Iso 945-1-2019

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ICS 77.080.10 Supersedes EN ISO 945-1:2018

English Version

Microstructure of cast irons - Part 1: Graphite

classification by visual analysis (ISO 945-1:2019)
Microstructure des fontes - Partie 1: Classification du Mikrostruktur von Gusseisen - Teil 1:
graphite par analyse visuelle (ISO 945-1:2019) Graphitklassifizierung durch visuelle Auswertung (ISO

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 18 June 2019.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
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This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
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CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 945-1:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
EN ISO 945-1:2019 (E)

Contents Page

European foreword....................................................................................................................................................... 3

EN ISO 945-1:2019 (E)

European foreword

This document (EN ISO 945-1:2019) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 25 "Cast irons
and pig irons" in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 190 “Foundry technology” the
secretariat of which is held by DIN.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by January 2020, and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by January 2020.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This document supersedes EN ISO 945-1:2018.

According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of
North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the
United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice

The text of ISO 945-1:2019 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 945-1:2019 without any modification.


Third edition

Microstructure of cast irons —

Part 1:
Graphite classification by visual
Microstructure des fontes —
Partie 1: Classification du graphite par analyse visuelle

Reference number
ISO 945-1:2019(E)

© ISO 2019
ISO 945-1:2019(E)


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Contents Page

Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
4.1 Designation system for classifying graphite in cast irons.................................................................................. 1

4.2 Form ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
4.3 Distribution................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.4 Size .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.5 Visual classification of graphite............................................................................................................................................. 23
5 Sampling and sample preparation .................................................................................................................................................23
5.1 Samples taken from a casting .................................................................................................................................................. 23
5.2 Sample preparation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
6 Procedure for graphite classification ..........................................................................................................................................23
6.1 Procedure for visual classification of graphite ......................................................................................................... 23
6.2 Evaluation of the analysis results ........................................................................................................................................ 24
7 Reference images ..............................................................................................................................................................................................24
7.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24
7.2 Reference images for graphite form .................................................................................................................................. 24
7.3 Reference images for the distribution of graphite (form I) ........................................................................... 24
7.4 Reference images for graphite size..................................................................................................................................... 24
8 Designation of graphite by form, distribution and size ............................................................................................25
8.1 Designation system .......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
8.2 Designation of different graphite sizes within a casting .................................................................................. 25
8.3 Designation of mixed graphite forms, distributions and sizes ................................................................... 26
8.4 Designation of unclassified graphite forms................................................................................................................. 26
8.5 Nodule count.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
9 Report ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Annex A (informative) Typical graphite forms in cast-iron materials — Examples of
photomicrographs ...........................................................................................................................................................................................28
Annex B (informative) Distribution of flake (lamellar) graphite (form I) — Examples of
photomicrographs ...........................................................................................................................................................................................29
Annex C (informative) Common terminology and main occurrences concerning graphite in
cast irons....................................................................................................................................................................................................................30
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
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ISO 945-1:2019(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
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The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 25, Cast irons and pig irons.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 945-1:2017), of which it constitutes a
minor revision. The changes compared with the previous edition are as follows:
— Figures 3 and 4 have been corrected to a diameter of 120 mm to allow a direct comparison with the
microscope display screen;
— Figures 3 and 4 have been corrected so that the maximum graphite sizes conform with Table 1.
A list of all parts in the ISO 945 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at

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ISO 945-1:2019(E)

Microstructure designation is a useful feature that provides a means of classifying the graphite form,
distribution and size in cast irons.
Graphite classification by visual analysis is a well-established method which is well recognized within
the foundry industry as a means of quickly determining the overall graphite microstructure of a cast
iron casting.

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Microstructure of cast irons —
Part 1:
Graphite classification by visual analysis

1 Scope
This document specifies a method of classifying the microstructure of graphite in cast irons by
comparative visual analysis.
The purpose of this document is to provide information about the method of graphite classification. It
is not intended to give information on the suitability of cast-iron types and grades for any particular
The particular material grades are specified mainly by mechanical properties and, in the case of
austenitic and abrasion resistant cast irons, by their chemical composition. The interpretation
of graphite form and size does not allow a statistically valid statement on the fulfilment of the
requirements specified in the relevant material standard.

2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.

