Simulado 06 - LPIC1 101 - EN-Version

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Simulado LX0-103/101-400

Question 1: Correct
From a Bash shell, which of the following commands directly executes the instruction from the file /us
r/local/bin/ without starting a subshell? (Please select TWO answers.)
R - . /usr/local/
R - source /usr/local/bin/

Question 2: Correct
Regarding the command:
nice -5 /usr/bin/prog
Which of the following statements is correct?
R - ./usr/bin/prog is executed with a nice level of 5

Question 3: Correct
Which of the following commands can be used to determine how long the system has been running? (
Choose TWO correct answers.)
R - uptime
R - top

Question 4: Correct
Which of the following commands can be used to locate programs and their corresponding man
pages and configuration files?
R - whereis

Question 5: Correct
What is the first program that is usually started, at boot time, by the Linux kernel when using SysV init
R - /sbin/init

Question 6: Correct
In the vi editor, how can commands such as moving the cursor or copying lines into the buffer be issu
ed multiple times or applied to multiple rows?
R - By specifying the number rigth in of a command such as 4l or 2yj

Question 7: Correct
Which of the following commands moves and resumes in the background the last stopped shell job?
R - bg

Question 8: Correct
Which of the following commands shows the definition of a given shell command?
R - type

Question 9: Correct
Which of the following file permissions belong to a symbolic link?
R - lwrxwrxwrx

Question 10: Correct

Which of the following commands will change the quota for a specific user?
R - edquota
Question 11: Correct
Which of the following commands creates an ext3 filesystem on /dev/sdb1? (Choose TWO correct ans
R - /sbin/mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1
R - /sbin/mke2fs -j /dev/sdb1

Question 12: Correct

Which of the following commands lists all currently installed packages when using RPM package mana
R - rpm --query --all

Question 13: Correct

Which of the following commands set the sticky bit for the directory /tmp? (Choose TWO correct ans
R - chmod +t /tmp
R - chmod 1775 /tmp

Question 14: Correct

Which shell command is used to continue background execution of a suspended command?
R - bg

Question 15: Correct

What is the maximum niceness value that a regular user can assign to a process with the nice comma
nd when executing a new process?
R - 19

Question 16: Correct

When using rpm --
verify to check files created during the installation of RPM packages, which of the following informatio
n is taken into consideration? (Choose THREE correct answers)
R - File Size
R - MD5 checksums
R - Timestamps

Question 17: Correct

Which of the following commands reboots the system when using SysV init? (Choose TWO correct ans
R - shutdown -r now
R - telinit 6

Question 18: Correct

How many fields are in a syntactically correct line of /etc/fstab?

Question 19: Correct

In compliance with the FHS, in which of the directories are man pages found?
R - /usr/share/man

Question 20: Correct

Which of the following commands makes /bin/foo executable by everyone but writable only by its ow
R - chmod u=rwx, go=rx /bin/foo
Question 21: Correct
Which of the following commands will print the last 10 lines of a text file to the standard output?
R - tail -n 10 filename

Question 22: Correct

Which of the following commands prints all files and directories within the /tmp directory or its subdir
ectories which are also owned by the user root? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
R - find /tmp -user root -print
R - find /tmp -user root

Question 23: Correct

Instead of supplying an explicit device in /etc/fstab for mounting, what other options may be used to i
dentify the intended partition? (Choose TWO correct answers.)

Question 24: Correct

What command will generate a list of user names from /etc/passwd along with their login
R - cut -d: -f 1,7 /etc/passwd

Question 25: Correct

A user accidentally created the subdirectory \dir in his home directory.
Which of the following commands will remove that directory?
R - rmdir ~/\\dir
Veja que ~/ significa o /home do usuário. A primeira contra barra diz que a segunda será
tratada como digito normal, e não como file globbing.

Question 26: Correct

Which of the following is the device file name for the second partition on the only SCSI drive?
R - /dev/sda2

Question 27: Correct

After successfully creating a hard link called bar to the ordinary file foo, foo is deleted from the filesys
tem. Which of the following describes the resulting situation?
R - foo would be removed while bar would remain accessible.

Question 28: Correct

What is the difference between the i and a commands of the vi editor?
R - i (insert) inserts text before the current cursor position whereas a (append) inserts text
after the cursor.

