Math 162AB
Author: Zhiqin Lu
Institute: University of California, Irvine
Date: September 15, 2020
Version: 2.0
Bio: Zhiqin Lu is a professor at UCI
0 Preliminaries 1
0.1 Vector Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
0.2 Inner Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
0.3 Linear Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
0.4 Lines, planes, and spheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
0.5 Vector Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
0.6 Einstein Convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2 Frame Fields 31
2.1 Dot Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2 Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.3 The Frenet Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.4 Arbitrary-Speed Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.5 Covariant Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.6 Frame Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.7 Connection forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4 Calculus on Surface 18
Chapter 4 Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.6 Integration of Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.7 Topological properties of surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.8 Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5 Shape Operators 26
5.1 The shape operator of M ⊂ R3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.2 Normal Curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.3 Gauss Curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.4 Computational Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.5 The implicit Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.6 Surface of revolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6 Geometry of Surfaces in R3 36
6.1 The fundamental equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6.2 Isometries and local isometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.3 Intrinsic geometry of surfaces in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.4 Orthogonal Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6.5 Integration and Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6.6 Total Curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6.7 Congruence of surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Chapter 0 Preliminaries
h Vector space h Lines, planes, and spheres
h Inner product on vector space h Einstein Convention
h Linear transformation h Vector Calculus
As is well-known, the set V satisfying the first three axioms form an Abel semi-group.
The existence of the inverse of a vector u can be verified by using the scalar multiplication.
Let u be a vector, we claim that (−1) · u is the inverse of u because
u + (−1) · u = (1 + (−1)) · u = 0.
u − v = u + (−1) · v.
Note We sometimes omit the · and write, for example, ru for r · u.
External Link. Here is the video explanation of vector space (linear indepedence).
External Link. Here is the Math 162A pre-requisite videos.
In linear algebra, we restrict ourselves to finite dimensional vector space. But, a lot of
results in finite dimensional case can be extended to infinite dimensional case as well as abstract
vector space cases.
0.1 Vector Spaces
Example 0.2 The set of all m × n matrices for an (mn)-dimensional vector space.
Example 0.3 The space of polynomials of degree no more than n, where n is a nonnegative
integer, is a vector space.
A single-variable polynomial of degree no more than n can be expressed as
p(t) = a0 + a1 t + · · · + an tn .
q(t) = b0 + b1 t + · · · + bn tn
With respect to the addition and scalar multiplication, the space is a vector space.
In the above two examples, the dimensions of the vector spaces are finite. Let’s show some
examples of infinite dimensional vector spaces.
Note The set of all polynomials of degree equal to n is not a vector space.
Example 0.4 Moreover, the space of all real-valued functions on a set is a (infinite dimensional)
vector space.
Let’s recall the definition of a function.
Definition 0.2
A function f : X → Y is a triple (f, X, Y ), where X, Y are sets, and f is an assignment,
or a rule, that for any element x in X, there is a unique y = f (x) in Y attached to it.
X is called the domain of f , and Y is called the codomain of f . The range is the subset
of the codomain Y consists of all f (x) when X is running through X. The assignment
sometimes is written as x 7→ f (x). Thus a complete description of a function can be given
f : X → Y, x 7→ f (x).
0.2 Inner Product
Remark The vector space we study in differential geometry are the “abstract” vector space,
which is on the contrary to the vector spaces we studied in Math 3A.
The following concepts are defined in abstract vector spaces similar to those in Rn .
1. linear combination, span;
2. linear dependence and independence;
3. basis and dimension.
Remark In infinite dimensional space, a basis is defined by a set of vectors
I = {v1 , v2 , · · · , vn , · · · }
The addition and scalar multiplication define the algebraic structure of a vector space. In
order to introduce geometry to linear algebra, we can endow geometric structure onto it by
defining the concept called inner product.
Definition 0.3
An inner product on a vector space V is a function h , i
V ×V →R
Once we introduce the inner product, we introduce geometry into vector space. For example
0.2 Inner Product
Definition 0.4
(Length of a vector) We can define the length, or the norm, of a vector to be
kuk = hu, ui.
Note in the definition of distance, we used both the geometric structure (inner product) and
algebraic structrue (subtraction is defined by u − v = u + (−1) · v).
Example 0.5 In R3 (and in Rn ), the ordinary dot product
h(a1 , a2 , a3 ), (b1 , b2 , b3 )i = a1 b1 + a2 b2 + a3 b3
is an inner product.
However, there are many other ways one can define inner product on R3 . For example, we
can define
h(a1 , a2 , a3 ), (b1 , b2 , b3 )i = 2a1 b1 + 3a2 b2 + 4a3 b3 .
Theorem 0.1
Let u, v be two vectors. Then we have
0.3 Linear Transformation
Proof. This is the standard proof. Let t be a real number. Then by the positivity of
the inner product, we have
hu + tv, u + tvi ≥ 0.
Since the above inequality is true for any real number t, the discriminant
Definition 0.5
Two vectors u, v are called orthogonal, if hu, vi = 0.
Example 0.7 In R3 , the vector (1, 2, 3) is orthogonal to (4, −5, 2) with respect to the dot product,
(1, 2, 3) · (4, −5, 2) = 1 · 4 + 2 · (−5) + 3 · 2 = 0.
0.3 Linear Transformation
Definition 0.6
Given two vector spaces, V and W , a linear transformation T from V to W is a mapping
T :V →W
such that
T (αu + βv) = αT (u) + βT (v)
Definition 0.7
Let T : V → V be an endomorphism. Assume that there is a v ∈ V and v 6= 0 such that
T (v) = λv
B = {v1 , · · · , vn }
be a basis of V . We use the notation [x]B to represent the coordinates of x ∈ V , that is, when
we write x in terms of the linear combination of the basis,
x = c1 v1 + · · · + cn vn ,
we have
[x]B = .
. .
0.3 Linear Transformation
T :V →V
B = {v1 , · · · , vn }, C = {w1 , · · · , wn }
be two bases. Let M1 , M2 be the matrix representatives with respect to the two bases respectively.
We thus have
[T (x)]B = M1 · [x]B ;
[T (x)]C = M2 · [x]C .
[x]B = A · [x]C .
[T (x)]B = A · [T (x)]C .
As a result,
Thus we have
AM2 = M1 A,
M2 = A−1 M1 A.
for i = 1, · · · , n, then we have det(A) = det(aij ) > 0. They give the opposite orientation if
det(aij ) < 0.
Example 0.9 The left hand and the right hand define two opposite orientations of R3 .
