Zambrano Et Al 2010

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Biol Invasions (2010) 12:3061–3069

DOI 10.1007/s10530-010-9697-8


Food web overlap among native axolotl (Ambystoma

mexicanum) and two exotic fishes: carp (Cyprinus carpio)
and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Xochimilco,
Mexico City
Luis Zambrano • Elsa Valiente •

M. Jake Vander Zanden

Received: 25 May 2009 / Accepted: 11 January 2010 / Published online: 7 February 2010
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010

Abstract Two exotic fishes, common carp (Cypri- will further our understanding of interactions between
nus carpio) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), were the axolotl and exotic species, and are expected to
introduced more than 20 years ago into Xochimilco benefit axolotl recovery efforts.
for aquaculture, and now dominate the system in
terms of biomass and numbers. Over this same Keywords Isotopes  Gut contents 
period, wild populations of the microendemic axolotl Urban lake  Salamander  Food web niche
salamander (Ambystoma mexicanum) have been dra-
matically reduced, and it currently persists in isolated
areas of this aquatic system, which is situated at the
edge of Mexico City. In this study, we examine
potential trophic interactions and niche overlap Introduction
among two exotic fishes: carp and tilapia, and the
native axolotl. Axolotl had more diverse diets and a Food web studies are useful for understanding
higher trophic position compared to the exotics. changes in freshwater ecosystems caused by exotic
Stable isotope analysis revealed substantial trophic species. Networks of predator–prey interactions play
niche overlap among axolotl and the exotics. The two a central role in influencing population dynamics and
exotics occupied a larger niche area than the axolotl, community structure in diverse ecosystems (Paine
suggesting higher levels of omnivory and diet 1966; Lynch 1979; Pringle and Hamazaki 1998;
specialization. Current exotic fish removal efforts Hargrave et al. 2006; Vander Zanden et al. 2006a).
Once established, exotic species can have major
impacts on aquatic biodiversity (Li et al. 1999), as
L. Zambrano (&)  E. Valiente well as the ecosystem services humans derive from
Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia,
aquatic ecosystems. The introduction of exotic spe-
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,
Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico, DF, Mexico cies is increasingly common in freshwater systems
e-mail: [email protected] (Minns and Cooley 1999), though few studies have
E. Valiente used a food web approach to help inform and guide
e-mail: [email protected] efforts to manage and restore invaded aquatic
ecosystems (Vander Zanden et al. 2003).
M. J. Vander Zanden
Information obtained from food web studies can be
Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin–Madison,
680 N. Park Street, Madison WI 53706, USA particularly useful in highly perturbed aquatic systems
e-mail: [email protected] such as Xochimilco, the last remnant of a vast wetland

