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Industry 4.0 and the circular Construction

economy: using design-stage digital
technology to reduce
construction waste
Anuja Talla and Stephen McIlwaine Received 10 March 2022
Revised 8 May 2022
School of the Natural and Built Environment, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK 7 July 2022
Accepted 28 July 2022

Purpose – This study examines how applying innovative I4.0 technologies at the design stage can help reduce
construction waste and improve the recovery, reuse, and recycling of construction materials.
Design/methodology/approach – The study adopts a three-stage sequential mixed methods approach,
involving a thorough review of current literature, interviews with six experts in digital construction, and a
survey of 75 experienced industry practitioners.
Findings – The study identifies and discusses how ten specific digital technologies can improve design stage
processes leading to improved circularity in construction, namely, (1) additive and robotic manufacturing; (2)
artificial intelligence; (3) big data analytics; (4) blockchain technology; (5) building information modelling; (6)
digital platforms; (7) digital twins; (8) geographic information systems; (9) material passports and databases;
and (10) Internet of things. It demonstrates that by using these technologies to support circular design concepts
within the sector, material recycling rates can be improved and unnecessary construction waste reduced.
Practical implications – This research provides researchers and practitioners with improved
understanding of the potential of digital technology to recycle construction waste at the design stage, and
may be used to create an implementation roadmap to assist designers in finding tools and identifying them.
Originality/value – Little consideration has been given to how digital technology can support design stage
measures to reduce construction waste. This study fills a gap in knowledge of a fast-moving topic.
Keywords Construction, Waste, Digital, Technology, Circular economy, Industry 4.0
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction
In the UK, the construction sector consumes over 60% of total materials used and produces
almost a third of the national waste output (Blundell, 2019). Global figures are similar.
Reducing these figures is crucial, firstly to reduce reliance on raw materials and imported
products, secondly to reduce waste and quantities for landfill, and thirdly to reduce the
pollution associated with disposal (Rijdt, 2021). Advocates of a circular economy (CE) propose
substituting the linear produce-use-dispose model of material usage, with circular material
use loops which involve reuse, sharing, leasing, repairing, refurbishing, upcycling, and
Although a popular component of civil society discourse on waste, the CE concept is only
beginning to be applied to the construction sector. Here it would include waste reduction
through improved design of materials, products, systems, and business models (Okorie et al.,
2018), as well as extending the life and reusability of structures or materials through
advanced design concepts (Charleston, 2021). Construction stakeholders have always
considered waste as an unavoidable by-product (Guerra and Leite, 2021). However, 33% of all
material waste is said to be due to the architects’ inability to design-out waste. Architects and
designers are unused to considering waste reduction during design, waste is seen as Smart and Sustainable Built
unavoidable, responsibilities are unclear, and training is lacking (Osmani, 2012). There is © Emerald Publishing Limited
therefore an opportunity to minimise waste through better design. DOI 10.1108/SASBE-03-2022-0050
SASBE Advanced digital tools and approaches are beginning to have an impact on the construction
industry (Maskuriy et al., 2019). Big data and analytics (BDA), autonomous robots and
vehicles, additive manufacturing, simulation, augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR),
horizontal/vertical system integration, the Internet of things (IoT), cloud computing (CC),
fog, and edge technologies, and blockchain and cyber-security are among the nine technologies
identified by the Boston Consulting Group as building blocks of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) in the
context of the built environment (R€ ußmann et al., 2015). Such tools allow more effective
consideration of construction waste at the design stage, and they also help streamline design,
production and consumption to give improvements in reuse, repair, remanufacture and
recycling (Reffel, 2021). They therefore have the potential to support a transition to circularity
within the sector, paving the way towards embracing end-of-life decision making and
recycling. Thelen et al. (2021) consider that digitalisation has much promise for speeding up the
transition to sustainability in the construction industry (Hedberg et al., 2019). Ciliberto et al.
(2021) argue that if properly managed, digitally enabled solutions can aid in improving
connection and information exchange, as well as making products, processes, and services
more circular, and suggest that technology can help recovery of new materials in the waste
flow, and obtain secondary raw materials to compete with original materials.
Gorissen et al. (2016) however, highlight the distance between theory and practice, and
note that efforts to transition from a linear supply chain to a circular supply chain have been
hampered by gaps and data inconsistencies. More examination of the potential and the reason
for slow progress is therefore needed (Rajput and Singh, 2019).

1.1 Aims of the study

The paper examines how the application of I4.0 technologies and approaches at the design
stage, can aid in reducing construction waste and in improving the efficiency of its recovery,
reuse, and recycling. It also seeks to understand the limitations to delivering advances in
circular construction using I4.0 and identify how to address these.