Example 0.10 Let
B = {(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)}
C = {(1, 1, 0), (1, 0, −1), (2, 1, 3)}
0.4 Lines, planes, and spheres
Definition 0.8
Let {e1 , e2 , e3 } be the standard basis of R3 . If
X 3
u= ai ei , v= bj ej
i=1 j=1
or we can write
e1 e2 e3
u × v = det
a 1 a2 a 3
b1 b2 b3
Lemma 0.1
Let u, v, w ∈ R3 and r ∈ R. Then
u × v = −v × u
(ru) × v = r(u × v)
u × v = 0 if and only if u and v are linearly dependent
(u + v) × w = u × w + v × w
u × v is perpendicular to both u and v under the usual dot product
ku × vk = kuk · kvk sin θ, where θ is the angle between u and v.
{u, v, u × v} gives a right hand orientation to R3 if {u, v} is linearly independent
As a result, we have the relationship between the inner product and outer product (cross
|hu, vi|2 + ku × vk2 = kuk2 · kvk2 ,
Definition 0.9
The mixed (or triple) product of u, v, w is
[u, v, w] = hu × v, wi.
A geometric interpretation of the norm of the cross product is that it is the area of the
parallelogram spanned by u, v. A geometric interpretation of the mixed scalar product is that it
is the volume of the parallelepiped spanned by u, v, w.
0.4 Lines, planes, and spheres
In this section, we use vector notations to express some basic objects in analytic geometry.
Definition 0.10
The line through x0 ∈ R3 and parallel to a vector v 6= 0 has the equation
α(t) = x0 + tv.
Definition 0.11
The plane through x0 perpendicular to n 6= 0 has the equation
hx − x0 , ni = 0.
Lemma 0.2
Let {u, v} be two linearly independent vectors. Then the place through x0 and parallel
to the subspace spanned by {u, v} has the equation
[u, v, x − x0 ] = hx − x0 , u × vi = 0.
Definition 0.12
The sphere in R3 with center m and radius r > 0 has equation
hx − m, x − mi = kx − mk2 = r2 . (1)
Remark Let
x1 m1
x2 ,
x= m=
m2 .
x3 m3
hx0 − m, x0 − mi = r2 .
0.5 Vector Calculus
hK(x) − m, K(x) − mi = r2 .
We get
1 + 2hx − x0 , x0 − mi = 0.
The equality is valid if and only if these four vectors are concyclic.
External Link. The Ptolemy Inequality is closely related to the Ptolemy Theorem. For details
of the Ptolemy and his theorem, see Wikepedia of Ptolemy Theorem
F :V →W
Definition 0.13
We fix a basis of V and using that basis, we identify V to Rn . Similarly, and we fix a basis
of W and identify it to Rm . Then we can identify F : V → W by F : Rn → Rm . So F is
differentiable if and only if F is a differentiable as a mapping of Rn → Rm .
External Link. Here is a video clip for the details of the above definition.
0.5 Vector Calculus
f = .
in similar ways.
If f : R → V be an abstract vector-valued function, we can identity V with Rn under a
fixed basis, and define the derivative, integral, etc, similarly.
Lemma 0.3
Let f : R → V, g : R → V and let h , i be an inner product on V . Then if f and g are
differentiable, so is hf, gi, which is a function of one variable. Moreover, we have
d df dg
hf, gi = h , gi + hf, i.
dt dt dt
Similarly, we have
Lemma 0.4
Using the notations as in the above lemma, we have
d df dg
(f × g) = ×g+f × .
dt dt dt
Both of the above two lemmas can be proved directly. Moreover, we can generalize the
above results into the following.
Let V, W, S be vector spaces (probably of infinite dimensional) and let
K :V ×W →S
is differentiable, and
dh df dg
= K( , g(t)) + K(f (t), ).
dt dt dt
Definition 0.14
Let f : R → R be a continuous function. We say f is of class C k , if all derivatives up
through order k exist and are continuous.
f : Rn → R is of class C k if all its (mixed) partial derivatives of up through order k exist
0.6 Einstein Convention
and are continuous. A vector-valued function is of class C k if all of its components with
respect to a given basis are of class C k .
If f is of class C k for any k, we say f is of C ∞ , or we say f is smooth.
We assume most of the functions we shall study in this course are smooth, or at least of C 3 .
Finally, we review the chain rule. Let x be a function of (u1 , · · · , un ), and if each ui are
functions of (v1 , · · · , vm ), say,
ui = ui (v1 , · · · , vm ).
The Einstein Convention gives another way to express and generalize linear algebra.
Note Let’s discuss the representation of a matrix. In linear algebra, there are three ways to
represent a matrix
a11 · · · a1n
. ..
A = [a1 , · · · , an ] = ..
am1 · · · amn
0.6 Einstein Convention
where a1 , · · · , an are column vectors. The easiest way to represent a matrix is to a capital letter,
say A. But this would contain the least amount of information about the matrix. On the other
extreme, if we represent a matrix by providing all the details, it would be too clumsy to write
Here we give the fourth method of representing a matrix, by writing it as (aij ), which takes
care of both simplicity and information.
Example 0.15 Prove the associativity of matrix multiplication.
Proof. Let A = (aij ), B = (bij ) be matrices. Let D = (dij ) be the matrix D = AB.
In terms of the Einstein Convention, D = AB is equivalent to
Here the index k is called a dummy index in the sense that we can replace it with other
indices without changing the equations:
The reason we use t as the dummy index in (2.1) is because k has been used in (3) so
we need to use a different one, keeping indices repeated at most twice.
Similarly, we have
gij = ait btk ckj .
Example 0.16 Using the Einstein Convention to prove the following version of the Cauchy
inequality. Let x = (x1 , · · · , xn ) and y = (y1 , · · · , yn ). Then
0.6 Einstein Convention
(x, y) 7→ (x2 y3 − x2 y2 , x3 y1 − x1 y3 , x1 y2 − x2 y1 ) = x × y
which is the cross product. If n 6= 3, then the vector (xi yj − xj yi ) for i < j is of dimension
n(n − 1)/2 6= 3. This explains why we can only define the cross product in 3 dimensional vector
space. A more general algebraic product, called wedge product, will be used in any dimensional
vector spaces to catch in the excess of the Cauchy inequality.
External Link. As fun reading, you can find the Shoelace Formula in the Wikipedia, which is
related to both the cross product and wedge product.
Chapter 1 Calculus on Euclidean Space
h Calculus on Euclidean space h The wedge product
h Tangent Vectors and tangent space h The differential operator d
h The space of differential forms h The differential of a mapping
Definition 1.1
Euclidean 3-space R3 is the set of all ordered triples of real numbers. Such a triple
p = (p1 , p2 , p3 ) is called a point of R3 .
