Collectanea 4-2
Collectanea 4-2
Collectanea 4-2
r ...
tects Rite which follows, because there are a number of ·degrees
extant bearing this or similar name, some ·of which are still being
worked .
II The Rite of "Ancient, Free and Accepted Architects'~ is based on
a geometrical system evolved by Henry Pelham Holmes Bromwell,
an attorney of note who spent most of his life· in Illinois, where he
l: was the associate of such men as Lincoln, Douglas, Breckenridge;
Bell and others. He was Grand. Master of Illinois in 1865; was
widely traveled, earning in contact with the prominent men of the
nation and of Masonry, and had unusual facilities afforded him in
f' his original research in the archives of the various Grand Lodges.
In· later years he removed to Denver, where his unusual knowledge
upon legal and Masonic matt_'ers give hiin high stand,ing, and where'
he was elected an :honorary m~ of the Grand Lodge of Colorado
·.-~ I'
-a distinction rarely conferred by that bOdy.
In his research I he discovered many items of value, which he felt
I· could not be put into print, and for the purpose of disseminating
such things among the Craft he reduced, that portion of his ".finds"
.), 53
·.. "I
to a series of three degrees known as "Select Architects", "Most So far as is known the only living Brethren who received these
Excellent Architect" and "Royal Architects". The Order was found- .Architect Degrees, besides Bro. Clark, are Otarles L. Young, Grand
ed March 1, 1862, at Charleston, Illinois, and at one time had Lecturer of the Grand Lodge of Colorado, and Oarence Brain of
Oklahoma, well-known Masonic writer.
I· Lodges at Charleston, Ill.; Washington, D. C.; Springfield, Ill.;
Hillsboro, III.; Denver, Colo., and Los A:ngeles, Calif. With his
removal to Colorado in 1879, the Grand Lodge of the was Following the Ritual of the three Architect Degrees will be found
transferred to Denver, where for some time it was quite active the Minutes of the Grand Lodge of the Order. While this is not
I' among students of the Craft. It was confined to Brethren who a ritual, this material is of peculiar historical interest. It merits
had attained to the Royal Arch Degree, and Candidates being publication because it is one of the rare instances where 'Ye have
proposed by members, there could be no application made for the been able not only to secure tho ritual, but also a complete record
l: Degrees. of an American Masonic rite from its birth to its dissolution.
With his approaching age, and the elimination of membership From the information, records and minutes in our possession,
!: by death or removal, the Order languished and finally faded from
memory and became dormant.
there seems no way of determining the number of members who
received the Degrees in the six subordinate Lodges of the Rite.
If they all had approximately the same p.umber of members, a
About 1905 an effort was made to revive interest in the Rite fairly accurate guess might be made but from the informal nature
I· by Bro. Raphael M. Hosea, Past Master of Denver Lodge, No. 5, · of the organization one could not hazard a guess, as some Lodges
after he had made an extended study of Bromwell's book, "Restora- may have been very small and one or two very large. We do have,
\' tions of Masonic Geometry and Symbolry." Some of the former however, a record of the membership in King Solomon's Lodge,
I· members were located, additional research entered into, largely
under the direction of R.' .W~ ·.Bro. William W. Cooper, Grand,
No. 2, in Washington, D.C., up to May 1, 1880, which was within
a few years of the time when all the Lodges ceased to be active.
Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Colorado, but no active organiza- The Secretary of that Lodge reported that 278 members had
fl tion resulted. received all of the Degrees, and many other Brethren had received
one or two degrees.
At the time of this attempted revival, Past Grand Master Frank
Church, the last elecred Gra."ld Master Architect was still living.
Upon his decease, W.' .Bro. Henry Falls Evans, for many years
Bro. Bromwel~ was not what might be termed a "ritual maker"
and it is doubtful whether ~ ".Architects" would have ever become
Editor of the "Square and Compass:•, took over as custodian of the
popular. It is quite likely that its parts were "rea.d", altho this is
rite, which he held; for the rcl5it of his life. .All of the records,
I· books, paraphernalia, etc. which he had acquired, he deposited in
the vault of the Grand Lodge of Colorado, with instructions that
at this date a mere conjecture.
it be turned over to W. ·.Bro. George B. Oarke, Past Master of It contained. minute details as to rega.Ua and there is in existence
r 54 55
Select and Most Excellent Architect Degrees formulated .... 1859
r 56
How will you be tried? How many lights has the Lodge?
By the Compasses and Square. Three greater a# three lesser lights.
Why by the Compasses and Square? What are they?
Because they are the proper worlcing tools of a S. lt... The square The three great lights are the H. B., C:. and Sq. The three lesser
or a square and triangle represent in the Masonic Order the lights are the S., M. and Master of the Lodge.
G. lt... 0. T. U. and his works. Wheno: come you as a S. A.? · I
From the center, the Holy of Holies, a place of lightS and perfec.
( How do they respresent the G. /t... 0. T. U. and his works?
The C contains between its extended points the triangle; that tions.
geometric figure hailed by our ancient brethren among all nations What are its lights and perfections?
as the symbol of the lt..ll-Producing Cause; the Square being the Its lights are the H._ B., C., and Sq. and _its perfections ate in every
I emblem of matter whereof aU things are composed.
How are the 0. T. U. and his works represented in the Lodge?
part and form thereof.
What is the form thereof?
By squares and Triangles. , The length and the breadth and the height are equal.
How is the .first Square formed ? How gained you adm~ssion there?
By the form of the letter L.
How is the second square formed ?
By the words of. wisdom, the steps of prudence, the signet of truth, v
Qnd the pass of a S. /t...
By the form of the Altar.
How is the third square formed? What are the words of wisdom?
By the square upon the altar of Masonry.
Secrecy, Science and Immortality.
What are the steps of prudence?
How is the .first triangle formed?
By the three stations, E. W. and S. The several steps by which I advance on the degrees of M.
What are the signets of truth?
How is the second triangle formed?
The D. G. of af M. according to his degree.
By the burning tapers surrounding the altar.
How is the third triangle formed? Have you the J'fus?
I have.
By the extended compasses upon the square on the altar of Masonry.
How many Lodges are there? You will see that the M. 0. and D. have it and collect it on the
One. right and left and bring it up to the East.
How is it situated? Bros. M. 0. and D. approach the West. Communicate th~ pass of
Due E. and W. a S. lt... You will collect this from the brethren on the right and
What is the form thereof? left and report it to the M. lt... in the East.
An oblong square. (U. V. T.) (M.a.t.p.i.)
Why is it an oblong square? The pass is right. Bro. M. 0.
Bro. S. lt... what did you do there?
Because the length thereof being from E. to W. is twice the breadth I wrought with the tools my master gave me ancl received master's
thereof between the N. and the S.
w;hat does an oblong square denote?
What are master's wages?
Darkness and, light; Light and darkness.
The approbation and blessing of the G. A. 0. T. U. upon his labors. Bro. S. A., it is my will and pleasure that this L. of S. A. be now
How many compose a Lodge of S. A.? opened. Take due notice and govern yourself accordingly.
Three or more. (S. A. to J. A.) Bro. J. A. it is the will an.d.pleasure of theM. A.
When composed of three, who are they? in the E. that this L. of S. A. be now opened. Take due notice
M., S., and J. A. and govern yourself accordingly.
The J. A. station in the Lodge? (J.A.) *** Brethren, it is the will and pleasure of the M. A. i~
At the angle of Beauty. (or the square of beauty) the E., communicated to me by way of the W. that this L. of S. A.
i' Where is the angle (or square) of beauty?
In the South.
be now opened. Take due notice and govern yourselves according-
~ .
Why in the South, J. A.? (The Brethren give the S.)
As the S. in the S. at high meridian is the b a g o t d, so is the (M.A.) Bro. S. 0. attend the altar.
t I
angle (square) of beauty in the South where stands the J. A. to In the name of G. and Immortality, I declare this L. of S. A. ·duly
collect the m-t (thereof) that the work may be perfected in opened in form upon the center.
beauty which is designed in wisdom and established in strength. Bro. S. 0. inform the tiler. (S. 0., m. s.)
The S. A. station in the Lodge. (M.A.) *
At the angle (square) of strength. WoRK ..
Wnere is the angle (square) of strength? (]. 0. gives ***I at door.)
l: In the West. S. 0.-An alarm at the door of the preparation room, M.A.
Why in theW. Bro. S. A.? M. A.-You will attend to the alarm and report the cause.
When the S. is in the W. at the dose of day, mankind receives S. D.-*** J. 0,-*** S. 0.-Who comos here?
their wages in the blessing upon their labors, which is plenty, Comp. X., who is legally entitled to seek and now desires to be
which is strength ; so is the angle (square) of strength in the invested with the mysteries of a S. A.
W. where stands the S. A. to assist the M. A. In opening and Comp X., is it of your o f w a a t y m t r ?
closing the Lodge, pay the C. their wages if any be due, that It is.
I· the work may be established in strength which is designed in Bro.]. 0., is hew a w q? He is.
wisdom and perfected in beauty. Is he d a t p? He is.
TheM. A. station in the Lodge? Has he been regularly initiated and serv~d his master as an E. A.
At the angle (square) of Wisdom. with freedom, fervency and zeal? He has.
Where is the angle (square) of wisdom? Has he wrought six days in the week and 1eceived his wages as a
In the East. F. C.? He has.
Why in the East, Bro. S. A.? Has he traveled in foreign countries, worked and received master's
As the S. rises in the E. to open, enlighten and govern the day, so wages? He has.
60 61
(Deut. 29.29) Pass on.
(At the South.) Who comes here?
(]. A. facing about.) Who comes here?
II Correct. But further you cannot go without my word, sign and step.
My word is secrecy. My sign is in this form, because in this form
I took my Ob. My step is in this form. I stand upon the leveL
Have you the word, sign and step, together with the word~ of ex-
planation of theM. of Apprentices? ,
The word of the M. of A. is Secrecy. His sign is in· this form, be-
.Pass on.
cause in this form he took his 0. and because when he took his
Il 62
venting any accident in use and exercise. My sign is also in
!' 0. the three great 1 of M. were placed between his hands, and
because when the three g. 1 of M. were placed between his h.
this form. I stand upon the square in the M. C. of K. S. T. a
F. C. M. My words of explanation are explanatory of this sign,
they also conveyed to him, ever to hail, forever conceal, and never 'and are found in the writings of K. S. "Get wisdom, and with
reveal the mysteries of ancient craft M. His step is in this form. all thy getting, get. understanding." Pass on.
l, He stands upon the level of the G. F. of K. S. T. an E. A. M. ]. A.-Who comes here?
His words of explanation are explanatory of this sign and are c ...... .
found in the writings of Moses. "Secret things belong unto the Have you the wor~, sign and step, together with the word:; of
l! Lord. our God." explanation of the M. of F. C.
Your answers are correct. But further you cannot go without my The word of the M. of F. C. is Sc. His sign is in this form, because
l" word, sign and step. My word is Sc. My sign is in this form,
because in this form I took my 0. My step is in this form. I stand
.in this form he took his 0. and because when he took his 0. the
three g. l. of M. were placed beneath his r. h. they also correspond-
upon the square. Pass on. ed to his work, forever preventing any accident to use and exercise.
S. A.-Who comes here? His step is in this form. He stands upon the square in the M. C.
c....... . of K. S. T. His words of explanation are explanatory of this
Have you the word, sign and step of the J. W. of F. C.? sign, and are found in the writings ·of K. S. "Get wisdom, and
The word of the J. W. of F. C. is Sc. His sign is in this form, with all thy getting, get understanding."
!because in this form he took his 0. His step is in this form. Correct, but further you cannot go without my word, sign and step.
He stands upon the square. My word is Im. My sign is in this form, because in this form
Correct, but further you cannot go without my word, sign and step.
!. I took my 0. My step is in this form. I stand upon the center.
l: 64
I. way or manner than that in which I shall receive it, which shall be
the alternating letters thereof and in a low voice.
harmony. I extend to you my right hand in token of the continu·
ance of brotherly love and esteem, and with it the grip of a
To all of which Is asp as wah m r o s evasion o mind, whatsoever, S. A. Take me as I take you, and rise from a right angle to a
b m u a no less pen t. t. o h my b awn as w a rough s a m b perpendicular. In order that you may obtain a knowledge of this,
l· placed i t desert sands should I e k o w v t my most solemn ob observe carefulty what you see and hear. •
of a S. A. S. h m G a k m s i t d performance o t s. (M & S. A.) M. A.-Here I left you and here I find you. Will
' :disposed as to represent the triangle and the square. This signifies What will you do with it that I ·may obtain a knowledge of it?
to you that you have passed the Square and have advanced a de-
Sy and div w y.
gree represented thereby and from a L. of that degree which is L
' Sa b. N yb
of darkness and 1,. into a d.egree represented by the triangle and
Ii square :tnd into a Lodge of that degree, w i a 1 o 1 0 p t s H o
H or secret place of K. S. T.
B y, the word is yours.
V U U T h. U. V E. U T 1 U v e t h.
You now behold me as M. A. of this L. approaching you from the The word is right, Will you be o or f? F.
I E, upon the upright regular steps of M. which are three and with
the sign and s. of a S. A. The s. o a S. A. is in this form, because
in this form you took your o. the 3 g 1 o M being placed beneath
Fwat w ?
P.-W is t?
F t p·g o a S. A. t t t g o t s.
The true g o a S. A.
both your h. which signifies to you that they also correspond to
I; Hi an? I h. G ~ m. I d n sri n w is i i. W w y d w i t I m
your work formin~ perfect angles and on center. That you become oakoi? '
to this lodge the overseer, to oversee the work inaugurated; to
Will give you part of it upon a condition. W i t condition. : T y p
examine and measure initial forms; in giving all angles to the
y i p p t r i. (T t p a g t w "B K t t"). ·
initial triangles; forming all square floors. Proceeding in geo·
metric order with all other forms; adjusting Center Stone in its M.A.-C .... you will now salute the J. and S. A. a aS. k. and
true relation in Masonry not only of the design, but by overseeing approach the E.
fl 68 69
1 II
Upon your entrance on the second degree of Masonry you were
received upon the angle of a square (a right angle triangle, the
Companion. You are now standing upon the center, an upright symbol of the Divine WJsdom and energy) applied to your 1naked
!I Select Architect, and are entitled to a new name and three precious
Jewels, and the working tools of a Select Architect. Your new
right breast; regarded by our ancient brethren as the seat of the
understanding will and justice. The name of the implement being
name, which is that of a Master Mason, is Immortality. Your three therefore Masonic knowledge, testing your true worth, and alluded
,r precious Jewels, which are also those of a Master Mason, are Friend-
ship, Morality and Brotherly Love. Your working tools are the
to your intelligence and judgment, which were the righteous stan-
dards of Masonic conduct; therefore square your actions by the square
compasses and square, those two great lights in Masonry, which of virtue with all mankind.
Upon your entrance on the third. degree of Masonry you were
!I are also a part of the furniture of the Lodge. By operative Masons
the working tools are regarded as useful in overseeing the altera-
tions being made on work the Lodge orders, and measuring his
received upon the points of the compasses, opened at an angle of
60 degrees extending from left to naked right breast, thus forming
initial square work, already designed, drawn upon th~ trestle board. an equilateral triangle, and it represents not only the Divine Esse
!I Fellowcraft Masons are taught to use them for the more noble pur-
pose of squaring their actions by the square of virtue, and ciraun-
or Being but Truth, the Stone of Foundation of all intellectual and
Moral Excellencies, and it is also the geometric symbol of Masonic
scribing their desires and keeping their passions wjthin due bounds. rectitude. The square as a Masonic itnplement is used only to form
But we as Select Architects, are taught to consider them as symbols and prove squares and right angles, to measure plane surfaces and
rl of the Masonic square stones, the square upon the triangle, emblems therefore the symbol of the earth and all things belonging thereto ;
of matter and energy. Work indicating otherwise, and nevertheless but the compasses is an implement used to form and prove circles,
square work at the center and corresponding, being in every part triangles and squares, including spheres and spherical surfaces, the
II true to the geometric figure representing design in another work, proper symbol of the Heavens and heavenly things; of the intel-
lectual, moral anli spiritual side of our being; and it is also the
implies a knowledge which represents therefore the Grand Architect
of the Universe; work indicating therefore his square on his center; geometric symbol of the Divine standard of m.ea.surement and
,r and this indication is what distinguishes the degree of Master Mason adjustment to the one complete and perfect design.
from all other degrees whatsoever, while it implies that all Masters When you. first beheld these symbols on the altar of ¥asoncy
Lodges are erected to God, on a center, in His Name alone. Upon both points of the compasses were beneath the square, showing that
![ your entrance on the .first degree of Masonry you were received
upon the point of an unknown sharp instrument, inflicting momen-
the spiritual was under control of your earthly; your second. .view
beheld one point of the compasses above the square, signifying
tary pain, piercing your naked. left breast, anciently considered the advance in intellectual and spiritual power;' your third view beheld
seat of the soul's affections, and of moral impulses; the hidden in- both points of the compasses above the square, thus representing
([ strument signifies warning, and alluded to your having a conscience the complete victory of the intellectual and spiritual over the earthly.
which was the Lodge symbol of Masonic caution, and signified to As the triangle is the simplest form possible in geometry of
you that as this unknown sharp instrument might be made an in- which all other forms are composed; and as the circle is the most
II strument of torture to the flesh, so should the unknown terrors of a
guilty conscience be to your soul, should you ever be guilty of viola-
comprehensive form possible in geometry in which all other forms
are contained, these three geometric .figures (the equilateral triangle,
ting your solemn Masonic obligation. the right angle triangle and the circle) have from the most ancient
jl 71
times, been used to represent the Deity and his works. The equi- luminous stone, the grand omnific word is Divine Truth, a knowl-
lateral triangle representing the Divine Esse or Being, the right edge and understanding of which enabled Enoch of old. to walk
angle triangle representing the Divine Existence, wisdom, order as with God.
manifestec! in the works of creation, taken conjointly, represent in Upon your entrance to this degree you were received upon the
f a certain modified, indefinable sense the triune God, Spirit, Mind three angles of the triangle which is the geometric figure contained
and Creation, in all their various and complex relations, as presented between the points of the extended compasses, and which was hailed
to our finite understanding; and the circle representing the com- by our ancient brethren among all nations as a symbol of the all
I pleted oneness and universality of the whole. Teaching by Masonic
symbols brings within the angle of your mental and spiritual vision
producing cause, also named. eternal truth, geometric symbol of a
workman; when in due Masonic form they emphasize and impress
mudt that is useful and instructive, yet withal our grasp of Divine upon your memory the geometrical symbols of a Master Mason, as
realities, the significance of life, energy, orc!er and creation is slight well as the meaning of triangles, as the most important figure in
I I though touched on every side of our being by their mysteries and
their indefinable suggestions. We come into the world with a wail,
geometry. And now having thus several times been received upon
these implements, and their Masonic use fully made known to you,
play our little part (so brief in time and seemingly so unfinished) they are committed to you as the working tools of a Select Architect,
t and pass out with a groan. From whence we come and whither we with this injunction that you use them to the true honor of the
go, none can tell. The understanding of Divine Truth alone can Grand Architect of the Universe and form the building on the
reveal the Mystery. When clothed in righteousness, we shall see, center. .
not as through a glass darkly, but as face to face. The square being the emblem of matter, and the triangle of the
My brother, "Get wisdom and with all thy getting, get und~r all' producing cause, or a builder, were the emblems therefore for
standing." As a further admonition, practice Charity, love Virtue, the initial lodge of Enoch ; further, triangular perfections, or repre-
I· 72 73
Bro. S. A. are you satisfied in the W. that all present are M. E. A.?
