Chapter 3 1
Chapter 3 1
Chapter 3 1
• The most significant spoilage microorganisms are Halophiles which require 10%
salt for growth and exhibit pink discoloration in the fish.
• Cases of food poisoning have been associated with pink spoilage fish because the
toxin producing Staphylococcus Aureus may sometimes be associated with
microorganisms that cause pink spoilage.
Cured Meat Color o The sodium nitrate is first reduced to sodium nitrite then to nitric oxide
before it can be useful in the curing reaction.
▪ Sodium nitrate is reduced to sodium nitrite by microorganism present on
▪ Sodium nitrite is reduced to nitrite acid in the presence of an acidic
environment (e.g. by fermentation)
▪ Nitrous acid forms nitric oxide. Nitric oxide reacts with myoglobin to
form a red color.
the amount or intensity of the heat from the sun, therefore during the months when
the intensity of the heat is low, drying tales a long time.
5. Less space and fewer trays are needed for dehydration than for sun-drying which
requires wide outdoor space – the product to be dehydrated are placed in trays and
field inside a dehydrator with proper time and temperature will dry in predetermined
length of time. While in sun drying the product should be exposed to the sun rays to
ensure complete drying and in so doing, it requires a wide space to be able to dry a
considerable amount of product.
6. Drying obviously cannot be done during rainy season – many dehydrated methods
can operate regardless of the weather conditions because it is in the first place an
indoor operation unlike sun drying.
7. Yield from dehydrated is usually higher than Sun drying – this is attributed to loss of
sugar in sun drying due to respiration and fermentation. Also, because of lack of
control in the sun drying process unnecessary losses occur like too much moisture
and volatile compound.
8. Certain green or slightly immature fruits continue to develop and acquire the color of
mature of the fruits during sun drying – this does not occur during dehydration. This
is primarily because a more complex preparation and pre-treatment in which fruits
undergo before it was dehydrated.
WATER ACTIVITY – is related to the amount of water contained in the food material and
defines the amount of water that can be used for growth and reproduction of microorganism,
water being necessary for all biological systems. o All food materials contain water, its water
content held together by atomic and molecular forces. o Water is an essential solvent that is
needed in biochemical reactions in living organisms.
o Lack of water prevents microorganisms from growing but does not necessarily
cause death of the microorganism.
o When water interacts with solutes and surfaces, it is unavailable for other
hydration interactions.
• The term “water activity” describes the amount of water available for
hydration of materials.
• A water activity value of 1.0 indicates pure water whereas zero indicates the
total absence of water molecules. Addition of solutes always lowers the water
o High water activity such as 0.8 or greater indicated a moist or wet
o Low water activity such as 0.7 or less indicates a dry system.
• Water activity reflects a combination of water-solute and water-surface
interaction plus capillary forces.
• Water in food are categorized into:
o Bound water – are water molecules present in the food material which
is strongly bound to specific sites on the molecules that comprise the
food materials.
• Sun Drying can only dry up to residual water of 15 – 25 % it requires a lot of
space and the food being dried is exposed to contamination and losses from
dust, insects, bids and rodents.
• Use of drying equipment heated by gas, electricity or steam is called artificial
dryer or dehydration. o The final moisture content of product dried in such
equipment can be as low as 1 -5 %.
o As exemplified by dehydrated products such as milk powder, instant coffee,
potato flakes, orange juice crystals.
o getting heat into the food (heat transfer) and o getting the water out of the food
(Mass transfer).
• Conditions during drying do not always favor both processes some conditions may favor
one and hinder the other.
• In food drying it is important to complete the drying process in the shortest possible
time (maximum drying rates) while minimizing losses in desirable product
characteristics such as color, flavor and nutritional value.
• The rate of drying is affected by the following factors:
o HUMIDITY – with air as the drying medium, the drier the air the more rapid is
the rate of drying. The dryness of the air which is expresses as the relative
humidity is the most important factor in air drying.
