease in
torque is felt. This is an indication that the sleeve has
been broken off the nut. Hold the tube to prevent IDAS005B
turning and tighten the nut 1-1/2 turns.

Hi Seal Fittings
Put nut and sleeve over the tubing with the short
heavy end of the sleeve facing the end of tubing. Put
the tube end against the counterbore in the body of
the fitting and tighten until nut is over the last thread IDAS006B
on the body. The remainder of space is used
whenever the fitting is removed and installed again.

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METRIC INCH inch (N i m) (lb i ft)
3.18 .125 5/16 5.0 ± 1.5 4 ± 1
4.76 .188 3/8 8.0 ± 1.5 6 ± 1
6.35 .250 7/16 11 ± 2 8 ± 1
7.94 .312 1/2 17 ± 3 13 ± 2
9.52 .375 5/8 30 ± 3 22 ± 2
11.11 .438 11/16 30 ± 3 22 ± 2
12.70 .500 3/4 38 ± 4 28 ± 3
15.88 .625 7/8 50 ± 5 37 ± 4
19.05 .750 1-1/16 90 ± 8 65 ± 6
22.22 .875 1-1/4 100 ± 10 75 ± 7


Ermeto Tube Fittings
Put nut and sleeve over the tube with head or
shoulder end of sleeve next to nut. Push tube into
counterbore of fitting body as far as possible. Turn
nut clockwise until sleeve holds tube and prevents
movement. Tighten the nut 1-1/4 turns more to seat IDAS008B
sleeve and give a locking action. When necessary to
assemble again, put sleeve over tube and tighten nut
until a sudden increase in torque is felt. Then tighten
1/6 to 1/3 turn more to seat the sleeve.

Flex Fittings
Put nut and sleeve over the tubing and push tube in
to counterbore of fitting body as far as possible.
Tighten the nut until it is against the hex part of the
fitting body.

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inch N im (lb i ft) N im (lb i ft) N im (lb i ft)
5/8-18 18 ±4 13 ± 3 30 ± 3 22 ± 2 23 ± 3 17 ± 2
3/4-16 37 ±4 27 ± 3 52 ± 5 38 ± 4 33 ± 4 24 ± 3
7/8-14 40 ±4 30 ± 3 60 ± 7 44 ± 5 38 ± 4 28 ± 3
1 1/16-14 45 ±5 33 ± 4 75 ± 8 55 ± 6 50 ± 5 37 ± 4


inch Nim (lb i ft) Nim (lb i ft)
1/16-27 15 11 20 15
1/8-27 20 15 25 18
1/4-18 25 18 35 26
3/8-18 35 26 45 33
1/2-14 45 33 60 45
3/4-14 60 45 75 55
1-11 1/2 75 55 90 65
1 1/4-11 1/2 95 70 110 80
1 1/2-11 1/2 110 80 130 95
2-11 1/2 130 95 160 120

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May 2000

Service Manual
G420 LP/Gasoline Engine
Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety
rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an
accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary
training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before operating or performing lubrication,
maintenance and repair on this product.

Basic safety precautions are listed in the ÒSafetyÓ section of the Service or Technical Manual. Additional safety
precautions are listed in the ÒSafetyÓ section of the owner/operation/maintenance publication.
Specific safety warnings for all these publications are provided in the description of operations where hazards
exist. WARNING labels have also been put on the product to provide instructions and to identify specific hazards.
If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons. Warnings in
this publication and on the product labels are identified by the following symbol.


Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result
in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read and
understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this

DAEWOO cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings in
this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating
technique not specifically recommended by DAEWOO is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and
others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by the operation, lubrication,
maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at the
time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other
items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the complete
and most current information before starting any job. DAEWOO dealers have the most current information


General Information
General ......................................................................8
How To Read This Manual.........................................4
Precautions Before Servce ........................................6
Sealant .....................................................................12
Tightening Torque ......................................................9

General Specifications .............................................13
Service Specifications..............................................14

Removal And Installation

Air Governor.............................................................78
Carburetor ................................................................71
Crankshaft And Cylinder Block ................................64
Cylinder Head And Valves .......................................41
Exhaust Manifold and Water Pump .........................33
Front Case And Oil Pan ...........................................47
Fuel System .............................................................28
Ignition System ........................................................17
Intake Manifold.........................................................31
Piston And Connecting Rod.....................................56
Rocker Arms And Camshaft.....................................35
Starter Motor ............................................................80
Timing Belt ...............................................................19

System Operation
Engine ......................................................................90
Lubricating System ..................................................95
Fuel System .............................................................96
Cooling System......................................................105
Intake and Exhaush System ..................................106
Electrical System ...................................................107

Adjust And Trouble Shooting

Engine Adjustment .................................................113

Special Tools
Special Tools ..........................................................123

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 3 Index

General Information

How To Read This Manual

Scope of Explanation
This book describes the service procedures for the engine removed from the vehicle.
For procedures concerning removal of the engine from the vehicle and on-vehicle inspection and servicing, refer
to the appropriate service manuals separately prepared for the individual models.

Maintenance and Servicing

(1) A diagram of the component parts is provided ¥ Removal steps:
near the front each section in order to give the The part designation number corresponds to the
reader a better understanding of the installed number in the illustration to indicate removal steps.
condition of component parts.
¥ Installation steps:
(2) The numbers provided within the diagram Specified in case installation impossible in reverse
indicate the sequence for maintenance and order of removal steps. Omitted if installation is
servicing procedures; the symbol N indicates a possible in reverse order of removal steps.
non-reusable part; the tightening
torque is provided where applicable. ¥ Disassembly steps:
The part designation number corresponds to the number
in the illustration to indicates disassembly steps.

¥ Reassembly steps.
Specified in case reassembly is impossible in
reverse order of disassembly steps. Omitted if
reassembly is possible in reverse order of
disassembly steps.

Classification of Major Maintenance/Service points

When there are major points relative to maintenance and servicing procedures (such as essential
maintenance and service points, maintenance and service standard values, information regarding the
use of special tools, etc.), these are arranged together as major maintenance and service points and
explained in detail.
A : Indicates that there are essential points for removal or disassembly.
B : Indicates that there are essential points for installation or reassembly.

Symbols for Lubrication, Sealants and following the component parts page, and
Adhesives explained.
Information concerning the locations for
lubrication and for application of sealants and .... Sealant or adhesive
adhesives if provided, by using symbols, in the
diagram of component parts, or on the page .... Engine oil or gear oil

Only the inspections to be performed by using special tools or measuring instruments are covered. General
service procedures not covered in this manual, such as visual inspections and cleaning of parts, however, should
always be performed during actual service operations.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 4 General Information


Removal steps
N 1. Oil filter H 17. Oil pump case assembly
M 2. Oil pressure switch 18. Front case gasket
3. Drain plug G 19. Oil pump cover
L 4. Drain plug gasket G 20. Oil pump drive gear
A K 5. Oil pan G 21. Oil pump driven gear
6. Oil screen F 22. Crankshaft front oil seal
7. Oil screen gasket E 23. Oil pump oil seal
B J 8. Plug D 24. Counterbalance shaft oil seal
9. O-ring 25. Front case
C I 10. Flang bolt 26. Counterbalance shaft, left
11. Relief plug 27. Counterbalance shaft, right
12. Gasket D C 28. Counterbalance shaft, front bearing
13. Relief spring E B 29. Counterbalance shaft, rear bearing, left
14. Relief plunger E A 30. Counterbalance shaft, rear bearing, right
15. Oil filter bracket
16. Oil filter bracket gasket


MD998727 A Oil pan removal

(1) Remove the all oil pan bolts.

(2) Drive in the special tool between the cylinder block and oil pan.
(3) Side the tool by striking the edge of the special tool to separate the oil
pan from the cylinder block.


This alphabetical letter corresponds to the one assigned Operating procedures, cautions, etc.
to a part in the removal, installation, disassembly or on removal, installation, disassembly
reassembly steps that are indicated in the drawing on the and reassembly are described
first page of each section.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 5 General Information

Precautions Before Servce
Removal and Disassembly
For prevention of wrong installation or reassembly and for
ease of operation, put mating marks to the parts where no
function is adversely affected.


Special Tool
Be sure to use Special Tools when their use is specified for
the operation.
Use of substitute tools will result in malfunction of the part
or damage it.


Tightening Torque
Tighten the part properly to specified torque.



Use specified brand of sealant.


Use of sealant other than specified sealant may cause


water or oil leaks.


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 6 General Information

Replacement Part
When oil seal, O-ring, packing and gasket have been
removed, be sure to replace them with new parts.
However, rocker cover gasket may be reused if it is not


Rubber Parts
Do not stain timing belt and V-belt with oil or water.
Therefore, do not clean the pulley and sprocket with


Oil and Grease

Before reassembly, apply specified oil to the rotating and
sliding parts.


Genuine Part
When the part is to be replaced, be sure to use genuine
For selection of appropriate parts, refer to the Parts


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 7 General Information

Engine models and numbers

Engine model Fuel type

G420 L. P. G./ Gasoline

Indication of engine model and number

The engine model and serial number are stamped on the right side of cylinder block surface.

Engine model Engine number

4G63 AA0001 to YY9999


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 8 General Information

Tightening Torque

Major Bolts and Nuts

Item Remarks
kg¥m lb¥ft N¥m
Water pump pulley bolt 0.9 6.5 9
Crankshaft pulley bolt 2.5 18.1 25
Ignition system
Spark plug 2.5 18.1 25
Distributor nut 1.2 8.7 12
Timing belt cover bolt 1.1 8.0 11
0.9 6.5 9
Tensioner spring spacer 4.9 35.4 48
Tensioner bolt 4.9 35.4 48
Oil pump sprocket nut 5.5 39.8 54
Tensioner belt Crankshaft bolt 12.0 86.8 118
Tensioner B bolt 1.9 13.7 19
Counterbalance shaft 4.6 33.3 45
Engine support bracket bolt 3.6 26.0 35
Camshaft sprocket bolt 9.0 65.1 88
Timing belt rear bolt 1.4 10.1 14
Fuel system Carburetor nut 1.2 8.7 12
carburetor Air horn nut 1.2 8.7 12
Stud 1.2 8.7 12
Fuel pump 1.1 8.0 11
Fuel system LPG carburetor nut 1.2 8.7 12
LPG carburetor Fuel pump cover 1.1 8.0 11
Intake manifold Water outlet bolt 1.4 10.1 14
Intake manifold bolt/nut 1.8 13.0 18
Exhaust Oil level gauge guide bolt 1.4 10.1 14
manifold Heat protector bolt 0.9 6.5 9
Exhaust manifold nut 3.5 25.3 34
Water inlet pipe bolt 1.4 10.1 14
Water pump bolt 1.4 10.1 14
Rocker cover bolt 0.6 4.3 6
Rocker arm
M8 B 25 2.4 17.4 24
and camshaft Bearing cap bolt
M6 B 65 2.0 14.5 20
Cylinder head,
8.0 kgf¥m(57.9 lb¥ft)[78 N¥m]+ 0 +
valve Cylinder head bolt 2.0 kgf¥m(14.5 lb¥ft)[20 N¥m]+
1/4 turn + 1/4 turn

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 9 General Information

Item Remarks
kg¥m lb¥ft N¥m
Drain plug 4.0 28.9 39
Oil pan bolt 0.7 5.1 7
Oil screen bolt/nut 1.9 13.7 19
Oil pressure switch 1.0 7.2 10
Front case, Plug 2.4 17.4 24
doil pan Flange bolt 3.7 26.8 36
Relief plug 45 32.5 44
Oil filter bracket 1.9 13.7 19
Oil pump cover bolt 1.7 12.3 17
Oil pump cover screw 1.0 7.2 10
Front case bolt 2.4 17.4 24
Connecting rod bearing nut 2.0 kg¥m(14.5 lb¥ft) [20 N¥m]+ 1/4 turn
connecting rod.
Flywheel bolt 13.5 97.6 132
0.9 6.5 9
Rear plate bolt
Crankshaft, 6.0 43.4 59
cylinder block Rear plate cover 1.1 8.0 11
Oil seal case bolt 1.1 8.0 11
Bearing cap bolt 2.0 kg¥m(14.5 lb¥ft) [20 N¥m]+ 1/4 turn
Starter motor Starter motor bolt 2.7 19.5 26

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 10 General Information

General Bolts and Nuts Tightening Torque
Standard Bolts and Nuts

Torque, kg¥m (lb¥ft) [N¥m]

Pitch Bolt, stud, nut (with spring washer) Flange bolt, flange nut
Head mark 4 Head mark 7 Head mark 10 Head mark 4 Head mark 7
M5 M5 - 0.5 (0.5) [3.6] - - 0.6 (4.3) [5.9]
M6 M6 - 0.9 (6.5) [8.8] 1.2 (8.7) [12] - 1.0 (7.2) [9.8]
M7 M7 1.2 (8.7) [12] 2.2 (15.9) [22] 3.0 (21.7) [29] 1.3 (9.4) [13] 2.4 (17.4) [24]
M8 M8 2.5 (18.1) [25] 4.5 (32.5) [44] 6.0 (43.4) [59] 2.6 (18.8) [25] 5.0 (36.2) [49]
M9 M9 4.2 (30.4) [41] 8.6 (60.0) [81] 10.7 (77.4) [105] 4.7 (34.0) [46] 9.5 (68.7) [93]
M10 M10 7.3 (52.8) [72] 14.0 (101.3) [137] 14.5 (104.9) [142] - -

Tapered Threads

Torque, kg¥m (lb¥ft) [N¥m]

Size Material of internal threads: Material of internal threads:
Aluminum alloy Cast iron or steel
NPTF 1/16 0.5 to 0.8 (3.6 to 5.8) [5 to 8] 0.8 to 1.2 (5.8 to 8.7) [8 to 11]
PT 1/8 0.8 to 1.2 (5.8 to 8.7) [8 to 11] 1.5 to 2.2 (10.8 to 15.9) [15 to 21]
PT 1/4 2.0 to 3.0 (14.5 to 21.7) [20 to 29] 3.5 to 4.5 (25.3 to 32.5) [34 to 44]
NPTF 1/4 2.0 to 3.0 (14.5 to 21.7) [20 to 29] 3.5 to 4.5 (25.3 to 32.5) [34 to 44]
PT 3/8 4.0 to 5.5 (28.9 to 39.8) [39 to 59] 5.5 to 7.5 (39.8 to 54.2) [54 to 73]
PT 1/2 7.0 to 10.0 (50.6 to 72.3) [69 to 98] 12.0 to 16.0 (86.8 to 115.7) [118 to 156]

New Tightening Method-By Use of Bolts to be Tightened in Plastic Area

A new type of bolts, to be tightened in plastic area, is currently used in some parts of the engine. The tightening
method for the bolts is different from the conventional one. Be sure to observe the method described in the text
when tightening the bolts.

Service limits are provided for the bolts. Make sure that the service limits described in the text are strictly

¥Area where the bolts are in use:

(1) Cylinder head bolts
(2) Main bearing cap bolts
(3) Connecting rod cap bolts

¥Tightening method
After tightening the bolts to the specified torque, tighten them another 90¡ or 180¡ (twice 90¡). The tightening
method varies on different areas. Observe the tightening method described in the text.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 11 General Information

Part to be Applied Brand
Semi circular packing 3MTM AAD Part No.8672 or equivalent
Rocker cover 3MTM AAD Part No.8672 or equivalent
Oil pressure switch 3MTM AAD Part No.8672 or equivalent
Oil pan Silicone RTV sealant or eguivalent
Rear oil seal case Silicone RTV sealant or eguivalent
Rear plate bolt 3MTM AAD Part No.8672 or equivalent
Oil seal case bolt 3MTM AAD Part No.8672 or equivalent

From in Place Gasket (FIPG) Surface preparation

The engine has several areas where the from-in- Thoroughly remove all substances deposited on the
place gasket(FIPG) is in use. To ensure that gasket gasket application surfaces, using a gasket scraper
fully serves its purpose, it is necessary to observe or wire brush.
some precautions when applying the gasket. Bead Check to ensure that the surfaces to which the FIPG
size, continuity and location are of paramount is to be applied is flat. Make sure that there are no
importance. Too thin a bead could cause leaks. Too oils, greases and foreign substances deposited on
thick a bead, on the other hand, could be squeezed the application surfaces. Do not forget to remove the
out of location, causing blocking or narrowing of the old FIPG remaining in the bolt holes.
fluid feed line. To eliminate the possibility of leaks
from a joint, therefore, it is absolutely necessary to From-in-place gasket Application
apply the gasket evenly without a break, while Applied FIPG bead should be of the specified size
observing the correct bead size. and without breaks. Also be sure to encircle the bolt
hole circumference with a completely continuous
Since the FIPG used in the engine hardens as it bead. The FIPG can be wiped away unless it is
reacts with the moisture in the atmospheric air, it is hardened. While the FIPG is still moist (in less than
normally used in the metallic flange areas. 15 minutes), mount the parts in position. When the
parts are mounted, make sure that the gasket is
Disassembly applied to the required area only.
The parts assembled with the FIPG can be easily
disassembled without use of a special method. In The FIPG application procedure may vary on
some cases, however, the sealant between the different areas. Observe the procedure described in
joined surfaces may have broken by lightly striking the text when applying the FIPG.
with a mallet or similar tool. A flat and thin gasket
scraper may be lightly hammered in between the
joined surfaces. In this case, however, care must be
taken to prevent damage to the joined surfaces. For
removal of the oil pan, the special tool ÒOil Pan
RemoverÓ (MD998727) is available. Be sure to use
the special tool to remove the oil pan.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 12 General Information


General Specifications

Engine model
Item G420
Type Water-cooled, 4-cycle, gasoline-powered and L.P.G.-powered
No. of cylinders and arrangement 4, in-line
Combustion chamber type Semi-spherical
Valve mechanism OHC
Total displacement, cm3(cc) [cu in.] 1997 (1997) [122]
Bore x stroke, mm (in.) 85 B 88 (3.35 B 3.46)
Dry weight, kg (lb) 143 (315)
Compression ratio 8.5
Compression pressure, kPa (kgf/cm2) [psi] 1128 (11.5) [163.5]
Intake Open 12¡ BTDC
valve Close 40¡ ABDC
Valve timing
Exhaust Open 54¡ BBDC
valve Close 6¡ ATDC
Firing order 1-3-4-2
Ignition timing, BTDC/rpm 4¡/740 (gasoline), 9¡/740 (L.P.G.)
Fuel pump Gasoline Mechanical (diaphragm type)
Carburetor Down-draft type
Governor Air flow type
Lubrication system Pressure feed, full-flow filtration type
Oil pump Gear, driven by timing belt
Oil filter Filter paper, cartridge type
Cooling system Water-cooled, forced circulation
Water pump Centrifugal, driven by V-belt
Thermostat Wax type
Electrical system 12V DC, negative ground
Alternator, (12V-50A) Alternator current, built-in fan and regulator
Starter motor, (12V-1.2kW) Reduction drive
Distributor Equipped with automatic timing controller, breaker less type
Spark plug (NGK) Gasoline BPR4ES
Quantity of lubricating oil, cm (liter) [U.S.gal] 4000(4.0) [1.06 ]( including 300 cm3(0.3 liter)[0.08 U.S.gal ]in oil filter
Quantity of coolant, cm3 (liter) [U.S.gal] 3100 (3.1) [0.82] (in engine proper)
HIGH (RPM) 2450 L 50

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 13 Specifications

Service Specifications
Unit : mm(in.)

Item Standard value Limit Remarks

Flatness of gasket surface 0.03 (0.0012)
Total resurfacing
depth of both
Grinding limit 0.2 (0.008)
cylinder head and
cylinder block
Cylinder head

Overall height 89.9 to 90.1 (3.539 to 3.547)

Oversize rework 0.05 (0.0020) 13.05 to 13.07 (0.5138 to 0.5146)
dimensions of valve 0.25 (0.0098) 13.25 to 13.27 (0.5217 to 0.5224)
guide hole 0.50 (0.0197) 13.50 to 13.57 (0.5315 to 0.5343)
dimensions of

Intake 0.30 (0.0118) 44.30 to 44.33 (1.7441 to 1.7453)

valve seat

0.60 (0.0236) 44.60 to 44.63 (1.7559 to 1.7571)


ring hole

Exhaust 0.30 (0.0118) 38.30 to 38.33 (1.5079 to 1.5091)

0.60 (0.0236) 38.60 to 38.63 (1.5197 to 1.5209)
Intake 41.62 (1.6386) 41.12 (1.6189)

Cam height
Exhaust 41.62 (1.6386) 41.12 (1.6189)
Journal diameter 33.935 to 33.950 (1.33602 to 1.33661)
Oil clearance 0.05 to 0.09 (0.0020 to 0.0035)
Intake 109.8 (4.328) 109.3 (4.3031)
Overall length
Exhaust 106.6 (4.197) 106.1 (4.126)
Valve stem projection 42.05 (1.6555) 42.55 (1.6752)
Stem diameter Intake 7.960 to 7.975 (0.31339 to 0.31398)

7.930 to 7.950 (0.31220 to 0.31299)

Face angle 45¡ to 45.5¡
Thickness of valve Intake 1.2 (0.047)
head (margin) Exhaust 2.0 (0.079)
Stem-to-guide Intake 0.025 to 0.058 (0.00098 to 0.00228)
clearance Exhaust 0.050 to 0.088 (0.00197 to 0.00346)
Piston Valve seat Valve guide Valve spring

Free height 48.0 (1.89) 47.0 (1.85)

Load/installed height 176.5N (18kg) [39.7lbf]/40.4 (1.591)
Out-of-squareness 2¡ or less 4¡
Intake 47 (1.85)
Overall length
Exhaust 52 (2.05)
Inner diameter 8.000 to 8.018 (0.31496 to 0.31567)
Valve contact width 0.9 to 1.3 (0.035 to 0.051)
Sinkage 0.2 (0.008)
Outside diameter 84.97 to 85.00 (3.3453 to 3.3465)
Piston clearance 0.02 to 0.04 (0.0008 to 0.0016)

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 14 Specifications

Unit : mm(in.)
Item Standard value Limit Remarks
End gap No. 1 ring 0.25 to 0.40 (0.0098 to 0.0157) 0.8 (0.031)
Piston ring

No. 2 ring 0.45 to 0.60 (0.0177 to 0.0236) 0.8 (0.031)

Oil ring 0.20 to 0.60 (0.0079 to 0.0236) 1.0 (0.039)
Ring-to-ring groove No. 1 0.02 to 0.06 (0.0008 to 0.0024)
clearance No. 2 0.02 to 0.06 (0.0008 to 0.0024)
Outside diameter 22.002 to 22.005 (0.86622 to 0.86634)
Piston pin

Press-in load 7350 to 17160

(at room temperature), (750 to 1750)
N (kg) [lbf] [1650 to 3860]
Big end center-to small end center 149.9 to 150.0 (5.902 to 5.906)
Connecting rod

Bend 0.05 (0.0020)
Twist 0.10 (0.0039)
Big end thrust clearance 0.10 to 0.25 (0.0039 to 0.0098)
End play 0.05 to 0.18 (0.0020 to 0.0071)
Journal outside diameter 56.982 to 57.000 (2.24338 to 2.24409)
Pin Outside diameter 44.985 to 45.000 (1.77106 to 1.77165)

Out-of-roundness and taper of

0.005 (0.00020)
journal and pin
Concentricity journal and pin 0.03 (0.0012)
Oil clearance of journal 0.02 to 0.04 (0.0008 to 0.0016)
Oil clearance of pin 0.02 to 0.05 (0.0008 to 0.0020)
Cylinder inner diameter 85.00 to 85.03 (3.3465 to 3.3476)
Cylinder block

Flatness of gasket surface 0.05 (0.0020)

Total resurfacing
0.2 (0.008) depth of both
Grinding limit
cylinder head and
cylinder block
Overall height 283.9 to 284.1 (11.177 to 11.185)
Oil pump

Drive gear 0.08 to 0.14 (0.031 to 0.0055)

Side clearance
Drive gear 0.06 to 0.12 (0.0024 to 0.0047)
New belt

7.0 to 10.0 (0.28 to 0.39)


Used belt 10 (0.39)
Throttle bore diameter 32 (1.26)
Outer venturi diameter 24 (0.94)
Inner venturi diameter 9 to 12 (0.35 to 0.47)

Main jet size symbol 130

Main air jet diameter 0.9 (0.035)
Pilot jet diameter 0.55 (0.0217)
Pilot air jet diameter 1.6 (0.063)
Primary throttle valve to throttle bore

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 15 Specifications

Unit : mm(in.)

Item Standard value Limit Remarks

Nominal output, kW 1.2
Voltage, V 11.0
No-load characterstics Current, A 90 or less
Starter motor

Speed, rpm 3000

Outer diameter 29.4 (1.16) 28.8 (1.13)
Commutator Runout 0.05 (0.0020) 0.1 (0.0039)
Undercut 0.5 (0.020) 0.2 (0.008)
Pinion gap 0.5 to 2.0 (0.020 to 0.079)
Brush length Wear limit line
Centrifugal advance crank Start 0¡/1000
Tahermostat Spark plug Ignitio n coil Distributor

angle/engine speed, ¡/rpm End 20¡/5000

Vacuum advance crank End 0¡/80
angle/vacuum, ¡/mmHg Start 23¡/280
Primary coil resistance, ½ 1.08 to 1.32
Secondary coil resistance, ½ 22.1 to 29.9

Plug gap 0.7 to 0.8 (0.028 to 0.031)

Valve opening temperature, ¡C (ûF) 82 (180)

Fully opening temperature, ûC (ûF) 95 (203)
Valve lift 8 (0.31) or more

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 16 Specifications

Removal and Installation

Ignition System

Removal and Installation


Removal steps 7. Vacuum hose

1. Drive belt 8. Ignition coil
2. Water pump pulley 9. Harness
3. Crankshaft pulley A 10. Distributor
4. Spark plug cable
5. Spark plug
6. High tension cable

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 17 Removal And Installation

High voltage
Ignition Coil
Perform the following measurements. Replace the ignition
coil if the standard values are not met.
Ð + (1) Measure the resistance values of the primary and
secondary coils and of the external resistor with a tester.
If the readings are within the standard limits, it follows
that there is no short or open circuit in the ignition coil.
Standard value:
Primary coil resistance value: 1.08 to 1.32 ½
Secondary coil resistance value: 22.1 to 29.9½

Spark Plug Cable/High Tension Cable

(1) Check the caps and covering for cracks.
(2) Measure the resistance values:
Standard value: 16 k½/m

Installation Service Points

A Distributor installation

Gear mating mark (1) Turn the crankshaft so that the No.1 cylinder is at top
dead center.
Housings mating mark (2) Align the distributor housing and gear mating marks.


(3) Install the distributor to the engine while aligning the fine
cut (groove or projection) of the distributorÕs installation
flange with the center of the distributor installation stud.
mating mark


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 18 Removal And Installation

Timing Belt

Removal and Installation

Removal steps
1. Timing belt front cover upper 12. Tensioner B
2. Timing belt front cover lower E D 13. Timing belt B
A H 3. Timing belt F C 14. Counterbalance shaft sprocket
G 4. Tensioner spacer 15. Spacer
G 5. Tensioner spring G 16. Crankshaft sprocket B
G 6. Tensioner pulley 17. Crankshaft key
B F 7. Oil pump sprocket B 18. Engine support bracket
C E 8. Crankshaft bolt 19. Camshaft sprocket bolt
9. Crankshaft washer H A 20. Camshaft sprocket
D 10. Crankshaft sprocket 21. Timing belt rear cover
11. Flang

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 19 Removal And Installation

Removal Service Points
A Timing belt removal
(1) When the timing belt is to be re-used, make an arrow
mark on the back surface on the belt to indicate the
rotating direction with a chalk or the like so that the belt
can be installed in the same direction.
(2) Move the timing belt tensioner upward and temporarily
tighten the tensioner lock bolt.
(3) Remove the timing belt.


B Oil pump sprocket removal

(1) Remove the plug on the left side of cylinder block.
(2) Insert a screwdriver (shank diameter 8 mm[0.31 in.]) to
block the counterbalance shaft.
(3) Remove the nut.
(4) Remove the oil pump sprocket.
Screw driver


C Crankshaft bolt removal

(1) Hold the flywheel with the special tool as shown.
MD998781 (2) Remove the crankshaft bolt.


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 20 Removal And Installation

D Crankshaft sprocket removal
(1) If it is difficult to remove the sprocket, use the special


E Timing belt ÒBÓ removal

(1) Make a mark on the back of the timing belt indicating the
direction of rotation so it may be reassembled in the
same direction if it is to be reused.

NOTE: Water or oil on the belt shortens its life drastically,

so the removed timing belt, sprocket, and tensioner must be
free from oil and water. These parts should not be washed.
Replace part if seriously contaminated.
(2) If there is oil or water on each part check front case oil
seals, camshaft oil seal and water pump for leaks.

F Counterbalance shaft sprocket removal

(1) Set the special tool as shown to prevent the
counterbalance shaft sprocket from turning together.
(2) Loosen the bolt and remove the sprocket.


G Crankshaft sprocket ÒBÓ removal

(1) If it is difficult to remove the sprocket, use the special


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 21 Removal And Installation

H Crankshaft sprocket removal
(1) Using the special tool show in the illustration, lock the
camshaft sprocket in position.
(2) Loosen the camshaft sprocket bolt.



1. Timing Belt
Replace belt if any of the following conditions exist.

(1) Hardening of back rubber.

Back side is glossy without resilience and leaves no
indent when pressed with fingernail.


Cracks Cracks (2) Cracks on rubber back.

(3) Cracks or peeling of canvas.
(4) Cracks on tooth bottom.
(5) Cracks on belt sides.

Peeling Cracks

Cracks 8EN0044

(6) Abnormal wear of belt sides.

Rounded edge NOTE: The sides are normal if they are sharp as if cut by a

Abuormal wear
(Flutty strand)


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 22 Removal And Installation

(7) Abnormal wear on teeth
Rubber exposed Earlier stage:
Canvas worn (canvas fibers napped, rubber lost,
discolored whitish, and unclear canvas texture)
Latter stage:
Tooth missing Canvas lost, rubber exposed (tooth width thinner)
(8) Missing tooth


Installation Service Points

A Camshaft sprocket installation
MB990767 (1) Using the special tools show in the illustration, lock the
camshaft sprocket in position.
(2) Tighten the camshaft sprocket bolt to the specified


B Engine support bracket installation

(1) Coat the bolts illustrated with sealant before tightening.
Specified sealant: 3MTM AAD Part No. 8762 or


C Counterbalance shaft sprocket installation

(1) Install the counterbalance shaft sprocket and screw the
(2) Install special tool as shown in the illustration to lock the
counterbalance shaft.
(3) Tighten the bolt, and then remove the special tool.


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 23 Removal And Installation

D Timing belt ÒBÓ installation

Timing (1) Align timing mark on the crankshaft sprocket ÒBÓ and
marks timing counterbalance shaft sprocket with the marks on the
(on fron marks front case respectively.
(2) Install the timing belt ÒBÓ on the crankshaft sprocket ÒBÓ
and counterbalance shaft sprocket. There should be no
slack on the tension side.


(3) Make sure that the relationship between the tensioner

Tensioner ÒBÓ pulley center and the bolt center is as shown in the

Center of
Center of bolt
paller 6EN0571

(4) Move the tensioner ÒBÓ in the direction of arrow while

lifting with a finger to give a sufficient tension to the
tension side of timing belt. In this condition, tighten bolt
to secure tensioner ÒBÓ. When the bolt is tightened, use
care to prevent shaft from turning together. If shaft is
turned together, belt will be over tensioned.


(5) Check to ensure that timing marks on sprockets and

front case are in alignment.
(6) Press with index finger the center of span on the tension
Timing deflection
side of timing belt ÒBÓ. The belt must deflect 5 to 7 mm.
marks [0.196 to 0.276 in].



G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 24 Removal And Installation

E Crankshaft bolt installation
(1) Using the special tool, hold the flywheel.
(2) Install the crankshaft pulley in position.



F Oil pump sprocket installation

(1) Insert a phillips screwdriver (shank diameter 8 mm[0.31
in.] shaft) through the plug hole on the left side of the
cylinder block to the left counterbalance shaft.
(2) Install the oil pump sprocket.
(3) Apply a proper amount of engine oil to the bearing
surfaces of the nuts.
(4) Tighten the nuts to the specified torque.

Screw driver

G Crankshaft bolt installation

Spring end
(1) Hook the tensioner spring end to the water pump body
spring projection and tensioner bracket.
(2) Move the tensioner fully toward the water pump and
end tighten the bolt and tensioner spacer.


Water pump Tensioner 6EN0555

H Timing belt installation

(1) Align the timing mark on the camshaft sprocket with that
on the cylinder head.
Timing mark


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 25 Removal And Installation

(2) Align the timing mark on the crankshaft sprocket with
that on the front case.

Timing mask


(3) Align the timing mark on the oil pump sprocket with its
Timing mark mating mark.


(4) Install the timing belt on the crankshaft sprocket, oil

Tensioner pump sprocket and camshaft sprocket in that order.
There should be no slack on the tension side.
(5) Apply a reverse direction (counterclockwise) force to the
camshaft sprocket to make the tension side of the belt
ÒtightÓ. In that state, recheck that all the timing marks are
in alignment.
(6) Loosen a turn or two the tensioner bolt and nut that
were temporarily tightened to hold the tensioner on the
water pump side. This gives tension to the belt by the
6EN0015 action of the tensioner spring.
(7) Rotate the crankshaft by the amount equivalent to two
camshaft sprocket teeth in the forward (clockwise)
direction. Since this step is intended for giving the
timing belt proper tension, do not attempt rotate the
Timing mark crankshaft in the reverse (counterclockwise) direction or
press the belt to check the tension.


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 26 Removal And Installation

(8) Apply force to the tensioner in the direction shown by
arrow to make the belt engage completely with each


(9) Tighten the tensioner attaching bolt to the specified

spacer (10) Tighten the tensioner spacer to the specified torque.

NOTE: If the nut is tightened first, the tensioner may also

turn together with the nut and loose tension of the belt may
result. Always tighten the bolt (at the bottom of the
tensioner) first and then tighten the nut (at the top of the

Tensioner 6EN0015

(11) Hold the center of the tension side span of the timing
belt (between the camshaft and oil pump sprockets)
14mm between your thumb and index finger as shown. Then,
make sure that the clearance between the belt back
surface and cover meets the standard value.
Standard value: 14 mm (0.55 in.)


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 27 Removal And Installation

Fuel System

Removal and Installation



Removal steps
1. Return set hose assembly 8. Fuel pipe
2. Oil seal 9. Fuel hose
3. Air horn 10. Fuel pipe
4. Gasket B A 11. Fuel pump
A 5. Carburetor 12. Gasket
6. Air governor 13. Insulator
7. Gasket 14. Push rod

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 28 Removal And Installation

Removal Service Points
A Carburetor removal
(1) Hold the carburetor in a level position while using care
not to let fuel spill, remove it from the intake manifold.
(2) Turn the carburetor upside down on a pan to drain fuel.

B Fuel pump removal

Placing the piston in No.1 cylinder at TDC on the
compression stroke makes the fuel pump stroke lift the
smallest, allowing easy removal of the pump.

Arm pin Arm

Installation Service Points
Rod spring A Fuel pump installation
Rod Cam shaft (1) Bring the piston in No.1 cylinder to TDC on the
Breather hose Push rod compression stroke. This provides the smallest lift of the
Diaphragm eccentric cam, allowing easy installation of the fuel
spring Pump body
Diaphragm pump.
Pump cover (2) Apply engine oil to the surface of the push rod and insert
IN OUT it into the hole in the cylinder head. Make sure that the
6EN0841 push rod sides smoothly.
(3) Install the fuel pump on the cylinder head with the
insulator and a new gasket in between, and tighten the
bolts completely.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 29 Removal And Installation

Removal and Installation
LPG Carburetor


Removal steps
1. Throttle return spring 6. Throttle body
2. Accel wire assembly 7. Carburetor gasket
3. Return spring support 8. Air governor
4. LPG carburetor 9. Air governor gasket
5. Throttle chamber gasket 10. Fuel pump cover

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 30 Removal And Installation

Intake Manifold

Removal and Installation


Removal steps
1. Water outlet 4. Engine hanger
2. Gasket 5. Intake manifold
3. Thermostat 6. Gasket

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 31 Removal And Installation

Intentional blank

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 32 Removal And Installation

Exhaust Manifold and Water Pump

Removal and Installation


Removal steps
1. Oil level gauge 7. Exhaust manifold
2. Oil level gauge guide 8. Gasket
3. O-ring A 9. Water inlet pipe
4. Heat protector A A 10.O-ring
5. Heat protector B 11. Water hose
6. Engine hanger 12. Water pump
13. Gasket

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 33 Removal And Installation

A O-ring and water pipe installation
Replace the water inlet pipe O-ring with a new one.
Apply water to the outer circumference of the O-ring for
easier insertion into the water pump and thermostat

1) Never apply engine oil or any other oil or grease to the
2) Fasten the water pipe after the thermostat housing has
been installed.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 34 Removal And Installation

Rocker Arms And Camshaft

Removal and Installation


Removal steps
1. Breather hose D 12. Bearing cap No. 4
2. P.C.V. hose 13. Rocker arm C
3. P.C.V. valve D 14. Bearing cap No. 3
4. Oil filler cap D 15. Bearing cap No. 2
5. Rocker cover C 16. Wave washer
6. Gasket B 17. Right rocker shaft
G 7. Semi-circular packing B 18. Left rocker shaft
A 8. Rocker arms and rocker shafts 19. Front bearing cap
9. Rear bearing cap E 20. Lash adjuster
10. Rear arm D F 21. Oil seal
11. Spring A 22. Camshaft

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 35 Removal And Installation

MD998443 Removal Service Points
A Rocker arm and rocker shaft removal

If the lash adjuster is re-used, clean the lash adjuster.

(1) Fit the lash adjuster onto the rocker arm without allowing
diesel fuel to spill out. Fit. Special tool MD998443 to
prevent the lash adjuster coming free and falling to the

1. Camshaft
Measure the cam height and if the limit is exceeded,
Standard value: 41.62 mm (1.6386 in.)
Limit: 41.12 mm (1.6189 in.)

2. Lash Adjuster

¥The lash adjusters are precision-engineered mechanisms.
Do not allow them to become contaminated by dirt or other
foreign substances.
¥Do not attempt to disassemble the lash adjusters.
¥Use only fresh diesel fuel to clean the lash adjusters

(1) Prepare three containers and approximately five liters of

Cutside Inside Filling with diesel fuel. Into each container, pour enough diesel fuel
cleaning cleaning diesel fuel
to completely cover a lash adjuster when it is standing
upright. Then, perform the following steps with each
lash adjuster.



G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 36 Removal And Installation

(2) Place the lash adjuster in container A and clean its
outside surface.

NOTE: Use a nylon brush if deposits are hard to remove.



(3) While gently pushing down the internal steel ball using
special tool MD998442, move the plunger through five to
ten strokes until it slides smoothly. In addition to
eliminating stiffness in the plunger, this operation will
remove dirty oil.

Caution: The steel ball spring is extremely weak, so the

Diesel fuel lash adjusterÕs functionality may be lost if the air bleed wire
is pushed in hard.
6EN1808 NOTE: If the plunger remains stiff or the mechanism
appears otherwise abnormal, replace the lash adjuster.

(4) Remove the lash adjuster from the container. Then,

push down the steel ball gently and push the plunger to
eliminate diesel fuel from the pressure chamber.


Diesel fuel 6EN1809

(5) Place the lash adjuster in container B. Then, gently push

MD998442 down the internal steel ball using special tool MD998442
and move the plunger through five to ten strokes until it
slides smoothly. This operation will clean the lash
adjusterÕs pressure chamber.

Caution: The steel ball spring is extremely weak, so the

Diesel fuel
lash adjusterÕs functionality may be lost if the air bleed wire
is pushed in hard.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 37 Removal And Installation

(6) Remove the lash adjuster from the container. Then,
push down the steel ball gently and push the plunger to
eliminate diesel fuel from the pressure chamber.

Diesel fuel

(7) Place the lash adjuster in container C. Then, gently push

down the internal steel ball using special tool

Caution: Do not use container C for cleaning. If cleaning is

performed in container C, foreign matter could enter the
pressure chamber when the chamber is filled with diesel
Diesel fuel


(8) Stand the lash adjuster with its plunger at the top, then
MD998442 push the plunger downward firmly until it moves through
its greatest possible stroke. Return the plunger slowly,
then release the steel ball and allow the pressure
chamber to fill with diesel fuel.

Diesel fuel


(9) Remove the lash adjuster from the container, then stand
the lash adjuster with its plunger at the top.
Push the plunger firmly and check that it does not move.

NOTE: If lash adjuster contracts, perform the operations (7)

through (9) again to fill it with diesel fuel completely.
Replace the lash adjuster if it still contracts after performing
these steps.

(10) Stand the lash adjuster upright to prevent diesel fuel

6EN1704 spilling out. Do not allow the lash adjuster to become
contaminated by dirt or other foreign matter. Fit the
lash adjuster onto the engine as soon as possible.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 38 Removal And Installation

Installation Service Points
A Camshaft installation
Apply engine oil to the journals and cams of the camshafts.
Install the camshaft on the cylinder head.

Notch B Rocker shaft installation

Insert the rocker shafts into the front bearing cap so that the
notches on the shafts face up, and insert the installation
bolts without tightening them.

Frout bearing cap 6EN0575

Wave washer C Wave washer installation

Install the wave washer in correct direction as shown.

Front No.1 intake

bearing side rocker
cap arm


D Bearing cap
Rocker cover Mounting bolt hole (1) No.3 bearing cap looks very similar to No.2 and No.4
bearing caps.

NOTE: No.2 bearing cap is the same as No.4 bearing cap.

(2) Install the bearing caps with their front marks pointing to
the camshaft sprocket side.
Front mark Indentification Mark
No.2 No.3 No.4

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 39 Removal And Installation

MD998443 E Lash adjuster installation

Caution: If the lash adjuster is re-used, clean the lash


(1) Set special tool MD998443 to prevent the lash adjuster

coming free and falling to the floor.


F Camshaft oil seal installation

MD998713 (1) Apply engine oil to the lip area of the oil seal and the
camshaft front end outer diameter.
(2) Using special tool, install the camshaft oil seal.


G Semi-circular packing installation

Apply sealant
(1) Apply sealant to the location shown in the illustration.
Specified sealant: 3MTM AAD Part No. 8672 or


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 40 Removal And Installation

Cylinder Head And Valves

Removal and Installation


Removal steps
A D 1. Cylinder head bolt 11. Exhaust valve
2. Cylinder head assembly C A 12. Valve stem seal
3. Cylinder head gasket 13. Valve spring seat
B C 4. Retainer lock C A 14. Valve stem seal
5. Valve spring retainer 15. Valve spring seat
B 6. Valve spring 16. Intake valve guide
7. Intake valve 17. Exhaust valve guide
B C 8. Retainer lock 18. Intake valve seat
9. Valve spring retainer 19. Exhaust valve seat
B 10. Valve spring 20. Cylinder head

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 41 Removal And Installation

Removal Service Points
A Cylinder head bolt removal
Using special tool, loosen the cylinder head bolts.
Loosen each bolt evenly, little by little, by two or three steps.


B Retainer lock removal

Store removed valves, springs and other parts, tagged to
indicate their cylinder No. and location for reassembly.


C Valve stem seal removal

Caution: Do not reuse removed valve stem seal.

1. Cylinder Head

6EN0718 (1) Check the cylinder head for water leaks, gas leaks,
damage or cracks before cleaning.
(2) Thoroughly remove oil, water scale, sealant, carbon
deposit, etc. After the oil passages have been cleaned,
blow air to make sure that they are clean.
(3) Check the cylinder head gasket surface for flatness by
using straightedge and thickness gauge.
If the service limit is exceeded, correct to meet the
Standard valve: 0.03 mm (0.0012 in.) or less.
Limit: 0.2 mm (0.008 in.)
Grinding limit: 0.2 mm (0.008 in.)
Cylinder head height (when new): 89.9 to 90.1 mm
(3.539 to 3.547 in.)

6EN0719 NOTE: Grinding the cylinder head is permitted as long as

the total thickness of the metal removed from the cylinder
head and the cylinder block does not exceed 0.2 mm (0.008

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 42 Removal And Installation

2. Valve
(1) Check the valve face for correct contact. If incorrect,
reface. Valve seat contact should be maintained uniform
at the center of valve face.
Valve seat (2) If the margin exceeds the service limit, replace the
Standard value:
Intake 1.2 mm (0.047 in.)
Exhaust 2.0 mm (0.079 in.)
6EN0542 Limit:
Intake 0.7 mm (0.028 in.)
Exhaust 1.5 mm (0.059 in.)
(3) Measure the valveÕs total length. If the measurement is
less than specified, replace the valve.
Standard value:
4G63 Intake 109.8 mm (4.328 in.)
Exhaust 108.7 mm (4.280 in.)
4G64 Intake 106.6 mm (4.197 in.)
Exhaust 105.2 mm (4.142 in.)
4G63 Intake 109.3 mm (4.3031 in.)
Exhaust 108.2 mm (4.260 in.)
4G64 Intake 106.1 mm (4.177 in.)
Exhaust 104.7 mm (4.122 in.)

3. Valve Spring
Out of squareness
(1) Measure the free height of spring and, if it is smaller
than the limit, replace.
Standard value: 48.0 mm (1.89 in.)
Limit: 47.0 mm (1.85 in.)
Free height
(2) Measure the squareness of the spring and, if the limit is
exceeded, replace.
Standard value: 2 degrees or less
Limit: 4 degrees

4. Valve Guide
Measure the clearance between the valve guide and valve
stem. If the limit is exceeded, replace the valve guide or
valve, or both.

Stem I.D.
Guide I.D. 1EN0279

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 43 Removal And Installation

Valve stem end 5. Valve Seats
(1) Assemble the valve, than measure the valve stem
projection between the end of the valve stem and the
Valve Projection
spring seating surface. If the measurement exceeds the
specified limit, replace the valve seat.
Standard value: 42.05 mm (1.6555 in.)
Spring seating
Limit: 42.55 mm (1.6752 in.)


Unit : mm(in) 0.9 Valve Seat Reconditioning Procedure

(0.0 to 1.3 )
35 t o 1.3 .051
o 0.
05 0.9 0t 35 to 0
60û 1) (0. (1) Before correcting the valve seat, check for clearance
60û between the valve guide and valve and, if necessary,
replace the valve guide.
(2) Correct to obtain the specified seat width and angle.
(3) After correction, valve and valve seat should be lapped
with a lapping compound.
25û 43.5û to
43.5û to 44û 44û 25û


0.5 to 1.0 Unit : mm(in) Valve Seat Replacement Procedure

(0.020 to 0.039)
(1) Cut the valve seat to be replaced from the inside to thin
the wall thickness. Then, remove the valve seat.

Cut away
0.5 to 1.0
(0.020 to 0.030)


(2) Rebore the valve seat hole in the cylinder head to a

selected oversize valve seat diameter.
(3) Before fitting the valve seat, cool the valve seat in liquid
nitrogen, to prevent the cylinder head bore from galling.
Height of (4) Using a valve seat cutter, correct the valve seat to the
valve seat specified width and angle.
See ÒValve Seat Reconditioning ProcedureÓ.

Over size I.D


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 44 Removal And Installation

Valve Guide Replacement Procedure
(1) Using a press, remove the valve guide toward the
cylinder block side.
(2) Rebore the valve guide hole to the new oversize valve
guide outside diameter.

NOTE: Do not install a valve guide of the same size again.

Valve guide hole diameter.

0.05 O.S. 13.05 to 13.07 mm (0.5138 to 0.5146 in.)

0.25 O.S. 13.25 to 13.27 mm (0.5217 to 0.5224 in.)
0.50 O.S. 13.50 to 13.52 mm (0.5315 to 0.5323 in.)

Press Press (3) Press in the valve guide to the position shown in the
Standard value: 11.5 mm (0.453 in.)

Push rod NOTE:

(0.453 in)

1) Press-fit the valve guide, working from the cylinder head


Valve Valve top surface.

guide guide 2) Note that the intake and exhaust side valve guides are
different in length.
Removal Installation 3) After installing valve guides, insert new valves in them to
6EN0543 check for sliding condition.

Installation Service Points


A Valve stem seal installation

(1) Install the valve spring seat.
(2) Using special tool, install the new valve stem seat to the
valve guide.

1) Do not reuse removed valve stem seal.
6EN0743 2) The special tool must be used to install the valve stem
seal. Improper installation could result in oil leaking past
the valve guide.

B Valve spring installation

Spring Direct the valve spring end with identification color toward
Indentification retainer
the rocker arm.

Stem seal

Spring seat


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 45 Removal And Installation

C Retainer lock installation

MD998772 The valve spring, if excessively compressed, causes the

bottom end of the retainer to be in contact.


D Cylinder head bolt installation

(1) When installing the cylinder head bolts, check that the
shank length of each bolt meets the limit is exceeded,
replace the bolt.
Standard value: 120.4 mm (4.740 in.)
Shank length (2) Apply engine oil to the bolt threads and washers.


(3) According to the tightening sequence, tighten the bolts

8 6 1 3 9 to 8.0 kg¥m (57.9 lb¥ft)[80 N¥m].
(4) Loosen the bolts completely.
(5) Torque the bolts to 2.0 kg¥m (14.5 lb¥ft)[20 N¥m].
(6) Tighten the bolts 1/4 turns (90¡) more.
(7) Tighten the bolts 1/4 turns (90¡) additionally.

10 4 2 5 7 1) If the bolt is turned less than 90¡, proper fastening
performance may not be expected. When tightening the
6EN0694 bolt, therefore, be careful to give a sufficient turn to it.
2) If the bolt is over tightened, loosen the bolt completely
and then retighten it by repeating the tightening
procedure from step (1).

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 46 Removal And Installation

Front Case And Oil Pan

Removal and Installation


Removal steps
N 1. Oil filter H 17. Oil pump case assembly
M 2. Oil pressure switch 18. Front case gasket
3. Drain plug G 19. Oil pump cover
L 4. Drain plug gasket G 20. Oil pump drive gear
A K 5. Oil pan G 21. Oil pump driven gear
6. Oil screen F 22. Crankshaft front oil seal
7. Oil screen gasket E 23. Oil pump oil seal
B J 8. Plug D 24. Counterbalance shaft oil seal
9. O-ring 25. Front case
C I 10. Flange bolt 26. Counterbalance shaft, left
11. Relief plug 27. Counterbalance shaft, right
12. Gasket D C 28. Counterbalance shaft, front bearing
13. Relief spring E B 29. Counterbalance shaft, rear bearing,left
14. Relief plunger E A 30. Counterbalance shaft, rear bearing, right
15. Oil filter bracket
16. Oil filter bracket gasket

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 47 Removal And Installation

Removal Service Points
MD998727 A Oil pan removal
(1) Remove the all oil pan bolts.
(2) Drive in the special tool between the cylinder block and
oil pan
(3) Side the tool by striking the edge of the special tool to
separate the oil pan from the cylinder block.


B Plug removal
MD998162 (1) Fit special tool MD998162 on the plug, then hold it in
position with special tool MD998783.
(2) Loose the plug.



C Oil pump oil seal installation

(1) Remove the plug on the side of cylinder block.
(2) Insert a phillips screwdriver(shank diameter 8mm[0.31
in.]) into the plug hole to lock the counterbalance shaft.

Screw driver

(3) Loosen the flange bolt.


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 48 Removal And Installation

D Counterbalance shaft front bearing removal
(1) Using the special tool, remove the counterbalance shaft
front bearing from the cylinder block.

NOTE: Be sure to remove the front bearing first. If it has not

been removed, the rear bearing puller cannot be used.

MD998371 3EN0166

E Counterbalance shaft rear bearing removal

(1) Using the special tool, remove the counterbalance shaft
rear bearing from the cylinder block.

NOTE: When removing the left counterbalance shaft

bearing, install the special tool (MB991603) in front of the
cylinder block.


1. Front Case
(1) Check oil holes for clogging and clean if necessary.
(2) Check the left counterbalance shaft front bearing section
for wear, damage and seizure. If there is anything wrong
with the section, replace the front case.
(3) Check the front case for cracks and other damage.
Replace cracked or damaged front case.

2. Oil Seal
(1) Check the oil seal lip for wear and Replace oil seal if
(2) Check the oil seal lip for deterioration. Replace oil seal if

3. Counterbalance Shaft
(1) Check oil hole for clogging.
(2) Check journals for seizure, damaged and contact with
bearing. If there is anything wrong with the journal


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 49 Removal And Installation

4. Oil Pump
(1) Assemble the oil pump to the front case and rotate it to
ensure smooth rotation with no looseness.
(2) Check the side clearance using a thickness gauge.
(3) Check the side clearance
Standard value:
0.08 to 0.14 mm (0.0031 to 0.0055 in.)
Drive gear
0.06 to 0.12 mm (0.0024 to 0.0047 in.)
6LU0013 Driven gear

Installation Service Points

A Right counterbalance shaft rear bearing
(1) Apply engine oil to the outer surface of bearing.
(2) Using special tools, install right rear bearing. Make sure
that oil hole of bearing is aligned with oil hole of cylinder



Cylinder block

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 50 Removal And Installation

B Left counterbalance shaft rear bearing
(1) Install the special tool (Guide Plate) to cylinder block.
(2) Apply engine oil to the rear bearing outer circumference
and bearing hole in the cylinder block.
(3) Using the special tool, install the rear bearing.

NOTE: The left rear bearing has no oil holes.


Rear bearing



C Counterbalance shaft front bearing

(1) Using the special tool, install the rear bearing.




Cylinder block

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 51 Removal And Installation

D Counterbalance shaft oil seal installation
(1) Using a suitable socket wrench, install the
Socket wrench counterbalance shaft oil into the front case.

Front case
Oil seal


E Oil pump oil seal installation

Socket (1) Using a suitable socket wrench, install the oil pump oil
seal into the front case.
Oil seal

Front case


F Crank shaft front oil seal installation

(1) Using the special tool, install the crankshaft front oil seal
into the front case.

Oil seal

Front case


G Oil pump driven gear/oil pump drive gear


Alignment (1) Apply engine oil amply to the gears and line up the
mark alignment marks.


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 52 Removal And Installation

H Front case installation
(1) Set the special tool on the front end of the crankshaft
and apply a thin coat of engine oil to the outer
circumference of the special tool to install the front case.



(2) Install the front case assembly through a new front case
gasket and temporarily tighten the flange bolts(other
than those for tightening the filter bracket).



I Flange bolt installation

(1) Insert a Phillips screwdriver into a hole in the left side of
the cylinder block to lock the counterbalance shaft.

Screw driver

(2) Secure the oil pump driven gear onto the left
counterbalance shaft by tightening the flange bolt to
specified torque.


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 53 Removal And Installation

J Plug installation
(1) Install a new o-ring to the groove of the front case.
(2) Install a plug to the front case.
(3) Fit the special tool MD998162 on the plug, and then
hold in position with special tool MD998783.
(4) Tighten the plug to the special tool MD998783.
(5) Remove the special tools MD998783 and MD998162.


K Oil pan installation

(1) Clean both mating surface of the oil pan and cylinder
(2) Apply a 4 mm (0.16 in.) wide bead of FIPG to the entire
circumference of the oil pan flange. The oil pan should
be installed in 15 minutes after the application of FIPG.
Specified FIPG: 3MTM AAD Part No.8672 or equivalent
Bolt hole portion

(3) Note the difference in bolt lengths at the location shown.

Crank pulley side

8mm bolts

Oil pan viewed from lower side


Drain plug
L Drain plug gasket installation
(1) Install the drain plug gasket in the direction shown.

Caution: Fitting the gasket in a wrong way will result in oil

Oil seal leakage.
Oil pan side


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 54 Removal And Installation

M Oil pressure switch installation
Specified sealant: 3MTM AAD Part No. 8672 or equivalent
1) Keep the end of threaded portion clear of sealant.
2) Avoid an over tightening.


N Oil filter installation

Bracket side (1) Clean the installation surfaces of the filter bracket.
(2) Apply engine oil to the o-ring of oil filter.
(3) Screw the oil filter in until the o-ring contacts the
Engine Oil


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 55 Removal And Installation

Piston And Connecting Rod

Removal and Installation


Removal steps
G 1. Nut C 7. Piston ring No. 2
A F 2. Connecting rod cap B 8. Oil ring
E 3. Connecting rod bearing B A 9. Piston pin
D 4. Piston and connecting rod assembly 10. Piston
E 5. Connecting rod bearing 11. Connecting rod
C 6. Piston ring No. 1 12. Bolt

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 56 Removal And Installation

Removal Service Points
A Connecting rod cap removal
number Mark the cylinder number on the side of the connecting rod
big end for correct reassembly.


unit:mm(in) B Piston pin removal

Push rod Guide B Guide A
17.9(0.705) The special tool, Piston Pin Setting Tool (MD998780),
consists of the parts shown in the illustration at the left.

Guide A
Guide C 18.9(0.744)

Base Guide A

Guide A


(1) Insert the special tool, Push Rod, into the piston from
the side on which the front mark is stamped in the piston
Push rod head, and attach the guide C to the push rod end.
(2) Place the piston and connecting rod assembly on the
special tool, Piston Pin Setting Base, with the front mark
facing upward.
Front mark (3) Using a press, remove the piston pin.
mark NOTE: Keep the disassembled piston, piston pins and
connecting rods in order according to the cylinder number.

Guide C



G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 57 Removal And Installation

1. Piston Ring
(1) Check for the clearance between the piston ring and ring
groove. If the limit is exceeded, replace the ring or both
piston and ring.
(2) Install the piston ring into the cylinder bore. Force it
down with a piston, its crown being in contact with the
ring, to correctly position it at right angles to the cylinder
7EN0475 wall. Then, measure the end gap with a feeler gauge.
If the ring gap is excessive, replace the piston ring.
Standard value:
No.1 0.25 to 0.40 mm (0.0098 to 0.0157 in.)
No.2 0.45 to 0.60 mm (0.0177 to 0.0236 in.)
Oil 0.20 to 0.60 mm (0.0079 to 0.0236 in.)
Press down ring
No.1, No.2 0.8 mm(0.031 in.)
with piston
Oil 1.0 mm (0.039 in.)

Piston ring End gap 7EN0476

2. Crankshaft Pin Oil Clearance (Plastic Gauge Method)

(1) Remove oil from the crankshaft pin and the connecting
rod bearing.
(2) Cut the plastic gauge to the same length as the width of
the bearing and place it on the crankshaft pin in parallel
with its axis.
(3) Install the connecting rod cap carefully and tighten the
bolts to the specified torque.
(4) Remove the bolt and carefully remove the connecting
1EN0246 rod cap.
(5) Measure the width of the plastic gauge at its widest part
by using the scale printed on the plastic gauge package.
Standard value: 0.02 to 0.05 mm (0.0008 to 0.0020 in.)
Limit: 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 58 Removal And Installation

Piston Installation Service Points
A Piston pin installation
(1) Measure the following dimensions of the piston, piston
pin and connecting rod.
A: Piston pin insertion hole length
B: Distance between piston bosses
C: Piston pin length
D: Connecting rod
(2) Obtain dimension L (to be used later) from the above
measurements by using by following formula.
(A - C) - (B - D)
L= 2
(3) Insert the special tool, Push Rod, into the piston pin and
attach the guide A to the push rod end.
(4) Assemble the connecting rod in the piston with their front
marks facing the same direction.
(5) Apply engine oil to the entire periphery of the piston pin.
(6) Insert the piston pin, push rod and guide A assembly
Connecting rod having assembled in stop (3) from the guide A side into
the piston pin hole on the front marked side.
Piston pin
A7EN0432 (7) Screw the guide B into the guide A until the gap between
both guides amounts to the value L obtained in step (2)
plus 3 mm (0.12 in.)

3mm (0.12in) +L2

Guide B Guide A


Push rod

Piston pin

Front mark
Front mark
(8) Place the piston onto the piston setting base with the
front marks directed upward.
(9) Press-fit the piston pin using a press.
If the press-fitting force required is less than the
Guide A standard value, replace the piston and piston pin set
or/and the connecting rod.
Standard value: 750 to 1750 kgf
(1654 to 3859 lbf)
[7350 to 17160 N]
Guide B


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 59 Removal And Installation

B Oil ring installation

Side (1) Fit the oil ring spacer into the piston ring groove. First,
rail install the upper side rail, and then install the lower side

1) The side rails and spacer may be installed in either
2) The new spacers and side rails are painted in the
6EN0585 following colors to identify their sizes.

Size Identification color

STD No color
0.50 mm (0.020 in.) O.S. Blue
1.00 mm (0.040 in.) O.S. Yellow

(2) To install the side rail, first fit one end of the rail into the
Side rail gap
piston groove, then press the remaining portion into
position by finger. See illustration.

Caution: The side rail could be broken if it is expanded with

a piston ring expander in the same way as with a
compression ring.

(3) Make sure that the side rails move smoothly in either

Identification C Piston ring No.2/piston ring No.1 installation

mark Size mark (1) To prevent wrong installation, check the identification
mark of each piston ring. The installation mark is
stamped near the ring gap.

NOTE: Size mark on piston ring are as follows.

Size Size mark
STD Paint red
0.50 mm (0.020 in.) O.S. 50
1.00 mm (0.040 in.) O.S. 100

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 60 Removal And Installation

(2) Using piston ring expander, fit No.2 and then No.1 piston
ring into position.

NOTE: Install piston ring with identification mark facing up,

to the piston crown

(3) Install the No.1 piston ring in the same manner as

step 2.


D Piston and connecting rod installation

Upper No.1
(1) Liberally coat engine oil on the circumference of the
rail piston, piston ring, and oil ring.
(2) Arrange the piston ring and oil ring gaps (side rail and
spacer) as shown in the illustration.
Piston pin
(3) Insert the piston and connecting rod assembly from
above the cylinder in such a way that the front
mark(arrow) on the top of the piston will be directed
No.2 ring gap Lower side toward the camshaft sprocket.
and space gap ral

(4) Insert the piston and connecting rod assembly with the
piston rings held firmly with a ring band. Forcing it by
pounding should be avoided because damage to the
piston rings or crank pin could result.


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 61 Removal And Installation

No.1 E Connecting rod bearing installation
When the bearings are replaced, select and install them
No.4 according to the identification colors on the crankshaft and
identification marks stamped on the connecting rod bearing.

Crankshaft Connecting rod bearing

Pin Pin O.D. Identification Thickness,
No.3 identification mm (in.) mark or color mm (in.)
6EN0700 color
44.995 to 1.487 to
45.000 1 1.491
(1.77145 to or Yellow (0.05854 to
1.77165) 0.05870)
44.985 to 1.491 to
44.995 2 1.495
(1.77106 to or None (0.05870 to
1.77145) 0.05886)
44.980 to 1.495 to
44.985 3 1.499
(1.77086 to or Blue (0.05886 to
1.77106) 0.05902)
Identfication mark
6AE0115 Connecting rod inside diameter:
48.000 to 48.015 mm (1.88976 to 1.89035 in.)

F Connecting rod cap installation

(1) Verifying the mark made during disassembly, install the
bearing cap to the connecting rod. If the connecting rod
Cylinder No. is new with no index mark, make sure that the bearing
locking notches come on the same side as shown.



(2) Make sure that connecting rod big end side clearance
meets the specification.
Standard value: 0.10 to 0.25 mm (0.0039 to 0.0098 in.)
Limit: 0.4 mm (0.016 in.)


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 62 Removal And Installation

G Connecting rod cap nut installation
(1) Since the connecting rod bolts and nuts are torque using
a plastic area tightening method, they should be
examined BEFORE reuse. If the bolt threads are
Ònecked downÓ, the bolts should be replaced.
Necking can be checked by running a nut with fingers to
the full length of the boltÕs thread. If the nut does not run
down smoothly, the bolt should replaced.
(2) Before installing the nuts, the threads should be oiled
with engine oil.
(3) Install both nuts on the bolts finger tight, then alternately
torque each nut to assemble the cap properly.
(4) Tighten the nuts to 2.0 kg¥m (14.5 lb¥ft) [20 N¥m] and
plus 1/4 (90¡) turn.

1) If the nut is turned less than 90¡, proper fastening
performance may not be expected. When tightening the
nut, therefore, be careful to give a sufficient turn to it.
2) If the nut is over tightened (exceeding 100¡), loosen the
nut completely and then retighten it by repeating the
tightening procedure from step (1).

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 63 Removal And Installation

Crankshaft And Cylinder Block

Removal and Installation


Removal steps
1. Flywheel bolt C 8. Crankshaft bearing cap
2. Flywheel B 9. Crankshaft bearing lower
F 3. Rear plate 10. Crankshaft
4. Rear plate cover B 11. Crankshaft bearing upper
E 5. Oil seal case B 12. Thrust bearing
D 6. Oil seal 13. Cylinder block
C 7. Crankshaft bearing cap bolt

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 64 Removal And Installation

Plastic gauge

1. Crankshaft Oil Clearance (Plastic Gauge Method)

Use of the plastic gauge can facilitate the oil clearance
measurement work.
To use the plastic gauge, proceed as follows:
(1) Remove oil from the crankshaft journal and crankshaft
6EN0703 (2) Install the crankshaft.
(3) Cut the plastic gauge to the same length as the width of
the bearing and place it on the journal in parallel with its
(4) Install the crankshaft bearing cap carefully and tighten
the bolts to specified torque.
(5) Remove the bolt, and carefully remove the crankshaft
bearing cap.
(6) Measure the width of the plastic gauge at its widest part
by using a scale printed on the plastic gauge package.
Standard value: 0.02 to 0.04 mm (0.0008 to 0.0016 in.)
Limit: 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)


2. Cylinder Block
(1) Visually check for scratches, rust, and corrosion. Use
also a flaw detecting agent for the check. If defects are
evident, correct, or replace.
(2) Using a straightedge and feeler gauge, check the block
top surface for warpage. Make sure that the surface is
free from gasket chips and other foreign matter.
Standard value: 0.05 mm (0.0020 in.)
Limit: 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)

(3) Check the cylinder walls for scratches and seizure. If

defects are evident, correct (bored to oversize) or
(4) Using a cylinder gauge, measure the cylinder bore and
cylindricity. If worn badly, rebore all cylinders to an
oversize and replace piston rings. Measure at the points
shown in the illustration.
Standard value:
Cylinder I.D.
6EN0553 85.00 to 85.03 mm (3.3465 to 3.3476 in.)
86.50 to 86.53 mm (3.4055 to 3.4067 in.)
Cylindricity 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 65 Removal And Installation

3. Cylinder Boring
(1) Oversize pistons to be used should be determined on
the basis of largest bore cylinder.
Thrust (2) Oversize pistons are available in four size 0.50 mm
direction (0.0197 in.), and 1.00 mm (0.0394 in.). Rebore the
cylinder to a diameter that matches the selected piston
outside diameter that matches the selected piston
outside diameter with the specified clearance. The
Piston O.D
reference piston outside diameter measuring point is
6En0554 shown in the illustration.
(3) Based on the measured piston O.D. calculate the boring
finish dimension.
Boring finish dimension = Piston O.D. + 0.02 to 0.04 mm
(0.0008 to 0.0016 in.) (clearance between piston O.D.
and cylinder ) - 0.02 mm (0.0008 in.) (honing margin)
(4) Bore all cylinders to the calculated boring finish

Caution: To prevent distortion that may result from

temperature rise during boring, bore cylinders, working from
No.2 to No.4 to No.1 to No.3.