I am satisfied.
I have.
You will see that the IM. 0. and D. have it an collect it on the.
Bro. J. A., are you satisfied in the S. that all present are M. E. A.? right and left and bring it up to the E.
r I am satisfied, M. A. (S HR.)
!l accordingly. Aaron's rod ; .the Book of the Law; and the Triangle, together
The Lodge is tiled M. A. with the Holy Cherubim.
How tiled? How many compose a Lodge of M. E. A.?
ll 74 7S
lr At the angle of plenty. tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, unto the testimony of Israel,
Where is the angle of plenty? to give thanks unto the name of the Lord. 0 give thanks unto
In theW. the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy eodureth forever. -So
l 76 77
I[ C. . . . Who is legally entitled to seek and now desires to be invested Advance and give it to me.
with the In. W. of a M. E. A. (S h .r)
C. . . . is it of your own free will and accord that you make this The pass is right. Let him wait with patience until his request is
request? made known to the M. A. in the E. and his answer returned.
It is. (At the Altar) 0 a a s a a t d a t M. E. M. A. s.
Bro. c( ?) is he worthy and well qualified? M. A.-The pass is right. You will receive him in due and ancient
He is.
II Is he d a t p?
form. Let him enter in the name of Giod and the In. W. and
beware upon what he enters.
He is. Upon entering upon this degree of Masonry you are received on the
Has he been i and served h m with freedom, fervency and zeal?
I He has.
Has he wrought six days in the week and r h w a a F. C?
.five points of the Pentalpha or Seal of Solomon, the Symbol of
Masonic Light, called by our ancient brethren the Star in the
East, often represented by the .five pointed Star in Masonry, and
He has. which corresponds with the .five points of your preparation, the
II Has he trav in f c worked and r M w?
He has.
five perfect points of your entrance, the five Human Senses, the
.five points of your obligation, the five separate triangles of
Has he wrought in the q and exhibited suitable specimens of his the Star, and being also extended triangles converging on the
II skill?
He has.
Lodge circle ;represented in the emblem of eternity.
(A the S.) who art thou?
Has he been reg elected and p into the 0 c o S? A.A. P.m.
He has.
il Is he skilled in architecture?
He is.
Where dost thou stand ?
On the G. Fl.
How dost thou stand?
Has he travelled the rough and bewildering way having the honor In this form, the hl of my r f to the hoi of my 1 forming thereby
I of the true glory of Masonry, and performed by his hands djffitult
parts, and by his skill and assiduity made valuable discoveries for
an angle of an ob sq due E. and W.
Why stand thus?
r the benefit of the C.? To remind me of the time when I first stood an upright M. in
He has. the N. E. cor of the L, the he of my r f to the hoi of my 1 forming
j! Does he come with the words of wisdom, the steps of prudence, thereby an angle of an ob sq due E. and W. my b erect f t W.
and the signet of truth? IM. i t E.
He does. Why didst thou stand so?
jl Has he the mark of Divine approval? Because at the building of K. S. T. the foundation of the gr fl w
He has. Behold! laid with ob stones due E. and W. beginning at the N. E. Cor.
By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission? So I stood in the N. E. c upon my I Ig, representing the I. h. P. of
jl By the benefit of the pass. K. S. T., the he of my r f to the hoi of my 1 forming the angle
Has he the pass? of an ob sq d,ue E. and W. which is the form of my L.
He has it not, but I as his c have it for him. What didst thou receive there?
I 78 79
,r- A new name and three precious jewels. on the level of time to that undiscovered country from whose
What is that new name? S. bourne no traveler returns. This architect is also attending to
What are the three p. j.? B. L. R. and T. the angle on the center, but by this test in geometric work was
What was given you in charge there? selected to oversee the work, passing on all relating to the triangles
,r The words explanatory of my work the position of the corner stone upon the Lodge, adjusted on the one design.
of the Lodge represented by the Master Workman overseeing .A. M." M.
(At the E.) Who art thou?
the position; examining designs of the Masonic stone by the Where dost thou stand? In the H. of H.
Light of perfection, represented to me by the blazing star in How dost thou stand?
the center. This Architect in passing on a corner stone, but by In this form, with the he of my r f to the he of my I, forming the
f" this test in geometric work was selected to oversee the work.
Pass on and when thou hast done all things, stand.
(At theW.) Who art thou? A. F. C. M.
angle of a perfect square.
Whyr stand thus?
To remind me bf the time when I first stood an upright M. M.
Where d.ost thou stand? In the M. C. on the center of the L. the he of m rf to the he of my I, forming
How dost thou stand? the angle of a perfect sq, my body erect facing the W. M. in
tf In this form, the he of my 1 f to the hoi of my r, forming the the E.
angle of an ob s, due E. and W. Why didst thou stand so?
l[. Why stand thus?
To remind me of the time when I first stood an upright F. C. in
Because at the building of K. S. T. the f of the H. of H. was laid
with square stones, beginning at the center, so I stood upon the
the S. E. Cor. of the Lodge, the he of my 1 f to the hoi of my r center of the L. upon both my lgs representing both P. of K. S. T.,
r forming the angle of an oblong sq. due E. and W., my b erect the he of m r f to the he o my 1, forming the angle of a perfect
!III bf the W. M. in the E. ~Square, which is the form of my L.
I Why didst thou stand so? What didst thou receive there?
Because at the building of K. S. T. the f of the M. C. was laid A new name and three prec jewels.
'I[ 1with ob. stones due E. and W. beginning at the S. E. Cor., so I
stood in the S. E. cor of the L. upon my r lg. representing the r. ·
What is that new name? Im,
Wlhat are the three prec jewels?
h. P. of K. S. T. the he of my 1 f to the hoi of my r. forming
F. M. and B. L.
the angle of an ob sq. due E. and W. which is the form of my
f Was not B. L. thy first jwl as an E. A.?
l· L.
What didst thou receive there? It was, for so the first shall be last and the last first.
r 80 81
(Ct to the a the E.)
M. A.--C . . . . . you are now standing before the a. of a M., but
received the degrees of E. A., F. C., M. M., M. M. M., P. M.,
M. E. M., R. A. M. and R. A. in a just and constitutional manner
before you can proceed, any further it will be necessary for you and that to my entire satisfaction. .
to take upon yourself a solemn and binding ob. pertaining to Further I p a s that I will not ch, wr or def a C of this deg or a
I[ this degree. 1bis is an ob. which all M. E. A. have taken before
you, but one which as M. E. M. A. of this L. I assure you will
L. of M. E. A. out of anything or suffer the s t b d if in my pwr
to ptevent.
not conflict with any duty you owe to your God, your country, Further I p a s that I will not permit the name of any one to be
~our family or yourself. Upon this assurance and condition are submitted for initiation or .enl:ightenment as a S. or M. E. A.
1[' you willing to enter with us into this ob. ? unless he be * worthy M. of skill and ability in the pre degs.
I am. Further, I p a ~ that I will not give the G. 0. W. of a M. E. A.
I! 82 83
Bro., you will s forth your hands and assist me in b t C from d to Give it me. I d n s r i and I will n s i i.
light. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. What will you do with it that I may obtain a knowledge of it?
And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was Sy and di w y.
upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon Sy and b. Nay b y.
the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be Light; and B y, the w is y. H. S. R.
there was light. H. S. R. H. S. R.
As it was in the beginning, let there be light. Will you be of or f.:> 0.
Bro ..... on being b from d to I you discover as before the three M. E. M. A.-Bro.. . . . before you become enlightened with the
g. 1. of M. so disposed as to represent the tri. and the sq. the In wd of a M. E. A. it w.tll be necessary for you to try in for
me-aning of which has been explained to you. centers. You will therefore return with your c to the place whence
You now beholq me as M. A. of ·this lap y from the E. upon the you came and be prepared to set out on your journey.
upright regular steps of Masonry, which are three, and with the (C. and c return to the prep rm where c is clothed with a purple
sn and st of a M. E. A. The sn of a M. E. A. is given in this robe, and c with a scarlet. M. ·A. puts on a scarlet ribbon with
form, because in this form he took his ob, the three g. I. of M. Com and Sq. The procession is formed and a message sent to
being placed beneath his hands, which signifies that they also the c, who represents K. H., saying)
f correspond to his work (forever preventing any accident or con-
fusion) (forming perfect angle and on center.)
M. E. K. H. of if. the b of our M. E. A. H. A. is now prepared
for a more dc:~e-nt burial. The procession which is to con him to
You have found the true center, the mark of Divine approval, which the gr is formed. K. S. a you at the Tmb.
I[ was revealed by the lord to the prophet Ezekiel to be placed on (K. H. and mess return to the l. K. H. marches with K. S. The
the foreheads of the people of Jerusalem, selected to be saved from procession passes around the l. seven times, singing solemhly the
the destruction of the City, and. is the same mark by which you M. M. ode in low voice. The bd is laid l)eside the tmb.)
gained admission to this l of a right angle, horizontal and per- K. S. to K. H.-This is the t~ of our M. E. A. H. A. which I
pendicular, is also the sign of Ancient Craft Masonry as such, have 'caused to be constructed as· near the H, of H. as the Jewish
and our ancient brethren regarded as eternal life. law .will permit.
The sign of a M. E. A. is in this form and manner and also alludes (The building stone is placed inside, but the lodge vault open.
f to that part of your ob that you would suffer y sk to be cl as Masonic ode is sung while procession marches about three times,
horizontally and perp rather than be guilty of vio your sol ob. the ancient custom. The body is deposited in the Tmb.)
I as aM. E. A.
Further I extend to you my r. ht. in tk of the con of brotherly I and
K. S. to K. H.--1M. E. C ofT., meet me at I. 12 at the H. of H.
(K. H. returns to prep rm. The l is darkened. When they return
esteem, and with it the p·g and wd of a M. E. A. Take me as I in. darkness and silence at the sound of 12. K. H. a the H. of H.
take you and ri~e from a right angle to a perpendicular. As you with K. S. and beholding a dim light in the H. of H t salute with
are uninstructed observe carefully what you see and hear. H I I y theM. M. sn.
a h I f y. (Here I left you etc.) K. S. to K. H.-M. E. Comp. of T. the key to the word of God is
Will you be o or f.? F. absent and our M. E. A. H. 11.. is no more on earth. He has been
84 85
' erected over his grave, consisting of a broken column of most
excellent workmanship, signifying that the column of beauty is
patience and silence. Let us depart. T c w w h c t t h r t 1 i 1
t p t t s a t ci c t t cent.
hidden forever. A weeping virgin representing the unfinished (The Companion who was his conductor then talc:es him returns to
temple, holding in her right hand a sprig of acacia, signifying lodge initial lodge thereof of the triangular square and then candi-
the death of his body; in her left hand an urn, signifying that date is conducted to the center;)
Jl his ashes are therein safely enshrined; Upon the broken column
I I The true word of our former Grand Master has the mark or
method to give degrees, and alas by death has caused that the
degree of Master Mason can no more communicate in ancient
board is an implement more particularly of builders, or a builder
making. over work the Lodge orders; the worlc already designed
drawn for the information of the workman forming the true tri-
form. I have further decided to honor his death by representing angle, that the work in hand may be completed in all its parts in
I in the Lodge a.t every raising of a Master Mason, and thus the
true word illumines in the Lodges of the three Grand Masters
who have talc:cn part in this great md glorious work. By com-
accordance with the Overseers pl~s by which a M. E. A. arranges
the triangles upon initial forms thereof; measuring nevertheless
parts of the true design of one Lodge, and corresponding to one
I 86 87
clination nevertheless making perfect the Lodge elevation, with the exemplified that you were also free and a Master, and therefore
square of one Lodge made building, and having measured all work square on the design of a builder.
on concealed center, was perfect form forever after. The measure The Word of God is Almighty. So mote it be.
of day made by an angry workman was signified to you in the first You will now take your ~t.
secret ruffian (J-a) who assaulted by the 24 inch gauge, an imple-
ment which is committed to every Mason at his Making, and which DEGREE OF ROYAL ARCHITECT
we, as Free and Accepted Masons are taught to measure and divide
our time, and was considered the perfect measure of a day. This, I
therefore, signified to you that the measure of your day is accom- M. A.-Bro. S. A., are you satisfied in the West that all present
plished (that the manner of your death is assured?) The second sec- are Royal A?
ret ruffian or (J-o) assaulted by the square, the emblem of righteous- S. A.-I am satisfied. M. A. ,
ness, which is committed to every Mason as his passing, and is dedi- M. A.-Are you satisfied in the South that all present aie R. A.?
cated to the W. M. that he may build true to plan in exercising J. A.-I am satisfied,_ M.A. ,
square for lodges, or working square, to temper judgment with M. A.-Are all the Brethren satisfied with each other?
justice. This therefore signified to you, that you were (are) judged .All...:...We are satisfied.
with a righteous judgment. The third secret ruffiian, or (J-m) again M. A.-Bro. S. 0., what is the first care of Masons when in Lodge
assaulted with the s • m, the implement of death. The s - m was convened? .
the only implement indicating death, and the same by which the S. 0.-To see that the Lodge is tiled.
walls of the Temple were put together, and Which signifies the M. A.-You will perform that duty and inform the Tiler that we
power which builds up and which destroys; that which destroys are about to open a Lodge of R. A. in this place and direcll him
and makes alive. to tile accordingly.
And that you stood square, tested on all implements, therefore, S. 0.-The Lodge is duly tiled, M.A.
signifies Immortality. Further this relates also to Masonic govern- M. A.-How tiled?
ment. The s · m is consequently considered by the W:. M. as the S. 0.-By a Brother R. A. without the door with a drawn sword
emblem of his power and authority in the Lodge, by his represent- in his hand.
ing in the Lodge the G. A. of the U. presiding over his work. This M. A.-Why is a Lodge tiled?
implement was considered by our ancient brethren upon receiving S. 0.-Because the door of truth is ever open but closely guarded
the Hiram; it being the same implement used in representing the by the sword. of fire to ward off the evil designs of the foolish.
death of our ancient G. M. as he had just returned from his devo- M. A.-Bro. S. .!,..., are you a R. A.?
tions, where he was completing the Masonic triangle, forming S. A.--I a m tha~ I am, I. M.
squares, working also at the trestle board, arranging all the parts M. A.~-How may I know you to be such?
to measurements; the Grand Designing Overseer, ever represented S. A.-By the Triangle upon a triangle, the seal of King David.
by Him who sits in the East, with the power of Life and Death in M. A.-Why by the seal of K. D.? .
his hands, saying:-"I am that I am". "That which I purpose I S. A.-Because being composed of two equal and equilateral ttiangles
accomplish." whose bases are opposite and parallel ,it was hailed by o a B a
Overcoming all obstacles the setting maul or the three ruffians all N as the symbol of the most profound and sublime secret
88 89
known to A. 0. M., the Divine Humanity, the Image of God M. A.-Why is the Lodge opened on the Square? 1
in Man. S. A.-Because the Sq. is the symbol of all science, whicli is the
M. A.-Whence came you as a R. A.? D of a F. C.
S. A.-From the center, the Holy of Holies, the place of the light M. A.-Why is the lodge opened upon the. centre?
of God. S. A.-Because when the Lodge is open the Universe is open ac-
M. A.-Why did you enter the Holy of Holies? cording to D and the Centre is perfect in all things.
S. A.--In search of the Omnific 'Wisdom. M. A.-For whom is the lodge opened?
M. A.-How gained you admission there? S. A.-For all the worthy wheresoever dispersed about the Earth.
S. A.-By the signet of Solomon and Hiram ancl the pass of a R. A. M. A.-Why Is the Lodge opened.?
M. A..--Have you that Pass? S. A.-That all may receive the light and act according to his D.
S. A.-I have. M. A.-How is the Divine light represented in the lodge?
M. A.-You will see that theM. 0. and the Dea. have it and that · S. A.-By the Triple Triangle.
they collect it from the Brethren a 1 and bring it up to the East. M. A.-How many constitute a Lodge of Royal Architects?