▪ HYGROMETER – use to check or measure the humid of the drying
o SURFACE AREA – generally, food to be dried is cut into small pieces or thin
layers, to speed both the transfer of heat to the food and the loss of water from
the food.
▪ A smaller piece provides a larger surface area in contact with the heating
medium and more surface for water to escape.
▪ It also shortens the distance for both heat transfer and water removal. o
TEMPERATURE – the greater the temperature difference between the
food and the heating medium, the faster will be the transfer of heat to the
food, which provides the driving force for moisture removal.
▪ The hotter the surrounding air, the more moisture it can hold before
getting saturated. It is important in drying that the moisture-laden air be
removed from the drying chamber before it becomes saturated otherwise
drying will slow down considerable and if allowed to become
supersaturated, drying will stop completely.
▪ The maximum temperature is determined by the kind of food being dried.
▪ Losses in color and nutrients are also higher at higher drying
temperature. Some food materials have components (vitamins, flavors)
that are easily destroyed at higher drying temperature.
o AIR VELOCITY – air in motion picks up the moisture-laden air from the drying
food surface preventing the saturation of the surrounding air with the moisture
from the food.
▪ This effect is demonstrated by the faster drying of laundry on windy days
than when there is no wind. o VENTILATION/MOIST AIR OUTLET –
moisture-laden air has to escape from the drying chamber, otherwise the
drying air will become saturated with moisture and can no longer pick up
the moisture from the surface of the food.
o ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE AND VACUUM – at a constant temperature, a
decrease in pressure, increases the rate of boiling.
▪ Water in a heated vacuum chamber will lose moisture at a low
temperature, or at a faster rate that it would in a chamber at atmospheric
1. CONSTANT RATE PERIOD – at the start of the drying process, the food material is
still completely wet. The surface water quickly evaporates from the surface.
• The rate of removal of water can then be related to eh rate of heat transfer, if
there is no change in temperature of the material, all heat energy transferred
to it must result in evaporation of water.
• The rate of removal of the water is also the rate of the mass transfer, from the
solid to the surrounding.
2. FALLING RATE PERIOD – the highest rate dying is normally achieved during the
constant rate period. As drying proceeds he moisture constant falls and the access of
water from the interior of the food to the surface decreases the food material being
dried as the key factor that controls the observed drying rates.
❖ Constant rate period, the air temperature can be relatively high, (65°C /150°F to
70°C/160°F) so that the moisture can evaporate quickly from the food. Because food
losses heat during evaporation, the air temperature can be high without increasing the
temperature of the food.
• Practically all kinds of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, meat and fish can be dried.
• Seeds, leafy vegetables and herbs are probably the easiest to dry. Vegetables that are
also practical to dry include peas, corn, peppers, squash, onions and green beans.
• Lean meats such as beef, lamb, and venison can be dried for jerky.
• Cured and fermented sausages are also dried without salting.
• Certain foods are not suitable for drying because of their high moisture content.
Lettuce, melons and cucumbers are few foods that do not dry well by conventional
• Rapid dehydration is desirable.
• The higher the temperature and the lower the humidity, the more rapid the rate of
dehydration will be, but if drying takes place too fast “Case Hardening” occur.
• This means that the cell on the outside of the pieces of food give up moisture from
the inside cells.
• This will prevent the water in the inner part of the piece from vaporizing, resulting in
high moisture, making it susceptible to spoilage.
• Simple drying equipment does not dry food uniformly.
• It takes a little extra effort and attention. Stirring the food frequently and shifting the
racks in the oven or dryer are essential because heat is at the same in all parts of the
drying racks.
• Even after drying, between food pieces as well as within each piece, during may not
always be uniform, so a step called “sweating” is a usual practice.
• Sweating involves placing the newly dried food in a closed chamber and allowed to
stay there for varying periods, so moisture equilibrium within and between foods
pieces can occur.
