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dice A Gse 1 AYO H wl he breast conuy Fediabun, eiarabitic Brophic agMlumis wi Gbnvc of dermis ; a Lerinkdled, Lwecy prominent * Gis Genehie Skin disease 5 Raglan ae Peadetanthone sosicuns 88% Sous (Caepany 7 Case » \ddangyty the stains elasKe Shes stained red Special stain forelashe Cher —» Onin stor on alse stain Hep & views Elastesis per fovane Se Shin dleease over tibial swf. f ne *Pidsinis ) Collagen Koes a, widely separated Gom eaci othe tal migcold che, Ox. Fre tibial my edema. (@alean has) PNG BEE Hrareid * Commettive Hire Stas Collogen . ee BM stain, PAS (ti OF ghaste Clans wack calls ( ¢temek th ea biugcolory red aan Eyes Ly dives, Smee Ag+ Crasyt vieltt Feta heomaRe sty Dx Dx Coen PeGuscin stain) Titreatese Cosa ech Go sjeretie suche) wart 4 719: PAS stun, cults ~! OK metas aden hx SCreenieg iomunsstain + Pan CK. only ¥ CED speak, buck Jensitve] . ME Aamo always ctovt ul ensitee rracter fence then the and ren dO specific manters \Viereth—|wry o. SER Seed Re marker Fos [9 rrembranaus ree hro : Jordan University Hospital Hematology Department = > Case Mdantify shucture © Erect ‘ qlemus Civ “eemeryet 1 Case i Sitin bh SCC 2 SAORI ob of hairs scalp ~ Ridanoustes + we con count them on ULE CaEe ees) cs Spread the melanin inhe ders | Ser eyfeflarm 7] Vr Per WR S10 Keratinouytey rsh SORE . | Cam uses tyrusinace (Melan A (MITE Ceharelithatenias NOAPKON Behe HERES S100 FAH cage Yoo HMBUS ve. (GP spective Car nolmal Fskeg weloncust,) sling (danbOy the stain Reg (mmunestai—t Stoo (Alkaline Vi stains intrmep tbimra} Cals wo less F| | like Spider : Largs © alWalina phosphatise may be Letlew than OG fay ee ’ alse suing molonsuy ter Maventy AIA" Name the, histochemi y cal Stain Used : realyaes. Masson— 5, Mina —e stains melonin, Rdetmangeg), feet than Bela ees % block depot Sethe.” mua! Me % Disorders of Sin Fignentation, ~) MiHiWtgo + Om TyecIE + macroufic anemia, bx RORY ody a to + oop ue Ing NU histelony 2 day A mdlani— Eb melon eg , cesr | Mant muania wltin basal Kecatinoupey pare Noveral ® melane iyies ena | maskonlt Ke facial hypenptgmentation in Premency | me Freetown doposia— (normal ® walonousg I | Loreen, eae, 4) Lentige s (outi ted hyperplasia. of nelanceyty Circa) 4° GE dovkan Om tim egorre D) A binds « absolutely Wie hain Lon wl ‘es lateac Ca mechanism 2 ov + t ©) Gace ‘an lalt maculer . wedl deAied bo, Od NE. albright syndrome, ee what ls cheracted Re Gature of rosy Coke ‘au (art spots In NE 2 SIZ Olas Langerhans ale CEA: birbek granutas) ee Merkel cells “in baset (ax et Sitin 0) or ihe Shon ep 56, Seah 2°) ota fmen poral 20 Heo "S$. Syrapte £0 5¢ SPUR mai, der Mrelani~ | sit @lnoinet i * Synapte AIG: DOLL inminestan » rm we the Q nay or bred are Nershen all sins cy REE Cong b | * Becting S weak glonds Idemse don ary Gem 5.20 Mypepitheliel cells Seoul, a Stoo cer ees EMA Calgon SMA & ork Lolo alls + mysepth. cleJordan University Hospital Hematology Department i M. Tarawneh, MD. ~ Rpcerive sweat gland ¢ ar eee je medi@ed feat qn) a id nitis Supp UWE (axilla segs Beenie vol Pans (Cpges i) — Red, Sling. Miljarts wewdguet ye > lng Neorosis oF eccrine sweat