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Dynamic batch mode cost -efficient independent task scheduling scheme in

Cloud Computing

Article in International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Applications · July 2016


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2 authors, including:

Vimala Devi K. Rajendran

VIT University


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Int. J. Advance Soft Compu. Appl, Vol. 8, No. 2, July 2016
ISSN 2074-8523

Dynamic Batch Mode Cost-efficient

Independent Task Scheduling Scheme in
Cloud Computing
R. Kanniga Devi1, K. Vimala Devi2, and S. Arumugam3
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Kalasalingam University Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil-626126, Tamil Nadu, India
e-mail: [email protected]
Department of Information Technology
PSR Engineering College, Sivakasi-626140, Tamil Nadu, India.
e-mail: [email protected]
National Centre for Advanced Research in Discrete Mathematics
Kalasalingam University Anand Nagar,
Krishnankoil-626126, Tamil Nadu, India.
e-mail: [email protected]


Cloud Computing is a paradigm of large scale distributed

computing which is a repackaging of various existing concepts/
technologies such as utility computing, grid computing, autonomic
computing, virtualization and Internet technologies. Cloud
computing uses the Internet technologies for delivery of resources as
a service to users on demand. As it is a developing technology,
various issues such as resource provisioning, security, energy
management and reliability need to be addressed. This work focuses
on resource provisioning issue in the context of scheduling schemes
adapted by cloud environment. Job scheduling is a very challenging
task in cloud computing because of its complex distributed
architecture. Many algorithms have been proposed using different
scheduling techniques. In this paper a cost-efficient dynamic batch
mode scheduling approach has been proposed based on assignment
rule. The proposed work is compared with other popular scheduling
approaches such as round robin, Min-Min, and Max-Min and the
results show that our approach improves performance of the system
by means of reducing the cost of running all jobs and reducing the
average Virtual Machine (VM) utilization. CloudSim, a simulation
tool has been used.
Keywords: Assignment rule, Cloud Computing, CloudSim toolkit, Graph
model, Scheduling.
R. Kanniga Devi et al. 85

1 Introduction
Task scheduling is one of the critical activities performed in cloud computing
environments. Task Scheduling is complicated in cloud computing environment
due to its abstract heterogeneous architecture, dynamic behaviour and resource
heterogenity. Since cloud computing has evolved from grid computing,
distributed computing and parallel computing paradigms, the scheduling
algorithms developed for these systems can also be applied in cloud with suitable
modifications. The task scheduling is defined as the mapping of tasks to resources
which may be distributed over the cloud network. Many research works have been
done on task scheduling for improving resource utilization, reducing cost of
running jobs, improving the quality of service , maintaining fairness among the
jobs, maintaining excellent system throughput, and minimizing makespan (the
total length of the task schedule) by reducing waiting time of tasks and balance
the load across resources.
Tasks can be classified into dependent tasks and independent tasks where
dependent tasks have precedence constraints and independent tasks have no
dependencies among the tasks and have no precedence constraints to be followed
during scheduling. Dependent tasks can be handled by workflow scheduling with
the help of DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph).
The task scheduling algorithms can be broadly classified as static or dynamic
based on the time at which the scheduling or assignment decisions are made. In
the case of static scheduling, information regarding all the resources in the cloud
and the complete set of tasks is assumed to be available by the time the task is
scheduled on the cloud. But in dynamic scheduling, a prior knowledge of the
resources needed by the task and the environment in which it would be executed
is unavailable as the jobs arrive in a real time mode. Hence dynamic scheduling is
suitable for cloud since it deals with on-demand resource provisioning.
The dynamic scheduling algorithms can be used in two fashions namely on-line
mode and batch mode. In online mode, a task is scheduled onto a machine as soon
as it arrives. Each task is scheduled only once and the scheduling result cannot be
changed. Hence, on-line mode of dynamic scheduling can be applied, if the arrival
rate of the tasks in the real time is low. However, in batch mode the tasks are
collected into a set that is examined for scheduling at prescheduled times. While
online mode considers a task for scheduling only once, batch mode considers a
task for scheduling at each scheduling event until the task begins execution. Since
the cloud environment is a heterogeneous system and the arrival rate of requests is
too high, the batch mode scheduling is more appropriate for a cloud environment.
Some examples of batch mode algorithms are; First Come First Served scheduling
algorithm (FCFS), Round Robin scheduling algorithm (RR), Priority scheduling,
Random algorithm, Min-Min algorithm and Max-Min algorithm. Most fit task
scheduling algorithm (MFTF) is an example of on-line mode scheduling
Dynamic Batch Mode Cost-efficient 86