(5) Hone to the final finish dimension (piston O.D. +

clearance between piston O.D. and cylinder).
(6) Check the clearance between the piston and cylinder.
Standard value:
Clearance between piston and cylinder
0.02 to 0.04 mm (0.0008 to 0.0016 in.)

Installation Service Points

A Crankshaft thrust bearing installation
(1) Install the two thrust bearing in the No.3 bearing bore in
the cylinder block. For easier installation, apply engine
oil to the bearings, this will help fold them in position.
(2) The thrust bearings must be installed with their groove
side toward the crankshaft web.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 66 Removal And Installation

B Crankshaft bearing installation
(1) From the following table, select a bearing whose size is
appropriate for the crankshaft journal outside diameter.

Crankshaft journal Cylinder Crankshaft Identification

block bearing bearing for mark or
outside diameter
bore No.3 color
Identification Size Identification Identification Identification
color mm (in.) mark mark or color mark or color
Yellow 56.994 to 0 1 or Green 0 or Black
1 2 or Yellow 1 or Green
(2.2439 to
2.2241) 2 3 or None 2 or Yellow
None 56.988 to 0 2 or Yellow 1 or Green
1 3 or None 2 or Yellow
(2.2436 to
2.2439) 2 4 or Blue 3 or None
White 56.982 to 0 3 or None 2 or Yellow
1 4 or Blue 3 or None
(2.2434 to
2.2436) 2 5 or Red 4 or Blue


If the crankshaft journal outside diameter ID color is ÒyellowÓ

and the cylinder block bearing bore ID mark is Ò1Ó for
example, select a bearing whose ID mark is Ò2Ó or ID color
is ÒyellowÓ for No. 1, 2, 4 and 5, and a bearing whose ID
mark is Ò1Ó or ID color is ÒgreenÓ for No. 3.
If there is no ID color paint on the crankshaft, measure the
Bearing bore journal outside diameter and select a bearing appropriate
identification for the measured value.

size mark

Bottom of Rear face of

cylinder block cylinder block


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 67 Removal And Installation

Crankshaft journal Cylinder block bearing support section Crankshaft bearing
Identification O.D. mm (in.) Identification I.D. mm (in.) Identification Thickness mm(in.)
color mark mark
Yellow 0 61.000 to 61.006 1 1.988 to 1.991
(2.40157 to 2.40181) (0.07827 to 0.07839)
56.994 to 57.000 1 61.006 to 61.012 2 1.991 to 1.994
(2.24385 to 2.24409) (2.40181 to 2.40204) (0.07839 to 0.07850)
2 61.012 to 61.018 3 1.994 to 1.997
(2.40204 to 2.40228) (0.07850 to 0.07862)
None 0 61.000 to 61.006 2 1.991 to 1.994
(2.40157 to 2.40181) (0.07839 to 0.07850)
56.988 to 56.944 1 61.006 to 61.012 3 1.994 to 1.997
(2.24362 to 2.24189) (2.40181 to 2.40204) (0.07850 to 0.07862)
2 61.012 to 61.018 4 1.997 to 2.000
(2.40204 to 2.40228) (0.07862 to 0.07874)
White 0 61.000 to 61.006 3 1.994 to 1.997
(2.40157 to 2.40181) (0.07850 to 0.07862)
56.982 to 56.988 1 61.006 to 61.012 4 1.997 to 2.000
(2.24338 to 2.24362) (2.40181 to 2.40204) (0.07862 to 0.07874)
2 61.012 to 61.018 5 2.000 to 2.003
(2.40204 to 2.40228) (0.07874 to 0.07886)

Identification mark of

(2) Install the bearing having an oil groove to the cylinder

(3) Install the bearing having no oil groove to the bearing

for upper

for lower

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 68 Removal And Installation

C Bearing cap/bearing cap bolt installation
(1) Install the bearing caps so that their arrows are
8 4 1 5 9 positioned on the timing belt side.
(2) When installing the bearing cap bolts, check that the
shank length of each bolt meets the limit. If the limit is
exceeded, replace the bolt.
Limit: Max. 71.1 mm (2.799 in.)
7 2 6 10
(3) Torque the bearing cap bolts to 2.5 kgf¥m (18.1 lb¥ft)[25
N¥m] and, from that position, retighten them 1/4 (90¡)
turns more.

1) If the bolt is turned less than 90¡, proper fastening
performance may not be expected. When tightening the
bolt, therefore, be careful to give a sufficient turn to it.
2) If the bolt is over tightened (exceeding 100¡), loosen the
bolt completely and then retighten it by repeating the
tightening procedure from step (1).

(4) After installing the bearing caps, make sure that the end
play is correct. If the end play exceeds the limit, replace
the crankshaft bearings.
Standard value: 0.05 to 0.25 mm (0.0020 to 0.0098 in.)
Limit: 0.4 mm (.016 in.)


D Oil seal installation

(1) Using the special tool, knock, the oil seal into the oil seal



G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 69 Removal And Installation

E Sealant application to oil seal case
Specified sealant: Silicone RTV sealant or equivalent.
Seal ant

1) Be sure to install the case quickly while the sealant is
wet(within 15 minutes).
2) After installation, keep the sealant area away front the oil
and coolant for approx. one hour.


F Rear plate installation

(1) Be sure install the spring washers and special washers
in correct position.

Special washer

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 70 Removal And Installation


Disassembly and Reassembly

Disassembly steps
A 1. Throttle return spring
2. Damper spring
A 3. Choke rod
4. Screw
B 5. Float chamber cover
6. Float chamber cover gasket
7. Cover
8. Packing
9. Bimetal
10. O-ring
11. Accelerator wire bracket
C 12. Float pin
C 13. Float
14. Needle valve assembly
15. Packing
16. Filter
C B 17. Weight
C B 18. Ball
D A 19. Main jet
20. Screw
21. Screw
22. Accelerator pump cover
23. Diaphragm
24. Spring
25. Fuel cut solenoid
26. O-ring
27. Enrichment
28. Enrichment jet
29. Speed adjust screw
30. Pilot jet 6En0850
31. Choke lever
32. Spring
33. Main body
34. Insulator gasket
35. Throttle lever
36. Throttle control lever
37. Mixture adjusting screw
38. Throttle body

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 71 Removal And Installation

Service Points of Disassembly
The following parts must not be disassembled at the time of
(1) Choke valve and choke shaft
(2) Inner venturi
(3) Throttle valve and throttle shaft

A Return spring/choke rod removal

(1) When the spring is removed, avoid prying it with undue
force or any other attempt that can cause damage to it.
(2) Press the end of the choke rod to force the rod out.
Avoid applying a strong force to the plastic grommet of
the rod fit-in hole.

B Float chamber cover removal

(1) Since the screws require great force to loosen, use a
Phillips screwdriver that exactly fits in the cross recess
in the screw heads.
(2) To remove the float chamber cover, slowly lift it, while
using care not to give damage to the float. DonÕt tilt the
main body, as the pump discharge weight and the
related parts may come out and could be lost.

C Pump weight/ball
Turn the main body upside down to remove the weight and

Main jet D Main jet removal

To remove the main jet, be sure to use a screwdriver whose
tip exactly fits in the slot of the jet.


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 72 Removal And Installation

1. General Inspection

Check the following and repair or replace parts if faulty.

(1) Check fuel passages (jets) and air passages (jets or
orifices) for clogging. If clogged, wash thoroughly with
cleaning solvent or detergent and remove dirt by
compressed air. Do not use wire or other metal pieces.
(2) Check diaphragms, O-rings and springs for damage and
(3) Check that needle valve operates lightly. If the valve is
hard to operate or is binding, repair or replace. If there is
overflow, poor valve to seat contact is suspected. Check
(4) Check the fuel inlet filter (located above the needle
valve) for clogging and damage.
(5) Check the float operation. Check float and lever for
deformation and damage and replace if necessary.
(6) Check operation of the throttle valve, choke valve and
link. If they do not operate lightly, wash well and apply
engine oil sparelingly to their shaft.
(7) Check the float chamber cover and main body for
damage and cracks.

2. Fuel Cut Solenoid Valve Operation Check

(1) Connect the battery directly to the body and terminal of
the fuel cut solenoid valve to apply the voltage.

Caution: Use care not to short-circuit the battery.

(2) Listen to a click which should be heard when the valve

operates normally at the moment the battery is

3. Fuel Cut Solenoid Valve Resistance Check

Measure the resistance between the body and the terminal
of the fuel cut solenoid valve with a tester.
Standard value:
Approx. 90½ [at 20¡C (68¡F)]


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 73 Removal And Installation

4. Inspection of Mixture Adjusting Screw (MAS)
Check tapered end of mixture adjusting screw (MAS) for
damage from over tightening, etc.

Check for damage


5. Throttle Body Check

Make sure that the throttle shaft moves smoothly. If any
sticky movement is found, thoroughly clean the shaft, and
then coat it with a small amount of engine oil. Do not
disassemble the shaft unnecessarily.


Service Points of Reassembly

For reassembly, reverse the order of disassembly while
paying much attention to the following:
(1) Clean every parts with clear cleaning oil before
reassembly. Check all passages for clogging.
(2) Replace all the removed packings and gaskets.
(3) Make sure the throttle and choke linkage operates
smoothly. If any sticky movement is found, clean or
replace the linkage, and make sure that the carburetor
operates without any problem.

Main jet A Installation of main jets

(1) When replacing a main jet, the oil jet and the new jet
must be of the same size, because the jet is selected
after exact flow measurement by factory. (A size symbol
is stamped on each jet.)


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 74 Removal And Installation

(2) Main jets have size symbols stamped on their ends for
Size symbols
G420 130

Size symbol


Weight B Check ball/weight installation

Check ball Install the acceleration check ball and weight.

C Float/float pin installation

After the float and float pin have been installed, make sure
that the float is in a level position.


¥ Strangler spring setting positions

Hole A
3rd Stage If the strangler spring of the choke valve shaft is out of
Positions position, set it correctly in the positions shown in the
2nd stage illustration.
Hole B
1st stage
Hole C


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 75 Removal And Installation

Choke shaft Inspection and Adjustment After
Choke lever
1. Fast Idle Opening
(1) Move the choke lever to place the choke valve in fully
closed position.


(2) Measure the clearance ÒAÓ (primary throttle valve to

Primary throttle
throttle bore).


for the clearance.

Clearance ÒAÓ
(drill bit diameter)

(3) If the clearance ÒAÓ is out of specifications, adjust to the

standard value by the fast idle adjusting screw.
Screw direction Clearance Remarks
of rotation
Clockwise Increases Fast idle speed
Counterclockwise Decreases Fast idle speed
6E0860 decreases

2. Choke valve Operation

(1) With the choke valve lever set to its full position, move
the choke valve with a finger to make sure that the
choke valve shaft has not an excessive play and the
valve moves smoothly without sticking.
(2) If the choke valve can not be moved smoothly, clean the
choke valve and the area around it.
(3) If the play of the choke valve shaft is excessive, replace
the float chamber cover.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 76 Removal And Installation

3. Ports
(1) Connect a hand vacuum pump and check each port for
(2) If clogged, clean the port and then blow air into it.


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 77 Removal And Installation

Air Governor

Disassembly and Reassembly


Disassembly steps
1. Ventilation hose
2. Gasket
3. Sealing cap
4. Cover plate assembly
5. Gasket
6. Adjusting nut
7. Adjusting screw
A 8. Plate assembly Disassembly Service Points
A 9. Valve assembly
10. Valve shaft assembly Caution: Since the air governor has been adjusted and sealed
11. Piston cover
in the manufacturerÕs factory to conform to the specifications, it
12. Gasket
13. Stabilizer piston should not be disassembled in general cases. Like any other
A 14. Piston shaft sealed components, the air governor should not be
B 15. Governor body disassembled anywhere except the locations where a warranty
claim decision is authorized. In addition, the cam on the throttle
valve shaft should never be removed.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 78 Removal And Installation

1. Check the plate assembly (9) composed of a ribbon
Stabilizer spring and coil spring for cracks and any other damage.
Piston shaft piston 2. Check the valve shaft for wear, and also make sure that it
Valve rotates smoothly when mounted in the body.
3. Check the piston for damage. Check also the valve fit-in
section of the shaft for damage.
4. Grease packed needle bearings are press-fitted at both
ends of the valve shaft hole of the governor body. Avoid
cleaning the body in gasoline or any other solvent.
Section A-A



Adjusting nut

Reassembly Service Points

Caution: Thoroughly clean all component parts before
installation. Do not apply grease or oil anywhere in the body
except the needle bearings (grease packed) in the throttle
valve shaft hole.

A Adjusting screw and nut setting

When assembling the air governor separately from the
engine, temporarily assemble it so that the throttle valve will
be in the fully opened position.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 79 Removal And Installation

Starter Motor

Removal and Installation

Removal steps
1. Bolt 6EN0867
2. Starter


Pinion Gap Adjustment

(1) Disconnect the field coil wire from terminal M of the
magnetic switch.
(2) Connect a 12 V battery between terminal S and starter
S motor body (positive terminal to terminal S).

Caution: This test must be performed quickly (in less than

10 seconds) to prevent the coil from burning out.
Pinion gap
(3) Set switch to ÒONÓ, and pinion will move out.
Pinion (4) Check pinion to stopper clearance (pinion gap) with a
6EN1918 thickness gauge.
Pinion gap: 0.5 to 2.0 mm (0.0197 to 0.0787 in.)

(5) If the pinion gap is out of specification, adjust by adding

or removing gaskets between magnetic switch and front


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 80 Removal And Installation

Pull-in Test of Magnetic Switch
(1) Disconnect field coil wire from terminal M of magnetic
S M switch.
(2) Connect a 12V battery between terminal S and terminal M.
12V Caution: This test must be performed quickly (in less than
10 seconds) to prevent coil from burning.

Disconnect (3) If pinion moves out, then pull-in coil is good. If it doesnÕt.
connector replace magnetic switch.

Hold-in Test of Magnetic Switch

(1) Disconnect field coil wire from terminal M of magnetic
S switch.
(2) Connect a 12V battery between terminal S and body.
12V Caution: This test must be performed quickly (in less than
10 seconds) to prevent coil from burning.
connector (3) Manually pull out the pinion as far as the pinion stopper
6EN0872 position.
(4) If pinion remains out, everything is in order. If pinion
moves in, hold-in circuit is open. Replace magnetic

Return Test of Magnetic Switch

(1) Disconnect field coil wire from terminal M of magnetic
M switch.
(2) Connect a 12V battery between terminal S and body.
12V Caution: This test must be performed quickly (in less than
10 seconds) to prevent coil from burning.

Disconnect (3) Pull pinion out and release. If pinion quickly returns to its
connector original position, everything is in order. If it doesnÕt,
6EN0873 replace magnetic switch.
Caution: Be careful not to get your fingers caught when
pulling out the pinion.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 81 Removal And Installation

Free Running Test
Variable resistance (1) Place starter motor in a vise equipped with soft jaws and
M connect a fully-charged 12-volt battery to starter motor
as follows:
Ammeter (2) Connect a ammeter (100-ampere scale) and carbon pile
motor Battery rheostat in series with battery positive post and starter
12 motor terminal.
Voltmeter (3) Connect a voltmeter (15-volt scale) across starter motor.
(4) Rotate carbon pile to full-resistance position.
6EN0874 (5) Connect battery cable from battery negative post to
starter motor body.
(6) Adjust the rheostat until the battery voltage shown by
the voltmeter is 11V.
(7) Confirm that the maximum amperage is within the
specifications and that the starter motor turns smoothly
and freely.
Current: max. 60 amps

Symptom Possible cause

Current is too large, and starter motor ¥Contaminated or oil stained metal
rotates at too low speeds. ¥Friction between armature core and pole piece
( Motor output torque is insufficient.) ¥Armature coil and/or field coil not properly grounded
¥Armature coil short-circuited
Current is too large, and motor does ¥Electromagnetic switch not properly grounded
not rotate at all. ¥Armature coil and/or field coil not properly grounded
¥Seizure of metal
No current is available, and motor ¥Armature coil and/or field coil open-circuited
does not rotate. ¥Brush and/or pigtail open-circuited
¥Poor contact of brush and commutator due to contaminated
commutator, high mica, etc.
Current is too small, and motor rotates Loose field coil connections (If the shunt coil alone is
at low speed. (Motor output torque is open-circuited or loosely connected, the motor will
insufficient.) rotate at a high speed.)
Current is too large, and motor rotates at Field coil short-circuited
too high speeds. (Motor output torque is

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 82 Removal And Installation

Disassembly And Reassembly


Disassembly steps
1. Screw 12. Packing A
A 2. Magnetic switch 13. Packing B
3. Screw 14. Plate
4. Screw 15. Planetary gear
5. Rear bracket 16. Lever
6. Brush holder C A 17. Snap ring
7. Brush C A 18. Stop ring
8. Rear bearing 19. Overrunning clutch
B 9. Armature 20. Internal gear
10. Yoke assembly 21. Planetary gear holder
B 11. Ball 22. Front bracket

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 83 Removal And Installation

ÒSÓ teminal Disassembly Service Points
Maguetic switch
A Magnetic switch removal
ÒBÓ terminal Disconnect the field coil wire from terminal M of the
magnetic switch
ÒMÓ terminal
Fieldcoid wire
B Armature/ball removal
Caution: When removing the armature, take care not to
lose the ball (Which is used as a bearing) in the armature

C Snap ring/stop ring removal

(1) Press stop ring off snap ring with a suitable socket.

Stop ring
Pinion gear



(2) Remove snap ring with snap ring pliers and then remove
Snap ring stop ring and overrunning clutch.
Snap ring
Pinion pliersa


Cleaning of Starter Motor Parts

Do not immerse the parts in cleaning solvent. Immersion of
the yoke, field coil assembly and/or armature will damage to
Do not immerse the drive unit cleaning solvent.
Overrunning clutch is pre-lubricated at the factory and
solvent will wash lubricant form clutch.
The drive may be cleaned with a brush moistened with
cleaning solvent and wiped dry with a cloth.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 84 Removal And Installation

1. Commutator
(1) Place the armature on a pair of V-blocks and check the
runout using a dial gauge.
Standard value: 0.5 mm (0.020 in.)
Limit: 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)


(2) Check the outer diameter of the commutator.

Standard value: 29.4 mm (1.16 in.)
Limited: 28.8 mm (1.13 in.)


(3) Check depth of the undercuts between the segments.

Under cut Standard value: 0.5 mm (0.020 in.)
Limited: 0.2 mm (0.008 in.)


2. Overrunning Clutch Check

(1) While holing clutch housing, rotate the pinion. Drive
pinion should rotate smoothly in one direction, but
should not rotate in opposite direction. If clutch does not
function properly, replace overrunning clutch assembly.
(2) Inspect pinion for wear or burrs. If pinion is worn or
Free burred, replace overrunning clutch assembly. If pinion is
damaged, also inspect ring gear for wear or burrs.

Lock 3. Front And Rear Bracket Bushing Check

1EN0293 Inspect bushing for wear or burrs. If bushing is worn or
burred, replace front bracket assembly or rear bracket

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 85 Removal And Installation

4. Brush
(1) Brushes that are worn beyond wear limit line, or oil
soaked, should be replaced.
(2) When replacing ground brush, side the brush from brush
holder by prying retainer spring back.


5. Armature Coil Short Circuit Test

(1) Place armature on a growler.
(2) Hold a thin steel blade parallel and just above while
rotating armature slowly in growler. A shorted armature
will cause blade to vibrate and be attracted to the core.
Replace shorted armature.


6. Armature Coil Ground Test

Check the insulation between ground commutator segment
and the armature coil core. If there should be no continuity.


7. Armature Coil Open Circuit Check

Check the continuity between segments. If there should be


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 86 Removal And Installation

Reassembly Service Points
A Stop ring/snap ring Installation
Using a suitable pulling tool, pull overrunning clutch stop
Stop ring ring over snap ring.
Stop ring clutch

Snap ring 1EN0316

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 87 Removal And Installation


Disassembly and Reassembly

Disassembly steps
1. Distributor cap 8. Breaker assembly
2. Rotor 9. Snap ring
3. Cover 10. Vacuum control
4. Signal rotor 11. Connector assembly
A 5. Pickup coil assembly 12. O-ring
6. Ignitor 13. Distributor housing
7. Heat sink

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 88 Removal And Installation

Pickup Coil
(1) Using a tester, check the resistance of the pickup coil.
Standard value: 420 to 540½


(2) Check to make sure the pointer of the tester oscillates

when the tip of a screwdriver is moved past by the core
of the pickup col assembly.


Signal rotor
Reassembly Procedure
A Pickup coil assembly installation
Check the air gap between the signal rotor and pickup
Standard value: 0.35 to 0.45 mm (0.0138 to 0.0177 in.)

Air gap 1EL0054

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 89 Removal And Installation

System Operation


The cylinder blocks are made of the special cast iron The camshaft is located on the top of the cylinder
and employ 5-bearing, deep skirt system. heads and driven by cog type timing belt.
The cylinder heads have hemisphere combustion Dual type exhaust manifold is employed in order to
chambers, are of cross flow type arranged with V- reduce output loss by exhaust interference.
type valves and high efficient combustion is intended.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 90 System Operation

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 91 System Operation
Timing System

The timing belt is meshed with the sprockets, the

crankshaft sprocket becomes the drive sprocket, and
thus functions to drive the camshaft and oil pump.

Timing belt

The timing belt is the cogged type, using rubber as its basic
material, and it employs a high-strength glass fiber core
which does not expand or contract.
The features of the cogged-type belt compared to a chin are
no expansion/contraction, low noise level, no necessity for
lubrication, light weight, etc.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 92 System Operation

Silent Shaft Mechanism

The silent shaft mechanism function mainly to figure below. The right silent shaft rotates in the
eliminate, by the action of the silent shafts same direction as the crankshaft, and the left silent
incorporated at both sides of the cylinder block, the shaft rotates in the opposites direction. Both of these
vertical vibromotive force of the engine as well as the silent shafts rotate at speed twice that of the
vibromotive moment in the rolling direction, thus crankshaft.
making possible quieter operation of the vehicle. Right silent shaft is driven by timing belt B, and the
The two silent shafts are arranged as shown in the left silent shaft is driven by drive gear.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 93 System Operation

Auto Lash Adjuster


These engines have auto lash adjusters that

eliminate the need for valve clearance adjustment
and reduce noises of the valve system. The auto
lash adjuster automatically absorbs change in the
valve clearance caused by engine temperature
change or wear of parts and adjusts the valve
clearance always to zero.

Operation of Auto Lash Adjuster

(1) At Start of Valve Lift
When the cam lifts up the rocker arm, the hydraulic
pressure immediately forces the ball in the high pressure
chamber against the seat, closing the high pressure

(2) During Valve Lift

A small amount of oil leaks from the high pressure
chamber through a clearance between the body inside
and the plunger outside.

(3) At end of Valve Lift

The plunger spring forces the body back to the initial
position and oil is supplied to the high pressure chamber
to make up for the leaked oil.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 94 System Operation

Lubrication System

Lubricating system is the full-flow filtered pressure-

feed oil system and the oil reserved in the oil pan is
fed with pressure to each part of engine. After the oil
pressure is adjusted through the relief valve, the oil is
fed to the cylinder blocks and cylinder head.
In the cylinder head the oil is forcibly fed to the
camshaft journals, rocker arm pivots and further cam

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 95 System Operation

Oil Filter

Fuel System


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 96 System Operation

Construction of Carburetor
(1) Float. (2) Front chamber cover. (3) Primary inner venturi. (4) Choke valve. (5) Accelerator pump nozzle. (6) Idle compensator.
(7) Membrane cover. (8) Enrichment jet. (9) Plug. (10) Throttle body. (11) Primary throttle valve. (12) Mixture adjusting screw.
(13) Bypass screw. (14) Primary main jet. (15) Body. (16) Pump inlet ball. (17) Pump lever. (18) Fuel cutoff solenoid.
(19) Pump outlet ball. (20) Primary pilot jet. (21) Valve weight. (22) Needle valve. (23) Fuel screen.

The carburetor is of the two-barrel, downdraft type

which performs well in every engine operation
ranging from slow idle to full speed.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 97 System Operation

1. Air system
Air passed through the air cleaner flows through the
choke bore and venturi into the clearance of the throttle
valve and supports idle running of the engine.
When engine speed increases to off-idle and more,
intake air is metered by the venturi. Air flow to be fed to
the cylinders is controlled by the throttle valve.

2. Float system
The float maintains a constant fuel level in the float
chamber. Fuel from the fuel tank is pumped out by the
fuel pump and filtered by the strainer. Then, fuel enters
the float chamber through a needle valve.
With entrance of fuel in the float chamber, the float
moves up gradually. At last, the float pushes the needle
valve to shut off the fuel inlet.
When the fuel level lowers, the float moves down and
releases the needle so that the fuel inlet is opened. With
repetition of up-and-down movement of the float, fuel in
Float System the float chamber is kept at an almost constant level
during engine operation.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 98 System Operation

3. Idle system

This system provides adequate air-fuel-mixture The mixture adjusting screw is used for adjusting the
richness for smooth engine running ranging from richness of air-fuel-mixture necessary for good idling.
slow-idle to light-load operation. The bypass screw is for the purpose of adjusting the
Fuel from the float chamber is sent through the main flow of primary air-fuel-mixture to the bypass hole so
jet to the pilot jet where metering of fuel is made. as to provide sufficient mixture richness mainly for
On the other hand, air entering the venturi air leak engine operation ranging from Òoff idlingÓ to a part of
and that entering the pilot air jet No.2 join at the pilot medium-load operation.
air jet No.1 where metering of air is made. As a result The fuel cutoff solenoid in the idle system functions
of metering, fuel mixes with air and flows through the as follows : When the key switch is turned to ON, the
air-fuel-mixture passage to the pilot outlet. The flow solenoid attracts the needle valve to open the fuel
of air-fuel-mixture is adjusted properly by the bypass feed line. When the key switch is turned to OFF, the
screw and enters the air horn through the bypass needle valve protrudes to cut off the fuel feed line,
hole or the pilot outlet. It mixes with the small amount thus preventing spontaneous running of the engine
of air that gets past the closed or slightly opened which is overheated.
throttle valve. The final mixture flows into the engine

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 99 System Operation

Idle Compensator Main Metering System

The idle compensator uses a bimetal. When the Fuel metered by the main jet is bled by air from
carbretor ambient temperature rises during idle or the main air jet and enters the bleed pipe through
Òoff idleÓ running, the bimetal bends enough to its holes. The fuel is discharged from the main
open the compensator valve. Now additional air nozzle and sucked by engine cylinders.
from the choke bore can flow through the auxiliary If percolation of fuel arises along the main well,
air passage to the intake manifold directly. It leans gasoline vapor can escape from the main air jet
out the mixture enough to make up for the proper through the relatively wide outside of the bleed
richness. pipe. This prevents liquid fuel from spurting from
the main nozzle, thus assuring stable engine
operation and easy restarting.
4. Main metering system
To prevent percolation due to conduction of heat
The wider the throttle valve opens, the faster the
from the engine, sufficient cooling of the float
air flow in the venturi and the greater the vacuum
chamber periphery is taken into consideration in
in the inner venturi will be. As the vacuum
design of the carburetor.
becomes greater, additional fuel is discharged
from the main nozzle.
The main metering system is provided with the
bleed valve press-fitted to the inner venturi and the
main air jet.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 100 System Operation

5. Enrichment system

Enrichment and Accelerator-Pump systems

The enrichment system provides additional fuel When the engine is accelerated quickly, the
feed to the main metering system during high- membrane is pushed by the pump lever linked to
speed large-torque operation. the throttle valve and forces fuel to flow under
This system use the membrane (diaphragm) which pressure. When the engine is decelerated, the
is actuated by the intake manifold vacuum and membrane is pushed back by the spring and the
membrane spring to open or close the fuel feed pump chamber is refilled with fuel.
line. Pump delivery decreases with engine speed from
During partial-throttle operation, a large manifold which acceleration is starred. It does not deliver
vacuum is applied to the vacuum chamber through fuel at all when the angle of throttle valve from the
the vacuum line and acts on the membrane to idling position exceeds the preset angle.
close the valve against the membrane spring
force. 7. Stating system
When the throttle is opened wide, manifold The starting system consists of the choke valve,
vacuum decreases. lever assembly, choke connecting rod, and choke
This allows the membrane spring to open the operating lever. This system is provided for
valve. Now, more fuel from the float chamber is feeding a very rich air-fuel mixture to the engine
metered by the enrichment jet and can flow when the engine is started (until the engine warms
through the valve into the primary main line up) or when a temporary increase of output is
leading to the main metering system. needed during engine operation. When the engine
is cold, some throttle opening must be maintained
6. Accelerator-pump system so that the engine idles faster then it would when
Rapid opening of the throttle for acceleration warm. This is done with Òfast idle.Ó With the fast
allows a sudden inrush of air. Thus there is a idle, the choke valve is closed while the throttle
sudden demand for additional fuel. To provide this valve is held at a partially opened position most
extra fuel, the accelerator-pump system can feed suitable to warming-up run.
fuel immediately under pressure.
Fuel from the inlet check valve is sent to the pump
nozzle through the outlet check valve by
reciprocating movement of the membrane. The
fuel is then injected into the main bore.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 101 System Operation


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 102 System Operation

(1) Cover. (2) Air-gas valve assÕy. (3) Valve spring. (4) Gas-metering valve. (5) Air passage. (6) Diaphragm. (7) Idle screw.
(8) Gas regulating valve. (9) Throttle valve. (10) Air governor valve.

The carburetor for LPG engines is a combination of 3. Gas metering valve 4, provided in the air-gas
the carburetor upper body and adapter. Like the valve, varies its opening with movement of air-gas
carburetor on gasoline engines, this carburetor is valve diaphragm so that adequate gas flow passes
mounted on the throttle body on the air governor. through it and mixes with air.
The carburetor consists of a converter (vaporizer)
and a mixer (carburetor). The converter which 4. Idle screw 7 serves to meter the air-gas mixture
serves only to vaporize liquefied petroleum does not necessary for maintaining slow-idle run of the
require external adjustment. engine.

1. When the cylinder piston is in down stoke, vacuum 5. Gas regulating valve 8 serves to keep the air-gas
created over the top of piston connects through air ratio suited to the maximum engine output when
passage 5 in air-gas valve 2 to the cavity over the engine runs under load. This valve is effective
diaphragm 6. Accordingly, atmospheric pressure only in nearly full-load condition of the engine.
pushes the diaphragm up against the force of
spring 3.

2. Degree of vacuum pressure which is imposed on

the diaphragm depends upon speed of the engine
and degree of opening of throttle valve 9 . The air-
gas valve acts exactly, in response to variations in
speed of the engine and in opening of the throttle
valve, so that adequate air flow to the engine can
be obtained.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 103 System Operation

Air Governor

Sectional View of Air Governor

(1) Body. (2) Stabilizer rod. (3) Stabilizer piston. (4) Throttle plate. (5) Throttle plate shaft. (6) Bearing. (7) Nipple. (8) Spring.
(9) Bush nut. (10) Adjusting screw. (11) Plate. (12) Cam

The air governor is located to the underside of the 2. Auxiliary operation

carburetor. It serves to protect the hydraulic pump, to
The throttle plate opening angle of this governor is
limit the maximum traveling speed of the vehicle, and
set under the full-open condition of the carburetor.
to prevent excessive increase of engine speed.
Accordingly, when the carburetor throttle valve is
1. Governing operation operated in the direction of closing, governor
pressure applied to the throttle plate decreases
The throttle plate shaft is offset from the center of
and, therefore, the throttle plate is rotated by the
the governor bore. Also, the full-open position of
spring in the direction of opening. As a result,
the throttle plate does not coincide with the truly
engine speed increases. To prevent this, the
full-open position, but rather leans to the closing
governor is provided with a stabilizer piston.
side. Therefore, the pressure of mixture flow acts
on the throttle plate to rotate it in direction of The stabilizer piston acts to close the throttle plate
closing, causing a torque to its shaft. when a large vacuum pressure is developed on
the upper side of the throttle plate, so that proper
The torque stretches the return spring attached to
opening of the throttle plate can be maintained in
the cam on the throttle plate shaft until the torque
combination with the opening of the carburetor
balances the tension of the spring, and the throttle
throttle valve. With the help of this auxiliary
plate is maintained at that open angle.
operation, the governing operation can follow up
This is governing operation. That is, a balance the variations of load quickly.
between the pressure applied to the throttle plate,
which depends on vacuum pressure, and the
spring tension keeps the throttle plate at position
between the full-open position and the full-close
position to control the amount of mixture flowing
into the engine.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 104 System Operation

Cooling System

The cooling system is of the cooling water forced-

circulation type. The water pump, at the center in
front of the cylinder block, is driven by the V-belt
together with the alternator by the crankshaft pulley.
The thermostat which controls coolant temperature is
contained in the thermostat housing which is
positioned in the inlet manifold.

The thermostat is the wax pellet type. A jiggle valve (which
improves air bleeding during water supply) is provided on
the flange part. When the thermostat is closed, the
circulation of coolant is stopped, thereby making warm-up

When the temperature of the coolant is low, the valve is
closed by the spring, with the result that the coolant
circulates within the engine, without passing through the
When the temperature of the coolant rises and reaches a
certain specified temperature, the valve opens and the
coolant also circulates through the radiator.
When the temperature increases further and reaches a
certain specified temperature, the valve opens fully, allowing
even more coolant to circulate through the radiator.
Thus, in this way the degree of valve opening is varied
according to the temperature of the coolant, and the
temperature of the coolant is adjusted by varying the
amount of coolant caused to circulate through the radiator.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 105 System Operation

Intake and Exhaust System

The intake manifold employs the shape having good

intake performance.
The exhaust manifold employs a dual type and
intend the reduction of output loss due to exhaust

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 106 System Operation

Electrical System

Wiring Diagram

Stating motor is of the gear reduction type.

Distributor is of a breakerless type and employs the
ignition advancer which uses jointly centrifugal type
and vacuum type.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 107 System Operation

Starter Motor

Planetary Gear Reduction Drive Type

The starter motor is small in size light weight and

high-output type.
Rotation of the motor are reduced by the reduction
gear, and high torque is transmitted to the pinion


1. When the ignition key (IG-SW) is turned to the ÒSTÓ

position, current flows from the S terminal of the
magnetic switch to the pull-in coil and the holding coil.
Current from the pull-in coil passes through the M
terminal, flows to the starterÕs brush, commutator, and
armature, and then the armature begins to gently turn.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 108 System Operation

2. The plunger of the magnetic switch is then attracted, and
the pinion is pushed out by the shift lever, meshing with
the ring gear.
As a result of the movement of the plunger, the contacts
of the magnetic switch close, and, as a result, the starter
is turned by the high current from the battery directly to
the B terminal, and the engine is activated.
When the contacts closes, the current flowing to the pull-
in coil stops flowing, and the magnetic force decreases.
At this time, what prevents the pinion from being returned
by the return spring is the magnetic force of the holding
When the engine starts and the pinion is caused to rotate
by the ring gear, there is a possibility of damage, and for
that reason an over-running clutch is provided so that the
rotation from the engine is not transmitted.

3. Because the contacts are still closed at the moment

when the ignition key is turned to OFF, current from the
battery flows in the reverse direction from the M terminal
and through the pull-in coil, thus offsetting the magnetic
force of the holding coil, with the result that the pinion is
returned by the return spring, and the contacts are

Construction of planetary gear type reduction drive

This reduction drive consists of a gear on the front end of

the armature shaft, three pinion gears, a gear shaft that
supports three pinion gears and work as the output shaft
and the internal gear that is fixed to the starter motor body.
The unit is called the simple planetary gear set.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 109 System Operation

When the internal gear is fixed as in the case of the starter
motor, the carrier rotates in the same direction as the sun

This may be used to determine the reduction ratio easily.

Namely, the carrier reduction ratio = (43 + 11) / 11 =. 4.9

Permanent magnet pole

Conventionally, the field coil wound around the pole is

energized to generate magnetic fluxes. This system uses a
permanent magnet (ferrite magnet) for the pole, eliminating
the field coil and reducing the size and weight.
The auxiliary pole helps generation of magnetic fluxes to
ensure stable rotation and output characteristics.


The distributor is the contactless type and is

equipped with a centrifugal advancer and vacuum
The distributor is installed at the front side surface of
the cylinder head, and is driven directly by the

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 110 System Operation

Governor advance mechanism

In the figure below, pin A rotates together with the the spring. Because pin B of the weight is fit into the
shaft. A governor weight is installed to this pin A. oblong hole In the cam base, the movement of pin B
There is a pin B on the governor weight which fits becomes rotation of the cam in the direction of
into the oblong hole in the cam base. The governor rotation. In other words, the cam advances in
spring is attached to the spring hook of the governor relation to the shaft.
weight, pulling the governor weight to the fully closed When the rotation speed becomes sufficiently high,
position. pin B contacts the outer side of the oblong hole in the
When the rotation speed increases, the governor cam base, and the weight opens no further. This
weight is subjected to centrifugal force which causes position is the fully advanced condition.
it to open outward. When the centrifugal force When the rotation speed decreases, the centrifugal
becomes stronger than the tensile force of the spring, force of the weight becomes weaker and the weight
the weight opens, as shown by (b) in the figure is closed by the force of the spring, thus returning to
below, thus maintaining a balance with the force of the original condition.

The advance characteristic of the centrifugal-advance

device employed by the governor is as shown in the figure
at the left.
Point A is the beginning of advance, and point B shows the
rotation speed at full advance.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 111 System Operation

Vacuum advance mechanism

There is a diaphragm within the vacuum controller, is drawn out by the air/fuel mixture flowing near the
with a spring at the negative-pressure (vacuum) side vacuum port, thus resulting in a negative-pressure
which pressure against the diaphragm. A link is (vacuum) condition. Because the tube is connected
attached to the diaphragm and is connected to the to the negative-pressure (vacuum) port of the
pickup plate. The pickup assy is installed on the vacuum controller, the diaphragm pressure against
pickup plate, and can rotate together with the pickup the spring, and it moves in the direction of the arrow.
plate. Then the link rotates the pickup plate and, because
The negative pressure (vacuum) side of the vacuum the position of the pickup changes, the timing also
controller is connected to the vacuum port of the changes. The direction is the direction opposite to
carburetor by a tube. the direction of signal rotor rotation, so that the
When the throttle valve of the carburetor is closed, projection of signal rotor will pass the pickup quickly.
the engine is in the idling condition, and there is no In this way, then, the ignition timing advances.
vacuum inside the tube at this time. When the
throttle valve is partially open, the air within the tube

The figure at the left shows the advance characteristic

curve of the vacuum-advance mechanism. Point A is the
start of the advance, and point B is the end of the advance.
Because the magnitude of the degree of advance
determined by balance of the strength of the vacuum and
the pressure of the spring, if the spring is weak the degree
of advance will be great at a small vacuum.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 112 System Operation

Adjusting And Troubleshooting

Engine Adjustment

The following is the method of adjustment of the carburetor and pneumatic governor on a reassembled engine.
(1) The pneumatic governor has been properly adjusted and sealed in the factory before shipping. Never break
the seal unless it is necessary during engine overhaul.
(2) If the pneumatic governor is readjusted, seal it again and advise your user that he should not break the seal.

1. Valve Clearance Adjustment

Being adjusted automatically with a lash adjuster, the
valve clearance needs no adjustment.

2. Ignition Timing Adjustment

(1) Let the engine warm up until engine coolant temperature
rises to 80~95ûC.
(2) Set engine speed at 740 rpm.
(3) Remove the vacuum hose(from throttle body to
distributor) at throttle body side and plug open end of
nipple with something like rubber cab.
(4) Check that the ignition timing is as indicated when the
6EN0870 engine is running at idling speed.
Standard value:
Gasoline 4 BTDC/740rpm
LPG 9 BTDC/740rpm
(5) If the ignition timing does not conform to the standard
value, adjust by moving the distributor.
(6) Remove rubber cap and connect the vacuum hose as it
(7) Reconfirm engine speed.

3. Idling Speed Adjustment

(1) Let engine warm up until the engine coolant temperature
rises to 80 to 95¡C (176 to 203¡F).
(2) Back off the mixture adjusting screw (MAS) 3.5 L 0.5
SAS turns
(3) Adjust the engine speed to the specified low idling
speed with the speed adjusting screw(SAS).
(4) Slowly turn down the mixture adjusting screw(MAS) to a
point where the engine speed begins to decrease.
MAS 6EN0834 Standard value: OPS/700 L 25 rpm
(5) After racing the engine two or three times (at approx.
2500 rpm), re-adjust the speed adjusting screw to the
point at which the engine rust at the specified idling

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 113 Adjusting And Troubleshooting

4. Air Governor Adjustment
High speed adjustment
(1) Place all the hydraulic levers in the neutral position.
(2) Depress the accelerator pedal all the way. (The
Screw carburetor throttle valve will open fully.)
(3) While holding the adjust screw to prevent it from turning,
rotate the adjusting nut either clockwise or
counterclockwise to make the engine run at 2700 L 50
Adjusting nut rpm.
6EN0835 Adjusting nut:
Clockwise rotation
Increases the engine speed (increases the installed
load of spring).
Counterclockwise rotation
Decreases the engine speed (decreases the engine
installed load of spring).

5. Anti-Hunting Adjustment
Governor Characteristics
Larger spring (1) Place all the hydraulic levers or power train in the
neutral position.
Smaller spring
(2) Depress the accelerator pedal all the way. (The
Out put (PS)

carburetor throttle valve will open fully.)
(3) Slowly rotate the adjusting screw clockwise until hunting
Adjusting screw:
Clockwise rotation
Engine Speed (rpm) Increases spring tension (reduces the number of
active turns of spring).
Counterclockwise rotation
Reduces spring tension (increases the number of
active turns of spring).
Increasing the spring tension will eliminate hunting, but
an excessively high tension will change the governor
characteristics and produce some effects on the output
characteristics of the engine. It is, therefore, imperative
to limit the movement of the adjusting screw to less than
two turns from the standard position.
(4) Clockwise rotation of the adjusting screw raises the
engine maximum speed. Rotate the push nut
counterclockwise to reduce the speed.
(5) Repeat anti-hunting adjustment two or three times by
alternately adjusting the push nut and the adjusting
screw until the best result is obtained.
(6) The number of active turns of spring should not be less
than 11 when the adjustment is finished.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 114 Adjusting And Troubleshooting

Abnormal Ignition system Loose connection in ignition system wiring ÐCheck connections and retighten.
combustion Defective spark plug ÐReplace spark plug.

Incorrect ignition timing ÐAdjust ignition timing.

Carburetion related Defective carburetor ÐRepair or replace carburetor.
Contaminated or clogged fuel filter element ÐClean fuel filter element and pipe.
and pipe

Entry of air from carburetor or intake manifold ÐRetighten set bolts or replace heat
insulator and/or intake manifold gasket.
Valves and related
Defective valves and related components ÐAdjust or repair valves and related

Cylinder head Carbon deposited in combustion chamber ÐDisassemble and clean.

Clogged cylinder head water tube ÐClean or replace water tube.

Cylinder gasket blow-by ÐReplace gasket.

Insufficient Ignition system out Incorrect ignition timing ÐAdjust ignition timing.
output of adjustment
Defective spark plug ÐReplace spark plug.

Insufficient fuel Defective carburetor ÐRepair or replace carburetor.z

Damaged cylinder head gasket, etc. ÐReplace gasket.

Clogged fuel pipe ÐClean pipe.

Clogged fuel filter ÐClean or replace.

Air in fuel system ÐCheck connections and retighten.

Damaged fuel pipe ÐReplace pipe.

Fuel pump not functioning properly ÐRepair or replace.

Damaged diaphragm ÐReplace.

Defective valve ÐReplace.

Insufficient intake Clogged air cleaner element ÐClean or replace element.

air in carburetor
Carburetor choke always in operation ÐRepair or replace carburetor.

Air governor malfunction ÐRepair or replace air governor.

Overheating Insufficient coolant ÐAdd coolant and check for leaky points.

Leaks from radiator ÐRepair or replace radiator.

Loosened or damaged radiator ÐRetighten clamp or replace hose.

hose connection

Leaks from water pump ÐReplace.

Coolant leaks from cylinder head gasket ÐRetighten cylinder head bolts or replace

Cracks in cylinder head or block ÐReplace.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 115 Adjusting And Troubleshooting

Insufficient Overheating Loose fan belt tension ÐAdjust or replace.
output Worm or damaged fan belt ÐReplace.

Oil on fan belt ÐClean.

Thermostat not functioning properly ÐReplace.

Water pump not functioning properly ÐReplace.

Clogged radiator ÐClean radiator and coolant passages.

Incorrect ignition timing ÐAdjust ignition timing.

Improper engine oil ÐRefer to lubrication table and replace oil

with a recommended one.

Too lean mixture ÐRepair or replace carburetor.

Incorrect valve clearance adjustment ÐMake measurements on or replace auto-

lash adjuster.
compression Engine out of order ÐRefer to p. 92 and make repairs.

Defective thermostat ÐReplace thermostat.
temperature does
not rise.) Extremely low atmospheric temperature ÐPlace cover or anything proper on the
front of radiator.

Poor Engine Engine out of order ÐRefer to p. 92 and make repairs.

Carburetor Carburetor out of order ÐReplace or replace distributor.

Ignition system Defective distributor ÐRepair or replace distributor.

Defective spark plug ÐReplace spark plug.

Excessive Engine Engine out of order ÐAdjust of repair valves.

consumption Carburetor Defective carburetor ÐRepair or replace carburetor.

Clogged air bleeder ÐClean or replace.

Damaged gaskets ÐReplace.

Improper idling speed ÐAdjust idling speed.

Ignition system Incorrect ignition timing ÐAdjust ignition timing.

Excessive Excessive engine

Engine out of order ÐRefer to p. 92 and make repairs.
engine oil oil consumption
Oil leaks Engine out of order ÐRefer to p. 92 and make repairs.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 116 Adjusting And Troubleshooting

Engine, Carburetor and Electrical Components
Troubleshooting Engine

Valves and Poor idling Incorrect valve clearance ÐCleaned or replace auto-lash adjuster.
related Valve not in close contact with valve seat ÐReface seat surface.
Excessive clearance between valve stem ÐReplace valve and valve guide.
and valve guide

Incorrect valve clearance ÐCleaned or replace auto-lash adjuster.

Valve binding ÐDisassemble, correct or replace.
Deteriorated valve spring ÐReplace spring.

Incorrect valve clearance ÐCleaned or replace auto-lash adjuster.

Insufficient output Pressure leaks from valve seal ÐReface.

Valve stem seizure ÐRepair or replace.

Excessive fuel
consumption Deteriorated or broken valve spring ÐReplace spring.

Valve damaged by heat ÐReface or replace valve.

Engine Poor startability Intake manifold gasket not tight enough ÐRetighten set bolts or replace gasket.

Cylinder head gasket blow-by ÐReplace gasket.

Poor acceleration Valve damaged by heat or not properly ÐAdjust or replace.


Insufficient compression pressure ÐDisassemble and repair engine.

Cylinder head gasket blow-by ÐReplace gasket.

Excessive fuel
Pressure leaks from cylinder head gasket ÐRetighten cylinder head bolts and
consumption replace gasket.
Piston ring binding or worn ÐReplace ring.

Insufficient output Piston ring or ring worn ÐDisassemble and repair engine.
Oil leaks

Excessive oil Loose oil drain plug ÐRetighten plug.

consumption Loose oil pan set bolts ÐRetighten set bolts.

Damaged oil pan gasket ÐReplace gasket.

Loose timing gear cover or damaged gasket ÐRetighten set bolts or replace gasket.

Defective crankshaft front oil seal ÐReplace oil seal.

Defective crankshaft rear oil seal ÐReplace oil seal.

Damaged cylinder head gasket ÐReplace gasket.

Loose oil filter set bolt. ÐRetighten set bolts or replace oil filter

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 117 Adjusting And Troubleshooting

Oil working its way up

Engine Excessive oil Piston ring gaps in improper positions ÐAdjust ring gap positions.
Piston rings or ring grooves worn or rings ÐReplace piston or rings.

seized in grooves

Carbon deposit in oil return hole of oil ring ÐReplace rings.

Worn piston and cylinder ÐRebore and hone cylinder and install

oversize piston.

Excessive quantity of oil in oil pan ÐOil quantity: 4.0 liter (1.1 U.S. gal).

Oil working its way down

Worn valve stem and valve guide ÐReplace valve and guide.

Defective valve stem oil seal ÐReplace oil seal

Excessive engine Excessive oil clearance due to worn ÐReplace bearing.

noise crankshaft bearing

Fusion in crankshaft bearing ÐReplace bearing and check lubrication


Worn connecting rod bearing ÐReplace bearing.

Bent connecting rod ÐRepair bent connecting rod or replace.

Fusion in connecting rod bearing ÐReplace bearing and check lubrication


Excessive clearance due to worn cylinder ÐRebore and hone cylinder and install
oversize piston.

Worn piston or piston pin ÐReplace piston and piston pin.

Piston seizure ÐReplace piston.

Broken piston ring ÐReplace piston ring.

Excessive camshaft end play ÐReplace camshaft thrust plate.

Worn crankshaft thrust bearing ÐReplace bearing.

Worn timing gears ÐReplace.

Excessive valve clearance ÐCleaned or replace auto-lash adjuster.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 118 Adjusting And Troubleshooting

Poor engine Needle valve and valve seat not seating ÐClean or replace
startability properly

Incorrect float level ÐAdjust

Worn float lip ÐReplace

Worn float level pin and related components ÐReplace level pin and its related parts

Malfunction choke valve ÐRepair

Idle rpm set out of adjustment ÐAdjust idling speed

Damaged idle adjust screw ÐReplace adjust screw

Clogged idle passage or idle port ÐClean

Clogged bypass screw ÐClean jet

Poor idle Worn throttle shaft ÐReplace shaft

Loose vacuum pipe union ÐRetighten union

Idling circuit not airtight ÐClean

Incorrect float level ÐReplace

Too lean mixture ÐClean or replace

Carburetor Inner dirty carburetor ÐClean carburetor
Defective float level ÐAdjust float

Defective accelerating pump plunger ÐDisassemble or replace

Clogged pump jet ÐClean or replace

Defective accelerating linkage ÐReplace linkage

Malfunction power piston ÐReplace power piston

Poor acceleration
Malfunction power valve ÐReplace

Clogged power jet ÐClean or replace

Float level too low ÐAdjust float

Throttle valve not opening completely ÐAdjust valve

Clogged main jet ÐClean

Incorrect float level ÐAdjust float

Malfunction power piston ÐReplace power piston

Insufficient output Malfunction power valve ÐReplace power valve

Worn throttle shaft ÐReplace shaft

Throttle valve not opening completely ÐAdjust valve

Choke valve stuck close ÐRepair or replace

Float level too high ÐAdjust float

Excessive fuel Defective power valve ÐReplace valve

consumption Choke valve not opening completely ÐCheck linkage, replace

Improper idling speed ÐAdjust idling speed

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 119 Adjusting And Troubleshooting

Electrical components

Distributor Poor engine starting Cracked distributor cap and burnt or ÐClean or replace.
contaminated cord insertion hole

Poor engine Centrifugal and vacuum advance device ÐRepair or replace.

acceleration malfunction

Insufficient engine

Excessive fuel

Spark plug Poor engine starting Improper spark plug gap ÐAdjust or replace.

Carbon deposit in spark plug ÐClean or replace.

Improper heat range of spark plug ÐReplace spark plug with proper one.
combustion in
engine Loose or defective plug cord ÐRepair or replace.

Poor engine

Insufficient engine

Ignition coil Poor engine staring Defective ignition coil ÐReplace ignition coil.

Poor engine

Starter does not

Starter Improperly connected terminals ÐRepair.
Switch contacts in loose contact ÐReplace switch

Magnet switch contact plate burnt or in ÐGrind or replace contact plate.

loose contact

Magnet switch pull-in coil opencircuited ÐReplace.

Magnet switch holding coil opencircuited ÐReplace.

Brush in loose contact with commutator ÐReface.

as a result of wear

Commutator burnt with consequent poor ÐExchange or replace commutators.

conduction of electricity

High mica of commutator ÐPerform under-cutting

Field coil not properly grounded or ÐReplace.


Field coil not properly soldered ÐRepair.

Armature not properly grounded ÐReplace.

Armature short-circuited ÐRewind or replace.

Brush spring broken or with inadequate tension ÐReplace spring.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 120 Adjusting And Troubleshooting

Starter Starter does not Brush holder not properly insulated ÐClean brush or replace holder.
rotate. Worn bearing bushing ÐReplace bushing.

Starter rotates but

slowly and Wires of armature coil about to be ÐRewind or replace.
irregularly. shortcircuited or grounded

Field coil not properly connected or ÐRepair connections.

about to be short-circuited

Commutator heat-damaged with consequent ÐReplace armature.

poor conduction

Brush movement due to damaged or worn ÐRepair or replace.


Commutator vibrating, causing brush to ÐRepair or replace.


Lifted mica between commutator ÐPerform under-cutting

segments causing brush to move

One or two commutator segments ÐRepair or replace.

lifted causing brush to move

Commutator in loose contact due ÐRepair or replace.

to worn brush

Chipped brush ÐRepair or replace.

Pinion does not Worn starter clutch pinion end ÐReplace.

engage with ring
Clutch rotates always freely ÐReplace.
Deteriorated clutch drive spring ÐReplace.

Does not rotate in overrunning direction ÐReplace.

Poor sliding of splined section ÐRub surfaces smooth, clean and repair.

Worn bushing ÐReplace.

Improper projecting position of magnet ÐAdjust with stud bolt.

switch pinion

Worn bearing bushing ÐReplace.

Motor continues to Magnet switch coil layer shorted-circuited ÐReplace.

rotate and does not
Magnet switch contact plate seizure ÐReplace.
Starter switch does not return properly ÐReplace switch.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 121 Adjusting And Troubleshooting

Battery Run-down battery Drive belt slipping ÐAdjust belt.


Stator coil grounded or open-circuited ÐReplace or repair.

Rotor coil open-circuited ÐReplace.

Brush and slip ring not properly connected ÐReplace brush if worn. (Clean holder.)
(Brush does not properly come down) ÐPolish slip ring.

Diode short-or open-circuited ÐReplace rectifier assembly.


Short or improper electrolyte ÐAdd electrolyte and adjust specific gravity.

Defective plates (internal short circuit) ÐReplace.

Terminals in loose contact ÐClean and then retighten.


Open circuit or loose contact between ÐRepair.

key switch and alternator terminals L and R

Burnt fuse of above-mentioned circuits or ÐReplace fuse and repair contacting

holder in loose contact section of holder.

Open circuit or loose contact between ÐReplace.

battery and alternator terminal B

Burnt fuse of above-mentioned circuits ÐReplace fuse and repair contacting

or holder in loose contact section of holder.
battery Defective IC regulator ÐReplace.

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 122 Adjusting And Troubleshooting

Style Tool No. Tool name Use
MD998781 Flywheel stopper Holding flywheel

MD998785 Sprocket stopper Holding counterbalance shaft sprocket

MD998778 Crankshaft spocket puller Removal of crankshaft sprocket

MB990767 End yoke holder Holding camshaft sprocket

(Use with MD998719)

MD998719 Pulley holding pins Holding camshaft sprocket when

loosening or torquing bolt (Use
with MB990767)

MD998443 Lash adjuster holder Retainer for holding lash adjuster in

rocker arm at timer of removal and
installation of rocker arm and rocker
shaft assembly

MD998442 Air bleed wire Air bleeding of lash adjuster

MD998713 Camshaft oil seal installer Installation of oil seal

MB991654 Cylinder head bolt Removal and installation of cylinder

wrench(12) head bolt

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 123 Special Tools

Style Tool No. Tool name Use

MD998772 Valve spring compressor Compression of valve spring

MD998729 Valve stem seal installer Installation of valve stem seal

MD998727 Oil pan remover Removal of the oil pan

MD998162 Plug wrench Removal and installation of front

case cap plug

MD998783 Plug wrench retainer Removal and installation of front case

cap plug
(Use with MD998162)

MD998375 Crankshaft front oil seal Installation of crankshaft front oil seal

MD998285 Crankshaft front oil seal Guide for installation of crankshaft front
guide oil seal

MD998705 Silent shaft bearing Installation of counterblance shaft front

installer and rear bearing

MD998371 Silent shaft bearing puller Removal of counterblance shaft front


G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 124 Special Tools

Style Tool No. Tool name Use

MD998372 Silent shaft bearing puller Removal of counterbalance shaft rear


MD998780 Piston pin setting tool Removal and installation of piston pin

MD998776 Crankshaft rear oil seal Installation of crankshaft rear oil seal

MB990938 Handle Installation of crankshaft rear oil sear

(Use with MD998776)

G420 LP/Gasoline Engine 125 Special Tools

Oct. 2000

Service Manual
Diesel Engine
DC24 (2.4 Liter)
Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety
rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an
accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary training,
skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Improper operation, Iubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result
in injury or death.

Do not operate or perform any Iubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read and
understood the operation, Iubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings are
not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons.

In this manual, the following symbols are used to indicate the type of service operations to be performed.

Removal Adjustment

Installation Cleaning

Disassembly Pay close attention-Important

Reassembly Tighten to specified torque

Align the marks Use special tools

Directional Indication Lubricate with oil

Inspection Lubricate with grease


If you have any question or recommendation in connection with this manual, please do not hesitate to contact our
head office, dealers or authorized service shops.

Vehicle Systems -1- Specifications


1. General Informations ...........................................................................................................................................5

1.1. General Repair Instructions 1.2. Engine Model and Serial Number
1.3. Engine Specifications 1.4. Engine Assembly

2. Preventive Maintemance ...................................................................................................................................11

2.1. Preventive Maintenance 2.2. Torque Specifications

3. Major Maintenance.............................................................................................................................................16
3.1. Major Parts Fixing Bolts 3.2. Engine Repair Kit
3.3. Repair

4. Engine Disassembly and Reassembly ............................................................................................................26

4.1. External Parts 4.2. Internal Parts
4.3. Inspection and Repair 4.4. Reassembly

5. Lubricating System............................................................................................................................................59
5.1. General description 5.2. OIl Pump
5.3. Oil Filter 5.4. Oil Cooler

6. Cooling System ..................................................................................................................................................64

6.1. General Description 6.2. Water Pump
6.3. Thermostat

7. Fuel System ........................................................................................................................................................68

7.1. General Description 7.2. Injection Nozzle
7.3. Injection Pump Calibration

8. Intake and Exhaust System ..............................................................................................................................74

8.1. Intake Manifold 8.2. Exhaust Manifold

9. Special Tool List.................................................................................................................................................75

- Engine Assembly (ELFFO)

DC24 (2.4 Liter) -3- General Informations

1. General Informations

1.1. General Repair Instructions

1. For safty, park the truck on even ground or work station and fix the wheels using wedges or hand brake during

2. Before performing service operation, disconnect the grounding cable form the battery for reduce the chance of
cable damage and burning due to short-circuliting.

3. Before performing service operation release the air pressure in the machine air line machine air line system for
safty. To not do so in extremely dangerous.

4. Use covers for prevention the components from damage or pollution.

5. Brake oil and anti-freeze solution must be handled with reasonable to efficient and reliable service operation.

6. The use of proper tools and special tools where specificed is important to efficient and reliable service operation.

7. Use genuine DAEWOO parts necessarily.

8. Used cotter pins, gaskets, O-rings, oil seals, lock washer and self-lock nuts should be discarded and new ones
should be prepared for installation as normal function of the parts can not be maintained if these parts are reused.

9. To facilitate proper and smooth reassembly operation, keep disassembled parts neatly in groups. Keeping fixing
bolts and nut separate is very improtant as they vary in hardness and design depending on position of installation.

10. Clean the parts before inspection or reassembly. Also clean oil ports, etc. usig compressed air to make certain
they are free form restrictions.

11. Lubricate rotation and sliding faces of parts with oil or grease before installation.

12. When necessary, use a sealer on gaskets to prevent leakage.

13. Carefully observe all specifications for bolts and nuts torques.

14. When service operation is completed, make a final check to be sure service has been done propery.

1.2. Engine Model and Serial Number

The engine model and serial number is located on the engine as

illustrated. These numbers are required when requesting Serial number
warranty and ordering parts. They are also referred to as engine
model and serial number because of their location.

Engine serial No. (example 1 : DC24)

DC24 O 00001 FO

Suffix (ELFFO)
Serial No.
Production Year(2000)
Engine Model

DC24 (2.4 Liter) -5- General Informations

1.3. Engine Specifications

1.3.1. Specification

Engine Model DC24

Items ELFFO / N / L / E ELFFA / D / I / J
Engine type 4 cycle in-line, Water-cooled type
Naturally aspirated
Combustion chamber type Swirl chamber
Cylinder liner type Replaceable dry liner
Timing gear system Gear driven type
No. of piston ring Compression ring 2, oil ring 1
No. of cylinder-bore x stroke (mm) 4 - 86 x 102
Total piston displacement (cc) 2,369
Compression ratio 20 : 1
Engine dimension (length x width x height) (mm) 702 x 559 x 677
Engine weight (kg) 245
Rotating direction (viewed from flywheel) Counter clockwise
Fuel injection order 1-3-4-2
Fuel injection timing (B.T.D.C static) 13û
Injection pump type VE type Zexel in-line ÒAÓ type
Governor type Mechanical governor Mechanical governor
Injection nozzle type Throttle type
Fuel injection pressure (kg/cm2) 120
Compression pressure (kg/cm2) 28 (at 200 rpm)
Intake and exhaust valve clearance (at cold) (mm) 0.45
Intake valve Open at 11û (B.T.D.C)
Close at 40û (A.B.D.C)
Exhaust valve Open at 51û (B.B.D.C)
Close at 9û (A.T.D.C)
Lubrication method Full forced pressure feed type
Oil pump type Rotor type driven by camshaft
Oil filter type Full-flow, cartridge type
Lubricating oil capacity (oil pan) (lit) 6.5
Oil cooler type Water cooled
Water pump Centrifugal type driven by belt
Cooling Method Fresh water forced circulation
Cooling water capacity (engine only) (lit) 5.2
Thermostat type Wax pallet type (76.5 ~ 90 Cû)
Alternator voltage - capacity (V - A) 12 - 50
Starting Motor voltage - output (V - kW) 12 - 2.2

DC24 (2.4 Liter) -6- General Informations

1.3.2. Engine Power

Production tolerance : ±5%

Engine Model Performance

Model Suffix Power Torque Low idle High idle
(PS/rpm) (kg.m/rpm) (rpm) (rpm)
DC24 Base 56/3,000 15/2,000 - -
ELFFA 44/2,300 14.5/2,000 850-900 2,600-2,650
ELFFD 49~53/2,900 12.7~14.2/2,200 600-750 3,170-3,250
ELFFE 44~48/2,400 14.5/2,000 775-825 2,600-2,700
ELFFI 44/2,300 14.5/2,000 850-950 2,600-2,650
ELFFJ 49/2,650 14.5/2,000 600-700 2,920 L 50
ELFFL 46.2/2,400 14.5/2,000 775-825 2,650-2,700
ELFFN 45/2,400 14.5/2,000 775-825 2,650-2,700
ELFFO 44/2,250 14.5/1,800 775-825 2,500-2,600
* Note : All data are based on operation without cooling fan at KS-R1004

DC24 (2.4 Liter) -7- General Informations

1.3.3. Engine Performance
1) Engine suffix : ELFFO

Performance KS-R1004
Power (max.) 44 PS/2,250 rpm
Maximum torque 14.5 kg.m/1,800 rpm
Fuel consumption rating (min.) 200 g/PS.h

DC24 (2.4 Liter) -8- General Informations

2) Engine suffix : ELFFN

Performance KS-R1004
Power (max.) 45 PS / 2,400 rpm
Maximum torque 14.5 kg.m / 2,000 rpm
Fuel consumption rating (min.) 200 g / PS.h

DC24 (2.4 Liter) -9- General Informations

1.4. Engine Assembly

4 5 6 7 8 21

3 20

12 11 10

13 14 15 16 17
22 23 24

18 19

1. Fly wheel. 13. Alternator.

2. Rear plate. 14. Exhaust manifold.
3. Oil filter. 15. Oil level gauge.
4. Nozzle holder assÕy. 16. Intake manifold.
5. Fuel injection pipe. 17. Lifting hook.
6. Oil filler cap. 18. Power take off.
7. Water outlet 19. Starter.
8. Cooling fan. 20. Water pump assÕy.
9. Crank shaft pulley. 21. Intake stake.
10. Injection pump. 22. Breather hose.
11. Oil pan. 23. Cylinder head cover.
12. Oil pressure switch. 24. Pre heater plug.

DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 10 - General Informations

2. Preventive Maintenance

2.1. Preventive Maintenance

The preventive maintenance means that the operator performs the servicing of engine to obtain long life
and best performance from DAEWOO diesel engine.

2.1.1. Cooling Water

=Regarding the cooling water that is to be used for engine, the soft water not the hard water must be
=The engine cooling water can be used diluting it with antifreezing solution 40% and the additive for rust
prevention (DCA4) 3 ~ 5%.
=The density of above solution and additive must be inspected every 500 hours to maintain it properly.

NOTE : The proper density control of antifreezing solution and rust preventing additive will be
able to prevent the rusting effectively and maintain the stable quality of engine.

=Since DC24 diesel engine cylinder liner is dry type, particularly the cooling water control should be
applied thoroughly.
=The density of antifreezing solution and additive for rust prevention is able to be confirmed by the
cooling water test kit. (Fleetguard CC260M or DAEWOO 60.99901-0038)
=How to use the cooling water test kit
(1) When the cooling water temp of engine is in the range of 10 ~ 55 ûC, loosen the plug for cooling
water discharge and fill the plastic cup about a half.

NOTE : In taking the cooling water sample, if the water in auxiliary tank were taken, it is hard to
measure the accurate density. Take the cooling water sample necessarily loosening the cooling
water discharge plug.

(2) At the state of a test paper soaked in the sampled water, after taking the paper out through water
agitation, shake off the water.
(3) Wait for about 45 sec. till the color change of test paper.

NOTE : However, it should not elapse longer than 75 sec, and if it did, the hue would change.