Definition 1.2
On R3 , there are three natural real-valued functions x, y, z, defined by
Remark We shall also use index notation for these functions, writing
x1 = x, x2 = y, x3 = z.
Definition 1.3
A real-valued function f on R3 is differentiable (or infinitely differentiable, or smooth, or
of class C ∞ ) provided all partial derivatives of f , of all orders, exist and are continuous.
As we know from the previous chapter, the space of smooth functions forms a vector space,
that is, let f, g be two smooth functions of R3 and let λ ∈ R, we have
In addition, we have
(f g)(p) = f (p)g(p).
The space of smooth functions, with respect to the three operations: addition, scalar multiplica-
tion, and the multiplication forms an algebra.
1.2 Tangent Vectors
Definition 1.4
A tangent vector, or a vector vp to R3 consists of two points of R3 : its vector part v and
its point of application p.
Definition 1.5
Let p be a point of R3 . The set Tp (R3 ) consisting of all tangent vectors that have p as
point of application is called the tangent space of R3 at p.
Note Tangent space is a vector space.
Definition 1.6
A tangent vector field, or a vector field V on R3 is a function that assigns to each point p
of R3 a tangent vector V (p) to R3 at p.
Note Vector field is one of the most important concepts in differential geometry. By the above
definition, a vector field is just a vector valued function. This is because R3 is a flat space, and
hence there are global basis under which all tangent spaces can be identified as R3 . In general,
a vector field defines a different type of “functions” comparing to the traditional one.
Remark By definition, a vector field doesn’t have to be smooth. However, in this course, we
always assume it is smooth (or at least of C 3 ) when regarding it as a vector-valued function.
The domain of a vector field doesn’t have to be on the whole R3 : it could be an open set of
R3 , or a curve or a surface in R3 . In the latter to cases, we say that the vector field is along the
curve or surface.
The space of vector fields is obviously a vector space. However, it has finer structure than
that. It is a module over the algebra of smooth functions.
There are two operations on the space of vector fields: addition and scalar multiplication.
Let V, W be two vector fields such that V = vi Ui , W = wi Ui . Let λ ∈ R. Then we can define
V +W = (vi + wi )Ui
λV = (λvi )Ui .
for all p. Of course, such kind of multiplication can be localized to the case when V and f are
only defined on a subset of R3 .
Note The scalar multiplication coincides with the above multiplication by regarding a scalar as
a constant function.
1.3 Directional Derivatives
Note We can also say that the space of vector fields is a module over the ring of smooth
functions. But the algebra of smooth functions carries more structure than the ring structure of
smooth functions: it has the additional scalar multiple structure. Therefore it is better to say the
module over the algebra of smooth functions than that over the ring of smooth functions.
Definition 1.7
Let U1 , U2 and U3 be the vector fields on R3 such that
Remark For fixed point, {U1 , U2 , U3 } provides the standard basis of R3 , usually expressed as
{e1 , e2 , e3 }.
The following result is a generalization of what we have learned in linear algebra.
Lemma 1.1
If V is a vector field of R3 , then there are three uniquely determined real-valued functions
v1 , v2 , v3 on R3 such that
V = v1 U1 + v2 U2 + v3 U3 .
V = vi Ui
by definition.
Definition 1.8
Let f be a differentiable real-valued function on R3 , and let vp ∈ Tp (R3 ) be a tangent
vector to R3 . Then the number
vp [f ] = (f (p + tv))|t=0
1.3 Directional Derivatives
Lemma 1.2
If vp = (v1 , v2 , v3 ) is a tangent vector to R3 , then
X ∂f
vp [f ] = vi (p).
We then
d X ∂f
vp [f ] = (f (p + tv))|t=0 = (p)vi .
dt ∂xi
Example 1.1 Let f (x, y, z) = x2 yz. Let p = (1, 1, 0) and v = (1, 0, −3). Then
∂f ∂f ∂f
= 2xyz, = x2 z, = x2 y.
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂f ∂f ∂f
(p) = 0, (p) = 0, (p) = 1.
∂x ∂y ∂z
vp [f ] = 0 + 0 + 1 · (−3) = −3.
Theorem 1.1
Let f and g be functions on R3 , vp and wp tangent vectors, a and b numbers. Then
(avp + bwp )[f ] = avp [f ] + bwp [f ];
vp (af + bg) = avp [f ] + bvp [g];
vp [f g] = vp [f ] · g(p) + f (p) · vp [g].
Proof. Only the 3rd equation is new, which can be proved using Lemma 1.2: We
∂(f g) ∂g ∂f
vp [f g] = vi (p) = vi f (p) (p) + vi g(p) (p).
∂xi ∂xi ∂xi
By definition, we have
1.4 Curves in R3
1.4 Curves in R3
One of the fundamental questions in curve theory is: how to define a curve? In Euclidean
geometry, only two kinds of curves are studied: straight line and circle. In analytic geometry,
we study parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola. These curves have quite explicit geometric meanings.
For example, an ellipse is the the set of all points in a plane such that the sum of the distances
from two fixed points (foci) is constant. If we want to study more general curves, we should not
expect them have clear geometric meanings.
In differential geometry, we define a curve in R3 by a function
where I is an open interval. In order to use calculus, we usually assume that such a function is
Definition 1.9
A curve in R3 is a differentiable function α : I → R3 from an open interval into R3 .
α(t) = p + tq
If we allow this curve to rise , then we obtain a helix α : R → R3 , given by the formula
1.4 Curves in R3
Definition 1.10
Let α : I → R3 be a curve in R3 with α = (α1 , α2 , α3 ). For each number t ∈ I, the
velocity vector of α at t is the tangent vector
dα1 dα2 dα3
α0 (t) = (t), (t), (t)
dt dt dt α(t)
Definition 1.11
Let α : I → R3 be a curve. If h : J → I is a differentiable function on an open interval
J, then the composition function
β = α(h) : J → R3
Lemma 1.3
If β is the reparametrization of α by h, then
β 0 (s) = · α0 (h(s)).
Proof. This is a straightforward application of the chain rule.
Lemma 1.4
Let α be a curve in R3 and let f be a differentiable function on R3 . Then
d(f (α))
α0 (t)[f ] = (t).
1.4 Curves in R3
Dual Space
Definition 1.12
Given any vector space V , the dual space V ∗ is defined as the set of all linear transforma-
tions ϕ : V → R. The dual space is a vector space by the following definition of addition
and scalar multiplication.