algorithm. Since scheduling problem is identified as NP- complete due to the

heterogenity of resources, many heuristic based algorithms have been proposed.
Round Robin scheduling scheme distributes the tasks over the available Virtual
Machines(VMs) in a round manner where each task is equally handled. Min-Min
scheduling scheme assigns priority to the task that requires the shortest execution
time and calculates its expected completion time on a VM and assigns to a VM
which complete the task at the earliest time. Max-Min scheduling scheme is
similar to Min-Min but it sets priority to the task that requires the longest
execution time rather than the shortest execution time.
The task scheduling model adopted in this work is independent, dynamic and
batch mode task scheduling.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is devoted to related
works. We formally describe the model and based on this model we propose a
cost-efficient scheduler in Section 3. Simulation study is discussed in Section 4
and we conclude our research in Section 5.

2 Related Work
This section gives various scheduling schemes classified as independent and
dependent task scheduling and algorithms prevalent in clouds.

2.1 Independent tasks scheduling

Kim et al. [1] suggest a model for estimating the energy consumption of each
virtual machine without dedicated measurement hardware. This model estimates
the energy consumption of a virtual machine based on in-processor events
generated by the virtual machine. Based on this estimation model they also
propose a virtual machine scheduling algorithm that can provide computing
resources according to the energy budget of each virtual machine.
Tsai et al. [2] propose an improved differential evolution algorithm(IDEA) based
on the proposed cost and time models on cloud computing environment. The
proposed IDEA combines the Taguchi method and a differential evolution
algorithm(DEA).This multi-objective optimization approach is applied to find the
Pareto front of total cost and makespan.
Somasundaram et al.[3] design and develop a CLOUD Resource Broker
(CLOUDRB) for efficiently managing cloud resources and completing jobs for
scientific applications within a user-specified deadline. It is implemented and
integrated with a Deadline-based Job Scheduling and Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO)-based Resource Allocation mechanism. It is minimizing both
execution time and cost based on the defined fitness function.
Palmieri et al. [4] use game theory and autonomous agents for effective
Multi-User Task Scheduling. They present a novel uncoordinated fully distributed
R. Kanniga Devi et al. 87

scheduling scheme for federated cloud organizations, based on in-dependent,

competing, and self-interested job/task execution agents, driven by optimum
social welfare.
Xu et al. [5] propose an economic model for dynamic scheduling. The resource
allocation using the fairness constraint and the justice function has been
compared. The first constraint is to classify user tasks by QoS preferences, and
establish the general expectation function in accordance with the classification of
tasks to restrain the fairness of the resources in selection process. The second
constraint is to define resource fairness justice function to judge the fairness of the
resources allocation.
Wang et al.[6] propose a new multi-objective bi-level programming model based
on MapReduce to improve the energy efficiency of servers. They formulate the
problem as an integer bi-level programming model. In order to solve the model
efficiently, specific design encoding and decoding methods are introduced. Based
on these, a new effective multi-objective genetic algorithm based on MOEA/D is
Wu et al.[7] propose a scheduling algorithm for the cloud datacenter with a
dynamic voltage frequency scaling technique. The scheduling algorithm can
efficiently increase resource utilization; hence, it can decrease the energy
consumption for executing jobs.
Saurabh Kumar Garg et.al.[8] propose near-optimal scheduling policies that
exploit heterogeneity across multiple data centers for a cloud provider. They
consider a number of energy efficiency factors (such as energy cost, carbon
emission rate, workload, and CPU power efficiency) which change across
different data centers depending on their location, architectural design, and
management system.

2.2 Dependent tasks scheduling

Mezmaz et al. [9] investigate the problem of scheduling precedence-constrained

parallel applications on heterogeneous computing systems (HCSs) like cloud
computing infrastructures. This work pays much attention to energy consumption.
They propose a parallel bi-objective hybrid genetic algorithm that takes into
account makespan, and energy consumption. The method is based on dynamic
voltage scaling (DVS) to minimize energy consumption.
Su et al. [10] propose that large programs may be decomposed into multiple
sequences of tasks that can be executed on multiple VMs in a cloud. Such
sequences of tasks can be represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG), where
nodes are tasks and edges are precedence constraints between tasks. They present
a cost-efficient task scheduling algorithm using two heuristic strategies.
Lee et al. [11] propose a scheduling algorithm which attempts to maximize profit
within the satisfactory level of service quality specified by the service consumer,
Dynamic Batch Mode Cost-efficient 88

