Salt Pickles

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4 Pcs. Mango (Native, Indian)
3 Cloves garlic
9 Tbsp Salt(traditional)
1.5-liter boiled water

1. Read general tips before starting recipe (below).
2. Wash cucumbers thoroughly in water. Place in a bowl and cover with cold water.
3. Place 5 liters of water in a pot and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and place in a cool place.
4. When the water has cooled to room temperature, follow the following recipes.
5. Remove cucumbers from the bowl and place in very clean, sterile jars. Divide garlic, carrot slices, herbs
and spices between the jars.
6. Measure 4 cups of water and add 2-3 tablespoons of salt (see tips below). Stir until salt is dissolved.
7. Pour into jars and repeat until all jars are full.
8. Place covers on top without sealing them shut. Let stand 2-5 days before storing in a cool place (see tips


 First boil water to evaporate any chlorine. Chlorine prevents natural fermentation.
 Wash your hands thoroughly before sterilizing your equipment. Running your jars through a dishwasher
should be sufficient. Cleanliness is essential to proper fermentation.
 Fermentation time varies according to external temperature. What takes 2 days in summer can take 4-5
days in winter.
 Large, 1.5-liter jars (or larger) will make the job easier.
 The amount of pickling brine you use will depend on the size of the cucumbers- making brine 4 cups at
a time means you won’t waste too much salt.
 Using quality salt is crucial. Don’t use table salt or industrial salt.
 Measure salt exactly: 2 level tablespoons of salt per liter of water for half-salt pickles or 3 tablespoons of
water for traditional salt pickles.
 The pickles are ready after only 24 hours, when they’re half fermented. Put them in the fridge when the
brine is milky and the pickles are pickled through (when they no longer float).
 The pickles will continue to pickles slowly in the fridge and will start to soften after a month or two.
 Adding carrots makes them crunchier.

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