`(x) = c1 x1 + · · · + cn xn ,
f 7→ vp [f ]
Remark In order words, every linear functional can be represented, through a fixed inner product,
as an element of the vector space.
Remark We elaborate the Riesz Representation Theorem in the context of the vector space Rn
with the dot product. Let x ∈ Rn , and let ` be a linear functional. By the above theorem, there
is a vector c such that
`(x) = c · x = c1 x1 + · · · + cn xn .
1.5 1-forms
1.5 1-forms
Definition 1.13
A 1-form φ on R3 is a real-valued function on the set of all tangent vectors to R3 such that
φ is linear at each point, that is,
As before, the space of 1-forms is a module over the algebra of smooth functions. Let ϕ, ψ
be two 1-forms; let v be a vector on R3 ; let λ ∈ R. Then we can define
Note ϕ(v) is a smooth function on R3 . Let f be a smooth function. Let vp be the vector part of
(f ϕ)(vp ) = f (p)ϕ(vp ).
In fact, there is a natural way to extend a 1-from as a function over vector fields. A 1-form
is a linear functional in two ways: first, it is a linear functional over the vector space of vector
fields, that is, if ϕ is a 1-form, for any vector field v, (ϕ(v))(p) = ϕ(vp ) is a smooth function;
second, for any fixed point p, ϕ is a linear functional over Tp (R3 ).
Definition 1.14
If f is a differentiable function on R3 . Then df is a 1-form defined by
df (vp ) = vp [f ].
Example 1.8 1-forms on R3 : by the above definition, we can define 1-froms dx1 , dx2 , dx3 . Let
vp = vi Ui .
Then by definition,
dxi [vp ] = vp [xi ] = vi .
1.5 1-forms
fi (ej ) = δij .
Corollary 1.1
From the definition of df , we observed that we can regard d as an operator, that would send
a function f to a 1-form df . Such an operator is called a differential operator, which plays one
of the center role in differential geometry.
Lemma 1.5
Let f g be the product of differentiable functions f and g on R3 . Then
1.6 Differential Forms
Proof. We have
Lemma 1.6
Let f be a function on R3 and let h : R → R be a function of single variable. Then
d(h(f )) = h0 (f )df.
d(h(f )) = (h(f ))i dxi = h0 (f )fi dxi = h0 (f )df.
df = 2xydx + (x2 + 2yz − 1)dy + (y 2 + 2)dz.
As a result, we have
df [vp ] = 2p1 p2 v1 + (p21 + 2p2 p3 − 1)v2 + (p23 + 2)v3 .
We also have
vp [f ] = 2p1 p2 v1 + (p21 + 2p2 p3 − 1)v2 + (p23 + 2)v3 .
The space of differential 1-forms is a vector space, or more precisely, it is a module over
the algebra of smooth functions. To get more information from tangent spaces where the space
of differential 1-forms are dual spaces of them at each point, we shall define multiplication of
differential 1-forms. Since all differential 1-forms are generated by dx1 , dx2 , dx3 , we just need
to define their multiplications.
What is dxi dxj , or we called the wedge product dxi ∧ dxj of them? We don’t know at this
moment. But we shall assume that
1.6 Differential Forms
for 1 ≤ i, j, ≤ 3. Obviously, this would create a new kind of algebra. For multiplication of real
numbers, we have commutativity, which means, for any two real numbers a, b, we have ab = ba.
On the other hand, for two n × n matrics A, B, in general, we have AB 6= BA. The property
for the multiplication of 1-forms are different from both of the above two. It is called skew
commutativity. The algebra defined by the skew commutativity leads to the so-called exterior
A first observation on the definition of the wedge product reveals that, since dxi ∧ dxi =
−dxi ∧ dxi , we must have dxi ∧ dxi = 0. A quick counting shows that the only non-zero
independent products would be dx1 dx2 , dx1 dx3 and dx2 dx3 .
In general, we can define the whole system of p-forms. we have already encountered 0-
forms, which are smooth functions, and 1-forms. Taking multiplication of dxi with dxj , we
can define the space of two forms to be generated by dx1 dx2 , dx1 dx3 and dx2 dx3 over smooth
functions, that is, all two forms can be expressed by
where f is a function.
In the high dimensional case, we can define the p-forms for p > 3. However, on R3 ,
all higher differential forms would be zero: consider, for example, a 4-form dxi dxj dxk dxl .
Since the space is of 3 dimensional, at least two of the indices must be the same. By skew
commutativity, all 4-forms must be zero.
Example 1.10 Compute the Wedge products
(1). Let
φ = xdx − ydy, ψ = zdx + xdz.
1.6 Differential Forms
Lemma 1.7
Let φ, ψ be 1-forms. Then
φ ∧ ψ = −ψ ∧ φ.
Proof. Let φ = fi dxi , ψ = gi dxi . Then
Remark The space of any p-forms forms a module over smooth functions1. However, given that
a p-form wedge a q-form to be a (p + q)-form, we can take the direct sum of the modules of all
p-forms. Obviously, this would give us a module over functions where the wedge product is well
In what follows we will define arguably the most important concept in differential geometry.
Definition 1.16
If φ = fi dxi is a 1-form on R3 . The exterior derivative, or differential, of φ is the 2-form
dφ = dfi ∧ dxi .
Example 1.11 If
φ = fi dxi = f1 dx1 + f2 dx2 + f3 dx3 ,
then we have
∂f2 ∂f1 ∂f3 ∂f1 ∂f3 ∂f2
dφ = − dx1 dx2 + − dx1 dx3 + − dx2 dx3 .
∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x1 ∂x3 ∂x2 ∂x3
Thus if we identify φ to a vector-valued function E = (f, f2 , f3 ), then dφ can be identified as
curl(E). In this sense, dφ generalize the curl operator.
Theorem 1.4
Let f, g be functions and φ, ψ be 1-forms. Then
1. d(f g) = df g + f dg;
2. d(f φ) = df ∧ φ + f dφ;
3. d(φ ∧ ψ) = dφ ∧ ψ − φ ∧ dψ a .
This is more a definition than a property of the differential operator.
Proof. Property (1) is just the product rule We proved in Lemma 1.5. To prove (2),
we let φ = fi dxi . Then
1.7 Mappings
Property (3) is, straightly speaking, a definition rather than a property, since we have
never defined the differential of 2-forms before. Nevertheless, let’s work on it. First,
We then have
be a 2-form. Then
∂f1 ∂f2 ∂f3
dφ = + + dx1 dx2 dx3 .
∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3
Thus if we identify E = (f1 , f2 , f3 ). Then dφ can be identify to div(E).
