RFIs To Date - 120823
RFIs To Date - 120823
RFIs To Date - 120823
Project: LINC
RFI's to date 12/8/2023
Clarification -
Date of Date
Question Bidder Question Evonik Response
Request Responded
Item No
Do you have civil drawings? Yes. See reference drawings TY-Series, giled here: Site and Early Works By Others -
https://evonik.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/RFP-CAP-LINC-001-2023-CoreShell/Shared Documents/RFQ
Technical Docs/Reference Docs/Site and Early Works By Others?csf=1&web=1&e=1G7ZwQ
See also EWX0004_SOW__Foundation_&_Underground_Works, 7.2, no civil works are included in
the Scope of Work
1 7-Nov-2023 10-Nov-2023
Where is the anticipated location for crane, steel laydown, etc.? Around the building and within the construction fence by protecting the then built underground services.
The areas to be kept free of a crane is the north side of the building to allow a pipe arbor installation and
west of gridline 8-11 to allow a transformer foundation installation by others. See
Sketch, attached. (ref: Sketch in resposne to RFI #3)
2 7-Nov-2023 10-Nov-2023
Will KingSpan be an acceptable alternate for the Metl-Span Insulated Metal Wall Panels The basis of design metal panel system as noted in specification 07 4213 is the Metl-Span CF Light Mesa
included in the specifications? Attached to this RFI is the product specification documents. system. Girt spacings and the pressure-relieving panel systems in the structural and architectural drawings
have been detailed based on this system. The provided product data for Kingspan QuadCore Designwall 4000
would not be an acceptable alternative because it is not a similar panel profile to the basis of design system.
If a Kingspan panel system could be provided that is similar to the basis of design system and is capable of
resisting the various wind and deflagration pressures on the design drawings
and specifications, then it could be a potential alternative.
3 9-Nov-2023 17-Nov-2023
What uplift requirements apply to the roof membrane and accessories? The roofs (including the roof membrane, fascia, coping, and gutters) are required to meet FM Global
requirements including FM DS 1-28 and 1-29. Additional clarifying information has been added to
9-Nov-2023 17-Nov-2023
specification sections 07 4213, 07 5423, and 07 6200, and the latest revisions of those specifications will be
4 issued as an addendum.
What coating system is required for the structural steel frame? All structural steel on the exterior of the building is to be hot-dip galvanized. All exposed structural steel on
the interior of the building is to be shop primed and receive a semi-gloss/water based acrylic paint system.
The girts and their flange brace straps are to be formed from galvanized sheet steel and receive a semi-
gloss/water based acrylic paint system where exposed. The metal decks and bar gratings are to be galvanized.
9-Nov-2023 17-Nov-2023
Information on the paint systems to be applied is provided in specification 09 9000. Additional clarifying
information has been added to T215-A3-3-505, and the latest revision of that drawing will be issued as an
What doors does spec 08 3454 Bullet Resistant Steel Doors and Frames apply to? This specification applies only to door 118A. Additional clarifying information has been added to T215-A3-3-
10-Nov-2023 17-Nov-2023
6 501, and the latest revision of that drawing will be issued as an addendum.
Is field welding of the column base plate washers part of the scope? Yes. Refer to sheet T215-S1-3-511. The anchor rods and plate washers will already be installed as part of the
previous Early Works package scope, but erection of columns including grout and field-welded plate washers
10-Nov-2023 17-Nov-2023 is part of the EWX-0005 scope. Additional clarifying information has been added to T215-S1-3-511, and the
latest revision of that drawing will be issued as an addendum.
12/8/20233:10 PM
There are steel members on hold and designated in purple on the structural framing Yes. All steel members on hold are to be included in the bid price based on the size and layout information
drawings. Are these members to be included in the bid price? currently provided in the design drawings. Bidder to submit a unit rate for steel, concrete, material, and labor
to assist owner in determining potential cost differences for future revisions (if required).
Openings through walls and floors are also to be treated similarly. They are currently identified on the
Architectural and Structural drawings and should be included in the bid pricing based on the size and layout
information currently provided in the design drawings.
