SGS 554 Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment
SGS 554 Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment
SGS 554 Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment
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Keerthana Baskaran
All content following this page was uploaded by Keerthana Baskaran on 19 January 2021.
(Chandel, 2017). The enrolment rate in Indian opportunities in growth of the career, compensation
higher educational institution is 21.1 percent which and assessment related hike in arrangement are
is minimal than global average rate of enrolment associated with job satisfaction (Khan et al, 2013
(26%), Chinese average rate of enrolment (26%) and and Khan et al, 2014).
Brazilianaverage rate of enrolment (36%). Therefore Saifuddin et al (2014) found that satisfaction of
there is high need for enrolment at higher job is a significant predictor of commitment in the
educational institutions which is not achieved till organization and it is consistent with the findings of
date. By 2030, Indian government aims at Irfan et al, 2013 and Saqib et al, 2014 as cited in
maximizing the gross enrolment up to 30 percent for Khan et al, 2014a, Li et al, 2017,
whichIndia needs anenormous raise in the quantity Mangaleswarasharma, 2017, Agyemang and Ofei,
of higher educational institutions as well as high 2013, Mohammed and Eleswed, 2013, Ismail and
quality faculties(British Council, 2014 as cited in Razak, 2016, Rehman et al, 2016, Fu and
Ahuja and Gupta, 2018) Deshpande, 2014, Arif and Farooqi,2014 and Aydin
et al, 2013. . Workers are actual resources for any
II. LITERATURE REVIEW institutions and to fulfil the students, institutions
This research intends to study the factors have to fulfil the needs of the employee.
affecting organizational commitment of faculty Satisfaction of students and performance of the
members of higher educational institutions with institution is the outcome of the satisfaction of
specific reference to India. Factors that have been employee (Khan et al, 2013a). Commitment of the
taken into consideration for studying the teachers towards teaching career plays a vital role to
organizational commitment are job satisfaction, determine whether they stay in this career or not.
compensation and incentives, employee Commitment of the teachers is the outcome of
engagement and years of teaching experience. . personal characters such as marital status,
educational level, gender, job oriented
2.1 Job satisfaction characteristics such as perceived support in the
organizations, job, satisfaction of work, relations
Job satisfaction is main predictor of with co-workers and involvement of job as
organizational and employee effectiveness and mentioned by Choong et al, 2012
performance in organizational and industrial
settings (Asar-ul-Haq et al, 2017 and Bhati et al, 2.2 Compensation and Incentives
2014). Satisfied workers are committed towards
their institutions, committed and satisfied workers Khan (2014) indicated that compensation
indicate an optimistic attitude towards their work, provided to workers whether nonfinancial or
better productivity or performance at job, less financial as a reward for dedication of workers
turnover and absenteeism and so on (Robbins and towards the organization. Appropriate
Coulter, 2012and Malik et al, 2017).On the other compensation would motivate workers to remain
hand, Ahmad et al (2015) have stated that the within the institution and subconsciously would get
faculties quit their job if there are any conflicts the feeling of belonging towards the institution or
between family and work. Therefore it is clear that workplace. Weldeyohannes (2016) mentioned that
satisfaction of job assists in evaluating the employee who are satisfied remain in the
individual performance towards their work within organization whereas unsatisfied workers will
the institution. Positive perceptions of the decide to quit from organization. Increase in
employees towards their work and degree which satisfaction of employees towards salary or
entails working environment, nature of the job, compensation acquired would raise the commitment
growth. Job satisfaction is impacted by the success organization. Low satisfaction level of employees
achieved in terms of extrinsically and intrinsically are caused due to poor choices for promotion and
through professional and mentoring associations. As fringe advantages, principals management style,
an outcome of raise in satisfaction of job and lack of choice for developing a personality, lack of
engagement of employee, commitment towards choices for teachers to make decision and poor
institutions becomes strong (Ganiron, 2013 and association of teachers with parents and principals
Khalid and Khalid, 2015). Thus it was clear that as cited in Tadasse, 2019.
engaged teachers are highly focused towards the From the findings of the research, it was clear
students learning and outcomes. that there exist a significant optimistic link between
years of experience in the teaching profession and
2.4 Years of Teaching Experience types of commitment in the organization. It was
also noted that experience in teaching are
Peters et al (2011) stated that professional significantly associated with the continuance
experience, ability of teaching, credibility and commitment and affective commitment. Experience
commitment in the organization are related with in the teaching is significantly associated with
adjunct faculty responsibility. Full time teacher affective commitment (Hickey, 2013). It was
viewpoint of adjunct faculty is all about they have recommended that headmasters or principals
professional experience and credibility. At the same intervention for encouraging collegial link and
time, it was noticed that some view adjunct teachers deject adversarial relations among faculties is
lack skills in teaching and confidence in the needed for professional standards. Incentives must
classroom. On the other hand Ekinci and Yildirim be given to faculties for retaining and supporting
(2015) claimed that teachers with more experience best and experienced faculties in the career.
have less level of commitment and this findingis Associations with faculties are harnessed to play
similar to results of Cengiz et al (2014). Gedefaws their part to improve the professional growth and
(2012) stated that organizational commitment of teachers‟ commitment. Faculties concerns are
teachers is mostly associated with these concepts promoted for discussing issues between teaching
which are intrinsic to work of teaching in terms of and learning in educational institutions instead of
development, efficacy of teacher and more. If the non-school problems or politics (Ibrahim et al,
experienced teachers were not satisfied with their 2015).
job and it affect the relationship with the
Table 1. Factors influencing organizational commitment of faculties of higher educational institutions
S.No Author and Year Relationship Findings
1 Asar-ul-Haq et al, Job satisfaction Job satisfaction is main predictor of organizational and employee
2017 and Bhati et al, effectiveness and performance in organizational and industrial
2014) settings
2 Saifuddin et al Job satisfaction satisfaction of job is a significant predictor of commitment in the
(2014), Irfan et al, organization
2013 and Saqib et al,
2014, Li et al, 2017,
a, 2017, Agyemang
7 Parangat and Edano, Compensation Compensation and incentives have minimal impact on
2017 and incentives organizational commitment.
8 Stephenson (2012) Compensation Performance oriented compensation for the faculty members of
and incentives the institutions and execution based system of pay model was
accepted strongly
9 Jena et al (2017) Employee voice of the employee plays a moderating role in relationship
engagement between engagement of employee and affective commitment in
the organization
10 Chandel (2019). Employee High levels of engagement among employee would result in
engagement enhanced commitment of the employee towards its institutions
thus generating a sustainable and motivated workforce that
would perform together for achieving the general goals of the
workers and organizations
11 Ganiron, 2013 and Employee As an outcome of raise in satisfaction of job and engagement of
Khalid and Khalid, engagement employee, commitment towards institutions becomes strong
12 Jones (2018) Employee There is relationship between engagement of the employee and
engagement commitment in the organization. It could also be stated that
engagement of employee is statistically important predictors of
commitment in the organization
13 Gedefaws (2012) Years of teaching Organizational commitment of teachers is mostly associated with
experience these concepts which are intrinsic to work of teaching in terms of
organizational commitment of faculty members with Imam.A (2015), Relationship of job satisfaction
respect to higher educational institutions in India. and organizational commitment with stay
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