Ayman Ababneh PHD Thesis
Ayman Ababneh PHD Thesis
Ayman Ababneh PHD Thesis
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1 author:
Ayman N. Ababneh
Jordan University of Science and Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Ayman N. Ababneh on 01 July 2020.
Irbid – Jordan
Doctor of Philosophy
Yunping Xi
Kaspar Willam
Dan Frangopol
Benson Shing
Kevin Rens
The final copy of this thesis has been examined by the signatories, and we find that both
the content and the form meet acceptable presentation standards of scholarly work in the
above mentioned discipline.
on Concrete Durability.
In this thesis, both theoretical and experimental studies were conducted on some
The first part of the study includes theoretical modeling of the coupled effect of
moisture diffusion and drying shrinkage and modeling of chloride penetration in partially
saturated concrete. This part encompasses the formulation of the governing equations and
boundary conditions, identification and modeling of the material parameters and the
based on Ficks’ laws. The material parameters involved in the governing equations and
the drying shrinkage of concrete were modeled based on a multiscale method. In the
multiscale method, different theoretical models are used at different scale levels.
the microscale and mesoscale; and continuum approach is applied at the macroscale. The
difference method. Several numerical examples were solved by the proposed models and
the results obtained predicted well the basic trends and the effects of concrete material
parameters. The models can be used in the durability studies of concrete structures to
predict concrete deterioration and the onset of steel corrosion and thus the service life and
The second part of this study includes experiments on the coupled effect of freezing-
penetration, the coupling effect of moisture diffusion and chloride penetration and the
presented the effect of water-cement ratio and aggregate volume fraction on chloride
penetration, the two-way coupling between moisture diffusion and chloride penetration
and the effect of the damage induced by drying shrinkage and freezing-thawing on
chloride penetration. The experimental results obtained in this study can be used to
validate and demonstrate the accuracy of the numerical models developed in this study
To my father, mother, wife, bothers and sisters and to my whole family who made
Yunping Xi for his support, guidance and patience during the course of my study. His
fruitful suggestions and valuable ideas have been encouraging and subsidizing this work.
Benson Shing and Kevin Rens for reviewing this work and for their valuable suggestions
and comments.
Xie, A. Suito, Renee Cusson, Andi Asiz and our former colleague Dr. Young-Sook Roh
for their cooperation, help and encouragement. Also my sincere thanks are extended to
my friends Hassan Al-sukhni, Ahmad Ababneh, Mahmoud Shaheen, Fadi Mansour and
my sister in law Rula Abu-Dalo for their support and encouragement during my study.
I shall always be grateful to my parents, my wife and my family for their love and
7.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………135
7.2 Specimens Preparation……………………………………………...136
7.3 Effect of Moisture Diffusion on Chloride Penetration ……...……..137
7.3.1 Experimental procedure…………………………………….137
7.3.2 Experimental results and discussion………………………..139
7.4 The Effect of Chloride Penetration on Moisture Diffusion………...144
7.4.1 Experimental setup and procedure………………........…….144
7.4.2 Results and discussion……………………………………...146
7.5 Conclusions…………………………………………………………149
8.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………151
8.2 Experimental Program……………………………………………...153
8.2.1 Material……………………………………………………..153
8.2.2 Test specimens preparation………………………………....154
8.2.3 Experimental procedure…………………………………….155
8.3 Experimental results and discussion………………………….…….157
9.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………….……165
9.2 Future Research Recommendations………………………….…….167
Figure Page
5.6 The concrete sample (46) after it was exposed to the freezing-thawing….109
5.7 The concrete sample (56) after it was exposed to the freezing-thawing.…109
5.8 The concrete sample (66) after it was exposed to the freezing-thawing.....110
5.9 The concrete sample (55) after it was exposed to the freezing-thawing… 111
5.10 The concrete sample (57) after it was exposed to the freezing-thawing….111
5.11 Chloride profiles for the concrete specimens made of mix 46…………...116
5.12 Chloride profiles for the concrete specimens made of mix 56…………...116
5.13 Chloride profiles for the concrete specimens made of mix 66…………...117
5.14 Chloride profiles for the concrete specimens made of mix 55…………...117
5.15 Chloride profiles for the concrete specimens made of mix 57…………...118
6.3 Chloride profiles for different (w/c) after 50 days exposure time………..126
6.4 Chloride profiles for different (w/c) after 100 days exposure time….…...127
6.5 Chloride profiles for different (w/c) after 200 days exposure time………128
6.8 Chloride profiles for different (gi) after 100 days of exposure…………..132
6.9 Chloride profiles for different (gi) after 200 days of exposure…………..133
7.8 The weight of accumulated solution in the center hole for the three different
E.3 Sampling of 1.5 gram of concrete dust and the extraction liquid vial…....197
Table Page
6.1 Chloride concentration for different (w/c) after 50 days exposure time….125
6.2 Chloride concentration for different (w/c) after 100 days exposure time...126
6.3 Chloride concentration for different (w/c) after 200 days exposure time...127
6.4 Chloride concentration for different (gi) after 50 days exposure time…....131
6.5 Chloride concentration for different (gi) after 100 days exposure time......132
6.6 Chloride concentration for different (gi) after 200 days exposure time…..133
C.2 Mix proportions used in the experimental study of Chapters 5, 6 and 7…192
C.3 Concrete mix proportions used in experimental study of the effect of moisture
diffusion on chloride penetration………………..…..………….192
C.4 Proportions of the concrete mix used in the experiment of the effect of induced-
shrinkage cracking on chloride penetration….………………….192
D.1 Compression test results for the concrete mixes used in the experimental study
of Chapters 5, 6 and 7…………………………..……………..…....193
D.2 Compression test results for the concrete used in the experiment of the effect of
moisture diffusion on chloride penetration …………………...……….194
D.3 Compression test results for the concrete used in the experiment of the effect
induced-shrinkage cracking on chloride penetration…………..................194
certain strength and serviceability requirements during its designed service life. Thus,
durability design of concrete shall concern with enhancing its capability to resist
bars corrosion can cause cracking, spalling, delamination and loss of strength of the
structural members affecting its integrity and ultimately leading to major cracking or
recent years and the developments in cement and concrete technologies have focused
this chapter. Also, some common features of the deterioration mechanisms will be
and drying cycles, freezing and thawing, temperature changes and other physical
actions such as waves, movement of solid particles in water or air, wear and tear
actions. Wetting and drying cycles may result in cracking due to excessive shrinkage.
Freezing and thawing can produce internal stresses inside concrete causing spalling
and cracking. Physical actions such as waves, movement of solid particles in water or
air and/or wear and tear can cause abrasion of concrete. Temperature changes can
produce thermal stresses causing damage and loss of strength of concrete members.
environment such as acid attack and sulfate attack or chemical reactions between the
constituents of the concrete such as alkali silica reaction and alkali carbonate reaction.
Acids can attack concrete by reacting with calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel
producing water-soluble calcium compounds, which may leach out causing surface
efflorescence. Acids also can attack reinforcing steel bars causing corrosion, which
may ultimately lead to cracking, spalling and delamination of concrete. Sulfates can
attack concrete reacting with calcium hydroxide (CH) to form gypsum. Gypsum
reacts with hydrated calcium aluminates to form ettringite. Both reactions cause
volume expansion and produce stresses causing damage and cracking of concrete.
Alkali silica reaction between the active silica in aggregates and alkalis in cement
results in the formation of alkali-silica complex, which absorbs water causing volume
expansion and producing internal stresses which may lead to map or pattern cracks.
alkalis in cement. The products of the reaction have less volume than the original
materials and susceptible to swelling and volume changes. Those volume changes
anaerobic sulfur bacteria and fungi, which metabolize organic and carbonic acids.
Those acids react with hydration products of cement causing leaching and volume
changes of concrete.
chloride-induced corrosion, chloride ions breakdown the passive oxide film on the
steel bars and allow the corrosion process to start. In carbonation-induced corrosion,
carbonation process lowers the value of the pH by forming carbonic acid and induces
deterioration of bridge deck shown in Fig. (1.1). The repeated overloading of the
and chloride ions ingress from deicing salts causes fatigue cracks as shown in Figs.
(1.2) and (1.3), which result in two types of damage. The first one, which occurs in
most cases, is the reduction of the durability of concrete in a way that permeability of
the concrete is drastically increased. There has not been much research done in this
area. The other one is the immediate failure of the structure, after certain cycles of
loading, due to unstable propagation of the major fatigue crack. In the latter case,
fatigue fracture has been studied extensively by experiments (Nordby 1958, Hilsdorf
Fig. 1.1: bridge deck (part of highway US-285 over North Turkey
Creek Road) near Evergreen, Colorado.
Fig. 1.3: Cracks on the shoulder (splash zone) of the bridge deck.
As one can see, diffusion processes such as, temperature, moisture and
chemicals control all physical and chemical deteriorations of concrete. The common
very important.
The main objective of this study is to quantify some of the different processes
that affect the durability of concrete structures. These processes include moisture
diffusion, chloride penetration, freezing-thawing and their coupling effects. The study
encompasses the formulation of the governing equations and the boundary conditions,
using one of the numerical techniques such as finite element method or finite
parameters. The experimental study include the effect of the concrete material
drying shrinkage, the coupling effect of moisture diffusion and chloride penetration
This thesis has nine chapters. This chapter includes introductory information
about the durability of concrete structures, motivation and the objectives of the study.
related to the durability of concrete structures such as its diffusion properties, chloride
Chapter 3 discusses the interaction effect between the drying shrinkage and
the moisture diffusion process in concrete. This chapter contains seven sections. The
first section presents introductory information about the two processes, drying
shrinkage and moisture diffusion in concrete and their interaction. The second section
discusses various issues of the moisture diffusion in concrete such as the basic
involved in the governing equation. The third section discusses the finite element and
the finite difference numerical solutions. The fourth section includes the modeling of
drying shrinkage of concrete. The fifth section discusses the interaction of drying and
shrinkage in concrete. The sixth section presents some numerical applications on the
different influential parameters and the conclusions are in the last section.
processes in concrete. This chapter contains six sections. The first section is an
introductory about the interaction effect of the two processes. The second section
presents the basic formulation of the governing partial differential equation. The third
section presents the material parameters involved in the governing equation. The
fourth section presents the finite difference numerical solutions. The fifth section
penetration in concrete. This chapter contains five sections. The first section
introduces the coupling effect of the two processes. The second section presents a
brief review about the ultrasonic testing of materials. The third section presents the
experimental program, which includes the preparation of test specimens and the
description of the testing methods and techniques. The fourth section present the
experimental results, which include the visual inspection of the cracking of the test
specimens, the damage factors resulted from the ultrasonic testing and the chloride
profiles resulted from the electrochemical analysis. The fifth section presents
parameters on chloride penetration. This chapter contains five sections. The first
specimen and parameters of the experimental study. The third section describes the
test procedure. The fourth section presents the experimental results for the effect of
water-cement ratio and aggregate volume fraction and the fifth section contains the
diffusion and chloride penetration in concrete. This chapter contains five sections.
The first section introduces some information about the coupling effect of the two
processes. The second section describes the concrete specimen used in this study. The
three for the effect of moisture diffusion on chloride penetration. Section four is for
the effect of chloride penetration on moisture diffusion, while section five contains
the conclusions.
damage on chloride penetration in concrete. This chapter contains four sections. The
first section contains an introductory information and literature review on the effect of
strains and the chloride profiles. The third section contains the test results. The
and some deleterious chemicals into or through concrete. There are many fluids (in a
broad sense) that can flow in concrete and affect its durability. Those fluids include
gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) and liquids such as pure water or
water carrying some deleterious chemicals. The deleterious chemicals include acids
and aggressive ions such as sulfates and chlorides. Freezing and thawing is mainly
affected collectively by gas diffusion (CO2 and O2), moisture diffusion and chloride
ions penetration in concrete. Chemical attacks such as acids; sulfate and chloride ions
are mainly affected by the diffusion of these chemicals in concrete, as well as the
can be characterized by its porosity, pore size distribution, and morphology of the
pore structure (such as pore shape, pore connectivity and pore tortuosity). High
porosity does not always correspond to high permeability unless the pores are
continuous and effective with respect to flow. Discontinuous pores, long and tortuous
pore systems, pores contain adsorbed water and pores have narrow entrances are
material composed of aggregates and cement paste. Aggregates are porous materials,
but their contribution to the diffusion of fluids is minor because of the discontinuity in
their pore structure and also, they are enveloped by the cement paste. Hydrated
hydrate (C-S-H) gel, unhydrated cement particles, calcium hydroxide (CH) crystals,
ettringite crystals and pores. Those pores include air voids and their size ranges
100µm−10mm, water-filled spaces called capillary pores and their size ranges
0.05−100µm, and gel pores and their size is smaller than 50 nm. Transport of fluids in
capillary pores is much easier than in gel pores. As a result, the permeability of
failure of a concrete structure, involves not only conventional mechanics methods but
also material theories at different scale levels. For instance, the strength of concrete
can be correlated to the size of defects as small as 50 micrometers. But, the fine
pores with smaller sizes have almost no effect on strength of the materials. Mass
transport, on the other hand, is controlled by the internal pores with a very broad
range of size distribution from millimeter down to nanometer levels. Therefore, the
prediction models for mass transport must be developed based on the influential
property. Fluids and deleterious chemicals can flow into or through concrete under
pressure gradient, concentration gradient, capillary suction and potential gradient and
the relevant diffusion properties are the permeability, diffusivity, sorptivity and ionic
concrete under pressure gradient. In this work we concern about the moisture
The flow of water through saturated concrete and under drop of a hydraulic
dq 1 ∆h
=K (2.1)
dt A L
L = depth of flow in m.
setup shown in Fig. (2.1), in which water is allowed to flow through saturated
L Concrete
Q ηL
K′ = (2.2)
A (P1 − P2 )
following formula:
K = K′ (2.3)
and the volume fraction of aggregates. The water-cement ratio affects the
permeability of concrete. The age of concrete affects its permeability due to the
progress of the hydration process. As the hydration process continues more calcium
silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel is produced which fill the available capillary pores
the flowing fluid. Also temperature changes produce volume changes in the concrete
body, when restrained by either internal or external restraints they produce stresses
and micro-crack the concrete increasing its permeability. Moist curing of concrete
will reduce its permeability by increasing the rate of cement hydration process and
decreasing the capillary porosity. Curing of concrete in dry condition will result in
moisture losses. Those moisture losses will produce internal strains in the concrete
body and if restrained, stresses will develop, causing cracking and thus increasing the
permeability of concrete. Cement properties such as degree of fineness can affect the
the rate of cement hydration. And as a result it will not affect the ultimate
permeability by changing the volume of the cement paste, which is the effective
media for the flow of fluids. Also aggregates block the flow paths in concrete making
them longer and more tortuous. And as a result an increase in the volume fraction of
concrete under concentration gradient. In this work we concern about the moisture
and chloride ion diffusion processes in concrete and so moisture and chloride ion
diffusivities of concrete will be discussed. The diffusion of moisture and chloride ions
into or through concrete under concentration gradient is governed by Fick’s first law
as follows:
J = − D ∇C (2.4)
condition and period, cement properties and cement composition and the volume
fraction of aggregates.
concrete due to capillary forces in the pores. Sorption of water into concrete can be
M (t ) = M o + ρAS t (2.5)
t = time in seconds.
Sorptivity of concrete can be estimated using the setup shown in Fig. (2.2). In
which a concrete specimen is exposed to water at one of the faces while the other
faces are sealed. The gain in the mass of concrete sample and the time of exposure are
reported. Also, the initial gain in the mass of concrete sample should be reported. The
sorptivity of concrete can be estimated using Eq. (2.5) and knowing the cross-
sectional area and the density of the water. It is important to make sure that the
concrete sample has uniform moisture content before exposing to water. This can be
done either by keeping the sample in oven for 7 days at 50 oC followed by another 7
days in sealed container which will produce a uniform moisture content for 100 mm
sample or by oven drying the sample at 105 oC until there is less than 0.1% change in
Exposed Concrete
Surface Sample
Chloride ions penetration is one of the major problems that affect the
embedded steel bars, which in turn causes cracking, spalling and delimination of
concrete as shown in Fig. (2.3). It may also reduce the load carrying capacity of the
structures due to steel bars corrosion. The first stage is dominated by the penetration
of chloride ions through concrete towards the reinforcing bars. Once the chloride
concentration reaches a critical value, corrosion of steel starts. The second stage is
controlled by rust expansion, during which the rust forms in the interface transition
zone between aggregate and cement paste. The formation of rust is associated with
(a) (b)
Steel Bars
Fig. 2.3: Concrete deterioration due to reinforcement corrosion (a) cracking
(b) spalling and (c) delimination.
