Fr97500 Manual
Fr97500 Manual
Fr97500 Manual
Digital Audio/Video Surround Receiver
• Integrated Dolby Digital® (AC-3), Dolby Pro-Logic®, DTS and
MPEG Multichannel Surround Sound decoder
• 500 Watts Surround Power Output : 3 x 100 Watts + 2 x 100 Watts
• Stereo Power Output : 2 x 100 Watts (DIN, 1 kHz, 0.7% THD, 6 Ohm)
• Digital Surround Processing via TETRA CORE
• Automatic Sound Type Detection (AC-3, MPEG, Dolby Pro-Logic®, DTS or PCM audio)
• Natural Surround for more realistic Surround Sound
• Unique digital stereo downmix from multichannel sound (record audio from DVD)
• 'Hall' feature for normal stereo with rear speaker sound (simulated surround)
• 96 kHz processing (enables connection to DVD-Audio player)
• 12 Audio input connections
• All Dolby Surround Modes and Delay Times
• Night mode for Dynamic Range Compression of Digital Sound
• 4 Digital Inputs (2 coax, 2 optical) and a Digital Output Connection (coax)
for Digital (CD) Recordings
• 4 Video Input and 2 Output Connections
• 5 S-Video connections
• 6 Channel Input, DVD Audio and Super-Audio CD prepared
• Front AV/Game Input
• Screw terminals for Left, Right and Center speaker connections
• 'Cinema Link' System Control Bus
• 51-key Audio/Video MultiBrand Universal Remote Control
• Menu Navigator Rotary Knob for quick set-up
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Menu Navigator * Optional Touch Screen Remote : Philips 'Pronto' REAR SURROUND
+ + MODE
- -
DTS - DTS surround sound is a cinema surround sound Convenience RDS EON News & Traffic Announcement (TA) -
format that offers superior digital audio performance than Many RDS capable radio stations are of the so called EON
other available surround sound formats. DTS is said to offer 96kHz capable - DVD Audio offers 96kHz sound quality. (Enhanced Other Network) type. These stations are able to
more clarity and definition especially for higher tones. The As the processor of the receiver (Tetra Core) is capable of detect news broadcasts and traffic announcements of other
better sound auality is a direct result of the limited sound handling 96kHz and processing it in 24-bits, a DVD Audio stations in the same 'network'. The receiver display indicates
compression (3:1 instead of 11:1 for Dolby Digital) and the player can be digitally connected to the receiver whilst when the active station is EON-capable.
20-bit resolution. DTS movie and music software is preserving the sound quality of DVD Audio. At the same When 'News' and/or 'Traffic Announcement' are activated
available on various DVD and CD titles. time, the digital output will provide a signal that can be by the user, the tuner will automatically switch to the correct
recorded on any digital recorder like CDR. station when a news bulletin or traffic announcement is
MPEG MultiChannel Sound - MPEG MultiChannel is broadcasted. Afterwards the tuner conveniently switches
an audio coding method for digital multichannel surround Stereo Downmix - The digital output will automatically back to the original station. News and TA not only work in
sound just as Dolby Digital (AC-3) is. Next to Dolby Digital, provide a stereo downmix in case a multichannel signal is tuner mode; when the receiver is set to any of its other
MPEG MultiChannel is the alternative coding format for detected at any of the digital input connectors. In that way sources (e.g. CD, VCR, CDR, etc.) it switches to the tuner
DVD. With MPEG as the (exclusive) audio coding format digital audio recordings can be made from movie DVD's whenever there is a news or traffic bulletin. Whatever you're
for multi channel digital TV broadcasting in Europe, the (e.g. Live concerts from music DVD's) listening to, Philips keeps you informed on the most recent
Philips receiver guarantees compatibility for the near future traffic and news affairs! (Note : although all EON stations
- making its purchase a save investment. Night mode - Establishes dynamic range compression of offer 'TA', 'News' might not be widely available in every
digital sound to reduce the volume differences between country).
500W surround power output: - The five, 3x100W the loud and soft passages in source material with digital
(left, right, center) and 2x100W (rear), receiver amplifiers surround sound where sound level differences can be so Set up Menu Navigator - The menu navigator rotary
deliver 400 Watts of home theater power. The stereo dramatic. This feature is especially useful at night when you knob takes away many buttons from the set, thereby
output power of 100W per channel is specified at 6 Ohm, don't want to disturb the neighbors or wake up the kids! reducing complexity and enhancing usability of the set. The
DIN, 1kHz and 0.7% total harmonic distortion (THD). The menu navigator is a menu-based user interface used for all
amplifiers have been designed with special attention to a Digitals input and output - 4 digital inputs (2 coax, 2 kinds of initial set-up operations (speaker set-up, tuner
short 'rise' and 'fall' time, so characteristic for the frequent optical) are foreseen to connect digital sound sources (e.g. installation etc.) Via icons in the display, the system
and sudden drastic changes in dynamics of movie sound in DVD player, CD player and Digital TV). A digital output conveniently guides the user to the next step in the receiver
general. Furthermore, the amplification reserves are connection (coax) is foreseen to enable digital (CD) set-up. In normal mode, the menu rotary functions as tuner
designed such that they are more than sufficient to follow recordings from any of the digital inputs. preset dial.
sudden needs for more sound pressure.
