Fosun 2023 Interim Report en
Fosun 2023 Interim Report en
Fosun 2023 Interim Report en
In the first half of 2023, the global politics and economy remained complex, while China’s economy has recovered modestly. In the
face of the complex macro environment, Fosun has stepped up its efforts to focus on household consumption as the top-priority
sector, concentrating on the development of core businesses where it boasts clear competitive advantages, such that the overall
business of the Group maintained steady growth. During the Reporting Period, the Group achieved a total revenue of RMB97.06
billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 10.9%; the key indicator reflecting the Company’s operational capabilities – industrial
operation profit reached RMB3.37 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 5.5%, if excluding the profit of disposed enterprises
(including transactions yet to be completed), representing a significant year-on-year increase of 66%. During the Reporting Period, the
Group’s profit attributable to owners of the parent was RMB1.36 billion.
Meanwhile, Fosun continued to optimize its capital and asset structure, put greater efforts in the disposal of non-strategy and
non-core assets, and actively explored financing channels, thereby maintaining ample liquidity. During the Reporting Period, cash
inflow from divestment amounted to more than RMB20.0 billion at the consolidated level. In January 2023, Fosun High Technology
successfully entered into a syndicated loan agreement for an amount of RMB12 billion with eight domestic banks, attesting to the
domestic banking institutions’ firm support for the development of private enterprises. As for public-market financing channels,
Fosun High Technology issued two super short-term commercial papers of RMB1 billion each in January and July 2023. During the
Reporting Period, the Group has navigated through the maturity wall, and redeemed onshore bonds of RMB6.73 billion as well as
offshore debt of over USD2.7 billion. As of 30 June 2023, the Group had no material offshore bonds due in one year. The improved
credit profile has also been affirmed by the international market. On 30 May 2023, international rating agency S&P Global Ratings
issued a report, lifting the Group’s rating outlook to “stable”.
In recent years, with the continuous improvement and upgrading of strategies of global operations and technology innovation-led
development, Fosun has established business presence in various fields in more than 35 countries and regions around the world.
Since 2022, Fosun’s globalization strategy has entered the third stage of “global organization + local operations” to foster cross-
regional, cross-cultural, and cross-organizational operation capabilities of Fosun’s global business ecosystem, thus providing new
impetus for the improvement and expansion of Fosun’s industry operations. In the first half of 2023, overseas business became the
driving force for the Group’s development, overseas revenue amounted to RMB44.09 billion, accounting for 45.4% of total revenue.
Fosun’s robust technology innovation capabilities are also an important core engine that drives the multiplier growth of the Company.
In the first half of 2023, the Group’s research and development (R&D) investment reached approximately RMB4.2 billion. Fosun’s long-
term accumulation of technology innovation capabilities is continuously transforming into industrial achievements: HANSIZHUANG
(serplulimab injection), the first biopharmaceutical innovative drug self-developed by Shanghai Henlius, has been approved for three
indications in Chinese Mainland, and has become the world’s first monoclonal antibody drug targeting PD-1 for first-line treatment
of extensive-stage small cell lung cancer; Fosun Kite’s first CAR-T cell therapy Yi Kai Da (ejilunsai injection) had obtained conditional
approval for marketing for the treatment of second-line indications in Chinese Mainland.
While growing its business operations, Fosun upholds its original aspiration of “Contribution to Society” and continues to participate
in public welfare programs such as providing global emergency relief, assisting the fight against malaria in Africa, running the
Rural Doctors Program, fostering education, culture and entrepreneurship. Artesun (artesunate for injection), an innovative drug
with proprietary intellectual property rights owned by Fosun Pharma, has treated more than 56 million severe malaria patients
worldwide and covered 175 million children in African countries with high malaria prevalence. In June 2023, Argesun, the second-
generation artesunate for injection independently developed by Fosun Pharma, became the first artesunate injectable presented with
a single solvent system approved by the WHO prequalification, which will further enhance the accessibility of innovative antimalarial
drugs and save more lives. In 2021, Fosun made a commitment to society – “strive to peak carbon emissions by 2028 and achieve
carbon neutrality by 2050”. In April 2023, the Group issued its first Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
report, demonstrating its commitment to climate action to the international community. Leveraging its remarkable performance in
environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), as of the end of the Reporting Period, Fosun International received an MSCI
ESG rating of AA and it is the only conglomerate in Greater China with such rating.
In the first half of 2023, Fosun, which won out over the “perfect storm”, has set sail for a new journey by firmly implementing the core
business-focused strategy to continuously deepen the development of its industries. Centering around the needs of global families
in Health, Happiness, Wealth, and with the implementation of the business streamlining and core business-focused strategy, Fosun’s
businesses have been developing steadily. The Group believes that as the economy continues to recover, Fosun, which is committed
to innovation-driven development and global operations, will embark on a new phase of high-quality development. Fosun will continue
to provide more good products and services to create happier lives for families worldwide.
* The comparative segment information has been restated to reflect the adoption of “Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standard No.17-Insurance Contract” starting
from 2023. Please refer to Note 2 to the interim condensed consolidated financial information for more operating segment information.
Throughout its three decades of development, the Group’s Henlius under Fosun Pharma, the gold and jewelleries business
original aspiration of “Contribution to Society” remain of Yuyuan, and Club Med and Atlantis Sanya under FTG
unchanged. Riding the everchanging macro backdrop and recorded continuous steady growth. Driven by the outstanding
emerging business opportunities, the Group has evolved performance of core member companies of the Group, the
together with China and world economy and has grown into a Group’s industrial operation profit1 reached RMB3.37 billion
global innovation-driven consumer group. The Group focuses during the Reporting Period, representing an increase of 5.5%
on the development of business segments such as Health, as compared to RMB3.20 billion in the same period in 2022.
Happiness and Wealth. The Group has accumulated extensive Since 2022, in order to strengthen the Group’s liquidity safety
experience and built up capabilities in the fields of global cushion and cope with the volatile international capital market
operations, technology & innovation, business ecosystem environment, the Group has accelerated the disposal of non-
and FES management system, building core businesses that strategy and non-core assets. During the Reporting Period,
could bring stable, synergistic and sustainable growth. The when excluding the effects of assets disposed (including
Group presses ahead with the “profound industry operations + transactions yet to be completed), such as Nanjing Nangang,
industrial investment” strategy to continuously accelerate its Jianlong Shares and AmeriTrust, on industrial operation profit
strategic focus, consolidate its asset base, and provide high- in the same period in 2022, the Group’s industrial operation
quality products and services to families around the world profit recorded period-on-period growth of 66%. However, as
while enhancing its global competitiveness. the profit of disposed enterprises (including transactions yet to
be completed) and disposal gain of financial investments was
Firmly Implementing Focused Strategy to Build a relatively higher in the same period of 2022 as compared to
Solid Foundation for Development the Reporting Period, the Group’s profit attributable to owners
Since 2023, complexity in global politics and economy has of the parent amounted to RMB1.36 billion during the Reporting
escalated. Even after the prolonged and aggressive interest Period, down 40.4% from the same period in 2022.
rate hikes of the Federal Reserve System (“FED”), inflation
pressures in the developed economies remain unbated. After more than three decades of development, the Group has
Geopolitical tension also remained. China’s economy has established business segments such as Health, Happiness
recovered modestly. Domestic consumption pattern saw and Wealth, and has accumulated strong global operational
widening divergence across sub-sectors, and the real estate capabilities. Since 2020, the Group has reinforced its focus
market continued cyclical downturn. In the face of the complex on household consumption as the priority sector based on
macro environment, the Group has stepped up its efforts to its existing business layout, and has gradually divested non-
focus on household consumption as the top-priority sector, strategy and non-core businesses. The Group has continuously
concentrating on the development of core businesses where improved operational capabilities of core subsidiaries and
it boasts clear competitive advantages. During the Reporting increased investment in scientific research and development
Period, benefiting from its diversified global business layout (“R&D”) to seize global development opportunities. Despite the
and sound operation capabilities, the Group’s total revenue challenges posed by the global economy and capital markets
grew steadily to RMB97.06 billion, representing an increase of in the past several years, the Group has maintained an upward
10.9% compared to the same period of 2022. In particular, the trend in terms of overall business performance, attesting to
four largest subsidiaries of the Company by revenue – Yuyuan, the quality and resilience of the Group’s asset base. With the
Fosun Pharma, Fosun Insurance Portugal and FTG – yielded a continuous focus on the core businesses and the continued
total revenue of RMB70.76 billion, up 12.4% compared to the growth of its core enterprises, the management believes that
same period of last year. The Group had maintained steady the Group is well on track to embark on a new phase of high-
growth of its asset base. During the Reporting Period, Shanghai quality sustainable development.
1 It includes the profit contribution of industrial operation subsidiaries of the Group and associates and joint ventures accounted by equity method.
Proactively Managing Liquidity to Enhance the optimized the balance sheet and consolidated its liquidity
Balance Sheet safety cushion. During the Reporting Period, major disposals
(including transactions yet to be completed) made by the Group
The Group maintained its active and prudent liquidity and
included: AmeriTrust, Nanjing Nangang, Jianlong Shares, and
liability management policy. While actively diversifying its
Shanghai PANASIA Shipping Co., Ltd.
funding channels, the Group elevated asset divestment efforts
to enhance liquidity buffer against global capital market
As at the end of the Reporting Period, under the consolidated
volatility. In terms of bank financing channels, in early 2023,
statements of the Group, total debts amounted to RMB220.92
Fosun High Technology (a subsidiary of the Company) entered
billion, representing a decrease of 2.6% as compared to the
into a syndicated loan agreement for an amount of RMB12
end of 2022. Total debts to total capital ratio was 51.8%, which
billion with eight domestic banks, led by five major state-
dropped by 1.2 percentage points as compared to 31 December
owned banks together with policy banks and joint-stock banks,
2022. Cash and bank balances and term deposits reached
attesting to the domestic banking institutions’ firm support
RMB114.68 billion, representing an increase of RMB14.12
for the development of private enterprises. As for public-
billion as compared to 31 December 2022. During the Reporting
market financing channels, Fosun High Technology issued two
Period, the average cost of debt was 5.32%. Since 2022, the
super short-term commercial papers of RMB1 billion each
benchmark FED interest rate rose sharply by 500 basis points,
in January and July 2023. During the Reporting Period, the
thus increasing the financing costs of overseas companies of
Group has navigated through the maturity wall, and redeemed
the Group. However, thanks to the stable domestic financing
onshore bonds of RMB6.73 billion as well as offshore debt of
cost of the Group, the average financing cost under the
over USD2.7 billion (including USD450 million due January
consolidated statements of the Group during the Reporting
2023, EUR350 million due May 2023, and USD700 million and
Period only slightly increased by 82 basis points to 5.32% from
offshore syndicated loans of USD1.2 billion due early July
4.50% of the same period in 2022. In conclusion, the overall
2023). As of 30 June 2023, the Group had no material offshore
financial position of the Group is sound and stable.
bonds due in one year. In view of the Group’s proactive
and effective liquidity management, S&P Global Ratings, an
international rating agency, has lifted the Group’s rating
Strengthening Industry Operations with Core
outlook to “stable” and affirmed ratings of BB- in recognition of
Capabilities, and Deepening Development by
the Group’s effective efforts in terms of debt reduction driven
Focusing on Core Businesses
by asset divestment and debt structure optimization, further Implementing the two-pronged approach at home and abroad
affirming the Group’s improved credit profile. to establish Fosun’s unique global operation capabilities.
As a global enterprise rooted in China, the Group thoroughly
Since 2020, the Group has set debt deduction as the top priority develops the Chinese market and at the same time has been
of its financial strategy and aim to achieve so via non-core building up its core capabilities in global operations based on
asset divestments, and has achieved investment-divestment its business presence in over 35 countries and regions around
balance for two consecutive years in 2020 and 2021. Since the world. It links up its various businesses and resources
2022, in face of the dramatic fluctuation in external capital in different countries and regions, and actively enhances
market, the Group has put greater efforts in asset divestment. the global operation capabilities of the Group’s member
Based on the Group’s divestment far exceeding investment companies. During the Reporting Period, the Group’s overseas
in 2022, the Group has continued to firmly push forward the revenue reached RMB44.09 billion and accounted for 45.4%
implementation of the divestment of non-strategy and non- of total revenue, which grew by 3.0% year-on-year. Mutual
core assets in 2023, and implemented the financial strategy of empowerment revenue2 for domestic and overseas operations
portfolio optimization to its subsidiaries. During the Reporting amounted to RMB6.5 billion in aggregate. Benefiting from
Period, cash inflow from divestment amounted to more than the Group’s global business presence and synergies within
RMB14.0 billion at the holding company level and more than its business ecosystem, the Group’s various businesses had
RMB20.0 billion at the consolidated level, which further become increasingly internationalized during the Reporting
2 It refers to the revenue generated from the introduction of overseas technology, product and service to the Chinese market and the export of Chinese technology,
product and service to overseas markets.
During the Reporting Period, the globalization capabilities Meanwhile, the globalization capabilities of the Group’s
of the Group’s Chinese enterprises had been improved in overseas companies have also been further improved. First,
multiple ways. First, in terms of global R&D and business in terms of global operations, Fosun Insurance Portugal
development capabilities, HANSIZHUANG, an innovative drug actively expanded its non-domestic businesses, resulting
self-developed by Shanghai Henlius, became the world’s first in rapid growth in its international business. In particular,
PD-1 monoclonal antibody approved for the treatment of it achieved substantial business growth in Latin America:
extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC). HANQUYOU, premium income in Peru and Bolivia came in at RMB816
the first self-developed domestic monoclonal antibody drug million and RMB200 million respectively, representing an
approved in both China and Europe, had been accepted by the increase of 61% and 43% compared to the same period of
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) for the Marketing last year. Second, in terms of global investment and financing
Authorization Application (“MAA”) in the U.S., with an intended capabilities, Gland Pharma, an Indian pharmaceutical company
use in the adjuvant treatment of a variety of cancers. Second, under Fosun Pharma, completed the acquisition of Cenexi, a
in terms of global operational capabilities, Easun Technology French pharmaceutical company. This strategic move laid the
continued to promote integrated operations worldwide, groundwork for its Contract Development and Manufacturing
resulting in a significant increase in its overseas orders. In Organization (“CDMO”) business operations in the European
particular, it saw robust growth in business operations in market. In addition, Gland Pharma’s dexrazoxane for injection
the North America. New orders reached RMB1.38 billion in was approved in China in February 2023, and multiple varieties
the first half of 2023, representing a year-on-year increase were submitted for marketing authorization in China. Paris
of 131.2%. At the beginning of the Reporting Period, Sisram Realty Fund SA and Rio Bravo Investimentos Holding S.A.,
Med opened a new direct sales office in Dubai to support and asset management companies under the Group, provided
cater for the strong demand for the products and services of a diverse range of financial products, including real estate,
Sisram Med in the European and Middle East markets. Sisram to institutional and retail investors in France and Brazil
Med also established its first wellness center in Chicago, U.S. respectively through third-party funds. During the Reporting
in June 2023, offering comprehensive and advanced skincare Period, both companies successfully completed a new round
and medical aesthetic solutions. Third, in terms of global of fundraising, and the total proceeds amounted to USD170
investment and financing capabilities, Hainan Mining signed million.
a contract with Kodal Minerals PLC (“KOD”) and Kodal Mining
UK Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary of KOD, “KMUK”) at the Deepening business interaction to highlight ecosystem value.
beginning of the Reporting Period, pursuant to which, Hainan Through multi-industry collaboration within the ecosystem
Mining proposed to invest approximately USD118 million to and integration of internal and external ecosystems, the Group
subscribe for the shares of KOD and increase the capital in continuously built on its core growth engine of “Ecosystem
KMUK, allowing Hainan Mining to obtain a controlling equity Multiplier Growth” and successfully delivered the value creation
interest in the lithium mine asset of Bougouni in Mali, Africa. targets. During the Reporting Period, the Group’s ecosystem
During the Reporting Period, Hainan Mining and the other created a total value3 of approximately RMB6.2 billion (before
parties in the deal were actively involved in the filing for intercompany eliminations), representing a growth of 100% as
overseas investment approvals required for the project. As at compared with that of the second half of 2022.
the end of the Reporting Period, the KMUK debt restructuring
and other related restructuring processes had been essentially
completed. Hainan Mining is going through restructuring
formalities including the establishment of a related company
with its registration in Mali and the change in the ownership of
mineral exploration rights and mining rights.
3 It refers to the revenue contribution (before intercompany eliminations) directly or indirectly created by companies within the Fosun ecosystem for other
companies within the ecosystem, including but not limited to cross-selling, product co-creation, membership contribution, membership sales transformation, and
sales collaboration within the ecosystem, joint industrial investment, financing cooperation empowerment, industrial resource coordination, etc.
During the Reporting Period, the Group gave priority to of consumer members of the Group reached 7.73 million,
business models of innovation and diversified high-value increased by 55% compared to that as at the end of 2022.
ecosystem projects across countries/regions/multi-industries, Consumer members contributed 52.8% of sales revenue,
and major programs of ecosystem value creation included: 1) representing an increase of 5.7 percentage points compared to
Focusing on “Insurance + Healthcare”, Pramerica Fosun Life the same period of last year. While enhancing member value,
Insurance, leveraged the business resources of Fosun Care, to the Group further focuses on member digital capacity building
successfully expand its sales to 3,240 orders for communities, based on relevant departments such as the Digital Intelligence
representing a year-on-year growth of 245%; This reflected Committee and Fosun Alliance so as to focus on member
deep integration of Fosun’s ecosystem resources across digital strategy and facilitate the rapid growth of member
the insurance and healthcare business lines, leading to the value. As at the end of the Reporting Period, Fosun Alliance
creation of a three-dimensional innovative healthcare model has acquired 12 million registered members accumulatively,
of “pension insurance products + senior community residency comprehensively improving the refined management ability of
rights + senior vacation and living rights”. 2) In April 2023, industry members.
Yuyuan, a flagship platform of Fosun’s Happiness segment,
held the “Mid-spring Flower Festival” in Yuyuan Tourist Mart, To fulfil the needs of global family customers in Health,
a renowned tourist landmark in Shanghai. The event sought to Happiness, Wealth and Intelligent Manufacturing, the Group will
create a festive marketing atmosphere and promote products continue to create an FC2M happiness ecosystem, connecting
in the ecosystem. For instance, Chinese time-honored brands the resources from internal and external ecosystems, while
such as Songhelou (松鶴樓) and Nanxiang Steamed Buns continuously tapping into win-win cooperation opportunities
Restaurant (南翔饅頭店) introduced unique seasonal products; externally, so as to give full play to the value of the Group’s
The Group collaborated with business tenants to stimulate ecosystem growth multiplier for industries, regional markets,
consumer spending among the major demographics, achieving capital, etc.
a record high in sales compared to the same period in 2022;
3) During the Reporting Period, the Group actively embraced Enhancing product competitiveness with technology
external ecosystems. It cooperated closely with Alipay for the innovation, and driving long-term sustainable development.
first time during “515 Fosun Family Day”, connecting internal The Group is fully aware of the power of technology and
and external ecosystems across platforms, industries, and innovation, and has set up a global multi-dimensional
scenarios. Total sales via Alipay came in at nearly RMB80.00 innovation system through independent R&D, investment
million. incubation, VC investment, institutional cooperation, patent
licensing and the introduction of innovative products, pushing
As at the end of first half of 2023, the number of newly itself to the forefront of global innovation. The Group is
registered members 4 of the Group reached 21.65 million. committed to developing competitive Fosun high-quality
In order to further explore and demonstrate the value of its products, and continuously stepping up efforts to recruit and
members, the Group has started collecting statistics since the train technology personnel. During the Reporting Period, the
beginning of 2023 and will release statistics of the Group’s Group invested a total of approximately RMB4.2 billion 6 in
consumer members5 from 2023 interim results announcement improving its technology innovation capabilities.
onward. As at the end of the first half of 2023, the number
4 It refers to those who have agreed to the official membership terms of the brand and granted privacy in any channel, and actively retained personal information
including mobile phone numbers, to meet the needs of identifiable, reachable and traceable consumers.
5 It refers to those brand consumers who have purchased or used products under the brand registered as members through any channels. Data of member
consumers (including mobile phone numbers, consumption data and other data) shall be stored in the proprietary customer management system or private
traffic management system of the brand.
6 It includes scientific research investment (expensed and capitalized), but excludes digitalization expenses.
During the Reporting Period, the Health segment of the Group Easun Technology under the Intelligent Manufacturing segment
made headway on various fronts of technology innovation. In of the Group announced that it had independently developed
early 2023, Shanghai Henlius, a subsidiary of Fosun Pharma, core machine vision technologies to break the monopoly of
a flagship company under the Health segment of the Group, the market, and that it was also capable of autonomously
announced that new indication of its self-developed PD-1 controlling and managing these technologies. It had developed
monoclonal antibody HANSIZHUANG (serplulimab injection) software and hardware solutions that enabled the precise and
had been approved for marketing by the National Medical intelligent matching of a vehicle body. The first set7 of relevant
Products Administration of China (“NMPA”). This product, equipment in China was rolled out.
in combination with carboplatin and etoposide, became the
world’s first monoclonal antibody drugs targeting PD-1 for As of the end of 2022, the Group held a total of 1,771 patents
first-line treatment of extensive-stage small cell lung cancer, for invention. With the support of the Group’s global layout and
ushering in a new era of immunotherapy for small cell lung continuous innovation, these patents will definitely contribute
cancer. Previously, HANSIZHUANG had been approved to treat to the Group’s productivity.
two indications: microsatellite instability-high solid tumors
and squamous non-small cell lung cancer. In February 2023, Building the FES system to increase management
HANQUYOU (trastuzumab for injection), one of the major effectiveness and business efficiency. FES is a business
products of Shanghai Henlius, for the treatment of HER2- system for the efficient management of enterprises. Such
positive breast cancer and gastric cancer, was accepted for system has been evolving through practice and is aimed at
Biologic License Application (“BLA”) by the FDA. The acceptance building the core competitiveness of a long-standing enterprise
opened up a potential market reach in the U.S. to benefit a and cultivating talents with Fosun’s values of entrepreneurship.
larger number of patients. FES can help enterprises foster a continuous improvement
corporate culture encouraging them to take up the challenge
At the end of June 2023, Fosun Kite Biotechnology Co., Ltd., of meeting high expectations and actively expose and resolve
a joint venture of Fosun Pharma, announced that its first problems in the business process.
CAR-T cell therapy Yi Kai Da (ejilunsai injection) had obtained
conditional approval for marketing in the Chinese mainland In 2023, Fosun’s FES system has been further developed to
from the NMPA for the treatment of second-line indications. enable Fosun enterprises to rapidly improve their operation
The product is used to treat adult patients who have failed first- capabilities and create more value. During the Reporting
line immunochemotherapy or relapsed large B-cell lymphoma Period, the FES system was rolled out across different business
(r/r LBCL) 12 months after first-line immunochemotherapy. lines of the Group, with considerable results achieved through
Thus far, Yi Kai Da for the treatment of the abovementioned its in-depth application. With the continuous improvement and
indications has been prescribed to patients in cities across breakthrough of FES tools, Atlantis Sanya’s OTA (online travel
provinces including Hubei, Anhui and Guangdong, bringing hope agency) customer satisfaction improved from 4.8 points to
to more patients. 4.9 points (on Ctrip); Club Med (China) saw improvement in its
operation capabilities, which helped Club Med obtain double-
Fosun Insurance Portugal, a flagship company under the digit year-on-year growth in global sales. Meanwhile, the
Wealth segment of the Group, continued to build on its digital globalization of the FES system progressed steadily. Through
capabilities to drive the rapid growth of the insurance business. the application of the FES system, Breas, a ventilator brand
During the Reporting Period, MyFidelidade App launched by under Fosun Pharma, had set goals for 2024 and the next
Fosun Insurance Portugal successfully acquired more than three years, and defined key capabilities and priorities needed
1.4 million registered users (exceeding 13% of Portugal’s total to achieve them. Breas had created a precedent for Fosun’s
population), representing an increase of 26% compared to the overseas enterprises to adopt the FES system.
same period of last year. Claims settled digitally accounted for
60% of the total number of claims settled.
7 The first piece (set) of major technical equipment (hereafter referred to as ‘the first set’), which refers to equipment products that have achieved major
technological breakthroughs in the PRC, have intellectual property rights, and have not yet realized market performance, including the first three sets or batches
of complete sets of equipment, complete equipment and core components, control systems, basic materials, software systems, etc.