Glands Tilmy: Ayodonte epilepsy » stain Why ore Hy Ried in (Cec \ bx ol Later bedies cle : Alleles by whack mvehenign 9 < bre * Free how out side, duct almest Alive, tinder ¢ HEL amr, | Hy cok as melanin, Coteaching + oxida oF pelts on va HD, ) Sea Pefenanga, \, RUE bx in potion perma, u ened, mardarate Ge 1 in Peleraon can denty bet an OY Hefore HOE sa = Cn be used fa ge eshmate 4. at = ™ (res) | Kerauto acen tome (aa sec) A a ae a vw lens) Mollurctm cos tee (Gross) Pita > Wry (gress) tongue wltelengieereckic Oster webs Se Se : Tlthary Hemearhaye Teton hen : y beg "Ye ™@~) sas Ce) i.Peres) ptoral remegrarm ‘is mort seORe imelder & : best ¥ Le yours breast density (5 due to 16 thellal elemendty Mamme suveening sia ait —_ Boers — ya in back brea | Wi eit St — nig Se Atal of Sapa eres te cca es Witkin bray 4p llc Lslighlty more my oid BSP ruta) ~ Ung * bilayer Coney. = benign I (1c | ~ Nipple toversion. 4 skin Kettering = cg due 40 desmoplasia. | {Penk dat orange, mest invel bloody mints dlc es ~ ALusser, Die ato Fibrmedenema 2 * Ase Seaycig7s, \s SHE Plarneted. sic MURS postbe ! nary of 9 Corcinee Pease 2: breast. (wen Ie SL Pl om) = hypemlaste, ve TRAASI (normally ret bhi Secretion s } K PROSE Lohan, coveebatiog, sol mensey OHER2 voile “RR PR is: dete i Deis fia Stee cha ee 4 eR 2, CherJordan University Hospital Hematology Department Consultants M.Tarwneh, MD. % Rodiation effec 2 vauelated ptt wl bizara celle Gul wohy dots nuckwus Hat has beer ivradiate Cook Large Ubieawe 2 due te DA dmg (KR) Ose Thyroid Be Neils 0 L vary mitoris 2 ne nites) Dirorre atypiol cule oF CTX oy RTK. Wha is couse ? =a oe 9 AX + aeten sive Rover, wl Girarve nucle HON SA Ts likely te dey, ermal es sp ahey ATK? a Yoh -sucge Argio SA = Ung = To Ker celle a oF axiila : Cam $. 2K eng hi se HERR) AD Paget dis Get 2 Ottegry en ? © Com bx Ge micrecale; : are = WOReation. \g bietK bebe Hee ertenltie . se NS Fon tesKng. Hee 2295 be prebiew, © fr microcaici¢ Speci, i or a Pe aK gi WG alt stiee Showing aloe 2 bey ae - Sue Should be blocked BrRAOS ASK of mali Fran ey by tora, (ZEB) dingnasy, ux Cet d feo 4A GB, Ye, es Risk © 2 a wal LHP Redings 4 BRAD ST bukno canter «fake OL ae Mg ‘Sst bx [=Bone ~ Tm + Viable bore blcosieeayter sean, (bofeg (ocuras. (Cae nave bore) » A GPt AS). stored in bone —& Loss o& Gat | i ~ Cal dver Gale mrolecde Shows on XQ (both. sublyges They * Scanning Em, 0 tg) on osteocyte [BaD wity % Collagen disoras lead to Gackurey Case Tyo © wl mulfiple ® Obuse_ 4G AF FacNles 86 UG cank ger \€ stunted qoute AR bate, thore discs ~ Gauls wl reund nucleus , fromirent nuclooluy sie ntrely) E prominunck: exyteplagon Eicher well dovelan rER Gy Freuichon sap eettvy) A dmg statin Gor cts & non -AlAE bony CARE Cont moves Up Lesteobiasts ge stuck in, collage Cove» Syo Wo} immune dae 2 tale. a ypcatnde. pa mlemres qe Aboud ce, De. ~ meron Gadlens gh) “PITH ~ Mosteniasy SET, a “i TNS hong 4: t- Frferaion foment PAS Ch Sonam gang eee 8K" Yen ekUighaicen es reba. fay * sorption = Sfosition 0 ~ Stengy bone replaces ~ Img. Black stein of bone * Caldum stains Stab Senin CaPh 34 yrs (GHIike neswone + only up (a6 ed ne) ae = Sing Koga: a Miraha red tin, VF