DLL 6th Week 29 35
DLL 6th Week 29 35
DLL 6th Week 29 35
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning LCD monitor, Learners www.analyzemath.com
Resources Material, Activity Sheet, http://fileserver.net-
Picture of bamboo trees texts.com/
B. Establishing a The teacher will show The properties that follow show IDENTIFY ME!
purpose for the different pictures in the several ways of rewriting 1. Look at the things inside
lesson monitor and the learners proportions that do not alter the the classroom and
will describe/explain what meaning of their values. identify the similar sides
they have noticed. or faces.
a. Books
b. Chalkboard
c. Table
d. Walls
2. Find pairs of figures in
your classroom that
show similarity.
b. 5 days to 2 weeks
Solution: 2 weeks = 14
c. side of an equilateral
triangle to its perimeter
(2X + 1) : 15 = X : 7
E. Discussing new Guided Practice (Let’s Do Solve each Proportion. Answer the following.
concepts and This!) 1. How are the
practicing new corresponding angles of the
skills #2 triangles related?
2. What do you notice about
the lengths of the
corresponding sides of
triangles I and II?
F. Developing Tell whether the polygons in
Are the following ratios
mastery Apply the fundamental law of each pair are always,
(Leads to proportion by finding the missing sometimes, or never similar.
Answer with yes or no
Formative variable. Write the answer on 1. Two rectangles
If the answer is no, give a
Assessment 3) the blank before the number. 2. A regular hexagon
ratio, proportional to either
and a regular octagon
of the given ratios.
3. Two squares
G. Finding practical Application:Let’s Do More! Problem solving Activity Complete the following
applications of statements.
concepts and
skills in daily O Y 14
living 12 21 X
N Z 10 Y
2N y M
H. Making Ratio is used to compare Two polygons are similar
generalizations two or more quantities. If w:x = y:z, then if they have the same
and abstractions Quantities involved in ratio shape but may have
provided that x ≠ 0; z ≠ 0.
about the lesson are of the same kind so that different sizes.
ratio does not make use of Two polygons are similar
units. However, when if the corresponding
quantities are of different sides are proportional
kinds, the comparison of and the corresponding
the quantities that consider angles are congruent.
the units is called rate. The common ratio of the
Proportion is the lengths of corresponding
equality of two ratios. sides of similar polygons
is also called the scale
Fundamental Rule of factor of the similar
Proportion polygons.
If , then
provided that
I. Evaluating Assessment: Solve each proportion. Leave Given: Hexagon ABCDEF
learning Challenge yourself! your answer as a fraction in
simplest form. STWXYZ
Find the lengths of the sides
of hexagon STWXYZ.
Give the ratio of the
perimeters of the hexagon.
2. M
3. A 8
Prepared by:
School Principal II