Animal Kingdom

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class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates)


* Introduction
* Basis of classification  Salient features and
Levels of organisation classification of animals-
Body segmentation
nonchordate up to phyla
Coelom level (Porifera, Coelenterata,
* Classification of animals Ctenophora,
Porifera Platyhelminthes,
Aschelminthes, Annelida,
Platyhelminthes Arthropoda, Mollusca,
Arthropoda Hemichordata).



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

* To estimate the number of animals in nature is not possible. Many of them inhabit the earth
today and many others have lived here during the past. These animals vary very much in
their shape and size, habit and habitat, colour, form and weight as well as in their distribution.
More than one million animals (1,000,000) have been discovered by Zoologist and there are
still many more which are unknown.
* On an estimation about 5 to 20 million kinds of organisms exist on our planet. Out of
these about 1.2 million animals and 0.2 million plants species have been identified, given
scientific name and classified.
Basis of Classification
* Arragngement of cells, body symmetry, nature of coelom, patterns of digestive, circulatory
or reproductive systems are basis for animal classification.
Following are the different levels of organization in animals from simpler to complex state:
 Protoplasmic grade – In this grade all life activities are confined within the boundaries of
a single cell which is a structural and functional unit of life. e.g. Protozoa and other unicel-
lular organisms.
* Cellular grade – It is a loose association or aggregation of cells that are functionally
differentiated, e.g. sponges. Division of labour occures among cells in spoges
* Tissue grade – An aggregation of cells which act in co-ordination. e.g. Cnidarians, Cteno-
In this cells performing the same function are arranged into tissues.
* Organ grade – When tissues aggregate to form a particular organ, each of which is special-
ized for particular function first appeared in platyhelminthes.
* Organ system grade – When organs work together to perform some common functions such
as digestion, respiration, circulation etc. e.g., most of the higher animals such as
platyhelminthes, aschelminthes, annelida, arthropoda, mollusca, echinodermata and chordata.
* Blind Sac or Incomplete gut (Two way gut) – The body resembles a sac and contains a
single cavity with one opening that serves as both mouth and anus and helps in both ingestion
and egestion e.g., Platyhelminthes (flatworms).
* Tube within a tube or Complete gut ( one way gut) – The body is made up of two tubes,
outer body wall and the inner digestive tract. e.g. Annelida and other higher phyla. In these
anmials gut has two openings such as mouth for ingestion and anus for egestion.
* Open type of circulation - In which the blood is pumped out of the heart and the cells and
tissue are directly bathed.e.g., Arthropoda, Non - Cephalopod Molluscs and Urochordates.
* Closed type of circulation - In which the blood is circulated through a series of vessels i.e.
arteries, veins and capillaries. e.g., Annelida, vertebrata, Cephalopoda, Mollusca,
 The arrangement of body parts in a geometrical pattern is called symmetry.
Types of symmetry
 Spherical symmetry – Found in spherical body. All planes that pass through the center will
cut it into similar halves. e.g. Some protozoans like Volvox, Heliozoa, Radiolaria.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

* Radial symmetry –These animals are cylinder or umbrella shaped. Any plane passing through
longitudinal axes in a radiating manner divide the body into equal halves. e.g. Coelenterates
like Hydra.
 (a) Biradial symmetry – divides the animal into two equal halves only in two planes. e.g.
Ctenophora and most anthozoans (e.g. Sea anemone)
 (b) Pentamerous radial – Body is divided into two equal halves through five planes e.g.,
star fish.
Adult echinoderms exhibt pentamerous raidal symmetry where as their larvae exhibt bilateral
* Bilateral symmetry – The body is divided into two equal parts by a single median longitudi-
nal or sagittal plane. e.g., most higher animals.
 Asymmetry – when an animal cannot be divided into equal parts by any plane e.g., Amoeba,
most sponges.
Central axis


Bilateral symmetry
Radial symmetry Biradial symmetry

Spherical symmetryAssymetrical
* In some animals body is externally and internally divided into segments with serial repetition
of at least some organs it is called metamerism.
 Metameric segmentation (true metamerism or true segmentation) : It is a type of seg-
mentation where external divisions correspond to internal divisions e.g., annelids. Segmenta-
tion is mostly external in arthropods and mainly internal in man and other chordates (verte-
brae, body muscles, some blood vessels and nerves).
 In true metamerism new segments are formed from the growth zone that lies at the posterior
end of the body.
 Pseudometamerism (false segmentation) : It is found in tapeworms. In tapeworms, the
proglottids (segments of tapeworms) are budded off from the neck, hence, this segmentation is
called pseudometamerism (pseudosegmentation).



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

pygidium segments prostomium

ripe proglottids proglottids scolex
Figure : Diagrams to illustrate differences between
A—True metamerism of a generalized annelid. B—Strobilizaton of a generalized tapeworm.
 Germ Layers
During early stages of embryonic development the cells differentiate and form germ layers.
* Diploblastic animals – Having two distinct germ layers i.e. outermost ectoderm and inner-
most endoderm e.g. Cnidarians and Ctenophors.
* Triploblastic animals – Having three distinct germ layers i.e. ectoderm, mesoderm and
endoderm. e.g. Platyhelminthes to chordates.
Mesoglea Ectoderm

(a) (b)
Figure : Showing germinal layers : (a) Diploblastic (b) Triploblastic
 Body Cavity or Coelom
The space between the gut and the outer body wall is a body cavity. On the basis of develop-
ment, it is of following types:
* Acoelomates – The animals without coelom are called acoelomates. Body cavity is filled
with mesenchyme. e.g. Platyhelminthes (flatworms).
Coelom Pseudocoelom

(a) (b)


Figure : Diagrammatic sectional view of : (a) Coelomate (b) Pseudocoelomate (c)




class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

* Pseudocoelomates– The body cavity between the gut and body wall is not lined by mesoderm
(Peritoneum) e.g. Aschelminthes (Ascaris).
* In pseudocoelmates mesoderm is present as scattered pouches in between ectoderm and
* Eucoelomates – The body cavity is lined from all sides by mesodermal peritoneum.
 (a) Schizocoel – formed by the splitting of mesodermal bands. e.g. Annelids,
Arthropods, Molluscs.
 (b) Enterocoel – formed from the pouches of the archenteron or primitive gut e.g. Echino-
derms, Hemichordata and chordates.
Protostomes And Deuterostomes
 Protostomes – In protostomes mouth develops from blastopore. E.g. Aschelminthes,
Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca.
 Deuterostomes – The blastopore develops in to anus. Mouth is formed at the opposite end .
E.g. Echinoderms and Chordates.
 Notochord
* Notochord is a mesodermally derived rod-like structure formed on the dorsal side during
embryonic development in some animals. Animals with notochord are called chordates and
those animals which do not form this structure are called non-chordates.
based on common fundamental features
Levels of Body Cavity
Kingdom Symmetry Phylum
Organisation or Coelom
Cellular level Porifera
Animalia (Cnidaria)
(multicellular) Ctenophora
Tissue/Organ/ Without body cavity Platyhelminthes
Organ system (acoelomates)
With false coelom Aschelminthes
Bilateral (pseudocoelomates)
With true coelom Mollusca
(coelomates) Echinodermata

3. Complete gut first appeared in

1) Arthropoda
2) Annelida
3) Platyheminthes
1. Segmentation is present in 4) Aschelminthes
1) Annelida 2)Arthropoda 4. Circulatory system appeared first in
3) Chordata 4) All of the above which phylum?
2. Incomplete digestive system is found in 1) Arthropoda 2) Annelida
1) Arthropoda 2) Annelida 3) Platyhelminthes
3) Platyhelminthes 4) Aschelminthes 4) Aschelminthes



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

5. Open circulatory system occurs in 14. Larval forms of echinoderms show the
1) Earthworm 2) Snail following symmetry
3) Cockroach 4) Both 2 & 3 1) Bilateral 2) Radial
6. Which of the following is acoelomate? 3) Biradial 4) Pentamerous radial
1) Echinodermata 2) Chordata 15. The basic fundammental feature that
3) Platyhelminthes 4) Both 2 & 3 have enabled us to broadly classify the
7. A body cavity lined by mesoderm is called animal kingdom is
1) Haemocoel 2) Pseudocoel 1) Level of organisation
3) Blastocoel 4) Coelom 2) Cell organization and symmetry
8. Which of the following phylum is devoid 3) Segmentation and notochord
of tissue? 4) All of the above
1) Porifera 2) Coelenterata 16. Segmentation of body is first observed in
3) Annelida 4) Arthropoda the
1) Platyhelminthes 2) Aschelminthes
9. Mesoderm is present as scattered
pouches in between ectoderm and 3) Annelida 4) Arthropoda
endoderm in 17. Find out the correct match
1) Annelids - Eucoelomates 1) Notochord - Mesodermal in origin
2) Arthropods - schizocoelomates 2) Coelom - Present in all Tripoloblastic
3) Molluscs- Haemocoelomates animals
3) Symmetry - Found in all animals
4) Aschelminthes - Pseudocoelomates
4) Mesoglea - Present in Triploblastic
10. Radial symmetry is shown by
1) Coelentrata 2) Ctenophora 18. Radial symmetry is usually exhibited in
3) Echinodermata animals which:
4) All of the above 1) Have one opening of alimentary canal
11. Triploblastic organisation and bilateral 2) Live in water
symmetry starts from which phylum 3) Have ciliary mode of feeding
during evolution
4) Are attached to the substratum
1) Porifera 2) Coelenterata 19. Metameric segmentation is the
3) Aschelminthes 4) Platyhelminthes characteristic of
12. Closed blood vascular system is found in 1) Mollusca and Chordata
1) Annelids 2) Arthropods 2) Platyhelminthes and Arthropoda
3) Roundworms 4) Flatworms 3) Echinodermata and Annelida
13. True segmentation or metamerism 4) Annelida and Arthropoda
means 20. In Dipoblastic animal,
1) The cells are arranged in two embryonic
1) Body is externally and internally
divided into segmens
2) The cells are arranged in three
2) Each segment of body have serial
embryonic layers
repetition of at least some organs
3) The cells are arranged in an external
3) Both 1 & 2 ectoderm and internal mesoderm
4) There is no repetition of any organ in 4) The cells are arranged in an external
successive segments mesoderm and internal endoderm



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

21. Acoelomates are 25. Open type of circulation occurs in

1) Arthropoda 2) Chordata
1) Diploblastic and assymetrical
3) Vertebrata 4) Annelida
2) Triploblastic and bilaterally symmetrical
26. Sponges are mostly
3) Triploblastic and radially symmertrical 1) Asymmetrical
4) Triploblastic and biradially symmertrical 2) Bilateral symmetry
22. Which of the following animals have 3) Radial symmetry
scattered cells with cellular grade of 4) Universal symmetry
1) Hydra 2) Sponge
3) Gastrozooid 4) Gonozooid
23. the most complex grade of organisation
1.(4) 2. (3) 3. (4) 4. (2) 5. (4)
is found in
6. (3) 7. (4) 8. (1) 9. (4) 10.(4)
1)helminthes 2)coelenterata 11.(4) 12.(1) 13.(3) 14.(1) 15.(4)
3)porifera 4) all of these 16.(3) 17.(1) 18.(4) 19.(4) 20.(1)
24. Tissue level body organisation occurs in 21.(2) 22.(2) 23.(1) 24.(3) 25.(1)
1) Protozoa 2) Porifera 26.(1)
3) Coelenterata 4) Helminthes


(Gk.Porus-Pore;ferre-To bear)
General Characters
* Porifera includes lowest of multicellular animals commonly called sponges.
* These are primitive multicellular with cellular level of organization.
* All sponges are aquatic mostly marine, few are freshwater e.g., Family spongillidae (Spongilla)
of class-Demospongiae.
 Sponges are mostly asymmetrical animals.
 Adult sponges are sessile or sedentary and are found attached to rocks. Larvae of sponges are
 Sponges have a water transport system or canal system.
* Water enters through minute pores (ostia) in the body wall into a central cavity (Spongocoel),
from where it goes out through the osculum.
 Canal system helps in gathering of food, respiratory exchange and removal of waste.
Choanocytes or collar cells line the spongocoel and canals.
 Body wall consists of two layers i.e. outer pinacoderm (epidermis) and inner choanoderm
(gastrodermis) cells of these two layers can be interchanged.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

Oscular spicules

Osculum Pinacocytes
Mesohyl layer
Triradiate spicule
Monaxon spicules


Spongin ? bres

Longitudinal section of a simple sponge

 Between these two layers is present a non cellular, non living gelatinous layer called mesen-
chyme or mesohyal layer. It is secreted by both pinacoderm and choanoderm. It contains
fibres, spicules and wandering cells called amoebocytes.
 Archaeocytes are the totipotent cells.
 Pinacoderm has two types of cells, pinacocytes and porocytes.
 Choanoderm has choanocytes. These are collared flagellated cells. These are used in feeding
and for ensuring the flow of water within animal’s body by beating of their flagella.
* The body is supported by skeleton made up of spicules or spongin fibres.
 Scleroblasts : Skeleton (spicule) forming cells.
 Gas exchange and excretion occurs through general body surface. Excretory waste product is
mainly ammonia (sponges are ammonotelic)
 Nutrition is holozoic. Digestion is intracellular.
 Nervous system absent. Pinacocytes respond to external stimuli.
* All sponges are hermaphrodites but cross fertilization takes places. Fertilization is internal.
* Ova and sperms are produced by same individual.
 Gamets are produced by archeocytes. Choanocytes can produce sperms.
 Asexual reproduction by budding (external as well as internal).
* Development is indirect with larval stages such as amphiblastula, paranchymula, Trichimella etc.,
* Larval stages are morphologically distinct from adult.
* Examples : Sycon (Scypha), Spongilla (Fresh water sponge) and Euspongia (Bath sponge).

(a) (b)
Example of Porifera: (a) Sycon, (b) Euspongia, (c) Spongilla



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

36. In sponges the spicules are formed by

(1) Choanocytes (2) Chromocytes
(3) Scleroblasts (4) Porocytes
37. The food in sponges is ingested by
27. The common bath sponge belongs to the (1) Amoebocytes (2) Choanocytes
genus (3) Pinacocytes (4) Porocytes
(1) Sycon (2) Leucosolenia 38. Flagellated calls of sponge are
(3) Euspongia (4) Spongilla
(1) choanacytes (2) pinacocytes
28. Middle layer of body wall in sponges is (3) porocytes (4)collenocytes
39. A central cavity common in all types of
(1) Mesoderm (2) Mesogloea canal systems of sponges is called
(3) Mesenchyme (4) Mesentery
(1) Incurrent canal (2) Radial canal
29. Eggs and sperms in sponges are
(3) Excurrent canal
(1) Stored in gemmules (4) Paragastric cavity
(2) Produced by the same individual
40. The sponges have no respiratory organs
(3) Produced by male and female sponges because they
(4) Not produced as they lack sexual (1) Are sedentary
reproductive abilities (2) Do not need respiratory organs
30. Which cells are found only in sponges ? (3) Respire anaerobically
(1) Amoeboid cells (2) Choanocytes (4) Have highly porous body
(3) Germ cells (4) Nephrocytes 41. Power of regeneration in sponges is due to
31. Mark the correct statement (1) Amoebocytes (2) Archaeocytes
(3) Scleroblasts (4) Thesocytes
(1) The body of sponges consists of
42. Larva of sponge is known as
epithelial tissue only
(1) Amphiblastula larva
(2) All the four types of tissues are seen (2) Glochidium larva
in the body of the sponges (3) Planula larva
(3) Only epithelial and connective tissues (4) Trochophore larva
are present 43. If a carmine particle is put on the osculum
(4) Structurally organised tissues are of a living sponge, it will
absent in the body of sponges (1) Be ingested
32. The outer dermal layer of sponges is (2) Be thrown away
composed of (3) Rotate (4) Adhere
(1) Choanocytes (2) Amoebocytes 44. Which of the following cells maintain the
(3) Pinacocytes (4) Chromocytes current of water in the sponges ?
33. Which one of the sponges, corresponds to (1) Choanocytes (2) Myocytes
the mouth of other animals ? (3) Pinacocytes (4) Porocytes
(1) Osculum (2) Incurrent canal 45. Nervous system in sponges is
(3) Ostia (4) Excurrent canal (1) Primitive
34. Which one of the following is a fresh water (2) Well developed
sponge? (3) Without a definite brain and nerves
(1) Sycon (2) Spongilla (4) Absent
(3) Euspongia (4) Euplectella 46. The most primitive multicellular animals
35. In sponges, the food is stored in
1) Sponges 2) Coelenterates
(1) Trophocytes (2) Desmocytes
3) Ctenophores 4) Flatworms
(3) Archaeocyte (4) Thesocytes

class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

47. In sponges,spongocoel is lined by 58. The cells of porifera which help in sexual
1) Choanocytes 2) Amoebocyctes reproduction are called
3) Pinacocytes 4) Archaeocytes 1) myocytes 2) porocytes
48. In sponges,canal system helpful in 3) archeocytes 4) chromocytes
1) Food gathering 59. The gametes in sponges develop from
2) Respiratory exchange 1) amoebocytes 2) archeocytes
3) Removal of wastes 3) choanocytes 4) both 2 & 3
4) All of the abbove 60. One of the following is correct
49. Most important character of all sponges: 1) all sponges are motile
(1) Coelenteron (2) Herbivorous nutrition 2) few are motile and rest are sessile
(3) Choanocytes 3) few are sessile and rest are motile
(4) Only sexual reproduction 4) all sponges are sessile
50. Which of the following cells in sponges
61. Fertilization in Leucosolenia is
catch food?
(1) Pinacocytes (2) Choanocytes 1) Cross & internal 2) Self & External
(3) Thesocytes (4) Archaeocytes 3) Self & internal 4) Cross & External
51. Canal system is characteristic of: 62. Which of the following is incorrect
(1) Hydra (2) Sea anemone match
(3) Sponges (4) Sea urchin 1) Pheronema-bowl sponge
52. In sponges there is: 2) Hyalonema-glass rope sponge
(1) Radial symmetry in all 3) Euspongia –mermaids gloves
(2) A true coelom 4) Cliona-boring sponge
(3) A single exit and a number of mouthlets 63. Distinctive features of sponges
(4) A single mouthlet and a number of exists (1) Porous body (2) Canal system
53. Muscles in sponges are: (3) Spongocoel (4) All the above
(1) Striated (2) Smooth 64. Porocytes are
(3) Both striated and smooth (4) absent (1) Modified choanocytes
54. Digestion in sponges is (2) Modified collenocytes
(3) Modified pinacocytes (4) None of these
(1) Intracellular (2) intercellurlar
65. Identify the bath sponge in diagram
(3) extracellular (4) all the above mention below
55. Asexual reproduction of most poriferans is
1) fragmentation/budding 2) regeneratoin
3) gemmule formation 4) sporulation
56. Spicules and amoebocytes in a sponge
occur in its
1)pinacoderm 2) choanoderm
3)mesenchyme 4) spongocoel
57. Collared flagellated cells of sponges are
known as
1) pinacocytes 2) choanocytes
3) scleroblasts 4) myocytes (1) a (2) b (3) c (4) both (b) & c)



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

66. Principal cell types present in the body

wall of sponges are
(1) Pinacocytes, porocytes, choanocytes,
(2) Pinacocytes, choanocytes, 27. (3) 28. (3) 29.(2) 30.(2) 31. (4)
amoebocytes, nephrocytes 32. (3) 33. (3) 34. (2) 35.(4) 36. (3)
(3) Choanocytes, nerve cells, 37. (2) 38. (1) 39. (4) 40.(4) 41. (2)
amoebocytes, nephrocytes
(4) Choanocytes, porocytes, 42. (1) 43. (2) 44. (1) 45.(4) 46. (1)
nephrocytes, Amoebocytes 47. (1) 48. (4) 49. (3) 50.(2) 51. (3)
67. Mark the correct matching set : 52. (3) 53. (4) 54. (1) 55.(1) 56. (3)
(1) Parenchymula – larva of sponges 57. (2) 58. (3) 59. (4) 60.(4) 61. (1)
(2) Amphiblastula – larva of coelenterates 62. (3) 63. (4) 64. (3) 65.(2) 66. (1)
(3) Sycon – crumb of bread sponge 67. (1)
(4) Halichondria – urn sponge

(G.k knide-nettle or string cells)
General Characters
* Most of the coelenterates are marine but a few of them are fresh water. (Eg. Hydra)
* They are sessile or free swimming, radially symmetrical animals.
* Coelenterates are diploblastic, with two germ layers ectoderm and endoderm.
* The coelenterates possess tissue level of organization.
 They may be colonial (e.g., Physalia), solitary (e.g., Hydra), Sessile or free swimming.
 The animals have blind sac body plan. There is a single opening on hypostome which serves
both as mouth and anus. This aperture leads into a cavity called gastrovascular cavity or
 Body wall is two layered, i.e., outer epidermis (ectoderm) and inner gastrodermis (endo-
derm). In between these two layers is present a non-cellular, nonliving gelatinous matrix or
layer called mesoglea. Branches of nerve cells may traverse mesogloea.
* The name cnidaria is derived from the cnidoblasts or cnidocytes (which contain the stinging
capsules or nematocytes) present on the tentacles and the body.
* Cnidoblasts are used for anchorage, defense and for the capture of prey.

thread tube
cnidocil shaft cnidocil operculum
stylet capsule
thread roos
tube supporting
cell ? brls
membrane cyto? asm nucleus
A lasso B

Nematocyst (Cnidoblast)

class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

 Gastrodermis has five types of cells — nutritive muscular cells, nerve cells, interstitial cells,
secretory endothelio-glandular cells (mucus, digestive enzymes, lodge symbiotic algae), sensory
* Digestion is both intracellular and extracellular. Extracellular digestion occurs in gastrovascular
cavity. Intracellular digestion occurs in nutritive muscular cells.
 Animals are ammonotelic.
 Nerve cells are apolar (nonpolar). They form network or plexus. However, polarity in impulse
transmission is absent.
 Sense organs (e.g., statocyst, tentaculocyst) occur in free swimming forms.
* Two basic body forms are found in cnidarians which differ in the structure and function from
one another. These are called polyp and medusa.
* Polyp is sessile and cylendrical e.g- Hydra, Adamsia.
* Medusa is umbrella shaped and free living e.g - Aurelia or Jelly fish

(a) (b)
(a) Aurelia (Medusa form), (b) Adamsia (Polyp)
* In the life cycle of coelenterates usually asexual and sexual generations alternate regularly
with each other. Both are diploid. This phenomenon is called alternation of generations or
 Polyps produce medusa asexually and medusa from the polyps sexually (Eg. Obelia)
 Coelenterates usually are found in more than one form and exhibit the phenomenon of poly-
morphism (i.e., in an individual more than one type of zooids are present).
* Some of the cnidarians, e.g., corals have a skeleton composed of calcium carbonate.
* Some of the examples of Cnidaria : Physalia (Portuguese man-of-war), Adamsia (Sea
anemone), Pennatula (Sea-pen), Gorgonia (Sea-fan) and Meandrina (Brain coral).
i) Body, called polyp is elongated and cylindrical
ii) Long, slender and contractile tentacles (6-10) are present that encircle hypostome with an
opening at the tip. This end is called oral end.
iii) The opposite (aboral) end of the body is flat, which helps the animal to attach itself to the
substratum. This is called basal disc.
iv) Bud-like structures branch out from the polyp, which ultimately separate as young hydra
(vegetative propagation).
v) Sometimes, gonds may be seen as small on the body.
Systematic positionPhylum - Cnidaria
Class - Hydrozoa



