APPROVED POLICY Immigration Visa Settlement Info Policy
APPROVED POLICY Immigration Visa Settlement Info Policy
APPROVED POLICY Immigration Visa Settlement Info Policy
Immigration Control Ordinance of the Laws of Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands
Land Tenure Reform Ordinance of the Laws of Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands GPI
GPI Policies
GPI Pitcairn Health Centre Operational Policy
GPI Health Funding Policy
Pitcairn Island Loan Scheme Policy
GPI Personal Loan Scheme Policy
GPI Subsidised Travel & Baggage Allowance Policy
GPI Employment Policy
GPI Employment Guidance
GPI Safeguarding Children on Pitcairn Island Policy
GPI Education Policy
GPI Partners Communication Policy
The Government of Pitcairn Island and the Pitcairn Island Council welcomes applications for
Settlement, short or long-term visitor visas, business visas, work permits and, when applicable for
new migrants, land on which to build a first home on Pitcairn
This policy provides prospective applicants and the Pitcairn Council with current and accurate,
information about Settlementt, visitor visas, work permits and Council held, first home land for new
GPI - Government of Pitcairn Island
DG - Deputy Governor
PIO - The Pitcairn Island Office
PIC - The Pitcairn Island Council
GPI SA - Government of Pitcairn Islands Settlement Application
GPI SA Form – Government of Pitcairn Islands Settlement Application form
GPI LTV – Government of Pitcairn Islands Long-term Entry Clearance Visa
GPI BV – Government of Pitcairn Islands Business Visa
GT – The Government Treasury Office
PI-IO – Pitcairn Island Immigration Officer
LAT - Land Allocation Title
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Normally Resident: This refers to those who, having been granted settlement by the Governor,
normally live on Pitcairn Island.
It also refers to new migrants who, after having completed their 2-year settlement period, and having
been granted permanent resident status by the Governor, normally live on Pitcairn Island,
It also refers to those with right of abode who normally live on Pitcairn Island
Those wishing to apply to live permanently on Pitcairn Island are required to submit a
GPI Settlement Application (SA Form) to the PI-IO and the PIO in the first instance. See
Contacts & Annex A (GPI Settlement Application form).
Those wishing to apply to visit the Pitcairn Islands for more than 14 days are required to
submit a Long-term Entry Clearance Visa application to the PI-IO and the PIO in the first
instance. See Contacts and Annex B (GPI Entry Clearance Application form.
This criterion includes long term scientific researchers and, if applicable, those also
applying for Business Visas
Business Visa:
Those wishing to apply to visit the Pitcairn Islands to undertake business, research and/or
media production for commercial gain, are required to submit a Business Visa
Application to the PI-IO and the PIO in the first instance (see Contacts and Annex B).
1.2 Prospective applicants are encouraged to review the GPI Passenger Shipping
schedule at to consider suitable travel dates and/or contact the GPI
Tourism Travel Coordinator (see Contacts).
1.4 If more than one person is applying to live permanently on Pitcairn each should
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1.5 Parents/Guardians can submit a GPI SA on behalf of a minor (i.e., a person under the
age of 18).
1.6 Applicants are required to send a scanned copy of their completed SA forms along
with a scanned copy of their passport bio page to the PI-IO and the PIO in the first
instance (see Contacts and Annex A).
1.7 On receipt of a GPI SA the PIO and/or the PI-IO will respond to the sender to advise
their application has been received.
1.8 The PI IO and the PIO will undertake an initial review of the application
If an application is deemed to be non-credible at this point it will be deleted and no-
further correspondence will be entered into.
1.9 When an application is deemed credible the PIO will issue an invoice for payment of
the GPI SA fee with payment instructions. The PIO and/or the PI IO may request
further documentation needed to complete any sections of the form which may have
been missed.
1.10 If the GPI SA fee is not paid within 60 days the application will not be progressed.
1.11 On receipt of payment the reviewed GPI SAs is submitted to the PIC for
consideration at the next available sitting of the PIC. Following the determination of
the PIC the applicant will be advised about the status of their application i.e., that it
has been either progressed to the next step or declined
1.12 The GPI is not obligated to provide a reason why a particular application has been
1.13 When the PIC recommends that a GPI SA be progressed to the next step the Island
Secretary will advise the PI IO of that decision. The PI IO will convey this decision
to the Deputy Governor, copying-in the mayor (as Chief Immigration Officer).