• It is not always possible with simple drying procedures to dry all the pieces of
food evenly. Depending on the size of the pieces and the location of the tray, some
pieces will be too dry and others will be not quite dry enough.
• After the food is dried and cooled, place the dried products in a closed container.
• Most small scale fruits drying establishment use a large plastic pail lined with
sanitized muslin or cheese cloth.
• After cooling the product dried in a cabinet dryer/solar dryer these are kept in a
container for at least 24 hrs depending on the products. Some processors
condition for up to 10 days with satisfactory results. The conditioning container is
kept in a cool dry place, probably with air conditioning.
• While conditioning, the products is stirred with sanitized large spatula or
stainless steel food shovel once a day for the duration of conditioning. This allow
the moisture from the under dried pieces to be absorbed by the over-dried pieces.
• If droplets of moisture appear on the sides or lid of the container, the food is not
dry enough and should be redried in the dryer.
• Sun dried food can sometimes be contaminated by insects, which can cause spoilage.
Sulfuring fruits usually prevent this type of contamination. Another option is
pasteurization especially if the food was dried outdoors, where it was probably
• To pasteurize, heat an oven to 80°C/175°F. Set the pieces of dried food in a single
layer on a tray. Heat in the oven with the door closed for 15 minutes. Remove from
the oven and allow the food to cool before packaging.
Lesson 3 : FERMENTATION AND PICKLING________________
FERMENTATION – it is the conversion of carbohydrates
to alcohol and carbon dioxide or organic acids using yeast
and bacteria under anaerobic condition.
• Is process by which the living cell is able to obtain
energy through the breakdown of glucose and other
simple sugar molecules without requiring oxygen.
• It is achieved by somewhat different chemical
sequence in different species of organisms. Sugars
are converted into lactic acid, acetic acid and
ethanol through fermentation.
Application of Fermentation in Food Preservation
Enrichment of the diet through development of a diversity of flavors, aromas and textures
if food substrates.
Preservation of food substantial amounts of food through lactic acid, alcoholic, acetic and
alkaline fermentations.
Enrichment of food substrates biologically with protein, essential amino acids, essential
fatty acids and vitamins. Detoxification during fermentation processing.
A decrease in cooking times and fuel requirements.
Fermentation has benefits exclusive to foods. Fermentation can produce important
nutrients or eliminate anti- nutrients.
Fermented types of Foods (Examples)
➢ Bean based – miso, soy sauce, tofu, tempeh, mung beans milk.
➢ Grain based – beer, bead, spur dough, rice wine, mal, whiskey, vodka.
➢ Vegetable based – kimchi, mixed pickles, sauerkraut, Indian pickle (chutney)
➢ Fruit based – wine. Vinegar, cider, brandy
➢ Fish based – Patis – made from small raw fishes called trash fish in the trade. Patis
fermentation is carried out in concrete vats, earthen jars or wooden cask. It is called
nuoc-mam – Vietnam: nam pla – Thailand: liquamen - A. rome: garum- Greece. ▪
To make patis,it is necessary to make bagoong, patis being the clear liquid that
separates from the bagoong when this is allowed from 6 months
o Bagoong – has two variants the bagoong alamang or
shrimp fry and the salted small fish which may or may not
be a byproduct of patis.
▪ The aging of the salt actually purifies the salt
because of the impurities which have lower
solubility are melted during the aging period. The presalted fish is
carefully resalted with the aged salt and added
to the vat of previously fermented fish. The fish
is allowed to ferment for 6 months; they place
on earthen jars during fermentation.