As at the end of the Reporting Period, the Group has completed In 2021, the Group made a commitment to society – “strive
certification and implementation of 45 FES tools. A total of 667 to peak carbon emissions by 2028 and achieve carbon
experts were trained and certified. The certification project, neutrality by 2050”. Fosun has formulated strategies for
as driven by an expert-certified mechanism, has helped the climate change mitigation and adaptation to align with the
Group to create value. In the first half of 2023, there were 1,013 1.5°C temperature control target set in the Paris Agreement .
improvement projects, including 95 completed projects. There In order to achieve Fosun’s carbon peaking and carbon
were 139 best practice cases of FES, which had been promptly neutrality goal, the Group has established a Carbon Neutrality
shared and replicated among enterprises of the Group to Committee and a Carbon Neutrality Working Group to actively
promote enterprise improvement. promote further implementation and enforcement of carbon-
neutral management. In April 2023, the Group issued its first
In the second half of 2023, the FES system will continue to Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
create incremental value for enterprises by empowering the report, demonstrating its commitment to climate action to the
investment and financing activities as well as entrepreneurship international community.
systems, sticking to its commitment on in-depth applications
while broadening its breadth of vision. It will also further In February 2023, a devastating earthquake hit Turkey. Fosun
empower the development of the Group’s enterprises overseas. Foundation joined hands with the Group’s German member
company Tom Tailor and Fosun Trade to make an emergency
Pursuing excellence, Fosun’s ESG performance has received donation, and became one of the first charitable forces in
global recognition. The Group has always been adhering to Shanghai to respond to the disaster. As one of the official
the values of “Self-improvement, Teamwork, Performance members of the global cooperation initiative for “malaria
and Contribution to Society” and the aspiration of “Developing elimination” advocated by the World Health Organization
Business for Good with a Customer-oriented Focus”. As a (“WHO”), Fosun and its charitable partners contribute “Chinese
participant in the United Nations Global Compact (“UN Global solutions”, so as to jointly build a malaria-free world. In
Compact”), the Group, with a three-decade legacy of operations, particular, Artesun (artesunate for injection), an innovative drug
fully supports the ten principles of UN Global Compact in the with proprietary intellectual property rights owned by Fosun
areas including human rights, labor, environment and anti- Pharma, has treated more than 56 million severe malaria
corruption, relentlessly integrating such principles into Fosun’s patients worldwide and covered 175 million children in African
ESG strategies and actively engaging its member companies in countries with high malaria prevalence. In June 2023, Argesun,
the implementation of ESG strategies. the second-generation artesunate for injection independently
developed by Fosun Pharma, became the first artesunate
In order to further enhance the ESG management system, injectable presented with a single solvent system approved
Fosun has established a top-down management mechanism. by the WHO prequalification, which will further enhance the
The Company has set up an ESG Board Committee under accessibility of innovative antimalarial drugs and save more
the Board. It has also set up an ESG Executive Committee at lives.
management and decision-making level, as well as an ESG
Management Committee and an ESG Working Group at the In addition, the Group takes sustainable development as its
execution level, thereby fully implements ESG strategies priority. It has established open communication channels within
and relevant actions of the Company. To ensure smooth and the Group, and encouraged its employees and subsidiaries
continuous implementation of various ESG initiatives, Fosun to share their knowledge and experiences in respect of
has established a long-term top-down ESG improvement sustainable development with each other. The Group’s ESG
mechanism, and included ESG management performance as Management Committee and ESG Working Group often conduct
an evaluation factor in the executive Directors’ performance workshops to share best practices of ESG with subsidiaries,
assessment and remuneration assessment. thereby promoting the development of ESG projects in
subsidiaries. In May 2023, the Group’s ESG Management
Committee conducted the first ESG workshop in London, the
United Kingdom. It invited the ESG responsible personnel of
major subsidiaries of the Group in Europe to join the workshop.
Together with external institutions, the meeting facilitated
the ESG cooperation and exchange between the Group and its
member companies.
The Group has widely received recognition from professional encompasses independent R&D, product development through
institutions around the world for its excellence in ESG. As of cooperation, introduction of products under franchise and
the end of the Reporting Period, the Company received a MSCI in-depth incubation. Fosun Pharma has built and developed
ESG rating of AA and was the only conglomerate in Greater technology platforms for small molecule innovative drugs,
China with such rating. It received a rating of A in the Hang antibody drugs and cell therapy for key diseases and areas
Seng Sustainability Index and has been selected as one of such as tumor and immune modulation, metabolism and
the constituents of the Hang Seng ESG 50 Index (Top 50 Mid- alimentary system, and central nervous system. It also actively
Large Cap) for two consecutive years. It has been included in explores cutting-edge technologies and fields such as RNA,
Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index for three antibody-drug conjugate (ADC), gene therapy and targeted
consecutive years, and such index consists of Hong Kong-listed protein degradation to enhance innovation capabilities. Under
companies with the most outstanding performance in corporate the strategic guidance of “4 IN”, Fosun Pharma is striving to
sustainability (Top 20% best performers in sustainable become a first-class enterprise in the global pharmaceutical
development). In August 2023, the Company was selected as and healthcare market. In addition, relying on the open-style
one of the constituents of Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability R&D ecosystem, a forward-looking international business
Index, which includes the top 30 Hong Kong-listed companies presence, a systematic commercialization team and years of
that perform best in ESG. In addition, its FTSE ESG rating domestic industry experience and global channel network,
continued to rise, and was selected as one of the constituents Fosun Pharma has become the preferred domestic partner
of FTSE4Good Index Series for the first time in 2022. Its S&P of world-renowned multinational pharmaceutical companies.
Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) score has Fosun Pharma’s industry-leading two-way licensing capability
also risen significantly, higher than 91% of its peers around helps maximize the value of self-developed products and
the world. The Company was also included in S&P Global’s partnered innovative products, and accelerate the R&D and
Sustainability Yearbook 2023 (China Edition) and recognized as transformation of innovative technologies and products. With
an “Industry Mover” by S&P Global. accumulation of experience over the years at its operations in
China, Fosun Pharma has become a trusted domestic partner
of Intuitive Surgical, Kite Pharma, Amgen, Organon and various
other world-leading companies to jointly promote innovative
The Health segment of the Group focuses on the ecosystem products that benefit more Chinese patients. Fosun Pharma
of pharmaceutical business (Fosun Pharma, Shanghai will continue to seek more opportunities to cooperate with
Henlius and Gland Pharma), devices and diagnosis (Sisram world-leading pharmaceutical enterprises in improving product
Med) and healthcare services and products (Fosun Health). It accessibility and affordability to satisfy the unmet clinical
adheres to the “4 IN” strategy (Innovation, Internationalization, needs of patients worldwide.
Integration and Intelligentization) to continuously improve its
product competitiveness and brand value. In recent years, Shanghai Henlius is a global innovative biopharmaceutical
with the evolution of social development and population aging, company dedicated to providing affordable, high-quality
development opportunities have emerged in innovative drug biomedicines to patients worldwide, with products covering
R&D, innovative medical devices and medical diagnosis, and oncology, autoimmune diseases, ophthalmic diseases and other
the demand for quality medical products and services has areas. Since its establishment in 2010, Shanghai Henlius has
increased significantly. The Group will continue to upgrade its built an integrated biopharmaceutical platform with efficient
innovation, integration and internationalization capabilities. and innovative core capabilities across the entire value chain
Meanwhile, it will build a medical-grade, one-stop Fosun health of the industry that encompasses R&D, manufacturing and
ecosystem for all scenarios on the C-end, as well as a matrix commercial operations, and established comprehensive and
of multi-dimensional scientific R&D products on the M-end. efficient global innovation centers. Its production facility in
Xuhui, Shanghai has also received Good Manufacturing Practice
Fosun Pharma is a global pharmaceutical and healthcare (“GMP”) certification in China and the European Union. In the
group rooted in China that is driven by innovation. Its direct second half of 2023, Shanghai Henlius will explore innovation
operations include pharmaceutical manufacturing, medical drugs with clinical orientation by leveraging its own innovation
devices, medical diagnosis and healthcare services, and it and R&D strength while maximizing the commercial value
expands its presence in pharmaceutical distribution and retail of biosimilars at home and abroad, so as to consolidate
business through its investment in Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.. the internationalized capabilities of “integrating research,
Putting patients first and orienting itself towards clinical needs, production and marketing”, and achieve steady development at
Fosun Pharma enriches its innovative product pipeline by a larger, international and more profitable biopharma stage.
adopting a model of diverse and multilevel cooperation which
Sisram Med, a global beauty and wellness group with a service platform that combines comprehensive and specialized
history spanning over two decades, specializes in researching, medical services and integrates online and offline services.
developing, and applying technologies harnessed from Currently, Fosun Health is focusing on the businesses of
energy sources and provides innovative solutions for medical medical group, smart healthcare and insurance empowerment.
aesthetics and related clinical indications. Sisram Med provides Through the offline medical institutions across the five
products and services to leading surgical, medical and beauty economic zones of the Greater Bay Area, the Yangtze River
clinics worldwide. Sisram Med has diversified products and Delta, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Central China and the
treatments portfolio, including hair removal and hair growth, Chengdu-Chongqing area as well as a digital platform, Fosun
skin rejuvenation, acne and acne scars, body & face contouring, Health provides users with online and offline integrated and
pigmentation & skin resurfacing, fat grafting, dermal facial accessible diagnostic and treatment solutions and healthcare
fillers, skin tissue remodeling injectables, personal care, management services, such as offline diagnosis and treatment,
and aesthetic dentistry. Its businesses include energy-based patient management, medical checkups and tests, inquiries and
medical aesthetic device, injectables, aesthetic dentistry, purchases of medicines, and health popularization.
personal care, etc. The direct sales and distribution network of
Sisram Med covers more than 90 countries/regions around the Fosun Care is a brand of the Group covering multi-level health
world. and senior care services with a vision of “creating happier lives
for families worldwide” by driving innovation and elevating
Gland Pharma is one of the largest and fastest growing service standards in the healthcare industry. There are four
generic injectables manufacturing companies in India. Its main major brands under Fosun Care, namely “Starcastle”, “Xingjian”,
products include: cardiac (Enoxaparin Sodium), hematological “Feng-Lin” and “Xingxiang”, covering senior care, integrated
system (H e p ari n Sod i um ), a n t i -i n f e c t i v e (V a n c o my cin, medical care, rehabilitation and nursing, community health,
Caspofungin, Daptomycin, Micafungin), central nervous system nursing, digital and intelligent platforms. Shanghai Zhuli,
(Dexmedetomidine, Rocuronium Bromide), and other injections. established in 2014, operates the brand “Fosun Care” and
Over the years, Gland Pharma has grown from a contract carries out its principal business through several invested
manufacturer of small molecule liquid parenteral products entities, such as Shanghai Starcastle Senior Living Investment
to one of the companies specializing in generic injectables in Management Co., Ltd.
India, with a global presence in more than 60 countries. Gland
Pharma has eight manufacturing sites in India. Meanwhile,
Gland Pharma is continuing to invest in R&D and manufacturing
capabilities, strengthen vertical integration, expand API The Group directs its focus on addressing the happiness-
production capacity to reduce dependence on outsourced APIs, oriented consumption needs of family customers. Through
and accelerate growth through mergers and acquisitions to the twin-driver strategy of “profound industry operations +
branch out into new businesses, including complex technology industrial investment”, the Group builds a globalized happiness
product platforms (e.g. long-acting/suspension products) ecosystem covering the whole value chain of the industry.
and complex API production technologies (e.g. fermentation Centering on brand consumption and tourism and leisure,
technologies). In the future, Gland Pharma will adhere to its the Group actively organizes teams of people, creates goods
strategy of international R&D and continue to strengthen the and arranges venues to meet customer needs directly. The
promotion of products in the market of China. platforms within the brand consumption business include
Yuyuan, Lanvin Group and Fosun Sports, which engage in
With the vision of becoming an “Asia’s leading and world- businesses such as jewelry and fashion, liquor and spirits,
class medical and healthcare technology group” and the C-end platforms, fashion brands, food, catering, beauty and
mission of “making families healthier and live better”, Fosun health, sports, cultural business and pet care. Meanwhile, FTG
Health provides one-stop healthcare management services is the platform for the tourism and leisure business, engaging
with a closed-loop solution for the whole disease process and in four businesses segments including “Club Med and Others”,
“Atlantis Sanya”, “Vacation Asset Management Center”, and
integration of medicine and healthcare. Fosun Health provides
“Foryou Club and Other Services”.
one-stop health management services by building a medical
Yuyuan is one of the earliest witnesses, participants and and “Foryou Club and Other Services”. Taicang and Lijiang, two
contributors to China’s capital market. After the completion projects under the former “FOLIDAY Town” brand, have been
of a major asset reorganization in 2018, Yuyuan became the consolidated into the “Vacation Asset Management Center”
flagship platform for Fosun’s Happiness segment. Yuyuan business segment.
takes the promotion of “Oriental Lifestyle Aesthetics” as its
priority, it continues to revitalize the new scene of high-quality Lanvin Group is a global luxury fashion group and has been
consumption in the Grand Yuyuan, and activate the integrated listed on the NYSE with stock code LANV since December
development of culture, business and tourism, so as to build 2022. The brands under Lanvin Group include historic French
an iconic landmark in Shanghai. Leveraging the Group’s global couture house LANVIN, Austrian luxury skinwear specialist
platform and resource empowerment system, Yuyuan will Wolford, Italian luxury shoemaker Sergio Rossi, American
continue to accelerate its global business expansion, linkage luxury womenswear brand St. John and Italian high-end
with high-quality resources at domestic and abroad to promote menswear maker Caruso. Harnessing the innovative concept
“go global” of Chinese culture. Yuyuan adheres to the strategy and the power of its unique strategic alliance of industry-
of developing business with the twin-driver of “industry leading partners in the luxury fashion sector, Lanvin Group
operations and industrial investment”, and owns 17 Chinese strives to expand the global footprint of its portfolio brands and
time-honored brands, a number of other leading brands, as achieve sustainable growth through strategic investment and
well as some well-known global brands, Yuyuan will continue extensive operational know-how, combined with an intimate
to use the ecological and leading scientific and technological understanding and unparalleled access to the fastest-growing
innovation system, and aspire to develop itself into a world- luxury fashion markets in the world.
class group in the family happiness and consumption industry.
As an important part of “happiness consumption”, “a bottle
of good liquor” is also a catalyst in maturing the Group’s The Group’s Wealth segment mainly consists of financial
ecosystem of businesses oriented towards the needs of services with insurance as the core business. On the basis of
families worldwide. Since the Group invested in the spirits achieving synergy between insurance and asset allocation, it
business, it has continued to drive its strategic business leverages the Group’s profound industrial operation capabilities
development and build up its ecosystem of resources, boosting and global investment capabilities to build an ecosystem of
consistently sales in key markets across China. its global asset management businesses, thereby contributing
to the industrial advancement of the Health, Happiness and
Shede Spirits, a platform-based enterprise of the Group’s Intelligent Manufacturing segments.
liquor and spirits businesses, is principally engaged in the
design, manufacturing and sales of liquor and spirits products, The Wealth segment is divided into two major business
with “Shede” (舍得) and “Tuopai” (沱牌) as its core brands, and segments, namely insurance and asset management. The
cultivated brands such as “Tianzihu” (天子呼), “Tunzhihu” (吞 insurance business includes overseas and domestic insurance
之乎) and “Shebude” (舍不得). In recent years, Shede Spirits businesses, with major member companies including Fosun
has pressed ahead with the “aged spirits strategy”, the “multi- Insurance Portugal, Peak Reinsurance, Pramerica Fosun Life
brand matrix strategy”, the “younger generations marketing Insurance and Fosun United Health Insurance. The asset
strategy” and the “internationalization strategy”, focusing on management business covers asset management (investment)
improving brand awareness and actively increasing market and asset management (property). Asset management
share. Shede Spirits’ mission is to “brew a beautiful life for (investment) includes Fosun Capital, Fosun RZ Capital, HAL
families worldwide and showcase the beauty of Chinese liquor and BCP. The asset management (property) business covers
and spirits”, and its vision is to “become an innovation-driven comprehensive real estate projects in China, Asia Pacific,
world-class liquor and spirits enterprise with leading cultural Europe and the Americas, covering asset types of residential
influence and sustainable ecosystem”. properties, office buildings, commercial properties, hotels,
infrastructure and logistics facilities, etc.
FTG is a global leader in family leisure and tourism and is an
integral part of the Happiness segment. To better focus on its Fosun Insurance Portugal is a subsidiary of the Company,
core business and optimize internal resource collaboration, after acquiring controlling stakes in Fidelidade, Multicare and
FTG has conducted a reclassification of its business segments Fidelidade Assistência by the Group in 2014. As at the end
in 2023. The original segments “Resorts and Hotels”, “Tourism of the Reporting Period, the Group owned 84.9892% equity
Destinations”, and “Services and Solutions in Various Tourism interest in Fosun Insurance Portugal. As a leading participant
and Leisure Settings” have been reclassified to “Club Med and in the Portuguese insurance market, the platform facilitates
Others”, “Atlantis Sanya”, “Vacation Asset Management Center”, business development of the Group in Europe, Africa, Asia and
Latin America.
Peak Reinsurance is a Hong Kong-based global reinsurer jointly Fosun RZ Capital is a global venture capital platform of the
established by the Group and International Finance Corporation Group focusing on new technology, new energy and new fields
in 2012. Authorized by the Insurance Authority of Hong Kong in overseas markets, which is also one of the investment
under the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41) , Peak Reinsurance institutions with the greatest industry expertise in China. With a
conducts property & casualty (“P&C”) and life & health (“L&H”) long-term focus in high-growth, high-tech companies in major
reinsurance services. Over the last decade, Peak Reinsurance economic growth regions worldwide, Fosun RZ Capital has
has been committed to providing clients around the globe with developed an influential ecosystem for innovation at globalized
innovative and tailored reinsurance, risk management and industries.
capital management solutions.
HAL is Germany’s leading private bank with a history of more
Pramerica Fosun Life Insurance is a joint venture established than 225 years and one of the few independent, fully licensed
by the Group and The Prudential Insurance Company of and high-growth private banks in Germany. HAL adopts a
America. Formally established in September 2012, it is diversified and asset-light business model for its four core
headquartered in Shanghai. Both shareholders hold 50% equity businesses including private banking, asset management, full-
interest in the joint venture. The businesses of Pramerica chain one-stop fund services and investment banking for high-
Fosun Life Insurance include life insurance, health insurance, net-worth clients. With branches in Germany, Luxembourg,
accident insurance, and reinsurance business of the above- Ireland and China, and coverage of two of the largest European
mentioned businesses. Pramerica Fosun Life Insurance fund management centers in Luxembourg and Ireland, HAL also
is committed to becoming a “successful and unique” life actively develops its business cooperation in Chinese mainland
insurance company for providing the customers with high- and Hong Kong to vigorously grow its business globally.
quality life insurance services throughout the life cycle.
BCP is a Portuguese bank that puts people and institutions
Fosun United Health Insurance, established in January 2017, first, providing comprehensive financial services for both
is the sixth professional health insurance company in China individuals and businesses in markets where it operates. It
jointly sponsored by the Group and five other companies. mainly provides commercial banking products and services for
Guided by the principles of sustainable growth, innovation individuals and businesses, accompanied by complementary
driven approach, distinctive operations and customer-central services such as investment banking and private banking
focus, it delivers expert health protection and management services. As the largest private bank in Portugal, BCP has also
services. Based on the needs of consumers for insurance, been strengthening its position in emerging markets in Europe
Fosun United Health Insurance has innovatively launched and Africa, especially in Poland, Mozambique and Angola which
various products such as medical insurance, illness insurance, share deep historical ties with Portugal. BCP also owns a
disability income insurance, nursing insurance, and accident leading digital bank called “ActivoBank”.
insurance, providing customers with quality whole life-cycle
products and establishing a caring whole process service
On 14 March 2023, Fosun High Technology, Shanghai Fosun
Established in 2007, Fosun Capital is an equity investment Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Fosun Industrial
and management company wholly owned by the Group. It is Technology Development Co., Ltd. (subsidiaries of the Company,
a leading private equity investment institution in the industry together, the “Nanjing Nangang Sellers”) and Shagang Group
focusing on four major areas: new materials and intelligent and Shagang Investment (together, the “Previous Purchasers”)
manufacturing, digital economy and broad consumption, entered into an equity transfer agreement (the “Previous
healthcare, and new generation information technology. In ETA”), pursuant to which, the Nanjing Nangang Sellers agreed
the past 16 years since its establishment, Fosun Capital has to conditionally dispose of, and the Previous Purchasers agreed
launched and managed a number of assets, including fund of to conditionally acquire 60% equity interest in Nanjing Nangang
funds, private equity investment funds, industry investment (the “Target Interest”) for a consideration of RMB13.58 billion
funds with listed companies as investees and other types of (subject to adjustment) (the “Previous Disposal”). As at the
equity investment funds. signing date of the Previous ETA, Nanjing Iron & Steel Group
Co., Ltd. (“Nanjing Iron & Steel Group”) was a shareholder
of Nanjing Nangang holding 40% equity interest in Nanjing development opportunities in Hainan and driven by the twin-
Nangang. As a result of Nanjing Iron & Steel Group’s exercise of driver strategy of industry operations + industrial investment”,
the right of first refusal on 2 April 2023, the Nanjing Nangang Hainan Mining has been continuously developing its core
Sellers and Nanjing Iron & Steel Group on 2 April 2023 entered operations and accelerating strategic transformation and
into a new equity transfer agreement, pursuant to which, the upgrade. Through continuous promotion of lean management,
Nanjing Nangang Sellers agreed to conditionally dispose of, technology innovation, industrial investment and other means,
and Nanjing Iron & Steel Group agreed to conditionally acquire it has stabilized the production volume of iron ores and oil and
the Target Interest (the “New Disposal”). The consideration gas operation, reduced costs while improving efficiency, and
of the New Disposal shall be the sum of RMB13.58 billion and continued to strengthen the industrial foundation of “iron ore
the capital costs (the interests on the earnest money paid by + oil and gas”. At the same time, based on its strategic goal of
the Nanjing Nangang Sellers to Shagang Group) (subject to building up three main tracks of “iron ore + oil and gas + new
adjustment). Upon completion of the New Disposal, the Group energy” in the future, Hainan Mining has proactively facilitated
will cease to have any equity interest in Nanjing Nangang. As the investment, merger and acquisition in the upstream new
at the end of the Reporting Period, the transaction was not energy industry. The 20,000-tonne lithium hydroxide project in
completed. Yangpu, Hainan has been on the fast track. The acquisition of
the Bougouni lithium mine project in Mali, Africa is going to be
Looking forward, the Group’s Intelligent Manufacturing completed. An integrated layout for the upstream new industry
segment will mainly focus on mineral oil and gas resources has been preliminarily formed.
and intelligent manufacturing, and actively expand into relevant
industries with high added value of technology, such as new Wansheng was established in 1995 and listed on the SSE in
materials and smart mobility. The Group’s mineral oil and gas October 2014. Since its establishment, Wansheng has been
resources business, represented by Hainan Mining continues focusing on the production, R&D and sales of functional fine
to maintain rapid growth. At the same time, with the vigorous chemicals, and has become a world-leading producer of
development of intelligent manufacturing services represented phosphorus-based flame retardant after years of development.
by Easun Technology, other companies under the Group’s With the foundation of its existing businesses, the resources of
Intelligent Manufacturing segment are expected to benefit from Fosun’s ecosystem of businesses and the development trend of
the rapid development of the industry. the chemical industry, together with its own current business
volume and plan for development, Wansheng classifies its
Hainan Mining was listed on the SSE in December 2014. Hainan future development into three business segments, namely
Mining has been deeply engaged in the iron ore industry for “core businesses” such as the polymer additives business
many years and “Hainan Mine” has a long reputation in the which will consolidate its foundation and allow it to grow
domestic steel industry. Hainan Mining won the “National Iron stronger and larger; “developing businesses” such as the
and Steel Industry Advanced Collective” in 2014, was rated amines and daily chemical raw materials businesses which
as the meritorious enterprise of the steel industry in the 40th will gradually optimize their product portfolio, expand market
anniversary of the reform and opening up in 2018, ranked 22nd shares, and strive to become leading functional daily chemical
among the top 50 metallurgical mining enterprises in China raw materials-producing enterprises in China; and “strategic
in 2022 and won the “Top Ten Factories and Mines” honor businesses” which include the new energy materials business,
in the first metallurgical mine. In 2019, to further enhance electronic chemicals business and biotechnology business,
Hainan Mining’s capabilities for sustainable development and and will continue to promote technology innovation, step up
balance the cyclical fluctuations arising from its sole iron ore investment in R&D, build up their business presence with
operations, the Group injected its 51% equity interests in ROC, foresight and seek development opportunities based on existing
a company with world-class whole-cycle upstream oil and advantages and resources in their ecosystem of businesses.
