Hydrogen and Energy

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Hydrogen and the Energy

Energy Carrier and Industrial Feedstock
Why Hydrogen?
The global energy system has to undergo a profound transformation to
achieve the targets in the Paris Agreement. In this context, low-carbon
electricity from renewables may become the preferred energy carrier.

The total decarbonisation of certain sectors, such as transport, industry

and uses that require high-grade heat, may be difficult purely by means of
electrification. This challenge could be addressed by hydrogen from
renewables, which allows large amounts of renewable energy to be
channelled from the power sector into the end-use sectors.
Hydrogen Economy
Hydrogen Economy – cont’d
Hydrogen Economy – cont’d
What is Hydrogen?
Hydrogen, chemical symbol H, is the simplest element
on earth.
An atom of hydrogen has only one proton and one
Hydrogen gas is a diatomic molecule—each molecule
has two atoms of hydrogen (which is why pure hydrogen
is commonly expressed as “H2”).
At standard temperature and pressure, hydrogen exists
as a gas. It is colourless, odourless, tasteless, and lighter
than air.
What is Hydrogen? cont’d
Hydrogen is a clean fuel that, when consumed in a fuel cell, produces
only water. Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of domestic
resources, such as natural gas, biomass, and renewable power like solar
and wind.
These qualities make it an attractive fuel option for transportation and
electricity generation applications. It can be used in cars, in houses, for
portable power, and in many more applications.
Hydrogen – Energy Carrier
Like electricity, hydrogen is an energy carrier (not an energy source),
meaning it can store and deliver energy in an easily usable form.
Although abundant on earth as an element, hydrogen combines readily with
other elements and is almost always found as part of some other substance,
such as water (H2O), or hydrocarbons like natural gas (which consists
primarily of methane, with the chemical formula, CH4).
Hydrogen is also found in biomass, which includes all plants and animals.
Hydrogen can be used in fuel cells to generate electricity, or power and heat.
Today, hydrogen is most commonly used in petroleum refining and fertilizer
production, while transportation and utilities are emerging markets.
How is Hydrogen Currently Used?
Hydrogen is used primarily in industrial processes including:
• Petroleum refining
• Petrochemical manufacturing
• Glass purification
• Fertilizers.
It is also used in the semiconductor industry and for the hydrogenation of
unsaturated fats in vegetable oil.
Hydrogen is the optimum choice for fuel cells, which are extremely
efficient energy conversion devices that can be used for transportation and
electricity generation.
Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen Production - Basics
Although hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, it does
not naturally exist in its elemental form on Earth.
Pure hydrogen must be produced from other hydrogen-containing
compounds, such as fossil fuels, biomass, or water.
Each production method requires a source of energy, i.e., thermal (heat),
electrolytic (electricity), or photolytic (light) energy.
Researchers are developing a wide range of technologies to produce
hydrogen in economical, environmentally friendly ways so that we will not
need to rely on any one energy resource.
The great potential for diversity of supply is an important reason why
hydrogen is such a promising energy carrier.
Hydrogen Production – Challenges
The overall challenge to hydrogen production is cost reduction.
For transportation, hydrogen must be cost-competitive with conventional
fuels and technologies on a per-mile basis to succeed in the commercial
This means that the cost of hydrogen (which includes the cost of production
as well as delivery to the point of use) should be between $2.00 -$3.00 per
gallon gasoline equivalent (untaxed).

Transportation fuels are often compared based on their equivalency to gasoline. the amount of fuel with the energy
content of one gallon of gasoline is referred to as a gallon gasoline equivalent (gge).
Distributed and Central Production
Hydrogen can be produced in large central plants several hundred miles
from the point of end-use; in smaller, semi-central plants within 20-100
miles of the point of end-use; or in small “distributed generation”
facilities located very near or at the point of end-use.

