Summative MAPEH 9 Sy20 21

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NAME:___________________________________________________ GR/SECTION___________________
TEACHER:________________________________________________ SCORE:________________________

MUSIC: Identify the following .Choose the best answer. Write the letter only.
_______1. It I the combination of the simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progression
having a pleasing effect.
A. Harmony B. Dynamics C .Form D. Rhythm
_______2. The Medieval Period is also known as the middle ages or ______.
A .Golden ages B. Dark ages C. Old ages D. Young age
_______3. Gregorian chant is a form of music, because it is used in Roman Catholic Churches music
A. Secular B. Modern C. Sacred D. Genre
_______4. These music was NOT bound by Catholic traditions, these song were performed across Europe by groups of
A.Modern B. Genre C. Sacred D. Secular
_______5.He was one of the oldest secular composers whose literary and musical works include chanson and poetic
A. Adam dela Halle B .Thomas Morley C. Amadeus Mozart D. R. Cayabyab
_______6.The term Renaissance comes from the word_____ which means rebirth, revival, and rediscovery.
A. Revive B. Renaitre C. Reunite D. Reunion
_______7. One of the 5 main section of a Mass which translates to English as “I believe in God”.
A. Gloria B. Agnus Dei C. Credo D. Kyrie
_______8. It is a form of a sacred musical composition that sets texts of the Eucharistic liturgy into music.
A. Troubadour B. Gregorian chant C. Madrigal D. Mass
_______9. It was consider the earliest surviving secular music French play with music.
A. Jeu de Robin et Marion B. La Chanson du roi de Sicile C .Alleluia
_______10. Prominent instrument of the Renaissance era.
A. Guitar B. Lute C. Drums D. Harp

WRITE The English translation of a MASS.

11.KYRIE - _________________________________________
12.Gloria - _________________________________________
13.Credo - _________________________________________
14. Agnus dei - ______________________________________
15. Sanctus and Benedictus - ____________________________

ART: Read the statement carefully Write the letter only.

_______1. There are three main types of megalith stone, which is not type of megalith.
A .Stonehenge B . Menhir C. Dolmen D. Cromlech
_______2. The Egyptian architectural style was develop during the Pre dynastic period of BC.
A .400 B.4000 C. 40,000 D.400,000
_______3. It is a technique that can be applied to any materials that is solid enough to hold a form even when pieces
have been removed from it.
A. Painting B. Sketching C. Carving D. Etching
_______4. Most common materials used in sculpture are EXCEPT:
A. Wood B. Ivory C. Stone D. Mud
_______5. Most of the art created in Ancient Egypt was related to which part of their Culture.
A. Painting is a result of natural erosion and not a human artistry
B. Symbolic elements were widely used. C .Animals are pre dominant
_______6. Most of the art created in Ancient Egypt was related to which part of their Culture.
A .Culture B .Religion C. Government D. Belief
_______7. One of the most primitive sculpture during the Pre Historic which symbolize fertility.
A. Bul -ul B. Venus of Brassempouy C.Venus of Willendorf
_______8. The Pre historic architecture man has developed a form of architecture based on…EXCEPT
A. Medias B. Megalith C. Lithos D. Megas
_______9. The pre historic monument have always ignite mans imagination.
A. Megamallic B. Megalith C. Megamitt D. Meganett
_______10. It is a type of Egyptian tomb in the form of flat roofted rectangular structure with outward sloping side that
is made of mud ,bricks or stone.
A. Manungul Jar B.Canopic Jar C. Masbata D. Pyramid
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

_______1. Egyptian used marble for their sculpture.

_______2. An Ancient Egyptian stone figure having a lion s body and a human head located on the Giza plain is called
The Sphinx.
_______3. Egyptian create colossal or large statues to show power of their great pharaohs.
_______4. Colors is a symbolically significant in Egyptian art.
_______5. Small ,hand-held female figures are the first evidence of pre historic sculpture.

Fitness assessment Power Endurance Flexibility Body fat composition

Cardiovascular endurance Static Thermic effect of food Calorie

Pain and swelling Sprains Strains Concussion Cut Dynamic

_____________________1. One of the most important component of physical fitness the muscles and joints would grow
stiff and movement would be limited.
_____________________2. It is a series of test that help you determine your physical fitness level and aids in developing
your personalizes program.
_____________________3. This is help to you to lift and carry heavy object.
_____________________4. It is refers to the a mount of fat to your body.
_____________________5. It is the ability to keep up with exercise needed by your muscles, ensuring that they have
the oxygen needed for the work they are doing.
_____________________6. The ability of muscle to perform contraction for extended period of time.
_____________________7. The safest type of stretching.
_____________________8. The most dangerous type of stretching.
_____________________9. The food is the energy required to digest and absorb food.
_____________________10. Defined as the heat required to raise temperature.
_____________________11. This is traumatic brain injury.
_____________________12. These are soft tissue injured such as bruises.
_____________________13. This is a wound which the skin sliced by a sharp edge tool like a knife.
_____________________14. Over stretching or tearing of ligaments.
_____________________15. Over stretching or tearing of muscles or tendons.

The PRICE method is a common treatment regimen for sports injuries It stands for

16. P______________
17. R______________
18. I______________
19. C______________
20. E______________



______1.Residue from fire used for cooking A. Sewage

______2.Unwanted cars and trucks left on public property B. Ashes
______3. Hazardous waste , radio- active materials C. Rubbish
______4. Lumber scrap, metal scrap D. Garbage
______5. Waste from preparation cooking and serving food E .Abandoned vehicle
______6. Septic tank ,sludge F. Special waste
______7. Combustible and non- combustible materials G .Industrial waste
______8. Sweeping dirt, leaves, catch basin dirt H. Construction waste
______9. Scrap lumber ,pipes I. Street refuse
______10. From hazard buildings and other structure J. Demolition waste
______11. Feeding program K .Mental hygiene
______12. Pre- natal, post- natal L. Dental health program
______13. Tooth extraction M. Disaster management
______14. Assistance during disaster N .Maternal health care
______15. Adolecent counseling center O. Nutrition program

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