3062 L. Zambrano et al.

that once covered the basin now occupied by Mexico Greenberg 1990; Werner and Hall 1977) with poten-
City (Alcocer-Durand and Escobar-Briones 1992). As tially negative consequences for native species
the city has grown, Xochimilco has been dramatically (Chase et al. 2002; Petern and Case 1996).
impacted by human activities, which has been detri- Gut contents and stable isotopes of nitrogen and
mental to native species such as the axolotl (Ambystoma carbon are increasingly used to describe food web
mexicanum), a neotenic salamander endemic to this structure for aquatic ecosystems (Peterson and Fry
system. This amphibian is listed as ‘Critically Endan- 1987; Hecky and Hesslein 1995; Vander Zanden
gered’ on the IUCN Red List because its population et al. 2006a). With both techniques it is possible to
density has been dramatically reduced in recent characterize the food web structure and the trophic
years (Zambrano et al. 2007). In addition to axolotl, linkages among native and exotic species (Vander
Xochimilco hosts 140 species of migratory birds Zanden et al. 1999). It is possible that the feeding
(Stephan-Otto 2005) and two other organisms endemic habits of both carp and tilapia could reduce the
to Central Mexico, the Goodeid fish Gyrardinichthys resources available to axolotl. Trophic niche overlap
viviparus and the crayfish Cambarellus montezumae, may reduce the viability of the axolotl population and
which occur in low numbers in Xochimilco (Alvarez partially explain their dramatic decline. The infor-
and Rangel 2007). mation obtained by this food web characterization
The dramatic decline of the axolotl could be can be used to generate a better understanding of the
related to the presence of two exotics: common carp linkages between exotic and native species within
(Cyprinus carpio) and tilapia (Oreocrhomis niloticus food webs, which has potential implications for
and very few O. aureus), which were introduced to ongoing restoration efforts aimed at supporting native
Xochimilco *20 years ago as part of an aquaculture species such as the endemic axolotl.
program. Their high reproductive rates and the lack
of an established fishery resulted in a sharp popula-
tion increase over the last 10 years (Zambrano and Methods
Valiente 2008). Currently, these species make up
more than 98% of the vertebrate biomass of the Study site
system (Valiente 2006). Recently, 20 fishermen were
hired to remove carp and tilapia from this system. Xochimilco is a high altitude water body situated at
Approximately 7.5 tons per week were harvested 2,220 m above sea level. Its current state is a product
over a period of several months between 2006 and of centuries of land use management, resulting in
2008 (Zambrano and Valiente 2008). 207 km of canals, eight small lakes and two seasonal
The ecological effects of carp and tilapia intro- wetlands (Fig. 1). Before the 1950s, the system was
ductions have been documented since the beginning fed by springs, but now Xochimilco is mainly
of the last century (Cahn 1929). Carp increase water recharged by treated and untreated wastewater as
turbidity by sediment resuspension, changing the well as precipitation, which occurs in the rainy season
dynamics of shallow lakes (Zambrano et al. 2001). from June to October (Jiménez et al. 1995). These
Similarly, tilapia reduce water quality (Figueredo and hydrological alterations were the result of ground-
Giani 2005) as well as the abundance of native water pumping, canal dredging, wastewater inputs
species (Canonico et al. 2005). The feeding habits of and urbanization (Crossley 2004). At present, a slow
both carp and tilapia have been intensively studied current (\4 m/h) moves through the system from
because both are important aquaculture species. Carp south (where sewage treatment plant outputs and
are mainly benthivorous, whereas tilapia are omniv- natural springs are located) to north, which is the site
orous, eating mostly detritus and primary producers. of the biggest sewage outflow in Mexico (Gran
There are no studies of axolotl diets in the wild, Canal, Zambrano et al. 2009).
though in captivity, axolotl feeds mainly on zoo-
plankton, insects and small fish (Brothers 1977). In Sampling
addition to altering trophic pathways, there could be
diet overlap between exotic and native species, Organisms were sampled in Xochimilco from Sep-
resulting in diet and habitat shifts (Persson and tember of 2002 to October 2008 (Fig. 1). Fish and

Food web overlap among native axolotl and two exotic fishes 3063

classified into different categories: (1) particulate

organic matter (POM), such as detritus and uniden-
tified matter, (2) roots, seeds, and leaves from plants,
(3) filamentous algae, (4) zooplankton, including
daphnia and rotifers, (5) small crustaceans, such as
amphipods (i.e. Hyallela) and isopods (i.e. Caesidotea),
(6) chironomids, (7) Hemiptera larvae, (8) unidenti-
fied insects, (9) other invertebrates, such as leeches
and snails, (10) axolotl eggs, and (11) fish scales and
Stable isotope analysis was performed on muscle
tissue of the three vertebrate species. A total of 30
samples of primary consumers (zooplankton, Hyall-
ela and chironomids) were collected throughout the
whole system to serve as a baseline for estimating
trophic position and benthic reliance. A total of 128
fish and invertebrate samples were dried and ground
into fine powder with a mortar and pestle, packed in
tin capsules and analyzed for nitrogen and carbon
isotope signatures using continuous flow isotope ratio
mass spectrometry (20-20 mass spectrometer: Europa
Fig. 1 Map of Xochimilco canals and lakes. 1 Bordo, 2 Japon,
3 Cuemanco, 4 El Toro, 5 Apatlaco, 6 Urrutia, 7 Nativitas
Scientific. Sandbac. UK). Isotopic ratios were
expressed in standard delta ‘d’ notation.

