1 s2.0 S1751616122002624 Main
1 s2.0 S1751616122002624 Main
1 s2.0 S1751616122002624 Main
Keywords: The purpose of this work is the synthesis and the characterization of sol-gel derived 45S5 bioactive glass coatings
45S5 bioactive Glass deposited onto Ti6Al4V alloy substrates. This coating aims the improvement of the biocompatibility of metallic
Sol-gel implants for use in dentistry and orthopedy.
Electrophoretic deposition
The 45S5 bioactive glass powder was synthetized by the sol-gel process and the coatings were produced by the
Scratch test
electrophoretic deposition technique (EPD). A grinding protocol was developed to reduce the particle size dis
Corrosion resistance tribution of the sol-gel powder in order to obtain a stable suspension needed for the electrophoretic deposition.
The particle size distribution of the sol-gel powder was determined using Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS).
Different characterization techniques including X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
associated to X-ray microanalysis (EDXS), were used to investigate the microstructure and the morphology of the
coatings before and after an optimized thermal treatment. Homogeneous 45S5 bioactive glass coatings were
obtained with no observable defects. However these coatings are functional if they present good mechanical
properties. Thus, a mechanical study using nano-indentation and micro-scratch testing was carried out. The
obtained results showed that well adherent and cohesive coatings were obtained. The Young’s modulus and the
hardness are improved with the thermal treatment. Indeed, they increased from 11 ± 0.54 GPa and 100 ± 4.34
MPa respectively to 28 ± 1.34 GPa and 300 ± 14.21 MPa. The corrosion resistance of the coatings was also
studied. The electrochemical were carried using a Potentiostat-Galvanostat PGZ301 in 3.5% NaCl solution at
37 ◦ C. It was observed that the 45S5 sol–gel derived bioactive glass coatings allowed the enhancement of
corrosion resistance of the implant.
1. Introduction known by their ability to form a strong bond with the bone by forming a
carbonated hydroxyapatite layer which is the inorganic component of
Metals of orthopedic implants are susceptible to endure the me the natural bone. This layer formation arouse both the cellular response
chanical stresses while and post-implantation for long term support and of the surrounding tissues and the surface mechanical properties of the
stability in vivo. Among these metals, titanium and its alloys are implant which is of great importance for high load bearing conditions
commonly used due to their interesting mechanical properties. How (Ducheyne and Qiu, 1999) (Łączka et al., 2016). Bioactive glasses have
ever, a main concern is about the corrosion resistance in physiological proved their clinical success in bone repairing applications (Liu and
fluids and their lack of bioactivity, i. e, they are not able to bond to living Miao, 2004) and have been used in many medical applications since
tissue without cementation or external fixation devices (García et al., their discovering by Hench (Buddy D. Ratner, Allan S. Hoffman, Fred
2004). Moreover, metallic artificial implants are bioinert which could erick J. Schoen, 1996) (Hench and Wilson, 1993). They show the best
lead to encapsulation by the formation of fibrous tissues resulting in a bioactive behavior since they can bond to hard and soft tissues in just a
weak bond formation with the bone and failure of the implant. Thus, it is few hours (Schrooten and Helsen, 2000). The bioactive glasses are al
necessary to coat these metallic implants with bioactive materials ways very attractive materials (Bajda et al., 2021). They present the
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Khlifi).