The third stage is concrete cracking. The volume expansion of the rust causes
concrete. Among the three stages, the first one may be the longest one, which could
last for 15 to 20 years. The second stage is shorter than the first one, depending on the
porosity in the interface transition zone. The third stage is the shortest one among the
three stages, since the typical thickness of concrete cover is 5 cm, and crack
propagate through the concrete cover very fast once the crack is formed around the
steel bars.
During the hydration process of the cement a thin layer of oxide forms on the
surface of the embedded steel bars called passivity layer. This layer protects the steel
from reacting with oxygen and moisture and thus prevents the rust formation and
corrosion of steel bars. Once the chloride ions concentration reaches a certain level, it
destroys the thin passive film around the reinforcing steel bar and the electrochemical
cell will setup as shown in Fig. (2.4). At the anode the oxidation of iron will occur,
Fe ⇒ Fe + + + 2e − (2.6)
The ferrous ions will pass into the pore solution and the electrons will flow
through the steel bar to the cathode. At the cathode the electrons will react with
2 H 2 O + O2 + 4e − ⇒ 4OH − (2.7)
Then the hydroxyl ions will travel through the pore solution and combine with
Further oxidation of ferrous hydroxide will result into the ferric hydroxide,
Cl- Ions -
Fe++ + 2(OH) Fe(OH)
Fe(OH)3 (Rust)
- Steel Bar
Fe++ OH
- -
Fe Fe++ + 2e 2H2O + O2 + 4e- 4(OH)
called critical chloride concentration. Research results on the critical value of chloride
content showed some variations and also, they are not in the same unit. We first
convert different critical values from literature into a unified unit, i.e. gram of
chloride per gram of concrete, (g/g), then select a specific critical value to be used in
this study. This unit is considered to be convenient because the test results of
chloride content by AASHTO T259 and AASHTO T260 are in this unit.
Berke (1986) obtained the value of 0.9 - 1.0 kg of chloride per cubic meter of
concrete. Using 2300 kg/m3 as the density of concrete, the critical content in gram of
chloride per gram of concrete will be 0.039% to 0.043% (g/g). Browne (1982)
showed the value of 0.4% by weight of cement used in the concrete. Assuming 300
Kg of cement for a cubic meter of concrete, 0.4% of 300 Kg cement is 1.2 Kg, and
then using 2400 Kg/m3 as the density of concrete, the critical value will be 0.05%
(g/g). Cady and Weyers (1992) gave the value of 0.025 - 0.05% by weight of
concrete. Therefore, the range of the critical content is from 0.025 – 0.05% in gram
of chloride per gram of concrete, which is a quite broad range. Coggins and French
(1990) determined the chloride profiles in three girders (two facial and one interior)
and the deck of a twenty-year-old prestressed concrete bridge. The bridge deck and
the girders were exposed to chloride penetration during its service life. Dust samples
were collected at ½ in. (13 mm) depth increments and tested for total chloride
does not exceed 120 ppm (by concrete weight) in girders and in the range of 400 to
1500 ppm in bridge deck. Although, the chloride concentration in bridge deck
exceeds the corrosion threshold value (200-450 ppm), but no evidence of corrosion
was reported.
placing, hardening and its service life. Temperature variations can be attributed
mainly to the heat transferred into or from concrete by surface convection and
hydration. Those temperature variations affect the properties of both fresh and
Reasonable rise in the curing temperature would speeds up the rate of cement
hydration and subsequently increases the early strength of concrete without harmful
effect on its later strength. On the other hand, higher temperature variations during
placing and hardening of concrete would result in poorly structured cement paste with
higher porosity. The poor structure of the hydrated cement paste is due to the non-
uniform distribution of the hydration products within the cement paste. This non-
concrete. The higher porosity and the microcracking due to the lower strength would
accelerate the transport of moisture and some deleterious chemicals, which affect
adversely the durability and reduce the service life of concrete structures.
Heat developed during hydration of cement may have harmful effects on the
durability of concrete structures. The heat evolved during hydration of cement and the
loss of heat at the surface may results in steep temperature gradients between the
interior and the exterior of concrete resulting in cracking. On the other hand, the heat
produced during hydration of cement may prevent the freezing of pore water resulting
in continuous hydration of cement and thus more gain in the strength of concrete and
High temperature rise in the surface layer of the hardened concrete due to fire
temperature gradients between the outside and the inside layer of concrete. This
could results in cracking and spalling of concrete at joints or poorly compacted areas
Very low ambient temperatures (−200 oC - 0 oC) could result in the formation
of ice in the hydrated cement paste. The formation of ice during setting and hardening
of concrete could seize the hydration process of cement. Upon thawing the hydration
of cement continues and concrete need to be vibrated again. Lack of vibration might
result in setting and hardening of concrete in such a way that high porosity will be
created due to expansion of mixing water upon freezing. The high porosity will
decrease the strength and accelerate the diffusion of moisture and some deleterious
chemical into concrete. If ice formed after setting and before an appreciable strength
attributed to the low strength of concrete and the availability of more water, which is
not consumed yet by the hydration of the cement. The formation of ice in the
capillary pores of the hardened cement paste during the service life of concrete results
in volume expansion of those pores. Upon thawing and refreezing more volume
expansions take place in the capillary pores. Subsequent freezing and thawing cycles
would result in progressive damage and thus more cracking of concrete would occur.
The cracking will accelerate the diffusion of the moisture and chloride ions into
3.1 Introduction
Drying shrinkage of concrete occurs due to the loss of moisture and thus, it is
cracking of concrete and affects its moisture diffusion properties. And thus moisture
diffusion and drying shrinkage are two coupled processes and their interactive effect
is very important for durability of concrete structures, especially structures with large
surface area to volume ratio, such as highway pavements, bridge decks, parking
the mass diffusion and the cracking resulted from moisture gradient, temperature
gradient and mechanical loading. All the research work indicated that the
microcraking produced during hardening, drying and heating of concrete and the
cracking resulted from the mechanical loading could increase the diffusion coefficient
and thus, accelerate the mass diffusion process. The diffusion properties of cracked
concrete were related to several damage indicators. One indicator is the critical crack
width (Aldea et al., 1999; Reinhardt et al., 1997; Wang et al., 1997; Bazant et al.,
1987). Another indicator is the critical monotonic or cyclic loading levels (Gontar et
al., 2000; Meziani and Skoczylas, 1999; Konin et al., 1997; Saito and Ishimori, 1995;
Kermani, 1991). Gerard and Marchand (2000) conducted a theoretical study on the
effect of both isotropic and anisotropic traversing crack networks on the steady state
simplified by assuming that the cracks are uniform in size and distributed evenly on
one or two-dimensional grid. The study concluded that the cracking could accelerate
the diffusion process in concrete. Also, they proposed a simple model for the effect of
cracking on the diffusion coefficient of concrete based on the crack density and mean
crack aperture. Bazant et al. (1987) investigated the effect of crack width and crack
spacing on the permeability and diffusion coefficient of concrete. It was observed that
crack width cubed and inversely proportional to the crack spacing. Bentz et al. (1995)
developed structural models for the properties of the calcium silicate hydrated (C-S-
H) gel at the nanometer level. In this model the calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel
particles are represented by hard core-soft shell concentric spheres. Each one of those
spheres can overlap with other sphere on the soft core as well as the hard core. This
shrinkage of concrete. Also, the developed models are validated by the images
obtained from the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and the
In the following sections, the diffusion model and the shrinkage model are
briefly described first, and then the coupling of the model parameters is discussed in
detail. The moisture distribution in concrete was modeled using the nonlinear
moisture diffusion equation derived based on Ficks’ law (Bazant and Najjar 1972,
Bazant and Thonguthai, 1978, Xi et al. 1994). The nonlinear moisture diffusion
equation involves two diffusion parameters, the moisture capacity and humidity
diffusion coefficient. Those two parameters were coupled with the material
shrinkage. Both of the diffusion model and the shrinkage model used in the study are
meso-, and micro-scales are taken into account; and concrete design parameters are
included as model inputs. Finally, the coupled problem was solved using finite
induced damage)
The isothermal moisture flux in concrete can be formulated using Fick’s first
law by two different methods. In the first method, the moisture flux (J) is
proportional to the gradient of the water content and can be written as following:
In the second method, the moisture flux (J) is proportional to the gradient of the pore
J = − k grad (H ) (3.2)
where, we and H are the evaporable water content and the pore relative humidity,
respectively. Also k has two different physical meanings in above two formulations.
In Eq. (3.1), k is the moisture diffusion coefficient and in Eq. (3.2), k is the humidity
diffusion coefficient.
expressed using the mass balance equation or Fick’s second law as follows:
= − div ( j ) (3.3)
content, The substitution of the moisture flux (J), described in Eqs. (3.1) and (3.2)
into the mass balance equation, Eq. (3.3), will resulted in two formulations of the
∂ (we + wne )
= div ( Dw grad we ) (3.4)
∂w ∂H
= div ( DH grad H ) (3.5)
∂H ∂t
where, H is the relative humidity, Dw and DH are the moisture diffusion coefficient
and the humidity diffusion coefficient, ∂w/∂H is the moisture capacity and t is the
time. The nonlinearity of the moisture diffusion equation, Eq. (3.4), resulted from the
dependence of the moisture diffusion coefficient, Dw, on the moisture content, w. And
the nonlinearity of the moisture diffusion equation, Eq. (3.5), resulted from the
dependence of the moisture capacity, ∂w/∂H and the humidity diffusion coefficient,
which described by Eqs. (3.2) and (3.5) will be used to describe the moisture
diffusion in concrete. This is due mainly to the fact that amounts of we and wne are
H ( x, y, z, t = 0) = H o ( x, y, z ) (3.6)
where, Ho(x,y,z) is the initial distribution of relative humidity in the concrete body.
This type of boundary conditions is prescribed at the surfaces of the body exposed to
the surrounding environment. In the case there is a difference in the relative humidity
between the inside of the exposed body and the surrounding environment and the
surfaces of the body are not sealed, an exchange of moisture will occur. If the
surrounding relative humidity is larger, the moisture will flux through the exposed
surfaces from the environment to the body and this case called wetting. On the other
hand, if the relative humidity inside the body is larger, the moisture will flux out of
the body to the surrounding environment and this case called drying. In both cases the
q.n = 0 (3.7)
Where, q is the humidity flux, n is a unit vector normal to the exposed surface and
coefficient, H is the unknown surface humidity and Henv is the environmental relative
humidity. Eq. (3.7) represents the case of no moisture exchange between the body and
equation of moisture diffusion in concrete, Eq. (3.5), the material parameters involved
should be determined.
and multiscale model. Concrete is a two-phase material, in which the aggregates are
considered as the inclusions and represent one phase. The cement paste is the matrix
and represents the other phase. Then, without considering the effect of shrinkage of
⎛ ∂w ⎞ ⎛ ∂w ⎞ ⎛ ∂w ⎞
⎜ ⎟ = f agg ⎜ ⎟ + f cp ⎜ ⎟ (3.9)
⎝ ∂H ⎠ avg ⎝ ∂H ⎠ agg ⎝ ∂H ⎠ cp
where fagg and fcp are the weight percentages of the aggregates and cement paste. The
moisture capacities of the aggregate and cement paste in Eq. (3.9) can be evaluated by
using the model developed by Xi et al. (1994a, 1994b) and Xi (1995a, 1995b) as
shown in Appendix A.
which depend on the pore structure of the concrete body. There are three different
Knudsen diffusion and surface diffusion. Thus, the total diffusivity is a complex
property that often includes contribution from multiple mechanisms. The moisture
by Christensen (1979):
⎛ gi ⎞
DH = DHcp ⎜1 + ⎟ (3.10)
⎜ [1 − g ] / 3 + 1/[(D / D ) − 1] ⎟
⎝ i Hagg Hcp ⎠
coefficient of the cement paste and DHagg is the humidity diffusion coefficient of the
comparing with the diffusion coefficient of concrete and can be neglected in Eq.
(3.10). The humidity diffusion coefficient of cement paste can be predicted by the
γ h ( H −1)
D Hcp = α h + β h [1 − 2 −10 ] (3.11)
where, αh, βh and γh are coefficients to be calibrated from the test data and given as:
The nonlinearity of the partial differential equation, which governs the moisture
diffusion in concrete, makes the numerical solution favorable. The numerical solution
The moisture diffusion equation, Eq. (3.5), can be solved using finite element
method. In the finite element solution the standard residual procedure may be applied
as follows:
⎡ ∂w ∂H ⎤
wi ⋅ ⎢
⎣ ∂H ∂t
− div ( D H grad H ) ⎥ d Ω = 0
⎡ ∂w ∂H ∂H ⎤
NT ⋅ ⎢
⎣ ∂H ∂t
− div ( DH ) dΩ = 0
∂X ⎥⎦
∂w ∂H ∂H ∂N T ∂H
NT ⋅
∂H ∂t
dΩ − ∫ div ( N T ⋅ DH
Ω ∂X
) dΩ + ∫
Ω ∂X
dΩ = 0 (3.17)
∂w ∂H ∂H ∂N T ∂H
NT ⋅
∂H ∂t
dΩ − ∫ N T ⋅ DH
Γ ∂X
⋅ n dΓ + ∫
Ω ∂X
dΩ = 0 (3.18)
q = − DH (3.19)
∂w ∂H ∂N T ∂H
NT ⋅
∂H ∂t
dΩ + ∫ N T ⋅ q ⋅ n dΓ + ∫
Γ Ω ∂X
dΩ = 0 (3.20)
Substituting the boundary condition described in Eq. (3.8) into Eq. (3.20) resulting in:
∂w ∂H ∂N T ∂H
∫ NT ⋅ dΩ + ∫ N T ⋅ β (H − H env ) dΓ + ∫ DH dΩ = 0 (3.21)
Ω ∂H ∂t Γ Ω ∂X ∂X
The relative humidity at any point in an element can be determined using shape
functions, N as follows:
H ( X , t ) = ∑ N i ( X )H i (t ) (3.22)
By applying the finite element method with the shape functions Ni of the ith order we
⎛ T ∂w ⎞ ∂H ⎛ ∂N T ∂N ⎞
⎜∫N N dΩ ⎟ + ⎜∫ D dΩ + ∫ N T
β N dΓ ⎟ H = ∫ N T β H env dΓ (3.23)
⎜ ∂H ⎟ ∂t ⎜ ∂X H
∂X ⎟
⎝Ω ⎠ ⎝Ω Γ ⎠ Γ
C + KH = F H (3.24)
matrix and FH is the hygral load vector and can be written as follows:
C = ∫ NT N dΩ (3.25)
∂N ∂N
K =∫ DH dΩ + ∫ N T β N dΓ (3.26)
∂X ∂X Γ
FH = ∫ N T βH env dΓ (3.27)
+ AH = P (3.28)
A = C −1 K (3.29)
P = C −1 FH (3.30)
Eq. (3.28) can be solved using one the step-by-step integration schemes as
The value of α should lies in the interval [0,1]; for α = 0, we have Forward Euler
Method (Explicit scheme), for α = 1, 0.5, and 2/3, we have Backward Euler Method,
by Peaceman and Rachford (Carnahan et al. 1969) can be employed to solve the
difference mesh as shown in Fig. (3.1) can be used to descretize this problem. The
pore relative humidity, H(i,j,n), at different points of the mesh at different time
∆Y Depth
Slab Width
For the two dimensional problem, see Fig. (3.1), Eq. (3.5) can be rewritten as
∂w dH ∂ ⎛ ∂H ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂H ⎞
= ⎜D ⎟+ ⎜D ⎟⎟ (3.32)
∂H dt ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎜⎝ ∂y ⎠
where, the moisture capacity, ∂w/∂H and the humidity diffusion coefficient, D
(replace DH) are functions of H, x, y and t. And, the relative humidity, H is function of
x, y and t.