(4) Make the numerical value by comparing the test paper which hue has changed with the color list of
label on storage bottle.
(5) By comparing thehue changed into yellowish green or so with the green color indication of test paper
storage bottle, confirm the density. (Then, the density indication must be in the hue range of 33% to
(6) The brown at the middle of test paper and the lower pink color indication represent the additive state
for rust prevention, and the proper range is that the meeting numerical value of brown (vertical) and
pink color (horizontal) locates in the range of 0.3 to 0.8 at the color list of label on the test paper
storqge bottle.
(7) In case of less than 0.3, replenish the additive for rust prevention (DCA4), and in case of more than
0.8, pour out the cooling water about 50% and then readjust the density after refilling with clean fresh

DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 11 - General Informations

=Amount of Anti-freze in winter

Cooling water (%) Anti-freeze (%)
Temperature (¡C)
Over -10 85 15
-10 80 20
-15 73 27
-20 67 33
-25 60 40
-30 56 44
-40 50 50

2.1.2. Fan Belt

= Use a fan belt of specified dimensions, and replace if damaged, frayed, or deteriorated.
= Check the fan belt for belt tension.
If belt tension is lower than the specified limit, adjust the tension by relocating the alternator. (specified
deflection : 10 ~ 15 mm when pressed down with thumb)

2.1.3. Engine Oil

= Check oil leel with the oil level gauge and replenish if necessary.
= Check the oil level with the engine cooled. If the engine is warm, allow time for 5 ~ 10 minutes for oil
drain into the crankcase before checking oil level. The oil level must be between Max and Min. lines
on the gauge.
= Engine oil should be changed at the specified intervals. Oil in the oil filter should be changed
= Engine oil change interval : at least 2 times/year

First oil change After the first

1,000km (50hr) Every 3,000km (250hr)

= Suggested engine oil

Engine Recommend engine oil

model SAE No. API No. Remark
SAE 15W40 API CD grade or CE grade above -
DC24 SAE 15W40 ACEA-E2 or ACEA-E3 Bellow 0.05% sulfur
SAE 10W40 (APICH-4)

DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 12 - General Informations

2.1.4. Oil Filter
= Check for oil pressure and oil leaks, and repair or replace the oil filter if necessary.
= Change the oil filter cartridge simultaneously at every replacement of engine oil.

2.1.5. Fuel Filter

= The fuel filter should be replaced at every 18,000km (1,200hr)

2.1.6. Air cleaner

= In case that elements are deformed, damaged or if the air cleaner has a crack, replace it.
= By the definite interval, the elements must be cleaned and replaced.

2.1.7. Valve Clearance Adjust Procedure

= After the first 1,000km(50 hr) operation.
= When doing engine overhaul or dismantling Cylinder Head off the block.
= When Abnormal sound from the valve train is noticed.
= When Poor operation condition continues inspite of faultless fuel system.
= Valve clearance(with engine cooled) : 0.45 mm for both intake and exhaust.

2.1.8. Cylinder Compression Pressure

= Stop the engine after warming up, and take out nozzle holder assembly.
= Install the special tool (compression gauge adapter) at the nozzle holder hold, and connect the
compression pressure gauge thers.

Standard valure 28 kg/cm2 over

Limit value 24 kg/cm2
between each cylinder Within ± 10 %

¥ Testing conditions : coolant temperature 20¡C, Engine rpm 200rpm (10 turns)

2.1.9. Injection Nozzle

= Install a nozzle on the nozzle tester
= If the inspected injection pressure is less than the specified value, adjust using the adjusting shims.

Engine Model DC24

Opening pressure 120 kg/cm2

= Check the atomizing state and replace it if abnormal.

DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 13 - General Informations

2.1.10. Fuel Injection Pump
= Check the housing crack, damage etc. and replace it if abnormal.
= Check if the idle operation and speed regulating leverÕs sealing is removed.
= The adjustment and testing of fuel injection pump should necessarily be done at the test bench.

2.1.11. Battery
= Inspect for any leakage of electrolytic solution owing to battery crack, and replace the battery in case
of poor condition.
= Inspect for amount of electrolytic solution, and replenish if insufficient.
= Measure the gravity of electrolytic solution, if less than specified value (1.12 ~ 1.28), replenish.

2.1.12. Air removal of Fuel System

The suction room of fuel injection pump has the function of air removal continuously during the operation
through a relief valve.
In case that the suction room lacks fuel at all, for instance, in case of new installation of injection pump,
after loosening the air removing screws of cartridge filter respectively, remove the air by operating the
manual pump of fuel supply pump until bubble will disappear.

2.1.13. Fuel Supply Pump

Every time of engine oil replacement, the fuel strainer installed at the fuel supply pump should be
removed and cleaned.

2.1.14. Starting Motor

In case of engine maintenance, clean pinion and ring gear thoroughly putting in the fuel, and coat them
with grease.
Also, In case of washing engine (room) and so forth, inspect the wiring state being careful for water not
to get in.

DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 14 - General Informations

2.2. Torque Specifications
Standards bolts

The torque values given in the following table should be applied where a particular torque is not specified.

Bolt identification

4T 7T 9T
Bolt diameter x pitch Low carbon steel High carbon steel Alloy steel

6 x 1.0 0.4 - 0.8 0.5 - 1.0 -

8 x 1.25 0.8 - 1.8 1.2 - 22 1.7 - 3.1
10 x 1.25 2.1 - 3.5 2.8 - 4.7 3.8 - 6.4
✽10 x 1.5 2.0 - 3.5 2.8 - 4.7 3.8 - 6.4
12 x 1.25 5.0 - 7.5 6.2 - 9.3 7.7 - 11.6
✽12 x 1.75 4.6 - 7.0 5.8 - 8.6 7.3 - 10.9
14 x 1.5 7.8 - 11.7 9.5 - 14.2 11.6 - 17.4
✽14 x 2.0 7.3 - 10.9 9.0 - 13.4 10.9 - 16.3
16 x 1.5 10.6 - 16.0 13.8 - 20.8 16.3 - 24.5
✽16 x 20 10.2 - 15.2 13.2 - 19.8 15.6 - 23.4
18 x 1.5 15.4 - 23.0 19.9 - 29.9 23.4 - 35.2
20 x 1.5 21.0 - 31.6 27.5 - 41.3 43.3 - 64.9
22 x 1.5 25.6 - 42.2 37.0 - 55.5 43.3 - 64.9
24 x 2.0 36.6 - 55.0 43.9 - 72.5 56.5 - 84.7
The ✽ indicates that the bolts used for female-threaded parts that are made of soft materiails such casting, etc.

DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 15 - General Informations

3. Major Maintenance

3.1. Major Parts Fixing Bolts

3.1.1. Cylinder Head and Block


DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 16 - General Informations

3.1.2. Crankshaft and Camshaft

DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 17 - General Informations

3.1.3. Injection Pump and Other (kg.m)

3.1.4. In-line Injection Pump Type (kg.m)

3.1.5. VE Injection Pump Type (kg.m)

DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 18 - General Informations

3.2. Engine Repair Kit

1. Gasket : Cylinder head. 14. Gasket : Gear case.

2. Gasket : Cylinder head cover. 15. Gasket : Water pump to cylinder block.
3. Gasket : Intake and exhaust manifold. 16. Gasket : Outlet pipe.
4. Gasket : Joint bolt 17. Gasket : Housing cylinder head.
5. Seal : Crankshaft(Rear). 18. Seal Ring
6. Gasket : Front plate. 19. Gasket : Oil filter to block.
7. Gasket : Drain plug. 20. Seal Ring.
8. Gasket : Oil pan. 22. Seal Ring.
9. Gasket : Oil pan to bearing cap 23. Seal Ring.
10. Gasket : Tappet chamber cover. 25. Gasket : Bracket to front plate
12. Gasket : Gear case. 27. Gasket : Head cover bolt.
13. Oil Seal. 28. Repair Kit : Top overhaul kit

DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 19 - General Informations

3.3. Repair
3.3.1. Cylinder Head Bolt
Tighten the cylinder head bolts in sequence as shown
in the figure.

Torque(kg¥m) 8.0 L 0.5

3.3.2. Valve Clearance

Adjust the valve clearance in the following manner
using a feeler gauge.

Standard (in cold)

Intake and exhaust (mm) 0.45

Feeler gauge


1. Bring the piston in either the No.1 cylinder or the

No.4 cylinder to top dead center on the compression
stroke by turning the crankshaft until the TDC
notched line on the crankshaft pulley is aligned the
timing pointer.

2. Check to see if there is play in the No.1 intake and

exhaust valve rocker arms. If the No.1 cylinder intake T 13° 18°
and exhaust valve rocker arms are deprssed, the D
No.4 piston is at TDC on the compression stroke. C

Adjust the clearances of valves marked with an arrow.

Rocker arm screw

lock nut torque (kg¥m) 2.5

<------ Front side Rear side ------


DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 20 - General Informations

After adjusting the valve clearances referring to the
figure, turn the crankshaft one full turn in the rotative
direction and align the TDC mark with the pointer, then
adjust the remaining valve clearances.

<------ Front side Rear side ------


3.3.3. Injection Timing

1) In-Line Injection Pump

Timing 13¡ ± 1¡

T 13° 18°

Check the notched line on the injection pump is in

alignment with the notched line on the injection pump

2) VE Injection Pump
=Turn the crank pulley until No. 1 piston is placed in
the ÒTDCÓ position of notch marks on the crank
pulley, and then turn again the crank pulley
clockwise until showing the notch mark of the right
figure corresponding to the injection timing is
aligned with the pointer ( ) on the crank pulley. T 13° 18°
Fuel injection timing
(B.T.D.C static) 13¡

=Check the alignment of the notched lines injection

pump and timing flange
=Loosen 2 fixing bolts of the injection pump.
=Turn the injection pump until the notch mark of the
injection pump attached to the fuel injection pump
flange is aligned with the notch mark of the flange.
=Tighten the fixing bolts to specified torque.

Torque (kg¥m) 3.5 ~ 4.5

DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 21 - General Informations

3.3.4. Compression Pressure
Remove the glow plugs from all cylinders, then check
the comprssion pressure in each cylinder with a
compression gauge by engaging starter.

(kg/cm2, 200rpm)

Standard Limit
28 22.0 - 23.0

3.3.5. Fuel System

Injection nozzle
Check the spraying condition and injection starting

Injection starting pressure (kg/cm2) 120


Adjust the injection starting pressure with the adjusting
screw using a nozzle tester


Air Bleeding of the Fuel System Bleeder screw

1) In-Line Injection Pump

Bleed the system by manually operating the priming
pump with the fuel filter outlet joint bolt and injection
pump bleeder screw loosened.

Priming pump

2) VE Injection Pump
After the cleaning of the fuel filter or after the engine
stop by the lack of fuel, the bleeding of the fuel
system must be executed by all means.
Bleed the system by manually operating the priming
pump with fuel injection pipe nut and filter bleeder
screw loosened.
¥ Press the priming pump cap repetitively until the
fuel without bubbles comes out from the bleeding
¥ After the whole air is pulled out, close the screw of
the fuel filter and fuel injection pipe nut.

DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 22 - General Informations

Feed pump strainer
Remove the strainer using a screw driver. Wash the
stainer in clean diesel fuel.


Fuel filter replacement

Remover and installer(filter wench)


Apply diesel fuel to o-ring. Turn in filter until sealing face

is brought into contact with the o-ring. Further tighten
2/3 of a turn.


Fuel sedimentor (if eguipped)

Removal steps
Disconnect water separator sensor wiring at the

Remove the filter using filter wrench.


Installation steps
Install the water separator sensor in the new filter. Apply
diesel fuel to o-ring.

DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 23 - General Informations

Fill the filter sufficiently with diesel fuel before installing it
in the housing. Apply diesel fuel to o-ring. Turn in filter
until sealing face is brought into contact with the o-ring.
Further tighten 2/3 of a turn.

3.3.6. Lubricating System

Main oil filter replacement (Oil filter)

Remove the filter cartridge using filter wrench Oil filter head


3.3.7. Fan Belt Depress here

Fan pulley
Adjust belt tension by moving generator pulley. about 10mm

Specified belt deflection(mm) 10

Generator pulley

Crank pulley EA0M3009

3.3.8. Pre-Heating System

Q.O.S System IND.
"ON" Lamp Relay
Q.O.S System makes the pre-heating time short and Acc 1
easy start. 3 4
"OFF" ST Glow
Stater plug
S/W 2 9
Batt 5
DC 12V Thermo O/N


Thermo Switch
Operating temperature

Operating temperature 15¡C


DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 24 - General Informations

Glow Plug
Check the continuity across the plug terminals and


DC24 (2.4 Liter) - 25 - General Informations

4. Engine Disassembly and Reassembly

4.1. External Parts

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 26 Engine Assembly

4.2. Internal Parts (Timing gear train)
4.2.1. Major Components



<Disassembly steps>
1. Pulley. 3. Injection pump gear.
2. Timing gear case cover. 4. Idle gear.

Important Operations

Injection pump assembly

Inspect the following items before timing gear removal.
Backlash (Crankshaft gear, camshaft gear, injection
pump gear)

Standard Limit
0.10-0.17 mm 0.3 mm EA0M4004

Idle gear end play

Standard Limit
0.07 mm 0.2 mm


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 27 Engine Assembly

4.2.2. Cylinder head

<Disassembly steps>
▲ 1. Spring seat and valve cotter
2. Valve spring
3. Valve

Important Operation

=Spring seat and valve cotter (1)

: Valve spring compressor

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 28 Engine Assembly

4.2.3. Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly


<Disassembly steps>
▲ 1. Piston ring 4. Piston
2. Snap ring 5. Connecting-rod
▲ 3. Piston pin

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 29 Engine Assembly

Important Operation
Piston ring
: Remover


Piston pin Piston Pin

Remove the piston pin snap ring using a snap ring plier.
Drive out the piston pin using a brass rod at normal

4.2.4. Rocker Arm and Shaft Assembly

<Disassembly steps>
1. Rocker arm (A) 4. Rocker arm shaft bracket
2. Rocker arm shaft bracket 5. Rocker arm shaft
3. Rocker arm (B)

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 30 Engine Assembly

4.3. Inspection and Repair
Make necessary corrction or parts replacement if wear, if wear, damage or any other abnormal conditions
are found through inspection.

4.3.1 Cylinder Body and Liner

Cylinder body warpage

Standard Limit
Overall length 0.05 mm 0.2 mm
Thickness (H) 247.97-248.03 mm 247.7 mm


Grade datermination
Take an average of 3 values obtained by measuring the
diameters shown in the right.
Measunng point : Approx. 90 mm from the upper face.
The mark on the upper face should be neglected in
case of Engine overhaul.

= Cylinder block (steel liner)

(mm) EA0M4013

Grade tolerance Projection

1 2 3 4 Straight edge

¯88.010 ¯88.020 ¯88.030 ¯88.040

¯88 ~ ~ ~ ~
bore dia
¯88.001 ¯88.011 ¯88.021 ¯88.031

¯88.020 ¯88.030 ¯88.040 ¯88.050

¯88 ~ ~ ~ ~
outer dia
¯88.011 ¯88.021 ¯88.031 ¯88.041
Feeler gage

= Cylinder block (cast liner) (mm)

Grade tolerance
1 2
¯90.010 ¯90.020
¯90 ~ ~
bore dia
¯90.001 ¯90.011
¯89.984 ¯89.995
¯90 ~ ~
outer dia
¯89.995 ¯90.006

Amount of projection (mm)

Steel liner -0.015~0.115 mm
Cast liner 0.008~0.070 mm

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 31 Engine Assembly

Cylinder liner replacement
: Remover
: Liner grip

Installer Bench press

Wipe clean the cylinder liner and cylinder body to
remove oil, then install the cylinder liner into cylinder
bore using a bench press. The use of dry ice to cool the
cylinder liner will invite contraction, facilitating smooth
installation of the cylinder liner.

Tightness 0 - 0.02 mm


4.3.2. Crankshaft and Bearing

Crankshaft journal and pin diameter
Journal ¯ 69.92 - ¯ 69.932 mm A

Pins ¯ 52.918 - ¯ 52.930 mm

Undersize bearings are available in 4 different sizes

which include 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 mm undersizes. EA0M4017

Crankshaft diameter when using undersize


Journal Pin
U/S 0.25 ¯ 69.67-¯ 69.68 mm ¯ 52.67-¯ 52.68 mm
U/S 0.50 ¯ 69.42-¯ 69.43 mm ¯ 52.42-¯ 52.43 mm
U/S 0.75 ¯ 69.17-¯ 69.18 mm ¯ 52.17-¯ 52.18 mm
U/S 1.00 ¯ 68.92-¯ 68.93 mm ¯ 51.92-¯ 51.93 mm

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 32 Engine Assembly

Uneven wear Fillet section

Fillet section
Standard Limit
Journal 0.001 mm 0.05 mm
Pin 0.001 mm 0.05 mm

Curvature of the fillet section on the crankshaft journals

and pins should be finished as shown bellow. Wear
Journal R3.3 - R3.7 mm
Pin R3.3 - R3.7 mm

When regrinding the crank shaft, the fillet section

should be correctly finished. Avoid stepped portion or
rough surface on it.

Clearance between crankshaft journal and bearing

Standard Limit
Clearance 0.018-0.065 mm 0.12 mm

Crankshaft bearing cap bolt

Torque(kg¥m) 18.5

Clearance between crank pin and connecting-rod


Standard Limit
0.029-0.082 mm 0.12 mm

Crankshaft bearing cap bolt

Torque(kg¥m) 8-9 EA0M4020

Bearing clearance Measurement

Measure the clearance using plastic gauge.


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 33 Engine Assembly

Bearing spread

Crankshaft bearing 74.5 mm
Connecting-rod bearing 56.5 mm



Standard Limit
0.03 mm 0.06


Crankshaft gear replacement

Removal Remover
: Remover


: Installer

Installer EA0M4025

Pilot bearing replacement

: Remover


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 34 Engine Assembly

4.3.3. Flywheel
Inspect the following parts for wear, damage or other
abnormal conditions.


Ring gear replacement

Remove the ring gear from the flywheel by tapping
around the side face of the gear with a brass bar.


Heat the ring gear evenly with a gas burner(Max.

temperature 200¡C) to invite volumetric expansion.
Install the ring gear on the flywheel when it is sufficently


4.3.4. Maintenance of cylinder block,

cylinder liner and piston
To maintain the engine in optimum condition and retain
maximum performance for a long time, the cylinder
block, cylinder liner and piston which have the same
grade marking number (the same size tolerance)
should be assembled. The marking number (the partÕs
grade) and marking position is as follows.

= Cylinder block
a) Marking number ; 1 or 2
(Size grade for of cylinder bore diameter)
b) Marking position ; Middle of the cylinder block side surface.
Piston grade of Cylinder block grade
cylinder No.4

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 35 Engine Assembly

lCylinder liner
a) Marking number ; 1A, 1B, 2A or 2B
Can used the piston A grade
Can used the cylinder block 1 grade
b) Marking position ; Cylinder liner lower surface

a) Marking number ; A or B Marking EA4M2021
(Size grade for piston outer diameter)
b) Marking position ; Center of the piston upper surface

Assembly process of cylinder block, cylinder liner

and piston
(1) Check the marking number (1 or 2) of cylinder block.
(Middle of side surface)
(2) Then assemble the liner whose first digit of the
marking (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B) is just the same with it on
the cylinder block.
(3) Assemble the piston whose marking is just same
with the second digit (A or B) of the assembled
cylinder linerÕs marking.

4.3.5. Piston
Piston clearance

Piston outside diameter

Take measurement in direction at a right angle to the
piston pin hole.
Grading position ; 14mm.
The piston grade should be selected by referring to
the following table, so that specified piston clearance
can be obtained. EA0M4030

=Piston grade for steel liner

Piston grade Standard

A ¯ 85.970 mm ~ ¯ 85.985 mm
B ¯ 85.980 mm ~ ¯ 85.996 mm
C ¯ 85.990 mm ~ ¯ 86.006 mm
D ¯ 86.000 mm ~ ¯ 86.016 mm

= Piston grade for cast liner

Piston grade Standard

A ¯ 85.970mm ~ ¯ 85.985mm
B ¯ 85.980mm ~ ¯ 85.996mm

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 36 Engine Assembly

Cylinder inside diameter

Grade A B
Cylinder ¯86.020 ¯86.031
inside Cast liner ~ ¯86.031 ~ ¯86.042
Steel liner ¯86.020~¯86.060
Piston clearance 0.035~0.062

Piston pin outside diameter

Standard Limit
¯26.995-¯27.0 mm ¯26.96 mm

Fitting interference between piston pin and piston

Standard 0.004 - 0.015mm


Clearance between piston ring and ring groove

Standard Limit
1st compression ring 0.085 - 0.115mm 0.2mm
2nd compression ring 0.05 - 0.085mm 0.15mm
Oil ring 0.03 - 0.065mm 0.15mm


Piston ring gap

Standard Limit
1st compression ring 0.20 - 0.40mm 1.5mm Feeler Gouge
2nd compression ring 0.20 - 0.40mm 1.5mm
Oil ring 0.10 - 0.30mm 1.5mm


4.3.6. Connecting Rod

Distortion and parallelism

Standard Limit
Distortion 0.05 mm 0.20 mm
Parallelism 0.05 mm 0.15 mm

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 37 Engine Assembly

Clearance between bushing and piston pin

Standard Limit
0.008 - 0.02mm 0.05mm


Bushing Replacement

: Remover

: Installer

The inner face of the bushing must be finished with a

reamer after installation of the bushing.

Inside diameter 27.008 - 27.015 mm


4.3.7. Cylinder Head

Cylinder head warpage

Standard Limit
Overall length 0.05 mm 0.2 mm
Thickness (H) 91.95-92.05mm 91.75 mm


Depression of hot plug

Check the amount of depression of swirl chambers on
No.1 through No.4 cylinder using a feeler gauge, with a
straight edge held against the swirl chamber face.

Limit 0.02 mm


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 38 Engine Assembly

Swirl chamber Replacement
Remove the hot plug in the following manner ; Insert a
suitable round bar sizing 3 to 5mm in diameter into
nozzle holer fitting hole to touch the swirl chamber, then
drive out the swirl chamber using a hammer.


Heat shield replacement

Remove the heat shield using a brass bar and a


Installation of new swirl chamber

Install lock ball into groove in swirl chamber. Drive the
swirl chamber into cylinder head by aligning lock ball in
swirl chamber with groove in cylinder head.


Press the swirl chamber into position by applying 4,500

to 5,000 kg pressure using a bench press with a piece
of metal fitted against the swirl chamber face for
protection. After installation, grind the face of swirl
chamber flush with the face of the cylinder head.


Installation of new heat shield

Install the heat shield with the flanged side up on the
cylinder head by tapping on the flange lightly with a
brass bar.


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 39 Engine Assembly

4.3.8. Valve and Valve Seat Insert
Valve stem diameter

Standard Limit
Intake valves ¯7.946 - ¯7.961mm ¯7.88mm
Exhaust valve ¯7.921 - ¯7.936mm ¯7.85mm II III


Standard Limit
Intake valves 0.65mm 2.5 mm
Exhaust valve 0.65mm 2.5 mm Depression


Contact width

Standard Limit
1.06mm 3.6 mm

Contact width


Valve seating angle

Valve seating angle 45¡

Valve thickness

Standard Limit
Intake valve 1.3 mm 1.0 mm
Exhaust valve 1.3 mm 1.0 mm


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 40 Engine Assembly

Valve seat replacement Valve seat
Arc-weld excess metal around inner face of the valve
seat and allow to cool off a few minutes, then pull out the
valve seat with vibration hammer


Press a new valve seat insert into the bore using a

bench press. After installation of the valve seat insert,
grind finish the seating face with a seat grinder carefully
noting the seating angle, contact width and depression.
Lap the valve and seat as te final step.


4.3.9. Valve Guide

Clearance between valve stem and valve guide

Standard Limit
Intake valve 0.039 - 0.071 mm 0.20 mm
Eahaust valve 0.064 - 0.096 mm 0.25 mm


Valve guide replacement

: Remover


Installation ; Valve guide installer.

Apply engine oil to the outer circumference of the valve
Set the installer to the valve guide, then the guide into
position from the upper face of the cylinder head a


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 41 Engine Assembly

Height of valve guide upper end Intake 12.5 ± 0.2mm
from cylinder head upper face Exhaust 12.5 ± 0.2mm

Discard used oil seals and install new ones.

4.3.10. Valve Spring

Free lenght and inclination

Standard Limit
Free Square
lnner 47.9mm 46.5mm
Free length Length
Outer 47.3mm 45.8mm
lnner - 1.0mm
Outer - 1.0mm EA0M4055
Free lenght and inclination

Set length Standard Limit

Ineer 37.0 mm 5.55 - 6.25 kg 5.02 kg
Outer 39 mm 19.65 - 22.15 kg 18.1 kg


4.3.11. Rocker Arm and Rocker Arm


Limit 0.4 mm


Rocker arm shaft diameter

Standard Limit
¯18.98 - ¯19.00 mm ¯18.85 mm


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 42 Engine Assembly

Rocker arm
Clearance between rocker arm shaft and rocker arm

Standard Limit
0.020 - 0.070 mm 0.2 mm

If the amount of wear is beyond the limit, replace

either the shaft or rocker arms depending on the
condition of wear.

It is necessary to drill an oil port in the new rocker arm

bushing as it is not provided with the oil port.


4.3.12. Camshaft Assembly


Camshaft diameter and height of cam lobe

Standard Limit
Journal diameter ¯47.945 - ¯47.975mm ¯47.6mm
Height of cam lobe 40.568mm 40.2mm



D A EA0M4062

Clearance between camshaft and bearing

Camshaft bearing
Standard Limit
0.05 mm 0.12 mm


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 43 Engine Assembly

Cam bearing replacement
Removal : remover and installer

Remover and installer


Installation : remover and installer

The oil port in the cylinder body must be aligned with
that in the camshaft bearing.

Align oil port


Standard Limit
0.05 mm 0.1 mm


End play

Standard Limit
0.05-0.11mm 0.2 mm


Camshaft gear replacement

Removal : remover


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 44 Engine Assembly

Drive the gear to the shaft, aligning the key groove on
the gear with the key on the shaft.


Inspect tappet for wear, damage or other abnormal

Pitting Crack Normal contact

Irregular contact EA0M4070


Standard Limit
¯12.977-¯12.990mm ¯12.95 mm

Clearance between tappet and cylinder body

Standard Limit
0.03 mm 0.1 mm


4.3.13. Push Rod


Limit 0.4 mm

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 45 Engine Assembly

4.3.14. Idle Gear and Shaft
Idle gear shaft

Standard Limit
¯44.945 - ¯44.975mm ¯44.845 mm


Clearance between shaft and idle gear

Standard Limit
0.025-0.085mm 0.2 mm


Timing gear case cover oil seal replacement

: Remover


: Installer


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 46 Engine Assembly

4.4. Reassembly
4.4.1. Minor Components
= Cylinder Head


<Reassembly steps>
1. Valve 3. Retainer and valve cotter
▲2. Valve spring

Important operations

= Valve spring (2)

Install the valve spring with the painted end down.

Painted portion


= Retainer and valve cotter (3)

: Compressor

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 47 Engine Assembly

=Rocker arm and shaft assembly

3 21 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


<Ressembly steps> 11. Spring

1. Rocker arm shaft ▲ 12. Rocker arm (C)
2. Waving washer 13. Rocker arm shaft bracket
3. Snap ring ▲ 14. Rocker arm (D)
▲ 4. Rocker arm (A) 15. Spring
5. Rocker arm shaft bracket ▲ 16. Rokcer arm (C)
▲ 6. Rocker arm (D) 17. Rocker arm shaft bracket
7. Spring ▲ 18. Rocker arm (B)
▲ 8. Rocker arm (C) 19. Waving washer
9. Rocker arm shaft bracket 20. Snap ring
▲ 10. Rocker arm (D)

Important operations

= Rocker arm (A) (4) Rocker arm(B) Rocker arm(D)

= Rocker arm (C) (8, 12, 16)
Difference between rocker arm (A) and (C)

=Rocker arm (B) (18)
=Rocker arm (D) (6, 10, 14)
Difference between rocker arm (B) and (D)
Rocker arm(C) Rocker arm(A)


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 48 Engine Assembly

= Piston and connecting-rod assembly

<Reassembly steps>
1. Piston and connecting-rod 3. Snap ring
2. Piston pin 4. Piston ring

Important operations

= Piston and connecting-rod

Install the piston on the connecting-rod, so that
combustion chamber on piston head is on the same
side with the cylinder number mark side (side with
bearing stopper) of the connecting-rod big-end.
Daewoo mark on the connecting-rod should be on the
same side of the front mark on the piston head.

= Piston pin
Install the piston pin after heating the piston to about

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 49 Engine Assembly

= Snap ring
Install the snap ring into the piston using snap ring
pliers, then check to make certain the snap ring is fitted
properly into the groove.

Snap ring

Piston ring 2nd Ring

Use piston ring installer. Install the 1st and 2nd
compression rings with manufacturerÕs mark turned up.
Oil ring can be installed on the piston with either side up.
Piston ring gaps should be positioned as shown in the 3 1
figure. 5
2 4

Use Cr-coating piston ring for cast liner and

nominal piston ring for steel liner.

Important operations
Fit correctly
With oil hole
=Crankshaft and bearing and groove

Journal diameter ¯70 mm

Install the crankshaft after applying engine oil to the

face of the bearing in contact with the crankshaft.


The bearings should be installed correctly in their

respecive position. Install the thrust bearing with the oil
grooved side turned outward.

Cap side


= Installation of bearing cap arch gaskets.

Install the arch gasket on the No.1 and No.5 bearing
No. 5
Amount of projection of gasket 0 - 0.05 mm Arch gasket 0-0.05

No. 1

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 50 Engine Assembly

Apply a coat of silicon gasket evenly to the joining
faces of the No.5 bearing cap and cylinder block. The
No.1 and No.5 bearing caps should be installed flush
with the face of the cylinder Block.

No. 5 bearing cap


Install front and rear side thrust bearings with the oil
groove turned to the timing gear and flywheel,


Tighten crankshaft bearing cap bolts in numerical order.

Torque (kg-m) 18.5

Bolt lenght 89 mm

Apply engine oil EA0M4087

= Rear oil seal

Apply engine oil to the lipped portion of the rear oil Cylincer block
Oil seal
seal, then install it in position using installer. Crankshaft

Engine oil Hammer


Tighten the bolts in the numerical order as the
3 1
5 6
Torque (kg-m) 12.0 2 4


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 51 Engine Assembly

= Piston and connecting-rod 2nd Ring
Lightly oil the piston rings fitted to the piston, then
position piston ring gaps as illustrated in the drawing.

1st Ring Oil Ring

120 EA0M4090

Piston ring compressor

Install the piston and connecting-rod with mark turned
to the front of engine.
Use the piston sleeve.


Install the connecting-rod bearing caps by matching


Torque (kg-m) 8.0 - 9.0



= Oil jet pipe

Tighten the oil jet pipe fixing bolts in the order.


Inspect the gap between oil Jet pipe and piston.

Oil jet


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 52 Engine Assembly

= Crank case
Apply liquid gasket to the arch gasket fitting face of the Rubber gasket
No.1 and No.5 bearing caps. Liquid gasket
Liquid gasket



4.4.2. Internal Parts (Timing gear train)

= Major components : Gear drive type


<Reassmbly steps>
▲1. Idle gear assembly ▲3. Timing gear case cover
▲2. Injection pump gear ▲4. Crank shaft pulley

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 53 Engine Assembly

Important operations

= Idle gear (1)

Install the idel gear, so that the oil port in the idle gear Oil port
shaft is turned to the crankshaft gear side and bolt holes
are aligned.

Align the marks on the camshaft gear, idle gear and

crankshaft gear.


=Injection pump gear (2)

Install the injection pump gear together with injection
pump by aligining the mark with that on the camshaft.


=Timing gear case cover (3)

Check to make sure the o-ring is fitted properly into ring
groove in the timing gear case cover.


Crank shaft pulley (4)

Torque (kg-m) 19.0


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 54 Engine Assembly

=Adjustment of injection timing

1) In-Line Injection pump

Bring the piston in No.1 cylinder to the injection timing
before T.D.C on compression stroke so that T.D.C line
on the pulley is aligned with the point.

Timing 13¡ ± 1¡ T 13° 18°

Bring the mark on the injection pump housing with the
mark on the injection pump backet.

2) VE Injection pump
=Turn the crank pulley until No. 1 piston is placed in the
ÒTDCÓ position of notch marks on the crank pulley, and
then turn again the crank pulley clockwise until
showing the notch mark of the right figure
corresponding to the injection timing is aligned with
the pointer ( ) on the crank pulley.
T 13° 18°
DC24 D
Fuel injection timing EA0O4011
(B.T.D.C static) 13¡

=Check the alignment of the notched lines injection

pump and timing flange
=Loosen 2 fixing bolts of the injection pump.
=Turn the injection pump until the notch mark of the
injection pump attached to the fuel injection pump
flange is aligned with the notch mark of the flange.
Tighten the fixing bolts to specified torque.

Torque (kg.m) 3.5 ± 4.5

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 55 Engine Assembly

4.4.3. Internal Components

<Reassembly steps>
▲ 1. Cylinder head gasket ▲ 3. Rocker arm shaft assembly
▲ 2. Cylinder head 4. Water pump

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 56 Engine Assembly

Important operations

= Cylinder head gasket (1)

Install head gasket on the cylinder block with ÒTOPÓ
mark side up.

"TOP" 0048

"TOP" mark EA0M4102

=Cylinder head (2)

Tighten cylinder head bolts in numerical sequence.

1st step 2nd step

New bolt 6.5 kg.m 8.0 kg.m
Reused bolt 6.5 kg.m 10.0 ± 0.5 kg.m

=Rocker arm shaft assembly (3)

Tighten rocker arm shaft bolts in numerical sequence.

Rocker arm bracket torque 1.3 - 2.3 kg.m

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 57 Engine Assembly

4.4.4. External Components

Important operations Depress here

Fan pulley
= Fan belt (6) about 10mm
Specified belt deflection

Fan belt 10 mm Generator pulley

Crank pulley EA0M3009

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 58 Engine Assembly

5. Lubricating System

5.1. General Description

Oil filter assembly

Relief valve
War ning
Batter y

Oil filter Cylinder block main oil galler y

Crankshaft Camshaft
Timing gear
bear ing bear ing

Oil jet

head valve
rod bear ing
Oil pump


5.2. Oil Pump

=Rotor type

1 3


<Disassembly steps>
1. Oil pipe 3. Pump cover
2. Strainer 4. Vane

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 59 Lubricating System

Inspection and repair

Make necessary correction or parts replacement if wear,

damage or any other abnormal conditions are found
through inspection.

Clearance between vane and body

Standard Limit
0.02 - 0.07 mm 0.15 mm

Clearance between rotor and vane

Standard Limit
0.02 - 0.13 mm 0.15 mm

Clearance between vane and pump body

Standard 0.2 - 0.27 mm

Clearance between rotor shaft and pump body

Standard Limit
0.04 mm 0.2 mm

Pinion replacement
File off caulked end of the pinion stopper, then drive out
the pin toward opposite side.

Install a new stopper pin and caulked end of the pin after


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 60 Lubricating System

Rotor replacement
Drive out the pin from one side.


When the pin is installed, check to make sure the end of
the pin is not projected from the end of rotor.


To assemble, follow the disassemble procedure in
reverse order.

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 61 Lubricating System

5.3. Oil Filter
=Without oil cooler type



<Disassembly steps>
1. Drain plug 4. Oil filter cartridge
2. Plug screw 5. Relief valve assÕy
3. Plug screw 6. Oil filter housing

Inspection and repair

Make necessary correction or parts replacement if damage or any other abnormal conditions are found
through inspection.

To assemble, follow the disassembly procedure in reverse order.

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 62 Lubricating System

5.4. Oil Cooler
5.4.1. Oil Jet Pipe and Oil Pressure Regulating Valve
Make necessary correction or parts replacement if
wear, damage or any other abmormal conditions are
found through inspection.

= Oil jet pipe

Inspect for wear or any other abmormal conditions.


Inspect the regulating valve moving smoothly when it is

pressed using a screw driver.


DC24 (2.4 Liter) 63 Lubricating System

6. Cooling System

6.1. General Description

Cylinder head


Car heater

Cylinder block
Water pump


6.2. Water Pump


<Disassembly steps>
1. Cover ▲ 4. Impeller and mechanial seal
2. Set screw 5. Unit bearing
▲ 3. Hub

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 64 Lubricating System

Important operation

= Hub (3)


= Impeller and Mechanical seal

Heat the pump body in hot water (80-90¡C). (For
aluminum body only.)


Remove impeller using a bench press and a suitable



Inspection and repair

Make necessary correction or parts replacement if wear,
damage or any other abnormal conditions are found
through inspection.

Check the bearing for abmormal noise, binding and

other abnormal conditions.


2.4 Liter (DC24) 65 Cooling System


<Reassembly steps>
▲ 1. Unit bearing 4. Cover
2. Set screw ▲ 5. Hub
▲ 3. Impeller and Mechanical seal

Important operations

= Unit bearing (1)

Press the unit bearing into place by aligning set screw
hole in bearing with that in the pump body, then secure
the unit bearing in position with the screws.
Set screw hole


= Impeller and Mechanial seal (3)

Apply thin coat of liquid gasket (Belco bond No.4) to the
outer periphery of Mechanial seal before installing the
Mechanial seal.

Apply liquid
gasket here

2.4 Liter (DC24) 66 Cooling System

Install the impeller in position using bench press, so that
the specified clearance is provided between the impeller
and pump body.

Clearance 0.3 - 0.6 mm


After installation, check that rear face of the impeller is

indented from the face of the pump body.

Depth 1.0 mm


= Fan center (5)

Distance between fan fitting face and rear face of the
rear cover

Distance 110.7 - 111.3 mm


6.3. Thermostat Thermometer

Inspection and repair Rule

Make necessary correction or parts replacement if wear,
damage or any other abmormal conditions are found
through inspection.

Valve opening Valve lift at testing Wood piece

Temperature Temperature
82 ¡C 8 mm(at 95¡C) EA0M6013


2.4 Liter (DC24) 67 Cooling System

7. Fuel System

7.1. General Description

1) In-Line Injection pump

Nozzle holder

Fuel filter

Fuel tank Injection pump


2) VE Injection pump

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 68 Lubricating System

=With the VE type injection pump, the number of the plungers has no relationship to the number of
engine cylinders, and there is only one plunger.
=This single plunger reciprocates while rotating, and fuel oil is injected into each cylinder through the
injection pipes in accordance with the engine`s firing order.

2.4 Liter (DC24) 69 Fuel System

7.2. Injection Nozzle

7 3


<Disassembly steps>
1. Cap nut 6. Nozzle nut
2. Nut ▲7. Nozzle
3. Adjusting screw 8. Nozzle holder screw
4. Nozzle spring 9. Connector
5. Push rod

Important operations

=Nozzle (7)
After removal of nozzle assembly from the nozzle
body, keep them separate to maintain proper needle
valve to body combinations.

To reassemble, follow the disassembly procedure in
reverse order.
Refer to ÒFUEL SYSTEMÓ in general information for
injection of spraying condition and injection starting
pressure adjustment.

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 70 Lubricating System

7.3. Injection Pump Calibration
7.3.1. VE Injection pump (ELFFO/FFN/FFL/FFE)
(1) Injection pump 65.11101 - 7329 (104780 - 9340 ZEXEL) - ELFFO
65.11101 - 7665 (104780 - 7120 ZEXEL) - ELFFN / L / E
(2) Nozzle & holder assÕy ALTERNATIVE
=Nozzle & holder assÕy : 65.10101 - 7075A (DOOWON)
Nozzle ass`y 65.10102 - 6012 (105000 - 1740)
=Nozzle & holder assÕy 65.10101 - 7076A (LUCAS)
Nozzle ass`y 65.10102 - 6030 (9135-173)
(3) Injection pipe: 65.10301 - 6301
(4) Injection order: 1-3-4-2
(5) Injection timing: BTDC 13 ± 1¡

(A) Test condition for Nozzle 105000-2010 Opening pressure: 150 kg/cm2
injection pump Holder AssÕy 105780-2080 -
Injection pipe(IDxOD-L) - ¯2.0 x ¯6.0-840 mm
Test oil ISO4113 Temperature: 40 ± 5 ¡C
(B) Engine stan 65.10101-7075A
Nozzle (¯1.0)
dard parts (DOOWON)
Nozzle & holder AssÕy
(LUCAS) Opening pressure: 120 kg/cm2

Injection pipe(ID x L) 65.10301-6301 ¯2.0 x 500 mm

Plunger diameter ¯10 Plunger spring k=7.25 kg/mm
Delivery valve spring k=0.48 kg/mm Damping valve spring k=0.182 kg/mm
Timer advance ELFFO 4.4¡/600 ~ 1,125 rpm Timer spring ELFFO k=2,05 kg/mm
characteristic ELFFN/L/E 4.4¡/600 ~ 1,200 rpm ELFFN/L/E k=1.9 kg/mm
Advance angle/Piston stroke 1¡/0.82
Governor ELFFO k=0.104 kg/mm Idle spring constant I ELFFO k=0.03 kg/mm
spring ELFFN/L/E k=0.122 kg/mm Idle spring constant II ELFFN/L/E k=0.23 kg/mm
Rated voltage 12 V Power consumption 16 W
Starting voltage bellow 6.5 V Holding voltage above 2.5V
Opening voltage 0.5 V
at Idle above 0.3kg at Full load bellow 3.0kg

2.4 Liter (DC24) 71 Fuel System

6) Injection pump calibration (DC24 : ELFFO)

(1) Governor adjustment

Pump speed Average quantity Max. various Adjust

(rpm) (mm3/stroke) between cylinder Remark
500 (41.0 ± 2.0)
Full load 900 41.0 ± 1.0 3.0 ✻ Full load
1125 (41.0 ± 1.0)
Governing 1285 9.0 ± 3.0 ✻ Governing
Idling 425 7.5 ± 2.0 2.0 ✻ Idling
Start (idling) 100 (60.0 ± 20)

(2) Timer and pump adjustment

Pump speed Pressure of pump

Timer stroke
(rpm) camber Adjust Remark
700 (3.4 ± 0.3) (0.6 ± 0.4) Check point
900 4.0 ± 0.2 1.8 ± 0.4 ✻ Adjust of pump and timer
1125 (4.7 ± 0.3) 3.4 ± 0.4 Check point

7) Injection pump calibration (DC24 : ELFFN / L / E)

(1) Governor adjustment

Max. various
Pump speed Average quantity Adjust
between cylinder Remark
(rpm) (mm3/stroke) Adjust
500 (34.5 ± 2.0)
Full load 900 35.5 ± 1.0 3.0 ✻ Full load
1200 (36.0 ± 1.0)
Governing 1320 8.5 ± 3.0 ✻ Governing
Idling 425 7.5 ± 2.0 2.0 ✻ Idling
Start (idling) 100 (60.0 ± 20)

(2) Timer and pump adjustment

Pump speed Pressure of pump

Timer stroke
(rpm) camber Adjust Remark
700 (3.2 ± 0.3) (0.4 ± 0.4) Check point
900 3.8 ± 0.2 1.3 ± 0.4 ✻ Adjust of pump and timer
1200 (4.6 ± 0.3) 3.4 ± 0.4 Check point

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 72 Lubricating System

7.3.2. In-line Injection pump (ELFFA / FFD / FFI / FFJ)
1) Injection pump assÕy 65.11101 - 7289 (101441 - 9830 ZEXEL)
- Fuel injection pump 101044 - 9160 (NP - PES4A65C312LS2000)
- Governor 105419 - 2610 (NP - EP/RSV200 - 1600A021A301)
- Timer 105621 - 0370 (NP - EP/SCD500 - 1750A6LN106)
- Feed pump 105200 - 6450 (NP - FP/KS - A)
2) Nozzle & holder assÕy : ALTERNATIVE
=Nozzle & holder assÕy : 65.10101 - 7075A (DOOWON)
Nozzle ass`y 65.10102 - 6012 (105000 - 1740)
=Nozzle & holder assÕy 65.10101 - 7076A (LUCAS)
Nozzle assÕy 65.10102 - 6030 (9135 - 173)
3) Injection pipe: 65.10301 - 6172
4) Injection order: 1-3-4-2
5) Injection timing: BTDC 13 ± 1¡

(A) Test condition for Nozzle 105780-0000 Opening pressure: 175 kg/cm2
injection pump Nozzle & holder AssÕy 105780-8140 -
Injection pipe(IDxOD-L) - ¯6.0 x ¯2.0 - 600 mm
Test oil ISO4113 Temperature: 40 ± 5 ¡C
(B) Engine standard 65.10101-7075A
Nozzle (¯1.0)
parts Nozzle & holder AssÕy (DOOWON)
Opening pressure: 120 kg/cm2
Injection pipe(ID x L) 65.10301-6172 ¯2.0 x 334 mm
Rack diagram and setting valve at each point
Check Rack Pump Injection Q`ty on RIG
Point position speed (mm3 / 1,000st) Press.
(mm) (rpm) (A) Test condition (B) Engine (mmHg)
18+30 for inj. pump standard parts
A 12.5 750 37 ± 1.6 - -
12.2 B B 12.0 1200 38.5 ± 1.0 - -
0.5 +0.1

C 8.2 350 8 ± 1.1 - -
8.2 C

0 350 (1000) 1325 +10

1:00 1200+90

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 73 Lubricating System

8. Intake and Exhaust System

8.1. Intake Manifold

Intake manifold
Check intake manifold head side for flatness.

Limit 0.4 mm


To reassemble, follow the disassembly procedure in

8.2. Exhaust Manifold

Inspection and repair

Make necessary correction or parts replacement if wear,
damage or any other abnormal conditions are found
through inspection.

Limit 0.4 mm

Check manifold head side for flatness

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 74 Lubricating System

9. Special Tool List
No. Part No. Figure Tool Name

1 EF.122-254 Oil seal insert assÕy (Front)

2 EF.122-256 Oil seal insert assÕy (Rear)

3 EF.122-252 Pilot bearing puller

4 EF.122-250 Pilot bearing punch

5 EF.122-249 Valve spring press

6 EF.122-264 Crank gear punch

7 EF.122-177 Valve stem seal punch

8 EU.2-0525 Cylinder pressure tester adapter

9 EF.122-266 Piston sleeve

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 75 Lubricating System

No. Part No. Figure Tool Name

10 EF.122-260 Cylinder liner insert

11 EF.122-258 Cylinder liner puller

12 EU.2-0131 Valve clearance adjust assÕy

13 60.99901-0027 Feeler gauge

14 T7610001E Snap ring plier

15 T7621010E Piston ring plier

DC24 (2.4 Liter) 76 Lubricating System

- Engine Assembly(ELFFO)
M a y. 1 9 9 8

Service Manual
Delce Remy CS-121
Series Alternators
Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety
rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an
accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary train-
ing, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before operating or performing lubrication,
maintenance and repair on this product.

Basic safety precautions are listed in the ÒSafetyÓ section of the Service or Technical Manual. Additional safety
precautions are listed in the ÒSafetyÓ section of the owner/operation/maintenance publication.
Specific safety warnings for all these publications are provided in the description of operations where hazards
exist. WARNING labels have also been put on the product to provide instructions and to identify specific hazards.
If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons. Warnings in
this publication and on the product labels are identified by the following symbol.


Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result
in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read
and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this publica-

DAEWOO cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings in
this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating
technique not specifically recommended by DAEWOO is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you
and others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by the operation, lubri-
cation, maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at the
time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other
items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the complete
and most current information before starting any job. DAEWOO dealers have the most current information avail-


Alternator................................................................. 5

Systems Operation
Alternator................................................................. 6
CS-121 Alternator Operation ........................... 6
Alternator Components ............................ 7
Alternator Operation Schematic ............... 9
Introduction ...................................................... 6

Testing And Adjusting

Alternator ............................................................... 11
Alternator Output Test ............................ 11
Machine Test .......................................... 11

Troubleshooting..................................................... 10
Troubleshooting Problem List ................ 10
Troubleshooting Problems ..................... 10

Delco Remy Alternators 3 Index




DAEWOO Delco Remy
Part No. Part No. Series Voltage
8C5510 1101291 CS-121 12V


CS-121 Alternator End View

DAEWOO Part No. 8C5510
Delco Remy Series CS-121
Voltage Rating 12V
Polarity Neg. Gnd.
Rotation CW
2 Test Speed 6500 rpm
Rated Output (Cold) 61A
Output Voltage 14.0L0.5V
CS-121 Alternator Cross-Sectional View Rotor Field Winding
Resistance [At 27C(80¡F)] -
Field Current [At 14.0V or -
27.5V and 27C(80¡F)]
Stator Winding -
Turn On Speed (Max.) -
Slip Rings (3) : -
Maximum Runout (TIR)
Minimum Diameter -
Brush Length (Measured
On Longest Side) : -
Pulley Nut (2) Torque 100 L 7 N I m
(75 L lb I ft)
Thru Bolt (1) Torque -
Terminal Torques :
Bat 3.6 L 0.8 N I m
(32 L 7 lb I in)
Gnd -

Delco Remy Alernators 5 Specifications

Systems Operation
The alternator converts mechanical and magnetic
Alternator energy to alternating current (AC) and voltage. This
process is done by rotating a direct current (DC)
electromagnetic field (rotor) inside a three phase
Introduction stator. The alternating current and voltage (generated
by the stator) are changed to direct current by a three
phase, full wave rectifier system using six silicone
The CS-121 Delco Remy Alternators have three
rectifier diodes. This alternator does not have a diode
phase, full-wave, rectified output.
trio. A solid state regulator is installed in the back of
the alternator. Two brushes conduct current through
two slip rings to the field coil on the rotor.
CS-121 Alternator Operation
There is also a capacitor mounted in the back of the
alternator. The capacitor protects the rectifier from
high voltages. It also suppresses electrical noise
through a radio, if equipped.

The alternator is connected to the battery through

terminal ÒLÓ and the ignition or key start switch for
alternator turn-on. Therefore, alternator excitation
occurs when the switch is turned on.


Delco Remy CS-121 Alternator

The alternator is an electrical and mechanical

component driven by belt rotation from the engine. It
is used to charge the storage battery during engine
operation. This alternator is cooled by two fans that
are a part of the alternator. The external fan is
mounted behind the pulley. The fan pulls air through
holes in the back of the alternator. The air exits the
front of the alternator, cooling it in the process. The
internal fan is mounted on the rotor. This fan pulls air
through the holes in the back of the alternator to cool
the rectifier bridge and regulator. The air exits the
front of the alternator.

Delco Remy Alternators 6 Systems Operation

Alternator Components
2 9

3 5 6
1 2 4



Alternator Components-Inside View of Rear Frame

(2) Rear frame. (7) Brush holder. (9) Regulator.
(10) Rectifier.

The major components of the alternator are stator
(4), rotor (3), rectifier (10), regulator (9), brush holder
(7) and frames (2) and (5). The CS-121 alternators
8 feature a high ampere output per pound of weight,
IDAS013B with a totally new and different regulator. A diode trio
is not used. A delta wound stator, rectifier bridge,
Alternator Components-Cross-Sectional View rotor with slip rings and brushes are electrically
(1) Slip rings. (2) Rear frame. (3) Rotor. (4) Stator. (5) Drive similar to the SI series. alternators. The CS stands
end frame. (6) External fan. (7) Brush holder. (8) Internal for Charging System. The 121 denotes the outside
fan. diameter in millimeters of the stator laminations. This
series of alternators has two fans for cooling the


(4) Stator.

Stator (4) consists of a stator core and coils. As the

rotor turns, its varying magnetic field causes the stator
coil to produce three phase alternating current (AC).

Delco Remy Alternators 7 Systems Operation

1 10

IDAS003C 8

(1) Slip rings. (3) Rotor. (8) Internal fan.

Rotor (3) consists of a core, coils and slip rings (1).

The rotor provides the magnetic field between the
rotor field winding and the stator. Slip rings (1) pro-
vide the surfaces for brush contact. Internal fan (8) IDAS016B
pulls air through the rear frame to cool the rectifier
bridge and regulator.
(10) Rectifier.

Rectifier (10) contains three positive (+) and three

negative (-) diodes to form the full wave rectifier
bridge which is connected to the stator. Rectifier (10)
changes or rectifies three phase AC to DC.


Brush Holder
(7) Brush holder. (11) Brushes.

Brush holder (7) contains two brushes (11). They

contact the two rotating slip rings on the rotor. IDAS017B
Current flows to the rotor coil through the brushes
and slip rings. There is one positive (+) and one neg- Regulator
ative (-) brush. The brush material is copper graphite. (9) Regulator.

Regulator (9) controls alternator output. Most regulators

limit the alternator voltage to a preset value by controlling
the field current. It operates electronically to alternately
"turn off" and "turn on" the voltage across the field
winding. This regulator switches the field current on and
off at fixed frequency of about 400 cycles per second. By
varying the on-off time, the correct average field current
for proper system voltage control is obtained. The
regulator is mounted in the back of the alternator.

Delco Remy Alternators 8 Systems Operation

Alternator Operation Schematic The field current is sufficient to cause the alternator
to turn on when the engine is started. At engine idle
The integral charging system schematic and speeds, voltage induced in the stator will cause the
explanation that follow indicate the terminals and stator to supply field current and also output voltage
basic circuitry for the CS-121 series alternator. and current at the Bat terminal for the vehicle
electrical system.

On some models, a resistor is used in parallel with

the indicator lamp. This feature insures alternator
SWITCH turn-on in the event the lamp burns out. The zener
diodes in the rectifier bridge protect the system
against high voltages in the stator.
LAMP The regulator switches the field voltage on and off at
a fixed frequency of about 400 cycles per second.
BAT Voltage control is obtained by varying the "on-off"
time of the field current. Thus, at low speeds, the field
may be turned on 90 percent of the time and off 10
P L I S percent of the time. This results in a relatively high
average field current, which, when combined with
the low alternator speed, produces the desired
system voltage.

As alternator speed increases, less field current is

TR1 needed to generate the desired system voltage. The
duty cycle changes to reduce the average field
current. For example, at high engine speeds, the
regulator may be on only 10 percent of the time and
off 90 percent of the time. This duty cycle will change
FIELD as operating factors change to provide just the right
amount of voltage.
BRIDGE Most regulators are temperature compensated to
provide the maximum voltage needed for battery
charging. As the temperature increases, the voltage
setting will decrease. Under cold weather conditions,
the regulator will operate at a higher voltage setting
to provide the higher voltage required by the battery
for charging under these conditions.

The regulator circuitry is designed to perform a

CS-121 Integral Charging System Schematic
special function in the charging system called Load
Response Control. Without this function, a change in
When the switch is closed, the indicator lamp turns engine speed may occur at low engine speeds when
on and a voltage is applied to the regulator at the "L" an electrical load is added to the system. This can
terminal to cause transistor TR1 to rapidly "turn on" happen when the engine is low idle and a fan blower
and "turn off". The transistor will be turned on about is turned on.
30 percent of the time and turned off 70 percent of
the time. The battery will supply field current which Load Response Control Causes the field current and
will flow into the alternator output or Bat terminal and the alternator output current to increase gradually.
then through TR1 and the field coil to ground. Field This avoids changes in engine speed. Instead of
current does not flow through the indicator lamp. instantly supplying the added amperes needed to
operate the blower motor, the alternator provides
these added amperes over a period of a few
seconds. At first, the battery supplies the added load,
which is then gradually transferred to the alternator.

Delco Remy Alternators 9 Systems Operation

Problem 2: Alternator Charge Rate Is Low Or Not
Testing And Adjusting Regular

Probable Cause:
1. Loose Drive Belt For Alternator:
Adjust the alternator drive belt.

Troubleshooting can be difficult. On the page that 2. Loose Alternator Drive Pulley:
follows is a list of possible problems. To make a repair Check the pulley for wear. If it is worn, install a
to a problem, make reference to the probable cause. new pulley. Tighten the pulley nut to the correct
torque shown in Specifications.
This list of problems and probable causes will only
give an indication of where a possible problem can 3. Charging Or Ground Return Circuit Or Battery
be and what repairs are needed. Sometimes more or Connections Defective:
other repair work is needed beyond the Inspect all cables and connections. Clean and
recommendations in the list. Remember that a tighten all connections. Replace defective parts.
problem is not normally caused by one part, but by
4. Regulator Is Defective:
the relation of one part with other parts. This list
Replace the regulator.
cannot give all possible problems and probable
causes. The serviceman must find the problem and 5. Rectifier Is Defective:
its source, then make the necessary repairs. Replace the rectifier.

6. Brushes Are Worn Or Dirty:

Troubleshooting Problem List Install a new brush holder.

1. Alternator Does Not Charge. Problem 3: Alternator Charges Too Much

2. Alternator Charge Rate Is Low Or Not Regular. Probable Cause:
3. Alternator Charges Too Much. 1. Alternator Or Regulator Has Loose Connections:
4. Alternator Is Noisy. Tighten all connections to alternator or regulator.

2. Regulator Is Defective:
Install a new regulator.
Troubleshooting Problems
Problem 4: Alternator Is Noisy
Problem 1: Alternator Does Not Charge
Probable Cause:
Probable Cause:
1. Drive Belt For Alternator Is Worn Or Defective:
1. Loose Drive Belt For Alternator : Install a new drive belt for the alternator.
Adjust the alternator drive belt.
2. Loose Alternator Drive Pulley:
2. Loose Alternator Drive Pulley : Check the pulley for wear. If it is worn, install a
Check the pulley for wear. If it is worn, install a new pulley. Tighten the pulley nut to the correct
new pulley. Tighten the pulley nut to the correct torque shown in Specifications.
torque shown in Specifications. 3. Drive Belt And Drive Pulley For Alternator Are Not
3. Charging Or Ground Return Circuit Or Battery In Alignment:
Connection Are Defective: Make an adjustment to put the drive belt and drive
Inspect all cables and connections. Clean and pulley in correct alignment.
tighten all connections. Replace defective parts. 4. Alternator Bearings Are Worn:
4. Rotor Field Winding Or Regulator Is Defective: Install new bearings in the alternator.
Install a new rotor or regulator.

Delco Remy Alternators 10 Testing and Adjusting


Alternator Output Test

NOTE: If the CS-121 alternator fails this test, it must

be replaced. It is only serviced as a complete

Tools Needed
Digital Multimeter or Equivalent 1
AC/DC Clamp-On Ammeter 1

Machine Test

1. Put the multimeter positive (+) lead on the Bat

terminal of the alternator. Put the negative (-) lead
on the ground terminal or the frame of the
alternator. Put the clamp-on ammeter around the
positive output wire of the alternator.

2. Turn off all electrical accessories. With the fuel off,

crank the engine for 30 seconds. Wait two minutes
to let the starter cool. If the system appears to be
up to specifications, crank the engine again for 30

NOTE: Cranking the engine for 30 seconds partially

discharges the batteries in order to do a
charging test. If the battery is already low in
charge, skip this step. Jump-start engine or
charge as required.

3. Start the engine and run at approximately 1/2


4. Immediately check output current. This initial

charging current should be equal to or greater than
the full output current shown below:

5. Within approximately 10 minutes at 1/2 throttle

(possible longer, depending upon battery size,
condition and alternator rating), the alternator
output voltage should be as follows to indicate the
alternator is performing within spec. See the Fault
Conditions And Possible Causes Chart.
12V System ................................. 14.0L0.5V

6. The charging current during this period should

taper off the less than approximately 10 Amps,
depending again upon battery and alternator
capacities. See the Fault Conditions And Possible
Causes Chart.

Delco Remy Alternators 11 Testing and Adjusting

Current At Voltage After About Voltage After About Voltage After About
Start-Up 10 Min. Is Below Spec. 10 Min. Is In Spec. 10 Min. Is Above Spec.

Repair alternator (defective Turn on all accessories.

regulator, open stator phase, If voltage drops below spec., -
Below Specification. and/or rectifier). Check ignition repair alternator (open rectifier
or key start switch circuit.* and/or stator phase).
Reached Alternator and battery in spec. Repair alternator
Repair alternator Turn on all accessories to verify.
Specification (defective regulator). (shorted regulator).
and then tapered off. Voltage must stay in spec.
Exceeds Specification Check battery. Alternator in spec. Repair alternator
and stays high. Check battery. (shorted regulator).
Also check battery
for possible damage.

* Some models that have the CS-121 alternator do not have a resistor in the ignition of key start switch circuit, if the indicator
lamp is burned out, the alternator cannot turn on. Also, if a machine is jump started because the battery is too low, the
alternator may not have any output. This is because the battery may be too low to send current to the alternator. The
alternator needs current to start the charging process.

Delco Remy Alternators 12 Testing and Adjusting

Oct. 2000

Service Manual
CS-105D Series
Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety
rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an
accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary train-
ing, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before operating or performing lubrication,
maintenance and repair on this product.

Basic safety precautions are listed in the ÒSafetyÓ section of the Service or Technical Manual. Additional safety
precautions are listed in the ÒSafetyÓ section of the owner/operation/maintenance publication.
Specific safety warnings for all these publications are provided in the description of operations where hazards
exist. WARNING labels have also been put on the product to provide instructions and to identify specific hazards.
If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons. Warnings in
this publication and on the product labels are identified by the following symbol.


Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result
in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read
and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this publica-

DAEWOO cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings in
this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating
technique not specifically recommended by DAEWOO is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you
and others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by the operation, lubri-
cation, maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at the
time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other
items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the complete
and most current information before starting any job. DAEWOO dealers have the most current information avail-


Alternator................................................................. 5

Systems Operation
Alternator................................................................. 6
CS-105D Alternator Operation......................... 6
Alternator Components ............................ 7
Alternator Operation Schematic ............... 9
Introduction ...................................................... 6

Testing And Adjusting

Alternator ............................................................... 11
Alternator Output Test ............................ 11
Machine Test .......................................... 11

Troubleshooting..................................................... 10
Troubleshooting Problem List ................ 10
Troubleshooting Problems ..................... 10

CS-105D Alternator 3 Index




DAEWOO Supplier
Part No. Part No. Series Voltage

A274017 219299 CS-105D 12V

CS-105D Alternator End View

DAEWOO Part No. A274017
Series CS-105D
Voltage Rating 12V
Polarity Neg. Gnd.
Rotation CW
Test Speed 6500 rpm
Rated Output (Cold) 50A
Output Voltage 14.5 L 0.3V
Rotor Field Winding
Resistance [At 27¡C(80¡F)] 2.97 ~ 3.05 OHMS
Field Current [At 14.0V or -
CS-105D Alternator View 27.5V and 27¡C(80¡F)]
Stator Winding -
Turn On Speed (Max.) -
Slip Rings (3) : 0.08
Maximum Runout (TIR)
Minimum Diameter -
Brush Length (Measured
On Longest Side) : 17.0 L 0.3 mm
Pulley Nut (2) Torque 100 L 10 N I m
(900 L 90 lb I in)
Thru Bolt (1) Torque -
Terminal Torques : 10 L 1.0 N I m
Bat (90 L 10 lb I in)
Gnd -

CS-105D Alternator 5 Specifications

Systems Operation
The alternator converts mechanical and magnetic
Alternator energy to alternating current (AC) and voltage. This
process is done by rotating a direct current (DC)
electromagnetic field (rotor) inside a three phase
Introduction stator. The alternating current and voltage (generated
by the stator) are changed to direct current by a three
phase, full wave rectifier system using six silicone
The CS-105D Alternators have three phase,
rectifier diodes. This alternator does not have a diode
full-wave, rectified output.
trio. A solid state regulator is installed in the back of
the alternator. Two brushes conduct current through
two slip rings to the field coil on the rotor.
CS-105D Alternator Operation
There is also a capacitor mounted in the back of the
alternator. The capacitor protects the rectifier from
high voltages. It also suppresses electrical noise
through a radio, if equipped.

The alternator is connected to the battery through

terminal ÒLÓ and the ignition or key start switch for
alternator turn-on. Therefore, alternator excitation
occurs when the switch is turned on.

CS-105D Alternator

The alternator is an electrical and mechanical

component driven by belt rotation from the engine. It
is used to charge the storage battery during engine
operation. This alternator is cooled by two fans that
are a part of the alternator. The external fan is
mounted behind the pulley. The fan pulls air through
holes in the back of the alternator. The air exits the
front of the alternator, cooling it in the process. The
internal fan is mounted on the rotor. This fan pulls air
through the holes in the back of the alternator to cool
the rectifier bridge and regulator. The air exits the
front of the alternator.

CS-105D Alternator 6 Systems Operation

Alternator Components



Alternator Components-Inside View of Rear Frame

(2) Rear frame. (7) Brush holder. (9) Regulator.
(10) Rectifier.

The major components of the alternator are stator

(4), rotor (3), rectifier (10), regulator (9), brush holder
(7) and frames (2) and (5). The CS-105D alternators
feature a high ampere output per pound of weight,
with a totally new and different regulator. A diode trio
is not used. A delta wound stator, rectifier bridge,
Alternator Components-Cross-Sectional View rotor with slip rings and brushes are electrically
(1) Slip rings. (2) Rear frame. (3) Rotor. (4) Stator. similar to the SI series. alternators. The CS stands
(5) Drive end frame. (6) External fan. (7) Brush holder. for Charging System. The 105 denotes the outside
(8) Internal fan. diameter in millimeters of the stator laminations. This
series of alternators has two fans for cooling the


(4) Stator.

Stator (4) consists of a stator core and coils. As the

rotor turns, its varying magnetic field causes the stator
coil to produce three phase alternating current (AC).

CS-105D Alternator 7 Systems Operation



P0004350 P0004349

Rotor Rectifier
(1) Slip rings. (3) Rotor. (8) Internal fan. (10) Rectifier.

Rotor (3) consists of a core, coils and slip rings (1). Rectifier (10) contains three positive (+) and three
The rotor provides the magnetic field between the negative (-) diodes to form the full wave rectifier
rotor field winding and the stator. Slip rings (1) pro- bridge which is connected to the stator. Rectifier (10)
vide the surfaces for brush contact. Internal fan (8) changes or rectifies three phase AC to DC.
pulls air through the rear frame to cool the rectifier
bridge and regulator.


(9) Regulator.

Regulator (9) controls alternator output. Most regula-

11 tors limit the alternator voltage to a preset value by
IDAS015B controlling the field current. It operates electronically
to alternately "turn off" and "turn on" the voltage
Brush Holder across the field winding. This regulator switches the
(7) Brush holder. (11) Brushes. field current on and off at fixed frequency of about
400 cycles per second. By varying the on-off time,
the correct average field current for proper system
Brush holder (7) contains two brushes (11). They
voltage control is obtained. The regulator is
contact the two rotating slip rings on the rotor.
mounted in the back of the alternator.
Current flows to the rotor coil through the brushes
and slip rings. There is one positive (+) and one neg-
ative (-) brush. The brush material is copper graphite.

CS-105D Alternator 8 Systems Operation

Alternator Operation Schematic

The integral charging system schematic and The field current is sufficient to cause the alternator
explanation that follow indicate the terminals and to turn on when the engine is started. At engine idle
basic circuitry for the CS-105D series alternator. speeds, voltage induced in the stator will cause the
stator to supply field current and also output voltage
and current at the Bat terminal for the vehicle
electrical system.

On some models, a resistor is used in parallel with

the indicator lamp. This feature insures alternator
turn-on in the event the lamp burns out. The zener
diodes in the rectifier bridge protect the system
against high voltages in the stator.