gas operations, into Hainan Mining, assisting Hainan Mining in Wansheng will consolidate its resources in prioritizing the
building the dual principal operation of “iron ore + oil and gas”. strengthening of “core businesses”, systematically establish the
“developing businesses”, push forward the layout of “strategic
Over the years, centering on its strategic vision of “taking the businesses” by seizing opportunities, and strive to become “the
resource industry as its core development focus and striving world’s leading enterprise of functional new materials” driven
to become an industrial development group with strategic by a low-carbon-emission approach and innovation.
resources as the core and international influence leveraging
BUSINESS REVIEW During the Reporting Period, the revenue of the Group
amounted to RMB97,064.6 million, representing an increase
As at the end of the Reporting Period, equity attributable to
of RMB9,515.0 million, or 10.9%, compared to the same period
owners of the parent of the Group amounted to RMB125,241.8
of 2022, mainly attributable to the revenue increase of the
million, representing an increase of 2.1% compared to the end
Happiness segment. From the perspective of product lines,
of 2022, mainly due to the contribution of profit attributable
during the Reporting Period, revenue of pharmaceutical,
to owners of parents. As the profit of disposed enterprises
devices & diagnosis, and healthcare services & consumption
(including transactions yet to be completed) and disposal gain
of the Health segment represents 67%, 9% and 24% of the
of financial investments was relatively higher in the same
total Health segment revenue of the Group, respectively;
period of 2022 as compared to the Reporting Period, the profit
revenue of brand consumer and tourism & leisure of the
attributable to owners of the parent of the Group amounted to
Happiness segment represents 78% and 22% of the total
RMB1,360 million during the Reporting Period, representing a
Happiness segment revenue of the Group, respectively;
decrease of 40.4% compared to the same period of 2022.
revenue of insurance, asset management (property) and asset
management (investment) of the Wealth segment represents
As at the end of the Reporting Period, total assets of the Group
73%, 15% and 12% of the total Wealth segment revenue of the
amounted to RMB834,874.9 million, representing an increase of
Group, respectively; revenue of resources and environment,
3.7% compared to the end of 2022.
and technology & intelligent manufacturing of the Intelligent
Manufacturing segment represents 43% and 57% of the total
Intelligent Manufacturing segment revenue of the Group,
As at As at Change
30 June 31 December compared to the
Segment 2023 Proportion 2022 Proportion end of 2022
Health 125,632.9 14.8% 120,454.2 14.8% 4.3%
Happiness 204,544.7 24.2% 200,118.0 24.5% 2.2%
Wealth 474,191.9 56.0% 447,477.7 54.9% 6.0%
Insurance 185,540.4 21.9% 178,364.6 21.9% 4.0%
Asset Management 288,651.5 34.1% 269,113.1 33.0% 7.3%
Intelligent Manufacturing 42,245.1 5.0% 47,424.5 5.8% (10.9%)
Eliminations (11,739.7) (10,284.8)
Total 834,874.9 100.0% 805,189.6 100.0% 3.7%
Devices & Healthcare Services & Asset Management Asset Management Resources & Technology & Intelligent
Pharmaceutical Brand Consumer Tourism & Leisure Insurance
Diagnosis Consumption (Investment) (Property) Environment Manufacturing
Fosun Pharma
Sisram Med Yuyuan FTG Fosun Insurance Portugal HAL 28 Liberty Hainan Mining
600196.SH Easun Technology13
(Israel) Fosun Health 600655.SH 01992.HK (Portugal) (Germany) (USA) 601969.SH
02196.HK 83.00%
01696.HK 61.79% 78.26% 84.9892% 99.69% 100% 45.80%
Sinopharm Sanyuan Foods7
Fosun Sports Yong’an P&C Insurance Fosun Capital (France)
600429.SH Foryou Club
01099.HK (Luxembourg) 14.69% 100% PAR.PA
18.17% 92.01% 59.87%
Bohe Health9 (Portugal)
29.85% BCP.LS
Lanvin Group10
St Hubert11
1. This simplified corporate structure only illustrates the key investments of the Group. The equity percentage reflects the total direct shareholdings held by the
Group, associates, joint ventures and funds managed by the Group as at 30 June 2023. The companies marked in the solid line boxes are consolidated entities
of the Group, and the companies marked in the dotted-line boxes are non-consolidated entities of the Group. The companies marked in the shaded boxes are
channels for C-end top priority of the Group.
2. The companies marked in the light-blue boxes are invested by Fosun Pharma. For specific information, please refer to the disclosure of Fosun Pharma.
3. The companies marked in the light-yellow boxes are invested by Yuyuan. For specific information, please refer to the disclosure of Yuyuan. The companies
marked in the light-orange boxes are invested by FTG. For specific information, please refer to the disclosure of FTG.
4. The company marked in the light-purple box is invested by Hainan Mining. For specific information, please refer to the disclosure of Hainan Mining.
5. Fidelidade held 99.86% equity interest in Luz Saúde. Therefore, the Group held 84.87% effective equity interest in Luz Saúde.
6. Shanghai Zhuli operates “Fosun Care” brand. The Group through its wholly-owned subsidiaries held 87.35% equity interest and through its non-wholly-owned
subsidiary held 3.55% equity interest, respectively, in Shanghai Zhuli. The Group held 39.99% effective equity interest in such non-wholly-owned subsidiary.
Therefore, the Group held 88.78% effective equity interest in Shanghai Zhuli.
7. The Group through its wholly-owned subsidiary held 14.44% equity interest and through a consolidated fund under management of the Group held 3.73% equity
interest, respectively, in Sanyuan Foods. The Group held 37.20% effective equity interest in such fund. Therefore, the Group held 15.83% effective equity interest
in Sanyuan Foods.
8. The Company and its wholly-owned subsidiary held 29.77% equity interest in BabyTree, and Fidelidade held 0.14% equity interest in BabyTree. Therefore, the
effective equity interest held by the Group in BabyTree was 29.88%.
9. The Group through its wholly-owned subsidiary held 24.49% equity interest in Bohe Health, and through a subsidiary in which the Group held 80.81% effective
equity interest, held 4.48% equity interest in Bohe Health. In addition, Yuyuan through its wholly-owned subsidiary held 0.88% equity interest in Bohe Health.
Therefore, the Group held 28.65 % effective equity interest in Bohe Health.
10. The Group through its wholly-owned subsidiary held 60.31% equity interest in Lanvin Group, and Yuyuan through its wholly-owned subsidiary held 4.64% equity
interest in Lanvin Group. Therefore, the Group held 63.17% effective equity interest in Lanvin Group.
11. The Group through a subsidiary, in which the Group held 51% equity interest, held 98.12% equity interest in St Hubert SAS. Therefore, the Group held 50.04%
effective equity interest in St Hubert SAS.
12. Shanghai Insight Investment Management Limited exclusively uses “Fosun RZ Capital” brand.
13. The Group held 58.58% equity interest in Easun Technology through its wholly-owned subsidiaries and consolidated funds under its management. Therefore, the
Group held 48.01% effective equity interest in Easun Technology. In addition, the non-consolidated entities in which the Group participated in the investment held
24.42% equity interest in Easun Technology.
14. On 14 March 2023, Fosun High Technology entered into a share acquisition agreement with Nanjing Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Fosun High Technology’s
joint venture, acquired 29.5645% of the total issued shares of Wansheng. As at the date of this report, the transaction has not been completed.
15. The Group through its wholly-owned subsidiary held 16.30% equity interest and through a consolidated fund under management of the Group held 2.12% equity
interest, respectively, in JEVE. The Group held 22.14% effective equity interest in such fund. Therefore, the Group held 16.77% effective equity interest in JEVE. In
addition, the non-consolidated entities in which the Group participated in the investment held 31.53% equity interest in JEVE.
Fosun Pharma
As at the end of Reporting Period, the Group held 36.04% equity
interest in Fosun Pharma.
Period; (2) as the COVID-19 no longer constituted a “Public
Health Emergency of International Concern”, the revenue of
anti-pandemic products such as Comirnaty (mRNA COVID-19
vaccine), COVID-19 antigen and nucleic acid test kits recorded
a significant period-on-period decrease (excluding the anti-
pandemic products, the revenue of Fosun Pharma increased
approximately 15% period-on-period during the Reporting
During the Reporting Period, Fosun Pharma continued to During the Reporting Period, a total of 5 innovative drugs
increase its efforts in R&D with the R&D expenditures of (indications) and 10 generic drugs (indications) of Fosun
RMB2,884 million, representing a period-on-period increase Pharma were approved for launch; 4 innovative drugs/
of 19.77%, among which, the R&D expenses were RMB2,134 biosimilars (indications) and 34 generic drugs (indications)
million, representing a period-on-period increase of RMB307 applied for launch; 7 innovative drugs/biosimilars (indications)
million, or 16.80%. were approved for clinical trials in Chinese mainland.
During the Reporting Period, Fosun Pharma’s pharmaceutical During the Reporting Period, the medical devices and medical
manufacturing segment achieved revenue of RMB15,921 diagnostics segment achieved revenue of RMB2,215 million,
million, representing a period-on-period increase of 11.56%. representing a period-on-period decrease of 45.11%; segment
In the first half of 2023, the revenue from new and sub- results8 amounted to RMB56 million, representing a period-on-
new products such as HANSIZHUANG (serplulimab injection), period decrease of 87.27%; and segment profit amounted to
HANQUYOU (trastuzumab injection) and trastuzumab drug RMB114 million, representing a period-on-period decrease of
substance, as well as Su Ke Xin (avatrombopag maleate 83.69%. The decrease in the results of the medical devices and
tablets) maintained rapid growth. medical diagnostics segment was attributable to the significant
decrease in revenue from COVID-19 antigen and nucleic acid
During the Reporting Period, the segment results 8 of the test kits and the overseas sales of non-proprietary anti-
pharmaceutical manufacturing segment amounted to RMB1,660 pandemic products.
million, representing a period-on-period decrease of 12.17%,
and realized segment profits of RMB1,428 million, representing During the Reporting Period, the healthcare services segment
a period-on-period decrease of 9.56%, mainly due to (1) achieved revenue of RMB3,127 million, representing a period-
despite the contribution of Jie Bei An (azvudine tablets) at the on-period increase of 7.20%; segment results8 amounted to
beginning of the Reporting Period, the significant decrease of RMB-151 million, representing a period-on-period decrease in
sales of Comirnaty (mRNA COVID-19 vaccine) and the expenses loss of RMB236 million; and segment loss was RMB268 million,
incurring by the corresponding team, medical and market representing a period-on-period decrease in loss of RMB174
activities; (2) the period-on-period decrease in operating million. The decrease in loss was mainly attributable to the
results of Gland Pharma, a subsidiary, as a result of factors revenue recovery of offline hospitals and further focus and
such as the intensified competition in the U.S. market and the optimization of online business.
suspension and upgrade of certain production lines; (3) the
strategic investment such as market development and team During the Reporting Period, Fosun Pharma continued
enhancement in HANSIZHUANG (serplulimab injection), Bei Wen to implement its internationalization strategy in multiple
(keverprazan hydrochloride tablets) and other new products dimensions including innovative R&D, license-in projects,
launched as well as the early layout and team investment of production and operation as well as commercialization. Fosun
HANSIZHUANG (serplulimab injection) in overseas markets; (4) Pharma enhanced its operational efficiency and expanded
an increase in R&D expenses as a result of Fosun Pharma’s global market layout, with a major presence in overseas
continuous expenditure in relation to innovative drugs, markets such as the U.S., Europe, Africa, India and Southeast
biosimilars, innovative incubation platforms and early research Asia.
stage projects during the Reporting Period, where Fosun
Pharma’s R&D expenses had a period-on-period increase of In U.S. market, a self-operated generic drug team has initially
RMB301 million. matured and has started cooperation with 5 major distributors
and 16 groups purchasing organizations to facilitate the
During the Reporting Period, Fosun Pharma’s R&D expenditures sales of preparation products. In Hong Kong and Macau,
in the pharmaceutical manufacturing segment was RMB2,519 Fosun Pharma has initially formed an innovative drug team,
million, representing a period-on-period increase of 22.16%. responsible for medical affairs, market access, sales and
Total R&D expenditures in the pharmaceutical manufacturing other functions. During the Reporting Period, Fosun Pharma
segment accounted for 15.82% of the revenue from the continued to pursue the registration and commercialization
pharmaceutical manufacturing segment. In particular, R&D of products such as AKYNZEO (netupitant and palonosetron
expenses were RMB1,792 million, accounting for 11.26% of the hydrochloride capsules, named in Chinese mainland: Akynzeo)
revenue from the pharmaceutical manufacturing segment. and ALOXI (palonosetron hydrochloride).
8 Segment results are obtained as segment revenue less cost of sales, selling and distribution expenses, administrative expenses and research and development
In terms of emerging markets, in Africa Fosun Pharma is practicable date for the publication of the 2023 interim results
mainly engaged in medical product export and distribution in announcement of Shanghai Henlius) (the “Shanghai Henlius
the English-speaking and French-speaking regions in Sub- LPD”), five products (18 indications) under Shanghai Henlius
Saharan Africa, with its sales network covering more than were successfully marketed in China (excluding Hong Kong,
40 countries and regions. During the Reporting Period, Fosun Macau and Taiwan regions of PRC), one of which was marketed
Pharma had commenced the construction of a park integrating in Europe and Australia and other countries/regions. As a
drug R&D, manufacturing, logistics and delivery in Cote d’Ivoire, representative of domestic biological drugs to “go global”,
aiming to realize local drug manufacturing and supply in Africa. HANQUYOU has successfully been approved in approximate 40
countries and regions. Self-developed by Shanghai Henlius, the
In addition, in the field of medical cosmetology, Sisram innovative PD-1 monoclonal antibody product HANSIZHUANG
Med, a subsidiary, continued to enhance its global channel (serplulimab injection) was approved by the National Medical
capacity, and in the first half of 2023, the proportion of direct Products Administration (NMPA) in March 2022. Meanwhile,
sales revenue of Sisram Med further increased to 72%. In Shanghai Henlius also established global cooperation with
the respiratory health filed, Breas, a subsidiary, continued to several internationally renowned partners for HANLIKANG,
explore the European and the U.S. markets in depth as well as HANQUYOU, HANDAYUAN, and HANBEITAI obtaining remarkable
expanded the Chinese market. During the Reporting Period, the achievements in internationalization for self-developed
Vivo 1, 2 and 3 ventilators of Breas were approved for launch products. During the Reporting Period, core products
in Chinese mainland, and the localization process continued to continued to expand its sales, and Shanghai Henlius recorded
advance. an operating income of approximately RMB2,500.5 million,
representing a year-on-year increase of 93.9%; a realized profit
Shanghai Henlius of RMB240.0 million, representing a year-on-year decrease of
As of the end of the Reporting Period, the Group held 60.15% RMB252.1 million.
equity interest in Shanghai Henlius.
During the Reporting Period, based on clinical needs, Shanghai
Shanghai Henlius continued to innovate and deploy in R&D, Henlius has orderly organized the development of innovative
production and commercialization. During the Reporting Period, products. As of the Shanghai Henlius LPD, Shanghai Henlius
it efficiently promoted the commercialization of products has carried out a total of more than 30 clinical trials in an
and achieved semi-annual profits for the first time. Great orderly manner in various countries/regions. Shanghai Henlius
achievements have also been made in the clinical development is clinically value-oriented in the earlier stage of R&D, and
and drug registration of pipeline products and the construction cooperates with the early R&D teams in China and the U.S.,
of international production capacity. based on the in-depth data-driven new drug discovery platform
and biocomputing-accelerated molecular design technology
Shanghai Henlius has strong global product commercialization through the network biology and polypharmacology, to develop
capabilities. In order to achieve continuous growth in sales innovative drugs for combating intractable diseases. As of
scale of products, Shanghai Henlius has an experienced the Shanghai Henlius LPD, Shanghai Henlius has a total of 63
commercialization team covering five major segments, namely molecules, with drug forms covering monoclonal antibody,
market promotion, channel management, pricing and market double antibody, antibody-drug conjugates, recombinant
access, domestic sales and strategic planning. As at the end proteins, small molecule-drug conjugates, etc. During the
of the Reporting Period, total employee headcount is over Reporting Period, Shanghai Henlius recognized R&D expenses
1,300. With a solid new drug pipeline and a rapid clinical of approximately RMB673.8 million, representing a decrease of
advancement strategy, on 24 August 2023 (being the latest approximately RMB153.6 million compared to RMB827.4 million
in the same period in 2022.
As at the end of the Reporting Period, Shanghai Henlius Fosun Pharma acquired approximately 74% equity interest
had a total commercial production capacity of 48,000L, fully in Gland Pharma in October 2017. Fosun Pharma has
supporting the commercialization needs of domestic and business relationships in China and Africa, and the acquisition
overseas approved marketing products. In July 2023, the provides Gland Pharma with access to these two core growth
Xuhui Facility has undergone the on-site GMP inspection markets for injectables. In November 2020, Gland Pharma
conducted by the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (BPOM) was successfully listed in India with the largest initial public
for HANSIZHUANG before launch in Indonesia. In August offering (IPO) of INR64.795 billion in the Indian healthcare
2023, Songjiang First Plant has undergone the Pre-License industry. As of the end of the Reporting Period, Fosun Pharma
Inspection (PLI) by the FDA for HANQUYOU. As at the end of held 57.86% equity interest in Gland Pharma.
the Reporting Period, Shanghai Henlius’ production capacity
of 96,000L was under construction, and it is expected to reach Over the years, Gland Pharma has grown up from a contract
a total production capacity of 144,000L in 2026, with an aim manufacturer of small volume liquid parenteral products
to gradually improve and enhance large-scale commercial to one of the largest generic injectables manufacturing
production capacity based on a sound quality management companies in India with a global footprint across over 60
system, so that it can expand capacity and improve economic countries. Gland Pharma has a track record of supporting the
cost-effectiveness while maintaining high quality standards. requirements of global pharmaceutical companies for a wide
range of injectables through B2B model. Its B2B model covers
Gland Pharma intellectual property-led technology transfer and contract
Established in 1978, Gland Pharma is one of the largest manufacturing models. In addition, in the Indian market, Gland
generic injectables manufacturing companies in India. In 2003, Pharma also adopts B2C model through which its products
its flagship sterile injection plant in Hyderabad, India, with mainly targeted at end consumers such as hospitals, nursing
multiple delivery formats and production capabilities, received homes and government agencies. The unique and significant
its first approval from the FDA. Gland Pharma has a consistent advantages of Gland Pharma in the entire pharmaceutical
compliance record and its manufacturing facilities have been value chain have helped it achieve rapid growth. Gland Pharma
inspected by regulatory authorities of various countries around is now exploring to foray into complex injectables and Biologic/
the world, including FDA (US), MHRA (UK), TGA (Australia), Biosimilar CDMO business after delivering excellence over the
ANVISA (Brazil), BGV Hamburg (Germany), and others. past four years in small molecule generics injectables.
Gland Pharma has a presence in the U.S., Canadian, European, With its eight production facilities in India, comprising four
Australian and Indian markets. In addition to these markets, operational formulations facilities with a total of 28 production
Gland Pharma has also strategically increased its business lines and four API facilities, Gland Pharma continues to
presence in the “Rest of the World” (“ROW”) markets to further strengthen its manufacturing capabilities. The formulation
strengthen its global position. During the Reporting Period, manufacturing facilities consist of two multiple sterile
core markets which include the U.S., Europe, Canada, Australia injectables facilities, one dedicated Penems facility and one
and New Zealand have contributed 70% of the revenue. ROW oncology facility. During the Reporting Period, Gland Pharma
markets and domestic market of India have contributed 23% adhered to the international R&D strategy, and a number of
and 7% of the revenue respectively. Gland Pharma was working generic drugs were approved for launch, and the strategy to
towards building foundation to enter the Chinese market and on introduce these products into the Chinese market continued.
that direction received its first China approval for Dexrazoxane.
The product is now launched and wins a share in the Chinese In April 2023, Gland Pharma through its wholly-owned
market in collaboration with Fosun Pharma. subsidiary in Singapore entered into a share purchase
agreement to acquire 100% equity interest in Cenexi. Founded
Gland Pharma’s main products include: cardiac (Enoxaparin in 2004, Cenexi, along with its subsidiaries, is engaged
Sodium), hematological system (Heparin Sodium), anti- primarily in the business of CDMO of pharmaceutical products
infective (Vancomycin, Caspofungin, Daptomycin, Micafungin, with expertise in sterile liquid and lyophilized fill-finished drug,
Remdesivir), central nervous system (Dexmedetomidine, including capabilities on oncology and complex products. It
Rocuronium Bromide), and other injections. has presence across four manufacturing sites in Europe which
include three sites in France and one site in Belgium.
Gland Pharma has a strategic focus on expanding its CDMO markets outside the U.S. Furthermore, Sisram Med intensified
offerings in the European market and building a manufacturing its R&D efforts and advanced the R&D process actively. During
presence in the market. The acquisition provides Gland Pharma the Reporting Period, Sisram Med achieved FDA regulatory
with access to know-how and development capabilities in clearance for Alma’s BeautiFill TM system intended for laser
sterile forms including niche technologies like ophthalmic gel, assisted liposuction and skin firming:
needleless injectors and hormones. This acquisition can help
expand Gland Pharma’s global presence and further solidify its LipoSenseTM – a smart fibre and adipose tissue delivery system
identity as an injectable focused CDMO company. that improves surgical safety by real-time measurement of the
treated area temperature.
During the Reporting Period, Gland Pharma’s revenue was
RMB1,689.7 million, representing a year-on-year increase of CellFieTM – intended for the closed-loop processing of micro
1.36%. fragment adipose tissue for re-injection in medical procedures
involving the harvesting, concentrating, and transferring of
Going forward, Gland Pharma will continue to invest in R&D autologous adipose tissue harvested with a lipoplasty system,
and production capabilities, strengthen vertical integration and for the purpose of, achieving body shaping through autologous
expand API production capacity to reduce dependence on APIs fat transplantation.
purchased externally. Meanwhile, Gland Pharma will accelerate
its growth through mergers and acquisitions, focusing on Injection filler Business: In April 2023, Sisram Med announced
complex technology and product platforms (e.g. long-acting/ that its Type A Botulinum Toxin Daxxify, indicated for the
suspension products), and complex API raw material production temporary improvement in the appearance of moderate to
technologies (e.g. fermentation technology), etc. severe glabellar lines associated with corrugator and/or
procerus muscle activity in adult patients. The drug registration
Sisram Med application has been accepted by the NMPA, and it is expected
As at the end of the Reporting Period, the Group held to be launched in China.
approximately 71.03% equity interest in Sisram Med.
In addition to the vertical cultivation of the business field,
During the Reporting Period, Sisram Med achieved a total Sisram Med is actively strategizing in marketing and global
revenue of USD171.6 million, representing a year-on-year expansion. In May 2023, at the Alma Academy event hosted by
decrease of 1.7%. The decrease was mainly due to economic Sisram Med, nearly 500 doctors from 46 countries gathered
downturn in the European market and geopolitical volatility. together, and Sisram Med displayed a number of award-
Additionally, certain markets, such as the United Kingdom and winning Alma products to further enhance the reputation of
Dubai, were affected by the transition from the distribution Sisram Med and its brand globally. In June 2023, Sisram Med
model to the direct sale model, and the transition period of opened the Sisram Wellness Center in downtown Chicago, the
acquiring Chinese distributors led to a slowdown in its local first global beauty-health experience center that combines
business. Gross profit increased by 5.7% to USD105.3 million offering clinic treatments, product displays and training, and
compared to USD99.6 million of the same period of last year. marketing, providing custom-made exceptional care, including
The increase in gross profit was consistent with its direct sales advanced medical aesthetic services in skin health, beauty, and
strategy, primarily due to the establishment of direct sales wellness. The opening of the center will increase its influence
offices to shorten the supply chain and the increase of average in the U.S., an important market of Sisram Med.
selling prices, etc. Net profit attributable to shareholders of
Sisram Med was USD18.9 million, representing a year-on- During the Reporting Period, Sisram Med also further expanded
year decrease of 8.4%. Sisram Med continued to increase its its channels. In February 2023, Sisram Med announced the
R&D efforts. During the Reporting Period, the R&D investment establishment of a direct sales office in Dubai, to support
increased by 10% to USD9.159 million, compared with and meet the high demand for the products and services of
USD8.329 million of the same period of 2022. Sisram Med in the European and Middle Eastern markets.