3 Terms and definitions

No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at

— IEC Electropedia: available at

4 General

4.1 Designation system for classifying graphite in cast irons

When cast iron materials are examined under a microscope in accordance with this document, the
graphite shall be classified by the following:
a) its form, designated by Roman numbers I to VI (see Figure 1 and Annex A);
b) its distribution, designated by capital letters A to E (see Figure 2 and Annex B); the graphite
distribution designation is only specified for grey cast irons (form I);
c) its size, designated by numbers 1 to 8 (see Figures 3, 4 and 5 and Table 1).
NOTE Figures 1 to 5 show only the outlines and not the structure of the graphite.

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ISO 945-1:2019(E)

4.2 Form
Magnification × 100

Figure 1 — Reference images for principal graphite forms in cast irons

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4.3 Distribution
Magnification × 100

Figure 2 — Reference images for graphite distribution (form I)

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4.4 Size

Magnification × 100

a) Reference image for graphite size 1: ≥ 1 mm (form I)

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Magnification × 100

b) Reference image for graphite size 2: 0,5 mm to < 1 mm (form I)

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Magnification × 100

c) Reference image for graphite size 3: 0,25 mm to < 0,5 mm (form I)

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Magnification × 100

d) Reference image for graphite size 4: 0,12 mm to < 0,25 mm (form I)

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Magnification × 100

e) Reference image for graphite size 5: 0,06 mm to < 0,12 mm (form I)

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Magnification × 100

f) Reference image for graphite size 6: 0,03 mm to < 0,06 mm (form I)

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Magnification × 100

g) Reference image for graphite size 7: 0,015 mm to < 0,03 mm (form I)

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Magnification × 100

h) Reference image for graphite size 8: < 0,015 mm (form I)

Figure 3 — Reference images for graphite sizes for form I

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Magnification × 100

a) Reference image for graphite size 3: 0,25 mm to < 0,5 mm (forms IV to VI)

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Magnification × 100

b) Reference image for graphite size 4: 0,12 mm to < 0,25 mm (forms IV to VI)

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ISO 945-1:2019(E)

Magnification × 100

c) Reference image for graphite size 5: 0,06 mm to < 0,12 mm (forms IV to VI)

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Magnification × 100

d) Reference image for graphite size 6: 0,03 mm to < 0,06 mm (forms IV to VI)

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Magnification × 100

e) Reference image for graphite size 7: 0,015 mm to < 0,03 mm (forms IV to VI)

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Magnification × 100

f) Reference image for graphite size 8: < 0,015 mm (forms IV to VI)

Figure 4 — Reference images for graphite sizes for forms IV to VI

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Magnification × 100

a) Reference image for graphite size 3: 0,25 mm to < 0,5 mm (form III)

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Magnification × 100

b) Reference image for graphite size 4: 0,12 mm to < 0,25 mm (form III)

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Magnification × 100

c) Reference image for graphite size 5: 0,06 mm to < 0,12 mm (form III)

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Magnification × 100

d) Reference image for graphite size 6: 0,03 mm to < 0,06 mm (form III)

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Magnification × 100

e) Reference image for graphite size 7: 0,015 mm to < 0,03 mm (form III)

Figure 5 — Reference images for graphite sizes for form III

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ISO 945-1:2019(E)

4.5 Visual classification of graphite

The reference images given in Figures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 provide a basis for classifying graphite forms,
distribution and size. The characteristic features of the graphite which occur are designated by letters
and numbers. For this purpose, microstructures of graphite are arranged in a series of reference images
consisting of schematic microstructures of cast irons. The form, distribution and size of the graphite
observed are determined by comparison with the reference images. The classification is allocated as
the same as that of the images that resemble them most closely at the same magnification.
NOTE The comparison of actual microstructures with schematic images or photomicrographs depends on
the subjective impression of the metallographer.