The regulator switches the field voltage on and off at

a fixed frequency of about 400 cycles per second.
Voltage control is obtained by varying the "on-off"
time of the field current. Thus, at low speeds, the field
may be turned on 90 percent of the time and off 10
percent of the time. This results in a relatively high
average field current, which, when combined with
the low alternator speed, produces the desired
system voltage.

CS-105D Integral Charging System Schematic As alternator speed increases, less field current is
needed to generate the desired system voltage. The
duty cycle changes to reduce the average field
When the switch is closed, the indicator lamp turns current. For example, at high engine speeds, the
on and a voltage is applied to the regulator at the "L" regulator may be on only 10 percent of the time and
terminal to cause transistor to rapidly "turn on" and off 90 percent of the time. This duty cycle will change
"turn off". The transistor will be turned on about 30 as operating factors change to provide just the right
percent of the time and turned off 70 percent of the amount of voltage.
time. The battery will supply field current which will
flow into the alternator output or Bat terminal and Most regulators are temperature compensated to
then through transistor and the field coil to ground. provide the maximum voltage needed for battery
Field current does not flow through the indicator charging. As the temperature increases, the voltage
lamp. setting will decrease. Under cold weather conditions,
the regulator will operate at a higher voltage setting
to provide the higher voltage required by the battery
for charging under these conditions.

CS-105D Alternator 9 Systems Operation

Problem 2: Alternator Charge Rate Is Low Or Not
Testing And Adjusting Regular

Probable Cause:
1. Loose Drive Belt For Alternator:
Adjust the alternator drive belt.

Troubleshooting can be difficult. On the page that 2. Loose Alternator Drive Pulley:
follows is a list of possible problems. To make a repair Check the pulley for wear. If it is worn, install a
to a problem, make reference to the probable cause. new pulley. Tighten the pulley nut to the correct
torque shown in Specifications.
This list of problems and probable causes will only
give an indication of where a possible problem can 3. Charging Or Ground Return Circuit Or Battery
be and what repairs are needed. Sometimes more or Connections Defective:
other repair work is needed beyond the Inspect all cables and connections. Clean and
recommendations in the list. Remember that a tighten all connections. Replace defective parts.
problem is not normally caused by one part, but by
4. Regulator Is Defective:
the relation of one part with other parts. This list
Replace the regulator.
cannot give all possible problems and probable
causes. The serviceman must find the problem and 5. Rectifier Is Defective:
its source, then make the necessary repairs. Replace the rectifier.

6. Brushes Are Worn Or Dirty:

Troubleshooting Problem List Install a new brush holder.

1. Alternator Does Not Charge. Problem 3: Alternator Charges Too Much

2. Alternator Charge Rate Is Low Or Not Regular. Probable Cause:
3. Alternator Charges Too Much. 1. Alternator Or Regulator Has Loose Connections:
4. Alternator Is Noisy. Tighten all connections to alternator or regulator.

2. Regulator Is Defective:
Install a new regulator.
Troubleshooting Problems
Problem 4: Alternator Is Noisy
Problem 1: Alternator Does Not Charge
Probable Cause:
Probable Cause:
1. Drive Belt For Alternator Is Worn Or Defective:
1. Loose Drive Belt For Alternator : Install a new drive belt for the alternator.
Adjust the alternator drive belt.
2. Loose Alternator Drive Pulley:
2. Loose Alternator Drive Pulley : Check the pulley for wear. If it is worn, install a
Check the pulley for wear. If it is worn, install a new pulley. Tighten the pulley nut to the correct
new pulley. Tighten the pulley nut to the correct torque shown in Specifications.
torque shown in Specifications. 3. Drive Belt And Drive Pulley For Alternator Are Not
3. Charging Or Ground Return Circuit Or Battery In Alignment:
Connection Are Defective: Make an adjustment to put the drive belt and drive
Inspect all cables and connections. Clean and pulley in correct alignment.
tighten all connections. Replace defective parts. 4. Alternator Bearings Are Worn:
4. Rotor Field Winding Or Regulator Is Defective: Install new bearings in the alternator.
Install a new rotor or regulator.

CS-105D Alternator 10 Testing and Adjusting


Alternator Output Test

NOTE: If the CS-105D alternator fails this test, it

must be replaced. It is only serviced as a
complete unit.

Tools Needed
Digital Multimeter or Equivalent 1
AC/DC Clamp-On Ammeter 1

Machine Test

1. Put the multimeter positive (+) lead on the Bat

terminal of the alternator. Put the negative (-) lead
on the ground terminal or the frame of the
alternator. Put the clamp-on ammeter around the
positive output wire of the alternator.

2. Turn off all electrical accessories. With the fuel off,

crank the engine for 30 seconds. Wait two minutes
to let the starter cool. If the system appears to be
up to specifications, crank the engine again for 30

NOTE: Cranking the engine for 30 seconds partially

discharges the batteries in order to do a
charging test. If the battery is already low in
charge, skip this step. Jump-start engine or
charge as required.

3. Start the engine and run at approximately 1/2


4. Immediately check output current. This initial

charging current should be equal to or greater than
the full output current shown below:

5. Within approximately 10 minutes at 1/2 throttle

(possible longer, depending upon battery size,
condition and alternator rating), the alternator
output voltage should be as follows to indicate the
alternator is performing within spec. See the Fault
Conditions And Possible Causes Chart.
12V System ................................. 14.5 ± 0.3V

6. The charging current during this period should

taper off the less than approximately 10 Amps,
depending again upon battery and alternator
capacities. See the Fault Conditions And Possible
Causes Chart.

CS-105D Alternator 11 Testing and Adjusting

Current At Voltage After About Voltage After About Voltage After About
Start-Up 10 Min. Is Below Spec. 10 Min. Is In Spec. 10 Min. Is Above Spec.

Repair alternator (defective Turn on all accessories.

regulator, open stator phase, If voltage drops below spec., -
Below Specification. and/or rectifier). Check ignition repair alternator (open rectifier
or key start switch circuit.* and/or stator phase).
Reached Alternator and battery in spec. Repair alternator
Repair alternator Turn on all accessories to verify.
Specification (defective regulator). (shorted regulator).
and then tapered off. Voltage must stay in spec.
Exceeds Specification Check battery. Alternator in spec. Repair alternator
and stays high. Check battery. (shorted regulator).
Also check battery
for possible damage.

* Some models that have the CS-105D alternator do not have a resistor in the ignition of key start switch circuit, if the indicator
lamp is burned out, the alternator cannot turn on. Also, if a machine is jump started because the battery is too low, the
alternator may not have any output. This is because the battery may be too low to send current to the alternator. The
alternator needs current to start the charging process.

CS-105D Alternator 12 Testing and Adjusting

Oct. 2000

Systems Operation
Testing & Adjusting
Disassembly & Assembly
Lift Trucks Power Train
D15S-2, D18S-2, D20SC-2
G15S-2, G18S-2, G20SC-2
Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety
rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an
accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary
training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before operating or performing lubrication,
maintenance and repair on this product.

Basic safety precautions are listed in the ÒSafetyÓ section of the Service or Technical Manual. Additional safety
precautions are listed in the ÒSafetyÓ section of the owner/operation/maintenance publication.
Specific safety warnings for all these publications are provided in the description of operations where hazards
exist. WARNING labels have also been put on the product to provide instructions and to identify specific hazards.
If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons. Warnings in
this publication and on the product labels are identified by the following symbol.


Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result
in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read and
understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this

DAEWOO cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings in
this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating
technique not specifically recommended by DAEWOO is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and
others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by the operation, lubrication,
maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at the
time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other
items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the complete
and most current information before starting any job. DAEWOO dealers have the most current information


Final Drives And Wheels .......................................... 7
Torque Converter ...................................................... 5
Transmission............................................................. 6
Wheel Bearing Adjustment ....................................... 8

Systems Operation
Differential And Drive Axles .................................... 22
General Information .................................................. 9
Torque Converter .................................................... 10
Transmission General Information.......................... 12
Transmission Hydraulic System ............................. 14
Transmission Power Flows..................................... 13

Testing and Adjusting

Transmission Tests And Adjustments ..................... 26
Converter Stall Test ............................................27
Differential Bearing And Gear Clearance
Electric Control System Tests.............................32
Pinion Bearing Adjustment .................................29
Pinion Depth Check............................................30
Pinion Installation ...............................................29
Transmission Adjustments..................................28
Transmission Pressure Tests..............................26

Troubleshooting ...................................................... 23
Differential.......................................................... 25
Checks During Operation .................................. 23
Visual Checks .................................................... 23

Disassembly & Assembly

Clutch Pack Assembly .............................................43
Control Valve ...........................................................52
Drive Axle.................................................................54
Special Service Tools and Jigs ................................58
Torque Converter .....................................................35

Power Train 3 Index


Torque Converter

(1) Torque for bolts (plate to torque converter)

......................................22 L 3 N¥m (16 L 2 lb¥ft)

(2) Torque for bolts (plate to flywheel)

..................................... 28 L 7 N¥m (20 L 5 lb¥ft)

Power Train 5 Specifications


6 3

(1) Torque for bolts sealing cap ............98 to 123 N¥m (7) Ring gear runout measured on back
(72 to 90 lb¥ft) ........................................0.1 mm (0.0039 in) T.I.R

(2) Torque for bolts that hold plate (Apply (8) Backlash of spiral bevel gear.......0.15 to 0.23 mm
Loctite No. 271).........27 to 34 N¥m (20 to 25 lb¥ft) (0.006 to 0.009 in)

(3) Torque for Lock nut .......................314 to 441 N¥m (9) Rolling torque of ring gear for complete assembly
(231 to 325 lb¥ft) ..............................31 to 57 N¥m (276 to 507 lb¥in)

(4) Torque for bolts that hold case cover (Apply See Transaxle in Testing and adjusting for the
Loctite No. 271).........25 to 39 N¥m (19 to 28 lb¥ft) complete adjustment procedure.

(5) Torque for bolts that hold cap (Apply Loctite

No. 271) ............147 to 167 N¥m (109 to 123 lb¥ft)

(6) Torque for bolts that hold case........98 to 123 N¥m

(72 to 90 lb¥ft)

Power Train 6 Specifications

Final Drives And Wheels

(1) Torque for bolts that hold brake assembly to drive

axle arm ............... 176 L 29 N¥m (130 L 21 lb¥ft)

(2) Tighten nut slowly until torque required to turn

bearings is .... 2.45 L 0.49 N¥m (1.80 L 0.35 lb¥ft)

(3) Torque for bolts that hold drive shaft to hub

................................ 71 L 12 N¥m (52.5 L 9 lb¥ft)

(4) Torque for drive wheel mounting nuts

..............................176 L 20 N¥m (130 L 14 lb¥ft)

Power Train 7 Specifications

Wheel Bearing Adjustment

(1) Hub. (2) Bolt. (3) Nut.

(1) Tighten nut (3) slowly until torque required to turn

bearings is 2.5 N¥m (1.8 lb¥ft), while hub (1) is
turned to put the bearings in position.

(2) Tighten the bolts to hold the nut in position.

(Apply Loctite No. 272)
Tightening Torque..........................7.9 to 11.7 N¥m
(5.8 to 8.6 lb¥ft)

Power Train 8 Specifications

Systems Operation

General Information

3 2 5 1

(1) Engine. (2) Torque Converter. (3) Power Shift Transmission. (4) Drive Axle. (5) Adapter Housing.

The basic components of the power train are engine Power from either clutch pack is sent through an
(1), torque converter (2), power shift transmission (3), output gear and a spiral bevel gear to the differential.
drive axle (4), adapter housing (5) and the wheels. The differential sends power out through the axles to
the final drives and wheels.
A transaxle contains a power shift transmission and a
differential. Two axle shafts connect the differential to
two final drives. The drive wheels are mounted to the
final drives.

Power from the engine flywheel goes from the torque

converter to the input shaft of the transaxle. The
transaxle has two hydraulically operated clutch packs
that are spring released. The transaxle has one
speed in forward and one speed in reverse.

Power Train 9 Systems Operation

Torque Converter



Torque Converter
AA. Components Turned by Engine Flywheel. BB. Components Turned by (AA). CC. Stationary components.
(1) Transmission Input Shaft. (2) Pump Stator Support. (3) Stator. (4) Turbine. (5) Housing. (6) Impeller.

The torque converter hydraulically connects the The torque converter has four main parts : housing
engine to the transaxle. There is no direct (5), impeller (6), turbine (4), and stator (3). The
mechanical connection between the engine and the housing and impeller turn with the engine. The
transaxle. When the machine works against a load, turbine turns transmission input shaft (1), and the
the torque converter can multiply the torque from the stator is held stationary.
engine and send a higher torque to the transaxle.

Power Train 10 Systems Operation

The transmission pump sends oil through a small
passage in stator support (2). The oil flows around
the shaft of the stator support and into the converter.

Impeller (6) turns with housing (5) at engine speed

and makes the oil go toward the outside of the
impeller, around the inside of the housing and
against the blades of the turbine. The oil that hits the
turbine blades causes turbine (4) and the
transmission input shaft to turn. This gives power to
the transaxle.

After the oil hits the turbine blades, it goes toward the
inside of the turbine. As the oil goes from the turbine,
it moves in a direction opposite to the direction of
impeller rotation.

When the truck is moved at low speed, the torque

converter one-way clutch holds the stator in place.
The stator causes the oil to change direction and go
back into the impeller in the direction of rotation. This
gives an increase to the impeller oil output which
gives an increase to the torque output from the

Power Train 11 Systems Operation

Transmission General Information

6 5 4 3 11 12 13 14 1


(1) Toruqe Converter. (2) Input Shaft. (3) Clutch Cylinder. (4) Piston (Forward). (5) Forward Clutch Pack. (6) Gear (forward).
(7) Gear. (8) Gear. (9) Output Gear. (10) Pinion. (11) Piston (Reverse). (12) Reverse Clutch Pack. (13) Gear (Reverse).
(14) Pump.

The transaxle is a single speed transaxle.

The forward and reverse directional controls are
changed manually. Power is transmitted by constant
mesh helical gears and multiple-disc clutch packs.

In reverse, power is sent from a gear at the reverse

clutch to an output gear which is on the pinion shaft.

In forward, power is sent from a gear at the forward

clutch to idle gear and then to the output gear.

The transmission control valve is installed on the top

of the transmission housing. A hydraulic shiftting is
done by the manually operated directional valve.

Power Train 12 Systems Operation

Transmission Power Flows

With the control for the transaxle in neutral position

and the engine running, power will flow from the
engine flywheel through torque converter (1) to the
input shaft (2) that turns the clutch cylinder (3) in the
same direction as the flywheel. Forward clutch pack
(5) and reverse clutch pack (12) are installed in the
clutch cylinder (3). As long as the transaxle is in
neutral position, clutch packs (5) or (12) cannot
connect gear (6) or reverse gear (13).
The power cannot flow through the output shaft and
into the differential.

Forward Direction

When the transaxle is in forward, forward clutch pack

(5) is applied and locks gear (6) to gear (7).
Power will flow from input shaft (1) through forward
clutch pack (5), gear (6) gear (7), gear (8) and out
put gear (9). Output gear (9) is splined to pinion (10).
Pinion (10) is in mesh with gear which is mounted to
Power will flow through pinion (10), gear, differential
to the final drives and wheels. The truck will move in
a forward direction.

Reverse Direction

When the transaxle is in reverse, reverse clutch pack

(12) is applied and locks gear (13) to gear (9). Power
will flow from input shaft (1) through clutch cylinder
(3), reverse clutch pack (12), gear (13) and output
gear (9). Output gear (9) is splined to pinion (10).
Pinion (10) is in mesh with gear which is mounted to
Power will flow through pinion (10), gear, differential
to the final drives and wheels. The truck will move in
a reverse direction.

Power Train 13 Systems Operation

Hydraulic System

Power Train 14 Systems Operation

Transmission Hydraulic System Main Relief Valve
(1) Pump. (2) Main Relief Valve. (3) Inching Valve.
(4) Modulating Valve. (5) Directional Valve.
(6) Forward Clutch. (7) Reverse Clutch. (8) Torque Convertor. Oil from the pump flows to the main relief valve (2).
(9) TC-in Relief Valve. (10) TC-out Relief Valve. The regulator valve relieves the oil pressure
(11) Oil Cooler. (12) Cooler Relief Valve. (13) Reservoir. produced by the charging pump of the torque
(14) Suction Filter. (15) Shuttle Valve. convertor at the specified pressure to protect the
(16) Solenoid Valve-Forward. (17) Solenoid Valve-Reverse.
valve and torque convertor oil cooler.

Transmission Hydraulic System

Inching valve (3)
The hydraulic circuit consists of the torque converter
charging pump which generates the hydraulic Oil from the pump also goes to inching valve (3)
pressure, and the control valve which transmits the which modulates the pressure being fed to the
hydraulic pressure to the multi-disc clutch inside the selector valve (4). As the inching valve moves out,
transmission. The control valve contains a built-in pressure will drop. When completely out, clutch feed
modulating valve which reduces the shock when the pressure will drop to zero. Through the use of the
F-R lever is moved. inching valve, the lift truck can move slowly while the
engine is at higher speeds. This lets the operator
move the lift truck slowly up to a load while the mast
Oil Flow is raised rapidly.

1. When the engine starts, the charging pump is

driven and the oil inside the transmission case is Directional Valve
pumped through a strainer.
The selector valve controls oil flow to the forward and
2. The oil from the pump (1) passes through the main reverse clutch packs.
relief valve (2) and goes towards the inlet port of
the torque converter (8). The main relief valve (2)
acts to raise the pressure of the oil until it is high Modulating Valve
enough to operate the clutch and to send the oil to
the control valve. The oil pressure at the inlet port The modulating valve is a device to modulate the
of the torque converter (8) has no relation with the fluid. It reduces the shock when gear shift lever is
pressure of the relief valve. operated, when the truck starts suddenly or when
inching operations are being used.
3. The torque converter inlet port relief valve (9) is
located at the torque converter inlet, and acts to
suppress the increased pressure in the torque
converter to approx. max. 686 Kpa (99psi).

4. The oil which was circulated through the torque

converter (8) is drained from the torque converter
outlet port and flows to the torque converter outlet
relief valve (10). The torque converter outlet relief
valve acts to raise the pressure within the torque
converter approx. min. 196 Kpa (28 psi) and it is
regularly opened after the engine is started.

5. The oil pressure passing through the torque

converter outlet port goes towards the torque
converter cooler (11), lubricates all parts, then
returns to the transmission case.

Power Train 15 Systems Operation

Power Train

Hydraulic System
Neutral Position






16 17


12 P T 8
13 S 10

Systems Operation

Transmission Hydraulic System
(1) Pump. (2) Main Relief Valve. (3) Inching Valve.
(4) Modulating Valve. (5) Directional Valve.
(6) Forward Clutch. (7) Reverse Clutch. (8) Torque Convertor.
(9) TC-in Relief Valve. (10) TC-out Relief Valve.
(11) Oil Cooler. (12) Cooler Relief Valve. (13) Reservoir.
(14) Suction Filter. (15) Shuttle Valve.
(16) Solenoid Valve-Forward. (17) Solenoid Valve-Reverse.

Neutral Position

When the transaxle is in NEUTRAL position, with the

engine running, oil is pulled from reservoir (13),
through the suction filter (14) to pump (1). From
there, pump oil flows through passage to main relief
valve (2). Oil from main relief valve (2) flows through
passage to torque converter (8).

Oil from torque converter (8) flows to oil cooler (11).

Oil then flows through passage to cool and lubricate
the clutches and shaft bearings. Pump pressure is
directed to the inching valve (3) which reduces
pressure prior to being fed to the modulating valve
(4). With the inching valve not in use (inching pedal
up), oil from inching valve (3) flows through passage
to modulating valve (4).

In NEUTRAL position, pump oil flow is blocked at the

directional valve (5). Oil cannot flow through passage
to the reverse clutch (7). Likewise, oil cannot flow
through passage to the forward clutch (6).

Power Train 17 Systems Operation

Power Train

Hydraulic System
Forward Position

4 7






16 17


12 P T 8
13 S 10

Systems Operation

Transmission Hydraulic System
(1) Pump. (2) Main Relief Valve. (3) Inching Valve.
(4) Modulating Valve. (5) Directional Valve.
(6) Forward Clutch. (7) Reverse Clutch. (8) Torque Convertor.
(9) TC-in Relief Valve. (10) TC-out Relief Valve.
(11) Oil Cooler. (12) Cooler Relief Valve. (13) Reservoir.
(14) Suction Filter. (15) Shuttle Valve.
(16) Solenoid Valve-Forward. (17) Solenoid Valve-Reverse.

Forward Direction

When the transaxle is in FORWARD, the oil from the

reservoir, through the pump, torque converter and oil
cooler circuits will be the same as explained in
NEUTRAL position.

Oil will flow from the inching valve through passage

and modulating valve (4) to directional valve (5).

In FORWARD, the directional spool in the directional

valve is in the position shown. Oil flows through
passage to forward clutch (6). Forward clutch (6) will
fill with pump oil.

Power Train 19 Systems Operation

Power Train

Hydraulic System
Reverse Position






16 17 6


12 P T 8
13 S 10

Systems Operation

Transmission Hydraulic System
(1) Pump. (2) Main Relief Valve. (3) Inching Valve.
(4) Modulating Valve. (5) Directional Valve.
(6) Forward Clutch. (7) Reverse Clutch. (8) Torque Convertor.
(9) TC-in Relief Valve. (10) TC-out Relief Valve.
(11) Oil Cooler. (12) Cooler Relief Valve. (13) Reservoir.
(14) Suction Filter. (15) Shuttle Valve.
(16) Solenoid Valve-Forward. (17) Solenoid Valve-Reverse.

Reverse Direction

When the transaxle is in REVERSE, the oil from the

reservoir, through the pump, torque converter and oil
cooler circuits will be the same as explained in
NEUTRAL position.

Oil will flow from the inching valve through passage

and modulating valve (4) to directional valve (5).

In REVERSE, the directional spool in the directional

valve is in the position shown. Oil flows through
passage to reverse clutch (7). Reverse clutch (7) will
fill with pump oil.

Power Train 21 Systems Operation

Differential And Drive Axles

3 2 4 5 6 7 8

(1) Spider. (2) Pinion. (3) Gear. (4) Differential case. (5) Nut. (6) Tube. (7) Drum. (8) Hub. (9) Shaft.

The location of the differential is in the front of the lift During a turn, the force (traction) that is on the drive
truck. The differential is a part of the transaxle. It is a wheels is different. These different forces are also felt
single reduction unit with a differential drive gear (3) on opposite sides of the differential and cause
fastened on the differential case (4). pinions (2) to turn. The rotation of pinions (2) stops or
slows the inside wheel and lets the outside wheel go
The differential is used to send the power from the faster. This moves the machine through a turn under
transaxle to the wheels. When one wheel turns full power.
slower than the other, the differential lets the inside
wheel stop or turn slower in relation to the outside The differential gets lubrication from oil thrown about
wheel. inside the housing.

Case (4) has four differential pinion (2). The pinions The differential turns axle shaft (9). Tube (6) which is
are engaged with two side gears. The side gears are pressed into axle housing is used as a support for
splined to the axle shafts (9). hub (8). The hub (8) and bearings are turned by axle
When the lift truck moves in a forward direction and shaft (9) through a direct connection between the
there is same traction under each wheel, there is hub and axle shaft. The drive wheel is fastened to
also the same torque on each axle and pinions (2) hub (8) and turns with the hub.
are stopped. This gives the same effect as if both
wheels were on the same axle.

Power Train 22 Systems Operation

Testing And Adjusting Checks During Operation

Troubleshooting NOTICE
Before these checks are started, fill the transmission
Troubleshooting can be difficult. A list of possible with oil to the correct level.
problems and corrections is on the pages that follow.
This list of problems and corrections will only give an
indication of where a problem can be and what
Power Shift Transmission
repairs are needed. Normally, more or other repair
work is needed beyond the recommendations on the
With the engine running and brakes on, move the
list. Remember that a problem is not necessarily
selector lever to all positions. The detents must be
caused only by one part, but by the relation of one
felt in each position.
part with other parts. This list can not give all
possible problems and corrections. The serviceman
Operate the machine in each direction. Make note of
must find the problem and its source, then make the
all noises that are not normal and find their sources.
necessary repairs.
If the operation is not correct, make reference to the
Always make visual checks first. Check the operation
of the machine and then check with instruments.
and Òprobable causesÓ.

Check List During Operation

Problem: Transmission does not operate in either
When testing and adjusting the power train, move direction or does not engage (slips) in all
the machine to an area clear of obstructions, and directions.
with safe ventilation for the exhaust. When drive
wheels are off the ground for testing, keep away Probable Cause :
from wheels that are in rotation.
1. Low oil pressure caused by :

Visual Checks a. Low oil level.

b. Inching control valve linkage loose, broken or
1. Check the oil level in the transmission. adjustment not correct.
c. Failure of the oil pump.
2. Check all oil lines, hoses and connections for d. Leakage inside the transmission.
leaks and damage. Look for oil on the ground e. Pressure regulator valve stuck.
under the machine.
2. Mechanical failure in transmission.
3. Move the lever for the direction control to
REVERSE and FORWARD positions. The detents 3. Failure of the bevel pinion or the ring gear.
must be felt in each position.
Problem: Transmission does not shift.
4. Check the oil in the transmission for loose
particles. Probable Cause:

a. Bronze-colored particles give an indication of a 1. Low oil pressure.

clutch failure.
b. Shiny steel particles in the filter give an 2. Pressure regulator valve will not move (stuck).
indication of a pump failure.
c. Rubber particles give an indication of a seal 3. Control linkage worn, broken or adjustment is not
failure or hose failure. correct.

If you find metal or rubber particles, all components

of the hydraulic and lubrication systems must be
washed clean. Do not use parts with damage. Use
new parts.

Power Train 23 Testing And Adjusting

Problem: Transmission gets hot. Problem: Transmission operates in reverse only.

Probable cause: Probable Cause :

1. Restriction in cooling lines. 1. Discs and plates have too much wear in forward
direction clutch.
2. Oil level too high or too low.
2. Leakage at the seals.
3. Core of the oil cooler not completely open.
3. Forward clutch components have damage.
4. Air mixed in the oil. Air leak on intake side of
pump. 4. Control linkage has damage or wrong adjustment.

5. Low oil flow through converter because converter Problem: Low stall speed.
regulator valve is stuck.
Probable Cause:
6. Wrong application for vehicle, (loads are too heavy
for the lift truck). 1. Engine performance is not correct.

Problem: Loss of power during or after a shift. 2. The one-way clutch of the torque converter does
not hold.
Probable Cause:
Problem: High stall speed in both directions.
1. Cold oil.
Probable Cause:
2. Low converter pressure.
1. Low oil level.
Problem: Pump noise not normal.
2. Air in the oil.
Probable Cause:
3. Clutches slip(clutch plates slide in relation to one
1. A loud sound at short time periods gives an another).
indication that foreign material is in the
transmission hydraulic system. 4. Torque converter failure.

2. A constant loud noise is an indication of pump Problem: High stall speed in one direction.
Probable Cause:
Problem: Noise in the transmission which is not
normal. 1. There is a leak in that clutch circuit.

Probable Cause: 2. There is a failure of the clutch in that direction.

1. Parts have wear or have damage. Problem: Clutch engagement is slow and makes
rough shifts.
Problem: Transmission operates in forward only.
Probable Cause:
Probable Cause:
1. Shift linkage adjustment is not correct.
1. Discs and plates have too much wear in reverse
direction clutch. 2. Inching valve adjustment is not correct.

3. Inching valve is not completely closed.

2. Leakage at the seals.
4. Low main pressure.
3. Reverse clutch components have damage.
5. Internal oil leaks.
4. Control linkage has damage or wrong adjustment.
6. Valve spool springs are weak or have damage.

Power Train 24 Testing And Adjusting

Problem: Low pressure to FORWARD and Problem: Transmission does not operate in
REVERSE clutches. forward or reverse.

Probable Cause: Probable Cause:

1. Inching valve stuck. 1. Clutch discs and plates have too much wear.

2. Linkage adjustment is not correct. 2. Leakage at the seals.

Problem: Pressure to one clutch is low. 3. Forward and reverse clutch components have
Probable Cause:

1. Clutch piston seal alignment is not correct, oil

leaks through. Differential
2. Seal rings on shaft or on clutch piston seals are Problem: Constant noise in differential.
broken or worn.
Probable Cause:
Problem: Low converter pressure.
1. Lubricant not to the specific level.
Probable Cause:
2. Wrong type of lubricant.
1. Low oil level.
3. Wheel bearings out of adjustment or have a
2. Pressure regulator valve is not free. defect.

3. Transmission pump is worn. 4. Drive gear and pinion not in adjustment for correct
tooth contact.
4. Converter regulator valve stuck open.
5. Teeth of drive gear and pinion have damage or
Problem: Low main pressure. wear.

Probable Cause: 6. Too much or too little pinion to gear backlash.

1. Low oil level. 7. Loose or worn pinion bearings.

2. Pressure regulator valve is not free. 8. Loose or worn side bearings.

3. Transmission pump is worn. Problem: Noise at different intervals.

4. Inner oil leakage. Probable Cause:

Problem: Clutch pressure and main pressure are 1. Ring gear does not run even.
a. Bolts on drive gear not tightened correctly.
Probable Cause: b. Drive gear has a defect(warped).

1. Pressure regulator valve is not free. 2. Loose or broken differential bearings.

Problem: Vehicle operates in one direction and

creeps in that direction in neutral. Engine stalls
when shifted to the other direction.

Probable Cause:

1. Failure of direction clutch in the direction the

vehicle will move.

Power Train 25 Testing And Adjusting

Problem: Noise on turns only. Transmission Tests And
Probable Cause: Adjustments
1. Differential pinion gears too tight on the spider or
the pinion shaft. Transmission Pressure Tests
2. Side gears tight in differential case.
3. Differential pinion or side gears have a defect.
To prevent personal injury, when the transaxle is
4. Thrust washers worn or have damage. tested, move the truck to a clear area, that is level.
Keep all other personnel away from the lift truck.
5. Too much clearance (backlash) between side Use lifting equipment or a safe method to lift the
gears and pinions. front of the lift truck until the drive wheels are off
the floor. Put wood blocks or jack stands of the
Problem: Leakage of lubricant. correct capacity under it to hold it in this position
while pressure tests are performed.
Probable Cause:

1. Loss through axle shafts.

When the transmission tests are made, the
a. Lubricant above specification level. transmission oil must be at the correct level. The
b. Wrong kind of lubricant. pressures give in the chart are taken with the
c. Restriction of axle housing breather. transmission oil temperature at 49û to 71ûC (120û to
d. Axle shaft oil seal installed wrong or has 160ûF). If the oil temperature is lower than 49 ûC
damage. (120ûF) the oil pressure will be higher than that
shown. If the oil temperature is higher than 71ûC
2. Loss at pinion shaft. (160ûF), the pressure will be lower than that shown.

a. Lubricant above specification level. Raise the front of the lift truck off the floor. Put wood
b. Wrong kind of lubricant. blocks or jack stands of the correct capacity under it
c. Restriction of axle housing breather. to hold it in this position while pressure tests are
d. Pinion oil seal worn or not installed correctly. performed.

Problem: Drive wheels do not turn

Probable Cause:
Before any pressure tap plugs or connections are
1. Broken axle shaft. removed, the engine must be stopped with the
transaxle controls in NEUTRAL. This will release
a. Loose wheel bearings. hydraulic pressure in the transaxle.
b. Axle shaft too short.
c. Loose flange studs or nuts.
d. Bent housing.
For more identification of Transmission problems, the
2. Side gear or differential pinion broken. pressures that follow can be checked.

3. Differential pinion shaft or spider broken. a. Pump pressure in neutral.

b. Forward clutch pressure in forward.
c. Reverse clutch pressure in reverse.
d. Converter charge pressure in neutral.
e. Converter outlet or cooler inlet pressure in neutral.

Power Train 26 Testing And Adjusting

Most problems in the hydraulic circuit can normally Converter Stall Test
be found when the pump pressure is checked. If
more information is necessary, gauges can be The converter stall test is a test to check engine
installed at each pressure tap location. Locations of power. It can also be used to locate a problem in the
the pressure taps and procedures for testing are transmission when the condition of the engine is
given as follows. If any of the pressures are not known. An engine which does not have correct
correct, refer to Troubleshooting For Problems and performance will give an indication of a stall speed
Probable Causes. that is not correct. If the engine performance is
correct, and the stall speed is not correct, the
1. Be sure the transmission control adjustments are problem in the converter or transmission can be
correct before tests are made. found with this test.

2. Install a tachometer on the engine to show engine The test checks the maximum RPM that the engine,
speed during the test. at full throttle, can turn the converter with the turbine
held stationary. To hold the converter turbine, engage
3. Put a thermistor probe in place of the dipstick in the brakes with the transmission in either FORWARD
the transaxle oil reservoir. or REVERSE.

4. Remove each of the following pressure tap plugs The drive wheels must not turn during the stall test.
in the order shown and install the pressure gauge. Put a heavy load on the forks and put the truck in
After the pressure check is done, remove the position against a solid object that will not move
gauge and install the plug again. (such as a loading dock). Engage the parking brake.
When the tests are made, the wheel brakes must be
engaged with the left foot ; the accelerator pedal can
be operated with the right foot. Make sure that the
transmission oil is at the correct temperature for
operation before tests are made.
Check the high idle setting before the stall test is
made. The high idles on G420 engine and DC24
engine are as follows.

G420 LPG engine : 2450 ± 50

DC24 Diesel engine : 2520 ± 50

2 4
3 Make tests in a clear level area only. There must be
one operator. Keep all other personnel away from
the lift truck. Check the operation of the brakes
before the tests are made.

1. Start the engine and move the control lever to the

Pressure Tap Location
FORWARD direction.
(1) Converter Out Pressure Tap. (2) Main Line Pressure Tap.
(3) Reverse Clutch Pressure Tap.
(4) Forward Clutch Pressure Tap. (5) Lubrication Pressure Tap. 2. Engage the wheel brakes and push the
accelerator pedal down completely. Read the RPM
Transmission Pressure Chart on the tachometer, then release the accelerator
Unit Clutch Pressure T/C out
Low idle Kpa(psi) 1060~1550 (154~226) 220-390(32-56)
1800 Kpa(psi) 1140~1550 (165~226) 220-390(32-56)

Power Train 27 Testing And Adjusting

Transmission Adjustments
To make sure that the transmission oil does not get
hot, do not hold the transmission in a stall condition
for more than ten seconds. After the transmission is
stalled, put the controls in NEUTRAL and run the
engine at 1200 to 1500 RPM to cool the oil. 3

3. Repeat the procedure above for the REVERSE


4. The stall speeds for G420 engine and DC24

engine are as follows. 1 2
G420 LPG engine : 1725 ± 75
DC24 diesel engine : 1950 ± 75
(1) Pinion Gear. (2) Shim Pack. (3) Bearing Cone.

Stall speeds that are low are an indication that the

engine performance is not correct or the one-way Spiral bevel gears and pinions are available in sets
clutch of the torque converter does not hold in that are machined for each other and must never by
reverse direction. If the one-way clutch has a defect, installed separately. The same identification mark of
the stall speed will probably be more than 800 RPM letters and numbers is put on both the pinion and
low. gear. The spiral bevel gear is marked on the flat face,
the pinion is marked on the diameter behind the
The stall speed must be the same in FORWARD and teeth. Make sure they have the same identification
REVERSE. If the stall speed is high in FORWARD mark before going to the procedures that follow.
and REVERSE, check the followings :
The distance from the centerline of spial bevel gear
a. Check for air in the oil. to the flat end of pinion (1) is 128.25 mm (5.049 in).
b. Check the torque converter and the clutch The end of pinion has a mark of mounting distance
pressures according to Transaxle Pressure Tests for adjusting the depth of the pinion in the carrier.
in Testing And Adjusting. The dimension is controlled by shim pack (2) behind
c. If clutch pressure is correct, make an inspection of inner bearing cone (3).
the clutch assembly for that direction for possible
damage to clutch components. If a pinion has a mark of 128.15, it needs 0.10mm
more shims than a pinion with mark of 128.25.

Power Train 28 Testing And Adjusting

Pinion Installation Pinion Bearing Adjustment

3 7 510 B
2 5

1 2 4 8 6 11

(1) Pinion Gear. (2) Shim Pack. (3) Bearing Cone. Pinion Bearing Preload Adjustment.
(4) Bearing Cup. (5) Bearing Cone. (6) Bearing Cup. (1) Bearing. (2) Bearing. (3) Race B. (4) Race A. (5) Shim Pack.
(7) Race B. (8) Race A. (9) Shim Pack. (10) Race. (11) Nut.

1. Install the taper roller bearing (1), race A (4) race B

1. If the original spiral bevel gear and pinion set is to (3), taper roller bearing (2) on the Jig A and Jig B.
be used again, measure old shim pack (2) and
make a new shim pack with the same thickness. If 2. Tighten the Jig B to a torque of 15 to 20 N¥m (11
a new spiral bevel gear and pinion set is used, to 15 lb¥ft).
then the original shim pack should be changed. If
three or more shims are used, the smaller shims 3. Measure the distance X from the surface of the Jig
are to be put in the center of the shim pack. A to the outer race of the taper roller bearing (2).

EXAMPLE: If the old pinion has a mark of (128.15) 4. The theoretical dimension of X is 55.95. If the
and the new pinion has a mark of (128.00) add 0.15 measured distance of X is 55.85, then the
mm (.006 in) shims to the original shim thickness. deviation (D) of the bearing is
(D) = 55.95 - 55.85 = 0.1 mm
2. Install bearing cone (3) on pinion shaft (1) with
new shim pack (2) behind bearing cone (3). 5. Install the shim behind the bearing cone (1).

3. Put the taper roller bearing assembly (3~9) and 6. Tighten the Jig B to torque of 15 to 20 N¥m (11 to
race (10) into the pinion shaft. Tighten nut (11) to a 15 lb¥ft) again.
torque of 32 to 45 N¥m (23 to 33 lb¥ft) while
rotating the pinion. 7. Check the rolling torque of the taper roller bearing.
It must be 2 to 5 N¥m (1.5 to 3.7 lb¥ft).
4. If the taper roller bearing and/or housing is If the torque is not correct, add or remove shim (5)
changed, then see pinion Depth check and pinion until it is correct.
bearing adjustment.

Power Train 29 Testing And Adjusting

Pinion Depth Check Differential Bearing and
Gear Clearance (Backlash)

Tools Needed:
Dial Indicator Group (A)



1 2

Pinion Depth Check.

(1) Housing. 1

1. Put the Jig C and Jig D on the housing as shown. 7

2. Measure the gap (X) between Jig C and Jig D. 6

If the height of (Y) is 135.5mm, and distance of (Z)
is 48.5 mm, the gap (X) is.
gap (X) = 184.5 - (Z + Y) = 0.5 mm

3. Read the mark of the pinion shaft. If the mark is Backlash Adjustment
(1) Bearing Cone. (2) Spiral Bevel Gear. (3) Bolt.
128.00 mm, then the deviation of the mounting (4) Bearing Cup. (5) Bearing Cap. (6) Locknut. (7) Plate.
distance (M) is
deviation (M) = 128.25 - 128.00 = 0.25 mm.
1. Install bearing cones (1) on the differential case.
4. Required shim of the pinion is as follows.
Required shim (S) = gap (X) + deviation (D) 2. Put spiral bevel gear (2) on the differential case
+ deviation (M) and tighten eight bolts (3) to a torque of 110 L 5
N¥m (82 L 5 lb¥ft). Put bearing cups (4) on bearing
cones (1).

3. Put the carrier assembly in position in the housing

assembly. Install bearing caps (5) and four bolts.
Tighten bolts to a torque 150 L 15 N¥m (113 L 12

4. Install locknuts (6). Use tooling (A) to check gear

clearance (backlash) between spiral bevel gear (2)
and pinion. Adjust locknuts (6) until the clearance
is 0.18 to 0.23 mm (.007 to .009 in.). Adjust the
clearance by turning one locknut (6) in and the
other locknut out an equal amount.

Power Train 30 Testing And Adjusting

5. Tighten locknuts (8) equally to preload the
differential case bearings. Proper bearing preload
of the gear is 3.1 to 4.8 N¥m (27 to 42 lb¥in).

6. Measure backlash again. After backlash and

preload are correct, install a plate (7) into each
locknut to hold them in position.


Short Heel Contact Setting

c. If spiral pinion shaft is too far away from spiral

bevel gear, short toe contact will be the result as
shown. The teeth of pinion will be in contact with
toe ends of convex faces (part that makes a curve
toward the outside), and top edge of heel end of
concave faces (part that makes a curve toward the
Correct Tooth Contact Setting. inside). To correct this, add shims under pinion
bearing cone. After this is done, check gear
7. Check the tooth contact pattern as follows. Check clearance (backlash) and tooth contact again.
the tooth contact setting between the spiral bevel
gear and pinion after the gear clearance d. If spiral pinion shaft is too near to center of spiral
(backlash) and bearing preload adjustments have bevel gear, short heel contact will be the result as
been made as follows. shown. The teeth of pinion will be in contact with
the toe ends of concave faces (part that makes a
a. Put a small amount of Prussian blue, red lead or curve toward the inside) and the heel ends of
paint on the spiral bevel gear teeth. Turn the convex faces (part that makes a curve toward the
pinion in both directions and check the marks outside). To correct this, remove shims from under
made on the hypoid gear teeth. pinion bearing cone. After this is done, check gear
clearance(backlash) and tooth contact again.

NOTE : Several adjustments of both pinion and bevel

gear can be needed before correct tooth contact and
gear clearance (backlash) is made. Always
remember that a change to gear clearance
(backlash) will also change the tooth contact.
Therefore, be sure gear clearance (backlash) is in
correct adjustment before tooth contact is checked.

e. After gear clearance (backlash) and tooth contact

are correct, remove extra Prussian blue, red lead
or paint from spiral bevel gear and pinion.

Short Toe Contact Setting

b. With no load, correct tooth contact setting will be

as shown. The area of contact starts near the toe
of the gear and goes 50 to 70% up the length of
the tooth. With this setting, when a load is put on
the gear, the load will be over the correct area of
the teeth.

Power Train 31 Testing And Adjusting

Electric Control System Tests Power To Directional Control Switch Check

1. Put the directional control lever in neutral. Remove

the cover from the front side of the steering
Tools Needed
support assembly.
Digital Multimeter 1
2. Disconnect harness connector (2) from directional
NOTE : Refer to Schematic. control switch connector(1).

Checks on the transmission directional control

electrical circuit can be done with a Digital
Multimeter. All voltage checks are made at the wiring
harness connectors with the ignition switch ON, DO
NOT start the engine. All continuity checks are done
with the ignition switch OFF.

A beginning check of the direction control system

should be performed before testing the individual 2
components and wiring harness. When the direction
solenoids are energized they become magnetized.
By holding a metal screwdriver next to the solenoids
it can be determined whether they are energized or
not. Directional Control Switch Connector
(1) Directional Control Switch Connector.
(2) Harness Connector.
Turn the ignition switch ON, DO NOT start the
engine. Release the parking brake. Place the
direction control switch in forward and check the
3. Engage the parking brake and turn the ignition
forward solenoid for magnetism. Do the same for the
switch ON, DO NOT start the engine. Put the
reverse direction.
multimeter on the 20 volt range.
¥ If the solenoids didnÕt energize begin testing the
control system with step 1.

¥ If the solenoids did energize, go to step 10.

Power To Directional Control Switch Check

(2) Harness Connector.

4. Put the (-) probe on a good ground. Put the (+)

probe on socket 1 of harness connector (2).

a. If the indication is battery volts, do Step 5.

b. If the indication is 0 volts, check the

Forward/Reverse fuse (No.3) located in the fuse
box and check the connecting wires for continuity.

Power Train 32 Testing And Adjusting

Directional Control Switch Check Transmission Control Harness Check

5. Turn the ignition switch OFF and put the

multimeter on the 200 ohm range.

6. Check continuity between pins 4 and 7 of

connector (1) with the switch in neutral, forward
and then reverse positions. There should be
continuity in neutral and no continuity in forward
and reverse. 3
a. If the above checks are correct, do Step 7.

b. If any of the above checks are not correct, replace

the directional control switch.
Transmission Control Harness.
(3) Harness. (5) Connector.

9. Disconnect the connector (5) of Engine harness

1 from the connector of transmission harness. Check
continuity of socket 6, 9 of engine harness (3) from
one end to the other. Repair or replace the wiring
harness if there is no continuity.

Transmission Solenoids Visual Check

10. A visual check can be done to see if the solenoid

Directional Control Switch Continuity Check plungers are moving.
(1) Directional control switch connector.
11. Turn the ignition switch ON, DO NOT start the
7. Check continuity between pins 1 and 2 of engine. Release the parking brake.
connector (1) in forward and then neutral position.
There should be continuity in forward and no 12. Put the directional control switch in neutral.
continuity in neutral. While the continuity is
checked in forward position, move the lever back
and forth (but stay in forward position) to see if the
¥ Both solenoid plungers should be flush with the
resistance goes up or down. The resistance should
be constant. 13. Put the directional control switch in forward and
then reverse.
a. If the above checks are correct, do step 8.

b. If the above checks are not correct, replace the

¥ The plunger of the solenoid that is activated should
move in approximately 3.18mm(.125 in).
directional control switch.
14. If the solenoid plungers do not move as
8. Check continuity between pins 1 and 3 of explained in Steps 12 and 13, replace the
connector (1) in reverse and then neutral defective solenoid.
positions. There should be continuity in reverse
and no continuity in neutral. While the continuity is 15. If the solenoid plungers are good, the modulating
checked in reverse position, move the lever back valves could be stuck or there is mechanical
and forth (but stay in reverse position) to see if the failure in the transmission.
resistance goes up or down. The resistance should
be constant.

a. If the above checks are correct, do Step 9.

b. If any of the above checks are not correct, replace

the directional control switch.

Power Train 33 Testing And Adjusting

Transmission Directional Control Schematic
(1) Directional Switch Connector. (2) Connector-Instrument Harness (3) Main Connector-Instrument Harness
(4) Main Connector-Engine Harness

Power Train 34 Testing And Adjusting

Disassembly & Assembly

Torque Converter 3

1. Drain the transmission oil and disconnect the
torque converter assembly
(housing + torgue converter) from the IBPD103P


2. Drain oil in the torque converter. 4. Remove the flexible plate(2) , pilot boss (3), and
O-ring (4).




3. Loosen the bolts (1).

5. Remove the snap ring (5) and shims (6) .

Power Train 35 Disassembly & Assembly

9 10


6. Remove the torque converter 9. Install 2 jackbolts (9) and remove the oil pump
ATTENTION : Canting the torque converter can
cause damage of pump oil seal.
11 12


10. Install 2 jackbolts (11) and remove the stator
shaft (12).
7. Check sealing ring (7) and replace if necessary.


8. Loosen the bolts (8).

Power Train 36 Disassembly & Assembly

The assembly procedure is the reverse order of
removal, but requires additional care as noted below.



1. Apply semi-drying liquid gasket (Three Bond No.

1211 or 1104 for example) to the circumference of
oil seal and install oil seal on the pump case. Put
gear on the pump case. Check the gear action. If
the gears do not rotate smoothly, disassemble the
pump and start again.

11. Remove the snap ring (13) and extract the

turbine shaft.


2. Make sure that the valves go back into the proper

IBPD113S holes. Tighten plugs to a torque of 35 to 44 N¥m
(26 to 32 lb¥ft)

12. Remove the two plugs and then the springs and
Label the two sets (the springs especially -so that
they do not get confused).

Power Train 37 Disassembly & Assembly



3. Install bearing on the turbine shaft. Install snap 6. Lightly grease the pump casing with lithium grease
ring. and Install pump (6).

2 1



4. Make sure that the sealing ring (1) is completely 7. Tighten the bolts (7) to a torque of 19 to 24 N¥m
inside before inserting the shaft. Install terbine (14 to 18 lb¥ft).
shaft (2) on the housing (3).


8. Fill the oil seal lip cavity one-third to one-half full

5. Install location bolts (4) and then put gasket (5). with lithium grease or coat the surface with clean
transmission oil.

Power Train 38 Disassembly & Assembly



9. Install sealing ring (8). 12. Install snap ring (10).




10. Install torque converter. 13. Assemble O-ring (11) on the pilot boss (12) and
then install pilot boss on the torque converter.



11. Select shim thickness to have 0.2~0.4mm

(.0079~.0157 in ) of axial clearance between 14. Install the flexible plate (13) and tighten the bolts
torque converter and turbine shaft and then install (14) to a torque of 19 to 25 N¥m (14 to 18 lb¥ft).
shims (9).

Power Train 39 Disassembly & Assembly



15. Tighten drain plug. 3. Remove gasket (2).

16. Conndet the torque converter assembly (housing

+ torque converter) to the transmission.


1. Drain the transmission oil.

4. Remove the control valve assembly.



2. Remove axle housing (1). Before removing axle

housing, remove torque shaft, hub, brake and IBPD126P
support arm in the axle assembly first.

5. Mark differential caps for the purpose of

Loosen the bolts (3).

Power Train 40 Disassembly & Assembly



6. Remove differential assembly (4) from housing.

5 6


9. Loosen bolts and remove the plate (8). Tap pinion
shaft from the opposite side of pinion head and
7. Loosen the bolts (5) and remove side cover (6) remove pinion shaft.
and then remove gasket.


10. Loosen bolt.

8. Remove the plate (7).

Power Train 41 Disassembly & Assembly

9 12



11. Remove the sealing cap (9) by using tool. 14. Loosen the bolts (12) and remove the plate (13).

ATTENTION : pull out the cap straight without

twisting it.



15. Remove the spacer (14).


12. Remove the snap ring (10).



16. Remove idle shaft assembly.


13. Extract the F.R clutch pack assembly (11).

Power Train 42 Disassembly & Assembly

Clutch Pack Assembly




1 4. Remove the ball (4) and washer (5).


1. Remove the sealing rings (1) from the clutch shaft.



5. Remove the forward gear (6).



2. Remove spring (2).


6. Remove snap ring (7).


3. Remove the spacer (3).

Power Train 43 Disassembly & Assembly



7. Remove the needle bearing (8). 10. Remove the snap ring (12) while pressing the
return spring on the spring retainer with a
hydraulic press.




8. Remove the spacer (9) and ball (10).

11 IBPD149P

1. Disassemble the spring (1) from the shaft.


9. Remove plates (11) and discs.


2. Remove the spacers (2).

Power Train 44 Disassembly & Assembly

3 5


3. Remove the spacer (3), ball (4) and washer (5). 6. Remove the snap ring (8), plates and discs.

7. Remove snap ring while pressing the return spring

6 on the spring retainer with a hydraulic press.

Install the cluch pack assembly in the reverse order

of removal.
- Coat the ball with oil and then fix it to the hole of
Match the notch of the spacer with the ball and


4. Remove the reverse gear (6).


- Coat sealing rings with clean transmission oil.

Install sealing rings.
IBPD153P - After assembling clutch pack assembly, check
piston operation by air.

5. Remove the washer (7).

Power Train 45 Disassembly & Assembly



IBPD155P 3. Insert bush (4).

1. Put the output gear (1) into the transmission




4. Install idle shaft bearing.


5. Place the plate (5) on the shaft. Tighten bolts (6) to
2. Fit bearing (2) on the idle shaft (3). Install the idle a torque of 27.5 to 34.0 N¥m (20.3 to 25.3 lb¥ft)
shaft into the transmission housing.

Power Train 46 Disassembly & Assembly




6. Install bearing.


9. Install O-ring (9) on the sealing cap (10).
Coat O-ring with rransmission oil and then insert
7. Install clutch pack assembly (7) into the sealing cap. Tighten the bolt.
transmission housing.


10. Apply liquid gasket to the circumference of oil

8. Assemble snap ring (8). seal. Mount oil seal on the housing.

Power Train 47 Disassembly & Assembly


11. Install bearing. 14. Place the plate (12).

Tighten the bolts to a torque of 24.5 to 39.2 N¥m
(18.1 to 28.9 lb¥ft).
15. Install differential assembly. Refer to Differential
Assembly and Disassembly about backlash and
torque value.



12. Mount pinion shaft assembly into the housing.

Place the plate (11) on the shaft.


16. Install the gasket (13).


13. Tighten the bolts to a torque of 27.5 to 34.0 N¥m

(20.3 to 25.3 lb¥ft)
Typical Example

17. Place the control valve (14) on the top of

Tighten the bolts to a torque of 27.5 to 34.0 N¥m
(20.3 to 25.3 lb¥ft).

Power Train 48 Disassembly & Assembly



1 6



1. Remove the plate (1) from the differential cap (2).


3. Loosen the bolts (5) and disassemble differential

assembly completely.

4. If needed, loosen the bolts (6) and disassemble

ring gear (7).

4 2


2. Loosen adjusting screw with special tool (Ref.No.:1)

on both side.
Mark differential caps (2) and housing for the
purpose of reassembly.
Loosen the bolts (3) and remove the differential
assembly (4).

Power Train 49 Disassembly & Assembly

The assembly procedure is the reverse order of 2
removal, but requires additional care as noted below.



1. Install differential assembly into housing.


3. Install adjusting screws (2)

Adjust gear clearance (backlash) by turning one
adjusting screw in and the other screw out an
equal amount.
Rotate the axle drive through 100¡ and check the
IBPD172P tooth backlash at several points of the ring gear
using a dial gauge.
2. Tighten the bolts (1) to a torque of 147 to 167 N¥m The tooth backlash should be 0.18 to 0.23mm
(108.8 to 123.6 lb¥ft). (0.007 to 0.009 in).

Power Train 50 Disassembly & Assembly

4. Adjusting tooth contact 5. Correct tooth contact

a. Coat the tooth face of the bevel pinion lightly

with red lead (minimum).
b. Rotate the bevel gear forward and backward.
c. Inspect the pattern left on the teeth. (Shown in
diagram below.)

Correct tooth contact (No load)


REVERSE side a. Increase the shim thickness at the pinion shaft to

move the pinion in direction A. The move the bevel
gear away from the pinion gear in direction B.
Adjust the backlash again.

6 Heel



b. Reduce the shim thickness at the pinion shaft to
move the pinion in direction A. Then move the
¥ Tooth contact should be checked with no load on bevel gear closer to the pinion gear in direction B.
the bevel pinion. The tooth contact pattern should
Adjust the backlash again.
cover about 40-75% of the lenght of the tooth, with
weak contact at both ends.

d. If the result of the inspection shows that the

correct tooth contact is not being obtained, adjust
again as follows.
Adjust shims at pinion shaft
Adjust backlash of bevel gear
¥The tooth contact should be correct on both the
FORWARD and REVERSE side of the teeth.
However, if it is impossible to adjust both sides
correctly, the FORWARD side must be correct.

c. Reduce the shim thickness at the pinion shaft to

move the pinion in direction A. Then move the
bevel gear closer to the pinion gear in direction B.
Adjust the backlash again.

Power Train 51 Disassembly & Assembly

Control Valve

Disassembly/ Assembly


d. Increase the shim thickness at the pinion shaft to

move the pinion in direction A. Then move the bevel
gear away from the pinion gear in direction B.
Adjust the backlash again. P0003064

1. Dismount/mount the solenvid valves of the forward

and reverse clutch.


6. Tighten the bolts (3) to a torque of 7.9 to 11.7 N¥m

(5.8 to 8.6 lb¥ft). P0003063
Secure adjusting screw with lock plate (4).
2. Dismount/mount the shuttle valve.


3. Dismount/mount the screw.

Power Train 52 Disassembly & Assembly

P0003059 P0003055

4. Dismount/mount the slector valve. 7. Dismount/mount the inching valve.

P0003058 P0003054

5. Dismount/mount the accumlator varve. 8. Dismount/mount the lubrication relief valve.

P0003057 P0003053

6. Dismount/mount the cooling adapters. 9. Dismount/mount the main relief valve.

Power Train 53 Disassembly & Assembly

Drive Axle

1. Drain the drive axle oil.

1 IBPD186P

Typical Example

5. Loosen lock nut and remove the plate (4).

(Tool Ref. No. : 2)

IBPD183P 5
Typical Example

2. Loosen the bolts (1).

Typical Example

6. Remove bearing cone (5) from the hub.

IBPD184P 6
Typical Example

3. Remove the drive shaft (2).

Typical Example

7. Remove the hub and drum (6) from the drive axle.

Typical Example

4. Loosen the bolts from the lock nut (3).

Power Train 54 Disassembly & Assembly



Typical Example
11. Loosen the bolts (12) and remove the drive axle
8. Remove bearing cone and cup from the hub and housing by using lifting device.

The assembly procedure is the reverse order of
removal, but requires additional care as noted below.


9. Remove the retainer (7) from the axle tube.


1. Install bearing cup and oil seal.


10. Loosen the bolts (8) and remove brake assembly


Typical Example

2. Fill 50~70% of space between bearings with

Lithium grease.

Power Train 55 Disassembly & Assembly


3. Install brake assembly. 5. Coat rib of oil seal with lithium grease.
Tighten the bolts to a torque of 147 to 205 N¥m Install the hub and drum.
(109 to 151 lb¥ft).
NOTE : Remove dirt or oil in the inside surface of the
brake drum completely.


Typical Example

6. After installing plate and lock nut, check bearing

rolling torque. The torque value is 6.0 to 14.7 N¥m
(4.4 to 10.8 lb¥ft).


4. Install O-ring on the retainer. Insert the retainer (1)

into the axle tube.

Power Train 56 Disassembly & Assembly


Typical Example

7. Lock the nut with the bolts.

Tightening torque is 7.9 to 11.7 N¥m (5.8 to 8.6 lb¥ft).

Typical Example

8. Coat mating surface of hub with liquid gasket.

Typical Example

9. Install the drive shaft and tighten the bolts to a

torque of 58.8 to 83.3 N¥m (43.4 to 61.4 lb¥ft).

10. Fill the drive axle housing with oil.

NOTE : All bolts should be coated with Loctite #271

thread lock when installing.

Power Train 57 Disassembly & Assembly

Special Service Tools and Jigs
Ref.No. Tool/Jig Name Illustration

Jig A Pinion Bearing

Adjustment Jig

* Locally Manufactured

Jig B Pinion Bearing

Adjustment Jig

* Locally Manufactured

Jig C Pinion Depth

Check Jig

* Locally Manufactured

Power Train 58 Disassembly & Assembly

Ref.No. Tool/Jig Name Illustration

Jig D Pinion Depth

Check Jig

* Locally Manufactured

40 5 8


1 Differential

Screw Installer

* Locally Manufactured

Drive Axle
109 -0.5

55 -0.4

Hub Nut Installer
30 -0.8

90 +0.8

* Locally Manufactured

Power Train 59 Disassembly & Assembly

Oct. 2000

Systems Operation
Testing & Adjusting
Lift Trucks Vehicle Systems
D15S-2, D18S-2, D20SC-2
G15S-2, G18S-2, G20SC-2
Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety
rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an
accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary
training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before operating or performing lubrication,
maintenance and repair on this product.

Basic safety precautions are listed in the ÒSafetyÓ section of the Service or Technical Manual. Additional safety
precautions are listed in the ÒSafetyÓ section of the owner/operation/maintenance publication.
SpeciÞc safety warnings for all these publications are provided in the description of operations where hazards
exist. WARNING labels have also been put on the product to provide instructions and to identify speciÞc hazards.
If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons. Warnings in
this publication and on the product labels are identiÞed by the following symbol.


Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result
in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read and
understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Operations that may cause product damage are identiÞed by NOTICE labels on the product and in this

DAEWOO cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings in
this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating
technique not speciÞcally recommended by DAEWOO is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and
others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by the operation, lubrication,
maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, speciÞcations, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at the
time it was written. The speciÞcations, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other
items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the complete
and most current information before starting any job. DAEWOO dealers have the most current information


Forward And Reverse Control Group ......................12
Hydraulic Control Valve .............................................5
Hydraulic Pump .........................................................6
Lift Cylinders ..............................................................7
Priority Valve............................................................10
Sideshift Cylinder.......................................................6
Steer Wheel Axles ...................................................12
Steering Unit ............................................................11
Steering Wheel ........................................................10

Systems Operation
Brakes System.........................................................25
Control Valve ...........................................................15
Hydraulic System.....................................................13
Steering System ......................................................22
Steering Unit ............................................................23

Testing And Adjusting

Brake System ..........................................................37
Brake Adjustment ...............................................37
Brake System Air Removal.................................37
Inching Pedal Adjustment ...................................40
Parking Brake Adjustment ..................................39
Parking Brake Test .............................................39
Pedal Adjustment................................................38

Hydraulic System.....................................................32
Lift Cylinders Air Removal ..................................34
Relief Valve Pressure Check ..............................32

Steering System ......................................................35

Steer Axle Stop Adjustment ................................35
Steering System Air Removal.............................35
Steering System Pressure Check ......................36

Troubleshooting .......................................................27
Brake System .....................................................31
Hydraulic System And Mast ...............................28
Performance Tests..............................................27
Steering System .................................................31
Visual Checks .....................................................27

Vehicle Systems 3 Index


Hydraulic Control Valve

Control Valve
Auxiliary Relief Valve
Main Relief Valve Pressure
Model Mast Pressure
+ 500 + 70 + 500 + 70
psi psi
- 0 kPa -0 - 0 kPa -0
D/G15S-2 STD 17600 2550
D/G18S-2 FFL 19860 2880 13790 2000
D/G20SC-2 FFT 21550 3125

(1) Torque for nuts that hold control valve

sections together .......26 to 32 N¥m (19 to 23 lb¥ft)

(2) Torque for nuts that hold control valve

sections together ......24 to 29 N¥m (18 to 21 lb¥ft)

(3) Torque for main and auxiliary relief valve

..................................44 to 49 N¥m (32 to 36 lb¥ft)

Vehicle Systems 5 SpeciÞcations

Hydraulic Pump Sideshift Cylinder

1 2

Rotation is counterclockwise when seen from drive EHCS003B

Type of pump : Gear
For test, use SAE 10W oil at 65¡C (150¡F) (1) Torque for head .............................270 L 35 N¥m
Pump output.......................19.5 cm3/rev (1.19 in3/rev) (200 L 25 lb¥ft)

(2) Torque for piston nut ......................260 L 25 N¥m

(190 L 20 lb¥ft)

Vehicle Systems 6 SpeciÞcations

Lift Cylinders
Full Free Triple Lift and
Standard Full Free Lift Primary



(1) Put Pipe Sealant on the last three threads of (1) Put Pipe Sealant on the last three threads of
bleed screw and tighten to a torque of bearing.
.......................................6 L 1 N¥m (53 L 9 lb¥in)
Put Pipe Sealant of the last three threads of bleed
NOTE : All seals to be lubricated with hydraulic oil. screw(not shown) and tighten to a torque of
.............................................6 L 1 N¥m (53 L 9 lb¥in)

NOTE : All seals to be lubricated with hydraulic oil.

Vehicle Systems 7 SpeciÞcations

Full Free Lift Secondary Full Free Triple Lift Secondary

1 2
1 2


(1) Put Pipe Sealant on the last three threads of (1) Put Pipe Sealant on the last three thread of
bearing. bearing.

(2) Put Pipe Sealant on the last three threads of (2) Put Pipe Sealant on the last three thread of bleed
bleed screw and tighten to a torque of screw and tighten to a torque of
.......................................6 L 1 N¥m (53 L 9 lb¥in) .......................................6 L 1 N¥m (53 L 9 lb¥in)

NOTE : All seals to be lubricated with hydraulic oil. NOTE : All seals to be lubricated with hydraulic oil.

Vehicle Systems 8 SpeciÞcations

Tilt Cylinders

1 2 3 4

X-closed, Y-open


Tilt Angle Degrees Cyl. Closed Ð X Cyl. Open Ð Y Stroke Ð Z

Tilt Group
Forward Backward mm in mm in mm in
A251983 6¡ 8¡ 402.8 15.9 474.3 18.7 71.5 2.8
A251985 6¡ 5¡ 418.4 16.5 474.3 18.7 55.9 2.2
A251986 6¡ 3¡ 428.8 16.9 474.3 18.7 45.5 1.8
A251987 10¡ 8¡ 402.8 15.9 494.0 19.5 91.2 3.6
A251988 10¡ 5¡ 418.4 16.5 494.0 19.5 75.6 3.0
A251989 10¡ 3¡ 428.8 16.9 494.0 19.5 65.2 2.6

(1) Adjust pivot eye to dimension(Y) with cylinder


(2) Torque for bolt ......... 95 L 15 N¥m (70 L 10 lb¥ft)

(3) With mast at tilt back position shim as required to

permit no gap between eye(1) and spacer.
Torque for head.... 270 L 35 N¥m (200 L 25 lb¥ft)

(4) Torque for jam nut

............................. 260 L 25 N¥m (190 L 20 lb¥ft)

Vehicle Systems 9 SpeciÞcations

Steering Wheel Priority Valve

Flow .......................................................Load sensing

Relief valve (no adjustment) opens at:

2 ..............................8285 L 350 kPa (1200 L 50 psi)


(1) Torque for steering wheel nut .............80 L 6 N¥m

(60 L 4 lb¥in)

(2) Torque for setscrews...................2.25 L 0.25 N¥m

(20 L 2 lb¥in)

Vehicle Systems 10 SpeciÞcations

Steering Unit

1 2




(1) Pin(1) in the body must be aligned with internal

pump gear (gerotor) (2) and drive (3) as shown.

(4) Tighten bolts in sequence shown.

Tighten to a Þrst torque of

...........................14.1 L 2.8 N¥m (125 L 25 lb¥in)

Tighten to a Þnal torque of

...........................28.2 L 2.8 N¥m (250 L 25 lb¥in)

(5) Torque for plug ......................11.3 N¥m (100 lb¥in)

Plug to be ßush (even) with or below mounting


Vehicle Systems 11 SpeciÞcations

Forward And Reverse Brakes
Control Group

1 2


(1) Torque for bolts (four) .....................3.4 to 3.9 N¥m IMCS006S

(30 to 34.5 lb¥in)

(2) Torque for bolts (two) ......................2.8 to 3.4 N¥m (1) Torque for wheel cylinder bolts (not shown)
(25 to 30 lb¥in) .........................................8 to 12 N¥m (6 to 9 lb¥ft)

(2) Brake drum inside diameter(not shown)

Steer Wheel Axles .........................254.1 ± 0.1 mm (10.004 ± .004 in)

Maximum total diameter brake drums can be

machined from the original diameter
...................................................1.52 mm (.060 in)

1 2


(1) Tighten nut (1) slowly to 133 N¥m (98 lb¥ft) while
turning the wheel.

(2) Loosen nut (1) completely, retighten nut (1) to a

torque of 50 ± 5 N¥m (37 ± 4 lb¥ft). Bend lock (2)
to hold nut (1) in position.

Vehicle Systems 12 SpeciÞcations

Systems Operation

Hydraulic System

6 5

9 7

13 14 15 16


Basic Hydraulic Schematic With Standard Lift

(1) Lift cylinders. (2) Excess ßow protector. (3) Sideshift cylinder(option). (4) Flow regulator.
(5) Hydraulic control valve. (6) Tilt cylinders. (7) Relief valve (lift and tilt). (8) Relief valve (sideshift).
(9) Hydraulic oil Þlter. (10) Hydraulic oil tank. (11) Priority valve. (12) Oil line. (13) Hydraulic strainer. (14) Hydraulic pump.
(15) Oil line to steering unit. (16) Oil line.

