Nyle Sample
Nyle Sample
Nyle Sample
Fundamental Skills For The Bar Examination (The Pennsylvania State University)
March 2016
The following questions are examples of the types of questions that will be asked on the New
York Law Examination. These sample questions include at least one question in each of the
subjects that are included in that test. The index references on the questions are keyed to the
Course Materials for the New York Law Course and the New York Law Examination and
indicate where the content of the specific question is discussed. Those Course Materials may be
accessed at: http://www.nybarexam.org/Content/NewYorkCourseMaterials.pdf
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This includes private tutoring or commercial bar test-prep courses or settings.
In order for a state agency to adopt an administrative rule pursuant to the State Administrative
(a) Submit notice of the proposed rule to the secretary of state for publication and
(b) Submit notice of the proposed rule to the secretary of state for publication, but
(c) Post notice of the proposed rule on the agency’s website, and afford the public an
(d) Post notice of the proposed rule on the agency’s website, but affording an
Answer: (a)
(c) Either by vote of the shareholders or by vote of the directors but only for cause.
(d) Either by vote of the shareholders or by vote of the directors for cause or without
Answer: (a)
A lawyer who is a member of a law firm organized as a professional service limited liability
(b) The lawyer herself and any person in the firm under her direct supervision and
(c) The lawyer herself and any other lawyer who is a member of the firm.
Answer: (b)
Which one of the following acts is not a valid basis for the exercise of personal jurisdiction over
Answer: (c)
The proper venue for an action by a non-resident of New York against a New York resident for
specific performance of a contract entered into in New York to sell real property located in New
York is in:
Answer: (c)
resident of New York to recover damages for a claim that accrued in State X must be:
(a) Timely under both the law of New York and the law of State X.
(d) A nonresident may not commence an action in New York against a resident of
Answer: (a)
If a pre-answer motion is made on any ground, which of the following defenses is waived if not
Answer: (d)
In an action in New York for breach of an employment contract, a New York court will always
(d) The jurisdiction with the most significant relationship to the transaction and the
Answer: (d)
Is a contract entered into under a mutual mistake of fact by the parties voidable and subject to
rescission or reformation?
(a) Yes, as long as the mistake existed at the time the contract was entered into, even
(b) Yes, if the mistake is substantial, even if it resulted from circumstances not in
(c) No, unless the mistake is both substantial and existed at the time the contract was
entered into.
(d) No, mutual mistake, alone, is an insufficient basis for reformation or rescission of
Answer: (c)
Answer: (d)
In order for a police officer in New York to forcibly stop and detain a person, the officer must
or a misdemeanor.
Answer: (c)
Is a witness’s testimony regarding his habit admissible in a negligence action to prove that his
(b) No, because the prejudicial impact of evidence of habit outweighs its probative
(c) Yes, if the habit is consistent with a generally accepted standard of care.
(d) Yes, if the proof of the witness’s habit demonstrates a deliberate and repetitive
Answer: (d)
In order for a prenuptial agreement to be valid and enforceable in New York, the agreement must
be in writing, and:
(a) Subscribed by both parties and acknowledged in the same manner as a deed.
(c) Subscribed only by the party against whom the agreement is sought to be
Answer: (a)
Assuming no earlier emancipation, parents in New York are liable for support of a child only
(d) An appropriate age, not less than 18, depending on the child’s financial
Answer: (c)
Attorneys admitted to practice in New York are required to file a registration statement and pay a
registration fee:
(a) Every two years, and continuing legal education is encouraged but not required.
(b) Every two years, and the attorney must certify that a required amount of
(c) Every three years, and continuing legal education is encouraged but not required.
(d) Every three years, and the attorney must certify that a required amount of
Answer: (b)
Does a defendant in an action to foreclose a mortgage on real property have the right to redeem
the property by paying into court the full amount due on the mortgage debt plus the costs of the
(a) Yes, until the mortgagor is served with notice of entry of judgment of foreclosure
and sale.
(c) Yes, until 10 days after the foreclosure sale takes place.
Answer: (b)
A release given to one of two or more tortfeasors liable for the same injury reduces the amount
the injured party can recover from the non-settling tortfeasor by:
(b) The amount of the settling tortfeasor’s apportioned share of the liability, only.