Distributed production may be the most viable approach for expanding

the use of hydrogen in the near term because it requires less capital
investment and less delivery infrastructure. Natural gas or renewable
liquid fuel reforming and small-scale water electrolysis at the point of
end-use are two distributed technologies with potential for near-term
development and commercialization.
Distributed and Central Production – cont’d
Large central hydrogen production facilities that take advantage of
economies of scale will be needed in the long term to meet the
expected hydrogen demand.
Central production can use a variety of resources—fossil, nuclear, and
renewable —but an infrastructure will be required to efficiently and
cost-effectively deliver the hydrogen to vehicle refuelling stations and
other points of end-use.
Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen production technologies fall into three general categories –
• Thermal Processes
• Electrolytic Processes
• Photolytic Processes
Natural Gas Reforming
Hydrogen Production
Thermal Process Gasification
High Temperature
Renewable Liquid Fuel Water Splitting.

Polymer Electrolyte
Membrane (PEM)

Renewable Hydrogen
Thermal Processes
Thermal processes use the energy in resources including natural gas, coal,
or biomass to produce hydrogen.
Some “thermochemical” processes use heat combined with closed
chemical cycles to produce hydrogen from feedstocks such as water.
Thermal processes include –
• Natural gas reforming
• Gasification
• Renewable liquid fuel reforming
• High temperature water splitting
Thermal Processes - Natural Gas Reforming
Natural gas contains methane (CH4) that can be used to produce
hydrogen via thermal processes including steam methane reforming and
partial oxidation.
Thermal Processes - Natural Gas Reforming
- Steam Methane Reforming
Hydrogen can be produced via steam reforming of fuels including gasoline,
propane, and ethanol (also renewable liquid reforming).
But about 95% of the hydrogen produced in the United States today is made via
steam methane reforming, in which high-temperature steam (700 – 1000°C) is
used to produce hydrogen from a methane source such as natural gas.
The methane reacts with steam under 3-25 bar pressure in the presence of a
catalyst to produce hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and a relatively small amount of
carbon dioxide.
The carbon monoxide and steam are then reacted using a catalyst to produce
carbon dioxide and more hydrogen. This is called the “water-gas shift reaction.”
In the final process step, called “pressure-swing adsorption,” carbon dioxide and
other impurities are removed from the gas stream, leaving essentially pure
Thermal Processes - Natural Gas Reforming
- Steam Methane Reforming
Thermal Processes - Natural Gas Reforming
- Steam Methane Reforming
Thermal Processes - Natural Gas Reforming
- Partial Oxidation
In partial oxidation, the methane and other hydrocarbons in natural gas are
reacted with a limited amount of oxygen (typically from air) that is not
enough to completely oxidize the hydrocarbons to carbon dioxide and
With less than the stoichiometric amount of oxygen available for the
reaction, the reaction products contain primarily hydrogen and carbon
monoxide (and nitrogen, if the reaction is carried out with air rather than
pure oxygen), again with a relatively small amount of carbon dioxide and
other compounds.
The product gas is often referred to as synthesis gas or “syngas,” from
which hydrogen can be separated for use.
Thermal Processes - Natural Gas Reforming
- Partial Oxidation cont’d
Unlike steam reforming, which is an endothermic process that requires heat,
partial oxidation is an exothermic process that gives off heat. Typically, it is
much faster than steam reforming and requires a smaller reactor vessel.
Thermal Processes - Natural Gas Reforming
- Partial Oxidation cont’d