On receipt of Council’s recommendation, the applicant will be contacted by the
office of the Deputy Governor to progress the application and set a time for a
settlement interview.
1.14 The settlement interview can take place in person, virtually or by phone.
At that time applicants may be asked for further information, including evidence of
income and (if applicable) information about the applicants identified sponsor. \
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1.15 Following the GPI SA interview, the Governor of the Pitcairn Islands will either approve or
decline an application. Applicants will be informed in writing as to whether an application
has been approved or declined.
1.16 The Governor is not obligated to provide a reason why a particular application has been
2.1 When a GPI SA is approved the applicant will receive a letter from the Governor granting
Entry Clearance to settle on Pitcairn.
2.2 Those approved for settlement are required, under the Pitcairn Island Immigration Control
Ordinance, to arrive at Pitcairn within 12 months of the date of their letter of approval from
the Governor.
2.3 Should an approved new migrant not be able to meet this requirement they must contact the
PI IO to discussion options (see Contacts). The PI IO will pass this information to the Deputy
Governor and the PIC for consideration.
3.1 The Offices of the Governor, Deputy Governor, the PIO, the PIC and the PI IO have agreed
to adhere to the following procedures and time-frames when managing and communicating
on active GPI SAs
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6. The PIC makes a recommendation, to either decline or progress 5 working days after
the GPI SA. Their recommendation is conveyed, by the Island Council
Secretary to the PI IO who then asks the Governor, via the
Deputy Governor, to either decline or approve the active GPI SA
7. 7.a. The Deputy Governor issues a written response to the 60 working days
applicant to set a time for a settlement interview, explaining the
interview process, timeframes involved and requesting any
required financial evidence.
7b. The Deputy Governor will obtain any required financial As with 7 above,
evidence from the applicant(s), which will be checked. within 60 working
7c. It is the responsibility of the Deputy Governor to ensure that As with 7 above
the settlement interview is noted and Part 2 of the GPI SA within 60 working
Rating form completed days
The Deputy Governor provides the PIC Mayor with a copy
of the Settlement interview notes.
. 7d. Following the interview, the Deputy Governor makes formal 5 working days
recommendation to the Governor to either decline or grant
Entry Clearance for Settlement to the applicant based on the
verifiable information gathered.
10. The PI IO, via the mayor, as Chief Immigration Officer and the Next available
Island Secretary, conveys the Governor’s decision to the PIC. Council meeting
12. The Governor writes to the applicant to formally grant Eentry 10 working days
Clearance for Ssettlement. from Point 9.
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13. The approved new migrant presents their Entry Clearance letter 12 months from Point
to the PI IO on arrival at Pitcairn Island. 12.
4.1 Short or long-term visitors and those approved for settlement may apply for advertised work
positions on Pitcairn.
4.2 Only short or long-term visitors must apply, in writing to the Pitcairn Island Council, via
the Island Secretary for a Work Permit. A fee of NZ$50 applies payable at the GT Office.
5. Approved new migrants can apply to the Pitcairn Island Council for a one-off New Migrant
Home Land within their 2-year (non-consecutive) settlement period
5.1 Under the Immigration Control Ordinance (Part V, Section 12(2)) immigrants arriving for
settlement will not be considered for permanent residence until two years after entry.
The Land Tenure Reform Ordinance (Part III, Section 4(2)) reflects this requirement, making
provision for only those normally resident on Pitcairn (or former permanent residents) to
apply for land.
5.2 The PIC, HMG and the office of the Attorney General recognize that the 2-year time frame
required within the Land Tenure Reform Ordinance (Part III, Section 4(2)) may hinder the
prospects of new migrants’ being able to purposefully build a life on Pitcairn.
Therefore, under the GPI Immigration Visa & Settlement Information Policy the Island
Council, in agreement with HMG and the office of the Attorney General, makes provision
for approved new migrants, who have sufficient funds to build a home, to request the PIC
to make application to the Lands Court for a leasehold land section on which to build a
first home.
5.3 When approved new migrants have completed their 2-year (non-consecutive) settlement
period they are eligible to access the GPI Home and Personal Loans schemes.
5.4 New migrants are required to submit a New Migrant Home Land Application to the Mayor
and PIC, via the Island Secretary, requesting that it make application to the Lands Court for
a one-off home land section, on which the new migrant can build a first home.
