Fpsyg 10 01817
Fpsyg 10 01817
Fpsyg 10 01817
A Book Review on
Stephen Maisto, Mark Galizio, Gerard J. Connors (Boston, MA: Cengage Learning), 2017, 512
pages, ISBN: 978-1337408974
ADHD negatively impacts focus in school, which was tested on This drug was perhaps the most well-known for being created by
over two hundred college students (Jones et al., 2015). No matter local chemists instead of imported through other countries.
the education level, ADHD seems to take a toll on this important The pharmacology book authored by Stephen Maisto, Mark
area of functioning. Galizio, and Gerard Connors dives into the controversy that
The effectiveness of methylphenidate is demonstrated in methylphenidate is addictive (Maisto et al., 2017). They claim
a research study by the American Journal of Health System that long-term use of methylphenidate leads to a high possibility
Pharmacy (Sugrue et al., 2014). They found the medication to be of enjoying participation in raves, which are all-night dance
a very “useful option” for pediatric patients (Sugrue et al., 2014). parties at hidden clubs (Maisto et al., 2017). Events such as these
So it is well known that methylphenidate is a common treatment show that methylphenidate users may seek out certain activities
for ADHD. to try to obtain more of the drug.
But there are physical side effects of methylphenidate, such as There is even a large market for the illegal sale of
loss of appetite and weight (Maisto et al., 2017). Insomnia can methylphenidate (Maisto et al., 2017). The drug is labeled on
also occur when taking methylphenidate (Maisto et al., 2017). the street at “vitamin R” (Maisto et al., 2017). It apparently
This drug is popular for keeping users awake for days on end, makes “users feel energetic and enhances mood,” according to
with little need for food or sleep. the Drug Use & Abuse book (Maisto et al., 2017). Illegal use of
Another treatment for ADHD are the amphetamines, such as methylphenidate is very popular, as over 60 percent of college
Adderall or Vyvanse, which are closely rated to methylphenidate students admit trying the drug (Maisto et al., 2017). So the
(Maisto et al., 2017). Amphetamines are historically used to treat potential for dependence on methylphenidate is extremely high.
the common cold, narcolepsy, obesity, and attention disorders If one wishes to understand the psychopharmacology behind
(Maisto et al., 2017). The drug was known to cause a rush stimulant and depressant drugs, then Maisto’s book will satisfy
of euphoria, along with the desire to avoid sleeping or eating that desire.
(Maisto et al., 2017). Later, when the 1960s began, a new era of
amphetamine users were given the nickname of “speed bugs” due AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
to their formication symptoms (Maisto et al., 2017). Formication
conditions describe an individual who feels that tiny bugs are The author confirms being the sole contributor of this work and
crawling under their skin, which induces pain or itching. has approved it for publication.
A drug that is shockingly similar to methylphenidate is
methamphetamine, which was created in the nineteenth century ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(Maisto et al., 2017). This illegal drug was developed toward the
end of the 1970s as a substitute for cocaine or opiates (Maisto Frontiers Journals deserves the highest praise for taking the
et al., 2017). From 2004 to 2012, methamphetamine laboratories time to publish this paper. I deeply appreciate all of their
formed in the Midwest of the United States in mass numbers effort. I also wish to thank Washington State University, who
(Maisto et al., 2017). In 2004, California alone conjured over two continues to provide me with a challenging and meaningful
thousand methamphetamine laboratories (Maisto et al., 2017). college education.