the development of a pricing model, the application of this pricing model to

composite services with dependency consideration, the development of two sets
of service request scheduling algorithms, and the development of a prioritization
policy for data service aiming to maximize the profit of data service.
Mustafizur Rahman et.al.[12] define the workflow scheduling problem and
describe the existing heuristic based and meta heuristic-based workflow
scheduling strategies in grids. Then, they propose a dynamic critical-path-based
adaptive workflow scheduling algorithm for grids, which determines an efficient
mapping of workflow tasks to grid resources dynamically by calculating the
critical path in the workflow task graph at every step. Finally, they outline a
hybrid heuristic combining the features of the proposed adaptive scheduling
technique with meta heuristics for optimizing execution cost and time as well as
meeting the users requirements to efficiently manage the dynamism and
heterogeneity of the hybrid cloud environment.
Hamid Mohammadi Fard et.al.[13] propose a generic multi-objective optimization
frame-work supported by a list scheduling heuristic for scientific workflows in
heterogeneous Distributed Computing Infrastrucutres. The algorithm
approximates the optimal solution by considering user-specified constraints on
objectives in a dual strategy: maximizing the distance to the users constraints for
dominant solutions and minimizing it otherwise. The algorithm for a four-
objective case study is comprising makespan, economic cost, energy
consumption, and reliability as optimization goals.
Saeid Abrishami et.al.[14] propose Partial Critical Paths (PCP), algorithm for the
cloud environment and propose two workflow scheduling algorithms: a one-phase
algorithm which is called IaaS Cloud Partial Critical Paths (IC-PCP), and a two-
phase algorithm which is called IaaS Cloud Partial Critical Paths with Deadline
Distribution (IC-PCPD2). Both algorithms have a polynomial time complexity
which make them suitable options for scheduling large workflows.
Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues et.al. [15] propose a novel media-aware flow scheduling
architecture with the aim of improving the multimedia quality and increasing the
networks lifetime. In order to avoid interfering with the multimedia applications
delay requirements, this work also proposes to analyze frames delay and jitter.
The proposal has proven to improve the multimedia quality and decrease the
trans-mission delay in a controllable manner, and thus the tradeoffs between QoS,
lifetime, and delay requirements can be achieved according to the considered
Some of the aforementioned scheduling algorithms are static approaches that do
not consider the dynamic characteristics of resources in cloud environment. Since
the problem in this paper involves cost, we need a cost-efficient resource selection
model that can cope with the dynamic environment. This work is distinct from the
related works by proposing a dynamic batch mode independent task scheduling
mechanism for cloud environment. The solution proposed in this paper is based
R. Kanniga Devi et al. 89

on assignment problem which schedules tasks to the best available resources,

thereby reducing cost of utilizing the resources.

3 Proposed Work
3.1 Rule of Assignment
The assignment problem is one of the combinatorial optimization problems in
operations research.
Let C = {c1, c2, . . . cm}, the set of m cloudlets.
Let w(ci) be the weight of ith cloudlet , assigned based on one of the physical
characteristics of the cloudlet, namely length, which is treated as a priority, where
w(c1) ≤ w(c2) ≤ .... ≤ w(cm).
Let V = {m1,m2, . . . mn}, the set of n virtual machines. Let w(mj) be the weight of
jth virtual machine assigned based on one of the physical characteristics of the
virtual machine, namely size, where w(m1) ≥ w(m2) ≥ .... ≥ w(mn).
A cloudlet ci is assigned to a virtual machine mj , where i is the smallest integer
and j is the largest integer, such that w(ci) ≤ w(mj ).
We observe that for a cloudlet ci if there is no mj with w(ci) ≤ w(mj ), then ci
cannot be executed by any machine in the set V . This assignment rule minimizes
the cost of executing the cloudlets.

3.2 Proposed Algorithm

Step 1: Datacenter broker receives new heterogeneous cloudlets/ client
requests/tasks to be scheduled.
Step 2: Let C = {c1, c2, . . . cm}, the set of m cloudlets. Sort cloudlets in ascending
order of their length and let w(ci) be weight of ith cloudlet, assigned based on one
of the physical characteristics of the cloudlet, namely length.
Set m to number of cloudlets to be sorted;
Set w[cloudlet] to the weight of cloudlet;
flag = false;
for cloudlet = 1 to m− 1 do
if w[cloudlet] > w[cloudlet + 1] then
swap the cloudlets;
Set flag = true;
end if;
Dynamic Batch Mode Cost-efficient 90

end do;
m = m− 1;
until flag = false or m = 1;
Step 3: Let V = {m1,m2, . . .mn}, the set of ’n’ virtual machines. Sort the VMs in
descending order of their size and let w(mj) be weight of jth virtual machine,
assigned based on one of the physical characteristics of the virtual machine,
namely size.
Set n to number of VMs to be sorted;
Set w[VM] to the weight of VM;
flag = false;
for VM = 1 to n − 1 do
if w[VM > w[VM + 1] then
swap the VMs;
Set flag = true;
end if;
end do;
n = n − 1;
until flag = false or n = 1;
Step 4: choose the smallest i and largest j such that,
w(ci) ≤ w(mj)
Step 5: w(mj ) → w(mj ) − w(ci)
Step 6: When mj finishes ci
C → C − {ci}
w(mj ) → w(mj) + w(ci)
Step 7: Repeat from step 4 until C = φ