S. A.-Bro. M. 0. and D. will approach the West &.c., &c. &c. S. A...-3, 5, 7, 9 or more.
M. A.-(To 0. and. D.) The pass is right. (To S. A.) The word has M. A.-When consisting of 9, who are they?
safely reached the East. Bro. S. A., what did you do there? S. A.-M., S. and J. Architects, M. S. and J. Overseers, M. S. and
S. A.-I subdued my passions, circumscribed my desires and, im- ]. Deacons.
proved myself in Masonry. M. A.--Are our numbers complete?
M. A.--How did you improve yourself in Masonry? S. A.-We are 31times 3, M.A.
S. A.-I searched for Wisdom, practiced Charity and observed the M. A.-When cpnsi~ting of 3, who are they?
Divine Order. S. A.-Master, Senior and Junior .Architects.
M. A.-What did you see there? M. .A.-The J. A. st::U:ion in the Lodge?
5. A.--I saw the two Tab. of the Law, one containing the Duties S. A.-At the pillar of Beauty.
I owe to God., and one the Duties I owe to man and both joined M. A.-Where is the pillar of I!eauty?
in one block; showing that one cannot be broken without viola- S. A.-In the South.
lting the other also. M. A.-(To J. A.) The S. A. station in the Lodge, Bro. J. .A;?
M. A.--What did you learn there? ]. .A.-.At the pillar of Strength.
S. A.-I learned the secret of the 12 signets, the measure of the 9 M. A.--Where is the pillar of Strength?
arches and the W. that is hidden and revealed. ]. .A.-Ill the West.
M. A.-How many Lodges are there. M. A._:_(To S. A.) TheM. A. station in the lodge?
S. A.-Three in one. S. A.-.At the pillar of Wisdom.
M. A.-How is the lodge opened? M. .A.-Where is the pillar of Wisdom?
5. A.-Upon the level, the Square and the Centre. S. A.-In the East. ·
M. A.-Why is the Lodge opened. on the level? M . .A.-Why in;the East?
5. A.-Because in that Degree all Masons are upon the same Ground S. A.,As the sun rises in the! East to open, enlighten and govern
Floor which is level. the day, so is the pillar of Wisdom in the East, where rises the
90 91
~- M. A to open, enlighten and govern his Lodge, that the work M. A.-"Who is 'this King of Glory?"
may be designed in Wisdom, established in Strength and per- S. A.-"The Lord of Hosts."
fected in Beauty. ]. A.-"He is the King of Glory."
M. A.--Bro. S. A., it is my will and pleasure that this Lodge of (M. A., S. A. and J. A. assemble.)
Royal Architects be now open. Take due notice and, govern your- M. A.-Bro S. A. what Mountain is this upon which we have as-
self accordingly. sembled?
S. A.-Bro. J. A., it is the will and pleasure of the M. A. in the S A.-Mt. Morjah (pronounced Moryab) called Mt. Moriah, which
East, that this Lodge of R. A. be now open. Take due notice and signifies (where) "God teaches."
govern yourself accordingly. M. A.-Bro. S. A., art thou a Builder?
].A.-Brethren, it is the will and pleasure of the M. A. in the East S. A.-I am.
communicated to me by way of the West, that this Lodge of M. A.-Bro J. A., art thou a Builder?
R. A. be now open. You will assemble in due form for that J. A.-I am.
purpose. (The six officers, M. 0., S. 0., and J. 0.; M. De. D. D., M. A.-What materials have we in the South?
and J. D. assemble on the points of the triple triangle.) J. A.-Rough Ashlers, Perfect Ashlers, and square stones.
Key "Off. as on the 9 angles, the Brethren form two rows") M. A.-What inI the West? ,
Music. S. A..-Pedestalsl pilasters and arch stones.
M. A.-(in the East) "How amiable are thy Tabernacles, 0 Lord M. A.-And in the East keystones, capitals and copestones. Bro.
of Hosts?" "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into S. A. let us set up our pillars and build here an altar to the Most
the House of the Lord." "Our feet shall stand within thy gates, High God. 1
0 Jerusalem." S. A.-Bro. J. A., let us set up our pillars and build here an altar
M. A.-"\X':ho shall ascend into the Hill of the Lord? Who shall to the Most High God.
stand in His Holy Place? J· A.-•**Brethren, let us set up our pillars and build here an
S. A.-"He that hath clean hands and a pure heart." altar to the Most High God.
J. A.-"Who hath not lift up his soul unto vanity nor sworn de- Ali.-So mote it be (All keep. sil~nce.)
ceitfully." M. A.-(Sets up his ped.estal) S. A. (Sets up his pedestal) J. A.
M. A.-"Who swcareth to his own hurt and changeth not; he who (Sets up his pedestal.)
doeth these things shall never be moved." J. 0.-(lay rough ashlar) S. A. applies his level to same. S. 0.
M. A.-"Lift up your Heads 0 ye Gates." sets up perfect ashier on rough ashier. J. A. applies plumb.
S. A.-"And be ye lifted up ye everlasting door." M. 0. lays cope stone. M. A. applies his square to same. S. D.
J. A.-"And. the King of Glory shall come in." presents corn to S. A. who pours it on cope stone. J. D. presents
M. A.-"Who is this King of Glory?" wine to J. A. who pours it on cope stone. J. D. presents oil to
S. A.-"The Lord, strong and mighty." M. A. who pours it on cope stone.
J. A.-"The Lord, mighty in Battle." M. A.-May the Grand Architect of the Universe bless and prosper
M. A.-"Lift up your heads, 0 ye gates." the work of our hands, and bestow upon us and all worthy M
S. A.-"And be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors." wheresoever disperses about the earth, the corn of plenty, the
J. A.-"And the King of Glory shall come in." wine of refreshment and the oil of joy, henceforth and forever.
92 93
All.-So mote it be.
M. A.-Amen.
M. 0. places the Holy Writing on cope stone. SoLOMON, KING OF IsRAEL, to all the Kings, Princes and Nobles
of all the Kingdoms, East and South of Jerusalem, even all the
S. 0. places square.
Kingdoms which David, my father, did set up; when he conquered
]. 0. places compasses.
iii the countries, from the River of Egypt to the Great River; and
M. D., S. D., and ]. D., stand with burning tapers. unto all men of skill and understanding in the worship of the
M. A-In the beginning God created the H. and the E., and. the Most High God~ according to the knowledge of Moses the servant
E. wa~ without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of God, and of my father David :-Health, Union and Peace.
of the deep, and the spirit of God moved on the face of the Know ye, that it has come to my hand, and of those who are
waters and God said let there be light and there was light. As joined with me in .the work, to build the Temple and House of
it was in the beginning, let there he light and there is light. Then I~ the Lord· at Jerusalem according to the plans rev~aled to ·OV· f~ther
all the morning stars sang together and all the cons of God David. by the Most High God; and we will make' all due haste with
shouted for joy. (Grand Honors) 3 times 3. diligence in the work; and great tribute and much treasure have been
t· M. A.-In the name of the Most High God and the Omnific Wis-
sent up for the work from all the Kingdoms; u well as' in .the
lifetime of my father David, as hitherto in my day;: so there is
dom, I declare this Lodge of R. A. duly open from the East to
no lack of anything of Iron and Brass,' Silver, Gold"and Precious
the West and between the North and the South, and from the
Stones, Olive Wood and Shittim Wood,· Purple. and Fine· Linen,
center to the highest Heavens. Bro. S. 0. inform the Tiler.
for all the work. Moreover, great store .of Stone and Timber will
006ing same as opening until M. A., S. A., and J. A. assemble. now be prepared as well by the men of Hiram, King of Tyre, as
M. A. Triangle ''I am Alpha." by the men of Israel.
S. A.-And Omega. J. A.f-The beginning. M. A.-and the End. And this house shall be magni6cal of Fame and Glory throughout
S. A.-The first. J. A.-And the last. M. A.-That which I pur- all the world. '
pose. Wherefore, I beseech you every one in whom is found the Spirit
\· ]. A.-I accomplish. S. A.-I destroy. M. Ar--And make alive. of Understandjng, to come up· and be aiding in the work, and in
diligent search for the most ancient things; to the end that all things
*** *** **"' of the work be completed in order, and according to that we have
l' M. D., S. D., and J. D. take away the burning tapers, J. 0. takes
off Compasses, S. 0. takes Olff square. M. 0. takes off Holy Writ-
received of our fathers; and he that cioeth least shall not be forgot-
ten, and he thatj doeth most shall be rewar~ with the Honor that
ings. M. 0. takes off cope stone. S. 0. takes off perfect ashier.
shall be due. I
J. A. takes off or rolls over rough ashier. J. A. turns down his Sealed with the King's Signet
ped.estal. S. A. turns down his pedestal.
(Seal- Pentalpha)
M. A.-In the name of the Most High God and the Omni.fic Wis- (S)
,, dom. I declare this Lodge of R. A. duly closed upon the centre in
ample form. (M. A. turns down his pedestal). Bro. S. 0. inform
Three C"arids. as three Kings of the East, with M. 0., S. 0. and
the T.
f J. 0. in ante room.
\l 94
S. 0.-My Bro., what has been learned concerning the building of etry; or like Moses, who discovered the Law. But .first let us
the Temple at Jerusalem? Is it true that K. S. is about to go on enter the Grand Lodge and be received by K. S.
with the work? M. 0- *** ,
]. 0.-It is said the K. S., G. M. of Masons of the Israelitish count- S. D.-Most Excellent K. S., Grand Master, an alarm at tile door.
ries and K. H. of '(vre, Grand Master of the Phcenecian and, M. A.-Attend the alarm and report the cause.
Syrian Masons and the celebrated artist H. A. B., G. M. of the S. D.-*** M. 0.- * S. D.-*
Dionysian Architects have joined in the work, and. that prepara- S. D.-Who comes here.
tions are now being made on Mt. Moriah and at the quarries of M.O.-Three kings of the East, Ja n, Bo z, and M. ·B. H., who
Ghebal and in the Forests of Lebanon. are Master Masons and members of this Grand Lodge.
S. 0.-1 trust that this is so. S. D.r-M.. Ex. K. S., Gr. M., the alarm was caused by three Kings
l' (Here Herald appears at the door saying, "Hear the Proclamation
10f K. S." Herald reads the proclamation)
of the East, J. B., and M. B. H. who are M M. and members of
this Grand Lodge. ·
S. 0.-This is well. This proclamation gives us the assurance of M. A.-Let them enter cl. in due form.
all our hopes, the blessing of Heaven rest up the three Illustrious S. D.-Let the three Kings of the East enter cl. in due form.
G. Masters and all who join them in the work. (M. 0. and Cand. advance to the altar and salute as M. M. in due
J. 0.-Who among us will go to assist the Grand. Masters in the form.)
I. great and glorious work? M. 0.-M. Ex. K. S., Gr. M., we are three Kings of the East whose
f S. O.~We will all go ups. Let us set out without delay. kingdoms were set up by King David when he conquered, all
(They all start to go, the Herald having disappeared. The M. 0. the countries from the River of Egypt to the Great River; and
tribute and gifts for the work, to assist the Grand Masters in
This is Mt. Moriah, the holy mountain, where K. S., K. H., and
building the Temple and House of the Lord, and to make dis-
H. A. B. have opened the Holy Grand Lodge and are preparing
t. to build the great and wonderful Temple according to the plans
coveries in Mt. Moriah.
revealed to King David by the Most High God. Masonic tradi- M. A.-It is wfell my Brothers that you have come up. 1In this
tion informs us that in this mountain .Enoch, the 7th from Adam, mountain shall the Lord's House be established,. Remain with
I. erected two great pillars, one of brick and one of stone, to us and you shall learn a great secret, heretofore known only
resist conflagration and inundation; the signification of which is to Grand Masters, successors to Enoch, the 7th from Adam and
a great mystery; and it is believed by all skilful masters that their Grand Wardens. Be seated on the right, between the G. M.
some secret of great importance to the Craft is concealed in this and the G. W. of the W. ·
mountain. It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the M. A.-Most. Ex. H. of T., Grand Warden of the West, how
honor of kings to search out a matter. As we are three kings of goes the work of preparation for the building?
the East it becomes us to search out this mystery. It may be S. A.~M. Ex. K. S., G. M., the ground bas been prepared and
I' that we can here make some great discovery, and, become like
'those Priests of Isis, who discovered the great problems of geom-
measur~d and marked. All things are now in readiness for laying
the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies.
I· 96 97
M. A.-It is well. Are our numbers complete? ages ; in which concealment it has lain from the time when it ·
S. A.-M. Ex. K. S., Gr. M., we are 3 times 3. was deposited at the hour of low J 2 until this hour, a period of
M. A.-M. Ex H. A. B., Grand Warden of the South, how goes . . . . years, known only to Grand Masters, successors to Enoch,
the hour? 7th from Adam, and their Grand Wardens; its place being
]. A.-M. Ex. K. S., it is the hour of 'high 12. marked by the shadows of the two great pillars, one of brick
M. A.-M. Ex. H. of Tyre, Grand Warden of the West, the and one of stone, at the time of the equinox and solstice. As
sun is at high meridian when his rays will penetrate the secret all things are now in read~ness according to the original plan, let
vault. This is the hour set apart for bringing up the stone of the stone of foundation be brought forth according to order, and
foundation of Enoch, the 7th from Adam, from the 9 applied to its intended use.
arches of Mt. Moriah and laying the same as the foundation stone Solemn J'riusic.
of the H. of H. Let the Holy Grand Lodge be assembled for that (The Cands. pull at the rope. The stone slowly comes_ up, when
purpose in due and ample form. it has reached the proper height music ceases. The S. A. and
J. A.--*** Brethren of the Holy Grand Lodge, this is the hour J. A. push fdrward the Tau Cross, so as to rest over the Vault.
set apart for bringing up and laying the foundation stone of the The stone is lowered. S. A. and J. A. adjust the stone on the
H. of H. Let the Holy G. L assemble for that purpose in d,ue Tau Cross. Procession moves West. Sok11m Music. Circumam-
and ample form. Bro. Gr. Marshall you will form the Holy bulates Lodge and approaches the center from the East. As
Grand Lodge in solemn procession. procession approaches center the Craft Divides and forms on
Grand Lodge forms thus: 1st on right, Tiler with drawn sword. both sides in order. Cands and M. A., S. A. and J. A. approach
Brethren, as many as may be present. Two overseers, S. and J., the center where two lines are made beforehand on the floor
Three Deacons with burning tapers. The Great Light in the upon the equator and meridian. The Tau and stone are laid there-
r::enter. M. 0. in front of Candidates. Three Candidates bear- on.)
mg Tau Cross (upon which Stone of Foundation will be carried.) M. A.-M. Ex. H. of Tyre, Grand Warden of the West, let the
Three principal officers, K. S., H. o T. and H. A. B. with gavels. stone be laid in proper position due E. W. N. and S. upon the
Sword Bearer in rear with drawn sword. (The Ark can be center. (S. A. and J. A. place the stone due E. and w. upon the
omitted when the number is few.) center.)
Procession moves west circumambulating the Lodge and approached (M. A. applies square. Sign of M. M.)
the V. from the East. The 3 Gr. M. form in triangle about the (S. A. applies level. Sign of F. C.)
vault. The 3 cands. form triangle and take the rope. The (J. A. applies plumb. Sign of E. A.)
Brethren form in order in square or circle. The Tau Cross is Solemn Afmic.
plac~d beside the V. When all is in form M. A. proceeds thus: (]. A. pours corn and stands back. S. of E. A.)
I M. A.-Behold here the ancient secret vault of Enoch the 7th
from Adam, constructed by him with 9 arches for the purpose
(S. A. pours wine and stands back. S. of F. C.)
(M. A. pours oil. S. of M. M.)
of depositing within the lowest arch the marvelous stone of M. A.-The blessing of the Most High God rest upon this Temple,
foundation, revealed to him in Heaven; that it might remain and the corn \of nourishment, the wine of refreshment and the
!· in secrecy, safe from conflagration and inundation, to be brought oil of joy, be and abound unto all the worthy who shall labor in
forth at the appointed time for the benefit of the Craft in after the work, now, henceforth and forever.
r 98 99
All-So mote it be. peace, and may the God· of our F.tthers go with you and bless
\ M. A.--Amen. you.
M. A..-Behold here the stone of foundation of Enoch the 7th End of Fi1II Section
from Adam, first revealed in Heaven; deposited in secrecy; pre- Note: The sign of Enoch is the triple triangle and represents the
Shekinah, the Divine an¢ Omni6c Light, and is the same figure
t served against conflagrations and inundations; brought forth
according to order; laid as the foundation stone of the H. of H. on which the 6fficers r.ssemble at opening:
that it may show forth forever the name which is hidden and
revealed. "Glory be to God in the Highest." ,,.
l· S. A.-On earth, peace. .,
Candidates an prepared as in M. E. A. Degree and cf1nduc,ted
). A.-And good will among men. lo door by J. 0. and J. D.