The hydraulic system has hydraulic oil tank (10), The return hydraulic oil from the cylinders ßows
which holds the oil for gear type hydraulic pump (14). through hydraulic control valve (5), line (12), into Þlter
Hydraulic pump (14) sends pressure oil to hydraulic (9) and hydraulic tank (10). Relief valve (7) in the
and steering systems. control valve body will make the ßow control valve
Pump oil ßows from pump (14) to priority valve (11) release extra pressure to the hydraulic tank when the
where the oil ßow divides to the steering unit through pressure in the lift or tilt circuits goes higher than
line (15). Oil also ßows to hydraulic control valve (5) relief valve pressure shown in the control valve
and back to hydraulic tank (10). section of SpeciÞcations. Relief valve (8) does the
same thing for the sideshift circuit when it goes
The control valve levers move the valve spools in higher than the auxiliary relief valve pressure shown
control valve (5) to let the pump oil in the control in the control valve section of SpeciÞcations.
valve go to lift cylinders (1) and/or (18), tilt cylinders
(6) or sideshift cylinder (3).

Vehicle Systems 13 Systems Operation

2 3



13 14 15 16


Basic Hydraulic Schematic With Full Free Lift Or Full Free Triple Lift
(1) Lift cylinders. (2) Excess ßow protector. (3) Sideshift cylinder(option). (4) Flow regulator.
(5) Hydraulic control valve. (6) Tilt cylinders. (7) Relief valve (lift and tilt). (8) Relief valve (sideshift).
(9) Hydraulic oil Þlter. (10) Hydraulic oil tank. (11) Priority valve. (12) Oil line. (13) Hydraulic strainer. (14) Hydraulic pump.
(15) Oil line to steering unit. (16) Oil line. (17) Excess ßow protector. (18) Lift cylinder(primary).

The maximum speed when the lift cylinders are

lowered is controlled by ßow regulator (4).

Excess ßow protectors (2) and (17) will act as ßow

regulator if an oil line between them and ßow
regulator (4) is broken when the mast is raised or
lowered. This prevents a sudden fall of the mast or
carriage if an oil line is broken.

Vehicle Systems 14 Systems Operation

Control Valve

Lift Valve Neutral Position

2 3 4 5 6


8 9

Control Valve for Lift (Shown In NEUTRAL Position)

(1) Spool. (2) Outlet To Head End Of Lift Cylinders. (3) Load Check Valve. (4) Passage. (5) Inlet Passage For Pump Oil.
(6) Chamber. (7) Passage For Return Oil. (8) Passage. (9) Chamber. (10) Spring.

Oil from pump enters the valve through a passage in

the inlet section. From there it goes to both chamber
(6) and chamber (9). Since spool (1) is in the
NEUTRAL position, the only path the oil can take is
from chamber (9) into the tilt valve. It would go out
through passage (8).

The mast can be stopped and held in any position

when the lift control valve is in neutral. This is
because the ßow to and from the cylinders is stopped
by spool (1). In the NEUTRAL position, oil can not
ßow from passage (4) to outlet (2) or back.

Vehicle Systems 15 Systems Operation

Lift Position

2 3 4 5 6


8 9


Control Valve for Lift (Shown In LIFT Position)

(1) Spool. (2) Outlet To Head End Of Lift Cylinders. (3) Load Check Valve. (4) Passage. (5) Inlet Passage For Pump Oil.
(6) Chamber. (7) Passage For Return Oil. (8) Passage. (9) Chamber. (10) Spring.

When the control lever is moved to the LIFT position,

lift spool (1) is moved into the valve. Movement of
spool (1) opens a path for oil to ßow from chamber
(6) through load check valve (3) into passage (4).
From passage (4) the oil goes to outlet (2) and then
to the lift cylinders. Pressure oil to the head end of
the lift cylinders moves the rod up and the mast will

Vehicle Systems 16 Systems Operation

Lower Position

2 3 4 5 6


8 9


Control Valve For Lift (Shown In LOWER Postion)

(1) Spool. (2) Outlet To H ead End Of Lift Cylinders. (3) Load Check Valve. (4) Passage. (5) Inlet Passage For Pump Oil.
(6) Chamber. (7) Passage For Return Oil. (8) Passage. (9) Chamber. (10) Spring.

When the control lever for lift is moved to the

LOWER position, lift spool (1) moves until a path is
opened between outlet (2) and passage for return oil

Vehicle Systems 17 Systems Operation

Tilt Neutral Position

2 3 4 5 6 7


14 16 15 12


Tilt Spool In Neutral Position

(1) Spool. (2) Outlet To Rod End Of Tilt Cylinders. (3) Load Check Valve. (4) Passage. (5) Inlet Passage For Pump Oil. (6) Chamber.
(7) Outlet To Head End of Tilt Cylinders. (8) Passage For Return Oil. (9) Spring. (10) Spool. (11) Passage. (12) Chamber. (13) Spring.
(14) OriÞce. (15) OriÞce. (16) Passage.

Oil from lift valve goes to both chamber (6) and (12).
Since spool (1) is in the NEUTRAL position, the only
path the oil can take is from chamber (12) to tank
through passage (11).

The mast can be stopped and held in any position

when the tilt control valve is in neutral. This is
because the ßow to and from the tilt cylinders is
stopped by spool (1). In the NEUTRAL position, oil
can not ßow from passage (4) to outlet (2) or (7).

Vehicle Systems 18 Systems Operation

Tilt Forward Position

2 3 4 5 6 7


10 16 15 12

Tilt Spool In Forward Position

(1) Spool. (2) Outlet to Rod End Of Tilt Cylinders. (3) Load Check Valve. (4) Passage. (5) Inlet Passage For Pump Oil.
(6) Chamber. (7) Outlet To Head End Of Tilt Cylinders. (8) Passage For Return Oil. (9) Spring. (10) Spool. (11) Passage.
(12) Chamber. (13) Spring. (14) OriÞce. (15) OriÞce. (16) Passage.

When the control lever for tilt is moved to TILT As tilt spool (1) is moved to the TILT FORWARD
FORWARD position, spool (1) is moved until a path position, two paths are opened for the ßow of oil to
is opened between passage (4) and outlet (7) and oil the tilt cylinders. One is from passage (4) to outlet
ßow from chamber (12) to passage (11) is stopped. (7), which allows pressure oil to go to the head end
This causes the oil pressure to increase and open of the tilt cylinders. The other path is for return oil
load check valve (3). The pressure oil from the pump from the rod end of the tilt cylinders. As spool (1)
can now ßow from passage(4) to outlet (7). It then moves, oriÞce (15) moves into position to send
ßows to the head end of the tilt cylinders and the pressure oil to the chamber behind spool (10). Spool
mast tilts forward. Return oil from the rod end of the (10) moves against the force of spring (9) and opens
tilt cylinders ßows into the valve through outlet (2) in a path for return oil between passage (16) and
to passage (8) and then to tank. oriÞce (14). This has the effect of slowing down the
ßow of oil from the rod end of the tilt cylinders and
preventing cavitation in the head end. If pump ßow
(pressure) is lost, for any reason, spool (10) will
return to the NEUTRAL position and the path for
return oil is closed.

Vehicle Systems 19 Systems Operation

Tilt Back Position

2 3 4 5 6 7


14 16 15 12

Tilt Spool In Tilt Back Position

(1) Spool. (2) Outlet To Rod End Of Tilt Cylinders. (3) Load Check Valve. (4) Passage. (5) Inlet Passage For Pump Oil.
(6) Chamber. (7) Outlet To Head End Of Tilt Cylinders. (8) Passage For Return Oil. (9) Spring. (10) Spool. (11) Passage.
(12) Chamber. (13) Spring. (14) OriÞce. (15) OriÞce. (16) Passage.

When the control lever for tilt is moved to TILT BACK

position, tilt spool (1) is moved until a path is opened
between passage (4) and outlet (2), and oil ßow from
chamber (12) to passage (11) is stopped. This
causes the oil pressure to increase and open load
check valve (3). The pressure oil from the pump can
now ßow from passage (4) to outlet (2). It then ßows
to the rod end of the tilt cylinders and the mast tilts
Return oil from the head end of the tilt cylinders ßows
into the valve through outlet (7) into passage (8) and
then to tank.

Vehicle Systems 20 Systems Operation

Relief Valve If the control lever is held in LIFT or TILT position
after the cylinder rod is fully extended or retracted,
the ßow of oil from outlet port to the cylinders is
stopped. The oil under pressure must be released.
The pressure oil ßows through piston(11) of the main
relief valve. The pressure oil opens pilot valve (14).
This lets the oil ßow go through spring chamber (13)
to passage (7). The oil then returns to tank. When
the pilot valve opened, it caused a decrease in the
pressure in spring chamber (13) that let piston (11)
move against the force of the spring in spring
chamber (13). This stops the ßow of oil around the
pilot valve to passage (7) and moves piston (12)
down until a path is open for pump ßow to go to the
tank through passage (7). This action will continue
until the control lever is moved to NEUTRAL position.





Relief Valve
(7) Passage for return oil. (11) Piston. (12) Dump valve.
(13) Spring chamber. (14) Pilot valve.

Vehicle Systems 21 Systems Operation

Steering System

Hydraulic Operation

3 4 6 7

2 8


9 13 10 11 12

Steering System Schematic

(1) Steering Unit. (2) Hose (to hydraulic tank). (3) Priority Valve. (4) Hose (from hydraulic pump). (5) Hose (to control valve).
(6) Hose. (7) Hose. (8) Steering Cylinder. (9) Check Valve (in steering unit). (10) Hose (from priority valve). (11) Hydraulic Pump.
(12) Hydraulic Tank. (13) Hose (load sensing).

The steering system is a load sensing closed center hose (10) than to hose (5). The priority valve
type and uses hydraulic oil for its operation. Oil ßow metering spool will shift back and forth to meet the
through the steering system is closed unless the steering ßow demand while maintaining the Load
steering wheel is turned. The ßow through the Sensing Pressure between load sense hose (13) and
steering gear is sensed by the priority valve, which the priority valve internal sensing line. At times ßow
then allows additional oil ßow to the steering system. to hose (5) will be closed completely. The
Hydraulic oil is pulled from hydraulic tank (12) combination of ßow restrictors in the lines and spring
through a strainer to hydraulic pump (11). The pump tension on the priority valve metering spool work
sends the oil through hose (4) to priority valve (3). together to maintain this balance.

When the steering gear is in NEUTRAL position, Check valve (9) is in the steering unit to prevent oil
pressure in hose (10) and the priority valve internal ßow back to priority valve (3), which could cause a
sensing line rises. When this pressure rises more sudden jerk of the steering wheel.
than load sensing signal hose (13) the priority valve
metering spool shifts to stop oil ßow to the steering Relief valve in priority valve body will open if the
unit. Oil ßows hose (5) to the hydraulic control valve. steering pressure goes above 8275 kPa (1200 psi).
When the steering unit is moved, oil starts to ßow to
steering cylinder (8). The pressure in line (10) and
the priority valve internal sensing line will drop. As
pressure drops in these lines, the priority valve
metering spool will shift to meet the ßow demand. As
the metering spool shifts, more oil ßow is diverted to

Vehicle Systems 22 Systems Operation

Steering Unit

2 3 4 5 6

8 9 10 11 12


Steering Gear
(1) Spool. (2) Sleeve. (3) Outlet (to tank). (4) Inlet (for pump oil). (5) Internal pump gear. (6) External pump gear. (7) Centering springs.
(8) Pin. (9) Left turn port. (10) Right turn port. (11) Body. (12) Drive. (A) Control section. (B) Metering section.

Lift trucks use the load sensing, closed center (oil Oil from the priority valve goes through inlet (4) into
ßow to steering unit only when needed) steering unit. the control section of the steering unit. When the
steering wheel is turned, the control section sends
All lift truck hydraulic lines serve a dual purpose in the oil to and from the metering section and also to
that they serve both the steering and cylinder and from the steering cylinder.
hydraulics through the use of a priority valve. The
priority valve sends oil to the steering unit before the The metering section is a small hydraulic pump. It
needs of the cylinder hydraulics are met. controls (meters) the oil that goes to the steering
cylinder. As the steering wheel is turned faster, there
The steering unit has two main sections: control is an increase in the ßow of oil to the steering
section (A), and pump or metering section (B). These cylinder. This increased ßow causes the main valve
two sections work together to send oil to the steering spool to move farther. As the spool moves farther,
cylinder. more oil can ßow from the priority valve or power
steering pump to the steering cylinder, and a faster
turn is made.

Vehicle Systems 23 Systems Operation

Oil Flow
The oil from the priority valve ßows through inlet (4).
When the steering wheel is stationary (NEUTRAL), 5 6 8
the oil is stopped by spool (1). The oil can not ßow
through the steering unit to the steering cylinder until
the steering wheel is turned.

The steering wheel is connected to spool (1) by a

shaft assembly and splines. When the steering wheel
is turned, spool (1) turns a small amount until springs
(7) are compressed. Then, sleeve (2) starts to turn.
As long as the steering wheel is turned, the spool
and sleeve both turn as a unit, but they turn a few
degrees apart.
When the spool and sleeve are a few degrees apart,
oil passages are opened between them. This lets the
pump oil from inlet (4) ßow through passages in body
(11) to the metering section.
When the steering wheel is turned, pin (8) turns with 12
the sleeve and causes drive (12) to turn also. The
drive causes a rotation of gear (5) inside gear (6). IDCS114S
This rotation of the gear sends a controlled (metered) Pump Gears In Metering Section
ßow of pilot oil back through body (11). This oil ßows (5) Internal pump gear. (6) External pump gear. (8) Pin.
to port (9) or (10) and then to the steering cylinder. (12) Drive.
Port (9) or (10), that is not used for pressure oil to
the steering cylinder, is used for return oil from the If the steering wheel rotation is stopped, springs (7)
other end of the steering cylinder will move sleeve (2) back in alignment with spool (1)
(NEUTRAL position). This will close passages
between the metering section and control section and
the steering unit will be in the NEUTRAL position.

When the engine is off, the steering unit can be

manually operated. The control section will work as a
pump. The oil that is returned from the steering
cylinder is not returned to the tank. The suction of the
control section will open an internal check valve and
let return oil from the steering cylinder go to the inlet
side of the control section. During power operation,
supply pressure keeps the check valve closed.

Vehicle Systems 24 Systems Operation

Brake System Brake ßuid from remote reservoir (1) to replenish
master cylinder (2).

Master Cylinder The master cylinder has a piston which pushes brake
liquid into the brake lines. The reservoir, located on
the cowl, is connected to inlet of master cylinder. The
supply lines keep master cylinder (2) Þlled so no air
enters the system. Reservoir (1) supplies brake liquid
1 to the system.

When the brake pedal is Þrst pushed, the piston

moves into the master cylinder and push brake liquid
through outlet into the brake lines. When ßoating
piston seats on seal, the liquid that is pushed by
2 piston goes around cup seal, out through loading
piston and outlet. This action continues until the
liquid pressure in piston bore reaches the pressure
that opens relief valve. The liquid, being pushed by
piston, now returns to reservoir(1). Cup seal, seals
and the liquid inside piston is pushed through piston
and outlet.
The liquid pushed through outlet goes through the
brake lines to wheel cylinders (3).
Check valve in the master cylinder keeps a small
3 amount of pressure in the brake lines and wheel
cylinders (3) when the pedal is released. This small
amount of pressure helps the wheel cylinder piston
cup seal seat, which keeps air out of the brake


Master Cylinder And Wheel Cylinder

(1) Master cylinder reservoir. (2) Master cylinder.
(3) Wheel cylinder.

Remote Reservoir
(4) Remote reservoir.

Vehicle Systems 25 Systems Operation

Shoe Type Brakes Automatic Adjustment

Brakes with automatic adjustment are adjusted on

the reverse braking action. In this example the drum
2 rotation is counterclockwise (in reverse) which
3 causes a counterclockwise rotation of the brake
shoes. Secondary shoe (4) moves away from
cylinder (2) that causes link (1) to move toggle lever
(6) in a clockwise rotation. Link (8) is connected to
5 4 the lower part of toggle lever (6) and to adjustment
lever (9). By this connection, adjustment lever (9) is
moved in a counterclockwise rotation.
6 When the brakes are released at the end of a
reverse brake application, adjustment spring (11)
puts adjustment lever (9) into its original position. If
the brake shoe lining has worn enough to let lever (9)
7 engage, a tooth on adjustment screw (10), lever (9)
will rotate screw (10) to put the brakes into the
8 correct adjustment.

11 10 9
IBCS044B Parking Brake
Brakes With Automatic Adjustment (Right Side Shown)
(1) Upper adjustment link. (2) Cylinder assembly. (3) Piston.
(4) Secondary shoe. (5) Primary shoe. (6) Toggle lever.
(7) Support plate. (8) Lower adjustment link.
(9) Adjustment lever. (10) Adjustment screw.
(11) Adjustment spring.

When the brake pedal is pushed down, the master

cylinder sends brake ßuid to wheel cylinder (2).
Wheel cylinder pistons (3) are pushed out and move
primary shoe (5) and secondary shoe (4). The brake
shoes move until they make contact with the brake
When the brake action Þrst starts, primary shoe (5)
comes in contact with the brake drum as it is in
rotation. This contact of the primary shoe puts some
force on secondary shoe (4) to help put it in position
against the drum.


Parking brakes use the shoe brake system described

above. The brakes are activated mechanically istead
of hydraulically. The brakes are designed to hold the
truck positively for sure parking. Using parking lever
(1) and cables (2).

Vehicle Systems 26 Systems Operation

Testing And Adjusting Performance Tests
The performance tests can be used to Þnd leakage in
the system. They can also be used to Þnd a bad
Troubleshooting valve or pump. The speed of rod movement when
the cylinders move can be used to check the
Before any test is made, visually inspect the
condition of the cylinders and the pump.
complete hydraulic system for leakage of oil and for
part that have damage.
Lift, lower, tilt forward and tilt back the forks several

WARNING 1. Watch the cylinders as they are extended and

retracted. Movement must be smooth and regular.
To prevent personal injury, when testing and
adjusting the hydraulic system, move the machine 2. Listen for noise from the pump.
to a smooth horizontal location and lower the mast
and carriage to the ground. If the mast and 3. Listen for the sound of the relief valve . It must not
carriage can not be on the ground, make sure they open except when the cylinders are fully extended
are blocked correctly to keep them from a fall that or retracted, when the forks are empty.
is not expected. Move away from machines and
personnel that are at work. There must be only one
operator. Keep all other personnel away from the Hydraulic Oil Temperature (Too Hot)
machine, or where the operator can see the other
personnel. When the temperature of hydraulic oil gets over
98.8 ûC (210 ûF), polyurethane seals in the system
Before any hydraulic plug, line or component is start to fail. High oil temperature causes seal failure
removed, make sure all hydraulic pressure in the to become more rapid. There are many reasons why
system is released. the temperature of the oil will get this hot.

1. Hydraulic pump is badly worn.

Visual Checks
2. Heavy hydraulic loads that cause the relief valve to
A visual inspection of the hydraulic system and its open.
components is the Þrst step when a diagnosis of a
problem is made. Lower the carriage to the ßoor and 3. The setting of the relief valve is too low.
follow these inspections:
4. Too many restrictions in the system.
1. Measure the oil level. Look for air bubbles in the
oil tank. 5. Hydraulic oil level in the tank is too low.

2. Remove the Þlter element and look for particles 6. High pressure oil leak in one or more circuits.
removed from the oil by the Þlter element. A
magnet will separate ferrous particles from non 7. Very dirty oil.
ferrous particles(piston rings, O-ring, etc).
8. Air in the hydraulic oil.
3. Check all oil lines and connections for damage or
leaks. NOTE : If the problem is because of air in the oil, it
must be corrected before the system will operate at
4. Check all the lift chains and mast carriage welds normal temperatures. There are two things that
for wear or damage. cause air in the oil (aeration).

a. Return oil to the tank goes in above the level of

the oil in the tank.

b. Air leaks in the oil suction line between the pump

and the tank.

Vehicle Systems 27 Testing And Adjusting

Hydraulic System and Mast Probable Mechanical Cause:

During a diagnosis of the hydraulic system, 1. The mast is not in alignment with the other lifting
remember that correct oil ßow and pressure are components and does not move freely.
necessary for correct operation. The output of the
pump (oil ßow) increases with an increase in engine 2. Not enough lubricant on the parts of the mast that
speed (rpm) and decreases when engine speed move.
(rpm) is decreased. Oil pressure is caused by
resistance to the ßow of oil. Visual checks and 3. The carriage or mast rollers and bearings are worn
measurements are the Þrst step when and do not move (seized).
troubleshooting a possible problem. Then do the
operation checks and Þnally, do instrument test with Problem: Lift cylinder extends too slowly.
pressure gauges.
Probable Hydraulic Cause:
Use the Fittings Group, a stop watch, a magnet, a
thermometer, and an inch (mm) ruler for basic tests 1. Not enough oil supply to lift cylinder.
to measure:
2. Defective lift cylinder seals.
1. The pressure of the oil to open the relief valve.
Relief valve pressures that are too low will cause a Probable Mechanical Cause:
decrease in the lift and tilt characteristics of the lift
truck. Pressures that are too high will cause a 1. The mast is not in alignment with the other lifting
decrease in the life of hoses and components. components and does not slide freely.

2. Drift rates in the cylinders. Cylinder drift is caused by 2. Not enough lubricant on the parts of the mast that
a leakage past cylinder pistons, O-ring seals in the move.
control valve, check valves that do not seat correctly
or poor adjustment or Þt in the control valve spools. 3. The carriage or mast rollers and bearings are worn
and do not move (sized).
3. Cycle times in the lift and tilt circuits: Cycle times
that are too long are the result of leakage, pump Problem: Mast does not move smoothly.
wear and/or pump speed (rpm).
Probable Hydraulic Cause:

1. Air in the hydraulic system.

Hydraulic System And Mast
2. Relief valve sticks or defective.
Problem: The hydraulic system will not lift the load.
3. Damaged cylinders.
probable Hydraulic Cause:
Probable Mechanical Cause:
1. There is an air leak, which lets air into the
hydraulic system on the inlet side of the hydraulic 1. Not enough lubricant on the parts of the mast that
pump. move.

2. The relief valve opens at low oil pressure. 2. Load rollers defective or not adjusted correctly.

3. The hydraulic pump has too much wear. Problem: Mast will not lower completely or will
not lower at all.
4. The priority valve does not work correctly.
Probable Hydraulic Cause:

1. Lift cylinder damaged or bent.

Vehicle Systems 28 Testing And Adjusting

Probable Mechanical Cause: Problem: The lift or tilt cylinders do not hold their
position with the valve control levers in neutral
1. Load rollers defective or not adjusted correctly. position.

2. Not enough lubricant on the parts of the mast that Probable Cause:
1. The valve spools do not hold their positions because
Problem: The mast does not tilt correctly or the springs for the valve spools are weak or broken.
moves too slowly.
2. Control valve leakage caused by worn valve spools.
Probable Hydraulic Cause:
3. The load check valves in the control valve are bad.
1. There is an air leak, which lets air into the
hydraulic system on the inlet side of the hydraulic 4. Leakage of the cylinder lines or piston seals.
5. There is foreign material in the control valve.
2. The relief valve opens at low oil pressure.

3. The hydraulic pump has too much wear. Hydraulic Gear Pump

4. The internal valve of the tilt spool is stuck. Problem: Noise in the pump.

5. Control valve tilt spool has a restriction. Probable Cause:

6. The priority valve does not work correctly. 1. The oil level is low.

Probable Mechanical Cause: 2. The oil is thick (viscosity too high).

1. Damage or failure of the tilt cylinders. 3. The pump inlet line has a restriction in it.

4. Worn parts in the pump.

Problem: The carriage will not lower correctly.
5. Oil is dirty.
Probable Hydraulic Cause:
6. Air leaks into the inlet line.
1. There are restrictions in the lift line.
Problem: The oil temperature is too high.
2. The lift spool in the control valve has a restriction
caused by foreign material and does not operate probable Cause:
1. The oil level is low.
3. The lift cylinder ßow regulator valve has a
restriction. 2. There is a restriction in an oil passage.

3. The relief valve setting is too low.

4. Air in the hydraulic system.
4. The oil is too thin.
Probable Mechanical Cause:
5. There is air leakage in the system.
1. The mast is not in alignment with the other lifting 6. The pump has too much wear.
components and does not move freely.
7. The system operates at too high a pressure.
2. Carriage chains need an adjustment.
a. Relief valve setting too high.
3. Not enough lubricant on the part of the mast that b. Attachment components cause a restriction during
moves. movement.

4. The carriage or mast rollers and bearings are worn c. Restrictions in ßow regulator valve, load check
and do not move (seized). valve and in oil lines.

Vehicle Systems 29 Testing And Adjusting

Problem: Leakage on the shaft seal. Problem: Control valve spools have leakage
around the seals.
Probable Cause:
Probable Cause:
1. The shaft seal is worn.
1. There is foreign material under the seal.
2. There is a broken gasket behind the seal.
2. The valve spools are worn.
3. The inner parts of the pump body are worn.
3. The seal plates are loose.
Problem: There is failure of pump to deliver ßuid.
4. The seals have damage or are badly worn.
Probable Cause:
Problem: The load lowers when the lift spool is
1. Low Level of the oil in the tank. moved from the neutral position to the raise
2. There is a restriction in the pump inlet line.
Probable Cause:
3. There is air leakage in the pump inlet line.
1. There is foreign material in the load check valve
4. The viscosity of the oil is wrong. area.

5. The pump has too much wear. 2. The load check valve and seat show wear.

6. Failure of the pump shaft or coupling. 3. Sudden loss of pump oil pressure.

7. The bolts of the pump do not have the correct 4. Damage to the relief valve which causes low oil
torque. pressure.

Hydraulic Control Valve Lift and Tilt Cylinders

Problem: The control spools do not move freely. Problem: Leakage around the piston rod.

Probable Cause: Probable Cause:

1. The temperature of the oil too high. 1. Cylinder head (bearing) seals are worn.

2. There is foreign material in the ßuid. 2. Piston rod is worn, scratched or bent.

3. The Þtting connections in the valve body are too Problem: There is leakage of oil inside the
tight. cylinder or loss of lift or tilt power.

4. The mounting bolts of the valve assembly do not Probable Cause:

have the correct torque and have twisted the body.
1. The piston seals are worn and let oil go through.
5. Linkage of the lift and tilt levers does not operate
smoothly. 2. Cylinder has damage.

6. Bent lift or tilt spools. Problem: The piston rods show wear.

7. Damage to the return springs of the spools. Probable Cause:

8. The valve is not at normal temperature for 1. The cylinders are not in correct alignment.
2. Oil is dirty.

Vehicle Systems 30 Testing And Adjusting

Problem: foreign material behind the wiper rings Problem: Loose movement of the steering wheel
causing scratches on the cylinder rod. and linkage.

Probable Cause: Probable Cause:

1. The wiper rings show wear and do not remove dirt 1. Loose steering knuckle king pins.
and foreign material.
2. Loose wheel bearings.

Problem: The temperature of the oil is too hot.

Steering System
Probable Cause:
Problem: Too much force needed to turn steering
wheel. 1. The viscosity of the oil is wrong.

Probable Cause: 2. Air mixed with the oil.

1. Priority valve releases pressure oil at a low setting. 3. The relief valve is set too high (priority valve).

2. Pump oil pressure is low, worn pump. 4. There is a restriction in line circuit.

3. Metering pump (steering) timing is not correct.

Brake System
4. Priority valve spool is held in one position.
Problem: Brakes make noise or pull(grab).
5. Low ßuid level in the hydraulic supply tank.
Probable Cause:
6. Linkage needs lubrication.
1. Brake shoe adjustment not correct.
Problem: Oil leakage at the pump.
2. Lining surface looks like glass (glazed) or is worn.
Probable Cause:
3. Oil or brake ßuid is on the lining.
1. Loose hose connections.
4. Dirt on the brake drum lining surface.
2. Bad shaft seal.
5. Brake drum is badly worn or has grooves (scored).
Problem: Low oil pressure.
6. Restriction in the brake line.
Probable Cause:
7. Brake drum is out of round.
1. Low oil level.
Problem: Both brake shoes will not release all the
2. Priority valve relief valve spring weak. way (drag).

3. Relief valve (priority valve) will not move from the Probable Cause:
open position.
1. Brake shoe adjustment not correct.
4. Oil leakage inside or outside of the system.
2. Brake pedal adjustment not correct.
5. Bad pump.
3. Mechanical resistance at the pedal or shoe.

4. Restriction in brake line.

5. Bad wheel cylinder.

Vehicle Systems 31 Testing And Adjusting

Problem: Pedal resistance is not solid (spongy). 5. Bad master cylinder.

Probable Cause: 6. Linkage is not in correct adjustment, or is bent.

1. Leakage or low ßuid level. Problem: Not braking evenly, or rough feeling of
braking (chatter).
2. Air in the brake hydraulic system.
Probable Cause:
3. Loose master cylinder mounting.
1. Lining surface looks like glass (glazed), or worn.
Problem: Hard pedal.
2. Oil or brake ßuid is on the lining.
Probable Cause:
3. Bad contact between the lining and drum.
1. Mechanical resistance on the pedal or shoe. 4. Loose lining.

2. Brake shoe adjustment not correct. 5. Brake drum out of round.

6. Loose wheel bearing.

3. Restriction in the brake line.
7. Bad wheel cylinder.
4. Bad master cylinder.

5. Lining surface looks like glass (glazed), or is worn.

Problem: Pedal gradually goes to the ßoor.

Hydraulic System
Probable Cause: Relief Valve Pressure Check
1. Leakage or low ßuid level. Lift and Tilt Relief Valve Pressure Check

2. Bad master cylinder.

Problem: Extra (excessive) pedal travel. WARNING

Probable Cause: Hydraulic oil, under pressure can remain in the

hydraulic system after the engine and pump have
1. Leakage or low ßuid level. been stopped. Personal injury can be caused if this
pressure is not released before any work is done
2. Air in the brake hydraulic system. on the hydraulic system. To prevent possible injury,
lower the carriage to the ground, engine off and
3. Bad master cylinder. move control levers to make sure all hydraulic
pressure is released before any Þtting, plug, hose
4. Lining surface looks like glass (glazed), or worn. or component is loosened, tightened, removed or
5. Operation of brake adjuster is not correct. Always move the lift truck to a clean and level
location away from the travel of other machines.
Problem: Brake will not make application. Be sure that other personnel are not near the
machine when engine is running and tests or
Probable Cause: adjustments are made.

1. Leakage or low ßuid level.

2. Lining surface looks like glass (glazed), or worn.

3. Oil or brake ßuid is on the lining.

4. Air in the brake hydraulic system.

Vehicle Systems 32 Testing And Adjusting


3 4 5
Relief Valve Adjustment
(2) Control valve. (3) Screw. (4) Jam nut. (5) Acorn nut.

IMCS053I 4. If an adjustment to the relief valve setting is

necessary, do the steps that follow:
Control Valve Pressure Check a. Stop the engine.
(1) Check Fitting. (2) Control Valve.
b. Remove acorn nut (5) and loosen jam nut (4).
c. Turn Screw (3) either clockwise for an increase
1. With the engine off, install a pressure gauge to the or counterclockwise for a decrease.
check Þtting (1). d. Hold screw (3) and tighten jam nut (4). Install
acorn nut (5).
2. Start the engine and tilt the mast back to the end
of its travel.

3. With the engine at high idle, hold the tilt control lever
in the TILT BACK position and watch the gauge. The
indication of the gauge is the pressure of the oil that
opens the relief valve. For the correct pressure
setting, see the topic Control Valve in SpeciÞcations.

Vehicle Systems 33 Testing And Adjusting

Lift Cylinders Air Removal
After the lift cylinder has been disassembled and 24
then assembled again, it may be necessary to
remove the air (bleed) from the cylinder.

1. With no load, lift and lower the mast and carriage

through one complete cycle.

2. With the forks on the ßoor, check the oil level in

the hydraulic tank. Add oil (if necessary)to bring
the oil level to the full mark. EHCS009C
Lift Cylinder Air Removal (FFTL - Secondary Cylinders)
3. With no load, left and lower the mast and carriage (24) Bleed Screw.
again through four complete cycles.
5. Open bleed screws (23 and 24) no more than one
turn. The weight of the carriage will force air and
WARNING hydraulic oil out of the cylinders through the bleed
screws. Close the bleed screws before all the
The oil will have high pressure present. To prevent pressure is out of the cylinders. This will prevent
personal injury, do not remove the bleed screws air from entering back through the bleed screws.
completely . Keep hands and feet away from any
6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until there is no air bubbles
parts of the truck that move, because the forks will
at the bleed screws.
lower when the bleed screw is loose.
7. After all the air is removed, tighten the bleed screws.

4. Lift the forks high enough to put a load on all 8. Fill the hydraulic tank to the full mark.
stages of the lift cylinders. (The illustrations shown
9. Lift and lower the mast and carriage again through
are of a full free triple lift mast.).
one complete cycle. If the mast does not operate
smoothly, repeat Step 3 through 9.



Lift Cylinder Air Removal (FFTL - Primary Cylinder)

(23) Bleed Screw.

Vehicle Systems 34 Testing And Adjusting

Steering System Steering System Air Removal
1. Fill the hydraulic Tank or reservoir nearly full. Be
Steer Axle Stop Adjustment ready to add oil when the engine is started. Do not
let oil level go below the outlet to the pump.

2. Start the engine and keep at low idle. Add oil

immediately to the tank or reservoir as needed.

NOTE : This oil will now ßow from the pump, the priority
valve and the steering gear, then back to the priority
valve, hydraulic control valve, hydraulic tank and Þnally
2 to the pump again. When no more oil can be added and
A oil is clear, do the procedure that follows :
3. Lift a capacity load to take the weight off of the steer
axle. Turn the steering wheel as rapidly as possible
to remove the air in the steering cylinder and lines.

4. Add oil immediately when the valve spool is

activated to replace oil that ßows through the circuit.

Be sure to keep the oil level in the hydraulic tank above
the outlet to the pump. Do not hold steer wheels against
stops for an extended period of time. This will cause the
oil to get hot and damage the components.

Steer Axle End.

(1) Bolt. (2) Nut. (A) 80ûangle. 5. Turn the steer wheels until they have reached the
stop in one direction, then quickly turn the steering
Use the procedure that follows to make an wheel in the opposite direction to the opposite stop.
adjustment to the steer axle turning angle.
6. This procedure must go on approximately 15 to 20
1. Adjust the cylinder rod extension so it is equal on times, to remove the air from the system. Add oil
both sides of the axle. as required.

2. Loosen nuts (2). NOTE : The oil in the lines to the steering cylinder
stops at the piston. The oil in the cylinder does not ßow
3. Turn the steer wheel one direction until the in a circuit. As the piston moves backward and forward,
steering cylinder internal stop is reached. the oil moves backward and forward in the lines. Air in
these lines, and in the cylinder, may move slowly into
4. Adjust stop bolt (1). the steering control valve and then to the tank.

5. Tighten nut (2). Turn the steer wheel the opposite

direction and do the same procedure for the
opposite stop bolts. This will give a maximum
cramp angle of 80û.
Personal injury can result if loss of steering occurs.
Do not operate the vehicle until the air is removed.

7. When the oil in the tank is clear (not cloudy), the

system is free of air.

8. Fill the tank to the recommended level.

Vehicle Systems 35 Testing And Adjusting

Steering System Pressure Check 5. The indication on the pressure gauge must be the
priority valve relief setting of 8275 L 350 kPa
If the steering system does not work correctly, check (1200 L 50 psi). If the indication is correct and a
the hydraulic tank for the correct oil level and the problem exists, then there is possibly a
hoses and connections for leakage. If all these items mechanical failure in the steering system.
are correct, use the Pressure Gauge Kit to check the
steering hydraulic system and its relief pressure 6. If the indication is not correct, then there is
setting. steering hydraulic failure in the components.



Hydraulic Steering Gear

(1) Elbow (Pressure line from priority valve).

Hydraulic pressure can cause personal injury.
Before any steering system hydraulic lines or
components are disconnected, make sure all
hydraulic pressure is released in the steering
system. Move the steer wheels to the left and right
and then to the straight forward direction.

Check steering system relief pressure as follows: IDCS134S

1. Turn the engine off. (4) Pressure-Checking Adapter. (5) Pressure-Tube.

(6) Pressure Gauge.

2. Remove plug from elbow(1)

Install pressure-checking adapter(4) and connect a. With the engine running, turn the steer wheels in
pressure-tube (5) and pressure gage (6). Pressure any directions and read the indication on pressure
gage(6) has a range of 28000 kpa (4000psi). gauge (6).
b. If the indication is approximately the pressure
3. Move the seat to the normal position for operation, shown in Step 5, then the steering gear has a
turn the key switch to the ON position and activate hydraulic failure.
the hydraulic controls until the oil is at a c. If the indication is too low or too high, then the
temperature for normal operation. priority valve or its components must be replaced.

4. Turn the steer wheels to the left or right against 7. If the steering unit and the priority valve are
the stops and make a note of the indication on the working properly, the steering cylinder is defective
pressure gauge. and must be repaired.

8. Correct the problem and check steering relief

valve pressure again.

Vehicle Systems 36 Testing And Adjusting

Brake System Brake Adjustment
The brakes make an adjustment automatically when
Brake System Air Removal an application is made in reverse.

Systems With Remote Reservoir With each reverse brake application there will be an
adjustment made, until the lining-to-drum clearance
is made small enough to stop the movement of the
1 automatic adjustment linkage.

Manual brake adjustment is necessary only when

new brake shoes are installed and the automatic
adjustment has been moved.

To make a manual adjustment to the brakes:


Remote Reservoir Location

Wood blocks or jack stands of the correct capacity
(1) Remote reservoir. must be used under the machine to prevent the
machine from a fall that is not expected. Failure to
do so can result in injury or death.
When the brake pedal resistance is spongy (not
solid) it is usually an indication that there is air in the
brake hydraulic system. The cause may be low ßuid
or oil level, leakage in the system, a broken brake 1. Put wood blocks or jack stands of the correct
line or a brake line that is not connected. capacity under the machine.

To remove air from the brake system, do the 2. Remove the plugs from wheel brake plate.
procedure that follows :
3. Put a brake adjustment tool through hole and into
1. Fill remote reservoir (1) with the correct brake ßuid a tooth on the adjustment screw (3).
to 12.7 mm (.50 in) from the Þller cap. See the
Operation and Maintenance Manual for the correct
brake ßuid.

2. Put pressure on the brake pedal and open bleed

screw to let air out of the system. Close bleed
screw while pressure is still on the brake pedal ;
then let the pedal return to the original position.

3. Do Step 2 again as many times as necessary until

the brake ßuid is free of air.

4. Use the procedure in Steps 2 and 3 again, except

this time use the right bleed screw.

5. Fill remote reservoir (1) again, with the correct

ßuid, to the level explained in Step 1.

Vehicle Systems 37 Testing And Adjusting

Pedal Adjustment
The brake pedal must have enough free play to let
the master cylinder piston return to the release
position and open the relief outlet.
Hydraulic pressure in the brake lines goes back
through the relief opening and releases the brakes. If
there is no pedal free play, the pressure can not go
back through the relief opening, and the brakes will
tighten and not release.
4 If there is too much free play, the brake pedal will be
low even with the correct brake adjustment.
The master cylinder push rod must be adjusted so
the brake pedal has 3.0 to 8.0 mm (.118 to .315 in) of
free play from the pedal stop to the push rod contact
3 point with the master cylinder piston.
If the pedal free play adjustment is not correct, do the
Brake Assembly procedure that follows :
(3) Adjustment screw. (4) Adjustment lever.

4. Turn adjustment screw (3) up until a heavy

resistance (drag) is felt on the brake shoes as the
drum is turned.

5. Put a thin blade screwdriver into hole and hold

adjustment lever (4) away from the adjustment
screw. 5
NOTE : The adjustment lever must be held away 3–8mm
from the adjustment screw when the adjustment
screw is turned backwards. 7
6. Put the brake tool through hole into a tooth on the
adjustment screw and turn screw (3) backward 3
until the brake shoes are free of resistance (drag). 8
7. Do steps 3 through 6 to adjust the other brake
(110 mm)
lining to drum clearance.

8. Install the plugs. Test the brakes to be sure both

wheels stop evenly when a brake application is made.

93.5mm 2

Location of master cylinder and brake pedal adjustment.

(1) Clevis. (2) Boot. (3) Inching & Brake pedal. (4) Bolt.
(5) Nut. (6) Bolt. (7) Nut. (8) Rod. (9) Yoke.

Vehicle Systems 38 Testing And Adjusting

1. Adjust master cylinder clevis (1) to 93.5mm. The Parking Brake Adjustment
push rod should be free on piston rod (1mm gap
between the rod and piston)

2. Adjust pedal height both inching and brake to 110

mm from top of ßoorplate to pedal (3) using
adjusting bolt (4) and nut (5).

3. Adjust rod (8) until there is the correct amount of 2

free play (3-8mm).

Parking Brake Test

To prevent personal injury, the operator must be

ready to use the service brake if the parking brake
is not adjusted correctly and the lift truck starts to

1. Drive the fully loaded lift truck up a 15% incline. PARKING-1

2. Half way up the incline, stop the lift truck with the
1. Put the parking brake control in the released
service brakes. Apply the parking brake.
3. If the parking brake has the correct adjustment,
2. Make sure cables (1) and (2) are loosened.
the lift truck will be held in this position.
3. Loosen nut (4) and adjust the cables (1), (2) by nut
4. If the parking brake does not hold, do the steps in
parking Brake Adjustment.
4. Tighten nut (4).

Vehicle Systems 39 Testing And Adjusting

Inching Pedal Adjustment
To check the inching valve adjustment and operation,
do the procedure that follows : To prevent personal injury, when the inching pedal
is adjusted, move the truck to a clear area that is
level. Keep all other personnel away from the lift
truck. Use lifting equipment or a safe method to lift
WARNING the front of the lift truck until the drive wheels are
off the ßoor. Put wood blocks or jack stands of the
When this procedure is used, the lift truck must be correct capacity under it to hold it in this position
in an area clear of obstructions. There must be while the inching pedal is adjusted.
one operator with all other personnel away from
the lift truck. Check the operation of the brakes
before the test is made.
2. Raise the front of the lift truck off the ßoor. Put
wood blocks or jack stands of the correct capacity
under it while the inching pedal is adjusted.
1. With the engine at idle speed, put the transmission


Inching Operation Test
(1) Inching pedal.

2. Slowly push down on inching pedal (1) until the

movement of the brake pedal causes the brake
shoes to make contact (small drag) with the brake
3. Increase the engine speed to high idle. The truck
Inching Pedal Adjustement
must not move.
(1) Inching pedal. (2) Lug. (3) Bolt. (4) Nut.

If the operation of the inching valve is not correct, do

the procedure that follows. 3. Start the engine and put the transmission
1. Adjust and bleed the wheel brakes as shown in
the Vehicle Systems module. 4. With the drive wheels turning, depress inching
pedal (1) until the drive wheels stop.

5. Now depress the brake pedal until shoe contact is


6. Loosen nut (4) and adjust bolt (3) to contact lug (2)
that rotates the brake control cross shaft. Tighten
nut (4).

7. Check the inching valve operation again.

Vehicle Systems 40 Testing And Adjusting

Oct. 2000

Disassembly &
Lift Trucks Vehicle Systems
D15S-2, D18S-2, D20SC-2
G15S-2, G18S-2, G20SC-2
Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety
rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an
accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary
training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before operating or performing lubrication,
maintenance and repair on this product.

Basic safety precautions are listed in the ÒSafetyÓ section of the Service or Technical Manual. Additional safety
precautions are listed in the ÒSafetyÓ section of the owner/operation/maintenance publication.
Specific safety warnings for all these publications are provided in the description of operations where hazards
exist. WARNING labels have also been put on the product to provide instructions and to identify specific hazards.
If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons. Warnings in
this publication and on the product labels are identified by the following symbol.


Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result
in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read and
understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this

DAEWOO cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings in
this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating
technique not specifically recommended by DAEWOO is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and
others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by the operation, lubrication,
maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at the
time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other
items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the complete
and most current information before starting any job. DAEWOO dealers have the most current information


Disassembly & Assembly

Air Cleaner Housing Assembly ................................47

Alternator .................................................................45

Brake Master Cylinder .............................................24


Electric Starting Motor .............................................45

Engine And Transaxle..............................................48

Fan Belt ...................................................................44

Fuel Filter.................................................................46

Hood (with seat) Assembly ........................................5

Hydraulic Control Valve............................................11

Hydraulic Pump .......................................................17

Links, Knuckles, Kingpins And Bearings .................41

Oil Filter ...................................................................47

Overhead Guard ........................................................5

Primary Lift Cylinder ..................................................9

Radiator ...................................................................43

Secondary Lift Cylinder .............................................7

Steer Axle ................................................................36

Steer Wheels & Hub ................................................34

Steering Cylinder .....................................................38

Steering Unit ............................................................26

Steering Wheel ........................................................25

Tilt Cylinder ..............................................................21


Disconnect batteries before performance of any

service work.

Vehicle Systems 3 Index

Disassembly & Assembly

Hood (with seat) Assembly


Remove & Install Hood (with seat)



1 5. Use the hoist to remove hood and seat assembly


6. Install the hood and seat assembly in the reverse

order of removal.

Overhead Guard

Remove & Install Overhead Guard


The hood and seat assembly can fall when nut (1) 1
is removed from the support cylinder rod. To avoid
personal injury, support the seat and hood
assembly before removing nut (1).

1. Raise the hood. Support the seat with a hoist.

2. Remove nut (1) from the support cylinder. Remove

the cylinder rod from the bracket.
3. Remove the four bolts (2).

4. Lower the hood. 1. Support overhead guard (1) with lifting straps and
a hoist.

Vehicle Systems 5 Disassembly & Assembly



5. Remove the washers, nuts, and four bolts (5).

6. Remove rear leg (6).

7. Install overhead guard (1) and rear leg (5) in the
reverse order of removal.


2. Disconnect harness (2) from the cowl. Remove the

plugs, bolts (3), washers and nuts.


3. Remove the plugs, washers, nuts (4) and bolts.

4. Remove front overhead guard (1).

Vehicle Systems 6 Disassembly & Assembly

Secondary Lift Cylinder 3

Disassemble Secondary Lift

Start By :

a. Remove secondary lift cylinders.

3. Remove rod (3) from the cylinder body.


1. Put secondary lift cylinder (1) in position as shown.

2 EHCD102P

4. Remove ring (4) from the cylinder rod.


2. Remove rod-cover assembly (2) with wrench. 6


5. Remove screw bleeders (5) and steel ball (6) from

the rod cover.

Vehicle Systems 7 Disassembly & Assembly

7 7

8 8


6. Remove O-ring seal (7) and backup ring (8) from 2. Install backup ring (8) and O-ring seal (7) onto the
the rod cover. rod cover.




7. Remove wiper seal (9), U-packing (10), backup 3. Install the steel ball (6) and screw-bleeder (5) onto
ring (11) and two slyd rings (12) from the rod the rod cover.

Assemble Secondary Lift Cylinder


10 EHCD101P

4. Install rod (3) with a ring into the cylinder body.


1. Install two slyd rings (12), backup ring (11) U-

packing (10) and wiper seal (9) on the inside of the
rod cover.

Vehicle Systems 8 Disassembly & Assembly



5. Install rod cover assembly (2) on the cylinder and 3. Remove ring (3) from the cylinder rod.
tighten using wrench.

End By :
a. Install secondary lift cylinder.

Primary Lift Cylinder 5

Disassemble Primary Lift Cylinder

Start By :

a. Remove primary lift cylinder. 4. Remove O-ring seal (4) and backup ring (5) from
the head assembly.
2 1


EHCD111P 9
1. Remove head assembly (1).
2. Remove rod (2) from the cylinder body.
5. Remove wiper seal (6), backup ring (7), U-packing
(8) and two slyd rings (9) from the head assembly.

Vehicle Systems 9 Disassembly & Assembly

Assemble Primary Lift Cylinder 2 1


EHCD111P 9 6. Install cylinder rod (2) in the cylinder body.

7. Install head assembly (1) on the cylinder body.

1. Install backup ring (7) and U-packing (8) in the
Tighten the head assembly.
head assembly.
2. Install wiper seal (6). Install the seal with the lip End By :
toward the outside.
a. Install primary lift cylinder.
3. Install two slyd rings (9) in the head assembly.


NOTE : Install the back-up ring with the curved

side contacting the O-ring seal.
4. Install the backup ring (5) and O-ring seal (4) on
the head assembly.


5. Install ring (3) on the cylinder rod.

Vehicle Systems 10 Disassembly & Assembly

Hydraulic Control Valve Install Hydraulic Control Valve

Remove Hydraulic Control Valve


Before any hydraulic plug, line or component is

removed, make sure all hydraulic pressure in the
system is released.


1. Put hydraulic control valve assembly (3) in position

1 and install the mounting nuts and bolts (2) that
hold it.


1. Put identification marks on all hydraulic lines and


2. Disconnect all hydraulic lines and hoses (1) from IMCD208P

the hydraulic control valves. Put plugs or caps on
the lines and hoses, also on the openings on the 2. Remove the caps or plugs from the lines and
control valves to keep out dirt and foreign material. hoses, also from the openings on the control

2 3. Connect hydraulic lines and hoses (1) to the

control valves. Be sure the lines are installed at
the correct locations.


3. Remove mounting nuts and the bolts (2). Remove

hydraulic control valve assembly.

Vehicle Systems 11 Disassembly & Assembly

Disassemble Hydraulic
Control Valve
Start By :
a. Remove hydraulic control valve.


5. Remove lift section assembly (6) from the valve


10 8

NOTE : For purpose of assembly, put identification

marks on all valve sections.
1. Remove three nuts (1) to separate the valve
sections. 9

2. Remove inlet section assembly (2) from the valve IHCD108P

6. Remove plug (7) and O-ring (8) from the lift
section assembly (6).
4 5
2 7. Remove O-ring (9), poppet (10) and spring (11)
from lift section assembly (6).

3. Remove O-ring (3) from inlet section assembly (2).

4. Remove relief valve (4) and O-ring (5).


8. Remove two screws (12) and cap (13) from lift

section assembly.

Vehicle Systems 12 Disassembly & Assembly



9. Remove two screws (16) and seal plate (17). 13. Remove tilt section assembly (26) from the valve
10. Remove lift spool (18).



25 21 IHCD113P

14. Remove O-ring (27), poppet (28) and spring (29)

11. Remove the wiper seals (19) and O-rings (20) from tilt section assembly (26).
from the spool. Check the condition of O-rings
and wiper seals and replace with new ones if

NOTE : Remove the spool end (21) from the spool.

The centering spring (22) has a slight preload and
will extend to its free length when the spool end is
removed. 30

12. Remove the spring seats (23 and 24), centering
spring (22) and seal plate (25).


15. Remove two screws (30) and cap (31) from tilt
section assembly.

Vehicle Systems 13 Disassembly & Assembly

15 14 45 44




16. Remove two screws (32), seal plate (33) and tilt 20. Remove side shift section assembly (43) and
spool (34). fourth section (44) from the valve body.

17. Remove valve (14) and O-ring (15). NOTE : Do step 7 through 12 to disassemble valve
spools of side shift and fourth section assembly.

35 21. Remove section assembly (45).

46 47



18. Remove the wiper seals (35) and O-rings (36).

Check the condition of wiper seals and O-rings
and replace with new ones if needed.
22. Remove relief valve (46) and O-ring (47) from the
NOTE : Remove the spool end (37) from the spool. section assembly (45).
The centering spring (38) has a slight preload and
will extend to its free length when the spool end is

39 38 40

42 41


19. Remove spring seats (39 and 40), spring (38 and
42) and piston (41).

Vehicle Systems 14 Disassembly & Assembly

Assemble Hydraulic Control
Valve 19


Do not use caustic (corrosive) materials to clean any
parts in this valve group. Caustic materials will cause
corrosion and damage to parts.
25 21

1. Make sure all valve parts are clean and free of dirt.
4. Install the spring seats (23 and 24), centering
spring (22) and seal plate (25) on the lift spool.

3 5. Compress the spring with spool end (21) and

4 5
2 tighten spool end. Torque the spool end to
8 ~ 11 N¥m (70 ~ 97 lb¥in).

6. Install the wiper seals (19) and O-ring (20) to the

spool (18).


2. Install O-ring (3) to inlet section assembly (2). 17


3. Install relief valve (4) with O-ring (5) to inlet section 18

assembly (2). The torque for the relief valve is

44 ~ 49 N¥m (32 ~ 36 lb¥ft).


7. Install the spool (18), seal plate (17) and the

screws (16).

Vehicle Systems 15 Disassembly & Assembly

46 47



8. Install cap (13) and two screws (12). 13. Install O-ring (47) and relief valve (46) to the
section assembly (45).

10 8

9 2


9. Install O-ring (9), poppet (10) and spring (11) to lift

14. Assemble all the sections on the studs.
section assembly (6).
15. Install the nuts (1) that hold the valve sections
10. Install O-ring (8) and plug (7) to the lift section together.
assembly. Tighten the single top nut to torque of 26 ~ 32
N¥m (19 ~ 23 lb¥ft) and two bottom nuts to
torque of 24 ~ 29 N¥m (18 ~ 21 lb¥ft).
39 38 40
End By :

a. Install hydraulic control valve.

42 41


11. Install piston (41), spring (42), spring seats (39

and 40) and spring (38) on the tilt spool assembly.

12. Compress the spring with spool end (37).

Torque the spool end to 8 ~ 11 N¥m (70 ~ 97 lb¥in).
NOTE : Do step 6, 7, 8 and 9 to assemble the tilt
spool to the tilt section assembly.
NOTE : Do same steps to assemble the side shift
section and fourth section assembly.

Vehicle Systems 16 Disassembly & Assembly

Hydraulic Pump For D15/18/20S(C)-2

Start By:
Remove & Install Hydraulic Pump
a. Remove alternator

1. Drain the hydraulic tank.


To prevent personal injury, release any pressure in

hydraulic system. Slowly loosen the cap of the
hydraulic tank to release any pressure in the tank.
Be cautious of hot hydraulic oil when any lines are
disconnected in the hydraulic system.

For G15/18/20S(C)-2


2. Remove two hydraulic hose (1) and (2) from

hydraulic pump (3).

1 3. Support hydraulic pump (3). Remove the two bolts

and pump (3).

4. Install the hydraulic pump in reverse order of
IBCD161P removal.
Tightening torque for bolts that hold pump is 55 ±
1. Disconnect lines (1) from hydraulic pump (2). 10 N¥m (40 ± 4 lb¥ft).

2. Remove two bolts (3) that hold hydraulic pump (2) 5. Fill the hydraulic tank to the correct level with fluid.
to the frame. Remove the pump. Refer to the operation and maintenance manual
for further information.
3. Make a replacement of the pump gasket if
necessary. End By :

4. Put hydraulic pump (2) in position on the frame, a. Install the alternator.
and install the bolts that hold it.

5. Tighten the bolts (3) to a torque of 55 ± 10 N¥m

(40 ± 4 lb¥ft).

6. Connect the lines (1) to hydraulic pump (2).

Vehicle Systems 17 Disassembly & Assembly

Disassemble Hydraulic Pump
Start By: 8

a. Remove hydraulic pump.


4. Remove gears (8) from the pump body. Separate
the pump sections.

NOTE: Identify and mark all sections of the hydraulic 12
pump for purposes of reassembly.

1. Remove four bolts (1) and washer (2) to remove

pump rear cover (3).



5. Remove O-ring (9), seal (10), back up-ring (11)

and bush (12) from the pump body.
Replace seals, back up-ring, O-ring with new if

IBCD109C 13 14
2. Remove seal (4) from the pump body.

6 IBCD113C

6. Remove snap ring (13) and seal (14) from the

flange (15).

3. Remove seal (5), back up-ring (6) and bush (7)

from the pump gears.

Vehicle Systems 18 Disassembly & Assembly

Assemble Hydraulic Pump

13 14


IBCD113C 3. Install gears (8) in the pump body.

NOTE: When installing seal (14), make sure the lip of 5

the seal is positioned toward the inside of the pump
housing. The outer surface of seal (14) should be
6 L 0.4 mm (0.24 L 0.2 in) below the outer surface
of the pump end cover.

1. Use tool group (A) to install seal (14) in the pump 6


9 IBCD110C

10 5. Install bush (7) back-up ring (6) and seal (5) in the
pump body.



2. Install bush (12), back-up ring (11), seal (10) and

O-ring (9) in the pump body.


6. Install seal (4) on the pump body.

Vehicle Systems 19 Disassembly & Assembly



7. Install the bolts (1), washers (2) and pump rear

cover (3) onto the pump body. Tighten the bolts for
rear cover (3) to a torque of 39 to 40 N¥m (28 to
30 lb¥ft).

End By:

a. Install the hydraulic pump.

Vehicle Systems 20 Disassembly & Assembly

Tilt Cylinder 5

Remove & Install Tilt Cylinders

NOTE : The procedure for removing and installing
the lift cylinders is the same for both cylinders.

If both tilt cylinders are to be removed at the same
time, make sure that the mast is held either by a
3. Remove bolts (4), the washes. Remove rear tilt
hoist or is securely held in place by blocks.
cylinder pin (5).

4. Remove tilt cylinder (6) from the lift truck.

1 5. Install the tilt cylinder in the reverse order of


NOTE : When installing bolts (4), apply Loctite NO.242.

Disassemble & Assemble Tilt Cylinder

Start By :
a. Remove tilt cylinder.

1. Put identification marks on the hydraulic lines.

Disconnect hydraulic lines (1) from the tilt cylinder.
Put caps or plugs on the lines and the openings on
the tilt cylinder to keep out dirt or foreign material.


EHCD113P 2

1. Use wrench to remove rod cover (1) from the

cylinder body.

2. Remove bolts (2), washes from the cylinder eye. Use extra care not to damage the highly finished
Remove pin (3). surface of the cylinder rod and the bore of the cylinder
body during disassembly and assembly of the tilt

2. Remove rod assembly (2) from the cylinder body.

Vehicle Systems 21 Disassembly & Assembly

3 4 5
Check the condition of all seals. If any parts are worn
or damaged use new parts for replacement.



3. Remove nut (3) from the cylinder rod.

4. Remove piston and seal assembly (4) from the

cylinder rod.
5. Remove rod cover assembly (5).
9. Remove O-ring seal (10) and backup ring (11)
from the rod cover.
2 6




6. Remove spacer with a O-ring seal and shims from
the cylinder rod (2) if they are installed.
10. Remove wiper seal (12) and U-packing (14) from
7. Loosen the nut and bolt (6) on the rod eye. the rod cover.
Remove cylinder rod.


11. Remove the DU-bush (15) from the rod cover. If
8. Remove slipper seal (7) and O-ring seal (8) from the DU-bush has a large amount of wear,
the piston (9). Replace the DU-bush.

NOTE : Use the following steps to assemble the tilt


Vehicle Systems 22 Disassembly & Assembly

2 6



12. Install wiper seal (12) in the rod cover. Position 16. Position the cylinder rod eye in a vise as shown.
the lip of the seal toward the outside of the rod
cover as shown. 17. Install cylinder rod (2) and shims. Tighten the nut
and bolt (6) on the rod eye to a torque of 95 L 15
13. Install U-packing (14) in the rod cover. N¥m (70 L 10 lb¥ft).

18. Install the spacer with O-ring seal onto the

cylinder rod if needed.

3 4 5



14. Install O-ring seal (10) and backup ring (11) on

the rod cover.

19. Install rod cover assembly (5) on the cylinder rod.

7 20. Install piston assembly (4) onto the cylinder rod.

The torque for the nut (3) is 260 L 25 N¥m (190
L 20 lb¥ft).


15. Install slipper seal (7) and O-ring seal (8) on the
piston (9).

Vehicle Systems 23 Disassembly & Assembly

Brake Master Cylinder

1 Remove & Install Brake Master Cylinder

5 2 1

EHCD113P 2

21. Install the rod assembly (2) in the cylinder body.

22. Use wrench to tighten rod cover (1). The torque

for rod cover (1) is 270 L 35 N¥m (200 L 25 3 4

End By : 1. Remove the cotter pin from pin (1). Remove pin (1).

a. Install tilt cylinder. NOTE : Plug and cap all openings to avoid
contamination and debris from entering the system
after removing any tubes or lines.

2. Disconnect hose (2) from master cylinder.

3. Disconnect tube (3) from master cylinder.

4. Support the brake master cylinder. Remove two

bolts (4).

5. Remove the brake master cylinder (5).

6. Install the brake master cylinder in the reverse

order of removal.

7. Bleed the brake system. Refer to the Testing and

Adjusting Manual for further information.

Vehicle Systems 24 Disassembly & Assembly

Disassemble & Assemble Brake Steering Wheel
Master Cylinder
Start By : Remove & Install Steering Wheel
a. Remove master cylinder.


1 2 3
1. Remove cap (1) from the steering wheel.

1. Remove head (1) and boot (2).

2. Remove snap ring (3) from master cylinder.

3. Remove bolt (4) from master cylinder.

3 4 6 8 10 11


2. Remove nut (2) and up (3) from the steering wheel
shaft. Put location marks on the steering wheel
and the steering wheel shaft for installation
ILCD042P 13

3. Use plastic hammer to remove the steering wheel

4. Remove union (5) and washers (6). from the shaft.

5. Remove plate (7) and piston (8). NOTE : Use the following steps to install the steering
6. Remove secondary cup (9) from piston.

7. Remove spacer (10) and primary cup (11). 4. Put the steering wheel on the steering wheel shaft
in its original position.
8. Remove spring (12) and check valve (13).
5. Install cup (3) and nut (2). Tighten nut (2) to a
9. Assemble the master cylinder in the reverse order torque of 80 L 7 N¥m (60 L 5 lb¥ft).
of disassembly.
6. Install cap (1).
End By :

a. Install master cylinder.

Vehicle Systems 25 Disassembly & Assembly

Steering Unit WARNING

Remove & Install Steering Unit To prevent personal injury be sure pressure in the
hydraulic system has been released before
disconnecting any hydraulic lines. Slowly loosen
Start By: the cap of the hydraulic tank to release any
pressure in the tank. Be cautious of hot hydraulic
a. Remove steering wheel. oil when any lines are disconnected in the
hydraulic system.

1 3
NOTE : Identify and mark all hydraulic hoses for
purposes of reassembly.

4. Disconnect five hoses from steering unit (5).

Steering unit (5) and column (2) can separate after
IDCD065P bolts (4) have all been removed, causing unit (5) to
fall. To avoid damaging components, support the
steering pump while removing bolts (4).
1. Open the access cover for the fuse panel.

2. Loosen four bolts (1). Slide directional control

switch (3) off of steering column (2). Set switch (3)
5. Support steering unit (5) while removing the
aside, clear of the steering column.
remaining two bolts (4). Remove steering unit (5)
and steering column (2).

6. Install the steering unit in the reverse order of


End By :
a. Install steering wheel.


3. Remove two bolts (4).

Vehicle Systems 26 Disassembly & Assembly

Disassemble Steering Unit
Cleanliness is extremely important when repairing a
steering unit. Work in a clean area. Before
disconnecting lines, clean port area of unit
Use a wire brush to remove foreign material and
debris from around exterior joints of the unit.

Although not all drawings show the unit in a vise, we

recommend that you keep the unit in the vise during
disassembly. Follow the clamping procedures
explained throughout the manual.
End Cap Cap
Seal Screw
Gerotor (Meter) End

2. Remove 5/16 inch cap screws and washers if

applicable (7 each).

3. Remove end cap.

4. Remove seal from end cap.


1. Clamp unit in vise, meter end up. Clamp lightly on

edges of mounting area. Use protective material
on vise jaws. Housing distortion could result if jaws
are overtightened.



5. Remove meter. Be careful not to drop star.

6. Remove seal from meter.

7. Remove drive spacer(s).

Vehicle Systems 27 Disassembly & Assembly

Seal Gland
Spacer Plate

Seal Drive


12. Rotate spool and sleeve until pin is horizontal.

8. Remove drive. Push spool and sleeve assembly forward with
your thumbs just far enough to free gland
9. Remove spacer plate. bushing from housing. Remove bushing.

10. Remove seal from housing.

Control End Ring
Dust Gland
Seal Bushing


13. Remove quad ring seal from seal gland bushing.

14. Use a thin bladed screwdriver to pry dust seal

from seal gland bushing. Do not damage


11. Remove housing from vise. Place housing on a

clean soft cloth to protect surface finish. Use a
thin bladed screwdriver to pry retaining ring from

Vehicle Systems 28 Disassembly & Assembly

Needle Race



15. Remove two bearing races and the needle thrust 18. Push spool partially from control end of sleeve,
bearing from spool and sleeve assembly. then remove 4 centering springs from spool
carefully by hand.

19. Push spool back through and out of sleeve.

Rotate spool slowly when removing from sleeve.

20. Remove seal from housing.



IDCD286S Check Ball

Check Ball Seat
16. Remove spool and sleeve assembly from 14 hole IDCD288S
end of housing.

Attention: Do not bind spool and sleeve in housing. 21. Remove check ball seat.
Rotate spool and sleeve assembly slowly when
removing from housing. 22. Tip housing to remove check ball.

17. Push pin from spool and sleeve assembly.

Vehicle Systems 29 Disassembly & Assembly

Assemble Steering Unit

Check all mating surfaces. Replace any parts that

have scratches or burrs that could cause leakage. Spring Slot
Clean all metal parts in clean solvent. Blow dry with Control Sleeve
air. Do not wipe dry with cloth or paper towel
because lint or other matter can get into the hydraulic Spring
system and cause damage. Do not use a coarse grit Slot
or try to file or grind these parts. Identification Control
Marks Spool
NOTE: Lubricate all seals with clean petroleum jelly
such as Vaseline.
Do not use excessive lubricant on seals for meter
Refer to parts listings covering your steering unit 6. Assemble spool and sleeve carefully so that the
when ordering replacement parts. A good service spring slots line up at the same end. Rotate spool
policy is to replace all old seals with new seals. while sliding parts together. Some spool and
sleeve sets have identification marks, align these
marks. Test for free rotation. Spool should rotate
smoothly in sleeve with finger tip force applied at
splined end.