Received 26 April 2022; Received in revised form 23 June 2022; Accepted 28 June 2022
Available online 1 July 2022
1751-6161/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
I. Azzouz et al. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 134 (2022) 105352
advantage to have a controlled genetic response (Xynos et al., 2000) Na2O, 6 wt% P2O5) was prepared by mixing at ambient temperature 25
since they have higher bioactivity and increased absorption rates (Lin ml of a 5 mM citric acid solution (C6H8O7, 5 mM), 11.6 ml of tetraethyl
et al., 2018). The sol–gel synthesis has been widely used as an appro orthosilicate [(TEOS): (Si (OC2H5)4)] and 1 ml of triethyl phosphate
priate method to obtain bioactive glasses with different morphologies, [(TEP): (PO(C2H5)3)]. The hydrolysis step consists of mixing all the so
such as powders, coatings, fibers or 3D porous scaffolds both micro and lutions by magnetic stirring at 500 rpm until having a clear sol. The
nanosized (Zheng and Boccaccini, 2017) (Baino et al., 2016). Bioactive sodium nitrate (NaNO3) and the calcium nitrate tetrahydrate
glasses synthetized by sol gel method present good characteristics of (CaH8N2O10) powders were poured into the mixed solution with
osteoconduction and osteoinduction (Łączka et al., 2016). Sol-gel pro increasing the magnetic stirring until 600 rpm until their complete
cessing of bioactive glasses, allows the enhancement of bioactive and dissolution. After 1 h of stirring, a clear sol was obtained. In the second
biological performance, due to the presence of specific surface areas step, the sol starts to transform into gel through polycondensation re
(Justyna et al., 2018). They are very interesting materials for tissue actions. Finally, the gel was aged at 60 ◦ C for 12 h and heat treated at
regeneration and tissue engineering. Moreover, the sol gel technique 200 ◦ C for 5h followed by two additional hours at 700 ◦ C to obtain a
offers the advantage of obtaining a well-controlled composition and a dried heap.
high specific surface area and porosity of the produced powder, inducing
their high bioactivity level (Brekke and Toth, 1998) (Fathi and Doost 2.2. Grinding protocol
Mohammadi, 2008). Therefore, the bioactivity of sol-gel derived
bioactive glasses is greater than that of melt-quenched ones (Gallardo The electrophoretic deposition technique (EPD) requires a stable
et al., 2001). On the other hand, the bioactive glasses powders can be suspension for the coating elaboration. This condition is satisfied when
used to obtain implants consisting of bioactive coating on titanium alloy. the particle size distribution is less than 1 μm. Therefore, a grinding
To obtain these implants, different techniques can be used for applying protocol has been developed and consists in three steps (Fig. 1).
the bioactive glass coating onto the titanium substrates, plasma spraying First the dried heap was hand grinded in an agate mortar to obtain
(López et al. n.d.), flame spraying (Henao et al., 2019), magnetron particles with coarse sizes. The second step consists of using a Retch PM
sputtering (Mardare et al., 2003). However, the electrophoretic depo 100 planetary ball mill (VERDER, Epagny-sur-Oise, France) for dry
sition (EPD) presents the advantage to produce films on substrates of milling the powder using a 4 mm agate balls during 2 h with a rotation
different forms and shapes and allows to control the particles mobility in speed (V) of 500 rpm and a ball to powder mass ratio (BPR) of 1. For the
suspension through the applied electric field. Thus EPD offers the pos final step a wet milling in isopropanol (2-propanol, 99.5%, Alfa Aesar,
sibility to produce homogeneous and densely packed films (Farnoush Haverhill, MA, USA) was carried out during 2 h with a rotation speed of
et al., 2015) (Khalili et al., 2016) (Corni et al., 2008) (Besra and Liu, 600 rpm and a BPR of 30 to obtain a fine powder.
2007). To the authors’ knowledge, no studies have been published about
the nanomechanical, scratch and corrosion behavior of sol-gel derived 2.3. Measurement of the particle size distribution
45S5 bioactive glass coating on Ti6Al4V synthesized by electrophoretic
deposition. In this study, 45S5 nanopowder was elaborated by the The measurement of the sol-gel derived 45S5 bioactive glass powder
sol-gel route associated to an optimized grinding protocol. This powder particle size distribution obtained after the dry milling (step 2) and the
was used to elaborate 45S5 bioactive glass coatings on the Ti6Al4V wet milling (step 3) was performed with a Nano Series-Malvern (10 mW,
substrate by EPD. The obtained coatings were characterized, respec 632.8 nm, Red Laser, Ltd., Worcestershire, UK) instrument using dy
tively, by SEM-EDXS and X-ray diffraction (XRD) for morphological, namic light scattering (DLS). This fast technique allows to measure the
chemical, and structural analysis. The electrochemical corrosion size distribution of particles in suspension by using the scattering of light
behavior of the 45S5 sol–gel/Ti6Al4V implant was investigated by by diffusing particles. It is mostly used to analyze nanoparticles, emul
potentiodynamic polarization tests in a physiological normal saline sions, and proteins. It offers the possibility to work with a wide range of
medium at a temperature of 37 ◦ C. The mechanical properties of the temperatures and concentrations from a small amount of powder (Ste
45S5 sol–gel coatings were performed by scratch tests and tefeld et al., 2016). The particles size is obtained by measuring the
nanoindentation. fluctuations in the intensity of the light scattered from a suspension or a
solution. These fluctuations, due to the Brownian motion of particles in
2. Materials and methods suspension, are strong in the case of small particles, due to a high
diffusion coefficient, and weak in the case of coarse particles. Indeed the
2.1. Sol-gel synthesis of the 45S5 bioactive glass diffusion coefficient is related to the particle radius R by the
Stokes-Einstein equation:
The sol–gel process developed in our laboratory to produce bioactive
D = kT/6πηR
glasses was used for the synthesis of the 45S5 bioactive glass (J J. Faure
et al., 2015). It consists of three steps: the hydrolysis, the condensation where k is the Boltzmann’s constant, T the temperature and η the vis
and the gel drying. The citric acid is used to catalyze the hydrolysis cosity (in this study; η isopropanol = 2.37 × 10− 3 Pa s) (Tomar et al., 2016).