All-As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world J. o.-•••
S. A.-M. A.. an alarm at the door of the P. R.
without end.
M. A.-Amen. M. A..-A.ttend the alarm and report the cause.
AIL-So mote it be. S. A.-Bro. S. D. attend the alarm and see who comes here.
Grand Honors. S. D.-** * ]. Or-* S. D.-*
S. D.-Who comes here?
M. A.-M. Ex. H. of Tyee, G. W. of the West, when the Craft J. 0.-Three M. E. A.., Bros. A.., B. & C. who are legally entitled
shall assemble for work, Jet the Boor be .laid with three courses to enter the sanctuary and, now desire to be illuminated with the
\· of square stones, one upon another, due E. and W., beginning
Omnific Wisdom of a R. A..
at the center; and let it extend E. W. N. and S. four square to ~ S. D.-Brethren, is it of your own free will and accord that you
space of 90 degrees of the two great circles, and be so laid, thae
make this request?
t· when the geometric Masonic work thereon shall be completed, the
Cand.-It is. ,
whole shall be level with the Stone of Foundation in the center. S. D.-Bro. Cond., are they worthy and well qualified?
S. A.-M. Ex. K. S., Gr. M., it shall be so done. J. 0.-They are.
\ M. A.-(to candidates) My Brethren, you are now about to retire S. they duly and truly prepared?
from this Holy Grand Lodge to rule and govern your several J. 0.-They are,
kingdoms, and make further discoveries in Mt. Moriah. It is S. D.-Have th9' the sec. of Solomon and Hiram?
well. The kingdom of every man is within himself, and where- J. 0"-They have in part.
)SOever God teaches there is the Mount Moriah. In order that S. D.-It is well. By whatfurther right or benefit do they expect
it may be known to all skillful Masters wheresoever you may to gain admission?
J. 0.-By the signet of Enoch, the 7th from Adam, whi~ I will
I come that you have been with Solomon and have learned the
measure of the 9 arches and have seen the place of the Stone of
Foundation, receive this Pass. This is the Signet of Enoch, the
give you upon the same condition on which I received it; that if
it be the true one you will return it.
7th from Adam, who with Methuselah and Lamech opened the S. D.-Present the signet. (]. 0. presents signet)
I Holy Grand Lo<lge and deposited the stone of foundation within
the lowest arch of the secret Vault on Mt. Moriah. Depart in ~
S. D.-This is the Signet of Enoch, the 7th from Adam, the triple
triangle, which being composed of three equilateral triangles, was
100 101
hailed by our Ancient Brethren among all nations as the symbol My word is Sephiroth. My pass is thQ signet of Pythagorlts, the
of the Shekinah, the Divine and Omnific Light. Let them wait wisest of philosophers, which I will give you upon the same
with patience until their request is made known to the M. A. and condition on which I received it; that if it be the true one, you
his answer returned.
( '
S. D.-(Advances to Altar and salutes) M. A. the alarm was
will return it. Pass on.
(Cand. circumambulate three times and halt at station of J. A. in
caused by three M. E. A., A., B. and C., who are legally entitled the South) M. 0.-** * J. A.-** * M. 0.-* J. A.-*
to enter the sanctuary and now desire to be illuminated with the ]. A.-Who comes here? M. 0.-Sephiroth.
I. Omnific Wisdom of a R. A.
J. A.-Are you a M.?
M. .A:.-Is it of their own free will and accord that they make M. 0.-I am so t . . . . . B. and F.
this request?
J. A.-Give me a Sign of this.
S. D.-It is.
I. (M. 0. gives S. of an E. A.)
M. A.-Are they worthy and well qualified?
]. A.-Why this S.?
S. D.-They are.
M.A.-Are they duiy and truly prepared? M. O.r-To remind me of the Penalty of ~ Ob., which is that I
102 103
1: ]. A.-It is well, but further you cannot go without my P. My P. East in all ages before you. Pass on.
is the signet of Ezekiel, the Seer, and is the Architects square, M.O. (In the East)-** * M.A.-** * M. 0.-* M.A.-*
and is the same our ancient G. Arch. H. A., who formerly filled M. A.-Who comes here? M. 0.--Sephiroth.
this station, wore as the jewel of his office. Pass on. M. A.-Are you a M. M. M. Ot-1 am
I' M. 0. (in the west)-** * S.A.-** * M. 0.-* S. A.-* M. A.-Give me a Sign of this. (M. 0. gives the S. of M. M.)
S. A.-Who comes here? M. A.-Why this .sign?
M. 0..--Sephiroth. M. 0.-To remind me of the P. of my Ob. which is that etc., etc.
l S. A.-Are you a craftsman? M. A.-Why this penalty.
M. 0.-I am, try me. M. 0.-Because this is in accordance with the ancient custom in
S. A.--Give me a Sign of this. (M.O. gives S of F. C.) slaying the be~t for sacrifice in case of a covenant, and if I
S. A.-Why this Sign?
f M. 0.-To remind me of the P. of my Ob. which is that I will
should wickedly violate my sol. cov. as a M. M. my B. should be
etc., etc., the ~arts cast to the N., and my bowels to the South
suffer my . . . . . ( 43) and . +. taken there£ rom and carried . . . . . four ;,[rinds of Heaven and so be cast back to the fire
(T X L -:-) the Earth etc. and the water two of the four elements from which they sprung.
S. A-Why this Penalty? M. A.-It is well. By what further right or benefit d,o you! expect
M. 0.-Becauset my ob. relates to charity and faith, and if I should to gain admission? ·I
wickedly violate it my (-I & 1-) as the seat of affections and M. 0.-By the sig. of Sol.
thought of good and evil should be torn out and cast as wholly M. A.-Present the signet.
'unworthy (T X L -:-) upon the earth, one of the four element (M. 0. presents the Signet.)
from which they sprung. M. A-t-This is the Signet of Solomon, the symbol of Masonic
S. A.-It is well. By what further right or benefit do you expect to Light, called by our A:ncient Brethren the Star in the East, other-
gain admission. wise represented by the five p. of y .... and the .five s. s of the
M. 0.-By the signet of Ezekiel, the seer. Sanctuary ; and being an endless and five fold triangle, composed
S. A.-Present the sig. (M. 0. presents sig.) of lines continually reproduced to infinity, is the emblem of
S. A.-This is the sig. of Ez. the seer, the mark of Divine appro- Eternity. Whence came you?
bation which was revealed by the Lord to the Prophet Ezekiel to M. 0.-From the West.
be placed on the forehead of all the men of Jerusalem selected to M. A.-Why did you leave the West?
be saved from the destruction of the City, and which being M. 0.-In search of the Omnific Wisdom.
composed of a R. Ang., Horizontal and Perpendicular compre- M. A.-Whither are you traveling?
hends all of the Ss of XXX and signified a.lll{)ng our Ancient M. 0.-To the East, the Centre, the Place of the Light of God,
Brethren of all nations, Regeneration and the Eternal Life; and M. A.-It is well. But before you can reach the E., the cent., the
is the architects square, and one of the three dis. by our Ancient place of the light of God, it will be necessary for you to ret.
Brethren in the upper arch of the 9 ( 11) at the rebuilding of and tr v. until you p. the Gate of the W. which is humility,
K. S. T. But further you cannot go without my Pass. My P. in due and anFient form in order that you may be admitted by
is the signet of Solomon, the symbol of Masonic light, and the Warden df the w~ I give you this voucher; this is the
the same with which all worthy Masons have approached the signet of Zerubbabel, which is Truth. Return.
104 105
t: M. 0.-(at the West)-** * Bro. S. A. it is the will and pleasure ;and W. You will so advance. M.A., the Cands. have approached
of the M. A. in he East that you admit he candidate in due the E. in due .form.
and ancient form. M. A.-My Brethren, you are now before the altar of etc. etc. (as
!: S. A.-What vouchers have you of this?
M. 0.-The sig. of Z. (presents signet.)
in preceding degree) Are you wililng to enter into the Ob. ?
Cand.-1 am.
S. A.,-This is the signet of z., which is Truth, and, is the geomet- M. A.-What pledge cio you bring of your sincerity in this !!latter?
the symbol of the All P. C. and which contains the gr. S. of M. A.-This is the signet of Moses, the man of God, who went up
a M. M. and is thus explained. As Masonry is founded on to the E. in Sinai and spoke face to face with God, and received
!i Geometry, and as the triangle is the first and simplest form
po~ible in Geometry, of which all other forms are composed,
the two tablets of the Law; and which signifies the Divine
Perfection in ·all things, and being an endless and seven fold
it is the representation in M. not only of the Divine Being, itriangle, composed, of lines continually reproduced to infinity, was
but of Truth, which is the first and simplest as well as the hailed by our Ancient Brethren among all nations as the symbol
t· foundation of all virtues; an<! signifies to you that what you are of the Alpha and .Omega, the beginning and the end, the first
now to receive and communicate in this Sub. Deg. shall be the and the last. I am that I am (pointing off the seven points as the
Truth. Enter wihin my gate and advance as you shall be in-
li structed. In order that you may be receive<! by the M. A. in the
words are used) In the name of the Divine Perfections. Kneel
at the Altar etc., .etc. (same as in preceding degree.)
E. receive this signet and wear it as a pledge of the sincerity
of your intentions iu the business upon which you are now about OB.
r to enter. This is the signet of Moses, the man of God, who went
1up to the E. in Sinai and spoke face to face with God. The
(Hands elevated and forming the two tables of the law thus:
thumbs crossing, representing the two prin. commandments, the
'I first regular upright step in M. is by advancing on the north eight fingers the other eight commandments. At the word,s
upon the tropic of Cancer, bringing the h.o. the r to the h. of t. 1. "hereby and hereon" the hands_ are brought down, crossing the
f parrallel with the meridian; thereby forming the the angle of left wrist over the right, forming the sign of blessing and
an oblong square, which when you shall have arrived at your abundance, thus X so that the three cands. together form a
proper place will be due E. and W. You will so advance. The hexangle (double triangle) on the three G. L. One is at the
second regular upright step in Masonry is by advancing on South W., one at theN., and one at the S. side of the altar. TheM. A.
upon the tropic of Capricorn, bring the h. of 1. t. t. h. o. t. r. at the E. side. the S. and J. A. stand in triangle with th~ M. A.
thereby forming the a. o. an 0. S. which when you shall have ~o that one is opposite each vacancy between the candid,ates.
arrived at your proper place will be due E. and W. You will so When the candidates are in proper form, the M., S. and J. A.
advance. The thirci regular S. in M. is by advancing upon the each draws his sword and points them forward and upward and
Equator, on the left foot, at an angle of 45 degrees thereto, bring- lap them in a triangle, and lower them in that form, so that
ing the heel of the r. to t. h. o. t. 1. thereby forming two sides one sword points directly to each cand,idate. They lap so as to
r of a right angle which when you shall have arrived at your form a self-supporting triangle, thus theM. A. sWord rests on the
proper place will form the square of the hypothenuse, due E. S. A., the S. A. sword on that of the J. A., and his rests on that
106 107
(: of the M. A. After the swords are pointed, the Ob. proceeds M. M. L. the Holy of Holies of K. S. Temple, which is also
thus:) represented by the U. R. S. onwhichyou approached the altar.
I, A. B., of my own free will and accord, in the presence of the You now behold me as M. A. of this Lodge ap y f the E. upon
Most High God and this M. E. L. of R. A. erected to Him and
dedicated to the Omnific Wisdom, etc., etc. (as b the M. E.
the U. R. S of M., which are three, and with the salutation and
sign of a R. A. The sign of a R. A. is in this form and manner,
Degree). First to keep and conceal. Second to conform to and because in this form you took your Ob., your hand first forming
abide by etc. Third to ans. and obey etc. Fourth not wrong,
\l cheat etc., etc. Fifth not to be present at or cl and c. etc. Sixth
the two tablets of the Law (II) one containing the d,uties you
owe to God and one the duties you owe to man, and both joined
not to be presen at confer. deg. etc., ec. Seventh not to propose in one block, showing that one cannot be broken without violating
the name f any Companion to be selected for investiture, enlight- the other; also, then forming the saltire Cross (X) or cross of
enment, or illumination as a S., M. E. or R .A. etc., etc. Eighth St. .Andrew, which in numbers signifies multiplication and in
t' that I will give to a R. A. bread in his hunger and wine or water Masonry blessing and abundance; and is the sign given by the
in his thirst as far as his necessities may require and my ability Patriarch Jacob in blessing the sons of Joseph; and further
permit, even though he be my enemy in lawful battle. Ninth signifies that the last shall be first. The Sig. of a R. A. is in
I. (lastly) that I will not give the most ancient Grand Omnific this form and manner and alludes to the penalty of your Ob,
Word of a R. A. which is hidden and now revealed, in any other that you will suf y B to b cut p. and; h. and the parts cut out as
l way or manner etc., etc., under no less a Pen. than that of havi:lg
my b. s i. t. perpendicularly and horizontally, and the parts
' I
wholly unworthy to be cons. by the W., the E., the F. and the A.,
the four elements from which they sprang. Further, I extend to
cast out to be consumed by the water, and the earth, the fire you my right hand in token of continuance of B. L. and Est.,
!: and the air, the four elements from which they sprang, should
I ever, etc., etc. (Proceed same as in the preceding degree until
"In the beginning G. created the H. and the E., etc., etc. until
and with it the P. G. of a R. A. Take each other as I trke you,
and rise from a ~ight angle to a perpendicular. In order that you
may acquire a knowledge of this observe carefully what you
"as it was in II the beginning. X let there be light + and. there see and hear.
r is Light. ( II and X form the salutation, the first sig., the two
tablets of the Law, + is the sign, and is given, first by drawing
the hands back as. they are crossed, then with the backs of the
(M. A., S. A., and J. A. take the _G. of a M. E. A.)
M. A.-HI I y & h i f y. Wihat is that?
S. A.-The G. of a M.E.A.
:hands together, the fingers pointing to center of Breast, draw- M.A.-Will you be o o from?
1- ing them perpendicularly and horizontally, signifying the penalty J. A.-Off.
of severing the body into four quarters. After finishing the sign, M. A.-From what to what?
the M. A. says:) "All the morning stars sang together, and all S. A.-From the tr. y. of a M. E A. t th P. G. of a R. A.
r the sons of God shouted for joy."
Grand Hon01rs, three times three
~ M. A.-Pass. (This is passed by unclasping the right hands and
clasping them below in the same manner as the left, both near
M. A.----,My brethren, on being brought from darkness to light, you the elbow, so as to form the seal of King David.)
l discover the three G. L. of M. so disposed as to represent the
right angled triangle, forming the square of the hypothenuse upon
M. A.,-What is that? J. A.-The P. G. of a R. A.
M. A.-Has it a name? S. A.-It has.
the cent., due E. and W., N. and S.. , the form of the floor of the M. A.-Will you give it me? J. A.-Shekinah.
!1 108 109
[: M. A.-The Light of God. altar.) For this bread is the divine Good of the Father of All,
M. A.-Will you be o o from. S. A.-Off. whose benefits can only be acknowledged, and whose blessings
(Same is repeated with cand.) realized in sharing them with His children, our brothers of the
!: .M. A.-(to cantl.)My Brother, in the preceeding degree of aM. E.
A. you represented our Ill. G. M. of Tyre, and from what was
human race. Drink this wine with us (M. A. drinks first and says
to S. A.) Take, drink and give to the Comp. on your right.
then communicated to you concerning the G. 0. W. of a R. A.M. (Wine passes around by the right, M. A. saying) Take, drink
! 110 111
which in astronomy signify the two tropical lines of Cancer and by our Ancient Brethren among all nations the Breastplate of
Capricorn, and in Masonry, charity and faith, those two equal and Righteousness; hence he, who presumes to take upon himself
parallel virtues, of which it is said, that as long as a M. directs the name of the Most High God without the moral qualifications
jl his steps between these two lines, he cannot materially err. Enter
within my gate, and advance as you have been heretofore in-
represented by this Breastplate, i' guilty of presumption and
profanation, and brings upon himself destruction. Take me as
structed. In order that you may be prepared and furnished tot I take you a!nd come with ll'e. (M. A. takes Cand. by the
II approach the E. receive this Jewel and wear it as a sign of
your Mas. qualification to appear in the Most Holy Place. This
is the signet of Aaron, the anointed priest of Jehovah, and which
strong xxxxx drawn to the angle at the center. S. A. and J. A.
stand on angles at center. S. .A.. and J. .A.. take each other by
right hand with same Grip. S. .A.. takes Cand. by left hand with
he was commanded to wear at all times when he entered the same. M. A. takes J. A. by left hand with same, so thit the G.
I Holy of Holies on pain of destruction. Advance.
(Cand. is conducted by reg. steps to one corner of altar, M. A.
is given four fold by right and left and forms perfect chain
and forms over center the Maltese Cross with paralld "lines b. &
stands at opposite corner, S. A. and ]. A. at other corners. AU W. on each side. Word is communicated "from the E. by theN.
stand with heels together feet at right angles.).
! M. A.-I am Aleph. S. A.-And Tau.
and S to W. This is the order of the four gates of the Temple.