Question 29: Correct

What information can the lspci command display about the system hardware? (Choose THREE correct
R - Device IRQ Senttings
R - Device Vendor Identification
R - PCI bus speed
Question 30: Correct
Which of the following commands kills the process with the PID 123 but allows the process to "clean u
p" before exiting?
R - kill -TERM 123

Question 31: Correct

After running the command umount /mnt, the following error message is displayed:
umount: /mnt: device is busy.
What is a common reason for this message?
R - A user has a file open in the /mnt directory

Question 32: Correct

What happens after issuing the command vi without any additional parameters?
R - vi starts in command mode and opens a new empty file

Question 33: Correct

What is the default action of the split command on an input file?
R - It will break the file into new of 1000 line pieces each

Question 34: Correct

Which of the following commands replaces each occurrence of 'bob' in the file letter with 'Bob' and w
rites the result to the file newletter?
R - sed ‘s/bob/Bob/g’ letter > newletter

Question 35: Correct

Which of the following commands changes the number of days before the ext3 filesystem on
/dev/sda1 has to run through a full filesystem check while booting?
R - turne2fs -i 200 /dev/sda1

Question 36: Correct

Which file should be edited to select the network locations from which Debian installation package fil
es are loaded?
R - /etc/apt/sources.list

Question 37: Correct

Which of the following command sets the Bash variable named TEST with the content FOO?

Question 38: Correct

During a system boot cycle, what program is executed after the BIOS completes its tasks?
R - The bootloader

Question 39: Correct

What does the ? symbol within regular expressions represent?
R - Match the precending quanlifier zero or one time

Question 40: Correct

What do the permissions -rwSr-xr-x mean for a binary file when it is executed as a
R - The execute flag is not set for the owner. Therefore the SetUID flag is ignored.

Question 41: Correct

What is the default nice level when a process is started using the nice command?

Question 42: Correct

Which SysV init configuration file should be modified to disable the ctrl-alt-delete key combination?
R - /etc/inttab

Question 43: Correct

Which type of filesystem is created by mkfs when it is executed with the block device name only and
without any additional parameters?
R - ext2

Question 44: Correct

Which of the following commands lists the dependencies of a given dpkg package?
R - apt-cache depends package

Question 45: Correct

Which of the following shell redirections will write standard output and standard error output to a file
named filename?
R - >filename 2>&1
Lembre-se que precisamos o &, caso contrário um arquivo chamado “1” será criado.

Question 46: Correct

When removing a package, which of the following dpkg options will completely remove the files inclu
ding configuration files?
R - --purge

Question 47: Correct

Which of the following signals is sent to a process when the key combination CTRL+C is pressed on the

Question 48: Correct

Which variable defines the directories in which a Bash shell searches for executable commands?

Question 49: Correct

What does the command mount -a do?
R - It mounts all filesystems listed in /etc/fstab which have the option auto set.

Question 50: Correct

When starting a program with the nice command without any additional parameters, which nice level
is set for the resulting process?

Question 51: Correct

Immediately after deleting 3 lines of text in vi and moving the cursor to a different line, which single c
haracter command will insert the deleted content below the current line?
R - p (lowercase)
Question 52: Correct
Which of the following options for the kernel's command line changes the systemd boot
target to instead of the default target?
R -

Question 53: Correct

Which of the following commands updates the linker cache of shared libraries?
R - ldconfig

Question 54: Correct

Which of the following settings for umask ensures that new files have the default
permissions -rw-r----- ?
R - 0027
Arquivos = 666-0640= 0026 -- 0027

Question 55: Correct

Which of the following commands will write a message to the terminals of all logged in
R - wall

Question 56: Correct

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the command foo 1> bar?
R - The stdout from the command foo overwrites the file bar

Question 57: Correct

Which of the following commands changes the ownership of file.txt to the user dan and the group sta
R - chown dan:staff file.txt

Question 58: Correct

What does the command mount -a do?
R - Its ensures that all file systems listed with the option auto in /etc/fstab are mounted

Question 59: Correct

What of the following statements are true regarding /dev/ when using udev?
(Choose TWO correct answers.)
Entries for all possible devices get created on boot even if those devices are not connected.
R - Additional rules for udev can be created by adding them to /etc/udev/rules.d
R - The /dev/ directoty is a filesystem of type tmps and is mountend by udev during s y s t e m
Veja com o comando: $ df -hT /dev

Question 60: Correct

Which of the following kernel parameters instructs the kernel to suppress most boot
R - quiet

Question 61: Correct

After modifying GNU GRUB's configuration file, which command must be run for the
changesto take effect?
R - No Action is Required
Question 62: Correct
Which of the following commands will NOT update the modify timestamp on the file /tmp/myfile.txt?
R - file /tmp/myfile.txt

Question 63: Correct

What is the output of the following command?
R - Hll Wrld

Question 64: Correct

Which RPM command will output the name of the package which supplied the file
R - rpm -qf /etc/exports

Question 65: Correct

In a nested directory structure, which find command line option would be used to restrict the comma
nd to searching down a particular number of subdirectories?
R - maxdeph

Question 66: Correct

Which character, added to the end of a command, runs that command in the background as a child pr
ocess of the current shell?