reactions and the sol-gel reactions were performed within a thermo
stated reactor to control the reaction temperature. Colloidal solution
with the 45S5 composition (45 wt% SiO2, 24.5 wt% CaO, 24.5 wt%
I. Azzouz et al. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 134 (2022) 105352
Fig. 2. Electrophoretic deposition process. The adhesion between the coating and the substrate is an essential
parameter for a good performance of the implant. It was evaluated using
2.4. Electrophoretic deposition the micro-scratch-test method (Fig. 3). A micro-scratch-tester (CSM In
struments, Peuseux, Switzerland) equipped with a Rockwell HRC
The EPD experiments were carried out using a 5 wt% suspension of indenter with a tip of 120◦ cone angle and 200 μm radius was used. The
the sol-gel 45S5 bioactive glass fine powder obtained after the step 3 of loading speed was 10 mm min− 1 and the track length was 3 mm. The
the grinding protocol. The particles are positively charged in contact normal load of the indenter applied onto the coating surface increased
with isopropanol; therefore, cathodic deposition was performed. A two- continuously from 0 to 10N with a loading rate of 32.3 N min− 1. For
electrode cell was used (Fig. 2) and the electrodes were made of each, micro-scratch-test experiment five measurements were performed
Ti–6Al–4V alloy (CRITT-MDTS) as discs (12 mm in diameter and 4 mm and two samples per test were used.
in thickness). The substrate at the cathode was treated by alumina
projection to increase its roughness and thus to improve the adhesion of 2.8. Nanoindentation
the coating. This treatment is followed by dipping in 40% HF for 10 s (to
eliminate alumina residues) and ultrasonic cleaning in acetone (Acetone Nanomechanical behavior was studied using the nano-indentation
technical, Acros Organics, Geel, Belgium), then in distilled water. technique developed by CSM Switzerland Instruments (Anton Paar,
The EPD process was carried out at ambient temperature using a Buchs, Switzerland). Tests were conducted using a nano-indenter
controlled power supply PS 304 Minipac II (APELEX). The two metallic equipped with a diamond Berkovich tip under a maximum applied
electrodes were immerged vertically into the EPD cell at a distance of 8 load of 100 mN. The nanoindentation test consists in indenting a spec
mm. A direct voltage of 30 V and a time of 90s were used and the as- imen with a very small load using a high precision instrument that re
deposited coatings (called C90) were air dried at room temperature cords continuously the applied load and the indenter displacement. Two
for 24 h before the thermal treatment in air at 450 ◦ C for 1 h according to samples per test were used. The output obtained from a nanoindentation
our previous work (Azzouz et al., 2020). test is a graph relating the applied load and the corresponding indenter
displacement during the loading and unloading phases. Nano
2.5. Scanning electron microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray indentation process and typical loading-unloading (P–h) curve (load-
spectroscopy (SEM-EDXS) penetration depth curve) are shown in Fig. 4. Load–displacement curves
were obtained by nanoindentation device based on Oliver and Pharr
The surface morphology and the chemical composition of the elab method (Oliver and Pharr, 1992). During the nano-indentation test, the
orated coatings were determined using a field effect scanning electron penetration depth increased as a function of the applied load. Nano
microscope (JEOL JSM-5400LV, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan), operating at indentation was carried out with a maximum load of 50 mN and a
0–30 kV associated to an Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDXS). loading rate of 100 mN/min. From the load–penetration curves, elastic
I. Azzouz et al. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 134 (2022) 105352
Fig. 4. Nanoindentation process, typical loading-displacement curve and Oliver and Pharr model.