One syllable at a time. 3 C.Om to 4th and not 2 to 3d as in other
r ]. A.-The beginning. M. A.-And he End.
degs. Wlhen word is com. it is sent back by C. to M . .A.., by S. and
S. A.-The .first. J. A.-And the last.
!l M. A.-That which I purpose. S. A.-I accomplish.
N. when M. A. receives its .final syllable they throw up the right
hands and break the Grip, the M . .A.. saying:-"lt is .finished."
}. A.-I destroy. M. A.-And make alive.
r M . .A.., S. A. and J. A. stand back to former place and M. A.
M. A.-(to cand.) Who comes here?
takes up a perfect collar and Breastplate constructed to represent
(f·· M. 0.-Shekinah.
the 47th problem of Euclid; the square of the Hypothenuse on the
M. A.-By what right or benefit do you approach the center, the breast containing the 12 precious stones, set in order, 4 rows
place of the Light of God?
and 3 in a row, with the two lesser squares of the triangle upon
M. 0.-By the signet of Aaron.
!l M. A.-Present the signet. (M. 0. presents signet)
the front of the shoulders.
M. A.r-Behold here is the perfect breast plate of Aaron as it was
M. A.-This is the signet of Aaron, the anointed H. P. of Jehovah, in its ancient and .Masonic form. As you are now illuminated
and Master of Symbolic Masonry, which he was commanded to with the Most Ancient G. Om. Word which is hidden and
j. wear at all times when he entered the H. of H. on pain of revealed ; recdive and wear this Breast plate which you now dis-
destruction; which being composed of four equal lines and four cover to be the same as the celebrated problem of Euclid, the signet
angles of 45 degrees each, and the only figure of equal lines of Pythagoras, heretofore communicated to you.
and angles which can be inscribed about the center and contain M. A.-As you are a regular R. A. standing upon the center, the
the same number of Degrees as the circle and no more, signifies 1
ancient Masonic Stone of Foundation, first revealed in Heaven,
in the first degree of M. the material Universe, and with it all
deposited in secrecy, preserved against conflagration and inunda-
natural science whatsoever. In the second degree, Justice and
tion, brought forth according to order, laid as the foundation
r. Judgment, and in the third or sublime degree of M. M. the
stone of the H. of H. and made the foundation of the Lodge and
, righteousness of Jehovah; wherefore this Breastplate was called center piec~ of the sublime Masonic Institution, you are entitled
~ 112
i 1
of the whole solar system, and the source and .fountain of light
and life to all the beings of creation therein, in like manner, as
with the C. and right angled trestle board, to so trace their designs
for the information of the workmen, that they may be perfect in
r the G. A. 0. T. U. is the center and source of light and life to all their parts, and conformable to the laws of geometry and num-
!l (Chant by Choir-"1 was glad when they said unto me, let us
go into the House of the Lord. Glorious things are spoken of ·
thee, 0 city of our God, etc., etc. -Ps. 122-1; Ps. 87-3.)
Holy Grand Lodge, and also form that celebrated .figure so highly
esteemed among R. A. Masons, the triple Tau; which is thus ex-
plained: As the Triple Tau is composed of six regular angles, each
!·: and level, signifies the uprightness, justice and humility of a worthy In your progress through this degree you took part in a solemn
Grand M. and being now more fully explained, to you, they are ceremony representing the raising of the Stone of Foundation of
committed to you as the working tools of a R. A.; with this injunc-
I: tion; that you use them as they were used of old, by the 3 illustrious
Masters, whose character and virtues they represented, to the G. 0.
Enoch, the 7th from Adam, and laying the same as the Foundation of
stone of the Holy of Holies, which representation contains a mystery.
The stone of foundation of Masonry is a perfect and white stone,
T. G. A. 0. T. U., and for the benefit of the craft. whose length and breadth and height are equal, and bearing upon
In the sublime degree of a M. E. A. you represented our Ill. a triangular plate the consonant letters of the Most Ancient G. 0.
l' G. M. of T., and then received instructions in part, concerning the W. of a Master Mason. This Stone of Foundation of Masonry is no
0. 0. W. of a R. A.M. (Triple Tau) being concealed in the name other than the· Divine Truth which is the foundation of all ex-
I, of the three Grand Ruffians, but you are now entitled to Jearn
further that the Most Ancient G. 0. W. of a M. M., in use from
cellence in this or. any other institution, first revealed in Heaven, but
only to one who, as we are informed, was a perfect example of
before patriarchal ages, more ancient, sacred and venerable than the three Masonif characters in whom the Holy Lodge is opened ;
any translation thereof in Hebrew, Chaldean or Egyptian, or any that is whose justice, uprightness and humilitJ, with profound
other language, ancient or modern, can possibly be, was also cons. veneration for the Divine Being, constituted him a proper recipient of
in the final syllable of those three remarkable names, first heard such sublime and saaed communication. It was deposited in secrecy,
by you in the sublime degree of a M. M., so that it has been and as are all things which belong to the Lord our God, at low !twelve,
!' will be safely transmitted in the body of the Lodge from age to
age. But further, and more remarkable than all that, the same G. 0.
that is in the infinite darkness which is seaecy, in a hidden vault,
that is in the profound abyss of the Divine counsels, under nine
W. is contained in the first syllable of the tr W of a M. M., and arches, that is within the infinite protection of the Divine order,
the whole in its true od.ds and pronunciation in the Substitute preserved against conflagrations and inundations, that is against the
I· Word in its ancient and proper form; so that this Most Ancient
Word is actually con. by 3 x 3 in the several Words known tp
fires of evil passions and the flood of falsities, brought forth when
the Holy Grand Lodge was opened, and laid as the foundation
a M. M. (Lodge) first in the first syllable of the words of the stone of the H. of H., that is the foundation of the inmost and most
I~ 3 Deg., 2nd in the final syllables of the names of the 3 Grand sacred principles of man's moral life, and is the center piece from
Ruffians, and lastly in the 3 syllables of the Substitute Word ar:d which all Masonic virtues and knowledge must be laid in order; and
the translation thereof into Hebrew, Chaldean and Egyptian, the all institutions so based and formed are said to be well founded,
Ii sacred language of the 3 Grand Divisions of Masonry which were
united and reorganized at the building of the Great Temple at
true and trusty.
Finally, after passing the gates by the signets of wisdom, you
Jerusalem is contained in the 3 syllables of the names of the 3 arrived at a Mosaic pavement, inlaid with geometric designs of
Il ( Grand Ruffians as shown to you in the degree of M. E. A. all
whole ( W and n) are none other than words compounded of divers
deep scientific, philosophical and symbolic import, showing secrets
contained in the Boor of the Master's Lodge, and the meaning of
languages for the purpose of concealing and signifying high Masonic that assertion that Masonry is founded in geometry, in the midst of
of the Lodge floor conform to the great astronomical lines of the the fruitless chase of the rainbow, you will find yourself at last,
equator, the ecliptic and the meridian-the two tropical. lines- wandering in uncertain light, amid tortuous labyrinths, remote from
the parallel lines of 45 degrees latitude which separate th~ north the object and end of all your toil and anxiety.
from the south-the poles of the earth and the four cardinal But charity, truth and harmony, offer to the Brotherhood united
points; also the meaning contained in the Royal Arch and the true in the bonds of their golden net work, a way of life, safe and
method of finding the same; as well as the form and meaning of delightsome, betreen broad lines which lead to light and peace.
the beautiful border of scroll work which surrounds the floors; and The crown which transcends all Diadems of earthly royalty is the
more particularly the form and signification of the celebrated Key crown of Solomon wherewith his mother crowned him on the day
S sent by the Priests of Isis to King Solomon; and the sublime of his espousal, in the day of the gladness of his heart-the crown
secrets of astronomy, geometry and morality contained therein. which charity bestows on wisdom-and these and all other Masonic
Also the 9 arches of Enoch, the 7th from Adam, and the mode excellencies are made perfect in Harmony, which is upon all the
of forming the same, and finding the true proportion of the Stone work a glory and a covering.
of Foundation they contain. The whole, with many other particulars ;wherefore our Ill. G. M. upon whose signet you were this night
being designed in conformity to the principles of that Master received; and whose psalms of transcendent piety anq beauty wel-
Key to geometry and; -Masonry, the Signet of Pythagoras, the 47th comed you to this Boor; in that canticle, sacred in the Master's
problem of Euclid. For these reasons this problem has never been Lodge, he has said, "Behold how good and how pleasant it is" etc.,
lost sight of among Masons, but still retains its place on the Master's to "Life forever inore."
carpet, though its wonderful significance in Masonry has been well Behold you here the precious ointment of Aaron's anointing:
nigh lost to the Craft. W.ith this precious ointment of Brotherly Love, whereby is har-
Being now elevated to the Sublime Degree of a R. A. and illum- mony, the beauty and glory of all institutions, I anoint thee with
inated with the most profound and sublime secrets known to thy fellows, that ye may be filled with the spirit of Bezallel, Hiram
Masters of any degree throughout the world, it becomes your duty and Zerubbabel, the spirit of concord and wisdom, and understand-
to dispense Masonic light to all less informed brethren, but more ing in all the work; and may the Most High God anoint your Kings
especially to use the greater influence your position may afford to of Righteousness and Priests of Holiness forever after the Order
maintain inviolate the ancient land,marks of the Craft, and the of Mekhizedek; that when the Lion of the Trible of Judah shall
dignity of the Grand Lodge of F. & A. M. to which you owe "bring back the possession" you may be established in Plenty and
allegiance. Remember at all times that no degree of Masonic attain- Strength, pillars of Wisdom, Strength and Beauty in that Temple
ment can compare with those grand virtues, Charity, Truth and Har- of ineffable glory:, in the City which hath foundation, whose builder
mony, to support which among the Craft the sublime institution and maker is Gbd; where the cherubic Guardians ever keep the
of Masonry was founded and maintained and that although you open way of Life for the worthy and well qualified, to that
shoulc! devote your life to threading the mazes of literature, science Celestial Grand Lodge, whose craftsmen are the just made perfect,
and art; though you bocome master of all philosophy, mystery and and Whose Grancl Master, I am that I am, in the midst ~ereof,
theology, excelling all men in every degree of human attainment; giveth Light, Light unspeakable, and full of Glory.
even though you might speak with all tongues of men and angels ; (M. 0. conducts candidates to seats on the ~ight of M. A. and
these requirements alone will never conduct you to the true Wisdom between the E. and the West.)
represented by the center; but on the contrary, after a life spent in THE END
Cllarleston, Illinois ,Art. 2. The officers of this Grand Lodge shall be a Most
March 1st, A.D., 1862 Excellent M. Architect,. M.E.S.A., M.E.J.A., S. Overseer, J. Over-
A.J.S. 2 seer, Sec'y, Treasurer and Tiler. The officers of suborclinat~ lodges
shall be designated by the same titles respectively.
From the East of King Davids Grand Lodge of 1/linois, a place of
Art. 3. Three or more skillful M.B.A.'s residing at or in
Light when reign, Silence and Peace
the vicinity of a place where a R. A. Otapter may be holden, may
To all Most Excellent Architects to whom this shall become known at any time, upon the ·recommendation of the nearest Lodge of
Health, Union and Peace M.B.A.'s receive a dispensation to work, on the payment of a fee
Be it remembered, that on this first day of March, A.D. 1862, of Fifteen Dollars to the Orand Lodge, and upon exhibiting suit-
A.J.S. 2 at a meeting of most Excellent Architects, called for the able specimens of their skill may be chartered by the Grand Lodge
purpose of forming a Lodge and Grand, Lodge of Most Excellent on the payment of the further fee of Ten Dollars.
Architects, there being present Companions Stanley B. Walker, Art. 4. This Grand Lodge reserves the right to issue dispensa·
Samuel Sevinson and Henry P. H. Bromwell, Most Excellent Archi- tions and Charters for the organizations of lodges of M.B.A.'s in
tects and being in harmony a Lodge of Select Architects was duly all states and countries, where there may be at the time no regularly
opened. Companion H. P. H. Bromwell, M. E. M. pro tern, Comp. constituted Grand Lodge of M.B.A.'s and five or more Lodges in
Samuel Sevinson, M.E.S.A. protem, and Comp. Stanley B. Walker, any state or territory or country, where no Grancl Lodge exists, may
M.E.J.A. pro tern. and there being no business to come before said at any time form an independent Grand Lodge to have exclusive
lodge, a Lodge of Most Excellent Architects was opened in due Jurisdiction in such state, territory, or other political division by
form. paying all dues to the Grand Lodge under which they may have
On motion of Comp. Sevinson the following constitution worked. , :
formed by unanimous consent was adopted unanimously, and King A:rt. 5. 'lite members of a lodge of M.B.A.'s shall be all
Davids Grand Lodge, thereupon, in due form declared opened in Companions enlightened therein aticl such others as may be admitted
harmony-which Constitution is as follows: by the unanimous ballot of the Lodge.
Art. 6. The subordinate lodges shall confer all.degrees except
that the Grand Lodge may, when in session for any purposb confer
the degrees of S. & M.B.A. for the exemplification of the work
Art. 1. This Grand Lodge shall consist for the time being
of the M.E.M. Architect, M.E.S. Architect, and M.E.J. Architect, on candidates selected by any subordinate lodge ancl the M.B.A. so
together with the Brethren of King David's Lodge No. 1 of Charles- enlightened· shall be members of the lodge selecting them.
ton, Illinois and representatives being M.E.M.A., M.E.S.A. and Art. 7. . All candidates for the degrees must be selected by
M.E.J.A. or their proxies of every other Lodge of M. E. Architects the unanimous ballot of a subordinate lodge, within whose terri·
hereafter Chartered until five such lodges shall exist in the state of torial Jurisdiction they may reside without petition but upon notice
Illinois, when they, by their representatives may form a Grand in open Lodge of not less than one month, and due inquiry into
Lodge and make such Constitution and By-Laws for the Government the character and Masonic standing of such as are proposed.
of the same as shall not be in violation of the Constitution and . .Alt. 8. It is, however, provided that this Grand Lodge until
Landmarks of Masonry, and the rules of the Degrees of Select and the same is reorganized may commission any three members thereof
Most Excellent Architects. who are sufficiently skillful, with such Companions as they may as-
120 121
sociate with themselves to confer the degrees of Select and Most Adopted unanimously in Grand Lodge this First day of March
Ex. A's. on such selectee! brethren as may desire to receive said A,.D. 1862, A.J.S. 2.
degrees for the purpose of forming a Lodge and for that purpose H. P. H. Bromwell, M.E.M.A.
such commission-:d Companions may select a sufficient number of Samuel Sevinson, M.E.S.A.
Companions for forming such Lodge upon making due inquiry Atte.rt Stanley B. Walker, M.E.J.A.
into their character. Stanley B. Walker, Grand Secy.
Art. 9. This Grand Lodge shall meet annually on the first Ordered. that Companion Bromwell prepare a code of By-Laws
Tuesday in March, and as often as is called by the Most Excellent for this Grand Lodge and for King Davids Lodge No. 1 to be
Architect at Charleston, Illinois. submitted at the ·next regular communication.
Art. 10. This Constitution may be changed at any time by · Ordered by the Lodge that the said Constitution, together with
submitting amendments in writing to be referred to a committee of these proceedings be properly recorded, by the Secretary.
three and voted upon at next regular Communication and all Com- The names of the following R. A. Masons were proposed for
munications shall be deemed regular which shall be announced in selection to be invested with the degree of select and enlightened
open lodge not less than one month before being holden. as M. E. Architects, viz., Companions l:knry Turner, . . . . Chobin,
Art. 11. In all cases not provided for herein, the powers of Wm. Lavely, Chas. Fisher, Chas. Matheny, Ira: A. W. Buck, James
the several offices shall correspond with those of the corresponding L. Anderson. ·
officers of Grand Lodges of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Ordered that the seal of this Grand Lodge be a triangle con-
and all proceedings shall be governed by the usages of such Grand taining a tau cross surrounded, by rays, with the words King David's
Lodges. Grand Lodge M.E.A: upon a circle surrounding the device and the
Art. 12. King David's Lodge No. 1 of M.B.A.'s is hereby words "Lux e Tenebris" under the triangle.
constituted subordinate to this Grand Lodge with power to make · There being no further business the Grand Lodge closed in
its own By-Laws and until then to meet on the Tuesday after each harmony in ample form, until the next regular communication.
full moon, and, work according to the degrees of Select and Most H. P. H. Bromwell, M.E.M.A.
Excellent Architects. Atte.rl
The officers of said Lodge as at all lodges hereafter created S. B. Walker, Secy.
shall be elected by majority ballot on the regular meetings, pre· March 18th, 1862
ceeding St. John the Evangelist's Day save lodges under dispensation At a meeting of K. D. No. 1 in Grand Lodge capacity Com-
whose M.E.M., S. & ]. Architects shall be named in their respective panions Bromwell and Sevinson were appointed a committee to
dispensations, and until the time of regular election the officers of select Jewels for Grand Lodge.
said King David's Lodge shall be Comp. H.P.H. Bromwell M.E. Masonic Hall, Owleston, 1862
I M.A., Comp. S. Sevinson M.E.S.A., Comp. S. B. Walker M.E.J.A,, Special communication of K. D. No. 1 in Grand Lodge cap-
I Comp. Geo. W. Teel, S.O., Comp. R.M. Parcells J.O., Comp. S.