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72. For life cycle of Obelia,most

appropriate term used is
1) Metamerism
2) Metagenesis
68. Recognise the figure and out the correct 3) Alternation of generation
matching. 4) Both 2 and 3
a 73. Corals are the member of
1) Platyhelminthes 2) Porifera
3) Coelentrata 4) Chordata
74. Hydra is
Polyp [Metagenesis] Medusa (1) Marine, radially symmetrical and
(2) Fresh water, biradially symmetrical
and triploblastic
(3) Fresh water, radially symmetrical
1) a-sexually,b-asexually and diploblastic
2) a-asexually,b-sexually (4) Marine, radially symmetrical and
3) a-asexually,b-parthenogenetically triploblastic
4) a-sexually,b-parthenogenetically 75. Main cavity in the body of Hydra is
69. In diploblastic animals mouth lies on called
1) Cytopharynx 2) Pharynx (1) Gastrovascular cavity
3) Hypostome 3) Hypopharynx (2) Schizocoel
70. In which of the following polyp phase (3) Haemocoel
does not found? (4) Pseudocoelom
1) Hydra 2) Obelia 76. I n coelenter ates O 2 is carried to
3) Physalia 4) Aurelia various tissues by
71. Cnidarians with skeleton made up of (1) Blood pigment
calcium carbonate are (2) Plasma
1) Corals 2) Jelly fishes (3) Diffusion through body wall
3) Sea anemones 4) Sea walnuts (4) Tracheal tubes



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

77. Which of the following animals has a 87. Which one of the following is
nervous system but no brain ? Coelenterate
(1) Earthworm (2) Hydra 1) sea cow 2) seacucumber
(3) Amoeba (4) Cockroach 3) sea fan 4) sea horse
78. The mode of digestion of food in Hydra is 88. The function of Nematoblast in
(1) Only extracellular coelenterate is
(2) Only intracellular (3) Autotrophic 1) locomotion
2) offence & defence, capture of the prey
(4) Partly extracellular and partly
3) reproduction 4) nutrition
89. A radially symmetrical diploblastic
79. Which of the following does not occur
animal is
in Hydra?
1) Round worm 2)Earthworm
(1) Fertilization (2) Segmentation 3) Liver fluke 4) Hydra
(3) Regeneration 90. Example of coelenterata indicating
(4) Gastrovascular cavity outline of their body form:
80. Coelenteron of Hydra serves the double
purpose of
(1) Digestion and circulation
(2) Digestion and storage
(3) Excretion and locomotion
(4) Circulation and storage
81. Division of labour at the level of
individual is exhibited by
(1) Amoeba (2) Hydra
(3) Obelia (4) Both (2) and (3)
82. One of the special characters of (a) (b)
Coelenterate only, is the occurrence of
(1) (a) Medusa (b) Polyp
(1) Polymorphism (2) Nematocysts
(2) (a) Sea anemone (b) Jelly fish
(3) Hermaphroditism (4) Flame cells
(3) (a) Adamsia (b) Aurelic
83. Which of the following is not a
coelenterate? (4) (a) Polyps (b) Medusa
(1) sea fan (2) Sea pen 91. Budding as normal mode of reproduction
occurs in
(3) Sea anemone (4) Sea gooseberry
(1) Star fish & Hydra
84. Hydra is a coelenterate because it has
(2) Sponge & starfish
1) tentacles 2) mesogloea
(3) Tapeworm & Hydra
3) coelenteron and cnidoblasts
4) hypostome (4) Hydra & sponge
85. “Portuguese man of war” is 92. What is common between Hydra and
1)soldier of world war 1
(1) Both show polymorphism
2) Portuguese soldier
3) A sponge (2) Both posses a larval stage in their life
4) A polymorphic, colonial, coelenterate history
86. Which one of the following diploblastic (3) Both are found in fresh water
1) Pennatula 2) Paramoecium (4) Both have a jelly like mesoglea without
3) Polystomella 4) Entamoeba any cells



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

93. Mark the polymorphic cnidarian 96. The statocysts of medusa are
considered to be organs of
(1) Hydra (2) Physalia
(1) Equilibrium
(3) Metridium (4) Gorgonia (2) Muscular coordination
94. Find out of the mis-match (3) Both (1) and (2) (4) Respiration
1) Aurelia - Medusa, free swimming
2) Adamsia - polyp, sessile
3) Hydra - polyp, cylindrical
4) Obelia - both polyp and medusa and
free swimming 68. (1) 69. (3) 70.(4) 71. (1) 72. (4)
95. Brain coral is 73.(3) 74. (3) 75.(1) 76. (3) 77. (2)
78. (4) 79. (2) 80.(1) 81. (3) 82. (2)
(1) Corallium (2) Madrepora
83. (4) 84. (3) 85.(4) 86. (1) 87. (3)
(3) Meandrina (4) Fungia 88. (2) 89. (4) 90.(1) 91. (4) 92. (4)
93. (2) 94. (4) 95.(3) 96. (3)


General Characters
* It is a small poorly known group of marine animals called comb jellies (= sea walnuts).

* Ctenophores are exclusively marine pelagic solitary forms exhibit biolumeniscence

* The body bears eight external rows of ciliated comb plates, which hlep in locomotion.
 Presence of two lateral tentacles in many forms. Tentacles are solid. Adhesive cells called
colloblasts or lasso cells, usually occur over the tentacles.
* Level of organisation, is tissue level.
* Diploblastic animals, exhibit radial symmetry.
 There is an outer epidermis and an inner gastrodermis with a thick mesogloea or collenchyma
in between. Mesogloea contains amoebocytes, elastic fibres and muscles cells. It is, there-
fore, often considered to be third layer.
 Digestive tract is nearly complete with a mouth, stomodaeum, stomach, system of gastrovas-
cular canals and two aboral anal pores.
* Digestion both extra as well as intracellular.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

 An aboral sense organ called statocyst is 105. Nervous system of ctenophores is

present similar to
* Sexes are not separate. (1) Cnidaria (2) Platyhelminthes
* They exhibit only sexual reporoduction, (3) Parazoa (4) Sponges
fertilization is external, development is 106. During development of ctenophores
indirect with Cydippid Larva. there is a ciliated spherical larva which
Example. Hormiphora (Comb, jelly, Sea is called
Walnut), Ctenoplana, Beroe (Nuda), (1) cysticercus (2) miracidium
(3) cydippid larva (4) glochidium
107.Comb plates are found in
(1) Adamsia (2) Aurelia
Tenticulata Nuda (3) Hydra (4) Pleurobrachia
Presence of Tentacles Absence of Tentacles
e.g. Hormiphora e.g. Beroe 108. Diploblastic,radially symmetrical,marine
animal showing bioluminescent property is
1) Comb jelly 2) Jelly fish
3) Sea walnut 4) Both 1 & 3
109. Radial symmetry and lack of cnidoblasts
are the characteristics of
97. Comb plates are found in (1) Hydra (2) Starfish
1) Pleurobrachia (3) Ctenoplana (4) Aurelia
2) Obelia(Sea-fur) 110. Ctenophores are
3) Physalia 4) All of the above (1) Hermaphrodite (2) Diocious
98. Bioluminescent property is well marked in (3) Heterocious (4) All of these
1) Coelentrates 2) Ctenophores 111. In comb jellies, Structures that help in
3) Platyhelminthes locomotion are
4) Branchilostoma (1) Eight external rows of ciliated
99. In sea-walnuts and comb-jellies the complates
fertilization is (2) Four pairs of tentacles
1) External 2) Internal (3) A pair of tentacles with cnidoblasts
3) Both 4) None (4) Completely absent
100. All ctenophores live in 112. Characters shared by both Jelly fishes
and comb jellies are
(1) Fresh water (2) marine water
(1) Diplablastic nature, radial symmetry
(3) estuarine water (4) both (1) & (3) and Tissue level organization
101. Biradial symmetry is found in (2) Exclusive marine, cnidoblasts and
(1) Sea lily (2) Sea star combplates
(3) Sea walnut (4) Sea fur (3) Bioluminesence, indirect development
102. In ctenophores, anal pore/pores is/are and tentacles
(1) One (2) Two (4) Sexeul reproduction, cnidoblasts and
indirect development
(3) Three (4) Four
113. Which type of body organisation occurs
103. Which system is absent in ctenophores? in ctenophores?
(1) Skeletal (2) Circulatory (1) Cellular level (2) Tissue level
(3) Respiratory and excretory (3) Organ level (4) Organ-system level
(4) All of these 114. Ctenophores are characterized by
104. Digestion in ctenophores is presence of
(1) Extracellular (2) Intracellular (1) Comb plate (2) Colloblast
(3) Both (1) & (2) (4) None of these (3) Bioluminescence (4) All of these



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

115. Ctenophores exhibit 120. Ctenophores are

(1) Diploblastic animals that show only
1) radial symmetry 2) asymmetry sexeul reproduction
3) pentaradial symmetry (2) Exclusively fresh water
4) bilateral symmetry (3) Both marine and fresh water
(4) Reproduce asexually by budding
116. The characteristic featre of ctenophore is 121.Pleurobrachia is
1) presence of eight comb plates for (1) Radially symmetrical
locomotion (2) Bilateral symmetrical
2) absence of nematocysts (3) Asymmetrical
(4) Universal symmetrical
3) presence of colloblasts or lasso cells on 122.Which of the following exhibits
the tentacles for capturing food biolumenisene
4) all of the above (1) Planaria (2) Ctenoplana
117. Which of the following is an example of (3) Planula (4) Obelia
ctenophora 123. Reproduction in ctenophores takes place by
(1) only asexual (2) only budding
1) Beroe & Cestum 2) Ctenoplana (3) only fragmentation (4) only sexual
3) Pleurobrachia 4) all of the above
118. Lasso cells are present in
1) coelenterata 2) ctenophora
3) porifera 4) protozoa 97. (1) 98. (2) 99. (1) 100.(2)
101.(3) 102.(2) 103.(4) 104. (3)
119. Ctenophpres commonly known as 105.(1) 106.(3) 107.(4) 108.(4)
(1) Sea Walnuts (2) Comb jellies 109.(3) 110.(1) 111.(1) 112.(1)
113.(2) 114.(4) 115.(1) 116.(4)
(3) Sea potato (4) Both (1) & (2) 117.(4) 118.(2) 119.(4) 120.(1)
121.(1) 122.(2) 123.(4)


(Gk.platys-flat; helmin-worm)
General Characters
* They have dorso-ventrally flattened body, hence are called flatworms.
* These are mostly endoparasites found in animals including human beings.
* Bilaterally symmetrical animals with organ level of organisation.
 False segmentation is seen cestodes
 Body is covered with ciliated epidermis in free living forms while in parasitic trematodes and
cestodes the body is covered with cuticle.
* Hooks and suckers may be present in parasites which act as adhesive organs
 They are acelomates, space between the body wall, alimentary canal & other organs is filled
with a peculiar connective tissue, called the parenchyma. It helps in transportation of food
 Digestive system is totally absent in tapeworms but in other flatworms (Trematoda &
Turbellaria) it consists of mouth, pharynx & blind intestine (anus absent).
* Some of them (Cestodes) absorb nutrients from the host directly through their body surface.
* Excretory system consists of specialised cells called flame cells.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

Nucleus Cilia


Flame Cell Tube Cell

* Flame cells help in osmoregulation and excretion.

 Nervous system is primitive consists of a pair of cerebral ganglia or brain and one to three pairs
of longitudinal nerve cords connected to each other by transverse commissures. This type of
nervous system is called ladder type of nervous system.
 Sense organs are of common occurrence in Turbellaria but these are greatly reduced in para-
sitic forms.
* Sexes are united, i.e., hermaphrodite with very few exceptions.(Schistoma)
 Asexual reproduction by fission occurs in many fresh water Turbellarians.
* Some members like Planarian possesses high regeneration capacity.
* Fertilization is internal. Development indirect. Trematodes exhibit polyembryony and partheno-
* Examples : Planaria(Dugesia), Taenia solium (Tapeworm), Taenia saginata(Beef
tapeworm),Schistosoma ( Blood fluke)Fasciola (Liver fluke), Echinococcus(Dog tape-

(a) (b)

Example of Platyhelminthes: (a) Tape worm (b) Liver fluke

Fasciola (liver fluke)
i) A leaf-like dorso-ventrally flattened body, about 20-30 mm in length, and 4 to 12 mm in width
in the middle.
ii) Anterior part of the body is broader with a conical end.
iii) Mouth is present at the tip of the cone, and is surrounded by a muscular oral sucker.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

iv) On the ventral surface of the body there is a muscular ventral sucker situated 3-5 mm behind
(posterior) the oral sucker, and it is called acetabulim.
v) Slight anterior to acetabulum on the ventral surface, there is an opening called genital aperture
or gonopore
vi) At the tip of the posterior end, an opening called excretory pore is present.
vii) Liver fluke is bisexual
Systematic position
Phylum - Platyhelminthes
Class - Trematoda
Oral sucker


Excretory pore

128.Excretory organs of Planaria is

1) Flame cells 2) Nephridia
3) Renette cell 4) Metanephridia
124. Fasciola hepatica is 129.Animals having dorso-ventrally flattened
(1) Free living fluke (2) Endoparasite body are
(3) Ectoparasite 1) Coelentrates 2) Ctenophones
(4) Ecto as well as Endoparasite 3) Platyhelminthes 4) Ascheminthes
125. Schistosoma is known as
130. Excretion in Taenia is done by:
(1) Blood fluke
(2) Chinese liver fluke (1) Nephridia (2) Flame cells
(3) Dog tapeworm (4) Lung fluke (3) Green glands
126. Flatworms are devoid of (4) Malpighian bodies
(1) Circulatory system
(2) Respiratory system 131. Bilaterally symmerical but acoelomate
(3) Skeletal system animal is:
(4) All of the above (1) Liver fluke (2) Jellyfish
127. Parasitic flatworms only have (3) Round worm (4) Crab
(1) Hooks and suckers (2) Flame cells 132.Flat worms are at
(3) Direct development 1) organs grade 2)tissue grade
(4) Well developed digestive system 3) cellular grade 4) none



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

133. Dog tape worm 140. Self fertilization is found in

1) Taenia solium 1) Planaria 2) Taenia
2) Moniezia 3) 1 & 2 both 4) Fasciola
141. Planaria also known as
3) Taenia saginata
1) Dugesia 2) blood fluke
4) Echinococcus 3)dog tape worm 4) liver fluke
134. Protonephredia of fresh water 142. One of the following is not correct
platyhelminthes help in 1) Taenia-liver rot
2) Fasciola-liver fluke
1) excretion& osmoregulation 3) Schistosoma-blood fluke
2) nutrition & excretion 4) Planaria-free living
3) reproduction& respiration 143.Life cycle is digenetic in
1) Taenia solium
4) secretion& nutrition
2) Fasciola hepatica
135. Beef tapeworm 3) Taenia saginata 4) all the above
1) Echinococcus 144.The sporocyst larval stage is seen in
the life cycle of
2) Taenia solium 1) Plasmodium 2) liver fluke
3) Taenia saginata 3) Ascaris 4) Tape worm
145.Flat worms show
4) Schistosoma
(1) Internal fertilization, Indirect
136. Which of the following is correctly development
matched (2) Extranal fertilization, direct
1) Aurelia-sun jelly development
2) Cyanea-jelly-fish (3) regeneration and direct development
3) Taenia solium-pork tape worm (4) All the above
146.Flat worms that absorb nutrients from
4) Taenia saginata-pork tape worm the host directly through their body
137. Fasciola hepatica causes surface are
1)liver rot in sheep (1) Tape worms (2) Flukes
(3) Both 1 and 2 (4) Planarians
2) bleeding in intestine
3)anaemia in man
4) none of the above
138.Gut is absent in
1) Planaria 2) Taenia 124.(2) 125. (1) 126. (4) 127. (1)
3) Echinococcus 4) Dugesia 128. (1) 129.(3) 130. (2) 131. (1)
139. Taenia solium has 132. (1) 133.(4) 134. (1) 135. (3)
1) mouth and anus both 136. (3) 137. (1) 138.(2) 139. (4)
2) only mouth present but no anus 140. (2) 141. (1) 142. (1) 143.(4)
3) only anus present but no mouth 144. (2) 145. (1) 146. (1)
4) no mouth and anus



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1


* The body of the aschelminthes is circular in cross-section, hence, the name roundworms.
* They may be freeliving, aquatic and terrestrial or parasitic in plants and animals.
* Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, unsegmented, pseudocoelomates.
* Organ-system level of organization.
 The body wall consists of firm, non - living, resistant cuticle, epidermis and muscle layer. The
epidermis is syncytial, but lacks cilia. The musculature contains longitudinal fibres only.
 High fluid pressure in the pseudocoelom maintains body shape. It is called hydroskeleton.
* Alimentary canal is complete with a well-developed muscular pharynx.
 Respiration occurs by diffusion through the body surface.
* Excretory system consists of gland cells or canals or both.
 Nervous system consists of circumpharyngeal nerve ring & six longitudinal nerve cords.
 Sensory structures include amphids (chemoreceptors) and phasmids (glandulo-sensory)
* An excretory tube removes body wastes from the body cavity through the excretory pore.
* Sexes are separate( dioecious).
* They exhibit sexual dimorphism; males being smaller than females. Fertilization is internal.
Development may be direct (the young ones resemble the adult) or indirect.
* Examples : Ascaris (Round Worm), Wuchereria (Filaria worm, viviparous), Ancylostoma
(Hookworm), Trichuris (Whip worm), Rhabditis(freeliving form)
Ascaris (Round worm)
by lips mouth


lateral gonopore

penial setae anus

or spicules

cloacal aperture
Ascaris lumbricoides : Adult worms
in lateral view. A. Male, B. Female

class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

The external features of round worm areas follows

i) Body long (20 to 40 cm), cylindrical (5 to 6mm diameter) with no segmentation
ii) Sexes are separate; the females are longer than the males
iii) Both the ends are pointed; posterior end of male is ventrally curved.
iv) Moth is situated at the anterior end, and is surrounded by three lips, one present mid-dorsally
and rest two lips are situated ventrolaterally (for viewing these lips a maganifying lens is
v) Single longitudinal lines are present on the dorsal, ventral and on the two lateral sides, all along
the length of the body. Out of these, the lateral lines are comparatively more distinct than the
other lines
vi) Excretory pore is present on the ventral surface slightly behind anterior end.
vii) In addition to the ventrally curved posterior tip, the male worm has a pair of penial spicules
very close to the cloacal opening.
viii) In case of female genital aperature is present mid ventrally at about one-third distance from
the anterior end. Systematic Position
Phylum - Aschelminthes
Class - Nematoda

151. Which worm is viviparous ?

(1) Hookworm (2) Pinworm
(3) Filarial worm (4) Roundworm
147. Male Ascaris can be distinguished by 152.Identify the male roundworm in
(1) Presence of suckers diagram mention below:

(2) Elongated body

1) 2)
(3) Tapering tail with spicules
(4) Curved tail with pineal spicules
148. The amphids are cuticular elevations on
the ventrolateral lips of Ascaris. These
(1) Chemoreceptors
(2) Gustatoreceptors
(3) Olfactoreceptors 3) 4)
(4) Tactoreceptors
149.The scientific name of pin worm or seat
worm is
(1) Trichinella (2) Ancylostoma
(3) Enterobius (4) Wuchereria
150.Syncytial epidermis is found is
(1) Sponges (2) Hydra
(3) Ascaris (4) Pheretima



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

153. Filariasis is caused by 159. Free living nematode is

1) Ascaris lumbricoides 1) Microfilariae 2) Rhabditis
3) Rhabditiform 4) Dracunculus
2) Plasmodium 3) Wuchereria
160. Muscular part of alimentary canal of
4) Diplococcus round worms is
154. Ascaris is 1) Buccal cavity 2) Pharynx
1) Radially symmeterical 3) Oesophagus 4) Stomach
2) bilaterally symmetrical 161.In round worms excretary wastes are
3) asummetrical 4) none removed from the body cavity by
155. Oneof the following is not hermaphrodite 1) Flame cells 2) Nephridia
1) earthworm 2) leech 3) Excretary tubes4) Kidneys
3) Taenia 4) Ascaris 162.Body cavity of Ascaris is called
156. One of the following is commonly known 1) Haemocoel 2) Schizocoel
as “whipwrom” 3) enetercocoel 4) Pseudocoel
1) Oyruis 2) Trichuris
3) Wuchereria 4) none
157.Which of the following is common round
147.(4) 148. (1) 149. (3) 150. (3)
1) Trichuris 2) Loa loa
3) Ancylostoma 4) Ascaris 151.(3) 152.(1) 153. (3) 154. (2)
158.Coelom derived from blastocoel is known as
1) enterocoelom 2) haemocoel 155. (4) 156.(2) 157. (4) 158. (3)
3) pseudocoelom 4) schizocoel 159. (2) 160. (2) 161.(3) 162. (4)


* The organisms are triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical, coelomates with organ-system level of
body organization
* They may be aquatic (marine or fresh water) or terrestrial.
* Their body surface is distincity marked out into segments or metameres and, hence, the
phylum name Annelida.
 Body wall with an epidermis of columnar epithelium, coated externally by moist cuticle
below the epidermis circular and longitudinal muscle fibres are present which help in
* Aquatic annelids like Nereis possess lateral appendages. parapodia, which help in swim-
* Chitinous setae, aiding in locomotion, may or may not be on fleshy parapodia; absent in
 A true coelom is present. Annelids are first animals to have a true schizocoelic coelom.
 The coelomic fluid acts as a hydrostatic skeleton.
 Digestive system is complete and digestion is extracellular.
 Respiration by moist skin (cutaneous respiration) or through gill like structures in
* Blood-vascular system is usually closed.

class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

 Respiratory pigments either haemoglobin or erythrocruorin dissolved in blood plasma. Free

amoeboid blood corpuscles are present, but there are no RBC’s.
* Nephridia helps in excretion and osmoregulation. Ammonia is chief excretory waste.
* The nervous system consists of a nerve ring and a solid, double, mid-ventral nerve cord with
paired ganglia
 Sensory organs include tactile organs, taste-buds, statocysts, photoreceptor cells and eyes .
* The sexes may be separate (e.g., Nereis) or united (e.g., earthworm, leech).
* Reproduction is sexual.
 Development is mostly direct (e.g., earthworm). There is indirect development in Nereis.
Larval form is trochophore.
* Examples : Nereis, Pheretima (Earthworm) and Hirudinaria (Blood sucking
leech),Aphrodite( sea mouse)

Examples of Annelida : (a) Nereis (b) Hirudinaria

Pheretima (Earthworm)


(a) (b)

Figure : Earthworm (a) Dorsal view (b) Ventral view



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

The external features of earthworm are as follows

i) Body narrow and elongated about 150 mm in length and 3 to 5 mm in diameter. The anterior
end of the body is pointed whereas the posterior end is slightly depressed or blut.
ii) Entire body is diviasible into more than 100 externally distrinct segments of almost equal size.
These segments are called metameres.
iii) Body surface of the living animals is slimy and moist due to the secretion of mucus from the
body wall,
iv) Dorsal and ventral surfaces of the body can be esily distinguished, as the dorsal surface is
darker than the ventral one. Besides this, a mid-dorsal dark line is also visible all along the
length of the body due to underlying dorsal blood vessel.
v) Mouth is situated ventrally in the first metamer called the peristomium.
vi) Anus is situated at the tip of the last metamere.
vii) In the adult earthworm, the skin or body wall around the segments 14th to 16th is com-
paratively thick, and it is called clitellum.
viii) Female and male genital apertures are present ventrally in the 14th and 18th segments
respectively. The female genital aperture is situated mid-ventrally, whereas the male genital
aperatures are ventro-lateral in position.
ix) A pair of genital papillae is also present ventrolaterally in the 17th and the 19th segment just
above adn below the male genital apertures
x) On the ventral surface, four pairs of opening of speramathecae are situated ventrolaterally
inthe grooves between 5/6, 6/7, 7/8 and 8/9 segments.
Systematic position
Phylum - Annelida
Class - Oligochaeta
Hirudinaria ( Leech)
Anterior sucker



Posterior sucker

The following external features can be easily observed in the specimen.