∂w dH ∂ 2 H ∂D ∂H ∂ 2 H ∂D ∂H
=D 2 + +D 2 + (3.33)
∂H dt ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂y
to solve Eq. (3.33) by using two difference equations over two successive time-steps
H in, +j 1 − H i*, j n
∆t / 2
⎛ ∂H ⎞
⎟ * Di , jδ x H i , j + δ x Di , jδ x H i , j + Di , jδ y H i , j + δ y Di , jδ y H i , j
2 * n * n 2 n +1 n n +1
] (3.35)
⎝ ⎠i , j
Where, δx, δ2x and δy, δ2y are the first and second order central-difference operators in
x and y directions, respectively. Eq. (3.34) is implicit only in x-direction and used to
solve for Hi,j* (intermediate value at the end of the first time-step) by knowing Hi,jn
starting from the initial condition. Eq. (3.35) is implicit only in y-direction and used
to solve for Hi,jn+1 (final value at the end of the whole time step) after calculating Hi,j*
discussed by von Neumann method (Carnahan et al. 1969). It was shown that this
error of O[(∆t)2+(∆x)2+(∆y)2].
estimated for structural members, and thus represents the average strain over a large
scale. In this case, the size and shape of the structure, properties of the concrete, and
the effect of the environment have to be taken into account. As a result, the prediction
On the other hand, the shrinkage can be evaluated for a small representative
among the shrinkage, the humidity, and related material parameters. The structural
configuration is not included. The first type of models (for structural members) is
used in structural analysis, and the second type (constitutive laws) is mainly used for
numerical analysis such as finite element method and finite difference method.
suggested by Bazant and Chern (1985). In this model the rate of change of the local
shrinkage strain is related to the rate of change of the relative humidity as follows:
∆ε sh = β sh ∆H (3.36)
Concrete is a multiscale material and can be partitioned into four different scale
levels ranging from nanometer to meter level as shown in Fig. (3.2). The first scale
level is the meter level where most of the civil engineering structures are controlled
by theories and laws applicable on this level. The second is the millimeter level where
most of the physical and mechanical properties of concrete are obtained from samples
and testing procedures applicable on this level. The third is the micrometer level
where the pore structure of cement paste can be measured at this level. Also, the
calcium hydroxide (CH) crystals, calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel and other
hydration products are observed at this scale level. The fourth is the nanometer level
where many models for the structure of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) are
Meter Level
(Real Structure)
Millimeter Level
Micrometer Level
(Cement Paste)
Nanometer Level
(Calcium Silicate Hydrate)
composite material in which the aggregates are the inclusions, and the cement paste is
the matrix. Also, cement paste as shown in Fig. (3.4) is a particulate composite
modeling for concrete and cement paste. This model was originally developed for
elastic properties only, but many researchers (Herve and Zaoui 1990) proved that this
The shrinkage of concrete at the millimeter level, see Figs. (3.2) and (3.3), is
equivalent to the effective shrinkage of the three- phase model shown in Fig. (3.5),
where the inclusions (aggregates) represent phase 1 and the matrix (cement paste)
represents phase 2.
Phase 1 (Aggregate)
Phase 2 (Cement Paste)
Effective homogeneous medium (Concrete)
The shrinkage coefficient and bulk modulus of concrete (at mesoscale level),
βsh and Kc, can be evaluated (Xi and Jennings 1997) for the composite system:
where, ε 1sh and ε 2sh , K1 and K2, and G1 and G2 are the shrinkage, bulk modulus and
shear modulus of phase 1 (aggregates) and phase 2 (cement paste), respectively; c12 is
the volume fraction of phase 1 (aggregates). The shrinkage of concrete is mainly due
to the shrinkage of cement paste, where the shrinkage of the aggregates can be
⎧ ⎫
⎪⎪ c12 (K1 / K 2 ) ⎪⎪
β sh = ε 2sh ⎨1 − ⎬ (3.39)
⎪ 1 + (K1 / K 2 − 1) 3 + 4c12 G2 / K 2 ⎪
⎩⎪ 3 + 4G2 / K 2 ⎭⎪
The shrinkage strain of concrete can be calculated using Eq. (3.39) and knowing the
bulk modulus K1, shear modulus G1 and volume fraction of aggregates, shrinkage of
cement paste ( ε 2sh ), bulk modulus K2, shear modulus G2 of cement paste.
Applying the same concept at the micrometer level, see Figs. (3.2) and (3.4),
the elastic properties (K and G) and the shrinkage strain of cement paste can be
calculated using the four-phase composite model shown in Fig. (3.6). In this model
phase 1 is the solid core, which includes the unhydrated cement particles, calcium
hydroxide (CH) and other crystalline products, phase 2 is inner hydration products,
phase 3 is the outer hydration products. Both the inner product and the outer product
are C-S-H (Jennings and Tennis 1994) but the density of the inner product is higher
than that of the outer product (Diamond and Bonen 1993), and the shrinkage of C-S-
H is mainly from the outer product. The bulk modulus and shrinkage strain of cement
paste is equivalent to the bulk modulus and shrinkage strain of the effective
K eff
(ε effsh )12 ( f 1 + f 2 )(3K 3 + 4G3 ) + K 3ε 3sh (1 − f 1 − f 2 )(3K eff
+ 4G3 )
ε sh
eff = (3.40)
K 3 (3K eff
+ 4G3 ) − 4( f 1 + f 2 )( K 3 − K eff
( f 1 + f 2 )( K eff
− K3 )
K eff = K 3 + (3.41)
1 + (1 − f 1 − f 2 )(( K eff
− K 3 ) /( K 3 + 4G3 / 3))
( f 1 /( f 1 + f 2 ))( K 1 − K 2 )
K eff
= K2 + (3.43)
1 + (1 − f 1 /( f 1 + f 2 ))((K 1 − K 2 ) /( K 2 + 4G 2 / 3))
in which, f1, f2 and f3 are the volume fraction of phases 1, 2 and 3, K1, K2 and K3 are
the bulk modulus of phases 1, 2 and 3, G1, G2 and K3 are the shear modulus of phases
1, 2 and 3 and ε 1sh , ε 2sh and ε 3sh are the shrinkage of phases 1, 2 and 3.
(Neubauer et al. 1997), it was found that the shrinkage of the phase 1 (unhydrated
cement particles, calcium hydroxide crystals and other crystalline products) is very
small and can be neglected ( ε 1sh =0). Also, It was found that the shrinkage of phase 2
(inner hydration products) in the range of relative humidity between 30% and 100%
is very small and can be neglected ( ε 2sh =0). As a results Eq. (3.42) vanishes and Eq.
(3.40) becomes:
The volume fraction of the three phases f1 (solid core), f2 (inner hydration
products) and f3 (outer hydration products) can be calculated using Jenning and
Some of the elastic properties (bulk modulus, K and shear modulus, G) for the
Jennings (1997), in which the elastic properties were evaluated based on the elastic
studied using one of the two alternatives. The first alternative is to consider that the
stresses or strains induced by drying shrinkage are one of the driving forces, and thus,
there will be an additional term in the diffusion equation, which corresponds to the
effect of stresses and strains (Majorana and Mazars 1997). The second alternative is
to consider the effect of the drying shrinkage on the two material parameters of the
diffusion equation, Eq. (3.5), i.e. moisture capacity and moisture diffusion coefficient.
In this case, the stress or strain is not appeared explicitly in the diffusion equation, but
incorporated into the diffusion equation by two different methods. For the moisture
diffusion coefficient, we consider that the effect of the damage can be treated by a
way similar to the degradation in the secant modulus of elasticity, where the
parameter. For the moisture capacity, we consider that the effect of the damage can
where one of the influential factors to the heat capacity is the coefficient of thermal
Let us first consider the drying shrinkage of a concrete layer, which can be
perpendicular to the plane, and the stresses in y and z direction are equal and can be
written as:
σ x = τ xy = τ xz = 0 (3.45)
γ xy = γ xz = 0 (3.46)
z z
y x
Fig. 3.7: Plane stress problem.
τ yz = 0 and γ yz = 0 (3.47)
The total strain is the summation of the mechanical strain and the shrinkage strain:
ε xt = ε xm + ε sh
ε ty = ε ym + ε sh (3.48)
ε = ε + ε sh
The shrinkage strain can be written in a similar form to the thermal strain as follows:
∆ε sh = β sh ∆H (3.49)
ε ym = −ε sh
ε zm = −ε sh
The stresses in y and z direction are equal and can be written as:
σ y =σz = ε sh (3.51)
1 −υ
where, E s is the secant elastic modulus and υ is the Poissons’ ratio of concrete. The
secant elastic modulus can be written in terms of the scalar damage parameter, d as
E s = (1 − d )E o (3.52)
where, E o is the initial tangent elastic modulus of concrete? Combining Eq. (3.51)
and (3.52)
(1 − d )E o
σy =σz = ε sh (3.53)
Since drying shrinkage produce tensile volumetric strains (εx=εy=εz=εsh), the scalar
damage parameter, d can be written in terms of the shrinkage strain (εsh) using a
tensile stress-strain relationship of concrete, and so Eq. (3.53) can be rewritten as:
σy =σz =
(1 − d (ε sh ) )Eo ε
Eo ⎛ ∂d ⎞
dσ y = dσ z = ⎜⎜ [1 − d (ε sh ) ] − ε sh ⎟⎟ dε sh (3.55)
1−υ ⎝ ∂ε sh ⎠
Starting from a certain time step, n where the stress and the strain are known, the
stress and the strain at the time n+1 can be written as:
ε shn +1 = ε shn + dε sh
σ yn +1 = σ yn + dσ y (3.56)
σ yn +1 = σ yn + dσ y
The scalar damage model, was first introduced by Kachanov (1958), based on
the assumption that the area (or the volume) with damage cannot hold any load, so,
there is a reduction in the effective cross section area as loading level increase, which
same concept, we can assume that, for moisture diffusion in concrete, the damaged
area (or volume) cannot resist the penetration of moisture. So, there is also a
reduction in the effective cross section area, which can be generally expressed as an
damage on the moisture diffusion coefficient, DH, can be expressed in terms of the
D H (H )
D H (H , d ) = (3.57)
1− d
in which, DH(H) is the diffusion coefficient of intact of intact concrete, and DH(H,d)
First, we compare the similarities between the effect of thermal stress on heat
capacity of composite and the effect of drying shrinkage stress on moisture capacity.
Eq. (3.5) for moisture diffusion has the same form as the equation for heat
Ct = div[ K T grad (T )] (3.58)
constitutive equations for thermal stress, Eq. (3.59), and the constitutive equations for
σ ij = Cijkl ε ij − α ijθ ) (3.59)
σ ij = Cijkl εij − βij η ) (3.60)
in which σij = stress tensor; εij = strain tensor; Cijkl = elastic tensor; αij = coefficients
temperature in Kelvin from the reference state T , T = T + θ ; η is the change of
pressure from the reference state p0, p=p0+η, where p0 = reference pressure in Pa.
moisture transfer are obvious: αij verses βij; KT verses DH; and Ct verses ∂w/∂H. The
idea of the comparative study is that the composite models developed for heat
moisture transfer. Based on Eqs. (3.58) and (3.59), the effect of thermal strain on
heat capacity has been determined by Rosen and Hashin (1970) using a generalized
method based on extreme energy principle. Rosen and Hashin model turned out to be
the only model for the effect of thermal strain on effective heat capacity. Similarly,
using Eqs. (3.5) and (3.60) together with the extreme energy principle, Xi (1995a and
1995b) derived an analytical model for the effect of shrinkage strain on moisture
⎛ ⎞ ⎡ _ ⎤
⎜ ⎟ ⎢⎛⎜ 1 ⎞⎟ 1 ⎥
p ⎜ βi − βm ⎟
n, p = n, p + 9
p p
⎢⎜ ⎟− ⎥
RT 0 ⎜ 1 1 ⎟ ⎢⎜ K ⎟ K ⎥
⎜ − ⎟
⎝ Km Ki ⎠ ⎢⎣⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦
n −n =
,p C ijkl β ij β kl (3.62)
RT 0
⎛ _ ⎞
⎜ 1 ⎟ gm gi
n = gmn
, pm + gin p
, pi and ⎜⎜ K ⎟⎟ = K + K (3.63)
m i
⎝ ⎠
p v
in which n, p is the moisture capacity at constant stress in moles/m3, n, p is the
moisture capacity at constant deformation in moles/m3; the subscript p means that the
per volume of the composite material; subscript m is for matrix and i for inclusion;
n,ppm and n,ppi are the moisture capacities at constant stress for matrix and inclusion,
Eqs. (3.61) through (3.63) are general expressions for moisture capacities of two
are needed.
First of all, the distinction between the moisture capacities at constant stress
and constant deformation has not been directly identified by experiments, especially
nor constant stress. After a detailed analysis, Xi (1995a) concluded that the
v p
difference between n, p and n, p are negligible, which means n,vp ≈ n,pp = n, p .
Superscripts v and p may be dropped. Furthermore, all adsorption test data and
shrinkage coefficients for concrete have been obtained in terms of relative humidity H
rather than pore pressure p, hence, Eq. (3.61) must be expressed in terms of H, too. H
⎧ ⎛ ⎞
⎡ _ ⎤⎫
⎪ ⎜ ⎟ ⎢⎜ 1 ⎟ 1 ⎥ ⎪⎪
⎛ ⎞
∂w ⎛ ∂w ⎞
=⎜ ⎟
⎪ H0
+ ψ ⎨9 ⎜ βi − βm ⎟ ⎢⎜ ⎟− ⎥⎬
∂H ⎝ ∂H ⎠ avg ⎜ 1 1 ⎟ ⎢⎜ K ⎟ K ⎥ ⎪ (3.64)
⎪ RT
⎜ − ⎟
⎪ ⎝ Km Ki ⎠ ⎢⎣⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎪
⎩ ⎭
the effect of shrinkage as shown in Eq. (3.9); β i and β m are in terms of η, which
now stands for the change of relative humidity H, and ψ is a factor used to convert
the units of the second term in the right hand side of Eq. (3.61) from mole/m3 to
gram/gram. In Eq. (3.64), all material parameters are for an individual phase (either
cement paste or aggregate) except K, which is the effective bulk modulus of concrete.
composite model. In the present study, we used the so-called three-phase model
(Christensen 1979)
g i (K i − K m )
K = Km +
Ki − Km (3.65)
1+ gm
K m + Gm
where Gm = shear modulus of the matrix (cement paste) in Pa. As one can see
from Eq. (3.64), the moisture capacity of concrete is not just the weighted average of
the moisture capacities of the matrix and the inclusion, it depends strongly on the
In the case that the shrinkages of the inclusion and matrix are the
same, the second term in Eq. (3.64) vanishes, which means that there is no coupling
effect. Otherwise, the coupling effect must be taken into account. For concrete,
β m ≥ β i and K i ≥ K m (the matrix shrinks more than the inclusion and the inclusion is
stronger than the matrix), the additional term depends strongly on shrinkage values of
the constituent phases. With increasing β m β i the value of the additional term
increases drastically. Numerical analyses by Xi (1995a and 1995b) showed that the
influence of the shrinkage ratio is more significant than that of the ratio of bulk
modulus, and furthermore, the second term in the right hand side of Eq. (3.64) is
shrinkage between the two constituent phases increases the moisture capacity of the
the previous sections was implemented and solved in a computer program. The
moisture diffusion was solved using the Alternating-Direction Implicit (ADI) finite
difference method discussed in section 3.3.2. The drying shrinkage was modeled
concrete slab similar to the slab shown in Fig. (3.1) was analyzed. The concrete has a
water-cement ratio (w/c) of 0.55, aggregate volume fraction (gi) of 0.65, average
compressive strength (28 days) of 34 MPa and moist cured for 28 days before drying.
The slab, which is initially saturated (Hini=100%), is exposed to drying on the top
shrinkage is taken into account through the scalar damage parameter. The hygral
stresses are calculated based on the assumption of plane stress for concrete. The
tensile stress strain curve used in the example is the one suggested by Zhen-hai and
Xiu-qin (1987) and it is shown in Fig. (3.8). The graph shows that the strain-strain
with α = 0.312 f t ' 2 and β = 1.7, where f t ' is the ultimate tensile stress in (MPa).
f =
Tensile stress, f
Eo = 4700 f'
ε tu = 44x10 -6 ft'
Tensile strain, ε t
The variation of the pore relative humidity (H), shrinkage strain (εsh), scalar
damage parameter (d) and hygral stresses (σy or σz) with the depth from the exposure
surface (top surface) are shown in Figs. (3.9) through (3.12). From Fig. (3.9), we can
see that the drying process becomes slower for concrete at deeper locations from the
exposed surface. The shrinkage is related to the moisture loss, and as a result the
exterior part of concrete slab has larger strain as shown in Fig. (3.10). The build up of
strains near the exposed surface results in more degradation of the elastic modulus
and thus more damage is expected in the exterior skin of concrete and the damage
become less as going deeper from the exposed surface as shown in Fig. (3.11). The
hygral stresses are tensile stresses produced by the restraining of the drying shrinkage
by interior concrete, which shrinks less. Fig. (3.12), shows that stresses are larger in
the outer skin of the concrete and they vanish as going deeper. Therefore, the drying
process, drying shrinkage, the local damage and hygral stresses in the concrete
structural members are related to their surface area-volume ratio. Shallow structural
members such as slabs, decks and walls have larger surface area with respect to their
volume, and thus are subjected to more moisture loss and more deterioration due to
drying shrinkage. On the other hand, other structural members of less surface area
with respect to their volume have less drying shrinkage and the damage is limited
0.95 t = 1 month
t = 2 months
0.9 t = 4 months
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Depth (cm)
400 t = 1 month
Shrinkage strain, ε sh (microstrain)
t = 2 months
350 t = 4 months
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Depth (cm)
0.7 t = 1 month
t = 2 months
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Depth (cm)
Hygral stress, σy or σz (MPa)
t = 1 month
0.5 t = 2 months
t = 4 months
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Depth (cm)
The variation of pore relative humidity, the shrinkage strain, the scalar
damage parameter and the hygral stresses with time of exposure are shown in Figs.