axolotl were collected using cast nets. Each cast net Data analysis
throw was counted to estimate catch per unit effort
(CPUE). To obtain biomass density we extrapolated We estimated the trophic position and benthic
the area sampled by the cast net to the total area of the reliance of the three focal species using both stable
canals (Zambrano et al. 2007). Organisms were isotope and gut content methods. The d15N baseline
sampled in at least 20 canals each year, and there was defined as the mean d15N value of the three main
were at least 300 throws per year. Stomach contents primary consumer taxa in the system: Hyallela,
were collected from September of 2002 to October of chironomids and zooplankton. Trophic position was
2003, for axolotl (number of organisms sampled estimated assuming a per-trophic level fractionation
(n) = 11; size average = 18.6 cm; size SD = 4), carp of 3.4%, using the equation of Vander Zanden et al.
(n = 65; size average = 20.64 cm; size SD = 5.76) (2006b). We classified gut content items into three
and tilapia (n = 79; size average = 19.9; size SD = trophic categories: primary producers such as algae,
4.37). Isotopes samples were collected in April–May seeds and roots (trophic level 1), primary consumers
of 2003, June of 2004 and October 2005. such as zooplankton, small crustaceans, chironomids
The three species were sampled for gut content and Hyallela (trophic level 2), and secondary con-
and stable isotope analyses. Gut contents from exotic sumers such as fish scales, hemiptera insects and
fishes were obtained by dissecting the complete leeches (trophic level 3). A handful of prey items of
digestive system. For axolotl, gut contents were unknown trophic position were left out of the analysis
sampled using gastric lavage, allowing the animals to (\6% of the items). The trophic position of each
be released unharmed. Each gut sample was fixed individual was calculated as the average trophic level
with 70% alcohol and analyzed with a stereoscopic of the prey items contained in the stomach, weighted
microscope in a Petri dish divided into 136 squares. according to the contribution to total stomach
The percentage of squares occupied by each item was volume. We compared trophic positions among the
measured, using the same volume to avoid over- three species obtained using the two techniques using
counting (Amundsen et al. 1996). Items were non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis tests.

3064 L. Zambrano et al.

Benthic reliance was estimated from d13C data little change in abundance, while axolotl exhibited a
using a two end-member mixing model (Vander dramatic population decline over this period.
Zanden et al. 2006b). The benthic-end member was Gut content analysis revealed that axolotl had the
Hyalella, while the pelagic end-member was the mean highest frequency of empty stomachs (16.7%),
value of chironomids (which feed on particulate- followed by carp (6.6%) and tilapia (1.2%). Diets
matter/detritus) and zooplankton. Gut contents were differed among species, with axolotl consuming a
used to estimate benthic reliance by classifying prey wider variety of items than either of the exotic fishes
into the following categories: pelagic (zooplankton, (Table 1). The most important preys in axolotl diets
chironomids, and algae) and benthic (insects, Hyallela, were insects and fish. Almost half of carp’s diet was
terrestrial seeds, POM). Items that could not be comprised of primary producers, but their diet also
classified as benthic or pelagic comprised a small includes axolotl eggs. Particulate organic matter and
fraction of overall gut volume and were left out of the primary producers dominated tilapia diet.
analysis. We compared benthic reliance among spe- Benthic reliance estimated using gut contents
cies using ANOVA for isotope data and non-para- shows that all three species are more reliant on
metric Kruskal–Wallis tests for gut content data. benthic resources compared to pelagic resources
Community niche analysis using d13C-d15N bi-plots (Fig. 3a). Axolotl and carp were significantly less
(Layman et al. 2007) was used to compare trophic reliant on benthos compared to tilapia (Table 2).
niche partitioning among the three species. Originally, Estimates of benthic reliance based on stable isotopes
this technique evaluates the trophic niche area of a did not yield a significant difference among species.
community using isotopic distances among species in a Gut contents and stable isotopes produced more
two-dimensional d13C-d15N space (Layman et al. consistent results for comparison of trophic position.
2007). We adapted the technique to evaluate the Axolotl occupy the highest trophic position of the
trophic niche of individual species instead of for three species and were significantly different from
communities. Thus, this approach measures a species’ tilapia based on isotope signatures and significantly
trophic niche based on values such as nitrogen range different from both exotics based on gut contents
(NR), carbon range (CR) and total niche area (TA) of (Table 2). Carp trophic position was slightly below
axolotl, and compares them to those of carp and tilapia, that of axolotl, while tilapia were almost one trophic
rather than comparing whole food webs from different level below axolotl (Fig. 3b).
sites. NR represents the difference between the highest The bi-plot comparing trophic niche areas and
and lowest d15N of each species, indicating the food web metrics of the three species reveals
capacity of the species to consume organisms occupy- substantial overlap in niche space (Fig. 4). The area
ing different trophic levels. CR is the distance between occupied by axolotl coincides entirely with both
the highest and lowest d13C of each species, indicating exotic species. Carp exhibit higher d15N, while tilapia
the variability of food sources consumed by the tend to have more enriched d13C. All three of the
species. TA represents the trophic niche area for a trophic niche measures (NR, CR and TA) were higher
species, estimated as the convex hull area in the bi-plot for tilapia compared to the other species, while the
(Layman et al. 2007). axolotl had the lowest values (Table 3).