I acity. Present:
Sevinson, Treasurer, Comp. S. B. Walker, Sec'y, and Comp. A. G. H. P. H. Bromwell ............ M.E.G.M.A.
Mitchell, Tyler. S. Sevinson ................... M.E.G.S.A.
1 This Constitution shall take effect from this date being the S. B. Walker ...........•..••.. M.E.G.J.A.
time of opening the First Grand Lodge of M.B.A.'s. G. W.l Ted ................... M.E.G.J.O.
122 123
An election was held for Grand Officers for ensuing Masonic Reading of minutes of last meeting dispensed with. Communi-
year with following result.
cation from Comp. Bromwell, Jas. Steeler and S. W. Moulton then
H. P. H. Bromwell ............ M.E.G.M.A. at Washington,f D. C. praying for a commission authorizing them
l· S. Sevinson ................... M.E.G.S.A.
S. B. Walker .................. M.E.G.J.A.
to open a lodge and confer the degrees of S. & M.B.A. which was
granted. Election of officers for ensuing Masonic year followed
G. W. Teel .................. M.E.G.S.O. with following result. ·
R. M. Parcells ................. M.E.G.J.O. H. P. H. Bromwell ............ M.E.G.M.A.
)· S. B. Walker ................... M.E.G.S. S. Sevinson ................... M.E.G.S.A. I
S. Sevinson ................. M.E.G. Treas. G. ·w. Teel ................... M.E.G.J.A.
A. G. Mitchell ................ M.E.G. Tiler Joseph Gage .... ·............ M.E.G. Treas.
Grand Lodge closed in form ·
I· H. S. Parcells ................. M.E.G. 5ecy.
S. B. Walker, Secy. E. B. Gage ..............•.... M.E.G.S.O.
August 8, 1865 W. W. Fisher ....•.........•.. M;E.G.J.O.
At a meeting of K. D. No. 1 Comp. Bromwell as member of George Tucker ................ M.E.G. Tiler
l· committee to select and procure Jewels for Grand Lodge reported Grand Lodge dosed in due and ample form.
that the committee had, decided upon the following as officers Jewels, H. S. Parcells, G. Secy., present
as such they were adopted; M. A. Triple triangle with triple tau Masonic Hall, Olarleston,. August 28, 1868
or architects square suspended in the center. S. A. a double triangle Communication of K. D. G.rand Lodge S. & M. E. A.
or seal of King David with level suspended in the center. J. A. H. P. H. Bromwell ............ M.E.G.M.A.
Triangle with plumb suspended in the center. S. 0. a pentalpha W. E. Genther ............ M.E.G.S.A., Pt.
or seal of Solomon formed of the extend~d compass with sun sus- M. M. Clambers ........... M.E.G.J.A., Pt.
pended in the center. J. 0. Double triangle or seal of King David R. M. Parcells .....•.......... M.E.G. Treas.
formed with the extended compasses with crescent moon suspended H. S. Parcells ................ M.E.G. Secy
in the center. Jewels of Secretary, Treasurer and Tiler same as W. W. Fisher ................. M.E.G.J.O.
Master's Lodge. Grand Loilge opened in M. ·E. A. Degree in form.
Masonic Hall, Charleston, March 6, 1866 Petition of Companions of Lodge at Washington, D. C. praying
Grand Lodge met and was opened in ample form. Officers for Charter received and on motion granted.
present: Grand Lodge 'closed in ample form.
S. Sevinson ............... M.E.G.M.A., pt. H. S. Parcells, Gran1 Secretary
G. W. Tee! ................ M.E.G.S.A., pt. Hall of King David,s Grand Lodge
E. B. Gage ................ M.E.G.J.A., pt. Charleston, Ills., March 2nd, 1869,- A.I.S. 9
Jas. Gage ................. M.E.G.S.O., pt. King Davids ·Grand Lodge S. &. M. E.. A. met in regular cOm-
W. W. Fischer ............ M.E.G.J.O., pt. munication. Lodge opened upon the centre in form. ·
H. S. Parcells ............. M.E.G. Secy., pt. Present: '
G. N. Gage ............ M.E.G: Treas., pt. S. Sevinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M.E.G.M.A.
Geo. Tucker .............. M.E.G. Tiler, pt. W. E. Genther ....... ·...... M.E.G.S.A., Pt.
S. B. Walker ... ,,, ......... M.E.G.J.A., Pt. The election of officers being in order the following compan-
I J. I. Brown .............. M.E.G. Treas., Pt. ions were elected for the ensuing year.
126 127
Hall of King David$ Grand Lodge W. Wj· ·Fisher .....•........ M.E.G.J.O., Pt.
Charleston, III., March 5, 1872 G. W. Burton ............ M.E.G. Tyler, Pt.
The Grand Lodge of S. & M.B.A. met in Grand Annual Com- E. L. Bull .............. M.E.G. Treas., Pt.
munication pursuant to the law of said institution in the Masonic T. C. Laurence ....•....... M.E.G. Secy., Pt.
Hal! in the city of Charleston on Tuesday, March 5th, A.D., 1872, The M.E.G. Lodge was opened upon the center in full and
and opened in the M. E. Degree in ample form. ample form, after which the following grand officers were installed
Present: for the ensuing year, viz:
W. W. Fisher ............ M.E.G.M.A., pt. W ..W. Fisher .. : . ............ M.E.G.M.A.
S. B. Walker .............. M.E.G.SA., pt. W. E. Genther ......•....... M.E.D.G.M.A.
W. M. Chambers ........... M.E.G.J.A., pt. S. B. Walker .................... M.E.S.A.
R.M. Parcells .............. M.E.G.S.O., pt. W. M. Chambers ........•....... M.E.J.A.
]. Brown .................... M.E.G. Secy. ]. I. Brown ................... M.E. Secy.
G. W. Burton ................ M.E.G. Tiler E. F. Bull ....................... M.E.J.O.
Minutes of the last annual communication read and approved. G. W. Burton .................. M.E. Tyler
iCompanion Chambers as chairman of the committee on com- There being no further business the convocation of the Grand ·
munication reported that nothing had been done and asked for Lodge was dosecl in ample form upon the centre.
further time which was grahted. T. C. Laurence, Secy., pt.
The committee on work was granted further time to report. Hall King Davids Grand Lodge
The business of the lodge having been disposed of the lodge Charleston, Ill., March 20, 1873
proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year which The Grand Lodge of S. & M.B.A. met in Grand Convocation
resulted in the election of the following officers, viz., pursuant to call of the M.E.G.M.A. at Masonic Hall, in Charleston,
W. W. Fisher, W. E. Genther, S. B. Walker, March 20, 1873r an~ opened in theM. E. Degree in ample form.
W. M. Chambers, G. N. Gage, J. ]. Brown, Present: W. W. F1sher ................ M.E.G.M A.
E. B. Buck, E. G. Bull, G. W. Burton. W. C. Genther ............ ,M.E.D.G.M.A.
There being further business the meeting of the Grand S. B. Walker ................. M.E.G.S.A.
was dosed in ample form upon the center. W. M. Chambers ..•............• M.E.J.A.
Hall of King Davids Grand Lodge E. B. Buck ...............•..... M. E. S. 0.
Charleston, Ill., April 9, 1872 W. G. Dickson ................. M.E.J.O.
The Lodge of M.E.G.A. met in special convocation for the W. E. Genther .............. M.E. Secy., Pt.
purpose of installing the officers of the M.E.G.L. for the ensuing G. W. Burton ..... : . . • . . . . . . M.E. Tyler
year. Present: Minutes of the last regular and special communication read
W. E. Genther ................ M.E.G.M.A. and approved.
S. B. Walker .............. M.E.G.S.A., Pt. The committee on work askecl td be discharged.
W. M. Chambers .......... M.E.G.J.A., Pt. Moved and seconded that the committee revise the work as
Geo. Tucker ............... M.E.G.S.O., Pt. speedily as possible and that the M.E.G.M.A. call a meeting of
. I 130 131
the M.E.G.L. to pass upon the work so reported. Comp. Genther The corrected copy of the work in the hands of Comp. Fisher
oftered the 1o!10wing resolution laid on th~ until the next
was ordered to be placed on file in the Lodge, for reference in the
Grand Communication, viz.
future regulation and government of the Lodge in its work, and
Resolved, that the Constitution be so amended as to repeal th Secy, ordered carefully to preserve the same.
the establishment of the officer of M. E. Depty. G.M.A.
There being no further business the Grand Lodge was dosed
Comp. Buck offered the following resolution, to lay over until in ample form on the centre.
the next convocation, viz: J. I. Brown, Gr. Secy.
Resolved, That the constitution be so amended that the title
Hall of King David's Grand Lodge, April 7, 1874
to this Grand Lodge be so changed as to read-"Grand Lodge of S.
and M. E. A." The Grand Lodge of S. & M. E. A. met in Grand Convocation
pursuant to call of the M. E. G. M. A. at Masonic Hall, on Tues-
Election of officers day evening, April 7, 1874, and opened in the M. E. Degree in
W. W. Fisher .................. G. M.A. ample form.
W. E. Genther .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . G. S. A.
W. W. Fisher ............. M. E. G. M. A.
W. M. Chambers ................ G. J. A.
W. E. Genther .............. M. E. G. S. A.
Geo. L. Kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Treas.
W. M. Otambers ............ M. E. G. J. A.
J. I. Brown ...................... G. Secy.
R. M. Parcells ............... M. E. G. S. 0.
E. B. Buck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. S. 0.
S. B. Walker .............. M. E. G. J. 0.
L. Dunbar ...................... G. J. 0.
J. I. Brown .................• M. E. G. Secy.
G. W. Burton .................. G. Tyler
G. W. Burton .............. M. ·E. G. Tyler
Officers installed in due form. Comp Fisher by Comp. Genther,
Minutes of the last regular and special convocations read
and the balance by Comp. Fisher. There being no further business
and approved.
the M. E. G. Lodge closed in ample form.
W. E. Genther, Secy. p.t. Communication from the officers of Pentalpha Lodge, No. 0,
Denver, Colorado, giving an account of the organization and work
Charleston, Ill., Jan. 6, 1874 done by said Lodg~. was read, and on motion the Secy. was ordered
The Grand Lodge of S. & M. E. A. met in Grand Convocation to file the same, and the prayer of the petitioner granted.
at Masonic Hall, in Charleston, Jan. 6, 1874, for the transaction of After considerable discussion, Comp. Burton moved that the
business, and opened in form. Officers present-W. W. Fisher, name of Lodge at Denver be known and designated as Pentalpha
G. M. A., E. B. Bucks, G. S. A., W. M. Chambers, G. J. A., Lodge No. 5, S. & M. E. A. Carried.
S. B. Walker, G. Treas., J. I. Brown, G. Secy., Geo. Tucker, G. S. 0., On motion of Comp. Walker, the Secy. was ordered to make a
Oeo. N. Gage, G. J. A., J. M. Dillard, G. Tyler. The Committee duplicate (Charter) copy of King Davids Lodge No. 1. The mot-
on printing of Secret work of the Order reported through their ion was adopted.
chairman E. B. Buck, that they had discharged that duty and had
The resolution offered by Comp. Genther at the last regular
one hundred copies printed. and on motion, the report was received
meeting of the Grand Lodge, and laid over, was taken up and
and the committee discharged.
On motion of Comp. Genther, the resolution offered by Camp. Com. on Appeals and Grievances-W. D. Anthony, J. W.
Buck at the last meeting of the Gr. Lodge was also taken up and Webster, Frank Church
adopted. Rejected. Com. on work-H. H. Bromwell, E. H. Collins, G. M.
Camp. Walker offered the following resolutions, which were Howe
read and adopted, viz:
Camp. W. E. Genther was duly installed M.E.G.M.A. by
Be it resolvec{. by this Grand Lodge of S. & M.B.A. that the Comp. Fisher, M.E.G.M.A., after which the following officers were
Jewels of all the officers in subordinate lodges, and in this Grand duly installed by the M.E.G.M.A. Genther, viz.,
Lodge be swung in triple triangles, and that the collar be sky blue,
circular in form, and ornamented by silver signs of the Zodiac on W. lf·Clambers •......•.....•. M.E.G.S.A.
stars. S. B. Walker ........•..•...•. M.E.G.J.A.
W. W. Fisher .............. M.E.G. Treas.
Resolved, That it is the sense of this Grand Lodge, that it is
J. l. Brown ................. M.E.G. Secy.
unnecessary to give any signs, but such as pertain to the degrees of
S. & M.B.A. in opening and closing. R. M. Parcells ....••.....••••••• M.E.G.S.O. i
G. W. Burton .......•....•.. M.E.G. Tyler
The following officers were duly elected for the ensuing year,
viz: There being no further business the Grand Lodge was closed
W. E. Genther ................ M.E.G.M.A. in ample form upon the centre.
J. I. Brown, G. Secy.
W. M. Chambers .............. M.E.G.S.A.
S. B. Walker .................. M.E.G.J.A. Hall of King Davids Grand Lodge
J. I. Brown .................. M.E.G. Secy. Olarleston, Ill., January 20, 1875
W. W. Fisher ............... M.E.G. Treas.
R. M. Parcells ................ M.E.G.S.O. The Grand Lodge of S. & M.B.A. met iD grand communication
E. B. Buck .................... M.E.G.J.O. at Masonic Hall on Tuesday evening, January 20, A.D., 1875,
G. W. Burton ................ M.E.G. Tyler A.I.S. 15, and ,opened in the M. E. degree in form.
10n motion, the Secy. was ordered to draw an order on the Officers present
Treasury for $1.70 in favor of W. E. Genther, it being for express W. E. Genther ............... M.E.G.M.A.
charges on seal of Grand Lodge.
W. M. Chambers .............. M.E.G.S.A.
Camp. Genther moved the appointment of the following com- S. B. Walker ................ M.E.G.J.A.A.
mittees, viz: J. I. Brown .................. M.E.G. Secy.
Com. on work G. N. Gage ................... M.E.G. Treas.
Com. on Masonic Jurisprudence R. ~· Parcells ................. M.E.G.S.O.
W. W. Fisher .....•...•..•.... M.E.G.J.O. ·
Com. on Lodges under dispensatio!l-E. B. Buck, R. M.
G. W. Burton .......•...•..•. M.E.G. Tyler
Parcells, Geo. N. Gage
Com. on chartered lodges-}. L. Burrill, Frank Judson, Jr. The Grand Master read the following communication from the
O.H.Minor Office Secretary of King Solomon's Lodge,. No. 2, S. & M. E. A.,
134 135
Whereas, this violation of their by-laws was not intentional
Washington, D. C., January 13, 1875:
and not d,iscovered until recently, therefore, be it
William E. Genther, Esqr.
Resolved, By this Grand Lodge,' that all of said annual elections
M.E.G.M. of the M.E.G.L. of S. & M. E. A. of officers since 1869, and all acts done thereunder, so far as they
Charleston, Illinois do not conflict with the Constitution and by-laws of this Grand
Dear Sir & M. E. Companion:- Lodge, be and they are hereby d,edared valid and legal to all in·
Sec. 1, Art. 2 of the by-laws of King Solomon's Lodge No. 2, terests and purposes whatsoever.
S. & M. E. A. poovide: There being no further business the Grand Lodge was dosed
The officers of this Lodge shall consist of . . . . all of whom in form.
shall be elected annually by ballot at the stated communication on Attest:
next preceeding the festival of St. John the Evangelist. John G. Brown, G. Secy.
The annual election took place at the stated communication Hall of King David's Grand Lodge
held Nov. 25, 1874, and not until the regular communication held Charleston, Ill., February 23, 1875
on the 23rd of December last was it discovered that the by-laws
The Grand Lodge of S. & M.E.A. met in Grand Convocation
quoted above had not been complied with; this caused an examina-
at Masonic Hall on Tuesday evening, Feby. 23, A.D., 1895, A.I.S.
tion of the records, showing that since the year 1869, the election
15, and opened in theM. E. degree in form.
of officers had occurred at the regular communication held in the
month of November. Officers present:
W. E. Genther ............. M. E. G. M. A.
At the regular communication held on the 23rd ult. on motion,
W. M. Chambers ........... M. E. G. S. A.
the Secy. was directed to state the above facts to the M.E.G.M.A.
E. B. Buck .............. M. E. G. J. A, pt.
of the G. Lodge of S. & M.E.A., and to request his dispensation
J. I. Brown ................ M. E. G. Secy.
for holding the election at the time stated, although it not being
G. N. Gage .............. M. E. G. Treas.
in strict conformity with the by-laws, the error having occurred by
R. M. Purcells ............... M. E. G. S. O.
following the records as to the date of previous elections.
Hoping to hear from you at your earliest convenience
W. wf. Fisher ............... M. E. G.]. 0.
G. W. Burton ............... M. E. G. Tyler
I am yours fraternally,
T. H. Pickell The M. E. G. M. A. stated that King David's Lodge No. 1,
Secy. King Solomon's Lodge, No. 2, S. & M.B.A .. of S. & M. E. A. had lost or misplaced their Olarter and were un-
able to work without it, and the committee appointed to1 prepare
Comp. Walker, therupon, offered the following Resolution,
and report a special charter to the Grand Lodge for its approval,
which was read and adopted, and the Secy. ordered to transmit
has presented the following charter, viz:
a copy of the same to the Secy. of King Solomon's No. 2, at
Lux E Tenebris
Washington, D. C.
