Picking Techniques - Rodrigo e Gabriela

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RODRIGO & GABRIELA PICKING TECHNIQUES COMBINING FI FMENTS OF JAZZ, FLAMENCO | AND SPEED METAL(!), RODRIGO AND | GABRIELA ARE THE HOTTEST GUITAR DUO 76 | HAS HEARD THIS YEAR. WE CAUGHT UP WITH THEM FOR A CHAT ABOUT THEIR STYLES... isening to ReFo, he brillant deb albu from stats Rodeigo Sancher and Gabriela Quinero, one could be forgiven for assuming they grew ‘up staying mene, bu the truth ‘mote surprising ss Rodsigo reveals me, Ioved those guitarists plying heavy ‘metal. The fs player Iwas relly into lee Skolnick rom Testament.” 3 me it was much the sime ~ metal susie,” Gabriela asserts, “My fvourite guitarists were Paco de Lucia and Alex Skolnic I also loved Kirk Hammett’ style, especially his sols, John Laughlin and AI Di Nicola, and Gabriela frst joined forces in the Ineayy metal hand Tierra Acids. fer the band broke up, they both moved t0 FODFIGO & GABRIELA: Rhythm examples (Gabriela) Ireland and began hosking. “We soon found when we played our songs in the street people gave us inc, "hough we should do more of i” Gabriela remembers, "So we started to improve by practise our pats, Some days we played for eight hours. Despite being fans of flamenco musi, the dno are quik to distance themselves From any compatison, “Twa ely our music as being anything ike Famenco ~ first ofall play withthe plectru,” explains Rodrigo, “Of cours, Fe influenced by lamenco aT began listening eo itat an ealy age, but T never ot into the technique aa. The ise acl w play ah iad fs herein Europe five year “Our mse sometimes suds like ‘lamenco andl ain jaz, but we're very dguick to clarify that we don’ specifically ply flamenco or jaz," agres Gabriel, ‘One of the mut disincaive aspects cof Rodrigo and Gabriela msi is the Seamless way they weave in their metal influences (R-Faincludes rites biel expins why: “That eype of musie~ songs with ‘ery strong shyla work parseaty ‘well acoustie nstruments Ta ehborste, Rodrigo ads: "think ‘our tye works because we leant the ‘itary playing heayy metal. If arse who din’ have metal roots played it, dont think have the same ‘ibe. T dow eh eadtona! namenco player would have quite the sime ibe. As Tar as I'm concerned i sil like Pm playing lecrie guitar TRACK 33 Mate he stings hs eee uss the midland ing nger Gost) forthe aunstche, and te ufo the true Ree ou hand ose RoDRGO GABRIELA: Rhythm exariled™=thiees (Gabriela) Fe psec econ grt mene pe The second apprach fetus ils Tiwi re he mile Finge rng ings and than an, tbe mle and sng ng down, tho umd down 38 ‘hun up, butt should be njust one beat." gue 2 demonstates pes st nual tsa trp, ten tapether 32 ste eo, RODRIGO & GABRIELA lM PICKING TECHNIQUES, = ‘is ss te yt ian examples 1 and 2 to podues prcasln wert Ramee to asp you picking hand wrt loos and strive to aya ryt as posible, ‘thous sh sea lk Carel prefers tse her hand or much oth yt ular prt “he a prs oso the laos pay re ws perm oes fava my math, butal the yt pay ore with my and because preter saund We ca sehen ase enya element we Te bing something realy ata ‘fee upintoaheay metal tse ih the had and eves vo the ea the sod orouced te combining ru nd basa RODRIGO & GABRIELA ® PICKING TECHNIQUES “fu an combine tei tgs for percusan, butyou can lox them wt chords.” This demonstrates bow Gara apts ter yt eas ocho progression based around En an Br Athoogh she mores trugh some try tne sgatore, he's playing moe by fee than geberately paying ote Bre. imine For the to Enaturl minor scale (EF¥ GAB CB) descending rns above, Ratio explained is plekng approach: “ot of my calcein pattems ave come fom ater lye. nt foun thi ne rom Strand ah wh ean sein ingle oer scart pet patty te ener ss te toy wel ue ‘he Fingers but also sound great when played ast” Although many wos pars ton to hy ay fom ang open strings nt tus tens hese sre set fa to pa be ate fe = is eae the strings al the in fora tht percussive sound jst 1 would on a lect glta Tiss omething Suns ad Farah tnd td, but player Uke ADI Heol enowned for is muted picking,” or this example, edie demonstrated at Alt Helse rm seg atenae ping whe wing te side spe on ole thestrings onthe bridge. Thisun's ricky at ora ped lt alone the speed tw Rodrig ayn startslavly ae gral bud uf empovath © metonone,

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