I. Azzouz et al. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 134 (2022) 105352
Fig. 7. Particle size distribution of the sol-gel derived 45S5 bioactive glass after A) step 2, B) step 3 of the grinding process.
Fig. 8. Time evolution of the suspension stability of the sol-gel derived powder.
I. Azzouz et al. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 134 (2022) 105352
Fig. 9. SEM micrographs and EDS analysis of sol-gel derived coatings before (a, b, c) and after (d, e, f) thermal treatment.
obtained with the optimal 45S5 sol-gel powder in isopropanol. One may
observe that the suspension presents an excellent stability over 1 h
which is preserved up to 7 h. This suspension was then suitable for the
coating deposition by EPD.
The surface morphology of the coating obtained after EPD at 30V
during 90s is presented on Fig. 9. Before thermal treatment (Fig. 9 a, b) a
homogeneous coating with a cracks network is visible. The cracks for
mation is mainly due to the evaporation of the isopropanol trapped
within the coating during air drying (Azzouz et al., 2020) (Lucas-Girot
et al., 2011). The high magnification micrograph of this surface reveals
that the coating is highly dense and formed by the agglomeration of
sub-micrometric particles. The corresponding EDX spectrum (Fig. 9 c)
shows all elements of the sol-gel 45S5 bioactive glass with elemental
atomic percentages close to that of the initial powder. After thermal
treatment (Fig. 9 d, e, f), the homogeneity and the chemical composition
of the coating were conserved despite a slight increase of the cracks
network. This crack network is due to the mechanism of the layer
growth. Indeed, from a certain thickness, cracks formation starts around
domes formed by powder agglomeration evaporation of the solvent
helps to expand these cracks. One can also note the improvement of the
compactness and density of the coating which is a main factor for the
mechanical performance.
Table 2
Mechanical properties of the coatings before and after heat treatment.
Coating H (MPa) E (GPa) hmax (μm) hr (μm) We/Wt (%) Wp/Wt (%)
I. Azzouz et al. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 134 (2022) 105352
Fig. 11. Scratch test study of the as-deposited coating for a maximum load of 5N.
Hardness H and Young’s modulus E as shown in Fig. 4. deformation and predicts a good wear resistance. It can be concluded
Table 2 presents the calculated parameters obtained from the load that the heat treatment of the 45S5 sol gel bioactive glass coating in
displacement curves based on the Oliver-Pharr approach (Oliver and duces an important rise of its mechanical properties as well as the
Pharr, 1992): resistance to elastic and plastic deformation. This can be explained by
A residual penetration depth hr was obtained after the complete the high density and homogeneity of the coating obtained after heat
removal of the indenter. The maximum depth of penetration hmax moved treatment.
from 4.67 μm for the as-deposited C90 coating to 3.15 μm for the heat
treated one which indicates an improvement of the coating’s hardness.
Indeed, the hardness increased from H = 100 ± 4.34 MPa for the as- 3.4. Scratch analysis
deposited coating to H = 300 ± 14.21 MPa for the heat treated one
and the Young’s modulus from E = 11 ± 0.54 GPa to E = 28 ± 1.34 GPa Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were carried out. The
for the treated one which is beneficial for reducing the mismatch be graphs representing the variation in the friction force and penetration
tween the implant and the supporting bone ((Takemoto et al., 2005) depth as a function of the normal load, were superposed to the corre
(Kasten et al., 2005)). This strong increasing of H and E can be explained sponding optical microscope images of the scratch tracks of the 45S5 sol-
by the improvement of the coating compactness and the reduction of its gel derived bioactive glass coatings obtained before and after heat
porosity due to the adopted heat treatment protocol. Such results were treatment. Thus the critical loads values were deduced.