Video Connections - 4 video input connections and 2 Tuner sensitivity adjustment - The tuner sensitivity to
Digital Sound Processing via Tetra CORE - The Philips outputs (incl. monitor) are foreseen to hook up video pick up radio stations can be set to high and low. In case of
Tetra Core sound processor is the successor to the DUET sources. As these video inputs switch simultaneously with low, only the 'strong' stations will be picked up during a
Core. The Tetra Core IC decodes Dolby Digital, DTS and the audio inputs, correct picture with correct sound is search. When even some of the weaker stations are of
MPEG Multichannel surround sound. Its huge processing guaranteed. interest, the 'low' option will pick up every station the tuner
power of 100 MIPS (million infractions per second) and can possibly receive.
resolution of 24-bits assures the highest possible accuracy Front A/V, Game Input - For quick and easy connection
in digital audio processing. The Tetra Core accepts incoming to e.g. a camcorder or video game. Display brightness adjustment - Conveniently adjusts
digital signals with sampling frequencies of 32, 44.1, 48 and the brightness of the display in 3 steps. (/01, /15 only)
96 kHz (the latter is used in DVD-Audio). Other 6 Channel input (DVD Audio prepared) - Six input
characteristics are automatic source detection (Dolby selectors at the back of the set allow to connect to any 2 switched mains outlets - Allows to connect 2 other
Digital, DTS, MPEG and PCM audio) with smooth (clicking type of multichannel decorder. Be it DVD Audio or Super HiFi components. Switching the receiver to standby will
free) switching. Lastly, the Tetra Core carries digital bass Audio CD. The 6 Channel input makes your system future automatically switch off the connected set.
cross-over filters (for subwoofer signal) and 4th generation proof!
virtualizer algorithms for highly realistic virtual surround Standby power <2W - To help save energy consumption,
sound. Cinema Link System Control Bus - When the standby transformer of this set has been designed not to
connected to a Philips TV with 'Cinema Link' (and even consumer more than 2 Watt in standby mode.
Natural Surround - Natural Suuround creates a more better, in addition a Philips VCR and or DVD player), the
realistic (natural) surround sound impression by creating combination offers an interesting range of extra user Scart audio adapter - For easy connection between TV
phantom speakers in addition to the real speakers. These benefits: One Touch Cinema - upon starting your e.g. DVD and VCR. (cable includes 'Cinema Link' connection) (/00)
phantom speakers are created using psycho-acoutical disc, the complete system will automatically switch to the
sound encoding algorithms. Natural Surround gives the correct source and sound mode. High Resolution OSD - the
listener the impression of being surrounded by a 'wall of onscreen display of the television will feature the 'receiver' Design
sound' and thus creates an even higher sense of realism. menu option. This option can be used for easier receiver
Natural Surround consists of in fact two features : multi- set-up and receiver settings. Multiple Languages - depending Harmonized Philips Home Cinema Components
front and multi-rear, which can be activated individually or on the languages offered by the TV (likely are Spanisch, Design - The design of this component follows the design
simultaneously. In case of multi-front, phantom speakers are French and English) the user can operate the set via the TV language of the Philips Harmonized Home Cinema design.
added to the front speakers. For multi-rear phantom menu in his/her native language. TV as Center speaker - Characteristics of this design language are stylish, simple,
speakers are added to the rear speakers. allows to get rid of the separate center speaker and use all capable, powerful and rich. All Philips Home Cinema
the speakers and amplifiers in the TV to function as center components and HiFi components will follow this design
speaker (most large screen Philips TVs provide over 100W (e.g. VCR, CD Changer, DVD, etc).
* Dolby Digital laserdisc use requires optional AC-3 RF of output power). One Touch End - puts your complete
demodulator. home theater system into standby after some exciting Display - Color and graphic/character size are defined such
hours of cinema enjoyment. that visibility remains clear even at larger distances. Speaker
icons are used to show the actual sound mode.