▪ Other products are buro, like burong dalag,
burong bangus, burong talangka. ➢ Meat
based – chorizo, salami, pepperoni
➢ Tea based – Kombucha – (mushroom)(fermented tea, often 15
dunk for medicinal purposes) Page
Curing Meats in Brine (also called pickling), also involves fermentation process, the
formation of lactic acid, which responsible for the sourish flavor in cure meats.
o Four classes of Pickles:
▪ Brined or cured pickles (fermented): hold vegetables in a salt solution for
several weeks until cured. During this time changes in color, flavor and
texture takes place. You can make them sweet, sour, dill or mustard
▪ Fresh pack or unfermented pickle: the vinegar in the recipe preserves the
fruit or vegetables. Quick pickles are easy to make example are achara.
▪ Relishes, chutney and ketchup: combine chopped or purred vegetables or
fruits with vinegar, salt, sugar and spices.
▪ Fruit pickles: whole or sliced fruits in a spicy sweet-sour syrup.
Other Problems
✓ Shriveling – happens most often in very sweet or sour pickles and in large whole
cucumber pickles. It is caused by using salt, sugar or vinegar solution that is too
strong at the beginning of the pickling process. Overcooking, over processing or
not staring with fresh produce also may cause shriveling.
✓ Hollow pickles – are the result of faulty growth or curing.
✓ Discolored pickles – may cause by iron from hard water or an iron cooking
utensils. Iodized salt, ground spices, too much spice or packing the spice bag in
jars will darken pickles.
✓ White Sediment – at the bottom of the jars may be caused by anti-caking agents
in the salt or by the fermenting bacteria. Neither cause is harmful.
✓ Blue, Purple or blue-green garlic. May result from immature garlic or garlic that
is not fully dry, from cooper pans, or from a high amount of copper in the water.
Such color changes do not indicate the presence of harmful substances.
Relative Humidity – control of R.H. in chilling storage is essential to achieve maximum storage
• Relative humidifies higher than optimum will encourage growth of microorganism.
While lower than optimum will result in wilting or shriveling.
• Relative humidity requirements varies, fresh produce requiring as much as 90-95%
The following processes may be coupled with chilling storage for maximum shelf life of food
1. Cooking. Cooked food will have extended shelf life if chilled. Common way of preserving
cooked foods at home and in food service establishments.
2. Pasteurization. Mild heat treatments below boiling point reduce the bacterial population
in milk and fruit products while maximizing flavor and nutrients retention.
3. Fermentation and Curing. Fermented vegetables and cured meat products have
extended shelf life when chilled.
4. Waxing and Oiling. Fresh fruits and vegetables may be waxed or oiled to reduce
dehydration, then chilling for longer shelf life.
5. Modified and Controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and vegetables. The rate of
respiration is controlled in C.A and M.A. storage of fresh produce, by altering the carbon
dioxide-oxygen ratio in the atmosphere immediately surrounding the fresh produce.
Chilling is necessary to further slows down the physiological processes.
➢ Freezing preservation is achieved when the temperature of the food is reduced to a
low temperature low enough to cause most of the water to be converted from liquid
state to solid ice.
➢ In practice, freezing temperatures may range from -5°C to much lower temperature,
as low as -195°C in case of cryogenic freezing. Commercial quick freezing processes,
however are usually -4°C (-40°F)
➢ The preservation effect of freezing is attributed to low temperature effects in
microbial growth and physiological reactions; and the unavailability of water for
microbial and enzymatic reactions.
➢ Water in the solid state of ice, is not usable for microbial growth and biochemical
reactions. In freezing the major focus is the freezing of its water content, which is the
biggest component in most food materials in its natural state.
❖ Freezing involves the change of water contained in the food from a liquid to a solid (ice).
When water freezes it expands, and the ice crystals formed cause cell walls of food to
rupture. As a result the texture of the product will be softer when it thaws.
o These textural changes are most noticeable in fruits and vegetables that have high
water content.
o These changes due to freezing are not as apparent in products that are cooked
before eating because cooking also softens cell walls. Textural changes are also
less noticeable in high-starch vegetables such as peas, corn and lima beans.