(c) The greater of the amount paid by the settling tortfeasor or the amount of the
(d) The lesser of the amount paid by the settling tortfeasor or the amount of the
Answer: (c)
the municipality’s negligence, absent a court order allowing service of a late notice of claim,
within how many days after the claim arises must a notice of claim be served as a condition
(a) 30.
(b) 60.
(c) 90.
(d) 120.
Answer: (c)
Where a person dies intestate survived only by his spouse and two adult children, the net estate
will be distributed:
(c) $50,000 and one-half of the residue to the spouse and the remainder split
(d) One-third of the net estate to each of the spouse and the children.
Answer: (c)
Pursuant to a duly executed short form power of attorney and in the absence of a statutory gifts
rider, an agent may make gifts of the principal’s assets in excess of an annual total of $500 to:
(a) Any person, as long as the gifts do not exceed the annual federal gift tax exclusion
(b) Any person, in accordance with a pattern of gifting established by the principal
(d) Pursuant to a duly executed short form power of attorney and in the absence of a
statutory gifts rider, an agent may not make gifts of the principal’s assets in
Answer: (d)
Professional Responsibility I
0 To collect a fee.
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May a lawyer rep resent one pa rty to a transaction if he also rep resents the other party to the transaction in an
un related matter. if the rep resentation is not p rohibited by law and the lawyer reasonably believes that he can
p rovide competent rep resentation to both parties?
0 Yes, if either affected client g ives informed consent, confi rmed in writing.
@ Yes, if both affected clients give informed consent, confi rmed in writing.
0 No, even with both affected clients' informed consent, because the conflict cannot be wa ived.
Professional Responsibility I
A dispute over an atto rney's fee of $2,500 for rep resentation of a client in a civil action:
® Must be submitted to a rb itration upon the client's request, and the arbitration decision is subject to de novo
judicial review
0 Must be subm itted to a rb itration upon the client's request, and the a rb itration decision is not subject to de
novo jud icial review.
0 Must be submitted to a rb itration upon either the cl ient's o r the atto rney's request, and the a rb itration decision
is subject to de novo jud icia l review.
U Must be subm itted to a rb itration upon either the client's o r the atto rney's request, and the a rbitration decision
is not subject to de novo jud icia l review.
Must a lawye r who is reta ined to rep resent a new client, and who expects the fee for such rep resentation to exceed
$3,000, p rovide the cl ient with an engagement letter?
0 No, un less the subject of the rep resentatio n is a do mestic relations matter.
® Yes, and the engagement lette r must include info rmation rega rding the right to a rbitrate fee disputes.
0 Yes, but the engagement letter need not include information rega rding the right to a rbitrate fee disputes.
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Professiona l Responsibility II
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Professional Responsibility D
In New York. a newly ad mitted atto rney must complete a min imum of how many continuing legal education hou rs
in the fi rst two years following adm iss ion?
© 16.
0 20.
© 24.
I!> 32.
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0 Article 78 proceedings.
@The Court of Appeals does NOT have original jurisdiction and is limited to the review of determinations of
other courts.
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Which of the following acts is NOT a valid basis for the exe rcise of personal jurisd iction ove r a non -domicilia ry as to
a cause of action arising from the act?
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ࡦ㘵ᗞؑ˖liuxue119118 ࣐ᗞؑ⺞䇔䍴ᯉᱟᆼᮤˈԕݽᖡ૽ᛘⲴᆖҐ
Civil Practice and Procedure I
Under the "borrowing statute", when a non -resident plaintiff b rings an action in New Yo rk on a cause of action that
accrued in another state, in order to be timely, the action must be co mmenced with in:
u The statute of lim itations of New Yo rk, without rega rd to the length of the other state's statute of lim itations.
0 The statute of li mitations of the other state, without regard to the length of the New Yo rk statute of
li mitations.
0 The longer of either the New York statute of li mitations o r the statute of limitations of the other state.
@ The shorter of eithe r the New Yo rk statute of li mitations or the statute of li mitations of the othe r state.
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After being served with the answe 「 to a third-pa,可complaint, may a plaintiff amend he 「 complaint to asse,吃a claim
against the third-party defendant?
胁 , and any cause of action the plaintiff has against the third-party defendant must be asserted in a separate
- No, unless the right to file an amended complaint is granted by the court.