area of decade ~ sucgeck yf C6, | inert rune | ANAK Of hdd (sot eae Cy Md | 3 hin Sy Mushy dies acremeyal’e ob ose toot a aid Cases collagen disorler P resend WSK stunted youth | | SS veral Afsorboe —y Alport gravee, Bay SHLiseaBalways abewirel (a* eeriesteum “is mest Painful poA of boref Ble Hramtalas moive Cher Jordan University Hospital Hematology Department Aa SER ee sa Slim + abnotmal bone ad the vigitk Cree ) ating + compact bone @ top le [ cancklous bore @ bottom (eGh © BM by from adult « f(tec Ore ( sternum WHY long, standing hamatchegic plate, GAL a extend Rite, + Collagen binieringent (pli) sity gatarraato— SkAus red * very sper Ge Collagen sta Cred od potor') : eed Fir estimation of Rbresy Scar dey ost Collagen TI —» best ha 3 AT Retraille stain con be used to estimate Abrocls in ‘oore wavraw) We both retialin RMT stain coll IE heb Genk Res Flores satthin « glomerulus bestgenTD) : PAS or HOS Me Call Ht Sdarte™ Gam = Sborese * Cocation of Usten is very i ettant (, \Slealey sy beng Oriel ve oppeadialar ** fees de yoo fenae (ecadion Beeline * by be FP imaging 4 pire "25199 1s also MANY WSontial @y brain er nei) ety a eathedagc see Wrriviel Pre caused a Sn 4 woven fore (Cameller) + hapha i Img n trore ((ameller) + haphaead aw tustasie “lrg = Gaallous bora whet 1s most: Itkaly disace 2 Many cement lines wi mosaic pattern (wrafole~like) Abnovenalltyy Im Paget (osteitis dsFoimans) Hic bitte ration wo Le lostecctost aan Epidemiology. Curepeane £ SCantnaanT— ViBese _ Bora * 5 types of Paget disease © sng TIK ting! Gallus formation stages (but stmubus Sicredlleg ment % Wu do astronassts rraintan lore mar tn space? ox alma. Active ostecblast «site 2 B aystplasin, 7 Perlesteum + tng SPOR Far perlesteuwn +S iv Oster ming + Needle within OR gal tet ae MAG CO + belle CSCLURON. MR | High vesotutien OC * Naser strip sot 4 (bes, Ge bare 2 ota) oer Siler easatie fe eS) Ke-Froen, Lone dua, ve * @nule Grtecaideatn Prater Gracie 348 Hrote Knew (adequate decal! eassee amd ™ Gse+ OsteeSA in adult wall 22% i decal Quid | @a+ a, Possible cause. hy oC radbatio Tea) ale O60 POI may ate ok chested Br Beh AK Page Presented leach fre YR leads te Hay Sharing nigh output #6) PA) ALS preseank 9 f hearing (oF dune te FAanleRecioh adrotng ty ~ Spectal stains in bone Due I SBS Botdner Monroe» grein Cortcivin) Bred aslesid fiir, akeling te detged UPTAKe of aden: x Sheetal Grong Setion TUNG: o5teobtasty any : ~ ls astesclaste MD te become mary as A mg + esteccyteg ening ‘Uohat fe Fog Hh His bone? macrous sted Ald wURety foe Neoresis ©F. 24 ty ald ‘ORawmedio— i Meroe bone. (G9) estenryte rnsald cau) fi* coast sped Re IHC Re Ulemyore + Hcl desinien, Jordan University Hospital Hematology Department c. 1 M. Tarawneh, M.D. C ryD Wtiomagoterromna with Vetere cubicle Gcerag = mellepeat * cross Tareas caps IE 8) Ahyrid nodule om FNA Fallladar nesplasyn (Rsk 20 397) L ‘EF IVA papillary Memplasm (risks 454) ncnesp waded frgroid lesion + (Slialoy qraoth pater liarttg Boverlage ing of nuded PAP Soap jp etharel Kraken (best eucloay detail Qeahiy * Fees by danatiing protein (unlike eae Sod Be calls net Kasse gle acting thnks) PNY Cale thes grovicg » constdey PTZ eens T grees B rece inelusiang: PTC OX! Fillladow vertent o& pre, (Pret Some as Fre) HAG positive / Cabachin « poeitive, / HEME. © Rememboer trah die 06 Pre @ is morplaale gy (Conky 4 Faint countensteiy = Ria, W Adaquate marin + invasies Greest CA diam ie o wHle iW DCIS |s @ar) (2mm ae Hq ye re lermpeis rrediele Dx Medullary tre id J STS HERLA. (04 MEN @ » CEA Eels tae ei 56 J 3yrapho (Chrome Susrect amniligl 1 eofly onset bg Rpglase oc i sty lee rota ascocs v3 | other lesions haraerre — suger Syrdrore 9 FrPiack am poor Aran es re THEY in lung Lompoid ble sere Vl onighSartiting emt coon s'sie. (restene ie dose Jordan University Hospital Hematology Department Lakes in Ge Lelscnmnani a ¢ or Ths Lek: ns Vo) Boys oF presented vol reaurrad hematite Cyto’ urobteli( Ch A udire aytsegy © B Ports AassiRation & urotietial (esr (: SCL 0 bladday mush be 10D. squamous PraCack ( dowkelinad), tHisve folding ae by placing beck the feves itr, 20 BS reels 9 Se haath by pudtice ort tron Seis be coh ; YD Puting your Boge on if WF mitten teokldc Ht wlll nak CAA prope. [fo fl) — Wein de thay ad te water bute ge reek, Seckens to Gant 9 ello | M) Fule CIs presented several months laker wit anh. abd mary bonitgn oblpese Have ((olulsted) os] AeGHsrid op (@orau) Cystic areas showing veined indamm tals uthamaided fod OX Endometriosis (Forms mass Lbs SE haul i SWhOn evant an tumor wher it nepherer produce “dete Seaman 2 Gbreis in + se *S 2 Boras inpebiis? Tortome, (lal Hisue:) tolsts & roteies 1c hyeerpiyrende}, @ of Ok © acanthests Fooase LAlabeic yee A gricons Reee + obesity, OM typc 2 gashic Cf, |1 Wyo st 3) focdentel Gating » ston run testes le a “titers Proper Speferatogemahs ol large semini@ tabulee Pirrophyy + how 40 Alerentiote pre or post puboftal 2 a “Terwinal sper mecogenia. past pulbilty Mendy Rradve fortestes Bouin's (mueury sens) “enter (glare ad) % Pacarestieulon neoplasm, + gdenometetd timer @Dowation « Fatlepien toe. (inctdartal Relskd to mesotint AD reesotelioma + “PithaLlal ayia ws] cl Reakony Collmnar all Crary’) Tian in Whol carey nd caleiGetin € FS on v d] (€S) ascciated lessen, FH Saher maegh (reasswe pe) 0 be this Ss BS tes Cust Wee papillary PRa cy % Puce DLIS in core, eet Ae serchned LN ty, Cones tiely Pattie) nda pee) \€ margins @ mesic cto ee :Jordan University Hospital Hematology Department Consultants M. Tarawneh, MD. 1S) Lyfe bony Laser ia veh, Uo up no known dese AMabiska MunsteKC SCC (single ceil Keratichaator) From esoplegy, Pe Rerdanay te produce GRA | inann ine: Canvophily ‘dieyrecraste CGpevsteg as shuts) 1D URC sion inverteb 4713.1 LI, soyo Peer eae Depitr stain 2 ® much glah— + Chordome (sugte marker 2 Qrachyurt @) saceah > sphenccctipitel > ane athe ek as) View Wn the esophagus (mulhple ules) Nterohc fagments wl backerial coloniey £ Cornspunulenk eradele Caroma : Oe gy ee Gare - 908) Doultinualiated ally Suspect Views. hiney rexcesive necrediry beau 2b) Skin be vulva: Hey, on septs Sate \eteguhoun by por Kerachesis 4 bremegerined sibel ctagen 0 abr ORs Lichen sdltmasur at atrophy ae, 93) Kidney by saceke. renal failure Sivoo Baus 06 aate RF + Frank cask tubuloy inj Bien wat iw ey Crystalline” protein Ors Miploma Kdnay a Orel Het s semi prtsin altctraphory - B/A plasmontortt AA 2 cabterta.