2. Conceptual basis for introducing circularity into construction

2.1 The circular economy in construction
Advancing a circular approach within the construction industry involves applying
techniques at all stages of a building’s life cycle, to retain materials in a closed-loop as
long as feasible, and to limit the use of new natural resources in a construction project
(Benachio et al., 2020). Practically, this is done by increasing the reusing, sharing, leasing,
repairing, refurbishing, upcycling, or recycling of materials, and involves strategies to
prolong the life and reusability of entire buildings or materials from the very beginning of the
design process (Charleston, 2021).
Scholars have examined a number of angles to reduce waste, ranging from material reuse to
urban planning, with end-of-life activities such as waste management featuring prominently in
most studies (Hossain et al., 2020; Munaro et al., 2020). Comprehensive framing of circular
techniques has been offered for building components, prefabricated buildings, and
industrialised house construction (Kedir and Hall, 2021). CE initiatives include new building
design and construction, sustainable building construction, material and product flows in
buildings, and CE in the real estate industry (Eberhardt et al., 2020).
But Law (2014) proposes that to progressively shift to renewable resources, designers
must “design for deconstruction”, to make disassembly and material recovery easier.
Consequently, when a building reaches the end of its life, a key aspect of CE thinking is to give
a new lease of life to the structure’s materials, components, and systems.
Many authors have considered the ways in which designing for circularity should follow a
comprehensive approach to enable reusability, flexibility, and adaptability, see (Rahla et al.,
2021) (Bocken et al., 2016; Kirchherr et al., 2017; Leising et al., 2018; Sarc et al., 2019). Çetin et al.
(2021) has proposed five approaches to reduce resource inputs, waste, emissions, and energy Construction
leakage in materials over time. These are: waste
(1) Limiting the loop is essentially using fewer resources by improving the efficiency of
manufacturing and design. Several techniques can be used, including off-site
construction, (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017), prolonging the operational life of
buildings and building commodities (Bocken et al., 2016; Rajput and Singh, 2019), and
smarter usage of space to boost the value of pre-existing land or buildings by
incorporating new functions. This also includes reusing materials in the system
without requiring extensive change or resource consumption (De Wolf et al., 2020).
Lowering primary resource inputs, designing for reversibility, and urban mining are
all approaches to encouraging reuse.
(2) Slowing the loop: This means using less material through extending product life and
minimising needless consumption. Techniques within this category include designing
for deconstruction, where a building’s disassembly gains more attention as designers
attempt to create a closed-loop resource flow (Crowther, 2005), and Ciarimboli and
Guy (2005), designing for reversibility, where a range of design techniques allows for
several resource lifespans until the materials are no longer useable (Durmisevic,
2019), and designing for longevity, which reduces waste and helps ensure assets are
used optimally throughout their lifecycles.
(3) Closing the loop refers to reusing materials and recycling post-consumer usage. It
includes techniques such as careful selection of materials (Pomponi and Moncaster,
2017), and recycling where raw materials are not removed from use but instead used
efficiently and intelligently, therefore staying in the system for longer time, and
slowing down the flow of materials (Bakker et al., 2010). It also can include urban
mining, which is the resurrection of materials collected in metropolitan areas not
explicitly planned for use or recycling, Heisel and Rau Oberhuber (2020). Intervention
during the manufacture or design phases of a project can have significant influence
on the recover capability of materials.
Digital reliance is also useful, i.e. the development of a digital product rather than a physical
one (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017). BIM for example, helps stakeholders collaborate
more effectively on the design, construction, and operation of buildings. This enables more
efficient design methods and aids in building performance and upkeep. By incorporating
information on materials, BIM can help explain negative externalities as well as the
possibility for recycling and remanufacture (Arup, 2015).
(4) Regenerating the loop emphasises the need to leave the environment (and society) in a
better position than previously. It includes returning products to the economy
through restorative operations like repair and remanufacturing (Bocken et al., 2016).
Regenerative design is perhaps the highest level of sustainability in architectural
design, generating continuous flows of resources in a self-sufficient manner (Mang
and Reed, 2012), and is one of the key concepts of circularity in construction (Çetin
et al., 2021). It also includes the exchange of excess resources, i.e. capturing economic
benefit from regenerative building operations (Craft et al., 2017). In the case of energy,
tremendous advances in smart grid technology have allowed prosumers (consumers
who also generate and sell energy) to trade surplus energy within their
neighbourhoods in recent years (Mengelkamp et al., 2018).
(5) Collaboration and standardisation is about encouraging the professionals and
processes involved in a project to communicate and collaborate to achieve circularity.
SASBE This can include support for supply chain collaboration (Brown et al., 2019), and also
creating knowledge and value networks to offer fresh experience, and help to create a
new circular ecology (Leising et al., 2018). Designing for optimal procurement involves
using some or all the following approaches to decrease waste: design (for example,
designing architectural parts that can be erected quickly); specification (for example,
stricter specifications of work operations to reduce waste and allow offcuts); and
contracts (e.g. encourage early contractor involvement). The transition will take time
and will only be accomplished through collaboration and partnerships (Charef and
Emmitt, 2021).