As illustrated in the chemical reactions above, partial oxidation initially

produces less hydrogen per unit of the input fuel than is obtained by steam
reforming of the same fuel. As in steam reforming, to maximize the amount of
hydrogen produced, partial oxidation usually includes a water-gas shift reaction
to generate additional hydrogen from the oxidation of carbon monoxide to
carbon dioxide by reaction with water (steam).
Natural Gas Reforming - conclusion
Most of the hydrogen produced today in the United States is made from
natural gas in large, central facilities. Natural gas will continue to be an
important resource for near-term hydrogen production for many reasons.
It has a high hydrogen-to-carbon ratio (it emits less carbon dioxide than
other hydrocarbons per unit of hydrogen production) and it has an existing
pipeline-based transmission, distribution, and delivery infrastructure. But
because natural gas resources are limited, producing large amounts of
hydrogen from natural gas is unsustainable for the long term.
Although natural gas reforming is relatively mature compared to other
hydrogen production technologies, the capital equipment and operation and
maintenance costs associated with distributed natural gas reforming must be
reduced to make hydrogen cost-competitive with the conventional fuels we
use today.
Thermal Processes - Gasification
Gasification is a thermal process that converts coal or biomass into a
gaseous mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and
other compounds by applying heat under pressure and in the presence
of steam.
Adsorbers or special membranes can separate the hydrogen from this
gas stream, and additional hydrogen can be generated by reacting the
carbon monoxide in a separate unit with water (forming carbon dioxide
and producing hydrogen). To be commercially viable, the capital costs of
the gasifier and the equipment to separate and purify hydrogen must be
Thermal Processes – Gasification
Biomass includes crop or forest residues; special crops grown specifically
for energy use like switchgrass or willow trees; and organic municipal
solid waste.
Because biomass resources often consume carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere as part of their natural growth processes, producing
hydrogen through biomass gasification may release near-zero net
greenhouse gases.
Improved agricultural handling practices and breeding efforts, as well as
advancements in biotechnology, can reduce the cost of biomass
feedstocks—and therefore reduce the cost of hydrogen—in the future
Thermal Processes – Gasification
Biomass cont’d
Biomass is a substance of highly variable chemistry and complexity.
Cellulose is a major component in most biomass, along with lignins and
other compounds. Cellulose is a polysaccharide that may be represented
for the gasification process by glucose as a surrogate:
Thermal Processes – Renewable Liquid Fuel
Ethanol is made by converting the starch in corn into sugars and
fermenting the sugars to produce ethanol. Sugars can be extracted from
other biomass resources like crop or forest residues through a process
involving mild acid or steam and enzyme digestion. These sugars are
then fermented, producing ethanol.
Bio-oil is an oil-like liquid similar to diesel fuel. When treated with heat,
biomass breaks down to produce a bio-oil
Thermal Processes – Renewable Liquid Fuel
Reforming cont’d
Renewable liquid fuels, such as ethanol or bio-oils made from biomass resources, can
be reformed to produce hydrogen in a distributed system—at refuelling stations or
stationary power sites. Biomass resources, when converted to ethanol, bio-oils, or
other liquid fuels, can be transported at relatively low cost to the point of use and
reformed onsite to produce hydrogen.
Reforming renewable liquids is similar to reforming natural gas. The liquid fuel is
reacted with steam at high temperatures in the presence of a catalyst to produce a
reformate gas composed of mostly hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Reacting the
carbon monoxide with steam in a water-gas shift reaction produces additional
hydrogen and carbon dioxide
Since renewable liquids consist of larger molecules with more carbon atoms, they
can be somewhat more difficult to reform than the methane in natural gas. Better
catalysts will improve hydrogen yields and selectivity. And like natural gas reforming,
operation, maintenance and capital equipment costs must be reduced and the