Question 67: Correct

Which of the following commands will send output from the program myapp to both
standard output (stdout) and the file file1.log?
R - myapp | tee file1.log

Question 68: Correct

Which of the following are valid stream redirection operators within Bash? (Choose THREE correct ans
R - <<<

Question 69: Correct

Which of the following commands can be used to search for the executable file foo when it has been
placed in a directory not included in $PATH?
R - find

Question 70: Correct

After moving data to a new filesystem, how can the former path of the data be kept intact in order to
avoid reconfiguration of existing applications? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
R - By Mounting the new filesystem on the original path of the data
R - By Creating a symbolic link from the old to the new path of the data

Question 71: Correct

When running the command sed -e "s/a/b/" /tmp/file >/tmp/file
While /tmp/file contains data, why is /tmp/file empty afterwards?
R - When the shell establishes the redirection it overwrites the target file before the
redirected command starts and opens it for reading.
Question 72: Correct
Which of the following sequences in the vi editor saves the opened document and exits the editor? (C
hoose TWO correct answers.)
R - esc ZZ
R - esc :wq!

Question 73: Correct

Which of the following pieces of information of an existing file is changed when a hard link pointing to
that file is created?
R - Link Count

Question 74: Correct

Which of the following commands can be used to create a USB storage media from a disk
R - dd

Question 75: Correct

Which of the following files, located in the user home directory, is used to store the Bash history?
R - .bash_history

Question 76: Correct

Which of the following commands determines the type of a file by using a definition database file whi
ch contains information about all common file types?
R - file

Question 77: Correct

What is the purpose of the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard?
R - It is a distribution neutral description of locations of files and direcries.

Question 78: Correct

Which of the following Linux filesystems preallocates a fixed number of inodes at the filesystem's
make/creation time and does NOT generate them as needed? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
R - ext2
R - ext3

Question 79: Correct

What is the effect of the egrep command when the -v option is used?
R - It only outputs non-matching lines

Question 80: Correct

Which of the following commands displays the contents of a gzip compressed tar archive?
R - tar tfz archive.tgz

Question 81: Correct

Which of the following commands is used to update the list of available packages when
using dpkg based package management?
R - apt-get update

Question 82: Correct

When given the following command line.
echo "foo bar" | tee bar | cat
Which of the following output is created?
R - foo bar

Question 83: Correct

Which of the following commands is used to change options and positional parameters for a running
R - set

Question 84: Correct

Which of the following commands prints a list of usernames (first column) and their primary group
(fourth column) from the /etc/passwd file?
R - cut -d: -f 1,4 /etc/passwd

Question 85: Correct

In order to display all currently mounted filesystems, which of the following commands could be used
? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
R - mount
R - cat /proc/self/mounts

Question 86: Correct

Which of the following commands can be used to download the RPM package kernel without installin
g it
R - yumdownloader kernel

Question 87: Correct

Which of the following commands brings a system running SysV init into a state in which it
is safe to perform maintenance tasks? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
R - inti 1
R - telinit 1

Question 88: Correct

Which of the following are init systems used within Linux systems?
(Choose THREE correct answers.)
R - SysV init
R - Upstart
R - Systemd

Question 89: Correct

Which of the following is correct when talking about mount points?
R - Every existenting directory can be used as a mount point

Question 90: Correct

Creating a hard link to an ordinary file returns an error. What could be the reason for this?
R - The source and the target are on different filesystems

Question 91: Correct

Which of the following commands will reduce all consecutive spaces down to a single space?
R - tr -s ‘’ <a.txt>b.txt

Question 92: Correct

What is the purpose of the Bash built-in export command?
R - It sets up environment variables for applications
Question 93: Correct
Which of the following environment variables overrides or extends the list of directories holding share
d libraries?

Question 94: Correct

Which of the following characters can be combined with a separator string in order to read from the c
urrent input source until the separator string, which is on a separate line and without any trailing spac
es, is reached?
R - <<

Question 95: Correct

Which grep command will print only the lines that do not end with a / in the file foo?
R - grep -v ‘/$’ foo
Question 96: Correct
Which of the following commands can be used to display the inode number of a given file?
R - ls

Question 97: Correct

In Bash, inserting 1>&2 after a command redirects
R - standard output standard erro

Question 98: Correct

What can the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) be used for? (Choose THREE correct answers.)
R - To dynamically create or delete logical volumes
R - To dynamically change the size of logical volumes
R - To create snapshots

Question 99: Correct

Which utility would be used to change how often a filesystem check is performed on an ext2 filesyste
m without losing any data stored on that filesystem?
R - tune2fs

Question 100: Correct

Which of the following commands overwrites the bootloader located on /dev/sda without overwriting
the partition table or any data following it?
R - dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=440 count=1

Question 101: Correct

Which of the following options is used in a GRUB Legacy configuration file to define the amount of tim
e that the GRUB menu will be shown to the user?
R - timeout

Question 102: Correct

In the vi editor, which of the following commands will copy the current line into the
vi buffer?
R - yy

Question 103: Correct

Which of the following information is stored within the BIOS?
(Choose TWO correct answers.)
R - Boot device order
R - Hardware Configuration

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