2.2 Challenges and opportunities to improve circular design strategies

The literature has identified several challenges to improving circularity in the construction
industry. One is the gap between research and practice, with both research and industry
developing circular strategies independently of one another (Eberhardt et al., 2020). CE100
(2016) presents several case studies which highlight common challenges such as (1)
coordination and on-site training; (2) matching supply and demand; (3) facilitating
community reuse; (4) organising collections of assets; and (5) reporting and measuring
recycling extent of materials. Authors such as (Guerra and Leite, 2021) and Debacker et al.
(2021) also highlight difficulties in budgeting and planning, capacity, awareness and
regulation. Essentially, the lack of a well-planned design acts as a hurdle to the effective
implementation of circular strategies (Rahla et al., 2019).
The literature also suggests several recommendations to improve consideration of
circularity in the design stage. A key one is the incorporation of Material Passports into
Building Information Management to allow building stakeholders to monitor materials,
identify their origins, and assess their quality (Rahla et al., 2021). Involving stakeholders in all
critical decisions from design conceptualisation through reuse of building components is also
suggested by Debacker et al. (2021). Initiating agreements to coordinate the dimensions of
building components and standardise connecting systems, will provide more quality
reassurance of reclaimed/recycled materials by matching supply with demand.
The same author suggests that building and material information management should be
centralised – storing building information in a centralised, digital manner, and building trust
within the value network by providing transparent and traceable information. This will allow
digital information to be used to learn and/or augment intelligence (Debacker et al., 2021).
The creation of a competitive secondary materials market would also increase circularity
by raising demand for both quantity and quality of waste material, as would developing
technologies for fast removal of hazardous substance and eliminating the use of hazardous
materials in new construction (European Environment Agency, 2021).
Finally, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2020) suggests adopting digital infrastructure
such as tracking technologies and digital modelling progressively into rehabilitation projects.
Here, design teams may use precise 1:1 base models of existing structures to make their jobs
easier and allow for more targeted recycling. The Foundation has collaborated with McKinsey
to develop the ReSOLVE framework which identifies high-level actions, or principles, that
companies may use to cut waste (regenerate, share, virtualise, optimise, loop, exchange).
To contribute to the building of knowledge on this matter, it is necessary to address what
the circular economy means in construction, and to analyse how I4.0 tools and techniques can
aid in recycling construction waste.

3. Methodological approach
A two-stage qualitative approach was adopted. A review of literature using such search
terms as “circular economy”, “circular construction”, “digital circular economy”, “digital
recycling”, “construction waste recycling”, and “use of construction waste” was used to Construction
identify the themes, gaps in knowledge and to establish focus areas for the subsequent waste
research. Access to a large number of journals, databases and academic search engines was
made available via the Queen’s University Belfast library. Searches were made in peer-
reviewed academic journal articles as well as recently published books and recent articles in
current professional and trade journals and magazines, particularly targeting articles
published in 2020 and 2021. 165 separate literature sources were referenced in the full study,
with 75 specifically in the literature review.
As well as providing current information to present in the study, the review of literature
was used to identify the key issues to be further examined with the interview participants.
The opinions of six well-established professionals with demonstrated competence in the field
of CE and I4.0 were explored using a semi-structured interview approach, as outlined by
Bryman (2008). The six participants were chosen for their involvement in using I4.0
technologies in design and waste management, and for their diversity in representing a range
of contexts in the construction industry. It is recognised that six is a relatively low number for
such a study, but a quality over quantity approach was adopted with some potential
participants excluded due to their lack of relevant expertise. Since digital tools are evolving
quickly, it was felt that the in-depth, current and hands-on experience of these six participants
makes up for their lack of longevity in the industry. Details of the interviewees are
summarised below (see Table 1).
The interviews focus on four aspects: 1. Relevant expertise of the interviewee; 2. Current
uses of digital technology in the UK construction industry and relevance to reduction and
recycling of waste; 3. Current and potential blockages to circularising construction processes;
and 4. Emerging tools and techniques for acceleration of a circular approach.
The interviews were recorded, transcribed and coded using NVivo software to match the
nodes identified during the literature research, as advised by Miles et al. (2014). The
information gained was used, in combination with the information obtained from the
academic and trade literature, to develop and ensure a real-time understanding of CE and
digital technologies that can accelerate construction waste recycling, in addition to
recognising shortcomings in the same.
The qualitative data collection was carried out in compliance with good practice ethics
requirements including informed consent; anonymity; and data privacy. Derivation and
mapping of the themes outcoming from the discussions is presented below.