energy efficiency must be improved for the hydrogen produced to be cost-
competitive with conventional fuels.
Thermal Processes – Renewable Liquid Fuel
Reforming cont’d
Since renewable liquids consist of larger molecules with more carbon
atoms, they can be somewhat more difficult to reform than the methane
in natural gas. Better catalysts will improve hydrogen yields and
selectivity. And like natural gas reforming, operation, maintenance and
capital equipment costs must be reduced and the energy efficiency must
be improved for the hydrogen produced to be cost-competitive with
conventional fuels.
Thermal Processes – High Temperature Water
High-temperature water splitting, a longer-term technology in the early
stages of development, uses high temperatures to drive a series of
chemical reactions that produce hydrogen from water. The chemicals are
reused within each cycle, creating a closed loop that consumes only
water and produces hydrogen and oxygen. For both of the
“thermochemical” processes described below, scientists have identified
cycles appropriate to specific temperature ranges at which heat is
available and are researching these systems in the laboratory.
Thermal Processes – High Temperature Water
Splitting Using Solar Concentrators
A solar concentrator uses mirrors and a reflective or refractive lens to
capture and focus sunlight to produce temperatures up to 2,000°C.
Researchers have identified more than 150 chemical cycles that, in
principle, could be used with heat from a solar concentrator to produce
hydrogen; more than a dozen of these cycles are under active
Thermal Processes – High Temperature Water
Splitting Using Solar Concentrators cont’d
One such pathway is the zinc/zinc oxide cycle, in which zinc oxide
powder passes through a reactor that is heated by a solar concentrator
operating at about 1,900°C. At this temperature, the zinc oxide
dissociates to zinc and oxygen gas. The zinc is cooled, separated, and
reacted with water to form hydrogen gas and solid zinc oxide. The zinc
oxide can be recycled and reused to create more hydrogen.
Electrolytic Processes
Electrolytic processes use electricity to split water into hydrogen and
oxygen in a unit called an electrolyzer.
Like fuel cells, electrolyzers consist of an anode and a cathode separated
by an electrolyte. The electrolyte determines the type of electrolyzer and
its operating conditions.
Electrolytic Processes cont’d
In a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer –
• Water at the anode reacts to form oxygen and positively charged
hydrogen ions (protons) and electrons that flow through the external
• The hydrogen ions move across the PEM to the cathode;
• At the cathode, hydrogen ions combine with electrons from the external
circuit to form hydrogen gas.
Electrolytic Processes cont’d
Alkaline electrolyzers are similar to PEM electrolyzers, but instead use an
alkaline solution (of sodium or potassium hydroxide) as the electrolyte.
Both PEM and alkaline electrolyzers operate at relatively low temperatures
– 80-100°C and 100-250°C, respectively.
Electrolytic Processes cont’d
A solid oxide electrolyzer, which has a solid ceramic electrolyte, generates hydrogen in a
slightly different way and must operate at higher temperatures (500-800°C) for the
membranes to function properly.
Solid oxide electrolyzers can effectively use heat available at these elevated temperatures
(from various sources) to decrease the amount of electrical energy needed to produce
hydrogen from water.
In a solid oxide electrolyzer –
• Water at the cathode combines with electrons from the external circuit to form hydrogen
gas and negatively charged oxygen ions;
• The oxygen ions pass through the membrane and react at the anode to form oxygen gas
and give up the electrons to the external circuit.
PEM and alkaline electrolyzers can be smaller, appliance-sized equipment, and well suited
for distributed hydrogen production. The source of the required electricity—including its
cost and efficiency, as well as emissions resulting from electricity generation—must be
considered when evaluating the benefits of hydrogen production via electrolysis.
Electrolytic Processes cont’d
Two electrolysis pathways with near zero greenhouse gas emissions are of
particular interest for wide-scale hydrogen production –
• Electrolysis using renewable sources of electricity
• Nuclear high-temperature electrolysis