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Provided the cou rt has not ordered othe rwise. a motion for summa ry judgment may be filed:
0 At any time after issue is joined and befo re the note of issue is filed.
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In any action one pa rty, upon app ropriate demand by anothe r pa rty, must disclose all of the following, except:
(!) Work p roduct of the disclos ing pa rty's atto rney that is not subject to the atto rney- client p rivilege.
0 The existence and contents of any insu rance policy that may be available to pay a judg ment aga inst the
d isclos ing pa rty.
0 A copy of any statement ta ken by the disclos ing pa rty's lawyer fro m the demand ing pa rty.
0 Any fi lms and photog raphs taken of the demand ing pa rty that the disclosing pa rty does not intend to use at
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Jnder the State Ad ministrative Procedu re Act d01Jijgi), prior to a rule adopted by an ad ministrative agency beco n
!ffective, notice of the rule must be published in which one of the following publications?
A pa rty has stand ing to seek judicial review of an admin istrative determination:
0 Only if the agency determination is directed exclus ively at the pa rty seeking to review it.
0 On ly if the agency determination has some d irect economic impact on the pa rty seeking review.
(!) If the agency determination has some harmful economic or nonecono mic impact on the pa rty seeking to
review it.
0 If the agency dete rmination affects the genera l public, regardless of its specific impact on the pa rty seeking
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0 To make the ir documents available to the public for inspection and copying, without restriction.
® To make their documents ava ilable to the public for inspection and copying, subject to certa in restrictions.
0 To make the ir documents available to the public for inspection and copying, without restriction, but
adm inistrative agencies need not perm it copying of the ir documents.
0 To place selected documents on their webs ite, but ad min istrative agencies need not make their documents
othe rwise availab le to the public for inspection or copying.
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ࡦ㘵ᗞؑ˖liuxue119118 ࣐ᗞؑ⺞䇔䍴ᯉᱟᆼᮤˈԕݽᖡ૽ᛘⲴᆖҐ
ࡦ㘵ᗞؑ˖liuxue119118 ࣐ᗞؑ⺞䇔䍴ᯉᱟᆼᮤˈԕݽᖡ૽ᛘⲴᆖҐ
Conflict of Laws
A New York cou rt applying a confl ict of law analysis in an action b rought in New York by a New Yo rk res ident
against a nonres ident must fi rst determine:
0 Whethe r the nonres ident is domiciled in a jurisd iction located outside of the Un ited States.
® Whethe r the re is an actua l conflict between the laws of New York and the othe r jurisdiction that gove rns the
parties' d ispute.
0 Whethe r the re is a law in New Yo rk relevant to the dispute that p rotects New Yo rk residents.
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Conflict of Laws
In a tort action pending in New York arising out of an accident that occu rred in State X, whe re the loss-allocating law
of State X favors the defendant. a do micilia ry of State X, and the pla intiff is a do mici lia ry of New Yo rk, the New York
cou rt should app ly the law of:
® State X, because the accident occu rred there, the defendant is do miciled there, and the applicab le law favo rs
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Conflict of Laws
In an action in New York for b reach of an employment contract, a New Yo rk cou rt will always apply the law of:
@ The jurisd iction with the most s ignificant contacts with the matter in d ispute.
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Evidence is considered hearsay if it is a statement that was made outs ide of the cu rrent trial:
© Offered to p rove the truth of the statement, and such evidence is gene rally ad miss ible.
0 Rega rdless of the pu rpose for wh ich the evidence is offered, and such evidence is gene ra lly ad missible.
@ Offered to p rove the truth of the statement, and such evidence is gene rally inadmissib le un less it fits with in a
recogn ized exception.
0 Rega rdless of the pu rpose fo r wh ich the evidence is offered, and such evidence is gene rally inad miss ib le
unless it fits within a recognized exception.
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Downloaded by Maya El Cheikh ([email protected])
At a crim inal trial, evidence of a defendant's p rior bad acts may NOT be ad mitted to show:
O Motive.
There is a presumption in New York that a child is not competent to be a witness if the child is under the age of:
• 1 Twelve,. but the presumption may be rebutted by proof that the child understands the nature of an oath 酣
• Nine, but the presumption may be rebutted by proof that the child understands the 们 ature of an oath.
Twelve, and the presumption is irrebuttable.
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Does a duly appointed health ca re agent, who does not reasonably know and cannot with reasonable diligence
ascertain the principal's wishes rega rding medical treatment, have authority to make a health care decision for the
p rincipal upon the principa l's incapacity?