8 10-Nov-2023 17-Nov-2023
Since we have pushed back the Prebid meeting date, will the bid date also be pushed back Yes, the bid due date will change accordlingly and should be published/confirmed after the Thanksgiving
to allow for questions to be answer and time for suppliers/subcontractors to make any Holiday; November 27th.
9 15-Nov-2023 necessary changes? 17-Nov-2023
Could you provide the material specification/product that is required for the restraint cable Reference T215-S1-3-415 for restraint cable details. This scope of work should fall under the metal works.
shown for the “pressure-relief zee girt with restraint cables" of detail A page T215-A3-3-
413? Should this scope of work to furnish and install the cable fall under the metal works?
10 15-Nov-2023 17-Nov-2023
Can the Delivery and Installation of the Fixtures be combined? If we are responsible for Yes, they can be combined and installed at a very late point in the project.
installing the fixtures, we would want to furnish them to maintain control of the material,
and ensure that what we quoted for installation is what we are supplying.
11 16-Nov-2023 17-Nov-2023
Based on the slab thicknesses, there is a need to install a stub piece of pipe out of the Please consider CPVC for all stub-ups on the Process side and cast iron at the Annex side
discharge of the floor drains, cleanouts, etc. I do not see where material types for the
various systems is called out. Please provide information as to what material type this
piping needs to be for us to quote the project correctly.
12 16-Nov-2023 17-Nov-2023
Can the "ANNEX 003 Proposal_Cost_Breakdown 10162023" be submitted within 48 hours If the bid extension is not sufficient to allow the bidders to fully populate the Annex 003 Cost Proposal, then
after Lump Sum bid submission and other required documents are delivered to Evonik? The an extension can be requested as necessary. At this time, the bid documents are to be subbmitted together.
breakout of information required regarding labor and material, along with a breakout of
each area will be challenging for subcontractors to submit to us and then transferred into
the cost breakdown by the time the bid submission is due.
13 8-Nov-2023 22-Nov-2023
What is the allowable roof load for the main roof and the equipment platform. Will we be Allowable live load information is provided on drawing T215-S0-3-001. The main roof and the equipment
able to use lifts or scaffold? platform each have a total allowable live load of 150 psf which also includes any Process or MEP services
underhung from the framing. Lifts or scaffold are acceptable provide they do not exceed the design load
14 16-Nov-2023 22-Nov-2023 capacity of the walk surfaces.
The elevations show a hatch pattern and keynote #2 as a pressure relief system. If you The restraint cables should be considered within the steel supplier's scope. The pressure-relief fasteners and
reference the pressure relief details on sheet 413, it shows some different attachment IMP fasteners should be considered part of the IMP cladding scope. Reference drawing T215-S1-3-415 for
methods for relief panels vs fixed panels. This includes restraint cables attached from the additional information on these elements.
steel beam to the steel girts and some pressure relief fasteners that are attached from steel
to steel or steel to IMP. Please provide some clarification or spec on this system and whose
scope it falls under (steel vs. IMP cladding).
15 16-Nov-2023 22-Nov-2023
Is the “Future Process” area bidding at a later time? All fitout of the Future Process area will be bid at a later time.
16 16-Nov-2023 22-Nov-2023
Please confirm who is doing the coping, the roofer or metal panel contractor. Reference to The metal panel contractor should provide the coping.
17 16-Nov-2023 typical parapet trim detail on sheet 412. 22-Nov-2023
Please confirm who is responsible for the furnishing of the louvers (South elevation, note The bidder is responsible to furnish these louvers.
18 16-Nov-2023 54) 22-Nov-2023
The gypsum board specs say that interior joint tape is fiberglass. Can this be the standard Standard paper tape may be used at all dry condition locations. All wet condition locations should use mold-
19 16-Nov-2023 paper tape? 22-Nov-2023 resistant gypsum board and fiberglass tape.