Check Ball

Check Ball


1. Use a needle nose pliers to lower check ball

retainer into check valve hole of housing. Make 7. Bring spring slots of both parts in line and stand
sure retainer is straight (not tilted on edge) in parts on end of bench. Insert spring installation
housing. tool through spring slots of both parts. Position 2
pairs of centering springs on bench so that
2. Install check ball in housing extended edge is down and arched center section
is together. In this position, insert one end of entire
3. Lubricate 9.3 mm [.36 in.] ID seal and 7.7 mm [.30 spring set into spring installation tool, with spring
in.] ID seal. Install seals on check ball seat as notches facing sleeve.
8. Compress extended end of centering spring set
4. Lubricate check ball seat and seals thoroughly and push into spool sleeve assembly withdrawing
before installing seat in housing. When installing installation tool at the same time.
seat do not twist or damage seals. Install check
ball seat in housing, insert open end of seat first. 9. Center the spring set in the parts so that they push
Push check ball seat to shoulder of hole. down evenly and flush with the upper surface of
the spool and sleeve.
5. Install set screw. Use a 1/4 inch hex key to torque
set screw to 11 N¥m [100 lb¥in]. To prevent 10. Install pin through spool and sleeve assembly
interference make sure top of set screw in slightly until pin is flush at both sides of sleeve.
below housing mounting surface.

Vehicle Systems 30 Disassembly & Assembly

Seal Ring
(with seals)


11. Position the spool and sleeve assembly so that IDCD294S

the splined end of the spool enters the 14 hole
end of housing first.
16. Install seal gland bushing over the spool end with
Attention: Be extremely careful that the parts do not a twisting motion. Tap the bushing in place with a
tilt out of position while inserting. Push parts gently rubber hammer. Make sure the bushing is flush
into place with slight rotating action, keep pin nearly against the bearing race.
horizontal. Bring the spool assembly entirely within
the housing bore until the parts are flush at the meter
end or 14 hole end of housing.
Do not pull the spool assembly beyond this point to
prevent the cross pin from dropping into the
discharge groove of the housing. With the spool
assembly in this flush position, check for free rotation Screwdriver
within the housing by turning with light finger tip force Dust Seal
at the splined end. Retaining
Seal Gland
Bearing Quad Ring
Bearing Race (2)


12. Place housing on clean lint free cloth. Install 47,5
mm [1.86 in.] ID seal in housing.
17. Install retaining ring in housing. After installing
13. Install 2 bearing races and the needle thrust
ring, tap on ring end or pry with screwdriver
bearing in the order shown.
around entire circumference of ring to properly
14. Install 25 mm [1 in.] ID dust seal in seal gland seat ring in groove.
bushing, flat or smooth side must face down
towards bushing.

15. Install the quad ring seal in seal gland bushing.

Smooth seal in place with your finger. Do not use
any seal that falls freely into pocket of bushing.

Vehicle Systems 31 Disassembly & Assembly

Port Face Drive
Pin Parallel
with Port



18. Clamp housing in vise. Clamp lightly on edges of 21. Rotate spool and sleeve assembly until pin is
mounting area. Do not over tighten jaws. parallel with port face. Install drive, make sure
you engage drive with pin. To assure proper
Note: Check to insure that the spool and sleeve are alignment, mark drive as shown. Note
flush or slightly below the 14 hole surface of the relationship between slotted end of drive to
housing. splined end of drive when marking.

Attention: Clean the upper surface of the housing by

wiping with the palm of clean hand. Clean each of
the flat surfaces of the meter section parts in a
similar way when ready for reassembly. Do not use
cloth of paper to clean surfaces.



22. Install 73.5 mm [2.89 in.] ID seal in spacer plate

or gerotor (meter).


19. Install 73.5 mm [2.89 in.] ID seal in housing.

20. Install spacer plate. Align bolt holes in spacer

plate with tapped holes in housing.

Vehicle Systems 32 Disassembly & Assembly

Actual Spacer
Seal Groove this Side of Gerotor (meter) cm3/r(in3/r) Length mm[in.]

Star Valley A 45 [ 2.8] None

60 [ 3.6] None
75 [ 4.5] None
B 95 [ 5.9] 3.56 [ .140]
120 [ 7.3] 6.10 [ .240]
145 [ 8.9] 10.29 [ .405]
Drive C
(Marked) 160 [ 9.7] 12.19 [ .480]
185 [11.3] 15.62 [ .615]
230 [14.1] 21.97 [ .865]
295 [17.9] 28.45 [1.120]
370 [22.6] 41.15 [1.620]
460 [28.2] 53.67 [2.113]
590 [35.9] 66.37 [2.613]
740 [45.1] 91.77 [3.613]

24. Install drive spacer (s) when used, in meter.

Pin Port Face 25. Install 73.5 mm [2.89 in.] ID seal in gerotor
(meter) or end cap, see notes.
26. Install end cap on gerotor, align holes.

23. With seal side of meter toward spacer plate, align

star valleys on drive. Note the parallel
relationship of reference lines A, B, C, and D.
Align bolt holes without disengaging meter from

Drive Spacer(s)


27. Install 7 dry cap screws in end cap. Pretighten

screws to 11-17 N¥m [100-150 lb¥in] then torque
screws to specifications.


Vehicle Systems 33 Disassembly & Assembly

Steer Wheels & Hub
Remove Steer Wheels & Hub


4. Remove wheel cap (3).

5. Eliminate grease in the hub.


1. Raise the rear of the machine and support with 4

wooden block as shown.

2. Remove six nuts (1).


6. Bend the tap in locking washer (4) clear slot in nut.

7. Remove nut (5). Remove locking washer (4).


3. Remove steer wheel (2). 6


8. Remove washer and bearing cone (6) from the

hub (7).

Vehicle Systems 34 Disassembly & Assembly




9. Remove hub (7) from steering knuckle (8). 12. Remove bearing cone (12) from knuckle.

NOTE: Check the condition of all seals, bearings and

components. If any parts are worn or damaged, use
10 new part for replacement.

13. Pack bearing cones (6) and (12), and lubricate
the contact surfaces of the bearing cups with
Multipurpose Grease.
14. Reverse the procedures and steps 1 through 12
to install the steer wheels and bearings.

IBCD053C 15. Adjust the steer wheel bearings as follows:

a. Tighten nut (5) to a torque of 135 L 14 N¥m (100

10. Remove seal (9) and bearing cup (10) from hub L 10 lb¥ft) while slowly rotating steer wheel (2).
(7). b. Loosen nut (5) completely.
c. Tighten nut (5) again to a torque of 50 L 5 N¥m
(37 L 4 lb¥ft).
d. Greased fully inside hub.
16. Install wheel cap (3).

17. Install steer wheel (2).

18. Raise the rear of the machine and remove the

wooden bolck.


11. Remove bearing cup (11) from the hub.

Vehicle Systems 35 Disassembly & Assembly

Steer Axle

Remove & Install Steer Axle


Be sure the pressure in the hydraulic system is

released before any lines or hoses have been
disconnected. 3

3. Support the steer axle with a floor jack.

2 1 4. Loosen rear mounting bolt (3) until approximately

two bolt threads are left in the mounting boxes.

5. Lower the steer axle onto the bolt heads with the
floor jack.


1. Raise the rear of the lift truck and support with

wooden block.

2. Disconnect hose (1) and tube (2). Plug and cap all 6 5
openings to prevent contamination and debris from
entering the system.

6. Remove front mounting bolts (5) and mounting

caps (6) from the steer axle.

Vehicle Systems 36 Disassembly & Assembly



Typical Example
NOTE: Use bolts (3) and cap to align steer axle (4)
7. Remove steer axle (4). with the mounting bosses while raising steer axle (4)
into position with the floor jack.
NOTE: Use the following steps to install the steer
axle. 9. Seat steer axle (4) as follows:

a. Install bolts (5) through cap (6) and into the

mounting bosses approximately two bolt threads.
b. Use the floor jack to raise steer axle (4) into the
mounting boss.
c. Tighten bolts (5) to a torque of 270 L 40 N¥m (200
L 30 lb¥ft).


Typical Example

8. Use a floor jack to position steer axle (4).

2 1


10. Connect hose (1) and tube (2).

Vehicle Systems 37 Disassembly & Assembly

Steering Cylinder 3

Disassemble Steering Cylinder

Start By:

a. Remove steering cylinder.

4. Remove retaining rings (3) from the cylinder rod.


1. Put location marks on rod-cover (1) as to their

position on the steering cylinder tube.
2. Remove rod covers (1) from the steering cylinder.

5. Remove piston (4) from the cylinder rod.



3. Remove cylinder tube (2) from the rod assembly.

6. Remove and inspect O-ring seal (5).

Vehicle Systems 38 Disassembly & Assembly

Assemble Steering Cylinder






7. Disassemble each rod cover as follows:

a. Remove O-ring seal (6). 1. Assemble each rod cover as follows:

b. Remove wiper seal (7). a. Install DU-bush (9).

c. Remove U-packing (8). b. Install U-packing (8).

d. Remove DU-bush (9). c. Install wiper seal (7).

d. Install O-ring seal (6).


2. Install O-ring seal (5) on the cylinder rod.

Vehicle Systems 39 Disassembly & Assembly

4 1


3. Install piston (4) on the cylinder rod. 6. Install rod cover (1) on cylinder tube (2).

End By:
a. Install the steering cylinder.


4. Install rings (3) on each side of piston.


5. Install cylinder tube (2) on the rod assembly.

Vehicle Systems 40 Disassembly & Assembly

Links, Knuckles, Kingpins Counterweight
And Bearings
Remove Counterweight
Remove & Install Links, Knuckles,
Kingpins And Bearings
Start By :

a. Remove steer wheels and bearings.

4 1

2 5

1 1. Disconnect fuel line (1).-for G15/18/20S(C)-2


1. Remove the split pins, nuts (1) and washers from

the links (2).

2. Remove the links (2).

3. Remove the bolts (3) and covers (4) from the 3 2

knuckle (5).

4. Remove the knuckle from the steer axle.

2. Remove bolts (3) to remove LP container
mounting brackets (2) and LP tank.
6 - for G15/18/20S(C)-2

8 7

5. Remove the bearings (6), king pin (7) and seals (8).

6. Install the links, kunckles, kingpins, and bearings

in the reverse order of removal. 3. Install two suitable eyebolts (4) in the
counterweight and fasten a hoist.
End by :

a. Install steer wheels and bearings.

Vehicle Systems 41 Disassembly & Assembly

5 5

6 6


4. Remove bolts (5) from the rear of the 3. Install bolts (5) at the rear of the counterweight.
counterweight. Tighten bolt to a torque of 400 L 50N¥m (300 L
37 lb¥ft).
5. Remove counterweight (6) from the frame of the
lift truck.

Install Counterweight

3 2


4. Remove the eyebolts and the hoist. Install LP

container mounting brackets (2) and bolts (3) that
6 hold it. - for G15/18/20S(C)-2

1. Put two suitable eyebolts (4) in the counterweight,

and fasten a hoist to it.

2. Put counterweight (6) in position on the lift truck



5. Connect fuel line (1) to the counterweight.

- for G15/18/20S(C)-2

Vehicle Systems 42 Disassembly & Assembly


Remove & Install Radiator

Start By :
a. Remove counterweight.

1. Drain the coolant from radiator.


1 5. Support Radiator. Remove four bolts (5), washers.

Then, remove the radiator.

6. Install the radiator in the reverse order of removal.

End by :

a. Install counterweight.


2. Loosen two clamps (1) and remove tube assembly

from the muffler.

3. Remove two mounting bolts (2).


4. Loosen clamps (3).

Remove hoses (4) from the radiator.

Vehicle Systems 43 Disassembly & Assembly

Fan Belt For D15/18/20S(C)-2

Remove and Install Fan Belt

For G15/18/20S(C)-2

1 3


1. Loosen alternator bolt (1).


1. Loosen four bolts (1) from pump mounting bracket. 2

5 4


2. Loosen nut (2) and move alternator toward the

3 cylinder head. Remove belt (3) from the pulleys.

3. Install the fan belt in the reverse order of removal.


2. Move the pump mounting bracket (2) and pump

(3) backward.

3. Disconnect U-joint adapter (4) from pump spline,

and remove fan belt (5).

NOTE : It is easier to rework after removal of rear

tires or to rework at a pit.

4. Install the fan belt in the reverse order of removal.

Vehicle Systems 44 Disassembly & Assembly

Alternator Electric Starting Motor

Remove & Install Alternator Remove & Install Electric Starting


IMCD061P 1
1 2

1. Disconnect the battery positive cable.

2. Disconnect starter wires (1) and (2). Put

identification on the starter wires.



4 2

4 3

3. Remove two bolts (3) and then remove starter

(4) from the engine rear plate.
4. Install the starter in the reverse order of


1. Disconnect wiring harness (1) from the alternator.

2. Loosen top bolts (2) and then remove belt (3) from
the pulley.

3. Support the alternator.

Remove bolt (4) and washer. Remove the

4. Install the alternator in the reverse order of


Vehicle Systems 45 Disassembly & Assembly

Fuel Filter 3

Remove & Install Fuel Filter




1. Loosen hose clamp (1) and bolts (2).

2 3 1
IBCD165P 2. Remove fuel filter (3).

<D15/18/20S(C)-2> 3. Install the fuel filter (3) in the reverse order of

1. Loosen hose clamp (1) and disconnect connector

2. Remove fuel filter element (3).

3. Check the condition of seal.

Replace seal with new if worn or damaged.

4. Put new fuel element (3) in position.

5. connect connector (2) and then tighten clamp (1).

Vehicle Systems 46 Disassembly & Assembly

Oil Filter Air Cleaner Housing Assembly

Remove & Install Oil Filter Remove & Install Air Cleaner
Housing Assembly


<D15/18/20S(C)-2> IBCD169P

1 1. Remove clips (2) and cover (1).

IBCD168P 3
1. Remove the oil filter housing (1) from the base.

2. Install a new oil filter housing (1) on the oil filter 2. Remove cover assembly (3) from the housing.

5 4

3. Remove nut (4). Remove primary filter element (5)

from the housing.

Vehicle Systems 47 Disassembly & Assembly

Engine and Transaxle

Remove & Install Engine and

Start By:
7 a. Remove mast.
b. Remove overhead guard.
6 c. Remove seat and hood.
d. Remove steering unit.
e. Remove floor plate.

4. Remove nut (7). Remove secondary filter element

Put identification marks on all wiring, hoses and lines
to assure proper installation.


5. Loosen hose clamps (7) and pull hose off of air 1

cleaner housing. Remove pressure indicator (8).
1. Disconnect yoke (1) from the parking cable assembly.

9 6

7 4 5
6. Remove two bolts (8) that hold air cleaner
housing. 2. Remove nut (2) and pin (3) from the inching cable
(6). Remove nut (4) and pin (5) from the accel
7. Remove air cleaner housing from the frame. cable (7). Remove both cables.

8. Install air cleaner in the reverse order of removal.

Plug and cap all openings to avoid contamination and
debris from entering the system after removing any
tubes or lines.

Vehicle Systems 48 Disassembly & Assembly


11 10


3. Disconnect hoses (8) from the left hand tilt

cylinder. Remove bolt (9) and clip. Disconnect two
connectors (10) for solenoid valves and connector
(11). 14



5. Remove eight bolts (14) for cowl.


4. Disconnect tube (12) for brake pressure lines and

connectors (13) for horn.



6. Remove cowl (15) from the frame.

Vehicle Systems 49 Disassembly & Assembly





9. Disconnect two hoses (18) for fuel line and air

cleaner hose (19).

20 20


7. Remove two bolts (16) and separate engine

21 22
control unit from frame. IBCD185P

10. Remove bolts (20) and disconnect hose (21) from

hydraulic pump. Remove bolts (22) for exhaust




8. Disconnect wire harness (17) for fuel sender.


11. Disconnect connector (23) for battery and band

(24) for ground.

Vehicle Systems 50 Disassembly & Assembly




12. Disconnect two connectors(25) from circuit

breaker (26).



14. Support lift truck with wooden blocks on three
IBCD188P places.

13. Disconnect connector (27) for temperature

sender. Disconnect radiator hoses (28).

NOTE: At this point, make a check to be sure all

removals and disconnections have been made from
the transaxle and engine.


15. Remove drive tire from the drive axle.

Vehicle Systems 51 Disassembly & Assembly




16. Remove nut (29) and washers (30) from the 19. Remove transaxle and engine assemblies from
engine mount, located on each side of the the frame.
engine. Put the transaxle and engine assemblies on the
For the reassembly purpose, the torque for nut wooden block.
(29) is 200 ± 20 N¥m (150 ± 15 lb¥ft).

17. Support the engine and transaxle with a hoist.



20. Support the engine with a hoist.

Remove seven bolts and washers from the
converter housing.
For the reassembly purpose, the torque for the
bolt is 60 ± 10 N¥m (45 ± 7 lb¥ft).

21. Remove the engine from the transaxle.

22. Install the engine in the reverse order of removal.

End By:

a. Install floor plate.

IBCD190P b. Install steering unit.

18. Remove four bolts (31) from the frame. c. Install seat and hood.

NOTE: At this point, make a final check to be sure all d. Install overhead guard.
removals and disconnections have been made from
the transaxle and engine. e. Install mast.

Vehicle Systems 52 Disassembly & Assembly

May 2000

Disassembly & Assembly

Testing & Adjusting
Lift Trucks Mast Systems
G15S-2, G18S-2, G20SC-2
GC15S-2, GC18S-2, GC20SC-2
D15S-2, D18S-2, D20SC-2
B16X, B18X, B20X
B13T-2, B15T-2, B18T-2
BC15T, BC18T, BC20T
B15S, B18S
Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety
rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an
accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary
training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before operating or performing lubrication,
maintenance and repair on this product.

Basic safety precautions are listed in the ÒSafetyÓ section of the Service or Technical Manual. Additional safety
precautions are listed in the ÒSafetyÓ section of the owner/operation/maintenance publication.
Specific safety warnings for all these publications are provided in the description of operations where hazards
exist. WARNING labels have also been put on the product to provide instructions and to identify specific hazards.
If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons. Warnings in
this publication and on the product labels are identified by the following symbol.


IImproper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could
result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read
and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this

DAEWOO cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings in
this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating
technique not specifically recommended by DAEWOO is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you
and others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by the operation,
lubrication, maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at the
time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other
items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the complete
and most current information before starting any job. DAEWOO dealers have the most current information


Disassembly & Assembly


Testing & Adjusting

Carriage Adjustment...............................................22
Chain Adjustments .................................................23
Chain Wear Test.....................................................23
Carriage and Mast Height Adjustment ........................24
Forks Parallel Check ..............................................24
Tilt Cylinder Alignment............................................25
Drift Test .................................................................25
Tilt Cylinder Adjustment..........................................26
Lift & Tilt Mounting Group Adjustment....................27
Mast mounting Group Adjustment..........................28

Lift Trucks Mast System 3 Index

Lift Trucks Mast System 4 Disassembly & Assembly
Disassembly & Assembly Backrest

Remove & Install Backrest


Remove & Install Forks 1

3 2


1. Fasten a hoist to the backrest. Remove bolts(2)
IDCD001P that fasten the backrest to the carriage.

2. Remove backrest (1).

Backrest weighs 32 kg (71 lb).

3. Install backrest(1) in the reverse order of removal.


1. Remove stopper bolt and washer (3).

2. Lift fork pin (1).

3. Use a suitable C-clamp, strap and hoist to support

the fork as shown.

4. Slide the fork to slot (2) in the middle of the carriage.

5. Remove the fork. The weight of the fork is 35 kg

(77 lb).

6. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the remaining fork.

7. Install the forks in the reverse order of removal.

8. Put the forks in position. Lower both fork pins(1) to

lock the forks in position.

9. Install stopper bolt and washer (3).

Lift Trucks Mast System 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Remove & Install Carriage

Start By:

a. Remove forks.

b. Remove backrest. 7 6

2 4. Remove two nuts (6).

Remove carriage stop bolt (7).

4 9


1. Remove two bolts (1) and hose guard (2) from the
cross head (3).

2. Remove cross head (3) from the cylinder rod (4).



5. Raise the inner mast to pull out carriage as

6. Remove carriage from bottom of inner mast (9).
IBCD503P Carriage weighs 64kg (141 lb).

3. Remove hoses (5). NOTE: Use the following steps to install the carriage.

7. Raise the inner mast (9) to put in the carriage (8)

onto the mast, and lower the inner mast to cover
carriage bearing fully.

Lift Trucks Mast System 6 Disassembly & Assembly

End By:

a. Install backrest.

b. Install forks.

Disassemble Carriage
Start By:
7 6
a. Remove carriage.

8. Install stop bolt (7).

Shim stop bolt as required to obtain a 4 to 6 mm
(.157 to .242 in) lap with top carriage stop on the
inner upright. 1

9. Put the chains in position over cross head. Install

nuts(6) onto the chain anchors to a torque of 300
L 30 NIIm (220 L 22 lbIIft).

IBCD571P 2

1. Remove the roll pins and pins(2) to disconnect



10. Install hoses (5).


2. Remove lower roller bearings(3) and the shims
from the carriage.


11. Install cross head (3) to cylinder rod (4).

12. Install hose guard (2) and bolts (1) to a torque of

8 L 2 NIIm (6 L 1.5 lbIIft).

Lift Trucks Mast System 7 Disassembly & Assembly

7 1. Select bearings from the chart to obtain minimum
clearance (C) between bearings and channel leg
4 for full channel length. Use same bearing at all
8 four locations.


9 Part No. Bearing Size Bearing O.D.*

D580006 Undersize 98.5 mm (3.878 in)
D580007 Standard 99.0 mm (3.898 in)
IBCD573P 6
D580008 Oversize 99.5 mm (3.917 in)

3. Remove screw(5) and washer(4). * Permissible tolerance of L 0.08 mm (.003in)

Remove two top roller bearings(6) and the shims.
Refer to carriage Adjustment in Testing & Adjusting.
4. Remove bolt (7), washer, pin-adjust (8) and side-
roller bearing (9) from the carriage.

Assemble Carriage
NOTE : The standard, Full Free Lift and Full Free
Triple Lift carriage load bearings are all adjusted the
same way. The Full Free Triple Lift carriage is shown
in the following illustrations.

To make the carriage clearance adjustments,

carriage must be removed from the mast.

Use the procedure that follows to adjust carriage 2. Find narrowest point by ruler on the inner mast in
load bearings. the area where the bearings make contact.

A A 4 1
B 5(STD)
A 3 D
5 (FF, FFT) 6

C 8
C 7
10 9 IBCD574P
VIEW B-B 3. Install enough shims (1) that have been divided
into two equal groups behind bearings (2). At
Carriage Adjustment installation, there is to be contact [zero clearance
(3) Upper bearings. (4) Shims. (5) Bolt. (6) Screw. (A)] between the bearings and the narrowest point
(7) Side-roller bearings. (8) Lower bearings. (9) Pin-adjust. of inner mast.
(10) Bolt. (A) Zero clearance.
(B) 4.0 to 6.0 mm. (.157 to .242 in) clearance.
(C) Minimum clearance. (D) 4.5 L 0.5 mm
4. Do step 2 through 3 for other sets of bearings.

Lift Trucks Mast System 8 Disassembly & Assembly


Remove & Install Mast

Start By:

a. Remove forks.
Move the truck to the place where pit is set up.


5. Tighten screw (3) that holds the top and middle

bearings (4) to the carriage to a torque of 34 L 7 NIm
(25 L 5 lbIft). 1


1. Support mast assembly(2) with a hoist and strap

(1) as shown.

IBCD571P 5

6. Position chains (6) on the carriage. Install pins (5)

and the roll pins.

End By:

a. Install carriage, raise the inner mast and insert the

carriage from the bottom of inner mast.

Place identification marks on all hydraulic connectors
and hoses to assure proper installation. Plug and cap
all hydraulic connectors and hoses to avoid debris and
contamination from entering the system.

2. Disconnect hose(3).

NOTE : For BC15/18/20T and B13/15/18T-2, see

article 6 prior to disconnecting hose (3).

Lift Trucks Mast System 9 Disassembly & Assembly

6 5 4


Tilt cylinders (4) can drop when pin(6) is removed.

To avoid component damage or personal injury, 6. BC15/18/20T, B13/15/18T-2
support tilt cylinder (4) while removing pin(6). Raise the carriage and mast to open outer lower
part. Remove bolt (9) from the front of mast each
side. Remove bolt (8) from the pit each side.
Disconnect hose (3) of article 2.
3. Remove bolt (5) from each side of mast assembly (2).

4. Remove pin (6) from the tilt cylinders on each side

of the mast assembly.



7. B16/18/20X
Tilt forward mast assembly with the hoist. Remove
5. D,G15/18/20S(C)-2, GC15/18/20S(C)-2, B15/18S bolts (8) from each side.
Tilt forward mast assembly about 8¡ with the hoist.
Remove four bolts (7) from pit each side of the WARNING
base of mast assembly.
Loosen the tension of straps to be connected with
hoist when mast assembly is tilted forward.
If straps are too tight, mast assembly could slide
off when bolts (7), (8), (10) are removed.

8. Use the hoist to remove mast assembly from the truck.

9. Install the mast in the reverse order of removal.

End By:

a. Install forks.

Lift Trucks Mast System 10 Disassembly & Assembly

Disassemble Mast
Start By:

a. Remove lift chain to be connected primary lift


b. Remove primary lift cylinder. 5

NOTE: The following disassembly and assembly

procedure is for a full free triple lift mast.

2 4. Disconnect and remove chains(5) from the bottom

of the mast.



1. Remove hoses (1) along with the hose support

clamps (2). 8

5. Remove clamp (6) and bolt (7) from stationary

mast and disconnect regulator (8) from secondary
cylinder(For D,G15/18/20S(C)-2, GC15/18/20S(C)-2,


2. Remove hose sheave (3).

3. Remove chain nut(4) from the top of the mast 9

(each side). 10


6. Remove tube assÕy (9) and bolt (10) from stationary

mast and disconnect regulator (8) from secondary
cylinder (For BC15/18/20T, B13/15/18T-2,

Lift Trucks Mast System 11 Disassembly & Assembly


IBCD523P 11
7. Remove top cylinder retainer bolts (11) from each
side of the mast. D,G15/18/20S(C)-2, GC15/18/20S(C)-2, B15/18S


IBCD524P 16 15

8. Remove cylinder retainer brackets(12) from each

cylinder. 17
BC15/18/20T, B13/15/18T-2

IBCD527P 13

9. Remove secondary cylinders(13). Each cylinder

weighs 38 kg (84 lb).

14 B16/18/20X

11. Remove bearing mounting pins(15) and screw

(16) from the mast lower hinge mounting part.

12. Check the condition of the bearings(17) located in

10. Check the condition of bearings(14) located in each of the mast mounting bracket.
each of the tilt cylinder pin bores. Replace Replace the bearings (17) with new if worn or
bearings(14) with new if worn or damaged. damaged.

Lift Trucks Mast System 12 Disassembly & Assembly

24 22
21 24




13. Move inner mast channel (21) downward. 18. Move intermediate mast channel (24) downward.

14. Remove bearings (18) and shims from the 19. Remove bearings (22) and the shims from the
intermediate mast channel (24). stationary mast channel.

15. Remove nylon pads (19) and shims. 20. Remove nylon pads (23) and the shims.




16. Remove bearings (20) and shims from the inner 21. Remove bearings (25) and the shims from the
mast channel (21). intermediate mast channel (24).

21 24


17. Fasten nylon straps and hoist to inner channel 22. Fasten nylon straps and a hoist to the intermediate
(21). Remove inner channel. The weight of the mast channel (24). Remove intermediate mast
inner channel is 110 kg (243 lb). channel. The intermediate mast channel weighs
112kg (247 lb).

Lift Trucks Mast System 13 Disassembly & Assembly

Assemble Mast
NOTE: The standard, Full Free Lift and Full Free
Triple Lift mast load bearings are all adjusted the
same way. The mast shown in the following
illustrations is the Full Free Triple Lift mast.

1. Make sure all parts are clean and free of dirt and
foreign material.

2. Check all parts for damage, use new parts for

replacement. IBCD541P

A. Lower Bearing Adjustment of

4. Find narrowest point by ruler on the stationary
Intermediate Mast
mast in the area where the bearings make contact
at 420 mm (16.5 in) channel lap.

4 5 6 When the correct amount of shim has been installed
3 behind bearings (1) there will be contact (zero clearance)
between the bearings and the inner mast at most narrow
point of mast.



Mast Adjustment Lower Bearings

(A) Zero clearance. (B) Minimum clearance. (C) Zero clearance. IBCD535P
(3) Bearing. (4) Bearing. (5) Shims. (6) Shims.

5. Lifting by crane, insert intermediate mast into

3. Select lower bearings (3) and (4) from the chart to stationary mast from the upper side.
obtain minimum clearance (B) between bearing
and channel leg for full channel length. Use same
bearing on left and right side.

Mast And Carriage Bearings

Part No. Bearingsize Bearing O.D.*
D580006 Undersize 98.5 mm (3.878 in)
D580007 Standard 99.0 mm (3.898 in)
D580008 Oversize 99.5 mm (3.917 in)

* Permissible tolerance L 0.08 mm (.003 in)

Lift Trucks Mast System 14 Disassembly & Assembly



6. Install 1mm shim and bearing (1) of stationary 9. Install 1mm shim and bearing (4) of intermediate
upper basically. lower basically.

2 1

4 5 6


NOTE: When installing shims (2) behind bearings

(1), make sure the amount of shim is divided equally
when positioned behind each bearing.
7. Install the correct amount of shim (2) behind
rollers until contact (zero clearance) is made
between the bearings.
8. Install pads (3) to each side.
Refer to ÒUpper Pad AdjustmentÓ of Disassebly & Mast Adjustment Lower Bearings
Assembly. (A) Zero clearance. (B) Minimum clearance. (C) Zero clearance.
(3) Bearing. (4) Bearing. (5) Shims. (6) Shims.

NOTE: When installing shims (5) behind bearings

(4), make sure the amount of shim is divided equally
when positioned behind each bearing (4).

Lift Trucks Mast System 15 Disassembly & Assembly


10. Make sure intermediate mast lower bearings are 13. Install 1 mm shim to each bearing of stationary
properly shimmed in the stationary mast by mast upper basically. Bearing should be selected
rolling up and down and moving intermediate D580006 undersize bearing.
mast to right and left. If clearance between both
masts can be detected, pull out the intermediate
mast from the stationary mast with crane and
add shim 0.5 mm or 1 mm to both intermediate
lower bearings.

11. In case of standard and full free mast, inner
lower bearings can be easily extruded by pulling
down the inner mast from the bottom of
stationary mast. If intermediate mast is stuck and
cannot move by rolling up and down, there might
be excessive shim. Pull out the intermediate
mast from the stationary mast and remove shim
0.5 mm to both intermediate lower bearings.
Repeat same procedure of above until properly
shimmed. There is to be contact zero clearance
(C) between intermediate lower bearings and 14. Install 1mm shim and bearing (4) of intermediate
stationary channel at approximately 420 mm lower basically.
(16.5 in) channel lap.

B. Upper Bearing Adjustment of Stationary



12. Lift by crane, insert intermediate mast into

stationary mast from the upper side.

Lift Trucks Mast System 16 Disassembly & Assembly

Repeat same procedure of above until properly
D shimmed. There is to be contact zero clearance
(F) between stationary upper bearings and the
E widest point of intermediate mast to be checked
C. Upper Pad Adjustment

7 7

9 8

10 E 8 F
IBCD506S 7
Mast Adjustment Upper Bearings 9
(D) Zero clearance. (E) 0.80 mm (.031 in) Clearance maximum.
(F) Zero clearance. (7) Pads. (8) Shims. (9) Shims. (10) Shims.

10 E

Mast Adjustment Upper Bearings

(D) Zero clearance. (E) 0.80 mm (.031 in) Clearance maximum.
(F) Zero clearance. (7) Pads. (8) Shims. (9) Shims. (10) Shims.

17. Install shims (8) behind each pad (7) until there
is 0.80 mm (.031 in) maximum clearance (E)
IBCD532P between the pads and the inner and intermediate
masts with the masts at full extension. Lift by
crane, and pull out intermediate mast from
15. Make sure stationary mast upper bearings are stationary mast and insert the shims behind each
properly shimmed by rolling up and down and pad. In case of standard and full free mast, the
moving intermediate mast to right and left. If pads of stationary upper can be easily extruded
clearance between both masts can be detected, by pulling down the inner mast from the bottom
pull out the intermediate mast from the stationary of stationary mast.
mast with crane and add shim 0.5 mm or 1 mm
to both stationary upper bearings.

16. In case of standard and full free mast, stationary

upper bearings can be easily extruded by pulling
down the inner mast from the bottom of
stationary mast. If intermediate mast is stuck and
cannot move by rolling up and down, there might
be excessive shim. Pull out the intermediate
mast from the stationary mast and remove shim
0.5 mm to both stationary upper bearings.

Lift Trucks Mast System 17 Disassembly & Assembly

D. Lower Bearing Adjustment of Inner

4 5 6


A 19. Find narrowest point by ruler on the intermediate

mast in the area where the inner lower bearings
make contact full length of intermediate mast
excluding minimum channel lap 420 mm (16.5 in).

12 11


Mast Adjustment Lower Bearings

(A) Zero clearance. (B)Minimum clearance. (C)Zero clearance.
(3)Bearing. (4)Bearing. (5)Shims. (6)Shims.

18. Select lower bearings (3) and (4) from the chart IBCD530P
to obtain minimum clearance (B) between
bearing and channel leg for full channel length.
Use same bearing on left and right side. 20. Lifting by crane, insert inner mast (11) into
intermediate mast (12) from the upper side.

Mast And Carriage Bearings

Part No. Bearing Size Bearing O.D.* 13
D580006 Undersize 98.5 mm (3.878 in)
D580007 Standard 99.0 mm (3.898 in)
D580008 Oversize 99.5 mm (3.917 in)

* Permissible tolerance L 0.08mm (.003in)


21. Install 1 mm shim and bearing (13) of intermediate

upper basically.

Lift Trucks Mast System 18 Disassembly & Assembly

E. Upper Bearing Adjustment of
intermediate Mast

Follow same procedure with above B.

F. Upper Pad Adjustment of Intermediate


Follow same procedure with above C.

24. If the bearings were removed from the mast

IBCD529P mounting brackets, install new ones.

25. Put a small amount of clean grease on mounting

22. Install 1mm shim and bearing (14) of inner lower bearing. Install mounting pins and screw into
basically. mast mounting brackets.
Refer to Mast Mounting Group Adjustment of
Testing & Adjusting.

4 5 6


26. If the bearings were removed from the tilt

cylinder pin bores (15), install new ones.


Mast Adjustment Lower Bearings

(A) Zero clearance. (B) Minimum clearance. (C) Zero clearance.
(3) Bearing. (4) Bearing. (5) Shims. (6) Shims.

23. Make sure inner mast lower bearings are

properly shimmed in the intermediate mast by
rolling up and down and moving inner mast to
right and left. If clearance between both masts can
be detected, pull down the inner mast from the
bottom of intermediate mast. Inner lower bearings 16
can be easily extruded. Add shim 0.5 mm or 1 mm IBCD527P
to both inner lower bearings. If inner mast is stuck
and cannot move by rolling up and down, there
might be excessive shim. Pull out the inner mast 27. Install secondary cylinders (16) into the
from the intermediate mast and remove shim 0.5 stationary mast.
mm to both inner lower bearings. Repeat same
procedure of above until properly shimmed. There
is to be contact zero clearance (C) between inner
lower bearings and intermediate channel at
narrowest point.

Lift Trucks Mast System 19 Disassembly & Assembly


9 23
IBCD524P 22

28. Install secondary cylinder mounting brackets (17)

over the secondary cylinders.

31. Install regulator (22) to secondary cylinder and

tube assÕy (23) and bolts (24) to stationary mast.
(For BC15/18/20T, B13/15/18T-2, B16/18/20X)



29. Install top cylinder retainer bolts (18) for the

secondary cylinders. 25


19 32. Connect chains (25) at the bottom of the mast.


30. Install regulator (21) to secondary cylinder and

clamp (19) and bolt (20) to stationary mast.
(For D,G15/18/20S(C)-2, GC15/18/20S(C)-2, IBCD519P

33. Connect chains (26) at the chain bracket of

stationary mast upper.

34. Install sheave (27) of lift hose.

Lift Trucks Mast System 20 Disassembly & Assembly



35. Install hoses (28) along with the hose support


End by :

a. Install primary lift cylinder.

b. Install lift chain to be connected primary lift


Lift Trucks Mast System 21 Disassembly & Assembly

Testing & Adjusting Mast And Carriage Bearings
Part No. Bearing Size Bearing O.D.*
Carriage Adjustment D580006 Undersize 98.5 mm (3.878 in)

NOTE: The standard, Full Free Lift and Full Free D580007 Standard 99.0 mm (3.898 in)
Triple Lift carriage load bearings are all adjusted the D580008 Oversize 99.5 mm (3.917 in)
same way. The Full Free Triple Lift carriage is shown
in the following illustrations. * Permissible tolerance of L 0.08mm (.003in)

To make the carriage clearance adjustments,

carriage must be removed from the mast. 3. Equally shim both sides until contact (A) is made
(zero clearance) between bearings and inner mast
Use the procedure that follows to adjust carriage at narrowest point
load bearings.
4. Shim bolt as needed to obtain a 4.0 to 6.0 mm
(.157 to .242 in) overlap (B) between bolt (3) and
the carriage stop on the inner upright.
4 (See Carriage Adjustment in Testing & Adjusting).
A B 3 C D
A 5. Torque for screw.............34 L 7 NIm (25 L 5 lbIft)
6. Refer to ÒCarriage AssemblyÓ of Disassembly &
5 (FF, FFT) 6

C 7

10 9

Carriage Adjustment
(3) Upper Bearings. (4) Shims. (5) Bolt. (6) Screw.
(7) Side-roller Bearings. (8) Lower Bearings. (9) Pin-adjust.
(10) Bolt. (A) Zero Clearance.
(B) 4.0 to 6.0 mm. (.157 to .242 in) Clearance.
(C) Minimum Clearance. (D) 4.5 L 0.5 mm

1. Select lower bearings from the chart to obtain

minimum clearance (C) between bearings and
channel leg for full channel length. Use same
bearing in all two locations.

2. Select upper bearing from the chart to obtain

minimum clearance (C) between bearings and
channel leg for full channel length. Use same
bearing at all two locations. (For G20SC-2,
GC20SC-2, BC20T, D20SC-2, and B20X, bearings
are same with upper, middle 4 locations.)

Lift Trucks Mast Systems 22 Testing & Adjusting

Chain Adjustments 2. Make adjustments to chain anchor nuts (1) or
bolts (2) for equal tension of the mast and carriage
Chain Adjustment Check chains.

3. Put LOCTITE NO.242 Thread Lock on the threads

of the locknuts after the adjustment is completed.


Lift the carriage and mast high enough to put their IBCD508P
full weight on the carriage and mast chains. Check Outer Lift Chains
(2) Chain Anchor Bolts.
the chains, and make sure the tension is the same.

Chain Adjustment
Chain Wear Test
If the tension is not the same on both chains, do the
procedure that follows: Chain wear test is a measurement of wear of the
chain links and pins. Do the steps that follow to
check chain wear.
1. Lift the mast and carriage enough to put tension
Personal injury can be caused by sudden on the lift chains.
movement of the mast and carriage. Blocks must
2. Measure precisely ten links of chain distance at
be used to prevent the mast and carriage from any
the center of pins in millimeter.
movement while the adjustments are made. Keep
A chain wear gauge can also be used.
hands and feet clear of any parts that can move.
3. Calculate chain wear rate.

New one pitch = 15.88 mm

Chain wear rate (%)

Actual measurement - 158.8
= x 100


Do not put a lift truck into service if the chain wear

indication is 2% or more. A reading of 2% or more
IBCD506P could cause damage or injury to persons.
Inner Lift Chains
(1) Chain Anchor Nuts.
4. If the chain wear indication is 2% or more, replace
the lift chain.
1. Lift the mast and carriage and put blocks under
the mast and carriage to release the tension from
the lift chains.

Lift Trucks Mast Systems 23 Testing & Adjusting

Carriage and Mast Height Adjustment Forks Parallel Check
1. Move the mast either forward or backward so it is 1. Lift the mast and operate the tilt control lever, until
in the vertical position. the top surface of the forks is parallel with the
floor. Place two straight bars, that are the same
2. Lower the carriage completely. width as the carriage, across the forks as shown.
Measure the distance from the bottom of each end
of the two bars to the floor. The forks must be
parallel within 3 mm (.12 in) for Full Tapered and
Polished (FTP) forks, all other forks 6.4 mm (.25
in), for their complete length.

2. If not parallel, determine which one is defective

and replace it.

IBCD585I Forks Parallel Check
(Typical Example)

3. On Full Free Lift and Full Free Triple Lift models,

the bottom of the inner mast must be even with
the bottom of the stationary mast.

4. Measure the distance from the bottom of the inner

upright to the bottom of carriage bearing end.

5. The measurement (A) must be as follows:

D,G15/18/20S(C)-2.......................22 mm(0.866 in)
B15/18S .........................................7 mm (0.276 in)
B16/18/20X, GC15/18/20S(C)-2,
B13/15/18T-2, BC15/18/20T ........- 6 mm(-0.236 in)


D, G15/18/20S(C)-2......................36 mm (1.417in)
B15/18S .......................................21 mm (0.827 in)
GC15/18/20S(C)-2 .......................11 mm (0.433 in)
B16/18/20X, B13/15/18T-2,
BC15/18/20T..................................8 mm (0.315 in)

NOTE : If the above measurements are not correct,

make adjustments to the chains to get the correct
measurement. See Chain Adjustments in TESTING

Lift Trucks Mast Systems 24 Testing & Adjusting

Tilt Cylinder Alignment Tilt Cylinder Length Check

If the tilt cylinders are out of alignment, extra

stresses in the mast assembly and the mast hinge
area will result. To prevent damage, the tilt cylinders
must stop evenly at the end of the tilt back and tilt
forward strokes.

Tilt Angle Check


1. Tilt the mast to full forward position. Measure the

extended length of the cylinder rods from the
cylinder housing to the mast. The difference of
length between the two cylinder rods must be
within 3.18 mm (.125 in) of each other.

Tilt Angle Check (Typical Example)

Drift Test
The tilt angle of the mast must be checked in the full
tilt back and full tilt forward positions. A tilt indicator Drift is movement of the mast or carriage that is the
or a protractor can be used to measure the angle. result of hydraulic leakage in the cylinders or control
Both sides of the mast must be checked to make valve. Before testing the drift:
sure that the mast is not twisted.

The tilt angle is determined by the tilt cylinders used. WARNING

See tilt cylinders in specifications to determine the tilt
angle from the cylinder being used.
Personal injury can be caused by sudden movement
of the mast or carriage. Use wood blocks and
clamps to hold the mast in this position. Keep hands
and feet clear of any parts that can move.

1. Check the chain adjustment and tilt cylinder

alignment and make necessary adjustments.

2. Lift the mast approximately 762 mm (30 in). Use

wood blocks and clamps to hold the mast in this

3. Check the mast hinge bolts to make sure they are


4. Remove the blocks and clamps and lower the


Lift Trucks Mast Systems 25 Testing & Adjusting

Drift Test For Lift System

1. Secure a rated capacity load on the forks of the lift

truck. Operate the lift truck through a complete lift 2
and tilt cycle until the oil is at normal temperature of
operation, 45 to 55 ¡C (113 to 131 ¡F).

2. Put the mast in a vertical position.

Raise a rated capacity load to a sufficient height to
test the lift cylinders.
3 1
3. Measure any drift of the carriage for a ten minute
period. Drift for all models shall not exceed 100.0 IBCD513P
mm (4.00 in). Tilt Cylinder Adjustment
(1) Pivot eye. (2) Bolt. (3) Rod.

1. Loosen bolt (2) at pivot eye (1).

Tilt Cylinder Adjustment
2. Turn rod (3) into or out of pivot eye (1) to obtain
the correct length. The minimum length from the
end of rod to the rear face of eye is 16 mm.

Tilt cylinder pivot eyes can loosen if the torque on

the pivot eye clamping bolt is not tight enough.
This will let the tilt cylinder rod turn in the tilt
cylinder eye. The cylinder rod may twist out of the
pivot eye and the tilt cylinder will be out of
alignment or may let the mast fall and cause
personal injury or damage. When the rod lengths
are made even, the tilt angle differences or the
mast alignment will no longer be a problem.

To correct the tilt angle or tilt cylinder length, an
adjustment must be made to the tilt cylinder as
follows : EHCS046S

3. Tighten bolt (2) and the nut to a torque of 95 L 15

N¥m (70 L 10 lb¥ft).

Lift Trucks Mast Systems 26 Testing & Adjusting

Lift & Tilt Mounting Group (1) With chains adjusted for equal tension, run mast
to full lift. If mast does not kick (move) to one
Adjustment side, no shims are needed. If mast does kick
(move) to one side, disconnect cylinder from the
bar on that side. Add shim, connect cylinder,
adjust chains and run mast to full lift to check for
kick. Repeat process if necessary. The total shim
pack must not be more than three shims

(2) Install bearing outer race to a depth of (F)

............................4.5 L 0.8 mm (.177 L .031 in).
(3) Tilt cylinder installation shown.

(4) (Full Free Lift Mast Only):

Tighten nuts until U-bolt is firm against cylinder,
1 do not apply standard torque.




Lift Trucks Mast Systems 27 Testing & Adjusting

Mast mounting Group


For B13/15/18T-2, BC15/18/20T

1 3


For D,G15/18/20S(C)-2, GC15/18/20S(C)-2


For B16/18/20X
3 1. Tighten screw (1) that holds bearing (3) to hinge
bracket of stationary mast to a torque of 34 L7 NIm
(25 L 5 lbIft).
2. Install roll pin (2) to a depth 2 ~ 3 mm (0.079 ~
0.118 in) from surface of bearing.
For B15/18S
3. Apply the crean grease to a surface of bearing.

4. Apply Loctite No242 to bolts and tighten with a

torque 180 L 20 NIm (130 L 15 lbIft).

Lift Trucks Mast Systems 28 Testing & Adjusting

Oct. 2000

Lift Trucks Hydraulic System
D15S-2, D18S-2, D20SC-2
G15S-2, G18S-2, G20SC-2
11 9 8 9

MODEL : D15S-2, D18S-2, D20SC-2
G15S-2, G18S-2, G20SC-2
12 5




Item Components
1 Hydraulic Pump
1 2 Suction Strainer
4 3 Hydraulic Filter
4 Control Valve
5 Flow Regulator
3 6 Flow Protector - Primary
2 7 Flow Protector - Secondary
8 Lift Cylinder - Primary
9 Lift Cylinder - Secondary
10 Tilt Cylinder
11 Steering Cylinder
12 Steering Unit
13 Priority Valve
Oct. 2000

Lift Trucks Electric System
D15S-2, D18S-2, D20SC-2
May 2000

Lift Trucks Electric Systems
G15S-2, G18S-2, G20SC-2

Operation &
Maintenance Manual
G15S-2, G18S-2, G20SC-2
D15S-2, D18S-2, D20SC-2

Do not start, operate or service this machine unless you have read and
understand these instructions and received proper training.
Unsafe or improper use of the machine may cause serious injury or death.
Operators and maintenance personnel must read this manual and receive
training before operating or maintaining the machine.
This manual should be kept with the machine for reference and periodically
reviewed by the machine operator and by all personnel who will come into
contact with it.

The following warning is provided pursuant to California Health & Safety Code
Sections 25247.5 et, seq,


California Proposition 65
Engine Exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle
components contain or emit chemicals known to the State of California
to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Battery posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead
compounds, chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer
and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Information Section

Table of Contents

Information Section

Table of Contents .................................................1 Lift Truck Operation............................................57

Foreword ..............................................................2 Operating Techniques ........................................59
Parking the Lift Truck .........................................63
Storage Information............................................64
Safety Section Transportation Hints ...........................................65
Towing Information .............................................66
Important Safety Information................................4
Safety ...................................................................5
Warning Signs and Labels .........................5 Maintenance Section
General Hazard Information.......................9
Operation Information ..............................10 Tire Inflation Information.....................................67
Maintenance Information .........................13 Torque Specification ...........................................68
Operator Restraint System (If Equipped) Cooling System Specifications...........................70
.................................................................16 Fuel Specifications .............................................72
Avoiding Lift Truck Tipovers .....................19 Lubricant Specifications .....................................74
How to Survive in a Tipover Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities ........76
(If Operator Restraint System Equipped) Maintenance Intervals ........................................77
.................................................................24 When Required ..................................................78
Every 10 Service Hours or Daily ........................90
First 50 - 100 Service Hours ...............................94
General Section First 250 Service Hours....................................100
Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly ...............101
Specifications .....................................................26 Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months .............105
Noise and Vibration ............................................29 Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months ...........108
Capacity Chart ..................................................30 Every 1500 Service Hours or 9 Months ...........110
Serial Number ...................................................32 Every 2000 Service Hours or 12 Months..........111
OperatorÕs Warning and Identification Plate .....33

Environment Protection Section

Operation Section
Environment Protection ....................................119
Operator's Station and Monitoring Systems.......35
Lift Truck Controls ..............................................39
Refueling ............................................................42 Index Section
Before Starting the Engine .................................45
Lift Fork Adjustment ...........................................47 Index.................................................................120
Starting the Engine.............................................51
Dual Fuel System...............................................54 ¥ Worldwide Network
After Starting the Engine ....................................56

Information Section

Literature Information Photographs or illustrations guide the operator
through correct procedures of checking, operation
This manual should be stored in the operator's and maintenance of the DAEWOO operator
compartment in the literature holder or seat back restraint system.
literature storage area.
SAFE and EFFICIENT OPERATION of a lift truck
This manual contains safety, operation, depends to a great extent on the skill and alertness
transportation, lubrication and maintenance on the part of the operator. To develop this skill the
information. operator should read and understand the Safe
Driving Practices contained in this manual.
Some photographs or illustrations in this publication
show details or attachments that can be different Forklift trucks seldom tipover, but in the rare event
they do, the operator may be pinned to the ground
from your lift truck. Guards and covers might have
by the lift truck or the overhead guard. This could
been removed for illustrative purposes. result in serious injury or death.
Continuing improvement and advancement of Operator training and safety awareness is an
product design might have caused changes to your effective way to prevent accidents, but accidents
lift truck which are not included in this publication. can still happen. The DAEWOO operator restraint
Read, study and keep this manual with the lift truck. system can minimize injuries. The DAEWOO
operator restraint system keeps the operator
Whenever a question arises regarding your lift substantially within the confines of the operatorÕs
truck, or this publication, please consult your compartment and the overhead guard.
DAEWOO dealer for the latest available
information. This manual contains information necessary for
Safe Operation. Before operating a lift truck make
sure that the necessary instructions are available
Safety and understood.

The Safety Section lists basic safety precautions. In

addition, this section identifies the text and locations Operation
of warning signs and labels used on the lift truck.
Read and understand the basic precautions listed in The Operation Section is a reference for the new
the Safety Section before operating or performing operator and a refresher for the experienced one.
lubrication, maintenance and repair on this lift truck. This section includes a discussion of gauges,
switches, lift truck controls, attachment controls,
transportation and towing information.
Operator Restraint System(If Equipped)
Photographs and illustrations guide the operator
This manual contains safety, operation and through correct procedures of checking, starting,
maintenance information for the DAEWOO operator operating and stopping the lift truck.
restraint system. Read, study and keep it handy. Operating techniques outlined in this publication are
basic. Skill and techniques develop as the operator
WARNING gains knowledge of the lift truck and its capabilities.

Your DAEWOO truck comes equipped with an

operator restraint system. Should it become Maintenance
necessary to replace the seat for any reason, it
should only be replaced with another DAEWOO The Maintenance Section is a guide to equipment
operator restraint system. care. The illustrated, step-by-step instructions are
grouped by servicing intervals. Items without
specific intervals are listed under ÒWhen RequiredÓ
topics. Items in the ÒMaintenance IntervalsÓ chart
are referenced to detailed instructions that follow.

Information Section

Maintenance Intervals

Use the service hour meter to determine servicing

intervals. Calendar intervals shown (daily, weekly,
monthly, etc.) can be used instead of service hour
meter intervals if they provide more convenient
servicing schedules and approximate the indicated
service hour meter reading. Recommended service
should always be performed at the interval that
occurs first.
Under extremely severe, dusty or wet operating
conditions, more frequent lubrication than is
specified in the ÒMaintenance IntervalsÓ chart might
be necessary.
Perform service on items at multiples of the original
requirement. For example, at ÒEvery 500 Service
Hours or 3 MonthsÓ, also service those items listed
under ÒEvery 250 Service Hours or MonthlyÓ and
ÒEvery 10 Service Hours or DailyÓ.

Environment Management
is ISO 14001 certified which is harmonized with ISO
have been made by internal and external inspection
entities. LIFE-CYCLE ANALYSIS has also been made
through out the total product life. ENVIRONMENT
ENVIRONMENT from the initial stage of the design.
environmental laws & regulations, reduction or
elimination of resource consumption as well as
environmental emission or pollution from industrial
activities, energy saving, environment-friendly product
design(lower noise, vibration, emission, smoke, heavy
metal free, ozone depleting substance free, etc.),
recycling, material cost reduction, and even
environmentally oriented education for the employee.

Safety Section

Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic
safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations
before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards, and use common sense. Persons
must also have the necessary training, skills and tools before attempting to perform these functions.

Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could
result in injury or death.

Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read
and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Safey precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard
warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons.

The hazards are identified by the ÒSafety Alert SymbolÓ and followed by a ÒSignal WordÓ such as ÒWARNINGÓ
as shown below.


The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.

The message that appears under the warning, explaining the hazard, can be either written or pictorially

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this

DAEWOO cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard, and common
sense is always required. The warnings in this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive.
Before any tool, procedure, work method or operating technique not specifically recommended by DAEWOO
is used, you must be sure that it is safe for you and others. You should also ensure that the product will not
be damaged or made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustration in this publication are on the basis of information available at
the time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and
other items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the
complete and most current information before starting any job. DAEWOO dealers have the most current
information available.

Safety Section

The safety rules and regulations in this section are Warning Signs and Labels
representative of some, but not all rules and
regulations noted under the Occupational Safety There are several specific safety signs on your lift
and Health Act (OSHA) and are paraphrased truck. Their exact location and description of the
without representation that the OSHA rules and hazard are reviewed in this section. Please take the
regulations have been reproduced verbatim. time to familiarize yourself with these safety signs.

Please refer to 1910. 178 in Federal Register Vol. Make sure that you can read all safety signs. Clean
37, No. 202, the National Fire Protection or replace these if you cannot read the words or see
Association No. 505 (NFPA), American National the pictures. When cleaning the labels use a cloth,
Standard, ANSI B56. 1 Safety Standard for Low lift water and soap. Do not use solvent, gasoline, etc.
and High Lift Trucks and subsequent revisions for a
complete list of OSHA rules and regulations as to You must replace a label if it is damaged, missing or
the safe operation of powered industrial lift trucks. cannot be read. If a label is on a part that is
Since regulations vary from country to country replaced, make sure a new label is installed on the
outside in U.S.A., operate this lift truck in replaced part. See your dealer for new labels.
accordance with local regulations.

DAEWOO lift trucks are manufactured according to

the regulations and standards laid down in EU
Machinery Directive 98 / 37 /EC and EMC directive
89/336/EC. Please refer to the Directives
89 / 655 /EC and 89 / 391 /EC and its amendments
for the safe use of DAEWOO lift trucks.

The most effective method of preventing serious

injury or death to the lift truck operator or others is
for the lift truck operator to be familiar with the
proper operation of the lift truck, to be alert and to
avoid actions or conditions which can result in an IPSO001P
accident. Located on the right of the steering wheel.

Do not operate a lift truck if in need of repair,

defective or in any way unsafe. Report all defects WARNING
and unsafe conditions immediately. Do not attempt
any adjustments or repairs unless trained and Improper operation or maintenance could result
authorized to do so. in injury or death. Do not operate or work on the
lift truck unless you are properly trained. Read
and understand the Operation and Maintenacne
Manual. Additional manuals are available from

(This also provides allowable lift truck capacity


Safety Section

8. Do not permit riders on forks or machine at any


9. Do not allow anyone to stand or pass under the

elevated portion of any machine.

10. Be sure operating surface can safely support


11. Operate machine and attachments only from

operator's position.
12. Do not handle unstable or loosely stacked
Located on the right side of the operator's seat.

WARNING 13. Use minimum tilt when picking up or depositing

a load.
Only trained and authorized personnel may
operate this machine. For safe operation, read 14. Use extreme care when handling long, high, or
and follow the operation and maintenance wide loads.
Manual furnished with this lift truck and
observe the following warnings: 15. Forks should be completely under load and
spread apart as far as load permits.

16. Machine should be equipped with overhead

1. Before starting machine. Check all controls and guard or equivalent protection. Where load
warning devices for proper operation. requires it, use load backrest extension. Use
extreme caution if operating without these
2. Refer to machine identification plate for allowable devices.
machine capacity. Do not overload. Operate
machines equipped with attachments as partially 17. Parking jLower lifting mechanism to floor. Put
loaded machines when not handling a load. directional control or shift lever in neutral. Set
parking/secondary brake. Turn ÒON - OFFÓ
3. Put directional control or shift lever in neutral switch off. Chock wheels if machine is on incline.
before ÒON j OFFÓ switch is turned on. Disconnect battery when storing electric
4. Start, turn and brake smoothly. Slow down for
turns, slippery or uneven surfaces. Extremely 18. Observe safety rules when handling fuel for
poor surfaces should be repaired. Avoid running engine powered machine and when changing
over loose objects or holes in the roadway batteries for electric machines.
surfaces. Use extreme caution when turning on

5. Travel with load as low as possible and tilted

back. If load interferes with visibility, travel with
load trailing.

6. On grade operations travel with load up grade.

7. Watch out for pedestrians and obstructions.

Check overhead clearances.

Safety Section

Contents under pressure may be hot. Allow to Do not stand or ride on the forks. Do not stand
cool before opening. or ride on a load or pallet on the forks. Do not
stand or walk under the forks.


Located on the radiator top tank by the radiator cap. IAOY005I

Located on the lift cylinder.

Operation without this device in place may be
No hands. Do not place hands in this area.Do
not touch, lean on, or reach through the mast or
permit others to do so.


Located on the load backrest.


Located on the mast.

Safety Section

Operation without this device in place may be To avoid personal injury, stay clear of moving
hazardous. This guard conforms to A.N.S.I. fan.
B56.1 and F.E.M.Section 4.
This design has been tested with an impact of
appropriate value.


Located inside the engine compartment cover.

Located on the Overhead Guard. WARNING

To avoid personal injury, allow no riders. A lift
truck is designed for only one operator and no


Deflate tire before removing wheel nuts at tire


Located beside the operator's station.

Safety Section

General Hazard Information

Always use the overhead guard. The overhead
guard is intended to protect the lift truck operator
from overhead obstructions and from falling objects.

G A truck that is used for handing small objects or
R uneven loads must be fitted with a load backrest.
no ate If the lift truck must be operated without the
do per overhead guard in place due to low overhead
o clearance, use extreme care. Make sure there is no
possibility of falling objects from any adjacent
IAOY010I storage or work area. Make sure the load is stable
and fully supported by the carriage and the load
Attach a ÒDo Not OperateÓ or similar warning tag to backrest extension (if equipped).
start switch or controls before servicing or repairing
the lift truck. Do not raise loads any higher than necessary and
never raise a load higher than 1830 mm (72 in) with
Do not start or service the lift truck when a ÒDO the overhead guard removed.
NOT OPERATEÓ or similar warning tag is attached
to the start switch or controls. Always use load backrest extension when the
carriage or attachment does not fully support the
Wear a hard hat, protective glasses and other load. The load backrest extension is intended to
protective equipment as required by job conditions. prevent the load or any part of the load from falling
backwards into the operator's station.
Know the width of your attachments so proper
clearance can be maintained when operating near When operation the lift truck, do not depend only on
fences, boundary obstacles, etc. flashing lights or back-up alarm (if equipped) to
warn pedestrians.
Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that can catch
on controls or other parts of the lift truck. Always be aware of pedestrians and do not proceed
until the pedestrians are aware of your presence
Keep the lift truck, especially the deck and steps, and intended actions and have moved clear of the
free of foreign material such as debris, oil tools and lift truck and/or load.
other items which are not part of the lift truck.
Do not drive lift truck up to anyone standing in front
Secure all loose items such as lunch boxes, tools of an object.
and other items which are not part of the lift truck.
Obey all traffic rules and warning signs.
Know the appropriate work-site hand signals and
who gives them. Accept signals from one person Keep hands, feet and head inside the operator
only. station. Do not hold onto the overhead guard
while operating the lift truck. Do not climb on any
part of the mast or overhead guard or permit
others to do so.

Do not allow unauthorized personnel to ride on the

forks or any other part of the lift truck, at any time.

When working in a building or dock, observe floor

load limits and overhead clearances.

Safety Section

Inhaling freon gas through a lit cigarette or other Operation Information

smoking method or inhaling fumes released from a
flame contacting freon can cause bodily harm or
death. Do not smoke when servicing air conditioners Mounting and Dismounting
or wherever freon gas may be present.
Mount and dismount the lift truck carefully.
Never put maintenance fluids into glass containers.
Clean your shoes and wipe your hands before
Use all cleaning solutions with care. mounting.

Do not use steam, solvent, or high pressure to Face the lift truck when mounting and dismounting.
clean electrical components.
Use both hands face the lift truck when mounting
Report all needed repairs. and dismounting.

Use the handgrips for mounting and dismounting.

Do not try to climb on or off the lift truck when

carrying tools or supplies.

Never get on or off a moving lift truck.

Do not use any controls as handholds when

entering or leaving the operator's station.

Never get on or off a moving lift truck. Never jump

off the lift truck.

Inspect the part of the chain that is normally Keep hands and steering wheel free of slippery
operated over the crosshead roller. When the chain material.
bends over the roller, the movement of the parts
against each other causes wear. Before Starting the Lift Truck
Inspect to be sure that chain link pins do not extend Perform a walk-around inspection daily and at the
outside of the bore hole. start of each shift. Refer to the topic ÒWalk-around
InspectionÓ in ÒEvery 10 Service Hours or DailyÓ
If any single link pin is extended beyond its section of this manual.
connecting corresponding link, it should be
suspected of being broken inside of its bore hole. Adjust the seat so that full brake pedal travel can be
obtained with the operator's back against the seat
Inspect the chain anchor and the anchor links for back.
Make sure the lift truck is equipped with a lighting
system as required by conditions.

Make sure all hydraulic controls are in the HOLD


Make sure the direction control lever is in the

NEUTRAL position.

Make sure the parking brake is engaged.

Make sure no one is standing and/or working on,

- 10 -
Safety Section

underneath or close to the lift truck before operating An operator must constantly observe his lift truck
the lift truck. for proper operation.

Operate the lift truck and controls only from the

Operating the Lift Truck
operator's station.
Always keep the lift truck under control.
Make sure the lift truck horn, lights, backup alarm (if
equipped) and all other devices are working
Obey all traffic rules and warning signs.
Never leave the lift truck with the engine operating,
Check for proper operation of mast and
or with the parking brake disengaged.
attachments. Pay particular attention to unusual
noises or erratic movement which might indicate a
Operate the engine only in a well ventilated area.
Lower mast, with or without load, before turning or
Make sure service and parking brakes, steering,
traveling. Tip over could result. Watch out for
and directional controls are operational.
overhead obstructions.
Make sure all personnel are clear of lift truck and
Always observe floor load limits and overhead
travel path.
Refer to the topic ÒLift Truck OperationÓ in the
Start, turn, and brake smoothly, slow down for
ÒOperation SectionÓ of this manual for specific
turns, grades, slippery or uneven surfaces.
starting instructions.

Starting the Lift truck

no ate
do per
o IAOY013I

Use special care when operation on grades. Do not

angle across or turn on grades. Do not use lift truck
on slippery grades. Travel with forks downgrade
Do not start the engine or move any of the controls when unloaded. Travel with load upgrade.
if there is a ÒDO NOT OPERATEÓ or similar warning
tag attached to the start switch or controls. Do not overload, or handle offset, unstable, or
loosely stacked loads. Refer to load capacity plate
Before Operating the Lift Truck on the lift truck. Use extreme caution when handing
suspended, long, high or wide load.
Test brakes, steering controls, horn and other
devices for proper operation. Report faulty
performance. Do not operate lift truck until repaired.

Learn how your lift truck operates. Know its safety

devices. Know how the attachments work.
Before moving the lift truck, look around. Start, turn
and brake smoothly.

- 11 -
Safety Section

Loading or Unloading Trucks/Trailers

Do not operate lift trucks on trucks or trailers which

are not designed or intended for that purpose.
Be certain truck or trailer brakes are applied and
wheel chocks in place (or be certain unit is locked
to the loading dock) before entering onto trucks or

If trailer is not coupled to tractor, make sure the

trailer landing gear is properly secured in place. On
IKOO038I some trailers, extra supports may be needed to
Tilt elevated load forward only when directly over prevent upending or corner dipping.
unloading area and with load as low as possible.
Be certain dock plates are in good condition and
Do not stunt ride or indulge in horseplay. properly placed and secured. Do not exceed the
rated capacity of dock boards or bridge plates.
Always look and keep a clear view of the path of
travel. Lift Truck Parking
Travel in reverse if load or attachment obstructs When leaving the operator station, park the lift truck
visibility. Use extreme caution if visibility is in authorized areas only. Do not block traffic.

Stay in designated travel path, clear of dock edges,

ditches, other dropoffs and surfaces which cannot
safely support the lift truck.

Slow down and use extra care through doorways,

intersections and other location where visibility is

Slow down for and avoid pedestrians, other

vehicles, obstruction, pot holes and other hazards
or objects in the path of travel.

Always use overhead guards except where ¥ Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered and
operation conditions do not permit. Do not operate the mast tilted forward until the fork tips touch the
lift truck in high stacking areas without overhead floor.
¥ Move the direction control lever to NEUTRAL.
When stacking, watch for falling objects. Use load
backrest extension and overhead guard. ¥ Engage the parking brake.

Refer to the topic ÒOperation TechniquesÓ in the ¥ Turn the key switch off and remove the key.
ÒOperation SectionÓ of this manual.
¥ Turn the disconnect switch to OFF and remove the
key (if equipped).

¥ Block the drive wheels when parking on an incline.

- 12 -
Safety Section

Maintenance Information
Perform all maintenance unless otherwise specified They will throw or cut any object or tool that falls or
as follows : is pushed into them.