i) The body is elongated with convex dorsal surface, and flat ventral surface
ii) The dorsal surfce is dark green, and the ventral surface is yellowish brown
iii) Size varies from 6 to 10 cm in length. However, leeches may contract or eleongate their
body much beyond the limits mentioned.
iv) Body surface always remains moist due to secretion of mucus from the body wall.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

v) At the anterior end on the ventral surface a cup-shaped anterior sucker is present. Mouth is
present in the centre of the anterior sucker. A ventral sucker is also present at the posterior end
of the body.
vi) Anus is present on the dorsal side at the junction of the last metamere and the posterior sucker.
vii) Hundred or more very closely arranged grooves or annuli are present on the body surface.
There are 33 body segmens and posterior ones.
viii) Each of the five anterior metameres bears a pair of eyes on the dorsal margin. Each eye
looks like a dark spot.
ix) There are 17 pairs of ventro-laterally arranged nephridiopores in the metamers starting
from 6th to 22nd
x) The male and female genital apertures are present on the ventral side in the middle of the
10th and 11th metameres.
Systematic position
Phylum - Annelida
Class - Hirudinea

169. Animals of which phylum exhibit “tube

within tube” structure.
1)coelenterata 2) platyhelminthes
163. Sexs are united in
3)cestoda 4) annelida
(1) Leech (2) Earthworm
(3) Nereis (4) Both (1) & (2) 170. Aphrodite, commonly known as “sea
mouse” is an
164.Metamerism is characteristic of phylum:
1)annelid 2) mollusc
(1) Porifers
3) insect 4) mammals
(2) Platyhelminthes (3) Annelida
(4) Mollusca 171.Which animals do not possess larval
stage in its life cycle
165.Which of the following belongs to
phylum Annelida? 1) Ascaris 2) frog
3) Taenia 4) Pheretima
(1) Nereis (2) Octopus
(3) Crab (4) Ant 172. One of the following is not annelid
166.Which of the following assist in 1) Pheretima 2) Hirudinaria
locomotion? 3) Ureotyphlus 4) Aphrodite
(1) Cnidoblasts in Obelia 173.Parapodia are the locomotary structures in
(2) Posterior sucker in Hirudinaria 1) Scolopendra 2) Nereis
(3) Trichocysts in Paramecium 3) Centipede 4) Earth worm
(4) Clitellum in Pheretima 174.True coelom has evolved for the first
167.Annelids are time in
1)arthropoda 2) mollusca
1) Radially symmetrical
2) Externally segmented, internally 3) annelida 4) platyhelminthes
unsegmented 175.Which of the following is an annelid
3) Triploblastic 1)sea horse 2) sea mouse
4) pseudocoelomate 3) sea cow 4) sea pen
168.Body cavity in members of Annelida are 176.An example of class polychaeta is
1) schizocoel 1) Nereis
2) pseudocoel 2) Pheretima
3) enterocoel 3) Hirudinaria
4) body cavity absent 4) all of the above



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

177. Diocious annelid 184. Suckers of leech are located at

1) Nereis 2) Pheretima 1) anterior end 2) posterior end
3) Hirudinia 4) All of the above 3) 1 & 2 both 4) none
178. Excretion in most annelids take place by 185. Ciruclatory system is best represented by
1)kidneys 2) flame cells 1) earth worm 2) leech
3) Ascaris 4) both 1 & 2
3)nephridia 4) ciliated funnel 186.Which of the following is an example
179. In annelid formation of the larva is of fresh water Leech
usually absent but when present larva 1) Hirudinaria 2) Glossiphonia
is called
3) Haemadipsa 4) all the above
1)Tadpole 2) Planula 187.Cocoon in earthworm (annelid) is
3) Trochophore 4) Ephyra secreted by
180. Which of the following has not been (1) Clitellar glands
correctly classified (2) Prostrate glands
1) Oligochaeta-Pheretima (3) Cutaneous glands (4) Egg itself
2) Polychaeta-Chaetopterus 188.Metamerism is characteristic of
3) Hirudinea-Pontobdella phylum
4) Polychaeta-Leeches (1) Platylielminthes (2) Annelida
181.In annelids locomotion is aided by (3) Porifera (4) Ctenophora
1) logitudinal muscles of body wall
2) circular muscles of body wall
3) setae 4) all 163.(4) 164.(3) 165.(1) 166.(2)
182.Number of segments in leech
167.(3) 168.(1) 169.(4) 170.(1)
1) 20 2)30 3) 33 4) 40
183.Find out true statement for leeches 171.(4) 172.(3) 173.(2) 174.(3)
1) they are unsegmented animals 175.(2) 176.(1) 177.(1) 178.(3)
2) they are all endoparasite
179.(3) 180.(4) 181.(4) 182.(3)
3) In them coelom is reduced
4) they are found in sea water fresh water 183.(3) 184.(3) 185.(4) 186.(1)
only 187.(1) 188.(2)

* Largest phylum of animal kingdom. About two thirds of all named species on earth.
* Triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical, metamerically segmented animals with oragan system
level of organisation.
* Body covered with a thick chitinous cuticle forming an exoskeleton.
* Body segments usually bear paired lateral and jointed appendages.
* Body is divisible into head, thorax and abdomen; head and thorax often fused to form
cephalothorax in the case of crabs, prawns, Arachnids. etc.
 The true coelom is reduced in adults and is represented by the cavities of the reproductive
and excretory organs. The functional body cavity is a haemocoel.
 Muscles are mostly striated.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

 Digestive system is complete; mouth parts adapted for different modes of feeding. The alimen-
tary canal consists of stomodaeum (foregut), mesenteron (midgut) and proctodaeum (hindgut).
* The respiratory organs are gills or book gills in aquatic forms and trachea or book lungs in
terrestrial forms.
* Circulatory system is open type with a dorsal heart, arteries & blood sinuses.
* Excretory organs are green glands or malpighian tubules. In some forms, coxal glands are
excretory organs.
 Nervous system with a dorsal nerve ring and double ventral solid nerve cord and segmental
* Sensory organs comprise antennae, simple eyes, compound eyes, chemoreceptors and tactile
receptors. Some forms also have statocysts (balancing organs)
 Endocrine glands are present. Insects secrete pheromones which are used for communication
between two organisms of the same species.
* Thes are mostly dioecious.
* Sexual dimorphism is exhibited. Fertilization is internal; mostly oviparous, some are ovo-
viviparous; development direct or indirect.
Example :
* Economically important insect - Apis (Honey bee), Bombyx (Silk worm), Laccifer (Lac
insect), Lepsisma( silver fish), Daphnia( water flea)
* Vectors - Anopheles, Culex and Aedes (mosquitoes)
* Gregarious pest - Locusta (Locust)
* Living Fossil - Limulus (King crab)
* Connecting link (Peripatus)
antenna eye tubercles

oral papilla

trunk appendages or legs claws anus

Peripatus. External features in lateral view.

* Others - Butterfly, Scorpion, Prawn, Spider, Cyclops, Centripede, Millipede, Peripatus etc

(a) (b) (d)


Examples of Arthropoda: (a) Locust, (b) Butterfly, (c) Scorpion, (d) Prawn



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

Palaemon ( Prawn)
Rostrum Eye


i) Size of the animal is variable. Usually, it measures between 20 and 30 cm in length

ii) Usually orange-red in colour, however, the colour is variable.
iii) A bit laterally compressed body is elongated, bilateral and symmetrical.
iv) Body is apparently divided into anterior cephalothorax (fused head and thorax) and posterior abdomen.
v) The cephalothorax can be identified by a thick and hard shield - like cover, called the carapace.
Anteriorly the carapace is extended as a serrated andpointed rostrum.
vi) A pair of stalked compound eyes are present at the anterior end of cephalothorax
vii) Abdomen consists of six segments each with its own set of biramous appendage.
viii) At the end of the last abdominal segment, a terminally pointed strucuture, telson is present.
ix) There are 19 pairs of joined appedages, i.e one pair in each segment. In the cephalothoracic
region, there are 13 pairs of appendages are the prominent ones. The appendages of the five
anterior abdominal segments are called the pleopods or swimming legs. The appendages of
the last abdominal segments are broader and called uropod.
Systematic position
Phylum - Annelida
Class - Crustacea
Bombyx mori (Silkmoth)

i) Body colour is creamy white and meassures approximately 25 mm in length.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

ii) Heavy and stout body is divisible into head, thorax and abdomen.
iii) Head is comparativley small. Thorax is provided with three pairs of jointed legs and two pairs
of wings. Abdominal segements are continuous with thoracic segments.
iv) The entire body as well as wings are covered with microscopic scales.
v) A pair of compound eyes and an antenna are present on the head.
vi) In sitting posture, the wings remain outstretched (like the wings of an aeroplane.)
vii) They are nocturnal.
Systematic position
Phylum - Arthopoda
Class - Insecta
Apis indica ( Honeybee)


(b) (c)
(a) Worker (b) Drone (c) Queen
Honeybee is a social insect, and three distinct morphological forms (members) can be iden-
tified in a colony of bess. These are queen, workers, and drones. All the three morphological
forms of bees have the featrues of an insect.
Following common features are present in all the members of the colony
i) Body is divided into three distinct regions : head, thorax and abdomen
ii) Head is somewhat triangular. A pair of large compound eyes is present dorso-laterally on it.
Three small ocelli are present on the dorsal, surface on the head.
iii) Thorax consists of three segments, i.e. prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax. One pair of
joined legs is present ventrally in each of the thoracic segment. There are two pairs of
membranous wings present dorsally in the mesothorax and the metathorax
iv) Abdomen : A six-segmented abdomen is present behind the metathorax.
Apart from these common features, the workers, queen and drones can be idenrified by
their own specific featrues.
a) Workers
i) Workers (unfertile female) are smallest in size.
ii) Abdominal segments bear wax glands, which are present ventrally on the four posterior
abdominal segments.
iii) A sting is present at the end of the last abdominal segment.
iv) Pollen-collecting baskets are present in the thoracic legs.
b) Queen
i) Queen (fertile female) is largest in size (15-20mm) in a colony of bees. Every colony has a
single queen bee
ii) The abdomen is long and tapering.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

iii) Wings and legs are small.

iv) Wax gland is absent in the abdominal segment.
c) Drones
i) Drones (males) are larger than workers but smaller than queen in size
ii) Eyes are very large (i.e even larger than those of workers).
iii) Wax gland is absent in the abdominal segment.
The common Indian species of bees are : Apis dorsata, Apis indica and Apis flora. Among
these species Apis dorsata is largest in size and Apis florae is smallest.
Systematic position
Phylum - Arthropoda
Class - Insecta
Order - Hymenoptera

195. Compound eyes occur in

1) Echinodermata 2) Mollusca
3) Arthropoda 4) Annelida
196. Which of the following is a living fossil
189. Which set of insects is useful to man? 1) Laccifer 2) Loligo
(1) Honey bee, locust, lac insect 3) Limulus 4) Lancelet
(2) Silk moth, honey bee, dragon fly
197.In arthropods the balancing organ is
(3) Lac insect, silk moth, honey bee
1) Radula 2) Reticulocyst
(4) Rice weevil, silk moth, honey bee
3) Statocyst 4) Antennae
190. Structural and functional unit of
compound eye 198.Whcih is not a member of class insecta?
(1) Ommatidium (2) Proctodeum (1) Louse (2) Cockroach
(3) Coprodeum (4) Stomodeum (3) Spider (4) Musca
191.Excretory organs of insects 199.Green glands present in some
(1) Malpighian tubules arthropods help in:
(2) Malpighian corpuscles (1) Respiration (2) Digestion
(3) Excretion (4) None of these
(3) Green glands (4) Coxal glands
200.Which of the following characteristic is
192.Largest group of arthropoda shared by all arthropods
(1) Insecta (2) Crustacea 1) Complete metamorphosis
(3) Arachnida (4) Myriapoda 2) Wings
193.Which of the following is not correctly 3) Jointed appendages
matched? 4)Asexual reproduction
1) Gregarious pest-Locusta (locust) 201. To which of the following phylum the
2) Living fossil-Limulus (king crab) nervous system of Arthropoda resembles
3) Economically important insects -Apis 1) Annelida 2) Mollusca
(honey bee), Bombyx (sillkworm) 3) Platyhelminthes 4) Coelenterata
4) Vectors-Mosquitoes (Anopheles,Culex 202. What is common among scorpion, crab,
and Aedes and Lac insect (Laccifer) honeybee and silverfish?
194.The largest phylum of Animalia is (1) Poison glands
1) Insecta 2) Mollusca (2)Jointed appendages
3) Arthropoda 4) Chordata (3) Metamorphosis (4) Compound eyes



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

203. “Green gland” or ‘Antennary gland’s’ 210. The generic name of silver-fish is
are excretory organs usually met with
1) Cicada 2) Bombyx
the members of class
3) Lepisma 4) Chiton
1) Diplopoda 2) Chilopoda
211. The integument of Arthropods is
3) Arachnida 4) Crustacea
covered by
204. Which of the following character does 1) Unstriped, muscles
not belong to Arthropoda
2) Calcareous covering
1) Closed circulatory system
3) Chitinous cuticle 4) Mucus
2) Internal fertilization
212.Respiratory pigment in majaroty of
3) Segmented body 4) Jointed legs arthropods is
205.Coxal glands are the excretory organ of 1) Haemoglobin 2) Cytochrome
1) Cray fish 2) Devil fish 3) Haemocyanin 4) None
3) Jelly – fish 4) Scorpion 213.Water flea is common name of
206.Louse is 1) Dragon fly 2) Prawn
1) Ectoparasite of man 3) Cyclops 4) Daphnia
2) Entero parasite of man 214. Apis is economically important as it
3) Gum parasite of man produce
1) Honey 2) Wax
4) Not a parasite at all
3) Both 4) None
207.Insects have blood which
215.Tacharida lacca is
1) Is similar to human blood in colour
1) Lac – insect 2) Silk-insect
2) Circulates through the closed blood
vessels 3) Poison insect 4) Honey insect
3) Circulates in open system 216.Dorsal exoskeleton of crustaceans is
thick and called
4) Contain haemoglobin as respiratory
pigment 1) Carapace 2) Cephalothorax
208.The phylum Arthropoda is characterised by 3) Pleopods 4) Pleural plates
1) Chitinous exoskeleton, external 217.Which insect is not considered as
segmentation and paired appendages vector
1) Laccifer 2) Anopheles
2) Chitinous exoskeleton and antennae
3) Culex 4) Aedes
3) Chitinous exoskeleton, antennae and
compound eye 218.Circulatory system in Locusta as
4) Chitinous exoskeleton, external 1) Open 2) Closed
segmentation and paired jointed 3) Both 4) None
219.Select the greganious pest
209.The respiratory organs of adult insects
are 1) Locusta 2) Culex
1) Gills or branchiae 3) Aedes 4) Apis
220. Muscles of Arthropods are mostly
2) Tracheae &spiracle
1) Striped 2) Unstripped
3) Respiratory trumpets 4) All of these
3) Oblique 4) Smooth



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

225. Presence of carapace, green glands and
221. Fertilization in Arthropods is- mostly cephalothorax are feature of :
1) External 2) Internal (1) Crustacea (2) Chilopoda
3) Both 4) None of the above (3) Diplopoda (4) Insecta
226. An animal was observed as bilaterally
222. In phylum Arthopoda, respiration symmetrical, metamerically
occurs though. segmented and triploblastic in nature.
1) Tracheae 2) Gills It was identified as an arthropod.
3) Both 4) None Which character should have been
identified first to call it an
223. Identify the viviparous arthropod arthropod?
from the diagram given below (1) Presence of coelom
1) 2) (2) Presence of gills
(3) Jointed appendages
(4) Compound eyes

3) 4)

189.(3) 190.(1) 1917.(1) 192. (1)

193. (4) 194.(3) 195. (3) 196. (3)
197. (3) 198.(3) 199. (3) 200. (3)
201. (1) 202. (2) 203.(4) 204. (1)
205. (4) 206. (1) 207. (3) 208.(4)
224.Which of the following class of 209. (2) 210. (3) 211. (3) 212. (4)
Arthropods has cephalothorax ? 213.(4) 214. (1) 215. (1) 216. (1)
(1) Crustacea (2) Chilopoda 217. (1) 218.(1) 219.(1) 220. (1)
(3) Diplopoda (4) Insecta 221. (2) 222. (3) 223. (3) 224.(1)
225. (1) 226. (3)


* Molluscs are essentially aquatic, mostly marine, few fresh-water and some terrestrial forms.
This is the second largest animal phylum.
* The body is soft, unsegmented (except in monoplacophora)
* Triploblastic and bilaterally symmetrical coelomates (In some molluscs like Pila, due to
torsion during growth, the adults become asymmetrical).
* Body is divisible into head, muscular foot and visceral hump (mass).
 Body is commonly protected by an exoskeletal calcareous shell of one or more pieces,
secreted by mantle. Shell may be external (e.g., most of molluscs), internal (e.g., slug,
cuttle fish, squid) or absent (e.g., Octopus).
 Head is distinct, bearing the mouth & provided with eyes, tentacles & other sense organs
except the pelecypoda & scaphopoda.

class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

* Mantle or Pallium is a thin, soft and spongy layer (fleshy fold) of skin over the visceral hump
on the dorsal side. A space between mantle and visceral hump is called mantle or pallial cavity.
 Ventral body wall is modified into a muscular, flat or plough-like surface, the foot which is
variously modified for creeping, burrowing & swimming.
 Body cavity is haemocoel.
* Digestive tract is complete. Mouth contains a file like rasping organ for feeding, the
radula, with transverse rows of teeth (except in Pelecypoda).
* Respiration usually takes place by feather like gills, called the ctenidia, located in the
mantle cavity, but may occur by body surface, mantle or lung (pulmonary sac).
* Gills have respiratory and excretory functions.
 The circulatory system is open except in cephalopoda. It includes dorsal pulsatile heart & a
few arteries that open into sinuses. Blood consists of copper containing pigment known as
 Excretion by paired metanephridia (kidneys).
Intestine Heart
Gonad Coelom
Stomach Nephridium
Digestive Shel

Mantle Mantle-cavity


Mouth Nerve collar Foot Retractor muscles

 Nervous system consists of paired cerebral, pleural, pedal & visceral ganglia joined by
longitudinal & transverse connectives.
 Sense organs include eyes (photoreceptors) and tentacles (tactoreceptors) on the head.
Statocysts (equilibrium) & ospharidium (chemoreceptor).
* These are usually dioecious with one or two gonads with gonoducts, opening into renal
ducts or to exterior.
 Fertilization external or internal, oviparous development direct or indirect.
* There are three types of larva-trochophore, veliger (gastropoda) & glochidium
* Examples: Pila (Apple snail), Pinctada (Pearl oyster), Sepia (Cuttlefish), Loligo (Squid),
Octopus (Devil fish), Aplysia (Sea-hare), Dentalium (Tusk shell) and Chaetopleura



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

(a) (b)

Example of Mollusca: (a) Pila, (b) Octopus

Pila globosa (Apple snail)


The external features are as follows

i) Body of the animal remains lodged within a hard and one-piece spirally coiled calcareous shell
ii) There is a wide opening at the end of the last worl of the shell. which remains closed by
another calcareous plate called operculum.
iii) The body consists of four regions. head, foot, visceral mass and mantle
iv) It inhabits shallow freshwater (paddy fields. ponds) and moves with its foot.
Systematic position
Phylum - Mollusca
Class - Gastropoda

230. In Pila, the chemoreceptor organ is

(1) Ctenidium (2) Odontophore
(3) Osphradium (4) Radula
227. Sea hare is
231.The rasping organ, radula is not found in
(1) Aplysia (2) Pila
(1) Octopus (2) Pila
(3) Teredo (4) Sepia
(3) Mytilus (4) Loligo
228. Tusk shell is a
232.Balancing organ of molluscs is
(1) Chiton (2) Dentalium
(3) Teredo (4) Pinctada (1) Lithocyst (2) Osphradium
229.The internal body covering the mantle (3) Statocyst (4) Tentaculocyst
in mollusc is for 233. In molluscs, the respiratory pigment is
(1) Respiration (1) Haemoglobin
(2) Protection of body organs (2) Haemocyanin in the blood cells
(3) Shell formation (3) Myoglobin
(4) All of the above (4) Haemocyanin in the blood plasma



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

234. Cuttle fish belongs to the 245. In the phylum Mollusca although there is
(1) Teleostei (2) Mollusca bilateral symmetry, but is lost in some
forms due to the phenomenon called
(3) Pisces (4) Echinodermata
1) Asymmetry 2) Torison
235.In molluscs, the general body cavity is
3) Reversion 4) Invagination
1) Blastocoel 2) Hydrocoel
246. Mollusca are
3) Haemocoel 4) Pseudocoel
1) Soft bodied & segmented animals
236.Which is associated with pearl
2) Unsegmented, diploblastic and aquatic
1) Pecten 2) Ostrea
3) Soft bodied & segmented animals
3) Nautilus 4) Pinctada
4) Unsegmented, soft bodied, usually
237.Which one belongs to Mollusca? aquatic animals
1) Devil Fish 2) Dog Fish
247. Apple snail is the common name of
3) Silver Fish 4) Jelly Fish 1) Turbinella 2) Pila
238.Squid, Cuttlefish and Octopus belong 3) Cyprea 4) Lamellidens
to the class:
(1) Decapoda (2) Scaphopoda 248. Which of the following is a mollusk
(3) Cephalopoda (4) Apoda 1) Sea-horse 2) Sea-mouse
3) Sea-hare 4) Sea-cow
239.Which of the following molluscs have
asymmetry due to torsion? 249. Which of the following characteristic is
not of phylum mollusca
(1) Pila (2) Teredo
1) Soft body covered over usually by a shell
(3) Dentalium (4) Octopus
2) Segmented body
240.Which one of the following is a 3) Triploblastic
matching set of a phylum and its three
examples? 4) Presence of coelom
(1) Porifera — Spongilla, Euplectella, 250. The organ found in the bucal cavity of some
Pennatula mollscs for rasping the food is called
(2) Cnidaria — Bonellia, Physalia, 1) Radula 2) Teeth
Aurelia 3) Tongue 4) Pecten
(3) Platyhelminthes — Planaria, 251. The excretory organs of mollusca are
Schistosoma, Enterobius 1) Metanephridia 2) Nephridia
(4) Mollusca — Loligo, Teredo, Octopus 3) Green glands 4) Protonephridia
241. Second largest phylum of animal 252. Oral arms of Octopus, Sepia and Loligo
kingdom is are
1) Arthropoda 2) Protozoa 1) Modified head 2) Modified foot
3) Mollusca 4) Pisces 3) Modified mantle
242.Secretion of shell take place by 4) Modified limbs
1) Foot 2) Ink gland 253. Sepia is also known as
3) Radula 4) Mantle 1) Star - fish
243.Cephalopod with exoskeleton 2) Catrilaginous fish 3) Jelly - fish
1) Pila 2) Chiton 4) Cuttle - fish
3) Unio 4) Nautilus 254. Open type of blood vascular system
244.Ink glands occur in presence of haemocyanin pigment are
the characters of
1) Chiton 2) Sepia
1) Mollusca 2) Some arthropods
3) Helix 4) Pila
3) Echinodermata 4) 1 & 2 both



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

255. Metalic ion found in blood of mollusc 263.Which one is characteristic of

1) Cu  2) Fe  mollusca?
(1) Radula (2) Aristotle’s lantern
3) Co  4) Mg 
(3) Mantle (4)Both (1) & (3)
256.Respiratory organs in mollusc are 264. Space between visceral hump and
1) Ctenidia 2) Trachea mantle in molluscs is
3) Book lungs 4) Keber’s organ (1) Mantle cavity (2) Atrium
257.Unsegmented body has head, muscular (3) Heamocoel (4) All the above
foot and visceral hump in 265. Which of the following is correctly
1) mollusca 2) Echinodermata matched ?
3) Arthropoda 4) Annelida (1) Silver fish – mollusca
(2) Cray fish – pisces
258.A soft and spongy layer of skin that
covers visceral hump in molluscs is (3) Glochidium larva – mollusca
1) Mantle 2) Shell (4) Flying fish – Echinodermata
3) Visceral mass 4) Teguments
259.Molluscs reproduce
1) Asexually 2) Sexually 227.(1) 228. (2) 229. (4) 230 . (3)
3) Both 4) None of above 231. (2) 232.(3) 233. (4) 234. (2)
260.Coelom in mollusca is 235. (3) 236.(4) 237. (1) 238. (3)
239. (1) 240. (4) 241. (3) 242. (4)
1) Enterocoel 2) Pseudocoel
243. (4) 244. (2) 245. (2) 246.(4)
3) True coelom 4) None of these 247. (2) 248. (3) 249. (2) 250. (1)
261.Closed type of blood vascular system 251. (1) 252. (2) 253. (4) 254. (4)
is found in which class of Molluscs 255. (1) 256.(1) 257.(1) 258. (1)
1) Cephalopoda 2) Pelecypoda 259. (2) 260. (3) 261. (1) 262.(1)
3) Both 4) None of these 263. (4) 264. (1) 265. (3)
262.Identify the specific animal in diagram
mention below, showing torsion PHYLUM - ECHINODERMATA
(1) (2)
 Spiny skinned unsegmented animals.