Whereas, King Solomon's No. 2, held at Washington, D:-1::., The Most Excellent Wm. E. Genther, Grand Architect of the
held their annual elections since the year, A.D., 1869, at their stated Most Excellent Grand Lodge of Select and Most Excellent Archi-
communications in November annually instead of in December, as tects, To all and every Our Most Excellent Companions,
per their by-laws. And Greeting:
Whereas, a charter was granted on the .first day of March Hall of King David's . Grand Lodge
A.D. 1862, A.I.S. 2, by the Grand lodge of Select and Most Ex- Charleston, Ill., Marcb 2, 1875
cellent Architects, by and under the name of King David's lodge The Grand lodge of S. & M. E. A. met in Grand Convocation
No. 1, Select & Most Excellent Architects, at Charleston, Ill., Coun- at Masonic Hall, on Tuesday, March 2, .A.D., 1875, A.I.S. 15, and
ty of Coles, and State of Illinois, the Most Excellent Companion opened in the M. E. degree in form.
Henry P. G. Bromwell, M. E. M. Architect, Comp. Saml. Sevinson,
Offi<;ers present:
M. E. S. Architect, Comp. Stanly B. Walker, M.E.J.A, Comp. George
W. E. Genther ............ M. E. G. M.A.
W. Teel, M. E. Senior Overseer, Comp. Robert M. Parcells, Junior
W. M. Otambers ............. M. E. G. S. A.
Overseer, Comp. Sarnl. Sevinson, Treas., O:>mp. Stanly B. Walker,
S. B. Walker ................. M. E. G. J. A
Secy., and Comp. A. G. Mitchell, Tyler.
W. W. Fisher .............. M. E. G. Treas.
Which Charter was signed by M. E. Companions Henry H. ]. I. Brown ................ M. E. G. Secy.
Bromwell, Grand Master Architect, Stanly B. Walker, Junior Gr. R. M. Parcells ............... M. E. G. S. 0.
Architect, and Attested by Stanly B. Walker, Grand Secy. And (E. B. Buck ................. M. E. G. J. 0.
said Charter being destroyed or lost, G. W. Burton ............. M. E. G. Tyler
Now, know ye, That at the petition of a majority of the Com- The minutes of the several Grand Convocations were read
panions forming King David's lodge No. 1, we hereby grant them and approved after amendments.
this special charter, it being our will that the officers thereof be The foiio~ing report from the Secretary of King Solomon's
regularly elected, and that all proper business therein be transacted lodge No. 2 was read, and ordered spread on the Journal, viz:
according to the by-laws of the lodge and the Constitution and Office Secretary King Solomon's Lodge No. 2
by-laws of the Grand lodge, and in accord with the general laws S. & M. E• .A.
and usages of the Craft. Washington, D. C., Feby. 23, 1875
Given at Charleston, IIIinois, under our hands and the seal To theM. E. G. M.A. Officers and. Members
of this Grand lodge of King David's Grand Lodge, S. & M. E. A.,
Cl:Iarleston, Illinois
.lfhis 23 day of February, A.D., 1875, A.I.S. 15.
W. E. Genther, G. M. A. I have the honor to submit the following report:-
W. M. Cl:Iambers, G. S. A. R. .A. Masons selected since July 20, 1872 ........ 33 ·
Stanly B. Walker, G. J. A. Invested with mysteries of S. A. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Enlightened with ineffable wisdom of M. E. A. . . . . 23
]. I. Brown, Gr. Secy. Reported July 20, 1872 (last report) ........ ·... 184
The Charter was read, anc:t on motion, granted. Total Membership .......... 207
There being no further business the Grand lodge was closed. The officers for the ensuing Masonic year are
Attest W. H. Earle ................... M.E.M..A.
J. C . .Allen .................•... M.E.S..A.
]. I. Brown, Gr. Secy. Saml Baxter ....•........•....... M.E.J..A.
138 139
]. H. Pickell ....................... . Secy. Grand Lodge, and they could then perfect their organization accord-
( W. F. Torey ...................... Treas. ingly, a hope they still expect to realize before long. And the Lodge
C. Smith ........................... S. 0. respectively hopes that the Grand Lodge in consideration of the
J. H. Henry ......................... ].0. circumstances of the case, will approve the course pursued.
Robt. Anderson .................... Tyler All of which is respectfully submitted.
All of which is respectfully submitted, George M. Howe, Secy.
]. H. Pickell, Secy. The following report from the Committee on work was read
The following report from Pentalpha Lodge No. 5, Denver, and ordered spread on the Journal, viz:
Colo, read and ordered spread on the journal, viz:
Hall of Pentalpha Lodge, No. 5, S. & M. E. A.
To the M.E.M.S. & J. A. of King David's Grand Lodge, S. & Denver, Colorado, Feby. 22nd, 1875, A.I.S. 15
M. E. Architects, Greeting:
To the M. E. M. A., S. & ]. A. of King David's Grand Lodge,
I have the honor herewith to report as Secretary of Pentalpha S. & M. E. A.
Lodge No. 5, S. & M. E. Architects, the work of this Lodge to Your comn;t.ittee on work, appointed at the last annual Grand
February 1st, A.D., 1875, A. I. S. 15.
Convocation, bek leave to report progress as follows, viz
The first meeting of King Melchizedick's Lodge U. D. was That during the year they have been actively engaged, together
held at Masonic Hall, Denver, Colorado, on the evening of Novem- with a number of companions of Pentalpha Lodge, whom they
ber 29, A.D. 1873. While under dispensation, this Lodge con- called to their assistance in preparing the 3d Degree, at Qhe same .
ferred the degrees of Select and Most Excellent Architects on twen- time, corresponding with the officers of King Solomon's lodge No.
ty-four (24) Royal Arch Masons. The Charter Granted to Pentapha 2, and the Grand Officers upon the subject.
Lodge No. 5, S. & M. E. Architects, dated April lOth. A.D., 1874, That the said work has called for an immense amount .of labor
was received and adopted by this Lodge, April 24th, A. D. 1874. the Companions here holding constant meetings, as often as four to
Since the receipt of the Charter this Lodge has conferred the de- six times a week, besides continued attention to correspondence and
grees of Select and Most Excellent Architects on Seventeen ( 17) geometrical drawings.
Royal Arch Masons, so that our membership is now, including
That they have been constantly revising the work after it had
Comp. H. P. H. Bromwell, forty-two (42). We have also con-
been agreed to, and making additions so that continual changes
ferred the degree of Select Architect on one Companion, who has
not yet received the second d.egree. have taken place in the work proposed.
That they have kept the Companions at a distance informed
Nothwithstanding this Lodge had been chartered nearly a year,
of these as far as possible but it has not been possible for them to
no election of officers has taken place, for the reason that the com-
put the matter before the Companions fully and frequently as they
mittee on Work, together with a number of other Companions of
desired, but they have done all that could be done in that respect.
l' the Lodge have been at work centres, mostly on work of the third
degree, as is known to the Grand Lodge, and expecting to arrive
At this time, they have the pleasure of stating that nothwith-
standing all hindrances and delays they have the entire work ready
shortly at the end of their labor, the Lodge by unanimous consent
to report from beginning to en:d as soon as the same can be put
of the Companions has deferred the election from time to time
on paper in a safe and intelligible form, and they will submit to
hoping to be able to see said work completed and ordained by the
the Grand Lodge at an early day.
It was confidently expected by the Committee that all things Balance in Treasury ..........•.................. $ 5.00
I. would be in readiness to lay it before the Grand Lodge at the Companion Chambers offered the following resolution, which
Regular Communication in March, next, but the ciraunstances was adopted, viz:
would not permit, but they are of opinion that they can place the · Resolved, That a committee be appointed to devise means by
results of their work before the Grand Lodge within a month from which the Degrees of this Institution shall be disseminated more
this date, and they hope that a special communication may be or- extensively.
dered, for the purpose of considering and acting on the same. Companion Buck moved that the Grand Lodge appoint a Com-
They will also report some few amendments to the work of mittee of .five, one of whom shall be constituted a Grand Lecturer.
the 2nd degree, which they are satisfied will tend to its improve- Motion lost. ' I
ment. Companion Walker moved that a committee of .five be ap·
They have the pleasure of stating for the information of the pointed by the Most Excellent Grand Master .Architect for the
Grand Lodge that the work of the two Degrees of Select and Most purpose of carrying out the intent and meaning of Companion
Excellent Architects is received with great satisfaction by all the Chambers resolution. Motion adopted.
Companions in this Territory upon whom these degrees have been On motion of Companion Fisher, the Secretary was ord,ered to
conferred, and that the Companions of Penthalpha Lodge are united make out a report of King David's Lodge, No. 1, Select and
II in the work with great resolution and zeal, and are particularly anx-
ious to see the Third Degree ordained and established, the matters
Most Excellent Architects for the next meeting of the Grand Lodge.
On motion, the Secretary was ordered to procure a suitable
in that Degree being such as are wholly unknown in any Degree
I l
Journal for the purpose of recording the proceedings of the Grand
with which they are acquainted.
Lodge and all the minutes pertaining to the meetings and transac-
The discoveries made in respect to the Grand Omnific Word, tions of the Grand Lodge from its organization. down to the
and the Geometry of the floor of the Master Masons Lodge fa~ present time.
t exceed all that was expected at the time the committee began its The Grand Lodge here went into an election of officers for
the ensuing year with the following results:
Hoping that the Grand, Lodge may see fit to grant time to
W. E. Genther ............. M. E. G. M. A.
the committee, and allow opportunity for the transmission of the
E. B. Gage .................. M. E. G. S. A.
work, they remain S. B. Walker .. .. .. . .... .. .. M. E. G. ]. A.
Respectfully and fraternally, W. W.IFisber .............. M. E. G. Treas.
H. P. H. Bromwell E. B. Buck .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . M. E. G. S. 0.
George M. Howe G. N. Gage ................ M. E. G. ]. 0.
E. H. Collins E. H. Wiley .. .. .. .. .. .. .. M. E. G. Secy
Committee G. W. Burton .............. M~ E. G. Tyler
Companion Fisher, Grand Treasurer, made a verbal report The election of officers having been concluded, Companions
that he had received from Pentalpha Lodge, No. 5, Select and Most Fisher, M. E; G. Master Architect, pro tem proceeded to install
Excellent Architects at Denver, Colorado, ............ $25.00 Companion W. E. Genther as M. E. G. M. A. After which W. E.
Paid to E. B. Buck, printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 20.00 Genther, G. M. A proceeded to install the following officers, viz:
142 143
{~ E. B. Gage ................ M. E. G. S. A.
S. B. Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . M. E. G. J. A. the Grand Lodge on Page 49 and following. 1
H. P. H. Bromwell, G. Secy.
'. W. W. Fisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. E. G.. Treas.
E. H. Wiley .............. M. E. G. Secy. Hall of King Davids Grand Lodge
Charleston, Ill., March 6, 1877
I· E. B. Buck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. E. G. S. 0.
G. N. Gage ................. M. E. G. ]. 0. The Grand Lodge of S. & M. E. A. met in. regular com-
G. W. Burton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. E. G. Tyler munication at Masonic Hall,. and opened in the M. E. degree in
i; There being no further business the Grand Lodge was closed form. Grand, Officers present: ·
in form upon the centre. W. W. Fisher ................ G. M. A. p.t.
Attest. ]. G. Brown, Gr. Secy. S. B. Walker ................ G. S. A. p.t.
W. M. Clamber .............. G. J. A. p.t.
tl Hall of King David's Grand, Lodge
Charleston, Ills., June 25, 1875 J. I. Brown .................. G. Secy. p.t.
I. H. Said . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. S. 0. p.t.
Grand Lodge met in special communication and was opened in
ample form. Geo. Tucker ................. G. J. 0. p.t.
l: Geo. W. Barton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Tyler
/ W. E. Genther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. M. A.
S. B. Walker ................... G. S. A. The reading of the minutes of the last Grand Lodge dispensed
E. B. Buck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. J. A. with, but the minutes of the special meeting read and approved.
!; W. W. Fisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. J. 0. The following report was read and on motion, ordered to
H. Said . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Sec. p.t. be spread, on the record, viz:
· G. W. Burton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Tyler To the glory of I the Grand Architect of the Universe
On motion reading of minutes of last Grand Communication Office Secretary of King Solomon's Lodge, No. 2, F. & A. M. A.
was dispensed with. A communication from King Solomon's Lodge Washington, D. C., March 1, 1877
'- No. 2 was received and placed, on file. To the G. M. A. Officers and Members of King David's G. L. of
Report of committee on work was read and on motion re- F. & .A. A., Charleston, Illinois.
ceived. No further business appearing Grand Lodge was closed Companions:
in ample form. I have the honor to submit the following report:
H. Said, Secy., p.t. Members as per last report Feby. 23, 1875 .............. 207
Note by the Grand Secty.-By order of the Grand Lodge, July 5, R. A. Masons Selected since Feb. 23, 1875 ........•... 35
A. D., 1880. R. A. Masons rejected since Feb. 23, 1875 ............ 2
It appears that the proceedings of the Grand Lodge held Invested with mysteries of S. A. . ................... 23
on July 22, A.D. 1875, A.I.S. 15, which should have been entered in Enlightened with the ineffable wisdom of S. A. . ...... ·. . . 19
this Record next following the above were left in manuscript certified
by the G. Secy., Bro. E. H. Wiley, and in transcribing the proceed- Total membership on roll of Lodge March 1, 1877 ...... 226
ings under orderof the G. Lodge March 2d. A.D. 1875, were omit- In consequence of a great many of the members having re-
ted. Said omitted proceedings will be found entered by order of moved from the District, only 14 can be reported as known to
be dead., undoubtedly a much greater number are dead.
The officers of the present Masonic year are: this Grand Lodge and report at the next meeting. Comps. Walker
Samuel Barten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. A. and Hall were appointed on said committee.
W. L. Grinnell, Jr ................. S. A. No further business the Lodge was closed in form.
Claudius B. Smith ................... J. A. ]. I. Brown, Secy. p.t.
John H. Pickell ..................... Secy.
W. F. Corey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treas. Masonic Hall, Charleston, Ill., April 10, 1899
All of which is respectfully submitted. Grand, Lodge of Architects met in special communication.
Officers present:i W. W. Fisher, M. E. G. A.; S: B. Walker, M. E.
J. H. Pickell, Secy.
S.A.; W. M. Olpnbers, M. E. J. A.; George Hutchen, M. E. G. Sec-
Solomon's Lodge, No. 2, F. & A. A. retary; Geo. W. Burton, M. E. G. Tyler.
The Grand Lodge here went into an election of Grand Officers The committee on amendments to the Constitution made the
for the ensuing year with the following result, viz: following report:
S. B. Walker .................... G. M.A. To the M. E. G. Lodge of A. F. & A. A., Your co.auhittee to
W. W. Fisher .................... G. S. A. whom was referred the amendment to Art. No. 8 of the consti-
W. M. Chambers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. J. A. tution of the Grand Lodge, reports the following amendment; and
J. L. Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Treas. after careful consideration recommends its adoption.
J. I. Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Secy. S. B. Walker
H. Said . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. 0. Geo. Hutchen
Geo. Hitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. 0. W. M. Ownbers
Geo. Tucker ..................... J. 0. Charleston, Ill., April 10, A.D., 1877, A. I. S. 16
G. W. Burton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Tyler It is however provided, that the Grand Master Architect may
Comp. Chambers offered the following resolution which was by himself or his deputy communicate the degrees of Select, Most
read and adopted. Excellent and Royal Architect to worthy and skillful Royal Arch
Resolved, that Sec. 8 of the constitution be so amended Masons for the purpose of forming a lodge; and he or his deputy
that the Grand Master Architect shall have authority to empower may select such companions for said purpose. A warrant of dis-
any trusty Master Architect to confer degrees for the purpose of pensation to be granted by the officers of this Grand Lodge when
organizing a subordinate Lodge, and that a committee be appointed the work is to be clone by Deputy, together with a commission
to put this in proper shape and report on. of deputyship, both bearing the mtl of this Grand Lodge, but not
The Grand, Master thereupon appointed Comps. Chambers, otherwise.
Walker and Hitchen said committee. This being an amendment to Art. No. 8 of this Grand Lodge
Comp. Walker offered the following: Constitution. I
Resolved, That it is the sense of this Gr. Lodge that the No further business appearing the Grand Lodge was closed in
subordinates under its jurisdiction transact business in the 2nd form. '
until such times as they are prepared to work well in the 3d. Geo. Hutchen, Secy. ~.t.
Moved and seconcl,ed that a committee of two be appointed Charleston, Illinois, March 16, 1878
to examine and ascertain the amount of indebtedness owing by
I. H. Pickell appointed Deputy Grand Master Architect at
Washington, D. C., for the purpose of communicating the Royal Resolved that it Js the sense Qf t1:Us Grand Lodge ehat 1it is
Architect Degree. absolutely necessary· to the well being of Architect MAsonry .that
Stanley B. Wallcer, G. M. A. this Grand Lodgt meet some other place hereafter. Passed.
V. K. R. Lansing appointed Deputy Grand Master Architect Resolved that we have full confidence in the capacity of Bro.
for the State of California. H. P. H. Bromwell and His Associate Architects Members of
Stanley B. Walker, G. M. A. Pentalpha Lodge, and others,
Dispensation granted, to Horatio S. Parcells and others at Los I
.And also in their zeal for the institution and that we, there-
Angeles, California, for the purpose of opening a Lodge of Archi-
tects. fore believe it of very vital importance to give them oversight of
the work concerned,
Attest: Stanley B. Walker
Hall of King David's Grand Lodge, A. F. &. A. A. Resolved that this Grand Lodge go into the election of officers
for the ensuing term. Adopted.