4. Results and discussion

4.1 Thematic mapping of interview discussions
Figure 1 is a mind map derived from the six interviews, which displays the interconnections
between three grouped themes: (1) digital tools, (2) CE principles, and (3) the context of the UK
industry, in the context of construction waste recycling. The function of digital technology in

Interviewee Designation Location Experience Gender

A Project manager, Head of Digital transformation for an London 3 years Male

B Architect, circular economy specialist London 2 years Female
C BIM architect Leeds 3 years Female
D Academic researcher Sheffield 3 years Male
E Project manager, I4.0 and CE consultant in the built London 5 years Male
environment Table 1.
F Academic researcher in I4.0 and digital supply chains Edinburgh 2 years Female Interview participants
SASBE accelerating circularity, and the link between the concept of a circular economy and the
practical recycling of building waste were two significant themes that were similarly coded in
all six interviews. This suggests that the topic is of current interest, and that the link between
digital tools and achieving circularity is important.
Figure 2 shows the codes created by NVivo and illustrates the variety of topics discussed
in the six interviews.
From an analysis of the interviews, all six participants agreed on a number of positive
aspects. They agreed that the future is digital, and that improved use of DT will transform the
sector and will accelerate circularisation of construction materials and recycling of waste.
They agreed that enhancements in the design phase will have a major impact on
circularisation and recycling of building materials. They all reckoned that digital technology
has the potential to transform all phases of construction, and confirmed that the use of
recycled items as construction materials has significant potential.
On the negative side, they all noted that one key barrier to circularisation is the convoluted
process a product must go through to be labelled as “recycled”. They agreed that the initial
cost of digitalisation, and a difficult learning curve with slow adoption of DTs are some of the
key roadblocks. They highlighted that gaps in digital competence often arose among the
parties involved in a project (architects, designers, contractors, engineers, etc.) which often led
to difficulties. Even though circularisation has a large appeal, all participants agreed
improving recycling rates is difficult to execute.
One consistent theme also agreed by all is that digital tools and the supply chain are
interlinked. The use of digital tools, according to the interviewees, may speed up the recycling
of building waste, but only if supply chain solutions are improved in order to make it easier to
transfer resources (i.e. recycled waste materials) in a manner that is compliant with the
various regulations and guidelines.

4.2 Mapping digital technologies for construction waste recycling

From a synthesis of the literature and the analysis of the interviews, this study has identified
ten digital technologies which can improve design stage processes in the area of improving
circularity in construction. These are discussed in turn below.

Transition to a CE

Current digital tools CE principles

Identify & Increase in Incorporate Behavioural waste Business
Training in Digitalisation Design for
address academic DT into changes standards models and
the industry vs mindset dissembly
barriers research supply chain and training and frameworks

UK construction industry

Figure 1.
Summary mind map
created from interview Academic research & BT and CE: Material People factor: Design
Legislation and fines Client and actor gaps
discussions startups passports to operation
Theme as a % of total discussion