5.5 New Migrant Home Land Applications may be made to Island Council at any time within
the 2 (non-consecutive permanent residency period. However, a request will not be
progressed until such time as the applicant(s) are on-island.
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5.6 The New Migrant Home Land Request form is available via the Island Secretary (see
Contacts & Annex C)
5.7 On receipt of a New Migrant Home Land request the mayor will assign a Councillor as
primary liaison to the applicant.
5.8 The mayor will table the New Migrant Home Land Request at the next available PIC meeting
and advise the Island Secretary/Land Registrar, to alert the Lands Court that a request has
been lodged, prior to making formal application to the Lands Courts.
5.9 When the Lands Court, grants New Migrant Home land, to the PIC, the land’s LAT is held
by PIC, for the new migrant(s), until such time as they reach the 2-year permanent residentcy
5.10 When new migrants have resided on Pitcairn for 2 (non-consecutive) years they will receive
formal notification, from the Governor, stating they have been granted permanent residency.
5.11 When New Migrant who have utilized Council’s New Migrant Home Land offer, have been
granted permanent residency they must then write to the Mayor, via the Island Secretary to
request that Council notifies the Lands Court to request that the LAT for the land in questions
be transferred to the new migrant as lease holder.
5.12 New migrants who make request to the PIC to apply to the Lands Court, for New Migrant
Home Land, will do so with the understanding of the risks associated with not possessing
leasehold tenure of the land.
For example, if a new migrant is not granted permanent resident status after 2 non-
consecutive years and is not subsequently granted leasehold tenure of the land by the Lands
Court, the land will remain allocated to the PIC and the PIC will not be liable to provide
compensation to the new migrant, including for any costs incurred in relation to the
development of the land or the construction of any structure on it.
5.13 A New Migrant Home land site, held by the PIC, will be no bigger than 1500 sqm.
1500sqm is large enough to build a comfortable home with a domestic garden and orchard.
5.14 The PIC will not apply to the Lands Court, for a LAT, on any other type of land category,
for a new migrant, under this policy, including business or commercial land.
6.2 Temporary home-stay accommodation with a local family can be arranged by the applicant.
Options can be found at
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6.3 There are also a few private self-catering rental options. Details of these options can also be
found at
6.5 Short-term government accommodation options are also available for rent. The availability
and arrangements for tenancy will be determined by the PIC and HMG Administrator.
6.6 New migrants are required to make application, in writing, to the PIC for possible short-term
government accommodation, prior to submitting a GPI SA or, if needed, in advance of
returning to the island, within their 2-year (non-consecutive) settlement period.
6.7 New migrants are not permitted to camp on non-residential land or Council managed land
whilst awaiting home land application approval. This being due to fire risk management and
health and safety.
6.8 New migrants may camp on land occupied by an existing, resident homeowner if given
permission to do so, for an agreed period.
7.2 Approved new migrants, who wish to build their first home (within their 2 year
non-consecutive permanent residency period) are entitled to the subsidised freight cost of
NZ$350 per cubic meter. This rate applies to all building /construction materials, fittings and
tools. This provision excludes water tanks which are freight free.
7.3 After new migrants have been granted permanent residency, they continue to be entitled
subsidised freight costs of NZ$350 per cubic meter. This provision excludes water tanks
which remain freight free.
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9. Subsidised Travel on the GPI Charter Vessel for Approved New migrants
Approved new migrants are entitled to travel between Pitcairn / Mangareva and/or New Zealand
at the subsidised local rate of NZ$500 per person, each way.
11. Education
GPI SAs with children should discuss educational needs with the DG when interviewed.
New approved Migrants are required to pay full costs for treatment and medications at the Pitcairn
Island Health Center through-out their 2 year (non-consecutive) permanent residency period
See GPI Health Centre Operational Policy.
13. Contacts
Pitcairn Islands Immigration Officer: [email protected]
The Pitcairn Island Office (Auckland NZ): [email protected]
Visit Pitcairn Website:
GPI Travel Coordinator: [email protected]
Immigration Website:
a) GPI Settlement Application Form
b) GPI Entry Clearance Application form for LTV & Business
c) New Migrant Home Land Application Form
d) New Migrant Temporary Accommodation Application form
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