Among the challenges for cost-effective electrolytic production of hydrogen are

reducing the capital cost of the electrolyzer—especially lower cost anodes and
cathodes—and improving the energy efficiency.
Electrolytic Processes cont’d
Renewable Electrolysis
Electricity can be generated using renewable resources such as wind, solar,
geothermal, or hydro-electric power.
Hydrogen production via “renewable electrolysis” offers opportunities for
synergy with variable power generation. For example, though the cost of wind
power has continued to drop, the inherent variability of wind impedes its
widespread use.
Co-production of hydrogen and electric power could be integrated at a wind
farm, allowing flexibility and the ability to shift production to match the
availability of resources with the system’s operational needs and market
Electrolytic Processes cont’d
Nuclear High-Temperature Electrolysis
In high-temperature electrolysis, heat from a nuclear reactor generates high-
temperature steam that is electrolyzed to produce hydrogen and oxygen. The
higher temperature reduces the amount of electricity required to split the
water molecules. Because heat is a byproduct of nuclear electricity generation
and no greenhouse gases are emitted in the process, nuclear high-temperature
electrolysis can be an efficient method for producing hydrogen from water.
Photolytic Processes
Photolytic processes use light energy to split water into hydrogen and
oxygen. These processes are in the very early stages of research but
offer long-term potential for sustainable hydrogen production with low
environmental impact.
Photolytic processes include:
Photobiological processes use the natural photosynthetic activity of
bacteria and green algae to produce hydrogen.
Photoelectrochemical processes use specialized semiconductors to
separate water into hydrogen and oxygen.
Photolytic Processes cont’d
Photobiological Water Splitting Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
In this process, hydrogen is produced from water In this process, hydrogen is produced from water
using sunlight and specialized microorganisms using sunlight and photo-electrochemical materials—
including green algae and cyanobacteria. specialized semiconductors that absorb sunlight and
Just as plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis, use the light energy to dissociate water molecules into
these microbes consume water and produce hydrogen hydrogen and oxygen.
as a by product of their natural metabolic processes. Currently, there are materials that can split water
Photobiological water splitting is a long-term efficiently and others that are durable, but to produce
technology. Currently, the microbes split water at hydrogen for widespread use, a material must be
rates too low to be used for efficient commercial developed that is both efficient and durable.
hydrogen production.
Scientists are researching ways to modify the
microorganisms as well as to identify other naturally
occurring microbes that can produce hydrogen at
higher rates.
Hydrogen Delivery
Hydrogen Delivery - Basics
Infrastructure is required to move hydrogen from the point of production to
the dispenser at a refueling station or stationary power site.
Options and trade-offs for hydrogen delivery from central, semi-central, and
distributed production facilities to the point of use are complex—the choice
of a hydrogen production strategy greatly affects the cost and method of
For example, larger, centralized facilities can produce hydrogen at relatively
low costs due to economies of scale, but the delivery costs are high because
the point of use is farther away. In comparison, distributed production
facilities have relatively low delivery costs, but the hydrogen production costs
are likely to be higher—lower volume production means higher equipment
costs on a per-unit-of-hydrogen basis.
Hydrogen Delivery – Basics cont’d
Because hydrogen has a relatively low volumetric energy density, its
transportation, storage, and final delivery to the point of use comprise a
significant cost and results in some of the energy inefficiencies associated
with using it as an energy carrier.
Key challenges to hydrogen delivery include reducing delivery cost, increasing
energy efficiency, maintaining hydrogen purity, and minimizing hydrogen
Further research is needed to analyze the trade-offs between hydrogen
production and delivery options taken together as a system. Building a
national hydrogen delivery infrastructure is a big challenge. It will take time to
develop and will likely include combinations of various technologies. Delivery
infrastructure needs and resources will vary by region and type of market
(e.g., urban, interstate, or rural). Infrastructure options will also evolve as the
demand for hydrogen grows and as delivery technologies develop and
Hydrogen Delivery – Pipelines
Transporting gaseous hydrogen via existing pipelines is currently the
lowest-cost option for delivering large volumes of hydrogen, but the
high initial capital cost of new pipeline construction constitutes a major
barrier to expanding hydrogen pipeline delivery infrastructure.
Research is focused on overcoming technical concerns related to
pipeline transmission, including the potential for hydrogen to embrittle
the pipeline steel and welds; the need to control hydrogen permeation
and leaks; and the need for lower cost, more reliable, and more durable
hydrogen compression technology
Hydrogen Delivery – Pipelines cont’d
One possibility for rapidly expanding the hydrogen delivery infrastructure is to
adapt part of the natural gas delivery infrastructure. Converting natural gas
pipelines to carry a blend of natural gas and hydrogen (up to about 20%
hydrogen) may require only modest modifications to the pipeline; converting
existing natural gas pipelines to deliver pure hydrogen may require more
substantial modifications.