Figure 2.
Themes identified in
the interviews

4.2.1 Additive and robotic manufacturing. Additive manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing is a

production technique that involves layering elements together to produce complicated three-
dimensional structures (Gibson et al., 2015), while robotic manufacturing (RM) is a production
method that enables machines to undertake monotonous, risky, or repetitive tasks such as
constructing, moving, or metalwork (Devadass, 2019). Using AM and RM to optimise the
design process and allow 3D printing of concrete (for example) can reduce resource usage and
waste (Rippmann et al., 2018), and also emphasised by participant F. A 3D printed steel bridge
could therefore be designed using software to produce a highly material-efficient form will
significantly reduce steel waste, and lightweight PET material fibre can also be used in 3D
printing, which allows for both lightweight construction and the use of recycled resources.
Using AM and RM, designers can also customise connecting components, e.g. for
structures Br€utting et al. (2021). The modular nature of printed structures allows construction
elements to be reused at the end of their useful lives; for example, reversible wood beams, may
be robotically made and dismantled. These principles are gaining traction (Kuzmenko et al.,
2021). Participant E noted the need to industrialise construction further using modular
methods, while participant A emphasised the importance of refining the manufacturing steps
to allow for this.
4.2.2 Artificial intelligence (AI). AI refers to the capacity of a computer or machine to
replicate capabilities of the human mind, and it is divided into several subbranches. Machine
learning, e.g. teaches algorithms to learn from data and find patterns for decision-making
with minimal human intervention, while deep learning can educate itself for specific tasks
(Kavlakoglu, 2020). AI skills can help with design, infrastructure optimisation, and the
operation of circular business models, all of which can help with the transition to a CE.
Participants A and E emphasised the potential for AI in design, particularly in the arena of
using intelligent material databases to track material data through design and beyond, while
participant D emphasised the importance of tracking material flows and material information
“through all product life cycle phases”.
SASBE Using AI in design includes using optimisation techniques to discover the best solution for
given performance requirements, e.g. using data-driven techniques, such as neural networks to
offer sophisticated solutions for generating multiple design choices which can be compared
and the optimal one selected (Gan et al., 2020). For example, researchers created and tested a
machine learning model that can forecast the overall carbon footprint of regenerative building
design alternatives to assist architects during the early design process (Gan et al., 2020).
When AI approaches and algorithms are coupled with other technologies such as Big Data
and IoT, they enable the prediction of system faults and the detection of resource
requirements in buildings. Machine vision recognition systems supplemented with deep
learning techniques, e.g. are used to assess the state of an asset, learn from existing records,
and forecast future malfunctions (Knorr, 2020). Researchers emphasise the possibilities of
machine learning algorithms for predicting the energy consumption of buildings (Mehmood
et al., 2019). The FaSA project (Façade Service Application) is a practical example, where with
the aid of AI, drones, and sensor technologies, the FaSA programme maps the present status
of buildings and anticipates the maintenance requirements of the façade parts (Akanbi
et al., 2020).
AI methods can be beneficial for activities in the end-use phase of a building. Akanbi et al.
(2020) developed current neural networks based on national demolition data to estimate the
quantity of recycling, repurpose, and waste products obtained throughout deconstructing
and demolition activities. Rakhshan et al. (2021) developed a prediction model for estimating
and evaluating the reusability of structural components using machine learning techniques.
Additionally, Davis et al. (2021) created an on-site waste grading system based on digital
images gathered from worksite containers that can classify various types of rubbish to use a
classification algorithm.
4.2.3 Big data analytics (BDA). As the Internet and digital technology have advanced, data
production by people, machines, and their interactions increased dramatically. The phrase
“big data” refers to huge data volumes that are too vast for traditional computing solutions to
manage (Gandomi and Haider, 2015). These data are available in a variety of formats,
including text, audio, video, and social media. Although the phrase “big data” conjures up
images of “large”, other aspects have lately been highlighted (Akanbi et al., 2020).
BDA can be used in buildings. However, despite the vast quantity of data potentially
available during the lifetime of a building through BIM, embedded devices, and sensors, the
construction industry has been sluggish to adopt BDA. Smart buildings, resources and waste
optimisation, dynamic software, efficiency prediction, customised services, energy
conservation, BIM and IoT applications are some of the technologies that might be
examined in the framework of the CE (Bilal et al., 2016).
Machine learning algorithms can be trained using big data to develop low-carbon,
regenerative structures (Mehmood et al., 2019), aiding decision-making in design processes
and supporting generative design tools (Bressanelli et al., 2018). Furthermore, data mining
techniques are used to enhance building energy performance during the operational phase,
affecting the design process and resulting in less resource consumption (Fan and Xiao, 2017).
BDA, together with IoT, is considered critical to the realisation of smart buildings and
cities. Participant E saw the potential for improved data management using a combination of
BIM, material passports and big data analytics, while participant A emphasised the need for
intelligent databases and cloud computing to handle the large amounts of data potentially
4.2.4 Blockchain technology (BCT). Blockchain Technology (BCT) is a decentralised,
cryptographically secure peer-to-peer system that allows for transparent value transactions
without the use of central authority or intermediates like banks and government
organisations. It has five disruptive components (Mengelkamp et al., 2018): (1)
Transparency (visible transactions); (2) Immutability (records cannot be changed or
deleted); (3) Security (blockchain is secured using cryptographic techniques, making it Construction
extremely difficult to hack); (4) Consensus (network participants must agree to validate waste
transactions); and (5) Smart contracts.
BCT has potential uses in building design. BCT can be an enabling technology for
circularisation, notably for the administration of complex information networks in supply
chain management (B€ockel et al., 2021). In an industry marked by low productivity and a