5 Sampling and sample preparation

5.1 Samples taken from a casting

When taking samples from a casting, it is essential that attention be paid to the location, to the wall
thickness, to the distance from the surface and to the presence of chills. The location of the sample in
the casting shall be recorded in a report.
If more than one casting is examined, the samples shall be taken from the same location in each casting
for the purpose of comparability.
The location of the metallographic specimen shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the

5.2 Sample preparation

The area of the polished surface to be examined shall be sufficient to give a true representation of the
graphite structure. Attention shall be paid to the careful grinding and polishing of the samples, so
that the graphite particles appear in their original form, size and distribution. Inappropriate grinding
and polishing can cause an unacceptable alteration of the microstructure. If necessary, the method of
polishing may be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
The examination of the graphite under the microscope is usually carried out on the unetched polished

6 Procedure for graphite classification

6.1 Procedure for visual classification of graphite

The polished samples shall be scanned under a microscope in such a manner that a representative area
is examined. To examine the graphite form and distribution, a × 100 magnification should preferably be
chosen. If necessary, the magnification may be adapted in relation with the wall thickness so that the
form and distribution of graphite can be determined by using the reference images given in Figures 1
and 2 (see also Annexes A, B and C). Adjust the microscope magnification to match as closely as possible
the corresponding images in Figures 1 and 2 before classifying the graphite form and its distribution, if
appropriate. The graphite size is determined by reference to Figures 3, 4 and 5 and Table 1, preferably
at × 100 magnification. Other magnifications are permitted (see Table 1, Notes 1 and 2, as well as 7.4).
Examination under the microscope is carried out by direct observation in the microscope or by
projection on the ground glass of the microscope or on a visual display screen. The area of view should
preferably have approximately the same size as the reference images (about 120 mm diameter). The
measurement of the graphite particles can be facilitated by the use of suitably calibrated eye-pieces.

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ISO 945-1:2019(E)

Form and distribution of graphite shall be determined by using the reference images, given in Figures 1
and 2 (see also Annexes A, B and C). Adjust the microscope magnification to match as closely as possible
the corresponding images in Figures 1 and 2 before classifying the graphite form and its distribution, if
If the microstructure is visualized on a visual display screen, the combined magnification of both
microscope and screen (depending on its size) shall be taken into account.

6.2 Evaluation of the analysis results

The evaluation of the analysis results shall be carried out by an operator trained in this metallographic

7 Reference images

7.1 General
A series of reference images (see Figures 1 to 5) showing schematic microstructures and
photomicrographs is provided for the classification of the form, distribution and size of the graphite in
cast irons.
In addition to reference images, the photomicrographs show actual graphite microstructures (see
Annexes A and B).

7.2 Reference images for graphite form

The reference images for the graphite form (see Figure 1) show six characteristic forms which are
designated by the Roman numbers I to VI (see also Annex A). These represent the principal types of
graphite observed in cast iron materials. Annex C gives the common terminology and the occurrence of
these types of graphite.
The graphite forms are specified in the relevant material standards. Percentages of these graphite forms
may also be specified by these standards, e.g. in the case of compacted (vermicular) graphite cast irons.
NOTE ASTM A247 defines seven graphite types designated in the reverse order compared to the six forms
defined in this document.

7.3 Reference images for the distribution of graphite (form I)

The reference images for the graphite distribution (see Figure 2) show characteristic graphite
distributions designated by the letters A to E.
In addition to reference images, the photomicrographs show actual graphite microstructures
(see Annex B).
A variant of distribution C, designated C′, is included in Annex B. This distribution corresponds to thin-
walled castings.

7.4 Reference images for graphite size

Figures 3, 4 and 5 shall be used in conjunction with Table 1 to evaluate the graphite size.
For × 100 magnification, sizes are indicated ranging from a maximum size of the particle of > 100 mm
(size 1) down to < 1,5 mm (size 8). When using Table 1, alternative magnifications may be used (see
Table 1, Notes 1 and 2).
NOTE 1 Sizes 1 and 2 have no practical application for graphite forms III to VI. Therefore, they have not been
included in Figures 4 and 5.

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NOTE 2 The reference images given in Figure 3, 4, and 5 do not represent all the graphite particle sizes present
in each of the graphite particle size ranges given in Table 1.

NOTE 3 The schematics show some graphite particles smaller than the minimum size graphite particles for
each size range. The schematics represent what can be seen when viewing a two dimensional sectioned view
of a three dimensional structure where a normal sized particle is sectioned not through its centreline appears
smaller than its actual size.