In March 2023, Sisram Med announced the acquisition of
Energy-based Device Business: Sisram Med launched two 60% of Alma Lasers, and the transaction was completed in
popular products to new markets during the Reporting Period: June 2023. This acquisition will strengthen the layout of the
Soprano Titanium TM, a flagship equipment platform for hair direct sales of Sisram Med in the Chinese market, to help the
removal, was introduced to the North America market following further expansion of Alma products in China. Meanwhile, it
regulatory FDA clearance; Alma Opus, designed for skin will accelerate the synergy and mutual empowerment among
resurfacing and face tightening, was introduced to international four major business segments of Sisram Med, achieving global
development and cross-business collaboration.
Fosun Health Looking forward to the second half of 2023 and beyond,
leveraging its existing advantageous medical resources and
Fosun Health provides services such as medical groups,
digital platform, Fosun Health will continue to deepen its
intelligent healthcare and value-added insurance to meet
business deployment in the fields of medical groups, intelligent
medical needs. As at the end of the Reporting Period, Fosun
healthcare and value-add insurance, facilitate the integration of
Health obtained a total of 9 internet hospital licenses, and
online and offline services, improve its specialized capabilities
the hospitals controlled by Fosun Health had a total of 6,448
and life-cycle management system based on the course of
authorized beds. During the Reporting Period, Fosun Health’s
disease, and accelerate the development of the one-stop health
operating revenue amounted to RMB3.123 billion, representing
management services that integrate medicine and healthcare,
a year-on-year increase of 5.4%. Its revenue growth benefited
aiming to realize its vision of becoming a “Asia’s leading and
from the business recovery of the hospitals and the quality
world-class medical and healthcare technology group”.
growth of the online business. Meanwhile, it focused on its core
businesses to grow its profitability, and implemented various
measures to reduce costs and enhance efficiency. During the
Fosun Care (Shanghai Zhuli Investment Co., Ltd.)
Reporting Period, segment loss amounted to RMB258 million, As of the end of the Reporting Period, the Group held
representing a year-on-year decrease of RMB225 million. approximately 90.91% equity interest in Shanghai Zhuli.
In terms of medical groups, through continuous promotion Since its establishment in 2012, Fosun Care has maintained
of the integration of online and offline medical institutions, an operational standards of high standard, high quality and
and the expansion of primary medical services, Fosun Health high efficiency. It has been listed in the top 10 of the “Excellent
formed a regional healthcare services network surrounding key Index • Excellent Performance in the Operation of Senior Care
regions such as the Greater Bay Area and the Yangtze River Institutions” issued by Guardian Index Research Institute for
Delta. Fosun Health took self-operated flagship hospitals as the two consecutive years, demonstrating the comprehensive
starting point to collaborate with regional medical institutions strength of Fosun Care. As of the end of the Reporting Period,
to integrate prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation Fosun Care invested in and operated senior care and nursing
services, thereby meeting the diversified medical needs of the institutions in nearly 10 cities including Beijing, Shanghai,
users. During the Reporting Period, Foshan Fosun Chancheng Ningbo, Suzhou, Tianjin, Wuhan, Foshan and other cities,
Hospital became the first designated hospital in Foshan under with a total of over 11,000 beds held. During the Reporting
the Measure of using Hong Kong registered drugs and medical Period, revenue of Fosun Care amounted to RMB79.76 million,
devices used in Hong Kong public hospitals in Guangdong- representing a year-on-year increase of 5.04%.
Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Guangzhou Xinshi
Hospital entered into a strategic cooperation with Guangdong In terms of ecosystem synergy, Fosun Care proceeded with
Pharmaceutical University. StarKids Children’s Hospital of the healthcare complex project of Foshan Fosun Chancheng
Shanghai officially commenced operation to provide gynecology Hospital, which is scheduled to commence operation in
and pediatrics medical services. the second half of 2023. Meanwhile, Fosun Care worked
closely with insurance companies through the innovation
In terms of intelligent healthcare, many medical institutions and marketing of the “large-sum annuity insurance + senior
including Foshan Fosun Chancheng Hospital and its medical community residency rights” insurance product in cooperation
units have comprehensively launched the “cloud HIS” (a new- with Pramerica Fosun Life Insurance, Fosun United Health
generation intelligent healthcare cloud platform) and internet Insurance and AEON Life Insurance Company, Ltd., which
hospital SaaS (the “dual SaaS platform”) system, to enhance helped boost large-sum insurance sales with premiums of
the underlying digital capabilities. RMB1.8 billion in the first year. With the assistance from Fosun
Care, Fosun United Health Insurance and Pramerica Fosun
In terms of value-add insurance, Fosun Health continued to Life Insurance acquired more than 4,196 affiliated insurance
promote two-way empowerment of healthcare and insurance policies in total during the Reporting Period.
to provide insurance and health management services for
users. Fosun Health launched the construction of a commercial In the future, focusing on “medical care, wellness, healthcare
insurance system for member medical institutions, and created and enjoyment (醫、養、康、享)” as its core businesses, built
customized insurance innovative payment solutions around upon its own asset management and operation capabilities as
featured and cutting-edge medical technologies to enable the cornerstone, and leveraging it refined operation system,
more specialized patients to enjoy special medical services, Fosun Care will build a digital and intelligent system for
benefiting more than 14,000 patients cumulatively. health and wellness communities, realizing a full-service
digital platform. At the same time, Fosun Care focused on the
development of healthcare products for “immediate needs”
in core cities and core regions, and accelerated the launch of
beds in an asset-light model. It aims at becoming the leader in
China’s senior care industry.
As of the end of the Reporting Period, the Group held
approximately 61.79% equity interest in Yuyuan.
amounted to RMB27.44 billion, representing a year-on-
year increase of 21.9%, of which the net profit attributable
to shareholders of the listed company was RMB2.22 billion,
representing a year-on-year increase of 225.8%. The sales
revenue from the consumption industry reached RMB23.49
billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 25.9%. Since
the strategic transformation in 2018, the income structure of
Yuyuan has been continuously optimized, and the proportion
of consumption industry income has risen to 85.6% during the
Reporting Period.
During the Reporting Period, the revenue and profit/(loss) During the Reporting Period, by optimizing market layout
attributable to owners of the parent of the Happiness segment and upgrading product offerings, the operation channels
were as follows: of jewelry and fashion business of Yuyuan continued to
expand, with increasing product competitiveness and market
Unit: RMB million share. The performance of jewelry and fashion business has
outperformed than expected. In addition, the customer flow
in commercial landmarks, such as Yuyuan Tourist Mart, has
For the six For the six Change
gradually recovered, boosting the improvement in commercial
months months over the
management, cultural dining and other businesses. Meanwhile,
ended ended same
with respect to the property development and sales business
30 June 30 June period of
of Yuyuan, the property income and profit carried forward
2023 2022 last year
recognized during the Reporting Period decreased as compared
Revenue 43,001.6 32,065.4 34.1% to the same period of last year, which was attributable to
Profit/(Loss) attributable to property lifecycles. During the Reporting Period, Yuyuan
owners of the parent 765.1 (60.4) 1,366.7% completed the disposal of IGI Group, allowing Yuyuan to put
more resources in key development strategies and projects,
During the Reporting Period, revenue of the Happiness segment and bringing more non-operating profit during the Reporting
amounted to RMB43,001.6 million, representing a year-on-year Period.
increase of 34.1%, which was mainly attributable to China’s
recovery after the pandemic, the rising of gold price, the During the Reporting Period, the main business performance of
worldwide lifting of pandemic-related tourism restrictions, and Yuyuan is as follows:
the fast recovery of resorts, resulting in strong revenue growth
of Yuyuan and FTG. During the Reporting Period, the profit – Yuyuan’s jewelry and fashion business achieved revenue
attributable to owners of the parent of the Happiness segment of RMB21.11 billion, representing a year-on-year increase
was RMB765.1 million, representing a turnaround from the of 35.0%. The jewelry and fashion network expanded
loss attributable to owners of the parent of RMB60.4 million in significantly, with a net increase of 325 stores to 4,917
same period of 2022, mainly due to the continuing recovery of stores. At the same time, the product structure was
FTG’s business and Yuyuan’s increased profit from industrial further optimized. The sales of “Guyun Gold” (古韻金), the
operation segment and gain from disposal of subsidiaries. high-margin series products with ancient craftsmanship,
exceeded RMB5.5 billion, representing a year-on-year
increase of 72%.
- Catering business realized a revenue of RMB720 million, liquor and spirits reached RMB3,270.71 million, representing
representing a significant year-on-year increase of a year-on-year increase of 15.95%. In terms of liquor and
159.7%. During the Reporting Period, Songhelou (松鶴 spirits category, the revenue of mid-range and high-end
樓) noodle shops and Chunfeng Songyuelou (春風松月 liquor and spirits products amounted to RMB2,757.42 million,
樓) shops continued to accelerate chain development, representing a year-on-year increase of 14.61%, while revenue
increasing by near 20 stores. of low-end liquor and spirits products amounted to RMB513.29
million, representing a year-on-year increase of 23.75%.
- In terms of cultural business, the Yuyuan commercial
district teamed up with BFC and the Bund commercial In terms of operational management, adhering to the overall
district to create the “Bund Art Festival”, creating the principle of “accumulating procedures through campaigns,
“Bund Cat Street” successfully, which became a hot topic c r e a t i n g h i t p r o d u c t s t h r o u g h b r e a k t h r o u g h s ”, S h e d e
on major social platforms in the first half of the year, and Spirits improved its campaign mechanism and procedure
created momentum for the development of the Grand management. It adopted the “one policy for each city”, and
Yuyuan. gathered resources to make breakthroughs in key cities. It
announced the launch of its new strategic product, “Classic
Looking forward to the second half of 2023, Yuyuan will Collection • Ten Years of Shede Spirits (藏品•舍得10年)”, with
strategically take the promotion of “Oriental Lifestyle price around RMB1,000. Following Yelanggujiu Industry Co.,
Aesthetics” as its priority, and aim to create internal industry Ltd. (夜郎古酒莊公司) officially put into operations, Shede
cohesion and achieve external resources coordination by Spirits stepped into the field of sauce-flavour spirits. Shede
centering on consumers, products and scenes. It will continue Spirits proactively explored new channels such as key account
to strengthen fundamental capability building on globalization, (KA), C2M and private sections, aiming to improve its omni-
ecosystem, technology innovation and FES, and enhance channel operation capability. It regulated the operation of
system protection. Focusing on family customers, Yuyuan will “3+1” distributor consultation committee, and strengthened
grasp the opportunities arising from the increase in consumer its coordination with factories. Through digitalization, BC
base. Yuyuan will accelerate the revival of large and small interaction, targeted marketing and other means, Shede
time-honored brands by leveraging on their matrix advantages. Spirits promoted product sales. Under the intensifying market
By integrating business travel and culture, Yuyuan strives to competition, with the implementation of the aforementioned
create extensive mankind value, brand value and cultural value. measures, Shede Spirits sales volume maintained stable
growth in major liquor and spirits products including Taste of
Shede Spirits Shede Spirits (品味舍得), Way of Shede Spirits (舍之道), Tuopai
As of the end of the Reporting Period, Yuyuan held T68 premium liquor and other products.
approximately 30.22% equity interest in Shede Spirits through
Shede Group. In terms of distribution channels, Shede Spirits continued
to deepen its distributor development. The number and
During the Reporting Period, Shede Spirits adhered to the quality of distributors have steadily improved. As of the end
overall marketing strategy of “maintaining stable prices, of the Reporting Period, Shede Spirits had a total of 2,405
promoting sales and reducing inventories”. Through the distributors, which increased by 247 distributors as compared
implementation of consumer experience projects hosting at to the end of 2022, representing an increase of 11.45%.
classic taverns, classic liquor banquets, Shede • Smart Tour
(舍得•智慧之旅), Tuopai in Wonderful Night (沱牌潮in美好夜) Looking forward to the second half of 2023, Shede Spirits will
and Tuopai premium liquor-tasting for free, it recorded steady adopt a series of measures to increase brand investments,
growth in traditional markets, meanwhile the sales in emerging st re ng t he n m arke t in f rast ruct ure , act iv e ly commence
markets such as Chongqing, Southern Jiangsu, Shanghai and consumer education works, optimize organizational and
Wuhan grew rapidly. Under the leadership of the management management system, focus on strategic products and key
and the efforts of the operation teams, Shede Spirits managed cities, actively expand its footprints in key cities with great
to achieve excellent results in both production and operation. potential, vigorously explore quality distributors, and accelerate
During the Reporting Period, Shede Spirits recorded revenue the construction of old taverns and Shede flagship stores,
of RMB3,528.73 million, representing a year-on-year increase thereby continuously enhance the brand awareness of Shede
of 16.64%, and net profit attributable to shareholders of the Spirits to further promote its business growth and strive to
listed company recorded RMB919.66 million, representing a achieve its business goal.
year-on-year increase of 10.07%. In particular, the revenue of
Lanvin Group In December 2022, Lanvin Group became listed on NYSE under
the stock code of “LANV”, which marked an important milestone
Lanvin Group (formerly known as Fosun Fashion Group), a
of Lanvin Group’s development and a key step in its strategy
global luxury fashion group, was found in 2018. From 2018 to
of building a symbolic portfolio of luxury fashion brands. The
2021, Lanvin Group acquired the controlling equity interests in
proceeds raised from the listing transaction will be used
Lanvin, a historic high-end French couture house, established
to accelerate the organic growth of Lanvin Group’s existing
in 1889, Austrian luxury skinwear specialist Wolford, Italian
brands and to fund strategic acquisitions that enrich its luxury
luxury shoemaker Sergio Rossi, American luxury womenswear
fashion portfolio.
brand St. John, and Italian high-end menswear maker Caruso.
These five classic brands have over 390 years of combined
The brands of Lanvin Group have undergone successful
history. Lanvin Group’s brands are known worldwide and
transformations over the past few years, which has also enabled
Lanvin Group has a far-reaching global presence in more than
Lanvin Group to gradually establish a leading position. Lanvin
80 countries with nearly 1,200 points of sales, nearly 300 retail
Group is dedicated to continuous model innovation, increasing
stores and approximately 3,000 employees.
digital capabilities, omni-channel activation, new market
development, localized marketing, and the utilization of Lanvin
The brand portfolio of Lanvin Group produces a wide range
Group’s unique advantages and high-quality resources in the
of product categories and distributes through a combination
Asia-Pacific market. Lanvin Group is committed to helping brands
of DTC (Direct-to-Consumer) and wholesale channels across
optimize product structure and explore new categories with great
various regions. These aspects not only provide Lanvin Group
growth potential, such as leather goods and accessories.
with significant growth opportunities, but also ensures its
stability and resilience throughout market cycles. The brands
During the Reporting Period, Lanvin Group achieved a revenue
of Lanvin Group have six professional production facilities
of EUR215 million, a year-on-year increase of 6.4%. During the
in Europe and North America covering the manufacture of
Reporting Period, Lanvin Group achieved growth in respect of
footwear, skinwear, knitwear, menswear and fashion jewelry,
all channels and regions, among which the Greater China region
which is the basis for its brands to maintain their unparalleled
increased by 13.9%, the EMEA region increased by 5.3%, and
product know-how and continuous innovation and R&D
the North American market increased by 2.6%, while the Asian
market out of the Greater China region increased by 27.1%.
Since 2019, Lanvin Group has built a platform based on a
Through continuous product portfolio enhancement, channel
strong strategic alliance with industry-leading enterprises.
efficiency improvement and headquarters expense optimization,
The strategic alliance is composed of companies with
the profitability of different segments of Lanvin Group continued
complementary skillsets and expertise along the luxury
to improve during the Reporting Period. The gross profit
fashion value chain spectrum. These companies are committed
increased to EUR125 million, with a gross profit margin of 58.5%,
to cooperating with Lanvin Group in key sectors such as
representing an increase from EUR113 million (gross profit
product development, market expansion, brand marketing
margin of 55.9%) as compared with the first half of 2022, and an
and e-commerce, empowering the brands and promoting
increase from EUR60.555 million (gross profit margin of 51.8%)
sustainable growth. These strategic partners have become
more than doubled compared with the first half of 2021. For
shareholders of Lanvin Group through prior capital rounds
the contribution profit (gross profit less selling and marketing
and/or through participation in private investments in public
expenses) increased from EUR5.933 million in the first half of
equity. This strategic alliance will continue to play an integral
2022 to a new high of EUR14.854 million, with a marginal rate of
role in Lanvin Group’s global expansion.
return of 6.9%. The various operational improvement measures
of Lanvin Group are gradually being reflected, and will continue
In October 2021, Lanvin Group officially changed its name from
to boost profitability in the second half of 2023.
Fosun Fashion Group to Lanvin Group, and unveiled its new
brand identity. This new brand image not only showed Lanvin
In the first half of the year, various brands under the Lanvin
Group’s insistence on maintaining its classic heritage, but also
Group commenced a number of new exciting projects. In
fully demonstrated Lanvin Group’s clear vision to build a global
particular, Lanvin announced the establishment of two new
portfolio of iconic luxury fashion brands.
organizational structures: Leather Goods & Accessories
and Lanvin Lab. As an experimental space inviting creative
partnerships with proven and rising international talents
that challenge and reinforce the house’s cultural values and
position. Lanvin Lab has announced Future, the Grammy-
winning artist, as its first guest creative director and will
launch its inaugural collection in the second half of 2023.
Throughout 2023, despite the macroeconomic challenges, For the six For the six Change
Lanvin Group expects to continue its growth momentum in months months over the
the second half of 2023, optimize operational efficiency and ended ended same
continue its margin improvement. With exciting marketing 30 June 30 June period of
initiatives, design collaborations, and collection launches 2023 2022 last year
planned, Lanvin Group anticipates a strong performance in the (restated)
second half of the year. Additionally, Lanvin Group continues Revenue 18,442.4 20,547.0 (10.2%)
to pursue high-quality investment opportunities, prudently
Profit/(Loss) attributable to
strengthen its existing brand matrix and ecosystem, and will
owners of the parent 750.7 (956.6) 178.5%
make full use of the expertise and resources of its strategic
alliance platform to further penetrate the world’s fastest-
growing fashion luxury market as well as support the long-
term development of its business on a global scale.
During the Reporting Period, the revenue of the Insurance Net income for the Reporting Period was EUR99 million.
sector decreased by 10.2% compared to the same period of Fosun Insurance Portugal’s leading position in the country has
last year, mainly because revenue of AmeriTrust (which is allowed for a sound operating development in spite of overall
disposed at the end of 2022) is consolidated in same period of tough business environment.
last year. The profit attributable to owners of the parent of the
Insurance sector was RMB750.7 million during the Reporting In November 2022, Fitch Ratings affirmed Fidelidade Insurer
Period, as compared with the loss attributable to owners of the Financial Strength Rating at ‘A’ and Long-Term Issuer Default
parents of RMB956.6 million in the same period of 2022, and Rating at ‘A-’. Fitch’s rating highlights Fidelidade’s strong brand
was mainly attributable to the optimization of insurance profit presence and strong capitalization and leverage capabilities.
and increased investment income of insurance companies.
During the first half of 2023, Fosun Insurance Portugal received
Note: Financial data of individual insurance portfolio companies presented in several awards related to its strong brand name and high level
this section are based on local general accounting standards applicable
of customer satisfaction, a commercial competitive advantage
to respective regulatory territories, and all quoted numbers are unaudited
management information. underpinning its historical leading position in the Portuguese
market. The awards include Superbrands 2023 (general and
Fosun Insurance Portugal health insurer categories), Trusted Brands (Fidelidade and
Multicare brands), Best Reputation 2023 from Escolha do
Since 2014, the Group holds an 84.9892% controlling stake
Consumidor (general and health insurance brands), Five Star
in Fosun Insurance Portugal. As a leading participant in the
Award (customer satisfaction) and Innovation in Insurance
Portuguese insurance market, Fosun Insurance Portugal
2023 (for its Pet Ecosystem project).
facilitates business development of the Group in European,
Latin American, and African countries.
Fosun Insurance Portugal continues its sustainability strategy
with the implementation of its “Vision 2030 – Preparing the
Fosun Insurance Portugal is a global insurance operator with
future, contributing to the resilience of society and positively
a product offering which includes all key lines of business
impacting all stakeholders”. The efforts are organized in three
and benefits from the largest and most diversified insurance
axes of action concerning social, environmental and economic/
sales network in Portugal, comprised exclusive and multi-
governance dimensions.
brand agents, brokers, own branches, internet and telephone
channels, and a strong distribution system with Caixa Geral de
Two other awards received this year are related to Fosun
Depósitos S.A. (CGD), a leading Portuguese bank, and the post
Insurance Portugal’s ESG effort. Merco Responsibility ESG
office. Its international business includes 11 countries, with
Portugal named Fidelidade one of the most sustainable
operations in Europe, America, Africa and Asia.
companies in the country and the highest-ranked insurance
company. In addition, the 2023 Great Place to Work ranking
Fosun Insurance Portugal’s total gross written premiums
distinguished Fosun Insurance Portugal as the best insurance
(“GWP”) for the first half of 2023 were EUR2.652 billion, a slight
company to work for in Portugal and the fifth in the large
increase of 0.84% year-on-year. While the Non-life consolidated
company category.
GWP reached EUR1.462 billion, a sound 11.8% growth, the Life
business decreased by 10.0% to EUR1.19 billion.
Going forward, Fosun Insurance Portugal will continue
strengthening its leadership in the Portuguese market through
The Life segment decline is exclusively centered around the
the execution of a commercial strategy based on a value
Life financial business in Portugal due to the impact of the
proposition that combines a strong product lineup, innovation
macroeconomic environment. In spite of this, as of first half
efforts centered in the use of technology and automation,
of 2023, Fosun Insurance Portugal still achieved a market-
and client-friendly distribution channels. In addition, Fosun
leading 30.1% share in the Portuguese market, with its Non-life
Insurance Portugal will further consolidate its position as a
market share remaining stable at 29.0% and the Life business
key retirement and savings market player, reshaping the life
experiencing a 0.4 percentage point decrease to 31.6%.
business while improving its capital efficiency.
The international business reported an overall GWP of EUR832
On the international business front, Fosun Insurance Portugal
million, a 19.4% increase year-on-year, highlighting the
will carry on seeking opportunities overseas to lever existing
benefits of Fosun Insurance Portugal’s diversification strategy.
operations and share best practices across geographies, while
benefiting from external markets’ contribution to diversification
and growth.
Peak Reinsurance Peak Reinsurance won the “Asian Reinsurer of the Year – Gold”
in the Insurance Asia Awards (IAA) held by Asia Insurance
As at the end of the Reporting Period, the Group held 86.71%
Group for the eighth consecutive year. The award proved the
equity interest in Peak Reinsurance through Peak Reinsurance
resilience of Peak Reinsurance in the face of major market
disruptions in 2022 and its competitive edge in innovation,
including the issuance of the first 144A catastrophe bond in
During the Reporting Period, Peak Reinsurance recorded GWP
Hong Kong. In the latest S&P Global Ratings Global Reinsurer
of USD833 million (first half of 2022: USD1,224 million)9. During
Rankings, Peak Reinsurance ranked the 27th in terms of net
the Reporting Period, Peak Reinsurance received recognition
premiums written, unchanged from last year10.
from AM Best (A-), fully reflecting its good international brand
reputation, diversified product portfolio and geographical
advantages, as well as its solid financial strength.
