List of Cases

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1. Abdominal Hysterectomy 48. Parathyroidectomy

2. Amputation of knee 49. Partial Pancreatectomy
3. Appendectomy with exploratory 50. Partial Thyroid Lobectomy
laparotomy 51. Pleurectomy
4. Appendectomy with mesh 52. Pyelolithotomy
5. Appendectomy with lavage 53. Pyeloplasty
6. Arthroplasty 54. Radical Neck Dissection
7. Caesarian section 55. Reconstruction midface
8. Cholecsytectomy laparoscopic 56. Replantation of amputated forearm, hand,
9. Cholecsytotomy foot
10. Claviculectomy 57. Resection of ribs
11. Total knee replacement 58. Salphingo-Oopherectomy
12. Colectomy 59. Salpingectomy
13. Coronary artery bypass 60. Splenectomy
14. Craniectomy 61. Splenorrhaphy
15. Cranioplasty 62. Squint operation
16. Craniotomy 63. Thoracoplasty
17. Cystectomy 64. Thymectomy
18. Cystolithotomy 65. Thyroid lobectomy
19. Decortication, pulmonary 66. Thyroidectomy
20. Excision of meningocoele 67. Vaginal Hysterectomy
21. Exploratory Laparotomy 68. Vagotomy, including pyloroplastty
22. Gastrorrhaphy 69. Valvuloplasty, cardiac valves
23. Gastrectomy
24. Gastrodoudenostomy
25. Gastrojejunostomy
26. Hemocolectomy
27. Hepatectomy, partial lobectomy
28. Hip pinning
29. Hysterotomy
30. IM nailing of long bones
31. Implantation, revision or repositioning of
intrathecal or epidural catheter with
32. Isthmectomy
33. Laminectomy
34. Laminotomy
35. Lobectorny
36. Mastectomy, radical/simple
37. Miles operation
38. Myomectomy
39. Nephrectomy
40. Nephrolithotomy
41. Nephrorraphy
42. Nephrotony
43. Neuroplasty
44. Open Reduction with Internal fixation
(femur, humerus, hip)

45. Osteotorny of spine/clavicle/pelvis/femur

46. Pancreatectomy
47. Pancreatic Duodenostomy


1. Amputation of metacarpals or phalanges 49. Ethmoidectomy

2. Anal pull through 50. Evacuation of hematoma
3. Anoplasty 51. Evisceration of ocular contents
4. Appendectomy 52. Excision of bone
5. Application/removal of cranial tongs 53. Excision of cyst / mole or sinus
6. Application/removal of halo 54. Excision of turbinates
7. Application of multiplane 55. Excision, benign / malignant lesion/s
8. Arthrocentesis 56. Excision, nasal polyp(s)
9. Arthodesis 57. Excision of pterydium
10. Atherectomy 58. Exploration of thrombosis
11. Avulsion of nail plate 59. Fasciotomy
12. AV Fistula creation 60. Fistulectomy/fistulotomy
13. Bilateral tubal Ligation 61. Full thickness graft
14. Biopsy of skin / breast 62. Gastrotomy
15. Blepharoplasty 63. Hemorrhoidectomy (external, internal)
16. Blepharotomy 64. Hernioplasty
17. Bone graft 65. Herniorraphy
18. Bypass graft 66. Herniotomy
19. Cald wel-luc 67. lleostomy or jejunostomy
20. Cartilage graft 68. Implantation, revision or repositioning of
21. Cataract extraction (intracapsular or intrathecal or epidural catheter
extracapsular) 69. Incision and drainage of abscess
22. Cauterization of granulation tissue 70. Incision and removal of foreign body
23. Cheilophasty 71. Insertion of pacemaker
24. Circumcision 72. Insertion / Removal of wire or pinwith
25. Claviculectomy application of skeletal traction
26. Closure of gastrotomy with / without vagotomy 73. Iridectomy
27. Colostomy 74. Keratoplasty
28. Colpectomy 75. Laryngectomy
29. Condylectomy 76. Laryngotomy
30. Coronodoidectomy 77. Lateral Rhinotomy
31. Corneal incision / resection/transplant 78. Layer closure of wounds
32. Cutdown/ arterial catherization 79. Ligation of vein
33. Cystotomy 80. Lymphadenectomy
34. Dacrocystorhinostomy 81. Mastectomy, partial
35. Debridement of burns 82. Mastoidectomy
36. Debridement of nails 83. Mastotomy with exploration or drainage of
37. Debridement, partial thickness of skin / abscess
debridement and Curretage 84. Maxillectomy
38. Dilation and curettage 85. Meatotomy
39. Dental wiring 86. Mediastinotomy
40. Direct repair of aneurysm 87. Myringoplasty
41. Disarticulation of shoulder 88. Myringotomy
42. Diverticulectomy 89. Nasal Polypectomy
43. Embolectomy 90. Neurorraphy
44. Endoscopy (laryngoscopy, broncoscopy, 91. Omentectomy
anoscopy, proctosigmoidoscopy, --ct) with
removal of foreign body, with biopsy, or 92. Open trearment of humeral/radial/ulnar shaft
excision of tumor fracture with or without plate/screws
45. Enucleation of eye 93. Orbitotomy
94. Orbital Reconstruction
46. Epiglottidectomy 95. Orchiectomy
47. Escharotomy 96. Orchidopexy
48. Esophagotomy 97. ORIF (toes, phalanges)
98. Osteotomy of Pelvis/Ulna 127. Strabismus surgery/squint surgery
99. Ovarian Cystectomy 128. Suturing/resuturing of wounds
100. Paracentesis 129. Stump elongation
101. Parotidectomy 130. Sympathectomy
102. Pericardiostomy 131. Synovectomy
103. Pharyngostomy 132. Tenotomy
104. Pinch graft, simple or multiple 133. Tendon sheath incision
105. Puncture aspiration of abscess 134. Tendon sheath transplantation
106. Radical resection of tumor 135. Tenorrhaphy
107. Reconstruction of nail bed with graft 136. Thoracentesis
108. Release of contractures 137. Thoracostomy w/ biopsy, close tube
109. Release of tongue tie thoracotomy
110. Removal/application of implant (wire or pin) 138. Thrombectomy
111. Removal of ingrown 139. Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy
112. Renal biopsy; by surgical exposure of the 140. Trabeculoplasty
kidneys 141. Trabeculotomy
113. Repair of ectropion thermocauterization 142. Tracheostomy
114. Repair of tendon Achilles 143. Transfer, Intermediate, of any pedicle flap
115. Repair of superficial wounds 144. Tube thoracostomy
116. Repair of ptosis 145. Tympanoplasty
117. Repair of vaginal tear 146. Uranoplasty
118. Replantation of amputated digit, thumb 147. Tympanoplasty
or arm 148. Urethral Dilation
119. Retinal cryotherapy, diathermy or 149. Urethroplasty
photocoagulation 150. Urethrorrhaphy
120. Rhynotomy 151. Vagotomy
121. Scleral reinforcement 152. Vasectomy
122. Sequestrectomy 153. Vasovasostomy, vasosorrhaphy
123. Sinusotomy 154. Vein stripping
124. Skin grafting 155. VP shunting
125. Submucosal resection 156. Vulvectomy
126. Stemotomy

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