8 Designation of graphite by form, distribution and size

8.1 Designation system

To characterize the graphite observed, indications are generally necessary on the form, distribution
and size of the graphite particles. For this purpose, the following symbols shall be used at different
positions of the designation:
— the Roman numbers given in Figure 1 are used for the graphite form at position 1;
— for form I, the capital letters given in Figure 2 are used for the distribution at position 2;
— the Arabic numbers given in Figures 3, 4, and 5 and Table 1 are used for the graphite size at position 3.
EXAMPLE 1 For a grey cast iron with flake (lamellar) shaped graphite particles of form I, distribution A, and
size 4, the following designation is used to describe that structure:


EXAMPLE 2 For a cast iron with spheroidal graphite particles of form VI and size 4, the following designation
is used to describe that structure:

VI 4

Table 1 — Dimensions of graphite particle forms I to VI

Dimensions in millimetres
Size range Indication of the particle size
Actual dimension
reference number observed at × 100 magnification
1 ≥ 100 ≥1
2 50 to < 100 0,5 to < 1
3 25 to < 50 0,25 to < 0,5
4 12 to < 25 0,12 to < 0,25
5 6 to < 12 0,06 to < 0,12
6 3 to < 6 0,03 to < 0,06
7 1,5 to < 3 0,015 to < 0,03
8 < 1,5 < 0,015
NOTE 1   When determining size ranges 1 and 2, a lower magnification (× 25 or × 50) may be used.
NOTE 2   When determining size ranges 6 to 8, a higher magnification (× 200 or × 500) may be used.
NOTE 3   For determining size ranges, the largest visible graphite particle size is used.

8.2 Designation of different graphite sizes within a casting

If the graphite observed in different areas of view covers two sizes, reference to both is possible.

In addition, the predominant size may be emphasized by underlining.


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8.3 Designation of mixed graphite forms, distributions and sizes

More complex microstructures containing different types of graphite can be defined by estimating the
percentage proportions of the different types of graphite.
EXAMPLE 1 For a cast iron with a graphite area comprising 60 % flake (lamellar) shaped graphite particles of
form I, distribution A and size 4 and 40 % flake (lamellar) shaped graphite particles of form I, distribution D and
size 7, the following designation is used to describe the structure:

60 % I A 4 + 40 % I D 7

EXAMPLE 2 For a cast iron with a graphite area comprising 85 % spheroidal graphite particles of form VI and
size 4 and 15 % vermicular graphite particles of form III and covering sizes 3 and 4, the following designation is
used to describe the structure:

85 % VI 4 + 15 % III 3/4

8.4 Designation of unclassified graphite forms

If graphite particles are not identifiable to the graphite forms in this document, these should be reported
as unclassified graphite forms in accordance with this document.

8.5 Nodule count

The graphite nodule count nF is determined by using the planimetric method, as shown by Formula (1)
(see ISO 643). Nodules are particles normally classified as form VI or V (or even form IV).

nF = ×F 2 (1)

nF is the number of particles per unit surface area of the sample;

N is the number of nodules counted;

A is the magnified area;

F is the linear magnification factor.

EXAMPLE At a magnification of × 100, a circle measuring 79,8 mm in diameter (= 5 000 mm2) is
superimposed over a micrograph. At the preferred magnification of × 100, the circular area should preferably
contain at least 50 graphite particles in order to minimize the counting error associated with a circular test
pattern. Two counts are made:

n1 is the number of graphite particles completely within the test circle;

n2 is the number of graphite particles intersected by the test circle.

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The total number of graphite particles in this circle of 5 000 mm2 is shown by Formula (2):

n100 = n1 + (2)
In this case, to express the nodule count as nodules/mm2, the result given by Formula (2) has to be
multiplied by 2, as shown by Formula (3):

F2 100 2
= (3)
A 5 000

This operation is repeated on other fields.

The larger the number of fields measured, the more representative is the result.

9 Report
If a report is required, it shall contain the following information:
— identification of the sample or casting;
— the sampling locations;
— the number of samples taken and the number of areas evaluated;
— the form, distribution and size of the graphite;
— the magnification used;
— a reference to this document, i.e. ISO 945-1;
— the date of the report;
— the name of the organization;
— the name of the person authorized to sign the report.
If required, the report shall also contain the following information:
— the nodule count;
— the designation of the material;
— the metallographic preparation procedure used;
— the size of the cast-on sample or separately cast sample, the wall thickness of the respective sample,
or both;
— details of the presence of any other graphite form not classified by this document.
One or more photomicrographs may also be included in the report.

