Quiz I A Ma1001 Soln
Quiz I A Ma1001 Soln
Quiz I A Ma1001 Soln
• Each question may have multiple correct answers, select all possible answers.
• Zero credit for the questions have partially correct answers.
1. The cylindrical clepsydra of radius 15 cm filled with water upto height 40 cm. The (1)
water level is falling due to a circular hole present at the bottom of diameter 1 mm.
Then, cm to cm is the first 1 cm drop that takes more than 50
Answer: The last minutes fall from 1 cm to 0 cm will be the first 1 cm fall takes
more than 50 minutes. It takes 113 minutes.
2. The singular solution associated to the differential equation (y 0 )2 + 4xy 0 − 4y = 0 (1)
is given by .
Answer: The general form of Clairaut’s DE is y = xp + f (p)
The given differential equation is y = xp + p2 . The general solution is y = xc + f (c).
The relation x + f 0 (p) = 0 will give a relation for singular solution. That is x + = 0,
and substituting p = −2x in the original equation we will have y + x2 = 0 is the
singular solution.
3. Select which of the following statements are true. (2)
(a) y = f (x, y) and y(x0 ) = y0 with f (x, y) is continuous in a rectangle (α, β)×(γ, δ)
and the partial derivative fails to exist at a point (x0 , y0 ) in the rectangle.
Then always there exist a solution but no unique solution is possible to have in
a rectangle containing (x0 , y0 ).
Answer: (False) If exist then uniqueness of solution is guaranteed but it’s
failure doesn’t say there is no unique solution.
(b) All linear equations y 0 + p(x)y = q(x) and y(x0 ) = y0 such that p(x) and q(x) is
continuous in (a, b) which contains the point x0 . Then the equation always have
a unique solution.
Answer: True, see uniqueness theorems of class lecture.
(c) If the fist oder IVP has non-unique solution then one of the solution always a
singular solution.
Answer: True
1 x2
(d) y = |y| sgn y and y(0) = 0 has unique solution y = .
Answer: False, as y = 0 is the another solution.
(e) None of the above.
Best wishes