3.1 Algorithm Analysis

Let T represent the time complexity of the proposed algorithm.
Then T = T (sorting cloudlets) + T (sorting VMs) + T (assignment rule)
= O(n log n) + O(n log n) + O(n)
= O(nlogn)
R. Kanniga Devi et al. 91

4 Simulation Study
The CloudSim toolkit is used to simulate heterogeneous cloud environment. Here
the term, cloudlet and task can be used interchangeably. Datacenter maintains
virtualized set of physical resources and provide them as services. Datacenter
broker schedules each task to the appropriate resources. As the cloudlets (tasks)
are submitted by the user, it is the task of the datacenter broker to assign those
tasks to the VM. The VM starts running the cloudlets. Here scheduling algorithms
come into existence. Each cloudlet ci requires a different processing capacity for
its completion; and this determines the assignment of the cloudlet to a virtual
machine. The processing speed of Virtual machine is heterogenous and expressed
in terms of million instructions per second (MIPS). The selection of tasks to be
scheduled is based on assignment rule.
Three popular and standard batch mode scheduling schemes namely, round robin,
Min-Min, Max-Min and proposed approaches for VM selection are analyzed. The
proposed approach results in less cost of executing all cloudlets and reduces
average VM utilization as compared to other scheduling approaches.
The simulation configuration used in this experiment is shown in the following
Table 1.Simulation Parameters
Parameter Value
Configuration of Data center
Data center architecture X86
Data center OS Linux
Configuration of Hosts
No of Hosts 5
MIPS 1000
storage 1 TB
Bandwidth 10000Mbps
Configuration of VMs
No of VMs 13
size varying
MIPS 250
Bandwidth 1000Mbps
No of PEs 3
Configuration of Cloudlets
No of Cloudlets 10-50
Length Varying(in
File size 300Bytes
Output Size 300Bytes

The proposed algorithm results in a significant reduction in cost and utilization of

VMs over other schemes. The result shows that the proposed scheme minimizes
Dynamic Batch Mode Cost-efficient 92

the cost of all submitted cloudlets, average VM utilization and the results improve
with the increase in cloudlet count.

Fig. 1: Proposed scheme Vs. Other scheduling schemes

Fig. 2: Proposed scheme Vs. Other scheduling schemes

5 Graph Theoretic Model for a Cloud

Task scheduling in cloud computing environment need to be performed in an
efficient manner since users deal with pay-as-you go model. Hence scheduling
plays a key role for optimal utilization of resources which minimizes the cost of
executing tasks. In this work cloud service provision is described in terms of
Virtual machines(VM) and its characteristics and task are described in terms of
Cloudlets and its characteristics. The pricing model of service provision is based
on the characteristics of VM namely, size.
As cloud consists of thousands of networked nodes running VMs in a virtualized
data center, the major elements that exist in any cloud systems can be represented
as C = {Host, VM} where Host represents set of physical machines and VM
represents set of Virtual machines.
R. Kanniga Devi et al. 93

As cloud contains set of networked nodes, it is possible to represent the cloud as

an undirected graph [16].
The representation of physical machines an undirected graph is given by PG =
(N,E) where N = {ni} is the set of all physical machines in the cloud and E is the
set of edges that represents physical connection between the physical machines.
The representation of virtual machines as an undirected graph is given by VG =
(V,L) where V = {vi} is the set of all virtual machines in the cloud and L is the set
of edges that represents virtual connection between the virtual machines.
Using this graph theoretic models various problems in cloud computing can be
addressed and results in this directions will be reported in future papers.

6 Conclusion
This paper presents various scheduling schemes prevalent in cloud and proposes a
new dynamic batch mode scheme for scheduling tasks based on assignment rule.
The complexity of the approach is analyzed and it is experimentally observed that
the proposed algorithm reduces cost of running tasks and average VM utilization
as compared to other scheduling approaches namely round robin, Min-Min and
Max-Min schemes. The proposed algorithm can further be improved by
considering some other parameters like make span and load balancing of VMs
which are also playing a key role in scheduling cloud tasks and comparing the
proposed algorithm with other dynamic batch mode scheduling algorithms such as
Berger model. As a future work, the tasks exhibiting dependency among them
should also be considered for scheduling. Further, in our future work we propose
to take up a practical case study with an intuitive illustration to demonstrate the
proposed algorithm in this paper.

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