Hydrogen and Energy
Hydrogen and Energy
Hydrogen and Energy
Energy Carrier and Industrial Feedstock
Why Hydrogen?
The global energy system has to undergo a profound transformation to
achieve the targets in the Paris Agreement. In this context, low-carbon
electricity from renewables may become the preferred energy carrier.
Transportation fuels are often compared based on their equivalency to gasoline. the amount of fuel with the energy
content of one gallon of gasoline is referred to as a gallon gasoline equivalent (gge).
Distributed and Central Production
Hydrogen can be produced in large central plants several hundred miles
from the point of end-use; in smaller, semi-central plants within 20-100
miles of the point of end-use; or in small “distributed generation”
facilities located very near or at the point of end-use.
Polymer Electrolyte
Membrane (PEM)
Renewable Hydrogen
Thermal Processes
Thermal processes use the energy in resources including natural gas, coal,
or biomass to produce hydrogen.
Some “thermochemical” processes use heat combined with closed
chemical cycles to produce hydrogen from feedstocks such as water.
Thermal processes include –
• Natural gas reforming
• Gasification
• Renewable liquid fuel reforming
• High temperature water splitting
Thermal Processes - Natural Gas Reforming
Natural gas contains methane (CH4) that can be used to produce
hydrogen via thermal processes including steam methane reforming and
partial oxidation.
Thermal Processes - Natural Gas Reforming
- Steam Methane Reforming
Hydrogen can be produced via steam reforming of fuels including gasoline,
propane, and ethanol (also renewable liquid reforming).
But about 95% of the hydrogen produced in the United States today is made via
steam methane reforming, in which high-temperature steam (700 – 1000°C) is
used to produce hydrogen from a methane source such as natural gas.
The methane reacts with steam under 3-25 bar pressure in the presence of a
catalyst to produce hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and a relatively small amount of
carbon dioxide.
The carbon monoxide and steam are then reacted using a catalyst to produce
carbon dioxide and more hydrogen. This is called the “water-gas shift reaction.”
In the final process step, called “pressure-swing adsorption,” carbon dioxide and
other impurities are removed from the gas stream, leaving essentially pure
Thermal Processes - Natural Gas Reforming
- Steam Methane Reforming
Thermal Processes - Natural Gas Reforming
- Steam Methane Reforming
Thermal Processes - Natural Gas Reforming
- Partial Oxidation
In partial oxidation, the methane and other hydrocarbons in natural gas are
reacted with a limited amount of oxygen (typically from air) that is not
enough to completely oxidize the hydrocarbons to carbon dioxide and
With less than the stoichiometric amount of oxygen available for the
reaction, the reaction products contain primarily hydrogen and carbon
monoxide (and nitrogen, if the reaction is carried out with air rather than
pure oxygen), again with a relatively small amount of carbon dioxide and
other compounds.
The product gas is often referred to as synthesis gas or “syngas,” from
which hydrogen can be separated for use.
Thermal Processes - Natural Gas Reforming
- Partial Oxidation cont’d
Unlike steam reforming, which is an endothermic process that requires heat,
partial oxidation is an exothermic process that gives off heat. Typically, it is
much faster than steam reforming and requires a smaller reactor vessel.
Thermal Processes - Natural Gas Reforming
- Partial Oxidation cont’d