Connections Amplifier
• Audio inputs/outputs : 8 analogue input sources, 3 analogue output connections • Audio output sensitivity
- Phono : in - CDR/Tape : 250 mV / 1 kOhm
- CD : in - VCR : 250 mV / 1 kOhm
- CDR/Tape : in/out - subwoofer pre-out : 0.8 V / 1 kOhm
- TV : in - center pre-out : 2.5 V / 1 kOhm
- VCR : in/out - headphone : 3 V / 120 Ohm
- SAT : in
Tuner (typical values)
- DVD : see digital audio inputs/outputs
• FM section
- Front AV/Game : in
- wave range : see table on back side
- 6ch/DVD : in
Sensitivity at 75 Ohm
- Headphone : 6.3 mm
- Mono 26 dB S/N : 17 dBf (/01, /15)
• Digital audio inputs/outputs : 4 digital input sources, 1 digital output connection
15 dBf (/00)
- 2 digital coax connections : in
- Stereo 46 dB S/N : 41 dBf
- 2 optical toslink connection : in
- Selectivity : 55 dB at 300 kHz
- 1 digital coax connection : out (48 kHz)
- Distortion mono/stereo : 0.9%, 0.8% (/01, /15)
- all spdif acc. IEC 60958, sampling frequencies 32, 44.1, 48, 96 kHz, 24 bit
0.85%,0.3% (/00)
• Video inputs/outputs : 4 input sources, 2 output connections
- Frequency response : 63Hz-12.5KHz, ±1dB
- DVD : in (S-VHS + CVBS)
- S/N ratio mono/stereo : 60 / 55 dB
- SAT : in (S-VHS + CVBS)
- Stereo separation (1KHz) : 27 dB (/01, /15)
- VCR : in/out (S-VHS + CVBS)
35 dB (/00)
- Monitor : out (S-VHS + CVBS)
- Image rejection : 48 dB (/01, /15)
- Front AV/Game : in
100 dB (/00)
• Speaker connections suitable for speakers ≥ 6 Ohm
- IF suppression : 85 dB (/01, /15)
- left, right, center : screw connection
100 dB (/00)
- rear left, right : click-fit connection
Sub carrier suppression
• Miscellaneous connections
- for 19 KHz : 30 dB
- Cinema Link system control bus : 2
- for 38 KHz : 50 dB (/01, /15)
- subwoofer pre-out :1
37 dB (/00)
- center pre-out :2
• AM section
- mains outlets : 2 (maximum 100W total)
- Wave ranges : see table on back side
- AM antenna : loop type
- Sensitivity (MW) : 1.5 V/m
- FM antenna : coaxial 75 Ohm
- Selectivity : 30 dB
Amplifier - IF rejection : 64 dB (/01, /15)
• Power output stereo mode 6 Ohms, DIN, 1 Khz, 0,7% THD 50dB (/00)
- left, right : 2 x 100 W - S/N ratio : 48 dB (/01, /15)
• Power output surround mode 6 Ohms, 1Khz, 0,7% THD 50dB (/00)
- left, right : 2 x 100 W
- center : 100 W General
- rear left, right : 2 x 100 W • Power supply
• Amplifier characteristics - mains voltage : see table on back side
- total harmonic distortion : 0.05 % (1 kHz, 5W output) - power consumption : < 2W (in standby) / (<3W for /01)
- power bandwidth (D<0.7%) : 20 Hz – 20 kHz : ≈ 255W (in 5 channel operation)
- frequency response (linear) : 10 Hz – 30 kHz, ± 3 dB - electrical requirements : IEC65, FCC stereo
- signal-to-noise ratio (weighted) : > 85 dBA, (acc. IHF, 1 kOhm) • Remote control
- channel separation (crosstalk) : ≥ -65 dB, 1 kHz - keys : 51-keys
• Controls - codes : RC5, RC6
- bass : 100 Hz, (-9dB … +9dB) - type : Universal
- treble : 10 kHz, (-9dB … +9dB) • Set
- loudness : +6 dB (100Hz,-30dB), +3 dB (10kHz,-30dB) - material / finish : metal, hot-stamp foil on ABS
• Surround - dimensions (incl. feet) : 435mm x 135mm x 350mm ( W x H x D )
- modes : Dolby Digital AC-3, DTS, MPEG - display : 2 color starburst FTD
Multichannel, ProLogic, Center Phantom, - weight : 9.4 kg
3-Stereo, Hall • Package
- delay rear : 15 to 30ms (steps of 5ms) - dimensions : 519mm x 216mm x 488mm ( W x H x D )
center : 1 to 5ms (steps of 1ms) - weight (incl. set) : 10.8 kg
• Audio input sensitivity • Accessories
- Phono : 5 mV / 47 kOhms / 220 pF - remote control
- CD : 250 mV / 47 kOhms - 2 AA carbon/zinc batteries
- CDR/Tape : 250 mV / 47 kOhms - instruction manual
- TV : 250 mV / 47 kOhms - warrantee information
- VCR : 250 mV / 47 kOhms - AM loop FM wire antenna
- SAT : 250 mV / 47 kOhms - scart audio adaptor (/00)
- 6 CH/DVD : 250 mV / 47 kOhms - coax audio cable for DVD connection
- Front AV/Game : 250 mV / 22 kOhms