Pramerica Fosun Life Insurance
As at the end of the Reporting Period, the Group held 50%
With the increasing public awareness of the potential financial equity interest in Pramerica Fosun Life Insurance.
impact from catastrophe losses, the global reinsurance
demand remains strong. In the first half of 2023, major During the Reporting Period, Pramerica Fosun Life Insurance
disasters occurred around the world, including the flooding recorded premium income of RMB2,295 million, representing
in New Zealand from the end of January to early February, a year-on-year increase of 101.68%. New premiums from the
immediately followed by Cyclone Gabrielle, which put some agent agency channel, the bank and post office agency channel
pressure on Peak Reinsurance, but also increased customers’ and the professional broker agency increased by 61%, 181%
demand for adequate reinsurance protection. On the other and 224% year-on-year respectively. Net loss amounted to
hand, the availability of global reinsurance capital was still RMB0.81 million.
tight due to the global capital market turmoil caused by losses
from previous catastrophic events, and the tight international In the first half of 2023, the social and economic operation
money supply. The strong demand and declining reinsurance showed a recovery trend. Pramerica Fosun Life Insurance
capacity jointly contributed to higher reinsurance rates. seized the phased opportunities in the market, accelerated
the pace of business operation, promoted the construction
Against a backdrop of rising property and casualty reinsurance of diversified channels, actively promoted the optimization
rates and tight availability of capital across the world, Peak of the business structure, and focusing on long-term value
Reinsurance was well positioned to capitalize on its strength, growth. In terms of channel strategy, it made overall plans to
flexibly adjusting its strategy to deliver excellent financial promote the high-quality professional, ecological and digital
performance, and prudently managed its risk exposures. At the development of professional broker agency, bank and post
same time, its life and health insurance reinsurance business office agency and agent channels. During the Reporting Period,
continued to maintain strong organic growth momentum, the per capita new policy regular premium of the agent team
and its footprint expanded from China to the Middle East and was RMB65,000/month, representing a year-on-year increase
Southeast Asia. of 53%, and the capacity index ranked among the top in the
industry. In terms of product services, it adhered to focusing on
Amid increasing expectation that the monetary tightening the whole life-cycle insurance needs of its family customers,
cycle would come to an end in the global financial market, and enhanced the brand reputation of “Knowing what you need,
Peak Reinsurance proactively made investments and managed customizing according to your needs (懂你所需、應需定制)”.
their risks towards a higher quality fixed income portfolio In terms of technological construction, it provided customers
and strengthened its liquidity. Generally speaking, the return with convenient digital services such as policy registration
on investment of Peak Reinsurance increased to 2.3% (non- and policy custody, and completed a major upgrade of the
annualized) in the first half of 2023, with investable assets and core system technology platform. In terms of ecosystem
net assets of USD3 billion and USD1.3 billion respectively. empowerment, it utilized technology empowerment and an
ecosystem to build its own differentiated competition barriers
and strive to become a provider of happy life for customers. In
the first half of 2023, Pramerica Fosun Life Insurance issued a
total of 3,240 policies for senior community.
9 The figures disclosed are unaudited for the end of the first half of 2022 and 2023.
10 Source: S&P Global Ratings Top 40 Global Reinsurers And Reinsurers By Country: 2022, 30 August 2022. Ranking is based on 2021 net reinsurance premiums
Looking forward to the second half of 2023 and beyond, Looking forward in the second half of 2023 and beyond, Fosun
Pramerica Fosun Life Insurance will continue to adhere to United Health Insurance regarding “protecting the healthy life
the business philosophy of long-term value increase, with of hundreds of millions of Chinese families” as its mission,
“guarding the future you want (守護你想要的未來)” as its Fosun United Health Insurance will develop a membership
mission, and integrate the high-quality development concepts operation system centering on family customers, treat senior
of “entrepreneurship, innovation and creation” to expand the care, rehabilitation, and maternal and child businesses as top
business and service coverage of the bank and post office priority, thereby establishing a comparative advantage in the
agency channels and professional broker agency channels, segmented market competition, so as to create greater value
continue to promote the steady and high-quality development for shareholders and customers.
of the agent force, and constantly explore micro-innovation
of the product system. Pramerica Fosun Life Insurance will
build up a differentiated competitive advantage with the help
of “insurance + ecosystem” to continue its lean operation, and During the Reporting Period, the revenue and (loss)/profit
enhance the quality of its operations. attributable to owners of the parent of the Asset Management
segment were as follows:
Fosun United Health Insurance
Unit: RMB million
Established in January 2017, Fosun United Health Insurance
is the sixth professional health insurance company in China
For the six For the six Change
jointly sponsored by the Group and other 5 companies. As at
months months over the
the end of the Reporting Period, the Group held 20% equity
ended ended same
interest in Fosun United Health Insurance.
30 June 30 June period of
2023 2022 last year
In the first half of 2023, with the concerted efforts of
macroeconomic policies, the gradual resumption of normalized Revenue 6,992.6 7,082.5 (1.3%)
socio-economic operation, the life insurance industry was in a (Loss)/Profit attributable to
stage of growth recovery. Fosun United Health Insurance made owners of the parent (546.0) 2,001.4 (127.3%)
good use of its ecosystem, customer operation, innovation
impetus, technological innovation and digital intelligence,
During the Reporting Period, the revenue of the Asset
and managed to grow faster than the industry average,
Management segment decreased by 1.3% year-on-year, which
realizing revenue from the insurance business of RMB2,313
was mainly due to the revenue decrease of Asset Management
million, representing a year-on-year increase of 14.2%. Fosun
(Property) business. The loss attributable to owners of the
United Health Insurance served over 6.72 million customers
parent of RMB546.0 million, representing a decrease of 127.3%
in aggregate, representing a year-on-year increase of 2.6%
as compared with the profit attributable to owners of the
compared to the same period of last year. During the Reporting
parent of RMB2,001.4 million of the same period of last year,
Period, the number of newly registered members of the official
was mainly attributable to the sales cycle fluctuation by Asset
client application “Kang You Wei (康有唯)” exceeded 170,000,
Management (Property) business during the Reporting Period,
and the total number of registered members reached 499,000.
attributable to the decrease in profit from sale of completed
Fosun United Health Insurance always focuses on the track of
health insurance, and has developed special heath protection
Fosun Capital
products catering to the healthcare needs of Chinese families
and enterprises. Since its establishment, Fosun United Health Fosun Capital provides high-quality equity investment and
Insurance has provided more than 170 special insurance management services to investors such as well-known family
products and health management services to Chinese families funds, pensions, insurance companies, listed companies,
and corporate customers, including more than 16 products large investment institutions and high net worth individuals
with new sales volume of more than RMB5 million in the first domestically and internationally. As at the end of the Reporting
half of 2023. Period, the Group held 100% equity interest in Fosun Capital.
As at the end of the Reporting Period, Fosun Capital had Fosun RZ Capital was awarded “Top 100 China Best Venture
invested in over 100 companies, and successfully exited from Capital Institutions in 2022” by, and “Top 100
investments in more than 50 companies through domestic or Chinese Venture Capital Institutions in 2022” by Zero2IPO
overseas listings, equity transfer and other ways. Fosun Capital Group during the Reporting Period.
had a total of 22 funds under management accumulatively,
with an asset size under management of over RMB20 billion. In the future, Fosun RZ Capital’s investment will deepen its
As at the date of this report, among the enterprises invested involvement in technological innovation and strive to capture
by Fosun Capital, 15 of Fosun Capital’s investment companies more technology-driven investment opportunities. Fosun RZ
submitted for IPO, three of which were approved by the listing Capital will evolve together with global outstanding enterprises
review committee of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and one and maintain empowering the development of the four business
of which was approved by the listing review committee of the segments of the Group.
Shanghai Stock Exchange.
Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG (HAL)
During the Reporting Period, Fosun Capital was ranked of 10th Founded in 1796, HAL is headquartered in Frankfurt with
among the “Top 100 Best Private Equity Investment Institutions offices in several key German cities such as Munich,
in China of 2022” and 7th among the “Top 50 Best Chinese Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Berlin and Stuttgart. It also has branches
Private Equity Investment Institutions in China of 2022” by in Luxembourg, Dublin and London, a subsidiary in Vienna and a representative office in Paris. As of the end of the Reporting
Period, the Group held 99.69% equity interest in HAL.
Looking forward, relying on its excellent investment
capabilities, high-quality post-investment services and the HAL aims to rank among the top 3 private banks in Germany
Group’s strong global industry integration capabilities, Fosun with a focus on managing, maintaining, serving and trading
Capital will be able to empower its portfolio companies in client assets. The bank follows a clear growth strategy with
terms of business resources and industrial depth and help the a diversified and capital-light business model covering four
companies realize long-term value creation and sustainable core business areas, i.e. Asset Servicing, Private & Corporate
development. Banking, Investment Banking and Asset Management.
HAL’s growth story gained recognition from the public. As As at the end of the Reporting Period, the consolidated total
a result, the bank received several awards including “Best assets of BCP amounted to EUR90,950 million, representing
Private Bank in Germany 2022”, “Germany’s Most Popular Bank a decrease of 5.3% year-on-year. BCP’s consolidated loans
2023”, “Leading Employers in Germany 2023”. to customers (gross) amounted to EUR57,912 million,
representing a slight decrease of 1.3% year-on-year. By region,
Furthermore, HAL is proactively responding to ESG loans to customers (gross) in Portugal amounted to EUR39,883
developments and continuously optimizing its corporate million, representing a slight decrease of 1.7% year-on-year.
governance to fully meet regulatory requirements. A dedicated Although loans from local individual customers remain active, it
group-wide ESG department and ESG Committee ensure was affected by the lower demand for corporate loans in a rate
consistency with the ESG strategy across all business hike environment, and a 14.4% reduction in non-performing
lines, focusing on current market developments, regulatory loans. Loans to customers (gross) in Poland amounted to
requirements and organizational structure. HAL’s extensive EUR17,296 million, representing a decrease of 6.2% year-on-
activities to put the ESG strategy into practice have also year, mainly due to the local management’s efforts to improve
received external attention and an award for “outstanding its capital adequacy ratio and optimize risk-weighted assets,
sustainable engagement”. which resulted in a reduction of loans.
Hainan Mining by around 20% as compared to that of the first quarter in 2023.
The compliance procedures and equipment procurement for
As at the end of the Reporting Period, the Group held 45.80%
the 20,000-tonnes lithium hydrogen oxide project (phase I) have
equity interest in Hainan Mining.
completed. With construction units in position, the project has
entered the construction fast track.
Hainan Mining focuses on the operation of two types of
resources of industry of iron ore and oil and gas, mainly
During the Reporting Period, Hainan Mining actively facilitated
including (i) iron ore mining, processing and sales business;
investments and mergers and acquisition in upstream oil
(ii) oil and gas exploring, developing and sales business; (iii)
and gas and new energy industry, and accelerated strategic
commodity trade and processing business; and (iv) production
transformation. In January 2023, Hainan Mining proposed
and sales of sand and gravel materials. During the Reporting
the acquisition of 49% equity interest in ROC at a cash
Period, Hainan Mining recorded revenue of RMB2,401 million,
consideration of USD163 million. As of today, the approval
representing a decrease of 12.63% year-on-year; net profit
procedures of Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) of
attributable to shareholders of the listed company of RMB303
Australia had completed, while the approval procedures in
million, representing a decrease of 30.78% year-on-year;
China is still ongoing. In the same month, Hainan Mining
net cash flows from operating activities of RMB733 million,
proposed to make an investment of USD118 million in KOD
representing a decrease of 4.25% year-on-year.
and its wholly-owned subsidiary, namely KMUK, to obtain a
controlling equity interest in a lithium mine asset of Bougouni
During the Reporting Period, based on the first annual
in Mali, Africa. In April 2023, Hainan Mining completed the
production capacity of underground mining of Shilu Branch
domestic approval for the above transaction. As at the end of
in 2022, the output of underground mining was 2.6822
the Reporting Period, relevant restructuring procedures, such
million tonnes, representing an increase of 0.92% year-on-
as debt restructuring, of KMUK had basically completed, and is
year. The output of finished ore was 1.4418 million tonnes,
currently pushing forward the other restructuring procedures,
representing completion of 52.81% of the estimated annual
such as the establishment of relevant companies incorporated
output. ROC continued to stabilize production and enhance
in Mali, and the change in exploration right and mining right.
efficiency through optimization of development technology
and operation and management method. In the first half of
In terms of organizational construction, Hainan Mining
2023, ROC produced 2.6864 million barrels of oil and gas.
continued to facilitate relevant works on the 2022 restricted
Weizhou 12-8E block commenced operation in April 2022
share incentive scheme in relation to the grant of 3,457,800
and sustained high production during the Reporting Period.
restricted reserved shares to 46 participants. In terms of
In June 2023, Huizhou 12-7 oil field was approved by the
digitalization and intelligent construction, Hainan Mining
relevant government department in PRC, and the newly added
launched the supply chain system and construction
proven geological reserves of oil are nearly 10 million tonnes.
management system, providing more efficient and smart
It is one of the important milestones that will contribute the
support for business operation. Shilu Branch commenced
production to ROC in the future. Meanwhile, the relatively stable
the upgrade and construction of smart mine, and facilitated
domestic settlement prices of natural gas balanced the risk of
the progress of realizing unmanned underground equipment
fluctuations in crude oil prices and ensured the relative stable
operation, automated production, integrated production
revenue from the oil and gas business.
management and control, and information management
D u ring th e R e p orti n g P e r i o d , t h e c o n st r u c t i o n o f ke y
engineering projects of Hainan Mining underwent smoothly,
In the second half of the year, centering on the “14th Five-
laying a solid foundation for the sustainable business
Year Plan” strategic development plan, Hainan Mining will
development of different main tracks. The construction of
continued to develop industrial operation, aiming to achieve
-120m∼-360m middle range mining engineering project of
the production and operation goal of annual finished iron ore
Shilu iron field completed drilling of 2,460.21m, completing
output of 2.73 million tonnes and oil and gas output of 5.73
31.25% of its annual plan and the progress of the project
million barrel equivalent. It will also promote the construction
general plan is closed to 30%. The construction of magnetized
of key engineering projects such as magnetized roasting and
roasting project made significant progress, and is expected
lithium hydrogen oxide project. On the other hand, Hainan
to fulfill the conditions for feeding test in September 2023.
Mining will continue to implement industrial investment and
The supercharging and depressurization project in 70 wells of
industry-finance integration, focus on facilitating investments
Bajiaochang gas field of ROC successfully put into production.
and mergers and acquisition in upstream oil and gas and new
The production volume in the second quarter in 2023 increased
energy industry, and promote the implementation of direct
financing projects in capital market such as open issuance of
convertible corporate bonds to public.
In the future, Easun Technology will constantly enhance the In terms of capacity construction, Wansheng currently has
profitability and competitiveness of its main business in the four main production bases: (1) Zhejiang Linhai Production
automotive industry, expand its business scale and market Base, which produces flame retardants, coating additives
share, fully utilize its own automation technology accumulation, and other products, with a designed production capacity of
and developed customers in other industries for its automation 133,500 tonnes; (2) Jiangsu Taixing Economic Development
business. Meanwhile, Easun Technology will continue to invest Production Base, which produces amine additives, catalysts,
in R&D and global supply chain construction and reduce costs, quaternary ammonium salts and other products, with
and continue to expand its existing proprietary technologies a d e s i g n e d p r o d u c t i o n c a p a c i t y o f 65,300 t o n n e s ; (3)
and standard product sequences in laser, vision, lightweight Shandong Weifang Production Base, which produces flame
fixture, etc., and build superior intelligent equipment as part retardant raw materials, flame retardants, epoxy resins
of the production lines designed by it through endogenous and additives, surfactants, etc., is still under construction.
R&D and outbound mergers and acquisitions, thereby reducing After the construction is completed, an additional capacity
its production costs and enhancing its competitiveness. of 319,300 tonnes Phase I will be added; and (4) Shandong
Easun Technology will also accelerate the development of its Jining Production Base, produces phosphorus oxychloride,
industrial digitalization business and provide customers with phosphorus pentachloride and other products, with a designed
complete smart factory solutions. production capacity of 121,500 tonnes.
Net Interest Expenditures During the Reporting Period, the average financing cost was
5.32%, which increased by 0.82 percentage point as compared
Net interest expenditures, net of capitalized amounts of the
to that of the same period of 2022.
Group, increased to RMB5,791.1 million for the six months
ended 30 June 2023 from RMB5,124.7 million for the six
Unit: RMB million
months ended 30 June 2022. The increase in net interest
expenditures was mainly attributable to the increase in the
interest rate. For the six months ended 30 June 2023, the 30 June 31 December
interest rates of borrowings were approximately between 0.0% 2023 2022
and 12.2% as compared with approximately between 0.0% and Total debt 220,924.3 226,919.2
12.1% over the same period of last year.
Cash and bank and
term deposits 114,680.0 100,564.0
Tax of the Group was RMB2,422.8 million for the six months
ended 30 June 2023, which was increased by RMB1,250.1
million compared with that for the six months ended 30 June
2022 of RMB1,172.8 million. The increase in tax was mainly
due to the increase in taxable profit of the Group.
The original denomination of the Group’s debt as well as cash The Maturity Profile of Outstanding Borrowings
and bank and term deposits by currencies, equivalent in RMB,
The Group sought to manage and extend the maturity of
as at 30 June 2023, is summarized as follows:
outstanding borrowings, so as to ensure that the outstanding
borrowings of the Group due to mature every year would not
exceed the expected cash flow of that year and the Group has
Total debt the re-financing ability for the relevant liabilities in that year.
RMB 123,811.9
Outstanding borrowings classified by year of maturity as at 30
USD 49,898.0 June 2023 are as follows:
EUR 34,797.1
HKD 7,827.7
JPY 3,542.6
Others 1,047.0
48.8% Within one year
21.9% In the second year
Unit: RMB million equivalent 19.8% In the third to fifth
years, inclusive
9.5% Over five years
30 June 31 December
2023 2022
RMB’000 RMB’000
Notes (Unaudited) (Audited)
Cash and bank balances 114,680,038 100,564,000
Reverse repurchase agreements 2,077,606 –
Loans and advances to customers 17,487,273 16,162,944
Trade and notes receivables 8 14,180,253 13,200,451
Inventories 26,077,999 25,649,708
Completed properties for sale 15,887,608 15,028,738
Properties under development 59,566,197 62,079,128
Contract assets and other assets 86,658 610,268
Due from related companies 12,418,648 12,929,293
Prepayments, other receivables and other assets 35,126,474 35,314,912
Assets classified as held for sale 13,537,963 19,817,066
Placements with and loans to banks and other financial institutions 55,228 55,009
Derivative financial instruments 2,835,114 3,537,338
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 57,179,906 59,964,219
Finance lease receivables 815,433 789,562
Reinsurance contract assets 9,023,042 8,829,508
Insurance contract assets 1,713,265 1,539,288
Debt investments at fair value through other comprehensive income 72,032,080 63,534,883
Debt investments at amortised cost 25,357,640 25,171,823
Policyholder account assets in respect of unit-linked contracts 27,403,462 23,276,840
Equity investments designated at fair value through
other comprehensive income 2,950,973 2,763,627
Property, plant and equipment 9 48,201,982 45,668,203
Investment properties 95,805,599 95,743,357
Right-of-use assets 22,480,682 21,297,657
Exploration and evaluation assets 573,547 584,684
Mining rights 472,636 480,763
Oil and gas assets 2,057,636 1,890,258
Intangible assets 35,924,419 34,278,110
Investments in joint ventures 10,170,412 9,903,075
Investments in associates 71,680,779 68,653,959
Goodwill 28,596,143 27,413,654
Deferred tax assets 8,418,201 8,457,243
Total assets 834,874,896 805,189,568
30 June 31 December
2023 2022
RMB’000 RMB’000
Notes (Unaudited) (Audited)
Deposits from customers 81,362,676 76,935,942
Assets sold under agreements to repurchase 10,159,868 151,868
Accounts payable to brokerage clients 1,198,960 3,828
Placements from banks and other financial institutions – 149,062
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 5,240,371 4,306,876
Liabilities directly associated with the assets classified as held for sale 122,529 117,467
Trade and notes payables 10 24,578,281 24,393,592
Contract liabilities 27,253,971 24,332,435
Tax payable 12,467,010 12,078,193
Due to banks and other financial institutions 3,341,062 1,141,108
Derivative financial instruments 3,488,790 3,148,744
Accrued liabilities and other payables 78,453,118 76,128,935
Due to the related companies 3,950,895 5,104,219
Interest-bearing bank and other borrowings 11 220,924,262 226,919,151
Reinsurance contract liabilities 3,327,592 3,387,408
Insurance contract liabilities 62,627,459 58,575,463
Investment contract liabilities 39,222,156 39,969,531
Financial liabilities for unit-linked contracts 27,403,462 23,276,840
Due to the holding company 285,442 122,606
Deferred income 1,194,488 1,231,069
Deferred tax liabilities 22,906,600 22,515,230
Total liabilities 629,508,992 603,989,567
NET ASSETS 205,365,904 201,200,001
Equity attributable to owners of the parent
Share capital 37,146,381 37,146,381
Treasury shares (192,381) (353,338)
Other reserves 88,287,752 85,875,927
125,241,752 122,668,970
Non-controlling interests 80,124,152 78,531,031
Total equity 205,365,904 201,200,001
* These reserve accounts comprise the consolidated other reserves of RMB88,287,752,000 (31 December 2022: RMB85,875,927,000 (restated)) in the interim
condensed consolidated statement of financial position.
** According to the share award scheme of the Company, 20,359,760 shares were vested during the Period.
* According to the share award scheme of the Company, 8,507,680 shares were vested during the period for the six months ended 30 June 2022.
** In IFRIC Update March 2021, the IFRS Interpretations Committee published its agenda decision on Configuration or Customisation Costs under a Software as a
Service (“SaaS”) contract (“IFRIC Agenda Decision”) in relation to the application of IAS 38 (which is equivalent to HKAS 38). The Group applied the IFRIC Agenda
Decision in the year of 2022 and the configuration or customisation costs for SaaS contract which were previously capitalised were charged to expenses. The
change in accounting policy has been accounted for retrospectively and the comparative figures for the corresponding comparative prior periods have been
The financial information relating to the year ended 31 December 2022 that is included in the interim condensed
consolidated statement of financial position as comparative information does not constitute the Company’s statutory
annual consolidated financial statements for that year but is derived from those financial statements. Further
information relating to those statutory financial statements required to be disclosed in accordance with section 436 of
the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance is as follows:
The Company has delivered the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022 to the Companies Registry
(Hong Kong) as required by section 662(3) of, and Part 3 of Schedule 6 to, the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance. The
Company’s auditors have reported on the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022. The auditor’s
report was unqualified; and did not contain a statement under sections 406(2), 407(2) or 407(3) of the Hong Kong
Companies Ordinance.
• a specific adaptation for contracts with direct participation features (the variable fee approach); and
• a simplified approach (the premium allocation approach) mainly for short-duration contracts.
HKFRS 17 is a comprehensive new accounting standard for insurance contracts covering recognition and measurement,
presentation and disclosure, and is replacing the existing HKFRS 4 Insurance Contracts Standard. In contrast to the
requirements in HKFRS 4, which are largely based on grandfathering previous local accounting policies for measurement
purposes, HKFRS 17 provides a comprehensive model (the general model) for insurance contracts, supplemented by the
variable fee approach for contracts with direct participation features that are substantially investment-related contracts,
and the premium allocation approach mainly for short-duration contracts which typically applies to certain non-life
insurance contracts which have a coverage period of 1 year or less. The main features of the new accounting model for
insurance contracts are as follows:
• The measurement of the present value of future cash flows, incorporating an explicit risk adjustment, re-measured
at the end of every reporting period (the fulfilment cash flows).
• A Contractual Service Margin (“CSM”) that represents the unearned profitability of the (re)insurance contracts and
is recognised in profit or loss over the coverage period.
• Certain changes in the expected present value of future cash flows are adjusted against the CSM and thereby
recognised in profit or loss over the remaining coverage period.
• The recognition of insurance revenue and insurance service expenses in the consolidated statement of profit or
loss based on the insurance contract services provided during the year.
• Insurance revenue and insurance service expenses shall exclude any investment components (the amounts that an
insurance contract requires the insurer to repay to a policyholder, regardless of whether an insured event occurs).
• Insurance finance income or expense, which comprises the change in carrying amount of the insurance contracts
arising from effect and changes in effect of time value of money and financial risks, is presented separately from
insurance service results.