(3.13) through (3.16). The time of exposure is started after the curing period of
concrete. Fig. (3.13) shows the drying processes at different depths in the concrete.
One can see that the rate of drying is higher near the exposed surface. A 20% drop in
the relative humidity occurred approximately within the first 5 days of exposure at 1
Fig. (3.14) shows that the variations of shrinkage in the concrete specimen at different
depths with increasing time of exposure. It shows that, the rate of the strain
accumulation increases with an increase of exposure time. The strain reaches 0.0001
cm depth. The difference in the shrinkage strain at different depths (i.e. local strain
gradient) results in shrinkage stress and the local damage. Fig. (3.15) shows the
increase of the scalar damage parameter due to the shrinkage stress. From the figure
we can see the damage starts approximately after 5 days at 1 cm depth, 40 days at 3
cm depth and 70 days at 5 cm depth. Also the figure shows that a 40% loss in the
(3.16), shows the stress history at different depths in the concrete. The stress in
depth, 105 days at 3 cm depth and 135 days at 5 cm depth. Based on these numerical
results, we can see that long period of drying should be avoided. This is especially
important for shallow structures and early age concrete, where the effect of drying
becomes very severe and the damage due to drying reduces the service life of the
concrete structures.
Depth = 1.0 cm
0.9 Depth = 3.0 cm
Pore relative humidity, H
Depth = 5.0 cm
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time (days)
Depth = 1.0 cm
Depth = 3.0 cm
Shrinkage strain, ε sh (microstrain)
Depth = 5.0 cm
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time (days)
Hygral stress, σy or σz (MPa)
1 Depth = 1.0 cm
Depth = 3.0 cm
0.5 Depth = 5.0 cm
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time (days)
reaches 5 cm or more in the concrete, which is the thickness of concrete cover in most
of concrete structures. Of course, the depth of softening front depends on the concrete
The drying shrinkage creates local damage in concrete, which is taken into
account by the scalar damage parameter. The effect of the damage on the diffusion of
moisture is taken into account by the two models developed in the present study for
the moisture diffusion coefficient and the moisture capacity. Figs. (3.17) and (3.18)
show the coupling effect: profiles of the relative humidity and shrinkage strain in the
concrete at different exposure times with and without considering the effect of the
damage. The starting point of the profiles is from the exposed surface. In Fig. (3.17),
all curves eventually reach the equilibrium distribution of 50%, which is the
environmental relative humidity. One can see that the humidity profiles including the
which indicates that the shrinkage-induced damage accelerates the diffusion process
and increases the rate of drying. In turn, as shown in Fig. (3.18), the accelerated
drying process increases the shrinkage strain. For example, comparing the two curves
exposed after three months with and without the damage, the curve with the damage
is much higher. One can also see that, at a fixed depth (say 4 cm), the incremental
shrinkage strain with the damage (e.g. the difference between one month and three
months) is much higher than the corresponding increment without the damage, which
indicates that the rate of drying shrinkage is increased due to the damage.
Figs. (3.17) and (3.18) show very clear that there is an active interplay between
the drying process and the resulting shrinkage. Basically the moisture loss causes
drying shrinkage, which generates the damage. In turn, the damage increases
Pore relative humidity, H
1 month (Damage Considerd)
0.4 3 months
6 months
1 month (Damage Not Considerd)
0.3 3 months
6 months
0 2 4 6 8 10
Depth (cm)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Depth (cm)
The water-cement ratio affects both moisture diffusion and drying shrinkage of
shown by Figs. (3.19) and (3.20). The figures show the time variation of the internal
relative humidity and shrinkage strains at two different depths from the exposed
surface (1 cm and 3 cm) for two different water-cement ratios (0.45 and 0.65). Both
figures show that as the water-cement ratio increases the rate and the magnitude of
drying increases, thus resulting in larger shrinkage strains and higher rate of
which, accelerates the moisture diffusion and thus increases the rate of drying.
w/c = 0.45
w/c = 0.65
at 3 cm depth
at 1 cm depth
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (days)
w/c = 0.45
w/c = 0.65
ε sh (microstrains)
at 1 cm depth
at 3 cm depth
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (days)
The aggregate volume fraction in concrete affects both moisture diffusion and
drying of concrete is shown by Fig. (3.21). The figure shows the variation of relative
humidity with time at two different depths from the exposed surface (1 cm and 3 cm)
for two different aggregate volume fractions (0.55 and 0.75). From the figure, one
can see that adding more aggregate to concrete decreases the rate and the magnitude
of the loss of relative humidity. In general, aggregate has lower diffusion coefficient
than cement paste, which is mainly due to the discontinuity in pore system of
moisture diffusion coefficient. At the same time, more aggregate in concrete makes
the flow paths longer and more tortuous, which also help to reduce the diffusion
coefficient of concrete.
Fig. (3.22). The figure shows the time variation of shrinkage strain at two different
depths from the exposed surface (1 and 3 cm) for two different aggregate volume
fractions (0.55 and 0.75). The graph shows that addition of more aggregate to
concrete decreases the rate and the magnitude of the shrinkage of concrete. This can
gi = 0.55
0.9 gi = 0.75
0.6 at 1 cm depth
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (days)
gi = 0.55
700 gi = 0.75
ε sh (microstains)
at 1 cm depth
at 3 cm depth
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (days)
3.7 Conclusions
1. The interactive effect of moisture diffusion and drying shrinkage in concrete was
studied systemically in this chapter. Multiscale modeling (at micro-, meso- and
macro-scale) was used for modeling the moisture diffusion and drying shrinkage
composite with the aggregate as inclusion and the cement paste as matrix. At the
material parameters in the moisture diffusion equation, i.e. the moisture capacity
stress or strain is not shown in the diffusion equation as an explicit driving force,
potential energy principle for a two-phase composite. The influence of the drying
the two constituent phases: the aggregate and the cement paste. When the two
shrinkage coefficients are the same, the moisture capacity of the concrete is
simply the volumetric average of the moisture capacities of the two components;
when the two shrinkage coefficients are different, the coupling effect must be
taken into account. With increasing differential shrinkage, the moisture capacity
of concrete increases.
5. A numerical solution for the moisture diffusion equation, taken into account the
Direction Implicit (ADI) finite difference method. The solution is stable and
6. The present model can predict the basic trend for the coupling effect between the
differential shrinkage between the aggregate and the cement paste increases the
7. The present model can predict the effects of water-cement ratio and aggregate
volume fraction on the drying shrinkage of concrete, the moisture diffusion and
the coupling effect between the two. Both water-cement ratio and aggregate
volume fraction have major impact on the internal humidity distribution and
4.1 Introduction
There are mainly three driving forces of the ingress of chloride ions in non-
saturated concrete. The first driving force is the non-uniform distribution of chloride
ions, which is important for both saturated and non-saturated concrete. The second
driving force is the diffusion of moisture, which is important in the case of non-
saturated concrete. The third driving force is the ionic migration driven by an electric
potential gradient, which is important only in some special cases. The rapid chloride
permeability test in ASTM C1202 and AASHTO T277 involves the effect of the
second and the third driving forces, but not the first one. AASHTO T259-80 (90-day
ponding test) involves the first and the second driving forces, but not the third one. In
reality, the dominant driving forces for chloride penetration in the concrete of
highway pavements and bridge decks are the first and the second ones, i.e. moisture
concrete. The review of the available literature on this topic shows that there have
been two ways for formulating the chloride penetration in concrete. One is based on
the conventional diffusion theory at the macroscopic level, that is, Fick's first law and
mass conservation (Saetta et al., 1993; Frey et al., 1994; Wee et al., 1997;
Einstein equation (Andrade 1993 and Chatterji 1994). A new chloride penetration
model has recently been developed for saturated concrete (Xi and Bazant, 1999; Xi et
al., 2000) using the multiscale modeling approach (Xi and Jennings, 1997). In this
model, the conventional diffusion theory was used to formulate the diffusion equation
at the macroscopic level (for the so-called representative volume element); and the
composite theory was used at the mesoscopic level to incorporate the effect of
mechanisms of chloride ions were taken into account at the microscopic level. The
comprehensive model can be used to simulate and to predict the chloride diffusion in
concrete. Their model includes the effect of moisture transport due to concentration
Costa and Appleton (1999) presented simplified models for predicting diffusion
coefficient for chloride ions, surface chloride concentration and their dependence on
the exposure time, exposure conditions and concrete properties. Saetta et al. (1993)
analyzed the diffusion of chloride ions in non-saturated concrete. The non-linear and
coupled partial differential equations were solved using the finite element method.
The solution took into account several factors involved in the partial differential
equations and their dependence on the concrete mix parameters and the
environmental conditions.
saturated concrete was developed. This work is a continuation and further extension
of the research work of Xi and Bazant (1999) for the chloride penetration in saturated
concrete. The framework of the model is along the line of the multiscale modeling
(Xi et al., 2000). The coupled moisture and chloride diffusion is a complex problem;
it is not uncommon to find mathematical models with too many empirical parameters
parameters are lost. Our strategy is to establish the material models based on
analytical results first, and if not possible, empirical models are introduced based on
dominant physical or chemical mechanism(s) at different scale levels, and then each
method is used to solve for the coupled partial differential equations of chloride
First of all, the governing equations representing the three driving forces for the
chloride diffusion must be established. When chloride ions enter concrete, some of
the chlorides react chemically with the cement paste components (like the reaction
with C3A and C4AF to form Friedels salt) and become chemically bound and some
become physically adsorbed to the cement gel or physically trapped in gel pores or
capillary pores. These chlorides are called bound chloride, while the others, called
free chloride, diffuse around in concrete. The sum of the two types of chloride is the
total chloride content in the concrete. Apparently, the steel corrosion is related only
to the free chloride content not to the total chloride content, because the bound
chloride is not free to move and never reaches the surface of embedded steel bars.
terms of the free chloride concentration. Similarly, for the second driving force of the
diffusion process (i.e. the moisture diffusion), the moisture flux can only carry the
The flux of chloride ions (J) through a unit area of porous media in a unit time
(in gram of free chloride per gram of concrete, g/g), Dele = ionic diffusion coefficient
The mass balance of chloride ions can be expressed using Fick’s second law
as follows:
dCt dw
= − div ( J ) + µC f (4.2)
dt dt
in which Ct = total chloride concentration (in gram of total chloride per gram of
concrete, g/g); w = moisture content of concrete (in gram of moisture per gram of
concrete, g/g) and µ is a unit conversion factor for converting the unit of the second
term in the right hand side of Eq. (4.2) to gram of chloride per gram of concrete.
µ = 1/(ρsol βsol), where ρsol is the density of pore solution in gram of pore solution per
liter, and βsol is the ratio of the volume of pore solution to the weight of concrete. βsol
will be explained in detail in later sections. By substituting Eq. (4.1) into Eq. (4.2)
and decoupling the free chloride concentration (Cf) from the total chloride
concentration (Ct), the Partial Differential Equation (PDE), that governs the diffusion
∂Ct ∂Ct ∂C f ∂w
= = div [ DCl grad (C f )] + µ C f + div [ Dele grad (φ )] (4.3)
∂t ∂C f ∂t ∂t
in which, one can see clearly that the first term in the right hand side represents the
(concentration gradient); the second term is for the diffusion of moisture, which
serves as a carrier of the chloride ions; and the third term describes the migration of
∂w/∂t in the second term of the governing PDE involves the diffusion of moisture,
∂w ∂w ∂H
= = div [ DH grad ( H )] (4.4)
∂t ∂H ∂t
diffusion coefficient.
It is important to note that the third term in Eq. (4.3) becomes important only
when a strong external electric potential is imposed on the concrete member, as in the
case of cathodic protection. This term will not be investigated in the present work
and will be dropped from the governing equation, Eq. (4.3). Thus the penetration of
∂w ∂w ∂H
= = div [ DH grad ( H )] (4.5)
∂t ∂H ∂t
∂C t ∂C t ∂C f ∂w
= = div [ DCl grad (C f )] + µ Cf (4.6)
∂t ∂C f ∂t ∂t
In order to develop numerical solutions for the governing equations, Eqs. (4.5)
and (4.6), the material parameters involved in the equations must be determined first.
The material parameters are the moisture capacity (∂w/∂H) and the humidity diffusion
coefficient (DH) in Eq. (4.5), chloride binding capacity (∂Cf/∂Ct) and the chloride
diffusion coefficient (Dcl) in Eq. (4.5). The moisture capacity and the humidity
diffusion coefficient are discussed in the previous chapter (chapter 3). The chloride
binding capacity and the chloride diffusion coefficient will be discussed in this
The total chloride concentration, Ct, is the summation of the free chloride
concentration, Cf, and the bound chloride concentration, Cb
Ct = C f + Cb (4.7)
The chloride binding capacity is the ratio between the change of free chloride
concentration and the total chloride concentration. The chloride binding capacity can
be expressed as follows:
dC f 1
= (4.8)
dCt dCb
dC f
The ratio dCb/dCf can be obtained experimentally. Based on available test data, a
prediction model for the binding capacity has been developed based on Freundlich
dC 1
A −1
dC t A 10 β C − S − H ⎛
Cf ⎞
1+ ⎜ ⎟
35450 β sol ⎜⎝ 35 .45 β sol ⎟
where, A and B are two material constants related to chloride adsorption and equal to
0.3788 and 1.14, respectively (Tang and Nilson 1993). The binding capacity depends
on the two parameters, βsol and βC-S-H (Xi and Bazant, 1999).
The parameter βsol, as explained for Eq. (4.2), is the ratio of pore solution to
concrete (L/g). This parameter reflects the effect of the structure of hydration
Vsol wsol n( H , T )
β sol = = = (4.10)
wconc ρ sol wconc ρ sol
in which Vsol and wsol are the volume and the weight of pore solution, wconc is
the weight of concrete, ρsol = density of the pore solution in (g/L) and it depends on
the chloride concentration. For simplicity, ρsol can be used as the density of the pore
water. The weight ratio of pore solution to concrete (wsol/wcoc) is the so-called
and the pore structure of concrete. Because of the lack of experimental results on the
chloride adsorption isotherms for concrete, the water adsorption isotherm is used
in which, fcp and fagg are weight percentages of cement paste and aggregates and
ncp(H,T) and nagg(H,T) are the water adsorption isotherms of cement paste and
aggregate. The adsorption isotherm of aggregate and cement paste can be calculated
as shown in Appendix A.
The parameter βC-S-H is the weight ratio of C-S-H gel to concrete (g/g). This
parameter determines the effect of the cement composition and age on the volume
wC − S − H
β C −S −H = (4.12)
in which wC-S-H and wtotal are the weight of C-S-H gel and the total weight of concrete.
Since there is no difference in the densities of the C-S-H gel and the cement paste, the
parameter βC-S-H is approximately equal to fC-S-H and can be calculated using Eq. (B.2)
of Appendix B.
In Eq. (4.9), one can see that, since the parameter A < 1, ∂Cf/∂Ct = 0 when the
free chloride concentration Cf is zero. For saturated concrete, the second term
vanishes in Eq. (4.6), it is apparent that ∂Cf/∂Ct = 0 leads to ∂Cf/∂ t = 0. This means
that Cf is a constant at all time steps, and it equals to the initial free chloride
concentration, which is zero. This means that the chloride diffusion will never start.
This is the problem when Freundlich isotherm is used when the free chloride
valid only when Cf is large (> 0.01 mol/L), and Langmuir isotherm should be used
when Cf is very small (< 0.05 mol/L). Therefore, in the present study, the binding
capacity based on Langmuir isotherm is used for the initial condition with Cf = 0, and
Eq. (4.9) based on Freundlich isotherm is used for Cf > 0. The following is the
1 1 1 1
= + (4.13)
Cb′ k ′Cbm C ′f Cbm
saturated monolayer adsorption (Tang and Nilsson 1993). k’ and Cbm can be
determined by curve fitting based on adsorption test data; C ′b and C ′f are the bound
and free chloride concentrations, respectively, but in a unit system differing from Cb
and Cf. C ′b is in milligrams of bound chloride per gram of calcium silicate hydrate
(C-S-H) gel (mg/g); C ′f is in moles of free chloride per liter of pore solution (mol/L).
The advantage of using such a unit system in Eq. (4.13) is that the resulting Langmuir
concrete, because it is based on the amounts of C-S-H gel and pore solution.
However, for practical engineering problems, it is necessary to use the unit system
defined for Cb and Cf, because the amounts of C-S-H gel and the pore solution vary
with the hydration process and are not easy to measure in conventional laboratories.
