2021 Winter Final

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ENGR-233 Winter 2021

Sample final exam.

Problem 1. Using the Green's formula, find ∮ ( x2− y 2)dx+( x2+ y 2) dy if

the contour C consists of the segment x=1 ,0≤ y≤1 , the segment
2 2
y=1,0≤x≤1 , and the portion of the circle x + y =1 in the first

Problem 2. Let the vector field F =(2 x−2 z)i + z j +( y−2 x) k . Find
(3, 2, 1)

∫ F⋅d r along any curve C connecting the points (1, 2,3) and
(1, 2, 3)
(3, 2,1) .
Problem 3. Find ∫ F⋅d r if F ( x , y , z )=( z x y , 2 y) , and the contour
2 2
C consists of the piece of the circle x + y =1 , z=0 in the first
quadrant, and the segment of the line connecting the points (0, 1, 0) and
(0, 0,1) .

Problem 4. Using the Stokes Theorem, find ∮ F⋅d r if

F ( x , y , z )=( y ,−2 x+z , x) , and the contour C is the intersection of the
2 2 2 2
surface z= x −2 y and the cylinder x + y =4 .

Problem 5. Using the Divergence Theorem find the flux of the field
F ( x , y , z )=−x y i+2 y z j+3 x z k through the surface of the body
B : x≥0 , y≥0 , z≥0 , x+ y+z≤1 .

Problem 6. Find the moment of inertia I z relative to the z - axis of the

ball of radius R with a cylindrical hole of radius a whose axis is the z
- axis if the density od the ball is δ .
Problem 7. Using the change of variables, find ∬ x y dA if D is the
2 2
domain bounded by the curves y=a 1 x , y=a 2 x , y=b1 x , y=b2 x
( a 1 <a 2 , b1<b 2 ).

Problem 8. The cycloid is the curve traced by a point on the wheel rolling
along the x - axis. Its parametric equations are

x=t−sin(t / R) , y=R(1−cos(t / R)) .

(a) Find the curvature of the cycloid as a function of t .

(b) What happens with the curvature as t →0 ?

Problem 9. Find the volume of the domain B defined by the inequalities

2 2 2 2 2 2
B : x + y +z ≤1, x + y − z ≥0 .

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