HKFRS 17 was effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023, with comparative figures
restated. The Group chose to apply the full retrospective method in situations where it is possible to recover all
the necessary historical information. For the other contracts, considering the impracticality of recovering historical
information, either the modified retrospective approach or the fair value method was applied. The transition date, for the
purposes of applying those approaches, was 1 January 2022.
As a result of the adoption of HKFRS 17, the Group ceased to apply the overlay approach for designated eligible financial
assets in accordance with Amendments to HKFRS 4.
At the date of initial application of HKFRS 17 (i.e. 1 January 2023), the Group designated some of its equity investments
as equity investments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income when they are investments in
equity instruments as defined by HKAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation and are not held for trading. According to
the transitional provisions under HKFRS 9, the Group applied such changes retrospectively and restated the comparative
information for the effect of such changes.
Insurance contract balances remeasured under HKFRS 17 principles require derecognition of the related assets and
liabilities, and previously reported balances that would not have existed if HKFRS 17 had always been applied. Under
HKFRS 17, these are included in the measurement of the insurance contracts as part of the fulfilment cash flows.
Insurance revenue was no longer be measured by premium, but recognised by the provision of services throughout the
coverage period of the contracts.
The opening balances as at 1 January 2022, comparative financial position as at 31 December 2022 and comparative
information for the period ended 30 June 2022 have been restated for the effects of the retrospective application of
HKFRS 17 in the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
As at As at
31 December 1 January
2022 2022
RMB’000 RMB’000
Total equity 1,570,186 (1,394,063)
Amendments to HKAS 12 – Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single Transaction
Amendments to HKAS 12 Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single Transaction narrow the scope
of the initial recognition exception in HKAS 12 so that it no longer applies to transactions that give rise to equal taxable
and deductible temporary differences, such as leases and decommissioning obligations. Therefore, entities are required to
recognise a deferred tax asset (provided that sufficient taxable profit is available) and a deferred tax liability for temporary
differences arising from these transactions. The Group has applied the amendments on temporary differences related to
leases and decommissioning obligations as at 1 January 2022, with any cumulative effect recognised as an adjustment to
the balance of retained profits or other component of equity as appropriate at that date. In addition, the Group has applied
the amendments prospectively to transactions other than leases that occurred on or after 1 January 2022, if any. The
amendments did not have any impact on the financial position or performance of the Group.
HKAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements illustrates that an entity shall present current and non-current assets, and
current and non-current liabilities, as separate classifications in its statement financial position except when a presentation
based on liquidity provides information that is reliable and more relevant. When that exception applies, an entity shall
present all assets and liabilities in order of liquidity. For some entities, such as financial institutions, a presentation of assets
and liabilities in increasing or decreasing order of liquidity provides information that is reliable and more relevant than a
current/non-current presentation because the entity does not supply goods or services within a clearly identifiable operating
The comparative consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2022 has been restated for the effects of
the retrospective application of the change in the presentation of all assets and liabilities to being in order of liquidity in the
interim condensed consolidated financial statements. The Group also discloses (in Note 18), for each asset and liability line
item, the amounts expected to be recovered or settled (a) no more than twelve months after the reporting period, and (b)
more than twelve months after the reporting period.
(i) The Health segment engages in the research and development, manufacture, sale and trading of pharmaceutical and
health products and providing medical services and health management;
(ii) The Happiness segment comprises principally the operation and investments in tourism and leisure, fashion consumer
and lifestyle industries;
(iii) The Insurance segment mainly engages in the operation of and investment in the insurance businesses;
(iv) The Asset Management segment comprises principally the operation and investment of asset managements, market
investments, and investments in other companies of the Group; and
(v) The Intelligent Manufacturing segment comprises principally the operation of and investment in the intelligent
manufacturing and iron, steel and ore production.
Both the Insurance segment and the Asset Management segment listed above belong to the Wealth sector of the Group.
Management monitors the results of the Group’s operating segments separately for the purpose of making decisions about
resource allocation and performance assessment.
Segment performance is evaluated based on reportable segment profit or loss, which is measured consistently with the
Group’s profit or loss after tax. The head office and corporate expenses are allocated to each reportable segments based on
their respective utilization of internal resources. Certain interest bearing bank and other borrowings which are managed on
the group basis are allocated to each reportable segments based on their respective utilization of the financing.
Inter-segment sales and transfers are transacted with reference to the fair selling prices used for sales made to third parties
at the then prevailing market prices.
Health Happiness Wealth Manufacturing
Insurance Management Eliminations Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000
Segment revenue:
Sales to external customers 23,487,639 42,856,443 18,442,375 6,817,982 5,460,209 – 97,064,648
Inter-segment sales 349,929 145,182 1 174,706 – (669,818) –
Total revenue 23,837,568 43,001,625 18,442,376 6,992,688 5,460,209 (669,818) 97,064,648
Segment results:
Profit before tax 2,436,449 2,140,433 1,547,080 563,701 424,599 (116,450) 6,995,812
Tax (649,880) (598,501) (314,705) (735,319) (124,425) – (2,422,830)
Profit/(loss) for the Period 1,786,569 1,541,932 1,232,375 (171,618) 300,174 (116,450) 4,572,982
Other segment information:
Interest and dividend income 208,974 122,303 1,853,392 253,364 62,211 (67,773) 2,432,471
Other income and gains (excluding interest
and dividend income) 723,396 3,713,940 1,366,816 2,165,909 287,096 (7,057) 8,250,100
Impairment losses recognised in the
statement of profit or loss, net (161,520) (229,993) (63,409) (137,172) (17,407) – (609,501)
Finance costs (739,474) (1,826,629) (981,214) (2,532,523) (156,832) 84,146 (6,152,526)
Share of profits and losses of
– Joint ventures (95,841) 418,312 (403) 55,117 – – 377,185
– Associates 1,167,779 108,749 21,993 1,536,146 (152,226) (64,353) 2,618,088
Health Happiness Wealth Manufacturing
Insurance Management Eliminations Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000
Segment revenue:
Sales to external customers 22,977,552 31,965,270 20,547,027 6,932,834 5,126,964 – 87,549,647
Inter-segment sales 389,027 100,086 – 149,791 – (638,904) –
Total revenue 23,366,579 32,065,356 20,547,027 7,082,625 5,126,964 (638,904) 87,549,647
Segment results:
Profit before tax 2,437,026 264,702 (817,951) 2,277,453 1,388,357 (53,337) 5,496,250
Tax (541,317) (229,883) 52,840 (283,092) (171,312) – (1,172,764)
Profit/(loss) for the period 1,895,709 34,819 (765,111) 1,994,361 1,217,045 (53,337) 4,323,486
Other segment information:
Interest and dividend income 126,580 143,736 1,710,567 551,437 16,756 (91,797) 2,457,279
Other income and gains (excluding
interest and dividend income) 996,995 651,628 2,250,633 3,082,252 (2,673) (14,577) 6,964,258
Impairment losses recognised in
the statement of profit or
loss, net (91,440) 1,624 (13,201) (58,817) (73,014) – (234,848)
Finance costs (536,347) (1,483,517) (994,547) (2,544,732) (152,043) 92,207 (5,618,979)
Share of profits and losses of
– Joint ventures (99,564) 220,725 (19,056) 81,488 442,891 – 626,484
– Associates 922,471 (92,450) 160,703 973,647 380,522 (38,507) 2,306,386
Segment assets:
30 June 31 December
2023 2022
RMB’000 RMB’000
(Unaudited) (Audited)
Health 125,632,873 120,454,202
Happiness 204,544,736 200,117,980
Insurance 185,540,377 178,364,650
Asset Management 288,651,474 269,113,047
Intelligent Manufacturing 42,245,115 47,424,454
Eliminations* (11,739,679) (10,284,765)
Total consolidated assets 834,874,896 805,189,568
Segment liabilities:
30 June 31 December
2023 2022
RMB’000 RMB’000
(Unaudited) (Audited)
Health 63,012,873 59,223,893
Happiness 150,560,990 147,602,416
Insurance 167,560,134 161,640,436
Asset Management 238,577,786 225,380,343
Intelligent Manufacturing 18,637,007 17,299,410
Eliminations* (8,839,798) (7,156,931)
Total consolidated liabilities 629,508,992 603,989,567
Health Happiness Wealth Manufacturing
Insurance Management Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000
Type of goods or services
Sale of goods 17,573,828 30,796,758 778 2,539,341 5,447,397 56,358,102
Rendering of services 5,964,524 12,052,691 225,049 2,033,230 47,717 20,323,211
23,538,352 42,849,449 225,827 4,572,571 5,495,114 76,681,313
Timing of revenue recognition
Goods transferred at a point in time 17,573,828 30,796,758 778 2,539,341 5,447,397 56,358,102
Services transferred over time 5,964,524 12,052,691 225,049 2,033,230 47,717 20,323,211
23,538,352 42,849,449 225,827 4,572,571 5,495,114 76,681,313
Health Happiness Wealth Manufacturing
Insurance Management Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000
Type of goods or services
Sale of goods 18,302,007 23,330,920 905 2,966,406 5,109,138 49,709,376
Rendering of services 4,724,338 8,708,922 217,776 2,718,440 69,948 16,439,424
23,026,345 32,039,842 218,681 5,684,846 5,179,086 66,148,800
Timing of revenue recognition
Goods transferred at a point in time 18,302,007 23,330,920 905 2,966,406 5,109,138 49,709,376
Services transferred over time 4,724,338 8,708,922 217,776 2,718,440 69,948 16,439,424
23,026,345 32,039,842 218,681 5,684,846 5,179,086 66,148,800
6. TAX
The major components of tax expenses for the six months ended 30 June 2023 and 2022 are as follows:
(1) Taxes on profits assessable elsewhere have been calculated at the tax rates prevailing in the jurisdictions in which the Group operates. Hong Kong profits
tax has been provided at the rate of 16.5% (six months ended 30 June 2022: 16.5%) on the estimated assessable profits arising in Hong Kong during the
The provision for income tax of Peak Reinsurance Company Limited, incorporated in Hong Kong is based on a preferential rate for insurance companies of
8.25% (six months ended 30 June 2022: 8.25%).
The provision for income tax of Alma Lasers Ltd. (“Alma Lasers”), a subsidiary of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. (“Fosun Pharma”), which
was incorporated in Israel, is based on a preferential rate of 6% (six months ended 30 June 2022: 6%).
The provision for income tax of Fidelidade – Companhia de Seguros, S.A., and its subsidiaries,, subsidiaries incorporated in Portugal, is based on a rate of
31.5% (six months ended 30 June 2022: 31.5%).
The provision for income tax of Club Med Holding and its subsidiaries which was incorporated in France acquired by the Group is based on a rate of
25.83% (six months ended 30 June 2022: 25.83%).
The provision for income tax of Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG and its subsidiaries which was incorporated in Germany is based on a rate of
31.88% (six months ended 30 June 2022: 31.80%).
The provision for income tax of Gland Pharma Limited (“Gland”), which was incorporated in India, is based on a statutory rate of 25.17% (six months ended
30 June 2022: 25.17%).
(2) The provision for Chinese Mainland current income tax is based on a statutory rate of 25% (six months ended 30 June 2022: 25%) of the assessable profits
of the Group as determined in accordance with the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the PRC which was approved and became effective on 1 January 2008,
except for certain subsidiaries of the Group in Chinese Mainland, which were taxed at preferential rates of 0% to 20%.
(3) According to the tax notices issued by the relevant local tax authorities, the Group commenced to pay land appreciation tax (“LAT”) at rates ranging from
0.5% to 5% on proceeds from the sale and pre-sale of properties from 2004. The Directors considered that the relevant tax authorities would unlikely
impose additional LAT levies other than the amount already paid based on the relevant percentages of the proceeds from the sale and pre-sale of the
Group’s properties.
During the Period, the prepaid LAT of the Group amounted to RMB108,671,000 (six months ended 30 June 2022: RMB149,165,000).
In addition, based on the latest understanding of the LAT regulations from the State Administration of Taxation, the Group made an additional LAT provision
in the amount of RMB176,967,000 (six months ended 30 June 2022: RMB448,325,000) in respect of the sales of properties in the Period in accordance
with the requirements set forth in the relevant PRC tax laws and regulations. During the Period, unpaid LAT provision in the amount of RMB38,844,000
(six months ended 30 June 2022: RMB250,537,000) was reversed to the consolidated statement of profit or loss upon the completion of the liquidation and
clearance with the local tax authorities by certain subsidiaries of the Group.
The calculation of the diluted earnings per share amount is based on the profit for the Period attributable to ordinary equity
holders of the parent. The weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the calculation is the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue during the Period, as used in the basic earnings per share calculation, and the weighted
average number of ordinary shares assumed to have been issued on the deemed vesting or conversion of all dilutive
potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares.
The calculations of the basic and diluted earnings per share are based on:
Number of shares
For the six months ended 30 June
2023 2022
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during
the period used in the basic earnings per share calculation 8,178,773,321 8,294,589,202
Effect of dilution – weighted average number of ordinary shares:
– Share award scheme 12,724,816 8,204,250
– Share option scheme 125 –
Weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the calculation of
diluted earnings per share 8,191,498,262 8,302,793,452*
Basic earnings per share (RMB) 0.17 0.27
Diluted earnings per share (RMB) 0.17 0.27
* Because the diluted earnings per share amount is increased when taking the share award scheme into account, the share award scheme had an anti-
dilutive effect on the basic earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2022 and were ignored in the calculation of diluted earnings per share.
The potential ordinary shares of the share option scheme are excluded from the calculation of diluted earnings per share, because the exercise price of the
share option scheme is higher than the average market price of the ordinary shares of the Company for the six months ended 30 June 2022. Therefore, the
diluted earnings per share amount is based on the profit restated for the six months ended 30 June 2022 of RMB2,271,229,000, and the weighted average
number of ordinary shares of 8,294,589,202 in issue for the six months ended 30 June 2022.
An ageing analysis of trade receivables as at the end of the reporting period, based on the invoice date, is as follows:
30 June 31 December
2023 2022
RMB’000 RMB’000
(Unaudited) (Audited)
Outstanding balances with ages:
Within 90 days 9,678,426 10,233,845
91 to 180 days 2,041,204 1,097,546
181 to 365 days 1,480,553 683,256
1 to 2 years 516,777 479,048
2 to 3 years 228,844 198,183
Over 3 years 261,542 179,687
14,207,346 12,871,565
Less: Provision for impairment of trade receivables 558,029 573,007
13,649,317 12,298,558
Trade and notes receivables of the Group mainly arose from the Health segment and the Happiness segment. Credit terms
granted to the Group’s customers are as follows:
Credit terms
Health segment 90 to 180 days
Happiness segment 30 to 360 days
At 30 June 2023, the Group’s trade and notes receivables with a carrying amount of approximately RMB289,243,000 (31
December 2022: RMB473,279,000) were pledged to secure interest-bearing bank and other borrowings as set out in note 11
to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
As at 30 June 2023, the Group’s property, plant and equipment with a net carrying value of RMB10,460,201,000 (31 December
2022: RMB10,369,166,000) were pledged as security for interest-bearing bank and other borrowings as set out in note 11 to
the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
An ageing analysis of trade payables as at the end of the reporting period, based on the invoice date, is as follows:
30 June 31 December
2023 2022
RMB’000 RMB’000
(Unaudited) (Audited)
Outstanding balances with ages:
Within 90 days 14,739,557 14,032,419
91 to 180 days 1,272,013 1,577,017
181 to 365 days 2,931,130 3,041,641
1 to 2 years 1,191,614 1,415,175
2 to 3 years 447,856 1,063,014
Over 3 years 1,576,307 825,354
22,158,477 21,954,620
Trade and notes payables of the Group mainly arose from the Health segment and Happiness segment. The trade and
notes payables are non-interest-bearing and are normally settled on terms of 30 to 60 days or based on the progress of
construction of properties.
(1) Certain of the Group’s interest-bearing bank and other borrowings are secured by the pledges of assets with carrying values at the end of each reporting
period as follows:
30 June 31 December
2023 2022
RMB’000 RMB’000
Pledge of assets:
Buildings (note 9) 9,423,658 9,160,988
Plant and machinery (note 9) 8,745 8,811
Construction in progress (note 9) 1,027,798 1,199,367
Investment properties 62,007,819 60,362,581
Right-of-use assets 1,617,005 1,539,538
Properties under development 36,009,720 34,365,862
Completed properties for sale 3,527,961 4,594,245
Trade and notes receivables (note 8) 289,243 473,279
Pledged bank balances 1,661,801 1,041,172
Finance lease receivables 95,700 129,044
Inventories 987,214 929,883
Investment in an associate 12,620,006 11,844,320
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 9,783,206 2,864,708
Intangible assets 329,376 341,569
Apart from the above, certain interest-bearing bank borrowings and other borrowings are secured by investments in subsidiaries as at 30 June 2023,
including 1,741,834,016 shares of Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mart (Group) Co., Ltd., and 536,980,000 shares of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co.,
As at 30 June 2023, interest-bearing bank and other borrowings amounted to RMB295,040,000 (31 December 2022: RMB383,053,000) were guaranteed
by Fosun International Holdings Ltd. which is the ultimate holding company of the Group. Interest-bearing bank and other borrowings amounted to
RMB132,442,000 (31 December 2022: RMB119,923,000) as at 30 June 2023 were guaranteed by third parties.
The bank loans bear interest at rates ranging from 0.0% to 11.85% (31 December 2022: 0.00% to 11.85%) per annum.
On 13 August 2018, Fosun Pharma issued five-year domestic corporate bonds with a par value of RMB1,300,000,000 and an effective interest rate of 5.15%
per annum. On 13 August 2021, Fosun Pharma repaid in advance with a par value of RMB554,999,000. Interest is paid annually in arrears and the maturity
date is 13 August 2023.
On 26 November 2018, Yuyuan issued five-year domestic corporate bonds with a par value of RMB2,000,000,000 and an effective interest rate of 4.97% per
annum. On 26 November 2021, Yuyuan repaid in advance with a par value of RMB1,474,566,000. Interest is paid annually in arrears and the maturity date
is 26 November 2023.
On 27 November 2019, Yuyuan issued five-year domestic corporate bonds with a par value of RMB600,000,000 and an effective interest rate of 4.95% per
annum. Interest is paid annually in arrears and the maturity date is 27 November 2024.
On 20 February 2020, Yuyuan issued five-year domestic corporate bonds with a par value of RMB1,900,000,000 and an effective interest rate of 3.60% per
annum. On 20 February 2023, Yuyuan repaid in advance with a par value of RMB1,699,100,000. Interest is paid annually in arrears and the maturity date is
20 February 2025.
On 21 April 2020, Fosun High Technology issued five-year domestic corporate bonds with a par value of RMB300,000,000 and an effective interest rate of
4.58% per annum. Interest is paid annually in arrears and the maturity date is 21 April 2025.
On 7 August 2020, Fosun High Technology issued five-year domestic corporate bonds with a par value of RMB1,900,000,000 and an effective interest
rate of 4.56% per annum. Among these, corporate bonds with a par value of RMB1,855,600,000 were purchased by third party investors. Interest is paid
annually in arrears and the maturity date is 7 August 2025.
On 2 November 2020, Fosun High Technology issued five-year domestic corporate bonds with a par value of RMB1,600,000,000 and an effective interest
rate of 4.87% per annum. Among these, corporate bonds with a par value of RMB1,430,000,000 were purchased by third party investors. Interest is paid
annually in arrears and the maturity date is 2 November 2025.
On 4 June 2021, Fosun Insurance Portugal issued five-year corporate bonds with a par value of EUR500,000,000 and an effective interest rate of 4.25% per
annum. Interest is paid at the maturity date which is 4 September 2026.
On 23 July 2021, Yuyuan issued two-year domestic corporate bonds with a par value of RMB500,000,000 and an effective interest rate of 4.10% per annum.
Interest is paid annually in arrears and the maturity date is 23 July 2023.
On 27 July 2021, Fosun High Technology issued three-year offshore corporate bonds with a par value of USD200,000,000 and an effective interest rate of
4.42% per annum. Interest is paid semi-annually in arrears and the maturity date is 27 July 2024.
On 18 January 2022, Fosun High Technology issued two-year domestic corporate bonds with a par value of RMB1,600,000,000 and an effective interest
rate of 6.36%per annum. On 18 January 2023, Fosun High Technology repaid in advance with a par value of RMB1,583,900,000. Interest is paid annually in
arrears and the maturity date is 18 January 2024.
On 15 March 2022, Fosun High Technology issued three-year offshore corporate bonds with a par value of USD150,000,000 and an effective interest rate
of 3.24% per annum. Interest is paid semi-annually in arrears and the maturity date is 15 March 2025.
On 21 March 2022, Yuyuan issued three-year domestic corporate bonds with a par value of RMB550,000,000 and an effective interest rate of 4.95% per
annum. Interest is paid annually in arrears and the maturity date is 21 March 2025.
On 22 November 2021, Napier TMK, a subsidiary of Yuyuan, issued three-year private placement bonds with a par value of JPY 1,500,000,000 and the
effective interest rate is 12.69% per annum. Interest is paid quarterly in arrears and the maturity date is 22 November 2024.
On 28 March 2022, Napier TMK, a subsidiary of Yuyuan, issued thirty-one-month private placement bonds with a par value of JPY 3,500,000,000 and the
effective interest rate is 5.19% per annum. Interest is paid quarterly in arrears and the maturity date is 31 October 2024.
On 1 April 2022, Tekapo TMK, a subsidiary of Fosun Management Holdings Limited, issued five-year private placement bonds with a par value of JPY
700,000,000 and the effective interest rate is 1.69% per annum. Interest is paid quarterly in arrears and the maturity date is 1 April 2027.
On 17 August 2016, Wealth Driven Limited, a subsidiary of Fosun Industrial Holdings Limited, issued three tranches of seven-year senior notes with
effective interest rates of 5.603%, 5.599% and 5.41%, respectively. Among these, senior notes with a par value of USD11,607,000 were purchased by third
party investors. Interest is paid semi-annually in arrears and the maturity date is 17 August 2023.
On 2 July 2019, Fortune Star, a subsidiary of Fosun Industrial Holdings Limited, issued four-year senior notes with a par value of USD700,000,000 and an
effective interest rate of 6.90%. Among these, senior notes with a par value of USD628,525,000 were purchased by third party investors. Interest is paid
semi-annually in arrears and the maturity date is 2 July 2023.
On 2 July 2020, Fortune Star, a subsidiary of Fosun Industrial Holdings Limited, issued four-year senior notes with a par value of USD600,000,000 and an
effective interest rate of 6.99%. Among these, senior notes with a par value of USD588,652,000 were purchased by third party investors. Interest is paid
semi-annually in arrears and the maturity date is 2 July 2024.
On 19 October 2020, Fortune Star, a subsidiary of Fosun Industrial Holdings Limited, issued five-year senior notes with a par value of USD400,000,000 and
an effective interest rate of 6.09%. Among these, senior notes with a par value of USD394,372,000 were purchased by third party investors. Interest is paid
semi-annually in arrears and the maturity date is 19 October 2025.
On 8 December 2020, Fortune Star, a subsidiary of Fosun Industrial Holdings Limited, issued five-year senior notes with a par value of USD300,000,000
and an effective interest rate of 5.56%. Interest is paid semi-annually in arrears and the maturity date is 19 October 2025.
On 27 January 2021, Fortune Star, a subsidiary of Fosun Industrial Holdings Limited, issued six-year senior notes with a par value of USD500,000,000 and
an effective interest rate of 5.23%. Among these, senior notes with a par value of USD499,650,000 were purchased by third party investors. Interest is paid
semi-annually in arrears and the maturity date is 27 January 2027.
On 18 May 2021, Fortune Star, a subsidiary of Fosun Industrial Holdings Limited, issued five-year senior notes with a par value of USD500,000,000 and an
effective interest rate of 5.20%. Interest is paid semi-annually in arrears and the maturity date is 18 May 2026.
On 2 July 2021, Fortune Star, a subsidiary of Fosun Industrial Holdings Limited, issued five-year senior notes with a par value of EUR500,000,000 and an
effective interest rate of 4.15%. Among these, senior notes with a par value of EUR482,141,000 were purchased by third party investors. Interest is paid
semi-annually in arrears and the maturity date is 2 October 2026.
On 22 July 2020, Yuyuan issued three-year medium-term notes with a par value of RMB1,000,000,000 and an effective interest rate of 3.94% per annum.
Interest is paid annually in arrears and the maturity date is 21 July 2023.