Example 1.13 Let f be a function, then
∂f ∂f ∂f
df = dx1 + dx2 + dx3
∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3
can be identified as ∇f .
Example 1.14 If we identify φ = fi dxi to u and ψ = gi dxi to v, then φ ∧ ψ can be identified to
u × v.
Exercise 1.1 Can you use exterior algebra to define the dot product?
1.7 Mappings
1.7 Mappings
such that
F (p) = (f1 (p), f2 (p), · · · , fm (p))
for all points p ∈ Rn . These functions are called the Euclidean coordinate functions of
F , and we can write F = (f1 , · · · , fm ).
The functions F is differentiable provided its coordinate functions are differentiable in the
usual sense. A differentiable function F : Rn → Rm is called a mapping from Rn to Rm .
Definition 1.18
If α : I → Rn is a curve in Rn and F : Rn → Rm is a mapping, then the composition
function β = F (α) : I → Rm is a curve in Rm called the image of α under F .
Note Let B be the set of all curves in Rn and let C be the set of all curves in Rm . Then a
mapping F : Rn → Rm induces a map B → C .
Definition 1.19
Let F : Rn → Rm be a mapping. If va is tangent vector to Rn at p. Let F∗ (v) be the
initial velocity of the curve t 7→ F (p + tv). The resulting function F∗ sends a tangent
vectors to Rn to tangent vectors to Rm , and is called the tangent map of F .
If v = 0, the straight line p + tv is degenerated to a point p. But the definition is still valid.
Proposition 1.1
Let F = (f1 , · · · , fm ) be a mapping from Rn to Rm . If v is a tangent vector to Rn at p,
F∗ (v) = (v[f1 ], · · · , v[fm ])
at F (p).
Proof. We take m = 3 for simplicity. By definition, the curve t 7→ F (p + tv) can
be written as
1.7 Mappings
Corollary 1.2
If F : Rn → Rm is a mapping, then at each point p of Rn , the tangent map F∗p :
Tp (Rn ) → TF (p) (Rm ) is a linear transformation.
Note For any nonlinear function F , we can define a semi-linear function F∗p , where for fixed p,
the function is a linear transformation. But the function F∗ : Rn × Rn → Rm , (p, v) 7→ F∗p (v)
is nonlinear with respect to p.
Note Let f (t) be a function of single variable. Then f∗ : R × R → R, (t, s) 7→ sf 0 (t) is the
tangent map of f . Such a tangent map can be identified to the derivative f 0 (t).
Corollary 1.3
Let F : Rn → Rm be a mapping. If β = F (α) is the image of a curve α in Rn , then
β 0 = F∗ (α0 ).
Corollary 1.4
If F = (f1 , · · · , fm ) is a mapping from Rn to Rm , then
X ∂fi
F∗ (Uj (p)) = (p)Ūi (F (p)),
where {Ūi }, for i = 1, · · · , m are natural frame fields of Rm .
Definition 1.20
The matrix
J= (p)
∂xj 1≤i≤m,1≤j≤n
Definition 1.21
A mapping F : Rn → Rm is regular provided that at every point p of Rn the tangent map
F∗p is one-to-one.
1.7 Mappings
Definition 1.22
Let U , V be two open sets of Rn . We say that U and V are diffeomorphic, if there is
a differentiable map F : U → V which is one-to-one and onto. Moreover, the inverse
mapping: F −1 : U → V is also differentiable. We also say that F is a diffeomorphism
of U to V .
External Link. In the video here, I further elaborate the Chain Rule using the tangent map.
Chapter 2 Frame Fields
h The dot product revisited h The Frenet formulas
We have discussed inner product in Chapter 0. The dot product is a special case of inner
product. So we shall very quick go through it.
Definition 2.1
Let p = (p1 , p2 , p3 ) and q = (q1 , q2 , q3 ) in R3 . The dot product is defined by
p · q = p 1 q1 + p 2 q2 + p 3 q3 .
d(p, q) = kp − qk.
Definition 2.2
A set {e1 , e2 , e3 } of three mutually orthogonal unit vectors tangent to R3 at p is called a
framea at the point p.
it is also called an orthonormal basis.
e1 · e1 = e2 · e2 = e3 · e3 = 1;
e1 · e2 = e1 · e3 = e2 · e3 = 0.
Definition 2.3
Let e1 , e2 , e3 be a frame at a point p of R3 . The 3 × 3 matrix A whose rows are the
Euclidean coordinates of these three vectors is called the attitude matrix of the frame.
Explicitly, if
a11 a12 a13
a 21 a22 a 23
a31 a32 a33
AAT = I,
AT A = A−1 A = I.
Note that this is not a trivial result. Take a 2 × 2 matrix, for example, Let
a b
A= .
c d
Then AAT = I is equivalent to
a2 + b2 = 1, ac + bd = 0, c2 + d2 = 1,
AT A = I
is equivalent to
a2 + c2 = 1, ab + cd = 0, b2 + d2 = 1.
Can you find an elementary proof of the above fact? Hint: we can prove the identity
2.2 Curves
2.2 Curves
Let α(t) = (α1 (t), α2 (t), α3 (t)) be a curve. It is well known that
is the velocity of the curve. The velocity is a vector field. Its norm, kα0 (t)k, is called the speed
of the curve. The speed of a curve is a function along the curve.
In terms of the components, we can write
2 2 2 !1/2
dα 1 dα 2 dα 3
ν = kα0 k = + + .
dt dt dt
The length of the curve, from t = a to t = b, can be expressed by
Z b
kα0 (t)k dt.
Definition 2.4
A curve α : I → R3 is called regular, if the velocity vector field α0 (t) 6= 0 for any t ∈ I.
This is equivalently to say that the speed function ν = kα0 (t)k is not zero at any point
t ∈ I. If kα0 (t)k = 1, then the curve is called a unit speed curve.
Definition 2.5
A reparametrization is a map t : [c, d] → [a, b] such that the function is one-to-one and
onto, and that t0 (s) 6= 0 for any s ∈ [c, d].
Proposition 2.1
Let t(s) be a reparametrization. Then we have the following two cases:
(1) t0 (s) > 0 and t(c) = a, t(d) = b;
(2) t0 (s) < 0 and t(c) = b, t(d) = a.
Proof. Since t0 (s) 6= 0, we must have either t0 (s) > 0 or t0 (s) < 0. In the first case,
t(s) is monotonically increasing. Thus t(c) must be minimal and hence equal to a,
and t(d) must be maximum, hence equal to b. This proves the first case.
Theorem 2.1
The length of a curve is an invariant.
2.2 Curves
curve β, from c to d, is
Z d
kβ 0 (s)kds.