Another possible delivery process involves producing a liquid hydrogen

“carrier,” such as ethanol, at a central location, pumping it through pipelines
to distributed refueling stations, and processing it at the station to produce
hydrogen for dispensing. Liquid hydrogen carriers offer the potential of using
existing pipeline and truck infrastructure technology for hydrogen transport.
Hydrogen Delivery – Truck
Today, compressed hydrogen can be shipped in tube trailers at pressures
up to 3,000 psi. This method is expensive, however, and it is cost-
prohibitive for distances greater than about 100 miles. Researchers are
investigating technology that might permit tube trailers to operate at
higher pressures (up to 10,000 psi), which would reduce costs and extend
the utility of this delivery option.
Hydrogen Delivery – Ships

Marine vessels carrying hydrogen would be similar to tankers that

currently carry liquefied natural gas, although better insulation would be
required to keep the hydrogen liquefied (and to minimize evaporation
losses) over long transport distances.
Hydrogen Delivery – Ships

Marine vessels carrying hydrogen would be similar to tankers that

currently carry liquefied natural gas, although better insulation would be
required to keep the hydrogen liquefied (and to minimize evaporation
losses) over long transport distances.
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Advantages Disadvantages
Hydrogen can be stored as a compressed gas or liquid, Hydrogen is a gas which can be compressed and
or in a chemical compound stored in cylinders. One of the major problems is the
fuel tanks. Hydrogen is compressed which
will contain less energy compared to liquid fuels like
ethanol or gasoline
One of the ways to transport hydrogen is through Even though hydrogen is pollution-free, which in the
pipelines, roads, (via., cylinders, cryogenic tankers, or future can be popular for transportation, some of the
tube trailers). problems concerning storing hydrogen in vehicles and
their high costs (in comparison to gasoline).
One of the characteristics of hydrogen is that it burns It is not a very good fuel for an internal combustion
nearly pollution free, one can look at it as a final clean engine
By using hydrogen to store energy from different As mentioned in the advantages on the issue of
sources would result in an unlimited supply of clean transporting, the use of
fuel. pipelines is limited to only a few countries and states
It is pollution-free and no greenhouse gases are Currently, nearly all hydrogen produced and made is
generated because as there is no carbon in the fuel from natural gas.
In that aspect, hydrogen costs more than natural gas.
Summary of hydrogen production technologies
Fuel Cells
Fuel Cells - Overview
Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier that can be used to power nearly
every end-use energy need.
The fuel cell—an energy conversion device that can efficiently convert
and use the power of hydrogen—is key to making it happen. Stationary
fuel cells can be used for backup power, power for remote locations,
distributed power generation, and cogeneration (in which excess heat
released during electricity generation is used for other applications).
Fuel cells can power almost any portable application that uses
batteries, from hand-held devices to portable generators. Fuel cells can
also provide primary and auxiliary power for transportation, including
personal vehicles, trucks, buses, and marine vessels.
Fuel Cells Overview cont’d
Fuel cells directly convert the chemical energy in hydrogen to electricity and heat.
Inside a fuel cell, hydrogen electrochemically combines with oxygen from the air to
create electricity, with pure water and potentially useful heat as the only by products.
Hydrogen-powered fuel cells are not only pollution-free, but also can have two to
three times the efficiency of traditional internal combustion technologies. A
conventional combustion-based power plant typically generates electricity at
efficiencies of 33 to 35%, while fuel cell systems can generate electricity at
efficiencies of up to 60% (and even higher with cogeneration).
In normal driving, the gasoline engine in a conventional car is less than 20% efficient
in converting the chemical energy in gasoline into power that moves the vehicle.
Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, which use electric motors, are much more energy
efficient and use up to 60% of the fuel’s energy.
This corresponds to more than a 50% reduction in fuel consumption, compared to a
conventional vehicle with a gasoline internal combustion engine.6 In addition, fuel
cells operate quietly, have fewer moving parts, and are well suited to a variety of
• Hydrogen & Our Energy Future U.S. Department of Energy Hydrogen
Program www.hydrogen.energy.gov

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