20 16-Nov-2023 Please confirm if Level 5 drywall finish is needed anywhere. 22-Nov-2023 Yes it is. Please reference drawings T215-A2-3-151, T215-A2-3-152, and T215-A3-3-504.
Please confirm that the note on the wall types sheet, ‘Allow for 1” slab deflection’, means This note means to allow for 1" downward slab deflection.
21 16-Nov-2023 1” +- or 1” total. 22-Nov-2023
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Please confirm who is responsible for the penetrations in the IMP cladding (ducts, ladders, The bidder is responsible to provide these penetrations even if the service penetrating the cladding is
structural supports, etc.). currently on-hold. Closure of penetrations to be done after installation of duct, pipe, ladder service by bidder.
22-Nov-2023 See also Milestone MIL-013
22 16-Nov-2023
23 16-Nov-2023 Will there be any stretch and flex requirement? 22-Nov-2023 Please provide further elaboration. Question is not clear.
Spec section 142100 2.3.A.9 states to bid “Protective bumpers up to 3’-6” high”. Is this This does not refer to wainscotting. This refers to metal protective bumpers including a metal plate offset
wainscotting? If so what kind of wainscotting do they want? Protective bumpers are from the wall at the base of the wall and a metal rail offset from the wall at 42" height. If the elevator
typically metal or wood and cover anywhere from 3” in height to 12” in height not 42”. manufacturer has a similar standard protective bumper system that differs from this description, it could be
24 17-Nov-2023 22-Nov-2023 submitted for review.
25 17-Nov-2023 Please see attached substitution for Metpar toilet partions, and please advise if Metpar can be22-Nov-2023
approved as Metpar
a manufacturer
would befor
Please see below in regards to the metal panel pressure relief system: The VentAll fasteners have already been designed to release at the loads listed in FM DS 1-44 with no added factor of
safety, and the required sizes and quantities of fasteners are listed on the design drawings. Refer to structural
There is a problem with the spec and engineer’s notes on the structural drawings. They want the elevations and drawing T215-S1-3-415. The VentAll fasteners are to be used at the girt to column connections. The
panel fasteners to resist 40 psf as a service load. VentAll cannot be designed at the service level. note on the structural elevations stating "Insulated metal panel to girt fastening shall be designed to resist 40 psf
All VentAll release values are ultimate forces and Factory Mutual Data Sheet 1-44 states “5. The service-level negative pressure (ASD) load minimum." refers to the fasteners joining the insulated metal panels to the
static design of explosion-relieving fasteners/devices should be based on loads listed in the FM building girts, which is a connection that is intended to remain intact if an explosion occurs.
Approval Report with no added factor of safety (safety factor of 1.0).
TLF has also confirmed that the EXA19 fastener from VentAll has been discontinued. TLF is updating the design
After looking at drawing T215-S1-3-415, the engineer is going to have to redesign the explosion drawings to remove the use of EXA19, and updated drawings will be issued to the bidders in a future addendum.
venting details.
The VentAll fasteners are not being used to support the structure at any of the girts. As shown on the structural details
First ,the EXA19 release value has been discontinued. Second, VentAll is intended to fasten light on T215-S1-3-415, there is a horizontal haunch at each column that is used to vertically support the girt. The VentAll
gage panels & should not be used to support the structure. Third, the Zee to which the cable is fasteners are used in a horizontal application to only resist lateral loads from wind pressure and release with a lateral
attached shows only a back-fastener into the panel which would provide very little holding load from an explosion pressure.
The VentAll fasteners are being used to vertically support the IMP system at the base angles at each level currently.
TLF is updating the design drawings to modify the base angle condition such that vertical support of the IMP system
will not be provided by the VentAll fasteners (similar to the girt conditions at the columns), and updated drawings will
be issued to the bidders in a future addendum.
If the tethered girt to panel connection will not be able to resist the required load of 1 kip/ft service level (ASD) with
back fasteners, then the IMP manufacturer will need to propose an alternate connection detail for the tethered girts
26 17-Nov-2023 22-Nov-2023 that meets the provided load requirements.