Charleston, Illinois, March 4, 1879, A.D. 5879, A.I.S. 19
rKing Davids Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. A. met in regular annual This Grand Lodge then proceeded to elect the following
communication and opened in the Royal Architect Degree. officers for the :ensuing twelve months, with the following result:
Stanley B. Walker, Grand Architect presiding.
H. P. H. Bromwell ............... G. M. A.
William W. Fisher ............. , .. S. A. Joseph Lambert .................. G. S. A.
William M. Chambers .............. ]. A. Edmond H. Collins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. J. A.
I. C. Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Treas. Jacob A. J. Bigler ................ G. M. 0.
Jacob I. Brown .................... G. Sec. Orson B11ooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. S. 0.
Harry Said . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. M. 0. James M. Strickler ................ G. J. 0.
E. B. Buck ................... G. S. 0. p.t. C. C. Bird ..................... G. M.D.
George Tucker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. J. 0. R. M. Woodberry ................. G. I. D.
George W. Burton .............. G. Tyler Joseph L. Bailey ........... ; . . . G. I. D.
A communication was read from King Solomon Lodge No. John \'t. Webster ................ Gr. Sec.
2 held at Washington, D. C., recommending the Grand Lodge to Samuel H. Elbert ................ ·Gr. Treas.
hold the next Annual Session at Denver, Colorado, if it was found David J. Cook ................•. Gr. Mas.
to be the best for the good of Architect Masonry to do so. S. 0. Snyder .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . G. M. Cer.
Various communications were read from M. E. P. H. Bromwell FrankChurch ................... Gr. Orator
in reference to this and other matters of interest to Architect Mason- Thomas Linton ................. G. Tyler
Resolved that the next Grand .Annual Communication of this
The following Resolutions were passed unanimously: Grand Lodge be held at the Hall of Petrtalpha lodge No. 5 at
1st. Be it Resolved, that the oversight and dissemination of Denver, Colorado, on the seCond Tuesday e1f MarCh, Eighteen
Architect Masonry should be more immediately under the control Hundred and .Eighty, and that all Special Meetings that may be
of our Honored and Most Beloved Brother M. E. H. P. H. held ptiot ·to that time be held at the same place, and that all
Bromwell of the City of Denver, Colorado. Passed. .property and books and seal .be sent to the Grand Master elect
148 149
H. P. H. Bromwell, at Denver, Colorado, as soon as ca., be done in which they have 'performed their labor, and that they be request-
conveniently. ed to revise the work if possible by shortening the time required to
No other business appearing, this Grand Lodge was closed in confer the R. A. Degree. '
ample form in harmony. On motion, the G. M. A. was empowered, to add to the Com-
J. I. Brown, Gr. Secy. Stanley B. Walker, G.M.A. mittee on. "work" if he sees fit.
Masonic Hall, Charleston, Ills., July 22d, A. D. 1875 No further business appearing Grand Lodge was closed in
M. E. Degree in ample form.
The Grand Lodge S. & M. E. A. met and was opened in M. E.
Degree in ample form. Wm. E. Genther, G. M. A.
Officers present Attest: E. H. Wiley, Grand Secty.
W. E. Genther .................. G. M.A. Note To Grand Secretary
W. W. Fisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. S. A. p.t. The last foregoing proceedings should have been recorded next
H. Said . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. ]. A. p.t. following proceedings of June 25th, A. D. 1879, entered on
E. H. Wiley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Secy. Page 39, but was omitted. They came to the hands of the Grand
W. M. Chambers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Treas. Lodge at Denver among the papers transmitted by G. M. A.
]. C. Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. S. 0. p.t. Stanley B. Walker to his successor Bro. H. P. H. Bromwell, duly
D. P. Evinger ................... G. ]. 0. attested by Brol William E. Genther as G. M. A. and Bro.
G. W. Burton .................... G. Tiler E. H. Wiley as Grand Secretary witb the seal of the Grand Lodge,
On motion the report of the committee on "work" was and are now on file in duplicate form in the files of the G. Lodge,
adopted. one being attached copy and one a copy sent by Bro. E. H. Wiley to
committee on work in July A. D. 1875 and are entered Jbove in
On motion the new R. A. Degree as reported, was adopted, as
accordance with order of the G. Lodge, July 5th, A. D. 1880, by
an addition to the work and degrees of this Grand Lodge.
the undersigned this 8th day of July 1880.
On motion the several edicts, as previously promulgated to the
H. P. H. Bromwell, G. Secty.
different subordinate Lodges for their consideration, were adopted,
and it was on!ered, that they be so considered by the subordinate To the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe
Lodges, provided that the blanks left in the Edicts for dates be Masonic Hall, Denver, Colo., June 9th, A. D. 1879, A.I.S. 19
filled so as to read July 22, A. D. 1875, and in the Edict on uni-
forms, the blanks for size of apron be filled so as to read 16 in. A communication or meeting Of Officers elect and members
by 16 in. of the Grand Lodge resid.ent in Colorado having been called for
this evening June 9th, A.D., 1879, at the Hall of Pentalpha Lodge
On motion resolved that there be nothing in the Edicts on No. 5, said meeting was convened at said time and place.
uniforms considered as making it obligatory upon any subordinate
Lodge, to supply itself with uniforms immediately. Present: Bro. H. P. H. Bromwell, G.M.A. elect; Bro. Joseph
Lambert, G.S.A. elect; Bro. E. H. Collins, G. J. A. elect; Bro.
On motion, Resolved that the thanks of this body be com- J. A. J. Bigler, G.M.O. elect; Bro. Orson Brooks, G. S. 0. elect;
municated to the committee on "work" for the successful manner Bro. John W. Webster, G. Secty. elect; with other brethren Royal
150 151
Thereupon, Bro. Joseph Lambert who had been duly elected present, that there being present no person and by proxy not more
G. S. Architect, and Bro. Edward H. CoJJins who had been duly than eight persops qualified to sit in the Grand Lodge as members
elected G. J. Architect, were by Bro. H. P. H. Bromwell, G. M. A. therefor, I
severally installed in their respective offices in due form and there-
upon Bro. John W. Webster being Grand Secretary elect and being Whereupon the G. M. A. called. the Grand Lodge to meet
unavoidably absent and the records of the last annual communication on the evening of the twelfth of May A.D. 1880, A.I.S. 20, which
being in his custody, all further installation was suspended except time was deemed expedient in order to give time for the subprdinate
in the case of the Grand Tiler elect, Bro. Thomas Linton, who was Lodges to express their opinion of the legality of electing the
installed as Grand Tiler in due form. Grand Officers at a called communication, and the officers of said
lodges to send their proxies in case they so desired, to Bros. who
A committee of three being the G. M. A., G. S. A. and G. could attend the G. Lodge.
Secty, the same who had been appointed, by the meeting of officers
elect on June 9th last, were appointed to examine the records of the The meeting thereupon dissolved.
Grand Lodge and other documents· in possession of this G. Lodge Attest: H. P. H. Bromwell, G. M. A.
and make report as to what may be found necessary to be done for To the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe
the perfecting of the records if anything. Masonic Hall, Denver, Colo., May 12, A.D. 1880, A.I.S. 20
There being no further business the Grand was closed Special Communication of King David's Grand Lodge
in Harmony in due and ancient form. Grand Lodge met and opened in regular form
H. P. H. Bromwell, G. M. A. Present:
H. P. H. Bromwell ............... G. M. A ..
Note by G. Secty.-The Dispensaton under ..... . • ]. A. J. Bigler .................... G. S. A.
To the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe E. H. Collins ............ ; . . . . . . G. J. A.
Nineteenth Annual Communication of King David's Grand Lodge, R. W .. Woodberry ............ G. M. 0. p.t.
F. & A. A., Masonic Hall, Denver, Colo., March 2d, Orsonl Brooks . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . G. S. 0.
L. N~ Greenleaf . . . . . . . . . . . . G. M. D. p.t.
A.D. 1878, A.I.S. 20 Enos Greenfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. S. D. p.t.
On this evening, being the time of the Regular Annual Com- S. 0. Snyder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·G.. Secy.
munication of King David's Grand Lodge, the G. M. Architect, Thomas Linton ................... G. Tiler 1
and others, Royal Architects assembled at Masonic Hall in Denver, Bro. E. Greenfield appearing as proxy for Bro. Alex. Mahon,
but owing to the fact that no member of Pentalpha Lodge is a M. A., King Solomon's, No. 2. ·
member of the Grand Lodge unless he be an officer of the Grand
Lodge, or one of the three principal officers of Pentalpha Lodge Bro. L. N. Greenleaf as proxy for Bro. I. H. Whittaker, S.A.
although the number of Brothers present exceeded the constitu- of King Solomon's Lodge No. 2.
tional number, it was deemed as well by the G. M. Architect as Bro. R. W. Woodberry proxy for Bro. M. Gardner, J. A. of
by the Brethren present that no legal quorum of the Gr. Lodge was king Solomon's Lodge, No. 2.
154 155
The Lodge Hall being occupied by Denver R. A. Chapter sufficient number of Brethren met at Masonic Hall bqt owing to
and it being impossible to proceed with business with any con- the same causes as -.t the regular time of Annual Coaununkation no
venience at present the G. L. being opened in an adjoining room, legal quorum of the G.rand Lodge was. present, v/ll.ereupon no lodge
the G. Lodge was called off until Wednesd.ay evening, May 14th, was opened but the meeting disp~sed, with the understanding that
A.D., 1880. the G. M. A. would call the G. S. at a convenient time for appoint-
Attest H. P. H. Bromwell, G. M. A. ment and further installation of officers giving time for Bro. James
Lambert who was and had long been confined to his room with
To the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe a broken hip, to attend and make his appointments.
Masonic Hall, Denver, Colo., May 19, 1880, A.D., A.I.S. 20
Attest:. H. P. lL Bromwell, G. M. ·A.
Grand Lodge called to labor. Present the same Brothers as
before with others. To the Glory of the G.rand A.rchi~ect of the Uruv~rse
~sonic !WI, July 5th, A.D., 1880, A.I.S. 40
'The G. Secty. !aid before the G. L. the report of King Solomon's
Lodge, No. 2, which was ordered to be filed. Special Communication of King David's Grand Lodge, F & A. A.
On consideration of a commtltlication from King Solomon's In pursuance to. a call by the Gca.nd Mast~ A.rchitect the fol-
Loclge favoring the election of the Grand Officers and the G. M. n~ed. mrrobcrs of the Grand Lodge assembled at Masonic
Architect and officers and brothers being of the same opinion on Hall this evening to wit:.
motion of Bro. Frank Church, S.M.A. of Pentalpha Lodge No. Bro. H. P.l H. Bromwell, Edward H. Collins, Jacob A. J.
5, the Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of officers, when Bigler, Otson Broob, R. W. Woodberry, William N. Byers.
the following named Brethren were severally elected to the respec- Brother Woodberry being also proxy for Bro. M. Gardner, J. A.rchi-
tive offices stated below, to-wit: tect of King Solomon's Lodge No. 2, and Bro. Byers prpxy for
E. H. Collins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. M. A. Bro. Alex. Mahon, M. Architect of said K. Solomon's Lodge,
Joseph Lambert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. S. A. No.2.
t Jacob J. A. Bigler ................ G. J. A. Owing to the unavoidable absen(:e of many pf th~ ~mbers no
James M. Stricklin ............... G. Treas. legal quorum to open on the Royal Architects Degree w~ present,
H. P. H. Bromwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sec.
( '•
and therefore, it appearing that an emergency had arisen requiring
Before making any appointments of officers to be appointed the immediate installation of the principal Grand Officers, Bro.
by the G. M., S. and J. Architects, the Grand Lodge was called E. Collins being about to depart necessarily for a distant part of
off until Monday evening, June 7th, 1880. the st.ate to be absent a considerable length of tiine, not .less than
six weeks, and the G. M. A. and all the Brothers present being
Attest H. P. H. Bromwell, G. M. A. of opinion ;that it would be lltwflll and expediet1t, th~ G. Master
To the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe Architect granted a dispensation to open the Q:and lo<ige in the
R. A. Degree with a less ni.Utlber than nine present for the pur-
Masonic Hall, Denver, Colo., June 7th, A.D. 1880, A.I.S. 20
poses therein named, which Dispensation is in the following words
On this evening Bro. H. P. H. Bromwell, G.M.A. and a and figures:
156 157
To the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe
l' Masonic Hall, Denver, July 5, A. D. 1880, A.I.S. 20
Orson Brooks ........•........ Gr. Mar.
Orson Brooks ................ , . . . G. Tiler
From the East of King David's Grand Lodge, F. & A. A., a place
of Light, where reign silence and peace Thereupon G. M. A. H. P. Bromwell proceeded to install
Bro. Edw. H. Collins who had been duly elected to the office as
To all regular Grand Architects wheresoever dispersed about the Grand Master Architect for and, during the current year, and
Earth to whom this may come Health, Union and Peace. until his successor should be duly elected and installed, which
I. was done in due form with the Grand Honors of Masonry. Then
I Know ye, that whereas the officers of said Grand Lodge have
G. M. A. Collins installed Bro. J. A. J. Bigler, G. J. A., and
been duly eJected to serve for the current year ending on the first
Brother H. P. H. Bromwell, G. S.
Tuesday of March A.D., 1881 and A.I.S. 21, yet owing to the
difficulty of assembling a legal quorum owing to the provisions of Thereupon Bro. E. H. Collins G~ M. A. having appointed
the existing constitution and this peculiar circumstances under to the west pro tein, Bro. R. W. Woodberry announced his ap-
which this Grand lodge is held at the City of Denver, the installa- pointment of tHe following officers being those proper to be ap-
tion of officers has been necessarily postponed from time to time pointed by the G. M. A. to serve the current year:
l' until this time and certain good reasons appearing why said, installa-
tion should take place on this day, H. P. H. Bromwell, Grand G. M. 0. . . . . . . . . . . . Bro. Wm. N. Byers
I Master Architect, by virtue of the powers invested as such, do G. M. D . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . R. W. Woodberry I
j· hereby grant this Dispensation, authorizing and empowering said G. Marshal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orson Brooks
Grand lodge at this time to open on the Degree of Royal Archi- G. Tiler . . . . . . .. . . . . . . • . . . . Thomas linton
tect with a less number of members than nine present in person or
Which said Brothers being present (Bro. Linton excepted)
1 r by proxy for the purpose of installing officers and making orders
were severally installed each in his said office by G. M. Architect
for the corrections of records and to act with such less number for
Edwa.rd H. Co11ins.
I said purposes as may be required from time to time, until said in·
stallation be fully accomplished, providing such less number of Ordered that the G. Secty be directed to make such entry
members shall in no case be less than five. of notes explanatory in making up the record$ of former meetings
t Witness my hand and seal this 5th day of July A.D., 1880,
as he may find to be proper under the circumstances.
A.I.S. 20 H. P. H. Bromwell, G.M.A. (seal) There being no further business the G. L. was closed in
due form in Harmony until called by the G. M. A. to complete
And thereupon the Grand Lodge was opened in form upon installation.
the Degree of Royal Architect, present:
Attest: H. P. H. Bromwell. G. Secty.
H. P. H. Bromwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. M. A.
Edward H. Collins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. S. A. To the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe
Jacob A. ]. Bigler ................ G. J. A. Masonic Hall, March 7th A.D., 1882, A. I. S. 22
I ! Wm. N. Byers .................. G. M. 0.
R. W. Woodberry ............... G. M. D.
Twenty-fifst Regular Couununication of 'King David's
Grand Lodge, F. & A. Architects ·
158 159
there being four of such at present, in order to give time for
I. proxies to be received from those entitled to sit in this Grand J.
13ro. L. Bailey, proxy for :Sro. Jose Mana Yznaga, G. A.
Lodge, it was on deliberation by unanimous consent and approval
,, of said lodge, and together with the officers named above, a
of the members present by the G. M. A. ordered that this G. constitutional number present, the Grand Lodge proceeded to
Lodge be now called from Labor to Refreshment to come on elect Grand officers for the current year, when the following
at the sound of the Gavel in the East-a committee having been named were duly elected.
first appointed by the G. M. A. consisting of Bros. Bigler, Church
and Snyder, on credentials, with instruction to report on the Wrn. N. Byers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. M. A.
calling of the G. Lodge to labor. ]. A. ]. Bigler .............•. · .. ·G. S. A
Frank Church ....... , ........... , . ··G. ]. A.
I H. P. H. Bromwell, G. Secty. J• M.· Strickler ............. , . G. Treas.
I. H. P. i H. Bromwell .......... , . . G. Secty
I To the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe
Masonic Hall, Denver, July 29th, A.D. 1882, A.I.S. 22 . The following officers were then appointed:
. . .
C. C. Gird, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
s. 0 . Frank Church, G. M. Architect of this G. Lodge, for the ensuing
j, Orr Legge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]. 0. year, in regular form. Whereupon G. M. A. Church installed all
S. 0. Snyder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. D. of the above mentioned officers elected in due form.
\ No further business appearing after remarks for the good of
II• ]. L. Bailey ....................... S. D.
the craft by Brothers, the G. Lodge was closed in due form, in
I G. W. Thompson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]. D.
0. A. Whittemore ................. Tiler H. P. H. Bromwell, Gr. Secretary
l· 162