Theorem 2.2
If α is a regular curve, then there is a parametrization β such that β has unit speed.
Proof. Let t = t(s) be a reparametrization and let β(s) = α(t(s)). The requirement
is that
1 = kb0 (s)k = |t0 (s)| · kα0 (t(s))k
for any s. Thus in order to find the unit speed parametrization, we need to solve the
differential equation
t0 (s) =
kα0 (t(s))k
with the initial value t(0) = a. This is a separable equation. We write s0 (t) = ds/dt.
Let s = s(t) be the inverse function of t(s). Then
Z t
s(t) = kα0 (u)kdu
defines the unit speed reparametrization.
Note Note that s(a) = 0, and s(b) is the length of the curve from a to b.
Example 2.1 Consider the helix
The velocity of α is
α0 (t) = (−a sin t, a cos t, b).
The speed of α is
p p
kα0 (t)k = a2 sin2 t + a2 cos t2 + b2 = a2 + b2 .
Therefore α has constant speed c = a2 + b2 .
Let Z t
s(t) = c du = ct.
2.3 The Frenet Formulas
Definition 2.6
Let Y = yi Ui be a vector field along a curve α. Thus each function yi can be expressed
as a function of t via α. The differentiation of Y is simply differentiation on its Euclidean
coordinate functions.
Y 0 (t) = 2tU1 − U3 .
In particular, we can define the acceleration α00 (t) of the curve α(t).
Lemma 2.1
(1) A curve α is constant if and only if its velocity is zero, α0 = 0.
(2) A non-constant curve α is a straight line if and only if its acceleration is zero,
α00 = 0.
(3) A vector field Y on a curve is parallel if and only if its derivative is zero, Y 0 = 0a .
This is the definition of the parallelism rather than a statment.
Let β : I → R3 be a unit-speed curve. Let T = β 0 (s) be the velocity vector field. Then we
have kT k = 1. We consider T 0 = β 00 (s). Since kT k = 1, we have T · T = 1. Taking derivative1
on both sides, we have T 0 · T + T · T 0 = 0. Thus T · T 0 = 0, and T 0 is always orthogonal to T .
Definition 2.7
The curvature κ(s) = kT 0 (s)k = kβ 00 (s)k.
By the above definition, we know that k(s) ≥ 0. In order to introduce the Frenet Formulas,
we further assume that κ > 0.
1This technique will be used repeatedly throughout the rest of the book.
2.3 The Frenet Formulas
Definition 2.8
Assume that κ(s) > 0. Define N = T 0 /κ, and B = T × N . Then (T, N, B) is an
orthonormal basis of the tangent space at point β(s). We call (T, N, B) the Frenet
frame field, or TNB frame field on β. The collection {T, N, B, κ, τ } is called the Frenet
Remark If κ ≡ 0, then the curve is a straight line. On the other hand, if κ is nowhere zero, then
we are able to define the Frenet frame field. It is beyond the scope of this book to discuss curves
with vanishing curvature at isolated points.
By definition, we have kN k = 1. By the similar argument as above, we have N · N 0 = 0.
Definition 2.9
We can define
τ = N 0 · B,
N 0 = aT + bB.
2.3 The Frenet Formulas
By definition, we have
b = N 0 · B = τ.
B 0 = pT + qN + rB.
We have
p = B 0 · T = −B · T 0 = −B · κN = 0,
q = B 0 · N = −B · N 0 = −B · (−κT + τ B) = −τ,
r = B 0 · B = 0.
Example 2.3 We compute the Frenet frame T, N, B and the curvature and torsion functions of
the unit-speed helix
s s bs
β(s) = a cos , a sin , ,
c c c
2.3 The Frenet Formulas
Definition 2.10
A plane curve in R3 is a curve that lies in a single plane of R3 .
Theorem 2.4
Let β be a unit-speed curve in R3 with κ > 0. Then β is a plane curve if and only if τ = 0.
Proof. If a curve β(s) = (β1 (s), β2 (s), β3 (s)) lies in a plane, then there are constants
a, b, c, d such that
aβ1 + bβ2 + cβ3 = d.
Since β 0 ⊥ β 00 , they are linearly independent. Thus we can write β 000 as a linear
combination of β 0 and β 00 .
β 000 = pβ 0 + qβ 00 ,
B = T × N = κ−1 β 0 × β 00 ,
we have
τ = N 0 · B = (κ−1 β 00 )0 · B = 0.
Then f 0 = 0 and since f (0) = 0, we know that f ≡ 0. Thus β(s) is on the plane
x · B − β(0) · B = 0.
In the following, we shall use the Taylor’s formula to study the curve β. We have
1 1
β(s) = β(0) + β 0 (0)s + β 00 (0)s2 + β 000 (0)s3 + o(s3 ).
2 6
Apparently, we have
β 0 (0) = T (0),
β 00 (0) = κ(0)N (0),
β 000 (0) = (κN )0 = κ0 (0)N + κ(0)(−κ(0)T (0) + τ (0)B(0)).
Therefore, we have
β(s) − β(0) = sT (0) + s2 κ(0)N (0)
2 (2.2)
1 3 0
+ s (κ (0)N + κ(0)(−κ(0)T (0) + τ (0)B(0))) + o(s3 ).
2.4 Arbitrary-Speed Curves
From the above formula, we know that the Frenet Apparatus completely determined the curve,
at least for the first three terms in the Taylor’s expansion.
Remark We have emphasized all along the distinction between a tangent vector and a point of
R3 . However, Euclidean space has, as we have seen, the remarkable property that given a point
p, there is a natural one-to-one correspondence between points (v1 , v2 , v3 ) and tangent vectors
(v1 , v2 , v3 )p at p. Thus one can transform points into tangent vectors (and vice versa) by means
of this canonical isomorphism. In the next two sections particularly, it will often be convenient
to switch quietly from one to the other without change of notation. Since corresponding objects
have the same Euclidean coordinates, this switching can have no effect on scalar multiplication,
addition, dot products, differentiation, or any other operation defined in terms of Euclidean
So in (2.2), the left side β(s) − β(0) is a vector on R3 , and the right hand side, which is a
linear combination of T (0), N (0) and B(0), is a vector in the tangent space of β(0). We identify
Tβ(0) R3 with R3 so the equality makes sense.
It is a simple matter to adapt the results of the previous section to the study of a regular
curve α : I → R3 that does not necessarily have unit speed. We merely transfer to α the Frenet
apparatus of a unit-speed reparametrization ᾱ of α. Explicitly, if s is an arc length function for
α, then
α(t) = ᾱ(s(t))
The speed of the curve is defined by ν = kα0 (t)k. We can regard ν as a function of t but
throught t = t(s), it can be regarded as a function of s as well. Since α(t) = ᾱ(s), we have
α0 (t) = ᾱ0 (s) ds
dt . Thus we have
= kα0 (t)k = ν.