Using the two factors, βsol and βC-S-H, as defined in Eqs. (4.10) and (4.12), the two
C ′f = (4.14)
35.45β sol
C′b = (4.15)
β C −S −H
Cb = (4.17)
αC f
in which,
k ′Cbm β C − S − H
α= (4.18)
35450 β sol
β= (4.19)
β C − S − H Cbm
dCb 1
= (4.20)
dC f α (C ) 2 ( β + 1 ) 2
αC f
then, by substituting Eq. (4.20) into Eq. (4.8), we obtain the binding capacity based
on Langmuir isotherm:
dC f 1 1
= = (4.21)
dCt dCb 1
1+ 1+
dC f 1
α ( βC f + ) 2
when the free chloride concentration Cf approaches zero, the binding capacity
approaches to 1/(1+α). α can be calculated from Eq. (4.18). Although α is not a
constant but depends on many parameters, it is definitely a non-zero number.
According to the test data of Tang and Nilsson (1993), 1/ Cbm = 0.1849, and 1/(k’Cbm)
= 0.002438, and thus, k’ = 75.841 and Cbm = 5.4083 are used in the numerical model.
The diffusion coefficient of chloride ions in concrete can be estimated using the
Dcl = f cl f 2 ( g i ) f 3 ( H ) f 4 (T ) f 5 (C f ) (4.22)
in which f1 is a factor that accounts for the effect of water-cement ratio and curing
28 − t0 ⎛ 1 ( 28 − t0 ) ⎞⎛ w ⎞
f cl = +⎜ + ⎟⎜ ⎟ (4.23)
62500 ⎝ 4 300 ⎠⎝ c ⎠
The second factor, f2(gi) is to account for the effect of composite action of the
aggregates and the cement paste on the diffusion coefficient of concrete. This factor
can be formulated using the three phase composite model developed by Christensen
⎛ gi ⎞
f1 ( g i ) = Dcp ⎜1 + ⎟ (4.24)
⎜ [1 − g ] / 3 + 1 /[( D / D ) − 1] ⎟
⎝ i agg cp ⎠
in which, gi is the volume fraction of aggregates in the concrete, Dagg and Dcp are the
diffusivities of aggregates and cement paste, respectively. Both Dagg and Dcp can be
calculated using the general model proposed by Martys (1994) for porous media:
2 1 − (V p − V pc ) ) (V − V pc )
2 p
where, Vp is the porosity, S is the surface area and V pc is the critical porosity (the
porosity at which the pore space is first percolated). When Eq. (4.25) is used for the
diffusion coefficient of cement paste Dcp, Vp, S, and V pc in the equation should be the
parameters for cement paste. The critical porosity V pc may be taken as 3% for cement
estimated by using the water content at saturation, that is, the value of the adsorption
isotherm at H = 100%, ncp(H=1,T), which can be calculated from Eq. (A.1) and
Eqs.(A3) through (A.5) in Appendix A. One must keep in mind that the water
content such calculated is a weight fraction, which must then be converted into the
the cement paste (the estimated value for BSGcp ≈ 2.5). The surface area S of cement
calculated by Eq. (4.28) if the values for the porosity Vp, surface area S and critical
porosity V pc are known; or Dagg can be simply taken as a constant, and a suggested
calculated using equation (4.25) and knowing the values for the porosity Vp, surface
area S and critical porosity V pc or simply may be taken as constant, a suggested value
is 1x10-12 cm/sec.
The third factor, f3(H) is to account for the effect of relative humidity on the
chloride diffusion coefficient. A model proposed by Bazant and Najjar (1972) can be
used, which was developed initially for moisture diffusion. In this work assuming a
full analogy between the moisture and chloride diffusion, the model is used:
⎛ (1 − H ) 4 ⎞
f3 ( H ) = ⎜⎜1 + ⎟
4 ⎟
⎝ (1 − H C ) ⎠
in which Hc is the critical humidity level at which the diffusion coefficient drops
halfway between its maximum and minimum values (Hc = 0.75). Eq. (4.26) is very
important in terms of characterizing the coupling between the moisture diffusion and
the chloride penetration. Numerical examples will be shown later for detailed
The fourth factor, f4(T) is to account for effect of temperature on the diffusion
⎡U ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ ⎤
f 4 (T ) = exp ⎢ ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ ⎥ (4.27)
⎣⎢ R ⎝ T0 T ⎠ ⎦⎥
in which U = the activation energy of the diffusion process, R = gas constant (8.314 J
mol-1K-1), T and T0 are the current and reference temperatures, respectively, in Kelvin
(T0 = 296 K). It was found that the activation energy of the diffusion process
depends on the porosity and cement type (Page et al., 1981). The values of the
activation energy, U, for a cement paste made of ordinary Portland cement are
41.8±4.0 (Kj/mol) for w/c of 0.4, 44.6±4.3 (Kj/mol) for w/c of 0.5 and
The fifth factor, f5(Cf) is to account for the dependence of the chloride
diffusion coefficient on the free chloride concentration. For the diffusion of ions,
especially diffusion of chloride ions in the present study, the movement of ions is
restricted by the electrostatic field induced by the other ions present in the solution
f 5 (C f ) = 1 − k ion (C f ) m (4.28)
in which kion and m are two constants. kion and m were calibrated by Xi and Bazant
The non-linearity of the material parameters involved and the coupling between
the chloride diffusion and the moisture diffusion in the governing equation, Eq. (4.6),
make the numerical solution favorable. In the present study the Alternating-Direction
Implicit (ADI) finite difference method developed by Peaceman and Rachford was
employed for solving the moisture and chloride diffusion problem (Carnahan et al.
1969). A two-dimensional finite difference mesh as shown in Fig. (4.1) was used in
this study. The free chloride concentration, Cf(i,j,n), at different points of the mesh at
consecutive steps.
df ( x, y, t )
[( ) ]
= a( f , x, y, t ) ∇ D( f , x, y, t ) ∇ f ( x, y, t ) + µb( x, y, t ) f ( x, y, t ) (4.29)
Initial Condition
Hini and Cfini 10cm
Boundary Conditions
Henv and Cfenv
As the first step, Eq. (4.29) is solved for the moisture diffusion problem, Eq.
(4.5), with a(f,x,y,t)=dH/dw, D(f,x,y,t) = DH, and b(x,y,t) =0. In the second step, Eq.
(4.29) is solved for the chloride penetration problem, Eq. (4.6), with f(x,y,t)=Cf(x,y,t),
For a two-dimensional finite difference mesh, see Fig. (4.1), Eq. (4.29), can be
rewritten as follows:
df ⎡ ∂ 2 f ∂D ∂f ∂ 2 f ∂D ∂f ⎤
= a ∗ ⎢D ∗ 2 + ∗ + D∗ 2 + ∗ + µb ∗ f ⎥ (4.30)
dt ⎣ ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂y ⎦
Eq. (4.30) by using two difference equations over two successive time-steps each of
duration ∆t/2:
fi*,j − fi ,nj
∆t / 2
= ain, j * Din, jδ x2 fi*,j + δ x Din, jδ x fi*,j + Din, jδ y2 fi ,nj + δ y Din, jδ y fi ,nj + bin, j fi ,nj ] (4.31)
fi ,nj+1 − fi*,j
∆t / 2
= ain, j * Din, jδ x2 fi *,j + δ x Din, jδ x fi *,j + Din, jδ y2 fi ,nj+1 + δ y Din, jδ y fi ,nj+1 + bin, j fi *,j ] (4.32)
in which, δx, δ2x and δy, δ2y are the first and second order central-difference operators
in x and y directions, respectively. Eq. (4.31) is implicit only in x-direction and used
to solve for f i *,j (intermediate value at the end of the first time-step) by knowing
f i ,nj starting from the initial condition. Eq. (4.32) is implicit only in y-direction and
used to solve for f i ,nj+1 (final value at the end of the whole time step) after calculating
The numerical solution algorithm described in the previous section solving for
which is used to solve for the diffusion of chloride ions in partially saturated concrete
slabs. As a numerical example, a 10 cm depth concrete slab similar to the slab shown
in Fig. (4.1) was exposed to 5% chloride solution (8.24% sodium chloride solution)
and 100% relative humidity on the upper. The water-cement ratio of the concrete is
0.6 and the curing period is 28 days. The initial free chloride concentration in the
concrete slab Cfini = 0 and the initial relative humidity in the concrete Hini = 50%.
The variation of free chloride concentration with the depth at different times
of exposure is shown in Fig. (4.2). The depth of penetration is measured from the
exposed surface of the concrete slab. Fig. (4.2), shows that the free chloride
concentration decreases with the increases of the depth from the exposed surface.
The variation of free chloride concentration with the time of exposure at different
depths is shown in Fig. (4.3). The time of exposure starts right after the curing period.
Fig. (4.3) shows that at a fixed depth inside of the concrete slab, the free chloride
x 10
Time = 1 month
= 3 months
Free chloride concentration, C f (g/g)
= 6 months
= 1 year
= 2 years
= 3 years
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Depth from exposed surface (cm)
x 10
Depth = 1 cm
= 2 cm
= 3 cm
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Exposure time (days)
In practice, penetration front of free chloride has often been used, which is
defined as the depth in the concrete where the free chloride concentration equals to a
predetermined value. The location of the penetration front can be plotted against the
time of exposure. In this way, the movement of the penetration front can be used as
an indicator (similar to a tracer), that follows the movement of the chloride from the
exposed surface to inner part of the concrete. Either Fig. (4.2) or Fig. (4.3) can be
used to predict the location of penetration front for a fixed free chloride
exposure; 2.9 cm after three months, 3.7 cm after six months, 4.8 cm after 1 year, 6.4
embedded at the depth of 4 cm, and 0.06% free chloride concentration is the critical
chloride concentration that triggers the onset of steel corrosion, then the relationship
(among the penetration front, time, and depth) can be used to predict the starting point
of the steel corrosion as well as the development of the corrosion process. Therefore,
it provides very useful information about the service life of a concrete structure and
The experimental results obtained from the 90-day ponding test (Andrade and
Whiting 1996) for a concrete slab similar to the concrete slab shown in Fig. (4.1), is
compared with the numerical results obtained in the present study, see Fig. (4.4).
Two types of concrete with different water-cement ratios of 0.4 and 0.6 are compared.
One can see from Fig. (4.4) that the predicted results by the present model agree very
well with the test data for the chloride penetration into partially saturated concrete.
concrete. To study the effect of the moisture diffusion on the diffusion of chloride
chloride solution (8.24% sodium chloride solution) on the top surface. The chloride
diffusion in the concrete slab is analyzed for two different moisture conditions. In
one of the cases, the moisture boundary condition H = 100% on the top surface, the
t (g/g)
w/c = 0.6
Total chloride concentration, C 0.005 w/c = 0.4 (Present)
w/c = 0.6
0 1 2 3 4 5
Depth from exposed surface (cm)
initial pore relative humidity inside the slab is 50%, and therefore, the moisture
diffuses from the top of the slab into the concrete, the same direction as the chloride
diffusion. In the other case, the concrete is fully saturated, and thus, there is only
diffusion occurs. The plots of depth versus free chloride concentration after 1 month,
6 months and 6 years of exposure for the two cases are shown in Fig. (4.5). The plots
of depth versus pore relative humidity after 1 month, 6 months and 6 years of
exposure for the two cases are shown in Fig. (4.6). One can see from Fig. (4.5) that, at
any fixed depth, the free chloride concentration is greater in the partially saturated
concrete (with 50% initial humidity condition). This is due to the coupled moisture
diffusion and chloride penetration, which is shown in the second term of the right
hand side of Eq. (4.6). So, the coupling effect contributes significantly to the chloride
penetration in the partially saturated concrete. The basic trend of the coupling effect
predicted by the present numerical model agrees very well with the test data of
chapter 7. Fig. (4.6) also shows that the contribution of the moisture diffusion to the
chloride penetration becomes less significant as the time of exposure increases. This
is due to that the fact that, the concrete becomes fully saturated after long-term
exposure and so there is no moisture exchange inside the concrete, see Fig. (4.6).
One can see from Fig. (4.6) that, after the long-term exposure of six year, the partially
saturated concrete becomes saturated, and the free chloride concentrations are the
x 10
6 years
1 month
6 months
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Depth from exposed surface (cm)
P ore relative humidity, H
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Depth from exposed surface (cm)
coefficients can handle the effect of concrete mix parameters, such as water-cement
ratio and volume fraction of aggregate. Fig. (4.7) shows the profiles of the free
chloride concentration after 1 year of exposure for a concrete slab made with 70%
aggregate volume fraction and three different water-cement ratios, 0.5, 0.55 and 0.6.
The concrete slab is 10 cm thick and exposed to 5% chloride solution from the top
surface as shown in Fig. (4.1). Fig. (4.7) shows that the higher the water-cement ratio
the higher the free chloride concentration (at a fixed depth and fixed time). This is
due to the fact that both chloride and humidity diffusion coefficients are increased as
x 10
w/c = 0.50
Free chloride concentration, C f (g/g)
= 0.55
= 0.60
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Depth from exposed surface (cm)
Figs. (4.8) and (4.9) show the chloride and the humidity diffusion coefficients
as functions of water-cement ratio, the higher the water-cement ratio, the higher the
diffusion coefficients. This is because the porosity of cement paste is higher with
higher water-cement ratios, and the connectivity of the pore system is also increased
which results in a reduction in the resistance to the diffusions of both moisture and
chloride ions.
-1 0
x 10
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
P ore relative humidity, H
Fig. 4.8: Effect of water cement ratio on the chloride diffusion coefficient.
-1 0
x 10
w/c = 0.4
Humidity diffusion coefficent, D H (m /sec)
1 = 0.5
= 0.6
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
P ore relative humidity, H
concentration is shown in Fig. (4.10). The same concrete slab in the previous example
was used, but the water-cement ratio is fixed as 0.6 and the volume fraction of
aggregate varies, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7. The effects of the volume fraction of aggregate on
the chloride and humidity diffusion coefficients are shown in Figs. (4.11) and (4.12),
in which both chloride and humidity diffusion coefficients decrease with the increase
of aggregate volume fraction. This is resulted from the low diffusivity of aggregate.
0.009 gi = 0.50
= 0.60
Free chloride concentration, C f (g/g)
= 0.70
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Depth from exposed surface (cm)
-1 1
x 10
4.5 gi = 0.50
= 0.60
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
P ore relative humidity, H
Fig. 4.11: Effect of aggregate volume fraction on the chloride diffusion coefficient.
-1 0
x 10
Humidity diffusion coefficent, D H (m /sec)
gi = 0.5
1.8 = 0.6
= 0.7
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
P ore relative humidity, H
4.6 Conclusions
characterizing chloride ion ingress into non-saturated concrete. There are four
capacity are involved in the moisture diffusion equation, and chloride diffusion
coefficient and binding capacity are involved in the chloride penetration equation.
Four material models are developed for the four material parameters based on
related test data, which ensure that each model parameter has distinct physical
2. The model simulates satisfactorily the chloride profiles obtained by the 90-day
ponding test (AASHTO T259–90). The model predictions agree with available
3. The model predicts very well the effect of moisture diffusion on the chloride ion
penetration in partially saturated concrete. The numerical results show that the
4. The material models incorporate the effects of various concrete mix parameters
(such as volume fraction of aggregate and w/c ratio) on the diffusion of chloride
5. The model can be used to predict the onset of steel corrosion in reinforced
concrete structure and thus the service life and the time for rehabilitation.
effective tool for solving the coupled partial differential equations. A two-
5.1 Introduction
is the volume expansion associated with ice formation in the pores of concrete
subjected to freezing and thawing cycles (Philleo 1986). The ice formed in the pores
reduces the effective diffusion coefficient of the concrete, however, excessive volume
concrete, and the cracks accelerate the diffusion of moisture and chloride ions in
The effect of freezing and thawing on concrete durability has been studied
of concrete. Also, they studied the effect of damage caused by freezing and thawing
cycles through the degradation in the compressive strength of concrete. In their study,
they used the benchmark test setup prepared by the Portland Cement Association in
1940. In this test 28 different types of cement were used in a parapet wall panels as
Zuber et al. (2000) conducted a theoretical and experimental study on the ice
modeled the ice formation mechanisms in the pores of concrete based on the
investigate the ice formation in concrete mixes with different water-to-cement ratios.