Results Discussion

Tilapia comprised more than 77% of the vertebrate Two exotic fishes, carp and tilapia, have been highly
biomass sampled, followed by carp (21%) and axolotl successful in Xochimilco. Carp generally invade
(0.5%). These data were obtained from the axolotl temperate habitats, whereas tilapia invade tropical
sampling program between 2002 and 2004 (Valiente regions (Zambrano et al. 2006). Xochimilco is one of
2006). Tilapia catch increased dramatically during the few subtropical locations in which the two species
the early years of this study, followed by a rapid co-exist (Mercado-Silva et al. 2008). The combina-
decline in abundance, which corresponds with the tion of these two exotic species has had a dramatic
exotic fish reduction program (Fig. 2). Carp exhibited impact on this aquatic system. The effect of these

Food web overlap among native axolotl and two exotic fishes 3065

Fig. 2 Catch-per-unit-
effort (CPUE) for carp,
tilapia, and axolotl. Note the
different axes for the two
exotic fishes and axolotl

Table 1 Gut content analysis for axolotls (n = 12), carp web stability is reduced in the absence of basal
(n = 76) and tilapia (n = 85) resource diversity (Rooney et al. 2006). Empirical
Item Axolotl Carp Tilapia studies of food webs such as this help to bridge the
gap between theoretical studies, and our understand-
Area % Area % Area %
ing of the trophic pathways supporting higher trophic
POM 0.64 13.50 19.27 27.10 93.05 71.08 levels in natural aquatic ecosystems.
Plants 0.65 19.52 23.87 43.98 25.66 20.01 Axolotl were found to occupy the highest trophic
Filamentous 0.12 6.25 3.96 5.62 10.37 5.78 position among the species studies. This is not
algae surprising, as in captivity they only feed on moving
Zooplankton 0.08 4.28 5.58 5.64 0.36 0.72 organisms such as fish, insect larvae and oligochaetes
Small 0.30 15.05 4.13 2.65 0.07 0.13 (Valiente 2006). These same items accounted for a
significant percentage of their diet in Xochimilco.
Chironomids 1.11 19.63 6.03 6.60 0.51 2.09
Higher d15N values confirm the elevated trophic
Hemiptera 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 position of axolotl. The uniformity of their diet in
both captive and wild populations, even given the
Unidentified 0.25 11.18 3.21 5.26 0.03 0.10
insects potentially reduced prey availability in Xochimilco,
Other 0.18 3.29 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.02 suggests that axolotl lack plasticity in their feeding
invertebrates habits. This lack of flexibility in feeding makes the
Axolotl eggs 0.00 0.00 0.21 1.24 0.00 0.00 salamander particularly vulnerable to ecosystem
Other fish 0.25 7.29 0.53 1.86 0.09 0.09 changes or the introduction of exotics with similar
TOTAL 3.59 100.00 66.81 100.00 130.13 100.00 food preferences.
Our approach of comparing species’ trophic niches
Area refers to the number of filled squares in the Petri dish (see
‘‘Methods’’), and % refers to the percentage of the total gut has potential to help elucidate interactions among
contents’ area occupied by each item. Organisms with empty native and exotics species. The highly omnivorous
stomach are not included nature of these two exotic fishes (Huchette et al.
POM particulate organic matter 2000; Zhao et al. 2000) is evident from the trophic
niche analysis. The high NR, CR, and TA values of
exotic fishes on Xochimilco appears to be focused at exotic fishes indicate broad diets relative to axolotls.
the base of the food web because tilapia have the This is consistent with the role of axolotl as predators,
lowest trophic position, followed by carp. The which tend to have less variable diets than consumers
dramatic increase in their abundance in recent years at lower trophic positions (Hecky and Hesslein 1995).
has the potential to reduce the quality and quantity of Gut content data may not fully capture the extent of
food sources. Theoretical work indicates that food omnivory, since they only provide a snapshot of

3066 L. Zambrano et al.

Fig. 3 Trophic position

(TP) and benthic reliance of
axolotl, carp and tilapia.
Error bars indicate 1
standard deviation.
Comparisons are shown in
Table 2

consumer diet, while the stable isotopes integrate the salamander population growth rate. The fact that
over a longer time period. This highlights the axolotl population declines correspond with increases
complementary nature of these two approaches for in carp abundance supports this possibility.
elucidating food web relationships. Furthermore, a Exotics can also have indirect effects on aquatic
common diet item for carp and tilapia, particulate systems by increasing water turbidity. Carp increase
organic matter (POM), may be diverse in origin. turbidity in shallow systems by re-suspending sedi-
Therefore the high proportion of POM in gut contents ments in the water column (Avnimelech et al. 1999;
of tilapia and carp may also help explain the high TA Persson and Svensson 2006; Webster et al. 2001),
values for these species, as POM may be comprised while tilapia may increase turbidity through cascad-
of material from diverse origins. ing effects on zooplankton and phytoplankton abun-
Based on a recent axolotl population viability dances (Okun et al. 2008). Another factor that could
analysis (PVA), a slight reduction in axolotl egg and cause sediment resuspension is the traditional ‘‘pol-
larval survival rates increases extinction probabilities ing’’, in which a long pole is pushed into the sediment
(Zambrano et al. 2007). Considering the observed to move the boat. This activity may increase turbid-
carp abundances in Xochimilco, and that axolotl eggs ity, but is concentrated in a small number of tourist
were found in more than 10% of carp stomachs, it is areas. In most of the canals, boats are rare compared
possible that carp is causing a significant reduction in to carp and tilapia. An increase in turbidity not only