* They have an endoskeleton of calcareous

ossicles and, hence, the name Echinoder-
mata (Spiny bodied)
* All are marine with organ-system level of
(3) (4) organisation.
* The adult echinoderms are radially sym-
metrical but larvae are bilaterally symmetri-
 Head absent; body surface is marked by
five symmetrically radiating areas (ambu-
lacra) and five alternating inter-radii (inter-



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

 Many echinoderms bear spines and pincer-like pedicellariae. The spines are protective in
function. The pedicellariae keep the body surface clear of debris and minute organisms.
* Digestive system is complete with mouth on the lower (ventral) side and anus on the upper
(dorsal) side.
* Respiratory organs include dermal branchiae (eg. starfish), tube feet, respiratory trees (e.g.,
Holothuria), bursae (e.g., brittle star) & peristomial gills system(Echinoidea).
* Presence of ambulacral system or water vascular system is the most characteristic feature.
Water vascular system derived from embryonic coelom.
* Water vascular system helps in locomotion, capture and transport of food and repiration.
 The circulatory system is greatly reduced and is open type. It is called haemal system.
Blood often lacks a respiratory pigment. There is no heart.
* Excretory system is absent. Nitrogenous waste diffuses out via gills.
 The nervous system includes a nerve ring and radial nerve cords. There is no brain.
 Poorly developed sense organs include tactile organs, chemoreceptors, terminal tentacles,
photoreceptors & statocysts.
* Sexes are separate, reproduction is sexual..
* Sexes are usually separate with few exceptions. . Fertilization is external.
* Development indirect through free-swimming larval forms. The bilaterally symmetrical
larva undergoes metamorphosis to change into the radially symmetrical adult.
* Echinoderms resemble chordates in early embryonic development.
 Types of larvae:
Name of organism Name of larva
Holothuria Auricularia
Asterias Bipinnaria; Brachiolaria
Antedon Doliolaria
Echinus Echinopluteus
Ophioderma Ophiopluteus
* Examples : Asterias (Star fish), Echinus (Sea urchin), Antedon (Sea lily), Cucumaria
(Sea cucumber) and Ophiura (Brittle star).

(a) (b)
Examples for Echinodermata: (a) Asterias (b) Ophiura



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

Asterias (star fish)

Anus Mouth
. ..
. ..
. ...

(a) (b)
i) starfish is an unique marine organism, which can be identified by its star-shaped pentamerous
ii) Body with apparent radial symmsetry with diameter ranging between 15-20cm
iii) Body has a central disc from which five tapering arms radiate.
iv) The entire body surface bears numerous small-sized blunt protuberances.
v) The lower surface is called the oral surface, as mouth is situated centrally on this side
vi) Radiating from the mouth there are five grooves, the ambulacral grooves, which continue inthe
five arms on the oral side
vii) special organs, called tube feet, are present in these ambulacral grooves.
viii) The upper surface is called aboral surface, where anus is present
ix) At the margin of the central disc on the aboral surface is a circular sieve called madreporite
situated near the junction of two arms.
Systematic position
Phylum - Echinodermata
Class - Asteroidea

268. Echinoderms are

(1) Exclusively fresh water forms
(2) Exclusively marine (3) Estuarine
266. What is the generic name of Feather star (4) Estuarine and fresh water living
or Sea lily? 269. In echinoderms, the fertilization is
(1) Echinus (2) Antedon (1) Internal (2) External
(3) Asterias (4) Synapa
(3) In a cocoon (4) All of these
267. Water-vascular system is a peculiarity of
270. Which one shows the regeneration ?
(1) Porifera
(1) Planaria (2) Hydra
(2) Coelenterata (3) Mollusca
(4) Echinodermata (3) Starfish (4) All of the above



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

271. In echinoderms, the excretory organs are 280. Member of Echinodermata has a specific
system, which is not found in other
(1) Protonephridia phylum, it is
(2) Absent 1) Canal system
2)Water vascular system
(3) Organs of Bojanus (4) Kidneys
3) Respiratory system
272. In echinoderms, skeleton is 4) reproductive system
(1) Calcareous (2) Chitinous 281. Which of the following is found in both
(3) Siliceous coelenterates and echinoderms in adult
(4) Made of Tunicin 1) Coelenteron 2) Radial symmetry
273.Echinodermata contains 3) Tube-feet 4) Bilateral symmetry
(1) Radial body symmetry 282. The system of vessels conveying water for
(2) Bilateral body symmetry the purpose of feeding respiration and
(3) Soft skin locomotion in Echinoderms called
(4) Porous body 1) Canal system
274.The most distinctive feature of 2) Water vascular system
echinoderms is the 3) Vascular system
4) None of the above
1) Presence of endoskeleton of calcareous
ossicles 283. Antedon is commonly called:-
2) Absence of excretoroy system 1) Sea lilly 2) Brittle star
3) Sea-star 4) Sea-cucumber
3) Presence of water vascular system
284. Locomotory organs of echinoderms are
4) All of the above
1) Tube feet 2) Setae
275.Which of the following is not a 3) Parapodia 4) Pseudopodia
285. Echinoderms resemble chordates in
1) Sea star 2) Sea lily having
3) Sea cucummber 4) Sea fan 1) Similar endoskeleton structures
276.Function of water vascular of system in 2) Enterocoelous method of coelom
echinoderms is formation
1) Locomotion 3) Radial symmetry
2) Capture and transport of food 4) Similar larvae
3) Respiration 286. Segmentation of body is not represented
4) All of the above in which of the animal
277.Indirect development (Larval stages) is 1) Palaemon 2) Grass hoppers
found in 3) Star-fish 4) Frog
1) Mollusca 2) Echinodermata 287. Which of the following Echinoderm is
3) Hemichordata not marine
4) All of the above 1) Sea-lilly 2) Star-fish
278. Sea urchin is 3) Holothuria 4) None of these
(1) Echinus (2) Cucumaria 288. The term not applicable to
(3) Ophiura (4) Antedon
1) Madreporite 2) Parapodia
279. Larva of which phylum showing bilateral
3) Marine habitat 4) Radial symmetry
symmetry but adult are radial symmetry?
289. Sea cucumber is
(1) Cnidaria (2) Mollusca
1) Antedon 2) Cucucmaria
(3) Platyhelminthes (4) Echinoderma
3) Ophiuria 4) Echinus



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

290. Which is the characteristic feature of 299. In Echinoderms

Echinodermata 1) Sexes are separate
1) Smooth skin and radial symmetry
2) fertilization is internal
2) Spiny skin and radial symmetry
3) repiratory pigment is haemocyanin
3) Spiny skin and bilateral symmetry 4) Circulation is closed type
4) Smooth skin and bilateral symmetry 300. Cephalization is absent in
291.Diagnostic character of Echinoderms (1) Mollusca (2) Arthropoda
is the presence of:-
(3) Both (1) & (2) (4)
1) Water vascular system Echinodermata
2) Spiny skin 301.Free swimming larva is seen in the
3) Pedicellariae 4) All of the above development of
292.Bipinnaria larva is found in (1) Sea urchin (2) Sea mouse
1) Porifera 2) Coelenterata (3) Sea walnut (4) All the
3) Mollusca 4) Echinodermata
302.The larvae of sea stars are
293.Brittle star is
(1) Trocophore and auricularia
1) Antedon 2) Ophiura
(2) Bipinnaria and brachiolaria
3) Echinus 4) Asterias
(3) Redia and cercaria
294.Absence of excretory organs, great
power of (4) Miracidium & cysticercus
regeneration and exclusively marine 303.Respiratory organs in a sea star are
animals belongs to the Phylum (1) Ctenidia (2) Book lungs
1)Mollusca 2) Arthropoda (3) Dermal branchiae (4) Madriporite
3) Echindoermata 4) Annelids
295.True enterocoelic coelom appeared
first in the course of evolution in
1) Echinodermata 2) Annelida
3) Chordata 4) Protozoa 266.(2) 267. (4) 268. (2) 269. (2)
296.Porous plate present on aboral side of 270.(4) 271.(2) 272. (1) 273. (1)
star fish:-
274. (4) 275.(4) 276. (4) 277. (4)
1) Madreporite 2) Tube feet
278. (1) 279. (4) 280.(2) 281. (2)
3) Both 4) None
297.Only non-chordates with mesodermal 282. (2) 283. (1) 284. (1) 285.(2)
calcarious ossicles as endoskeleton are 286. (3) 287. (4) 288. (2) 289. (2)
1) Annelids 2) Arthropods 290.(2) 291. (4) 292. (4) 293. (2)
3) Molluscs 4) Echinoderms
294. (3) 295.(1) 296.(1) 297. (4)
298.One of the following is not true for
Echinoderms 298. (4) 299. (1) 300. (4) 301.(4)
1) Parasitism 2) Fresh water 302. (2) 303. (3)
3) Jointed Legs 4) All of the above



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1


* Hemichordata was earlier considered as a sub-phylum under phylum Chordata. But now it is
placed as a separate phylum under non-chordata.
* These are small group of worm like animals with organ system level of organisation.
* They are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic and coelomate animals.
 These are burrowing forms found in the burrows near sea shore.
* The body is cylindrical divided into proboscis, collar and trunk
* Notochord is absent ‘Buccal diverticulum’, earlier regarded as “notochord” is present in
* Gill are found in the pharynx, they help in respiration
* A dorsal tubular nerve cord is present.
* Blood vascular system is open and composed of blood vessels only, no heart is found. Blood
circulation is like that of earthworms.
* Excretory organ is proboscis gland
* Sexes are separate, Fertilisation is external. Development is indirect, includes tornaria larva
Example : Balanoglossus (Acorn worm or tongue worm), Saccoglossus.
307. Excretory organ in hemichordates is
1) Proboscis gland 2) Green gland
3) Malphigian tubules
4) Antennary gland
304. Balanoglossus and Saccoglossus are the
members of 308.Fertilisation and development in
hemichordates are respectively
1) Hemichordata 2) Urochordata
1) External and indirect
3) Tunicata 4) Cephalochordata
2) internal and direct
305. Type of symmetry in hemichordates is
3) External and direct
1) Radial 2) Biradial
4) internal and indirect
3) Bilateral 4) 1 and 2
306. Respiratory structures in hemichordates
1) Trachea 2) Gills 304. (1) 305. (3) 306. (2) 307. (1)
3) Lungs 4) Ctenidia 308.(1)



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

1. Which one of the following is a

matching pair of a body feature and the
animal possessing it? [CBSE 2007]
12. Closed circulatory system is developed in an-
nelids for the first time. (1) Ventral heart : Scorpion
17. Among tripoblatic animals coelom is absent (2) Post-anal tail : Octopus
in platynelminthes.
(3) Ventral, Central : Leech
18. Sessile animals usually exhibit radial symme- nervous system
try (4) Pharyngeal gill : Chamaeleon
40. Sponges are aquatic, sedentary animals with 2. What is true about Nereis, scorpion,
porous body, through which oxygenated Cockroach and Silver fish?[CBSE 2007]
water enters into the body, so the cells are
in direct contact with water (1) They all belong to the same phylum
(2) They all have jointed paired
43. Osculmm is an outlet of canal system hence
caramine particle will be thrown away, if appendages
it is placed on osculum. 3) They all possess dorsal heart
58. Archaeocytes are totipotent cells so they (4) None of them are aquatic
can also form gamets. 3. Which one of the following groups of
61. In sponges union of gamets of two defferent three animals each is correctly matched
individuals takes place in mesohyle / mes- with their one characteristic
enchyme morphological feature? [CBSE 2008]
68. Polyp reproduces asexually to form me- Animals Morphological
dusa except in anthozoa where as medusa feature
reproduces sexually to form polyp.
(1) Cockroach, - Metameric
70. Jelly fishes are medusoid forms Locust Taenia segmentation
72. Obelia exhibits metagenesis or alternation (2) Liver fluke, Sea - Bilateral
of generation. anemone, Sea symmetry
77. In cnidarians nervous system is most primi-
tive, with out brain. (3) Centipede, - Jointed
Prawn, Sea appendages
81. Obelia is a colonial form with 3 diffirent urchin
types of zooids with distinct funcitons.
(4) Scorpion, - Ventral solid
93. Physalia exhibit polymorphism consists of Spider, central
many zooids. Cockroach nervous
146.In tape worms digestive system is absent system
hence it absorbs nutrients through body 4. Which one of the following phyla is
wall. correctly matched with its two general
284.Shell glands of mantle secrete shell in characteristics ? [CBSE 2008]
molloscs. (1) Mollusca–Normally oviparous and
285.Nautilus has spirally coiled multi cham- development through a trochophore
bered external shell. or veliger larva



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

(2) Arthropoda–Body divided into head, (3) Round worms (Aschelminthes) are
thorax and abdomen and respiration pseudocoelomates
by only tracheae (4) Molluscs are acoelomates
(3) Chordata–Notochord at some stage
and separate anal and urinary 11. A person suffering from a disease caused
openings to the outside by Plasmodium, experiences recurring
chill and fever at the time when?
(4) Echinodermata – Pentamerous radial
symmetry and mostly internal [CBSE Mains 2010]
fertilization (1) the parasite after its rappid multiplication
5. Ascaris is characterized by: [CBSE 2008] inside RBCs ruptures them, relasing the
(1) Presence of true coelom and stage to enter fresh RBCs.
metamerism (metamerisation)
(2) the microgametocytes and
(2) Absence of true coelom but presence megagametocytes are being destroyed
of metamerism
by the WBCs.
(3) Presence of neither true coelom nor
metamerism (3) the sporozoites released from RBCs are
(4) Presence of true coelom but absence being rapidly killed and broken down
of metamerism inside spleen.
6. Which one of the following is NOT a (4) the trophozoites reach maximum growth
characteristic of phylum Annelida? and give out certain toxins.
[CBSE 2008]
12. Which one, of the following statements
(1) Ventral nerve cord about all the four of Spongilla, Leech,
(2) Closed circulatory system Dolphin and Penguin is correct!
(3) Segmentation (4) Pseudocoelom [CBSE Pre 2010]
7. Earthworms have no skeleton but during (1) Spongilla has special collared cells called
burrowing, the anterior end becomes choanocytes, not found in the remaining
turgid and acts as a hydraulic skeleton. three
It is due to [CBSE 2008] (2) All are bilaterally symmetrical
(1) Setae (2) Coelomic fluid
(3) Penguin is homoiothermic while the
(3) Blood (4) Gut peristalsis remaining three are poikilothermic
8. Which of the following cell in sponges (4) Leech is a fresh water form while all
catch food? [CPMT 2008] others are marine
(1) Pinacocytes (2) Choanocytes 13. One example of animals having a single
(3) Thesocytes (4) Archaeocytes opening to the outside that serves both
9. Which one of the following kinds of as mouth as well as anus is; [CBSE 2011]
animals are triplo-blastic?[CBSE 2010] (1) Fasciola (2) Octopus
(1) Ctenophores (2) Corals (3) Asterias (4) Ascidia
(3) Flat worms (4) Sponges 14. Motile zygote of Plasmodium occurs in
10. Which one of the following statements [CBSE 2012]
about certain given animals is correct? (1) Salivary glands of Anopheles
[CBSE 2010]
(2) Human RBCs
(1) Insects are pseudocoelomates
(3) Human liver
(2) Flat worms (Platyhelminthes) are
coelomates (4) Gut of female Anopheles



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

15. In which one of the following, the genus 19. Select the Taxon mentioned that represents
name, its two characters and its phylum both marine and fresh water species
are not correctly matched, whereas the [AIPMT 2014]
remaining three are correct?[CBSE 2012] (1) Cnidaria
Genus Two Phylum (2) Echinoderms
Name Characters (3) Ctenophora
(1) Asterias (a) Spiny (4) Cephalochordata
Echinodermata 20. Planaria possess high capacity of
skinned [AIPMT 2014]
(b) Water vascular (1) bioluminescence
system (2) metamorphosis
(2) Sycon (a) Pore bearing Porifera (3) regeneration
(4) alternation of generation
(b) Canal system
21. The active form of Entamoeba histolytica
(3) Periplaneta (a) Jointed Arthropoda
feeds upon [AIPMT 2015]
appendages (1) food in intestine
(b) Chitnous (2) blood only
exoskeleton (3) erythrocytes; mucosa and submucosa of
(4) Pila (a) Body Mollusca colon
sgemented (4) mucosa and submucosa of colon only
(b) Mouth with 22. Which of the following characteristics is
mainly responsible for diversification of
Radula insects on land ? [AIPMT 2015]
16. Infection of Ascaris usually occurs by (1) Exoskeleton (2) Eyes
[NEET 2013] (3) Segmentation
(1) eating imperfectly cooked port (4) Bilateral symmetry
(2) Tse-tse fly 23. Metagenesis refers to: [AIPMT 2015]
(3) moaquito bite (1) Presence of a segmented body and
(4) drinking water containing eggs of parthenogenetic mode of reproduction
Ascaris (2) Presence of different morphic forms
17. Which group of animals belong to the (3) Alternation of generation between
same phylum? [NEET 2013] asexual and sexual phases of an
(1) Earthworm, Pinworm, Tapeworm organism
(2) Prawn, Scorpion, Locusta (4) Occurrence of a drastic change in form
during post-embryonic development
(3) Sponge, Sea anemone, Starfish
24. Body having meshwork of cells, internal
(4) Malaraial parasite, Amoeba, Mosquito
cavities lined with food filtering
18. Which of the following are correctly flagellated cells and indirect
matched with respect to their taxonomic development are the characteristics of
classification? [NEET 2013] phylum: [AIPMT 2015]
(1) Centipede, millipede, spider, scorpion- (1) Protozoa (2) Coelenterata
Insecta (3) Porifera (4) Mollusca
(2) House fly, butterfly, tse-tse fly, 25. Which of the following diseases is caused
by a protozoan? [AIPMT 2015]
(3) Spiny anteater, sea urchin, sea
cucumber-Echinodermata (1) Blastomycosis (2) Syphilis
(4) Flying fish cuttefish, silverfish-Pisces (3) Influenza (4) Babesiosis



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

2. Given below are types of cells present in
26. Which of the following features is not some animals. Each one is specialized
present in the phylum - Arthropoda? to perform a single specific function
(NEET 2016) except
1) Chitinous exoskeleton
1) Choanocytes 2) Interstitial cells
2) Metameric segmentation
3) parapodia 3) Gastrodermal cells 4) Nematocytes
4) Jointed appendages 3. Which one of the following sets of
27. Which one of the following animals belongs to a single taxonomic
characteristics is not shared by birds group?
and mammals ? (NEET2016) 1) Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Silverfish,
1) Ossified endoskeleton Dogfish, Starfish
2) Breathing using lungs 3) Viviparity 2) Bat, Pigeon, Butterfly
4) Warm blooded nature 3) Monkey, Chimpanzee, Man
28. In mammals, which blood vessel would 4) Silkworm, Tapeworm, Earthworm
normally carry largest amount of urea? 4. Which one of the following is incorrect ?
(NEET 2016) 1) Mesoglea is present in between
1) Renal Vein 2) Dorsal Aorta ectoderm and endoderm in Obelia.
3) Hepatic Vein 2) Radial symmetry is found in Asterias
4) Hepatic portal Vein 3) Fasciola is a pseudocoelomate animal
29. In case of poriferans, the spongocoel is 4) Taenia is a triploblastic animal
lined with flagellated cells called
5. Which one of the following statements
1) ostia 2) oscula
is incorrect?
3) choanocytes
4) mesenchymal cells 1) In cockroaches and prawns excretion
of waste material occurs through
malpighian tubules.
2) In ctenophors, locomition is mediated
by comb plates
3) In Fasciola flame cells take part in
1.(3) 2.(3) 3.(4) 4.(1) excretion
5.(3) 6.(4) 7.(2) 8.(2) 4) Earthworm are hermaphrodites and
9.(3) 10.(3) 11.(1) 12.(1) yet cross fertilization take place
13.(1) 14.(4) 15.(4) 16.(4) among them.
17.(2) 18.(2) 19.(1) 20.(3) 6. Match the following list of animals with
21.(3) 22.(1) 23.(3) 24.(3) their level of organisation.
25.(4) 26.(3) 27.(3) 28.(3) Division of Labour Animal
29.(3) A. organ level i. Pheritima
B. cellular ii. Fasciola
agregate level
C. Tissue level iii. Spongilla
D. Organ system iv. Obelia level
1. In some animal groups, the body is Choose the correct match showing
found divided into compartments with division of labour with animal example.
at least some organs/ organ repeated. 1) i-B, ii- C, iii-D, iv-A
This characteristic features named 2) i-B, ii-D, iii-C, iv -A
1) Metastasis 2) Metamerism 3) i - D, ii- A, iii- B, iv-C
3) Metagenesis 4) Metamorphosis 4) i -A, ii-D, iii-C, iv -B