The test results showed that reducing the water-to-cement ratio resulted in the
refinement of the pore structure and thus reduce the ice formation. Both numerical
modeling and experiments showed that ice formation mechanisms were controlled by
ice front propagation. Also, they concluded that it is difficult to totally impede the ice
Scherer (1999) studied the mechanism of crystallization of ice and the stresses
development on the walls of the pore network of concrete. Those stresses are
controlled by the pore size distribution, the interfacial energy between the pore wall
and the growing crystal and the yield stress or buckling strength of the crystal. The
thermodynamics. One of the main conclusions was that cracking is not due to
isotherm for concrete below 0 oC based on the well known sorption isotherm for
concrete above 0 oC; the formulation of the water diffusion equation in concrete in the
concrete taking into consideration the latent heat of freezing, and prediction of the
Saetta et al. (1998) studied the coupled effect of moisture, heat and pollutant
(e.g., Cl-, (SO4)-2 and CO2) flows through reinforced concrete structures. They
introduced two damage parameters. One is the mechanical damage parameter and it is
deformations, applied loading, fatigue, drying shrinkage and thermal expansion. And
the other is the chemical damage parameter and it is related to the degradation of the
mechanical strength of the material due to the chemical reaction between the
attacking chemical and the cementitious material, and the reinforcement corrosion.
and chloride penetration on concrete was conducted. Two sets of concrete mixes were
used in this study. In one of the sets, the effect of water-cement ratio was studied,
while the effect of aggregate volume fraction was studied in the other set. The
experimental study resulted in the damage values and chloride profiles for especially
thawing and continuous chloride penetration. The obtained experimental results can
mathematical models.
concrete under the coupled action of freezing-thawing and chloride penetration. The
damage was evaluated using two non-destructive testing techniques, the pulse
velocity and the forced resonance methods. In this section, a brief review about the
rubber, wood, concrete and cement-based materials. The ultrasonic methods have
many advantages over the traditional testing methods. In addition to their non-
destructive nature, ultrasonic methods can be applied to in-service inspections and for
early detection of internal flaws and defects inside the material, which can be used as
elastic properties and the existence of air voids and cracks inside the material. Those
characteristics include the pulse velocity, resonant frequency, pulse amplitude and
frequency content. One of the main drawbacks on the pulse velocity method is the
small variation in the pulse velocity with the variation of concrete material
parameters, such as water-cement ratio and aggregate volume fraction, which may
In this study, two indicators were estimated for concrete damage resulted from
the degradation of the initial dynamic modulus of elasticity due to cyclic freezing and
thawing. One was calculated based on the velocity of the compressive pulse wave
traveling through the concrete sample. The other was calculated based on the
the degradation of the initial dynamic modulus of elasticity can be written as follows:
E ddam
d = 1− (5.1)
E do
where, E do = initial or undamaged dynamic elastic modulus and E ddam = dynamic elastic
(1 + µ )(1 − 2 µ )
E d = ρV 2 (5.2)
(1 − µ )
On the other hand, the fundamental resonant frequency (fL in Hz) of longitudinal wave
E d = 4 ρLf L
where, ρ is the material density in (Kg/m3) and L is the length of specimen in (m).
By substituting Eq. (5.2) in Eq. (5.1) and neglecting the effect of damage on the
Poisson’s ratio (µ) and material density (ρ), the damage factor based on the ultrasonic
⎛ V dam ⎞
d = 1− ⎜ o ⎟ (5.4)
⎜ V ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Since, the V-meter (Pulse Velocity Tester) measures the transit time (t in
microseconds), and the pulse velocity, V can be written in terms of transit time (t) and
V = (5.5)
The damage factor can be written in terms of the transit time by substituting Eq. (5.5)
⎛ to ⎞
d = 1 − ⎜ dam ⎟ (5.6)
⎜t ⎟
⎝ ⎠
where, to is the initial transit time and tdam is the transit time of the pulse wave
The damage factor based on the fundamental resonant frequency of longitudinal pulse
⎛ f dam ⎞
d = 1 − ⎜⎜ L 0 ⎟⎟ (5.7)
⎝ fL ⎠
In order to study the effect of freezing and thawing on the chloride penetration,
a specially designed concrete specimen was used for this purpose. As shown in Fig.
specimen were modified from the dimensions of the specimen used in the previous
experiment (30x15x15 cm). The reason for the modification was to maintain the
length to maximum width ratio between 3 and 5. Specimens having the length to
maximum width ratio outside this range are difficult to excite for the fundamental
mode of vibration.
Two sets of specimens were used in this experiment. One set has an aggregate
volume fraction of 0.65 and three different water-cement ratios of 0.45, 0.55 and
0.65. The other set has a water-cement ratio of 0.55, and three different aggregate
volume fractions of 0.55, 0.65 and 0.75. The same concrete mixes used in the
experimental study of chapter 6 (see section 6.2) were used in the current study. The
mix proportions and the compression test results are shown in Table (C.2) of
Appendix C and Table (D.1) of Appendix D. The specimens were casted, remolded
after 24 hours and stored in the moisture room for 28 days. No air-entraining agent
Temperature ( C )
-5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (hour)
The setup for the V-meter (Pulse Velocity Tester) and the concrete sample is
shown in Fig. (5.4). This setup was used to measure the time required for the earliest
part of longitudinal (compression wave) pulse traveling through the concrete sample
from transmitting transducer to receiving transducer. This time is called the transit
The other method was by measuring the fundamental resonant frequency (in
Hz) of a longitudinal wave traveling through concrete sent by a vibrator on one side
of the specimen and received by the pick-up on the other side. The E-meter (Resonant
Frequency Tester) and the concrete sample setup are shown in Fig. (5.5).
profiles for concrete specimens were obtained following the experimental procedure
analysis are shown in Table (E.1) of Appendix E. The mV readings of the known
chloride concentration solutions (0.005%, 0.02%, 0.05% and 0.5%) were taken and
shown in Table (E.2). The calibration curve for standard concentration solutions is
The cracking patterns for the concrete samples after exposed to 400 temperature
cycles of freezing and thawing are shown in Figs. (5.6) through (5.10). Fig. (5.6)
shows the cracking pattern for the top, bottom and the two sides of the concrete
specimen made of mix 46 (0.45 water-cement ratio and 0.65 aggregate volume
fraction). From visual inspection, large number of cracks was noticed but the width
was very small (0.4 mm). There were no cracks on the top surface of the sample
The cracking patterns of the sample made of the concrete mix 56 (have a 0.55
water-cement ratio and 0.65 aggregate volume fraction) are shown in Fig. (5.7). Few
cracks were noticed on the surfaces of the specimen, but their width was larger when
compared to the previous sample (made of mix 46). The average width of the crack
was 1.2 mm and there were no cracks on the top surface of the sample (surface
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 5.6: The concrete sample (46) after it was exposed to the freezing-thawing, a) top
of the sample b) bottom of the sample and c and d) the two sides of the sample.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 5.7: The concrete sample (56) after it was exposed to the freezing-thawing, a) top
of the sample b) bottom of the sample and c and d) the two sides of the sample.
Deep cracks were noticed in the concrete sample prepared from mix 66
(water-cement ratio is 0.65 and aggregate volume fraction is 0.65) as shown in Fig.
(5.8). There were a lot of cracks on the top surface of the sample (surface exposed to
The concrete sample shown in Fig. (5.9) was made of mix 55 in which the
water-cement ratio is 0.55 and the aggregate volume fraction is 0.55. From the
observation of the crack patterns, it was noticed that the cracks are deep and had an
average width of 1.4 mm. Also, large number of cracks was observed on the top
As shown in Fig. (5.10), few but deeper and wider cracks were noticed on the
water-cement ratio=0.55). The average width of the cracks was a 2.6 mm. Few
number of cracks were noticed on the top surface underneath the chloride solution.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 5.8: The concrete sample (66) after it was exposed to the freezing-thawing, a) top
of the sample b) bottom of the sample and c and d) the two sides of the sample.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 5.9: The concrete sample (55) after it was exposed to the freezing-thawing, a) top
of the sample b) bottom of the sample and c and d) the two sides of the sample.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 5.10: The concrete sample (57) after it was exposed to the freezing-thawing, a)
top of the sample b) bottom of the sample and c and d) the two sides of the sample.
The measured transit times of the compression pulse wave and fundamental
resonant frequencies of longitudinal wave before and after the samples were exposed
to the freezing and thawing cycles are presented in Table (5.1). The damage factor
can be calculated either by Eq. (5.6) using the measured transit times or by Eq. (5.7)
using the measured fundamental resonant frequencies. It is clear that 400 cycles of
damage in the concrete, and the damage evaluated by the two methods showed
consistent results. From the comparison of damage factors, as shown in Table (5.1),
the concrete samples prepared from mixes 66, 55 and 57 have the most severe
damage among the five samples. Also, during freezing and thawing of the specimens
while monitoring the test and adding chloride solution, it was noticed the cracking
started earlier and propagated faster in those three samples (samples 66, 55 and 57).
In mix 66, the water-cement ratio was 0.65 and it was the highest among the
three mixes 46, 56 and 66 (see Table C.2 in Appendix C). Increasing water-cement
ratio will introduce more capillary pore and coarsen the pore structure of concrete
which increase the amount of ice formed and accelerate the propagation of ice front.
This effect when combined with the decrease in the strength of concrete resulted in
The effect of aggregate can be evaluated using the present test data. In general,
aggregate has lower permeability than cement paste, therefore, more aggregate in
concrete reduces overall permeability of the concrete. On the other hand, aggregate
has much higher freezing-thawing resistance than cement paste, therefore, more
these two general criteria in mind, we can see from the present test data that
decreasing the aggregate volume fraction (mix 55 compared to mix 56) resulted in
There is another effect caused by the aggregate that may play a role in the
permeability of concrete. With more aggregate added in the concrete mix, there is a
significant increase in interface transition zone (ITZ) between the cement paste and
aggregate. ITZ has more porosity than the bulk cement paste. So, the increased
V-meter E-meter
Mix Transit time (microsec.) Resonant frequency (Hz)
damage damage
before after (%) before after (%)
The calibration curve shown in Fig. (E.4) in Appendix E was used to convert
the mVolt readings to total chloride concentration as shown in Table (5.2). The table
presents the values of the total chloride concentration (as a percentage of concrete
weight) at different depth ranges (from the exposed surface) for concrete samples
made of different concrete mixes exposed to 400 cycles of freezing and thawing.
Each cycle continues for 6 hours and so the total exposure time is 100 days.
The chloride profiles obtained in this study are compared with the profiles
temperature and for the same exposure period (100 days). The comparisons are
shown in Figs. (5.10) through (5.20). One can see that the chloride ions in the
concrete experienced freeze-thaw cycles penetrate in a higher rate, which means that
the progressive damage produced by the cyclic freezing and thawing increases the
chloride penetration. The chloride profiles for damaged (due to cyclic freezing-
thawing) and undamaged specimens made of mixes 46, 56 and 55 shown in Figs.
(5.11) through (5.14) present that the concentrations in the damaged concrete is
approximately doubled in the depth range of 0-19 mm and the concentrations are
much higher in the depth range from 19-44 mm. Fig. (5.15), shows that even though
specimen 57 experienced severe damage, the chloride concentration did not increase
significantly. This is due to the high content of aggregate, which decreases diffusivity
0-6 6-13 13-19 19-25 25-32 32-38 38-45
Depth range (mm)
Fig. 5.11: Chloride profiles for the concrete specimens made of mix 46
Chloride conc. (% by concrete weight)
0-6 6-13 13-19 19-25 25-32 32-38 38-45
Depth range (mm)
Fig. 5.12: Chloride profiles for the concrete specimens made of mix 56
0-6 6-13 13-19 19-25
Depth range (mm)
Fig. 5.13: Chloride profiles for the concrete specimens made of mix 66
Chloride conc. (% by concrete weight)
0-6 6-13 13-19 19-25 25-32 32-38
Depth range (mm)
Fig. 5.14: Chloride profiles for the concrete specimens made of mix 55
0-6 6-13 13-19
Depth range (mm)
Fig. 5.15: Chloride profiles for the concrete specimens made of mix 57
5.5 Conclusions
Damage (%) C dam
t /C undam
Mix based on at depth range
pulse resonant 0-19 19-44 width
depth density connectivity
velocity frequency mm mm (mm)
46 67 75 1.5 11 0.4 small high high
56 46 70 2.2 7 1.2 small low low
66 84 96 2.1 - 2 large low low
55 85 99 1.6 19 1.4 large high high
57 81 99 1.3 - 2.6 large low high
The following can be concluded from the analysis of the experimental results:
of the crack network. The chloride penetration is not only related to the level of
damage and crack width, but also to the crack density and connectivity.
2. The damage factors of concrete was measured by the pulse velocity (V-meter) and
the resonant frequency (E-meter). After 400 temperature cycles, the damage
3. The damage and cracking increase the permeability and accelerate the chloride
4. The damage and cracking resulted in a higher chloride penetration at larger depth
from exposed surface. This effect becomes very important in bridge decks, where
chloride penetration towards the reinforcing bars would increase the concentration
and thus exceeds the threshold value causing corrosion of steel bars.
5. The concrete material parameters such as aggregate volume fraction and water-
6.1 Introduction
structure, which can characterized by the morphology of the pore structure, including
the total porosity, pore size distribution, spatial distribution of pores, shape,
connectivity and tortuosity of the pores network. These characteristics are controlled
parameters; the water-cement ratio and the aggregate volume fraction, on the chloride
Mangat and Molloy, 1995; Saetta et all., 1993; Collepardi et. al., 1972; Arya et al.
1990; Midgley and Illston, 1986). All studies show that increasing water-cement ratio
increases the capillary porosity of concrete and thus accelerates moisture diffusion
and chloride penetration. Swaddiwudhipong et al. (2000) found that lowering water-
the moisture and chloride diffusion coefficients and improving the resistance to
chloride ingress in concrete. Suryavanshi et al. (1998) found that concrete mixes with
high water-cement ratio (0.75) have lower resistance to chloride penetration. While
concrete with lower water-cement ratio (0.45 and 0.60) have higher resistance to
chloride penetration. Mangat and Molloy (1995) reported an increase in the amount
adding a low diffusion phase (aggregate) and also makes the flow paths longer and
tortuous (Bentz et al., 1998; Bentz, 2000). Thus, increasing volume fraction of
prepared. Two sets of specimens were prepared. One set had the same aggregate
volume fraction (0.65), three different water-cement ratios (0.45, 0.55 and 0.65) and
identified as mixes 46, 56 and 66, respectively. The other set had three different
aggregate volume fractions (0.55, 0.65 and 0.75), the same water-cement ratio (0.55)
and identified as mixes 55, 56 and 57, respectively. Basically, the first digit of the
volume fraction.
Since mix 56 (with 0.55 water-cement ratio and 0.65 aggregate volume
fraction) is a common mix in the two sets, five different concrete mixes were
prepared. The proportions of the five mixes are shown in Table (C.1) of Appendix C.
In order to keep a constant volume fraction of aggregate for mixes 46, 56 and 66, the
increase in the weight of mixing water was compensated by a decrease in the weight
of cement. In mixes 55, 56 and 57, the increase in volume fraction of aggregate was
keep the water-cement ratio constant. As a result, the effect of another material
parameter, i.e. cement content was included in this experimental study. Three
specimens of each mix were casted, demolded after 24 hours and stored in a moist
room for 28 days. The total number of concrete specimens was 15.
(four sides) 15c
8% NaCl
(two sides)
3 0c m
The compression test results for the five concrete mixes is shown in Table (D.1)
in Appendix D. The table shows that the compressive strength decreases with an
increase in the water-cement ratio. It also shows a small variation in the strength with
After 28 days of moist curing, the samples were insulated on all surfaces but the
top surface, as shown in Fig. (6.1). Then exposed to 8% sodium chloride (NaCl)
solution on the top surface and stored in a controlled temperature and humidity
conditions for 50, 100 and 200 days as shown in Fig. (6.2). Chloride solution level on
the top surface was monitored and kept constant during the ponding period.
scheduled chloride ponding (50, 100 and 200 days) were obtained following the
the electrochemical analysis after 50, 100 and 200 days of exposure are shown in
Tables (E.3, E.4 and E.5) of Appendix E, respectively. The mV readings of the
known chloride concentration solutions (0.005%, 0.02%, 0.05% and 0.5%) were
taken and shown in Table (E.6). The calibration curves for the standard concentration
The calibration curves shown in Fig. (E.5) were used to convert the mV
The chloride profiles after 50, 100 and 200 days of exposure for different water-
cement ratios 0.45, 0.55 and 0.65 (mixes 46, 56 and 66) are shown in Figs. (6.1)
through (6.3). The comparisons of chloride penetration profiles for mixes 46 and 56
after 50, 100 and 200 of exposure are shown in Figs. (6.3), (6.4) and (6.5),
respectively. One can see that increasing water-cement ratio from 0.45 to 0.55
resulted in a large increase in chloride concentration and this is due to the increase in
the capillary porosity and thus chloride penetration. This is correct except for the
chloride profile obtained from the specimen made of concrete mix 46 after 200 days
of exposure (see Fig. 6.5), where poor compaction of the concrete mix resulted in
high porosity and thus increase the chloride penetration. The poor compaction of mix
lowering mixing water should be compensated by adding high range water reducers
for better workability of the mix. But, in the present study, we decided that no
mixes 46 and 56 with the specimen made of mix 66 show that for all exposure periods
(50, 100 and 200 days), the chloride penetration in mix 66 is larger. This is true
expect in the depth range from 0 to 19 mm in which the specimens were exposed to
chloride solution for 50 and 100 days as shown by Figs. (6.3) and (6.4). In which,
segregation of aggregates away from the exposed surface, as shown in Fig. (6.6),
resulted in high porosity of the concrete in this depth range. The segregation of
aggregates in mix 66 is due to the higher amount of water in the concrete mix.