On 22 September 2020, Fosun High Technology issued five-year medium-term notes with a par value of RMB1,000,000,000 and an effective interest rate of
5.01% per annum. Among these, medium-term notes with a par value of RMB880,000,000 were purchased by third party investors. Interest is paid annually
in arrears and the maturity date is 22 September 2025.
On 9 September 2021, Yuyuan issued two-year medium-term notes with a par value of RMB700,000,000 and an effective interest rate of 4.20% per annum.
Interest is paid annually in arrears and the maturity date is 9 September 2023.
On 15 October 2021, Yuyuan issued three-year medium-term notes with a par value of RMB500,000,000 and an effective interest rate of 4.70% per annum.
Among these, medium-term notes with a par value of RMB480,000,000 were purchased by third party investors. Interest is paid annually in arrears and
the maturity date is 15 October 2024.
On 9 March 2022, Fosun Phrama issued four-year medium-term notes with a par value of RMB500,000,000 and an effective interest rate of 3.55% per
annum. Interest is paid annually in arrears and the maturity date is 9 March 2026.
On 13 January 2023, Fosun High Technology issued super short-term commercial papers with a par value of RMB1,000,000,000 and an effective interest
rate of 6.99% per annum. Interest is payable at the maturity date which is 12 July 2023.
On 20 June 2023, Yuyuan issued super short-term commercial papers with a par value of RMB530,000,000 and an effective interest rate of 5.45% per
annum. Interest is payable at the maturity date which is 16 December 2023.
On 29 March 2022, Fosun High Technology issued 3-year Exchangeable Bonds (the “Exchangeable Bonds”) with a par value of RMB2 billion. The
Exchangeable Bonds are convertible into ordinary shares of Hainan Mining Co., Ltd. (“Hainan Mining”), a subsidiary of the Group which is a listed company
in Shanghai Stock Exchange. The Exchangeable Bonds bear a fixed annual interest rate of 1%. The initial conversion price is RMB10.26 per share. The
bondholders can convert the Exchangeable Bonds into the shares of Hainan Mining at the prevailing conversion price during the period from 29 September
2022 to 24 March 2025 (the “Conversion Period”). The Exchangeable Bonds are secured by 336 million shares of Hainan Mining A shares hold by the group.
The maturity date of the Exchangeable Bonds is 28 March 2025. On the maturity date Fosun High Technology will redeem the outstanding Exchangeable
Bonds at 109% of the par value, excluding the interest in the third year. During the Conversion Period, if the closing price of Hainan Mining’s A Shares is
not less than 130% (inclusive 130%) of the prevailing conversion price for at least 15 trading days out of any 30 consecutive trading days, or if the total
unconverted amount is less than RMB30 million, Fosun High Technology has the right to redeem all or part of the outstanding Exchangeable Bonds at par
value plus accrued interest. Within six months before the maturity date of the Exchangeable Bonds, if the closing price of Hainan Mining’s A Shares is less
than 70% of the prevailing conversion price for at least 15 trading days out of any 30 consecutive trading days, the bondholders have the right to sell all or
part of the Exchangeable Bonds at par value plus accrued interest to the issuer. As at 30 June 2023, the prevailing conversion price of the Exchangeable
Bonds was RMB10.12 per share.
In March 2020, Fosun Tourism Group (“FTG”), a subsidiary of the Group, issued asset-backed securities which were backed by the Atlantis Sanya hotel and
water park as mortgages with a coupon rate of 5%, and the 100% equity interest in Hainan Atlantis and operating revenue of Atlantis Sanya as a pledge.
The principal and interest of the prioritised level shall be repaid semi-annually in 48 instalments in 24 years. The coupon rates of the securities of the
prioritised level are subject to adjustments by FTG and the holders have the rights, at their option, to require FTG to redeem at an interval of every three
years within the terms of the securities. The fund raised by FTG from the third-party investors to RMB5,713,869,000 was recorded as other borrowings as
at 30 June 2023.
The other borrowings represent borrowings from third parties, which bear interest at rates ranging from 0.0% to 12.15% (31 December 2022: 0.0% to
10.0%) per annum.
For the six months ended 30 June
2023 2022
RMB’000 RMB’000
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Final declared – HKD0.014 per ordinary share (2022: HKD0.30) 101,481 2,072,867
The proposed final dividend of HKD0.014 per ordinary share for the year ended 31 December 2022 was approved by the
shareholders at the annual general meeting of the Company on 9 June 2023.
The board of directors did not recommend the payment of an interim dividend in respect of the Period (six months ended 30
June 2022: Nil).
In April 2023, Gland Pharma International PTE Ltd, a subsidiary of Fosun Pharma, acquired 100% equity interest in
Phixen SAS from a third party. The consideration was RMB873,339,000. The acquisition was undertaken to further
develop the business under health segment of the Group.
In June 2023, a subsidiary of Fosun Pharma, Alma Hong Kong 2023 Limited (“Alma HK”), entered into an asset
purchase agreement with PhotonMed International Limited (“PhotonMed HK”) and its owner, pursuant to which
Alma HK has agreed to purchase the business (comprising the target assets). After the completion of the acquisition
on 28 June 2023, Alma HK shall issue 40% of its shares to PhotonMed HK so that Alma and PhotonMed HK will
hold 60% and 40% of the total issued shares of Alma HK, respectively. The total consideration is an amount of up
to RMB270,000,000, including contingent portion up to RMB37,500,000, which is subject to adjustment in relation
to the target revenue and earnings. The acquisition was undertaken to further develop the business under health
segment of the Group.
The provisional fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities of all the acquired subsidiaries during the Period
as at the dates of acquisition were as follows:
Fair value
recognised on
RMB ’000
Property, plant and equipment (note 9) 1,368,513
Intangible assets 451,202
Right-of-use assets 44,677
Cash and bank balances 72,491
Deferred tax assets 44,168
Trade and notes receivables 308,731
Prepayments, other receivables and other assets 117,982
Inventories 404,855
Interest-bearing bank and other borrowings (979,219)
Trade and notes payables (459,286)
Accrued liabilities and other payables (excluding lease liabilities) (380,515)
Tax payable (3,087)
Lease liabilities (44,531)
Contract liabilities (59,322)
Deferred tax liabilities (90,681)
Total identifiable net assets at fair values 795,978
Non-controlling interests (135,198)
Total net assets acquired 660,780
Gain on bargain purchase of subsidiaries 1,491
Goodwill on acquisition 523,078
The fair values of the acquired trade and notes receivables and other receivables as at the date of acquisition
approximate to their gross contractual amounts. None of these receivables are expected to be uncollectible.
None of the goodwill recognised is expected to be deductible for income tax purposes.
(ii) An analysis of the cash flows in respect of the acquisition of subsidiaries as set out in (i) above is as follows:
Consideration settled by cash (1,176,266)
Cash and cash equivalents acquired 72,491
Prepayment of cash consideration as at 30 June 2023 (130,628)
Unpaid cash consideration as at 30 June 2023 74,947
Net outflow of cash and cash equivalents included in cash flows from investing activities (1,159,456)
Since the acquisitions, the acquired subsidiaries contributed RMB343,642,000 to the Group’s revenue and a loss of
RMB66,000 to the consolidated profit for the six months ended 30 June 2023.
Had the combinations taken place at the beginning of the period, the total revenue and the profit of the Group for
the period would have been RMB97,580,770,000 and RMB4,447,040,000, respectively.
In May 2023, FTG, a subsidiary of the Group, entered into an equity transfer agreement with Goldman Sachs Group
to sell the Casa Cook and Cook’s Club brands and related overseas businesses, at a consideration of EUR8,000,000
(equivalent to RMB57,604,000).
In May 2023, FTG, a subsidiary of the Group, completed the disposal of its 54% equity interests in a subsidiary, Société
Villages Hôtel des Caraïbes (“SVHC”), at a consideration of EUR22,072,000 (equivalent to RMB164,055,000). SVHC owned
the Les Boucaniers Resort in France. FTG then entered into a lease contract with the buyer for the leaseback of the
assets of Les Boucaniers on a 15-year term and continued to operate the resort. FTG measured the right-of-use assets
arising from the leaseback for the proportion that related to the right of use retained by the Group and recognized the
amount of the gain that relates to the rights transferred to the buyer.
In May 2023, Alpha Yu B.V. (“Alpha Yu”), a subsidiary of the Group, disposed 80% of the equity interests in International
Gemological Institute B.V., IGI Netherlands B.V., and International Gemological Institute (India) Private Limited
(collectively referred to as IGI Group) to BCP ASIA II TOPCO PTE. LTD. at the consideration of USD455,380,000 (equivalent
to RMB3,203,865,000).
30 June
Net assets disposed of:
Property, plant and equipment (note 9) 433,511
Intangible asset 656,416
Goodwill (note 13(a)) 111,430
Right-of-use assets 33,903
Deferred tax assets 6,367
Cash and bank balances 203,291
Investments in associates 45
Trade and notes receivables 124,781
Prepayments, other receivables and other assets 227,531
Due from related parties 28,926
Inventories 4,464
Investment properties 4,205,500
Deferred income (49,554)
Interest-bearing bank and other borrowings (2,110,333)
Trade and notes payables (33,066)
Due to related parties (3,525)
Accrued liabilities and other payables (272,124)
Contract liabilities (1,639)
Tax payable (6,487)
Deferred tax liabilities (322,953)
Non-controlling interests (273,877)
Reclassification adjustments from other comprehensive losses upon disposal 50,759
Right-of-use assets recognized in sales and leaseback 37,959
Net gain on disposal of subsidiaries (note 3) 1,734,873
Provision for disposal costs 11,357
30 June
Satisfied by:
Cash 4,797,555
Cash consideration 4,797,555
Cash and bank balances disposed of (203,291)
Cash consideration received in advance for disposal of a subsidiary 205,418
Receipt of unreceived cash consideration for disposal as at 31 December 2022 4,259,651
Cash consideration unreceived as at 30 June 2023 (21,191)
Net inflow of cash and cash equivalents included in cash flows from investing activities 9,038,142
The Group had the following capital commitments at the end of the reporting period:
30 June 31 December
2023 2022
RMB’000 RMB’000
(Unaudited) (Audited)
Contracted, but not provided for:
Plant and machinery 3,047,239 4,078,905
Properties under development 2,969,989 3,316,319
Investments 8,315,209 5,889,963
Oil and gas assets 15,897 55,020
14,348,334 13,340,207
30 June 31 December
2023 2022
RMB’000 RMB’000
Note (Unaudited) (Audited)
Principal amount of the guaranteed bank loans of:
Related parties 2,152,699 1,536,034
Third parties 289,740 317,893
Qualified buyers’ mortgage loans (1) 6,533,800 7,409,793
8,976,239 9,263,720
(1) As at 30 June 2023, the Group provided guarantees of approximately RMB6,533,800,000 (31 December 2022: RMB7,409,793,000) in favour of their
customers in respect of mortgage loans provided by banks to such customers for their purchases of the Group’s developed properties where the
underlying real estate certificates can only be provided to the banks in a time delayed manner due to administrative procedures in the PRC. These
guarantees provided by the Group will be released when the customers pledge their real estate certificates as security to the banks for the mortgage loans
granted by the banks.
The directors consider that in case of default in payments, the net realisable value of the related properties can cover the outstanding mortgage principals
together with the accrued interest and penalties and therefore no provision has been made for the guarantees in the interim condensed consolidated
financial statements.
(2) Owing to the nature of the insurance business, the insurance and finance segment of the Group is involved in legal proceedings in the ordinary course of
its activity, including being the plaintiff or the defendant in litigation and arbitration proceedings. Most of such legal proceedings involve claims concerning
insurance policies, which are already provisioned, and some additional losses arising therefrom will be indemnified either by reinsurers or by other
recoveries, like salvages. Although the outcomes of such contingencies, lawsuits or other proceedings cannot be determined at present, the Group believes
that any resulting liabilities will not have a material adverse effect on its financial position or operating results.
In the opinion of the directors, all related party transactions as set out above were conducted on normal commercial
Management has assessed that the fair values of cash and bank balances, reverse repurchase agreements, finance lease
receivables, placements with and loans to banks and other financial institutions, accounts payable to brokerage clients,
trade and notes receivables, trade and notes payables, investment contract liabilities, placements from banks and other
financial institutions, amounts due from related companies, loans and advances to customers, financial assets included
in prepayments, other receivables and other assets, financial liabilities included in other payables and accruals, interest-
bearing bank and other borrowings, deposits from customers, amounts due to related companies and amounts due to banks
and other financial institutions, which are expected to be recovered or settled no more than 12 months, approximate to their
carrying amounts largely due to the short-term maturities of these instruments.
The Group’s corporate finance team is responsible for determining the policies and procedures for the fair value
measurement of financial instruments. The corporate finance team reports directly to the chief financial officer. At each
reporting date, the corporate finance team analyses the movements in the values of financial instruments and determines
the major inputs applied in the valuation. The valuation is reviewed and approved by the chief financial officer.
The fair values of the financial assets and liabilities are included at the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged
in a current transaction between willing parties, other than in a forced or liquidation sale. The following methods and
assumptions were used to estimate the fair values:
The fair values of the financial assets included in prepayments, other receivables and other assets, financial liabilities
included in accrued liabilities and other payables, and interest-bearing bank and other borrowings which are expected to
be recovered or settled more than 12 months have been calculated by discounting the expected future cash flows using
rates currently available for instruments with similar terms, credit risk and remaining maturities. The Group’s own non-
performance risk for the amounts due to related companies and the holding company, financial liabilities included in accrued
liabilities and other payables, and interest-bearing bank and other borrowings which are expected to be recovered or settled
more than 12 months as at 30 June 2023 was assessed to be insignificant. The fair values of listed bonds and senior notes
are based on quoted market prices.
The Group enters into derivative financial instruments with various counterparties, principally financial institutions with
high credit ratings. Derivative financial instruments include commodity derivative contracts, forward currency contracts,
and currency and interest rate swaps. As at 30 June 2023, the fair values of commodity derivative contracts were measured
using quoted market prices of commodity future contracts, while the fair values of the forward currency contracts and the
fair values of currency and interest rate swaps were measured using valuation techniques similar to forward pricing and
swap models, using present value calculations. The models incorporate various market observable inputs including the credit
quality of counterparties and interest rate curves. The carrying amounts of the commodity derivative contracts, forward
currency contracts, and currency and interest rate swaps are the same as their fair values.
The fair values of listed equity investments without a lock-up period are based on quoted market prices. The fair values of
listed equity investments with a lock-up period have been estimated based on assumptions that are supported by observable
market prices and discount for lack of marketability. The directors believe that the estimated fair values resulting from the
valuation technique, which are recorded in the consolidated statement of financial position, and the related changes in fair
values, which are recorded in other comprehensive income or profit or loss, are reasonable, and that they were the most
appropriate values at the end of the reporting period.
The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market is determined by using valuation techniques.
These valuation techniques maximise the use of observable market data where it is available and rely as little as possible
on entity specific estimates. If all significant inputs required by fair value measurement are observable, the instruments
are included in level 2. If one or more of the significant inputs is not based on observable market data, the instruments are
included in level 3.
For Level 3 financial assets, the Group adopts the valuation techniques to determine the fair value. Valuation techniques
include the market comparison approach, income approach etc. The fair value measurement of these financial instruments
may involve unobservable inputs such as credit spread and liquidity discount, etc. The Group periodically reviews all
significant unobservable inputs and valuation adjustments used to measure the fair values of financial assets in Level 3.
Below is a summary of significant unobservable inputs to the valuation of financial instruments as at 30 June 2023:
The fair value of debt securities, which consist of public and corporate bonds, is determined using broker quotes that
cannot be corroborated with observable market transactions. Significant unobservable inputs for these bonds would include
proprietary cash flow models and issuer spreads, which are comprised of credit, liquidity, and other security-specific
features of the bonds. An increase (decrease) in these issuer spreads would result in a lower (higher) fair value.
The fair values of investment funds classified in Level 3 are based on net asset value (NAV) reports provided by the
management of such funds.
For certain unlisted equity securities, the Group adopts the valuation techniques to determine the fair value. Valuation
techniques include the market comparison approach, etc., which requires the Group to determine comparable public
companies (peers) based on industry, size, leverage and strategy, and to calculate an appropriate price multiple, such as
price to earnings multiples and price to book value multiples, for each comparable company identified. The multiple is
calculated by dividing the enterprise value of the comparable company by an earnings measure. The trading multiple is then
discounted for considerations such as illiquidity and size differences between the comparable companies based on company-
specific facts and circumstances. The discounted multiple is applied to the corresponding earnings measure of the unlisted
equity investments to measure the fair value. An increase (decrease) in multiples would result in a higher (lower) fair value.
An increase (decrease) in liquidity discount would result in a lower (higher) fair value. The Group periodically reviews all
significant unobservable inputs and valuation adjustments used to measure the fair values of financial instruments in Level 3.
Significant unobservable valuation input for other financial liabilities included in accrued liabilities and other payables is fair
value of net assets of subsidiaries.
Level 1: Fair values measured based on quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities
Level 2: Fair values measured based on valuation techniques for which all inputs which have a significant effect on the
recorded fair value are observable, either directly or indirectly
Level 3: Fair values measured based on valuation techniques for which any inputs which have a significant effect on the
recorded fair value are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs)
Fair value hierarchy (Continued)
Assets measured at fair value:
As at 30 June 2023 (unaudited)
During the Period, no financial assets in Level 2 as at 31 December 2022 were transferred out to Level 1 due to the end of
the lock-up period for these equity investments in 2023 (Six months ended 30 June 2022: RMB78,203,000).
Fair value hierarchy (Continued)
Assets measured at fair value: (Continued)
The movements in fair value measurements within Level 3 during the Period are as follows:
* During the Period, the financial assets with a fair value of RMB1,741,812,000 in Level 3 as at 31 December 2022 were transferred out, and a fair value
of RMB2,152,423,000 in Level 2 as at 31 December 2022 were transferred in. The transfer was based on the significant input used in the fair value
measurement as a whole.
* During the Period, the financial assets with a fair value of RMB1,001,511,000 in Level 3 as at 31 December 2021 were transferred out, and a fair value
of RMB1,764,182,000 in Level 2 as at 31 December 2021 were transferred in. The transfer was based on the significant input used in the fair value
measurement as a whole.
Fair value hierarchy (Continued)
Assets for which fair values are disclosed:
As at 30 June 2023 (unaudited)
Fair value hierarchy (Continued)
Liabilities measured at fair value:
As at 30 June 2023 (unaudited)
Fair value hierarchy (Continued)
Liabilities measured at fair value: (Continued)
The movements in fair value measurements in Level 3 during the Period are as follows:
in accrued Financial
liabilities liabilities for Derivative
and other unit-linked financial
payables contracts instruments Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000
At 1 January 2,729,160 3,483,794 968,598 7,181,552
Total gains recognised in the consolidated statement
of profit or loss included in other income (31,020) 73,238 47,682 89,900
Addition 290,139 247,570 180,573 718,282
Decrease – (69,864) – (69,864)
Exchange realignment – 226,322 64,382 290,704
At 30 June 2,988,279 3,961,060 1,261,235 8,210,574
The movements in fair value measurements in Level 3 during the last Period are as follows:
in accrued Financial
liabilities liabilities for Derivative
and other unit-linked financial
payables contracts instruments Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000
At 1 January 1,729,069 1,057,304 919,481 3,705,854
Total gains recognised in the consolidated statement
of profit or loss included in other income (14,287) (37,861) – (52,148)
Addition 758,026 1,068,056 – 1,826,082
Decrease – (18,347) (9,833) (28,180)
Exchange realignment – (41,303) 63,541 22,238
At 30 June 2,472,808 2,027,849 973,189 5,473,846
Fair value hierarchy (Continued)
Liabilities for which fair values are disclosed:
As at 30 June 2023 (unaudited)
As stated in the note to the interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity, due to the application of IFRIC
Agenda Decision, certain comparative amounts have been restated to confirm with current period’s accounting treatment.
The Board has resolved not to declare or distribute any interim dividend for the Reporting Period.
On 30 March 2023 (the “Grant Date”), the Board resolved to award an aggregate of 25,937,000 award shares (the “2023 Award
Shares”) to 113 selected participants under the 2023 Share Award Scheme. Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and
conditions of the 2023 Share Award Scheme, the 2023 Award Shares shall be transferred from the trustee, Computershare Hong
Kong Trustees Limited (the “Trustee”), to the selected participants upon expiry of the respective vesting period.
The purposes of the 2015 Share Award Scheme and the 2023 Share Award Scheme are (i) to align the interests of the eligible
persons with those of the Group through ownership of Shares, dividends and other distributions paid on Shares and/or the
increase in value of the Shares; and (ii) to encourage and retain eligible persons to make contributions to the long-term growth
and profits of the Group.
The closing price of the Shares, immediately before the Grant Date was HKD6.11. The aggregate fair value of the 2023 Award
Shares at the Grant Date amounted to approximately HKD123,913,630. The fair value of equity-settled the 2023 Award Shares
granted was estimated on the basis of the closing price of the Shares as stated in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange’s daily
quotations sheet on 30 March 2023 for the 2023 Award Shares, being the grant date defined under the International Financial
Reporting Standards 2 Share-based Payment requirement, which must be a business day and if subject to Shareholders’ approval,
is the date when approval is obtained.
As at 30 June 2023, the Company has granted accumulated 110,738,200 award shares under the 2015 Share Award Scheme
and the 2023 Share Award Scheme, of which 50,945,300 award shares were unvested except for the vested, expired, lapsed or
cancelled award shares.
The number of options and awards available for grant under the scheme mandate of all schemes of the Company at (i) the
beginning of the Reporting Period was 672,650,164 and (ii) the end of the Reporting Period was 726,684,012.
The number of Shares that may be issued in respect of options and awards granted under all schemes of the Company during the
Reporting Period (i.e. 25,937,000 Shares) divided by the weighted average number of shares of the relevant class in issue for the
Reporting Period (i.e. 8,178,773,321) were approximately 0.32%.
Details of the movement of the award shares under the 2015 Share Award Scheme and the 2023 Share Award Scheme during the
Reporting Period were as follows:
(1) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2015 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 26 March 2015 shall
be transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting periods:
(2) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2015 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 1 April 2016 shall be
transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting periods:
(3) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2015 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 4 May 2017 shall be
transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting periods:
(4) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2015 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 28 March 2018 shall
be transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting periods:
(5) (a) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2015 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 27 March 2019
shall be transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting periods:
(b) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2015 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 28 August
2019 shall be transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting periods:
(6) (a) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2015 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 1 April 2020
shall be transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting periods:
(b) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2015 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 28 August
2020 shall be transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting periods:
(7) (a) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2015 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 31 March 2021
shall be transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting periods:
(b) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2015 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 25 August
2021 shall be transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting periods:
(8) (a) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2015 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 24 March 2022
shall be transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting periods:
(b) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2015 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 24 March 2022
shall be transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting period:
(9) (a) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2015 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 31 August
2022 shall be transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting periods:
(b) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2015 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 31 August
2022 shall be transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting period:
(10) (a) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2023 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 30 March 2023
shall be transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting periods:
(b) Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions of the 2023 Share Award Scheme, the award shares which were granted on 30 March 2023
shall be transferred from the Trustee to the selected participants upon expiry of the following vesting period:
(11) During the Reporting Period, 897,420 award shares were lapsed and expired and the Group did not cancel any award shares.
(12) Mr. Qin Xuetang has resigned as an executive Director with effect from 17 February 2023.
(13) Mr. Zhuang Yuemin has resigned as a non-executive Director with effect from 2 February 2023.
(14) Save as disclosed above, there is no any other information required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 17.07 of the Listing Rules.
(15) The weighted average closing price of the Shares immediately before the dates on which awards were vested during the Reporting Period was HKD6.13.
Except for independent non-executive Directors who are not subject to the performance assessment system of the Company, each of the selected participants
have satisfied their respective performance targets (the “Performance Targets”) for the previous financial year before the grant date. In general, the performance
assessment of the selected participants are classified into three broad categories: (i) individual performance, (ii) group performance, and (iii) performance of business
segments, business lines and/or functional departments managed by the selected participants.
