EN - 2022-2023 Spring - Final Exam 15.06.2023 (Solved)
EN - 2022-2023 Spring - Final Exam 15.06.2023 (Solved)
EN - 2022-2023 Spring - Final Exam 15.06.2023 (Solved)
Financial Accounting
STUDENT NUMBER:________________
This exam has 5 groups.
Please check that your exam has 13 pages, including a page with the chart of accounts. Write
your student number in every page. If you need dra paper, use the back of the sheets.
Mark your answers to the ques ons of this group in the answers grid provided in page 1.
Each mul ple choice ques on correctly answered is worth 0.8 point. For each wrong answer,
0.2 points will be deducted. If more than one answer is correct, choose the most
comprehensive one.
3. A company, which values its inventories using FIFO, had, on 01.01.N, 1,000 units of
merchandise purchased at unit price of 2 euros. In January N it bought 1,000 units at a unit
price of 3 euros, plus VAT at 20%. In February N, it sold 1,500 units. The cost of goods sold
a. 3,000 euros.
b. 3,500 euros.
c. 4,500 euros.
d. None of the other options.
4. Which of the following statements, regarding a cash advance to a supplier (without VAT), is
a. It reduces the total assets of the company.
b. It decreases increases the total assets of the company.
c. It does not have impact on the total assets of the company.
d. It reduces the total liabilities of the company.
STUDENT NUMBER:___________
5. What is the impact of receiving 10,000 euros of dividends, not subject to tax withholding,
from a financial investment measured using the equity method?
a. An increase in the net income of the company.
b. An increase in the total assets of the company.
c. An increase in the total liabilities of the company.
d. None of the other options.
6. The replacement cost (as new), in year N, of an equipment bought in N-1 for 10,000 euros,
is 15,000 euros. The useful life of this asset is 5 years and the company uses the straight-line
depreciation method on annual basis. This asset was revaluated in N, after the depreciation
expenses of that yea year were recorded. Which of the following statements is true
regarding this revaluation?
a. In N, the company debits account 431 – Tangible fixed assets for 10,000 euros.
b. In N, the company credits account 58 – Revaluation surplus for 3,000 euros.
c. In N+1, the company credits account 58 – Revaluation surplus for 1,000 euros.
d. None of the other options.
STUDENT NUMBER:___________
Group II (4 points)
All answers must be provided in wiseflow. When you are asked to compute or determine
figures or amounts, show your intermediate computa ons in a short way.
Consider company Underdog, Ltd., which sells dog food. On 31/12/N-1, the inventories are
made up of a single batch of 400 units of dog food, purchased at 25 Euros per unit. The amount
of inventories presented on the balance sheet at that date is 9,000 euros.
a) In March N, Underdog, Ltd. sold 300 units of the inventory to company Real Dogs, Inc., at a
price of 22 euros each. Since Real Dogs paid immediately, Underdog also provided a cash
discount in the amount of 1,500 euros. Record the sale on Underdog’s journal, knowing the
transac on was subject to VAT at 20%. (0.8 points)
b) Knowing that no further inventory changes occurred in year N and that the dog food’s net
realizable value per unit as at 31/12/N is 21 euros, present the appropriate end-year records
concerning the stocked units. (0.8 points)
Computa ons:
c) In year N+1, all the remaining inventory units from year N were sold and no merchandise
purchases were performed. In N+2, the company made a sole credit purchase of 500 units of
dog food for 27 euros each, plus VAT at 20%, receiving a trade discount of 20%. It had
previously made an advance to its supplier of 1,200 euros, including VAT, which had already
been recognized in its journal. The remaining amount was not yet paid to the supplier. Record
the purchase in the company’s journal. (1 point)
d) Knowing that the company presented 3,000 euros of inventories in the balance sheet as at
31/12/N+2 and that no accumulated write-downs were recorded inexist as at 31/12/N+2,
determine the cost of goods sold of that year. (0.6 points)
e) The CEO of Underdog, Ltd. is concerned about the company’s efficiency, claiming that the
company should improve the managing of its inventory. To verify that claim, calculate and
analyse the inventory turnover ra o [COGS / Inventories] by the end of year N+2, knowing that
the industry benchmark is 1.5. If you were unable to compute the COGS, assume it to be 5,100
euros. (0.8 points)
Given that the industry benchmark is 1.5, the company is managing its inventory be er than
the compe on, possibly selling the stored units faster and/or keeping lower numbers of units
in its warehouse.
STUDENT NUMBER:___________
All answers must be provided in wiseflow. When you are asked to compute or determine
figures or amounts, show your intermediate computa ons in a short way.
I a, LLC. is a sportswear manufacturer and retailer. Below, you may find a par al trial balance of
the firm on 31/12/N-1, a er the deprecia on expenses were recorded.
The company has two tangible fixed assets, a piece of land, acquired for 45,000 euros and
which is currently measured at the revaluated cost, and a machine obtained through a leasing
contract in N-2, of which 15,000 euros were already reimbursed. Deprecia on is computed
using the straight-line method on annual basis.
a) Compute the acquisi on cost of the machine and record the capital lease contract
establishment, knowing it is subject to deduc ble VAT at 20%. If you are not able to determine
the value of the contract, assume it is 30,000 euros. (0.8 points)
b) In March of year N, the company asked for an appraisal on its piece of land which
determined a fair value of 57,500 euros. Knowing that this was not the first revalua on of the
piece of land, record the adjustment on the company’s journal and state its impact on the
company’s net income. If you were unable to compute the adjustment amount, consider it was
an increase o o be 2,000 euros. (1 point)
STUDENT NUMBER:___________
Computa ons:
Acquisi on cost of the land a er first revalua on = Balance of account 431 – Acquisi on cost of
the machine
Revalua on surplus = Fair value – Net Book Value before second revalua on
There is no impact of the land revalua on on the company’s net income as neither revenues
nor expenses are affected by the transac on.
c) In October N, I a, LLC. purchased office spaces to rent to other companies. Their acquisi on
cost was 150,000 euros, having a useful life of 25 years, and I a values them using the cost
method. The company uses the straight line deprecia on on annual basis and assumes that
25% of the value regards land. On 31st December N, their market value was 175,000 euros.