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

7. Body cavity is the cavity present between 14. Which of the following distingushing fea-
body wall and gut wall. In some animals ture between the Taenia solium and Tae-
the body cavity is present but not lined nia saginata?
by mesoderm. Such animals are called 1) In Taenia saginata hooks on scolex
1) Acoelomate are not found
2) In Taenia saginata proglottids are
2) Pseudocoelomate not found
3) Coelomate
3) In Taenia saginata uterine
4) Haemocoelomate branching is absent
8. Match the column A with column B 4) Both 1 and 3
and choose the correct option 15. Ascaris is characterized by
Column A Column B 1) Absence of true coelom but
A. Porifera i. Canal system presence of metamerism
B. Aschelminthes ii. Water- vascular system 2) Presence of neither true coelom nor
C. Annelida iii. Muscular Pharynx
3) Presence of true coelom but
D. Arthropoda iv. Jointed appendages absence metamerism
E. Echinodermata v. Metameres 4) Presence of true coelom and
1) A - ii, B - iii, C - v, D - iv, E - i metamerism
2) A - ii, B - v, C - iii, D - iv, E - I 16. Which is sanguivorous?
3) A - i, B - iii, C - v, D - iv, E - ii 1) Male Cockroach 2) Leech
4) A - i, B - v, C - iii, D - iv, E - ii 3) Female Mosquito 4) Both 2 & 3
9. In porifera,the simplest canal system is 17. Which of the following is correct
1)Ascon type 2) Sycon type matching?
1) Haemocoel ____ Prawn and snail
3) Leucon type 4) Rhagon type
2) Protonephridia ____ Some rotifers
10. Looping and Somersaulting are the mode
3) Acoelomate ____ Hookworm
of locomotion found in
4) Both1 and 2
1) Sycon 2) Leucosolenia
18. Phylum mollusca can be distinguished from
3) Hydra 4) Physalia
other invertebrates by the presence of
11. The segmentation of body is first observed
in the 1) Bilateral symmetry and exoskelecton
1) Platyhelminthes 2) Aschelminthes 2) Shell and segmented body
3) Annelida 4) Arthropoda 3) Mantle and non-segmented body
12. In annelids neural system consists of 4) Mantle and gills
paired ganglia that are connected to the 19. Which one is correctly matched?
double ventral nerve cord by 1) Scorpion, Spider, Cockroach
1) Dorsal nerve 2) Ventral nerve ____ Ventral solid central nervous
3) Lateral nerve 4) Both 1 and 2 system
13. The member of Aschelminthes that is 2) Cockroach ,Locust,
parasitic on plants is Taenia ____ Metameric
1) Ascaris (Ascariasis) segmentation
2) Wuchereria (Filariasis) 3) Liverfluke, Sea Anemone,Sea
Cucumber ___ Bilateral symmetry
3) Meloidegyne incognitia
4) Centipede, Prawn, Sea Urchin ____
4) All of the above jointed appendages

class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

20. What is present in crustaceans but not in
insects? 26. Aristotle’s lantern occurs in which class
1) Paired limbs of echinodermata
2) Two pairs of antennae 1) Echinoidea 2) Asteroidea
3) Holothuroidea 4) Ophiuroidea
3) Bilateral symmetry
27. Larvae of the echinoderms is
4) Chitnous exoskelectron
1) Sessile
21. Excretory organ of Crab is 2) Free- swimming
1) Nephridium 2) Green gland 3) Some are free living ,some are parasitic
3) Coxal gland 4) In echinoderms larva is not found
4) Malpighian tube development is direct
22. Ascaris and Cockroach resemble each 28. In Mollusca sensory tentacles are present in
other in 1) Anterior head region
1) Pseudocoel 2) Sexual dimorphism 2) Muscular foot
3) Nephridia 3) Visceral hump
4) Dorsal tubular nerve cord. 4) Mantle cavity/space between hump and
23. Which one of the following statements mantle
is incorrect? 29. In molluscs body is coverd with exter-
1) In cockraoches and prawns excretion nal skeleton made up of
of waste material occurs through 1) Spongin 2) Chitin
malpighian tubules 3) Calcium Carbonate
2) In ctenophors,locomotion is mediated 4) Calcium Silicate
by comb plates 30. The two more distantly related phyla are
3) In Fasciola flame cells take part in 1) Cnidarians and Platyhelminthes
excretion 2) Annelida and Arthropoda
4) Earthworms are hermaphrodites and 3) Chordata and Echinodermata
yet cross fertillization take place 4) Mollusca and Echinodermata
among them. 31. Peripatus is connecting link between
24. Eye of the molluscan group that re- 1) Annelida and Arthropoda
sembles vertebrate eye is 2) Mollusca and Arthropoda
1) Bivalvia 2) Gastropoda 3) Annelida and Mollusca
3) Pelecypoda 4) Cephalopoda 4) Coelenterata and Platyhelminthes
25. Match the Columns-I and Column-
II,and choose the correct combination
from the options given NOTE :
Column-I Column-II 1) A & R are true. R is the correct explanation
to ‘A’
a) Echinus 1. Brittle star 2) A & R are true. But R cannot explain ‘A’
b) Cucumaria 2.Star fish 3) A is true but ‘R’ is false
c) Antedon 3. Sea urchin 4) A & R are not true
d) Ophiura 4.Sea cucumber 32. (A) : Sponges exhibit intracellular
e) Asterias 5. Sea lily (R.) : In sponges thesocytes helps in
1) a-4, b-3, c-5, d-2, e-1 storage of food
2) a-3, b-4, c-5, d-1, e-2 33. (A) : Cnidarians represent the first true
3) a-3, b-4, c-5, d-2, e-1 (R.) : Tissues first appear in the phylum
4) a-3, b-5, c-4, d-1, e-2 cnidaria



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

34. (A) : Coelenteron of Cnidarians is also 44. Life cycles of trematodes are
(A) :
called gastrovascular cavity. complex.
(R.) : Coelenteron is useful for digestion (R) : Many types of larval forms like
and circulation of digested food miracidium, sporocyst, redia,
35. (A) : Life history of Obelia like cercaria etc., are present in the
Hydrozoans includes metagenesis life cycles of Trematodes
(R.) : In Obelia like Hydrozoans 45. (A) : The body cavity of nematodes
asexually reproducing polypoid is a pseudocoel
forms alternates with sexually (R) : The body cavity of nematodes
reproducing medusoid forms. is a remnant of the embryonic
36. (A) : Nerve cells of cnidarians are non blastocoel
polarized and form a diffuse nerve 46. (A) : Nematodes exhibit sexual
net. dimorphism.
(R.) : Brain first appears in cnidarians (R) : Osmoregulatory structures of
37. (A) : Regarding digestion, cnidarians nematodes are flame cells
resemble both Protozoans and 47. (A) : Amphids are the chemoreceptors
Metazoans. of nematodes
(R.): Cnidarians show both intracellular (R) : Glandulosensory structures are
and extracellular digestion phasmids
38. (A) : Colloblasts of ctenophores help in
48. (A) : Coelom is highly reduced or even
food capture
absent in hirudineans
(R) : They act as ‘glue cells’ whose
sticky secretions help in adhesion (R) : It is filled with botryoidal tissue
of food particles 49. (A) : Metameric segmentation is
39. (A) : Ctenophores exhibit biradial present in Annelids
symmetry (R) : All annelids are having fixed
(R) : Their tentacles are paired whereas number of segments
the remaining body parts are 50. (A) : Distinct cephalisation is first
radially arranged along their oro- reported in the phylum Annelida
aboral axis of the Animal Kingdom
40. (A) : Ladder like Nervous system is (R) : Metameric segmentation is
present in Flatworms present in Annelids.
(R.) : All cnidarians resemble flatworms 51. (A) : Annelids are Schizocoelomates
regarding their nervous system (R) : In Annelids true coelom is formed
41. (A) : Flatworms are described as by the splitting of embryonic
acoelomates mesoderm
(R) : In flatworms the space between 52. (A) : Arthropoda is the largest phylum
the gut and the body wall is filled in kingdom Animalia.
with mesenchyma
(R) : 80% of the animal species are
42. (A): The body of flatworm shows included in Arthropoda.
organs and organ – systems level
of body organization 53. (A) : Excretory organs of insects are
malpighian tubules.
(R) : Organ system level of
organization first appeared in (R) : Insects excrete dilute droplets of
triploblastic animals urea.
43. (A) : Some flatworms like trematodes 54. (A) : Arthropods are the most
exhibit polyembryony successful invertebrates.
(R) : The sporocyst stage in the life (R) : Arthropods exhibit greatest
history of a trematode produces adaptive radiation inhabiting
many redia stages. diverse habitats.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

55. (A) : Adult gastropods are

(R) : Gastropods exhibit torsion
during embryonic development. 1.(2) 2.(2) 3.(3) 4.(3)
56. (A) : Body cavity of molluscs is called 5.(1) 6.(3) 7.(2) 8.(3)
haemocoel. 9.(1) 10.(3) 11.(3) 12.(3)
(R) : In molluscs, perivisceral cavity is 13.(3) 14.(1) 15.(2) 16.(4)
filled with blood. 17.(4) 18.(3) 19.(1) 20.(2)
57. (A) : Water vascular system is unique to 21.(2) 22.(2) 23.(1) 24.(4)
Echinoderms. 25.(2) 26.(1) 27.(3) 28.(1)
(R) : Water vascular system is derived 29.(3) 30.(1) 31.(1) 32. (2)
from coelom. 33. (1) 34. (1) 35.(1) 36. (3)
58. (A) : In most of the echinoderms, 37. (1) 38. (1) 39. (1) 40.(3)
fertilization is external in sea 41. (1) 42. (2) 43. (1) 44. (1)
45.(1) 46. (3) 47. (2) 48. (1)
(R) : Copulatory organ is absent in
49. (3) 50.(2) 51. (1) 52. (1)
53. (3) 54. (1) 55.(1) 56. (1)
59. (A) : Nervous system is poorly
developed in echinoderms. 57. (2) 58. (1) 59. (1) 60.(3)
(R): In echinoderms, ganglia and brain 61. (1) 62. (1) 63. (1) 64. (1)
are absent.
60. (A) : Echinoderms do not exhibit sexual
(R) : Most of the echinoderms exhibit
asexual reproduction.
61. (A) : Hemichordates are very closely
linked to echinoderms. 33. Animals with tissues are called true
(R) : Both hemichordates and metazoans.
echinoderms are deuterostomes. 36. Brain is absent in cnidarians.
62. (A) : Hemichordata was earlier
considered as a subphylum under 37. Protozoans show intracellular digestion,
Phylum Chordata. ,metazoans show extracellular digestion.
(R) : The stomochord of 40. In cnidarians nervous system is most
hemichordates was considered to primitive and nerves from diffused nerve
be similar to notochord of net.
63. (A) : Echinoderms, hemichordates 43. Polyembryony is the formation of many
and chordates share common embryonic stages produced from a single
ancestry. zyote.
(R) : All the deuterostomes have 44. Life cyle of trematods exhibit a complex
similarity in cleavage pattern and phenomenon called polyembryony.
coelom formation.
49. Leeches are the only annelids alone have
64. (A) : Hemichordates are
fixed number of segments.
(R) : The coelom in hemichordates 53. Insects are uricotelic animals.
is derived from mesodermal 60. Echinoderms show sexual reproduction.
pouches of archenteron



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

Animal Kingdom (Chordates)


* Introduction  Chordate up to classes level
* Phylum : Chordata
(three to five salient features
 Sub Phylum : Hemichordata
and at least two examples).
 Subphylum : Urochordata
 Subphylum : Cephalochordata
 Euchordata / Craniata
 Division 1- I : Agnatha
 Division - II : Gnathostomata
 Super Class-I : Pisces
 Superclass-II Tetrapoda
 Class-Amphibia
 Class Reptilia
 Class Aves
 Class Mammalia



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

* All the chordates possess three unique characteristics at some stage in their life history. These
three diagnostic features are :
(i) The dorsal hollow or tubular nerve cord
(ii) A longitudinal supporting notochord
(iii) A series of paired pharyngeal gill slits.
 It is the largest of the deuterostomate phyla.
* These are bilaterally sysmmetrical. triploblastic, coelomate with organ-system level of
organisation. They possess a post-anal tail and a closed circulatory system.
Nerve cord Notochord

Gill slits Post-anal part

Figure : Chordata characteristics
* Phylum chordata is classified into 3 sub-phyla. They are
1) Urochordata
2) Cephalochordata
3) Vertebrata / Craniata
* Urochordata and Cephalochordata are together refered to as Acraniata / Protochordata
* All protochordates are exclusively marine
* Comparison of chordates and Non chordates
S.No Chordates Non-chordates
1. Notochord present. Notochord absent
2. Central nervous system is dorsal, hollow Central nervous system is ventral,
solid and and single double
3. Pharynx perforated by gill slits. Gill slits are absent
4. Heart is ventral Heart is dorsal (If present)
5. A post-anal part (tail) is present Post -anal tail is absent
* Body is unsegmented and usually lacks tail, covered by a test or tunic composed largely of
tunicin, allied to cellulose. Appendages are absent. (Tunicin is called animal cellulose)
 Adults are mostly sessile

Fig : Ascidia

class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

 The notochord is present only in the tail of the larva and disappears in the adult.
 Coelom absent; digestive tract is complete.
 Ectoderm lined cavity atrium surrounds the pharynx.
 Respiratory system has two to numerous gill-slits in the pharyngeal wall. Respiratory pigment
rich in both Sulphuric acid and Vanadium.
 Circulatory system open type, simple tubular ventral heart. It reverses the direction of its
heart beats periodically.
 Larva has a hollow nerve cord, but in adult it is represented by a single dorsal ganglion.
 Excretion is carried out by nephrocytes, pyloric gland or neural gland.
 Sexes united, always cross and external fertilization.
 The free swimming larva is known as Ascidian tadpole
 Larva undergoes retrogressive metamorphosis. (Larva with chordate features gets metamor-
phosed into adult with degenerated chordate features mostly).
Examples: Herdmania (Sea squirt),
Pyrosoma (Bioluminiscent and colonial)
* Body fish-like adapted for burrowing and swimming. It lacks head, but possesses a tail.
* Paired appendages absent and median fins (dorsal, ventral and caudal) are present.
 Notochord extends the entire length of the body and passes ahead of the nerve cord in front.
* Notochord persistent throughout life.
 A true enterocoelous coelom is present.
 An ectoderm lined cavity called atrium surrounds the pharynx
 Digestive tract complete, circulatory system closed, heart and respiratory pigments are
 Pharyngeal gill-slits are numerous and better developed.
 Excretory system includes paired protonephridia with solenocytes.
 Myotomes are the segmentally arranged muscles.
 Sexes are separate. Fertilization is external.
Example: (1) Branchiostoma (Amphioxus) - commonly called as lancelet. It is regarded as a
typical or model chordate as it retains all four chordate characteristics throught life. (2)
 In protochordates, a ventral ciliated groove the endostyle is present in the floor of the phar-
ynx. It is considered as forerunner of the vertebrate thyroid gland, as it stores iodine.
 Protochordates are ciliary feeders.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

8. What is the basis of classification of

(1) Gut (2) Brain
(3) Gills (4) Notochord
1. In chordates, basically the pharynx is 9. In which one of the following groups, brain
(1) Perforated box is absent?
(2) Not perforated 1) Cyclostomata 2) Pisces
(3) Present in the gut of the larva only 3) Amphibia 4) Protochordata
(4) A source of thyroxine which controls 10. Prochordates lack
metamorphosis 1) Cranium & vertebral column
2. One of the primary characters of 2) Jaws & vertebral column
chordates is 3) Paired appendages
(1) Solid ventral nerve cord 4) All of the above
(2) Dorsal tubular nerve cord 11. Basically chordates are metamerically
(3) Paired nerve cords segmented animals this statement is
(4) Ganglionated nerve cord 1) Completely false
3. Phylum chordata is divided into how many 2) Applicable to some chordates only
sub phyla? 3) Applicable to all chordates, because at
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 some stage of their development they
4. Which one of the following is not a show some sort of serial repetition of
characteristic feature of all the chordates body parts
without exception? 4) True for all chordates, as they show this
(1) Dorsal nerve cord phenomenon throughout life
12. Protochordates are
(2) Presence of coelom
1) Mucous feeders
(3) A diaphragm sparating thorax from 2) Water current feeders
3) Ciliary feeders
(4) Pharyngeal gill clefts in the early 4) Predators
embryonic stages 13. Protochordates are not vertebrates as
5. The gill – slits of chordates occur in 1) Notochord is absent
1) Buccal cavity of aquatic animals 2) Vertebral column is absent
2) Pharynx of all land vertebrates 3) Nerve cord is absent
3) Pharynx of all chordate embryos, and 4)All the above
pharynx of some aquatic adult chordates 14. Which is common to protochordates
4) Pharynx of all aquatic and land vertebrates 1) Endostyle 2) Neural gland
in adults as well as in their embryos 3) Metanephridia 4) Kidneys
6. Cold blooded animal is the one which has 15. Notochord is restricted to tail region in
(1) Hemichordata (2) Urochordata
(1) Cold blood
(3) Cephalochordata (4) Chordata
(2) Cold habitat
16. Tadpole is the larva of
(3) Low body temperature (1) Amphioxus (2) Balanoglossus
(4) No regulatory system of body (3) Herdmania (4) Branchiostoma
17. Which of the following shows
7. All protochordates are retrogressive metamorphosis ?
(1) Freshwater (2) Marine (1) Sea squirt (2) Tongue worm
(3) Aquatic (4) None of these (3) Lancelet (4) Acorn worm



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

18. Tunicin is present in 30. Which of the following animal has only
(1) Test or covering of urochordates median unpaired fins?
(2) Excreta of hemichordates (1) Fish (2) Bird
(3) Blood of cephalochordates (3) Snake (4) Amphioxus
(4) Blood of urochordates 31. Excretory organs of Amphioxus are
19. In Herdmania, excretion is carried out by 1) Metanephridia 2) Pronephridia
(1) Kolliker’s pit (2) Protonephridia 3) Mesonephric kidneys
(3) General body surface (4) Neural gland
4) Metanephric kidneys
20. Urochordates are
32. Which one of the following is a chordate but
(1) Exclusively marine
not a vertebrate
(2) Exclusively fresh water
1) Scoliodon 2) Salamender
(3) Terrestrial (4) Amphibious 3) Amphioxus 4) Snake
21. Ascidia belongs to which phylum? 33. Amphioxus is considered as typical chordate
1) Hemichordata 2) Urochordata due to
3) Cephalochordata 4) Chordata 1) Presence of unpaired fins
22. Herdmania belongs to : 2) presence of cranium
(1) Hemichordata (2) Urochordata 3) Presence of tail
(3) Cephalochordata (4) Gnathostomata 4) All chordate characters being persistent
23. Tunicin is similar to 34. Notochord is extended up to head and is
1) Cellulose 2) Chitin retained throughout life in
3) Cuticle 4) Scleroprotein 1) Branchiostoma 2) Herdmania
3) Balanoglossus 4) Frog
24. Salpa & Doliolum belong to 35. Find out main difference between
1) Hemichordata 2) Cephalochordata urochordata and cephalochordates
3) Urochordata 4) Vertebrata 1) Position of endostyle
25. Which of the following is a cephalochordate ? 2) Perforated pharynx
(1) Balanoglossus (2) Branchiostoma 3) Length of notochord
(3) Herdmania (4) Cliona 4) All of the above
26. Blueprint of chordata is 36. “Lancelet” is
(1) Hemichordata 1) Amphioxus 2) Balanoglossus
(2) Cephalochordata (3) Urochordata 3) Herdmania 4) Salpa
(4) All of the above
27. Notochord occurs all through the length of
body and throughout life in
1) Hemichordata 2) Urochordata
3) Cephalochordata 4) Vertebrata
1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (2) 4. (3) 5. (3)
28. The animal having notochord throughout life is 6. (4) 7. (2) 8. (4) 9. (4) 10. (4)
1) Fish 2) Lancelet 11. (3) 12. (3) 13. (2) 14. (1) 15. (2)
3) Snake 4) Bird 16. (3) 17. (1) 18. (1) 19. (4) 20. (1)
29. Lancelet is the member of 21. (4) 22. (2) 23. (1) 24. (3) 25. (2)
1) Hemichordata 2) Urochordata 26. (2) 27. (3) 28. (2) 29. (3) 30. (4)
3) Cephalochordata 4) Cyclostomata 31. (2) 32. (3) 33. (4) 34. (1) 35. (3)
36. (1)

class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

Subphylum - Vertebrata
* Body divided into head, neck, trunk and tail. Some notable exceptions are there :
i) Fishes lack neck,
ii) Amphibians lack both neck and tail (with some exceptions).
* Paired appendages are present which may be fins or limbs.
* Closed circulatory system; ventral, muscular heart with 2, 3 or 4 chambers.
* Notochord is only present in the embryonic stage, it is replaced by cartilaginous are
bony vertebral column in adult forms.
* Thus all vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates.
* A pair of kidneys are present for excretion and osmoregulation
 Unisexual and have a pair of gonads.
 Amniota - it includes reptiles, aves and mammals in which the embryo is surrounded by
extra embryonic membranes (Amnion, Chorion, Allantois and Yolk sac)
 Anamniota - It includes fishes and amphibians in which extra embryonic membranes are
not formed. (Yolk sac is formed in some)


Agnatha Gnanthostomata
(lacks jaw) (bears jaw)

Super Class

Pisces Tetrapoda
( bear fins ) ( bear limbs )

Class Class
Class 1. Chondrichthyes 1. Amphibia
1. Cyclostomata 2. Osteichthyes 2. Reptilia
3. Aves
4. Mammals
 Jawless primitive fish-like vertebrates without true jaws and paired limbs.
 It is divided into two classes:
Class-I:- Ostracodermi (Extinct armoured fishes)
 Body with heavy armour of large bony plates on the head and small bony scales on the
 They were world’s first vertebrates
Example:- Cephalaspis.
Class-II:- Cyclostomata
* All living members of the class cyclostomata are ectoparasites on some fishes.
 They are ectotherms or poikilotherms.
* Skin soft and scaleless.
* Mouth circular, suctorial and without jaws.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

* Median fins with cartilaginous rays, but no paired appendages.

* Cranium and vertebral column are cartilaginous.
* Circulation is of closed type.
* Cyclostomes are marine but migrate for spawning to fresh water. (Anadromous migra-
tion) After spawning, within a few days, they die. Their larvae, after metamorphosis,
return to ocean.
* Gill slits 6 to 15 pairs.
 Heart is 2-chambered.
 Cranial nerves are 8 to 10 pairs.
 Single median olfactory sac and nostril.
 Auditory organ with 1 or 2 semicircular canals.
 Sexes separate or united; fertilization external; development direct or indirect with larval
 Example:- Petromyzon (Lamprey). It exhibits anadromous migration. Larva is ammocoete.
Myxine (Hag fish or slime eel).