The freezing process, consist of 3 main operations: pre-freezing treatments, freezing and
frozen storage. A fourth procedure is thawing. o Pre-freezing Treatments. Preliminary to any
food preservation. In freezing, control of enzymatic activity is even more significant than in
other preservation methods. Control of enzyme activity in fruits and vegetables is achieved by
▪ Blanching – mild treatment accomplished by hot water or steam at
▪ Pasteurization – applied for liquids or semi-liquid such as puree. At 85°C.
▪ Cooking
▪ Chemical Additives many uncooked fruits and vegetable product are
pretreatment with chemicals to prevent both enzymatic-catalyzed
oxidative browning and enzymatic browning.
▪ Syruping – applied on fruits like strawberries and mangoes may be
packed in syrup for freezing. Syrup helps in maintaining the texture of the
fruits during freezing and frozen storage.
• Function of sugar syrups in frozen foods are: contribute to
sweetness, retention of volatile flavors, decrease the amount of
cellular water freezing at any given temperature.
▪ Packaging – many foods products are first packed before freezing,
although packaging after freezing is also widely practiced. The latter is
called IQF for individual quick frozen.
• Air Freezing- packaged or unpackaged solid pieces of food can be frozen by exposing to
cold air at temperatures ranging from -18 to -40°C.
o Still Air –the air circulation is very slow or none at all. This is what happens when
food is frozen in the freezer section of most household refrigerators.
▪ The rate of freezing is very slow from 3hours to as long as 72 hours
depending on the conditions and the size of the products to be frozen.
o Air Blast – vigorous circulation of air enables the freezing to be accomplished at a
faster rate.
▪ It is usually done by placing the products to be frozen on trays or on a
mesh belt passing it slowly in an insulated tunnel or chamber with air
temperatures of -30 to -40°C.
o Fluidized bed – is a modification of the air blast freezing methods. This method is
usually applied to freezing of high throughput products small discrete particles
like peas, corn or carrot dice.
o Plate Freezing –it is also called contact freezing. This method of choice when the
products to be frozen in packaged in a regular shaped box or block. The most
common application of this method is block frozen shrimps. The temperatures on
the surface of the metal plates are typically also -30 to -40°C.
o Block freezing – the product is embedded in a block of ice.
o Immersion freezing – it is accomplished by directly immersing the food in the
refrigerant or spraying the refrigerant directly over the food to be frozen.
▪ Liquid nitrogen freezing is also called cryogenic freezing because it
involves extremely low temperatures (-185°C).
o Glazing – is a method of applying a coat of ice over the frozen food which acts like
skin. This is done to prevent moisture loss during frozen storage.
• The common food storage temperature is -18°C (0°F).
• In practice of temperature fluctuation is avoided by minimizing the entry of hot air when
opening the storage freezers to load or withdraw stocks.
o This is accomplished by providing an anteroom and plastic curtains and following
strictly the schedule for opening the storage freezers.
• The storage temperature should not reach higher than 5°F or (-15°C). Check the
temperature with a thermometer.
• It is the condition caused by dehydration of frozen food.
• Moisture loss or ice crystals evaporating from the surface area of a product.
• It appears as a fuzzy, grayish-white spot on the food surface.
• It is not harmful but it causes off-flavors and undesirable texture changes such as
toughening and stringiness.
• It can be prevented by glazing, wrapping food in a moisture-vapor-proof material that
can withstand the low temperature without tearing and storing it for recommended
length of time.
• Covering fruit with syrup and cooked meat with gravy or sauce also helps prevent freezer
Heat Application is preservation that involves the use of heat. It is
also known as Thermal Processing, but it is more popularly
associated by Canning.
• Using heat to destroy microorganisms responsible for
o It depends on the temperature-time of exposure.
• Other factors that affecting bacterial destruction is the
pH (acidity) and water activity.
o Low Acid (pH above 4.5) and acid (pH 4.5 and lower)
o The acidity of the food as expressed in pH values,
determines the kind of heat treatment that will preserve a
Heat Application used to Preserve Food
• COOKING – is a heat application with the major an objective of making food more
▪ It is categorized as a preservation method since cooked food generally has
longer shelf life compared to raw food.