2.4 Arbitrary-Speed Curves
Lemma 2.2
Assume that ds/dt > 0a . If α is a regular curve in R3 with κ > 0, then we have
T0 = κνN
N 0 = −κνT +τ νB .
B0 = −τ νN
We shall always assume this for the rest of the lecture notes. Thus we have ν = ds/dt.
Proof. We shall use the Frenet formulas for unit speed curves. Since T (t) =
T̄ (s), N (t) = N̄ (s) and B(t) = B̄(s), we have T 0 (t) = T̄ 0 (s)ν, N 0 (t) = N̄ 0 (s)ν,
and B 0 (t) = B̄(s)ν. The lemma then follows from Theorem 2.3.
Note There is a commonly used notation for the calculus that completely ignores change of
parametrization. For example, the same letter would designate both a curve α and its unit-speed
parametrization ᾱ, and similarly with the Frenet apparatus of these two curves. Differences in
derivatives are handled by writing, say, dT /dt for T 0 (t) and dT /ds for T̄ 0 (s).
Lemma 2.3
If α is a regular curve with speed function ν, then the velocity and acceleration of α are
given by
α0 = νT, α00 = T + κν 2 N.
Proof. The proof is not difficult but the notations are confusing. By the context,
α0 = α0 (t) and α00 = α00 (t). We thus have
α0 = T = T ν,
dν dν
α00 = T + ν T0 = T + κν 2 N.
dt dt
Remark The formula α0 = ν T is to be expected since α0 and T are each tangent to the curve
and T has a unit length, while kα0 k = ν.
2.4 Arbitrary-Speed Curves
The formula for acceleration is more interesting. By definition, α00 is the rate of change of the
and in general both the length and the direction of α0 are changing. The tangential component
dt T of α00 measures the rate of change of the length of α0 (that is, of the speed of α). The normal
component κν 2 N measures the rate of change of the direction of α0 . Newton’s laws of motion
show that these components may be experienced as forces. For example, in a car that is speeding
up or slowing down on a straight road, the only force one feels is due to dt T . If one takes an
unbanked curve at speed ν, the resulting sideways force is due to κν 2 N . Here κ measures how
sharply the road turns; the effect of speed is given by ν 2 , so 60 miles per hour is four times as
unsettling as 30.
Note Assume that we live in a 1-dimensional space defined by the above curve α. We then can
only measure the tangential component of the acceleration α00 . As a 1-dimensional creature, it
is not possible for the creature to understand κ, the curvature of the curve. It would think it lives
in a straight line.
Theorem 2.5
Let α be a regular curve in R3 . Then
T = α0 /kα0 k,
N = B × T, κ = kα0 × α00 k/kα0 k3 ,
B = α0 × α00 /kα0 × α00 k, τ = (α0 × α00 ) · α000 /kα0 × α00 k2 .
Proof. The proof is just a matter of applications of the chain rule and the Frenet
formulas. But it contains several basic techniques in differential geometry.
First, we have T = α0 /kα0 k. Next, using the above Lemma 2.3, we have
Taking the norm of the above equation, we prove the formula for κ is proved.
That N = B × T follows from the definition. From Lemma 2.3, we have
α000 = (ν 0 T )0 + (κν 2 N )0 .
From the above, we know that the B components of α000 is κτ ν 3 . Thus we have
External Link. As we know, the definition of the curvature is κ = ν −1 kT 0 (t)k. Can we obtain
the above formula by a straightforward computation. Yes, it is complicated, but such kind of
computation contains useful techniques in differential geometry. See here for the method.
Example 2.4 We compute the Frenet apparatus of the 3-curve
2.4 Arbitrary-Speed Curves
We have
α0 (t) = 3 (1 − t2 , 2t, 1 + t2 ),
α00 (t) = 6 (−t, 1, t),
α000 (t) = 6 (−1, 0, 1).
First, we have
√ √
ν = kα0 k = α0 · α0 = 3 2(1 + t2 ).
We also have
U1 U2 U3
0 00
α × α = 18 1 − t2 2t 1 + t2 = 18 (−1 + t2 , −2t, 1 + t2 ).
−t 1 t
kα0 × α00 k = 18 2(1 + t2 ).
We compute
(α0 × α00 ) · α000 = 6 · 18 · 2.
It remains only to substitute this data into the formulas in Theorem 2.5 with N being computed
by another cross product. The final results are
(1 − t2 , 2t, 1 + t2 )
T = √ ,
2(1 + t2 )
(−2t, 1 − t2 , 0)
N= ,
1 + t2
(−1 + t2 , −2t, 1 + t2 )
B= √ ,
2(1 + t2 )
κ=τ = .
3(1 + t2 )2
For the rest of the section, we shall do some applications of the above formulas.
Definition 2.11
The spherical image of a unit-speed curve β(s) is the curve σ(s) = T (s) = β 0 (s).
σ 0 = β 00 = κ N,
σ 00 = β 000 = κ0 N + κ N 0 = κ0 N + κ(−κ T + τ B).
2If κ > 0, then σ 00 6= 0. Thus the Frenet Apparatus always exists for σ.
2.4 Arbitrary-Speed Curves
σ 0 × σ 00 = κ2 (κB + τ T ).
Theorem 2.6
A regular curve α with κ > 0 is a cylindrical helix if and only if the ratio τ /κ is constant.
Proof. First assume that a unit speed curve is a cylindrical helix curve. Then there
is a constant vector u such that T · u = c, a constant. Taking derivative on both sides,
we get κ N · u = 0. Since κ > 0, we get N · u = 0. Therefore, if we write u as a
linear combination of T, N, B, there would be no N component.
By the assumption, we would get
u = cos θ T + sin θ B.
0 = cos θ κ N − sin θ τ N.
u = cos θ T + sin θ B.
u0 = cos θ κ N − sin θ τ N = 0.
Can we prove the above result by solving the Frenet differential equations? Yes, in the
following, we give another proof of the fact that if τ /κ = c be a constant, then there must be a
unit vector u such that T · u is a constant.
2.5 Covariant Derivatives
0 −1 0
1 0 −c.
0 c 0
T · u = u · T = u · (T (0), N (0), B(0))eA 0 κ(u) du ·
is a constant.