This project requires the steel fabricator to be AISC certified. Can this be waived? A non-AISC certified fabricator would need to submit their documented QA/QC program for review. They
27 17-Nov-2023 22-Nov-2023 may be approved depending on the results of the review.
Concerning the Pressure-Resistant openings 083623, What will the rebound rating be, that The rebound rating should be 100%. However, be aware that the door is in it's seated condition for the
scale is from 0-100 which will determine if the door manufacturer or myself will provide rebound (see RFI #29)
28 21-Nov-2023 the hardware? 22-Nov-2023
Concerning the Pressure-Resistant openings 083623, Are these doors seated or unseated These doors will be unseated against the blast pressure side.
and that meaning will the blast occur on the interior or exterior of the door assembly?
29 21-Nov-2023 22-Nov-2023
Will there be a buckhoist allowed for stocking the upper floors? Contractor can install a Buckhoist if needed. Contractor will be resposible for constructing and removing the
buckhoist foundation. Bidder to consider to remove construction elevator if it is placed at the overhead doors
28-Nov-2023 gridlinesH/7-8 when Process equipment is intended to be moved in by others after Milestone MIL-011 or to
29-Nov-2023 arrange buckhoise in a way that process EQP can be lifted in in the same location by others.
30 16-Nov-2023
Will trades be allowed to use a service elevator for getting material and equipment to the Service elevator can be used after it is installed, powered and certified operational. Bidder to consider to
floors? remove buckhoist if it is placed at the overhead doors gridlinesH/7-8 when Process equipment is intended to
28-Nov-2023 be moved in by others after Milestone MIL-011 or to arrange buckhoise in a way that process EQP can be
29-Nov-2023 lifted in in the same location by others
31 16-Nov-2023
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Will parking be available on site, and if so, where? There is contractor parking West of T126, see reference drawing TY-S7-1-01 provided in bid package, and
slide/page 94 pof 2023-11-27 Bidder Conference Core&Shell_Scope Overview pptx, shown at pre--bid
32 17-Nov-2023 28-Nov-2023 walkthrough.
The Addendum 2 narrative references the below documents, but they did not appear to be See attached; see also SharePoint files at Documents>Addendums-Updated Documentation -
attached in your email. Would you please send these files to us? https://evonik.sharepoint.com/sites/RFP-CAP-LINC-001-2023-CoreShell?market=en-US
•SecUon 074213 – Insulated Metal Wall Panels
•SecUon 075423 – ThermoplasUc Polyolefin (TPO) Roofing
33 17-Nov-2023 •T215-S1-3-511 – T215 COLUMN SCHEDULE AND DETAILS 28-Nov-2023
What contractors has Evonik used to install Electrostatic Discharged Epoxy Coating (EXY-1 Evonik has decided to remove all installation of Electrostatic Discharged Epoxy Coating (EXY-1 on T215-A3-3-
on T215-A3-3-505) in the past? 505) from the Core & Shell package. Contractors are not to include this floor finish in their bids. The
powerpoint from the pre-bid presentations (2023-11-27 Bidder Conference Core&Shell_Scope Overview DH
final.pdf) still shows this coating on the floor finish slides, but it is no longer scope for this bid package. Bid
package drawings will be updated to remove the use of EXY-1 and revised drawings will be issued in a future
34 28-Nov-2023 29-Nov-2023 addendum.
Do the steel deck profiles and gauges on the structural drawings require the use of mid- All steel deck has been sized to avoid the need for shoring when placing the concrete slabs.
35 28-Nov-2023 span shoring when placing the concrete slabs? 29-Nov-2023
Where slab recesses are to be provided in the Process Area at future clean room locations, The slab reinforcing must be continuous throughout the Process Area floor slab, so bulkheading at these
can those recesses be bulkheaded so that the flat slab at the recess is placed separate from locations would be allowed so long as the rebar continuity is maintained through the bulkheads. Evonik
the rest of the floor slab? would prefer for these recesses to be placed at the same time as the surrounding slab. The tolerances for the
flatness of these recesses is not critical since they will receive a future topping slab, so the contractor should
consider if this allows them to place the slab and recesses at the same time.