Figure : A jawless vertebrate-Petromyzon

41. In vertebrates, vertebral column replaces

(1) Nerve cord (2) Notochord
(3) Umbilical cord
(4) Spermatic cord
37. Chordates with a backbone are called 42. Vertebrates respire by
(1) Protochordates (2) Agnatha (1) Lungs (2) Gills
(3) Gnathostomes (4) Vertebrates (3) Skin
38. The group amniota includes (4) All of the above
(1) Birds and mammals only 43. In vertebrates, the skin is usually covered by
(2) Birds and reptiles only (1) Scales (2) Hairs
(3) Feathers
(3) Reptiles and mammals only
(4) Reptiles, birds and mammals (4) Any one of above
39. Vertebrates use their paired appendages 44. Which of the following statements is
for true?
(1) Grasping and manipulation (1) All chordates are vertebrates
(2) Running and flying (2) All vertebrates are chordates
(3) Swimming and walking
(3) Non-chordates have a vertbral column
(4) All of the above
(4) Invertebrates possess a tubular nerve cord
40. All adult vertebrates possess
(1) Renal portal system 45. Which of the following is not seen in
(2) Pharyngeal gill slits vertebrates?
(3) Ventral four-chambered heart (1) Kidneys (2) Skin
(4) Dorsal hollow central nervous system (3) Liver (4) Hepato-pancreas



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

46. Common characteristic of all vertebrates 55. Ammocoete larva belongs to

without exception is 1) Petromyzon 2) Myxine
(1) exoskeleton 3) Amphioxous 4) Balanoglossus
(2) presence of cranium 56. Petromyzon & Myxine are not regarded
(3) two pairs of functional appendages as true fishes because
1) They lack unpaired fins
(4) division of body into head, neck, trunk
2) They have circular mouth
and tail
3) operculum is absent
47. Which of the following set of animals
4) There is absence of paired fins & jaws
belong to class Cyclostomata ? 57. Petromyzon attaches to the host body with
(1) Amphioxus and Balanoglossus the help of
(2) Herdmania and Myxine 1) Suckers 2) Hooks
(3) Herdmania and Petromyzon 3) Both 4) Suctorial mouth
(4) Petromyzon and Myxine 58. Petromyzon belongs to
48. Jawless vertebrates are members of (1) Agnatha (2) Gnathostomata
(1) Agnatha (2) Cephalochordata (3) Protochordata (4) Euchordata
(3) Gnathostomata (4) Urochordata
49. Jaws are
(1) Absent in fishes
(2) Absent in cyclostomes
37. (4) 38. (4) 39. (4) 40. (4) 41. (2)
(3) Present in cyclostomes
(4) Present in Myxine 42. (4) 43. (4) 44. (2) 45. (4) 46. (2)
50. Which of the following animal does not 47. (4) 48. (1) 49. (2) 50. (1) 51. (1)
belong to division Gnathostomata? 52. (1) 53. (1) 54. (3) 55. (1) 56. (4)
1) Hag fish 2) Dog fish
57. (4) 58. (1)
3) Saw fish 4) Electric ray
51. Agnatha is represented by which class DIVISION - II: GNATHOSTOMATA :
1) Cyclostomata 2) Chondrichthyes  Jawed vertebrates having true jaws and
paired limbs.
3) Osteichthyes 4) Both 2 and 3
 All fishes are placed in the superclass-Pi-
52. In cyclostomata, cranium and vertebral sces,
column are whereas all the four-footed terrestrial
1) cartilagenous 2) bony gnathostomes are placed in the superclass-
3) absent 4) either 1 or 2 Tetrapoda.
53. The body is devoid of scales and paired  TYPES OF SKULLS IN VERTEBRATES
fins in Monocondylic skull-it has a single occipi-
1) Cyclostomata 2) Chondrichthyes tal condyle for articulation with the verte-
bral column found in fishes, reptiles, birds
3) Osteichthyes 4) All the above
Dicondylic skull-it has two occipital
54. 6-15 pairs of gill slits occur in condyles for articulation with the vertebral
(1) Pisces (2) Amphibia column found in amphibians & mammals
(3) Cyclostomes (4) All of these  TYPES OF VERTEBRAE
Procoelous-centrum with anterior con-
cavity eg:Most amphibians, reptiles



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

Opisthocoelous-centrum with posterior concavity

eg: Salamanders
Amphicoelous-centrum with both anterior and posterior concavities
eg: Fishes and apodans
Amphiplatyan-centrum is flat at both anterior and posterior faces
eg: Mammals
Heterocoelous-Saddle shaped centrum
eg: Birds
 Vertebrate Evolution
Vertebrate Evolutionary time & Period of domination
Group Evolved from (Golden age )
Silurian period, from Devonian period
Devonian period, from
Amphilbians Carboniferous period
Osteolepid fishes
Carboniferous period, from
Labyrinthodont amphibians Mesozoic era
Jurassic period, from Modernization occurred
Birds in Cretaceous period
Therapod dinosaurs
Triassic period, from
Mammals Therapsid reptiles Coenozoic era


 It includes first-jawed, aquatic, gill-breathing vertebrates called fishes.
 Poikilothermic and anamniotes.
 Both paired and median fins are present.
 Skin has unicellular epidermal mucous glands.
 They have 10 pairs of cranial nerves.
 Lateral line sense organs or Neuromast organs are present in fishes. These are
Rheoreceptors which are used to detect movements and pressure gradient in the surrounding
 Extinct fishes are included under the class Placodermi (These were first jawed vertebrates)
 Extinct fishes are grouped under two classes.
Class I : Chondrichthyes - cartilaginous fishes.
* They are marine animals with streamlined body
 Body may be laterally compressed or dorsoventrally flattened. It consists of head, trunk and
 The caudal fin is heterocercal (asymmetrical both externally and internally).
* Skin is tough and covered by placoid scales (dermal scales)/dermal denticles.
* Endoskeleton is entirely cartilaginous.
* Notochord is persistent throughout life.
* They are predaceous
 Mouth is ventral. The alimentary canal opens into the cloaca. Intestine has a scroll (spiral)



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

* Teeth are modified placoid scales which are backwardly directed

* Jaws are very powerful
 Respiratory system includes 5-7 pairs of lamelliform (plate-like) gills.
* Gill-slits are without gill covers /opercula (except in Chimaera).
* Air bladder, which regulates buoyancy, is absent. Hence they have to swim constantly.
* Heart is two-chambered, having one auricle and one ventricle.
 Sinus venosus and conus arteriosus are present.
 Renal portal system is well developed. Red blood corpuscles are oval, biconvex and nucleated.
 Internal nostrils are absent.
 Nitrogenous waste matter is urea (Ureotelic). They retain urea in their blood for osmoregula-
* Sexes are separate. The reproductive ducts discharge gametes into the cloaca.
* In male, pelvic fins usually bear claspers which are used for copulation.
* Fertilization is internal. Many of them are viviparous.


Figure : Examples of Cartilaginous fishes (a) Scoliodon (b) Pristis
* Scoliodon – Dog fish
* Pristis – Saw fish
* Trygon – Sting ray (Poison sting is present in tail)
* Carcharodon – Great white shark
 Torpedo – Electric ray (Electric organs are present which are modified dorsal muscles)
 Sphyrna – Hammer-headed shark
 Chimaera – Rat or Rabbit Fish or king of herrings.-connecting link between
cartilagenous and bony fishes
 Rhinodon typus– Whale shark (Largest fish & second largest chordate)
 In sharks ampullary pores are present on the upper and lower surface of the head; each
pore leads into an ampulla called Ampulla of Lorenzini (thermoreceptors)through which
the fish receives information of the temperature fluctuations in the surrounding water.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

Class II : Osteichthyes - Bony fishes

* It includes both marine and fresh water fishes with bony endoskeleton. Their body is stream-
* Skin is covered by cycloid or ctenoid scales. (dermal scales)
 Tail is usually homocercal. (symmetrical externally but asymmetrical internally). In some it
may be diphycercal (symmetrical both externally and internally)
* Mouth is mostly terminal. Alimentary canal opens out by anus. Intestine generally lacks a scroll valve.
* Respiratory system includes 4 pairs of gills. Gill-slits are covered by gill covers (operculum).
 Air filled swim bladder is present which acts as a buoyancy regulator. In some bony fishes
(Dipnoi), the swim bladder is used as a lung for breathing air.
* Heart is 2 chambered. (one auricle and one ventricle)
 Nitrogenous waste matter is mostly ammonia (Ammonotelic).
* Sexes are seperate. Fertilization is generally external. Most forms are oviparous.
* Development is direct.

(a) (b)

Figure : Examples of Bony fishes: (a) Hippocampus (b) Catla

Marine Fishes : Exocoetus - Flying fish
Hippocampus - Sea horse (Horse like snout, prehensile tail, male
with brood pouch)
Freshwater Fishes: Labeo - Rohu
Catla - Katla
Aquarium Fishes : Betta - Fighting fish.
Pterophyllum - Angel fish
 Latimeria chalumnae-Lobe finned fish-Coelacanth. It is a living fossil. It has cosmoid scales
and diphycercal tail. It was first discovered off the coast of South Africa
 Dipnoi- Lung fishes-Uncles of amphibia. They have cycloid scales, diphycercal tail. They
exhibit discontinuous distribution. Examples: Protopterus - African lungfish
Neoceratodus - Australian lungfish
Lepidosiren - South American lungfish
 Remora - Sucker fish (dorsal fin modified into sucker, commensal on sharks)
 Exocoetus - Flying fish (Pectoral fins modified for gliding)
 Cat Fishes - Lack scales (Eg: Clarius)



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

71. Heart pumps only impure blood in case of

(1) Shark (2) Whale
(3) Frog (4) Lizard
72. Anadromous fishes move from
59. Pharyngeal gill-slits are found in (1) estuary to sea (2) river to sea
(1) Cray fish (2) Cuttle fish (3) sea to fresh water
(3) Flying fish (4) Silver fish (4) fresh water to sea
60. The sucker fish (Remora) on a shark is an 73. Chondrichthyes is characterised by
example of 1) Ventral mouth 2) Placoid scales
(1) Commensalism (2) Parasitism 3) Ventral mouth and ctenoid scales
(3) Symbiosis (4) Predation 4) Both 1 and 2
61. A fish is characterized by the presence of 74. Which fish is kept in the aquarium?
(1) Dermal scales (2) Paired fins 1) Betta 2) Exocoetus
(3) Pharyngeal gills (4) All the above 3) Pterophyllum 4) Both 1 and 3
62. Fishes are available in
75. Torpedo and Trygon are
(1) Fresh water (2) Marine water
(3) Estuarine water 1) Cartilagenous fishes 2) Bony fishes
(4) All of the above 3) Fresh water fishes 4) Both 1 and 3
63. Which one of the following fishes can 76. In Osteichthyes, how many pairs of gills
produce electricity ? are present?
(1) Labeo (2) Torpedo 1) 6-15 2) 4-15 3) 4 4) 6
(3) Scoliodon (4) All lung fishes 77. Claspers are present in
64. Teleost fishes are characterized by the 1) Chondrichthyes (in pelvic fins)
presence of 2) Chondrichthyes (in pectoral fins)
(1) Air bladder (2) Claspers 3) Osteichthyes (in pelvic fins)
(3) Cloaca 4) Osteichthyes (in pectoral fins)
(4) Cartilaginous endoskeleton 78. Cycloid scales occur in
65. Pristis is commonly known as (1) Lizard (2) Toad
(1) Electric Ray (2) Saw fish (3) Bony fishes
(3) Sea fish (4) Sucker fish
66. In fishes, the teeth are of (4) Cartilaginous fishes
(1) Heterodont type (2) Acrodont type 79. Placoid scales are found in
(3) Thecodont type (1) Scoliodon (2) Hippocampus
(4) Pleurodont type (3) Carps (4) Cuttlefish
67. A flying fish is 80. Fish is a good source of
(1) Acipenser (2) Amia (1) Carbohydrates (2) Proteins
(3) Exocoetus (4) Fistularia (3) Fats (4) Minerals only
68. Gambusia is a 81. Excretory products of fishes are
(1) Pest on fishes (1) Ammonia (2) Urea
(2) Pathogenic fish (3) Uric acid (4) Both (1) & (2)
(3) Parasitic fish
(4) Fish predator of mosquito larvae 82. Which is the most distinct character of
69. Thermoreceptors of Scoliodon are
(1) Stato-acoustic organs (1) Gills (2) Scales
(2) Neuromast organs (3) Lateral line organ
(3) Lateral line system (4) Paired fins and fin rays
(4) Ampullae of Lorenzini 83. Some species of fishes are viviparous.
70. In fishes, the cranial nerves are An example of this is
(1) 6 pairs (2) 8 pairs 1) Labeo
(3) 10 pairs (4) 12 pairs 2) All fresh water teleosts
3) All marine teleosts 4) Scoliodon



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

84. Hippocampus is called “Sea horse”

1) It has horse like body
2) Its snout resembles horse snout
3) Its tail resembles horse tail 59. (3) 60. (1) 61. (4) 62. (4) 63. (2)
4) It swims fast like a fast running horse
85. The tympanum (ear drum) is absent in 64. (1) 65. (2) 66. (2) 67. (3) 68. (4)
1) Rays 2) Cartilaginous fishes 69. (4) 70. (3) 71. (1) 72. (3) 73. (4)
3) Bony fishes 4) All the above
86. Great white shark is a 74. (4) 75. (1) 76. (3) 77. (1) 78. (3)
1) Cartilagenous fish 2) Bony fish 79. (1) 80. (2) 81. (4) 82. (4) 83. (4)
3) Aquatic mammal
4) Marine mammal. 84. (2) 85. (4) 86. (1)

 It includes four classes- Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia
(Gr;Amphi:dual, bios: life)
* These are cold blooded vertebrates which can live both in aquatic as well as terrestrial habitats.
* Body is divided into head and trunk. Tail is present in some.
* Skin is moist, without scales.
* There are two pairs of limbs, each with 4-5 or fewer digits. The digits are without claws/nails
but often have webs.
 Amphibians are the first vertebrates to have a true tongue. (A true tongue has muscles and is
* Respiration takes place by gills, lungs, lining of buccopharyngeal cavity and skin, either sepa-
rately or in combination.
* Heart is 3-chambered, two auricles and one ventricle.
 Incomplete double circulation
 Hepatic portal system and Renal portal system, are well developed. Red blood corpuscles are
oval, biconvex and nucleated.
 There are 10 pairs of cranial nerves.
* The eyes have eyelids.
* A tympanum represents the ear.
 A single ear ossicle, the columella auris, is present in the middle ear. It transmits vibrations from
tympanum to internal ear. Columella auris is the modified hyomandibular of fishes and it is found
in amphibians, reptiles and birds. It is homologous to stapes of mammals.
* Alimentary canal, urinary and reproductive tracts open into a common chamber called cloaca
which opens to the exterior by cloacal aperture.
 Waste material is removed mostly as urea. Urinary bladder is present. Kidney is meso-
nephric but the larva has pronephric kidney. Larva excretes ammonia.
* Sexes are separate.
* Fertilization is external (internal in some).
* They are oviparous and development is indirect
 Many amphibians show parental care.
Examples: Bufo (Toad), Rana (Frog), Hyla (Tree frog), Salamandra (Salamander),



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

Ichthyophis (Limbless amphibia).

(a) (b)

Figure : Examples of Amphibia : (a) Salamandra (b) Rana

 Classification
Three main orders are 1) Apoda or Gymnophiona or Caecilia, 2) Urodela or Caudata and
3) Anura or Salientia.
i) Apoda : (Limbless, blind, elongated worm-like; tail is either short or absent).
Limbs and Limb girdles are absent; males have protrusible copulatory organs. Internal
Example:- Ichthyophis, minute scales are embedded in skin. Female shows parental care.
ii) Urodela : (Tailed amphibians)
 Gills permanent or lost in adults.
 Males are without copulatory organs. Fertilization is internal.(By the opposition of cloacal
 Tail is persistant.
Example:- Ambystoma –American Tiger salamander(Its larva is Axoltl. It shows neoteny
retention of larval characters in adult)
Necturus –Mud puppy or water dog
Proteus – Blind cave salamander
Siren – Mud eel
Amphiuma – Congo eel
Salamandra – Spotted Salamander
Megalobatrachus – Giant salamander of China
iii) Anura/Salientia: (Tail-less amphibians)
Adults are without tail.
Fertilization is external.
Hind limbs longer than forelimbs.
Rana tigrina – Bull Frog
Bufo – Toad
Hyla – Tree frog / Green frog
Rhacophorus – Flying frog / Gliding frog
Bombinator – Fire bellied toad (shows warning coloration)
 Parental care is exhibited by
i) Midwife toad (Alytes) - Male carries eggs around their thighs
ii) Surinam toad (Pipa) - Female carries eggs in special pits on its back till tadpoles be-
come small frogs.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

95. In the amphibian order urodela

(1) Limbs are small in front and long behind
(2) Limbs are of equal size
(3) Hind limbs are absent in adults
87. One of the following is not an amphibian (4) Limbs are absent
(1) Frog (2) Toad 96. Neoteny is seen in an amphibian belonging
(3) Salamander (4) Tortoise to order
88. The most remarkable step in (1) Urodela (2) Gymnophiona
development of amphibians was (3) Anura (4) Apoda
97. What is the zoological name of blind
(1) Development of lungs
(2) Transition from water to land
(1) Salamandra (2) Proteus
(3) Releasing shelled eggs (3) Uraeotyphlus (4) Necturus
(4) Both (1) and (2) 98. Members of only one order of amphibians
89. Amphibians lack have scales. It is
(1) Middle ear (2) Internal ear (1) Urodela (2) Caudata
(3) Eustachian tube (4) External ear (3) Gymnophiona (4) Anura
90. The body temperature of frog does not 99. Lateral line system found in fish has been
remain constant as it varies with the lost in amphibians due to
temperature of the surroundings. So frog (1) Development of limbs
will be called as (2) Change over to herbivorous feeding
(1) Homeothermal (3) Occurrence of metamorphosis in frog
(2) Poikilothermal (4) Movement on to land
100. Salamander belongs to
(3) Warm blooded (4) Endothermal
(1) Reptilia (2) Amphibia
91. Frog belongs to order ............ of amphibia
(3) Echinodermata (4) Pisces
(1) Anura (2) Apoda
101. Frog is called an amphibian because
(3) Urodela (4) Gymnophiona
(1) it has no tail (2) It has lungs
92. A good example of parental care in
amphibians is (3) It lives both on land and water
(4) Its young one, tadpole, is aquatic in
(1) Ichthyophis (2) Rana
(3) Ambystoma (4) All of these
102.Which of the following traits is not a
93. Which of the following amphibians have characteristic feature of amphibians?
gills (1) Amniotic eggs
(1) Amphiuma (2) Ichthyophis (2) Cutaneous respiration
(3) Necturus (4) All of these
(3) Moist skin without scales
94. Frogs and toads belong to anura or
(4) Requirement of water for reproduction
salientia whose characteristic feature is
103.A living amphibian with minute dermal
(1) Absence of postanal tail scales is
(2) Distinct tympanum
1) Amphiuma 2) Axolotl larva
(3) No trace of external gills and gill slits in adults
3) Ichthyophis 4) Siren
(4) All of these



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

104. Which of the following animal is called 109. Which of the following amphibian has
“Water – dog” largest R.B.C
1) Axolotal larva 2) Necturus 1) Amphiuma 2) Ambystoma
3) Petromyzon 4) Dog fish 3) Siren 4) Triton
105. Amphibians have: 110. Which animal is Surinam toad
1) Incomplete double circulation 1) Pipa americana 2) Bufo
2) Complete double circulation 3) Bombinator 4) Alytes
3) Open circulation 111. Which is a limbless amphibian?
4) Single circulation 1) Icthyosaurs 2) Bufo
106. Axolotl is the larva of 3) Snake 4) Icthyophis
1) Proteus 2) Siren
3) Ambystoma 4) Necturus
107 Hyla is commonly called
1) Mid wife toad 2) Tree frog 87. (4) 88. (4) 89. (4) 90. (2) 91. (1)
3) Mud puppy 4) Tiger salamander
92. (1) 93. (3) 94. (4) 95. (2) 96. (1)
108.Girdles are absent in
1) Ichthyophis 2) Siren 97. (2) 98. (3) 99. (4) 100. (2)101. (3)
3) Necturus 4) Frog 102. (1)103. (3) 104. (2) 105. (1)106. (3)
107. (2)108. (1) 109. (1) 110. (1)111. (4)

* Latin; repere or reptum-to creep or crawl
* The class name refers to their creeping or crawling mode of locomotion.
 Study of reptiles is called Herpetology.
* Mostly terrestrial and are poikilothermic vertebrates.
* Limbs are two pairs and pentadactylous. Digits are provided with horny claws. Limbs are
absent in snakes.
* Exoskeleton is made of horny epidermal scales, shields or scutes.
* Skin dry, cornified and devoid of glands.
 Temporal fossae are present in the skull for the passage of jaw muscles
 Alimentary canal and urinogenital system open into cloaca.
* The heart is usually three chambered but four chambered in crocodiles .
 Sinus venosus is present, but truncus arteriosus is absent. Renal portal system is reduced.
Red blood corpuscles are oval, biconvex and nucleated.
* There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
 Nitrogenous waste is uric acid in land forms and is urea in aquatic forms. Urinary bladder
may be present (absent in snakes and crocodiles).
 Jacobson’s organs (sense organs of smell) present in the roof of mouth in lizards and snakes
* They do not have external ear openings. Tympanum represents ear (Tympanum absent in
* Sexes separate. Male usually with a muscular copulatory organ.
* Fertilization internal. Mostly oviparous.
 Large yolky eggs covered with leathery shell, extra embryonic membranes (amnion, chorion,
yolk sac and allantois) appear during development.
* Direct development without any larval stage.
* Snakes and lizards shed their scales as skin cast.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Reptiles: (a) Chameleon (b) Crocodilus (c) Chelone (d) Naja
Examples: Chelone (Turtle), Testudo (Tortoise), Chameleon (Tree lizard), Calotes (Garden
lizard), Crocodilus (Crocodile), Alligator (Alligator). Hemidactylus (Wall lizard), Poisonous
snakes – Naja (Cobra), Bangarus (Krait), Vipera (Viper).
 Classification
Living Reptiles are divided as follows :
Order 1 : Chelonia or Testudinata
- Commonly called turtles
- Skull anapsid, with a single (median) nasal opening and without a parietal foramen.
- Teeth absent. Jaws with horny sheaths.
- Life span very long.
Examples : Chelone, Testudo, Trionyx, Dermochelys.
Order 2 : Rhynchocephalia
- Body small, elongated, lizard-like.
- Parietal foramen with vestigeal pineal eye present.
- No copulatory organ in male.
Example : Hatteria” or “tuatara” or Sphenodon punctatum: It is found only in New
Zealand (Endemic). it is at verge of extinction. It is also called living fossil.
Order 3 : Squamata. It inculdes 2 sub-orders
Sub-order 1 : Lacertilia (Sauria) it includes Lizards. (Study of lizards is saurology)
i) Hemidactylus  Common lizard/wall lizard. It shows caudal autotomy.
ii) Calotes  Blood sucker/Garden lizard/Girgit. The skin provides the
animal with protective colouration in its environment.
iii) Draco  Flying lizard. It can glide from one tree to another tree with
the help of lateral skin extensions called patagia
iv) Chameleon  Tree lizard, independant movement of eye balls, long sticky
tongue, prehensile tail, syndactyly, color change and viviparity.
v) Varanus  Monitor lizard.
vi) Varanus komodoensis  Komodo Dragon is the Largest living lizard
vii) Ophiosaurus  It is limbless lizard. It is also called glass - snake
viii) Heloderma  Gila monster. It is the only poisonous lizard. It lives in
Mexico & USA.
ix)Phrynosoma  Horned toad (viviparous)



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

Sub-order 2 : Ophidia it includes Snakes. (Study of snakes is Ophiology or Serpentology)

Non - Venomous snakes :
i) Python molurus  Ajgar, the largest non-poisonous snake. Rudiments of hind
limbs are found on the body.
ii) Ptyas mucosus / Zamenis  It is commonly called Dhaman. It feeds on rats, so it is also
called Rat snake. It is refered as friend of farmers.
iii) Eryx johni  Sand boa, Dumuhi. (Also called double-headed snake)
Venomous snakes : Poison glands are modified Parotid glands and fangs are modified Maxil-
lary teeth.
i) Hydrophis  Marine deadly poisonous, tail is laterally compressed and
viviparous snake
ii) Naja naja  Indian cobra, Poisonous snake (Neurotoxic)
iii) Ophiophagus hannah  King cobra. It is the largest snake among poisonous snakes
in India.
iv) Bangarus  Krait : Poisonous snake (neurotoxic)
v) Vipera  Viper snake. It is viviparous snake. Its venom is haemotoxic/
cardiotoxic. Loreal pit is found which is a thermoreceptor.
vi) Crotalus  It produces a characteristic rattling sound hence called
rattle snake.
Order 4 : Crocodilia
- Tail long, strong and laterally compressed.
- Teeth numerous, thecodont, lodged in sockets.
- Ribs are double headed
- Membranous diaphragm is present
- Pseudopalate is present
- Heart completely 4-chambered.
Example : Crocodilus, Gavialis, Alligator