Table 6.1: Chloride concentration for different (w/c) after 50 days exposure time.
w/c = 0.45
0-6 6-13 13-19 19-25 25-32
Depth range (mm)
Fig. 6.3: Chloride profiles for different (w/c) after 50 days exposure time.
Table 6.2: Chloride concentration for different (w/c) after 100 days exposure time.
Chloride conc. (% by concrete weight) w/c = 0.45
w/c = 0.55
w/c = 0.65
0-6 6-13 13-19 19-25 25-32 32-38 38-45 45-51
Depth range (mm)
Fig. 6.4: Chloride profiles for different (w/c) after 100 days exposure time.
Table 6.3: Chloride concentration for different (w/c) after 200 days exposure time.
1.8 w/c = 0.45
Chloride conc. (% by concrete weight) w/c = 0.55
w/c = 0.65
0-6 6-13 13-19 19-25 25-32 32-38 38-45
Depth range (mm)
Fig. 6.5: Chloride profiles for different (w/c) after 200 days exposure time.
8% NaCl
content for mix 46 are 0.45 and 430 (Kg/m3); for mix 56 are 0.55 and 380 (Kg/m3);
and for mix 66 are 0.65 and 341 (Kg/m3), respectively. So, the increase in the water-
cement ratio is associated with a decrease in cement content. The review of literature
on the effect of cement content on chloride penetration revealed that chloride binding
capacity increases with the increase of the cement content (Mangat and Molloy,
1995). This was proven indirectly in this experimental study, where the increase in
content. This evidence becomes apparent after 200 days of exposure, where chloride
The chloride profiles for different aggregate volume fractions 0.55, 0.65 and
0.75 (mixes 55, 56 and 57) after 50, 100 and 200 days of exposure are shown in Figs.
(6.7) through (6.9). The figures show that the chloride concentration in a specimen
made of mix 55 is larger than the concentration in specimen made of mix 56 in the
depth range from 0-19 mm and smaller in the depth range from 19-45 mm. Due to
large particle size and high specific gravity aggregate tends to segregate from the
concrete mix and settles down in the lower portion of the specimen. The proportions
of mix 55 (see Table C.1 of Appendix C) shows that the mix has a large amount of
mixing water and cement. This resulted in segregation of aggregates and decreasing
the local aggregate volume fraction near the exposed surface and increasing the
aggregate content away form the exposed surface as shown in Fig. (6.6). The non-
surface and low diffusivity away from the exposed surface. This results in higher
chloride concentration near the exposed surface (0-19 mm), and lower concentration
On the other hand, mix 57 (see Table C.1 of Appendix C) has high aggregate
content, which results in poor compaction of the concrete and thus increasing the
porosity and air voids. The increase of the porosity resulted in high penetration rates
chloride penetration if the construction practices and the concrete mix are properly
of aggregate will have significant impact on the chloride resistance of the concrete at
different depths.
Table 6.4: Chloride concentration for different (gi) after 50 days of exposure.
gi = 0.55
Chloride conc. (% by concrete weight)
2.0 gi = 0.65
gi = 0.75
0-6 6-13 13-19 19-25 25-32
Depth range (mm)
Fig. 6.7: Chloride profiles for different (gi) after 50 days of exposure.
Table 6.5: Chloride concentration for different (gi) after 100 days of exposure.
gi = 0.55
Chloride conc. (% by concrete weight)
2.0 gi = 0.65
gi = 0.75
0-6 6-13 13-19 19-25 25-32 32-38 38-45
Depth range (mm)
Fig. 6.8: Chloride profiles for different (gi) after 100 days of exposure.
Table 6.6: Chloride concentration for different (gi) after 200 days of exposure.
1.8 gi = 0.55
Chloride conc. (% by concrete weight)
1.6 gi = 0.65
gi = 0.75
0-6 6-13 13-19 19-25 25-32 32-38 38-45
Depth range (mm)
Fig. 6.9: Chloride profiles for different (gi) after 200 days of exposure.
6.5 Conclusions
3. Chloride binding in concrete increases with the increase of the cement content.
7.1 Introduction
more important in concrete structures subjected to repeated wetting and drying cycles.
Those structures include bridge decks, parking garage floors and marine structures in
the splash and tidal zones. Chloride diffusion due to concentration gradient is the
concrete become completely filled with solution and water movement ceased. On the
include water movement (carrying chloride ions) due to diffusion, sorption and
The review of the available literature showed that very few experimental
studies were conducted on the coupled effect of moisture and chloride penetration.
partially saturated concrete. Their experimental results showed that moisture transport
has no effect on chloride penetration for long term exposure period and chloride
concrete. Buenfeld et al. (1995) studied the effect of wick action on chloride
solution through concrete from a wet front (face in contact with solution) to dry front
experiments were conducted. One is for the effect of moisture diffusion on chloride
penetration, while the other for the effect of chloride penetration on moisture
comparative study on saturated and non-saturated concrete. The inverse problem was
The specimen shown in Fig. (7.1) was used to study the coupled effect of
moisture diffusion and chloride penetration in concrete. The specimens were designed
as concrete cubes (20x20x15 cm) with a central hole, 10cm in diameter and extends
to the depth of 11.4 cm. The samples were casted, demolded after 24 hours and
Fig. 7.1: Concrete sample for coupled moisture diffusion and chloride penetration
The mix proportions of the concrete used in this experiment are shown in
Table (C.3) of Appendix C. After 28 days of moist curing, 8 samples were taken from
the moisture room. Four of them were exposed to wetting by placing them in a tank
containing pure water for one month. The other four samples were exposed to drying
the same period of time. The compression test for concrete cylinders of 10x20cm
(4”x8”) made of the same mix was performed as described in Appendix D. The
compression test results are shown in Table (D.2) of Appendix D. The table shows
that the average 28-day compressive strength of the concrete cylinders is 23.4 MPa.
After one month of exposure to drying (four samples) and wetting (the other
four samples), one sample of each set was tested for the internal relative humidity by
boring a hole to the required depth as shown in Fig. (7.2). After cleaning the hole, a
plastic sleeve should be inserted in the hole. At this point, the probe can be pushed
into the sleeve and sealed. The concrete at the bottom of the hole release moisture
into the space around the probe until equilibrium is reached. The probe is then
connected to the electronic indicator, which gives the reading of the relative humidity.
The setup, which was used in the measurement of relative humidity, is shown in Fig.
sodium chloride solution with the concentration of 5% NaCl (by weight) as shown in
Fig. (7.3). The specimens were exposed to chloride solution from outside, and the
initially fully saturated specimens were exposed to pure water in the central hole.
After certain exposure periods (30 days, 90 days and 180 days), samples of
concrete powder were collected at various depths from the outside surface of the wall
of specimens. The powder samples were analyzed for total chloride content by using
described in Appendix E.
system, in the set of specimens which was exposed to drying found to be 40%. In the
The results of the electrochemical analysis (mille Volt readings) of the two sets of
the specimens at different depths from the exposed surface and different time of
exposure (30, 90, and 180 days) are presented in Tables (E.7) through (E.9) in
(0.005%, 0.02%, 0.05% and 0.5%) are shown in Table (E.10). The total chloride
The chloride penetration profiles obtained from the two different sets of
specimens after 30, 90 and 180 days of exposure are shown in Figs. (7.4) through
(7.6). One can see clearly from the figures that the chloride concentrations are higher
in the partially saturated concrete than the fully saturated concrete, which means that
the moisture diffusion accelerates the chloride diffusion when the two diffusion
(7.2), based on Fick’s law, Eq. (7.1). However, due to the simultaneous occurrence
additional term in the Fick’s law must be included to take into account the effect of
∂ Ct
= − div ( J Cl ) = div[ DCl grad (C f )] (7.2)
∂ Ct
= − div ( J Cl ) = div[ DCl grad ( C f )] + div[ DCl − H grad ( H )] (7.4)
H = chloride diffusivity due to moisture diffusion, t = time. The first term in the right
hand side of Eqs. (7.3) and (7.4) represents the driving force of chloride concentration
gradient, and the second term reflects the effect of moisture diffusion on chloride
0-6 6-13 13-19 19-25 25-32
Depth range (mm)
Fig. 7.4: chloride profiles after 30 days of exposure.
0-6 6-13 13-19 19-25 25-32
Depth range (mm)
Fig. 7.5: chloride profilest after 90 days of exposure.
Initially Fully Saturated
chloride conc. (% by concrete weight)
Initially Partially Saturated
0-6 6-13 13-19 19-25 25-32
moisture diffusion. This is the inverse problem to the first one. The two problems
are equally important, but the inverse problem has not been investigated before. A
Concrete mix 56 was used in this experiment. This mix had a water-cement
ratio of 0.55, aggregate volume fraction of 0.65 and average 28-day compressive
strength of 34.1 MPa. The mix proportions and compression test results (see mix 56)
The experimental setup shown in Fig. (7.7) was used to study the effect of
solutions: pure water in Bath 1, sodium chloride (NaCl) solutions with concentrations
of 0.5M in Bath 2 and 1.0M in Bath 3, respectively. Each set had three concrete
Humidity =100%). The external surface of the center hole was exposed to the
atmosphere (40% relative humidity) during the test. In Bathes 2 and 3, chloride ions
immersed in bathes 2 and 3) accumulated in the center hole due to flow and wicking
action. The accumulated solution was collected and used as an indicator for the effect
holes was collected after 10, 20, 60 and 90 days of ponding. Except at the time of
collection for the accumulated solution, the ponding containers were covered all the
Fig. 7.7: Experimental setup for the effect of chloride diffusion on moisture
The test results shown in Table (7.4) and Fig. (7.8), represent the weight of
the accumulated solution (in grams) in the center hole after 10, 20, 30 and 90 days.
One can see that the amount of the accumulated solution increases with the increase
Two important observations can be made from the test data shown in Fig.
(7.8). The first one is that the seepage test can obtain meaningful data in a rather short
time period, less than 30 days. In general, concrete has been considered as a solid
material with very low permeability, thus, direct seepage test is not viable for testing
concrete permeability. But, one can see from Fig. (7.8), that the test data of 10 days
shows the same trend as of 90 days, which implies that 10-day testing period may be
sufficient for studying the coupling effect. The second observation is that the
seepage water is about tripled from zero chloride concentration to 0.5M, and then
doubled from 0.5M to 1.0M. It is very clear that the effect of chloride penetration on
10 20 30 60 90
elapsed time (days)
Fig. 7.8: The weight of accumulated solution in the center hole for the three
different solutions.
Similar to Eqs. (7.1) and (7.2) for the chloride penetration in saturated
concrete, the standard partial differential equation for moisture diffusion without
chloride ions is Eq. (7.6), which is based on Fick’s law as shown in Eq. (7.5). To take
into account for the effect of chloride penetration, an additional term in the Fick’s law
must be included, as shown in Eq. (7.7). As a result, the governing equation can be
J w = − DH grad ( H ) (7.5)
= − div ( J w ) = div[ DH grad ( H )] (7.6)
= − div ( J w ) = div[ DH grad ( H )] + div[ DH − Cl grad (C f )] (7.8)
chloride diffusion. The two governing equations for chloride penetration and
moisture diffusion, equations (7.4) and (7.8), are two fully coupled equations (two-
way coupled). The results of the seepage test showed that the second term in the right
hand side of equation (7.8) plays a very important role in the moisture diffusion in
7.5 Conclusions
2) The experimental results show that the moisture diffusion accelerated the chloride
penetration (when the two processes are in the same direction). On the other hand,
3) The effect of chloride diffusion on moisture diffusion is substantial and has not
4) The moisture diffusion and chloride penetration are two mutually coupled
5) The seepage test proposed in the study can be used to estimate the chloride
8.1 Introduction
Drying shrinkage is one of the major problems that affect the durability of
hindered by either internal or external restraints and thus tensile hygral stresses are
induced. Those stresses may exceed locally the tensile strength of concrete and thus,
concrete adversely, accelerating the moisture and chloride diffusion processes and
reduce service life of concrete structures. The external restraints include joints,
supports, connections and the bond between the newly cast concrete and the old
concrete in the case of overlays on top of existing concrete pavement. The internal
restraints include the differential shrinkage resulted from the non-uniform drying
along the depth of the concrete from the exposed surface and the non-shrinking
crystals (CH).
drying on permeability of cement paste. Their results showed that the resistance to
water flow through the intact specimens was 70 times greater than those of
companion specimens that underwent a cycle of drying to 79% relative humidity and
resaturation. Since then, many experimental studies and theoretical analyses have
conducted (Aldea et al., 2000; Aldea et al., 1999; Gerard et al., 1996; Daian and
Saliba 1993; Francois and Maso 1988; Bazant et al., 1987). All results showed that
damage in concrete. Bazant et al. (1987) studied the effect of cracking resulted from
drying environment and the loss in the weight of the specimen was reported. It was
observed that the cracked specimens had more weight loss, which means that the
drying process is faster in the cracked specimens. Samaha and Hover (1992)
that in air-dried concrete the shrinkage cracks are limited to a small depth from the
exposed surface. From this observation, they concluded that those cracks did not
affect greatly the transport properties of concrete. On the other hand, they noticed a
severe cracking in the oven dried concrete samples. Those cracks are uniformly
distributed through the sample and resulted in a great internal damage. And thus, they
permeability of normal and high strength concrete. The cracks were produced by
strength of 32 and 50 (MPa) were tested to better understand the effect of the strength
on the crack pattern and thus the diffusion properties of concrete. It was found that
the damage is controlled by the length and aperture of the cracks. Based on the
observations from the cracking patterns a simple micro-macro model was suggested.
This model can be used to predict the effect of the damage evolution on the diffusion
properties of concrete.
to restrained drying shrinkage) and uncracked concrete was conducted. The concrete
was exposed to air drying for a certain period of time then to chloride penetration.
During the drying period the development of the shrinkage strains and cracking were
monitored. Also, chloride profiles for the cracked and uncracked concrete were
8.2.1 Material
The concrete mix used in this experiment has a water-cement ratio of 0.55 and
aggregate volume fraction of 0.55. The mix proportions are shown in Table (C.4) of
Appendix C. One can see from the proportions, that the mix has high water-cement
ratio, high cement content and low aggregate volume fraction. This was done in order
to have high shrinkage strains and thus significant damage in the concrete specimens.
The average 28-day compressive strength of concrete cylinders prepared from the
same mix is 34 (MPa). The compression test results are shown in Table (D.3) of
Appendix D.
Two sets of concrete specimens were used in this experiment. One set was a
full concrete ring restrained by inner steel ring and the other set was half ring free to
shrink as shown in Fig. (8.1). The concrete rings had an outside diameter of 457 mm
(18”), inside diameter of 305 mm (12”) and height of 152 mm (6”). The full ring was
restrained by an inner steel ring having a thickness of 25.4 mm (1”). Total of four
specimens (two of each set) were casted, demolded after 24 hours and kept in the
laboratory environment for another day to dry the exterior surfaces for the purpose of
Steel ring
Side view
45° 45°
45° 45°
254 mm
305 mm 305 mm
457 mm 457 mm
The full ring is restrained against movement in the radial direction, which
develops internal pressure, p when the ring shrinks. This pressure creates tensile
directions, σr as shown in Fig. (8.2). Cracks in the concrete ring are initiated from the
inner boundaries because of the coexistence of the maximum tensile stress and the
σθ pressure
σθ σr
σr σθ
After drying of the surface, a total of 6 strain gages were attached to the
strains. Three gages were applied on one of the restrained rings while the others were
applied on one of the free shrinkage half rings as shown by Fig. (8.1). All the strain
gages were connected to a data acquisition system as shown in Fig. (8.3). The data
acquisition system was connected to personal computer used to display and process
the obtained strains in microstrains. The measurement of the shrinkage strains started
after two days of concrete casting. One day in the moist room before demolding and
the other day to dry the surface of the specimens for installation of the strain gages.
After 107 days of casting, two specimens (one restrained full ring and one free
half ring) were placed in 8% sodium chloride (NaCl) solution bath as shown in Fig.
(8.4). Before the placement, the specimens were insulated by aluminum foil on all
surfaces expect the exterior surface facing the chloride solution. After 50 days of
continuous exposure to chloride solution the chloride profiles are obtained for both
Appendix E. The m-Volt readings resulted from the electrochemical analysis are
concentration solutions (0.005%, 0.02%, 0.05% and 0.5%) were taken and shown in
Table (E.12). The calibration curve for standard concentration solutions is shown in
Fig. (E.7).