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Annex A

Typical graphite forms in cast-iron materials — Examples of


Form I Form II

Form II, represented by the reference image shown in

Figure 1, is never encountered alone in cast irons
(see Annex C).

Form III Form IV

Form V Form VI

Figure A.1 — Examples of photomicrographs with unspecified magnification

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Annex B

Distribution of flake (lamellar) graphite (form I) — Examples of



C C′


Figure B.1 — Examples of photomicrographs with unspecified magnification

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Annex C

Common terminology and main occurrences concerning graphite

in cast irons

Table C.1 — Graphite forms (see Figure 1 and Annex A)

Main spatial
Form Description of the form Occurrence material
Principal form in grey cast irons
Interconnected par-
ticles within eutectic Austenitic cast irons with ISO 185
I Lamellar (flake) graphite cells; lamellar (flake) lamellar/flake graphite
graphite with sharp ISO 2892
Can occur in the rim zone of other
cast-iron materials
Can occur in rapidly cooled
hypereutectic grey cast irons
Aggregate of graphite (see Annex B and Table C.2)
II Crab graphite ISO 185
flakes Can also occur in segregation
areas of thick-walled spheroidal
graphite cast-iron castings
Usually interconnect- Principal form in compacted
ed particles within graphite cast irons
Compacted (vermicular)
III eutectic cells; worm- ISO 16112
graphite Can occur in spheroidal graphite
like appearance with
rounded ends cast irons
Principal form in malleable cast
IVa Temper carbon Isolated particles ISO 5922
Irregular spheroidal Can occur in spheroidal graphite ISO 16112
IVb Isolated particles
graphitea and compacted cast irons ISO 1083
Principal form in thick-walled
castings made of spheroidal
ISO 1083
graphite cast irons
Slightly irregular spheroi-
V Isolated particles ISO 17804
dal graphitea Occurs to a specified extent in
compacted graphite cast irons ISO 2892
Can occur in malleable cast irons
Principal form in castings made of ISO 1083
spheroidal graphite cast irons
VI Spheroidal graphitea Isolated particles ISO 17804
Occurs to a specified extent in
compacted graphite cast irons ISO 2892
a Spheroidal graphite is sometimes referred to as nodular graphite.

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Table C.2 — Graphite distributions in grey cast irons (see Figure 2 and Annex B)
Distribution Main 2D appearance Occurrences
Apparently uniform Cast iron solidified with a low to intermediate
A —
distribution degree of undercooling
Rosette graphite
Rosette graphite Cast iron solidified with an intermediate degree
B —
with undercooling of undercooling, particularly thin-walled castings
Aggregate of larger
graphite flakes Hypereutectic cast iron
surrounded by smaller,
C Primary graphite In thin-walled castings, the larger particles can
randomly oriented
graphite flakes adopt form II (see Annex B, distribution C′)
(eutectic graphite)
Cast iron solidified with a high degree of under-
Fine (interdendrit- Finely branched graphite
ic) graphite The distribution can be associated with other dis-
D Fine, randomly oriented tributions (for example A and B, A and E, B and E)
Undercooling graphite flakes in the
graphite interdendritic position Distribution D can appear in the centre of rosette
groupings in the case of a relatively high degree of
Cast iron with low carbon equivalent, solidified
Preferentially orientat-
Interdendritic with low or moderate undercooling. Local area
E ed graphite flakes in the
graphite corresponding to a plane of polish cutting through
interdendritic position
the main axis of some highly oriented dendrites.

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[1] ISO 185, Grey cast irons — Classification

[2] ISO 643, Steels — Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size
[3] ISO 1083, Spheroidal graphite cast irons — Classification
[4] ISO 2892, Austenitic cast irons — Classification
[5] ISO 5922, Malleable cast iron
[6] ISO 16112, Compacted (vermicular) graphite cast irons — Classification
[7] ISO 17804, Founding — Ausferritic spheroidal graphite cast irons — Classification
[8] ASTM A247, Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Microstructure of Graphite in Iron Castings
[9] American Foundrymens Society. Foundrymen’s Guide to Ductile Iron Microstructures. Second
Edition, 1987

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