and HR Manager
After studying this chapter you.will learn:
2-1 Organisation of the Human Resource Department
2.2 Competencies (Qualities of'Human Resource Manage
2.3 Role ot Human Resource Manager,
2.4 Status of Human Resource Manager
Summary Test Questions
Employment HRD
Compensaion Industrlal Employee Manager
Manager MAnager Manager Relations Weltare: Common
Manager Services
Clerks Clerks
Clerks Clerks
FIGURE 2.2: Line Organisatioa
Chiel Execrtive
Chief Executive
'Oficer Omcer Salary Officer
Staff Relationslhip-
FIGURE 2.4: Line and Staif Orgauisatio» ing
Organisation A
24 HR Department in Divisionalised to divisional
resource stalf a e attached
in a divisional organisation structure, human local
divisional leved is responsible to the
officers. The hurnan resource officer at at the headd
to thhe human resource manager
divissonal manager. He is subordinate
between hunan resource oflicer and divisional nnanager, the
ofice. In case of rift
office (Pigure 2.5)
problem can be solved at the head of various
divisionalisation is that the performance
The main advaitage of facilitites.
results in duplication of stalf and
divisions can be compared. But it
.. '.'tt
Chief Execulive
General Manager |
Gengral Manager *
Human Resources
Profect A
Manager FIGURE 2.6: Matrix Structure
cost anc
structure is thatbetter balance
of matrix respond.
The main advantage is verytlexibleand can
be m a i n t a l n e d ,
Matrix organísation
is avallableto
performance can Specialised knowledge
customer desires. Employees
needs and commandpyinctple.
quicdy to project violates he nlty of manager.Due to
matrix structure
all projects,
bosses-functlonal head, and project,
have to report to
teams, there are
posstbilltles of contllct.
nature of project tasks are uncertaln,
when organizational than one critical,
is suitable
Matrix structure
an organlsation has tacope with more
interdependent or
and highly
sector, e.g.,
functlons. projects.
2:6 ModernHuman Resource Management
1 Plactng the right man qn the 'rlght Jobs. 1. Advisingand assistingline managers in hirlng,
tratning, appralsing and fAring employees at aH
levels (staff of servlce"functlon).
2. Orlentation of new employces. 2.'Adminlsterlng varlous employee beneft
prog ammes.
3. Tralnlng employees on th job. 3. Ensurtngthat the vartous labour laws are duly
complied with.
4. Developtng oooperative relattonshlps in the 4. Coordinating humai, resource acttvittes of
organisation. different departments
5. Interpreting the company's pollcles ánd
6. Developing potentibl of every employee.
7. Controlling labour costs.
S, Developing higlu morale.
Protecting healthand safety ofemployees.
The actlvities are then grouped functionwise and put under the assigmed functions.
1s under a partlcular section. The human resource
A group of related functions put of all the sections. He can have one or more deputy
manager is the overall.incharge
of sections and functions.
: managers depending on the number
line manager's responslbllity buta stafffunction. Since
I t is sald that HRM Is a with people, responsibility of
management ls getting things done through and
the Therefore, HRM is the responsiblity
managing people rests with lingmanagers.
Human Rcsource Department and HR Manager
of every taanager and not that of the HRM department alonc. But line managers
need cxpert advice and asslstance in HRM matters. HRM department provides
specialiscd acdvice, assistance and informatlon to 1ine executives so that they
may conccntrate on their respective functilons. HRM is a staff function and it helos
all executives in haking the organisation a good place to work in. The HR
department has stafî relatlonship with other departments and it acts in an advisory
The staf role of the HRM in rclation to other departments may be analysed as
olicy Pormulation. Human resource department inltiates and formulates
new hunan resource policies and revises the existing policies. The department
etc. of
prepares programmes concerning recruitment, selection, training, appraisal,
employees in consultation with other departments. HRM department assists and
* ** F:****
. '"
He acts as a lialson
he to maintain industrial peace,
helps or spokesman-of his
between management
and labour. As the representative solver on human,.
also serves as a problem
with the public, He
organisation,he dealis and solving problems.
relations assisting line managers ín diagnosing of human
resource manager Is tlie management
Baslcally. tie Job of human than a declslon-maker. He
adviser or controller rather
resources. He is bastcally an the line executives in the:performance
is there-to ssist, advise,
counsel and guide resourcCE
within hls ownrdepartment, the human
human r e s o u r c e fiunction. However,
Modern Hurman Resource Management
manager performs a line funetion by directing the activitles of his subordinates and
inservice arens like factory canteen.
Inactual practice, lhuman resourcc manager Is found handling jobs ofvarlous
kinds. Due to this diversity and elástlclty of his job, people call,him by vartous
Mames, e.g., 'thlrd force' 1in industry. 8go between' among workers and management,
shockabsorber, ctc.
T*** *****:**"
and HR Manager 2.11
Hunan Resource Department
T h e Liaison Man. WAth thc passage of time trade unions became powerful
someone to deal and negotiate with the union. The human
Enployers requircd
resource manager was asked to take over the job. He also became a _hock absorber
and a scapegoat. He was now and thenmisunderstooet,ridierstec tburtagnirecathed
The Catering Man. Some cnlightened employers began to provlde welfare
facilities iike cantecn, creche, cte. to workers in addition to thelr igal obligations.
The human resource manager began to adminíster these services. "
5TheWelfare ManUnder Section 49 of the Pactories Act, 4 welfare officer
hasto be appointd in specific factorles. He is expected to handle labour aspects
like roctuitext, velfare aspect like housing and Industrial relattons aspect like
collective bargaining.
T h e Produetivity Man. Today, Iuman resource manager is considered an
expert in human reiations. He is expected to improve productivity byl fulfilling the
econonic, social and psychological needs and aspirations of employees. In the years
to coe, human resource nianager will have to meet the challenge of a fast changing
post-industrial socicty.
1. HRM is staf funetion and a line responstbitity:
2. The internal organisation of human resource development vaties depending on the
nature, size and philosophy of an organisation.
3. Human resource department performs policy formulation, advising, assisting, serviciug
rnonitoring functions.
4. A successful human resource
manager requires educational. personal and professional
5. The naman resource
manager performs the role of conscience keeper, counselor
modiator, spokesperson, problen-solver and
6. The status' of human resource
change agent.
nmanager has changed over the years {rom that o
policeman to that of productívity man.
need for
a separate human resource respousibility
of every manager
Explatn the role and status of a department." Explain eritically. an
tlhe large exodus of its skilled human resource manager, in an Indian co