Remark Let A(t) be a matrix-valued function. We consider the system of differential equations
where B(t) is a matrix-valued function. Then in general, we don’t have a formula for the (unique)
solution. If for any t, t0 , we have
3One can prove this fact by a straightforward computation. Alternatively, we observe that for skew-symmetric matrices,
all eigenvalues must be purely imaginary unless they are zero. Since all purely imaginary eigenvalues must be in
pairs (conjugate eigenvalues), there must be at least one zero eigenvalue for odd dimensional matrices.
2.5 Covariant Derivatives
In this section, we shall define probably one of the most important concepts in differential
geometry, or may be even one of the most important concepts in mathematics: covariant
derivatives on vector fields.
Definition 2.13
Let W be a vector field on R3 , and let v be a tangent vector to R3 at the point p. Then the
covariant derivative of W with respect to v is the tangent vector
∇v W = W (p + tv)0 (0)
at the point p.
On surface, the covariant derivative is just another version of directional derivative, es-
pecially we have already defined such kind of derivative along a curve before. But we shall
systematically use this kind of derivative under the frame of differential operators.
Example 2.5 Let W = x2 U1 + yzU3 , and let
v = (−1, 0, 2),
W (p + tv) = (2 − t)2 U1 + 2tU3 .
∇v W = W (p + tv)0 (0) = −4 U1 (p) + 2 U3 (p).
Lemma 2.4
If W = wi Ui is a vector field on R3 , and v is a tangent vector at p, then
This equation is from the book which is, of course, correct. But in all previous formulas, we use Ui
instead of Ui (p + tv).
2.6 Frame Fields
Theorem 2.7
Let v and w be tangent vectors R3 at p, and let Y and Z be vector fields on R3 . Then for
numbers a, b and function f
(1) ∇av+bw Y = a∇v Y + b∇w Y ,
(2) ∇v (aY + bZ) = a∇v Y + b∇v Z,
(3) ∇v (f Y ) = v[f ]Y (p) + f (p)∇v Y ,
(4) v[Y · Z] = ∇v Y · Z(p) + Y (p) · ∇v Z.
Proof. The proof is straightforward. For example, to prove (3), let Y = yi Ui and
then f Y = (f yi )Ui . Thus
If we regard the set of vector fields as a module over the algebra of smooth functions, then
the operator ∇v is linear with respect to the addition and scalar multiplication. It is a derivative
on the multiplication of smooth functions to vector fields.
Corollary 2.1
When the Frenet formulas were discovered (by Frenet in 1847, and independently by Serret
in 1851), the theory of surfaces in R3 was already a richly developed branch of geometry. The
success of the Frenet approach to curves led Darboux (around 1880) to adapt this “method of
moving frames” to the study of surfaces. Then it was Cartan who brought the method to full
generality. His essential idea was very simple: To each point of the object under study (a curve,
a surface, Euclidean space itself, . . .) assign a frame; then using orthonormal expansion express
the rate of change of the frame in terms of the frame itself. This, of course, is just what the Frenet
formulas do in the case of a curve.
In the next three sections we shall carry out this scheme for the Euclidean space R3 . We
shall see that geometry of curves and surfaces in R3 is not merely an analogue, but actually a
corollary, of these basic results.
2.6 Frame Fields
Definition 2.14
Vector fields E1 , E2 , E3 on R3 constitute a frame field on R3 provided
Ei · Ej = δij .
Apparently, U1 , U2 , U3 is a frame field. We call such a frame field Euclidean frame field.
In the following, we shall introduce two more important frame fields.
Example 2.6 (The cylindrical frame field) Let r, θ, z be the usual cylindrical coordinate functions
on R3 . We shall pick a unit vector field in the direction in which each coordinate increases (when
the other two are held constant). For r, this is evidently
E1 = cos θ U1 + sin θ U2 .
E2 = − sin θ U1 + cos θ U2
points in the direction of increasing θ as in Fig. 2.19. Finally, the direction of increase of z is,
of course, straight up, so
E3 = U3 .
Remark I don’t think in the above example, deducing the cylindrical frame field from the
cylindrical coordinates by the picture, is mathematically rigid, or even correct. In fact, as long
as the above {E1 , E2 , E3 } is an orthonormal basis at each point, it defines a frame field. We can
call it the cylindrical frame field. There is no proof needed here.
A better way to show the relationship between the cylindrical coordinates and the cylindrical
frame field is to use the chain rule. We have x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ, z = z. Then by the chain
rule, for any function f , we have
∂f ∂x ∂f ∂y ∂f ∂z ∂f
= · + · + · .
∂r ∂r ∂x ∂r ∂y ∂r ∂z
In terms of vector notation, this implies that
∂ ∂x ∂y ∂z
= U1 + U2 + U3 = cos θ U1 + sin θ U2 .
∂r ∂r ∂r ∂r
Using the same method, we have
= U3 .
2.7 Connection forms
∂ ∂x ∂y ∂z
= U1 + U2 + U3 = −r sin θ U1 + r cos θ U2
∂θ ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ
which is not E2 but rE2 .
In general, if {x1 , x2 , x3 } are another set of coordinate functions, then the vector fields
∂ ∂ ∂
, ,
∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3
do not define a frame field (they may not be orthonormal).
Example 2.7 (The spherical frame field) Now we define the spherical frame field {F1 , F2 , F3 }.
Let ρ, θ, ϕ be the spherical coordinates. We then have
x = ρ cos ϕ cos θ,
y = ρ cos ϕ sin θ,
z = ρ sin ϕ.
Lemma 2.5
Let {E1 , E2 , E3 } be a frame field on R3 .
(1). If V is a vector field on R3 , then V = fi Ei , where the functions fi = V · Ei are
called coordinate functions of V with respect to {E1 , E2 , E3 }.
(2). If V = fi Ei and W = gi Ei , then V · W = fi gi . In particular, kV k = ( fi2 )1/2 .
2.7 Connection forms
∇v Ei = cij Ej (p).
cij = ∇v Ei · Ej (p).
Lemma 2.6
Using the above notations, then ωij are 1-forms satisfying
ωij = −ωji .
These 1-forms are called connection forms of the frame field {E1 , E2 , E3 }.
Proof. In order to prove ωij is a 1-form, we just need to prove that
where v, w are vectors and a, b are real numbers. But this follows from
∇av+bw Ei = a ∇v Ei + b ∇w Ei .
Theorem 2.8
Let ωij be the connection 1-froms of a frame field {E1 , E2 , E3 } on R3 . Then for any
vector field V on R3 , we have
∇V Ei = ωij (V )Ej .
4We know that 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 3. But this is implied by the Einstein convention so can be omitted.
2.7 Connection forms