Asm1 Aw
Asm1 Aw
Asm1 Aw
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1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Conclusion......................................................................................................................................10
4. Reference…………………………...………...………………………………………………………………………………...………11
1. Introduction:
1.1. General introduction:
In order to limit the impact of this pandemic and contribute to the recovery and
development of the economy, I chose the topic "Assess the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on
the Vietnam economy". To study the impact of the covid pandemic on aspects of the Vietnamese
economy, thereby providing solutions and recommendations for businesses and the government
to recover and develop the economy.
increase of 5.2% in the number of enterprises, an increase of 17.1% in the registered capital and an
increase of 13.3% in the number of employees over the previous year (Minh Ngoc, 2020).
2.3.3. Impact on the airline industry:
According to the report of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on the
situation of aviation activities in 2020, the number of international and domestic passengers
decreased by 1.38 and 1.32 billion respectively, down 74%. and 50% compared to 2019. Total
industry revenue decreased by 500 billion USD. The audited financial statements for 2020 of
published airlines such as Vietnam Airlines and Vietjet Air all showed a sharp decrease in revenue
and profit. Specifically, Vietnam Airlines has a pre-tax loss of VND 8,743 billion. In which, passenger
transport efficiency (excluding revenue from non-passenger transportation) lost 10,975 billion VND,
10,989 billion VND higher than the same period last year. Average revenue of a domestic
passenger is 997 thousand VND/pax, down 34.5% compared to 2019. Vietjet Air has a pre-tax loss
of 1,780 billion VND, in which passenger transport efficiency (excluding expenses) revenue other
than effective passenger transport) loss of 4,311 billion dong, up 3,896 billion dong over the same
period. The average revenue of a domestic passenger is 450,000 VND/pax, down 34% over the
same period (Vien chien luoc va chinh sach tai chinh, 2021).
To remove difficulties, promote production and business development and economic
recovery, the Politburo, the National Assembly, the National Assembly Standing Committee, the
Government, the Prime Minister, ministries and branches have issued many guidelines, policies
and solutions with a total of measures to promptly respond to the epidemic, such as: Reducing
interest rates; debt restructuring; reduction, extension of tax payment, social insurance;
exemption or reduction of fees for some public services; reduced, extended payment of land
rent, ... and especially launched an unprecedented 62 trillion dong welfare package.
Firstly, improve the efficiency of the inspection and review of legal documents to detect
conflicting, overlapping and inadequate contents that are no longer consistent with reality, thereby
expeditiously handling them according to their competence or propose competent agencies to
handle according to the provisions of law, meet the requirements of clearing bottlenecks, support
and promote investment, production and business activities.
Second, in the context of the current Covid-19 pandemic, creating a healthy business
environment is important to ensure economic recovery and restore investor confidence.
Third, it is necessary to regularly review budget revenues, especially tax, fee, mineral
extraction, current and land use levy for unpaid projects.
Fourth, synchronously implementing measures to speed up the disbursement of public
investment capital is the most important measure to promote economic growth, especially key
projects and new construction projects.
Fifth, it is necessary to review and have appropriate support policies for people in difficult
circumstances due to the impact of the epidemic, especially to strengthen direct support for
vulnerable groups such as informal workers and the unemployed. Karma; Support housing rental
costs for employees working in enterprises in economic zones, industrial parks, and export
processing zones.
Sixth, support the recovery of production and business activities of enterprises (especially
small and micro enterprises), cooperatives, and business households by continuing to implement
tax exemption, tax reduction and family tax policies. tax deadlines, fees, charges, debt
restructuring policies; Manage appropriate credit growth, continue to restructure debt, keep the
debt group unchanged.
3. Conclusion:
This article is about how the corona virus has affected the lives of Vietnamese people. The
article is about what happened before the virus, what happened after the virus and what
governments and different types of jobs did to deal with it.
4. References:
Person (2021) Who Tuyên BỐ covid-19 LÀ đại dịch toàn cầu, Available at: (Accessed: 30 May
10 SỰ Kiện Kinh TẾ Việt Nam đáng Chú ý Năm 2015 (no date) Available at:
(Accessed: 31 May 2023).
Tbktvn (2016) 10 Su Kien Kinh Te - xa hoi noi bat nam 2016, Nhịp sống kinh tế Việt Nam & Thế giới.
Available at: (Accessed: 31 May
10 Su kien kinh te noi bat 2018 (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 31 May
Giải Pháp nào để du Lịch Việt Nam vượt Khó Trong đại Dịch? (2021) Available at:
dich-590353.html (Accessed: 31 May 2023).
Tầm nhìn dài Hạn Phục Hồi Ngành Hàng Không 09/06/2021 08:15:00 4757 (2021) Chi tiết tin. Available at:
(Accessed: 31 May 2023).
Những Thành Tựu Kinh TẾ Nổi Bật Trong Năm 2019 (2020) Những thành tựu kinh tế nổi bật trong năm 2019
- Báo điện tử VnMedia - Tin nóng Việt Nam và thế giới. Available at:
te/202001/nhung-thanh-tuu-kinh-te-noi-bat-trong-nam-2019-cb102bd/ (Accessed: 01 June 2023).
Giải Pháp giúp Phục Hồi Kinh tế Việt Nam Sau đại Dịch Covid-19 07/03/2022 13:15:00 26577 (no date)
Chi tiết tin. Available at:
tin?dDocName=MOFUCM225403 (Accessed: 01 June 2023).