to) WA enegtheli yma tone * Crypt (ieted variant cP lymphayhes UR ir aloe 18) Lacmpechen, Om Granalar doit honor ( - BD bent inten Luma _ Padigd A) Vulva by tent ‘amar brag ai ’ OSes aed (pytld melonens Bmancers ; Besereld da, Spedal stai— . Paucierrning $1 “| foatiey Ummureferet ' Genepis & Aas ge esphe er dil ying Cause, Reena MO Lice sacred TORTI) » earch (eatin rabind tiga, REE Care Pavise.sortpan boyy 3 ae use ow WF pw laucke—predict Oso ease: comuy y | Cerndnl £ usethelial areasJordan University Hospital Hematology Department onsultants M. Tarwneh, MD. 25) Esophegeay, bres white. lesions Oe Slyvogenests re Name a fydrome assoc. us| His Condition SB Tubes sclerosis SB) Stevia, Liver bye : PASTA Tseng Metastatic adanocartinams A Ww 96 (+ outside (ey Lu ductal epltye wlrecresly = colerctal Centay Adsquaciy Gr (iven by (benign) © L/5-aUm w [eS ental tracts “eerermerateenitoewin 10. CDR as 5 * 1Crmabigrant tren ani ameunt of Bes adept 8) ae (well Crain mare ell rout, nes ~ ' . Ox ena ae reverts arena > Ciera for etypiak @ typial s take cou 8g) Lung bye 5 nodichon (ung disease ( open lurg bys) BOs ILD -F Silicosis sbrnchial Uselag 4 MB SMees\s (polarte + nadla~chaped crystals Bw % AKGe + teaslerendhial gre), (odegaceys & be ech ane) HHP SC oR Hsu VWacies 35 on Hse type.6) Newropatheleyy: dura-besed mais 2) Dx "Meng ones ade. (cl Gorg WR Mallaranh wenkngiowe + Unhltaabinn araflkese mnffro 43) nephrectomy Me Fansplonk: sudden cute Brer 2 ARF Found ‘be have porimuphvic abscess + Frogreensts of tdray + ld interstitial iaClamnn Porinephore calluckion + fireign material (plank leo) Terps (Calcitm oxalate tt heres) we Mmedtlagel + Intestinal perferation~ dueto Gictum ocelate ty \enmediatelyy Woon suegeon, y 36) Bone ; Conutleus bore vo disoryarted yet (vias boone) Gaye A wi lyhe Lsderoke (erten ia Skul 1 Chr Di Faget distor <9 @ sasray TWRRS Rg hous: cus TNFAS EU osne. oladubt onset esiengg S| Bartmgovieus & BH) Bladder br, reauent hematuria De « Nephrogeed¢ adenoma Coll agin ¢ eA hes @aid * do immune 1 hy of Frachale ch ‘Bf, 33) Nosal polyp , AtYE. suspicion OF thas by rag Ox» Oltactory mamroblasty nn 31) UN ee dilated Sinus lined by reheulan oes ire bl minal onters is medully Torte etnal psec hes. gumind enters * Ph sl immunsdol, ory lympheid alliuley, No Gc borat is dye pian eet mel # Voviably sized Rili cley in Favor 0 benign realtive Progr MO) Renal mass 5 D+ Chremophebe, ACC t Crrdling + Faheman nile Use inctanmeell REC & ne nad Gt pcan)Jordan University Hospital Hematology Department Consultants ‘M. Tarawneh, MD. 39) Neck may Ryo Ox: Paraganalisrne rebated te carotid ay wrasltyy benign but cause lesion dite to humedumamcs * cat body Himoss are: Mest commen IA HEN pevahtad (what ivan aks C art ASK Kaetort?. news bygone Leh predspanys A Cyaer) uct ed renal ee ney Se enecs SOM BSE lor: mune: 4) Skin Hemor (dena) Lester) CRE PO Fi PRs Meneel ull cartinome (ace ‘cae ved Fram 1 + Whidy Virus ts asmtated 2 soles Mets potental Shy ge abe sce Wren ohn, Ian DQG tee «AK: Geos (Bsc IE 13) : ‘ WV 53) Ms tres ms weakens 2 one Hoye % ase: pain gern AA myers y Ine CTD Gte asccr myalgic’ Aelnass Ox: Skeletal me 2 The Perighy . blood + Feo +eSinephiin 2 FESR S* bronchial sting on Steroid Rye | 45) Skin + pigmented, ralsed Lego — Ox beetected Sebartic Keratas\ (notice Fat base a ret Ptrer, all the sweet glands will be below the (re H Squamous call sgcing in crtuler paHein (squamous Hi) Sera ap eee tte @) ) aka BCP (basal Lell Papillorne) ReBE) Stn bro: (ed Stein be breast A tlecatinad RIK PRB Aidlation asec adyticn! yasuaber (tsior~ Om: Pith allction araioss A Gls pe sanear argoSd Uleuher ? Now higher grade 2 woe py Paste Tagrer AQ, mutahion STK || (beer Bey Gorden synd yore. Bertin. Wag Ur N s\ CoP SU Ws a (L. Peel Lesion MAF veel Cad (ee~ Acanthosis Nigricans w( gashic CA Hoag (gn by 2 Cothupsis farJordan University Hospital ‘Hematology Depart t evant eiemer" 1) age &% watery dares Skh rach dest Lalas. Phe Guacds (dx: datmatits harpetiGarate) —» AN dasoral Parsn ui r Sania (OTR A Linear IgA dois ( Bullous PmPRQa'8 ( Senrey Xorckich dias [ bullous SLE B__» fegilogy mieroabsus AD OH / RA | pomphigad | drys A mach de IF te ef laa ty g Semele ullare BD Sa yptarme VIBE Grealq nodule ve sfectel SK By Mo AE ga nulematoue ro Prlharie’. ALOBed ove Deyrakopftess © Ringal cain ve Lyme ads + Leptespians ¢ Ox ~ Sporsth ax schunkli Gingus onglants sue) Intlaint SupPUR re Granalem. ae Able by cata Sd Buln ¥ Dn SHOU Ae. SINS righh Coins Riegel Srruung Cerone Coen 1 Seg 8 Gt aieh3) Meme iret'g aitec 0] He cea omdion(4aine ah) TY Swat Sydrome (aeute Rbsil_nawtrepki lic Ascmetoey) we TANT ymarednal ganetcy par MOS 4 solid tno GI breag \ GU mtn ged 1 19( patacut Fah pvr fae, antromifer € tring A800. Roe , malalee y ‘ys 4) foye Conic hep C presented wl cei rh £Aape PX: Cryog lobulinamic vescult}s Creede rag) —s up. Kivede rebsucloss adut to veccautthe eetavdiaded Ain 8 BC sa BMD. eth molten Crgpgiebulineie + sistent ¢ seme re (9. 48 cangle assoc. Gl 1 Gehan, ya. Ler Rbvin- like. infencaly ani A ATES Bu Syouslte = HY palebutis U infensets 9) Name skin gadincte Adyors = vacuctar (Em Ripa Dit, dig vical) Uiehansid CUPL ding» inchanceg forte) + Sus, : lt, , we seca eit Pend te Cgeeouess igs) Or granular pec % Oech on qon— Hesimal sein rhiewley SLE ~ ve tw BJordan University Hospital - Hematology Department a MTaawneh, MLD. ©) Mose Common cause in rile opto (ee) | Ox» Strep phaningitts Septal pant alls: Aa EN S@nuteratou, derenakty Frat dcp by including ohana ds EN + locrimal cwellfng 4 Wiler LAP 2 sarcatdets TF) Canmonss malig aes 0 ( Har Sea condition? HP? Acantheds nigricans | Ox: Gasticadenoch (Go) type l | yee Famslie AD, race, OBA, (ER malig asioe . P@heem obey & inn Wovesisten a. Maybe SE of mede t systemic steroids, nleoknic act ) Des Zing Ad tepllomatot: © Sougorot & Comteau) Dowking £0eqae dis acartnarr 2 Parent in dermal Adges rrage- + Linear 2p tdedmal nevus 8) Us yo, wakeny Marthe LwtHtore. ai colnsrnpy, Re nteg eT abe ‘Mints or: woth Surf, Ne « F A Ve eaves Wyrphouy & Califis 4 common in, a “lp ce nea ry » mostly OL® “eas AD elteserais COKE brood tm Gbrous bend Loam Y Urdednath sur Hah en, ! Beomplte" if
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