▪ Useful life is cooked food may be extended by application of other means
of preservation such as refrigeration, freezing, addition of preservatives
and use of protective packaging.
• BLANCHING – is heat application that is primarily a pre-treatment to other
methods of preservation such as drying, canning and freezing.
▪ Its major objective is to inactivate enzymes but it also drives of cellular
gasses and kill pathogens and some spoilage microorganisms.
❖ ASEPTIC PROCESSING - the product and the container are sterilized separately
then come together for filling in a sterile chamber.
• The technology requires special aseptic equipments and is
applicable only to liquids and semi-liquids or liquid with solid
• The rapid heating and cooling of the products guarantees
microbial and enzyme destruction while much of the flavors.
• The process requires extremely high investments needed for
aseptic equipment.
• Aseptic food preservation methods allow processes food to
keep for long period of time without preservatives, as long as
they are not opened.
CANNING - is the process in which food is placed in cans or jars with
lid on or in suitable retortable flexible containers, and heated to a
temperature that destroys microorganisms and inactivates enzymes.
• This heating and later cooling forms a vacuum seal. The vacuum
seal prevents other microorganisms from recontaminating the
food within the container.
• Heat processing kills microorganism that contaminate the food
and cause food spoilage and/or foodborne illness. Processing can
be done in a water bath canner or a pressure canner depending on the food’s acidity.
▪ High acid foods (pH 4.5 and below) and acidified foods can be safety
processed in a boiling water bath canner..
▪ Low acid foods (pH above 4.5, such as vegetables, fish, meat) must be
processed in a pressure canner.
Raw Material Handling – the quality of raw materials is directly related to the quality of the
finished product.
✓ Other factors includes observation of hygienic practices particularly the
implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).
Pre- Treatments –covers all the range of operations involving preparation before filling into
cans or other containers.
Pre-cooking – for some products, pre-cooking is needed. This is usually carried out in various 29
ways using steam, water, oil, hot air or smoke or a combination of these.
Filling – fill weights and fill temperature are monitored because both affect the heating at the
slowest heating point in the container during retorting. It may affect on the safety of the
product, so it should be carried our under strict control.
Exhausting – is the removal of air from the food in the container. The removal of air will
ensure a vacuum in the canned food.
▪ Vacuum in canned foods is obtained by heating the food before or
after filling the containers. Heat is employed to expand the product
and rive out occluded or dissolved gasses and to rarify the air in the
head space prior to sealing/capping.
▪ Heating can be accomplished by passing the open container in a steam
or hot water exhaust bath.
Vacuum is necessary for the preservation of canned/bottled foods for the following reason:
a. Prevention of distortion of containers during thermal
b. Maintenance of can ends or bottle caps in concave position
during normal storage.
c. The reduction of oxygen which can react or discolor the
products. Sealing – a successful sealing is an essential factor in
canning, whether the container is made of metal, glass or
laminates of plastics and foil. A seal defect or failure will make
the product unsafe and not shelf stable.
Canning Equipment
✓ Water Bath – a large deep kettle that has a cover and a rack to hold jars is
adequate. It should be deep enough to allow water or extend 1 to 2 inches over the
top of the jars with enough room for the water to boil briskly.
✓ Pressure canner – is a deep, heavy kettle that has a rack on the bottom for jars
to stand on, a tight fitting lid with a gasket and pressure gauge. The gasket keeps
steam from leaking out around the cover. A dial gauge has a needle that moves
along a numbered scale to indicate the pressure inside the canner.
✓ Exhausting Steamer – is also needed. This may be a regular steamer or a
water bath where filled jars are heated up to a temperature of 83 to 85 ⁰C at its
slowest heating point.
