Toolbox Talks Chapter Three Environmental
Toolbox Talks Chapter Three Environmental
Toolbox Talks Chapter Three Environmental
■ Fire Extinguishers
■ Fire Protection and Burn Permits
■ Disposing of Oily Rags
■ Spill Cleanup
■ Spill Prevention
■ Storm Water Runoff
■ Trash
■ Equipment and Vehicle Leaks
■ Washing Equipment
2. Describe the hazards of the work as they relate to your project. Explain or show the
SAFE way of doing the job.
Almost all fires are small in their early stage and can be put out quickly if the proper
fire extinguisher is available, and the person discovering the fire has been trained to use
the fire extinguisher at hand. There are basically three different types or classes of fire
extinguishers, each of which extinguishes specific types of fire.
• Class C fire extinguishers is used on fires that involve energized electrical equipment
which require the use of electrically nonconductive extinguishing. Extinguishers that
are suitable for Class C fires should be identified by a circle containing the letter "C."
If in color, the circle should be blue. The presence of the letter “C” indicates that the
extinguishing agent is non-conductive.
• Every project should have ABC class fire extinguishers during construction. The
number of extinguishers required is dependent upon the project size, materials and
work activity.
2. Describe the hazards of the work as they relate to your project. Explain or show the
SAFE way of doing the job.
Jurisdictions require outdoor burning permits to limit air pollution. While laws vary, the
following may apply: State and local regulations may prohibit fires in burn barrels and
burning stumps to clear land, and burning construction or demolition debris.
• Regulations may prohibit burning in any areas of the state that exceed federal or state
ambient air quality standards for pollutants emitted by outdoor burning.
• Individual fire districts may prohibit open burning based on local fire safety concerns.
Many communities have local laws prohibiting or restricting open burning.
• It is the responsibility of the permit holder to become familiar with the rules and
regulations before doing any burning. Failure to follow established regulations will
result in revocation of your permit, fines, or possible jail time.
• Make sure any fire is completely out before leaving the jobsite.
2. Describe the hazards of the work as they relate to your project. Explain or show the
SAFE way of doing the job.
Oily rags are a serious fire hazard because they can spontaneously combust. Many states
regulate the disposal of oily rags as “oily waste.” The Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) does not regulate oily rags as waste as long as the rags do not have any free-
flowing oil, contain hazardous contaminants, or meet the definition of a characteristic oil
hazardous waste. Follow these procedures for safe disposal of oily rags:
• If you are unsure whether the rags contain hazardous materials, consult the Material
Safety Data Sheet for information proper disposal or contact your supervisor.
2. Describe the hazards of the work as they relate to your project. Explain or show the
SAFE way of doing the job.
Chemical spill prevention plans required by state and federal law must include provisions
for spill cleanup. The following Best Management Practices will help prevent runoff in
the event of a spill:
• Use a rag for small spills, a damp mop for general cleanup, and absorbent material for
larger spills.
• Never hose down or bury dry material spills. Sweep up the material and dispose of
• Clean up chemical materials with absorbents, gels, and foams. Use adsorbent
materials on small spills rather than hosing down the spill. Remove the adsorbent
materials promptly and dispose of properly.
• If the spilled material is hazardous, then used cleanup materials are also hazardous
and must be handled as hazardous waste.
2. Describe the hazards of the work as they relate to your project. Explain or show the
SAFE way of doing the job.
Typically, most businesses and public agencies that generate hazardous waste and/or
produce, transport, or store petroleum products are required by state and federal law to
prepare spill control and cleanup plans. A Spill Prevention Plan is applicable to facilities
that transport, transfer, and/or store hazardous materials, petroleum products, or fertilizers
that can contaminate storm water runoff. Regulations include the following provisions:
• Emergency spill containment and cleanup kits should be located at the facility site.
The contents of the kit should be appropriate to the type and quantities of chemical or
goods stored at the facility.
2. Describe the hazards of the work as they relate to your project. Explain or show the
SAFE way of doing the job.
Operators of construction sites one acre or larger (including smaller sites that are part
of a larger common plan of development) must obtain authorization to discharge storm
water under an NPDES construction storm water permit. These facts help explain the
• Items installed for storm water pollution must be inspected regularly and maintained
• Site owners and their construction operators of regulated construction sites are
required to develop and implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
to prevent storm water runoff and obtain permit coverage from an authorized state or
from the EPA, if the state is not authorized by EPA to issue NPDES permits.
2. Describe the hazards of the work as they relate to your project. Explain or show the
SAFE way of doing the job.
Construction sites can present many hazards to employees. Keeping a construction site
clean of debris can further reduce hazards. Also, managing waste can contain certain
pollutants at their source before they can contaminate the ground or streams via storm
water runoff. Use the following Best Management Practices when disposing of trash:
• Make sure hazardous wastes are not disposed of in dumpsters designated for
construction debris. This could include form oil, sealers, paint, curing compounds etc.
• Remove construction debris and waste from the site as frequently as necessary.
• A clean jobsite allows for safe movement of workers materials and vehicles.
2. Describe the hazards of the work as they relate to your project. Explain or show the
SAFE way of doing the job.
Equipment and Vehicle leaks are potential water and soil pollutants. Rain can wash
contaminants to the nearest stream. A car leaking only a few drops a day can contribute
to water pollution. For example, one pint of oil can contaminate an area larger than a
football field. Follow these steps to reduce pollution caused by vehicle leaks: