Schmidt 2014
Schmidt 2014
Schmidt 2014
Scheme 1. Synthesis of polyvinylferrocene-CTA 5 (PVFc-CTA) by end functionalization of living PVFc macro-anions with DMF followed by
reduction of the PVFc-aldehyde PVFc-CHO 3. After esterification with DoPAT, PVFc-CTA 5 can be used for the polymerization of DEA after
initiation with AIBN.
decreasing from 1.31 to 1.28 during the polymerization overlapping with the forming block copolymers in the SEC
process (Table 1). While a Ð below 1.4 is obtained at ele- trace. A high Ð of 2.18 is estimated due to the presence of
vated conversions, at a conversion of 22% a second dis- residual homopolymer. In the other cases, minor tailing
tribution corresponding to non-functionalized PVFc is towards lower molecular weights is observed resulting in
Figure 1. a) Stacked MALDI-ToF mass spectra of the PVFc precursor sample, which was terminated with methanol (PVFc-H) and the cor-
responding mass spectrum after functionalization of the living PVFc carbanions with DMF and work-up procedure, b) 1H NMR spectra of
DoPAT (1), PVFc-OH (2), PVFc-CTA (3) and PVFc18-b-PDEA198(4) and c) molecular weight distribution of PVFc-CTA 5 (straight line) and PVFc18-
b-PDEA198 (dashed line).
Table 1. Results of the RAFT chain extension of PVFc-CTA in From the TEM images, it can be concluded that remark-
1,4-dioxane at 60 °C with a ratio of PVFc-CTA/DEA/AIBN of able uniform micelles were obtained similar to previously
reported PVFc-based block copolymers.[38,39]
Time Conversiona) M n ,theo M n,SECb) Ðb) The main objective of the current work—besides the
[min] [%] [g mol−1] [g mol−1 ] development of a powerful synthetic strategy by com-
0 0 – 2400 1.17 bining living anionic and RAFT polymerization strate-
120 22 11 800 6400 2.18c) gies—was to characterize the thermo- and redox-respon-
siveness of the corresponding block segments. To ensure
180 33 16 400 19 300 1.28
that both stimuli – temperature and redox-responsive-
240 62 28 800 27 600 1.29 ness—can be addressed almost independently of each
300 76 34 700 33 700 1.31 other, the reduced ferrocene-containing micelles as well as
PVFc-H a) 1400 1.14 the oxidized ferrocene-containing micelles were brought
b) repeatedly above or below the LCST of PDEA. Therefore,
PVFc-H 3900 1.13
the micelles formed in water were heated above the cloud
Determined via SEC in THF at 35 °C with poly(styrene) stand- point (Tc) of PDEA (Figure 3). Optical inspection already
ards; b)Determined via SEC-MALLS in THF at 35 °C, dn/dc = 0.168; evidences that a collapse of the corona chains occurs at
Determined for the bimodal molecular weight distribution elevated temperatures. To determine the Tc of PDEA as part
inclusively the residual PVFc-CTA macro-initiator.
of the block copolymer system, additional DLS measure-
ments were carried out (Figure S6, Supporting Informa-
the increase of Ð from 1.17 for PVFc-CTA to 1.31 for PVFc- tion) determining the Tc to be 30 °C. The thermo-respon-
b-DEA with the highest degree of polymerization. siveness is fully reversible many times. To investigate the
The formation of block copolymers was further inves- redox-responsiveness of the ferrocene-containing block
tigated via 1H NMR, where signals corresponding to both segment, the micelles were treated with iron(III) chloride
blocks are evident (Figure 1b), e.g., the ferrocene signals as an oxidizing reagent. Immediately, the color of the solu-
between 3.5 and 4.5 ppm and the methylene signals from tion changes from slightly amber to deep green due to the
the DEA side-chain between 2.7 and 3.5 ppm. oxidation of the ferrocene moieties. Furthermore, this pro-
To evidence the amphiphilic character of the novel cess is accompanied by breaking the micellar structures,
metallo-block copolymers obtained, a sample of PVFc18- which is also observed via DLS measurements (Figure S6,
b-PDEA198 was dissolved in a small amount of THF and Supporting Information). Again, this process is fully revers-
treated with a large excess of water, leading to the forma- ible—as confirmed via DLS as well—for at least five times
tion of micelles. It is worthy to note that all herein inves- by reducing the ferrocenium moieties with ascorbic acid.
tigated polymers exhibit an excellent dispersibility in To confirm the thermo-responsiveness of the oxidized
polar solvents such as water or DMF. To gain insight into metallo-polymer micelles in water, the solution was again
the formation of micellar aggregates, TEM images of the heated above the Tc of PDEA. This led to a collapse of PDEA
micellar solutions were recorded. Therefore, the sample and formation of micelles featuring a PDEA core and a
was drop-casted on a carbon-coated copper grid followed PVFc+-containing corona. Again, DLS measurements were
by drying in vacuo prior to the measurements (Figure 2). carried out to determine the exact Tc. This time, the Tc
Figure 2. TEM images of PVFc18-b-PDEA198 micelles formed in water. The micelles were deposited on a carbon-coated copper grid followed
by drying at ambient temperature. Scale bars correspond to 1000 nm (left) and 250 nm (right).
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Received: November 25, 2013; Revised: December 15, 2013; Pub- M. Gallei, B. Stühn, H. Plenio, M. Rehahn, Macromolecules
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