Methods of Concentration
• EVAPORATION – is the removal of water by vaporizing the water content of the
material. This is done by hating to boil off the water from the food material.
o Many natural constituents of foods are however volatile and heat
sensitive. Heat is needed to evaporate the water will also destroy the
natural flavoring constituents and other food characteristics such as color
and texture. 31
• FREEZE CONCENTRATION – this method of concentration takes advantage of
the higher freezing point of water relative to solutes. The product, like a natural
fruit juice extract, is subjected to partial freezing at a temperature when the water
portion crystallizes as ice leaving a more concentrated solution still unfrozen. The
ice crystals are then separated.
o Some industrial applications of freeze concentrations are in the
concentration of wines and beer and the concentration of coffee prior to
freeze drying.
• MEMBRANE CONCENTRATION - the principle involved here is placing a
semipermeable membrane between two fluids of varying concentration and
establishing a condition that will allow the transport of water across the
membrane. The water will move into the solution of higher concentration to
equilibrate the system.
o This is known as Osmotic pressure, if the mechanical force applied to
exceed the osmotic pressure, water is forced to move down the
concentrated gradient (from low temperature to higher temperature). o
The membrane concentration methods are:
▪ Reverse Osmosis (RO) – the membrane separation occurs because
of a pressure difference that separates water from other
components in the original solution. It is used in water
purification to make purified water.
▪ Hyperfiltration- is the same method as reverse osmosis.
▪ Ultrafiltration (UF) – the pressure gradient allows the membrane
to fractionate components of a liquid as a function of their
solvated size and structure. The membrane configuration is
usually cross-flow. The membrane pore size is larger allowing
some components to pass through the pores with the water.
▪ Diafiltration – is a specialized ultrafiltration where the retentate is
diluted with water and refiltered to reduce concentration of
soluble permeate components or to increase concentration of
retained components.
• Obviously, these methods are bit too high tech for small scale processors.
• OSMOTIC DEHYDRATION - immersion of food material in a solution with water
activity lower than the food is the essential of osmotic drying. Solutions of sugar
and salt are usually used.
o Some fruit processor in the phil., are also use salts as the osmotic agent,
salt being cheaper than sugar, prior to syruping. Synergistic effects
between sugar and salt have also been observed.
o Osmotic drying is more of a preliminary treatment or a complimentary
process to other preservation methods such as freezing, pasteurization
and sterilization, as well as drying and dehydration. It can of course stand
on its own but shelf life would be limited.
The principle of this technology is to add sugar in a quality that is necessary to
increase the osmotic pressure of the product’s liquid phase at level low enough to
prevent microorganism development.
• In practice, it is common to partially remove water from the product by boiling, with
the objective of obtaining a higher sugar concentration prior to actual addition of
sugar. Sugar concentrations of 60% in the finished products coupled with the heat
treatment given during the concentration, generally assures food preservation,
assuming no post heating contamination occurs. Most sugar preserved products such
as jams have 65-69% sugar.
• Storage conditions of the finished product should avoid excessive temperature and
maintain sanitary conditions.
• Sugar is used to preserved fruits which are cooked in syrup to attain a concentration
of 40-60% or to saturated sucrose sugar level.
• The fruits may be whole, cut or pureed or it may be a fruit juice extracted or a
combination of fruit juice and pulp.
How Sugar Preserve the Fruit
• Fruits contains from 70-90% of water, when they are cooked in syrup the osmotic
pressure of sugar draws out this water as well as that from the microbial cells.
• In local sugar preservation, acid does not seem to feature as in important
ingredients in the process, but if present in judicious amount it aids in the
preservation. Other component which is not given much importance in local sugar
preservation of fruit is pectin. This substance ties up with water when a gel forms in
the presence of suitable concentrations of sugar and acid. Water is thus unavailable
to the microorganism.
CONSERVES – are jam like products that may be made from a mixture of fruits. They
may contain nuts, raisins, or coconut.