0 No, and a comm ission of med ica l personne l must be appointed by a cou rt.
® Yes, but the appo inted agent cannot make a decis ion relating to the ad ministration of artificial nutrition and
hyd ration.
0 Yes, and the appo inted agent can make any decision related to the principal's medical treatment.
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ࡦ㘵ᗞؑ˖liuxue119118 ࣐ᗞؑ⺞䇔䍴ᯉᱟᆼᮤˈԕݽᖡ૽ᛘⲴᆖҐ
Trusts, Wills and Estates I
0 A du rable powe r of atto rney ca n be terminated only by the death of the principa l.
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A g rantor has created an irrevocable trust p roviding for the income to be pa id to h is adult son for life and the
rema inder payable to h is adult grandson. If the granto r suffers serious business setbacks, may the g rantor p rope rly
revoke the trust?
U No, unless h is son p rovides written consent, but his grandson's consent is not required.
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The net estate of a pe rson who dies intestate suNived only by her mothe r and one b rothe r should be d istributed:
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0 The testato r must sign the will in the presence of two attesting witnesses.
® The testato r may sign the will in the presence of two attesting witnesses o r he may acknowledge his signature
to the witnesses.
0 The two attesting witnesses must sign in the presence of each othe r.
0 The two attesting witnesses need not sign in the presence of each othe r and may sign at any time afte r the
testator has signed the will.
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If one of two attesting witnesses to a will is also a beneficia ry under the will and a distributee of the testator, the will
may nonetheless be admitted to p robate:
u But the witness-beneficia ry may not receive any share of the estate.
@ And the witness-beneficia ry is entitled to take under the will in an a mount not g reater than h is intestate share.
u And the witness-beneficia ry may ta ke the full a mount of any bequest to him unde r the will.
0 If one of two attesting witnesses to a will is also a beneficia ry under the will, the will may not be ad mitted to
p robate.
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Does New York recogn ize the va lidity of a "no-contest" clause in a will?
0 Yes, and the only exception to enforce ment of such a clause is when a guard ian contests a will on behalf of a
mino r.
\!I Yes, and a beneficia ry will not violate such a clause if she contests the will based on p robable cause that it is a
Pl No, New York does not recogn ize the va lid ity of a "no-contest" clause in a will.
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In o rder for a p re-nuptial agreement to be valid a nd enfo rceable in New York, the agreement must be in writing,
<!J Subscribed by both pa rties and acknowledged in the same manne r as a deed.
0 Subscribed only by the pa rty against whom the agreement is sought to be enforced, but no acknowledgement
or witnesses are required.
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Upon commencement of a matrimon ial action and se Nice of the summons with auto matic o rders on the defendant,
both parties are p rohib ited from the following conduct, except:
0 Chang ing the beneficia ries of any existing life insu rance po licies.
0 Causing the other pa rty to be removed fro m a ny existing medical insu rance cove rage.
<!! Taking money out of a bank fo r no rmal household expenses without pe rmission.
0 Unilate rally selfing o r transfe rring any p rope rty, whether individually o r jo intly held.
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Under the Indianαild Welfare Act, an Indian Tribe has exclusive ju出diction over:.
- Any child custody proceeding involving an Indian child, regardless of where the child resides or is domiciled.
’Any child custody proceeding involving an Indian child who resides or is domiciled within the reservation of
the tribe.
Any child custody proceeding involving a membe 「 of the tribe.
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Unde r the doctrine of equitab le estoppel, a man who has rep resented and treated a child for seve ra l years as his
b iolog ica l ch ild is later p recluded from denying patern ity:
0 On ly if he was awa re at the time the rep resentations we re made that he was not, in fact. the ch ild's biolog ical
\!! If the ch ild justifiably relied on the rep resentations and would be harmed if the relationship was terminated.
Pl Regardless of whether o r not the ch ild justifiab ly relied on the rep resentations.
U Under the doctrine of equitable estoppel, a man who has rep resented and treated a ch ild fo r several years as
h is biological ch ild is not late r p recluded from denying patern ity if, in fact, he is not the biologica l fathe r of the
ch ild.
