CH 6
CH 6
CH 6
So, a
business enterprise should do business and earn money in ways that fulfill the
aspirations of the society. Thus social responsibility relates to the voluntary efforts on
the part of the businessmen to contribute to the social well being. The businessmen
make use of resources of society and earn money from the members of society so
they must do something for the society.
Arguments in favour of Social Responsibility:
There is a need for Social Responsibility of business for Existence and Growth:
BUSINESS ETHICS: Refers to the moral values or standards or norms which govern
the activities of a businessman. Ethics define what is right and what is wrong. By ethic
we mean the business practices which are desirable from the point of view of Society.
The purpose of business ethics is to guide the managers and employees in
performing their job. Example of business ethics are charging fair price from
customers, giving fair treatment to workers, earning reasonable profits and paying
taxes tithe government honestly.