18th RA Seikh Bachchu
18th RA Seikh Bachchu
18th RA Seikh Bachchu
Pile Breaking
1 Pile Breaking of 750mm dia Rmt 780.00 - - 523.762 ₹ 408,534.36
2 Pile Breaking of 500mm dia Rmt 380.00 - - 144.960 ₹ 55,084.80
Pile Head Chipping
1 Pile Breaking of 750mm dia Nos 100.00 - - 181.000 ₹ 18,100.00
2 Pile Breaking of 500mm dia Nos 100.00 - - 105.000 ₹ 10,500.00
1 Inner Side Chipping Work Nos 3.00 6,390.00 80% 5,112.00 ₹ 15,336.00
1 Inner Side Chipping Work Sq.ft 2.50 6,390.00 90% 5,751.00 ₹ 14,377.50
1 Inner Side Chipping Work Sq.ft 2.50 6,390.00 90% 5,751.00 ₹ 14,377.50
1 Inner Side Chipping Work Sq.ft 2.50 6,390.00 90% 5,751.00 ₹ 14,377.50
- ₹ - 523.762 ₹ 408,534.36
- ₹ - 144.960 ₹ 55,084.80
- ₹ - 181.000 ₹ 18,100.00
- ₹ - 105.000 ₹ 10,500.00
- ₹ - 5,112.000 ₹ 15,336.00
Total Relased 80%
(New Rate)
- ₹ - 8,698.343 ₹ 17,396.69
- ₹ - 138.240 ₹ 3,456.00
- ₹ - 259.200 ₹ 3,888.00
- ₹ - 971.280 ₹ 24,282.00
- ₹ - 489.360 ₹ 7,340.40
- ₹ - 625.020 ₹ 15,625.50
- ₹ - 1,069.380 ₹ 16,040.70
- ₹ - 517.920 ₹ 12,948.00
- ₹ - - ₹ -
- ₹ - 100.800 ₹ 4,032.00
- ₹ - 917.375 ₹ 412,818.75
46.000 ₹ 23,000.00 526.625 ₹ 263,312.50 New Rate from RA-
- ₹ - 60.000 ₹ 36,000.00
₹ 23,000.00 ₹ 1,367,828.20
₹ -230.00 ₹ -13,678.28
₹ - ₹ -
₹ - ₹ -
₹ - ₹ -
₹ - ₹ -
₹ - ₹ -
₹ -3.50 ₹ -1.92
₹ 22,766.50 ₹ 1,354,148.00
sa Only.
Sl Length Breadth Height Quantity
Description Of Work No. Remarks
No. (mt) (mt) (mt) (Cumt)
2 2-Feb-24 1 T-12: Top Mivan plate concrete chiping. 6:00 AM 7:00 PM 12.00
3 3-Feb-24 2 RAC: 3rd Fl. Chiping Chiping work. 6:00 AM 7:00 PM 12.00
4 4-Feb-24 2 T-12: 19th & 21st Fl. Balcony Chiping. 6:00 AM 7:00 PM 12.00
15 15-Feb-24 8 T-12: 22nd Fl. Sleve cutting work. 6:00 AM 7:00 PM 12.00
16 16-Feb-24 8 T-12: Top Mivan plate chiping work. 6:00 AM 7:00 PM 12.00
18 18-Feb-24 9 RAC: 3rd Fl. Chiping & sleve cutting work. 6:00 AM 7:00 PM 12.00
29 29-Feb-24 15 T12: 2nd & 3rd Fl. Chiping work. 6:00 AM 7:00 PM 12.00
Total Chipper :
Total Chipper (Nos) :
r, Batanagar
Bill Month: February,2024
upply Labour