¥ Park the lift truck in authorized areas only. Do not use a kinked or frayed wire rope cable. Wear
¥ Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered and gloves when handling the wire rope cable.
the mast tilted forward until the fork tips touch the
floor. Retainer pins, when struck with force, can fly out
¥ Place the transmission controls in neutral. and injure nearby persons. Make sure the area is
¥ Engage the parking brake. clear of people when driving retainer pins.
¥ Stop the engine.
¥ Remove the start switch key and turn the Wear protective glasses when striking a retainer pin
disconnect switch OFF (if equipped). to avoid injury to your eyes.
¥ Block the drive wheels when parking on an incline.
Chips or other debris can fly off objects when
struck. Make sure no one can be injured by flying
Pressure Air
debris before striking any object.
Pressure air can cause personal infury. When using
Falling Objects Protective Structure(FOPS)
pressure air for cleaning, wear a protective face
shield, protective clothing and protective shoes.
This is an attached guard located above the
operator's compartment and secured to the lift
The maximum air pressure must be below 205 kPa
(30 psi) for cleaning purposes.
To avoid possible weakening of the Falling Objects
Fluid Penetration Protective Structure (FOPS), consult a DAEWOO
dealer before altering, by adding weight to, welding
Always use a board or cardboard when checking for on, or cutting or drilling holes into the structure.
a leak. Escaping fluid under pressure, even a pin-
hole size leak, can penetrate body tissue, causing The overhead guard is not intended to protect
serious injury, and possible death. If fluid is injected against every possible impact. The overhead guard
into your skin, it must be treated by a doctor familiar may not protect against some objects penetrating
with this type of injury immediately. into the operator's station from the sides or ends of
the lift truck.
Crushing or Cutting Prevention
The lift truck is equipped with an overhead guard
and FOPS as standard. If there is a possibility of
Support equipment and attachments properly when
overhead objects falling through the guard, the
working beneath them. Do not depend on hydraulic
guard must be equipped with smaller holes or a
cylinders to hold it up. Any attachment can fall if a
plexiglass cover.
control is moved, or if a hydraulic line breaks.
Any altering done that is not specifically authorized
Never attempt adjustments while the lift truck is
by DAEWOO invalidates DAEWOO's FOPS
moving or the engine is running unless otherwise
certification. The protection offered by this FOPS
will be impaired if it has been subjected to structural
damage. Structural damage can be caused by an
Where there are attachment linkages, the clearance
overturn accident, by falling objects, etc.
in the linkage area will increase or decrease with
movement of the attachment.
Do not mount any item such as fire extinguishers,
first aid kits and lights by welding brackets to or
Stay clear of all rotating and moving parts.
drilling holes in any FOPS structure. See your
DAEWOO dealer for mounting guidelines.
Keep objects away from moving fan blades.

- 13 -
Safety Section

Burn Prevention Fire or Explosion Prevention

Coolant All fuels, most lubricants and some coolant
mixtures are flammable.
At operating temperature, the engine coolant is hot
and under pressure. The radiator and all lines to Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electrical
heaters or the engine contain hot water or steam. components can cause a fire.
Any contact can cause severe burns.
Do not smoke while refueling or in a refueling area.
Steam can cause personal injury.

Check the coolant level only after engine has been Do not smoke in areas where batteries are charged,
stopped and the fill cap is cool enough to remove or where flammable materials are stored.
with your bare hand.
Batteries in series can be located in separate
Remove the cooling system fill cap slowly to relieve compartments. When using jumper cables always
pressure. connect positive(+) cable to positive(+) terminal of
battery connected to starter solenoid and negative(-)
Cooling system additive contains alkali that can cable from external source to starter negative(-)
cause personal injury. Avoid contact with the skin terminal.
and eyes and do not drink. (If not equipped with starter negative(-) terminal,
connect to engine block.)
Allow cooling system components to cool before
See the Operation Section of this manual for
Oils specific starting instructions.

Hot oil and components can cause personal injury. Clean and tighten all electrical connections. Check
Do not allow hot oil or components to contact the daily for loose or frayed electrical wires. Have all
skin. loose or frayed electrical wires tightened, repaired
or replaced before operation the lift truck.
At operation temperature, the hydraulic tank is hot
and can be under pressure. Keep all fuels and lubricants stored in properly
marked containers and away from all unauthorized
Remove the hydraulic tank fill cap only after the persons.
engine has been stopped and the fill cap is cool
enough to remove with your bare hand. Store all oily rags or other flammable material in a
protective container, in a safe place.
Remove the hydraulic tank fill cap slowly to relieve
Do not weld or flame cut on pipes or tubes that
Relieve all pressure in air, oil fuel or cooling contain flammable fluids. Clean them thoroughly
systems before any lines, fittings or related items with nonflammable solvent before welding or flame
are disconnected or removed. cutting on them.

Batteries Remove all flammable materials such as fuel, oil and

other debris before they accumulate on the lift truck.
Batteries give off flammable fumes which can
explode. Do not expose the lift truck to flames, burning
brush, etc., if at all possible.
Do not smoke when observing the battery
electrolyte levels.
Shields, which protect hot exhaust components
Electrolyte is an acid and can cause personal injury from oil or fuel spray in the event of a line, tube or
if it contacts skin or eyes. seal failure, must be installed correctly.

Always wear protective glasses when working with Do not operate in areas where explosive gases
batteries. exist or are suspected.

- 14 -
Safety Section

Fire Extinguisher ¥ End fittings damaged or leaking.

¥ Outer covering chafed or cut and wire reinforcing
Have a fire extinguisher-type BC and 1.5KG exposed.
minimum capacity-on rear overhead guard leg with ¥ Outer covering ballooning locally.
latch and know how to use it. Inspect and have it ¥ Evidence of kinking or crushing of the flexible part
serviced as recommended on its instruction plate. of hose.
¥ Armouring embedded in the outer cover.
Ether ¥ End fittings displaced.

Ether is poisonous and flammable. Make sure that all clamps, guards and heat shields
are installed correctly to prevent vibration, rubbing
Breathing ether vapors or repeated contact of ether against other parts, and excessive heat during
with skin can cause personal injury. operation.

Use ether only in well-ventilated areas. Tire Information

Do not smoke while changing ether cylinders.
Explosions of air-inflated tires have resulted from
Use ether with care to avoid fires. heat-induced gas combustion inside the tires. The
heat, generated by welding or heating rim
Do not store replacement ether cylinders in living components, external fire, or excessive use of
areas or in the operator's compartment. brakes can cause gaseous combustion.

Do not store ether cylinders in direct sunlight or at A tire explosion is much more violent than a
temperatures above 39¡C (102¡F). blowout. The explosion can propel the tire, rim and
axle components as far as 500 m (1500 ft) or more
Discard cylinders in a safe place. Do not puncture from the lift truck. Both the force of the explosion
or burn cylinders. and the flying debris can cause personal injury or
death, and property damage.
Keep ether cylinders out of the reach of
unauthorized personnel.
AT LEAST 15m (50 ft)
Lines, Tubes and Hoses AT LEAST 500m (1500 ft)

Do not bend or strike high pressure lines. Do not

install bent or damaged lines, tubes or hoses.

Repair any loose or damaged fuel and oil lines,

tubes and hoses. Leaks can cause fires. Contact
your DAEWOO dealer for repair or replacement.

Check lines, tubes and hoses carefully. Do not use

your bare hand to check for leaks. Use a board or IAOY012I
cardboard to check for leaks. See Fluid Penetration Do not approach a warm tire closer than the outside
in the Safety Section for more details. Tighten all of the area represented by the shaded area in the
connections to the recommended torque. Replace if above drawing.
any of the following conditions are found.

- 15 -
Safety Section

Dry nitrogen(N2) gas is recommended for inflation Operator Restraint System

of tires. If the tires were originally inflated with air,
nitrogen is still preferred for adjusting the pressure.
(If Equipped)
Nitrogen mixes properly with air.
Warning Signs and Labels
Nitrogen inflated tires reduce the potential of a tire
explosion, because nitrogen does not support Your DAEWOO lift truck has the following tipover
combustion. Also, nitrogen helps prevent oxidation warning decals.
and the resulting deterioration of rubber and
corrosion of rim components. Make sure that you can read all safety signs. Clean
or replace these if you cannot read the words or see
Proper nitrogen inflation equipment and training in the pictures. when cleaning the labels use a cloth,
its use are necessary to avoid overinflation. A tire water and soap. Do not use solvent, gasoline, etc.
blowout or rim failure can result from improper or You must replace a label if it is damaged, missing or
misused equipment. cannot be read. If a label is on a part that is
replaced, make sure a new label is installed on the
Stand behind the tread and use a self-attaching replaced part. See you DAEWOO Lift Truck dealer
chuck when inflation a tire. for new labels.
The most effective method of preventing serious
Servicing, changing tires and rims can be dangerous injury or death to yourself or others is to familiarize
and should be done only by trained personnel using yourself with the proper operation of the lift truck, to
proper tools and procedures. If correct procedures are be alert, and to avoid actions or conditions which
not followed while servicing tires and rims, the can result in an accident.
assemblies could burst with explosive force and cause
serious personal injury or death. Follow carefully the
specific information provided by your tire or rim
servicing personnel or dealer.
Tipover can occur if the truck is improperly
operated. In the event of a tipover, injury or
death could result.

- 16 -
Safety Section


Adjust the seat before operating the lift truck. After

adjusting, joggle the seat to make sure it is properly
locked, DO NOT adjust the seat while the truck is in

Your DAEWOO truck comes equipped with a
The ÒSurvive in tipoverÓ warning is located on the DAEWOO operator restraint system. Should it
overhead guard. It shows the proper use of the become necessary to replace the seat for any
operator restraint system. reason, it should only be replaced with another
DAEWOO operator restraint system.

Seat Adjustment

Seat Belt
Front-to-back adjustment


Move the lever, slide the seat to the desired

position, and release the lever.
The Operator Restraint System, Prevents the
operator from jumping from the operatorÕs
compartment in the event of a forward or side

- 17 -
Safety Section

The system is designed to keep the operator on the

seat and in the operatorÕs compartment in the event WARNING
of a tipover.



3. In the event of a tipover, the seat and restraint

system should be inspected for damage and
replaced, if necessary.

1. If the seat belt is torn, if pulling motion is WARNING

interrupted during extension of the belt, or if the
belt cannot be inserted into the buckle properly, The seat belt may cause the operator to bend at
replace the seat belt assembly. the waist. If you are pregnant of have suffered
from some abdominal disease, consult a doctor
before you use the seat belt.

Fasten the Seat Belt



2. Replace the seat belt assembly every 3 years

even if it passes visual inspection. For
1. Grip the plate (connector) of the belt and pull the
replacement, see the date of manufacture
belt from the retractor. Then insert the plate into
labelled on the back side of the belt.
the slot of the buckle until a snap is heard. Pull
on the belt to confirm it is latched.

2. Make sure the belt is not twisted.

- 18 -
Safety Section

Avoiding Lift Truck Tipovers

If you fasten the belt across your abdomen, the Lift Truck Stability
belt may injure your abdomen in an accident.


Counterbalanced lift truck design is based on the

balance of two weights on opposite sides of a
3. Be sure to fasten the belt across your hips, not fulcrum (the front axle). The load on the forks must
across your abdomen. be balanced by the weight of the lift truck.
The location of the center of gravity of both the truck
NOTE : The belt is designed to automatically adjust and the load is also a factor. This basic principle is
to your size and movement. A quick pull on used for picking up a load. The ability of the lift truck
the belt will confirm that the automatic to handle a load is discussed in terms of center of
adjuster will hold the belt position in the gravity and both forward and sideways stability.
event of an accident.
Center of Gravity (CG)
Release the Seat Belt



The point within an object, at which the whole

Push the button of the buckle to release the belt. weight of the object may be regarded as being
The belt will automatically retract when released. concentrated, is called the center of gravity or CG.
Hold the plate of the belt and allow the belt to slowly If the object is uniform, its geometric center will
retract. coincide with its CG. If it is not uniform, the CG
could be at a point outside of the object. When the
lift truck picks up a load, the truck and load have a
new combined CG.

- 19 -
Safety Section

Stability and Center of Gravity Lift Truck Stability Base

CG truck Combined CG CG load CG-Truck will tip over


The stability of the lift truck is determined by the For the lift truck to be stable (not tip over forward or
location of its CG; or, if the truck is loaded, the to the side), the CG must stay within the area of the
combined CG of the truck and load. The lift truck lift truck stability base Ð a triangular area between
has moving parts and, therefore, has a CG that the front wheels and the pivot of the steer wheels. If
moves. The CG moves forward or backward as the the CG moves forward of the front axle, the lift truck
mast is tilted forward or backward. The CG moves will tip forward. If the CG moves outside of the line
up or down as the mast moves up or down. The CG on either side of the stability base, the lift truck will
and, therefore, the stability of the loaded lift truck, is tip to the side.
affected by a number of factors such as:

¥ the size, weight, shape and position of the load

¥ the height to which the load is lifted
¥ the amount of forward or backward tilt
Dynamic forces (braking, acceleration, turning)
¥ tire pressure
also affect stability and can produce tipover
¥ dynamic forces created when the lift truck is
even when the CG is within the stability triangle.
accelerated, braked or turned
¥ condition and grade of surfaces on which the lift
truck is operated
Capacity Load (Weight and Load Center)

CG load

Combined CG

CG truck

These same factors are also important for unloaded
lift trucks. They tip over sideways easier than a The capacity load of the lift truck is shown on the
loaded lift truck carrying its load in the lowered capacity/nameplate riveted to the truck. It is
position. determined by the weight and load center. The load
center is determined by the location of the CG of
the load.

- 20 -
Safety Section

The load center shown on the nameplate is the Safe Driving Practices
horizontal distance from the front face of the forks,
or the load face of an attachment, to the CG of the
load. The location of the CG in the vertical direction
is the same as the horizontal dimension.

Remember that, unless otherwise indicated, the

capacity load shown on the nameplate is for a
standard lift truck with standard backrest, forks and
mast, and having no special-purpose attachment.
In addition, the capacity load assumes that the load
center is no further from the top of the forks than it
is from the face of the backrest. If these conditions
do not exist, the operator may have to reduce the
safe operating load because the truck stability may
be reduced. The lift truck should not be operated if DONÕT overload. Always handle loads within the
its capacity/nameplate does not indicate capacity rated capacity shown on the capacity plate.

NOTE : If the load is not uniform, the heaviest

portion should be placed closer to the
backrest and centered on the forks.

1. Capacity/Nameplates originally attached to
forklifts sold by DAEWOO shall not be
removed, altered or replaced without
DAEWOOÕs approval. INSO031S
2. DAEWOO assumes no responsibility for lift DONÕT go over rough terrain! If unavoidable,
trucks placed in service without a valid slow down.
DAEWOO Nameplate.
3. If necessary to change your specification,
contact your DAEWOO lift truck dealer.

- 21 -
Safety Section


DONÕT start, turn, or stop quickly. DONÕT turn on, or drive across an incline.
Sudden movement can cause the lift truck to


DONÕT tilt elevated loads forwards! This can cause

INSO033S the lift truck to tipover forward.
DONÕT crowd. Maintain a safe distance from the
edge of docks, ramps and platforms. Always watch
Òtail swingÓ


DONÕT elevate tilted loads! This can also cause the

lift truck to tipover forward.

DONÕT drive on soft ground.

- 22 -
Safety Section


DONÕT pick up an off center load! Such a load DONÕT jump off if your truck starts to tipover!
increases the possibility of a tipover to the side. Stay in your seat to survive.


DONÕT drive on slippery surfaces! Sand, gravel, DONÕT compromise safety. Wear a hard hat if
ice or mud can cause a tipover. If unavoidable, slow required on your job site.

DONÕT travel with the mast raised.
DONÕT attempt to pick up or deposit a load unless
the lift truck is level.

- 23 -
Safety Section

How to Survive in a Tipover

(If Operator Restraint System FASTEN SEAT BELT


Equipped) WARNING




DONÕT jump.






In the event of a tipover, the risk of serious injury or

death will be reduced if the operator is using the
operator restraint system and follows the
instructions provided. HOLD ON TIGHT

Hold on tight.








Always use operator restraint system. BRACE FEET


Brace your feet and keep them within the operatorÕs


- 24 -
Safety Section





Lean away from the direction of fall.





Lean forward.

- 25 -
General Section

1 Manufacturer
2 Model
3 Capacity at rated load center kg
4 Load center distance mm
5 Power type electric, diesel, gas, LPG
6 Operator type Stand-on, rider seated
7 Tires c = cushion, p = pneumatic
8 Wheels (x = driven) number, front/rear
9 maximum fork height with rated load mm
10 Lift with STD free lift mm
two - stage mast
11 special free lift mm
12 Fork carriage ISO class
thickness B width B length mm
13 Forks
fork spacing ( minimum B maximum ) mm
14 Tilt of mast foreward/backward deg
15 length without forks mm
16 width mm
17 Overall most lowered height mm
18 dimensions mast extened height mm
19 overhead guard height mm
20 seat height mm
21 Outside turning radius mm
22 Load moment constant ( from center of front wheel to fork face ) mm
23 90¡ stacking aisle ( add load length and clearance ) mm
23a 90¡ intersecting aisle mm
24 travel, loaded / unloaded km / h
25 Speeds lift, loaded / unloaded mm / s
26 lowering, loaded / unloaded mm / s
28 Drawbar pull at 1.6 km / h, loaded / unloaded kg
30 Gradeability at 1.6 km / h, loaded / unloaded %
31 Acceleration time travelling loaded / unloaded s
32 Total weight kg
33 with load front / rear kg
Axle load
34 without load front / rear kg
35 number of front / rear
36 Tires front
37 rear
38 Wheelbase mm
39 Tread front/rear mm
40 at the lowest point mm
Ground clearance loaded
41 at center of wheelbase mm
42 Service brake
43 Parking brake
45 Battey voltage / capacity V / AH
49 manufacturer/model
50 rated output (at rpm) gas / LPG kW(rpm)
51 Engine max. torque (at rpm) gas / LPG kg - m
52 cycle / cylinders / displacement cc
53 fuel consumption l / hr
55 type
Transmission number of speeds forward / reverse
57 Relief pressure system / attachment kPa
58 Noise level Leq dB (A)

- 26 -
General Section


G15S-2 G18S-2 G20SC-2 2
1500 1750 2000 3
500 500 500 4
gas / LPG gas / LPG gas / LPG 5 13
rider - seated rider - seated rider - seated 6

p p p 7

X 2/ 2 X 2/ 2 X 2/ 2 8 21


3300 3300 3300 9 MINIMUM ASLE - 90¡ STACK
130 130 130 10
ll ll ll 12
35 B 100 B 900 35 B 100 B 900 40 B 100 B 900 14
216 B 905
6/8 6/8 6/8 14 A
2155 2202 2243 15 18

1070 1070 1070 16 9 14

2190 2190 2190 17
4350 4350 4350 18 40

2150 2150 2150 19 10

985 985 985 20 39 22 38

1950 1970 2000 21
394 394 399 22
2340 2360 2390 23
1720 1750 1780 23a
18 / 19 18 / 19 18 / 19 24
530 / 600 530 / 600 530 / 600 25
500 / 450 500 / 450 500 / 450 26
1200 1200 1200 28
28 26 24 30

2870 3050 3190 32

1295 / 1575 1225/ 1825 1190/ 2000 34

2/2 2/2 2/2 35

6.50 B 10 - 12 6.50 B 10 - 12 6.50 B 10 - 12 36
5.00 B 8 - 10 5.00 B 8 - 10 5.00 B 8 - 10 37
1360 1360 1360 38
890 / 910 890 / 910 890 / 910 39
120 120 120 40
150 150 150 41
foot / hydraulic foot / hydraulic foot / hydraulic 42
hand / mech hand / mech hand / mech 43

12 / 45 12 / 45 12 / 45 45
MMC / G420 MMC / G420 MMC / G420 49
27.2 (2100) 27.2 (2100) 27.2 (2100) 50
14(1400)/13.3(1400) 14(1400)/13.3(1400) 14(1400)/13.3(1400) 51
4 / 4 / 1997 4 / 4 / 1997 4 / 4 / 1997 52
Powershift Powershift Powershift 55
1/1 1/1 1/1 56
17600 17860 21550 57

- 27 -
General Section


D15S-2 D18S-2 D20SC-2 2
1500 1750 2000 3
500 500 500 4
Diesel Diesel Diesel 5
rider - seated rider - seated rider - seated 6

p p p 7

X 2/ 2 X 2/ 2 X 2/ 2 8



3300 3300 3300 9 MINIMUM ASLE - 90¡ STACK
130 130 130 10
ll ll ll 12
35 B 100 B 900 35 B 100 B 900 40 B 100 B 900 14
216 B 905
6/8 6/8 6/8 14 A
2155 2202 2243 15 18

1070 1070 1070 16 9 14

2190 2190 2190 17
4350 4350 4350 18 40 20

2150 2150 2150 19 10

985 985 985 20 39 22 38

1950 1970 2000 21 16
394 394 399 22
2340 2360 2390 23
1720 1750 1780 23a
18 / 19 18 / 19 18 / 19 24
530 / 600 530 / 600 530 / 600 25
500 / 450 500 / 450 500 / 450 26
1400 1400 1400 28
33 30 28 30

2920 3100 3240 32

1350/ 1570 1240/ 1860 1190/ 2050 34

2/2 2/2 2/2 35

6.50 B 10 - 12 6.50 B 10 - 12 6.50 B 10 - 12 36
5.00 B 8 - 10 5.00 B 8 - 10 5.00 B 8 - 10 37
1360 1360 1360 38
890 / 910 890 / 910 890 / 910 39
120 120 120 40
150 150 150 41
foot / hydraulic foot / hydraulic foot / hydraulic 42
hand / mech hand / mech hand / mech 43

12 / 60 12 / 60 12 / 60 45
32.4 (2250) 32.4 (2250) 32.4 (2250) 50
14.5 (1800) 14.5 (1800) 14.5 (1800) 51
4 / 4 / 2369 4 / 4 / 2369 4 / 4 / 2369 52
Powershift Powershift Powershift 55
1/1 1/1 1/1 56
17600 17860 21550 57

- 28 -
General Section

Noise and Vibration

Noise at operator ear Vibration (weighted overall value)
(measured by BITA)
unit:dB(A) unit:m/sec2

Model Leq Measuring Place

Model Steering Floor
G15S - 2 Seat
Wheel Plate
G18S - 2 78.3
G20SC- 2 G15S - 2
G18S - 2 0.85 0.89 0.92
G20SC- 2
* Test course ; Concrete road
Model Leq Measuring Place
D15S - 2 Model Steering Floor
D18S - 2 84.2 ( 103.5 ) Wheel Plate
D20SC- 2
D15S - 2
( ) Value shows sound power level measured D18S - 2 0.95 1.1 0.92
by prEN12053 D20SC- 2
* Test course ; Concrete road

- 29 -
General Section

Capacity Chart - Without Sideshift


A. B. C.
kg 1500 A. kg 1500
1300 1300
1100 1100
900 900 D. E. F.
700 700
500 500
300 300
G15S - 2
D15S - 2 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200

A. 2500 ~ 4500 mm MFH MAST A. 4000 mm MFH MAST

B. 5000 mm MFH MAST B. 4500 mm MFH MAST
C. 4800 mm MFH MAST
D. 5000 mm MFH MAST
E. 5500 mm MFH MAST
F. 6000 mm MFH MAST

A. B. A. B. C.
kg 1700 kg 1700
1500 1500 D.
1300 C. 1300 E.
1100 1100 F.
900 900
700 700
G18S - 2 500 500

D18S - 2 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
mm mm

A. 2500 ~ 4000 mm MFH MAST A. 4000 mm MFH MAST

B. 4500 mm MFH MAST B. 4500 mm MFH MAST
C. 5000 mm MFH MAST C. 4800 mm MFH MAST
D. 5000 mm MFH MAST
E. 5500 mm MFH MAST
F. 6000 mm MFH MAST

A. A. B. C.
kg 1300 B. kg
1200 1300
1100 1100
1000 900
D. E. F.
900 700
800 500

G20S C- 2 700 300

D20S C- 2 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200

mm mm

A. 2500 ~ 4000 mm MFH MAST A. 4000 mm MFH MAST

B. 4500 mm MFH MAST B. 4500 mm MFH MAST
C. 5000 mm MFH MAST C. 4800 mm MFH MAST
D. 5000 mm MFH MAST
E. 5500 mm MFH MAST
F. 6000 mm MFH MAST

- 30 -
General Section

Capacity Chart - With Sideshift


A. A. B. C.
kg 1300 B. kg
1200 1300
1100 1100
1000 900
D. E. F.
900 700
800 500

G15S - 2 700 300

D15S - 2 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200

A. 2500 ~ 4000 mm MFH MAST A. 4000 mm MFH MAST

B. 4500 mm MFH MAST B. 4500 mm MFH MAST
C. 5000 mm MFH MAST C. 4800 mm MFH MAST
D. 5000 mm MFH MAST
E. 5500 mm MFH MAST
F. 6000 mm MFH MAST

A. B. C. A. B. C.
kg 1500 kg 1500
1300 1300
1100 1100 D. E.
900 900 F.
700 700
500 500
G18S - 2 300 300

D18S - 2 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
mm mm

A. 2500 ~ 4000 mm MFH MAST A. 4000 mm MFH MAST

B. 4500 mm MFH MAST B. 4500 mm MFH MAST
C. 5000 mm MFH MAST C. 4800 mm MFH MAST
D. 5000 mm MFH MAST
E. 5500 mm MFH MAST
F. 6000 mm MFH MAST

A. B. A. B.
kg 1900 kg 1700
1700 1500
1300 C. D.
1500 E.
C. D. 1100
1100 900 F.
900 700
700 500
G20S C- 2
D20S C- 2 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200

A. 2500 ~ 3700 mm MFH MAST A. 4000 mm MFH MAST

B. 4000 mm MFH MAST B. 4500 mm MFH MAST
C. 4500 mm MFH MAST C. 4800 mm MFH MAST
D. 5000 mm MFH MAST D. 5000 mm MFH MAST
E. 5500 mm MFH MAST
F. 6000 mm MFH MAST

- 31 -
General Section

Serial Number
Serial Number Locations
For quick reference, record your lift truck's serial
numbers in the spaces provided below the


IPSO001P Power Shift Transaxle Number

Lift Truck Serial Number


Side Shift Serial Number (If Equipped)


2.0 liter Gasoline and LP - Gas Engine Serial



2.4 liter Diesel Engine Serial Number.

- 32 -
General Section

Operator's Warning and Identification Plate


Operator's Warning Plate Idenitification, Lift Capacity and

Attachment Plate


Located by the right side of the operator's seat on IPSO001P

the engine compartment cover. Located on the cowl to the right side of the steering

Below are abbreviations that may appear on the

ATTACHMENT PLATES and their meanings.

Mast Abbreviations

STD - Standard Mast

(single inner member, low free lift)

FF - Full Free Lift Mast

(single inner member with high free lift
duplex cylinder)

FFT - Triple Lift Mast (two inner members) with

either low or full free lift characteristics.

QUAD - Quadruple (Quad) Mast(with three inner


NOTE : When only a mast-type is listed on the

identification plate, a standard carriage and
forks are used.

- 33 -
General Section

Attachment Abbreviations
(Includes Special Forks)

SC - Special Carriage-increased width, height

or outreach

SSS - Shaft-type Sideshift Carriage

HSS - Hook-typer Sideshift Carriage (ITA)

CW - Counterweight

SF - Special Forks

SWS - Swing Shift, Sideshift

RAM - Ram or Boom

DBCBH - Double Cube Block Handler

HFP - Hydraulic Fork Positioner

CR - Crane Arm or Crane Boom

TH - Tire Handler

CTH - Container Handler

LPP - Load Push-Pull Device

CC - Carton Clamp

RC - Roll Clamp

LS - Load Stabilizer

PWH - Pulp Wood Handler

SS - ST -Sideshift-Side Tilt Carriage

- 34 -
Operation Section

OperatorÕs Station and Monitoring Systems

3. Diesel Engine Start Preheat
Indicator Light - The light will come
ON when the key is turned to the ON
position from the OFF position. This indicates that
the glow plugs are preheating the precombustion
chambers for easier starting.

The amount of time needed to preheat the

precombustion chambers is approximately seven
seconds, depending on the surrounding air
temperature. When the light goes OFF the
ILO1049P maximum pre-combustion chamber temperature
has been reached and the key can be turned to
the START position to start the engine.
Instrument Panel
4. Diesel Engine Water in Fuel Filter
Indicator Light - Indicates when the
engine is running, there is water in the
1 2 5 6 7 fuel filter exceeds 100cc.

The light will come ON when the ignition switch is

turned to the ON position. The light should go off
after the engine is started. If the light turns on with
the engine running, park the lift truck and stop the
Drain some fuel(and any water) until clean fuel
3 4 flows from the filter which approximately takes 5 to
ILOO001I 6 seconds.
1. Engine Oil Indicator Light - Indicates
5. Fuel Level Gauge - Indicates fuel
insufficient engine oil pressure. The light
level. (Gas, Diesel, or Dual Fuel Trucks
will come on when the ignition switch is
turned to the ON position. If the light turns on while
operation the lift truck, insufficient engine oil lubricating 6. Engine Coolant Gauge - Indicates
system pressure is indicated. Park the lift truck and coolant temperature. If the pointer
stop the engine. moves beyond the green band while
operation the lift truck, overheating is indicated.
Check the system for a malfunction. The light will turn Park the lift truck and stop the engine.
on when the oil pressure drops to approximately 70
kPa(10 psi). Check the cooling system for a malfunction.
The point will be at the end of the green band when
2. Alternator Indicator Light - Indicates the coolant temperature reaches approximately
if the battery charging system is 106¡C(223¡F) on all engines.
operational. The light will come on when
the ignition switch is turned to the ON position. 7. Transmission Oil Temperature Gauge
- Indicates transmission oil temperature.
The light should go off after the engine is started, If the pointer moves beyond the green
indication the alternator is producing sufficient band while operating the lift truck, excessive
voltage to charge the battery. If the light turns on transmission oil temperature is indicated. Park the lift
with the engine running, check the alternator truck and stop the engine.
charging system for a malfunction.

- 35 -
Operation Section

Electrical Disconnect Switch

(If Equipped)


8. Service Hour Meter - Indicates the

total number of hours the engine and
the lift truck have operated. The hour
meter will operate when the ignition switch is in the
ON position, whether the engine is running or not.
The hour meter is used to determine lubrication and 1. ON - Connects the battery for
maintenance intervals. electrical power to all electrical circuits.

2. OFF - Disconnects the battery from all

electrical circuits.

9. Horn Switch - Push on the horn
button to sound the horn.


10. Choke Control - Controls the gasoline engine

choke. When the engine is cold, pull the choke
control out all the way. Gradually push the control in
as the engine warms up.

- 36 -
Operation Section

Engine Compartment Circuit Breaker


1. The engine compartment is accessible by pulling Circuit Breaker-Protects the main

the latch and raising the hood and seat electrical circuits. To reset the circuit
assembly. ( Note : Unlock latch before pulling - if breaker, push the button in. Located in
key equipped ) the engine compartment.


2. The hood and seat assembly is held up by a

support cylinder. Make certain the air cylinder is
operating properly and will hold the hood up
before doing anything in the engine

- 37 -
Operation Section

Fuel Selector Switch Seat

(If Dual Fuel Equipped)
NOTE : Seat arrangments may vary.
Basic operation will be similar.

Seat adjustment should be checked at the

beginning of each shift and when operators change.

Lock the seat into position before operating, to

prevent an unexpected seat change.


NOTE : The switch is located in the engine

compartment or on the cowl.

1. LPG - This position supplies

electrical power to the LP fuelock
solenoid and the vacuum switch, when
the ignition switch is in the ON or the START ILO6008P
position. With the LP-Gas fuel tank valve open and
when vacuum is present, LP-Gas can then flow Adjust seat to allow full brake pedal travel with
the tank through the converter to the carburetor. operator's back against seat back.

2. OFF - This position shuts off all NOTE : The seat can only be correctly adjusted
fuelsupply to the carburetor and is used with the operator fully seated.
when changing from Gasoline to LP-
Gas or LP-Gas to Gasoline fuel.

Electrical power shuts off the electric fuel pump

and the fuelock solenoid. Before switching to the
LPG position, allow the engine to run until all of
the gasoline in the carburetor is consumed and the
engine stops.

3. GAS-This position supplies electrical

power to the electric fuel pump and the
fuelock solenoid. This will allow
gasoline fuel to flow from the tank through the fuel
filter and fuel pump to the carburetor.

- 38 -
Operation Section

Lift Truck Controls

Direction Control Lever Transmission Inching Control


1. Forward - Push the lever forward IB6OO04P

for FORWARD direction travel. Inching Control Pedal - Pushing down
on the inching pedal, modulates the
2. Neutral - Move the lever to center hydraulic pressure to the clutch packs,
4position for NEUTRAL. permitting disc slippage.
3. Reverse - Pull the lever back for Futher pushing on the pedal completely relieves
REVERSE direction travel. clutch pack pressure and applies the service brakes
to stop and hold the lift truck.

Plate for Function of Pedals NOTE : The purpose of the inching control pedal is
(If Equipped) to provide precise inching control at slow
travel speed, with high engine rpm. This is
used for fast hydraulic lift during load
approach, pickup or pisitioning.


It shows the function of each pedal

i.e. inching (clutch), brake and accelerator.

- 39 -
Operation Section

Service Brake Pedal Parking Brake Lever

Push DOWN on the brake pedal to Pull the lever BACK to engage the
slow or stop the lift truck. parking brake.

RELEASE the brake pedal to allow the Push the lever FORWARD to release
lift truck to move. the parking brake.

Accelerator Pedal Lift Control


Push DOWN on the pedal to increase NOTE : To prevent a sudden change of position of
engine rpm (speed). the load, operate all lift, tilt and
attachment controls smoothly.
RELEASE the pedal to decrease
engine rpm (speed). 1. Lower Position - Push the lever
FORWARD smoothly to lower the load.

2. Hold Position - When the lever is

released it will return to the HOLD or
center position Lifting or lowering action
will stop.

3. Lift Position - Pull the lever BACK

smoothly to lift the load.

- 40 -
Operation Section

Tilt Control


1. Mast Tilt Forward - Push the lever

3FORWARD smoothly to tilt the mast

2. Mast Hold - When the lever is

3released it will return to the HOLD or
center position. Tilting action will stop.

3. Mast Tilt Back - Pull the lever BACK

3smoothly to tilt the mast backward.

Sideshift Attachment (If Equipped)


1. Sideshift Left - Push the lever

FORWARD to shift the carriage to the

2. Sideshift Hold - When the lever is

released it will return to the HOLD or
center position. Sideshifting action will

3. Sideshift Right - Pull the lever

BACK to shift the carriage to the right.

- 41 -
Operation Section

Gasoline or Diesel Engine Equipped

Explosive fumes may be present during refueling.
Do not smoke in refueling areas.
Lift truck should be refueled only at designated
safe locations. Safe outdoor locations are
preferable to those indoors. IB6OS02P

Stop the engine and get off the lift truck during 1. Park the lift truck only at a designated safe
refueling. location. Place the transmission in NEUTRAL.
Lower the forks to the ground. Engage the
parking brake. Stop the engine.

Do not allow the lift truck to become low on fuel
or completely run out of fuel. Sediment or other
impurities in the fuel tank could be drawn into
the fuel system. This could result in difficult
starting or damage to components.

Fill the fuel tank at the end of each day of operation

to drive out moisture laden air and to prevent
condensation. In the cold weather, the moisture
condensation can cause rust in the fuel system and
hard starting due to it's freezing. Do not fill the tank 2. Remove the filler cap.
to the top. Fuel expands when it gets warm and
may overflow. 3. Fill the fuel tank slowly. Install the filler cap. If
spillage occurs, wipe off excess fuel and wash
down area with water.

NOTE : Drain water and sediment from fuel tank

as required by prevailing conditions. Also,
drain water and sediment from the main
fuel storage tank weekly and before the
tank is refilled. This will help prevent water
or sediment being pumped from the storge
tank into the lift truck fuel tank.

- 42 -
Operation Section

Changing LP-Gas Tanks

1. Park the lift truck on level ground, with the
parking brake applied, the transmission in
NEUTRAL, the forks lowered and the engine
running at low idle.


6. Check to be sure that the LP-Gas warning plate

is in position on the lift truck, and is legible.

7. Check to be sure the replacement tank is of the

correct type.

IPOO017P 8. Inspect the replacement tank for damage such

as dents, scrapes or gouges and for indication of
2. Close the fuel shut off valve at the LP - Gas tank. leakage at valves or threaded connections.
Run the engine until it stops, then off the ignition
switch and disconnect the switch (if equipped).

3. Disconnect the fuel supply line.


9. Check for debris in the relief valve, for damage to

various valves and liquid level gauge.
10. Inspect the quick-disconnect couplings for
4. Loosen the retaining clamps and remove the
deterioration, damage or missing flexible seals.

If the location pin (dowel) is missing or broken,
be sure the pin is replaced.

5. Check the mounting to be sure the locating pin

(dowel) is not missing or broken.

- 43 -
Operation Section


11. Position the replacement tank so that the

locating pin (dowel) is in place.

12. Clamp the tank securely.

13. Connect the fuel supply line.

14. Open the fuel valve by slowly turning the valve

counterclockwise. If the fuel valve is opened too
quickly, a back pressure check valve will shut
off the fuel supply. If this happens, close the fuel
valve completely. Wait five seconds and then
open the fuel valve very slowly.

15. Inspect the LP-Gas fuel lines and fittings with

a soap solution after filling the tank or when
looking for leaks.

- 44 -
Operation Section

Before Starting the Engine

Walk-Around Inspection 5. Inspect the carriage, forks or attachments for
wear, damage and loose or missing bolts.
Make a thorough walk-around inspection before
mounting the lift truck or starting the engine. Look 6. Inspect the tires and wheels for cuts, gouges,
for such items as loose bolts, debris buildup, oil or foreign objects, inflation pressure and loose or
coolant leaks. Check condition of tires, mast, missing bolts.
carriage, forks or attachments. Have repairs made
as needed and all debris removed.
Before starting the gas engine, push the accelerator
pedal all the way down once and then slowly it to
set the automatic choke.


7. Inspect the overhead guard for damage and

loose or missing mounting bolts.

8. Inspect the hydraulic system for leaks, worm

hoses or damaged lines.
1. Inspect the operator's compartment for loose
items and cleanliness. 9. Look for transmission and drive axle leaks on the
lift turck and on the ground.
2. Inspect the instrument panel for broken or
damaged indicator lights or gauges.

3. Test the horn and other safety devices for proper



Typical Example

10. Inspect the engine compartment for oil, coolant

and fuel leaks.

4. Inspect the mast and lift chains for wear, broken

links, pins and loose rollers.

- 45 -
Operation Section


Typical Example 13. Observe the fuel level gauge after starting the
truck. Add fuel if necessary.
11. Measure the engine crankcase oil level with the
dip stick. Maintain the oil level between the
MAX. and MIN., (or FULL and ADD) notches on
the dip stick. WARNING
Personal injury may occur from accidents
caused by improper seat adjustment. Always
adjust the operator's seat before starting the lift
truck engine.
Seat adjustment must be done at the beginning
of each shift and when operators change.


Typical Example

12. Observe the engine coolant level in the coolant

recovery bottle. With the engine cold, maintain
the level to the COLD mark. If the recovery
bottle is empty, also fill the radiator at the top

14. To position the seat, PUSH the lever away from

the seat track and move the seat forward or
backward to a comfortable position.

- 46 -
Operation Section

Lift Fork Adjustment

Hook-type Fork knowledgeable of the material used and the
required welding and heat treatment process.
For load stability, always adjust the forks as wide as
possible. Position the load evenly on both forks. Users should evaluate the economics of returning
the forks to the manufacutrer for repairs or
purchasing new forks. This will vary depending on
many factors including the size and type of fork.

Forks should be properly sized to the weight and

length of the loads, and to the size of the machine
on which they are used. The general practice is to
use a fork size such that the combined rated
capacity of the number of forks used is equal to or
greater than the ÒStandard (or rated) CapacityÓ of
the lift truck.

The individual load rating, in most cases, will be

IPOO029P stamped on the fork in a readily visible area.
1. Lift the hook pin and slide the fork to the new Generally on the top or side of the fork shank.
¥ A fork rated at 2200 pounds at 24 inch load center
2. Secure the hook pin in the carriage slot. Follow will be stamped 2200B24.
the same procedure for the other fork.
¥ A fork rated at 1200 kg at 500 mm load center wil
be stamped 1200B500.
Inspection, Maintenance and The manufacturer idenitification and year and date
Repair of Lift Truck Forks of manufacture is also usually shown.

The following provides practical guidelines for Some countries have standards or regulations
inspection, maintenance and repair of lift truck which apply specifically to the inspection and repair
forks. It also provides general information on the of forks.
design and application of forks and the common
cause fo fork failures. Users countries have standards for regulations
which apply specifically to the inspection and repair
Lift truck forks can be dangerously weakened by of forks.
improper repair or modification. They can also be
damaged by the cumulative effects of age, Users may also refer to the International
abrasion, corrosion, overloading and misuse. Organization For Standardization-ISO Technical
Report 5057-Inspection and Repair of Fork Arms
A fork failure during use can cause damage to the and ISO Standard 2330-Fork Arms-Technical
equipment and the load. A fork failure can also Characteristics and Testing.
cause serious injury.
While there are no specific standards or regulations
A good fork inspection and maintenance program in the United States, users should be familiar with
along with the proper application can be very the requirements for inspection and maintenance of
effective in preventing sudden on the job failures. lift trucks as provided by the 29 Code Federal
Register Safety Standard (s) B56.1, B56.5 or B56.6
Repairs and modifications should be done only by as applicable to the type of machine (s) in use.
the fork manufacturer or a qualified technician

- 47 -
Operation Section

Causes of Fork Failure

1. Improper Modification or Repair. Fork failure spread and the forks to twist laterally about their
can occur as a result of a field modification mountings.
involving welding, flame cutting or other similar
process, which affect the heat treatment and ¥ Wear
reduces the strength of the fork.
Forks are constantly subjected to abrasion as
In most cases, specific processes an techiniques they slide on floors and loads. The thickness of
are also required to achieve proper welding of the fork blade is gradually reduced to the point
the particular alloy steels involved. Critical areas where it may not be capable of handling the load
most likely to be affected by improper processing for which it was designed.
are the heel section, the mounting components
and the fork tip. ¥ Stress Risers

2. Bent or Twisted Forks. Forks can be bent out of Scratches, nicks and corrosion are points of high
shape by extreme overloading, glancing blows stress concentration where cracks can develop.
against walls or other solid objects or using the These cracks can progress under repetitive
fork tip as a pry bar. loading in a typical mode of fatigue failue.

Bent or twisted forks are much more likely to 4. Overloading. Extreme overloading can cause
break and cause damage or injury. They should permanent bending or immediate failure of the
be removed from service immediately. forks. Using forks of less capacity than the load
or lift truck when lifting loads and using forks in a
3. Fatigue. Parts which are subjected to repeated manner for which they were not designed are
or fluctuating loads can fail after a large number some common causes of overloading.
of loading cycles even though the maximum
stress was below the static strength of the part.
Fork Inspection
The first sign of a fatigue failure is usually a crack
which starts in an area of high stress
concentration. This is usually in the heel section
or on the fork mounting.

As the crack progresses under repetitive load

cycling, the load bearing cross section of the
remaining metal is decreased in size until it
becomes insufficient to suport the load and
complete failure occurs.

Fatigue failure is the most common mode of fork

failure. it is also one which can be anticipated
and prevented by recognizing the conditions IAOO034S
which lead up to the failure and by removing the Establish a daily and 12 month inspection routine
fork from service prior to failing. by keeping a record for the forks on each lift truck.

¥ Repetitive Overloading Initial information should include the machine serial

number on which the forks are used, the fork
Repetitive cycling of loads which exceeds the manufacturer, type, original section size, original
fatigue strength of the material can lead to length and capacity. Also list any special
fatigue failure. The overload could be caused by characteristics specified in the fork design.Record
loads in excess of the rated fork capacity and by the date and results of each inspection, making
use of the fork tips as pry bars. Also, by handling sure the following information is included :
loads in an manner which cause the fork tips to

- 48 -
Operation Section

¥ Actual wear conditions, such as percent of 12 Months Inspection

original blade thickness remaining.
Forks should be inspected, at a minimum, every 12
¥ Any damage, failure or deformation which might months. If the truck is being used in a multi-shift or
impair the use of the truck. heavy duty operation, they should be checked
every six months. See ÒForksÓ in the Maintenance
¥ Note any repairs or maintenance. Section of this manual.

An ongoing record of this information will help in

idenitifying proper inspection intervals for each Maintenance and Repair
operation, in identifying and solving problem areas
and in anticipating time replacement of the forks. 1. Repair forks only in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations.

First Installation Most repairs or modifications should be done

only by the original manufacturer of the forks or
1. Inspect forks to ensure they are the correct size an expert knowledgeable of the materials,
for the truck on which they will be used. Make design, welding and heat treatment process.
sure they are correct length and type for the
loads to be handled. 2. The following repairs or modifications SHOULD
NOT be attempted.
If the forks have been previously used, perform
the Ò12 Month Inspection.Ó ¥ Flame cutting holes or cutouts in fork blades.
If the forks are rusted, see ÒMaintenance and
RepairÓ ¥ Welding on brackets or new mounting hangers.

2. Make sure fork blades are level to each other ¥ Repairing cracks or other damage by welding.
within acceptable tolerances. See ÒForks, Step
4,Ó in the Ò2000 Service Hours or 1 YearÓ in ¥ Bending or resetting.
ÒMaintenance Intervals.Ó
3. The following repairs MAY be performed.
3. Make sure positioning lock is in place and
working. Lock forks in position before using ¥ Forks may be sanded or lightlyground, to remove
truck. See ÒForks, Step 7,Ó in the Ò2000 Service rust, corrosion or minor defects from the
Hours or 1 YearÓ in ÒMaintenance IntervalsÓ. surfaces.

¥ Heel sections may be ground with a carbon stone

Daily Inspection - Before First to remove minor surface cracks or defects. Polish
Use and at Each Preventive the inside radius of the heel section to increase
Maintenance Inspection the fatigue life of the fork. Always grind or polish
in the direction of the blade and shank length.
1. Visually inspect forks for cracks, especially in the
hell section, around the mounting brackets, and ¥ Repair or replace the positioning locks on hook
all weld areas, Inspect for broken or jagged fork type forks. Repair or replace most fork retention
tips, bent or twisted blades and shanks. devices used with other fork types.

2. Make sure positioning lock is in place and 4. A fork should be load tested before being
working. Lock the forks in position before using returned to service on completion of repairs
the truck. See Ò2000 Service Hours or 1 YearÓ in authorized and done in accordance with the
ÒMaintenance IntervalsÓ. manufacturer's recommendations.

3. Remove all defective forks from service.

- 49 -
Operation Section

Most manufacturers and standards require the

repaired fork to be tested with a load 3 times the
specified capacity and at the load center marked on
the fork arm.With the fork restrained in the same
manner as its mounting on the lift truck, apply the
test load twice, gradually and without shock.
Maintain the test for 30 seconds each time.

Check the fork arm before and after the second

application of the test load. It shall not show any
permanent deformation.

Consult the fork manufacturer for further

information as may be applicable to the specific
fork involved.

Testing is not required for repairs to the positioning

lock or the markings.

- 50 -
Operation Section

Starting the Engine

Prestart Conditions Gasoline Engine
NOTE : The engine will not start unless the
transmission directional control lever is in
the NEUTRAL position.


1. Engine is cold but the temperature of ambient is

higher than 0 degree C.
1) PUSH the chock control all the way.
1. Engine the parking brake, if not already 2) Depress the accelerator pedal completely and
engaged. Place the transmission directional then release it.
control lever in the NEUTRAL position. 3) Then, depress the accelerator pedal more than
1/2 of its stroke and hold in this position.
4) Turn the ignition switch to the START position to
crank the engine.
5) Release it when the engine starts.

In normal weather, depress the accelerator pedal

more than half of itÕs stroke and hold in this


2. Lift trucks equipped with electrical disconnect

switches ; the engine will not start unless the
disconnect switch is in the ON (closed) position.


2. Turn the ignition switch to the START position.

Release it when the engine starts.
Gradually push the choke control IN as the
engine warms up. Allow the engine to warm up

- 51 -
Operation Section

LP-Gas Engine Diesel Engine

Starting a Cold Diesel Engine
1. Turn the key to the ON position. The start
LP - Gas fuel is flammable and can cause preheat light will come ON. The preheat light will
personal injury. stay ON approximately seven seconds, depending
on the surrounding air temperature.
Inspect LP - Gas fuel lines and fitting for leaks.
Inspect tank for secure mounting.
Do not engage the starter for more than 30

2. When the preheat light goes OFF, turn the key

to the START position, with the accelerator pedal
fully depressed.

3. Release the key when the engine starts and

release the accelerator pedal to a low idle position.

4. If the engine stalls or does not start, turn the

key to the OFF position, then repeat steps 1 thru 3.

1. Turn the tank fuel valve ON by slowly turning the Starting a Warm Diesel Engine
valve counterclockwise. Observe the LP -Gas
gauge(if equipped). 1. Turn the key to the ON position and then to
START position, without waiting for the preheat
2. Turn the ignition switch to the START position. light to go OFF. At the same time fully depress the
Release it when the engine starts. accelerator.

2. Release the key when the engine starts and

release the accelerator pedal to a low idle position.

- 52 -
Operation Section

Starting From a 12 Volt External


Sparks occurring near the battery could cause
vapors to explode.
Always connect the external power source
ground cable to a point away from and below
the battery, and well clear of fuel system


Typical Example

Do not reverse battery cables. It can cause
damage to the alternator.
Always connect the external power source
cables in parallel with the lift truck battery
cables : POSITIVE(+) to POSITIVE(+) and
Attach ground cable last, remove first. All lift
trucks equipped with DAEWOO built internal
combustion engines are NEGATIVE(-) ground.

- 53 -
Operation Section

Dual Fuel System

Changing From Gasoline to 4. Move lever (1) to the LPG (3) position.
LP - Gas
5. Lower the hood and seat assembly.

NOTE : The UnderwriterÕs Laboratory (U.L.)
requires that the gasoline tank must be at least 6. Open the fuel valve, on the LP - Gas tank, by
one - quarter full when operating on LP - Gas. slowly turning the valve counterclockwise.
This will allow the lift truck to be restarted on
gasoline and moved to an approved refueling 7. Turn the ignition switch key to the OFF position
area, when operating in a hazardous area. and then to the START position to start the engine.
Release it when the engine starts.
1. Park the lift truck level in an authorized refueling
area with the forks lowered, the parking brake Changing From LP - Gas to
applied, the transmission in NEUTRAL and the Gasoline
engine running.
1. Park the lift truk level in an authorized refueling
2. Raise the hood and seat assembly. Make area with the forks lowered, the parking brake
certain the air lift cylinder securely holds the hood applied, the transmission in NEUTRAL and the
open. engine running.



IB1O1004 ILOO018P
Typical Example 2. Close the fuel valve on the LP - Gas tank. Allow
the engine to run until the fuel in the line runs out
3. Move lever (1), on the fuel selector switch to the and the engine stops. Turn the ignition switch to
OFF(2) positoin. Leave lever (1) in this position the OFF position.
until the gasoline in the carburetor is used and the
engine stops. 3. Raise the hood and seat assembly.
Make certain the air lift cylinder securely holds the
hood open.

- 54 -
Operation Section



Typical Example

4. Move lever (1) from the LPG (3) postion to the

GAS (4) position.

5. Lower the hood and seat assembly.

6. Turn the ignition switch key to the ON position.

NOTE : On trucks equipped with electric fuel

pumps wait approximately 15 seconds to fill the
carburetor with gasoline.

7. Turn the ignition switch key to the START

position and start the engine. Release it when the
engine starts.

- 55 -
Operation Section

After Starting the Engine

Observe all indicator lights and gauges frequently
during operation, to make sure all systems are
working properly. All of the indicator lights will come
ON with the ignition switch in the ON position
before the engine is started.

1 2 5 6 7

7. Observe the hour meter to make sure it is

operating properly.

8. Observe the fuel level gauge for fuel level in the

3 4

1. The engine oil pressure indicator light (1), will not

come ON with the engine running, unless there is
low or no oil pressure. Stop the engine
immediately, if the light comes ON.

2. The alternator indicator light (2), should not come

ON during normal operation. The alternator is not
charging if the light comes ON with the engine
3. The diesel engine water in fuel filter indicator
light(4), will not come ON with the engine
running,unless water in fuel filter exceeds 100cc.
Stop the engine immediately and drain the water
if the light comes ON.

4. Observe the fuel level gauge (5) for fuel level in

the tank.

5. The engine coolant gauge pointer (6), will be in

the green band with the engine running, unless
the coolant temperature is excessive.

6. The power shift transmission gauge pointer (7),

will be in the green band with the engine running,
unless the oil temperature is excessive.

- 56 -
Operation Section

Lift Truck Operation

Power Shift Transaxle WARNING
1. Start the engine. See topic ÒStarting the EngineÓ A lift truck with the engine running but without
an operator can move slowly (creep) if the
transmission is engaged.
This could result in personal injury.
Always place the transmission control lever in
the NEUTRAL (center) positon and apply the
parking brake before dismounting the lift truck.


2. Push down on the service brake pedal to hold the

lift truck until ready to move it.

3. Release the parking brake.

NOTE : The parking brake must be released before

the directional control can be used.

5. Release the service brake.

6. Push down on the accelerator pedal to obtain the

desired travel speed. Release the pedal to
decrease travel speed.

Sudden revesal of a loaded lift truck traveling
forward can cause the load to fall or the lift
ILOO009P truck to tip.
4. Select the direction of travel by pushing the Failure to comply could result in personal
directional lever FORWARD for forward direction injury.
or by pulling the lever BACK for reverse
direction. Stop the loaded lift truck completely, before
shifting to reverse.

NOTE : Directional changes can be made under

full power at speeds up to 8 km/h (5 mph).
A speed of 8 km/h (5 mph) is a fast walk.
Directional shift changes at speeds above
8 km/h (5 mph) are considered abusive.

- 57 -
Operation Section


7. To change the lift truck direction of travel, release 11. To stop the lift truck when traveling in either
the accelerator pedal. direction, release the accelerator pedal.

8. Push down on the service brake pedal to reduce 12. Push down on the service brake pedal and
the lift truck speed as necessary. bring the lift truck to a smooth stop.

NOTE : The purpose of the inching pedal is to
provide precise lift truck inching control at
very slow travel speed and high engine
rpm. This is used for fast hydraulic lift,
during load approach, pick up or load


9. Move the directional lever to the desired direction

of travel. Slowly push down on the accelerator
pedal as the lift truck changes direction.

10. When the direction change is completed,

continue to push down on the accelerator pedal
to obtain the desired travel speed.


1. To inch (creep) in either direction, slowly push

down on the inching pedal. This will start to apply
the service brakes and allow the transmission
clutch discs to slip.

2. Vary the position of the inching pedal and the

acceleratror pedal to control the inching speed
and distance.

3. Pushing down further on the inching pedal will

disengage the transmission completely and
apply the service brakes fully to stop and hold the
lift truck. This will provide full engine power for
fast hydraulic lift.

- 58 -
Operation Section

Operating Techniques
Inching into Loads Lifting the Load
1. Lift the load carefully and tilt the mast back a
short distance.


Typical Example
1. Move the lift truck slowly FORWARD into positon
and engage the load. The truck should be square Typical Example
with load, forks spaced evenly between pallet
stringers and as far apart as load permits. 2. Tilt the mast further back to cradle the load


Typical Example Typical Example

2. Move the lift truck FORWARD until the load 3. Operate the lift truck in reverse until the load is
touches the carriage. clear of the other material.

4. Lower the cradled load to the travel position.

NOTE : Lift and tilt speeds are controlled by engine


- 59 -
Operation Section

Traveling with the Load Unloading

Travel with the load as low as possible, while
still maintaining ground clearance.


Typicl Example

1. Move the lift truck into the unloading position.


Typical Example

1. Travel with the load uphill on upgrades and



Typical Example

2. Tilt the mast FORWARD only when directly over

the unloading area.

Typical Example
Do not tilt the mast forward with the load unless
directly over the unloading area, even if the
2. For better vision, travel in reverse with bulky
power is off.

- 60 -
Operation Section



Typical Example
3. Deposit the load and BACK away carefully to
disengage the forks. 1. When turning sharp corners, keep close to the
inside corner. Begin the turn when the inside
drive wheel meets the corner.


Typcial Example IAOO047I

2. In narrow aisles, keep away from the stockpile

4. Lower the carriage and forks to the travel
when turning into the aisle. Allow for
position or to the park position.
conterweight swing.

- 61 -
Operation Section

Lifting Drums or Round Objects Operating in Hot Weather

Keep the following points in mind when you operate
the lift truck in hot weather.

1. Check the radiator. Clogging can cause the

overheating. Clean them out regularly with a
blast of compressed air. Also, check the leakage
of water.

2. Check the fan belt tension and adjust to proper


3. Even if the engine overheats and the coolant
boils over, let the engine idle for a while with
1. Block drums or round objects. Tilt the mast opening engine hood until temperature falls
FORWARD and side the fork tips along the floor before shut off the engine.
to get under the load.


2. Before lifting, tilt the mast BACK slightly until the

load is cradled on the forks.

- 62 -
Operation Section

Parking the Lift Truck


1. Park in an authorized area only. Do not block 5. Turn the key in the ignition switch to the OFF
traffic. If LP - Gas equipped, do not park near position and remove the key.
elevator shafts or any other area where LP-Gas
could collect in a pocket (low area), causing a
potentially dangerous condition.


NOTE : If an LP - Gas equipped lift truck is stoped

or parked for an indefinite or prolonged
period of time, shut off the LP-Gas fuel tank
2. Place the transmission controls in NEUTRAL. valve.

3. Engage the parking brake. 6. Actuate each loading lever serveral times to
remove the residual pressure in the respective
4. Lower the forks to the ground. cylinders and hoses.

Blocking the wheels will prevent unexpected lift
truck movement, which could cause personal

- 63 -
Operation Section

Storage Information
Before Storage ¥ Cover components such as the breather and air
cleaner which may be caught with humidity.
Before storing your lift truck, clean and inspect as
the following procedures. ¥ The machine should be operated at least once a
week. Fill the cooling system, if cooling water is
¥ Wipe away grease, oil, etc. adhering to the body discharged, and mount the battery. Start the
of the truck with waste cloth, and use water, if engine and warm up thoroughly. Move the
needed. machine a little forwards and backwards. Operate
the hydraulic controls several times.
¥ While cleaning the truck, check general condition
of the truck. Especially check the truck body for
recess or damge and tires for wear or nails or
To Operate the Lift Truck After a
stones in the tread. Long Time Storage
¥ Fill the fuel tank with fuel specified. ¥ Remove covers and antirust from each of the
components and exposed parts.
¥ Check for leakage of hydraulic oil, engine oil, fuel,
or coolant, etc. ¥ Drain the engine crankcase, transmission (clutch
type machine), differential and final reduction
¥ Apply grease, where needed. gear, clean the inside of them and add new oil.

¥ Check for looseness of nuts and bolts, especially ¥ Drain off foreign matter and water from the
hub nuts. hydraulic oil tank and fuel tank.

¥ Check mast rollers to see that they rotate ¥ Remove the head cover from the engine cylinder.
smoothly. Oil valves and rocker shaft and check each valve
for proper operation.
¥ Prime the oil into the lift cylinders by actuating the
lift lever all the way several times. ¥ Add cooling water to the specified level.

¥ Drain off coolant completely in water of cold ¥ Charge the battery and mount it on the machine.
weather, if antifreeze is not used. Connect the cables.

¥ Perform pre-operational checks carefully. (refer to

Long Time Storage ÒBefore Starting the EngineÓ)

Perform the following service and checks in ¥ Warm up the machine.

addition to the ÒParking the lift truckÓ services.

¥ Taking the rainy season into consideration, park

the machine at a higher and hard ground.

¥ Avoid parking on soft grounds such as an asphalt

ground in summer.

¥ Dismount the battery from the machine.Even

though the machine is parked indoors, if the place
is hot or humid, the battery should be kept in a dry,
cool place. Charge the battery once a month.

¥ Apply antirust to the exposed parts which tend to


- 64 -
Operation Section

Transportation Hints
Lift Truck Shipping Machine Lifting and Tiedown
Check travel route for overpass clearances. Make
sure there is adequate clearance if the lift truck
being transported is equipped with a high mast,
overhead guard or cab. NOTICE
Improper lifting or tiedowns can allow load to
To prevent the lift truck from slipping while loading, shift and cause injury and/or damage.
or shifting in transit, remove ice, snow or other
slippery material from the loading dock and the
truck bed before loading.
1. Weight and instructions given herein apply to lift
trucks as manufactured by DAEWOO.
2. Use proper rated cables and slings for lifting.
Obey all state and local laws governing the Position the crane for level lift truck lift.
weight, width and length of a load.
Observe all regulations governing wide loads. 3. Spreader bar widths should be sufficient to
prevent contact with the lift truck

4. Use the tiedown locations provided for lift truck

NOTICE tiedown.
Remove ice, snow or other slippery material
Check the state and local laws governing weight,
from the shipping vehicle and the loading dock.
width and length of a load.

Contact your DAEWOO Lift Truck dealer for

shipping instructions for your lift truck.


Always block the trailer or the rail car wheels before

loading the lift truck.
Position the lift truck on the truck bed or the rail car.
Apply the parking brake and place the transmission
control in NEUTRAL.
Turn ignition switch to the OFF position and remove
the key. If LP-Gas equipped, shut off the LP-Gas
fuel tank.
Block the wheels and secure lift truck with tiedowns.

- 65 -
Operation Section

Towing Information
To provide sufficient control and braking when
moving a disabled lift truck downhill, a larger towing
lift truck or additional lift trucks connected to the
Personal injury or death could result when
rear could be required. This will prevent
towing a disabled lift truck incorrectly.
uncontrolled rolling.
Block the lift truck wheels to prevent movement The different situation requirements cannot be
before releasing the brakes. The lift truck can given, as minimal towing lift truck capacity is
roll free if it is not blocked. required on smooth level surfaces to maximum on
Follow the recommendations below, to properly inclines or poor surface conditions.
perform the towing procedure.
Consult your DAEWOO Lift Tuck dealer for towing
a disabled lift truck.

These towing instructions are for moving a disabled

lift truck a short distance, at low speed, no faster
than 2 km/h (1.2 mph), to a convenient location for
repair. These instructions are for emergencies only.
Always haul the lift truck if long distance moving is

Shield must be provided on the towing lift truck to

protect the operator if the tow line or bar should

Do not allow riders on the lift truck being towed

unless the operator can control the steering and/or
braking. 1. Release the parking brake.

Before towing, make sure the tow line or bar is in

good condition and has enough strength for the
towing situation involved. Use a towing line or bar Release the parking brake to prevent excessive
with a strength of at least 1.5 times the gross weight wear and damage to the parking brake system.
of the towing lift truck for a disabled lift truck stuck
in the mud or when towing on a grade.
2. Check that the service brake pedal is released.
Keep the tow line angle to a minimum. Do not
exceed a 30¡ angle from the staight ahead position. 3. Key switch is in the OFF position.
Connect the tow line as low as possible on the lift
truck that is being towed. 4. Direction control lever is in neutral.

Quick lift truck movement could overload the tow 5. Fasten the tow bar to the lift truck.
line or bar and cause it to break. Gradual and
6. Remove the wheel blocks. Tow the lift truck slowly.
smooth lift truck movement will better.
Do not tow any faster than 2 km/h (1.2 mph).
Normally, the towing lift truck should be as large as
the disabled lift truck. Satisfy yourself that the
towing lift truck has enough brake capacity, weight
and power, to control both lift trucks for the grade
Be sure all necessary repairs and adjustments
and the distance involved.
have been made before a lift truck that has been
towed to a service area is put back into

- 66 -
Maintenance Section

Tire Inflation Information

The tire inflation pressures shown in the following
1 Tire Inflation Pressures
chart are cold inflation shipping pressures.
Ply Rating Shipping
Size or Pressure A tire inflation in a warm shop area, 18¡ to 21¡C
Strength Index kPa psi (65¡ to 70¡F), will be underinflated if the machine
works in freezing temperatures. Low pressure
6.5X10 10 790 115 shortens the life of a tire.
7.0X15 12 825 120
28X9-15 12 825 120 Tire Inflation
28X12.5-15 16 725 105
Standard tire, ply rating and inflation pressures.

The operating inflation pressure is based on the

weight of a ready - to - work machine without
attachments, at rated payload, and in average
operating conditions. Pressures for each applica-
tion may vary and should always be obtained from
your tire supplier.

NOTE : Fill tires to the recommended pressures

listed L35 kpa (5 psi). Tires can be filled with

Typical Example


Personal injury or death could result when

tires are inflated incorrectly.
Use a self - attaching inflation chuck and stand
behind the tread when inflating a tire.
Proper inflation equipment, and training in
using the equipment, are necessary to avoid
overinflation. A tire blowout or rim failure can
result from improper or misused equipment.

Set the tire inflation equipment regulator at no more
than 140 kPa (20 psi) over the recommended tire

- 67 -
Maintenance Section

Torque Specification
Torques for Standard Hose Torques for Standard Fasteners
Clamps-Worm Drive Band Type
NOTICE The following charts give general torques for
The following chart gives the torques for initial bolts, nuts and taperlock studs or SAE Grade 5
installation of hose clamps on new hose and for or better quality.
reassembly or retightening of hose clamps on
existing hose.
Torques for Bolts and Nuts
Thread Size Standard Bolt & Nut Torque
Inch N¥m lb ft
Initial Installation
Clamp Width Torque on New Hose 1/4 12L3 9L2
N¥m Ib in 5/16 25L6 18L4.5
16 mm(.625 in) 7.5L0.5 65L5 3/8 47L9 35L7
13.5 mm(.531 in) 4.5L0.5 40L5 7/16 70L15 50L11
8 mm(.312 in) 0.9L0.2 8L2 1/2 105L20 75L15
9/16 160L30 120L20
Initial Installation
Clamp Width Torque on New Hose 5/8 215L40 160L30
N¥m Ib in 3/4 370L50 275L37
16 mm(.625 in) 4.5L0.5 40L5 7/8 620L80 460L60
13.5 mm(.531 in) 3.0L0.5 25L5 1 900L100 660L100
8 mm(.312 in) 0.7L0.2 6L2 1 1/8 1300L150 950L100
1 1/4 1800L200 1325L150
1 3/8 2400L300 1800L225
1 1/2 3100L350 2300L250

Torques for Taperlock Studs

Thread Size Standard Bolt & Nut Torque

Inch N¥m lb ft
1/4 8L3 6L2
5/16 17L5 13L4
3/8 35L5 26L4
7/16 45L10 33L7
1/2 65L10 48L7
5/8 110L20 80L15
3/4 170L30 125L22
Torques for Taperlock Studs
7/8 260L40 190L30
1 400L60 300L45
1 1/8 500L70 370L50
1 1/4 650L80 480L60
1 3/8 750L90 550L65
1 1/2 870L100 640L75

- 68 -
Maintenance Section

Torques for Metric Fasteners

Be very careful never or mix metric with U.S.
customary (standard) fasteners. Mismatched or
incorrect fasteners will cause machine damage
or malfunction and can result in personal
Original fasteners removed from the machine
should be saved for reassembly whenever pos-
sible. If new fasteners are needed, they must
be of the same size and grade as the ones that
are being replaced.
The material strength identification is usually
shown on the bolt head by numbers (8.8, 10.9,
etc). The following chart gives standard
torques for bolts and nuts with Grade 8.8.

NOTE : Metric hardware must be replaced with

metric hardware. Check parts manual for
proper replacement.