obtained by R. Moriche et al. (R. Moriche et al., 2021). Indeed these Figs. 11 and 12 present the results of the scratch test performed on
authors found an elastic module of about 25 GPa for 45S5 commercial the as deposited and heat-treated coating for a maximum load of 5 N. In
bioactive glasses deposited on titanium substrates. both cases, the friction force and the penetration depth increase linearly
The obtained values of H/E and H3/E2 are represented on the his with the normal load. No total removal of the coating was observed
togram of Fig. 10 and the ratios We/Wtot and Wp/Wtot are given in which indicated the compactness and the good adhesion of the coating
Table 2. These results confirm the plastic behavior of the 45S5 sol-gel to the substrate. The maximum load of 5 N was not sufficient for a total
bioactive glass coating both before and after the heat treatment. removal of the film but it was adequate to reveal the phenomenon
Furthermore, all these results showed that the heat treatment occurring at the transition loads LC1 and LC2. Their corresponding values
enhanced the mechanical properties (H and E) as well as the H/E and extracted from the curves of Figs. 11 and 12 are given in Table 3. On may
H3/E2 ratios, which reveals a good resistance to elastic/plastic clearly observe that the first critical load LC1 increases from 1.5 ± 0.06 N
for the as-deposited coating to 2.1 ± 0.12 N for the heat treated one. The
I. Azzouz et al. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 134 (2022) 105352
Fig. 12. Scratch test study of the heat-treated coating for a maximum load of 5N.
the 45S5 sol-gel coating is shown in the schematic diagram of Fig. 14.
Table 3
Three failure mechanisms can be proposed:
Critical loads obtained by scratch test of the 45S5 coating before and after heat
treatment for a maximum load of 5N.
- Cohesive failure, at the LC1 critical load, corresponding to the
Critical forces (N) LC1 L C2 L C3 appearance of the first cracks.
As deposited 1.5 ± 0.06 2.7 ± 1.33 – - Adhesive failure, at the LC2 critical load, which corresponds to the
Treated sample 2.1 ± 0.12 3.9 ± 1.94 – presence of cavities inducing a local delamination of the coating.
- Adhesive failure at the LC3 critical load, corresponding to the total
removal of the coating (over than 50%).
first delamination corresponding to LC2 increased from 2.7 ± 1.33 N
before heat treatment to 3.9 ± 1.94 N after thermal treatment indicating
an improvement of the coating compactness. These critical load values 3.5. Corrosion behavior
are of the same order of magnitude as in our previous work on 45S5
commercial bioactive glass coatings which confirms the positive effect The electrochemical corrosion tests were carried out in a 3.5 wt %
of the heat treatment on scratch resistance. NaCl solution. The typical potentiodynamic polarization curves ob
On the other hand, to determine the required force to totally remove tained in this saline solution for the bare titanium alloy and for the 45S5
the film, the normal load was increased to 10 N. Fig. 13 present the sol-gel bioactive glass coated titanium alloy before and after heat
obtained results. The friction force and the penetration depth increase treatment are shown in Fig. 15. These curves were selected for presen
linearly by increasing the normal load. Before heat treatment (A), a total tation because the extracted values of the corrosion current densities
removal of the coating was observed at LC3 = 6 ± 0.33 N. After heat and of the corrosion potentials were the nearest to the mean values of
treatment (B), no total removal of the coating was observed. These re the tested specimens.
sults clearly indicate the good cohesive and adhesive properties of the The corrosion potential Ecorr and the corrosion current density Icorr
coating obtained after heat treatment. are determined from the potentiodynamic polarization curves by the
Based on the scratch results (Fig. 13), a possible wear mechanism of Tafel extrapolation method (Shi et al., 2010). These results associated to
the cathodic and anodic Tafel slopes (βc, βa) and to the polarization
I. Azzouz et al. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 134 (2022) 105352
Fig. 13. Scratch tracks of the A) as deposited and B) heat treated coating for a maximum load of 10N.
4. Conclusion
I. Azzouz et al. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 134 (2022) 105352
Table 4
Mean values of corrosion current densities and corrosion potentials in normal saline solution at 37 ◦ C.
Material Ecorr (mV) Icorr (μA/cm2) βa βc Rp (Ω/cm2) Corrosion rate (MPA)
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