Biomechanical Aspects of Injury in Specific Sports
Biomechanical Aspects of Injury in Specific Sports
Biomechanical Aspects of Injury in Specific Sports
The biomechanical aspects of shoulder and medial knee pain leading to injury in swimmers are
of paramount importance due to the high prevalence of these issues in the swimming population.
swimmers, with a prevalence ranging from 40% to 91% (Othman, 2019). The repetitive forceful
nature of swimming has been linked to shoulder laxity, impingement pain, and tendinopathy,
particularly in the supraspinatus tendon (Sein et al., 2008). Additionally, intrinsic factors such as
joint laxity, postural deficits, and muscle strength imbalances have been identified as
contributors to swimmer shoulder pain (Nichols, 2015). Furthermore, the thickness of the
supraspinatus tendon has been associated with years and hours of training, highlighting the
biomechanical impact of swim training volume on shoulder health (Feijen et al., 2020).
In the case of medial knee pain, breaststroke swimmers are particularly susceptible, with 47%
experiencing thickened and tender medial plica, leading to pain and dysfunction (Wanivenhaus
et al., 2012). Biomechanical studies have also emphasized the role of muscle activity, especially
scapular stabilizers and shoulder rotators, in the development of shoulder problems in overhead
athletes, including swimmers (Sousa et al., 2019). Moreover, the altered stroke biomechanics
resulting from muscle stiffness may predispose swimmers to shoulder pain (Feijen et al., 2020).
The importance of addressing these biomechanical aspects is underscored by the need for
preventive measures, such as exposure reduction, cross-training, and specific stretching and
strengthening programs, to mitigate shoulder injury and pain in swimmers (Tate et al., 2012).
The biomechanical aspects of shoulder and medial knee pain in swimmers are multifaceted,
involving factors such as training volume, muscle imbalances, and stroke biomechanics.
Understanding and addressing these biomechanical factors are crucial for injury prevention and
Injury prevention in swimmers requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the specific
risk factors associated with shoulder and knee pain. A conceptual approach to injury prevention
should involve a multifaceted strategy based on the identified risk factors. Firstly, understanding
the epidemiology of injuries in swimmers, particularly shoulder and knee injuries, is crucial
(Wanivenhaus et al., 2012). This knowledge provides the foundation for targeted prevention
strategies. For instance, dry-land strength training programs focusing on shoulder rotator muscles
al., 2020). Additionally, addressing muscle imbalances, particularly in the shoulder, through
targeted training programs can mitigate the risk of shoulder injuries, especially in elite adolescent
Furthermore, core stability training has been highlighted as a crucial component in the
rehabilitation plan for swimmers with shoulder injuries, emphasizing the importance of proximal
stability for safe distal mobility across the shoulder joint (Abdelmohsen et al., 2021). It is
study on artistic swimmers, which emphasizes the need for better knowledge and prevention of
strengthening, stretching, and endurance training in injury prevention programs for swimmers
Biomechanical assessments have been suggested as beneficial in the management and prevention
of injuries and pain in swimmers' vulnerable joints (Haghpanah et al., 2022). Moreover,
for developing rehabilitation strategies and injury prevention programs (Struyf et al., 2017).
Finally, injury surveillance and potential prevention strategies should focus on the shoulder for
in-pool activities and the axial spine for cross-training activities, highlighting the importance of a
targeted strength training, addressing muscle imbalances, core stability training, long-term injury
integrating these elements, a holistic and effective injury prevention program can be developed
Biomechanical analysis of shoulder and medial knee pain in swimmers is crucial for
understanding and addressing the injuries prevalent in this athletic population. Shoulder pain is a
common musculoskeletal complaint among swimmers, with a reported prevalence between 40%
and 91% (Wanivenhaus et al., 2012; Johnson et al., 1987). The differential diagnosis for
swimmer shoulder pain includes back pain, rotator cuff injuries, and cumulative trauma disorders
(Nichols, 2015). The scapula's involvement in shoulder injuries has been highlighted,
emphasizing the clinical implications for evaluation and treatment (Kibler et al., 2013). In
addition, shoulder pain resulting from glenohumeral instability is common among competitive
swimmers (O’Donnell et al., 2005). Furthermore, stroke errors have been identified as potential
risk factors for shoulder pain in swimmers (Virag et al., 2014). Regarding medial knee pain, it is
essential to consider the biomechanical risk factors and their implications for injury progression.
Lateral wedge insoles have been studied for their effects on reducing biomechanical risk factors
for medial knee osteoarthritis progression, with the first meta-analysis showing their impact on
relevant parameters (Arnold et al., 2016). Similarly, valgus knee bracing has been found to
decrease measures of medial knee compressive force and alter the distribution of load across the
knee, indicating its potential in mitigating medial knee pain (Moyer et al., 2015). Furthermore,
the relationship between reductions in knee loading and immediate pain response while wearing
lateral wedged insoles in knee osteoarthritis has been examined, suggesting a potential link
between biomechanical interventions and pain reduction (Jones et al., 2014). Additionally, the
use of a lightweight medial unloader orthosis has been shown to effectively reduce external knee
adduction moment and pain sensation during daily activities in patients with medial knee
osteoarthritis (Brand et al., 2017). Understanding the biomechanical aspects of shoulder and
medial knee pain in swimmers has broader implications for injury prevention and performance
it is possible to implement training adaptations for swimmers with shoulder pain, thereby
improving their overall performance and reducing the risk of injuries (Barbosa et al., 2010;
Kreulen et al., 2022). Moreover, the interplay between dry-land strength and conditioning and
stroke biomechanics in young swimmers has been studied, highlighting the potential for strength
and conditioning programs to influence stroke biomechanics and, consequently, injury risk
shoulder and medial knee pain in swimmers not only aids in injury prevention and management
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