Present the appropriate end-year records concerning these office spaces, state under which
item of the non-current assets they are presented in the balance sheet, and for which amount.
(1.2 points)
Computa ons:
Non-current assets item: The office spaces are presented under Investment Proper es.
d) On 02/02/N+5, the company sold, for 75,000 euros, including VAT at 20%, an equipment it
bought in December N+3 for 100,000 euros, plus VAT at 20%. The useful life of the equipment
was 5 years, and the company used the straight-line method on annual basis to depreciate it.
The buyer paid 50,000 euros and is s ll owing the remaining amount. Record the sale of the
asset, state the amount of the cash flow that shall be presented in the statement of cash flows
regarding the sale (amount and sign) and classify it into one of the three activities of the
company. (1.5 points)
Computa ons:
Cash flow (select one from: “No cash flow”, “Operating activities”, “Investing activities” or
“Financing activities”): Investing activities
STUDENT NUMBER:___________
All answers must be provided in wiseflow. When you are asked to compute or determine
figures or amounts, show your intermediate computa ons in a short way.
Company UnitedPaper, Inc. sells paper and paper accessories to its customers. There was a
large fire that burned many of the companies’ paper records and the CFO needs your help to
piece together the remaining informa on to understand important facts about the financial
posi on and liabili es of the company.
Part I
Regarding the accounts receivable of the company, the following informa on has been pieced
31/12/N-1 31/12/N
Debit Credit Debit Credit
Balance Balance Balance Balance
211 – Accounts receivable 70,000€ 100,000€
1. The CFO needs to know the amount of cash the company received from customers to
show in the statement of cash flows. Knowing that, during N, the company sold
500,000 euros of sales before discounts, and that it gave trade discounts of 50,000
euros to its customers, calculate the inflows from customers. All these amounts are
subject to VAT at 20%. (0.6 points)
Cash inflows from customers = 70,000 – 100,000 + (500,000 – 50,000) x (1 + 20%) = 510,000€
2. UnitedPaper regularly rents out a small office unit to PencilNick, LLC. As agreed by
both companies, at the end of every year, PencilNick pays the rent for the next year.
The rent of N amounted to 2,000 euros and was received in December of N-1. The rent
of N+1 is of 3,000 euros and was received in N. Present all the records of year N
related to this agreement. (0.8 points)
3. The CFO calls to your attention that, in January N+1, the company received a letter
from Social Security asking the company to pay the amount owed to it because of
payroll expenses in December N. This letter was destroyed, but the CFO tells you that,
in that month, the average IRS tax withholding rate was 15%, and that the social
security rates for year N were 11% and 23.75% for employee and employer
contributions, respectively. He also shows you this item of the income statement
regarding December N:
Part II
Finally, the CFO asks for your help regarding a short-term investment the company had
acquired in year N-1, for 3 euros per share. Knowing that the following informa on about this
investment is available at the end of N, record the fair value adjustment for this year. (1 point)
Company: MarkerMaker
# of total shares: 1,000,000 shares
#of acquired shares: 50,000 shares
Total Equity of MarkerMaker: 2,000,000 euros
Price-to-book value Ratio [Market price per share / Book value per share]: 1.75
If you were not able to determine the amount of the adjustment, assume it is 10,000 euros.
All answers must be provided in wiseflow. When you are asked to compute or determine
figures or amounts, show your intermediate computa ons in a short way.
Part I
31/12/N-1 31/12/N
In January N, company Beta issued 10,000 shares fully subscribed and paid in cash by company
Alpha. This was the only capital increase that occurred in year N.
a) Record the capital increase in the journal of company Beta. (0.75 points)
54 25,000
26 75,000
12 26 75,000
b) Compute the nominal value of the shares, knowing that it is constant through time.
(0.5 points)
c) Knowing that company Alpha uses the equity method to value its investment in
company Beta, record the acquisition of the shares in the journal of company Alpha.
(0.25 points)
d) At the end of year N, company Beta presented a net loss of 10,000. Knowing that
Alpha had no shares of Beta prior to the capital increase occurred in N, compute the
share of the capital of Beta held by Company Alpha and present the appropriate
records in the journal of Company Alpha regarding the net loss. If you are not able to
determine the percentage held by Alpha, assume it is 20%. (0.75 points)
50,000/200,000= 25%
Part II
In January N+1, company Beta paid fees to a consultant with a gross amount of 5,000 euros, plus
VAT at 20%. Moreover, this payment was subject to tax withholding at a 25% rate.
243 1,000
242 1,250
12 4,750
b) State the amount of the cash flow that shall be presented in the statement of cash flows
regarding this transaction (amount and sign) and classify it into one of the three
activities of the company. (0.5 points)
Cash flow (select one from: “No cash flow”, “Opera ng ac vi es”, “Inves ng ac vi es”
or “Financing ac vi es”): Opera ng ac vi es
STUDENT NUMBER:___________