Torques for Bolts and Nuts

Metric ISO Thread

Thread Size Standard Torque
Inch N¥m lb ft
M6 12L3 9L2
M8 28L7 20L5
M10 55L10 40L7
M12 100L20 75L15
M14 160L30 120L20
M16 240L40 175L30
M20 460L60 340L40
M24 800L100 600L75
M30 1600L200 1200L150
M36 2700L300 2000L225

- 69 -
Maintenance Section

Cooling System Specifications

Coolant Information Check the specific gravity of the coolant solution
frequently in cold weather to ensure adequate pro-
NOTE : The following information is generic and tection.
valid for lift trucks.
Clean the cooling system if it is contaminated, if the
Engine operating temperatures have increased to engine overheats if foaming is observed in the radi-
improve engine efficiency. ator.
This means proper cooling system maintenance is
especially important. Overheating, overcooling, pit- Coolant should be drained, the system cleaned and
ting, cavitation erosion, cracked heads, piston new coolant added every 2000 service hours or two
seizures, and plugged radiators are classic cooling years.
system failures. In fact, coolant is as important as
the quality of fuel and lubricating oil. Filling at over 20 liters (5 U.S. gallons) per minute
can cause air pockets in the cooling system.

After draining and refilling the cooling system, oper-

NOTICE ate the engine with the radiator cap removed until
DAEWOO recommends that the coolant mixture the coolant reaches normal operating temperature
contain a minimum of 30% antifreeze or equiva- and the coolant level stabilizes. Add coolant as nec-
lent. essary to fill the system to the proper level.
Never add coolant to an overheated engine, Never operate without a thermostat in the cooling
engine damage can result. Allow the engine to system. Cooling system problems can arise without
cool first. a thermostat.
All water is corrosive at engine operating tem-
perature. The cooling system should be pro-
tected with a 3 to 6% concentration of liquid Coolant Water
supplemental coolant additive at all times,
regardless of the concentration of antifreeze. Hard water, or water with high levels of calcium and
magnesiun ions, encourages the formation of insol-
Excessive supplemental coolant additive
uble chemical compounds by combining with cool-
greater than the recommended 6%, together
ing system additives such as silicates and phos-
with concentrations of antifreeze greater than
65% can cause deposits to form and can result
in radiator tube blockage, overheating, and/or
The tendency of silicates and phosphates to pre-
water pump seal damage.
cipitate out-of-solution increases with increasing
If the machine is to be stored in, or shipped to, water hardness. Hard water, or water with high lev-
an area with freezing temperatures, the cooling els of calcium and magnesium ions encourages the
system must be protected to the lowest expect- formation of insoluble chemicals, especially after a
ed outside (ambient) temperature. number of heating and cooling cycles.
The engine cooling system is normally protect-
ed to -28¡C(-20¡F) with antifreeze, when shipped DAEWOO prefers the use of distilled water or
from the factory unless special requirements deionized water to reduce the potential and severi-
are defined. ty of chemical insolubilty.

- 70 -
Maintenance Section

Minimum Acceptable Water

Water Content Limits gr/gal (ppm)
Chlorides 2.4 (40) maximum
Sulfates 5.9 (100) maximum
Total Hardness 10 (170) maximum
Total Solids 20 (340) maximum
pH 5.5 to 9.0
ppm = parts per million

Using water that meets the minimum acceptable

water requirement may not prevent drop-out of
these chemical compounds totally, but should mini-
mize the rate to acceptable levels.

Make proper antifreeze additions

Adding pure antifreeze as a makeup solution for

cooling system top-up is an unacceptable practice.
It increases the concentration of antifreeze in the
cooling system which increase the concentration of
dissolved solids and undissolved chemical
inhibitors in the cooling system. Add antifreeze
mixed with water to the same freeze protection as
your cooling system.

Use the chart below to assist in determining the

concentration of antifreeze to use.

Antifreeze Concentrations
Protection Temperature Concentration
Protection to -15¡C (5¡F) 30% antifreeze and 70% water
Protection to -23¡C (-10¡F) 40% antifreeze and 60% water
Protection to -37¡C (-34¡F) 50% antifreeze and 50% water
Protection to -51¡C (-60¡F) 60% antifreeze and 40% water

- 71 -
Maintenance Section

Fuel Specifications
Fuel Information Fuel Types
Use only fuel as recommended in this section. DAEWOO Diesel Engines have the ability to burn
a wide variety of fuels. These fuels are divided into
two general groups, preferred and permissible.
NOTICE The Preferred Fuels provide maximum engine
Fill the fuel tank at the end of each day of oper- service life and performance. They are distillate
ation to drive out moist air and to prevent con- fuels. They are commonly called diesel fuel, MDO
densation. Maintain a constant level near the diesel, furnace oil, gas oil or kerosene (for cold
top of the day tank to avoid drawing moisture weather operation).
into the tank as the level decreases.
Experience has proven that distillate fuels meeting
Do not fill the tank to the top. Fuel expands as it the following basic specifications will result in opti-
gets warm and can overflow. mum engine performance and durability.
Do not fill the fuel filters with fuel before
installing them. Contaminated fuel will cause DAEWOO strongly encourages the use of fuels
accelerated wear to the fuel system parts. that meet the Preferred Fuels specification.

The permissible fuels are crude oils or blended

fuels. Use of these fuels can result in higher main-
Drain the water and sediment from any fuel storage
tenance costs and reduced engine service life.
tank before it is refilled. This will help prevent water
and/or sendiment from being pumped from the fuel
Crude oil is used to describe oils/fuels that are not
storage tank into the engine fuel tank.
refined and are in the original state as when
pumped from the ground. Certain types of crude
oils can be burned in DAEWOO Engines.


Specifications Requirements*
Aromatics (AST D1319) 35% Max.
Ash (ASTM D482) 0.02% Weight Max.
Cetane Number 35 Min. for 45 Max.
(ASTM D613) 40 Min. for DI Engines

Cloud Point (ASTM D97) Not Above Lowest Expected

Ambient Temperature
Gravity API (ASTM D287) 30 Min. and 45 Max.

Pour Point (ASTM D97) 6¡C (10¡F) Below

Ambient Min.
Sulfur (ASTM D2788, 0.5% Max.
D3605 orD1552) (See Sulfur Topic)
Viscostiy, Kinematic @ 20.0 cSt Max.
38¡C (100¡F) (ASTM D445) 1.4 cSt Min.
Water & Sediment 0.01% Max.
(ASTM D1796)
*As delivered to fuel system

- 72 -
Maintenance Section

Fuel Sulfur Content

The percentage of sulfur in the fuel will affect the
engine oil recommendations. Fuel sulfur is chemi-
cally changed during combustion to form both sul-
furous and sulfuric acid. These acids chemically
attack metal surfaces and cause corrosive wear.

Certain additives used in lubricating oils contain

alkaline compounds that are formulated to neutral-
ize these acids. The measure of this reserve alka-
linity in a lubricating oil is known as its Total Base
Number (TBN). TBN is essential to neutralize the
acids from combustion gases and to minimize cor-
rosive wear.

Any API classification performance oil should have

sufficient TBN for fuels with less than 0.5% sulfur.
For fuels with 0.5% to 1.5% sulfur by weight,
engine oil must have a TBN of 20 times the per-
centage of fuel sulfur as measured by the ASTM
(American Society of Testing Materials) D-2896
method. (ASTM D-2896 can normally be found at
your local technological society, library or college).

DAEWOO recommends infrared analysis (in con-

junction with wear metal analysis) of used oil in
determining the effectiveness of oil TBN and acid

For fuel with sulfur exceeding 1.5% by weight, use

an oil with a TBN of 30 and reduce the oil change
interval by one half. Also, infrared analysis and
wear metal analysis should be used to establish oil
change intervals.

Periodically request fuel sulfur content information

from your fuel supplier. Fuel sulfur content can
change with each bulk delivery.

- 73 -
Maintenance Section

Lubricant Specifications
Lubricant Information Hydraulic Oil (HYDO)
Certain abbreviations follow Society of Automotive The following commercial classifications can be
Engineers (SAE) J754 nomenclature and some used in the hydraulic system.
classifications follow SAE J183 abbreviations.
or CD/SF
The MIL specifications are U.S.A. Military
¥ MIL-L-2104E or D
Industrial premium hydraulic oils that have passed
The recommended oil viscosities can be found in the Vickers vane pump test (35VQ25) and/or have
the Lubricant Viscosities chart in this publication. a minimum of 0.09% zinc additive may also be
used. These oils should have antiwear, antifoam,
Grease is classified by the National Lubricating antirust and antioxidation additives for heavy duty
Grease Institute (NLGI) based on ASTM D217-68 use as stated by the oil supplier. ISO viscosity
Worked Penetration characteristics which are given grade of 46 would normally be selected.
a defined consistency number.
Transmission Oil (TDTO)
Engine Oil (DEO and EO)
The following oil specifications provide guidelines
for the selection of commercial products : This oil is formulated for transmissions and
drive trains only, and should not be used in
¥ API CF-4/SG, CF-4/SF, CE/SG, CE/SF engines. Shortened engine life will result.

NOTE : Muti-grade oils are not blended by DAE-

WOO for use in transmissions.
NOTICE Multi-grade oils which use high molecular
Failure to follow the oil recommendations can weight polymers as viscosity index
cause shortened engine lift due to carbon improvers lose their viscosity effectiveness
deposits or excessive wear. by permanent and temporary shear of the
viscosity index improver and therefore, are
not recommended for transmission and
drive train compartments.
Consult the EMA Lubricating Oils Data Book for a
listing of oil brands.
NOTE : Failure to follow this recommendation can
NOTE : The percentage of sulfur in the fuel will cause shortened transmission life due to
affect the engine oil recommendations. material incompatibility, inadequate friction-
For fuel sulfur effects, the Infrared Analysis al requirements for disk materials and/or
or the ASTM D2896 procedure can be used excessive gear wear.
to evaluate the residual neutralization prop-
erties of an engine oil. The sulfur products The API CD/TO - 2 or To - 4 specification or MIL - L
formation depends on the fuel sulfur con- 2104D or E oil could be used.
tent, oil formulation, crankcase blowby,
engine operating conditions and ambient

- 74 -
Maintenance Section

Gear Oil (GO)

Gear Oil offers maximum protection against the
scoring and pitting of gear teeth and rolling element
Gear Oil can also provide excellent stability under
high temperature conditions and has superior low
temperature performance. It will also give protec-
tion against rust and corrosion.
Select an oil that meets API GL-5 spec or MIL-L-
2105C spec.

- 75 -
Maintenance Section

Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities

Lubricant Viscosities Refill Capacities
Lubricant Viscosities Refill Capacities-(Approximate)
for Ambient (Outside) Temperatures
Compartment or System Liters U.S. Imperial
Compartment Oil ¡C ¡F Gal. Gal.
or System ViscositiesViscosities Min Max Min Max Engine Crankcase w/Filter G420 4.0 1.1 0.88
SAE 10W30 -20 +40 -4 +104 Gasoline & LP-Gas
Engine ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Crankcase SAE 15W40 -15 +50 +5 +122 Engine Crankcase 6.5 1.72 1.43
(Gasoline and w/Filter DC24 Diesel
LP-Gas) and Cooling System 9.5 2.5 2.1
Lift Chains w/Coolant Recovery
API CF-4, Bottle G420 Gasoline & LP-Gas
CF-4/SG, API 9.8 2.55 2.174
Cooling System
CE, CE/SG w/Coolant Recovery
Engine SAE 10W -20 +10 -4 +50 Bottle DC24 Diesel
Crankcase SAE 10W30 -20 +40 -4 +104 Fuel Tank-G Series, D series 42 11.0 9.2
Diesel SAE 15W40 -15 +50 +5 +122 Gasoline, Diesel
API CF - 4 LP-Gas -G-Series 15.2 kg 33.5 lb 33.5 lb
Power Shift Transmission 10.0 2.7 2.2
Power Shift SAE 10W -20 +10 -4 +50
Hydraulic & Power 30 7.9 6.6
Transmission SAE 30W 0 +35 32 +95 Steering System
Drive Axle PTA18 4.5 1.2 1.0
SAE 10W -20 +40 -4 +104
Hydraulic and --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brake System 1.0 0.26 0.22
Power SAE 10W30 -20 +40 -4 +104
Steering SAE 15W40 -15 +50 +5 +122
Drive Axle SAE 80W90 -20 +50 -4 +122
Brakes SAE J1703f -30 +50 -22 +122
DOT-3 or DOT-4

- 76 -
Maintenance Section

Maintenance Intervals
First 250 Service Hours
Engine Valve Lash - Check, Adjust ...................100
All maintenance and repair, except Every 10 Hydraulic Return Filter - Change.......................100
Service Hours or Daily, on the lift truck must be
prformed by qualified and authorized personnel
only. Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly
Hydraulic Oil Level - Check ...............................101
Drive Axle Oil Level - Check..............................101
Attachment & Mast - Inspect, Lubricate ............102
NOTICE Steering Mechanism - Check, Lubricate ...........102
Careless disposal of waste oil can harm the Battery Terminal - Clean, Inspect ......................103
environment and can be dangerous to persons. Brake Oil Level - Check.....................................103
Always dispose of waste oil to an authorized Engine Oil & Filter - Change..............................103
personnel only. PCV Valve System - Inspect, Clean ..................103
Diesel Engine.....................................................104

When Required Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months

Carburetor & Fuel Filter Belts - Check, Adjust .........................................105
- Adjust, Check, Clean, Change ..........................78 Tilt Cylinders - Check, Adjust, Lubricate............105
Priming the Fuel System(Diesel Engine).............80 Mast Hinge Pin - Lubricate ................................106
Fuel Tank Filler Cap and Screen(If Equipped) Crosshead Roller - Inspect ................................106
- Clean .................................................................81 Transmission Oil & Strainer - Change, Clean ...107
Seat, Hood Latch & Support Cylinder - Parking Brake - Test, Adjust ..............................107
Check, Lubricate..................................................71 Inching & Braking Control Shaft - Lubricate ......107
Fuses, Bulbs and Circuit Breaker - Horn & Lights(If Equipped) - Check...................107
Change, Reset.....................................................82 Overhead Guard - Inspect .................................107
Air Intake System - Check, Clean, Change.........84
Distributor & Spark Plug - Check.........................86
Tires and Wheels - Inspect, Check .....................87
Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months
Ignition Timing(Gasoline, LP-Gas and Dual Fuel Hydraulic Oil & Return Filter &
Engine) - Check, Adjust .......................................88 Breather & Strainer - Check, Clean, Change ....108
Carburetor(Gasoline, LP - Gas Dual Fuel Engine) - Lift Chains - Check, Adjust ................................108
Wheel Bolts & Nuts - Inspect...............................89
Every 1500 Service Hours or 9 Months
Drive Axle Oil - Change .....................................110
Every 10 Service Hours or Daily
Engine Oil Level - Check.....................................90
Coolant Level - Check, Clean, Change ...............90
Every 2000 Service Hours or 12 Months
Air Cleaner Indicator - Check ..............................91 Steer Wheel Bearings - Repack.........................111
Walk-Around Inspection - Inspect........................92 Cooling System - Clean, Change ......................112
Mast Channels(Roller Mast Only) - Lubricate .....93 Forks - Inspect ...................................................114
Transmission Oil Level - Check...........................93 Drive Wheel Bearing - Repack ..........................118

First 50-100 Service Hours

Engine Oil & Filter - Change................................94
Transmission Oil & Strainer - Change, Clean .....96
Drive Axle Oil - Change .......................................97
Parking Brake - Test, Adjust ................................98

- 77 -
Maintenance Section

When Required
You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any aperation or maintenance procedures.

Carburetor & Fuel Filter - Adjust, Fuel Filter (Gasoline Engine and Dual
Check, Clean, Change Fuel Engine) - Check, Clean, Change

NOTE : Engine must be stopped and cool.

Carburetor (Gasoline and LP-Gas
Engine and Dual Fuel System) - Adjust Park the lift truck in an authorized refueling area
with the forks lowered, parking brake applied, trans-
If the engine is hard to start or the exhaust is smok- mission in NEUTRAL and the engine stopped.
ing, the carburetor may need adjusting.
1. Raise the hood and seat assembly.
Before adjusting the carburetor make sure the
engine is at normal operating temperature. Park the
lift truck with the forks lowered, parking brake WARNING
applied, transmission in neutral and the engine
stopped. Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or elec-
trical components can cause a fire.
For the complete procedure and specifications for
your specific engine, see the ÒService ManualÓ. Turn the disconnect switch OFF or disconnect
the battery when changing fuel filters.

Clean the fuel filter every month and replace it
every year.


2. Loosen Bolt (1) and clamps (2) (3).

3. Replace old fuel filter with new filter.

4. Fastemed Bolt (1) and clamps (2) (3).

- 78 -
Maintenance Section

Fuel Filter ( LP-Gas Engine ) - Check,

Clean, Change

NOTE : Engine must be stopped and cool.

Park the lift truck in an authorized refueling area

with the forks lowered, parking brake applied and
the transmission in NEUTRAL. 1 2 3
4 5 6


4. Remove cover w/magnet (1), O-ring (2) and filter

element (3) from bottom cover (4).

5. Wash the filter element (3) in clean, nonflammable


6. Dry the filter element with 205 kPa (30 psi) max-
imum air pressure.
7. Check bottom cover O-ring (2) for damage.
1. Close the fuel shutoff valve on the LP-Gas tank.
Replace it if necessary.
Run the engine until fuel in the line runs out and
the engine stops. Turn off the ignition switch.
8. Install the filter element (3), O-ring (2), and cover
(1) on bottom cover (4).

9. Tighten the cover (1).

10. Install the filter by washer (5) and nut (6).

11. Open the fuel valve by slowly turning the valve


12. Start engine and then turn the ignition key

switch off.

IB2O608P 13. Check the fuel lines and fittings with a soap
2. Scribe a line across the filter housing covers.
Make repairs if necessary.
3. Remove the cover retaining screws.

- 79 -
Maintenance Section

UNDER DUSTY OR OTHER DIRTY OPERATING Do not fill fuel filters with fuel before installing
CONDITIONS them. Contaminated fuel will cause accelerated
wear to fuel system parts.
Clean the fuel filter every month and replace it
every year.

5. Install the new fuel filter cartridge assembly.

Fuel Filter (Diesel Engine) - Check, 6. Turn the new fuel filter cartridge assembly until
Clean, Change the filter gasket is fitted against the sealing face.

Changing Filter Element 7. Turn the fuel filter cartridge assembly an addi-
tional 2/3 of turn.
Park lift truck with the forks lowered, parking brake
applied, transmission in neutral, engine stopped
and cool.
Priming the Fuel System
(Diesel Engine)
1. Raise the hood and seat assembly.
Bleeding the Fuel System

WARNING After changing the fuel filter cartridge assembly, or

after having serviced any part of the fuel system,
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or elec- make sure that the air is bled from the system.
trical components can cause a fire.
Turn the disconnect switch OFF if fitted or dis-
connect the battery when changing fuel filters.


1. Loosen one of four bleeding screws(1) on over-

flow pipes to injection nozzles.


2. Remove fuel filter cartridge assembly.

3. Remove sensor assembly from cartridge


4. Before installing a new cartridge assembly,

assemble existing sensor assembly, apply a
small amount of clean fuel to the filter cartridge

- 80 -
Maintenance Section

Fuel Tank Filler Cap and Screen

(If Equipped) - Clean
Park the lift truck with the forks lowered, parking
brake applied, transmission in neutral and the
engine stopped.


2. Push the priming pump on top of the fuel filter

housing against the spring to allow air mixed
with fuel to escape through the bleeding screw.
Ensure that excess fuel is collected in a contain-
er or rag to prevent fuel from getting onto
engine parts.
3. Repeat the pumping action until no bubbles are
visible in the flowing fuel. 1. Remove the filler cap assembly. Clean in clean,
nonflammable solvent.
4. Tighten the bleed screw.
2. Dry cap assembly.
5. Start the engine and check fuel system for
leaks. 3. Install filler cap assembly.

Draining the Water From the Fuel Filter WARNING

Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or

electrical components can cause a fire.

4. Drain moisture and sediment from fuel tank as

required by prevailing conditions.


1. Turn the wing nut counter clockwise to open the

drain valve on the bottom of the fuel filter.

2. Drain some fuel (and any water) until clean fuel

flows from the filter.

- 81 -
Maintenance Section

Seat, Hood Latch & Support Fuses, Bulbs and Circuit Breaker
Cylinder - Check, Lubricate - Change, Reset

NOTE : If a fuse filament separates, use only the

same type and size fuses for replacement,
If the filament in a new fuse separates,
have the circuits and instruments checked.

Always replace fuses with ones of the correct
ampere rating.

1. Check the operation of the seat adjuster rod.

Make sure that the seat slides freely on its track.
Lightly oil the seat slider tracks if necessary.


Remove the front cover of fuse box.

The fuses are located under the cover.

2. Pull the latch to raise the hood and seat assem- Fuse - Protects an eletrical circuit from an over-
bly. Make certain the support cylinder will hold load. Opens (filament separates) if an overload
the hood open. occurs.


Check the fuses. Use a flashlight, if necessary.

- 82 -
Maintenance Section

Circuit Breaker


Fuses are identified as follows :

1. Horn - 10 amp.
1. Raise the hood and seat assembly. Make sure
2. Flood Lights, Instrument Panel Illumination. Hour
the support cylinder securely holds the hood
Meter Display - 15 amp.
3. Instrument Panel, Hour Meter. Ignition Coil
(G -Type) - 10 amp
4. Engine stop - 15 amp
5. Back-up Relay, Bugger, Lamp, Stop Lamp.
Strobe - 15 amp
6. Engine Starter Relay - 5 amp


Bulbs are identified as follows :

*1. Bulb-head lamp halogen (12V-35W)

*2. Bulb-back up (12V-10W) IB6OO03P
*3. Bulb-turn signal (12V-23W)
*4. Bulb-stop & tail (12V-23/8W) Typical Example

*OPTIONAL LAMP OR LIGHT 2. The main circuit breaker is located on the rear of
the support for the controls.

NOTE : To reset circuit breakers push in on the but-

ton. The button should stay in if the break-
er is reset. If the button will not stay in, or
comes out shortly after reset, have the cir-
cuits checked.

- 83 -
Maintenance Section

Air Intake System - Check, Clean,

Do not allow dirty air to enter the intake hose
Servicing Filter Element when cleaning the inside of the cleaner hous-

5. Check the air cleaner housing for loose retaining


6. Reset the air cleaner service indicator.

7. Install the air filter element.

8. Install the cover and tighten the cover latches.

IB6OM02P 9. Start the engine and observe the position of the

indicator. If the indicator shows RED after the
Service the air cleaner when the red target in the installation of the primary element, install anoth-
service indicator (1) stays locked in the visible posi- er clean or a new element or, replace the sec-
tion with the engine stopped. ondary element. See topic, ÒChanging
Secondary ElementÓ.
1. To service the air cleaner, raise the hood and
seat assembly. Make certain the support cylinder 10. Stop the engine and close the hood and seat
securely holds the hood open. Loosen the cover assembly.
latches and remove the cover.


2. Rotate the element slightly to separate it from its

base and remove it from the air cleaner housing.

3. Clean and inspect the element or replace with a

new element. See topic, ÒCleaning Primary Filter

4. Clean the inside of air cleaner housing and the

cover. Inspect all connections between the air
cleaner and carburetor. Check intake hose for
cracks, damage necessary to prevent leakage.

- 84 -
Maintenance Section

Changing Secondary Element Cleaning Primary Filter Elements

Relace the secondary element after the primary

element has been cleaned three times or yearly. WARNING

1. Remove the primary air cleaner element. See Pressure air can cause personal injury.
topic ÒServicing Filter ElementÓ. Clean the inside
When using pressure air for cleaning, wear a
of the air cleaner housing and cover.
protective face shield, protective clothing and
protective shoes.
The maximum air pressure must be below 205
kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes.

Do not clean the elements by bumping or tap-
ping them.
Inspect filter elements after cleaning. Do not
use a filter with damaged pleats, gaskets or
IPMO008P seals.
2. Remove the secondary element. Inspect the gas- When cleaning with pressure air, use 205 kPa
ket between the air cleaner housing and the (30 psi) maximum pressure to prevent filter
engine inlet. Replace the gasket if it is damaged. element damage.
When cleaning with pressure water, use 280
kPa (40 psi) maximum pressure to prevent fil-
NOTICE ter element damage.
Always replace the secondary element. Do not
attempt to reuse it by cleaning.
Have spare elements on hand to use while cleaning
used elements.
3. Install a new secondary element. Install a new or
cleaned primary element. Install the cover. The primary element should be replaced after a
Tighten the latches. year's service or after cleaning no more than 6
4. Start the engine and observe the air cleaner ser-
vice indicator. If the indicator shows RED after
installing a new secondary elemennt and a
cleaned primary (outer) element, replace the
cleaned primary filter with a new element.

5. Stop the engine. Close the hood and seat


- 85 -
Maintenance Section

Air-205 kPa (30 psi) Maximum Pressure Distributor & Spark Plug - Check

Distributor (Gasoline, and LP-Gas

Engines and Dual Fuel Engine) - Check

Park the lift truck with the forks lowered, parking

brake applied, transmission in neutral and the
engine stopped.

1. Raise the hood and seat assembly.

2. Disconnect the battery cable.


Direct air on the inside and outside of the element

along the length of the pleats. Check the element
for any tears, rips or damage.

Checking Element


3. Remove the distributor cap. Clean the distributor

cap. Check the cap for cracks, carbon runners
and corroded terminals. Replace the cap if nec-

4. Remove the rotor. Check the rotor for burned

IAOM011I and corroded contacts. Replace the rotor if nec-
1. Insert a light inside the clean dry element and
examine it. Discard the element if tears, rips or NOTE : No diagnostic check is necessary for con-
damage are found. tactless electronic sensor. If the engine
misfires, or will not start, consult your DAE-
2. Wrap and store good elements in a clean, dry WOO Lift Truck dealer for service or the
place. proper procedure to service the electronic

5. Install the rotor and distributor cap. Secure the

distributor cap in position with the spring clips.

6. Close the hood and seat assembly.

- 86 -
Maintenance Section

Spark Plugs (Gasoline, and LP-Gas Tires and Wheels - Inspect, Check
Engines and Dual Fuel Engine) - Check

Park the lift truck with the forks lowered, parking WARNING
brake applied, transmission in neutal and the
engine stopped. Servicing and changing tires and rims can be
dangerous and should be done only by trained
1. Raise the hood and seat assembly. personnel using proper tools and procedures.

2. Disconnect the battery cable. Deflate tire before removing wheel nuts from
the truck.

If correct procedures are not followed while

servicing tires and rims, the assemblies could
burst with explosive force and cause serious
physical injury or death.

Follow carefully the specific information provid-

ed by your tire servicing man or dealer.

Check Inflation and Damage

Inspect tires for wear, cuts, gouges and foreign
3. Disconnect the spark plug wires. Check the wires objects. Look for bent rims and correct seating of
for cracks, wear, high voltage leaks or broken locking ring.
Check tires for proper inflation. See ÒTire Inflation
4. Clean the engine block in the area around the PressuresÓ.
spark plugs.
To inflate tires always use a clip-on chuck with a
5. Remove the spark plugs. Inspect the porcelain minimum 60 cm (24 inches) length of hose to an in-
for cracks and high voltage tracking. Check the line valve and gauge.
electrodes for wear, carbon or corrosion.
Replace plugs that are defective. Always stand behind the tread of the tire. NOT in
front of the rim.
6. Clean the spark plugs. To set the electrode gaps
for a particular engine, see the ÒService ManualÓ.
Install the plugs.

7. Close the hood and seat assembly.

- 87 -
Maintenance Section

Ignition Timing (Gasoline, LP-Gas

and Dual Fuel Engine) - Check,

on Gasoline engine, 4¡ BTDC @740rpm

on LP Gas engines, 9¡ BTDC @740rpm

Be sure to check and set Dual fuel ignition tim-
Do NOT reinflate a tire that has been run while flat ing on gasoline fuel. Dual fuel engines timing
or underinflated, without first checking to make sure must be 4¡ BTDC at 800rpm. If the engine is to
the rim is not damaged and is in the correct posi- be run on LP fuel for a long period of time, the
tion. timing can be adjusted to 9¡ BTDC at 740rpm for
better performance. When the fuel is changed
When tires are changed, be sure to clean all rim back to gasoline, the timing must be 4¡ BTDC at
parts and, if necessary, repaint to stop detrimental 740rpm. If the timing is at 9¡ BTDC at 740rpm on
effects of corrosion. Sand blasting is recommended gasoline fuel for a long period or time, the pis-
for removal of rust. tons will be damaged.

Deflate tire before removing wheel nuts from

the truck. Ignition timing may vary by engine type. See the
ÒService ManualÓ for the complete procedure and
Check all components carefully and replace any specifications for your specific engine.
cracked, badly worn, damaged and severely rusted
or corroded parts with new parts of the same size
and type. If there is any doubt, replace with new
parts. Carburetor (Gasoline, LP - Gas
and Dual Fuel Engine) - Adjust
Do NOT, under any circumstanes, attempt to
rework, weld, heat or braze any rim components.
If the engine is hard to start or the exhaust is smok-
ing, the carburetor may need adjusting.

Outer rim Before adjusting the carburetor make sure the

engine is at normal operating temperature. Park the
lift truck with the forks lowered, parking brake
applied, transmission in neutral and the engine

For the complete procedure and specifications for

your specific engine, see the ÒService ManualÓ.


The safety disc wheel has designed to prevent loos-

ening of the rim bolt on the two-piece rim where the
tire is attached to the truck. The rim nut is attached
to the inner side. The bolt head is rounded. For that
reason, the tire must first be removed from the truck
when the rim is taken apart.

- 88 -
Maintenance Section

Wheel Bolts & Nuts - Inspect

Inspect Tightness

Steer Wheels


Typical Example

1. Inspect tightness of wheel bolts in a sequence

opposite each other 110 N¥m (81 lb ft).

Drive Wheels


2. Inspect tightness of wheel nuts in a sequence

opposite each other to 180 N¥m (133 lb ft).

- 89 -
Maintenance Section

Every 10 Service Hours or Daily

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any aperation or maintenance procedures.

Engine Oil Level - Check Coolant Level - Check, Clean,

1. Raise the hood and seat assembly.
Checking Coolant Level
Hot oil and components can cause personal WARNING
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to
contact skin. At operating temperature, the engine coolant is
hot and under pressure.
Steam can cause personal injury.
Gasoline and LP-Gas Engines Check the coolant level only after the engine
has been stopped and the fill cap is cool
enough to touch with your bare hand.
Remove the fill cap slowly to relieve pressure.
Cooling system conditioner contains alkali.
Avoid contact with the skin and eyes to prevent
personal injury.


2. Maintain oil level between the Max. and Min.

marks on the dipstick.

Diesel Engines


Typical Example

1. Observe the coolant level with engine cold.

Maintain coolant level to the proper line on
expansion bottle. If the expansion bottle has no
coolant, it will be necessary to check coolant at
the radiator filler neck.

2. Remove the radiator cap. Fill radiator to the top

IC3O005P of the filler neck. Inspect radiator cap. Replace if
damaged. Install the radiator cap.

- 90 -
Maintenance Section

Air Cleaner Indicator - Check

Checking Service Indicator


3. Start and run the engine to stabilize the coolant

level in the filler neck. If low add coolant until it
reaches the top of the filler neck. Install the radi-
ator cap. Observe coolant level in the expansion
bottle. If necessary, add coolant to bring the
coolant to the appropriate line on the expansion 1. Observe the air cleaner service indicator.
2. Service the air cleaner when the RED band in the
4. Stop the engine. service indicator, lock in the visible position. See
topic, ÒAir Intake System - Check, Clean,
5. Inspect the cooling system for leaks, hose cracks ChangeÓ in ÒWhen RequiredÓ.
or loose connections.
NOTE : Service the element more frequently, as
required, in severe dust or lint conditions.
WARNING Also, service it more frequently where the
operator is required to wear a respirator.
Pressure air can cause personal injury.
When using pressure air for cleaning, wear a 3. Close hood and seat assembly.
protective face shield, protective clothing and
protective shoes.
Maximum air pressure must be less than 205
kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes.

6. Blow any dust and lint from the radiator fins.

- 91 -
Maintenance Section

Walk-Around Inspection - Inspect

For maximum service lift of the lift truck, make a
thorough walk-around inspection. Look around and
under the truck for such items as loose or missing
bolts, debris or dirt buildup, fuel, oil or coolant leaks
and cut gouged tires.

Have any repairs made and debris removed, as



5. Inspect the operator's compartment for loose

items and cleanliness.

6. Inspect the instrument panel for broken gauges

and indicator lights.

7. Test the horn and other safety devices for proper



1. Inspect the tires and wheels for cuts, gouges, for-

eign objects, inflation pressure and loose or
missing bolts.

2. Inspect the mast and lift chains for wear, broken

links, pins and loose rollers.

3. Inspect the hydraulic system for leaks, worn

hoses or damaged lines.
4. Look for transmission and differential leaks on Typical Example
the lift truck and on the ground.
8. Inspect the cooling system for leaks, worn hoses
and debris buildup.

9. Inspect engine compartment for oil, coolant and

fuel leaks.

10. Inspect the forks.

¥ Visually inspect forks for cracks, especially in the
heel section, around the mounting brackets, and
all weld areas.
¥ Inspect for broken or jagged fork tips, bent or
twisted blades and shanks.
Make sure positioning lock is in place and work-
ing. Lock the forks in position before using the
truck. See ÒEvery 2000 Service Hours or 12
¥ Remove all defective forks from service.

- 92 -
Maintenance Section

Mast Channels (Roller Mast Only) Transmission Oil Level - Check

- Lubricate
Checking Oil Level

Hot oil and components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to
contact skin.

1. Start and operate the lift truck until the engine

reaches normal operating temperature.
2. Park the lift truck level with the forks lowered,
The channels on the roller-type mast require a
parking brake applied and the transmission con-
break-in period. Apply a light film of lubricant on the
trols in NEUTRAL.
channels where the rollers ride. This will prevent
metal peel until the rollers set a pattern.
3. With the service brake applied and the engine at
low idle, shift the directional control lever to for-
ward and then to reverse, to fill the clutches.

4. Shift the direction control lever to the NEUTRAL



Open the cover(1) on the floor plate.

5. Remove the dip stick(2). Observe the oil level.

6. Maintain the oil level between the marks on the

dip stick.

- 93 -
Maintenance Section

First 50-100 Service Hours

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any aperation or maintenance procedures.

Engine Oil & Filter - Change

Engine Chankcase
( Gasoline, and LP - Gas )

1. Operate lift truck a few minutes to warm oil. Park

the lift truck with the forks lowered, parking brake
applied, transmission in neutral and the engine

2. Raise rear of lift truck off ground and black IB2O619P

5. Remove and discard oil filter element.

6. Wipe sealing surface of oil filter element mount-

WARNING ing base. Make sure all of the old gasket is
Hot oil and components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to 7. Before installing a new filter element, apply a
contact skin. small amount of clean engine oil to the flter ele-
ment gasket.

8. Install the new filter element. When the gasket

contacts the base, tighten it 3/4 of a turn more.
Do not overtighten.

9. Raise the lift truck, remove the blocking and

lower the lift truck.

10. Fill the crankcase. See ÒRefill CapacitiesÓ.

11. Start the engine and allow the oil to fill the filter
and passages.

IOMO027P 12. Check for oil leaks.

3. Remove the crankcase drain plug and allow oil to
drain. Clean and install drain plug.

4. Raise the hood and seat assembly.


- 94 -
Maintenance Section

13. Stop the engine and measure the oil level.

Maintain the oil level to the FULL mark on the
dip stick.

14. Close hood and seat assembly.

Engine Crankcase(Diesel)

The percentage of sulfur in the fuel will affect the

engine oil recommendations. If the fuel has over
0.5% sulfur content, the CD engine oil must have IC3O006P
a TBN of 20 times the percentage of fuel sulfur
(TBN as measured by the ASTM D-2896 method). 4. Remove and discard oil filter element.
Your oil supplier should be able to furnish the cor-
rect oils. 5. Wipe sealing surface of oil filter element mount-
ing base. Make sure all of the old gasket is
1. Operate lift truck a few minutes to warm oil. removed.
Park the lift truck with the forks lowered, parking
brake applied, Transmission in neutral and the 6. Before installing a new filter element, apply a
engine stopped. small amount of clean engine oil to the filter ele-
ment gasket.
2. Raise rear of lift truck off ground and block
securely. 7. Install the new filter element. When the gasket
contacts the base, tighten it 11/4 of a turn more.
Do not overtighten.
8. Raise the lift truck, remove the blocking and
Hot oil and components can cause personal lower the lift truck.
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to
contact skin. 9. Raise the hood and seat assembly.

10. Fill the crankcase. See ÒRefill CapacitiesÓ.

3. Remove the crankcase drain plug and allow oil
to drain. Clean and install drain plug. 11. Start the engine and allow the oil to fill the filter
and passages.

12. Check for oil leaks.

- 95 -
Maintenance Section

Transmission Oil & Strainer

- Change, Clean

Power Shift Transaxle(PTA18)

Hot oil and components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to
IC3O008P contact skin.
13. Stop the engine and measure the oil level.
Maintain the oil level between the MAX. and
MIN. marks on dip stick. Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered, park-
ing brake engaged, transmission in NEUTRAL and
14. Close hood and seat assembly. the engine stopped.

Component is shown removed from the lift truck for

illustrative purposes.
Servicing of the engine oil and oil filter element 1. Remove drain plug (1). Allow the oil to drain.
will largely affects on the engine performance Check O-ring seal and replace if necessary.
as well as the engine life. Engine oil and filter Remove the strainer.
element must be changed initially 50 hours.


Oil gauge

Drain plug (1)


2. Wash the strainer in clean, nonflammable sol-

vent and dry it. Install the strainer, and the drain

- 96 -
Maintenance Section

3. Remove the filler cap. Fill the compartment with Drive Axle Oil - Change
oil. See ÒRefill CapacitiesÓ. Install the dip
stick/filler cap. Park the lift truck on a level surface. Apply the park-
ing brake. Place the directional control lever in
4. Start the engine. NEUTRAL and stop the engine.

5. With the service brake applied and engine at low

idle, shift the transmission to forward and reverse
to fill the clutches.

6. Shift the transmission into NEUTRAL. Engage

the parking brake.

7. Remove the dip stick. Observe the oil level.

8. Maintain the oil level to the lower mark (min.

cold) when the oil temperature is about 40c
(104d) or to the upper mark when the oil tem-
perature is about 80c (175d), on the dip stick. IB6OM08P

1. Raise the load backrest high enough to access

9. Check for oil leaks at the strainer and drain plug. the drain plug and level/fill plug.

10. Stop the engine. Install the floor plate. 2. Block the bottom of the mast with a block of wood
to hold the load backrest in the raised position.

3. Place an appropriate container under the axle to

catch the oil as it drains. Remove the drain plug
and the level/fill plug.

4. Allow the oil to drain completely out. Discard the

old oil according to federal, state, and local regu-

5. Clean and reinstall the drain plug.

6. Add sufficient fresh oil through the level/fill open-

ing until it reaches the bottom of the hole. See
the section Lubricant Viscosities and Refill
Capacities for the type and amount of oil to use.

7. Clean and reinstall the level/fill plug.

8. Remove the wood blocking and lower the load


- 97 -
Maintenance Section

Parking Brake - Test, Adjust To Adjust

NOTE : Be sure area around the lift truck is clear of Park the lift truck on the level, with forks lowered,
personnel and obstructions. transmission in NEUTRAL and the engine stopped.

Test Operation

1. Drive the lift truck, fully loaded, forward up a 15%



1. Remove the floor plate.


2. Halfway up the incline, stop the lift truck with the

service brake.


2. Release the parking brake lever.


3. Engage the parking brake. Slowly release the

service brake.

4. The parking brake should hold the lift truck. If the

lift truck starts to move, immediately apply the
service brakes. Have the parking brake adjusted.


3. Loosen nut(1). Adjust nut(2) to tighten the cable.

- 98 -
Maintenance Section


4. Check the parking brake operation at 15%

incline. If the parking brake could not hold the
truck, go to step 3.

- 99 -
Maintenance Section

First 250 Service Hours

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any aperation or maintenance procedures.

Engine Valve Lash Hydraulic Return Filter - Change

- Check, Adjust
NOTE : Initial valve lash adjustment on a new or WARNING
rebuilt engine only, is recommended at the
first scheduled oil change interval, due to Hot oil and components can cause personal
initial wear and seating of valve train com- injury. Do not allow hot oil or component to con-
ponents. tact skin.

Park the lift truck level with the forks lowered, park-
Hot oil and components can cause burns. Allow ing brake engaged, transmission in NEUTRAL and
additional time for the engine to cool before the engine stopped.
measuring valve clearance.

Measure the valve lash with the engine stopped.
To obtain an accurate measurement, allow at
least 20 minutes for the valves to cool the
engine cylinder head and block temperature.

Set the clearance to the nominal appropriate clear- IB6OM10P

ance given in the ÒValve Clearance SettingÓ chart
1. Loosen the bolts of the hydraulic tank top plate
shown below.
2. Remove the return filter from tank top plate
Valve Clearances assembly.
3. Change the return filter.
Valve Clearance
G420 Engine 4. Install the tank top plate assembly and fasten the
(Gas & LP - Gas, bolts.
Dual Fuel) Exhaust Valves NET LASH NO
intake Valves ADJUSTMENT

2.4 liter (DC24) Exhaust Valves 0.45mm (0.018 in)

Diesel Intake Valves 0.45mm (0.018 in)

Refer to the Ò Service Manual Ó for the complete

valve adjustment procedure.

- 100 -
Maintenance Section

Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any aperation or maintenance procedures.

Hydraulic Oil Level - Check Drive Axle Oil Level - Check

Park the lift truck on a level surface. Apply the park-
WARNING ing brake. Place the directional control lever in
NEUTRAL and stop the engine.
At operating temperature, the hydraulic tank is
hot and under pressure.
Hot oil can cause burns.
Remove the fill cap only when the engine is
stopped, and the cap is cool enough to touch
with your bare hand. Remove the fill cap slowly
to relieve pressure.

1. Operate the lift truck for a few minutes to warm

the oil. Park the lift truck on a level surface, with
the forks lowered, mast tilted back, parking brake
engaged, transmission in NERTRAL and the
engine stopped. 1. Raise the load backrest high enough to access
the level/fill plug.
2. Pull the latch and raise the hood and seat
assembly. Make sure the air lift cylinder securely 2. Block the bottom of the mast with a block of wood
holds the hood open. to hold the load backrest in the raised position.

3. Remove the level/fill plug. The oil level should

reach the bottom of the hole. If oil is needed,
see the section Ò Drive axle Ð Change Oil Ó in
Ò First 50 - 100 Service Hours Ó.

4. Clean off the level/fill plug and put it back in


5. Remove the wood blocking and lower the load



3. Remove the breather/dip stick. Maintain the oil

level to the FULL mark on the breather/dip stick.

- 101 -
Maintenance Section

Attachment & Mast - Inspect, Steering Mechanism - Check,

Lubricate Lubricate
1. Operate the lift, tilt and attachment controls.
Listen for unusual noises. These may indicate a
need for repair.

2. Check for loose bolts and nuts on the carriage.

Remove any debris from the carriage and mast.

3. Check the forks and attachments for free opera-

tion and damage. Have repairs made if neces-


1. Lubricate the steer axle king pins, total of four fit-

tings. Two on the right side and two on the left

2. Lubricate the steering link bearings, total of four

fittings. Two on the right side and two on the left

3. Check for any worn or loose components of the

steering mechanism. Remove any debris or trash
as required.
4. Brush a film of oil on all links of the chain.

5. Raise and lower the carriage a few times to work

lubricant into the chain links.

Lubricate chains more freequently than normal
in applications where the lift truck is operating
in a atmosphere which could cause corrosion
of components or when lift truck must work in
rapid lift cycles.

6. Check the chain anchors and individual links for

wear, loose pins or cracked leaves.

- 102 -
Maintenance Section

Battery Terminal - Clean, Inspect Engine Oil & Filter - Change

See topic, ÒEngine Oil & Filter - ChangeÓ in ÒFitst 50
WARNING - 100 Service HoursÓ

Batteries give off flammable fumes that can

explode. PCV Valve System - Inspect, Clean
Do not smoke when observing the battery elec-
trolyte levels. Gasoline, and LP-Gas Engines
Electrolyte is an acid and can cause personal
injury if it contacts skin or eyes. With engine running at idle, remove ventilation hose
from P.C.V. valve ; if valve is working properly, a
Always wear protective glasses when working
hissing noise will be heard as air passes through it
with batteries.
and a strong vacuum should be felt immediately
when a finger is placed over valve inlet.

Typical Example

1. Clean the top of the battery and terminals. Checking Ventilation Hoses

2. Check terminals for corrosion. Coat terminals 1. Check hoses and hose connections for leaks.
with heavy grease. 2. Check each hose for cracks or distortion.
3. Disconnect all hoses and blow them out with
compressed air.
Brake Oil Level - Check

If any hose cannot be made free of obstructions,
replace with a new one.

- 103 -
Maintenance Section

Diesel Engines
With engine running at idle, remove ventilation
hose from P.C.V. valve ; if valve is working proper-
ly, a hissing noise will be heard as air passes
through it and a weak air pressure should be felt
immediately when a finger is placed over valve


Checking Ventialtion Hoses

1. Check hoses and hose connections for leaks.

2. Check each hose for cracks or distortion.

3. Disconnect all hoses and blow them out with

compressed air.


If any hose cannot be made free of obstructions,

replace with a new one.

- 104 -
Maintenance Section

Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any aperation or maintenance procedures.

Belts - Check, Adjust Tilt Cylinders - Check, Adjust,

Fan Pulley
Chassis Pivot Eyebolts - Lubricate

1. Remove floor plates.


Crank Pulley

Typical Example

1. Check the condition and adjustment of the belt.

Correct adjustment allows 12mm (0.47 inch) deflection
under 98N(22lb) of force.

2. Lubricate two fittings for the pivot eyebolts, one

on each tilt cylinder.

3. Check the pivot eye pins for loose retainer bolts

and wear.

Mast Pivot Eyes-Lubricate


Typical Example

Failure to loosen the alternator mounting bolt(2)
will cause excessive stress and break the alter-
nator mounting ear.
2. To adjust the alternator drive belt, loosen adjust- 1. Lubricate two fittings for the mast pivot eyes, one
ing bracket bolt(1) and mounting bolt(2). Move on each side of the mast.
the alternator in or out as required. Tighten
bolts(1) and (2). 2. Check the pivot eye pins for loose retainer bolts
and wear.

- 105 -
Maintenance Section

Cylinder Rod Extension-Adjust Mast Hinge Pin - Lubricate

NOTE : The following description is for forward tilt.
For cylinder rod back tilt, the collar should
be stationary by the tilt eye. If it is not, the
O-ring inside the collar may need to be
replaced. To adjust back tilt, spacers must
be added or removed.


1. Lower the forks and tilt the mast forward.

2. Lubricate the two fittings for the mast hinge pins,

one on each side of the mast.

Crosshead Roller - Inspect
1. Check to make sure the tilt cylinders extend and
retract evenly. 1. Operate the mast through a lift cycle. Watch the
chains move over the crosshead rollers. Make
2. If one cylinder continues to move after the other sure the chain is tracking over the rollers proper-
cylinder has stopped in full forward or backward ly.
tilt, an adjustment must be made to one cylinder.

3. To adjust the cylinder rod extension, move the

spacer to the rear and loosen the pinch bolt on
the clevis.

4. Turn the cylinder rod in or out of the clevis to

obtain the proper adjustment. Turning the rod
into the clevis shortens the stroke. Turning the
rod out of the clevis lengthens the stroke.

5. Tighten the pinch bolts to a torque of 95L15 N¥m

(70L10 lb ft). Check the cylinder rods again for
even travel. IPMO055P

Typical Example

2. Check for damaged crosshead rollers, guards

and retainer rings.

- 106 -
Maintenance Section

Transmission Oil & Strainer Horn & Lights(If Equipped)

- Change, Clean - Check
See topic, Ò Transmission Oil & Strainer - Change,
Clean Ó in Ò First 50 - 100 Service Hours Ó

Parking Brake - Test, Adjust

See topic, Ò Parking Brake - Test, Adjust Ó in Ò First
50-100 Service Hours. Ó

Inching & Braking Control Shaft

- Lubricate
1. Press horn button, to determine if horn is opera-

2. Check and replace all defective gauges.

3. Check all lights such as warning, directional,

backup, driving and flood lights for correct oper-
ation. Replace all burned out bulbs. Have repairs
made if needed.

Overhead Guard - Inspect


1. Lubricate three fittings for the inching and brake

pedal control shaft.

1 2


1. Check tightness of overhead guard mounting

bolts at 105 N¥m (77 lb ft)(1) & 60 N¥m (44 lb

2. Check overhead guard for bent or cracked sec-

tions. Have repairs made if needed.

- 107 -
Maintenance Section

Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any aperation or maintenance procedures.

Hydraulic Oil & Return Filter & 2. Remove the air breather from mounting brack-
Breather & Strainer - Check, et / connecting hose.
Clean, Change 3. Wash the breather in clean, nonflammable sol-
bent and dry it.
WARNING 4. Install the air breather.
Hot oil and components can cause personal
5. Loosen the bolts of the hydrulic tank top plate
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to
contact skin.

Park the lift truck level with the forks lowered, park-
ing brake engaged, transmission in NEUTRAL and
the engine stopped.

Filter Strainer

6. Remove the return filter from tank top plate


7. Change the return filter.

8. Remove the suction strainer from the tank.
1. Remove the hydraulic tank drain plug. Allow the
oil to drain into a suitable container. Clean and 9. Wash the suction strainer in clean, nonflamma-
install the plug. ble solvent and dry it.

10. Reinstall the suction strainer change the suction

strainer if reguired.

11. Install the tank top plate assembly and fasten

the bolt.
12. Fill the hydraulic tank.
See topic ÒRefill CapacitiesÓ. Install the dip
stick/filler cap assembly.

13. Start the engine and operate the hydraulic con-

trols, and the steering system, through a few
cycles to fill the lines. Look for oil leaks.

14. Stop the engine and check the oil level. With all
cylinders retracted, maintain the oil level to the
FULL mark on the dip stick/filler cap assembly.

- 108 -
Maintenance Section

Lift Chains - Check, Adjust To Adjust


1. Check the lift chains for wear. Complete instruc- 1. Loosen locknut(1) and turn nut(2), on the loose
tions on the use of the tool are furnished. chain to equalize tension on the lift chains.

2. Tighten locknut(1).


2. Lift the forks high enough to put their full weight

on the carriage and chains.

3. Check the lift chains for equal tension. The ten-

sion on the chains must be equal.

4. If the chains are loose or the tension is not equal,

have the chains adjusted.

- 109 -
Maintenance Section

Every 1500 Service Hours or 9 Months

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any aperation or maintenance procedures.

Drive Axle Oil - Change

See topic, ÒDrive Axle Oil - ChangeÓ in ÒFirst 50 -
100 Service HoursÓ

- 110 -
Maintenance Section

Every 2000 Service Hours or 12 Months

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any aperation or maintenance procedures.

Steer Wheel Bearings - Repack

Park the lift truck level with the forks lowered, park-
ing brake engaged, transmission in NEUTRAL and
the engine stopped.


4. Remove the locknut, lockwasher and flat washer.

Remove the outer wheel bearing.


1. Lift the steer wheels off the ground. Place stands

or blocking under the frame and steer axle to
support the lift truck.

2. Remove the hub cap which is pressed into the

wheel hub.


5. Remove the wheel assembly. Examine the wheel

for damage and wear. Replace the wheel if nec-

NOTE : Deflate tire before removing wheel nuts

from the truck.

6. Remove the inner bearing. Clean and lubricate

the steering knuckle. Repack both the inner and
IPMO068P outer bearing cones.
3. Straighten the lockwasher tangs.
7. Install the inner bearing. Lubricate the seal and
install the wheel assembly on the knuckle.

8. Install the outer wheel bearing and the outer

washer. Install the lockwasher and locknut.

- 111 -
Maintenance Section

Cooling System - Clean, Change

At operating temperature, the engine coolant is
hot and under pressure.
Steam can cause personal injury.
Check the coolant level only after the engine
has been stopped and the fill cap is cool
IPMO071P enough to touch with your bare hand.
9. Tighten the locknut to 135 N¥m (100 lb ft), while Remove the fill cap slowly to relieve pressure.
turning wheel hub to seat the bearing.
Cooling system conditioner contains alkali.
Avoid contact with the skin and eyes to prevent
10. Loosen the locknut. Retorque it to 50L5N¥m
personal injury.
(37L4 lb ft). Bend the lockwasher tang to
secure locknut. Use all cleaning solutions with care.

11. Install the hub cap.

The lift truck must be level, the forks lowered, the
12. Raise the lift truck and remove the blocking
parking brake engaged, the transmission in NEU-
Lower the lift truck to the ground.
TRAL and the engine stopped and cool.


Typical Example

1. Turn the radiator cap slowly to relieve the pres-

sure, then remove the cap.

- 112 -
Maintenance Section

10. Stop the engine and drain the neutralizing solu-


11. Flush the system with clean water until draining

water is clear.

12. Close the drain valve and install the block drain
plug. Add coolant to the top of the filler neck.

13. Start and run the engine to stabilize the coolant

level. See ÒEvery 10 Service hours or DailyÓ,
IPMO073P ÒRadiator, Check Coolant LevelÓ, in this manual.

Typical Example

2. Remove the block drain plug.


Typical Example

3. Open radiator drain valve. Allow the coolant to

drain. Drain the recovery bottle.

4. Close radiator drain valve and install block drain

plug. Fill the cooling system with 1 kilo (2 lb) sodi-
um bisulphate per 40 liters (10 gallons) of water.
Most commercial cooling system cleaners can be

5. Start and run the engine for 30 minutes.

6. Stop the engine and drain the cleaning solution.

7. Flush the system with clean water, until draining

water is clear.

8. Close the drain valve and install the block drain

plug. Fill the system with neutralizing solution,
250 g (1/2 lb) sodium carbonate per 40 liters (10

9. Start and run the engine for 10 minutes.

- 113 -
Maintenance Section

Forks - Inspect



Forks should be inspected, at a minimum, every 12 2. Check the angle between the upper face of the
months. If the truck is being used in a muti-shift or blade and the front face of the shank. The fork
heavy duty operation, they should be checked should be withdrawn from service if angle (C)
every six months. exceeds 93 degrees or deviates by more than 3
degrees from an original angle other than 90
1. Inspect the forks carefully for carefully for cracks. degrees, as may be found in some special appli-
Special attention should be given to the heel sec- cation forks.
tion (A), all weld areas and mounting brackets
(B). Inspect the top and bottom hooks on forks
used on hook type carriages and tubes on shaft
mounted forks.

Forks with cracks should be removed from service.

ÒWet TestÓ magnetic particle inspection is generally

preferred due to its sensitivity and the ease of inter-
preting the results. Portable equipment is usually
recommended so it be moved to the lift truck.

Inspectors should be trained and qualified in accor-

dance with The American Societly for Non-
Destructive Testing, Level ll Qualifications.

Contact your local DAEWOO Lift Truck Dealer for

further information.

- 114 -
Maintenance Section


3. Check the straightness of the upper face of blade 4. Check the difference in height of one fork tip to
(D) and the front face of shank (E) with a straight the other when mounted on the fork carrier. A dif-
edge. ference in fork tip height can result in uneven
support of the load and cause problems with
The fork should be withdrawn from service if the entering loads.
deviation from straightness exceeds 0.5 percent of
the length of the blade and/or the height of the The maximum recommended difference in fork tip
shank respectively 5 mm/1000 mm (0.18"/36"). elevation (F) is 6.5 mm (0.25") for pallet forks and 3
mm (0.125") for fully tapered forks. The maximum
allowable difference in fork tip elevation between
the two or more forks is 3 percent of blade length

Replace one or both forks when the difference in

fork tip height exceeds the maximum allowable dif-

- 115 -
Maintenance Section


5. Check the fork blade (J) and shank (H) for wear 6. Check the fork mountings (K) for wear, crushing
with special attention to the heel (G). The fork and other local deformation, which can cause
should be withdrawn from service if the thickness excessive side to side wobble of the forks.
is reduced to 90 percent or less of the original Excessive clearance on hook type forks may
thickness. allow them to fall from the carrier. Forks which
show visible signs of such damage should be
Fork blade length may also be reduced by wear, removed from service.
especially on tapered forks and platens. Remove
the forks from service when the blade length is no 7. Check the positioning lock and other fork reten-
longer adequate for the intended loads. tion devices to make sure they are in place and

Hook type forks use a spring loaded pin (M), locat-

ed in the top hook, to engage notches in the top car-
riage bar to hold the fork in place.

When adjusting the fork spacing, the forks are pre-

vented from sliding off the end of the carriage by
stop blocks. These stop blocks are at both ends of
the carriage and in the path of the bottom fork hook.
The load backrest extension may be used in place
of the stop blocks in some cases.

- 116 -
Maintenance Section


8. Check fork markings (N) for legibility. Renew 9. a. Lift the mast and operate the tilt control lever,
markings as required to retain legibility. until the top surface of the forks is parallel with
the floor. Place two straight bars that are the
same width as the carriage, accross the forks
as shown.

b. Measure the distance from the bottom of each

end of the two bars to the floor. The forks must
be parallel within 3 mm (.12 in) for Tapered.

c. Put one fork, one third from the tip, under a fix-
ture that will not move. Then operate the tilt
control with caution until the rear of the truck
lifts just off the floor. Follow the same proce-
dure with the second fork. Repeat Step a.

- 117 -
Maintenance Section

Drive Wheel Bearing - Repack

Consult your DAEWOO lift truck dealer for the prop-
er wheel bearing repacking procedure. Packing of
bearings and adjustment procedure must be made
by a trained mechanic or dealer personnel.


Torque for wheel mounting nuts (1) is 176L20 N¥m

(130L15 lb ft).

Torque for brake assembly bolts(2) is 160L20 N¥m

(115L15 lb ft).

Tighten nut(3) until starting friction torque of bearing

is 2.5L0.5 N¥m (1.8L0.4 lb ft).

- 118 -
Environment Protection Section

When servicing this lift truck, use an authorized
servicing area and an approved container to col-
lect coolant, oil, fuel, grease, electrolyte and any
other potential environmental pollutant before any
lines, fittings or related items are disconnected or
removed. After servicing, dispose of those materi-
als in an authorized place and container. When
cleaning the lift truck, be sure to use an authorized

- 119 -
Index Section


Accelerator Pedal .............................................. 40 Daily Inspection .................................................. 49

After Starting the Engine ................................... 56 Direction Control Lever....................................... 39
Air Cleaner Indicator - Check ............................ 91 Diesel Engine .............................................. 52,104
Air Intake System - Check, Clean, Change........ 84 Distributor & Spark Plug (Gasoline, LP-Gas Fuel
Servicing Filter Element ................................ 84 Engines) - Check ......................................... 86
Changing Secondary Element .................... 85 Drive Axle Oil - Change .......................................97
Cleaning Primary Filter Elements .................. 85 Drive Axle Oil Level - Check .......................... 101
Antifreeze .......................................................... 71 Drive Wheel Bearing -Repack ...........................118
Attachment Abbreviations................................... 34 Dual Fuel System ................................................54
Attachment and Mast - Inspect, Lubricate........ 102
Avoiding Lift Truck Tipovers
Center of Gravity ( CG )................................. 19 E
Lift Truck Stability ........................................... 19
Stability and Center of Gravity ...................... 20 Electrical Disconnect Switch ( If Equipped )....... 36
Lift Truck Stability Base .................................. 20 Engine Compartment ......................................... 37
Safe Driving Practices .................................. 21 Engine Oil ( DEO and EO ) ................................ 74
Engine Oil and Filter - Change ........................ 94
Engine Oil Level - Check .................................. 90
B Engine Valve Lash - Check, Adjust ................. 100
Environment Management ................................... 3
Battery Terminal - Clean, Inspect .................. 103 Environment Protection..................................... 119
Before Starting the Engine ................................ 45 Every 10 Service Hours or Daily ....................... 90
Before Storage .................................................. 64 Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly ............... 101
Before Starting the Lift Truck ............................. 10 Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months ............ 105
Belts - Check, Adjust ....................................... 105 Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months ...........108
Bulbs................................................................... 83 Every 1500 Service Hours or 9 Months ........... 110
Burn Prevention - Coolant, Oils, Batteries ........ 14 Every 2000 Service Hours or 12 Months ..........111


Capacity Charts ............................................. 30,31 Falling Objects Protective Structure(FOPS) ...... 13

Carburetor & Fuel Filter ( Gasoline, LP-Gas Fire or Explosion Prevention ............................. 14
Engines) - Adjust, Check, Clean, Change .... 88 - Fire Extinguisher, ether ................................ 15
Causes of Fork Failure ..................................... 48 First Installation ................................................. 49
Changing LP-Gas Tanks .................................. 43 First 50 - 100 Service Hours ............................. 94
Changing From Gasoline to LP-Gas ................ 54 First 250 Service Hours ................................... 100
Changing From LP-Gas to Gasoline ................. 54 Fluid Penetration ............................................... 13
Checking Ventilation Hoses.............................. 104 Foreword ............................................................. 2
Circuit Breaker ...............................................37,83 Fork Inspection ........................................... 48,114
Coolant Level - Check, Clean, Change..............90 Fuel Information ................................................. 72
Coolant Information ........................................... 70 Fuel Selector Switch ( If Dual Equipped ) ......... 38
Coolant Water .................................................... 70 Fuel Specifications ............................................. 72
Cooling System - Clean, Change .................. 112 Fuel Sulfur Content ........................................... 73
Cooling System Specifications .......................... 70 Fuel Tank Filler Cap & Screen (If Equipped)..... 81
Crosshead Rollers - Inspect ............................ 106 Fuel Types ......................................................... 72
Crushing or cutting Prevention .......................... 13 Fuses, Bulbs and Circuit Breaker
- Change, Reset ............................................ 82

- 120 -
Index Section


Gasoline Engine ............................................. 51 Machine Lifting and Tiedown Information .......... 65

Gasoline or Diesel Engine Equipped ............. 42 Maintenance ........................................................ 2
Gear Oil ( GO ) ................................................... 75 Maintenance and Repair ................................... 49
General Hazard Information ................................ 9 Maintenance Information .................................. 13
Maintenance Intervals .................................... 3,77
Mast Channels ( Roller Mast Only )
H - Lubricate .................................................... 93
Mast Hinge Pins - Lubricate ............................. 106
Hook-type Fork ................................................... 47 Mast Pivot Eyes - Lubricate................................ 92
Horn and Lights ( If Equipped ) - Check............107 Mounting and Dismounting ................................ 10
How to Survive in a Tipover ( If Equipped ) ... 24
Hydraulic Oil ( HYDO ) ...................................... 74
Hydraulic Oil Level - Check ...............................101 N
Hydraulic Return Filter - Change ..................... 100
Hydraulic Oil and Return Filter and Breather
and Strainer - Check, Clean, Change .......... 108 Noise and Vibration ........................................... 29

Identification, Lift Capacity and Attachment Plate
Mast Abbreviations ........................................ 33 Operating Techniques ........................................ 59
Attachment Abbreviations ............................. 34 Operating the Lift Truck ..................................... 11
Ignition Timing (Gasoline, LP-Gas, Dual Fuel Operating in Hot Weather .................................. 62
Engine) - Check, Adjust ............................... 88 Operation ............................................................. 2
Important Safety Information ............................... 4 Operation Information......................................... 10
Inching ............................................................... 58 Operator Restraint System ( If Equipped ) ........ 16
Inching Into Loads .............................................. 59 Operator's Station and Monitoring Systems ...... 35
Inching Braking Pedal Control Shaft Operator's Warning Identification .......................33
- Lubricate .................................................... 107 Attachment Abbreviations .............................. 34
Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Lift Truck Overhead Guard .............................................. 107
Forks .............................................................. 47 Inspect ......................................................... 107

Lift Chains - Check/Adjust ................................ 109
Lift Truck Controls ........................................ 39,40 Parking Brake .................................................... 98
Lift Fork Adjustment ........................................... 47 Test, Adjust ................................................... 98
Lift Truck Operation ............................................57 Parking Brake Lever .......................................... 40
Lift Truck Parking ............................................... 12 Parking the Lift Truck ......................................... 63
Lift Truck Shipping ............................................. 65 PCV Valve System - Inspect, Clean ................. 103
Lifting Drums or Round Objects ........................ 62 Gasoline, LP-Gas Engines ..........................103
Lifting the Load .................................................. 59 Power Shift Transaxle ....................................... 57
Literature Information .......................................... 2 Plate for Function of Pedals ( If Equipped ) ....... 39
Loading or Unloading Trucks / Trailers............... 12 Pressure Air ....................................................... 13
Long Time Storage ............................................. 64 Prestart Conditions ............................................ 51
LP-Gas Engine .................................................. 52 Priming the Fuel System ( Diesel Engine ) ........ 80
Lubricant Specifications...................................... 74
Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities ........ 76

- 121 -
Index Section

Refill Capacities ................................................. 67 Unloading .......................................................... 60
Refueling ........................................................... 42

Vibration.............................................................. 28
Safety ............................................................... 2,5
Safety Section ..................................................... 3
Seat ................................................................... 38 W
Seat Adjustment ................................................ 17
Seat Belt ............................................................. 17 Walk-Around Inspection ............................... 45,92
Seat Hood Latch and Supply Cylinder Warning Signs and Labels ............................. 5,16
- Check, Lubricate ........................................... 82 Wheel Bolts and Nuts......................................... 89
Serial Number Locations .................................. 32 Inspect Tightness .......................................... 89
Service Brake Pedal .......................................... 40 When Required .................................................. 78
Sideshift Attachment (If Equipped) .................... 41
Spark Plugs (Gasoline, LP-Gas, Dual Fuel
Engines) - Check .......................................... 87
Specifications...................................................... 26
Starting From a 12 Volt External Source ........... 53
Starting the Lift Truck.......................................... 11
Starting the Engine ............................................ 51
Steer Wheel Bearings - Repack ....................... 111
Steering Mechanism - Check, Lubricate .......... 102
Storage Information ........................................... 64

Tilt Control ......................................................... 41

Tilt Cylinders - Check, Adjust, Lubricate ......... 105
Chassis Pivot Eyebolts - Lubricate .............. 105
Mast Pivot Eyes-Lubricate ............................105
Cylinder Rod Extension-Adjust .................... 106
Tire Inflation Information ............................... 15,67
Tire Inflation Pressures Adjustment ................... 67
Tires and Wheels - Inspect, Check .................... 87
Torque Specifications ........................................ 68
Torques for Metric Fasteners ............................. 69
Torques for Standard Fasteners ........................ 68
Towing Information ............................................ 66
Transmission Inching Control Pedal .................. 39
Transmission Oil ( TDTO ).................................. 74
Transmission Oil Level - Check.......................... 93
Transmission Oil & Strainer - Change, Clean ... 96
Transportation Hints .......................................... 65
Traveling with the Load ..................................... 60
Turning ............................................................... 61

- 122 -

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