The shrinkage strains due to drying from initially saturated state were measured
and recorded from four out of the six strain gages placed on the two specimens. This
is mainly due to the limitation by the data acquisition system. The readings of the
shrinkage strain from the restrained and free shrinkage specimens are shown in Table
(8.1). As shown in the table, five readings were taken in the first day, then one
Fig. (8.4) shows the development of the shrinkage strains with time, obtained
from the free and the restrained rings. The figure shows that the shrinkage in both free
and restrained specimens developed at higher rate in the first ten days of drying, then
Shrinkage strain (microstains)
Fig. 8.5: Shrinkage strains development in restrained and free shrinkage concrete
Microcracks as shown in Figs. (8.6) through (8.8), became visible on the outer
noticed on the free shrinkage specimens. Most of the time, the cracks started from the
edge (stress concentration location) and extend to the interior on the surface of the
The calibration curve shown in Fig. (E.7) of Appendix E, was used to convert
the mVolt readings to total chloride concentration as shown in Table (8.2). The table
for restrained and unrestrained specimens. The specimens were exposed to 105 days
of air drying, then 50 days to chloride penetration. The chloride profiles for damaged
(due to air drying) and undamaged specimens are shown in Fig. (8.9). The figure
shows that chloride penetrate restrained concrete ring in a higher rate compared to the
unrestrained half ring, which means that the shrinkage-induced damage increases the
chloride penetration. One can see that the concentration of chloride in the free
shrinkage specimen is higher in the depth range of 0-13 mm. Since cracks were
initiated and propagated from the inner part of the restrained ring, the figure shows
that chloride concentration was higher for restrained ring in depth range from 13-38
mm, but the difference is not significant. This is partly due to nonlinear inelastic
behavior due to the degradation of the initial elastic modulus and the unrecoverable
0-6 6-13 13-19 19-25 25-32 32-38
Depth range (mm)
Fig. 8.9: chloride profiles for restrained and free shrinkage concrete samples after 50
days of exposure.
8.4 Conclusions
1) Concrete drying resulted in high shrinkage strains in both free and restrained
shrinkage specimens. The free shrinkage strain was 450-500x10-6 after 105 days
2) Drying shrinkage resulted in cracking and substantial damage when the concrete
was restrained.
3) The surface cracks resulted from the shrinkage-induced damage increase the
permeability of concrete and thus increase the moisture diffusion and chloride
penetration is not very strong comparing with other effects (such as mechanical
The main goal of this thesis was to investigate some of the processes related to
thawing and the coupling effects between them. The objectives were achieved by
three consecutive steps. The first step was achieved by reviewing the available
literature and following up the new publications on the researched topics. This step
was necessary for strengthening the background information and understanding the
different mechanisms for each process involved in this study. Also, it paved the road
to the following steps. The second step was the theoretical modeling, which involved
the material parameters and the numerical solutions. This step resulted in numerical
models for the coupled effect of moisture diffusion and drying shrinkage and the
parameters are given in chapters three and four. The third or the final step was the
experimental study, and it covered four series of experiments. The first series was
which is described in chapter five. The second series was focused on the effect of
six. The third series was concentrated on the coupling effect of moisture diffusion
and chloride penetration, which is presented in chapter seven. And the last series was
described in chapter eight. The experimental results obtained in this study can be used
to validate and demonstrate the accuracy of the numerical models developed in this
9.1 Conclusions
physical, chemical and biological attacks. The common feature of those factors is
that they are all diffusion-controlled processes. Those processes include moisture
construction practices, exposure conditions and the features of cracking and air
moisture diffusion, chloride penetration and frost action. This can be achieved by
4) The Multiscale modeling of the coupled effect of moisture diffusion and drying
shrinkage predicted well the basic trends and the effects of concrete material
parameters, such as the water-cement ratio and the aggregate volume fraction. In
this model, the effect of damage on moisture diffusion was characterized by the
orientation. The effect of drying shrinkage on the moisture capacity was modeled
5) The numerical study of chapter four resulted in a rigorous model for chloride
penetration into non-saturated concrete. The model predicts very well the effect of
The numerical results show that the moisture diffusion accelerates the chloride
6) The numerical study also presented the stability and convergence of the
7) The model can be used in the durability design of reinforced concrete structures to
predict the onset of steel corrosion, which is important for predicting the service
life of concrete structures and for scheduling inspection and rehabilitation of the
towards the steel bars, which increases the chloride concentration in concrete
o The consistency of the pulse velocity and the resonant frequency for
o The permeability is not only related to the level of damage and crack width,
9) The experimental study of chapter six, presented the effect of concrete material
10) The experimental work in chapter seven emphasized the mutually effect of
show that the moisture diffusion accelerated chloride penetration (when the two
processes are in the same direction). On the other hand, chloride penetration
11) The experimental study of chapter eight presented the effect shrinkage-induced
damage on the chloride penetration. In which, the surface cracks increase the
permeability of concrete and thus increase the moisture diffusion and chloride
penetration in concrete.
1) This study can be further extended to include the effect of the mechanical loading
2) Since the theoretical modeling was done before the experimental study, a lot of
new findings have not been included in the current theoretical models. i) the
model for moisture diffusion, and in this way, the moisture diffusion and chloride
model must be established in order to evaluate the damage due to the freezing-
thawing cycles, and furthermore to evaluate the chloride penetration under the
coupled thermal effect; iii) in the material models, such as binding capacity and
incorporated; and finally iv) once the coupled diffusion models and material
models are established, they must be validated by using the experimental data
3) Further experimental and numerical studies are needed on the effect of mineral
additives on chloride penetration, such silica fume (SF), ground blast furnace slag
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content and relative humidity at a constant temperature) can be described by the BSB
C k Vm H
w = (A.1)
(1 − kH )[1 + (C − 1 )kH ]
The moisture capacity can be obtained by deriving the adsorption isotherm with
respect to H as follows:
where, Vm is the monolayer capacity which is the mass of adsorbate required to cover
the adsorbent with a single molecular layer, C is the net heat of adsorption, which is a
function of temperature, and k determines the degree of saturation of the pores. The
three material parameters Vm, C and k can be evaluated by using adsorption test data
of the material.
calculated using Eq. (A.1) and (A.2) and the following formulas for the Vm, C and k
⎛ 0.22 ⎞⎛ w⎞ w
Vm = ⎜ 0.068 − ⎟⎜ 0.85 + 0.45 ⎟Vct t > 5 days, 0.3 < < 0.7 (A.3)
⎝ t ⎠⎝ c⎠ c
in which t is the time in days; w/c is the water-cement ratio; and Vct is for the type of
cement, Vct = 0.9, 1, 0.85 and 0.6 for type I, II, III and IV cements, respectively. The
⎛C ⎞
C = exp⎜ 0 ⎟ (A.4)
⎝T ⎠
in which T is the temperature in Kelvin; and C0 = 855. The model for parameter k is
(1 − 1 / n) C − 1
k= (A.5)
C −1
in which n is the number of the adsorbed layers in the pore and it is a function of t (in
days), water cement ratio, w/c, and type of cement (Nct = 1.1, 1.0, 1.15 and 1.5 for
⎛ 15 ⎞⎛ w⎞ w
n = ⎜ 2.5 + ⎟⎜ 0.33 + 2.2 ⎟ N ct t > 5 days, 0.3 < < 0.7 (A.6)
⎝ t ⎠⎝ c⎠ c
calculated using the same BSB theory, and thus, Eqs. (A.1), (A.2), (A.4) and (A.5)
are still valid, but the monolayer capacity, Vm and the number of the adsorbed layers,
n, are different. The following formulas may be used for parameters Vm and n of
Vm = 0.0647Vagg (A.7)
n = 4.063nagg (A.8)
in which Vagg and nagg depend on the pore structures of the aggregates. For dense
aggregates, Vagg ranges from 0.05 to 0.1 and nagg from 1.0 to 1.5. For porous
aggregates, Vagg ranges from 0.01 to 0.04 and nagg from 1.7 to 2.0. It should be noted
that dense aggregates have larger Vagg and smaller nagg because of their small size
pores and high surface area. Dolomite, granite, crushed limestone and river gravel
are examples of dense aggregates. Lightweight aggregates and river sand are
Jenning and Tennis model (1994) considers five different phases of cement
paste: anhydrous cement particles, inner hydration products, outer hydration products,
capillary pores and calcium hydroxide, CH (include AFm phase). The volume of C-S-
H gel is the sum of the volumes of inner and outer hydration products.
in which Vinner and Vouter are the volumes of inner and outer hydration products. The
Vtotal − V1 − V pores
f C −S −H = = 1 − f1 − f pores (B.2)
in which Vpores and fpores are the volume and volume fraction of capillary pores and V1
and f1 are the volume and volume fraction of anhydrous cores of cement particles and
all the crystalline phases such as calcium hydroxide (CH) and ettringite.
in which, c and p parameters depend on the water-cement ratio, w/c and the densities
c= (B.4)
1 + ( w / c)
(1 + (w / c))ρ c
p= (B.5)
1 + ( w / c) * ( ρ c / ρ w )
written as follows:
in which WC3S, WC2S, WC3A, and WC4AF are the initial weight percentages of the
compounds of the cement. Also, αC3S, αC2S, αC3A, and αC4AF are the degree of
hydration of the compounds of the cement. The initial weight percentages of the
cement compounds, Wi (i = C3S, C2S, C3A and C4AF) depends on the type of the
cement. The degree of hydration of the cement compounds, αi (i = C3S, C2S, C3A and
αi = 1 − e − a ( t − b )
i i
in which ai, bi and ci (i = C3S, C2S, C3A and C4AF) are constants determined
Compound ai bi ci
C3S 0.25 0.90 0.70
C2S 0.46 0.00 0.12
C3A 0.28 0.9 0.77
C4AF 0.26 0.90 0.55
Also, f1 is the volume percentage of the anhydrous cores of cement particles, calcium
The volume fraction of the anhydrous cores of cement particles can be determined by
⎛ 1 −ψ ⎞
f core = c⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ p (B.9)
⎝ ρc ⎠
in which c and p are determined by Eqs. (B.4) and (B.5), ρc is the density of cement
and ψ is a factor depends on the degree of hydration of the compounds of the cement
The volume fraction of CH crystals and AFm phase can be determined as follows:
The volume fraction of the other twp phases can be calculated as follows:
f 2 = 1 − f1 − f 3 (B.14)
The description of the materials used in the concrete mixes, are as follows:
This mix was designed according to Goldbeck and Gray Method (see the book
Materials for Civil and Highway Engineers, Kenneth N. Derucher and Conrad P.
bo: solid volume of coarse aggregate in a unit volume of dry-rodded coarse aggregate.
• From table 6-4 in page 155 (Derucher et al. 1981) and by using the size of coarse
aggregates (No. 4 to ¾ in) and fineness modulus of fine aggregates (2.93), the
value of b/ bo is 0.61.
b= * bo = 0.61 * 0.554 = 0.338
• From table 6-5 page 156 in the above reference, and by using the size of CA
Volume of mixing water = = 5.337 ft3/yd3
¾ The required cement = 6.4 sacks/ yd3 (≈604 lb/yd3) [358 Kg/m3]
Volume of cement = = 3.073 ft3/yd3
3.15 * 62.4
water-cement ratio, w / c = ≅ 0.55
[946 Kg/m3]
= 27-6.4*0.48-40/7.5-0.02*27-9.126
= 8.929 ft3/yd3
9.126 + 8.929
The aggregate volume fraction, g i = = 0.67
Design for certain water-cement ratio and different aggregate volume fractions
VT = Vcp + Vi + V air
dividing by VT :
1 = g cp + g i + 0.02
for gi = 0.55,
g cp = 0.43
Ww Wc W *w/c Wc W 1
Vcp = V w + Vc = + = c + = c (w / c + )
ρw 3.15 ρ w ρw 3.15 ρ w ρ w 3.15
Vcp * ρ w
Wc =
( w / c + 1 / 3.15)
Wc = 71.934 * Vcp
Wc 835
Vc = = = 4.248 ft3/yd3
3.15 * ρ w 3.15 * 62.4
Ww 459
Vw = = = 7.356 ft3/yd3
ρw 62.4
By following the same procedure mentioned previously the mix design for w/c= 0.55,
gi= 0.65 and 0.75 can be obtained. The results of the mix design for w/c = 0.55, gi=
0.55, 0.65 and 0.75 are shown in the Table (C.1) below.
Design for certain aggregate volume fraction and different water-cement ratios
for gi = 0.65:
g cp = 0.33
8.91 * 62.4
Wc = = 641 lb/yd3 [380 Kg/m3]
(0.55 + 0.317)
By following the same procedure mentioned previously the mix design for gi = 0.65,
w/c = 0.45 and 0.65 can be obtained. The results of the mix design for gi = 0.65, w/c
Mix 46 56 66 55 57
water-cement ratio (w/c) 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.55 0.55
The proportions of water, coarse and fine aggregates are based on their dry
weights. In reality aggregates are not dry (unless dried) and have certain moisture
content. The amount of water calculated based on the mix design should be
completely available for cement hydration during the hardening of concrete. Thus, the
amount of water absorbed by aggregates after the deduction of moisture content must
be added. This is correct if the moisture content of aggregate is less the amount of
water required to reach saturated surface dry condition (SSD). If the aggregates are
wet the amount of mixing water need to be decreased by the amount of free additional
water. Also, the proportions of coarse and fine aggregates must be adjusted to
As an example for mix 46 (w/c = 0.45 and gi = 0.55) the additional amount of
For mix 46, the new mix proportions are, (193+1.25+3.14≈197 Kg/m3) for the
water, (699+2.5≈702 Kg/m3) for sand (FA) and (909+2.2≈911 Kg/m3) for gravel
(CA). All mix proportions for the five mixes are corrected and tabulated again in
Table (C.2).
Table C.2: Mix proportions used in the experimental study of Chapters 5, 6 and 7.
Mix 46 56 66 55 57
water-cement ratio (w/c) 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.55 0.55
aggregate volume fraction (gi) 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.75
weight of water (Kg/m3) 197 213 226 276 151
weight of cement (Kg/m3) 430 380 341 495 265
weight of sand (Kg/m3) 702 702 702 594 809
weight of gravel (Kg/m3) 911 911 911 771 1052
Table C.3: Concrete mix proportions used in experimental study of the effect of
moisture diffusion on chloride penetration (Chapter 7)
Table C.4: Proportions of the concrete mix used in the experiment of the effect of
induced-shrinkage cracking on chloride penetration (Chapter 8)
and then cured in a moisture room for 28 days. After curing, all specimens were
capped using a suitable capping material. The compression test of the concrete
cylinders was performed using a universal MTS loading machine, with maximum
capacity of 484 KN (110 Kips). In this test was, a compressive axial load was applied
on the concrete cylinder at rate of 2 (Kn/sec) until failure. The maximum loads were
recorded and the compressive strength was calculated by dividing the average of
The following are the compression test results of concrete specimens prepared
Table D.1: Compression test results for the concrete mixes used in the experimental
study of Chapters 5, 6 and 7.
Table D.2: Compression test results for the concrete used in the experiment of the
effect of moisture diffusion on chloride penetration (Chapter 7).
Table D.3: Compression test results for the concrete used in the experiment of the
effect induced-shrinkage cracking on chloride penetration (Chapter 8).
After certain exposure period, the specimens were cleaned by removing the
insulation material and salts and then dried at room conditions for one day. After
drying, the surfaces of specimens were cleaned from salt deposits by using a wire
Concrete dust samples were collected from certain depth ranges by using the
drill press machine shown in Fig. (E.1). Drilling started from the side exposed to
Electro-chemical Analysis
electrode and electrometer for mV (mille Volt), calibration liquids 0.005%, 0.02%,
1. A 1.5 gram of the collected dust sample was added to a vial containing 10
Fig. E.3: Sampling of 1.5 gram of concrete dust and the extraction liquid vial.
2. The vials containing the concrete dust and the extraction liquid were
(know chloride concentration solution) and the mille Volt (mV) reading
6. The electrode was submerged into the vials containing the concrete dust
% Cl- mV reading
0.005 77.4
0.02 51.3
0.05 42.5
0.5 -5.2
Chloride conc. (% by weight)
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
mV reading
% Cl-
50-days 100-days 200-days
0.005 99.4 91.3 82.5
0.02 60.3 60.8 54.4
0.05 53.3 52.8 45.85
0.5 -2.2 -4.3 -7.5
Chloride conc. (% by weight)
50 days
100 days
200 days
0.01 200 days
100 days
50 days
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
mV reading
% Cl-
30-days 90-days 180-days
0.005 103.4 104.2 87.1
0.02 76 81.2 57.6
0.05 52.5 59.3 50.1
0.5 -2 2.7 -5.3
30 days
90 days
180 days
180 days
90 days
30 days
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fig. E.6: Calibration curves for obtaining chloride concentrations.
% Cl- mV reading
0.005 71.9
0.02 60.3
0.05 53.4
0.5 -3.4
Chloride conc. (% by weight)
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100