MARMALADES – are soft fruit jellies containing small pieces of fruit or peel. They often
contain citrus fruits.
o Marmalades are made from fruits that answer the requirement for jelly
preparation. They are usually associated with shreds of orange peel suspended in
a jelly. Other fruits like guava, santol or papaya slices or pieces may be used.
o Marmalades is actually a fruit preserved with a good quality of pectin-containing
fruit extract cooked with a suitable amount of acid and sugar to the jelly endpoint 34
105°C. After pouring it into jars, it may be stirred occasionally to distribute the Page
fruits through the jelly base. It is protected from molds growth by a coat of
paraffin just like the jelly.
CANDIED AND GLAZED FRUITS – these products which are made exactly like the
fruit preserves. The fruits are drained from viscous syrup, rinsed lightly in water. And
placed on racks to dry.
o When no syrup can be squeezed out of the fruits these may or may not be rolled
in sugar and then packed. The fruits may sugar off after drying because the syrup
in it became saturated.
o Fruits with acid either normally present or added to the syrup will dry without
sugar crystals and end up as a glazed fruits. The acid acts on the sucrose to form
invert sugar in the sucrose syrup will hinder sucrose crystallization and thus form
a non-crystalline glazed on the fruit.
FRUIT BUTTERS - are sweet spreads made by cooking fruit pulp with sugar to a thick
consistency. Spices are often added. Butters are not gelled.
FRUIT PASTE OR PASTILLAS – this kind of sugar preserve is cooked from ground
fruit pulp and sugar until dry to an almost solid mass. It is poured on a greased surface
while hot and cooled slightly, flattened to one half inches thickness and cut into
uniform pastillas. The pieces are rolled in sugar and wrapped individually in
cellophane. o It is good to remember that the product is soft when hot but becomes
firm on cooling provided the right concentration of sugar is reached at the endpoint.
Essential Ingredients:
FRUIT – for best color, flavor and consistency, choose ripe fruit (shape is irrelevant).
Slightly underripe fruits (usually ¼ slightly underripe and ¾ fully ripe) is recommended
for jelly. Full characteristic fruit flavors are needed for a good jelly.
ACID – is needed both for gel formation and flavor. The acid content varies among fruits
and is higher in underripe fruits. When fruits are low in acid, lemon juice or citric acid
may be added.
SUGAR – must be present in the proper proportions with pectin and acid to make a good
gel. Sugar also prevents the growth of microorganisms in the products and contributes to
the taste.
o Granulated white cane sugar is usually used. Brown sugar and Molasses are not
recommended because their flavors overpower the fruit and give dark products.
Part of the sugar may be replaced with light corn syrup or light mild honey.
Strength of Jelly
Continuity of Rigidity of Structure
Pectin Concentration Acidity (pH Value) % of Sugar
In sorting and grading fruits and vegetables, the following qualities must be considered:
➢ Wholesomeness
➢ Cleanliness
➢ Freedom from undesirable substances
➢ Uniformity of size
➢ Freedom from blemishes
➢ Desirable aroma, color, flavor and texture
➢ Nutritive value
• A mixture if slightly underripe and ripe fruits is best for jelly-making. They are high in
acid and pectin content. If overripe fruits are used, the pectin changes into pectin acid. 36
Pectin acid will not form into jelly. Too green fruits, on the other hand, will not have
enough flavor.
usable unless Spoilage CAUSES PREVENTION
➢ Fruits used was deep ➢ Fruits should be firm ripe
Jelly is cloudy
green ➢ Fruits should be cooked only
under it is tender
➢ Fruits may have been ➢ To obtain the clearest jelly
cooked to long before drip through cotton flannel
straining bag
➢ Pulp may have been ➢ Next time work more
squeezed from fruit quickly
➢ Jelly was poured into ➢ Upon reaching jelly point,
jar too slowly pour the mixture quickly
➢ Jelly mixture was into jars and seal.
allowed to stand
before it was poured
into jars