disjointed supply chain (Hunhevicz and Hall, 2020), BCT may provide possibilities to increase
resource value by using efficiency and transparency throughout their lifespan. The
construction industry uses contracts to computerise transfers between project parties,
monitor procurement logistics, adequate capability changes in BIM models, recording capital
assets, preserving resource passports, and streamlining building maintenance based on IoT
interactions (Hunhevicz and Hall, 2020). Based on IoT and blockchain technology, a concept
for a smart product-service system for prefabricated housing production was developed,
where cash flow was controlled autonomously using smart contracts, and data interchange
between key parties was performed using a blockchain technology that served as a shared
database (Li et al., 2021).
Because the technology provides openness and dependability of data flows across the
supply chain network, the most commonly stated use case of BCT in CE is enabling material
passports, from the extraction phase through the end-of-use phase, and in the following use
cycles (B€ockel et al., 2021). However, although participants A, D and E all saw the ability to
track material flow in the supply chain using digital technology as crucial, participant A
emphasised that AI and intelligent databases can do this without employing blockchain
technology. None of the other interview participants emphasised the role of BCT.
4.2.5 Building Information Modelling (BIM). Building Information Modelling (BIM) is the
digital representation of a constructed object (Charef and Emmitt, 2021). BIM contains
pertinent information such as the geometry of the building, material characteristics, and
element amounts (Kovacic et al., 2020). Many players in the architectural, engineering, and
construction industries have used BIM for a variety of objectives, including design, design
visualisation, design optimisation, cost estimation, construction planning, and facility
management, and all interviewees had experience in BIM. BIM can minimise inefficiencies in
traditional building processes by enabling unified delivery of the project through efficient
information exchange between all stakeholder groups, as outlined by participant B; secondly,
it may aid in streamlining the building process to reduce resource usage and waste formation
(Wong and Fan, 2013).
In sustainable design and construction, BIM software and extended modules are used to
maximise design quality (e.g. indoor climate, energy, daylighting, site) (Habibi, 2017), as well
as for incorporating life-cycle analysis (LCA) into the architectural design process (Xue et al.,
2021). Research has expanded BIM’s ability to include early design considerations for
resource loop slowdown and closure. For example, Akanbi et al. (2020) presented a
disassembly and deconstruction statistics model to evaluate the end-of-life performance of
the building designs and developed a BIM-based tool to anticipate the recyclability and
renewability potential of design alternatives. Additionally, a BIM software add-on that
employs machine learning approaches to assess the probable waste materials of design
options has been devised.
BIM may also be used as a model of an asset’s whole life cycle from design to end-use
(Aguiar et al., 2019), allowing resource flows to be traced and monitored. BIM is also used to
manage and maintain assets, as well as to monitor the operational performance of systems
during the usage phase (Gao and Pishdad-Bozorgi, 2019). Emerging sensor technologies
included in BIM models give new opportunities for improving system efficiency. BIM can also
be adopted in demolition operations if a digital copy of the building does not exist, however,
this is an uncommon occurrence (Xue et al., 2021).
SASBE Collaboration is seen to be crucial in building circular supply chain networks in the
construction sector to limit, delay, and shut resource loops, as mentioned in the research
review (Leising et al., 2018). BIM can bring project stakeholders together as a collaboration
platform for effective information exchange and transparent project coordination (Xue et al.,
2021). By providing crucial information about the performance of structures, BIM can assist
in helping material registries and memory banks to be used as a repository of material data or
as a working platform (Maskuriy et al., 2019).
Participant F noted how well-established BIM now is, and saw how it in conjunction with
cloud technology and smart tools can “make everything simpler”. Participant B explained
how using BIM and other DTs had helped her organisation eliminate waste and save time on
a project, while participant E notes that the management of digital data is much better if it
begins life digitally, i.e. generated in BIM systems or material passports, and that this can
expedite material segregation and collection for recycling. On the other hand, participant C
stressed how using BIM requires investment in training and professionalism not just in the
software and hardware systems, and participant A emphasised the additional cost involved
in moving to a BIM system.
4.2.6 Digital platforms (DP). A DP is an operating system that offers fundamental
capabilities about which derivative programmes may be developed from a technical
standpoint. From a non-technical perspective, it is an internetwork that connects diverse
groups of people to exchange products or services (Asadullah, 2018).
In the construction industry, DP can be deployed to manage information flows. For
example, Xing et al. (2020) built a virtualized data interchange service that brings actual
building elements with simulated counterparts using RFID tags, allowing designers to
investigate reusable goods from existing work sites. Oberti and Paoletti (2019) suggested
using a web-based infrastructure for tracking pre-consumer agricultural waste that would be
utilised in private civil building projects.
Digital platforms make it easier for supply chain participants to communicate and
collaborate, as outlined by participant C. Yu et al. (2021) developed a GIS-based collaboration
tool to encourage business symbiosis among recycled concrete supply chain members. This
technology allows participants to track moving data and interact with each other. The
DECORUM project created a multi-user platform with the goal of including all supply chain
participants in the design decision-making process of public works (Luciano et al., 2021). This
supports sustainable public procurement by enabling users to evaluate project recycling and
impact on the environment while also establishing a community for recycled goods.
4.2.7 Digital twins. Digital twins provide a virtual representation of the real environment
and are already widely used to mimic performance in the automobile, aerospace, and chemical
sectors. Digital twins can be used for automated judgement, monitoring and regulation,
preventative analysis, or other applications (Arup, 2019). A digital twin works with real-time
data provided by sensors analysing the physical asset, whereas BIM is a platform for
preserving a record of building information (Khajavi et al., 2019). Digital twins consider data
elements from BIM or a custom 3D model of the structure, and a Wireless Sensors link and