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ࡦ㘵ᗞؑ˖liuxue119118 ࣐ᗞؑ⺞䇔䍴ᯉᱟᆼᮤˈԕݽᖡ૽ᛘⲴᆖҐ
Matrimonial and Fam ily law II
A ch ild who does not attend school may be adjudicated a pe rson in need of supe rvision (PINS):
G If the child is less than 18 years old, and the ch ild may be detained in a secu re detention faci lity.
0 Only if the ch ild is less than 16 yea rs old, and the child may be deta ined in a secu re detention facility.
\!> If the child is less than 18 years old, but the child may not be detained in a secu re detention faci lity.
0 On ly if the ch ild is less than 16 years old, but the ch ild may not be deta ined in a secu re detention facility.
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ࡦ㘵ᗞؑ˖liuxue119118 ࣐ᗞؑ⺞䇔䍴ᯉᱟᆼᮤˈԕݽᖡ૽ᛘⲴᆖҐ
At trial, the p rosecution has the bu rden to d isp rove an o rdina ry defense:
0 At trial. the defendant has the bu rden to establish an ord ina ry defense by the p reponde rance of the evidence.
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A pe rson is gu ilty of the crime of consp iracy if, intend ing that the conduct constituting a crime be comm itted, he
ag rees with another pe rson to co mmit a crime:
0 Regard less of whether any steps a re thereafter taken to effectuate the crime.
0 Provided he thereafter takes a step to effectuate the cri me, regardless of whether or not the crime is
co mpleted.
® Provided either he o r the other pe rson takes a step to effectuate the crime, regardless of whether or not the
crime is comp leted.
In o rder for a police office r to stop a person and request explanato ry info rmation by means sho rt of fo rcible seizu re,
the officer must have:
© An objective, cred ib le reason for the intrusion, not necessa rily indicative of crimina lity.
© A reasonable susp icion that the pe rson has co mmitted, is committing, or is about to co mm it a felony o r
misde meanor.
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At a criminal trial, evidence of a p re -trial identification resulting fro m an unnecessa rily suggestive police- arranged
p rocedu re:
A May be adm itted if there is an independent sou rce justifying an in -cou rt identification.
u May be ad mitted if the identification is corroborated by a subsequent p rope rly conducted p re-trial
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The duty of ca re owed by a landowner to a trespasse r on her p rope rty for a non-recreationa l use. whe re the
trespasse r's p resence on the p rope rty is not foreseeable, is:
The owner of a vehicle is liab le for inju ries suffe red in an accident caused by the negligent ope ration of the veh icle
by its drive r:
0 Provided the owner was p resent in the ca r at the time of the accident.
0 Only if the drive r was operating the veh icle with the exp ress permiss ion of the owner.
® Provided the drive r had the exp ress or implied pe rm ission of the owne r to ope rate the vehicle, and such
pe rmission will be p resumed.
0 Rega rdless of whethe r or not the driver had the owne r's perm iss ion to operate the veh icle.
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What relief, if any, may be awarded to a living pe rson whose vo ice is used without h is written consent fo r
advertis ing pu rposes?
\!> He may obtain an injunction p rohibiting the use of his voice, and he may also b ring an action to recover
da mages.
0 He may obtain an injunction p roh ibiting the use of his vo ice, but he does not have any right to bring an action
to recover da mages.
0 He may bring an action to recove r damages, but he may not enjoin the use of his vo ice.
0 He may not enjo in the use of h is vo ice no r may he be awa rded damages, because the re is no right of p rivacy
in one's voice.
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Monday-Friday. 9:00am-5:00p
New York State Board of Law Examiners Easternπ
New York Law Course (NYLC) (518) 453-59
Under New York’ 5 们 a-fault law, a “ serious injury” is defined as a personal inju叩「esulting in any of the following
Significant disfigurement.
1... Loss of fetus.
•• Sprained ankle that prevented the in ured person from working for 60 days immediately following the
Significant limitation of use of a body function or system.
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Downloaded by Maya El Cheikh ([email protected])
The time to se Ne a late notice of cla im against a mun icipality in connection with a negligence claim:
0 May be extended by the cou rt, but not beyond the statute of limitations, which is th ree yea rs.
@ May be extended by the cou rt, but not beyond the statute of li mitations, which is o ne yea r and 90 days.
0 May be extended by the cou rt, with in its discretion, for a reasonable period of time.
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0 Not enforceable, unless the past co ns ide ration involved the pe rformance of pe rsonal services.
@ Enforceable, if the cons ide ration is exp ressed in the writing and is p roved to have been given and would be
valid co ns ide ration but fo r the time it was given.