36 28-Nov-2023 29-Nov-2023
In regards to the explosion release panels, what is the release value in pounds per square All explosion-relief panels must release at an interior pressure of 20-40 psf, but not at a pressure less than the
37 29-Nov-2023 foot? 29-Nov-2023 wind suction pressure on the building exterior.
Is this building to be FM-Insured? The building does not have to apply to FM guidelines as a whole or in all parts. Some building aspects
38 28-Nov-2023 29-Nov-2023 however follow FM guidelines. Please follow drawings, specs and RFI-clarifications.
It appears on the elevations that the panels run from ground to the top of the stair towers The panels at the stair towers are also intended to have stack joints that match the rest of the elevations.
without a stack joint. Please confirm that these panels are meant to have stack joints to
39 1-Dec-2023 match the rest of the elevations. 6-Dec-2023
Please see attached product info for an alternate product from Kingspan. Please clarify if Kingspan Quadcore KS Shadowline is an acceptable substitute provided it meets the structural properties of
40 1-Dec-2023 this will be an acceptable alternative to the basis of design. 6-Dec-2023 the basis-of-design panel.
In detail A on sheet T215-S1-3-415, a steel bent plate is shown to be attached to a steel Field-welding the steel bent slab edge plate shown on Detail A/T215-S1-3-415 is acceptable.
41 1-Dec-2023 beam. Please confirm if this connection can be field-welded. 6-Dec-2023
Spec section 2.3.A.6 - The specified application is too large to offer battery evacuation. The battery backup requested for this elevator is only required to provide enough power to bring the
Elevator contractor recommends generator backup instead. Please confirm that generator elevator cab to the nearest level and open the cab doors in the event of a power loss. Evonik requests that
42 1-Dec-2023 backup is acceptable. 6-Dec-2023 a battery be provided instead of a generator if at all practical.
ALTERNATE: Spec section 2.3.H - Elevator contractor is bidding an Imperial Motor vs. the Imperial Motor is an acceptable manufacturer substitute.
43 1-Dec-2023 specified Reuland Motor. Please approve. 6-Dec-2023
ALTERNATE: Spec section 2.5.I - Elevator contractor is bidding LED tube lights vs. the LED tube lights is an acceptable substitute.
44 1-Dec-2023 specified Fluorescent. Please approve. 6-Dec-2023
Please confirm what colors should be priced for the solid surface and plastic laminate Color selections have not yet been made.
45 1-Dec-2023 materials. 6-Dec-2023
Please advise if the AWI quality certification for specification section 064116 can be This certification requirement must be maintained.
46 1-Dec-2023 waived. One of our vendors does not have this certification. 6-Dec-2023
The fastener shown in Detail C/T215-S1-3-415 is incorrect. You cannot use a self drilling TLF has updated this detail. A revised drawing will be distributed in an upcoming addendum.
fastener for these pressure release systems. This will need to be a Hex B point fastener
which are self tapping but will require its own whole predrilled and then installed by hand
47 1-Dec-2023 to avoid over tightening or deforming the washers. 6-Dec-2023
The exterior elevations show insulated metal panels with a 36” width, but the 074213 The typical panel size of 36" shown on sheet T215-A3-3-411 is correct. The specification will be updated to
specification calls out panels with a 42” width. Please confirm which width panels should match and re-issued in an upcoming addendum.
48 1-Dec-2023 be provided. 6-Dec-2023
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Apologize for the late question, but it was brought to my attention today that no “Access Currently no access openings, access doors and frames are designed. Take note the building services in the
Doors and Frames” were indicated on the drawings, are there any throughout the building? process building are accessible and will not be covered by drywalls, covers or suspended ceilings. For the
This is in reference to Specification Section 083113 – Access Doors and Frames.” Annex part of the building, the grid ceiling will give access to high level services.
Bidder to provide unit rates for the usual dry wall openings and gypsum board covers openings including
frames (tiled, and not tiled)
49 7-Dec-2023 8-Dec-2023
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