Food web overlap among native axolotl and two exotic fishes 3067

Table 2 Trophic position and benthic reliance comparisons among axolotl, carp, and tilapia
Kruskal–Wallis Mult. comp. test
H df P Q P

Trophic position based on gut contents 18.9 2 \0.001

Axolotl vs. Tilapia 4.21 \0.05
Axolotl vs. Carp 3.85 \0.05
Tilapia vs. Carp 0.738 NS
Trophic position based on isotopes 12.94 2 \0.01
Axolotl vs. Tilapia 3.249 \0.05
Axolotl vs. Carp 0.881 NS
Tilapia vs. Carp 2.576 \0.05
% Of benthic reliance based on gut contents 26.19 2 \0.001
Axolotl vs. Tilapia 3.54 \0.05
Axolotl vs. Carp 4.17 \0.05
Tilapia vs. Carp 1.54 NS
F df P

% Of benthic reliance based on isotopes 0.965 2 NS

Q value refers to Dunn’s multiple comparison test
NS not significant

Table 3 Trophic niche variables estimated for each species,

based on Layman et al. (2007)
Axolotl Carp Tilapia

NR 6.39 8.91 10.93

CR 12.24 18.67 15.61
TA 53.14 79.79 105.55
See ‘‘Methods’’
NR nitrogen range, CR carbon range, TA total area

of the food web in this way may have important

implications for food web dynamics and stability
(McCann et al. 1998; Vadeboncoeur et al. 2005).
Food web studies can provide useful information
Fig. 4 Trophic niches of axolotl, carp and tilapia (Layman regarding energy fluxes within an ecosystem. Theo-
et al. 2007). Each symbol (triangle or circle) is an individual retical research suggests that changes in food webs
from one of the three species. Enclosed areas represent the could lead to modifications in community structure in
total trophic niche occupied by each species. The single line
enclosing grey circles represents axolotl, the dashed line with aquatic ecosystems, but there is little empirical
dots enclosing white triangles represents carp and the dotted understanding of the trophic pathways involved, or
line enclosing dark triangles represents tilapia the impact of exotic species (Vander Zanden et al.
2006b). A critical aspect of this study was to assess
decreases overall productivity, but also shifts the the trophic niches of two successful exotics and one
system from having multiple resource pathways endangered native species in a highly perturbed
(benthic and pelagic) to having only a few, in this system. This perspective allowed us to examine
case, dominated by a detritus-based benthic pathway. possible consequences for the trophic pathways in the
Recent theoretical work indicates that simplification system, and the consequences for axolotl populations.

3068 L. Zambrano et al.

The current restoration program for the axolotl Crossley PL (2004) Sub-irrigation in wetland agriculture. Agric
includes a long-term exotic species removal program, Hum Values 21:191–205
Figueredo CC, Giani A (2005) Ecological interactions between
with the goal of promoting favorable food web Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, L.) and the phyto-
conditions for the axolotl by expanding trophic diver- planktonic community of the Furnas Reservoir (Brazil).
sity at the base of the food web. To date, intensive carp Freshw Biol 50:1391–1403
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axolotl, and there may be time lags in ecosystem-level interactions increase growth of an algivorous stream fish.
changes. In addition, other factors may be contributing Freshw Biol 51:1901–1910
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(Contreras et al. 2009). Though exotic species removal lake food webs as revealed by stable isotope analysis. J
North Am Benthol Soc 14:631–653
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needed and would likely include establishing exotic- of grazing by tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus L.) on
free areas as axolotl refuges. periphyton communities growing on artificial substrate in
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thanks to Roberto Altamirano and Alma Itzel Martinez, for CdIyeSdA (ed) Presente, pasado y futuro de las chinam-
their help in the data collection, and Victoria Contreras for the pas, México DF, pp 19–43
map. The project was partially funded by Posgrado de Ciencias Layman CA, Arrington DA, Montaña CG, Post DM (2007)
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