database management (Tao et al., 2018).
Digital twins can be used for predictive maintenance, by connecting digital twins to
material passports, which has the potential to increase the service life of building materials.
The use of digital twins and material passports may allow for reuse throughout the
destruction phase of a structure (Arup, 2019). Chen and Huang (2020) and others suggest
using digital twin system concepts for construction debris recycle or design reuse.
Buildings may also be transformed into flexible environments with the aid of digital twins.
The EDGE Olympic office building in Amsterdam is an example. The building has an
electronic version that operates on a cloud service and allows users to personalise their work
environment and make dynamic use of the space (MAPIQ, 2021). And as pointed out by
participant F, the use of digital twins is increasing, and as their adoption increases with time, Construction
so will there use in tracking materials and components allowing for future identification for waste
future reuse.
4.2.8 Geographical information system (GIS). At a fundamental level, GIS depicts macro-
scale external environments by linking attribute values to a geographical referent. Some of
the applications include surveying monitoring, disaster prevention, public infrastructure,
and spatial planning. GIS is widely used in tandem with BIM to manage metropolitan
information, design power facilities and cities, improve structure climate requirements, and
track sourcing and material movements (Wang et al., 2019).
Using GIS for the identification, mapping, and management of materials inherent in
building stocks for future reuse or recycling could have an important contribution towards
circularity. For example, in the Japanese city of Kitakyushu employed GIS analysis to detect
unoccupied dwellings and their material stock to make educated judgments about future
resource usage (Wuyts et al., 2020). The authors evaluated a variety of reuse options,
including maintenance, intensive space usage, repurposing, and urban mining, depending on
the condition of the abandoned dwelling.
Yu et al. (2021) built a GIS-based supply chain management system for smart
manufacturing using recycled concrete aggregate. They used GIS to depict the flow of
materials in a virtual environment where participants exchange design knowledge and
monitor congestion and automobile movements.
4.2.9 Material passports and databanks. The absence of knowledge on materials and
chemicals at the end-of-use phase is one of the most significant barriers to reusing and
recycling resources in buildings (Ana et al., 2018). Some scholars have argued for capturing
and preserving property composition in a digital environment at the early design stage, so
that the necessary information is provided for the remainder of the building’s life, allowing
the economy to grow resale value (Çetin et al., 2021; Guerra and Leite, 2021; Norouzi et al.,
2021). A material passport is a system that refers to digitally recorded data sets of an object
that describe its features, location, history, and ownership status in different levels of detail
depending on the scope of usage. Material passports are produced at the city, structural,
commercial, and material layers and managed via BIM or a portal (Leising et al., 2018;
Massaro et al., 2021). Participant E argues that material passports can expedite material
segregation and collection for reintroduction into the supply chain.
In Oezdemir et al. (2017), a resource land surveying model was proposed to map material
volumes at the city level in a housing neighbourhood in Germany. BAMB, an EU-funded
project, created a software portal that shows over 300 materials passports at three degrees of
detail: item, structure, and example (Luscuere et al., 2019). Madaster is another example of an
online platform that allows users to create and archive material passports as well as calculate
building circularity levels.
Material databanks have been presented as an alternate method for storing, managing,
and sharing building data to close resource cycles, e.g. by Participants A and E. A proposal
for a “material and component bank”, was made that coordinates the movement of resources
from a demolition site to a new construction site. An independent contractor who maintains a
database based on BIM data that keeps material information up to date throughout the life of
a structure (Cai and Waldmann, 2019). Jayasinghe and Waldmann (2020) developed an
internet-consolidated databank that collects data from BIM models of current and future
buildings and allows the user to analyse data for recovery and recycling and reusability of
building components. Bertin et al. (2020) suggested a resources library built on a registry to
encourage the recycling of load-bearing building elements. Participant F suggests that this
could grow demand for recycled materials.
4.2.10 The Internet of things (IoT). The Internet of Items (IoT) is one of the key Industry 4.0
technologies that “allow information to be collected, stored, and sent for things outfitted with
SASBE tags or sensors” (Lv et al., 2021, p. 253). In an IoT environment, mobile phones, electronic
devices, and robots interact with one another and with individuals by making use of
technology such as Radio Frequency Identification System (RFID), wireless sensors, and
cloud services to create an interoperability ecosystem. This communication generates a
significant quantity of data, which is subsequently analysed with BDA to provide
organisations with important insights (Lopes de Sousa Jabbour et al., 2018).
Performance optimisation for resource conservation is one of the most common IoT
applications in the BE. Building-connected devices can use BDA to aid in the detecting,
analysing, improving, and controlling the indoor spaces (Tech, 2021) an IoT-based lighting
system, e.g. gathers data from the indoor environment via monitors put in the lighting system
which provides information into long-term built structures. Polder Roof® (2021) is another
example of a roof structure that use embedded sensors to monitor and regulate rainwater
gathered on the roof and gives the client with operational insights.
Sensor systems, assist in tracking, monitoring, and controlling failures, predicting
installation maintenance needs, and enabling remote maintenance, repair, and upgrades
(Panfilov and Katona, 2018). IoT technology enables smart sensing devices to monitor the
available space in a building in real-time. Staff may rent meeting rooms or offices using a
consumer interface at The Edge, an intelligent office building with over 28,000 detectors
(Deloitte, 2021; MAPIQ, 2021). It was possible to decrease the incidence of workspaces, with 1,080
workstations given for 2,850 people to accommodate workplace flexibility layout (MAPIQ, 2021).
By managing heating, ventilation, and space conditioning systems, IoT capabilities provide
a healthier and pleasant interior environment, influencing design choices. Participant E argues
that using IOT along in conjunction with material passports and AI can help improve the
segregation, collection and re-introduction of reused materials into the supply chain.