115. Common wall-lizard is

(1) Calotes (2) Gecko
(3) Hemidactylus (4) Lacerta
112. Flying lizard is 116. Which one is tree lizard ?
(1) Chameleon (2) Hemidactylus
(1) Chameleon (2) Draco
(3) Calotes (4) Uromastix
(3) Calotes (4) Varanus
117. The poison glands of a poisonous snake
113. The most highly advanced character in are the modified
crocodile (Reptilia) is the presence of
(1) Buccal glands
(1) Powerful jaws (2) Shelled eggs (2) Salivary glands
(3) Pleurodont dentition (3) Sebaceous glands
(4) Four-chambered heart (4) Lacrimal glands
114. The largest lizard is 118. In reptiles, the skin is covered by
(1) Plates (2) Horny scales
(1) Chameleon (2) Heloderma
(3) Ophiosaurus (4) Varanus (3) Horny scutes
(4) All of the above but not in same animal

class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

119. Scales in the form of skin casts are shed by 130. Which of the following lizard is limbless and
(1) Chelones (2) Snakes only serpent like?
(3) Snakes & Lizards (4) Crocodiles 1) Hemidactylus 2) Ophiosaurus
120. Calotes versicolor is a 3) Heloderma 4) Varanus
(1) House lizard (2) Garden lizard 131. Which of the following pair is unmatched
(3) Flying lizard (4) Rock lizard for the animals of Reptilia class?
1) Cleidoic eggs and constant body temperature
121.The largest Indian poisonous snake is
2) Meroblastic cleavage and lack of
(1) Krait (2) Viper
(3) King cobra (4) Python
3) 12 pairs of cranial nerves and rough skin
122.Leathery eggs are found in 4) Skull monocondylic and skin with scales
(1) Amphibians (2) Reptiles 132. In which of the following, tympanum is
(3) Birds (4) Fishes absent?
123.A common wall lizard can climb on a 1) Birds 2) Frog 3) Lizard 4) Snake
smooth wall because it has
133. Saurology is the study of
(1) Suckers on mouth 1) Flightless birds 2) Lizards
(2) Sticky ventral side of the body
3) Snakes 4) Flying birds
(3) Claws on the fingers
134. Only poisonous lizard of the world is
(4) Adhesive pads on the fingers
1) Heloderma 2) Ophiosaurus
124. Which of the following has paddle-like
3) Phrynosoma 4) Varanus
135. Thecodont teeth and four chambered heart
(1) Crocodile (2) Tortoise occur in
(3) Turtle (4) Sea snake
1) Crocodilia 2) Rhynchocephalia
125. A bifid tongue and Jacobson’s organs are 3) Lacertilia 4) Chelonia
found in
136.A prehensile tail as in Chameleon is an
(1) Crocodiles (2) Lizards adaptation for
(3) Turtles (4) Snakes 1) Swimming 2) Sliding
126. In snakes, the cloaca receives the opening of 3) Grasping 4) Climbing
137.Which one is a reptile?
(1) Gut (2) Genital system
1) Toad 2) Salamander
(3) Urinary system
3) Newt 4) Turtle
(4) Gut and urinogenital system 138.In amphibians and reptiles, the ear is
127.Non-poisonous snake among the following is represented by
(1) Cobra (2) Krait 1) Cloaca 2) Ear pinna
3) Columella auris 4) Tympanum
(3) Viper (4) Rat snake 139.The class name Reptillia refers to their
128.The most poisonous snake is 1) Scales that are shed as skin cast
(1) Krait (2) Tree snake 2) Body is coverd by dry and cornified skin
(3) python (4) Rat snake 3) Creeping or crawling mode of locomotion
4) Poikilothermic nature
129. Snakes belongs to which order 140.Alligator is the member of
1) Reptilia 2) Squamata 1) Pisces 2) Aves
3) Ophidia 4) Lacertilia 3) Reptilia 4) Amphibia



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

141. Four chambered heart is characteristic

of which poikilotherm?
1) Psittacula 2) Hemidactylus 112. (2) 113. (4) 114. (4) 115. (3)
3) Pteropus 4) Crocodilus 116. (1) 117. (2) 118. (4) 119. (3)
142.Which is not a homeotherm? 120. (2) 121. (3) 122. (2) 123. (4)
124. (3) 125. (4) 126. (4) 127. (4)
1) Aptenodytes 2) Testudo 128. (1) 129. (2) 130. (2) 131. (1)
3) Delphinus 4) Neophron 132. (4) 133. (2) 134. (1) 135. (1)
136. (4) 137. (4) 138. (4) 139. (3)
140. (3) 141. (4) 142. (2)

 Study of birds is ornithology. Dr. Salim Ali is regarded “Bird man of India”.
* The charcteristic feature of Aves (birds) are the presence of feathers and most of them can bly
except flightless birds (e.g., ostrich).
* They possess beak.
* The forelimbs are modified into wings. The hind limbs generally have scales and are modified
for walking, swimming or clasping the tree branches.
* Skin is dry without glands except the oil gland at the base of the tail (Preen gland or Uropygeal
 Exoskeleton is epidermal. It consists feathers on the body, scales on the legs, claws on the toes
and sheath on the beak (Ramphotheca).
* Endoskeleton is fully ossified (bony) and the long bones are hollow with air cavities (pneumatic).
 Vertebrae are heterocoelous.
 Y-shaped interclavicle (wishbone / Furcula) is present.
 Synsacrum and Pygostyle are formed by fusion of some vertebrae.
 Ribs are double headed.
 Pectoral muscles of flight are well-developed and attached to keel/carina of sternum.
* The digestive tract of birds has additional chambers, the crop and gizzard.
 Oesophagus dilates into a crop for quick feeding and storage.
 Larynx without vocal cords. A sound box or syrinx, produces voice.
* Heart is completely four chambered.
 Both sinus venosus and truncus arteriosus are absent. Only right aortic (systemic) arch persists
in adult. Renal portal system is reduced.
* They are warm-blooded (homoiothermous) animals, i.e., they are able to maintain a constant
body temperature.
* Respiration is by lungs. 9 Air sacs connected to lungs supplement respiration.
 Kidneys metanephric. Urinary bladder absent. Birds are uricotelic.
 Cerebellum is well developed for balance during flight.
 Cranial nerves 12 pairs.
* Sexes are separate. Fertilisation is internal. They are oviparous and development is direct.
 Cleidoic, megalecithal eggs and meroblastic, discoidal cleavage
 Extra-embryonic membranes are present.
Examples : Corvus (Crow), Columba (Pigeon), Psittacula (Parrot), Struthio (Ostrich),
Pavo (Peacock), Aptenodytes (Penguin), Neophron (Vulture).



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Some birds (a) Neophron (b) Struthio (c) Psittacula (d) Pavo
i) Super-Order : Palaeognathae or Ratitae
 Modern flightless and running birds.
 Wings vestigial or rudimentary; feathers devoid of interlocking mechanism.
 Oil gland is absent, except in Tinamus and Kiwi.
 Sternal is raft-like. (No keel)
 Tail vertebrae free. Pygostyle small or absent.
 Pectoral muscles poorly developed.
 Syrinx is absent.
 Male has copulatory organ.
 Exhibits discontinuous distribution
Example :
i) Struthio  Ostrich
ii) Cassowaries of Australia.
iii) Kiwis (Apteryx) of New Zealand.
iv) Tinamou.
ii) Super Order : Neognathae or Carinatae
 Most modern, usually small-sized, flying birds.
 Wings well-developed; feathers with interlocking mechanism.
 Oil gland is present.
 Sternum with a well-developed keel.
 Pygostyle is present.
 Pectoral muscles large.
 Syrinx is present.
 Male has no copulatory organ.
 Distributed all over the world.
Example :
i) Common house crow (Corvus splendens).
ii) Green parrot (Psittacula krameri).
iii) Koel (Eudynamis scolopaceous)
iv) Vulture (Neophron)
v) Pigeon (Columba livea)
vi) Peacock (Pavo)



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

153. Science that deals with study of birds is

(1) Oncology (2) Oology
(3) Ornithology (4) Odontology
154. The flight muscles of birds are attached to
143. The largest living bird is (1) Coracoid (2) Scapula
(1) Struthio (Ostrich) (3) Keel of sternum (4) Clavicle
(2) Aptenodytes (Penguin) 155.Oviparity is common in
(3) Phonicopterus (Flamingo) (1) Rabbit (2) Whale
(4) Aepyornis (Giant elephant bird) (3) Penguin (4) Bat
144.All flightless birds comprise a group 156.The wish bone of the birds is derived from
(1) Hind-limbs (2) Pelvic girdle
(1) Carinatae (2) Aves
(3) Pectoral girdle (4) Skull
(3) Odontognathae (4) Ratitae
145.In birds, the vertebrae are 157.The advantage of bipedal locomotion is
(1) Amphicoelous (2) Acoelous (1) To increase in rate of locomotion
(3) Heterocoelous (2) To get better grip
(4) Ophisthocoelous (3) The reduction in body weight
146.The sound producing organ in singing (4) To spare the fore limbs for other jobs
bird is 158.Birds are
(1) Vocal sacs (2) Syrinx (1) Uricotelic (2) Ureotelic
(3) Larynx (4) Synsacrum (3) Ammonotelic (4) Aminotelic
147.Air sacs are found in 159.Name the ‘Bird man of India’
(1) Aquatic birds (2) Ground birds (1) Karm Narayan Bahl (2) M.L. Bhatia
(3) All birds (4) primitive birds (3) Salim Ali
148. Carina or Keel of flying birds is a part of
(4) E.M. Thillayampalam
(1) Sternum (2) Clavicle 160.Character of birds is
(3) Skull (4) Vertebral column
1) Cleidoic eggs and cleavage is equal and
149. The members of class Aves are holoblastic
characterized by the presence of
(1) Hollow jaws and four chambered heart 2) Megalecithal eggs and cleavage is
unequal and holoblastic
(2) Bipedal locomotion and body covered
with feathers 3) Cleidoic eggs and cleavage is unequal
(3) Two chambered heart with fully ossified and holoblastic
skeleton 4) Megalecithal eggs and cleavage is
(4) Homoiothermic condition and viviparity discoidal and Meroblastic
150. In birds, the feathers are modifications of 161.Character of birds is
(1) Dermal scales (2) Epidermal scales 1) Unisexual and sexual dimorphism absent
(3) Plates (4) Glands 2) Bisexual and sexual dimorphism absent
151.Skin of birds contains 3) Unisexual and sexual dimorphism present
(1) Sweat glands 4) Bisexual and sexual dimorphism present
(2) Oil glands distributed all over the body 162.Birds with amphibious nature is
(3) Oil glands in the region of tail
1) Dodo 2) Penguin
(4) Specialized sudoriferous glands only
152.Feathers of the birds are waterproof due 3) Kiwi 4) Ostrich
to the oily secretion of 163.Secretion of “Pigeon’s milk” by
(1) Cutaneous gland (2) Preen gland 1) Crop glands 2) Mammals glands
(3) Sudorific gland (4)Sebaceous glands 3) Salivary glands 4) Gizzard



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

164. ‘Pecten is a structure that occur in the eyes 170. Which of the following characteristic is
of applicable for birds?
1) Reptiles 2) Fishes 1) Absence of urinary bladder
3) Birds 4) Mammals 2) Presence of dicondylic skull
165. Furculum, synsacrum and pygostyle 3) Ribs without uncinate processes
bones are characteristic of 4) All of the above
1) Snakes 2) Lizards 171.National bird of India is
3) Birds 4) Monotremes 1) Flamingo 2) Pavo cristatus
166. Air spaces in bones of birds are helpful 3) Columba livia 4) Psittacula
1) to lessen body weight 172.Which one is not a flightless bird?
2) to keep body warm 1) Struthio 2) Emu
3) to regulate body temp 3) Psittacula 4) Cassowary
4) in blood circulation 173.Which is not detectable in birds?
167. The flight less birds like Rhea, Kiwi & 1) Pectoral girdle 2) Pelvic girdle
Emu respectively belong to which 3) Claws on fore limbs
countries 4) Scales on hind limbs
1) South America, New zealand& Australia 174.Which of the following is a flightless
2) Africa, Australia & New zealand bird?
3) North America, Japan & Africa 1) Psittacula 2) Struthio
4) Australia, S. Africa & Japan 3) Columba 4) Neophron
168.Which part of brain is likely to be best
developed in a bird for its balanced aerial
mode of life
1) Cerebrum 2) Cerebellum
143. (1) 144. (4) 145. (3) 146. (2)
3) Medulla oblongata
4) Corpora quadrgemina 147. (2) 148. (1) 149. (2) 150. (2)
169.Large and well developed sternum with 151. (3) 152. (2) 153. (3) 154. (3)
keel in a bird suggests 155. (3) 156. (3) 157. (4) 158. (1)
1) Inability to fly 159. (3) 160. (4) 161. (3) 162. (2)
2) Fast running adaptation 163. (1) 164. (3) 165. (3) 166. (1)
3) Strong flying ability 167. (1) 168. (2) 169. (3) 170. (1)
4) Fast swimming adaptation 171. (2) 172. (3) 173. (3) 174. (2)

 Study of mammals is mammology.
* They are found in a variety of habitats – polar ice caps, deserts, mountains, forests, grasslands
and dark caves.
* Some of them have adapted to fly or live in water.
* The most unique mammalian characteristic is the presence of milk producing glands
(mammary glands) by which the young ones are nourished.
* They have two pairs of limbs, adapted for walking, running, climbing, burrowing, swimming
or flying .
* The skin of mammals is unique in possessing hair.
* External ears or pinnae are present.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

* Different types of teeth are present in the jaw(Heterodont).

 Teeth are present in sockets (thecodont).
 Ribs are double headed.
 A muscular partition, called diaphragm, separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal
* Heart is four chambered.
 Only the left aortic arch present. Renal portal system absent, R.B.C. small, circular and non-
nucleated(Oval shaped RBCs in Camels and Llamas).
* They are homoiothermous.
* Respiration is by lungs.
 Glottis protected by an epiglottis. Larynx contains vocal cords.
 Kidneys metanephric. Nitrogenous metabolic waste is urea.
 Brain highly evolved. Corpora quadrigemina and Corpus callosum are present. Cranial
nerves 12 pairs.
 Mammals show greatest intelligence among animals.
* Sexes are separate and fertilisation is internal.
 Testes commonly placed in a bag or scrotum outside abdomen.
* They are viviparous with few exceptions and development is direct.
* Examples: Oviparous-Ornithorhynchus (Platypus); Viviparous -Macropus (Kangaroo),
Pteropus (Flying fox), Camelus (Camel), Macaca (Monkey), Rattus (Rat), Canis (Dog), Felis
(Cat), Elephas (Elephant),
Equus (Horse), Delphinus (Common dolphin), Balaenoptera (Blue whale), Panthera tigris
(Tiger), Panthera leo (Lion).

Figure : Some mammals: (a) Ornithorhynchus (b) Macropus (c) Pteropus (d) Balaenoptera
i) Prototheria (Monotremata) : Primitive egg laying mammals, connecting link between
reptiles and mammals.
 absence of pinna
 presence of T shaped interclavicle
 Alimentary canal and Urinogenital system open into cloaca
 Corpus callosum and cochlea absent.
 Abdominal testes
 Eggs are cleidoic, megalecithal and cleavage is meroblastic.
 Mammary glands without teats
 Gynaecomastism - males produce milk.
 Found in Australia and neighbouring islands.



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

i) Echidna (spiny anteater)
ii) Ornithorhynchus (duck-bill platypus).
ii) Metatheria (Marsupialia) :
 Pouched mammals
 They are viviparous but young ones are born in an immature stage.
 Mammary glands have teats.
 Two uteri and vaginae (Didelphic condition).
 Yolk sac placenta
 Young one is a mammary foetus
 Exhibit discontinuous distribution found in Australia and South America
i) Macropus (kangaroo) -Australia
ii) Didelphys (opossum). -South America
iii) Eutheria :
 True placenta establishes connection between the uterus of mother and developing embryo,
viviparous, brain is highly developed and has corpus callosum.
Pteropus (Flying fox), Camelus (Camel), Macaca (Monkey), Rattus (Rat), Canis (Dog),
Felis (Cat), Elephas (Elephant), Equus (Horse), Delphinus (Common dolphin),
Balaenoptera (Blue whale),
Panthera tigris (Tiger), Panthera leo (Lion).
 Echolocation: Echolocating animals emit calls out to the enviromment and listen to the
echoes of those calls that return from various objects near them. They use these echoes to
locate and identify the objects.
Examples: bats, whales and seals
 Eutheria is divided into 16 orders
Order Examples
1. Edentata Armadillo, Sloth
2. Pholiodata Scaly anteater / Pangolin
3. Insectivora Erinaceus (Hedgehog)
4. Lagomorpha Oryctolagus (Rabbit), Lepus (Hare)
Mouse, Porcupine, Squirrel,
5. Rodentia Guinea pig, Hamster, Rat
6. Chiroptera Pteropus (flying fox), bat
7. Carnivora Dog, Tiger, Cat, Seals
8. Cetacea Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises
9. Artiodactyla Ruminants - Giraffe, Camel, Goat,
(even - toed ungulates) Sheep, Cattle, Hippopotamus, Pig
10. Perissodactyla Equus (Horse), Rhinoceros,
(odd - toed ungulates) Zebra, Ass, Donkey, Tapir
11. Proboscidea Elephant
12. Primates Man, Monkey, Apes
13. Dermoptera Flying lemurs
14. Sirenia Seacows
15. Hyracoidea Hyrax - Laphodont
16. Tubulidentata Aardwark - Tubular Tooth



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

* Salient Features of Different Phyla in the Animal Kingdom

Level of
Phylum Segmen- Digistive Circulatory Respiratory Distinctive
Organi- Symmetry Coelom System System System
tation Features
Many Body with pores
Porifera Cellular Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
and canals in walls.
Coelenterata Cnidoblasts
(Cnidaria) Tissue Radial Absent Absent Incomplete Absent Absent
Ctenophora Comb plates for
Tissue Radial Absent Absent Incomplete Absent Absent
Platyhelem- Organ-
Bilateral Absent Absent Incomplete Absent Absent Flat body, suckers.
inthes system
Aschelmin- Organ- Pseudo Often worm-
system Bilateral Absent Complete Absent Absent shaped, elongated.
thes coelomate
Organ- Body segment
Annelida system Bilateral Coelomate Present Complete Present Present
ation like rings.
Exoskeleton of
Arthropoda Bilateral Coelomate Present Complete Present Present cuticle, jointed
Organ- External skeleton
Mollusca system Bilateral Coelomate Absent Complete Present Present shell usually present
Water vascular
Echino- Organ-
system Radical Coelomate Absent Complete Present Present system, radial
dermata symmetry.

Organ- Worm - like with

system Bilateral Coelomate Absent Complete Present Present proboscis, collar
and trunk.
Notochord, dorsal
Organ- hollow nerve cord,
Chordata system Bilateral Coelomate Present Complete Present Present
gill slits with
limbs or fins.

178. Odd-toed mammals (Horse, Ass and

Zebra) belong to the order
(1) Artiodactyla (2) Perissodactyla
(3) Lagomorpha (4) Edentatea
179. Eutherians are characterized by
175. To which of the following taxonomic (1) Skin with glands (2) Hairy skin
group does the whale belong ? (3) True placentation
(1) Pisces (2) Amphibians (4) Locomotory hind-limbs
(3) Reptiles (4) Mammals 180. The characteristic feature of placental
176. The zoological name of lion is mammals is
(1) Felis leo (1) absence of marsupium or epipubic bone
(2) presence of a true placenta
(2) Panthera tigris
(3) viviparity
(3) Panthera pardus (4) Panthera leo
(4) all of the above
177. Kangaroos are marsupials because
181.Which of the following mammal has
(1) they produce helpless infants scrotal testes?
(2) the females have a marsupial pouch (1) Prototherians
(3) they are found in Australia and Austria (2) All placental mammals
(4) they show oviparity (3) Elephant (4) Man



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

182. Duck-billed platypus is now confined to 192. What is common in bat, whale and rat?
(1) India (2) Africa 1) Absence of neck
(3) Australia (4) Antarctica 2) Muscular diaphragm
183.The ruminants are included in the order 3) Testes, outside abdominal cavity
(1) Sirenia (2) Proboscidea 4) External earpinna
(3) Perissodactyla (4) Artiodactyla 193. Which of these exhibit echolocation
184. Which of the following mammals lays eggs ? 1) Bear 2) Camel
(1) Bat (2) Scaly anteater 3) Whale 4) Rhinoceros
(3) Spiny anteater (4) Whale 194. Birds and mammals share one of the
185. Kangaroo is a native of following characteristics as a common
(1) Africa (2) Australia feature
(3) Austria (4) Mexico 1) Pigmented skin
186.Rabbits belong to which order of 2) Pneumatic bones
Mammalia ? 3) Viviparity 4) Warm blooded nature
(1) Cetacea (2) Chiroptera
195.Unique feature of mammalian body is
(3) Insectivora (4) Lagomorpha
presence of
187.Camel is different from other mammals
1) four chambered heart 2) diaphragm
in having
3) homiothermy 4) rib cage
(1) Subcutaneous fat
196. All mammals,without any exception,are
(2) No sweat glands
characterised by
(3) More than seven cervical
1) Viviparity and biconcave red blood cells
(4) Oval shaped R.B.C
2) Extra-abdominal testes and a four
188.Echidna is a
chambered heart
(1) mammal which is a native of Africa
3) Homodont teeth and 10 pairs of cranial
(2) mammal which is a native of Australia nerves
(3) Reptile which is a native of South 4) Mammary glands and 4 chambered heart
197. Identify the group,which includes animals
(4) reptile which is a native of Asia all of which give birth to young ones
189.In mammals, the function of the diaphragm is directly.
(1) Dividing the body cavity into two 1) Dolphin,Kangaroo,bat,cat
compartments 2) Platypus,penguin,bat,hippopotamus
(2) To protect lungs 3) Shrew ,bat,kiwi,cat
(3) In respiration 4) Lion, whale,ostrich,bat
(4) To protect heart 198.Marsupial Kangaroo is
190.To which taxonomic group does (1) Viviparous (2) Oviparous
Pteropus belong? (3) Ovoviviparous
(1) Fishes (2) Reptiles (4) A distinct category
(3) Arthropoda (4) Mammals 199.Which one is not exclusively marine?
191.In which pair, both characters are found (1) Seal (2) Walrus
without exception, in all mammals (3) Whale (4) Dolphin
1) Hair & viviparity 200.Hair occur in all mammals except those
2) Viviparity & internal fertilization of
3) Viviparity & mammary glands (1) Rodentia (2) Chiroptera
4) Mammary glands & internal fertilization (3) Primata (4) Cetacea



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

201. In most mammals, testes are located in 122. Reptiles lay megalecithal eggs covered with
scrotal sacs for leathery shell and also with embryonic
(1) More space to visceral organs membranes
(2) Sex differentiation 123.Due to presence of adhesive pads on the
(3) Independent functioning of kidney fingers, wall lizard can climb on a smooth
(4) Sperm development wall
125.Snakes posssess bifid tongue and accessory
202.An egg laying mammal is
olfactory organs called Jacobson’s organs
(1) Kangaroo (2) Platypus
or vomero-nasal organs.
(3) Koala (4) Whale 126.In all reptiles, cloaca is divided into 3
chambers called coprodaeum, urodaeum
and proctodaeum into which gut and
urinogenital systems open.
175. (4) 176. (4) 177. (2) 178. (2) 144.In flightless birds, sternum does not possess
179. (3) 180. (4) 181. (4) 182. (3)
keel. So they are included in Ratitae
183. (4) 184. (3) 185. (2) 186. (4)
145.In birds, vertebrae possess saddle shaped
187. (4) 188. (2) 189. (3) 190. (4)
centrum so, it is called Heterocoelous
191. (4) 192. (2) 193. (3) 194. (4)
195. (2) 196. (4) 197. (1) 198. (1) 146.Voice box of Birds is syrinx present at the
199. (4) 200. (4) 201. (4) 202. (2)
junction of trachea and Bronchi
TEST YOUR I.Q 147.In all birds, 9 airsacs are present to facilitate
continuous oxygenation of blood. They
extend as air spaces into pneumatic bones
154.In birds, sternum possess keel or carina
for the attachment of flight muscles.
156.In birds, the clavicles and interclavicle of
4. Diaphragm is present only in some pectoral girdle fuse to form V-shaped bone
vertebrates like Mammals and crocodiles. called furcula or wish bone or merry
So, it is not a characteristic feature of all throught bone
the chordates 177.Female Marsupials possess Marsupial
18. Test or covering of urochordata tunicin is pouch or brood pouch supported by pelvic
called animal cellulose. bones. (epipubic bones)
26. Cephalochordates are with typical
178.Odd-toed ungulates belongs to the order
chorodate characters
32. Amphioxus has notochord, but it is not
179.Eutherians (True mammals) possess
modified into the vertebral column.
placenta, the barrier between maternal
60. Sucker fish is benifited, shark is unaffected.
uterus and foetus
81. Cartilaginous fishes excrete urea. Bony
fishes excrete Ammonia 181.Prototherians, Elephants possess abdominal
112. Draco has patagium. So, it can leap to long testis. Man possess scrotal testis
distance. Hence it is called flying lizard 183.Ruminants belongs to the order Artiodactyla
114. Varanus komodoensis of Indonesia is the 185.Australia is the ‘land of Marsupials’
largest lizard 187.In camel and Llamas, RBC are Oval in
117. Salivary glands (mainly parotid glands), in shape
venomous snakes are modified into 189.In Mammals, thoracic cavity and
poisonous glands. Abdominal cavity are separated by dome-
121. Largest Indian poisonous snake is king cobra. shaped Diaphragm which helps in breathing
It is viviparous and feeds on small snakes movements (Respiration).