1) The Performance Targets applicable to the seven existing Directors, including Mr. Guo Guangchang, Mr. Wang Qunbin, Mr. Chen Qiyu, Mr. Xu Xiaoliang, Mr. Gong
Ping, Mr. Huang Zhen and Mr. Pan Donghui and one former Director, being Mr. Qin Xuetang, include: revenue, profit, cash flow, improvement of ESG performance
and organization evolution of the Group.
2) For other employee participants, given that the industry nature, business development stage and strategic goal of the business segments, business lines and/or
functional departments managed by the selected participants are different, the Performance Targets applicable to other employee participants are individualized
with different assessment criteria and weighting based on their different roles and functions.
a. Individual performance: The assessment criteria are based on, among others, their management ability and efficiency and their contribution to enhancing
the performance of the respective business segments or business lines such as ability to introduce key talents, risk control and quality operation system,
digitalization and entrepreneurship;
b. Group performance: The assessment criteria are based on, among others, revenue, profit, cash flow, improvement of ESG performance and organization
evolution of the Group; and
c. Performance of business segments, business lines and/or functional departments managed by the selected participants: The assessment criteria
are based on a wide range of factors which are important to the long-term development of such business segments, business lines and/or functional
departments depending on their respective industry nature, business development stage and strategic goals, such as segment financial performance,
industry ranking, customer satisfaction, risk control, digital transformation, production safety, expense management and human resource planning.
A new share option scheme of the Company has been adopted in the extraordinary general meeting held on 16 March 2023 (the
“2023 Share Option Scheme”). The purpose of the 2023 Share Option Scheme is to provide incentive and/or reward to eligible
persons for their contribution to, and continuing efforts to promote the interests of, the Group. For details of the 2023 Share
Option Scheme, please refer to the circular of the Company dated 27 February 2023.
The Board announced that on 30 March 2023 (the “Grant Date”), subject to the acceptance of relevant grantees, the Company
has decided to grant 71,070,000 share options to subscribe for an aggregate of 71,070,000 Shares under the 2023 Share Option
Scheme. The closing price of the Shares, immediately before the Grant Date was HKD6.11 per Share. The aggregate fair value
of such 71,070,000 share options at the Grant Date amounted to approximately HKD98,386,240. The fair value of equity-settled
share options granted was estimated as at the date of grant using a binomial model, taking into account the terms and conditions
upon which the options were granted, as well as the factors such as risk-free interest rate, share price, volatility, expected life of
options and dividend. The fair value of options is subject to a number of assumptions and limitations that may be subjective and
As at the end of the Reporting Period, the Company has granted accumulated 497,691,000 options to subscribe for an aggregate
of 497,691,000 Shares under the 2007 Share Option Scheme, the 2017 Share Option Scheme and the 2023 Share Option Scheme,
of which 314,057,850 effective options were outstanding except for the exercised, expired, lapsed or cancelled options.
The following table discloses movements in the Company’s outstanding options under the 2007 Share Option Scheme, the 2017
Share Option Scheme and the 2023 Share Option Scheme during the Reporting Period.
1. Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions set out in the respective grant letters, the options under the 2007 Share Option Scheme are
vested and become exercisable by each grantee in three tranches as set out below:
(a) up to the first 20% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the fifth anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 10th year period
commencing from the date of the grant of options (the “2007 Option Period”);
(b) up to a further 30% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the sixth anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2007 Option Period; and
(c) in respect of the remaining 50% of the options, which, for the avoidance of doubt, comprise those options which have not been exercised (and not lapsed)
since the fifth anniversary of the date of grant, at any time from the date falling on the seventh anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2007
Option Period.
2. Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions set out in the respective grant letters, the options, being granted to the global core management
staff under the 2017 Share Option Scheme are vested and become exercisable in three tranches as set out below:
(a) up to the first 20% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the fifth anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 10th year period
commencing from the date of grant of the options (the “2017 Option Period”);
(b) up to a further 30% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the sixth anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period; and
(c) in respect of the remaining 50% of the options, which, for the avoidance of doubt, comprise those options which have not been exercised (and not lapsed)
since the fifth anniversary of the date of grant, at any time from the date falling on the seventh anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017
Option Period.
3. Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions set out in the respective grant letters, the options, being granted to the employees of the Group
under the 2017 Share Option Scheme are vested and become exercisable in five tranches as set out below:
(a) up to the first 20% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the first anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period;
(b) up to a further 20% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the second anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period;
(c) up to a further 20% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the third anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period;
(d) up to a further 20% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the fourth anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period;
(e) in respect of the remaining 20% of the options, which, for the avoidance of doubt, comprise those options which have not been exercised (and not lapsed)
since the first anniversary of the date of grant, at any time from the date falling on the fifth anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option
4. Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions set out in the respective grant letters, the options, being granted to the employees of the Group
under the 2017 Share Option Scheme are vested and become exercisable in four tranches as set out below:
(a) up to the first 25% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the first anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period;
(b) up to a further 25% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the second anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period;
(c) up to a further 25% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the third anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period; and
(d) in respect of the remaining 25% of the options, which, for the avoidance of doubt, comprise those options which have not been exercised (and not lapsed)
since the first anniversary of the date of grant, at any time from the date falling on the fourth anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017
Option Period.
5. Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions set out in the respective grant letters, the options, being granted to the newly-joined management
staff and the intelligent technology professionals of the Group under the 2017 Share Option Scheme are vested and become exercisable in either one of the
exercising schedules as set out below:
(a) up to the first 25% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the first anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period;
(b) up to a further 25% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the second anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period;
(c) up to a further 25% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the third anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period; and
(d) in respect of the remaining 25% of the options, which, for the avoidance of doubt, comprise those Options which have not been exercised (and not lapsed)
since the first anniversary of the date of grant, at any time from the date falling on the fourth anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017
Option Period.
(a) up to the first 50% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the second anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period;
(b) up to a further 25% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the third anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period; and
(c) in respect of the remaining 25% of the options, which, for the avoidance of doubt, comprise those options which have not been exercised (and not lapsed)
since the second anniversary of the date of grant, at any time from the date falling on the fourth anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017
Option Period.
6. Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions set out in the respective grant letters, the options, being granted to the global core management
staff under the 2017 Share Option Scheme are vested and become exercisable in three tranches as set out below:
(a) up to the first 20% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the third anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period;
(b) up to a further 30% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the fourth anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option Period;
(c) in respect of the remaining 50% of the options, which, for the avoidance of doubt, comprise those options which have not been exercised (and not lapsed)
since the third anniversary of the date of grant, at any time from the date falling on the fifth anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2017 Option
7. Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions set out in the respective grant letters, the options, being granted to the global core management
staff under the 2023 Share Option Scheme are vested and become exercisable in three tranches as set out below:
(a) up to the first 20% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the third anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the tenth year period
commencing from the date of grant of the options (the “2023 Option Period”);
(b) up to a further 30% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the fourth anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2023 Option Period;
(c) in respect of the remaining 50% of the options, which, for the avoidance of doubt, comprise those options which have not been exercised (and not lapsed)
since the third anniversary of the date of grant, at any time from the date falling on the fifth anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2023 Option
8. Subject to the satisfaction of the vesting criteria and conditions set out in the respective grant letters, the options, being granted to the employees of the Group
under the 2023 Share Option Scheme are vested and become exercisable in four tranches as set out below:
(a) up to the first 25% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the first anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2023 Option Period;
(b) up to a further 25% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the second anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2023 Option Period;
(c) up to a further 25% of the options, at any time from the date falling on the third anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2023 Option Period; and
(d) in respect of the remaining 25% of the options, which, for the avoidance of doubt, comprise those Options which have not been exercised (and not lapsed)
since the first anniversary of the date of grant, at any time from the date falling on the fourth anniversary of the date of grant till the end of the 2023
Option Period.
9. During the Reporting Period, 31,929,000 share options were lapsed and expired and the Group did not cancel any shares.
10. Mr. Qin Xuetang has resigned as an executive Director with effect from 17 February 2023.
11. Save as disclosed above, there is no any other information required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 17.07 of the Listing Rules.
Each of the grantees is required to meet their Performance Targets during the vesting period. In general, the Performance Targets of the grantees are
classified into three broad categories: (i) individual performance, (ii) group performance, and (iii) performance of business segments, business lines and/or
functional departments managed by the grantees.
1) The Performance Targets applicable to the seven existing Directors, including Mr. Guo Guangchang, Mr. Wang Qunbin, Mr. Chen Qiyu, Mr. Xu Xiaoliang,
Mr. Gong Ping, Mr. Huang Zhen and Mr. Pan Donghui and one former director, being Mr. Qin Xuetang, include: revenue, profit, cash flow, improvement
of ESG performance and organization evolution of the Group.
2) Unless the Performance Targets are met, the options granted to the grantees will lapse.
3) For other participants, given that the industry nature, business development stage and strategic goal of the business segments, business lines and/
or functional departments managed by the other participants are different, the Performance Targets applicable to other participants are individualized
with different assessment criteria and weighting based on their different roles and functions.
a. Individual performance: The assessment criteria are based on, among others, their management ability and efficiency and their contribution
to enhancing the performance of the respective business segments or business lines such as ability to introduce key talents, risk control and
quality operation system, digitalization and entrepreneurship;
b. Group performance: The assessment criteria are based on, among others, revenue, profit, cash flow, improvement of ESG performance and
organization evolution of the Group; and
c. Performance of business segments, business lines and/or functional departments managed by the Option Grantees: The assessment criteria
are based on a wide range of factors which are important to the long-term development of such business segments, business lines and/
or functional departments depending on their respective industry nature, business development stage and strategic goals, such as segment
financial performance, industry ranking, customer satisfaction, risk control, digital transformation, production safety, expense management and
human resource planning.
Fosun’s human resources strategy is guided by the values of “Self-improvement, Teamwork, Performance and Contribution to
Society”, and focuses on building a global entrepreneurial platform that creates outstanding value for customers, analyzes the
organizational capabilities that drive business growth and rapidly iterate the corresponding organization, mechanism, and talent
system. We emphasize that the person in charge of the business is the first person in charge of human resources. Combined
with an efficient and compliant governance structure, we will set up talent committees at all levels of organizations to conduct
collective discussions on major organizational and talent issues, so as to guarantee the full engagement of business managers in
the construction of organizational talent system, and by creating a global shared platform for human resources consultation and
services, it will fully empower the building of the entire Group’s human resources organization capacity.
In the first half of 2023, Fosun further improved its organizational capability of its global operations, and formed more agile
organizational support around key strategic and business directions. Meanwhile, based on Fosun’s characteristic FC2M
entrepreneurial platform and global ecosystem, we put into practice the entrepreneurial body organizational mechanism to
stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit and business vitality of our entrepreneurial teams. By deepening our talent structure of
“expert + high potential” and focusing on future development and business growth with value creation as the core, we continued
to explore the value measurement methods and market-oriented operation modes for the headquarters-type organization and
middle and back office functions, so as to continuously enhance the effectiveness of human resources.
Fosun has always adhered to the concept of “Talents are Fosun’s first asset”. We match people with positions based on the
differentiated positioning of management talents and business talents, and design global job rotation and succession plans to
drive the improvement of the talent development system. We pay special attention to the rapid growth of high-performance and
high-potential talents, tilt organizational resources towards promotion and incentivization, and maintain a strong momentum for
endogenous development of talents. In terms of talent planning and attraction, we focus on the world, match the high-growth
goals of the business, continue to introduce industry leaders and experts, and build a future-oriented talent echelon in a forward-
looking manner. ONE Fosun enterprises work together to attract global talents under the ONE Fosun employer brand, and
providing an injection of new talent into Fosun enterprises. As of 30 June 2023, the Group had approximately 104,000 employees.
Fosun partner management system focuses on refining and improving the talent standards and core competency requirements,
and further strengthens the management foundation for key positions and core talents, through partner ecosystem campaigns,
integrate internal and external resources, and create incremental value for customers. At the same time, we put more emphasis
on the investment of partners in consolidating the talent echelon and building agile organizations, and strengthen the introduction
of outstanding talents from the perspective of core assets of talents.
In the first half of 2023, we promoted various employee activities and initiated a number of employee public welfare activities,
fully integrating ESG concepts into employees’ experience, actively implementing our core value of “Contribution to Society”, and
enhancing the personal social value of employees. We also further strengthened the development and construction of digital tools
for employee experience, constructed a multi-dimensional employee experience and corporate culture communication matrix,
and made full use of Fosun’s own mobile applications and integrated service platforms to push employees’ salary and personnel
systems, various benefits and rights introductions, to carry out various employee activities. Meanwhile, Fosun global employee
portal was also continuously upgraded to further integrate various Fosun ecological resources at home and abroad, and increase
the contents such as global employee rights and interests, company news and ESG columns. It strengthened the communication
between global enterprises and employees, and effectively assisted Fosun in building and upgrading its global organization.
We build different series of talent development programs and professional development programs according to the Group’s
development strategy, its development characteristics and Human Resources planning requirements. For different development
goals, specific development paths are planned. The training courses are designed according to entrepreneur model and
professional requirements, so as to help employees to grow rapidly while solving specific business problems at the same time.
For instance, we have the partner coaching project, chairman/CEO coaching project, FES Executive training camp, CHO special
warfare camp, star youth long-distance camp and Fostar Management Trainee Program. Fosun deepened the training and
development of global talents by designing and launching the Fosun Global Leadership Program, an executive training program
for Fosun’s executives involved in overseas business, and the Fosun Global HR Leadership Program, an HR executive training
program for overseas business to promote entrepreneurs of Fosun global industries to integrate with each other, empower the
ecosystem and develop together.
During the Reporting Period, all employees of the Group met the minimum working age requirements set out in the relevant laws
of the countries/regions where our operations were located and the employment of child labor or forced labor is prohibited.
(2) Long Positions in the Shares and Underlying Shares of the Company’s Associated Corporations (Within
the Meaning of Part XV of The SFO)
Number of shares percentage in
Name of Director/ Name of associated and/or underlying Type of relevant class
chief executive corporation Class of shares shares interests of shares
Guo Guangchang Fosun Holdings Ordinary 1(2) Corporate 100.00%
Fosun International Holdings Ordinary 29,000 Individual 85.29%
Fosun Pharma A shares (3)
114,075 Individual 0.01%
A shares (3)
885,595,955 (2)
Corporate 41.77%
H shares 77,533,500(2) Corporate 14.05%
Sisram Med Ordinary 331,911,200(2) Corporate 71.03%
FTG Ordinary 987,339,132(2) Corporate 79.50%
Shanghai Henlius Domestic shares 291,365,387 (2)
Corporate 80.00%
H shares 35,523,439 (2)
Corporate 21.74%
Wang Qunbin Fosun International Holdings Ordinary 5,000 Individual 14.71%
Fosun Pharma A shares (3)
114,075 Individual 0.01%
Chen Qiyu Fosun Pharma A shares(3) 114,075 Individual 0.01%
FTG Ordinary 501,478 Individual 0.04%
Xu Xiaoliang FTG Ordinary 2,052,328 Individual 0.17%
Gong Ping FTG Ordinary 200,988 Individual 0.02%
Huang Zhen Fosun Pharma A shares (3)
45,500 Individual 0.00%
FTG Ordinary 308,000 Individual 0.02%
Yuyuan A shares (3)
1,301,000 Individual 0.03%
Pan Donghui FTG Ordinary 490,000 Individual 0.04%
(3) Interests in Debentures of the Company’s Associated Corporations (Within the Meaning of Part XV of The
(1) Pursuant to Division 7 of Part XV of the SFO, 6,044,246,673 Shares held by Mr. Guo Guangchang are deemed corporate interests held through Fosun
Holdings and Fosun International Holdings.
(2) Pursuant to Division 7 of Part XV of the SFO, the shares held by Mr. Guo Guangchang are deemed corporate interests held through Fosun International
Holdings, Fosun Holdings, the Company and/or its subsidiaries.
(1) Fosun International Holdings is owned as to 85.29% and 14.71% by Messrs. Guo Guangchang and Wang Qunbin, respectively.
(2) Fosun International Holdings is the beneficial owner of all the issued shares in Fosun Holdings and, therefore, Fosun International Holdings is deemed, or taken
to be interested in the Shares owned by Fosun Holdings for the purpose of the SFO.
(3) Mr. Guo Guangchang, by virtue of his ownership of shares in Fosun International Holdings as to 85.29%, is deemed or taken to be interested in the Shares owned
by Fosun Holdings for the purpose of the SFO.
Save as disclosed above, so far as was known to the Directors, as at 30 June 2023, the Company has not been notified by any
persons (other than a Director or chief executive of the Company) who had an interest or a short position in the Shares or the
underlying shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of
Part XV of the SFO or which were recorded in the register required to be kept by the Company under Section 336 of the SFO.
Name of Director Company name Date of changes Original position Current position
Pan Donghui The Company March 2023 Executive President and Executive Director,
Chief Human Resources Executive President and
Officer (“CHO”) CHO
Qin Xuetang The Company February 2023 Executive Director and Supervisory
Executive President Commissioner
Li Fuhua The Company February 2023 – Non-Executive Director
Zhuang Yuemin The Company February 2023 Non-Executive Director –
(2) Changes in other directorships held in public companies the securities of which are listed on any
securities market in Hong Kong or overseas and other major appointments
Name of Director Company name Date of changes Original position Current position
Zhang Shengman Green Economy February 2023 – Independent Non-
Development Limited Executive Director
China Lilang Limited March 2023 – Independent Non-
Executive Director
Save as disclosed above, neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries purchased, sold or redeemed any Shares during the
Reporting Period.
The interim report of the Company for the Reporting Period are unaudited but have been reviewed by the Audit Committee. The
Audit Committee does not have any disagreement with the accounting treatment adopted by the Company.
On 14 March 2023, Fosun High Technology, Shanghai Fosun Industrial Investment Co., Ltd.* (上海復星產業投資有限公司, “Fosun
Industrial Investment”) and Fosun Industrial Development (subsidiaries of the Company, together, the “Nanjing Nangang Sellers”)
and Shagang Group and Shagang Investment (together, the “Previous Purchasers”) entered into an equity transfer agreement (the
“Previous ETA”), pursuant to which, the Nanjing Nangang Sellers agreed to conditionally dispose of, and the Previous Purchasers
agreed to conditionally acquire 60% equity interest in Nanjing Nangang (the “Target Interest”) for a consideration of RMB13.58
billion (subject to adjustment) (the “Previous Disposal”). As at the signing date of the Previous ETA, Nanjing Iron & Steel Group Co.,
Ltd.* (南京鋼鐵集團有限公司, “Nanjing Iron & Steel Group”) was a shareholder of Nanjing Nangang holding its 40% equity interest.
As a result of Nanjing Iron & Steel Group’s exercise of the right of first refusal on 2 April 2023, the Nanjing Nangang Sellers and
Nanjing Iron & Steel Group on 2 April 2023 entered into a new equity transfer agreement, pursuant to which, the Nanjing Nangang
Sellers agreed to conditionally dispose of, and Nanjing Iron & Steel Group agreed to conditionally acquire the Target Interest
(the “New Disposal”). The consideration of the New Disposal shall be the sum of RMB13.58 billion and the capital costs (the
interests on the earnest money paid by the Nanjing Nangang Sellers to Shagang Group) (subject to adjustment). Upon completion
of the New Disposal, the Group will cease to have any equity interest in Nanjing Nangang. As at the end of the Reporting Period,
the transaction has not been completed. For details of the above major transaction, please refer to the announcements of the
Company dated 19 October 2022, 14 March 2023 and 2 April 2023 and the circular of the Company dated 29 June 2023. For the
litigations relating to the above major transaction, please refer to the announcements of the Company dated 21 April 2023, 27
April 2023, 31 May 2023, 9 June 2023 and 29 August 2023.
On 14 March 2023, Fosun High Technology entered into a share acquisition agreement with Nanjing Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.* (南
京鋼鐵股份有限公司, “Nanjing Iron & Steel”), pursuant to which Fosun High Technology agreed to acquire, and Nanjing Iron &
Steel agreed to sell 174,305,939 shares of Zhejiang Wansheng Co., Ltd.* (浙江萬盛股份有限公司, “Wansheng”), representing
approximately 29.5645% of the issued shares of Wansheng as at the date of the share acquisition agreement, and all underlying
rights of such shares, at the acquisition consideration of RMB2.65 billion. The transaction has not been completed as at the end of
the Reporting Period. For details of the above discloseable translation, please refer to the announcement of the Company dated 14
March 2023.
On 19 May 2023, Alpha Yu B.V. (“Alpha Yu”) (an indirect subsidiary of the Company) and Lorie Holding B.V. (“Lorie Holding”) (a then
minority shareholder of each of International Gemmological Institute B.V. (“IGI Belgium”), IGI Netherlands B.V. (“IGI Netherlands”)
and International Gemmological Institute (India) Private Limited (“IGI India”)), as the sellers, entered into a sale and purchase
agreement with BCP Asia II Topco Pte. Ltd. (“BCP Asia II”), as the purchaser, pursuant to which Alpha Yu has agreed to sell, and
BCP Asia II has agreed to purchase, 80% of the entire issued share capital in each of IGI Belgium, IGI Netherlands and IGI India,
respectively; Lorie Holding has agreed to sell, and BCP Asia II has agreed to purchase, 20% of the entire issued share capital in
each of IGI Belgium, IGI Netherlands and IGI India, respectively. The consideration payable to Alpha Yu (after deducting the stamp
duties payable by Alpha Yu) was USD455.38 million (subject to the adjustment). Upon completion of the transactions, Alpha Yu will
no longer hold any shares in IGI Belgium, IGI Netherlands and IGI India, and IGI Belgium, IGI Netherlands and IGI India will cease
to be subsidiaries of the Company. The transactions have been completed as at the end of the Reporting Period. For details of the
above discloseable transaction, please refer to the announcement of the Company dated 21 May 2023.
Save for those disclosed in this report, there were no other significant investments held, nor were there material acquisitions or
disposals of subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures during the Reporting Period. Apart from those disclosed in this report, there
was no future plan for other material investments or capital assets as at the end of the Reporting Period.
Capital employed = equity attributable to owners of the parent + total debt
EBITDA = profit for the year + tax + net interest expenditures + depreciation and amortisation
Interest coverage = EBITDA/net interest expenditures
Net debt = total debt – cash and bank balances and term deposits
Net interest expenditures = Interest expenses, net + interest on discounted bills
Total debt = current and non-current interest-bearing bank and other borrowings
Total debt to total capital ratio = total debt/(shareholder’s equity + total debt)
AmeriTrust AmeriTrust Group, Inc. (formerly known as Meadowbrook Insurance Group, Inc.)
Amgen Amgen Inc., a company whose shares are listed on the NASDAQ with stock code AMGN
BabyTree BabyTree Group, a company whose shares are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
with stock code 01761
Baihe Jiayuan Baihe Jiayuan Network Group Co., Ltd* (百合佳緣網絡集團股份有限公司)
BCP Banco Comercial Português, S.A., a company whose shares are listed on the Euronext
Lisbon with stock code BCP
Board the board of Directors
Bohe Health Bohe Health Technology Co., Ltd.* (上海薄荷健康科技股份有限公司)
Cainiao Cainiao Network Technology Co., Ltd.* (菜鳥網絡科技有限公司)
Cenexi Phixen, société par actions simplifiée
CG Code Corporate Governance Code contained in Part 2 of Appendix 14 of the Listing Rules
Club Med Club Med SAS
Company or Fosun International Fosun International Limited
Director(s) the director(s) of the Company
Easun Technology Shanghai Easun Technology Co., Ltd.* (上海翌耀科技股份有限公司) (formerly known as
上海翌耀科技有限公司 and 上海愛夫迪自動化科技有限公司)
EMEA Europe, Middle East, and Africa
ESG Environmental, Social and Governance
EUR Euro, the lawful currency of the Eurozone
FC2M Fosun/Family Client-to-Maker
FES Fosun Entrepreneurship/Ecosystem System, a business management system with
high management efficiency that continuously evolves in practice in order to build the
core competitiveness of a time-honored enterprise and cultivate talents with Fosun’s
entrepreneurial spirit
Wansheng Zhejiang Wansheng Co., Ltd* (浙江萬盛股份有限公司), a company whose shares are listed
on the SSE with stock code 603010
Yong’an P&C Insurance Yong’an Property Insurance Company Limited* (永安財產保險股份有限公司)
Yuyuan Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mart (Group) Co., Ltd.* (上海豫園旅遊商城(集團)股份有限公司), a
company whose shares are listed on the SSE with stock code 600655