0 Enforceable, regard less of the adequacy of the past cons ide ration, because the p romise was in a writing signed
by the p romisor.
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ࡦ㘵ᗞؑ˖liuxue119118 ࣐ᗞؑ⺞䇔䍴ᯉᱟᆼᮤˈԕݽᖡ૽ᛘⲴᆖҐ
Should a cou rt perm it the parties to a contract to introduce extrinsic evidence as to what was intended by the
0 Yes, if the jury finds as a matte r of fact that the contract is a mb iguous.
® Yes, if the cou rt finds as a matter of Jaw that the contract is a mbiguous.
0 Yes, rega rdless of any a mbiguities in the contract, if the extrinsic evidence expla ins what the parties meant.
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Is a p rovis ion in a residential lease exempting the landlo rd fro m liability for damages fo r persona l injury caused by
the land lord's neg ligence in the ma intenance of the p rope rty enforceable?
<!! No, because a lease p rovision pu rporting to exe mpt the landlo rd fro m liab ility for its own acts of negligence in
the ma intenance of its p roperty is generally void as aga inst public policy.
G No, because a lease p rovis ion pu rporting to exe mpt the land lo rd fro m liab ility for its own acts of negligence in
the ma intenance of its p rope rty is only enfo rceab le in a co mmercial lease.
0 Yes, because a lease p rovision pu rpo rting to exempt the landlord fro m liability fo r its own acts of negligence in
the maintenance of its p rope rty is enfo rceable, rega rd less of the natu re of the tenancy.
0 Yes, if the land lo rd contracted with a third pa rty to ma intain the p rope rty.
Rea l Property
If a tenant leaves a leased p rope rty before the end of the lease term:
@ The tenant is no longer respons ible for the continued payment of rent and may get any secu rity deposit
returned if the land lord finds a new tenant.
0 The tenant is no longer responsible for the continued payment of rent, but forfeits the return of the security
depos it.
0 The tena nt is still respons ib le for the continued payment of rent, but the landlord is obligated to find a new
0 The tenant is still respons ible for the continued payment of rent and the landlord has no obligation to find a
new tenant.
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ࡦ㘵ᗞؑ˖liuxue119118 ࣐ᗞؑ⺞䇔䍴ᯉᱟᆼᮤˈԕݽᖡ૽ᛘⲴᆖҐ
Real Property
0 The landlord may automatically hold the tenant to an additional term of one year.
0 The tenancy converts to a month -to-month tenancy, rega rd less of whether o r not the landlo rd accepts rent fo r
the ho ldover pe riod.
\!> The tenancy converts to a month -to-month tenancy, if the land lo rd accepts rent fo r the holdove r pe riod.
G> The land lord may immed iately commence a summa ry p roceeding to evict the tenant, rega rdless of whethe r or
not the landlord has accepted rent for the holdover pe riod.
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Downloaded by Maya El Cheikh ([email protected])
Rea l Property
The Prope rty Cond ition Disclosu re Act requires the selle r of real p rope rty to:
0 Produce a p rope rty cond ition d isclosu re state ment and there is no opting out of this statement.
\.!> Produce a p rope rty cond ition d isclosu re state ment o r give the pu rchaser a $500 credit toward the pu rchase
p rice.
0 Give the pu rchase r a $500 cred it toward the pu rchase p rice if it is dete rmined that the selle r misrep resented
information o n the p rope rty cond ition d isclosu re state ment.
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Rea l Property
May one spouse holding title to rea l p rope rty as tenancy by the entirety mortgage his inte rest while the othe r
spouse is still alive?
0 Yes, but the mortgage lien is voidable at the option of the othe r spouse.
@ Yes, but the mortgagee's lien is subject to the survivorship interest of the other spouse.
0 Yes, and the mo rtgagee's lien is not subject to the survivorship inte rest of the other spouse.
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u A written contract.
A Filing a certificate of general partnership with the secretary of state.
u Revenues.
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The by-laws of a bus iness corporation whose ce rtificate of incorporation and by-laws a re silent on the vote needed
to a mend such by-laws may be a mended o nly by:
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Downloaded by Maya El Cheikh ([email protected])
Busine,ss Relationships
’A vote of the shareholders is NOT required to amend the ce 『tificate of incorporation or to approve a merger.
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