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

06. Crocodile and Penguin are similar to

Whale and Dogfish in which one of the
following features? [CBSE Mains 2010]
01. All mammals without any exception are (1) Possess bony skeleton
characterized by [AIIMS-2006] (2) Have gill slits at some stage of
1) viviparity and biconcave red blood cells development
2) extra-abdominal testes and a four- (3) Possess a solid single stranded central
chambered heart nervous system.
3) heterodont teeth and 12 pairs of cranial (4) Lay eggs and guard them till they hatch.
nerves 07. Which one of the following statements
4) a muscular diaphragm and milk producing is incorrect regarding notochord.
[CBSE 2011]
02. Which of the following pairs are correctly
matched? [CBSE 2007] (1) It is present only in larval tail in ascidian
Animals Morphological (2) It is replaced by a vertebral column in
(a) Crocodile - 4-Chambered
heart (3) It is absent throughout life in humans from
(b) Sea Urchin - Parapodia the very beginning
(c) Obelia - Metagenesis (4) It is present througout life in Amphioxus
(d) Lemur- Thecodont
(1) Only (a) and (b) 08. A feature of mammals without any
(2) (a), (c) and (d) exception is [AFMC 2011]
(3) (b), (c) and (d) (1) Seven cervical vertebrae
(4) Only (a) and (d) (2) Diaphragm
03. What is common between parrot,
platypus and kangaroo? [CBSE 2007] (3) Vivipary (4) Warm blooded nature
(1) Oviparity 09. Which one of the following groups of
(2) Homoiothermy animals is correctly matched with its
(3) Toothless jaws characteristic feature without even a
(4) Functional mammary glands single exception? [CBSE 2011]
04. Which one of the following in birds,
indicates their reptilian ancestry? (1) Chondrichthyes - Possess cartilaginous
[CBSE 2008] endoskeleton
(1) Eggs with a calcareous shell (2) Mammalia - give birth to young ones
(2) Scales on their hind limbs (3) Reptilia - possess 3-chambered heart
(3) Four-chambered heart with one incompletely divided ventricle
(4) Two special chambers crop and gizzard
in their digestive tract (4) Chordata - possess a mouth provided
05. Which one of the following pairs of with an upper and a lower jaw.
animal comprises ‘jawless fishes’? 10. Which are exclusively viviparous?
1) Lampreys and eels [AIIMS-2012]
2) Mackerals and rohu 1) Bony fishes
3) Lampreys and hag fishes 2) Cartilaginous fishes
4) Guppies and hag fishes 3) Sharks 4) Whales



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

11. Which one of the following pairs of 16. Which one of the following animals has
animals are similar to each other two separate circulatory pathways?
pertaining to feature stated against them [AIPMT 2015]
[CBSE M 2012] (1) Shark (2) Frog
(1) Pteropus and Ornithorhynchus - (3) Lizard (4) Whale
17. A jawless fish, which lays eggs in fresh water
(2) Garden Lizard and Crocodile - Three and whose ammocoetes larvae after
chambered heart metamorphosis return to the ocean is
(3) Ascaris and Ancylostoma - Metameric [AIPMT 2015]
(1) Petromyzon (2) Eptatretus
(4) Sea horse and Flying Fish - Cold
blodded (3) Myxine (4) Neomyxine
12. Which one of the following categories 18. Choose the correct statement.[NEET-2016]
of animals, is correctly described with 1) All mammals are viviparous
no single exception in it? [AIPMT-2012] 2) All cyclostomes do not possess jaws
and paired fins
1) All reptiles possess scales, have a three
3) All reptiles have a three-chambered heart
chambered heart and are cold-blooded 4) All pisces have gills covered by an
(poikilothermal) operculum
2) All bonyfishes have four pairs of gills
and an operculum on each side 19. Which of the following characteristic
3) All sponges are marine and have col- features always holds true for the corre-
lared cells sponding group of animals? [NEET-2016]
1) Viviparous Mammalia
4) All mammals are viviparous and pos-
2) Possess a mouth with an Chordata
sess diaphragm for breathing
upper and a lower jaw
13. Which group of animals belong to the same 3) 3-chambered heart with Reptilia
phylum ? [NEET 2013] one incompletely divided ventricle
(1) Earthworm, Pinworm, Tapeworm 4) Cartilaginous - Chondrichthyes
(2) Prawn, Scorpizon, Locusta endoskeleton
(3) Sponge, Sea anemone, Starfish
20. Which among these is the correct
(4) Malarial parasite, Amoeba, Mosquito combination of aquatic mammals?
14. A marine cartilaginous fish that can produce
electric current is: [AIPMT 2014] [NEET-2017]
1) Seals, Dolphins, Sharks
(1) Scoliodon (2) Pristis 2) Dolphins, Seals, Trygon
(3) Torpedo (4) Trygon 3) Whales, Dolphines, Seals
15. Match the name of the animal (column 4) Trygon, Whales, Seals
I), with one characteristics (Column II),
and the phylum/class (column III) to 21. Which of the following represents
which it belongs: [NEET 2013] order of ‘Horse’? [NEET-2017]

Column I Column II Column III

1) Equidae 2) Perissodactyla
(1) Ichthyophis Terrestrial Reptilia 3) Caballus 4) Ferus
body covered [NEET 2018]
(2) Limulus by chitinous Pisces
22. Which of the following animals does not
radially undergo metamorphosis ?
(3) Adamsia Porifera
symmetrical (1) Earthworm (2) Tunicate
(4) Petromyzon ectoparasite Cyclostomata (3) Moth (4) Starfish



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

23. Identify the vertebrate group of animals

characterized by crop and gizzard in its
digestive sytstem.
(1) Amphibia (2) Reptilia
(3) Ayes (4) Osteichthyes 1. (4) 2. (2) 3. (2) 4. (2)
5. (3) 6. (2) 7. (3) 8. (2)
24. Which one of these animals is not a
9. (1) 10. (4) 11. (4) 12. (2)
13. (2) 14. (3) 15. (4) 16. (4)
(1) Macropus (2) Chelone 17. (1) 18. (2) 19. (4) 20. (3)
(3) Camelus (4) Psittacula 21.(2) 22.(1) 23.(3) 24.(2)
25. Ciliates differ from all other protozoans in 25.(4) 26.(2) 27.(1)
(1) using flagella for locomotion
(2) having a contractile vacuole for
removing excess water
(3) using pseudopodia for capturing prey
(4) having two types of nuclei
[NEET 2019] 5. Epidermal scales are present in hindlimbs
of birds like in reptiles.
26. Match the following organisms with
their respective characteristics :- 17. All chordates are with notochord but in few
notochord modifies into vertebral column.
(a) Pila (i) Flame cells
Such chordates are called vertebrates.
(b) Bombyx (ii) Comb plates
(c) Pleurobrachia (iii) Radula
(d) Taenia (iv) Malpighian
1. Which of the following statements is/are
Select the coorrect option from the not true?
following (a) In urochordata, notochord is present
(a) (b) (c) (d) in larval tail
(1) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv) (b) In cephalochordata, notochord
(2) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) extends from head to tail region.
(3) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i) (c)Branchiostoma belongs to
(4) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(d) Only one class of living members,
27. Consider following features : class Cyclostomata represents the
(a) Organ system level of organisation super class Agnatha
(b) Bilateral symmetry (1) (a), (b), (d) only (2) (c), (d), (a) only
(c) True coelomates with segmentation (3) (c) only (4) (a), (d) only
of body 2. Which of the following statements are
Select the correct option of animal true/false?
groups which possess all the above (a) In Torpedo, the electric organs are
characteristics. capable of generating strong electric
shock to paralyze the prey
1) Annelida, Arthropoda and Chordata
(b) Bony fishes use pectoral, pelvic,
2) Annelida, Arthropoda and Mollusca dorsal, anal and caudal fins in
3) Arthropoda, Mollusca and Chordata swimming
4) Annelida, Mollusca and Chordata (c) Amphibian skin is moist and has
thick scales

class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

(d) Birds are poikilothermous animals (3) Aptenodytes-Vulture

(e)The most unique mammalian (4) Pavo-Peacock
characteristic is the presence of milk 10. Mammalian brain differs from
producing mamary glands by which amphibian brain in having
the yound ones are nourished (1) Olfactory lobes
(1) (a), (b) and (c) are true; (d) and (e) are
(2) Corpus callosum
(2) (a), (b) and (e) are true; (c) and (d) are (3) Cerebellum (4) Hypothalamus
false 11. Vestigial pelvic girdle and bone
(3) (a), (d) and (e) are true; (b) and (c) are remnants of hind limbs are characteristic
false of
(4) (a), (b) and (d) are false; (c) and (e) are true (1) Whale (2) Dolphin
3. Tympanum represents ear in (3) Shark (4) Seal
(1) Fishes (2) Cyclostomes 12. The diagram of Labeo rohita is given
(3) Amphibians (4) Mammals below. Identify the parts labelled A, B,
C, D, E, F, G :
4. A lizard like member of reptilia is sitting
on a tree with its tail coiled around a twig. C
This animal could be A
(1) Hemidactylus showing sexual
(2) Varanus showing mimicry
(3) Garden lizard (Calotes) showing
(4) Chamaeleon showing protective G F E
colouration (1) A = Stimulus, B = Receptor,
5. In which one of the following sets of C = Sensory nerve, D = Motor Nerve,
animals do all the four give birth to young E = Effector, F = Pectoral fin,
ones ? G = Pelvic fin
(1) Kangaroo, Hedgehog, Dolphin, Loris
(2) A = Nostril, B = Eye, C = Anal Fin,
(2) Lion, Bat, Whale, Ostrich D = Caudal fin, E = Dorsal fin,
(3) Platypus, Penguin, Bat, Hippopotamus F = Pectoral fin, G = Pelvic fin
(4) Shrew, Bat, Cat, Kiwi
(3) A = Nostril, B = Eye, C = Dorsal fin,
6. Mammals having traits of both reptiles and
D = Caudal fin, E = Anal fin,
mammals are
F = Pelvic fin, G = Pectoral fin
(1) Monotremes (2) Marsupials
(3) Whales (4) Bats (4) A = Nostril, B = Eye, C = Dorsal fin,
7. An exclusive mammalian trait is D = Caudal fin, E = Pectoral fin,
(1) Muscular diaphragm F = Anal fin, G = Pelvic fin.
(2) 4-chambered heart 13. Match the following regarding
(3) Thecodont dentition (4) Viviparity chordates and choose correct answer.
8. Besides mammals, placenta like Column-I Column-II
structure also occurs in A) Filter feeders 1) Cephalochordates
(1) Platyhelminthes (2) Amphibians B) Tubular heart 2) Vertebrates
(3) Bony fishes C) Solenocytes 3) Protochordates
(4) Cartilaginous fishes D) Gonoducts 4) Tunicates
9. Identify the mismatched pair 1) A-1,B-3,C-2,D-4 2)A-3,B-4,C-1,D-2
(1) Columba-Pigeon
3) A-2,B-4,C-3,D-1 4)A-4,B-1,C-2,D-3
(2) Psittacula-Parrot

class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

14. Match the following regarding piscs and 18. Match list I with list II and choose the
choose correct answer correct answer using the code given below:
Structure Example List I List II
A) Electric organs 1) Shark (a) Cryptobranchus (i) Hell-bender
B) Heteroceral 2) Chondrichthyes (b) Ambystoma (ii) Tiger
caudal fin
(c) Triton (iii) Cave
C) Operculum 3) Torpedo salamander
D) Pristis 4) Osteichthyes (d) Proteus (iv) European
1) A-4,B-2,C-3,D-1 salamander
2) A-3,B-1,C-4,D-2 (1) a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv
3) A-2,B-3,C-1,D-4 (2) a-iv, b-iii, c-ii, d-i
4) A-1,B-4,C-2,D-3 (3) a-i, b-ii, c-iv, d-iii
15. Match the following regarding pisces and (4) a-ii, b-i, c-iii, d-iv
choose correct answer
Structure Example ASSERTION & REASON
A) Ventral mouth 1) Shark TYPE QUESTIONS
B) Placoid scales 2) Buoyancy
C) Filiform gills 3) Rays,skates The following questions consist
D) Air bladder 4) Bony fishes Assertion (A) and reason(R) identify
the correct answer from the below
(1) A-4,B-2,C-3,D-1 given choices
1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is
(3)A-3,B-1,C-4,D-2 the correct explanation of (A)
(4)A-1,B-2,C-3,D-4 2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is
16. Match the following regarding Amphibia not correct explanation of (A)
and choose the answer 3) (A) is true but (R) is false
Column-I Column-II 4) Both (A) and (R) is false
A) Teeth 1) Anurans 19. A: Urochordates & Cephalochordates
B) Parotid glands 2) No are included under the group
mastication Acraniata
C) Vocal cords 3) Toad R : Both of these subphyla are devoid
D) Copulatory organ 4) Apoda of cranium
(1) A-1,B-4,C-3,D-1 20. A : Amphioxus is described as a typical
(2) A-2,B-3,C-1,D-4 chordate
(3) A-4,B-1,C-3,D-2 R: It retains all four fundamental chordate
(4) A-3,B-4,C-1,D-2 characters in its adult stage also.
17. Match the following about reptiles 21. A: Though snakes, birds and whales are
Structure absent Group not four footed they are described
A) Copulatory organ 1) Ophidia under tetrapoda.
B) Urinary bladder 2) Chelonia R: They are the descendants of four
C) Tympanum 3) Crocodilia footed vertebrates.
D) Temporal fossae 4)Rhynchocephalia 22. A: In higher chordates the body cavity is
(1) A-4,B-3,C-1,D-2 secondarily schizocoel.
(2) A-1,B-4,C-2,D-3 R : It is formed by splitting of ectoderm.
(3) A-3,B-1,C-2,D-4 23. A : Lampreys are anadromous organisms
(4) A-2,B-3,C-4,D-1 R : They migrate from marine water to
fresh water for spawning

class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

24. A : Life cycle in Petromyzon is indirect 36. A : In fishes the heart is a single circuit
R : Ammocoete larva is present in the heart
life cycle of Petromyzon R : The blood passes only once through
25. A : In adult ascidians notochord is ab- the heart to reach the body parts
sent and nerve cord is degenerated. 37. A : In fishes the heart is venous heart
R : Retrogressive metamorphosis is ex- R : It contains deoxygenated blood only.
hibited by ascidians 38. A : Fishes can detect movement and
26. A : Branchiostoma belongs to subphylum vibration in the surrounding water
R : They have well developed lateral line
R : Notochord is present from poste- sensory system
rior end to anterior end of the body
beyond the nerve cord 39. A : Some cartilagenous fishes store urea
and TMO in their blood
27. A : All vertebrates are chordates but all
chordates are not vertebrates. R : Storing of above materials in the
blood keep the fluids isotonic to the
R : Only in some chordates, notochord sea water and prevents exosmosis
is modified into vertebral column
40. A: Caudal fin of most of chondrichthyes
28. A: Hag-fishes are considered scavengers fishes is heterocercal
R: They feed on dead or dying fish R: The caudal fin in them is symmetri-
29. A : Chordates have aquatic ancestry. cal both externally and internally
R: Functional pharyngeal gill pouches 41. A: Frogs and toads kept placed the
appear in the early embryonic life of order Anura
some chordates R: They are tailess Amphibians
30. A : Cyclostomes are considered as the ex- 42. A: Frogs are poikilothermic anamniotes
tant agnathans R: Frogs possess extra embryonic
membrane called Amnion
R : Cyclostomes are living, with a circu-
lar mouth and without jaws 43. A: Reptiles excrete uric acid.
R: All reptiles lack urinary bladder.
31. A : Urochordates are commonly called as
tunicates 44. A : In reptiles, the three aortic arches
directly originate from the ventricle
R : Their body is covered by tunic R : In reptiles, conus arteriosus is absent
32. A : Heart of chordates is myogenic 45. A : In reptiles, cleavage is meroblastic
R : Heart beat is initiated by the pace- R : Eggs of reptiles are megalecithal
maker which is a modified cardiac 46. A : Reptiles are amniotes
muscle R : In the embryonic development of
33. A : Protochordates, anamniotes and am- reptiles, all the four extra embryonic
niotes are included under the phy- membranes are formed
lum chordata inspite of the diversity 47. A: Reptiles are successful terrestrial
in their structure vertebrates
R : They exhibit fundamental chordate char- R: Their body is covered by dry scaly
acters at least in one stage of their life skin and they lay cleidoic eggs.
34. A : Study of life history of urochordates 48. A: Crocodiles are advanced reptiles.
confirms that they are chordates R: They have thecodont teeth and four
chambered heart like mammals.
R : In ascidians, an advanced free swim- 49. A: Eggs of reptiles are cleidoic
ming larva by retrogressive metamor-
phosis develops into primitive sessile R: Eggs of reptiles can undergo
adult development on land
50. A : Birds are glorified reptiles.
35. A : The heart of fishes is a branchial
heart. R : Birds evolved from reptiles and develop
some advanced characters while retain-
R : It pumps blood only to the gills ing some reptilian characters.

class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

51. A : Archaeopteryx is connecting link be-

tween belly creepers and glorified
R : Fossil bird possesses both reptilian 1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (3) 4. (4) 5. (1)
and avian characters 6. (1) 7. (1) 8. (4) 9. (3) 10. (2)
52. A: Birds have no urinary bladder, as an 11. (1) 12. (3) 13. (2) 14.(2) 15. (3)
adaptation to flight 16. (2) 17. (1) 18. (3) 19. (1) 20. (1)
R : Absence of urinary bladder reduces 21. (1) 22. (3) 23. (1) 24. (1) 25. (1)
weight of bird 26. (1) 27. (1) 28. (1) 29. (1) 30. (1)
53. A: Inspite of being bipedal, birds are 31. (1) 32. (1) 33. (1) 34. (1) 35. (1)
included under Tetrapoda 36. (1) 37. (1) 38. (1) 39. (1) 40. (3)
R: Forelimbs are modified into wings 41. (1) 42. (3) 43. (3) 44. (1) 45. (1)
46. (1) 47. (1) 48. (1) 49. (2) 50. (1)
54. A: Birds and mammals can survive in 51. (1) 52. (1) 53. (1) 54. (1) 55. (1)
extreme cold climate 56. (1) 57. (1) 58. (1) 59. (2) 60. (1)
R: They are homeotherms 61. (2) 62. (1) 63. (2) 64. (1)
55. A: The birds can maintain a constant
body temperature
R: Birds are endothermic and possess
feathers covering their body
56. A: Birds are unique among vertebrates
R: They have special adaptations for flight 4. Prehensile tail is present in chamaeleon. Its
57. A : In mammals, optic lobes are called tail coils around a twig of the tree
corpora quadrigemina 6. Prototherians (Monotremes) are considered
R : In the brain of mammals optic lobes as connecting links between Reptiles and
are four in number Mammals
58. A : Mammals occupy the top of the evo- 8. Cartilaginous fishes possess yolk sac
lutionary ladder
R : Brain of the mammals is superiorly
organised 15. Mouth is ventral in -Rays and skates
59. A : Dentition in mammals is heterodont Filiform gills - Bony fishes
R : In mammals teeth are formed twice Airbladder helps in - Buoyancy
60. A: Mammals are unique when compared 16. In Amphibians,
to other vertebrates 1) Teeth donot help in mastication
R: They possess mammary glands 2) Paratoid glands are present in toad
61. A: Nephron of mammals has loop of 3) Vocal cords are present in Anurans
Henle 4) Copulatory organ is absent in Apoda
R: Functional adult kidney of mammals 17. In Reptiles,
is metanephric
1) Copulatory organ is absent in sphenodon
62. A: Larynx is the sound producing organ
in mammals 2) Urinary bladder is absent in crocodiles
R: It has vocal cords 3) Tympanum is absent in ophidia
63. A: Sudoriferous glands help in regula- 4) Temporal fossae are absent in chelonia
tion of body temperature in mammals 19. Answer : 1 Urochordates &
R: Sudoriferous glands are exocrine Cephalochordates are devoid of cranium
glands 20. Answer : 1 Amphioxus retains all four fun-
64. A: Mammals can chew the food and damental chordate characters in its adult
breathe simultaneously
stage also.
R: Buccal cavity and nasal passage are
separated by a complete secondary 21. Answer : 1 snakes, birds and whales are
palate in mammals the descendants of four footed vertebrates



class xi | I Puc ZOOLOGY VOL-1

22. Answer : 3 In chordates body cavity is en- 42. Answer :3 Frogs do not maintain constant
terocoelic; but in higher chordates body cav- body temperature and embryos lack
ity is formed by splitting of mosoderm amnion .
43. Answer 3: Urinary bladder is absent in snakes
23. Answer : 1 Lampreys migrate from marine
and crocodiles only (apart from birds).
water to fresh water for spawning
44. Answer : 1 In reptiles conus arteriosus is
24. Answer : 1 Ammocoete larvae occurs in
the life cycle of petromyzon
45. Answer : 1 Eggs of reptiles are megalecithal
25. Answer : 1 Retrogressive metamorphosis
46. Answer : 1 In the embryonic development
is exhibited by ascidians
of reptiles, all the four extra embryonic
26. Answer : 1 Notochord is present from membranes are formed
posterior end to anterior end of the body 47. Answer : 1 Body of reptiles is covered by
beyond the nerve cord dry scaly skin which prevents loss of water
27. Answer : 1 Only in some chordates noto- 48. Answer : 1 Crocodiles have thecodont teeth
chord is modified in to vertebral column and four chambered heart like mammals
28. Answer : 1 Hag-fishes feed on dead or 49. Answer : 1 Eggs of reptiles can undergo
dying fish development on land
29. Answer : 1 Functional pharyngeal gill 50. Answer : 1 Birds evolved from reptiles
pouches appear in the early embryonic life 51. Answer : 1 Fossil bird Archaeopteryx pos-
of some chordates sesses both reptilian and avian characters
30. Answer : 1 Cyclostomes are living Agnatha, 52. Answer : 1 Absence of urinary bladder re-
with a circular mouth and without jaws duces weight of bird
31. Answer : 1 Body of urochordates is cov- 53. Answer : 1 In birds, forelimbs are modi-
ered by tunic fied into wings
32. Answer : 1 Heart beat is initiated by the 54. Answer : 1 Bird and mammals are
pacemaker which is a modified cardiac homeotherms
55. Answer : 1 Birds are endothermic and pos-
33. Answer : 1 Protochordates, anamniotes and sess feathers covering their body
amniotes exhibit fundamental chordate
characters at least in one stage of their life 57. Answer : 1 In the brain of mammals optic
lobes are four in number
34. Answer : 1 In ascidians an advanced free
swimming larva by retrogressive metamor- 58. Answer : 1 Brain of the mammals is supe-
phosis develops into primitive sessile adult riorly organised
35. Answer : 1 Branchial heart pumps blood 59. Answer :2 Dentition in mammals is het-
only to the gills erodont. i.e. mammals have 4 different
types of teeth, dentition in mammals is di-
36. Answer : 1 In fishes the blood passes only phyodont i.e. teeth are formed twice.
once through the heart to reach the body
parts 60. Answer : 1 Mammals possess mammary
37. Answer : 1 Venous heart contains deoxy-
genated blood which it pumps to gills 61. Answer :2 Loop of Henle is the part of
nephron and metanephric kidney is based
38. Answer : 1 Fishes have well developed on origin.
lateral line sensory system
62. Answer : 1 Larynx of mammals has vocal
39. Answer : 1 Storing of above materials in cords
the blood keep the body fluids isotonic to
the sea water and prevents exosmosis 63. Answer :2 Assertion explain the function
of sudoriferous gland where as reason ex-
40. Answer :3 Caudal fin of most plains its structure based on duct
chondrichthyes is heterocercal i.e. asym-
metrical both externally and internally. 64. Answer : 1 Buccal cavity and nasal pas-
sage are separated by a complete second-
41. Answer : 1 Frogs and toads are tailless
Amphibians ary palate in mammals



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