5. Conclusions and implications for practice

This review has demonstrated that introducing digital innovations in the design process can
be a key contributor to circularising construction, and is well within the grasp of the industry.
Entry points and opportunities for such contribution are synthesised and summarised in the
following diagram (see Figure 3).

Figure 3.
Opportunities for
digital innovations in
The design process may be made faster and more efficient by adopting responsive design Construction
techniques and introducing the concept of material passports to track the use of recycled waste
materials. Better use of digital tools can contribute to faster and better design decisions.
With digital tools in the picture, design may be better optimised with no information loss
between actors, which increases the chances of using recycled content. Better consideration
of the design process which takes construction waste into account when selecting from
several design alternatives, will reduce the need for last minute design changes during the
construction phase, leading to significantly reduced quantities of construction waste.
Also, by employing circular design concepts like disassembly, deconstruction, and
reversibility, it is possible to approach circularity. Surplus materials may be detected in
advance using digital technology, and re-entered into the material process loop, either
reducing the amount of raw material needed in the project or re-entering the material supply
chain for other projects.
By incorporating digital technology better into the design process, it is possible to
implement circular principles through the building operations phase, for example in the use of
renewable energy, long-term design, smart technology, and the reversibility of places. And
when it comes to building maintenance, efficient design using digital technology – including
AI and IoT – can lead to smarter and more efficient maintenance, also reducing
unnecessary waste.
Throughout the building lifespan, the use of material databanks and passports will allow
the tracking of materials and their properties around the material loop. This includes
following the progress of materials and components through building fabrication, tracking
their maintenance and/or replacement, and/or following their progress as unused elements
available to re-enter the supply chain, or else as they become waste and enter a recycling loop
to be either reused or reprocessed, or in the worst case, towards disposal. The inclusion of this
information in the BIM model, in the digital twin, and then into the building management
database, allows decisions to be made on its value and usability through the loop.
The construction industry is already innovating and digital innovations are being
incorporated into the workstream. But with digitalisation, not all of the actors in a
construction project will have the capability to access advanced digital technology at the
same rate. Many designers and architects may be well-versed in BIM, IoT, and smart
technologies, while project managers, site managers, contractors and others may not be as
well-equipped, resulting in capability gaps. Effective collaboration is therefore essential for
the successful completion of any project, and the more either regulatory or voluntary
incentives can be deployed to further embed I4.0 technologies into both large and small firms
in the construction industry, the more effective the industry will be in delivering a truly
circular economy.

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Mason, J. (2017), “Qualitative researching”, Google Books, SAGE, available at: https://books.google.co.
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